ni-iiiir-imirriWM Min.ii.1 nm-r- " ' -L": ) .s - .... V .1H r ,. .. n.. ji,. M- jjmijiim win a, nmmwmn.v . i u.iin.iwilj,... n i n j LM4tt .' t" ' 1 i .."i' i :a i r r , 1 ; ! "i" n sj i : : r : . Returning BoarcT be .VUapitfgecf. so as o If assist t'tJetmemDers..oc me, tvuiuuiiboiou, who completed 'lhe;work '.bMi Keurnlng Board, in the inauguration; is pending. It wilt nnt refteivft , tvor-thirds.; The chances - pianaaru ocaies, ODE TO NORTH CAHOlINl 'are that the Jfcjtuining Bdard.iU be, certT;j Cfled 16 tli'e District Cputt tor punishment. J ' 1 Xatest & llost Yaltiable Improvements Qn tft Pvpastto Jfcy lJf Cenif Dollar. ifiT A BONDHOLDER. oenaior Doermao anu m ucuPuui oii ' 1 JO 't.1;il(.' - T . . ., 4. . .. 7 i t - President Grant at the wmte -nouses wa rtminir. durto? 4ha .Cabinet session., and: i at ',rJ.T .'isayi Exuberant State of Car'line. Land ottar pitch and turpentine, Where 'vines the scuppernon mi.. i..4r. .!.. ih lliva fkina 5o r?f;T uli xl T...4iiiLimM mi) mnntf mine! ' uuuu viu rr-" - t.J JUarCO SOU, JOU, lli y. y... r i -1 RT.ri Kin w mi r. wina i rnarnes. ci.xue u ui-. i i ' r.ii ii- nr. ittthi j i i i. um t " e support or the ;institu.J eurVaVtftdner DJtedf JstaMlli-' vewity, ; AaoDtea.,, . . , DcRJ an rab and thai ItidthffnUte'tt'BbmeitMSVy Hlhy& M ,Y. .re; Ml entwine tj tela jtu'W oV. j - fflahii tib mI .ailT' rt oar. . niHaneaAcamv. in Tender ounJ .i"" " JTL...:-7-11 paD.DUtoaoitaai U; mpa Thy Thy Thy MillionTan On-turkey And Shall As thouth And And Reputfi Bat Thy Belie 1 Ral- By JLu -Bennett: From citiaeoa; ot I aswwtpoUtoeaaraume;.'. r,.? MuiUiAWn Af CWJ uwuir. "B "S-'Sata rw received vback, frpravthaJ sods'jtiowi ir taey caaaoi oim iv: "r; .;:7;.T i;, atjuoJkJtoorniDgjaiwuaDe.pjrs qajjoF i Qi tuU -thr .ihftt wa taewiia wawowws- i ana rsc w wira thtCnnA. ifrht handred and aventv, .l.yTJ'WT'fKfTZ ' soch Slates weaken i i tco cf Yfttl03 ttava 1 .TlTrrT-I'" -.v k "1 W JiQuaeamwimeDt, mq. 4- Toowortoburiainuer. 3 njntftf t Wtma tha Oammiaaionttrrl .. WT Iteernma appeaU'Tbe Senate amend. o'er a xnite of uxevjatae.?. . j-v 1 14 rttnW t a awi a WrH aTOa f ,8l,?a rMMra- jlP?' feeut waioonoupfea'in and theHdaae paymont of her. botwfc fieciiaet I - tOttOty o appoi) a wiri .of ..oblimttiona coaLracted, for, J ?" 52i :.l 7 " JLa 'uX'Ha.! ate the ba- ;; , vajWK tftVn' the. payment boraestQad, pftor UTAln noVihyBWK,xr.a wu:: : : I up aaaitsta ua mverai muwg Wiif or meohan ok' liens for 1 work Clt "c -.V'" Tr.'f?f ' JF Z aeVerrtoa and inet ; r,v I Vll A t a Normal Dcpwtil STOA the'nrdeVe'd W befetiro".?'.! reihat honesty-adma V l , irAUMMll fh-lh u?ug JK.",VW tf1 u'f r', t ta'tific'atlbh 'J 1 W ' lI 1 nu 1 i , itMaam; Tv;hcJ Wl??2ffWfl iBilirrtlatS6t,f 't6'tbeJprob'dte if The Leeislature: ; 2J!!LS!!M J . f : v . I rn.t)vM blAMtinn af AnlArl teohara:.l .U , BruuawkQonatyiagaat.a.diviaioo4taThe bill a read its third time, itions-and" Grietancek' .1 raTRODUCTiOK op bills, I By MrJ Short? 3ijl PTide ;r toe insane asylum tor coiorea peopie. Committee on Insane y mm. J3UI to give i-enaer county .pr. sentaUveln;the General Assembly was postponed-tiltMonda, atll A. Uaysl. J . M. ' . I nni to establish anew county to be namedTance, from parts fof Du. . , . , ,;. V4. . m m Dim. Wayne ana Lienoir. ,r . ,; : , 1 4 Mr. Dortch honed that the motion to indefinitely Dostoone wouldPreI th vaik There" were, propositions totir hofnr t.hA flpnftral Assemblv -to. ere-! 1 ate three new counties out of portions of Wayne county, and if he favored one of "these new counties he must fa vor all. If these three new; counties were established it would completely dismember his county;' He would, therefore, vote against all. ! ? - s ; The bill was indefinitely postponed. Act to enlarge powers of corporate authorities of the town of Monroe, in Union couhty,?was indefinitely " post poned. : Act. to cnange lusjiame 01 ceriaiu . : . , . l j I tOWnSOiPS in JTCnaer COUnl,T paiKJCU I lis iRverai. re&uuiinL. -. ' 1 . m----i'i I UlU , 9 , incorporate ,vyuiuuriu 1 T.nffpNrt. 