( - r IT I ' tftgtmm uf eiuflrijtfsaii; ami uiB-jeon- -J.-t u,-- ,-,.. - yiets so placed under charge of said 1 'if ir tj'.'iiiMi;:! 7.' nresiaent snail be stcureoaJKi carea JturiA. lo lici rna 1 : roi- accpicwW laTWxequirea to aq, 't'i !) r4Sitl ell reasonable service-each. dav or nlirht.' -jimViifiV ' - . ; iTA , birr oa ei?J i 1 V "II '"' TV 1 - 1 -II 7 .M.M I U .,1' 1 r. m .,,alj,. jj iVh 9HJ TOJI Irirjc .. T...iTI .itm! bir.t.a . I? .tf''l 'tYAQaJ'I J i J 1 s i n 'jinif i vflie" a-ou wuere bxiucu lauui iuiy ue; to In-ani) 4in fesortlo QflJ !Ir. fs noo Jsiit ; Iltfl ai pi;CauYtJma1geien'c'eder:,a his s r i r i r iiiTi nr rrn i n r " iT i i li.1 11 -c 'J fiiTir r;ii 1 i ear , 1 nionaeoo i:-i yittu it I 'JjiioOj '"TSTtTVIR1 T pahlio laws, rdirectlyr to fvork ppoQ 888SSSIT i i fi ..r,;fM.,T, ?r7t Ia4o. raiJTOaa,ana report aujui.oe maue ) 1 "i t TVo TiHhQ RnriftrlTif ATirlATtt. nf All mfth a- wm v j 'tMf.il ill: M 1 111 4 V 111- 1 11 .Iff: I LT TiMm no fi'j .'oo n I I L ? I'll . ' A I 14 jar 4 ,..! ' 7i-:.- -'i .,'; S3S8.5ui! v'ii . . , . Jl n jnr RH nmT. ,!L - ;a a w a 9 09 3 M OB M H a a I - -w . 2 Months I Jill L5J S3 Pi3J4o ns ygflRjO-i'l 2 Weeks . . . I . - . ' k - - ..MM M M t - . x m -I -r-m A I ... . f . :t I J3, irx;v Mafnfw1 In all the C larerotOWilS'-We COllSl 3 Months ! e.i and the best means or less. 4Reiristre4le( ney where-P.'O.'Mbttey where tin letterfia manMe itlBbftllaolicrrkvP-.Wtrt nntAriroult. ;ol,M -lBfbftllahle.1rrL to be septtq the,Dea4 Letter? Ofiaoe Buy and I HWBTWCTM IldKf remainder of the eight "deck" hands. 14 Joe wanWecd to.aluhi5ithe L; .i'M an( Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50, rT """i Tl"r T r ' m irMto dfletid .'Jii. i.i J O JUOIllIiOi'.i i . , it ritJVWil "1 J P trtr-J 1 -A A. J 2.1 UlVi ct.'i 1 i. Mji- Vux&ioio) :i.o-Tk.Ki!)Sjfl'j'.fqL W tne lattef Htaw.fc Tfte ! JSorfolk.l ' . vui . i r 1 i . . -., t, . .- . - . -, i ucaueu iu craue. liik wuu h leiiirLii ui Some pers&ns fail to-sauswhffiioeriMngiit m jnonda, wrong, in .Louisiana?. W". l 'i ' a' v ie.u' t t' iu )! nJu 't.,. .fJ,. H niiha rWtWtaw duty of the LeeulalBn, .T :.riWi.u flone'it atiawpo pr.RnrOt . oi -uh auuBD ttfesaeribtpoimliTto seven peraynf.xaKeflaFeftn.j; 4 party-; - ; bd SoWe Wtfn&t trr MTTioa innn i.npRit iann.snwu'.i i - . , . quiripg thhi cratioit'tdwttvyilinwas jonthewaoe.rrrr . . . M - .1 cration id Jd4ity;!ltras idatthe-piaoe mvU .'i, i,sJaU n!,Tt) oJ' oy ua(ac 4ix uumuiai va suw 1 pen iiucu uuuu uiauuuuuuii uiiuti tuo i se v L -- - . 1 .tod wKolhnn it watt &11 ' Iflt4 I 0?,lf.!8j1f?a5frar name. dttatbfforie try Mimlea.ncidleeiBg qiaced iniiiM ,tC rVi r.,snnth. 1 r." ?JJ;il' better oportiunJYjppt ppm barmnedjjt. tors-'fie'wilh pioliabiyi esteaptirliB 'baftei t nverea.u over 19 me uttusjurn-" P prdbiibrji tesfcapy tto lkt? dot iaipeatshment . j -r m ? 1 Dur-neii8nonja5inai ioipeiiineniiuTtiB should be triedjiw duiu. ue irieu ir.muqMUrprjttrjii onwiUedjUi a9t aanMgMDj e oain of office ne Jdid so with the he ti-M I the oath 01 office belaid so nkA rate 'lhtetion'of violating In: knew then it was his intention gard to law, without re&nfi&tlxalUiariWi. to facta nartVi iHeW BOttibl,s'4ria'nFliaAVlH34J J pointed jadgeib Jiiaitbb.adEDtv drkj4- that might be faithfully b as, pointment. UaDranttjandf setlfevfHljiMOaOT .-..v, c- ' , i consider the folUiiftleria faolU It will be rememfeedii!ttIaTbeb Tt..: i .;Ji;aJ t v .--r. . . ' i.