Kid u C -FIIBUBBIO .AT ' ' ', V " $1.50 a Year, in. advance. 2S220050oooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOG3OO0 S 3 3 8 8 S S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 w so w ad r- r as in an ; so H 4 a a H M M 83333333333333333 00 ao as e to 3 as th W t- e ! to so eo wnnojn t SSsSSoeoSc ,-inuon j eo-nBt-w.!'st-ffla i SSsSoSooouoSoooSS j t"i OS It oi ! l4 00 o' eo ' Q S o SS888283S333SS3 ci oo id fc eo o o o os o i-I Gj r t rH Ct C C 09 S33333S3333S83333 .a V. ?" i -S S 3 i Subscription: Price, 3 .SO THE A If AtnrSIS,OP FBBTIL1IBB8. The NortV Calinn Department of Agricnlture has done a wise and a t j i timely act in having the , fertilizers most in use iu our State analyzed by a competent chemist, Dr, A, R. Le dour,' of - the University of North - Carolina The , analysis has been fairly made, and the result is of ranch importance to the farmers of the State. Dr. Ledoux. gives what the ingredients would cost the farmer if be were to manufacture his own fer-t tilizer. - Dr, Ledoux says in his re port: . . , . ", "Tbongb these figures do not necessarily express the actual agricultural value of the different brands, as 1 had occasion to em phasize in Circular No.- 1 of this Station, aod though the commercial value might be slightly altered in some instances were the source and origin of the nitrogen and insol uble phosphoric acid positively known,, yet they will show '. indisputably their com parative values and what their valuable- in gredients would cost if bought in open mar Set. . The mechanical condition of all .the samples was good; no lumps or stones. Sample No. 4 coBtains a certain amount of soluble silica, which, on certain soils and nnder peculiar conditiona,is of some value." The ingredients of the 'following ' fertilizers can be bought for the sums stated. , The figures, in other words, represent their commercials or , agri - cultural value :",,' ' . ' . - SandfMsd . . i - ' Valoe. pcrct.'- Soluble : Pacific Guano,' Bos-' ' loo, v.. $29 20 6.00 Zella Tobacco Fertilizer, Bal- 1 - timore.................w 43 40 11.93 a68 I Maryland Fertilizer. ..... . . . 81 40 Poppieins' Silicated Super: - Phosphate 20 00 Anchor , Brand, Richmond, -Virginia............,... SO 60 Soluble Pacific Guano; Boston 27 00 Sea Fowl (B. D.,) Boston.... 31 80 Navassa Am. Sol. Phosphate Wilmington, N: C. . , .. . . . 33 40 Whanns ; Raw Bone, , Wil mington, Delaware. 30 40 Soluble Pacific Guano, Bos- : ton . . . . . . . . : i. . . t 32 60 ' Cotton Fertilizers, Richmond, . Va........'. 33 60 Atlantic Acid Phosohate. . . . 26 60 21.27 4 24 I " 1.71 8.38 5.72 4.66 10.30 Compound Acid Phosphate. . 29 40 ,12.01 w nanns', liaw iSone, . W U- . mintoo. Delaware. S3 40 A 7.72 Wilcox, Gibbs & Co., Mani- , .. pulated. Charleston, S. C. v 38 20 A 6.78 Pure Phuine, Philadelphia.. 32 -60 3.96 It will be seen from these figures that the farmer buys much less sanrf from the Wilmington, N. : Cv com pany i than .from - the others the - amount of 'sand being . less than two per cent. It will be seen also that its commercial Value that is to say, the price of the ; ingredients to the farm er, if he buys them to make his own manures is $33 40, or higher than all the others save three or four. In other words, when;- you considertbe cost of ingredients and the amount of sand you buy in the foreign com- panies, our home company furnishes probably the most satisfactory article. Now let our- Agricultural Depart ment be governed by practical views, ana u may accompiisn some gooo. Let Prof. Ledoux abandon the idea tuaw a large prow is a awrouie jus stated in one of his circulars) ; and let everybody abandon the notion that farmers are fools and vail need guardians. v It . is entirely proper to inform them as to the cost of the in- grfidients for.:- fertilizers, and then -if they see fit' .to go; into the manufac ture themselves, all right. B just to all.'. Do not imagine or c that every man engaged in the facture of.' fertilizers is a. swindler. even though ' itr should be demon strated that his profits are large, w , . APPnBCIATlVE. The 'President appreciates - the preds. y He has sent one editor abroad as consul or something else; he offered another, so report said, a foreign mis - ;on, and he has now appointed one -wc tiC pUalUlaSbVI BUI V A uas citv.. Thn DprnnArota nf TpnnPMPs - ..-r-, do not seem averse lo c.1ca even though it comes from the onncdUon Thev evidrntlv act nnon that danger The subscription price of the Wkkk I tPy gainsi ns tappoimmen i iub www vvw "u, tuw ius ,y ,y htau is as louows : ,. ; wiuiuiMivu . The bonds (seven per cent) have six years "r".""'"1;1 ? X 3inwl Pnnvl vwii' nntfl.eriftid f rt5 Revenn- desires Powere'tV- whiti" n it,:;,!