5 of Pvthias. in 9:3' ! si. VHfiv;ra -"Jr"w!. 1 readmgav.;-:-;"--. r C, I Mr. ocaies moved to reconaiaerine t vote bv:which the bill to make unU,! form the tax on banks. Ac. failed to -r !mLl-.. I 1 by avote of yeas 19, nays 16. . The bill then passed its third reading I yeas 17, nays 16. . . - ;13ill to estabb normal schools tor iue two races m mo ovate. . . by yeas 24, nays 17. The bill then passea us xeaaiog. aeuilla cuucurreu iu uiuuubiiiiuu . . rr ' . i . I Tl.n,nna f 4V.A TTr.;VaiKI;tTr naT I Friday at 12 o'clockJ ; : I Upon motion, the rules were sus-1 . nended and the resolution in relation I to the Atlantic & .North Carolina I Tt uMmaH via toVtm nn and naasprl its I several readmgs. ". . ;- . - - By permission, Mr. Nicholson in- trodaced a bill to dispose of the question ox me oiaie ueuw uaieuusr. i isill to enforee1 the collection of liases in new uauuiu uvuutti ! The bill passed its several readings, oiKesj iaieMienp 'oi xiaaen - county, i a4nf... mvV'mm vMaAAI .fra aA.rAVAl 1 . . r .- ... w I Ti-ii:. - . -- gal notices required.toibe advertised. Bill to amend section As chapter 100;! BattleTlvisaVfto require the; Register, df Deeds to attend at his'cf-; fice, either , in person or. by vdeputy was tiken; up, and. passed its" several readings.-:-, r J . - Bill ta establish an inferior court ia th-'sevbraf counties t.inV.the T.State, with the B:ouse amendments, was ta - ken up.-' ' " ' . ' ' "' : : Tbe House amendmehts were read,' and the 1st and 11th were not con curred, in-;V.;ci'i43!ij4s!-iX4'----.!K3 - MrStwkney moved to reconsider the voe by which theTjill'to protect, sheep hnsbajadi-yjbadjbeen indefinite ly postponed. : .. ; . '. ; , : , j Mr. iTroy novedtQ lay the motion to reconsider imJiie JAble, which mo?: ion fflffltZffiZ0:,:?-i :fft 1 The qdestion feenrred nptn the nibk tion to reconsider, which prevailed, i ! Tbequestion then - recurred upon the motion to . indefinitely postppne. -Mr. Latham withdrew his motion toinde&VlyTPopone" and, on,mo tidfl, the bfll'was referred idthe com mittee on Agnculture.aiAcI HOUSE QF-BI?JBNTATjyjE9 . ' .vjBiLm-.,it By;Mr: Clarke, kof Craven : A bill to consolidate the charters of the city By Mr Shackelford: A Wll to in-fj uurporate tne vcown OI OWansbOrO, W Onslow countyCp gorporaUons. , . - . '. ' , j.. calxtxdaBhi.) .u .! ":-'!- ": j Bill to charter thsr Piedmont Rail road:anQqnakefi npT and passed its 8everalvreadingai -,3ill..t9 secure to the owners of real estate a homestead -In fee simple. . The question reenrred upon the passage, of .tho bill upon its, second reading.i uponi'wbfiahu.lbe yes and nays were deniABded.U rThe demand was 9smned, and. the bill passed by Risbluiion !authbflzim?'lhrf OAt ernor to -offer a'rewaird of.f $500 for luman ifrfwoiw&rTfr.?&j&.ia - Anil a it. . ta. t i - . ' - -- j The committee ; on Propositions and Grievances submitted an amend- " . V "urrV 1 ! .VrK'.SSi 11 May inthonyear ,.ot(i Lord ,oyo , -J:.l 25, kmiM inth State. fcinbn its second reading and passed. upon wbrcnffrTXieScni vUa and naysftbe demand1 waa 8U8- uiiied and the bill passed by a- votl o yeas 78, nayaaBrtf X,. 4s y;-t tiw .Bill to authorize the comjnissioners pf Lenoir county tolevraiaH was taken up on its,tnirdi;JreaqiPg and pa8Sed bV a votolyirJrJ Rill t.n.hnnra the;rMnn1al'V!lne ttt I raV sWamn i tawnahWiuRofaoB coaniy -as taken up and pasjd- , mm . r 1 . . aeveral readmers. - tWd thel lawa.relal iTof TaVboro -was takenilJ7.f Mn "? f8 we PP661511 "er;, OD iuond.;readinir-pai na nr ug 9 natra 531:' t:i.l2' 1B6 mil concern intra suveruuient 1 .a for Wilminetod . was r ptttaiosecondnioi " A A '"- ' : . j it a.iiiL2j' I uayannvf-vn na - it? h.K-in't?rf -',Utn reading when the pouse-adjoured , ; S Thuesdat, Marri, : By Mr. Bennett; Bill to "amend article 0ot : theCoBfedtuiloQr "Nnrth Carolina. Calendar, ,v,jiJ .AHZJZbSZZm lfc.o.y Bile. Mr. Scales offered the ollowimf Ml. j .' .ki. 11- kfkWfA'tcaizens siueuumcuw w kuo uhio, huwhwj! 