-unP.v'iiuoa JioTosiT'i Biym.ei , . -T -. :, mfemorr-of 'lifter Jfatria& tbe tore-; 10 auvance iuo umuBiriys 01, (tue, .aortalitorhd'oflb aomau ofairHhege t or infaX? m?i?!M yllaens illoVerri.sW- 'iployed-in Bpecial agticalcaral matrial.ijfQi:phero mart rnannfactaring; scherneir-'for' thteeV soldrout.t-badobaggePtdc Ued literally wijtb fire and sword, fife or more years willhayeatteh; evil oheandp dincy, itiswell mi t PS iienceiori.iij The f Mivavil trk inelti Tr , annnl l-liras nr 1 nuv uiibo vivu shut his ,eys to aUf eyi&nce1. to attOw L fdlfrjwiWi ijilie fcuM.',,i,nd'bliiidIV'ta sWtaill filST' I Abbott, Democrat fBafeaBSitbl settsJ intfaduofedAhe rfarawfibtl y Tfl Si ' 1 IntiOtt. ' j 31 " ' M' " UI J J t .El K 7V' U1U UUUUU1W1UU. B V '"WV "Vr v 1 PTinpnre i i" f, "e;-:-v f. :i Unmpbreyflt'oiie'ozswai-penaaB ;ow,!(aw certificate No. 1 as elector," km .V.U 1 JoBfEAbtedlfo t - j . 1 1 SiSlV tnt7uir inta.the elialDiliW :or oi4f I "J :I V .i.Ja.MJii. .4.. I publican eIeat;Hfe.moWi marK. too. tbat tlwranvwwi no -oaager w u candidate, t! .j," " But his un; kickedJ Ifi dfcdyPPtdjnaf a 1 1 1 luiiiiiii ruv m air. iiiiii a x . j. w xix u it. OKI oeipigirar JltaWWai5aciec-aiJ hen There. ji t. lose- tj.vpa,, . J"iifiP Wt.n r JJ;fe T;!af?51t30hiS'jft &W)vav6 sit iutice' 6f ftM'ffe, mrfAt.Sra4 niV sire, or.me. omhmtMmdi mi i..!. -(1 t. . ' - jt j,. iTftuuii wi7-cavw : -7 . ! . ti . hp r ? a. i gafdedAlshifemer M appointed wj elector Tl Vf tKIn aesce te j r x . .11.7 r" a i red bv Counsel ftuakrf4mB trw i;fl I . W made intQ. ) tbiraspalUriea of thai - i 4 - - .-s-.,.i ; "PJ. PHHfoVMiuij;tMi?igiLv r - I" " tfiiuaitoos record Ahat Joe .Bradley : ea is eLsnble to hfe annotntvi n rtnr. .1 uO -"ipirTOBityAnK -upeHcarg ana conmpc avjw m vuw US.V1UUV MKM' uv-vkiKii t ff' U lIHkET Ulli XFIII II H LlIHZi 1 1 1 IirRKl K.I t wliwrog!auQjriulnd;tbef ieanfctwy:0 I SKSiufieb pirnt.utkMiiiKitiin tin m.w. i had 'made .' I ' im,iJ,i.JnM; t. W. i..t tr r I j o . 1 '1;: rWtbe men of a I... s a' 'i.X.iiiC V U I sovereign ouiuuiunwesuu vauuuii uc i mjuWU tU DSV'IUI! USUiUUUUUI IU Hie I . . . . -.' . - I titk"'. Jee6Ud. cilied tt. . ' 'l.I J--l"!' TJW ,A,.Vatirual hnllwoxAr -.b--'. . :-v. sprevwit 1 -faby fhilitafy parades' or l emonsiratidil, Grahtr Always iiii , - . -"r it; A.f . . r ji :r it: - i sdoundrels, speoiaJifr auv jI2 bvvjaoinBnSa;f.fr vt? ixn-iK',5T,&Teor? .t'Ll 1 LrA li xji . rtv receivea iroiiiiDiBionnHiLuivfsw -ii - jt- . a: ine oinuniiiwDwreuta nFw ifnimw!! 1 tht Wit. -.InTcelUiw thee Pedant witbtBAia-lthA- nnlftand Immiliate etf r' Bir.-Dtapies . nas iniroauceQ;r.an' 1 wiio once oDoosea n is armies, ine 1 UumSU. ..Dww-. US MfJ 1 , . g.ijiy,.j listVation or barade on the 23d instaht. 8 : is L IrBrfiil In ha AAnlomnfll.il " nnn 1 lfl nHTIPfT fw us .wu.wu.v . . . I oider,' )4 nil. ABI --- - lam, air. very respectfully; jcii uiijr , ' jjju-iuo nrift mw liki 9ilTl Lieut Colonel; l.j ITinhtnAnth InfaWktw I VSm MnOt I i nn -itt-y i i l. i" ' i u. .-t iiiif 1. n-iir:Iti V wf . i .... ....... r .... . . ....... BnatoniytMe memDecaiD(tyauEcuiia:ptoved value,. it will be enrananv. in order to-ireTent .a. Daraae I tHAtirl Artft 'tr(Tt4HR!taWe any Jdad. lakipg jlaca.4 Mx,9Men .lf ' ntooerrwooldiBe trier ThwHa aiostisamefnland fhigh-4 H snows wiaja juscoramg io ue 1 , , a TilLaot tinf 4aif th Treasnrv LA..irni AtiTrano n urnniinr 1 . 