y .J , ! ' It w 8 S 8 s 5 s 8 sioo s o sa vj J8nnoi9. 8S$lsloS6bl. si is w is 3 e 50 ? 00 w ao t- e w sr co o ; B " J a ? H mU r-. . 0 33 sinuous CD CD -QO.- k 1 "nuojt t ies95nt-05'' - i f 'w 8SS ;38 i- tn-i e o oJ 3 w , j. ? t 1 SEE IgSSSSsSSSSSSS; -...- t. - 88888888888838888 . r i C 'Mi iiiiJ If' . '1 t:'ii 3 5 .. . w w . t &T - .. I at .7 . .id j t - ii ion .a Jli pbscription price of theWsKfi; tiX: Star is aa f olloV s : - J - -' Single,Copy 1 year, postage paidt $L5Qj TUE KK.ECT1 FE PR ANCIIISK. w ;Wei ventured t months ago. to tell' oar readers that tne (ime wonld come when the elective franchise would be taken frpm.certain classea, an4 when! the South would have-to7 stand :mt to; protect' heiaegroia LI- frage. Thereare inany Sighs' to Bho'w inai inis utie propnecy was ; nov un-s necfeasary or e unWise.s Orij ' Wednc-! day ; we published an extract from; :Profumner which .he boldly declares that all men; have not the absolute right of voting, ; but that -.-a community, ha a right lot . say Wio shall vote u that it may have j rri . j ; . - I goou; - y governraenu - i iiJia isiimj -. barmony! with ' many; j otherj , opin-! ions v that s have ' appeared :from.' - tim&, tof , time .. iu i t helTori.hX-The Chicago ; 'Intef-Oceanvih fi extreme; Uadical sheet that, has.no sort of love; for the Southl and that was ho doubt ; waling for.the negro to vote so long! ; "as it enabled :the lilespoiler to 'have his, way ; in the. land of. 'rebels,??, has ! eipresaed.itself " very; r'his ; intense . Soath-haier and negrolover, : in aeceiMue saidihis ; commeml.to the attention of all ;who ; ' Jdonpt believe that there 1 applied i hereafter" by the dominant : Nbrthin the' matter ot ,:tfie elective i franchise. -' Hear the Chicago' paper: "The condition of affairs in our large cities, where uneducated and Vicious men, having little interest in i city's : welfare; may : combioe to outvote property oWnera ' and tax-payers, has directed special atten tioo so ' some system of restricting suffrage ; that could be. applied to property and local nnaocial interests. ua It is possible in - large communities for the management of affairs to be taken oat of the bands of those Who . are vitally : interested, and vplaced in -the hands of tbdse who are hostile to the better impulses o the community, and indifferent ' either to the respectability or the' Commer cial prosperity of the city. -i This po8ibilU bility baunts cities like -Chicago and New York as a great danger, and the temptation : to advocate a restriction in suffrage, is very , greatiMJi'jtffirw zUl g-juo.s i. f5 ; V;lOTorahcstoaV ' afflictheibndhofd era arid real estate owners in the North, if it Is'aHowei lo .fvote f W wffi$&. deprived 2 therefore,' of that privilege,' , XI was wtpgether rfght f or ignorance ; to rule the "South. - Thenegro;!ju8t Iiberated.1andrver'jr ignorant, was welj qualified toe govern the edacated por btiro tlBoutKittn ato for-all, but5 th ignor'an t" whiter men in the Korth must be denied the right to vote because, "they may conv, bine'tooatyoleM propertybwners and ,,- r-T-a-f -an a .IjnA !:' ts!ii.i.u; tax-payersj rf Andtbisjs the ppinioi of'tM Uaoferra:dfibaf''Barijroftli ; moral , ideas" lha,ti j dominated Ihe country, arid pillaged, .bppre8sed,.and. - abased tlleeopleTo1rhe& 'lot, . twelve long aieliVtfyeaTa.tff?'? s , consistent ;Radical iay indeed, fa - with: him; if the SouUi i only is, r to W v affected becomeafiddenVy and!kriev-J oafilwron and iyppredsive if r the Jti "f . . l , J . .11... ii, li , . rv; ( The Iettelif th!PresenVinfey gard to Civil Service tneeta with ger erarUpprovaU;:;SaCh: New, York ; iSMn'-iOf -course -condemn, it Buthwtbtxpt goes for uothing;W!e learii that the' -Jf r"r'i;f fvtii s'2 SLitW -l!iavfi'4i lnlerpretatiot placed upon ,tbe!prder bylmemberB of iKtf Cabinet is that tio; take 64tt JiiivpoJitical'aiiitiri ''iickW ;tosp(eaV;yote and write for itbe news? : - papers. - 'This will ?bot 'silence ' sachi ;: fierce icampaigner as jJJickBadgeii ? " affdkla'-Yonn afthdneh'ttiev wilt : not be allowed to eanvass the coun' l4edeiC66doaattyse . their office on political business. -It; is consoting-to knoW tbaiattQi C will not he deprived of their e loan erica" in(the primary. ward meetings, whilst - the coantry will be better served. 'j If the order, as thua ioterpreted,is faith- I. 1 1,1 :..r Y0L.8. f -i fully executed, it wjll,i proves au im mensa . blessing to i;lhe country a larce. 