? - ."aasasaiaaaiiiiajiipiia .'-ay3wy'tjec.'l f SpiTuientLne. :f Ralno wiping tolWilson " Advance from Castalia, Nash county, tells of a remarkable illustration of the old adage'mnrderwtn Tnt,"r-3liak8peare in -Hamlet says Jmurdetwill speak."),-' iwaton'ilfeiii dollars per hundred is the reported highest price as having been obtained in this mar ket for the finest pile., of tobacco on the floor, for sale', since this year opened. That farme- was happy:8 ' ism .' i ). - 'ia ifi 3-i; 5-a 1' U. "Jvt- ' isA . o tt-t r T a rtwn iV ; i.": ! : t i ..-4 r V:$U5f: a Year,; ill dTaicoH y3 o55:m c t- ir a a a a ' a : . . ok. - ".aft' :.-! thitikotJiif but! fof periftadti fj'JVViaairtri- .mi ' Tha formsro t a m iwiPMiannnfiani u r it f f u v raini niveau us v3 (55SOO oaleav i ) li nt that amount W l prodnction of peanat& . Allading o recent J years. .; The cereals are all reported upon deeded -fdrthefrW favorabjy.aad ttenniversal testimony its: v , - t i - a i ii- ;:- r--. f i-y-.:? rAbH WV-' t--' f AtS -v-;y:!,rrIIr, .Haves isflllif reCqre.Pi-esi- oronr -J;.C, -95 """'Si . fat a? ThfilsblU& claimed thrt the pKannt faop was as mmmn:11 li l&raiti ' J:Z 2 2 - E 22 - -t i w w ' w j rir j- s as 3. Weeks e-ooooj A o0 : - M - 25 E ;A&i;V49ggg g g g f :1 if "C it. ; 5 :. :;.-. i-sssssss ' -. : X a .. .,- r ,7 l:j-'k; i! v - - " Wf-t w a ffi o o SJ ,4 'JLilCH tIMM L1BI llll I 1 1 II k Mlirv II I IT I j Kin rl 1 H I '1. - . ' i M: ' fvw - 1 T I 1 . i - .last all others. abdicates iraalee f or all,sand becomes the atwrnevil," li-i; ii tij siiw i!a srjji lovt too ofiPn f np A rnnstiiAffltiAn in 'Aarui taim i .cp . and any consideration tvhicb induces sacb ' sideratton'iAoieyj -FtJtLsi V obtained In all the cities, a,nd ia Biany 5abiieyf . f 57 s He lhiHki S SHNtc,;4 W J Senat'dr to erive his ODinion. aa tn tJibltl Poat Office Vmm; Order inr wstem. wbiclvwent into ?rv safe means of sendinir inflv where PslaneY Orders postage, must be pcM in abomp at. the office I thf oase.VlgoroUSly. . He say 8. ;'1 , 10 be sent to the Dead itter Office.' Buvmd s vTcere are Tnen-r-noisy, men.Moo ; yjihtUan both for pottagt and regUtryrptit f both the Senate and Hoase at Washingto effect Jnne 1st, are n I to De tD f3trn?9 EhCO"-jyt l iiiC ' Spji:v ng-small snf-'. V , -r-- r)Ufc-s-'---r. f yiaByfuiwivKjaaor disappointed rderaeaanotbeeasi.y t f or fieluSi Or. personal endB. He ptttB J rLUTJ- 114 I H7tri ,. i. in .am aa a. ... - . . j. yA jiutMSifandowr fii .lAowewi V 1 whose onlr Idea of the teieaoe of foern ixmitfr ana ta aw recpj oru. jueiiers 1 . - -0 " . -nt to us in this war are at our risk. ; ni:i". cians. u iuere ue sncn. ana tie made, to play the part of a tail to.tb V,. AV tin not : hft v thrtt ft t.hr the fenblic patronage as a means of holdint I d Whig inbel State eould b fn power. "They form jings, make combinaf daced ib1 Iwcbme; tdeiitBe tMA thi iions, organize enqaes, ana in ' some in stances absolutely control large ' 8tates nThej get thwrtootet in nearly Jiairihedef J e argumenta: 5rdtterith4 parunents of the government at Washing)- f H-Mih..:&-&n&&i 1 ton and in the States, and each tool re promises inaue. Vi.yir or tn carotin a Oin ralA artW T WAft nADTD (VA fVelil IT PA I . - . . . T I 1 " . . . " . ' t a - ! . ' . t i ImI -0-r ous'D fspi'""! 