1.1 a-" SadWariat,! ;4ribJ,tiiiiihe I r. i-r.if .,A ,i. ,7. .? , uhtfrWef tf neriy'rMCueg tne UnVDnu He Sien. Voull not eo 1 t tw"-tA-- vi-- fi'irKi af ''fnrAddiaian trthA-a 80rn 4 to hurt anv.kiie hatmbuMmm a , t - r . . '".7 r- , rB 8.a,aryfe; JS5S5. Jill.. nMv.i:i in navinir revrAn(atnthat jnetHuTaSftlibrttyp fiiewDiar4iy . - - n w n f -tit ia 11m - Ti ni k n 1 ir iiiim in mir u s - he hold8 1 n!reDy tr11 DiT j?r3f bb3 addpted'. -Tb . piesKff f Leglala lwJW!M&i ftiteVemB ot tttt'f llJV.twb(ivi?PiMMn':"l'"r ..1 i Wwothv.io bdlrfUlliiVrtrr KhW Ir6h) iri cercisedthati wel uoerw.,!f B19I R qeniea lo me cuizejisri . .....v f,"Wa: iea nave o 1 I wfeektf fbrt! icelebratine Washltittotyrf brrthdav IhMdlyiaecessarr to sarthat Bef notice flllhilar. tn then nhrtirB . has . faon niviin r thtm." ' -.y.rvi,. ' rbrnftitif ;i,H.,Tri itf ,a,alefei8lator himself. VrVJfljjb Jio-im S fricm oJ vfif.Tm4r) eiore: LDe&e, mea-are if . ji 1 1. i i n tvna tn-haoiv'ttiat ,hn SnMtkif14ru. Haians ceieoratea ine zzna in somrfi s?. f fltcvutwin ,m f f : 1 1 1 TTli.jQtwi LLiJ 1 1 i i -. P I r I . h A after proefinVeyatiftM vpora c0t ain;i s I ituiM jniuiL ltdnfihtao ri in Jir! rneq ine- BUDiect wito sirmcient scrntiuv to ven-1 tfeap r BnA A nMntiA jrmmAn n a w th'n I f"a'"'c UH1U1UU i witf measure, out-1 rom suctrin i iJ t "J ! I '. t S : --. ' ! , Baemblynb -power. to' aoeh AiAna''A A'Jk'' 'M,v.XinnW- dBious to do s6:it wonld be -Wen uniJ , . v -r- v; - a.r tne circumstances. qm ndrtfim: Ihdt. 't.vbp 'lawful anrthuMarf I -r- - ; """. 1 ; 7 , F7 7 " T J' . . ' a ' .1 i' 1 'i ;a ' .! 1 ir Jt'J Uh altogelher probblepoa.iMr Urease W'ni tltl Iterprises of the kind, leterra&tp vial 4,, I!? J .t..tm:iyr'i.Lo.i:T ihri ,ih! thft !TvAiinivn-ftlikiiStaiM m would' be' th& &AnttrlAV fiftlTjof nnurae lihn wiiuui iiul im hu..uul aiList.i course tms would not be so.-put am liis!' y VtlHL JiU' i'-rii"l v Jrtfixf kit . . 1. J ... 71 LO LLIU tJIlO SUK- 'l?rUated . Ahovl h gahpY., Thfl .Reighoi its- a well c omiadered editorial 1 apOQi tatei leniwnioni aPPmr: RPneedT J 1 . . . " r 1 i M . I - . . I " ill in mtr ibe pt6prt y i sballi -h& tabc&i j aLtbe assessi1 1. aI An. IVnifa..' JaIIam. I1 iVUU.M. ukuw vuin.uvitMwi iuvihkii ivvvHitEnuiua(:v .uiilii iue ureseui niuiueiiL.. steadily perceive TilnfrdfbeV insequently titatJU,. fif-t Wae rtlfepjteattonf .e,tmyear. tha pcqo. .i exemption weuia Pe Jtenroia. tllah the" whole athoubt Of ttxatioil ,SrlaHi4a1 Viut. Jaf ' Belilr6lMBrf tttitf'tUeVf vuau Miy " axvv auawMxx v 1 . 11 nrw.rl ..Ar ryn"- - r rf r R j-tb - . , .l. 1 171 lud uiiold nuuiu awavw vww.au vu f atwemahaap-rty lM jt'fAttnlsk.jtii iUa.RiaaiD cwMrhe t.jCi"iKy.'-v;H vYHwfTfi. 1 -m. 1.S' js; r 1UCTT- f TfT::7 , tit- ...Vi 1 j.t mt( oMvnhiiffiintlna ,i if nHnitM. DtTar hs c thdayl riJwlJ Jiff llftfc El2&4liZ Jk, A!Ti.U J.X.Ji f " , ,x npse.uu grouna say T.nai? T . L 1 . 1 r , 1AI itijwjllnot1 raoetasaiQ, obUJ,,!) r'cemDer.Yln&llMed - i f . . ji a - 8hbnldibaJ Attended 4oL ln,oiajines'Ir on thb farthest. "Fossiol vhevyTo0' ha wav flinch 4-d. PosaiYfltheyif inft HejTV ices. Pi wWi itJ1tjT!fWni$hYM ta:il ; i, air ilS.q-'t,3il.'!f ...)ii1 IThanreaeiit General' Assemhlv '"a ' i i. iyf rrrnimrsTTT v tT- i v"",w;4.j 1 'w"' hr I i . n " i ai'i.iti? rf.. os longer. it uesrau us session -weeKi ! 1 1 . ' .". I' ' nangea, ana, inereioTe. irti pan jQPiT Itia MuiAnffnii MiAttlid lAiiMta I alfaota rhifl la tha vian nf l ' ilnhH m 1 M - J. Z I 11 T r . - W 1'3 I l3flTlti Uf-T...l '? . i.f 0-. to, 19 IUO CUUUl. I! r; I . ii i. ii f -.7'i ni r'lAbii. Asembm ineeu under tne idr lute. one ana inQtVisiDie. ' 'rnere'waa ana -cotiid M X ' lUUIklllUU..VA JUVi geision beeun under tne old Constitution. f0""1 ",'rw"twu,Fu,Fww UIJ lecisiauoa iuny 10 coniorm to tne changes, I . m . . J'fims da1 linllar tha nonr nnnalilnlinn 'foTiji fT . " : i" tnT'i -.!'