'But will'r it'be'fcarried out in its letter and spirit ? 'Time' will gij the answer. Gradually (4wo are, obtaining,; ligij concerning the: fraads perpetrated b the revenue ?ring upon - the people b Western'North, Carolina. :The 1 Ashef ville f?itt$en bat. been 'writing rxi ihi subject recently,; and i its matemep,ti are' of r sufficient (Interest to 'deserve f u rlher circu Iatioo. -iOne rcase shows Itbat3 Jfosb'ua Franks'depu'ty inarshil charged the . Government $250 fpr transpor ti ng . a . Hd ef endan t, J .tWpod s from 'Jackson county -taeheville,; a aistano- of aittfi-mUes; Thd (Jutzen , says that , Franks was' con tinned. ro, office, t: and was never 4n dieted for. .the; offence, although .is was known to Judge Dick Marsha Douglas, and District Attorney jLuskJ uut, lurtner,accordingto the Citizen "4- large number of cases were.compro-j mised in Madison cpUnty pot long ago as the costs. of the defendants.'- .These costd were found to be grossly and greatly In ex4 cess or lawiur tees. ' :The matter was brp&ght before the Judge in open court, in, the presence of the: Marshal and district Attorney. . Tlie fees of the Deputy Marshal Ynd'Coinmissiohers 'Vere reduced by thej Judge one-half, yet nobod v ' has been ln4 dieted, and the, officers offending are still Inj 1 run ana tne uepuiy . Jiarsnais, although the Judge' reduced their fees one-half .'have! received the whole '.amount from the go-j vernnienwiHiijut jz'Vti.a .i:s-jft' diis "A man by the name pf Frizzle.of Jack son county, severaL ears ago; while, on! trial belore u. . Commissioner Uabdler, a brother-in-law of the District Attorney, shot Candler through the brim of his i hal WhUa sitting as.- a court, with a revolver. He was prosecuted for this, outrageous act, but his case ,was never' brought tp.' trial. Frizzle, who has absconded, from the coun try for a isavage murder afterwards r'edm' mitted in Jackson; county 2 alwava stated. ml we are assured that he had paid about two.tnousand aoiiars to James f and VYu-i liam Candler and Joshua Franks,' for.' pro curing the prosecution --.against him to be Btopped, the two Candlers being; brothers- in-law, to the District Attorney.: The facts of tide case were well known to the. Judge who permitted it to be smuggled off - the docket without investigationJ" ,i'"u. :'s' f". We are assured, t that there are others 01 the same character. ..burely, if these! btatementa' be' :trde, there' is an excellent field for judicial in vesti- gabion, auu ; me jrresiuentr . , ,in ; earnest in bis reform movement, will 1 takei step8 to . thoroughly examine !ntohe :ii.dtVtDtbrifceu6. officials from the Judge i dowu. Ye shall see after awhile what comes , qf all; this, i-ui 'KHii5i b: fwluii '4Hf.r -.: iinnoitAi. WORKS. if. :JS f t It costs something to publish works of im moral y nencf Tri Englatid; Cbaries' Bradlaugh and Miss Atinje esantj have, been found guiltj find setiiencpd to pay $1,000 eacb: to be impri8onea ror six montbs, and to en ter lnW.&nda:Y&fie behavior for two .years. ; Ve do not know what raa,tbe cbaracter. of the j pamphlet they were nnwi30 enougb -to publish We suppose the" 'imniorahty lay not so mucn in its oDscene cnaracter as inK;iU ,)oliticai ;viciousne8s; tbati.it was inflammatory, and calculated 'to injure the political rastituiio country-, rather, . than unclean ana tending to; corrupt ;f.be moral jo thb people:! Bradlaugb is a political agi tator Snd dfsiikes toresent instittitionii' Jfit-,"tt -V 4 i ft iitr, 1 - ..ti- , -tfti-5iiMu tB Ag, w have seen nothing' reflecting 4n liss-Besant'tf virtue, L we suppose she lis duly an bglisbr edition 6f a womanV ; waspier -of cross between' political bojb whacker 4ft amiltoniity wbrd-slinger of ther Elizabeth tJaddy Stantonsort. H 5f I lsjbut just to .Mr. Bradlaugh and Miss Besant to say that ahey l . were evidently convicted otf a mer legal tontoile'jaryV- stateii t(tbat whilst the pamphlet came ; under, the censure of . the act against! immoral charged, that they were compelled to find the.mrgailty 7. if .jtbe,, publication! w?a immoral witbdut considering any; purpose, or, intent on vthe par .df ; tba Writers.; ':; ;(.-' MM tj f j :,:,.;. 