: .'i " li t"1 tf 17 I- r. m "ft;.-; : M H.' BER'NRRD.t'Editoryahd Proprietor. ? WILMINGTON. N. C.i':: . Ifpaayr;Hay .lOti 4877. ut-tST feemfctanceB' Wsf be madJ by Chock, Draft, V-'1 pi"s(al'Siph6y'(Ordr of Registered Xettett , JPoet-1 V' ' Masters' will register letters wheadeslredp f t .liOHlyncbremU'tancewni be at the risk , of : tappDlisner,.,, iJ fT.BpodmentopIes forwarded irbenderfred. f . fatten i in 1 ') ' l' ', : ' ' .' ' 1 ' yui.,ati'.i UcU i EUROPE. ' : Ja ' Il ls Teared by many that the va-' jujigus great European powers are be- im? drawn-' kradoaliy 1 into "'the'" wild' . ,y.orjex. of war, and - that eveoiually .'- England,' Austria, and possibly other, uations j.wius become . actors . in the j, bloody drama. jWe ire not yet pdi ppared to ccep' :8uch' prophesies, and "qaunot see any;, reason thus far 'why EivglandW' Austria' shall become par-; liities toi.thej waro. I Russia defeats the Turkish armies, as ,will probably l'te Ire cak aad thea adyaiicea upon -,1UD8tantmopie,f;or! maices cpnqnesiB ' .t.' a' 2 J'.'.': 1":-GV ''lit. V-J tJ1 in Liie uirecuun. 01 iiie .,- .cuubu pva Sessions in 'India.9 there may be some it 'reason why England should enter thfe oiAr;i;op the aide of ttie .VSioIs Man. J' i But RnsFa djsclaims)any ptirposep lf'onquesti .and t ttie4 war gust .bo to aathorize any expression of belie "that tbS tnierests of Erierlaftd or Ans- ; 4r,ia ;WiU be i any great ndegree im-- -ifjferiled bf thfe neral results of the 'periled or tne e general results ot tne i'EnMaod 'is1 inj a'quaarThe v !HEn&!arid "is t quag4afy . - cabinet and. the i .divided; aenty ana Kit? t - .sThete is"; stroagu war elemen t v ihr appaceelemenCMr . X-Giaclstone has" exerted ' immense inr niflueri inimical "to the cialmstof '-thi - 'Cii. '.-. ' ' . ' : "" - -iMoharameddn. fi England "! - is hnot Yin : one sense . prepared , ! Jff'ppoaVfyiJwnTyiit inflict s too-mtxeb damage- upon her' commer? : ciajf interesta.'; . iTiei N, ;,Y. . Herald . uer shipping will pass into - Uie.oasdfi- of central nations. Her merchants snips will j e liable to capture by Russian 7 cruisersj r.nd aStb'e Russian ship 'of r war will have 1 : (; little other employment they will attempt J- - . . v . v ... . . . J mjuie pnzes 01 jsniiBn mercnanimen ';, The consequences will- be IthaL,"- to voi ; ; capture,' British ships will "be transferred ' ! to other flags,-as ours were durlngthe civil . , war. In the civil war 'less .'than 'half a ?:,d9ep (Confederate cruisers drove our com- f. merce. from the ocean. . The Russian navy, .which, will, have but little other emnlov- jnent, will make it impossible for British: . ships to keep the sea, ; , ; British statei-; kaen see this more cleaily:thau anybody; ' Icould "point ft ,mtfo,! them. : They under-i siana. two wcu tnat tne Kossian navy 'could' inflict upon .their .; .commerce far. g i enter uamage ui&u ue inree or lour yjon- federate cruisers inflicted on thatof'the x United States.4 This is the n chief reason: why the Eoglishjveinirient;luaiiiii a rgiandha8;itvinherppwerto i pre-j vent $Bu8sia from' carrying out1 its gun'-ba 4 not; 8ufficiehtly .developed t e jejMvaeigu? jot .that: great power jjiaurvJ v J.UB unuwi .iieec in ine isos- v. phoruS woald give a new directidn to - , tne war. liut :when j we consider' ; how little sympathy, the English peo-j -. pie have with the cruel 4 Tarks? J and h9w;r great .'.the "daniage to English commerce woold follow if war is de- i .clared, j- we.are -; melined. to believe .'. that England will deliberate lon jy' be fore takes a step fraught with sach ; tremendous"cdhsequene'fJ .thought ta faave.beea very fine. The B'altiniofe'as s: sjV :: i - -The strategic movements have been al- Tvaaj maae ana most . admirablr , were . jnouucu sou execaiea py xtussia; -The wifttaareh ol the liriit tfoOns fromTn- , cheueff to Ibraiii'-Ismafl : and : Galati was --uxro- a mmwM y lean. aus purpose was not iQjipvadejwith this light army httt ' to sieze - - filUys possible, the strategic points. Tjhis sxJcpmpUshed, they, can. afEord to wait 4d estahliah a eolid base on the Panabe : and gaUier a : vast ; army.' -This requires .timei .Inanflieient.