! vf ur,Vjop8erya,onjf ,ia , tnai ..ue jirpt tqree or four .weeks . of a. essiorv.are liierdllr wasted. .Somehow: the meni pars are awkward, 6r ignorantVipr in i 1 iu -.(itiu - j : 111 - v.Ui Stj- experienced anqjcanot get, to wor, Psnows ine nece$suy ana wwaopi .Vif Lf4irt ini 1 f arl.tiftil oniric infrirnSo lSkV I ."CJ fuVuF0",,V- Yy-M i ;i lm: and. rh0W:io do itw. i PersPn icoiiiinty majjii 'feats; ;fts good -; Bense " in constantly-' sending to tne legislature t nose two icecnt ; memuers, uou Jon.t1.7W. Cunningham and Montford Gfehee -sir, both gentlemen of largo5 .lrmaence ana: tne nienest: cnaracieT.r ' ilium) l.n-:i' . v (.! 4;;--!-.-;;iuA line present legislature,, sye- joe oohtintM'tp WoSki diligehtiy;Tdo all - .. .. . ...fr.k.r.r . rr heeded Jed legislation Wmf1 and" Ep6 day theriK'cQBfaHhe people i . to j 1 t." ' "' ' - , ' "v jvJ uuimivrijii mum 7111 at -JatOii jS.WW-pisk.Wlo't ,81,0, Time then is money. .rt'-oT' .0 noi jw-:iiilofc-3 1 om-j ? 1 1 ' .'. ii 1 We hy mareirespdctlfoicithiafible; aidmintft gentlemari th2 if ore. .Our respect ' is not' intensified' tttsafhrlaen fixlefeend. I dtshbiuurably chfeated.jjjQur;ayiBpa-;.i r zti'jUv-.c.-Li.otsuj. .i' .;.,! v.Lk .t - i - ML 1 I .. . . - . ' . . . . vqiw-nayvown 1 "Imreft rlllii!! nl:.' i.J.T Jj. I 4P JftMl V w f?rji.cj vv. wa.wu uvhu inlti oWhsw SomiiiatlSvM faniw-iiiiibtim fori fo r ! longer pft-icftf than UnomVbe. letslate'wisely attd effectively bnm they hatfaor at least! theexPerl aou nq aetmite date, at which a pew session cohleroverfiaeT iM prtdr rights of .the 'drd? Aid & sefem td itanrf fo-'TeasAr That' this iJ - ,iofcr.Komfiid,.w .k j ,i,t.rdre;traitboCfldehtf, udadljWeocBtafrfim fW'ttetn I T jii , - v- tT irriJi j Tn Jlji.J -r-jn-jTj ia ViU iAM M4a laVH.' IS AMMA. iMa-1a I 111UH6U1 UUiWIyJUUUCl Uiquciuo; 11010 aaawarDnemDiBiiona iu' wuroir'ue'T .1 9iit o-jitBg?: .dlj' JfiS'f - - l.el?ted .D?:h? k-w j i 4) .fefliJ? f ... f ..Y-Sf .KW?;. "r-e-r-'r?.". "rri-rrri.". 1 it--avti-rniA-vAK fA ZLdIJImwaz Ala onfiirail tha mflut. virnloitt. non VQ Q ri 7i t. ..:..r .7" " ! t. .7! .lfi... 7. , 1 i 5 jMf as r iva.xiHM ar a .-mi ' i fc 1 Jk-' ! tftotfii. fif! fton .i-t.l ill alt wn 1 JteCSttftiUaTlttft. Ud 'JIT if Still n0l9 riibna of voters ,gatrwrndx U 'grajadr.t eVerkpwo obearingi alof lijthe stanbiU,,. al bas j 4n itP&AuaBuoMriix, wuwBel!,w41eWTO bettidaablafikibabneciof Jlidioalismid 1 . a -ii. 1 k j 1 . v iv?' i and. 1 ,knaverv-.,WiU , be, lata,. aw av in MntIso4dlyrmViCJieat)C;be, wrawi r-x.-j- t ' M. t ir j?HM ' runoff. Hgpou lrflWitfyrmitTJilrft nr . 1 Avrfc. v. .amt.w " - -r" - r i.uin auuuunu iiuu a v. jw-v us w . w w rsociauon 01,: tne, is, laew-LuaivBLoiOrir! ej) i-j-efliaencyaana iiieitanaBaLiiifl " . 1 . 1 mat mi men is mat tney oiuster waea 1 ari -1.1 x. jl l 1 ji -i l 1 fs 1 1 7 .. . 1 iiiprBiisniiai aajogemnxjirxau: d7 a pennvaDrdeoi8fvL aciTioitrwaa wjiebithd vcVhapiratoiv 1werLptapai- tnir twinaueamastiaveauat a.nvcost: I ar . . r - , 1 I add ')G rand w was iconcantnting hir f ordeftiabiWashmtTtbh n for .ihat . endi yTlienrwas the lime rlor the Jtorthno n4ve acted. The South stood areadyi lof littler lferiuiw tjhe"pToreru ahe .feadJ-wor "uirpoBe mldr a dupoaitidaij tioj -lead Off; q iItLdi4;jnot iiiec6me ndr4 Ukv than iajKht titfepv: mbmeat'i ; sha r ; rrIsedj i her :f) mailed hand to strike the usurper, that rno ment the: cryf.'woald'jh.ave.irng oof frprnqone endt'ofi the North t to the) 3ther "Another rebellioaj 1 the old with this cry aarlrfseii4vtlnld have coalesced as they did in l86i . ani th' xrtMrW!,'Oe6crat8 1 1 would Have .ri ed'fe-ith 'the Hadidals iiithe. effort tc flllHh ClrtheWiMraad theireal'to;,Mirush;jb Lliius South." .ntnizo i Totf yanfabttjatcnW (tnk -"iifctf a'gl.rae!a8lyt.o1Th!e, i I i. JA ji.iij . .