--! :..- iodWhati'onfof'aniuoensed -and vir bingieopyiyearpojagepaiaLuj t x , ... , :'Thbondbolderst1n'iheirireatmetot'of 'i.. . . u-rZ r ' C months. V 1.C0 Wan overslaugbedrto be reUbied as Minnesota nave been liberal tai 'fanlu tiona people, and that .laatrjtre which i VOL. ,8. cus, demoralizing axiom, that "'was J expressed tersely by - William L. Uarcy 'hat to the victors belong J the 8poila.M The Democrats ; carried J lennessee at tue last , election, ana I uiBY niiwar w ub wiimig vu uatuer 1 in the "spoils" of a' Republican .Ad ministration "-at. Washington.' Per haps some ot them are in . the condi tion in which certain ardent;. Demo crats were in from.1865 ; to -1875 re cording to Jo Tu rner "They ' had been hit in the stomach with a pone of bread. OISNATISFAOTION. A movement is on -foot -to cause State retained its responsibility for the pay -reSpecl for the eiht: depraved dema tU appointment of Hyman, ot WaW g,1; ded.? bS Ib perpetrated the robbery, rentont to be cancelled, if that be 'Ible. Billy Smith prouau . vary Collector of the Second Nouh Caro- I t-. . 0 - - - .- i renVflspn'tA nnnnaincr Hvm n ,n1 pLMiapnt "ria f at him .,l;Br. is for him o ti ii,ATJM.;Ji-:w.i 1 mense amoint oTsintunenTality, and he f airl v irn8he for . the "man and I . . r ' r. I brother.? " He retains Fred Douglass as Marshal of the District' when his presence is an insnlt tq ' tho people whom he so grossly maligned. -. , Hy man, nniiKe u on glass, nas not mucn intelligence, but he has not made ffD; .,- man, unlike Douglass, has not much nponlp H i. mnUttn an ! M to be honest; is rather good looking, wears good "store clothes," thinks well of himself, has no ability never could make a speech Ihe easiest thing done in the world and has somo highly respectable kin. The people do not want him, and if Hayes is wise he will not , be the Collector.; ? r i r- : - ;-:.? North Carolina has a small consu- lar crumb that has. lallen from the hand of the President. A. V. Dock ery, son 1 of .Gen. Oliver Hazard, has received his commission as consul to Leeds, worth $2,500 a year. That is alt that the administration has for its faithful henchmen in North Carolina. I It is, true., Hayes j wanted f to send j young Jonn a. xsaiiey to ate on tne i coast of Guinea, but as he only of- I fefed him $200 a year, youthful John I could not see it,and prefers to die on I this side of the great deep.- It is a j little curious that North Carolina u...n "I ' BUUUia V Ok DU KW UUJUCO W UVMIVI 1" ' ' - aoDointments. Massachusetts or Yir-1 ginia can get ten to North Carolina's One '""!:!" ':- t i'-- 1 A cask or repudiation. : 7 v The Northern papers of the bull- aozing vyP i w Bu for; its repudiating .tendencies, v w e lo hAratAfArA prnfoaapn nnr viflVR fully on the subject of the Southern debt, and we have nothing additional to say. ' We reter to tne matter oniy to mention by way of contrast a case of genuine out-and-out repudiation, and that too in one of the rich North ern States. Minnesota, that votes Republican so strongly, has repudi ated a portion of its legal indebted ness, and refused to compromise with' its victims by paying fifty cents in the dollar, :, This, is , a, bad showing fori a thriving i. state. - it is not - a goo showing for any State, and pub- iui i ; uiiuk .i. jv4m. m.u. Ma - uvn?- lic; credit and private character will ia Wh.OT . piation (Jeeomes , popular , and d6minani Sn any State or community ? i Am.-!. .ea.i... ft UeaiU-UlUW IS KIWI! W U UUUUUCUCa in State. securities., A State whose ia nnder 8a8picioa cannot UgF privatesciti. i i fflm.ed . T -TO O are affected r To understand i u;af nt1inp.ri!fltrtrv nf ha give a brief .outlineistory, of. the debt now repudiated by a majority of ' "l .'iRn(1MM.;''n1. 3t, the.voteTsof Minnesota. Ihe State nrr , i nn rv nArAva - na ; nnnrun . i ipi'.mihh "" i"" Jtf-r - satisfied that railroads' were an abso- lute -necessity,; and they gladly pledged anythingto the building and r v .V " I equipping of the.indispensable roads.; 1 In; 1858 an j authorizing the 1 lion dollars 1 amendment was .ratified by.the.peo- 'O ma- Only 733 votes were polled tlpJT . VUIJT I UU V WUJ W wa w vttvu I in onnosition. Ponr roads received rr -: .., v-r.rt., .... land grants, and - money was issued in legitimate business Midland .road, which penetrates agreatpor V I J u' f ftM - w:,f in turn ' . i tion of tlie island, lnciuaing ' vvaies aau i - " w"f 71 "'7; -r, : i' . ' 1 flpntland. have extended tome the courtesy I rranoral ottontinn ani oivp ypnp- V.I,-' .4y 1 Zm ZZr a . .DhIIm.m ' I. f"T "ft .V . i .Ti i r " a-;.T- or;--. (lAn.tWnttnn nf 1 RK7: nnntAinpn . B. I I . . . -:r ... ..... - . .". i 1 clause providing (that "the credit of. I nf xrMtnaim. i.Bt ntKt it formal ri w..' .! ... v . , - ? .;. ... . t-: at be .I, . .K.ll3o.K ;,0n r ;;nHTrjnn'pi;r;; iroui p"mry harce 1 1 ; U i :;i I was a great success---most brilliant in num- l'conyentiOns,poutical committees, po iiargB I loaoe4 , ai(J 0f aOV individual, assp- I Kora? J2nlrt-anl tt1inf thaaammMand Tii -.ari ::.i' 4v V k ;'; " maun- cifttlon or corDOralibn.'' , But itVas was'graced by the presence of every 'Ame PTCiU """"Si ' I ' - A J '' I ...!. ILa hl unllnl mm 4a OVtiriiQift. .ilJ. - ; . I V AAAllTlQtlAn mill to them- at 7- per cent., the IxmdiiZ - 1 navible in . December. 1887. The 71 IM WILMINGTON; N. roads have failed to pay the interest: inst. to the Minnesottans was this Shall the.: State constitution ; be amended - so' as to devote the , Wo- ceeds rot.- 5A0.000? acres of public jauas 10 ine seiuemenc 01 LD6 plalB ) State .railroad bonds, or not. .Let it be re- membered that Congress had granted itwclve times 500,000 acres to Minne f tut tuo Buie uujcuu.ut auiuuauiug i tne bnuding oPrairroad&A: Thd York' Journal of Uommerce remarks: "Whenhe roads failed the -Stale fore-' closed onrthe mortgages and recovered the Minnesota has not heeded that " decision !StSiiSl Though tjiey know that Minnesota is per- I xeci)y aoieioay nex aeou,uiey uaTBoeen i ly fifty per cent of the . face and interest, JS: onlv 3.50aO0O.r A part or tne arrangement I . . ... .. MinnesolS : would llaf oMime toleJ When u. ift conaidered that the pH Die were oniv asKeu a inis BDeciai eiecuon i to, allow half amillion acres 6f land which tne mate enjoyea as a gtn irom me jreae- rai gOYBinmepi, w imaoiu anuiueprweeun i a ... i u . al - devoted to this purpose, we can imagine no easier terms than these."' ''- -'-'' ' - I With this f statement, "before the f ? k.. i . . - . counUy,what must honest men think of Minnesota Her true citizens uB " I ?J a V0.teof people the brand of mJ 18 "xet up" uer ?"ujl 'V uocu ucauicuiui ma wmu luiuiuoit i faces homeward, and begin to throw TOCks in earnest. - Now let the Radi- cai sneets i empty ; ine viais oi tueir i wrath upon the guilty heads j of Hhe Minnesotians. , : 'Now let them nse, vucti DBiuasttu Bjuuirguua tuovwe feet - What : a contrast: between Minnesota and. South v Carolina ! The one . has: ; been rifledi bull dozed, l oppressed, ' dragonaded het substance ; stolen, her people robbed, t her character villified; the other has had prosperity and ! plenty her,. rarners nave been niiea, ner HiriH uac uwh pruvuic, u iu- terests guarded, f . Ihe j one .assumes debts that can scarcely, be called her own; the other repudiates the very contracts .into which: it ( -.voluntarily, entered.. .The one is charged with blDflbUQI V UlOUUUbOV V WUVft .U W i 1 . ! ...... ' 1 . ' honor and upnoids, ner good name: thj other, rejoicing in her thirty thou; sand majority for Hayes, and: boast- ing of : her infinite . superiority. in all that; is great and,' glorious to her Southern sister, deliberately' ittM heil own character, and declares she has no standard of honesty, and no i iens0 o jn8fcice and right.; j Says, our I oon Aif a1 N a v ; Yai1t iAntnmnAranr' I The action of these two5 Stotes so re- SraSL5Z7 .f liticai parties to repudiation.,, itepuoucaa Minnesota npaowsit wmie wemocrauc South Carolina discards if ' . : rJ YV e nave reau ram. a uu:uiuiu i- tt 'a y -'.li. li l J 1... terjto his friend Child; the; elegiac poet of the Philadelphia .Ledger, and it is a creditable production-credit- aoie to.nis eai uu u. V Emperor's , education is improving, unless Jjorney s e ua uocioreu , . . 4. .!-.- - . -t - lelter ?na eiiminatea tne errors, 11 l?ee were " ' V "?" nana ana appears to nave neen intended for private eyes. ' He relates the 8tory of nU n?1 10 mest, 1 UlUUgieriJlB.' "K".mo uyuiu- I ! - . .i i ;'.?'!( tf k I i . "i- " - "The press of the country has been ex - niryVkind Bo' f I nave n5? been rrmit to me wnerever i wisn wgauunngiUB wiioie c 8lay la Engl?nd We arrived in Lon: don Monday evening,-the 80th of May,- whenlfound our Minister had accepted nm,mMta tth 27th rtf Jane.- r . . j.t i.,. leading burfew rf-v fl T. j 1 . . J!..Ji!lWiV. r.1.y! X l. a nil -4ttm hat An lln1 mm thatWintOit i m . l. x j a. . i xeror lenacara ior me. x uoud wuewer Loudon has ever seen a privat I wa8 our American .minister's last night. I am. lJZFi I has taken to make mv stay ttleasant.