'S5t. wish bir Readers to ii hdrsta n d ii.np.indo appears, in eome .of our departments,) such as "Oar' State' Contemporarle'Sj' 'Jburlnt mment aMPcJiicaV ; Pointslje wtsh tbena taseej soro oft sviewft that ! are. i. presented in ; the; papers ; both aV hbnie andfiabrOaolJ If ybtt?wmttentive : Uje etractai.yon wiu. easilyj jnder. 8tandjiwbat js: meant;. byjihei iermi "BonrbonXNbtbnl U there b. Vast deal bf'irulm tbtter8n!bi onmi F ha hanan tint, thora ora cv- pfessions j.that BhoWi hoVj ln.tojeranti and Minded soma of the writer? are ' There is a llethodist ' preacher on the Atlanta police force. 9 i publications, there was no designV bU the fearf Of tftiedefe -; 1 -I .1 ; n A-i ;;;WJJ;mN(JTON. '0.;' FRIDAY!,; 1 i iJ Senator Ransod baa aain rendered a good, service to his.StatejFprsix weeka he has been appealing' strong; '. general amoesty tol of the jseopli i iu North, Carolina who stand cbargec awet The. diationisbed. Senator, al though still compelle,di 4.o tcarryi hi i broken' aTmthVTcebrokenand1 one in 'Battle-m-a sling1 and1 sTeeveYeis, has been twice to Washington; on thu i Pji raercy.iI1e,tflei"o ! the?th injsu,. tells justhawhisj oft repeated and earnest appeals; bav bad their effedti khdvthatH a" satrsfac t'ory arrangement bas"been''made'ib which a compromise'cari oe arranged 1 llie trrn3 Hys net , jeJb,c,;a iPJibi iuned but they are. .such, - we,, doubi not, ' as. will i bring i great' relief to t ntimber "of 'men wb67rest ?nnder t grievous "charge '? and "are indicted llr tbr y'jii ;;co4 Gen. Hansom does &t great deal in t quiet wayi and tbe i publicity v of - hu action is generally i simultaneous with the anouncement of nis success A r THK CHAnL'GSTOtr SIilSCTidN feTelea;tnT Tuesday,thej:eultfljrbicU we an- hnounceaWTh6fsdayryeVerVe9,8fe4 worthy ctta.. connected with. it. -in the first plaee the Radicals made-iio fight after phiticg! ar tickeV'lnthe field! ' The Democrats bad italVtneir own way ,' al thougbT the 'Radicals have a l large. .. majoiity.: A,,ycoptempqrajry! says: i- '"The ivewand Courier gives various the . ,:ir ories for. this apathy, oni their partu ,iOne is that tney haa.noJiope, or winning,,, and saw no benefit in an ODDbsiUbn that would aggravate ill feeliii in the county ;!ahother ialhat they bad no money to i spare to de- fray the expenses necessary f to; t elect .JUieir ' j i i : im i . aeiegauou, wnico, even u eiecieu, wouia have no influence in Cbltnnbia; while' still another is that the. old Republican ' leaders have determined: i to. abandon,-. hopeless cause, and thought the present a .good op- of seventeen candidatea (two.of them colored men),was elected a straight-j bdt fight and atraigbt 1 out"5 'victory. The majority is about eiffh t thousand. jand; mapy wlored. wen yotedrj with the Democrats.. cr hi' sjSJ wU-n-H - The following ia a list of tbe RepVe sehtatives elected J C.G.1' llemmin ger. BJH. Rutledge, d'Neii;.'. fta Simbnton,;! FfJlenJtii Jgickenv;G JU Buist, Jj. $ Erwin, Si U. Ifickhardj Ki IX - White, ' R.l iRhett;T. BJeB. KKinlbcn, E.O. Hall-&4Ja JKewn, genry.arreHTri-0; . f,K(t.-ij. -iirt, THB PUBLIff nniLTn. Some montba agOrwe collate rpm the (anjaraan some few;nealtb ,star tistica which t were in8tructhrei Wjb avaib'oursetvea of the Jnjy"mumber tb'gatb'er abmeMatM that will furnisli fbbdTfoflIconl,E" death rates are mostly, for the month APnl.,V7e Jrn.iiirstKo few Northern cities to ascertain the;nnm beiCof deaths in. every-ljOOOi inhabit tahtar Newi Tcrk- 20.52 iPhiladeli phia, 19.33i Brooklyni'sSfW cago, 17.89: Boston. 17.65 ; Cincin- iPittaburgif 17 ; Providence, fui 8,ft ; Milwaukee, J8;l2New Haven, 19&t euae; 13.2. c;6rimst heMitb the deatbratLaduiiue St? Xoats;' Mo.7;sBiini mb4mVi Washingibn.Bt iKiotilSbdl: Petersburg, 1 3.00 ; . Sel ma, 20.00jK f i4jji'i ' j' i ! j 'ill, " IditagiOtcd i- A orrespondentpf; the qntQtim IVritea aa 0II0W8 about the !power trf 'well faicantVt.w'-iab haveiscbveTeoleT mOnarj consumptidauciit iias cured a &mn ber of , cases after, jlheyj hadj commenced bleeding at the lunga, and the he'etiq. flush." was already on' the check. It' Is the' com mon inulleinj steeped strong and sweetened witb sugnrand 4"8k ,freelyt U17?b9 JeA should be gathered before the end of July. If convenient: M - w.uu4 s iThis tsbinf 4I1 r6tlna reader will, get ;-the(17r(hCarolipa Imanac for 182 be , wili : find! . the oiurthe mulleifi'ubum ft JohnvSatter-)-white, Esq.iiaewniLJionescitl- I zen f Gfanv!neV'wa? Bated W Vttl 1 iof nnlieHeanig in ;the.Oxord,;?bro h) .ilarohjj " 