-j r, s6jft jtbeht fpi. r.icj f!1 v ,.l4 WuiebV takea the dood, Jeada1 Ob to to). . AhiasVerrii' .or'reptSache 4 ice ,.o puailla tumi ty,; , ; ljbey . b a ve , alr loWed ithfimselves tti he cheated qat p theW'TigW: carpers' 'and pefJ add ,U)0 aVsur j .o j play jLhe, part of " kniured idnOoence.'' fUho hi -. ;n r 1 I ','lt i i liimiiM ii. ii it i uf 1,-17,1 ')V What coy. t it den ppjWs8, We ! cannot avouch the; truth, of thd fdllownrr;!a9 itcdmes from a Radical Pf per, ine rwirfimore Washington j correspondent, i Vspeak by the card" in the following. whibh 'we feive fofiehat it I is worth. '.1 ma'y he true. HYoar correspondent has Information to nitrbt from a moat reliable source that Mr. , TUden is averse to the policy of delay.' and hat as sboh.as Hayes is inaugurated he will netirate rriceeditjesln' tteitoutia 'or in jyii btbHlngcHayw tdJisbotr eaasei why be should net vacataithe-Pireaiieatiali .efflcalor.Jbe rjrpoaa of getUagbefipre. tbej Ml. bench oftbe Buprenie .CatuC the .ques . tiin is? tbSvhetber thfilTribijaal,t la" eiclo1 dip eVI)HetH5e,coD6tlTfed the 'Electoral biff idaccordaaceiWUBfroa iraec jneamitg' anu. wlth.lbetCWPfiWv. oTbifJf have tka pal the Court to go on record as sustainltM oil reverstegi vjieuatida Jof fthe cXribadau , JTitfrteiwUiVcopjaoOiu- U)e79etlOtt, o jicUwdil rjsdictiop .Rfflrne, nixt lest wlli come on tue' Question as to laioej bfc:ta J0urt the ihlrd, aodOttl tett aence. admKtetlW i46makf t6 Hayesamrwr td I I.l. t i i l.mA. J. i. 't.. fc rn - iiie cnaiiH 10 etra cause ,wt 110. euwaiu r. l 7" . . rrr fsrii: ,ufUVO natm vo.uai w iwk pbaa vuwvov i jujliii "wo (I e jeni ui1; ji.fiiiivon. study the honesty and purity of iiu f f rT- rj . . -. rv. ...r . .7, "hb; wwfldslfeuat fc"aff'TOaiMinV W 4oW,S6fflTfiePfto AI you.wpma nna viuequ .awwr, - .fujj 1 i. jjy. j iu . "' ''ii;' iijjj(ii msM$Mmit&tfm. i ;Liu " t .-s. I tkn' .1 I -P-"" nix 1 aTi a -aim 1 . a iim (MVMMtMM a mI .L t Tk rx.7vn.j.....Arn.loJk J VMiVltWJIJW ri 4fc ' . ,,Tt K.. t. ? mnAh IU liUO UCUBW. U7. H"HI9re U l.J'l- a a j " ni . ,-s. 1 Jvvil!rt,w i,iy ,ihfli ;nrtj AbaMifedlvj itoiks patiestl vi ; and aulMnita 1 1 " - w " - - . . w--- - -1 1 dafeat i8iiraea1v.'A'aJid ii ,beJKTesxdU oung is growing old in the cafffifyet tfe faitereth t. and we trust he wilt even- .3f(T III hovii lUlJrf.ellj .li,77" trf sj 1 Aerican.-Ttyttk annual salary. m n ii - 1 . 1 j i 1 r Kt AhdiChandieraViooi tBradlevBJ and. mm 1 worked as faithfully for.it as ever did a ?n aKmmIlal ' j "JD ' 'j. - Ji, .,fT. rj a-ravioa ror tne speeay r uNBMtiion iKajie.v weMirs Hrtn .1 C.rtlina HUMtd,' i4 Amend I Aei Bntitlea "Aa let fn fteTatron tp tka Wep tera ITerfb 'rontici nai ,? jrtf fle$ D. 18T5. Tha'I4aTiaii1 " iijatt blVbi iittiLLt. f a. r -... . -t .. . - ; . . - r uarolina do enactr 'itaja 1 siiunoai 1 j. . . -. - i 6bCTIO .1.1 Thai-th4 iWastern 1SArr.hr I Carolina Railroad Comoanv: created r virtue Pftoiitftle?Afe m reiatidu to the steraiMdrCfct-i fc All. t ; 1 J . J j.1 m nil ' v I I,?1fj:ya!ii : toi?o.ine,ioiin aay.i a. day. W rarch; Ai D.'lSTS,' shall Ue- axe held tOihe aedrr.rtloiiid.Ap.to li! laive a.11 thA fmnffhiaoa nnworc Tirrhra aavanxages eonierrea Dyune"acvT'foi eruciuea, ibjd. &b to ilneefrooraje-r tne ,1, Wjestexn North - Carolina I Kailroad 1 mitral M he jny.fjromti opy,wi)ratifiea''1el(-daofW exoedient. to lav the