- railroad commanica- : ; sooner or later, and we; are inclined to iUtiakithat hef ore twenty years the aa irritating aatagonro bween lie iaterests of -the" two'-'peoplea that 'Bily iois iviii: be 7 K'W ayC:ttat ' the ' present P-ittflsa-Tarkiah.irar will , be th of precipitating a conflict at an earlf hot T? : .t. ' i1" Warentj -.THe Ozan within fa v nte BpotfkWai' that woald enable ;'Rus'8tou fulfil & tfviiicH tbtutins .ean t i that. beV purposeci to S fc&ropeualsafcr even- this iJieed , not any Europpan power to iaterfcre;' It' Jiuropo between sundry great Pow? r- ' T. feItaBOW look - aa- if 7?naia hiI S,lleo to 8et. Possible, ionce and for. everujp questions -at issue htea her And X.wcn Russia andEngland will come ; ojia airt.nsaiais;e3Ciiibiung uoexpect- TL.. TH . - -i .-j ' England and ASaitria Hwill get : trom ine;,ew. ork Journal the oppressor of her Cbristian alliestiby -wiping: the MohHtittncdiyipowerTroia'thtr map of Europe, find thus realizing also the great dream of Muscovite ambition. What resources Russia, has to maintain her naval power apon . the Black Sea. .are almost wholly unknown, for she jaa .careiullj guarded the secret. ? But in' J87tfhe gave notice tbaf she considered iho -Treatv of Paris, whicft "teslrrcted her, - nrmament, - a9 - no longer binding; and more than six years of - unfettered tpreparatioa may rhave pror duced a force that will surprise the world. Nothing bat the presence of such a naval force to-'ca rry-eu ppl ie-acmsyhe-ii hn Sea to her advancing' legienajjotrataaouth-j em coasts is necessary to her rapid.aod vib- torious march through "Asiatic Turkey to!1 Constantinople'. :" The 'fcapUal 'buce iakea,.-,! the appropriation or tn- JSQTopeaiv'pro vinces would.be eaev enouirhiiajjdi.lhe, fnjl1 ,of Jhe easterq portion, of ijhf emrre.jWppM .ltvi A DIVIDED HOC8Bvil)j ;. In :rnnning through ouri excb'abgsi it' ia curious tp' "tioto-'sotnetim'es Wfia t variant views prevail among me ex treme papers or, ine. j-emocrai party-, s Y ft have witnuv twentytQ hours marked i contradictory i.viewsii South. N One does i' notiik'e " Haypfl, and charges , that he has j betraye hik I party, t, - Anotherii.dQea oAOtj believe 1 that be . deserves nayiore'dit fOrxdoin righ t; A third ' tbinks Ila'y is h aV bnl carried 'out GraritVtneV of a61frcai. w-VThe South was c just as. ready for th s conservative policy in, J8C9.as -.itj waaii i 1877, and had that policy been carried ou , at the beginning Of Qranl,s'flrst,,Herm--a i the f'liet-as-have peace'' usmefcs'prornisei rrthe, South ijeouldv to-day be, eighnjear i nearer per man em and satisfactorjecon st ruction; and the country ''would havebee spared eight years of trouble' 1 nd' s'Karte. This does w6ito6K4ike'itaye8.wa fifth paper,.the St..:Loats JiepUQlican &ays : :hv? ti " n;h.jfi."mo ' 1 'liA ) 'Bad the iRepublicsn'pafty accebted 4h conservative ipolicy and cleaned eetth carpet-baggers:-In . 1869, .-. several of,; lh Southern States1 might have beeuttepohli-f can nowV As if is wehaVe af sdlid Denic cratio f South, which: nothing can .shake jouchjess oyerturnfe,lf So the South is "solidvbebausf Grant JwOfttd capacity aftefayintf 'the I history of.; iSrahiV Administni' tipq w jone ofshame. .HojCame, K??)! near throttling iiicivij yiberty.KAn other four years lease; apbn" pdwer and civil: liberty : would bave' beeoHfiej The Republican iparjIackeitrBej statesmanship, and failed ito- compre4 bend what wast best for the country, and what was best Tor' theinselvek Grantj in r'l869c6iQidhveadeIiiDi4' self the President 'of the whole coup-j try, instead i ofhwpartjj "as b.e said, bat he was ignorant,', and his ad visers had : neither wisdom nOr'hon esty.' .The Sooth could have been in4 d need th en to'ground". their ariri s paper by the way,; is right: when f it says that "several , of the Southern States njigK'li'ave. noW.We hhve but .little - doubt that a comprehen8ivej . kindly,' gene rou8,-rhon6rabl6 policy' to wlaraihe' South on the" , part of . Grant . woriid aavft ieiu , a least i Uy& pr six of the Southern States sdecidedlyvsRep nbll- can; to-day.1 Yi sj.uVV- ttti imiitn -But fte'1timet'hasin& arV thati js right, and j ustr in. the Hayee