1875. iiln.Marcb, 1876. a. fuller Etate menf , Appeared. Mr. SafterWhite' waaured inlSYandls ttitf liviasf.1 iagel'eb. So W j&amifflt j responaeni oniyj-aiscojrere? a.rernefiyj .for pulmonary consumption' that was; i If we are to reap a harvest from the European war, let's begin. . -jAynrlrSj.S ' 1 ? ''''''' lli) I :.:3 tr.chwlia liv : :-"tl3 cf " living" out i l Lave ia their keep - '- icftbe E:-t3.,One cvrr t3 l';t3 cf execntivi tLi .ronlmtic' coriTen 'i t;. :.:;:!2ai"-ilen".whd .t:.i;t;?:rsrVic9-otiIieit i ; ,c i n t a ' r: 3 ve r Orig& . -4P?" ctlcatleEXlifejfle: pf " nvwho lve'cevgr reached 7 flracchof : ttslpec'bt ei. ? rof essioni;taea fed -5 1 -t. twire-'worki 5d V.t? Instate-e 3 fcrce;' ef 'circunst a . rs "bye of oL.cc Ing the r ha3 oily i 'codnsi tionsto rc never f rr country,' nated a . puLUc f ."dltinc. 'io1. any i hiqder. log-r&ili; 'e"ta-v3 rather tl .a great Cuan-ei t tent3 itr t barren t waa fai leaders; i: . j recover its lost icSuencd and toc? . it3,ciet!t. presi'-3 in the counsels cf i ratica, i; cr; !; E"-"Jon itsj wisc-t p -1 .:.:st ta' t 3 frc : t- A ( e tave I'.-:, t . DodLnviteriil; U.3 troutla isthat we do not concern ourselves eufUciently in the matter of selection. Jf: 0; Piwyvn$ f ;f.t.It .will be seen from the above: that "dissktisfactionvja 'already; beginning to show ' itself in Louwiana.v This ia not the-firs't utterance we have noticed that indicates disappoif tment5 Th4 people of Louisiana hao had a paiq-j inl and i chequered eiperierce--one heavy1 years, and ' whica baa brough tj .feuffejlngd homes. They have niturally thought, botoe cbao&e ' of fortuhe:that'wi8ej -Mt':-vm--M i'J n-J&n-M oV 1 place -of -ignbranti fvicibua' govern entuand-kUiatn;pbntentment peace1 would prevail1 thrpu ebout th tate,- ..iu)( ,fjtjl ,viii.iufihv Jr-i j ''"We areibt Buffibienlly 1 informed' as to what is trausp ring mltouisiana to point' 6nt:f ttie ape'dfidevancea that Jed Uie LocauaetOi write, tbej above Responding' and c passagcvitltugivesjaowever,! a cjear -nWbFdisaoiniratM imasBbip is lacking, atid that the lead- jraarerincmpeientjW experience i men wbd understand nolbingjjpiut. j wira-wdriDg.and.log-rolling. ti'i.ym&i st.miniiiu:3sml) yrjowTar be(pharge; w true. .we:Pan riot siy.It isyot 'lrideed1 matteT! fox surprise; if i what unsays ybt&KW ell founded.1-War atwaya leaves behind; . widespread, rain and corruption. jThe "pebpleJ become demoralized f that nice sense of. honor end.virtne that j .tbo taerioualy . impaired, t XJreedc for gain I "OTtfrjps the jplate bl ';pnle jambition, land the whole people bow down . and . wbranip'at i&jrmkfmfiikmMo 1 Men "whose-holy merit consists in ! ah ability o ti-an8m.uUi.tbe pembable . important factors iustHbecauseAhey ; . ' 1 . . - I . .axe; successiui in accumulating ncnesv iMefe'w1ihoVeiaJabmtp perience in public affairs are,- brought ;j prominently (to tne iront ana pecome the. leaders iot !' a brave and ? honest PedpJ$,8trigghng. ,under lawearypur? deni . arid x praying ' for n tbe sunlight and, tpe cIov, .j. .., s,v .t j., t,j...f,r, f'rt.WaT s and its feenlts ' in ' all ages Jwiy &, been 4afltroatD the morala. aa welV'aV iof tbef rflaterialj intrestaa people laljieiorstelementajjin bu-r Ban&atarffe tation,t and thei reckless, ambiuousi knd nscrnputbUff are: tbet-i meb who win : the -smuea of iojpopblaoi. ;iWd f aecuTe the I placea badlyv for anj, people whenri it can be said, with truth'' that such , a state'bf mmSf?jf"PJ??8?f c4Hn?r andaYfinapcialis prostratioait andj lite the baleful hade of theJJpas blights and curses iali who; come within tbe dircle or:nVbuttnfluenee& '-"' a': TlTbe jawune say aKthat? luislana baa a plenty of good material, but the rppe.are not, .careful in the matter dfelectibTheJVote for the rant' ing, raoutbingpalayenng, self -as honorable citizen, who holds, his good nare,,abQV .eyery (price,;,ud7. who; being trao to himself, can but be true' tb'hia-cbubtrl The 'corrective' lies wilfitne pebplel? Tney have thVpbwer' to choose the best men .or prating iu fciuvi -& W 1 '- ' ," ? 4emajgogues..IlloFpF tyears quackery bat been popuiar;:and effective. How Ibiiff it iwill 'Cohtibue to 'flourish Ve &atflS-frabe.aien. ?;EperieiicV ia'a bard teacher. .put its lessons are .valr- wD.can oucban hrefejr ,to, whilst; mere theory is aa intangibles aa !air,- l arid j Tanisbeasbefore our lriquiriea heiSbaelesa fabric pf art vision." Whenever the people of the land : learjii to estimateanght.modes worth. and insolent knavery," they will ne more faithfully served' 7 'their ofSr cials. t rt-ifwe t'have only ex cf dispots and' fncbtape-f , our lctoty wi!l r.