track of said Fe'hrnary, A,i D,a855 fandL all .Acta amenaaiory xnereoi, except; as tne 1 enlarged or rapftAlArthiY t,h'4 tlin I acx or wnien it iramenaatorvd butp inn HO contingency shallf thei State bej Uable for any money, bfftoJttiakcSflt appropriation or mopeypr 0xte4P aav oreait to or ior tne company pirovided for by this act?, save onlv asi torbvidied' bV this act and the act rif whieh itf J amendatory; and this a?t and that. 5f which it is athehdatoxV shall 1 i!6 'fee' oj ponstrved ag0tx eedjlt apy, 2J9,b, tyioi tne present company ror or on, aooQunt 01 aaijr aeon 01 any Kind,' Jaoi asja continuation of the paid thelate ithe Western orth Carolina Mil- road Company and the capital fetoct 'tol ftfrmish aHisupplifeavh aa guard of the copipanv proyided. for.byf.this. Ttrfeedingj clothing, and doctor's act, ' sKall beeighlb huudred and 0ntty 1 Wlsf wMctftoethet Vltbi the hire of 7' thouteahd dollars,' ($850,000),TQJivi3 'Sdiconvietfcy at a priee jaot less than ; inly, shares 1 of ,one , huridredPdoUaxa .fillty .dollars eap.hperjuiiiuuiUj with the eajch; ' threeifourths of which' sto'cls 'ffitehahcg'baiirl ire7! all such slall helongto the iState "offNlrtb:i icdnviclts asiikre heretofore; heen em Carolina, and the other, onerf ourth to, . pfloyedon, said rqad, together with all tbTe' stockholdetfother thantfiiBtaffe' ZvbAi tit' 'titir&f 'heretofore paid, : or ! j. 1 ' j.5j . j. . m I'm L11.1 ui n -l ,3 j,i. eaca to have a certificate forc his? ipror rata share of stock, aeeordincr to tha. .TITO itimber of snares' -'owned 'bv -.ninii1' M ptoyided nj the act.i ejrtiile .Van;i aot'I iq relation 10 tne W estern jNortli Carolina RailrbiuL rMfied1 tHd hsth I-diy-ot Mwh,A, l tincate lor tne State's stock shall be IHmPfl TJi TUB NMto bHf nnrltHlf-AVVq thfl'lP,OJirV . ... , f f.r.a,. ,.x., ,..f 1! ' r- j . 'its via i -i a, ,v3ni 11 - t i Board of Pirectorp, Cdmposediof ?HeL wpo snail be appointed biennially by the Governor, by and with the dbhseft5 i BBC, 2. That the coinpany provided I -TOad, and.patd by the State, shall Te fo5 bv tWs act shall-baVeAftd ocnaTied agaMsttlle said road by the; oiamaiontv of thA SpnAinra pW-hh aaai tnas one. jUireptor .snaUf b. agi r-l , 7 . . 77 ? pointea irom eacn or tne uongression- .wv.ww, uuuu uuu KJ lobe at lar&re. ana tnat tne nrivafte, stocks holders shall have the 'knnm'nlmAnt: of three of ' the- Directors-. niiThel Bbard of Directors shall, at:their first, meeting-, elect or atDoint one of. their nnmoer to De president of tne caapa - nf,Lmh.o shall have a f general superiiaBneraI Assembly hereafter passed: vision and direction of the business tne- pompany, under-the direfetidtP 01 rvta I 1 Abd he TriaV hnvA -an r nVinnnl caUWTbvfconviolabori afterltheilsfc OAV of hptiieeeding -twentylvehufldreyi l?77 until this act sha,U be ac jdllars;and4tbey shall likewv5e elects cifpted1 by- thed stdckholdeW- of said .of appoint oneperson who shall b all jrf ; Wb Sf eretary ahdLiXJvaeurertlUihe WifViCLA-, in solvency, ana; amount to ..secure. -a. 1 raitntui. discnarge or his duty as sueh Offtcer. laid bond to be iaoproved tbV ahaii be appointed, uMessasprbvided ' L . il 4il 1 i J ' s .fl ' J J U Ui i J.. ! i claims, tp I Bhiall file a good and .suflacient b6ud by this act,i and-no -director iotiier; laiviaea into wo corpsi eouai uuw than tbe President shall receive, for I Prs, as near as practicable, one: of Tils servicesany conipensation ec?ept tdn nonrji ust .rtif ir fo tha riiatn. trkveled irom and to his home by .the ndAot iwnf noriol wvta i J w wetmsrof ithe. Board joCiJDisectora: a4H coTii Tiirn.nra oVioii nreSafioh' iot kerVices? ' aid 1 80 - Director attaU be eUeible to anv, oei-s iin ni Afflna In 4 "ha nnmnon- ,.