Administration; ' ,It is iimposaibleto forecasttbe fathre and probhesv'what craves, demands peace, tbat sbft mav ioi weii-airected labor.! audi aJreteat deal less of ,pariisatBhiPii'd?)pjfii r i?THB OBA'Iff -ii7Tt0y't ltiwasapqancedd Jtecently i, Uat the stock b of , ; , wheat :0n fa and is vey greatly less5 thabnforttelHearA We find in the MaWt lOmmM Oft ibusheW.janAprili 0 ;18Siit was bht ndOySOOboshelsa ilarge aifl:erefiioe:'i PrW jaSaal'tbTtM misVoilduffiMeWlho t-ri!'i-'l-''iE"'l ''if iiBK Jaq uta'd ZUiJf I85:7ithe receipts and ! supply of.fl.oar were hot' I,257,300-i-B deficiency soT ditionj! o,f heigralft JjappJ Ifesajr the crop of 1875 was hurried :tb marr n : excellentTTdftifMor-keeDino-. .n4.hasj.beep..dth back, the farmers expecting to realize, mtfch hFgber j)Hoei bf'i&ii&la&V Mvawoftiw 2875 Was' marketed caused an abnArmnf nn. cuaulation.ot stocks.Vat :ihe.. hegTonio2 of t878.-4StockS are how'Me mimon bhelsi less ha,a,fle year, ago, hu.t tare largeas" compated with former veara: and in rAl .flour-rcducing y aine, hvB. iSmaf ever lutjeMn 4fl ; - receipts ' ay rmi? - -.'Auy ,i i ' tion. : A lourtn takes this view wpicb 4 wt only,fliTeBtea imsett:of ' 1 .l.S'lLl irir. ! I prejudice bat has saved this 18 .tou.BW.i.Sc'5J . , 1 turmoil and strife "and has' merest echo of ihe:'past!'8chobl bdy's dream, the wonder of an hour,,l vwuico uwk vau& again wnen in is may ti''J-,Hftn.'4wfe!''u 4 '"'til '-' 'i-iil J..O , uf. PLW, ??u. fcwUUpprovft (Jbf all cienc onto tne 3ay is the evil thetedf. the ;Spith Deds reseif. aiicTO talk,' and there wulbe 'grdai and' &e S.f.ffl gathered.JH wm eWfct ,us reueipiB auu auppiy 10 oe-i-J.4o7.r PPQ: barrels JFprrth ket 'beoause' 'cPiiammtAYAo- April arereatcrthanfor the r three' " months preceding. "Ffpm the first of January to the firsl of AonijTeceipt" of wheat at ihWest,,were orJyabo"". per cent, of those f ISjt year for .r theywere were BO perce jt.f' i jo iiaiuo pons win noiiCXDioit 4 - ii tlierndTtne decline anticipated it4 thrjeceipl(oSo. the grain . growers, whilst benefited 4iy jthejaryllin-bt SUppos eorjejSi2nglan -VauynH j party,tp h9,rr -mj; Lanl its,,y -3 unin ,uie, Rteaptitfle MxeaaVfV W ready.ufEeriugtf froTu!;Lhdvaiito.,j KfnnU AA.'n n.ti 4 t f .S. it' i . f.. 41 4 ,thaw tftiaf ewi u ekSil' ago-tbsy- tflould, V by tot j$8J,o nathe&reasoai t o;flma- icig mbr .bread stn ffs abdi lesaicdltoh t and-tbba"ocok 1 u ci i 1 hit lvt h a u ji s i HATES TRUE TO HIS OL j - It wnlft hA ft rfifflMilt tnnttor tO make US believe' thC a man . who will keep his, word s iThuafarjHayes.bftii carried! ,pTi faithfully Sotitb 'fin" seeehea V5ahd s messages. !f His ' .-Worst f enemies CAnapt depy ,that Jthf heat Viest possible pressure was brought to bear against him in his action" 'by the .'leading ' mm.ber otthe.i party -: ihatr elected him..: A man ; who i can, . resist; the) 4nflofince:f a party of friepds and da what he believes! to ,befqr,taei good of. his cpun try. i must tinf doubtedly have more nerve and backbone than flla to the Jot of most men., - This Mr. 'Haye's has' xlbne; 'and by Js6 ' tidink ' he has Dlmded party country: from restored beace and .qafetto van y oppressed Impoverished and distracted, people..1 ' , i ;":"' I 1A1I thai we ' hWevfar asked' of him' 1 w"ai ijh.remotaltof.Uie: militaryi fromithe Soothj ern States, and that he has granted us.. He tigh'tfy aenlares' t aat IK1 ia ot! his1 daty to deplde.betwf antival coAteat4nts for, f State government, out it is a question that, bef longs exclusively to the coiirts'ahd 'people rbsbefb happyf pvui i?j..;;?r A.n .itAifiA-i' What,hatej..canWR say of Hayes than that he has Icept hiswordrand refuses to 'be bull-dozfd ouCof bis Convictions by the j. jUixeatejpra rmtingStpf-.JjrQrtherlauatlci ana . oomnern carpet-Daggers, -uiarl Ui JOttr!lre?pdt iisicandoT-dnd nitelrYgerioe1 justice h :tbd above remarks. JUr1 Hayei ha: .thad faV performed his; censtilutiona Bitst;itlifttfyitdM Afief SootberWv States 'hre-cOnderned .The Stab bast taken the pisitjlort thai Hayes Bod th era- polioy Is j ostj light lon8tttutiOnal-t-the best for the SoatbJ the best fortbe'-ybotedttdtfy.jW haverodheanhl'- ddobt of!thiij' totiA I hence