-pi oye a tin: si feoaeby theBoutlf 'theBtatesms nship1 of US things around them into gold;' and to I erpiV: jTicn.s by. speculation, cDeeeme I Of btmorj profit and trust. ? 10 c:i.5 ? serting; unprincipled detridgftgueln stea !blfbr:f ihe'! virtuous '' sincere- JULY i.6v 1877VJ Supericr Court.- ''""l""" 'i" Ia thii Court yesterday! the case of O. A: .7igius jrs. .he Carolina jCentral, Railway Company being a suit, for. daaages waS tried. . It appears that on, or about the 20Ii of Iay;i875,!a3 an excursion "train bn"thi4 'roaSl aa albout'sartiH,fp? th'b Chiflblt iCebtsniiial ce!ctrationr, thevfcpcials of i till .rjqadbeingint -the act-fjissddinglanotljet coach, tq the trainilijyipped noon the nlatform of one. of the cars, and inserted his band .In .the opening at the ij.:tf.-.V..'-iUi'I; 1 -.( o lo 5 atii sU J bieiitJQiiEf engine gavaiudeo-'ftdrard1 movement, 'jerking the caV and causing the debt to close, Upoft thfe hand rofe jllroilgl Iginesultmglnjpejnanmnju th st useful member.. A verdictwas,i' turned for (he pfaiptlfl, the damages hem '.fressra.' tftigfct fefeUd'aMdoni!t) ...V . j . -. .. i , - I Xi. X,w.M J.-pClyt Iwr tjd Ct& tCtitiaubo, kiC , Messrs. A., T,& John liondon fPrthejjlain Body of jDrttwMft fatai..jpjnB,;Tt .. Coroner He wlett was notified' yestrda thaf the body of a white' man, bfc large size wlthbut any coat on, "had "been discoverec on the shoals near the Waddell place; be tween three and four miles below this city, ;The body had evidently beep j in, the wi for, a considerably length of time, An in quest was' to have been held over the re mains yesterday atternoon. Nof iqeA car be s formed as to the Identity1 of thennf or tunate man as nooneof his descrlptioof bai .been: known to have perished byjdrpwniog lately. .j.V h, .rui ,u Fire t Klamlasioay u4'oj J;i1. Yesterday morning, f. about, 8? o'clock, while: the family of Hi i. Short, o Flemlngton', Columbus county; were tem porarfly absent from the house1, the "duell ing caught fire :4nd the'furnlturei and-bne room of t the. building -were partially wd Stroyed beferej the nmeacouj)exar guished, to say .nothing of tbe' damage hy wateri which was' considerable. 1 The, fire is supposed to have been caused by. the1 ex plosion! : of - a7 kerosene lamp. J 'Thef entire building narrowly escaped. The property vwaa insured, i$ thf Mjtnhttaft ance Company, of Philadelphiavfepresen- edMal. J. A. Byrne, of this city. : . - m m m ' ' tl fit v ''n.iiaUi.. r iha1 .nnlV ;;V.;''8eat of Pender.' , ( The Eepublicans of Render coun ty imei in Convention at Rocky Point, yesterday, a&di IUUU u WKKjruuiii jr dousi uajr , nuw unanimbtts. decidetl'upo thiinbn-i of Borgaw aa the choice of the nar-l almost unanimoi inationo; ly for the county seat at ; he electioa to he- held inAugU8t next;i,AipreUmihary rmeel-t ing, was, held dPridayj nigh which did. not break npnljart4o'ck)Ck;Satu motning. : 'Colv Cutltu was there' and pat-i tilvU'l'USUlri:,.'.fc-'l ajyzea.-. roppQsipnjTw fortunately went la sleep on his honors and got left when thetrahJ :paaaeA.VfinoJ-j ;!i'v ' ' : June'SOthi 1877,T tl13 . . . Editob 8tab The ; llepublicans of Fender county held a County; Convention here to-day to nominate a place for county site. Every township'was fully represented bv delegates. And v "Walker was' elected President and Levi Nelson Secretary. The j xuie w aopptfu uunBioaijoia uuuiu ve had before a aominstion should he made. CDOnthesixtb banotuhe followiBireult was announced vSouth Washington.. ;1; TloCkvP6int:7:BurMw.mJBurKaw wasi declared the nominee for the court house 1 oi irenuer. ine seiecuon ..was men maue unanimous, all the delegates voting for Bur gaw.r d places were put in nomination except South .Washington, Bocky Point, and Burgaw. ' The eleclionncomes !bff'bn the first TburBday of AtJgust next; hoiiil Special Telegram to the .Observer. I 'TbySiocknbida oHhtiia and NortK Caroliba Railrbadmet0 in thia city to-day. - The organization waa, effected the ,-electionj of oLehn CT Wooten, ; of : JjCnoir ccoubtyctaa Cbairriiab.anaSetb arPehWSeCre 'tkrV m'u " i ; " C ')Hocl i-'adioei., J 9tt Patterson, and. iiVVrBjrJ)uncan;i,were elected Directors