-,4. jSa of President. 9 I f ' fT - of the State shall nrovida fnr thA appoihtment Of the private stPck to ramf ed tSrt hTmT: provisions or tno - act a ratified. iMai6K icyK. o. i nnn-jr4- 4.i.i,u shall be enUUUyo'ivym lilg oi said company until such anpdiTPdrePPwmi tipnmnt'madeiattd heithlPBhalf eJ competent perapn uniOT a' successor ly Directors on the part of the .mdULft vmtmsmmi' daX8toeBoldewpWcfia V(iAW9mm(Mi a eetlng otsaid Directors l6abilUm-(bi B&a4iAf iegjaiiyjappoMited after. theilfFf owwwfw juistripution. or stocK, as ryidedi 9ft) l' 'MJt-Tllj HB'.i above pro- J.V. T.nAfA a rvn 4-V.A 4- J-1 I Jlaiaallaur S4. .e.Preaidetjand Boar4.of Inretors shall have' f supervision, dlroetioa laid contral-of said railroad.- 'JtfanHfmnTiTinTil',,;inUfilidtheb 'laiey snau UK.ewise JiayftataiiQrityito; etnP oVaheneineer Kfiff'sdctt' suodiv' niake Quarterly reportatd the G&YBm isaeuLiawiuvviiipciioaiiivii. xucv fiuuii of. showine tn& number of cnTjvip.tj hkrf ben miiivdanaTnnariii 1 Ai M jT 1 l pjertbTiaed byithem ddiHhheIifiaif-1 tar next pr r estimate rrfrfhtrH loi-er after deductthgtii jd: maintjftlWPighepiai all be at less amount '."TJ'i 1 ""ri7rs"77'!.m cWtaridallBUchOtlMiiorT about tne wont nnaer-tneir cnarge as f A . . W ' " . f - 1vXl; . . r ' 1 iixJtl X ' BJm W A firl AJ - AI AB Wl frMRn MWIinilJlU OI1U OlIIOl RD jC UAAAW UlViXt thevrmay think. essam! and mto&hr ACcmmerce. the following nAk aa thA:flftvmor mav monim of 'alsbihaTe B power IiraitnneitiiJBft f tp purchase a aBhfhery and materials, ancr to pay roryMrsiSij imtioa ji -JAvpJz W's i Bh84bprers aftp emplpyea.Ilih s. ISaci tvi3mie Wardeiiidrtfie'Ti4 . t ka a nsvi a n i tt mnniivi tiary Governor Presideirt bif hyeiflot beep, far Bhallf jirj tiiniQ4f inje-ips xn imay direct, send, to the' ofBaidcompanVallcbtivWts' TWhO are rot specially requirea Dy tne, i aiso oi uaxieaion, o, v.., w-j-wwiw..;; ViMiifHmvAf 1ftsn fi B6)SfeSfe1 toirfrom ioinine with theif ttetluBCf other i j.1 -n 11 19 tneiaua wa.rsaueiiiiwfc 1. rViAi ArtriTrinr.a aa navA Tint: nppn fZ t,i,r :kA jTTinvvitri.riAtti45ij 1 JiSX'ihSStS.'of? WBSSJOLh waTicw troiB" - todxeda theb shall not exceep. nve uuuuxeu uuiu otner roads ana -puoiio wprju sorwiuoad c jjl : -I..H .n v.. WhalltJie from him a receipt-ior theil) a am a aoMnff forth the name and term of KerHce W ekcU atid'tbe date Whe! w.tf i soiaoj, -9f:ij"d-i:m co nuwj .iieiictioEoC iat Jw.og fp) 4 gt!inat r r l.penuary, anane .stMULciptrorimem tfsaia WaMehr'aa 'ar -anitrilH fieetfl?u usawnsaw vk; ? SliCiiJJU 6The JPresureft BPAU: pay . to line Treasurer of said company., from . t'tiihe to time, upon the warrant of the 1 life tH fffSrfiir ftttnJbtoent of f t I XilwAlv V IIUIIX VUTJ I QliU Ul U T ILf T m.tm Vt 1 -. . . .A . . .. : . c . . laadaa iumai1 onnnnrt onrl AlriVvi hlTT?rVr1vf Mt Vtrrt W "tfrrh.TiAi Af th w eorrfnin vr. s PrnnirlAd.i ntvertheless that mfeeed' H;H5 1 WMPorti6h tof said ! fund 1 . u... . . reqvureAijs-icnen(finpri.,fuj of the,eonyicts so under !:7- iBeofifi The yCDo? Etty epptract , and purchase, in his discretion,, rtF iiM'aatfdfstSeel1 aUs and other ant l.rallroaa Old u irortiB ftSiPfte Baafjaay;. ne .paacea, inr roadiness. as the Directors of the com-- - f,iMJtmifi1-ttrntiJTmTn h ana torDav .KJTr sucn .Durcflases ana expenses, (mclxming.the iron already isnef uyaneoitizetiB 01 vyummK-t topI,hes reby,autiiprized todraw upon tho Treasurer his wartahts for suprrstrms as may 00 j neeaiui wnion ai Treasury 71 T- ?J prc the, amount does raoHgand dollars ($0,000 pr aiuuixn. v oil) lo ; . ! B..