-na j the attentions extended to our country. - - . j to believe that it is by most all nations,' I ana pJ HOUIB cycu iuou. u u biwojb I been mv aesire 10 Bee an leaiousy oeiween l Eneland and the United States abated and I UglOUU OUU vaj.w momww mwmvwm mmm ery sore ineaieu. ' every sore neaiea. ao powerful for the spread i Tj0werrul lor ine spreau ov cuiuuieree au 1 civilization than all others combined and can ao more to remoro wnuws 'w wr uy I much disturbed bv war.' v .... .us t no iuhsii. i ui tiiBii iwuii luu i uuuuiuvai IV I 1 j RID AY, - There are two L!ch we hope to nt jjf:lhe murder .3 punishment of i who, robbed the .;y elected Prcsi- ' ter in Ihe hope cf JMrs.J Surr'att 1 foritheir.awfnl ers of Mrs; Burr. the eight Com-' United States cr . dentri'bfiiZe 1. w We join Uiat the murf ip&yjyeJihe:!- emme. i B n t,w c -.1 - : t be exactly fair. J'aud jnpi to pu-': !i the eight Com misBioners Jwhen the ih Democrats aeq w.ieavii ii iu tuo uiteen cie- e'-'fOBqetbe; qu'estioss rit to who i should rie President ?- " it turned 6Uti the rjdmwrot mop - vftrv Url Unrnin In, ; . : Jf . , - iMiS. wer iuiuuiy c iiuuiuu noY! very jcprrppt menrWe have: dd? sort of tint they. UlThevar -.-be -punished by H.:K:.if burn but never consumeV - j jj-.i Ihe usual summer epidemic has bU raging for weets, and although iq nas maae- many- men great ana raed wh0 fiadBOt been inspected of aiy. such royal endowment, it has not .j . :. 'i i ; ' j f 6 "liuueu w 18 ino8t anu i. malignant iorm. -ix nas not aone as hkw th- - Qg x . . . VftTrt T J - - 0 Harvard made' Grant an LL. 'D. Isnt it lias several weeks to run yet , - - r " . J ' and there is no telling what !wicked- nesa it will be guilty of.' The scoring guilty of The scoring vuuii iar is 'comparatively .low: A. 498; D. D.'s 198 but plenty of lOB:l,Mdi1J'1'-? 44 an? Be7erai uunareu v rarKises waiting nat in nana ana "willing. ine' mu- iers -of the United States have held a I oonventinn anf Waived to' fonnd ft college for the special training Of mil I lefst' The Baltim6re? Gazette 'says I mllfing will be Soon elevated into a nqg art, -anil tne fine' art, " and fthe college will,' of course, confer the degree' of M.'' D. Doctor of Milling. Judge Jerry Black,; ; one of i the great American lawyers, is preparing an elaborate review of the Electoral Commission: humbug, v It is to ap pear in that ablest of American' pe riodicals,' the North -American ? view. - It will odoubtbe a formida bU -arraignment ! of tho corruptest papty; under the sun in its corruptest action. It will be an argument for history as well as for the people. Any one who has ever read, his masterly i Francis Adams' J ' t " William .H. i hsb,vus , culsr Seward, the most artful, ; scheming and tricksy s of all American politi- I jj,- iliJn "''." ''- P ' Twill be prepared for a paper ot un I common' logical force, learning and astuteness. I When yourpnt-youngnnenTupon eir mettle you will find better or i ue?, uiguer bbuhb- oi - rmpvuBiuiiy completer submission to the laws L, . T v, . . i . , . . . of pecorum than, when you introduce thd Jdfit.Antivp avfttpm . find 1 keen an ,. . . . .ntpi, ftvir 1h ' -nA wnrA of Lapil8; f Both 'systems have been y. thorooghlAt the Universities of j:andV y0ung l meh are lheir town govefnors, and the 'res ult is i much . more: favorable to , . . ..- -1 , , bearine I rr 07. r . . . ..,-,. th, lWoolleget:- the pro- fesioVs -become" Espies knd; infbrmers, i .aVe-conseauentlv despised and 'joaed -npon.'lDr; McCbstiof Prulcet6ni is disposed ' to govern by; ..JA iU Wthanonar anil i tuaviu iuwuv.,yuuu ."'V' "V " I better system.- o . IM ' I i -."4 , UtlAw. ' f ' a P, X aafisrmiiinm t.v. on vnn nm ninnprp . t --. . . . .... B..9.f.Y.yH,. r" inHbeir expressions of a desire Tor , 4 , !L n i ' teUrmr Federal officers Of all classes f. J i I 'L Jvi ::i,:- 1 if .1 t.Mnn. linn tntma nan. in .tkAlltlOa ' i - i t -. u--riir;ura4i as their ticklers.;- ;.,v,:r -;,,' W: -s i- i ' t ! Vfc -ii x.t ixr:- ;Ao ii j.-. .iiiui imi.iiT aan Ka - uuu u mr' . I I made no complaint, ana was no even I OOnSClOUS 0 any lnoiviiibjf. wuvii -u - 1 2 j , . ts t lormea oj one ui tuuw ys " i , . j ,. i h w - . . . T . -j "7 - f era WDo'.arfl flensauonai or noiiuug. i , ; . -r .t- L.: Ane niei o nswee w !Utu,iiy ui bi i ge(1 at sucn statements , concerning j himself and daughter VJo XIXW A VUllg o .vvvwwwM.,; nM JUNE 29; 1877: The Mayor- of Boston has inform ed the temperance women of that city that? come weal,' come Woe,' come lif?htnin.' come temDest: he' means to 1 An- 4 f rl0;nW C3- ----- r-l .. ... -i . .i , i , up early ' and late and saying to all that Ae" would take' sugar in his'n." 1 jjlis excuse i or mis puuncny is, iuaii i the President 'is -bound i "to have' his j wine. Mavor Livenndre ' is :"felearlV I :,nA MWU- fltato r - fTa t '.