1 ana great ! eloquence xr 1113 Deneraciori t piasiio matenai mat enaoies the Po ' t-T- K . . - 1 " v " . t Ml I AS tiU UlUiniD UIBLCO 1U1 . XAXCUUB . Ul i UlCUl i . I ... , . - . . , .. . ...... i .i t 1. S. t jl. .;.f. j-i oera oiTjoDgresa., muiioDs oi- money are iuem". 10 suit. , ineir own seinsn.par THE INFLUKHCB SP FOREIGN nnoL Th hitnrv r Mnrtk .mlU We ion The subscription price of the Wbhk i.f StA& isas foUoW-J:. and etpense W40uel8eT;acrtf M ; --aft !;. L iA l,:OiA,.i:(U J'..- 09-rSd 1 fTOWl PPJ wllhouteTethay doneelfcaevefal daya.K Some hauls 'L'ilM LWLiiL I i .. . . ' ' '". 1 . -J haver n!eiflf B hniwtrorl fhmiaon harrlnM i wa i U8aaiiy noe,oiice, wnereaa, frtck I from three lo five hoeiss. Lflrklere .l re& hasi&esa wi& I seven to ten iimeie'T : ?prtnetyle; mghtineltiding tbe; right of"a tree. byTa' fabtioas iiid-' Hhwiae!p6ntlorJ I li !f h a1 -'PVabiI Aft'a; itinttft v Wh An" '-.h .! policy isS kindly fosterhigd aiid ; ? rental, arid,1 therefore,' they ' will ';8us great men. he President often find 1 na fnr thrPA hnndrml vani Mne'tei r4:i, i 1 j .. ir---- - -"- r----- j .T"r t ,. . , " 11 ... 1 I .1 ! to give oar views .as a foreign war npon the We. are glad ' to ton, what the Stab said in its issue of the' 19th. We quote itig in their resistance of wrong, and T I bad rsntti rt fnllnrv fmrn tnoii MymJ t J r--t;J 'ii itif. :l:f '4:1. J . j . bmations. .People will ;seek v'office. and good . government. , . Bancroft! 21st gives anopimon quite similar to jW J 'SatSt V men are destitute of the getting-alptig; that they : were the freest thd from the CAronM facaUy ;thak they vnaturally tnrto tol f ree." and id this J aV ihe hintiiW Weeks nnder the inflnehce of warirnmorsj geV6 daily bread. . Senator JHiH f'rtl The Proper ruiefe for applicants to for On July 15"l870, when France dediujf r W.nst German- middline i unland I A the appomUng power.ri Every applicant! cotton was selling ia Liverpool af 9fdoIt; l fmeorgia Has tne JigHf la bis'.applica-i immediately began to .decline; ston until it had reached 7d., per pound'Assoon as tne warwas iaiNy rVA7nV3 threaten theiireetti3ivlhty ar :eS ?FJ Sf -?" I tion as I Sb to the'firdSt If sked! defiantestivresOedf wiffin a (V - r s ar t iin . nnn . mai n x unan wma . "j.-. . ! I salaried offices for a iaturally tnrto toj free,? and to this day they: tiiaintarnj Pace m ttdimihlshfed vidrt the same description.' ; Gie tueni justice, give them their rights pnder the iConstitntion and theyaro fiub-l press them,i rob them . of their jpnvi-f legetv tfeprt them "SheS SMr, Hill will not recommend -anyj .ation;aintenaCef,t As,we8aid,tbe othery, cot .v .ij M Such are Nortb Caroliniaris-Uueh cannot depreciate much more. Thef P?r v4 1 wt. Ai-L.wr1 ..th;.;.: nn w;it nV,r