1 xl iuvuuv. .... 7 . 1 ,. : 1 tv.... .ft. 't, I . : 1 word "Commissioners." wherever, 'ft ocenra. the words "or Board of Coun. :"v,i".. . . . ..:- .. .'. s C;utJold8boro. Uoramitteeon'tinsane cT ; oeu.. a. 3 luwrnug .aiwr j 1 words "registered letter,", the words for by express" ' rlBlttl4 steadomeo by i rv inn iMTernar in inn nmRHncn .it presencaoi "e cretary : o atate, Attorney )i otau id the i wnerai, ;t certified to by the Governorl. ajcid j M,wuu.t Sea 6. By providing .thattheexr " tuiuo ouwi u vaiu uj buu uciauitme l . .... H .jaj I Tfia I Kill then nooui J 5 oc&u&aMtl I readings. J . ji. jf iiu L i Bill to incorporate . tb.P l,Cn& tv Narrow Gauge Railroad .OomDa- ny was : taken; up '. and.rpassedt Uk. RflVfiTal readincra. ' - I2 f . -a.H.4 Bill to incorporate the NorUiCar' olina BapUst StudnVAidTAjB0Dpi tion, was taken bp ndpasredHB isu i oeveri reauuigs. : t m ,n Bill to authorize; Jndgef Pfpbaft to appomt .reiyerein cej. pas, w auuuuit icvciicis iu ueruui uskh. I was put upon its sevWataaiags'ioffT - am locate itoSW. I rm to locate tue county s in A mm MtnnM AaIvmh . . y . -.CEtaM'jL.Mlhhif Naur Kivar Navimtinn llnmh w .ww.v.wu IT T.nA AATint.Tr Ufa im Mm...IiWil preciation of property at ; the present1 site shall be paid for.'5 Adopted-iit f Thje bill ' then passed its epobd reading. It - was then put upon its third reading and failed . tapaaw'l JX f Bill to incorporate J.h!tAwf Sparta, county wma put upon its sey erai readinga and, pasaeffi . jpui w prooioit tne exportattosof partridges from certain ountiear, Cabarrus, IRowan, DavidspttGirg ford, Buckingham, Alamance Or ange, Iredell, Davie, Gaiidp, Coluni- irTmZTlSMl for nine Truste&-df tbeTJnive?. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES s Mr. FennelL presented the.petitlon of citizens of , Wilmlriibbniiskinftlre'1 passage of the bill introduced br Mr. I Fennel! to establish & criminaloWvtr. Propositions and Grievanwj. t r ?'Biixfl:;:::;;XiS: t Bylark ofde, 1 (uuutuu bue oaie oi lHjaor inertain ocalitiesinBladen countrpp1 By Mrk MoLeanlv A2mll!lAerliJ tne time ior the compleuonof,ert locks and dams on Cape Feac? and Deep rivers. Internal pjoyement. j Bill tonc&H BlCTd Lad taken up abd passed itifeveral read BilLtarganizfl a nvprnmf theertv bf iWUrtinhw-i as unfinished1 1 011iemmbrUy3f comle'!1! Messrs iWilsbn ofi .NeWatHatfofeJl White, colored, and Williamson, cd lored-.i iA.Mi i Mr. Wflaon of New Hanover. Ann. mitted atf amendment to cbangethe I x"oa v. mcgitriH'AV".' iXVJCWC.j , HMr. Wilsoji ofi NeWuHanover, of lered an amendment- to strike out the boundaries of wards as laid down by are. Rejected. f i !i W iSSSi d after lJ rWcatt9n.:,,j 0I :i Uti Eiirrr' . motion an the tabTel " The latte rmb: tliniWfaa.,-.lV-.-:";' lMt-- S the qVe8tl6n r?6rirecT-ripon the bill ; 4Von4di J ftJ'm, ! j --T it lUll: "inS' tn 1 VT. .1. , . - j , . . .1 UUl to amend iWie , landlorin ,k. .rtiA ' ?n ,rard to the. tenant act was taken, np. . . u. .uiH i iSsffi fV1 jArentP- Lhkrecnrd cdmmHtee!Was;acepte4.ri JmA .... I ,. ,tf . ;th ,Setialef -fVy , . 1 uriui I arid it passed its Becond Teaaxngir; , which was. .sustained, 'and 1 .,TriUEUiiA-fWnto rf r"! i3Li.. s?ft, ' dfitected.:. CoUiWaunaeUOV t v rTini w w -nuniFn j - - - 14. jlrrill..r - l uTRC,tkun: 1 t . ryCB7fci! Hfl iLSillh hwf.Tt t .. in bfc Ifm 1 I 11 J J" . I - I'll 1 s (Ta rpU waa roaUo4vand tho. T fail tf,MLi!n!r!itui ,7. b t ...ipfMOWieca justices tUDam :uJ AiJi..,ii'1 -.v:oi i . .. 4 ajiq JaisLFtttfir MarCb 2. Ufluoruawi - xri If ro f -nortpli:-Bill to lofta.ttbA MMr: ..tcb- , ocaU,ile asyium. , iortf tne(,.coiorea insane in aivluni fli .