- 4 . . , . ' , ;. thinks evidently that ;Grant-is-' still If resident and is coming to Boston. But Mr. 'Hayes - does not need '.any 1 "quinine,' as he cannot get5 up even a I nrhmnfA ehm' 1-.. .. I r -t 5', wawwwaWMaawwwaMiawM .t.: ? M jt 'tL I t t " iL.i i i m..J. I ish Sultan is contemplating an A early abdication, and , taking np . his resit dence in Paris;." That might proves case of Jumping out of f the ; frying pan into the fire,.f- It would 1 be wise to await' iher'resalts low a new election Mahon may attempt a coupvTetat. and in that event Paris will beoome; very lively ,AbduL Hamid : would dp.well to;try. Constantinople :.until the Russians get in sight, and by that tune hundred 7 thousand , British I 1 ft oldiers may be there to help, not 'to speak of the finest navy in the world. I Two Massachusetts cotton manu- j in Fraitfee.-;Mac- FreWdiesr-Itls suDDose'dthat erfef tor hex" TU!"),T " " . ' ' . " - Proposed canaL? Beready, when thecom have resolved to enlarge their opera- ' vou 'l0 eiTe a faVable tions and Will build two -additional mills, -y And yet it does not pay; say some. -The South r will ' be wise to note such evidences' of enterprise. :Mr. R. P. Barham, long connected with the Petersburg Index-Appeal, has become the editor-in-chief. He is sustaining the reputation of that excellent paper. , Our best wishes are herewith extended. ' Drinking for a wager. - . A colored individual by the name of Pri mus Moore, who has a reputation , for ex cessive indulgence, at times, in the fiery li quid that heats the brain and stupefies , the senses, tried his skill yesterday afternoon. In the neighborhood of Second and Market streets, in drinking for a wager, being Un der the impression that he could swallow as much of the "ardent" without becoming in toxicated as "any -other-, man." Inspired with this determination to-excel, he took ! one drink after another until he had hidden twenty-two under his vest, when he con- Ciuueu 10 retire in guuu uruer witiu m was possessed of the ability to do so. He then started up Market street and got as far as Fourth, when, just at the corner, the legs refused a further performance of their. acr. customed functions, and the body, thus de- i prived of its support, came down witn a "thud" upon the pavement V There he took his share of the fine - shower "of" rain' that fell between .1? and -2 o'clock, and was then taken ? to the , guards house one a dray, the drunkest man seen iu many a day. In fact, it was at first thought that be was dead.'; The city' physician was sent for, xxrh'n fnn-nrt tifm ftlmrvqt. nnlflAlnan nrl in . ... . - v.... ' - 7u ' uT ul ueraueuij uMgeroiw wuutuuu, uu uj nromnt anolicatlon of the proper remedies the nulse finally, became more regular and healthy, but at last accounts his eonduioa was still considered somewhat precarious, his .breathing resembling that of a person iu uie agouiea ui uisBwiuwwu. t i ,fi'v"t: m Died from Drinking too fnnen. wnio primus jnoore, tne coiorea man anuueu to in our last aa being in a precarious -con dition from having taken into his stomach an jmnwoim quauu.jr tuv6j - quors, having been picked up in the , street in ao.fIv a itvinff rnnilitinn nil rnnveved .u -v.v - -j r. : - -r - to tne siauon nouse, wwow uw tamauuu. l ovelock yesterday morning from theef- lecis oi. uis excesaive ueuauivruuct Hewlett was notified, and held an inquest overthe body duringthe afternoon,- as it lv Sn thp imard room, the Inrv returnins a verdict ' that deceased came to bis death from inflammation' of the bowels and Con uammauoir ui vuV uuw uu - gestion of the brain Jrom tbe effects oi ai- COhOliC drinkS. sOn' U i- -"- ' " There was nothing in the eyidence( to snow ua mere ww. auy wager tu wis tion, -He and some otner coiorea men m up with an old acquaintance who treated pretty, ireeiy, ana wno wria .nimaeu ox v tl aeid u their importuniues. finally bought ,a jhalf , fcteDftlilttr she was married iuSoutb gallon , of; whiskey ,and let. them, help themselves, and the consequence was that Moore far transcended the limits of pru- dence,andpald thepenalty with his life. Deceased was a stout, able-bodied man. and'the very personification of good health,- his age being about Sfryeara,.; He leaves a Tbe: Board of County Commlnloneri. tt Vox r : a ann. dersi Esq., of Cape ear1 ownslup, amem .r ftV. A UaoM Af I lAnnrir PAmmioaiAnflM ii it,'iiw.tA. t"tt.A Pftth of Delaware Nixon. - 1 ;Ia this connection the last vRalelgii ty- teener states that this countyi'has atlast.a pember of the Board 6t A County Commis- sioners who represents the property, virtue, and intelligence' of the people." ' Our, con- temporary is too doubt laboring under a misapprehensiori. There were already two Democratic members on the Board (Mr. B. G. Worth .and Capt L B.. Grainger), and the appointment of Mr.j Sanders makes the third, which gives them.a majority 04 one memDer, ;no.;35. Tbe ' "Wife or . Conviet Taken Sna- denlrlll. 