we hWve maintained ; that op'ni ion consistently. -' We Ha'te'cd teaj on. for saying thatf thia opinion 'pre vails throughout the two buHdoze6l States, "so IhorOuglragoaadAbyf Grant-HSouthGarolinaatod Louisiana i Our sense of Wghiahd'tusiice com-! because we and others,, try. tq.be con trolled: by; a sense of . fairness, equity and eandorj and to accord thejPresi-f dent that commendation' to which" he' "fr EMTi .W!UTV-- Prfseryes, main tains, and.honors, the;.Constitution of the-United States, there is inbt the st reason why papers who see do not mean to have any.ooptroyersy wvtb those ..who 5hoW .another! view, dolnot mean to be deterred from amenities . aodteaies of-joarnal- ism. . - .tuo'fi ,ie v.- ' ' iii :. , iiemocratiOy brethren giving .1 eneoar -agementnto 0e AdminreWatioh' in its ItbrVtdsecar'ciirv ,sprgadan longi-Qonta eued corruption anriot4kei place at oace,; :-Whe1n WVef thert Widifestf !barnosesf of eMnS teere8S', shoire economical and juat goyemmenXet aa jthendo wbatLwecarviiq thatTdi- tiOriPisdfa'ffdOd'VaV is toPnbhKM ttuv jl miucut o uauus iu au proper -'lr'";ii'--j-:25P-- pu.uri,B : mwartj reiojming our ni Icompromise the governmeBt'fl claim against a firm of crooked distillers -of iovep hnt miUion doljarsj f pr.the , nominal sum oi pne TmwdrfeFdtata'rs and'colts of ;. ktat. ''Thfe wmsaey'jrmgwaw'tiowuBdetstandib'at ithejneed .'expectneither ImercV nor ' par ana Jt he.was9niiy fi'tntvxmi mis :pe,- oar y 1 ,a sjtnoeg-oppoaition at home. aondiwa,yieW8foft4bi opposition will nin r J JllJib' if Gina e UlUW . nnnn . nor rkmmara tfi r5ftrf t.ReWiappears .to favpr, A strict neutrality, , however' much the EfiWlsh PrenHeif ''wOultf ibe' fAd ;'tr ianlias nQt yeAjojgatteftiiaiCmiQing, nor the Ji'rfcWMuilBrWflfff:1 Utfjida td I let the, people rule, and.tha is all they 1 Want to-' make themi feotll Dro'sberbos 'and peio u iu approve wnat we oeueve ia be eood in the administration.1 ' But tnStteMerenWIb8 our fidelity to principle. Whilst we expressing, bhropihions freelyi -cad-dlalyVand1 ivlih'pfoper regard' graceful piyiiet?6eVT!Ie-falfdw"in& IviVwWiPflermatoflkj Mong tep 4p the interest pjt AQ honest, .administration, of ihe'revetrae iervlce' When 41 he refnaed yir wui propaojy govern useJi accordingly isr weir rot BabcockLtBat ha was tHerT "" , 'i H 'ter motives to. the President for post poniug the ealling of the extra session of the Cbngre'ss until October , I5th neit.. Sor.ie are reAdv ; to say, that haying failed in ris coibirition i to get a .Republican Speaker, and there by control the Honse, he has ""post- oMlUfr&thg: We beiie4eli'u bmrfmhtrc-Bu riXTythatnp'Skt VheinJenilsh'ould take" place?;'. The de-' bafes lfi 3ons?fesS 6ve i Ahe"Presi4ent8 f poliby iuight have assumed Wn angry, Prions harmS mightf 'haVe'n saed: -Thef e kre' sevbral -tbplcs' 'hat fmuscoine tipirr the wiritei1 that jvill prdvoUeunbleasaht feeling: ,W is' belter for the' peace' policy h'd hav'6 "a 'triaisofniany raotithi befbrrfii'alili. I'tib- i jecwif id' the crucial ' analysis'1 which 'probably'iaw'aits it: f The' reduction. 'Of; the hmy will tie iscussahd tliere -wtll beM'less Becii6nalis'mr:,dlsi- plaed;8ixsni6hiti8f)iece'tnanWWn cOnhefetiWwith ifcit h tt"'' 1 r'J-l im v trii:: 5; wsP.14 righarn. Young s iajpreparlng .foxiresUtance; of the United (States aut-hprjties.ip case an atiemptis made . touring him.to trial Cor,.'hi4 complied ty;iiv the horrible JIquq tain Meadows ; massacre v He ideqlares thw hiaTpeoj plf H WiU-? W- dri ven vno! farther. Ana 'MilLJight. ySoj.beiiitTxThjittia th ,'P,ft)yi(Waj.iihi8iqontry rcatfigeridpf monism is simply a disgrace to Amp rcaju .ffi KiiixaiftQP, a it vis oosian meoaceHAndi Jefiapcei ffiijAmerica: estrqy.,hey fifflt;inake(mad.!titofr)' j i ,...r,;&f,,T-.,,, , . , ., . r,..j. j J".fS I JCK'f 4 L.-.vr..'f,'JM' & ll-vtis.Jt 1 I . i ' -m ' 11 & Worth. 40 Vine Stf Cincinnati Ohtn! nrrilin hnH ,ll If.w r, ' . j say aruUhuuJLlirfini ' - ' Vt1 i'l notice f his mot ojpg iatoiroMn, Stab of the 5th an article., on the peanuj roni .r The writer was not vrv well rtA concerning the present crop iuTennesseeJ Wehad.in.this city, : on, the first day ;oj who'has recently beea over the oeanut nro4 uutiug ootuuu 01 a euneasee, sxaiea inaij mere is at leasi miriy-nve tiiousand bag! yet, to be marketed,. : The ,-haga! usedwil average a 4iuie over inve. ousneia eacuJ wiiipn . -wmim diua d mmunr riwi funk ' . .; . .. . . 