$u ta loJiir.y. Wilnri Bilr AHifirfiUb JKffikW illO'WHff. 1 CALENDAR. i -wgtfSS SaTW i.or r lui several reauu? Ttt ' motion cf Ttrr freUSon. the VPteVnWhicb thbin read to1 - . f pona, h,,V '"T. 'VK fit" 7 rV; ri - UtJ tStanford offered 1 to amend m i aS tO- P"? frft u 1 tlatisfactbrytdagwi. Lfc-vL iuvcli.- a:Uv--i uxif m iuu cuuulv; auujw uiu uuk net: uuw ' .r-.?--t-'-.r '. i JiTir " I yconrcoiild The amendment was adopted, Mr.JSoddie offered 16 amen Mr.Boddie offifed Unamend that eanWof lhe bdnnty'sit ehill be IS.Tl .TO. tJrli I rt., w - . l , P Jftff ! ,Jitil f,-i: :fi i--.?d JaSSSSSS , r t . . -mr- t .. . 1 . . i i . u j i - . 1 w" " vuuutw (VSalCtaicta pntiddertain cases i om (y. amenaf tne cnarter ofitbe; t ft of Fayetteville arid regulate the v as. ,takat up; ftn4 , passed ts eecoad, r 3ading;and. made -then special order rpf to-morrow at 12 o'clock. t isaieuon oL;4iaiagistrates, was tsfkenj lbe Senate, in pursuance of the I eciai eraer; tlten' proceeded to bal- I 'Brll-toH'Ofeatfl anb tbwnShlD ih uie county ot Wayne, to be 'called t Ball Head; was taken ub:- ' ywU I rSafltrliot citas taken iflp and .passcd.ts seve cf ifeaden eonntyv tretetive? w iiXSl 1 ,f KMV't-M io Lr. Askew: Petition from-thef" wt u uuuus". of Pollock3ville -towaabipr hWpaasea,! thre.a .conuty, asking a prohibry f Jmh :L . - . , . i niii in Hmitriii li e ihwh ill luianuu reaaireiisv majority u of all the Af?-"?- . !; Wichange e county 8ite,iaod h jTT thathbaAretbfbrtato po I ff fconu reauHg.. . rJtT: ".-'7 m-TLl 1 Bill t troide for tbe Teoairmff of. i uuuoze. aopteq. ,r - I wnen Mr. uoxswa.inere.js. nouse in en mi passed JlaevergV rl J''f teif -'trook In era , ' - " T T O .9'l;fr;fM?lt'thft f Justices of the Peace was taken upj ndidoptediiViThLl j-esolutiom pipj- ides for the appointment of ? conl- ecomhiendatiods f or - Justices of th 6 .fm.MMXMm and , tne rresidentAnnointedlthG following! a. : v ? - iT A-t I Kit WasO tbroaadv passed ,ita saverai eflfliric" i'w ue &:itmk2ciri'ILfi -i county Utfladeri was: taken nn and 13ui Xuz. incor porat--Ahfrto wa-;-o. PontenlMa.jjuiie count vl of Greene svast passed itsf-sevefal r:iir. i .i ' i m io exiena me act to incorporate 1 ind-llttMiti;)' iQi iaiMfi! ,?ni fciiooj tlared,,tbet.yote: "Rutherford . B. Hayes r-iptea lithe bst;prooi pt its great popularity. I J r Kll "lM"A1Ur:V.I.v Jrara r ;j i, a rt 'w UUUUin llBKrR Mil tsV -WW IHWIHri! IU1 W 1 fH RCLHIt II 1 1 . 1 .X 1 1 1 1 A l. WW sVirilllllll AAia AJ1AA AA . - LHI I I H n H. HIPH rt T I i sT , . jhaui uun u, .11 U U : JliUlUUU reaaininc.y 1 -i' aa 7 rasar-f n .-r- i r. t .ij.Li. w .1" feci:,' - .j--vT..m-"- - iii ijo ennnranra Mnmiibuu mot t tiia mnrn. .tQ-pjovid;for,thrrera Wg. "Tr:T-rf -he-ffofintsite The House,' indispoWa' hold' svas taken p riBIil passed itSBeveial ' jbQsiIea ' dcpieoV wiUfi qutefitidasr bf readingi"" 1,if' . pnvileges invovinghe psyjpfijes. Xlieds andHhe-ptivy .lamination oi -Jftrl.tei oVrtinVw tatefi up; :Bi aUosanatideB ofuthe- Peade a ta 1 . . . . - :a iand -pmy examinaMoatiPi j.wrw: bilr Was tiead ti third time The electkB'f elgbt-' trusteesrior l ino IOUOW1D2 genneiuou . - - " M- 9WWMr "B and Wm Cbl.hi V maHlnrink i Irv' rail flit tkn InTJuiliAfiA MBOUIUBIUU aft tns Dili: estanuanuig upytMMT5 rnments fixing Tuesday- next, a tJL2, ololock, as tbe time tor tbe eiccuon. to the town of "lrboro,' -in juorge-. c6mbe county, was taken np ana pass ed its third reading - by a vote of 58- yeas; -22" nayai'' "ii. ,a f The chair atmouticed; tha following gpntlemen as committee ion: aominat lions for Jbsttces of tber i.'eace tp oe ejected on, -.Tuesday next ; Messrs P3nnix, Henderson Roberts, Yilson of Burke, Monng, Fnrnell, Bagley ofirl ITrirvL- a ii , '77"''' ; T .ii. ...... .