4,rt ;.i;, i,'.;- A.colorcd, woman by the name, ot Har- rriet Foy,4 from HarneU Township, - was en serioasly ill at the Court House; yes . . ' ... " .... V. ' - .' wraay auernoon, ana u was at nrst tnougnr that she was dying, but she iinally revived - ftn, ftt ,RRf it WM , hl- iieyed she .might recover. ;. Her husband, i jaumpnrey j) oy, was conviciea or, larcepy ai the recent Urm of. ihe . Criminal Court, and "enced to the penitentiary for two year8 bavingleft for Raleigh on the' even-' lings train.: It appears-Lthat defendanVs paioOuiBnpteniftO i4 his case.and his'wife came to the Court Hy.L yesterday Jr order to eect ai mortgagei on telr crop," they having some twenty j-ftve or; cultivation, by.wLicb Ina Aonaooo ttt Krri4 win Id rtr rrioon hnf 1 ha "fW.wvwwgQiuJ. a ,wiiu w vu w w jirianfromcinta ivm'A tint ivrfpVlAi i :.Rhnrhi. id the office of IheUegister of De'edscon- Versinjwilh the Register aboutj themaUef wben, on rising to depart, she: commenced: facing, and was. caught in the arms of the, Register !V(J. K "ftamp'son), h avirigh ee n . . J' s.t. . l.ji ' . mi. - . f . i. supposed that grief for husband's fata was the cause of her illnesa? Tbe Proposed Canal. s'4' !Thft fnllnminir nnmmnninntmn from Mr. Utt 8peak?- fo '"jto Mhoped J that our niea of means will respond 'promptly Inl aid of this r important ,enter- prise, wnicu promises so many auvauiags to! the commercial interests of our port.1 The time has come when some decisive ac-: ti$n must be Uken if we would secure for response, for if you say : anything . about 3 " : - J a ! t- a hard- times" they will tell 1 you .that the canal is just" the thing to remedy the evil: j ' WlLMDIGTOirN. C, I - - ,): i 22d June; 1877. tinder the authority . vested in 1 me as Chairman of a . meelmg of, citizens,' con vened at the Court House. in this city, on Friday night, the 27th of April last, to hear the report of a committee, appointed at; a previous meeting, on tne suDjeci 01 a canai connecting the waters of the ' Cape ' Fear Rtver with those of New River ' and ' Pam lico Sound, ; for navigable, purposes; and also for draining largo bodies ot tne mos valuable lauds for agricultural ' purposes, which is now Undeveloped, I ? hereby, ap-? point George Harriss, Philip Heinsberger, anjd!John Colville, a committee to- canvass the city and solicit aid for constructing said canal, under a resolution passed at said meeting. :y - t. JMUTT, uuairman m W. P. OiiDHAMSecretary. j- Proposed 'military Enetmpmeut. h letter was presented- for our examina- tiok:yesterday,;fiDm a joint committee f the LaFayette Light Infantry and the la dependent Light Infantry companies, of I FaVetteville, to Capt. Walter, Coney, of ma vvitmiugiuu jjigub xuiautijr, tu.tctauyu I to a -proposed encampment at ' Smithvllle, I during the latter part of July; of the com I panies composing the Second Battalion of I the N. CL State Guard. : If -the- arranger ments can be effected! as desiredand it is, to be hoped that such will be the, case, a pleasant time will doubtless be. had by our military friends, as it wouldr be difficult to conceive of ; a more' pleasant ; locality in miasummer than Smilhville-and its sur-; poundings,-, where the j delicious -a ocean breezes have such an agreeable and in r. Vigpraling' effect.1 ..-'' t , ' ' Tr :f -i ' . aVO"- 1 1 J A jDeaerted Wife In Search, or Her i ; tonaband-A PItlablo instance of I i i l.f.bneof the most nitiable obiects we have met with in some time we encoubtered at the" station, house yesterday morning. ..This f i WQm in" t.' T' j ' i ur jgin, wuu wo xuuuct wauuvitug buuu I the' streets early that morniflff. and; carried j f . hJmkfiA nf hflrRhfi i anna- real ily, not. more .than t fifteen or sixteen . : f - Alk,fltrniliiji her twenty onei'is bare-footed.scantDy clothed,' , . tn(J angl - 1 . ---."-. :. ... '.. . . i ly about tne Head, -partiany. eoveioptng a , th& wonT(Ji dotlbtless appear both, I yoifnf andttxacUva ,;if properly, reno-: -tid tna-;:jMblnUte4 to the -manipulations I of taaiionSihie hair dresser.''. Though a j el(t64lare; to all appearances scarcely I . j .. , .. . .. . large enough, .or,, of sufficient age to leave - J off short dresses- she is -accompanied -by a aQd - thlt8hIiaFbeen-married u., ft&fa 1 1 nr. t- k tanMoantnttntt;. fcswnn 1 , . i . R. n r4Ten Mnnt i tJin .p m!W frnm -NTftwhfirn. i .