avail nnihin i Whid the Whigs and the Democrktfeof great.tapie is aireaay extremely iowt-y rLr and we believe-before yety iqngtner lZLXP7u "w o i arelntelligen VefleOting and informed nhejar Sl eyiknolcte cotton should advance two or three will be , active in urging their favor-j An A s5 ent8 our farmers will be -gunty of, ttes ; npon . the President; that is, it fnpWftltBn tha lafit twelve Vearj of 1 heiKh3elaiiss.i ttandplpfi ' Melatbrt - yf e are 4jsfrwa "--WW -avist tii;ir" b 1 t WW?JWWWaV M?tt'f 1 was stricaeiv hy lightning nripg the storm vo ounuay evening last, -rw e aid not near .The but re- r ; - v 'Uii ooi rHeiyai!eveiy ithem; They are then, as sooarfas sackec , place,onheir purpose to appealin 1880 I , ... j-;---?tfAfr&' 1 ; . . .a afi IT I?" i. i fr -rVi 4 which the law aItow8,BhaLl besecarel iready for traBspomUontomarket.3 ii i. e ; -- i- .f i:to parties wh enter tiMri asatisfeetotyrindieation bfvtheit I i ,f feiti , .S.w st f ificer saiocf 0 Jtpyejriri xOWo pa, HHIsboro . informs us jf ihq . death of ihet aaiiable ' Wife of ' Capt.1 Samuel & Kirklaad. which event occurrred yesterday morning after an illness of a fortnight.. . Mrs. Kir klaod was , a'grahddaughter, of the late Judge Gaston, and was weir known in .many sections of . fweqHrJaRt4iii Taauhvaveriii Goldsborp lrS Messenger 'y The to-attnifpoAtotinlei I two pounds.;;; Assuming, "then; that "the lSwlar . -i u..;- i.f:- i -. i -i 4 ai i:iL.--v - viir '-tl'-ui.'-t'Tt''' iull hangs fire. Yesterday . evening Judge wei worth , ipsteripga ,4 py au means l - ww4.'--;!'?!f,K'f 1 ioore set aside the compromise; upon affl- nrnnaaate the delinious btvalvl 1 'h0i"13 ' cehts".;fdr the sacks," Which is a f davit filed : by the plaintiff, and the case propagate the delicious bivalve f j r,-, eenWneisacklrl i was reopened; Joseph, Edwards was -h- i, : ; , .: hntJs I , - - .,: . I quired to enter, into bond to the amount of il Austria for. the ,tr4set.f,at leaati I 'After consultation with some:ot!.ah4 I3.000'. The affair is ai sickeninHitirtfiie Hiihimlwhen held clear. yl rights atid illiemaiehtral? If mriil? Factory belone- condem'n and oppose him when hik Mhde oif benevolent inteiE 'jSTSS - : . , , , . -. 1 J , . , , . rperienceinihebu8iae8s.isconfidenVlhataiP clearly wropgf Fairpe88,K)lIeyi Wi8t I , I SWSSi&m to war for thwirfproteetion M f the; and that whetfthey sell for-1 ok sucu acouree. iuey coutu nob uo i course ih rena.ere.unnaeeeaBajyf irom 1 mat price tue uiiierence is a ciear lossioiue i trwoen oi me Taciory, saw tne , iignining less1 ahd maintain Hheir ancient chH aeter for fair-blav. indenendehce and I aeeonntof ibe attitude of the Powers' hu..mm """" 01 . ' v., . -r -7 . - ,. . 1 f -. v.-.-' r t-t -? tr .H-.m ...M ana.-Reaond beaaaaa of the Aordial 1 . .-.