-. vif.aii, " NIGHTaBSSIOW.'U.iun.U) Ih Bill to amend aectibn ' 5u. chapter Ml laws 1 84-J!rfi- in relation to 2 Mr.' Austin" submitted aS ramendJ men t to' strike out Union and Ansoh duarantine ; ibospital ; ati Smithvalle. assed its several reaaioes.;. .., - 1 Bill reanmncr beef cattle carried to . . v. - . - - wa taken np, and jpasaed rf. .its se vera! Lk'Txr J M.1" vr 0..Vei stern ibsane Asylum providing for its com? paane, .syiupa proyiuiug loriw ueiion was I taken'upC I ! ' pletion Was takeih If - ; I This bill provides for the working nr nnnviRix. xnn HiinTTJiinaLeH mavvw 5Arfiw5n a :im I Mr. Vauchn offered an amend- f 1 . -I . - . . ill i 1 rt.?j Ji i- .- w eni to reaa "fluoa convicts aa xuivo ot been assigned to j other works." Ldopted 'i'lt.i.ii n iu? as .,... HilL colored of :JSiew JAanover, ptr mmissronerssTSSffboVifttim olitical party rpmth- Goyernpr Tbe, , question,, recurring npon Ah& ui.oELiLssecoaa reaain?. 11 rassec by, a ryote J of 45 yeasHd1 42 nays. i u , , ;n bm rja.5yASHaTONt.March2.!j submitted a resolutida authorizing the p- poiaimenvoj a committee, pi three ,ena-. 5Wf! 1 HOUSK-Aftef . the ; vote not: ia ieonnt uace'syoie, jir.,4aau,ajinouncea,Uial we Chair Bdailbd every legmmatete- V u.jaajrco'.w uuw u nrtn : 0fI9q I Tha RniaVwuil. Iin..t1miin mnsl nn M$y3 ceive'any otibn." "! '-.nsf - v-' J- Ila elevea oPclock; the' Benattflsnterea anfl YAStY iussion, Wisconsin was counted for Uayes. . f A balf-pwur, oiacmaes iiie couqs pi tnirty-eignt otaies. a. ii a Lciicai a ivi There was a solitary hissl ine senate i men reuvea ths Sdusb fprjthe iayes arriveaat nine O'clock," when it l atirt-jB'torre arrledjlLeajtDIhia hbsji in-ji ffi! sn vh nl . lnereare no cneer. Those who do liot ashamed.- -i-Xoitl haade3felOt5ed'i(8elf his mornfmr. Fifssnn . ItAdiftat iKeoatftT 1 bad a meetine and- resolved if Haves Bouthern policy is against the "Repabliuail lyiocme aoutn; tney. should knowKa uuoraeepers. Hi 1 l0 the House a resolution, with an ex- and passed: or-, r My? I r riu tor organize .gyripicii, 1 - o , ..... tH-Vaa JoiiQWwg flispawn pas gpnew ?onr lniornwion anu governuieHv,, -r -te&titM MthWyUnffldfil Marc'Iiist id. answer to your .'dispatch et this date, the Presldatildirefime Joyhqt, he:feels,Hhis sate. rran.aiyj maiie does jbot believe public opinion Will longer auppbTtthe' tnaintenarice'of'.tlier State' go verartient'jfn Louisiana ' by' the fuse' of the milUaiTandi thatbemiifttf cpnenr., in this .manjilfiat feeling- j b9t troops,, will, hereaf ter,, proieoi jue aou .jpruper.ty from motTvloleb'ce when' the St'ate'anthori- tles fall; but - tinder the' 'remaining" days of tils official. lire they Willi notiDevusea to es- .tablish ox to fjilldowo. either claimant for. pose l, .' i Senator Gordon has applied to the' Chief fiiinaliofflcerlpf ItbeUnited States fpr tbe establishment pi; a srgnai statipi; at Atlanta, (3 a., and has the Dromise of the department jto cotapiyftn ms.requestr "as soon astthe' AM - m ta-ii ' j tin - - , . . 11 Tna following- nominations Were made ichiand&ejat New Torki Wm, Goddist. At-2, totney forBouin'Oarbltha.'; ; V' ! ' ' ?Tlw foitbwingVelegram nasfu'st'been'sent to Gtovernot Nichollst : " . c ' .JS Marcti 3d, 1877; Gto iC T.NkiuSit. Mro OiieamhThe Pre? trident says ha seat? a diaoatcb to Packard. Thursday, poiiJTying,him that tropps' could no "Iopgef ' be ; employ ed to1 uphold Either; ciaimanvand that be' does not believe mat Packard would attempt 'any- offensive ope. rations;-, v frewdenl, sent , the oaspatcn so that he might Jhave time to retire his pre' tensions If disposed. The president says InBtrtietidtoa have been fssued which cancel all orders for the preservation of: the ttatu d-tBatfleithetf .lKMi or, Packard are hound tq.pbsetve t; that he means the peo: nls efXouisianajare as free in their affairs frbnl federal Interference as' the people bf COBnectleut. aad that there win be no dis position :to interfere witbtbera any. more; than.; wth the people or JSew f xorfc. i .Tne President concurs with us thatVou immedi- afely issue1 a'prbcjamatiSn rurglng 'protect won,' mnestytana