1 i.il nftWio li'li: rti.,f wwrHWwy WWWfWWV WMWUVBM w V iUMU JVU stated It is a 'Well estabfished fact that the! peanut growers of Tennessee at least two4 thirds of Hhem-cannot vgrowany; other crbDihat willi nav, them ! as 'WelL'TaiaJ jUiirdspf lhf area producing peanuts year,. win not proauce twenty, bushels on corn to the acre. Tho. Cmanii:.- ' .t. :-' mi '...: . , - ' rug-weir crops aTe about as poor as ' can i to! ww. ,wiui jiiimuuu' iniui .uunj' iQi la-tl.d BMiS '- fiPvftfJie?ihttefrmMng.pn:M CJot Peiithgteo,. under whose auspices the gotfemaemip' ''A adaeemav Wuaea aoDlih T19 and switched.his 4ae'anii.bang,bi aageay rQ applied ,ihe gg phurc, head:dowrriMbatnhe:closefttdeot iMormopa,WhomMhei!godft,Would u,boX Venmngton prope, r'to't jU tbe'trde-ihwardne of WuleV naV "Em !na Tl J J ' V UJ" : i then thev can Bell thir nonnta . flfi.ili, Ltham .Mo'lnmmv W n. u tt-.i, 'I - t,: us" '1- . ... m. iiunuuvu,! i centa rusr huslml ort livA !. -..i-.iJIThnmH J Ran-ini. rl..o - T? wn!..i...tl five cents per bnjheL f .The producers pajj fifteenjcenuapiece torbagaandjretahoutj uu) wcuui wwu wueu u(u ine 8uipmenw;i.w MP'fUW-iuiee, jqiiq Hewlett,?! to the country so far ' this year' aggregate! Ahnnt nnJnifrt a amci -r-wv' ;I www va so g t tai spohding periodlastyear. preseoiimhlie) fioWwtH -4y,i,ti j :-. rl.T8 that there wln b; fully halfaalUfied aCountExaminer. ', lhiyi as there were last I can itift- rtrw; rirl ' ww T-fl ww .v. 11. . . i doubdly;tcpn8W merly of Jhesteamef a!ami. intended heexpectedrf.The1,jnftmedJni :VentIoiwHlJfcold:ia.--Ing tfre potton onr pwnc; one delegto said to be sbair be fully poo-ioa)44i9POcasiorii attention .of the Korfolk faboveipa i uri i nnnovi m .UiKm"t 'ij-r.i!;! miitl I tf lt.hu Jli'ilt- MB wiu Kpsdu, w uave, a. me present kw oanri,-n m. - , .. k J2r-t.w f w9wobh-b?i man-uoe Va-eWco to pfey'os; 2 2 S North?iandi johrnalisntheret the through' a LJ2J:JLJ:it f"; y dual, hadbeen, suspected of the murder- GaWkrid ifft gpip-! mmmm isisi cajluxnr nUfe, b :m uai pTessbrsof parties Thisbasaeeh rtfi krapiaent 1 sj w.atJ:.jL"fWwt'ij. iM 1 .r.. .i.i!-i.i.i.r.-i ttfk.vksiA i.J . i before, andthe effect-of reducineri xiw ucw BteaHiex kkhwm. duui at Maaara. I " VMa - -suvujbw iu aius 'ciiv last I uiu i - . ' r- spss; rPdm! Jw eaf&tfwUu& fwlieoniexhimtiwita, WiiWpfi M.not been ;lons. since v we - T- " ,S mm m, ' wer? cu"ed from the TexteBsive nursery of grand Lcbiiaren5iiHe wasslSprince 0Im, m&iamMbm momm XMmkii kWmmmtm1 'cqnpvbismilynd iVIPM XXk&taiftiZZ2Vli Jwivesfiand Ichildr'-ulfof BthaHrtaf rhhti ml h&State,f;' 1 P9BhPn hMms!mfnil I flW?PJl.nA.W peaotiful.and,. tasty man the president of the Natlohal Cotton m&-?lvtW? J-xchabcre bf this fihtfhtr h'AMnttitA i nw&rtiWtiWZr&tilXlm Sit I AJwyearscowd,-have l iiiitieiiiob ;to'.iDiiSiiit I -iia-i ,;;,r.' r ai "i-'jt fft. i. i f the greategt mportMce '7"r 'r' "! . Y'- mmrmnm-simK oi J I Presented at: RnrflrTlri&t. 1i isorUiirfKU WSlfVw! I DllknscharSre' bf tHtf mi&t aWLidLiV i ,UyO000, The receiDta -froni intemiil wnderiibbrtancfHfi haVlnHf I Pl6 1?, l tte divert Si Aiuiieur lueiiricaii n i niiiiiii vine. "."Nur efou8 beards at the principal stores Vnd 1 je pc 2r8 at the street corners, had tarr d tlie .nithvilleians, even before the adv.aisepv A appeared in the STAfif tziat an otertal .ment of some kind was to t-ke place at the Courthouse on Friday and Sat urday, May the 4th and: Sth,-but we were ooya IheJeast prepared for the treat real ly; ini store iforus. Out of such limited matertartoow-lrw8sposslble-t& arratinhe" sfage1 sV'beaWftuly aVd aitatida,lly ii im ' possible Ho Conceive'.' Tfiie Btage' ' ecenerv taee Bcenerv itself Was-adey urpasaedeome we have i seen, tfs the r - theatresvPA In large, pities, 4ndswaa,.We learuthe workjjof ..Frank; paeon, who rif.T-. casion.- And such mountains - of t sweet rosee; 'packed In baskets,' py tatnidsand boubueta-where !so many' Were' evergath- ered, who :ean tell 1The:actine throughout : I, 'was admirable, the delineations of, chatc- 1 .ti .. j LU L Lir jS'Im- 1 "I. i' ii'. 