&;he,8upei!uitencient or the Sfeteenlftritiashi iJeetralred t XWXX-k UUTUHXllCX MOI UiUU( UL7 vue.vui' - jnajn neareaitej (.Bi'pajairor. thapur I chase of iron, or any other material chase pf iron, or any other material. f hateVer iused lis edfineetioh With the -saiidi roadj iftelurJiBg.sach interest as: . I nar-etQiore nas.Deen or may nereaicer Wf4 uSiitTtjyhe'Staille tt the tnorteaef Lail .expenses oi wpaijever r cnaracter wit r xr.r5 jiix 1 t r.1 ? 1 i v. . h P1110 Treasurer, in a book Jtept for : ( vrla; rPurPPse &uat u expenuiiurtw f fd Apprbpriatignsf dtm made j shau, aflaiuoQiiQ ine. uea aireauy, cre- I J A 777 -iVj! iLl i. L. 'Jliviu. I'.-a ; aiea. constitute a iin upon me irau- J ciaiio aii 'yaer pirwprvjr iui . me; I f -VnTrT 7i"7! 1 T.. v '7; OTT 7Il ! i jnay nereaitex a:u uire, to aeuuxe tue rrd - oaymtkttctlS&qStatecof alluch pui"Wftii act. or anyfact of the iTGcided, that cntt sumf Bhall bejexpen-, dfed fOTjih purchase, of iron nor any fdriher wdrk doneupbh this ! railroad - 1 rait-mau; ccuupaa n ;parv. tfi ftw - a iter, f . t a-':' . - . . . Jtl J i X -1 t-: Tgu fwlte tftHtf - tWadrher eul- 1 . . - vrtB j ttfcesties, ? Dnqgej .and road-bed. f , 1)1 baiu iuau Biiaii, uuoxuiieiiyu bo iu iTendh Broad KiVer." near ABhevilie,: In thef oountv of Buncombe, the con- victs so emplpyed, except such as may i be hecesairy11tofrou,,thOiTmimiahea f Pf otJif&$ road spaded, .shall be 1 tVmis'--?S' i .oraixsuiOL iun,ruau.uL we (LxiicutiVJ-i o I tlfwmwPtpke obUntyV'and I ta nthrentOTi i the . branch leadiirE! to rPfcJftfeBfe-f Wffij?!0-'.. I when sbj.(L1! rencttUroad branch snail . 'L&reaBurecjiSf hereby attthomea adirecteoVto pay but 6f any moneys the" Treasury not' otherwise 3 appro . - t Hft omrletion , .and , atockinz of said . r sdnapjmoyana yaue.or ;iaoor so . , expended and used 6n said road,' . and vtiieh'may herafteribe expended and . 1' brft8eiU-M JPabit. JRocM;,6f , t .fVfcvPPWHWiioP! EUt..2, T t, 1 P , fT ATkO IjtOLl hfi . T OaO. leadlPg.in tne jJrertiPBiie I ul P irtmua I 12ri&a,t or near p?Tema&wmmw9WP ttfefcbe isame,jis. gonap leteo tSvter- , r iflnnitUB twaorgia prvxenuessee, , i sfUf.tfi runovfi aiiK Djiicer or. XLLreoior . ayW?tpaereb i 4ccii3ej.iQtlr!moaloe?oiA of. iestaen rrsaiQooompapyr rjry ..u feallsili&i4er,lvi4 the,doubIe. annirtfitfrr trhfl braiich to the town 01. ! l'P!r,4j HB'AT:ii f T tP.MispW!sw"" Wtoix Lbfe abandoned; andinpc vm: i t rrrirrT i 'j : 1 1 t . r. j ' I f main i1? f Frlu J tuw oo iiun,MC j., i 1 Wbot oTcoWSliWWfCa rul le 1 a f UJf w-.war5'.r-'-' rr roadmaylfeetWfy.or raother. 1 TftwM ffifia tbMsl BrAtJllea,Jl . ilfitl j 11. xT" 'fifiUi JBU I I I In IIlUUKiahQ A1CW IfVWI . t Vxomi niMi-vtifl imt ortaMr Here-. -; a ad.ipfxrot3aWac.e: mJ: . i irrr ia lui riW3i. i: iaU. ; I . i yuinjita. ui wiv! js .yv7 tydSasnotio -action In , re 2 Bra . to Dontn if "Yy Uie Iffesidetu Wjcroiaaen tms-,. t wm M.aer fi wtfin ! pu ii iw xiiii.i-a-Kra ; a nyBlpT,dtouTdng ; er-tjtae rendering or honors to smnr80 oiuer- Saataesa, matever, lha !?fspitAfact rfi ctOoltnia, and - Jl.l Ct4. . . Z Ji SS T ,.i.i,ri.nTniI lllin ivmMKf?'"r-' i,41.il I'll.' CllJ orious anniversary. tender them tmr taehrin iftafcAhulxdis- t- i iiiKl yt Tyrant re upueiu nuu -vio-'- jneuueu. uvuou -rr -j wrsoo-creai.uiebJ wuu. caii 7yuut-- i . i . tank T l . ..-v- at. j.. . " ' a -jf-a- U.J ;)

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