peace.' rieisg asaea 11 a posse! sxecu ob i a process; or ; jm icdojos . caurwwouia no lnterxerea witn ny tne miu- tarv. herenlied. "No more than in anv other. should take- possession'of the offices la the' oaie, wunout moo vioiencev jwouiu mera be anv interference, he replied, there would begone; thatrthe military would only be usea naa; ueeo once in new, ions., aim would lie iti aoV'bf the States' to overcome mobs toe formidable for the' 'civil power or State authorities, We have submitted the t Oreaoinz dieDatch of vesterdav to the Pre sident who- has revised .it with his own band and authorized us to state that in its present form it is absolutely correct, (signed) 1 tut Saa-Luur jfi. A. Uubkb, ? -!-.!i;,'f mil ? "V . T gt ; Wm. M.Long. Sherman's friends say lie. has accepted ,lae ffccretarVship of the Treasury.1 ' !l . ' .... - c i 3 ..,.,.;. . ..... ; 1 1 ( i Dome (senators say toa army uui win ixr tainrjiiau,j aniess tue nouse . consenis 10 8trike,out the; political provisions. 7 . ; ., , , . j Two jcompanies ot Pennsylvania soldiery wiR participate inlhe parade Monday.' Two white and three colored local companies wjiHaJsa march vTbe Federal i army ; will cpntributaelvo companies, tbe artillery acting aanfantry,. and eight companies of rdaiines. The Masons and Odd Fellows do not propose to'participate'. The company sTka. . M J A. .1 1- J.J Ha.kMX . oi UDweaara actas a uuuy guaru. , - HH I" Ii. . ! . . .... . Haiiis. &c.; ''1 KYl Bale GOOD HAT. . -t .-,!.: Uf'iU frT-r - ..,.' , oq a C iBoxesNo. BMOKBD BAMS. .-Hliiw 'IOI .!? 1 l' !:':! : .- : . '-"50 B9Ke DKTAL smiss, "... '?;( i.iii- f' ''! :! ',.? 'i ;.! .'.. , A A Bbla (hose superior EARLY . - lllll'-' i- ROSR POTATOES. J; sV. E. POTATOES. !Ji., iAA Bbls i.f '.-.-..ti ?pr sale bj. - . iiS-jr -iV ' ui BINFORD, CROW & .Ca'( DresGo iTtT.irV iHlr.... , , 1 Mt&t I . i AND FANO?TBEESovi; Jan 14-tf? in to J?i1Jl nPBX BEST LADIES' , EH) GLOVES MM J iU Ii H I .... . namourg Trimmings lA1 1 HAWDSOKK LOT - OF --M ioI Jvns r all In one length, ready trimmed for se. 8ome. tbJngNwvai Jnatreotved.;i t- . u Blankets and Shawls: A FEW VERY FINE BED BLANKETS' " 4. and LADIES' WINTER SHAWLS, i o t I v-WU he sold very cheap. ; : jadi4-tr "i . V HEDRICK. - i: H-ril'-i; ' .aj UJVOJ i'j. 1 ' Goods' foyjen and Boys. v THE BEST; (STOCK ,OF STAPLE GOODS IN JL' the jdtyj also, superior BLACK CLOTHS and CA88IMERBS, audo to order ia .besti style, at, a; avuiK ui so per cent to uu ouyer. Jan I4-HD&W' - - HEDRICKir fllftVnJa VnttrWnflinM FOR REED ORGANS. UKUapu Hun JUtiUlUu (13 50) Is umyersally L Known as one of rare merit both In the lastruc- GANS, ($2.50) is the work or two autmguisbed: moBicians. ' and ia M ?n.VMei 'Wrrnf fc,tt HfiTi.n Wm : 9 .60V is One of the oldest And oeBtneuoas.- wiaeiy Known ana usea. IMe'SjI lDSlTuetflPJRGAN8; . Jlaanabbreriated bat very good .method for be--Elaners. . . . ' "-"'" mner'ff Nev ScM gMW.& cheapest, snd: an excellent feast instmctioa ,isi;n5 4i r ion eulT .i: r . gaa pieces. I , ii : in It, CHAS. Hi DITSON nn. "2 . . ' C t ! i . ' . J. K. DITSON X. . 711 Broadwayi N. Y J 4 Bucoessarato Lee :4 Walker, Philadelphia, ioptroL qi cue atate,. 11 is nos ,nis pur to'fecbghize'iliber.ctaimanC . u' . I f wartegand the.ell lOBen.airsforpiac- feb Sl-dawSw Wed A Sat m 1 -T&AailflfA U r "id- World' .Fair, .London... .fr-it.. f-1 g fl: World' Flr; N ew York : . ?.J1 15 wno 'fair, ratnm..uti. .ii''. Wa1inillIalr..irilMUi! World's Fair i Santlaeo (CtalU).75 World's Fair; Pbtladolphla ,: ;L?i 1 STtt . .. i ... ni ha m in i i a it n ni ra w. r i n. - AGENTS frTtttLBailAEM HOT DKA.WJCBa Fait-bftnk Co 811 DrawayiIff.T FAIBBaSKS C.; i66'BaItItireti,3altItti6ta i JTAiii nasi ikO tc AJO., oa vaip-V. n! yuntum ) -, r&iiu&JNa.9 jo.. zit uauiib xuixaio, n. i. FAIRBANKS ft Co.. 338"BroadwayT2Hiy. FAIRBANKS & Oo,40B Bt Pattf Bt'ireaL FAIRBANKS Ct,i84King wyilara