on the part;'of tbe KtA.VWATAil rlUTrtl fl'.ul YIJV..H Hughes, J. 1 S.: Lanev Silas Webb and J:1 JFJ p$vis rrrel elected Wrj&pSii on tbepart bftheVStalel JJJ Hon. M. ' Ei;' Manly held thV$tAM proxy. Tho ofthe Vblfenden,'J. A; Bryab and John .Wbotejuf-j law &d tvi:'i oiiJuj . No' special business waf transacted) though considerable discussion took placed ; Themeeting adjburn65Jtili last TJiursdayl In September. ' Ul c-;jJ -,- At .a ineetiog of ? the.'fie.w Board of Erectors, Olaj. Jobn: .Hughes a waa and J. E Moreheadi and Gebrgei leninancet5pniitiiltee;w wAatoiizo fl'As,ra matter'bf' intei'est'tb-'the Sheriffs add clerkatjin'' the State;1 the Raleigh 'News balls attention tdt the act passeyherraatcrfleneral Aa sembly in regard toniniOnsta&Tbi act requires only bob summohstb he jssued ta a conntyand 'bo ' Copies ribi be issued toeacb defendant,ias herei toforev Whiobi summons is to.be ,xead to tbe defendant .instead of i serving copy;npon him. WAeniithiefendo ant resides .within rthe; county .from;, which. tBummonayssneajS ia required ujppn eiimmobuj where heresidea ut.ph countyj from which the1 summbca, jssues ' a , seal is- required.'" ; ' - f-y HobaUefJ&'ieteh'aV'beW feasting the venerable t Ed ward J. Hale, of New York, with some of ' his choice'pears,. a box of which he sent hint1 it Is ple&nt to remember old friends and to be remem bered. . ra;,' Goay. Jbbnbble J.-M. .ParrottcGebi v Allen, U( John v;. u l?ri ' T-iJs" ncr oil U5 f Jb luance Committee on the part Btbckbblderstbbhsist f lF. unanimously eiecieq . jrresiaen -Bw m. Tne IXIllIns f Caps, catesby Jones ip '.i I ia i full U Selni; 1 ? (X Special IDispatch tos thej BitimQriS-jpil : . . '- TTT . 1 T . n - The Jrapression received from.th Seei BogejoiieMitrjeiQse i aged 49Ven,'b4ad J W vdiculty J'witb1 eoif Hr..'T.yA. iB&rrakieed 6te; liBFFS? ft Bplf ?M&$mm I their child to be jn the wrong sent urrar over eany me loiiowing -nrorn aVino ojfftpolbyp?aiidi i ibaskiPuiSMaiiPfceiieKibg; Ito it seems gotten .the better of.. .Litf la'Hirral,1 5tlsifetat,edi'wa3-',,enc6ulr aged here to:!ici'r3rovfe tlie Vptrtbi x;;y t2JeZZ3kv$J ai..act!:i concttbp laCe;hcbiLdjre4 were separated, f and OaptJ Jones, on beaHnn'ytefeMniittyemJ had met witb onhis" praise worth 3 errand, hasteifebf tb? ttarral's house and Tang iae bell,Uarral ocomlng t he do?or.A;CpojtjMsodybgid bne" Capt. Jones s replied " that - bd did xq tsomeor ajduculty .butt b at the premises was contemptible, and tbereupoHaiTar diwpistbraad Bnot niow uapw Jones i was the 01a jeso.njpjhe'fe L ; . s tant General of pe regular army. H 4 was'bh3of the'm68ti highly' VeSdeaM and belovodbfiio'ers in tbeinav jsfidj in tbeinavafi distinguished m. the prdmancehranxih! of that service, He resigned at. the! begibnins of tne war. wentt South ada'exebdtfeffioof1ie1Mer4 rimaoab ita encodbter -Jwrthdhe-Goii gresa, .Cumberland and iotheijvessefa, He served creditably - througfi the war in c various capacities. , He is SD6ken;fbf a lm&H .Wtnenfoif ex- . edrplary babus, modestJ and fretiringl equared by otbe 1 lawk of jhoaariB the precepts off religion, ,f. He 'leave many friends in this city, Baltimore abd thrbnbul We'SbuthV1 whoawHl read of bis-' 'melanCholy-dealhiL'wiCh ISpedal CJorrespondeneeof RafelghKe' ws: J Hi 'V drifjyiDQoil 6rJBfcBj J f 12 nniJune:j27a8TT2 PcMuhpi -tefed :Iaj.1fduth'eevknY; years tbete baa been no joterrpptiojit, Jbnyt eacb,year,.tiie college Jfiaf eld its "regtilar sessions. f"Tbeprbperiy b wned and tneirivestme bver Wquirteiffa; miilicy .i Thifi- stitution has had left it two hundred Iof iTrustees.bave representatives from iina, ana Georgia, ana ine coaiege is udeVihg fbihfcoctrbl pf ,ttie3Pres byterieatiJf tbbsei: Stated 01 ni The brarjeSaKejweUsuppliedrwith I T have lnstrnmentar and appata all that i3 nece3s&ty j 'ait(I alsd-bave a 4o(tbW cpursevthet 1 firsts lyeSt: : beiiig general, tbe-second, praoiical. hernia- 'WeefesabtePfiVe Tfiet'fiiefi length,- wa maodfaclufed by Messrs. 