-VU- -,M11. in Atlantic'& Nofrth Carolina Rail- CaroUna to B man DJ the.namerof Lewis ho hM Uet iiTiDgaDout ten i.;: 't.-i-s-o 'u- j , L; haby aout Chris teas, 'since which . - I : - -f - i , h v hM ben 4 himl'and' nadrf her 1 down to 8tatioa thft h. where r she ; branched - off and f travelled a J. .. AT .11.. 11! I tnrougn tne counuy, nnany geuiqg na 1 Biearauoai on. tue- Vap x cur xtver nuu 1 lutes and will) we understand, be furnished I taananAvfftriAn fA flAlnflhArW hi' tho flrntinhf -1 I where she will try to set nassace to her Old 1 by ar Newbero , ,,,7rLtf s Deatrnetion or partridge gg;r isi'Fl'omthe waytheyare destroying par- tridge eggs in the neighborhood of .Rocky 1 jfoint the stocK1 win -soon De exuaustea.. I The fact has come to' the knowledge of one gentleman of : nests i being despoiled of fif- teen! dozen, whtclTWere -taTLenycbldred boys and use4dfofj food.- If 'there is any remedy for this evil lit f fehould' be put icto I exercise,' otherwise the sport j of '..partridt J bunting In that section will soon qecojae a 1 umg 01 ine past. 4 . 3 -if . -- f ctan was immediately ssent for, wao 'soon . . v. I after amvpn ana nresftribed the - nfiCRftsartr . rvcrt Is upon us. Thos? ho t avs I. - i a f 2 Irela of flour hid away," waUL: for thell:: ern war to run up the price, are cow tea- niDgto.roitit latotteinariitt. . ,,r - T&rboro'' Southerner i A rumor prevails that: the Governor will request or order the presence of the State Guard Et Raleigh during the Fair, r We hope it t will pe done, provided - transportation is.: fur nished. ' - CoL X L. Bridgers has laid An our table a specimen of the best variety pt wheat we have ever seen. It was sent to Mr. Hazardshort from England, and is ' known as the 'Reesby: Wheat." The nead is smooth,-over: seven inches long, and contains more than seventy-five large, full, :. white; grains. The -Methodist Church at Rocky Mount has- been recently dovered, and a neat paling will enclose the Church, ground, including the cemetery; Raleigh '..'iVewsl fThe revival - acLat Swain : Street -Baptist .Church : has- - osed. Ten conversions: wereimade, du- ng tbe time the revival was, in progress. r xesterday a big, burly man wearing a d tibbOn; walked into'a first class saloon, i r t a juley, and i then1 turning the rib-1 boh Over he showed on the underside of it the words', Tm busted." . He , was- helped ' out.v Governor and Mrs. Vance left ' tor Oxford this morning to- te 'present at u ' ihe entertainment there this evening forthe ; -benefit of the Orohan Asvlum: -"Rev. ' ! D. Hufham; :weregret to say, is seri-.' oqsjy m.-i - u. us surcn, JUsq.,- one of -' lie -oldest citizens or Kaleigb, is very sick. Greensboro - Patriot s. The. ener- tic Commissioner "-of Agriculture, - Col. - j hag tmade .- arraDgemenu jWUb the cere of the Slate 'Fair, to exhibit, by,r cbuatie3, specimens of corncotton, wheat, r oats t rye,,: millet? barley,' clover L gtassesy- vegetables,' minerals," marls and , . every thing, that taay ihe of interest or that may aid in illustrating the wealth and pro- , dUctiYenesa 01 eaca county in tne estate. Our farmers are. busily engaged in the Hffheat ( harvest, The , crop is unusually gpod. ' A petition is being circulated hfere to retain C S.iWicstead in 1 office as 1 -collector of ; this district., - .The Guil-', , ford County Normal Institute has '.been . suspended the present year that the teach- 1 ers of this county may avail themselves of , the" advantages and liberal terms offered in ' , the Normal Institute to be held at Chapel Hill, beginning on the 3d day 01 July next, ! aad cqntinuing six weeks. 1 OxferdtfyKan's Fnendt :h The Neu) ' North "State advises' all who are not walling to live in a dry, sober town to move tcj Raleigbi v.- Mr. John T. - Womble, of Durham, sends us this week quite a num ber of subscribers from hjs-vTcinity and elsewhere.' " The Commissioners : in Forsyth refuse to license 'any grog-shop. -4 The same Is true of Surry, r bat tbe Legislature licensed one in tbe coun tyby: special legislation, i We are tired ; of the railroad - humbug, and tired of answering those -who ask us if the railroad to Oxford is finished.' We state explicitly that there, is not now, and never has been,' the slightest probability that a railroad 'would come to Oxford from any direction whatsoever. .We need less gas about our railroad and more work on our dirt roads. -r-Tbe irrepressible Prof. Eppynetious," as he calls himself,-has been humbugging those. clever - people on Lake Ma ttamusaeet,v jue is entitled to a ducaicg. 