- :.. - - ienser-rV' tinguished. Oxford Orphan's jierThere lfl I isohb e strange sight aiCnt worth, little with anv section of the State or the South! I u . i.:i'i: tr.i?! ..1 COTTON5 ! OROVIRO ' ' AND ' 8TATI8 I - rrri'----'c5- ' .7"" . r I ouu tuc vrup iu tuai oruuuu is cBiiiiuatcu, u jmir ui suuea aou weni wun ner lo ner rTr.'A . ' . - j I - 1. - - - i . '- .f-ill.. . - j . - . j . . . , ,11 f hrrmrrh lrnn Kara r. Wis mniU. a .Una. The South 41a. sneeiallr interested warded fjaainieaaarvJi W arooi I which is claimed at the most as being ! briei j . : : i i. ; r -t -v--- r rf -c .w t 1 1 , . J 1 ouu mo uioic duuuiu . ymuo uiiu JU UCfcicr m fc . a. : i- f I - --- J . ! " f 1 M 'av1 ml . 1 ' . , avX P A t . TJ 1 - - T . aft -i i ' . in all tbAt rortRprns the cotton tineas I InnVina' nnt: fnr. Anatri .tn:KAokTi4 I jouna oiuib euiire crop w' u Di. a xq I. "-.r- ,, si : t I . J .-"-- - " i . I I f(t Tfanr ITannwar anil PnhAr nrit tion;: The jstab is constantly on the t m volyed, but toe above;, ntterancel alert to gather or cbpyany facts tba I somewhat oracular. ; .WitbV aaeh ai may. interest jur Jnstroct .our . f armersj I declaration it can remain at peaee. iffj vyMucowu.Ji:iw ., kuw. F. i can . emDafK. iau war )Wnen growth otthe great staple.' ti-Mi 1 1 elects.fi.i .i s We '! believe ' that : inf 1 commercial fact New. Hanpver and; Pender, prpducfi more peanuts than the balance of the State handsotaielse require his father to take HUB OUD1S. ' nsj.viu ,ij.,. ,g... . , iCf ft " - at 1,500,000 hushelsjand ott'r correspondent I e'chQleralnbr; therquinsyahdv the oldest wishes khowwhere theWQworl fwf , r . v ' . ' . " .. ir deep conviction and expect to hear won and &i vet verv unusual attention xo 1 .... V--t . . ...... ...... .-.....! , . . . a a -ders when she awakes. -i UlmatteT.isHe.has pbli8hed . qvuurel between riack Firson: and1 nuhiber ef articles ' that abound mj . ii Wesley Roper, , both Jiving :overithp e J 5 am-; statistical information at once Axs and Y entertaining. .Ka mnro ftion nriA-Vial f f Kaf rkf 1ft7 A border, resulted in the latter, rewmngA I w ? ! 1 iv ' s ' . , ' : j a , -Ww,, . K, i orsea the f snggesuo the T : v. . ca.A th United states on- -iMvrb "ri-rzy""rMoTn v..Kr..w .. - . t 'i dist church; which, waeu iuiiy compieiea,; all. a, mm ' more than firstprkie, or the ' amount te-U tre the producer.! t h t? 3; si y 1 J dealt .pyine nan stones are fiald to have cropisseasonith .,,,-5-rr Magnolia ; ;scpra: j -.A negro woman, is passing tnrongn the woods near "dropped a coal of fire -whict inexcusabiofollyUthekea rop: of cotibrv- to the Is excliision of- none the! less glad tp see that, the oldj j . ' - " 1 ' r . .3; the r cereals. 1 Even 5 supposing corn! system ftotyecommenuingi mcu t i 4.- - 5. wneat Buouiago up t wwiuiyas, 1 " ! , $ I forgotten the terrors ;pt vtne1oaeja- es. as tiieV will no donbCthe demned. ; It ts a ;good ; sign. ; rOther, . y-r . randerinff ofItKe . - ... ' " ," " A. ft TTlfl ' mill ha i mnraaoat i.isil II fiintl 11 l : .m. . -a'-IX-it... Souths will : not- ne - Denenieo.1 ' Aueji f ciwua tl"r,vo?v" gre&i Northwest is the Jigypu ; xnei t... -r ,;.r.,rtwAr will ; rA the harvest.! tbua set inlmotion may widen! roc -mi ...I'.'J . ila AnnllUnCITi ' urare w via w a. breadstuff but yeaps, where it hwnotj 1 . . . Vi- iwto J rVptitiori (,whosff ab- under Grantism: the fiashmghay- in the United States.' andIourj J Mi i-f-j r-.