'U'dtliiiiudt Wasi made The museum is very fine, showing itarge collection Fgeblogicaf !ibd mifieral' apebitfleVia I th it ' have ' be6ri pjrepsre4Atgratieip:en8b,bftP ence. n"n- Cerent departments; fourf; these are gra.uatesLfh.e jUniversity fif uYifT bad a European .classical Ixaining. r ?fpgfinii berfetbfbecHft ieebWladhlyiits regnbir)coilei ja.eor8j9fsiherej hangjennoipxei paratory jepartmenu.but it is.now proposed to establish a class one year beidwHbe f feshtilan bfedafiSe'BtJ'man academiesare iiinpreparedi to perfect students for. the,Yregtjlaf coJlegiatq u;3mLVilgi aWi'li Jaeij TBItfanlhjb- anEteffea'hT Societier Aeld th'eirVannual:tCTBioii'a tJ)e-vnaottei vwemtsr, nenvereq-xaet alumrii aTddresa" bafdre the Eiime'nBan !l At 1 1 o'clock thjBrprobeasionV' bead ed by tejlvgrOcrnetrjtBand of States villet and jcomposed df -the tfflis- the campus ta'front of tbe oldcol lege1 aiidm?ced tbstielw'Mlef ef tbe proressdrlralid trustees1 occupying: seats pnx,tb,e rostrbrjx. JsTba exerciseaj and prayer by. Kev. Mr., Rumple. -of SaBsbur'yV ??kiyiSltfte&&xk BborfapeeobluWduaedHe JWitherspobnibf &y irginiat who rdee livered he anqual address. Hissubf, jeataieHalism,3i iiivmk j The:?pr8j5tHeTloseafea-wrthi eighty-onecollege -. students, ; with eleyeuyjgruates.ijhe;graaatiD class 4puc;bJefe'ltwelye7:bqt, - during! the. year one-hai diedc I nduJ ,axH v-'.i ' "i"i"" f' '--T 7 . : -it 1 : " " . 1 i ir -tii A.hd General Hatnpt'da'did not ge to Davidson College eittec" It ia' about time to stop advertising that be will "be' around. That ; sort of decoy-duck ''ta played." ; J . ikimfaMP XJatttti-Catesb it appears xnatr a- son oruant ones .him 'if , he came vfor 4 difS-f 'bUtrmiU'eUl'mulnad in his manners... affection ate to ward his .family. 1 and friends, charitablyi disfedwfdVhlsrigmfel;' irm bad aa,at het wbb lif e-' wis M 9 - t , To-day. is ther fortieth pommence ment of Davidson College it having beesisiied Wmi Indbha? BLanaaraw.orKSj j,ana. numoerS;, xen ihebavi InSlniettf I otr Kowan. aeiiyerea (ne Taiumu aaj -dres'sBlef ore' tbePlllahthVbpicf and '- Referring to the cane pre: :ta-ti03,ia'lEi!sigli-ty! thetrhp'-sxt w. -'.3" to . one who iasometines "dry' 11. C. Badger-the Elizabeth. CiXy'JCewomizt re- marks? 'VliiaUcstimcsul was, terame the donors, andwas an appropriate tribute from liquor dealers, to him who served the cause because "he loved it." otu- Rocky Ilohnt JHdik 7e '-'learn tiat in-tke wheat-of some of our farmers much smut is.; found, and the yield greatly Cut oS in consequence, while - other crops are clear of it; upon the whole the harvest is deyelopjD?: tbe ifact that the -croo is good.1? -. Dr. .Ii. C. Tillery .had the fire titoselfDiiaiLea was arralsned before Jus-, tice Tillery on a peace warrant .for threat- cuixig iuc me oi iur. iuuu uray, who uau . bSn id htempl6y;?r.iJailedv ! - j. " id -Tt JEliifiibethi City.; Carolinian : 1 A man who, lov.es his family will takes news-.-paperj and a maa'whb respects his family . ivlll pavJorJL r4--I3asui2hti Twidv. an old citizen of Curritnck. waa.bill(inn th Slhtdt4, b"y'the failing'of a tree. A .figwleamoQ&t company as. organized at .' juamgen v;ourtnouse on jrnaay. j A hoard !' of directors wis elected. DC P.- N. Mullen - jPieside h? purpose is 0 establish a - line irom bhiiou.to JMorfolk.f,Capt. W. L. ;Wari6r,! Of Elizabeth City, is to be General-' ilanaser. -'f L. P. Z'""'-r has orgasized a ' '.cornet ; b and ia II?" f ord.: 7 I Irs. ui'lUUL ,..i ottdicJ e.: ,11 Al?jnitfHaleigh -r?5smrcr, "wri ting : frpm Klnstont The. wheat crop in all th e Eastern counties is a grand success. In Wilson county I; saw two fields.; that were t estimated at from twenty-five to thirty-five bushela-lper.,, acre, al was, mfnrmed- that there, were twenty-six: threshing! machines iuithat county Tand of crops which, bad been -. harvested averaging from ten up to twenty five bnsnels per acre. ' Bo. with this countv I in traveling the roads you see the steam en- ginea and: machines threshing out tbegold ven graiDua i war or noi war, this people .are ;;independetitn: Ithft I flour I question. More.anon4 rr pvt . i - 1 v. Cbarlpttfl pSfffi2Li report uVs?recetv'ed he yesterday 'ev . the'efect that in the recent contested elec tion case-in Monroe, on local option,. Judge Buxton had decided in-favor of the prohi , bitioni8ta. t- i-t A negro man, named Frank 'Johnston', who is in the- employe of Mr. L .W. Sanders, attempted suicide (last. even ing between sunset and dark, on the prem ises of Mr. H Frankthenthal," on 1 Church street, !near,Trade where his wife! resideB. Qe took laudanum. . He is,out of danger.' ' L'jj report reaches us to the Effect that thecoovicts engaged, ia . the work pa the "Chester & xnoirTNarrow Gauge Bailroad are subjected frequently to-very bad treat ntalhe