1 1 Washington IFressz The steamer Cotton Plant is laid un for repairs. In the. meanwhile the Pitt will make two trips a week, leaving, here on Monday and Thurs day mornings.. V Rev. Samuel. M. Smith, pastor ' elect of the 'Presbyterian church, will fill the pulpit on next Sunday. - There will Toea 4Uxor July ceiebrauon atfhe farm of J. W. Smallwood, the termi-. nus of the. Jamesville & Washington Rail- road... Mr; Augustus Latham, one of the mostr worthy 'citizens of our county, died at 1 his residence in lieacnvule in tne latter part of May. : '"The wets carried th town by 141 - majority.1 - The go vernment has asked; for proposals for the removal of the obstructions in Pamlico River; below Washington; under an appro priation made for the, work by the last Con-, gress. The obstructions consist of a sand bar some miles beiow: tne town, ana tne piles placed in the river during the war by the Federals to prevent tne approacn 01 tne Confederate cruisers. . The work on lh$ Jamesville & Washington Railroad is steadily progressing, ana we bow have tne most positive assurance that an early day will f witness its - completion.- : ,We believe that it is the expectation of the company to reach Washington sometime in the month bf August. - ; I .Raleigh j Observeri The new postoffice will be ready for occupation by the 1st of October. So they say. - -He said he had disincluded to inscribe for the Be&rver, but .would wait a day to deflect. According to Tuckers registered ther mometer it was considerably up in the nine- r ties yesterday, s - . tiovernor Vance on yesterday appointed David S. Sanders,' ; Es.; ,. a County. Commissioner for New , Randolph Hcyidzicr: II: nauover, tics xeiaware nijun, ueceasea. ; ' i- Governor :Vance on yesterday caused , ? to he issued commissions tot the following gerillemen as Directors of tbe State Colored - -Insane Asylum r Dr. J. W. Tick, Johnston ' s county ; Theo. Edwards, ; Greene ; 15. B. Borden,; Wayne ; Dr. M. Moore, Duplin; O. . G. I Parsley,-. Jr. , New . Hanover,- E. R. Idles, 'Anson ; M. M. Eatz, New Hanover. ' t-A penitentiary convict from Guilford county by the: name of ; Andrews, ; sen tenced to ; eight years confinement seven . months ago for horse stealing,- made good his escape yesterday morning., it is -said . that; Hayes ' has appointed John Hy man Collector of Internal Revenue in the ' ' Second North Carolina District, but we do - i not-believe a word of it.: Yes,5 CoL Thos. B. iKeogh has received : a telegram direct from Washington so it is said, that no such appointment has been made. 4-nstori w Sentinel. ," It Ms the J opinion-of one of our leading, physicians ' that unless there is a good deal of .cleaning up flonein our town we are bound to have a gfeat deal of sickness. - "- Tobacco is selling lower in this market than it has since 1873, -.The locusts l have about all disappeared. ; "We know of a peach . stone that was planted in a garden, and the spot marked three years .ago, , and this. -spring the little fellow showed this head "' above eround. - A long sleep: . John . Walter Wimmer.of our town, has received " the appointment of Cadet miasm pman, and - . ,left'on last Monday for Annapolis. John's father lost a leg and an arm fighting forthe South, and if he is a chip of the old block . he; will be a credit to this district and SUte. 4 Danbury is , organizing a brass- band. , The; Legislature stopped the - sale of whiskey, there, and- the : hoys : are bound to I have a Vhorn" of. some - ;kind. i Harvest is in full blast this .' week, audi -Abe l wheat ei crop ijisu4 excellent. Grape growers are - talking of sending ; ; oft their grapes North," wbeu ripe, as tho ' crop in many sectioaa.Northis said to be a failure this season." -rr Buying up fruit as -it Stands in the orchards, la carried ' on at present largely la this and adjoining coun ties, especially in. Yadkin. -The reve- nue men were raiding f through Yad tin coun ty last week. -Some parties en-. tered the storehouse of Lafayette Smith, in Danbury, on lastThursdaynight, and car- t ried his safe o2 to a distance of about half a mile and broke it open. The thieves got about $100 in money and destroyed abont f 12,CCQ worth of valuable papers. - -A-difficulty ; took place , on last Thurs2ay be-. tween Clem. Nance and son and Andy . Guyer,1 at a railroad meeting at FentressesV in Snrry county; Gayer - was an invalid, and John Moseley interfered in behalf of Guyer, when a ht took' place in which Clem. Nance had his skull badly fractured. ' .1 . v lr . , .. . :f ... --... . tr . ( ... r , ,- . . .,

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