1 nA nnrn innpn t narhnnlanva onrt fav.ha ever saw'- Where all wu nirooil would Tu'a fabge3 qC, timber, lands Juvftiog W WW 1IWUIIH MV UUU AIM om-wetnmKijnatf jjussu ii.irrenth, as dreadful, affair, so' Welitreridered by Mr. - : ! o. 5 r . 1 r )Yhite,v was e&tbustaaacaiJjr ' appiaudeclr' ana tnesuower pi ooaquets wmch ieli pu !.i.Jn ,:.jo i'i"iiul i T.'. v much it. was .appro ."; . ,, :: i . .-.,,'T ' t-arrikfin rl ism hi rrtnit sweet imiact4roQgliJutTtBe"eveiiing-and whep tiered earVMoshad.heeo rung OOwn B , -"P neton nronoses to reneat lhd it frtm ofar fmentlbn 10 detfact1 from'aV.ruTr M.ar?-rr. fl... .Qai,. Ill in.. '. 'AIm,' Bonnycastle. Jlr.,WilliamiWhiteas HtJ ,r,t' ' " ' 'yu ,jJJ i V.q "i v m j !r j T- m 7 tj 1 Tfae sensation around market square "Scrogglnsand, ;Lord fryers" and . jji- ierf.. as'ani'dt "r,u8' W'!4"1? ob thOipaiit'Of a eonntrymatr ha sucll talent as' has ueVer been excelled o)lr.lrn.iA a r.;ii" t I Sweet Home" was olaved as we alowlv -nd-IJtSri?.; 'T 4 reluctantliefPe'haH" ; .i . . .-"- ... . l 7.;,.-.-. v-- r-n . I ehiertalhment On Thursday evening, Ma I ou-v meproceeasio rauseditf erecungia monument ta thfebiloU W rt,,.hi,fci. it! - . ... 7 ' & s fin m 1 -- - I ft 'Zh I 1UM W.M0,? Ir8 on 'f?"1"? P?f here wlhg hand or women toay. obta6 torhingle'thefr tearV--iarBpot 'where f tne Uttle thtWrenihallcome (tof JstiiwUhej I flpwer s anftojt ,lhe,.ci.tijzens:of 1 ft? fiihd? ' j j nxliti jj '.yxnil jer . report. . of s, . the , - performance, I : Another 1 pr uuusuciKn v , hubio i tx: ..u i fnehdscau Bupplyhemselyes, 1 v' The Board met in regular monthly ses I ston J it 'So'e-ock pypre I Waener. Esa . 1 Chalman .'nd -r bbminisJ D4 tbpse who live after us ma Vi "find the? liibvL t. ti v xl n i?Atii'.i?a i fiupi ana.w aounea: i..f.i-7 n.(1 nicJ.I.rr , . J.' . '""J ,v? A ... 41... . i..ii I Tousiness the Board proceeded to draw the - I regular tenure of ' jurors for the June ' term ' I v urewiiiu-u vuun ui ilxew aUlOver fiowemanW.B. ;B. TO f;rtmTTiinT Rif fi Waif am CtkM. a: - t . i . (I I I . . . a . "w,--i,"--u .oiJu.Hsu o. missing, ana :nl6mMHm'mM 1 Sm6vU f.Theilowerv n mi yiobuaiEu; ui i tin ii 1 1 tx-b f f hn nnrA. i nvlhlA - --'-' 1 ""P-1 fuFoaa me? useminpSabft;bia.!iu,.T.;rr-T ..- -wuu.i w, iiuutr urn nnn inrnabivi i nna t i a . m ia uiii. mhiim w iii ' net i TOfmAyt dvk u-n iu.eti m Cotton,! Ex- "nr5.. ?..eclty yesterdavVlrfr rent mon bPihnhI raeraph: as! aggregate red uctionl-fi jo. ii.uil.f..-ila. 1 ihir l.i-jH .;i'--.-! '.Bsft ' LStitesville Landmark. ' : John T. Hu mphrys, " late State Naturalist to tbeDepartmentof Agri culture of Georgia, saysr ' v"Onmy Teturn to Virginia from .the swainpdistmti of lower Georgia, I concluded to spend a few months among the mountain regious of this State. From the short expefiehde I gained in 8erica-,oLexcorsiouinto Beverah.BeighboringHcoantieji, I .am. prepared to substantiate tb.v.teciari I t: t.- n .i : , . T .i -i iiiii iii rin a r i t n iriar- hi irnriii ir I lemxo.U.ViJSA Knlih SiiW 'k'fl'nr1a witbout;a peer among her Asters en I ,qf theigreat Mipsiippi rivervi L . M"4'here -mb vast deposits of .bail fing materials convenient to. transpc f tationi Jmi neral s'pnn gs' sdeb' as' ' thoe I of Dr. Elliott;1 in' Catawba'1 "couhty known as the Sparkliner Catawba su !potiorf td those in other tkatesj var5e- ! t.laa nf 'tJonfa'' nnbrtnttUrt t olsaicharA . r . ' - . t i t-t. r' "i ''JU-;ii',t i "w j.6..v, wuay Kuy) nunc 1 formin? "such fantastic tricks before t .mjar.' aeaven aa-.iriaae'-': angels ; w?epi io.iciteu oitaa nis snoes l j i. . . . - t. L J y-n araete a reaiizing:ensexf f 1 - " . L. I '1 fWn$$&jf liPmpn infills :ejein&M,vW'.i'wi- b&'f A speeett tVortbyMnir; bAvlv M whose f.unti ! deaths yoa ' mourn fAhef respectdue. tr jthe causety Oi oyedfor thepridef you feelpn; ancestry, for Ihe -hopes you 'eherisi for yoiirostefrty,' let 'tibtydureyej revert cOfastantly. rtd i thd past Mbuft, vwui cuuiib uo uiauu iu repair wnaij has beeii injured, and to build'agaihj bigher and broader, on sambre Solid - il. no :Z malice,; and . your , knightly 3 es catcheon is Urnished aby ' no Rorxlid I bater or desire. for fineanJlrevenffeJ J!16 w?F 'ley?cl SPP fL a11 Pave! i;suie u ? rbnasii t: w aa fj 1 ""Omitting to it tamely.".; ;.