it,Xondon. FAIRBANKS. BROWT Co.: 2 Milk Bt. Boston. FAIRBANKS ft'B WTN. Maaonl' taUiJPBHaa'Bia- FAIRBANKS, MORSE & Co C'hfcagPtdUAO i9C5 Fairbanks, morss (.icnncniiiau. unwT . n.tDoiTiro VAnDTinL ru '-VHA..T..M 'AVI . - J . WATRRANKS AHnTCHTNSOKr. SanFrancIsfcd. ' U- ' For ealey leadlne Hardware Deak8.mi si g Hardware DealeWii'. TSH?N'S:.;,r,.: feb ag-atawO&W Uy V'1' 1 1 i-M tAbiEs moccasins j .CAMPjtiBS made from earcfnUy (elected tpck.U,tp"beBt ma 9, 1 '. gend for Circular and Price lists. VXl . j - r,..t 'MABXIN 8 ijHOrCfilNjQS, 1 i'r4-!r.,v;ojMaw,r-. bet 17-DAWtft ; Dover, New Hampshire .-j..ia .... Wi if a"Kt iijll TtrK AEK ' AQ&mt tr OFFSRtNU TO n OVU IT friends and h pablie geneaUyvL (n ri, 3 ' 1 Tnn riA&rsJ aM!111MRJ .11 JBAVIIflllV .VI - - WVIMtwu next Fall.' the 11 known and . popular Commercial- Fertillaer. - i.ijjiurnijji. 4 j i: Saw .-Jjoiiq Super rnQspnatez : TeraiB and pnefe. made fcmown onz appneaooa ui) mcnorAndnm books and certificates rornlsbed:. jGreat "Inducements offered-1 to' 'parties wsadnjr larM lotSL !!" VICK A MKBANE,il i; leb 4-PAWgnt-nI -.y; ;j j !;;.-)-- f iAgenta., JJ'.'ii a, BTALLIC CARTRIDGtB, i MILITARY; dUN ulNOAND. f CREBDMOQB" 5 RIFLES ; . f, . ; - EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN1 ACCn.' V. ' . ; , lRACY ,STRENGTH!tAND - i; ; 7 ? Cii 3di.--ilr!l.'fH;l T rr-'.v.: '' - rrf-i No Prematiire Discharge EverOccarav iBver-rf- Rifle' - wAirasteA i i Atert'SCaBb 40, 4 and.bO-18C ofiao inch, and of any desired tength; ujiarge er powaer irom oo vo ivo graiaa, - wagni oi sanafroia' tol,,BTrat;StdiMti7aM' PjUrtblgrip'wdVec& Gfobeaad IV;op bighUi.Vemifir, mta iatercbangeaDie rrom sights .aad.Wh-gaagSre Tarlajy Sim monition for above gans, constantly oa iand. j ' , i Prices from $3t $12 ! SHARPS Rlf lit COMPANY, sept21-D&Wtf .TJrI3geport, Conn, -i ii ( nil!) a is i N. A; :SDlIASte Jr. Attorney; at ft: j ELIZABETH TO WK &y0- 7f . i m r .mt.m . I- ..a - ' ' -Mf'Si'.v ii.::!.,;? fiit'i-i TURPENTINE '. TAR ! J... . ..' .. ....... .: v .i.: ,v .Ui. tu, ;-tt,f Union Distillery, Wutbe operatci as eretofdraiy thVndeTsigneo? TURPENTINE, TAR,')AK STAVES and ASH INI rant stci HEADING wanted in ; large and , small, J 4 . ,u. .i.ul flu 111 ijuyo I Country Dealers c an trade direct aad me charges I. VIM III J-' .'iilltiurl 'iLf ii- 'V:W-t ?' ail? 4-lmP&W Prbprietor a I ' ' . ''"4i"'' ' ' .r ,i,it..r--ii t 200 Rbls FAMrLYfFLOD3tiOMi a-iflo iror sale by ! mb4-DWtf ,; r HALL A PEARS ALL. OA Rbla KEROSENE OIL?"-' u ' .y fit f JUST IN, ON LOW PRICE.. n,-i:a-i;;OM -.Fotaaie bysu --njair -rtT j mltoWtt-y rHALt A PBARSALLi11 -l AiTlereeaOOOD lJa HAMS,?i f.jiMpJ i - for Pale by. '" Ui j ma DJtWtf oiii ; HALL A PBAKSALL; . l(nn All rw.i- ri ' nil ainiuuriiMu ?rrrhrMsii tovsH. ,ia f "XWEftAWand Extracts and Fruit? FlaTorlngs. si' 'o i 'j , i, . I ....... .. . ... . . ... -Oil Extract Hccr, Coffte and Cocoa, j 6Tiw ldorr,l xy-? r;i rfy to D&1 ju always "ready ' ro ;nse. 'r Boiling water only' CHASD7IIYE11S &'C6;' ew, copy.- -'.jioitiii jit ,iewt fet acACTOBsT ATflALRSfiiHj-C,' " fli Jiimll effl.tedi feps. Cassimere8si t v arioos qaaiiuea in inoat aean-apo woods roada; !forjttenra4Boyswear:ff'rC!r 'jZihir j '. f i.'i,,w ! .t!v w ia.vijluoii-u i Sold atManafactttrers. prices, o t - jt f i --va i -; -j. ! lUEDIUCK. ; 1 A J. r 'in VJi: 'Ikwf fifiTliq rftf V J.j'j;.- ?i go. w fiMua-r a vu; orUaDd. Mniie. ... . flOnfl Ar!JA65HTS WANTED ON JrPW4ld i ttfhT liliw 1-Vi:i f , 1 f i L, ii all father . Wttfi invalHabla IT.T.ITWTO ATn Trnr ' ..WorldilFallpartlcdIaMfree. Addrew " 7? . I VUt.lJO i.f JrORN X. POTTER! CO,, t: ' mauanerg, Philadelphia. OiLtkft Hb of ORBA9 RAtUlOv wRk. good ii'ti ' MpHOHfWSKipE IT;:;: , A FlonKK 11 sent free to All parts of the srorld. . 