-." mJ I WW M HU W ' V Ma awww-T-T J fr TT II. ... . '- I I - a. a. own-! The toDacco and.: cotton men j hnintrnent is'nrired rnPon Wm"by his onet. th will not ! be benefited1 by the 'war.! oVer-ealpos Cbngreaaionalindorsere. goidiers -v-r- ..i-v s - i i ffs aatMavawaHaii 11 i - -.as, - tt.-.. z. - x. -jv ,4t Cottbn will scarcely go beyond a lair ; . ; a.u'rttoJ poral..ofntheoJt4'arltPfP remunerative. price unless war anomu i r Grain has tumbied;Tho!J prices; l and in . American qhwcbmip whim- area, is setued. witi declined at Liverpool ami they epi-i portant racior : tne vui wiping w riT4iii5 Samp- Wbicb three acres' hmOOOpfopleV avsj the biicareWJtlr at cents, agalnltj j JLhesei thingi have an nnward; tendency from its; Chicago wheat experienced : i The Chronide appears1 to have j rom millers, there is. less variatioaiu prices : ome migiyings as;to the large cat-i culations about hirfi pncesTor Dread- I stuffs ,It remarks ? i f sjs 3tii:s a il ' With regard to breadstttffs, the position;! "there f-4tiat tviifntrv- isTa ulrnrtrr nnel fthd Vet We ;I J. l tT4: " are not as : sanguine as - some ' are that- we ; have so nearly ;the power, to fix, the price. i Wa BhAlIJ in the event of war. undoubted IV il he able to market our wheat, corn and pro visions at good, paying rates.;, But . it is an j J rrpr,iq supppse,. tnat iusi, povauoo up ..n... SntXtViA rtol1 mill nnlirA ' iw aimnliinir the 'market; with .erain. il litoi-rtf -anRtitnticm; w. W hett1 f betore ; Tie'pasUseasoBlherlcbn il u' rii lafiika thai A?hof rwitf ATA crinii.iniT.tn CUU (49 tU( ' VUi wa -a. : v , --p hold ; an imoortant, position among tl if snnrnlv. and . the higher ; prices ; wili increase, ibis, importance. - Just now graduating: - j ... . i a. y,-r.:r-. na'un XJiSl'lMi.i HZfrrT- TmT-: .V'iP.M ." rJ- t.X ,-T.'5 HZ JMense reports avoraoie-progress.' mr. fajarpqBimiaareaip taiiuBir oi smaii irirre, uii ujy pauper aforesaid, being coucftea in worasji ana wvcuw uuiuh5 ;.-t ;W111M Kerr Will-.- arrive in the city to-day 'andwiirnotttWgly i- - T -if'i-'i ' :lw."iJl JT-aa- K II K a w ra tH a - v arw arv Anoi Atfar-. WTi B aTS A 1 s 1 r- ma- 'inwetoraPma4jni ""the Maybr tusetrji seud me afiy) 8edlonilandsuown - " I -ra.l ia!u.V.lll .lahaf.MaailvftlhafnW! Gore, George L. Schtitte; Jajnes K Shine. sdjfIoi ri862ageJ0MivKlrving Hisiioror,JudgearooinenremarKea , i stallings, ot raniuin, was ioona aeau m hat ho had been under-the ; ms neidrsiuing oy awee.i iijere wie u " J aignsof riolehce aiid: ndfjnurder waasus- spme, bme thai Improper, h j r.ted .Four of his own Begroes murder- shad prompted some the ( prose- e4 )im by smothering,, a bed quilt having - had been brought to theat- i oeen usea ior me purpose.- ho wh iuuucu 'Thi. Ai;TrWrf.V a t 1 of $500. The murderers are iiving, and court The Character of the I r.., noa Lnm.lA.