- :? I s H ' . 'r'iAi ; ' ' The Alabama State -Journal join's' the Srand .caravamnf daily HournaW i ., ' . . j..J M'v4i, arnaia jontoj wnicn nave passed ? from , lifes i .i " . :-1" distrust of, the future, had to share ""r oujo lam., vuere it is .noc-as-i AW PRv.one. that. pay a.expenses. and the j Iuisvillebdfoon iQ re. i maim' rv v n n a M4yj i - . . i - s - . -.i -"J South before, the. arvrwUhoaot.sb Vl4 4f TT n4lf oo fflctfj I mnnt m 1 J L : . f . .It ' - 5 wevgi.yipr arnptpn y wv, auu. xron.: customs' aDOUt!,XllL(0 OfMi Ahe coin balance wiU be nearlv.OOft'of' rj.iiufj .1. . 1 . j -! 7r-r :vimi"! ?unt I the man Qf business and Ahe meeker4 of melv our. .Wilmincton; I ( i- t "'" '' f I 4VIJ..IOOVMUHOI, ilggt iUUl.CUlCUl,,j . .. .- i I advahtajre. vod Y- were 1 t'r6miteI: bv -Spirits-Turpentines Vt ranroo-i Enquire : We.; learn that Rer R.; 5 Miller has accepted the pastoral eharge of Monroe and Tirzah Pres i)ylerian Cliurc1ies.'He will licgin his la bors witlijheoi jn Juue.t 7 " t Burke Blade. The settled ex presion.vf ,deifir,mination that mantles the- t face ffiaa WU( w- jut starting- out ; to haveatooth pulled.-Is only ieoualed bv the subdued ?. look - . that- k creeps over his features as he pauses, with his hand on the knob ot the dental room door, turns Quiet ly around; and tiptoes back . through the hallway opt doors-again.-, 55 ; 1 r Cha rlotte democrat: t We hear that a. "very rich vein has been struck in the -Wella Mine. in Gaston s full of gold that tho owner is afraid to leave: it for even a day at a lime.-'.The Mine was only recently opened by a Northern capitalist, and it is said that ho. has found it. so- valuable that he istaying on the ground himself watch ing operations. ' Asheville Citizen: Our country :aD'T.;0 Roberts, , Esq.;-; of Btockvilie. planted last; year .three acres in tobacco Xne barn full of the yield was frost-bitten' and the remainder, was recently sold in this place- to. Oapt. -France, for $631, cash. A j;0od:jes8on is here exhibited to our peo pre. What other! crop -will make such a Landsome return?. - -; r - . ;News: ' The two flour mills and pneecorn mill belonging to ' Messrs. Page Vitherspoon & Co.; situated on Crabtree creek, about ten. miles: from this city, and knnwn u . ilia nn m?n idestroyed by fire about 13 o'clock Prirtv I uw ucu at UK same time. -inere was so insurance on the nroiwrtv nm) ii -w a total loss.--s-i.-.t .iv,.- t"! Burke "JSiacr.,rAuothe'r instal ment of the Massachusetts folks have ar riyedmed.'womenahd children, and the gooilS of others .have come in advance of the, owners. One. family from Iowa, out since 5h of ;April are oo their way coming overlaMith wagonsVijTheiri heavy goods are already bere. .,Mr. Lloyd says -. Raleigh Observer: .. 'An ex change has an articleonTraining Oystefa,' n;yiii )iuriuccu mere is oi train ing such docile creatures, We. never found the slightest difliculty in makme 'them an Jast w here we j wanted t heme to.f ,r Thai's easy enough but ,-w'yer occasionally had 'great difliculty in making 'em stay "just wnere ,, we waniea tnem to." Do E. j . :Woodson i r -- uphisptp Jifessenger;, How lit tle some negroes value their freedom was fairly? UlorMfeif in this tows - last week. Ilenrjrndetson was convicted in' ,Wayne Superior Court . of - larceny - hut the iude .men. s wasr -uspen'ded aed he'was released. hq following night he aUempted ;'tu shoot auu niu ueurge oiuruivaui, -iinoiuer cit Ibred tnani-aBa for thU he wu . promptly caged,tan.d tp;mprrow,he, takes transporia ' tioh'for a termof two years in the peniten- .tlftryfli:ir !i jfi':;n'4?.-fji-;;i;.-. Vis -vrfrX Reids ville. tRmea ; Already; w hear of a " suit pending in Caswell couuty by a; farmer aeamst a town man, who went out and bought up his wheatrhefore he had heard the new that wheat was rising. Mr. WaGw Farley Ot Milton, told ua that he bought ? 10ft bushels: of wheat from one pf ibe best t farmers; in Caswell, at f 1.35 to f L50 a bnsheV and: the farmer, who owns 900 acres of land,', told bint be wasn't able lo take a newspaper! .!; ;; : . .