1 jix Aoreaf tf ,,v,q. jr. JAVlsWrt , r$77pS AittADATAl! aOME-'Acepts wanted. J Out Ma 4V fit and termHrees-ailnj : Lucrative J Business. AS S Rlf IB (ft ta A CHI IV B A $ff T, O SOO , JTIKN ..OR KHKRGV . ANIt 48(t IXTTto: tKARN TAB BtJstrV BSN JLpnFKBlSAirlOM lilBBRAJLw bat Vi. HYING, AOCOUDINO TO ABILITY. CHAR AflTKB & QUI CIF ICATIONS OF THB AtrKNT. - F O FOU ' PAHTICC- BS, ADDKEsS r ifrttl BrdwiyA ew TorlaVor Orlcang, I,a, t lentB., post-paid, : JONES A CO., Nas- (N.Y. to ttAVel ana- sell our Goedsto Dealers. inzexnensestiaid. No MONITOR LAMP CO., Cin- -cmaatUO. mm ef day at borne. Samples worth f5 rree. - armsoa & oo., Portland, Mains. . I M r IKLT CARPETINQS, ;20 16 45 cents per yard; A? FELT CEO JNG for rooms'bi place of plaster. FELT ROOFING and GIBING. For Ciicular and Sample, address C, FAY,' Camden, New Jersey, ifeb a4-4wDW , ' r . . 'Xi. SITUATION AS COTTON CARDER. HAS bad good experience in the fine Mills of Laacashire, England. - Well ised to Medium and Low Noe. ! ?t:.v , Address, i -B. W." . ........ ; Carn Cifn P. nowctll Hn , feb' 14wE & W 41 Park Row; N. Y. City. THE SHE1DER .BEEECH-LOADIHti SHOT QIiT. , Prices, $50 OO to $250 OO. - '..-' ,-;-5 ; . ; , i MUZZL&It OADING G ,t xautnuax HjmiffuuOAiiN. to'tioo nn. 1 ! US '111- r: -tj CiarkicVSheider, ilj. '.' MANUFACTURERS. . . : : .: . i. x ; U i 14 West Pratt Street; .a. Baltimore. Send for CataioKsn. dec 23-D&WU Willi TuTaXf.V'T-Q. 'Ir: '"i ' i-f'vi tf f .... . xai;2 .nixmi'j'i cj ioi-Jooi rAlUctUXLL I j eaavar4iaajysawft Becuuy-fK ; nniifurg rrme crwcca-AtOsxUng tijBA to thaapecial instructions of iaaiTidnal sportsmen: akmg for a large aad select trade , enables ' as ts give pester cat abS sttentioirts tho fittiar, Akoot fiig aad-gsnezal aaisS off oaeiGaaa than; can; be giveatstboM Guns boaxht by the xetaL trade from manufacturers who produce for a general ' market We solicit Ae patronage of. those sportsmen- whe Gunf of anr weight: gmgepmportium nr .j' ' . i BaiiWfii'.-t. ,.4 jvit i.-;PBica.!. .iHSS?-14 iyi,r;;V.iU...$ 65 Gold TA10TAWti 90 lATIONAL.. .. .v.. ..... ....... 113 w i t i . . ''j 1 i . 1 1 1 Ll . AlrSJ. I 1A0 j . ', CHALLENGE.. .Ji . i Full ntu8tratedaraeulaHliritl''rerereaces2ana mstructions for self measurement forwarded on an fucaunnilJ i u :i ot Ji? A -W. TOLLBY ! . - Branch Office. 81 William Street, New York. ; . ! Mannfsefo.Plpneer Works, Krmwgbam,Bngj f dec 14-DAW tfiA-& f-- i jPiire'BreiS ,,,!'. . Jim jMwit orfj it,jFr Safe, ; ,r. vr JlREDY THE RECENTLY IMPORTED ' LA ER ACE Dor "DON." who ia ownbrnlhor t the 'OrldHreaOWned FiokL,TriAlv,wiimAra Tlnnnti'" Nelly," and "Prince." 8o far as flgures have been is puduc, uus u l Be aigaest priced dog, with the :le ex ceo tion of at r. Bbkab'a Rnh finv" fwr imported , These celebrated dogs werd bred from whtek pair more pdxa winners Were. bredthsB from Mdf arhica erei! extetecwr They have a pedigree una back, for eighty years without a stain. leenV the dam of these pup is a para Gordon of fBess., saeaotof Pollvf br Dnks o oor- i oaisSredayttoadardDak&iaabyBaBgerk'Voiit , f Lord KdgercembVVRene Rainier br fdRtone'a ldKeattte great i1zairtm!er7is" , The Papa wore-bora August 8dJ 1876. Prica f35 aca,!Doxa anaaeurerea at, jsxpress ao ia PWi- WF-UiuUa frrffatot-, ieptSSJAWtf i xiiiTto, Delaware CUy.beK mi U'Jijlu, II rn iiit.ii ... ,, ,. 1- bf tteClwlceat Ke wttk'pyutee4 pedlgTeea. i IfFor'ialrtJ"0 3mo?J : .j. K-TJWKUsn il l' 1 1 BOt,7-DAWlf I i ' viotk, rcaa. n . R THE STEEUx 6XS'-& temSnat Weakriew, dienta. Mild taimate,-Fertil ', foiCBeai . Country' for Stock ls j -Raising In thelMtedStateaT' . i4 1 I4 .i'' - !- a ', , : ' i (4. i i i:--'..t '..if KM3KB, maun, irnu iniormatlon. sign TI K -. l '- . I r.t .:?-l :-XTTn - I ;XBoddln?HAn'B6aMiXfJ 1 VO"&aalPiwAttAtipiiitta oHNwl TIT' A 1 APT1!? TV 5 1 -iCk-L" jl Lamp S85 a momta. hotel and travel oeddlinsr. Address r m an 'fi. t- kr' a I- t.itCJi 'i'Lll MACCUAIj y,HigK-Bfea:D6g';;; t ...n ... , i A febl7-tfDAW ! . W Market Street Ohio. feblSrlyDAW

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