&ht thmrnrb m fiend many instances was such asAo 1 thatBOW-exista ampaitthemjTvfvft) ;erdiidiryop Cbarlottie (95riThe mival w ieswmonyuiai, sucu.a vu?,v l at the Baptistrchurclr contiuuea; with inr i,..: i- i f - i 1 t u.. .TV.n to arlnnHino Intra and that it was xaicuiatea I "k co "L . V??. i T--T-- i -r - j .LT I other denominations. The church was filled doWnia;rorc ng breadsiu2s,up,t anawe . oneiotapfitheir pfifiQiplei,nop9nr must be careful lest we v expect, more than Trostee&iHon Walter u EJteeie ae t , ; , ...r- we realize, when, jtbe rst usb of excUe-1 er8 thPAlttttini address, ahff 4Tudge : cpdejfor aj momenttilTildn meht has-passed away.;' ',-...,? Fowle deli vers 'the; Literary address : not f airlyf hbriestlyetSd President abBndane-!.'ftod far . ... ..a TK&li&r;ffiaPltrii,& ''iit'M n onarter 1 bee, is least.- mo- uiaiucu. .g -S- tomake-an man vote as 1 means iso-Vblaek,igfen. can-be:ar tions ! itelS tJf ' - "- "' if. e;jpf4puTrtmerican,?waiori .'Tiftlafift notablvGenriTilpatricGenVlogan; wheat on had.TheHTaited Stateil B0 Agricultural anreu, repprtai, ae 0e tpirjbridr ia8t jummeap stock nown bandj in ngfolmiol bloody not. halt! -whaVit ,waa athi lime' lasi ghirt; and th result was; th 1 We yean v' But notwithstanding , a this : .,,. S "l-Vf haA hnt iittle Vw aw x . wx r w v . maineli'quieacW pxietiesandspeaseteiT anisRiori Was .formedali k and htmest mod 'Should havdieted-rr thaCallAtruerttbern venele.Y? wheterrapmbera o t tbe.,oWbWWs i I -' ;-w- ,v" ' ' "''"a "a " . a: . .' :'TT' or theii? ola iiiemoerawaa pwxy' WftV.deptaie'Vtec'f. of .oi) -The "Commission bad 'been was leading to B foil. M ttfe son of f really guUty, afteg-iTagedw lay jdowa to ixiITliriiteoiateai iJJ. ... ! n Ttn t oi at U U - -Hi a ti PII.OT FUND. v:i; . : I and a. htm the necessarv surgical alien- .. Bgardihg'the 'salA ' 6t llquo dayV J tipnyl .iiftl?1 1 , Pbyahe GeheHr Assembly atltaiaa rVilsditMticiinee ipIJaTing the 1 widows Of the,-pilpts wbpf periBhedj iix thd I thunder-storm of Sanday afternopnl Kxa. iTyjzrai,u !it,f;aj ihu 4iii i riarv. Hn av arr aaxTT nna nrtflflOlKl JftjH l"H9iry? ?,vw z?r -t any person to sell sptr inhabitantaVin theJaited States tberp f wheirlatoxicating'liquc arc- uuu ouihmi r ' . , jor meuicai porpc KSHir n uTOiy GiJ; AfJlW- deemed euUtylol TftKefiWsilMSUa conviclioq tftereo ooi:tiibut?7 per centVppi 6n V on0d,orhnhaatl : Let us Invite oahltat arid flmml'gTai 1 j rj Soon school at "Raleigh no I ''4 ' - I : ? . ' - n.amiiflianf -: ilnmaln i lnnne..talna tha militarr fpitnre. ' - - I - ": T . IdaDoshkrV' i -r vTE SALtlB A.' PlKNKU, - ; Sarah Grissom. - - e, 9, wawekb. llWJWuaiaiug. - a .-- - - a MoHtnn hiu tn.ke.fi nlace l. and "that are hopes ef her recovery, iier iauier, who was sitting near was considerably stunned, and had his clothes badly singed. ' v news flour has dropped1 60 ! cents in 1 UOn IDia Uttf uiagMiuvuu. , wu6va - ""quarter" shown them.1 iue oarrei. VI. invested with the extraordinary pow

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