- " " Pytie Charlotte sportsmen have pieinized a'Rod and Gun Club'? by elect- ,iug ye i maucui uutuef 9 as .oiiows: 1 resiueni. Colonel II. :C. Jones; Yice Presidents, N. tumoht and:I!:V. Sanders; Secretary, Dr. . L. W. Bailie; Treasurer, Walter Brem. An executive committee, consisting of Messrs. . James H1iCarSdci' Dr; JiM. Miller and S. iPegram,, was appointed to prepare rules and by-la ws,- and to attend to other details t incident to perfecting the organization. We gather this from the. Observeri fti T tJ ... r?-( Re published recently an ac- i mo ikiiiiug ui xveuemiau jrermen tejiby'.GeoTge Carpenter in Anson county. The Monroe Express says it grew out of a difliculty. about a colt Carpenter ' had bought iaird of Pefmenter rivinor him a it ,in part payment. ivThe land was morteaeed ouu varpmuier iook ine con ana paBsea by a field in which: Permenter was" at work. The latter attempted to take the colt when Carpenter hot' him through the heart: B-lWhitef Catholic Priest of tins city, will iwe utre on rrioay. morning next, for his hew home ie Raleigh, and will commence atpncelto;pulVdownfith.e old , church and prepare, to .build a - handsome Catholic CharciiohehduutedffeetlonJ siirtv ft ,highaqd. flftygve feet,widei having abase- uicui iweive leei mgn, ; ne Dasement will ba( of. oarried stene; and most probably Vfh.fd.Wt!t?WK,Pck. -T ReidsVlUe 75m A Thorn maa ra terrific hail storm in certain' ' sections of luiSJCoatttyiastiBundav eveainw In ?h Northern part pf , Guilford, about Brown's Summit; it commenced at 4 PI M. and old MEfJtpdd, Who isfiOryearsi old; says -he never, saw snrh a hail etorm in oil iif The stories were hearlv the aizA of ftnnrrnw eggs and wereof auniformity rarely known. j..wa an men peep on level- ground. In the. '.neighboThoodiOf' the' Hannahs the 8tqrnl8i wa quite j destructive j One maan naa to go to Greensboro and buy 150 panes fi8tvJf?:.-:--i i--"-:-r - tsiu;iCOTreapohde Raleigh Qtoserper; cpneerhing Yancey coun ty as follows:. -The mica, business is the biggest thing1 in-YanCey.'-Thcraands of dollars wortM of: :mica are sent to market every yeaf. Mr.' G. D. Ray owns perhaps the mosV valuable mica f mine in the world. tfinil. ia nlantt, in V.nnnn ' t J 1 mercy on the poor foot of a stranger: who tries to get any of ifPeoole in Yancev jSeldom, die.J-.,knQWa jfamilyi.in . that county pi twelve, toe youngest of whom is 7 years of ,age--all Jivia&utxrUvStop. gloom- oyer the' entire 'comni nni tyf - i be fell a jvuug uij gouug ciers a.-an'eariy nour yesterday moroinsi Ha had lent the niffht before lh.af young friendt who rooms oyer a' grocery' store; nd going ' down the flwps yesieraay? Tnorning stepped off the stair-case before reaching the foot, 'on the head of Ibrfrret 1 The head bf ihevba'rrel ve -wayi and before he could , say HSod save me tttate l" ie was up to the arm 1 pits laf barrelbf 180se lardVThey lifted' hint . brrtentiy andset hitn 9n his -feet, and his onnyieara flowed-, OOwrr and ' melted fur rows throdsh the lard which clave ' to the ffetBialei-oHfuPMaw snirt.'- ' buried on Sunday afternoon with .grand Masonic hOnOra. " Dr. Hill had been Urand Jttaster, and; ihe. Grand JLodge buried him. Acting Grand Master Eusrene Grissom made af neatf 'aadt touebing ' address: The UrersfiWefftjrethrenfZ; B- Vance, n . 4-nae.rson, l Jfi. JUeartt, John, U. WllifitBlftBWJ.,iJ1i WliCrbWder Donn: y;slT.urnerilmd; Bf Balcbelor. The Observer says: Arriving at the church we f oorid the largwSt afsemblage 1n attendance ever Known in the history of that building. . The chnro yarA gp'i mrt for th? ernif length of the square were crarhmed to. their utmost.' -'If was an Outpouring' of the "Whole people, regttdless of tace,I color and condi tion to. do honor to the , memory of One whom ' Everybody loved? fthd'aUmiredl iilf eveTithere lived mah whbrwas a friend tp eve-ybody indeed and-in truth, that niitt was Dri ' Hill; i If he eveVy had" an eneray we bever heard of'It,,'ahd everybody had a good word for bjm.t'.VJ. t t-.f - , , .i -x' ;vi: 1 1 v-t'

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