bandSj of contractors , or over (Mi-0n!MAb, jhaJ'; fiaid Ithe farmer; to the corn i "Oh, boe!ft said the corn to the farmer - A bad 8pell:' Thomai, 'spell weather,'' said a . achbolniaster to one of hia pupils. ; W-i-e-ar;t-h-Ho-u-r, weather." , Well, Thomas, 'you may sit down," said - the teacher. "I : thinkihis is the worst spell of weather we have had since Christmas." ' -- On . la&t I Thursday" eveftia g' the; ladies' 'of O2 ford gaye very elegant and elaborate entertain ment id the Chapel ofthe Orphan Asylum. !A large audience attended." Governor and ..asceBonMjcarborongli; and Grand MasterJilunson were also present AsminUt6 is !a very Utile thing, but It ja ong enough, to pall a dozen achipg teeth, -or. 'to get married ' and', have your own mbtherri-law.1'iJ"ia! liAY'iM -vf-W-'i hv44dxf agnolia Hecord: u It ;is very . sickly, .about ..Warsaw.; -,f r Wheat crops in Sampson county are good! We re gret ty learn that measles are quite preva lent '4ft the village- of Dudley and vicinity. .uL'Aioos -about i SwsnsbOro. "Onslow ' cphnty. are reported as good.f They have begua to -catch the mullet, - 4' nigbly prized ifishi i.'There Was a terrific hurricane at Kenansville and in the vicinity last week, -by-Which Considerable damage was done to shade trees,: orchards andf encesj Re- cently:the ''Norris Frederick housej situ ated oil the old Frederick plantation, and occupied by A. H. Parker, Esq.,"was con sumed by fire;!l.The'fire 'was commnnica ted i Ironii al.atdve-pipe.' Mr. i Parker lost most .of -his .things.- Mr, Frederick . lost iiuom i,uuv or iuu. ao -insurance. trrrf JiiAin. If space, of ifive; miles square in J the Bear Harsh neighborhood, in the upper end of -Duplin connty, it ia estimated that there wil be.;lve rthpusand t bushels of wheat harvested this season; enough to make qhe thousand barrels of flour, i -' io ;SaleM'?iVes:tiiNeaTly.! all the wheat has been .Jbarvested in this section. : Flour has fallen in price td four cents per 40j?fr-5,Diedi ia thiSi places on Sunday lmorn1lMr4.ast,iMriHenry Schaffner.one of oldest Sad most respected citizens; He waainJu8.80tb:yeai.-andJia3 left behind an ' nviablesrecord-ofrai lona Hfeiwell spent. tjA cow, owned by a citizenryieldsj illoiJsata;cmilking,r6 -gallons per day. . Mhosm beat thiSi ;-r-fr Bev.: Jacob Mock, Qr moce than thirty years: Moravian-missionary, among the Cherokee Ihdiana, de liveredj a highly tinlrestini discourse on Sunday evening in the Jkf oravian Church. r Dysentery, is generally; prevalent, , as sual at.this season.; :-- The cherry crop is heavy, and prices low. -Large quantities n are being dried and will command fair prices' E. -W; Liaeback, of our town, . shipped his first crate of peaches to Boston, -on Thursday last,' of the Peerless variety. 4-The store house of Lafayette Smith, in Daubury, ,-was entered one flight last week; and the rogues carried off the safe a dis tance if half ra InileV brokd itiopen; and . rpbbed. Jt ,of its contents,, about $200 in ; money aad a 'quantity of valuable papers.. . frMri Thei: channel of Tar rirer has been straightened at several points to prevent the caving In of the banks 'and to secure a Xceerfiosr ot-MatettxjMtlatfM ' -obf'Tnstbnt Twenty-four Stocktons met, by, chance at the house of Mr,- Joe Stockton, in Salem, on last - Sun day, and it wasn't a good day for Stocktons either. - r A Boman Catholic. marriage, and a Hebrew's5 deathwitb the services peculiar to each, occasion are two events that have never taken' place in' this imme diate yicinity: before. '...VTr.Tha, District Conference of tbe Greensboro district will be held at Kernesville", commencing Thurs-, ' day,? July 12thi and will be presided over by Bishop Kavanaugh. The fruit busi ness is assuming some importance 'in our countyJi' We have here number of or chards of the improved and nearly variety of pe&chea.Jj4- There is a . ravenous ixy ' sect blackv withf straw colored Bpots) depre-' ;. dating upon Cabbage and cucumbers, that' old gardeners say -was never; here before the" advent Of the Yankees in out; midst in1 1865. Wiley Tuttle, of Stokes, went to bed in Epod health, on last ; Thursday ' nightna on Friday' indrning was dead..- - -Weaee tl stated ia .8ome, of our e x-i changes that there is a great deal of sick- nesa in Winston, all bf which is a mistake.' . Dewberries plentiful at five' cents 8 quarts ;rr Cap t , IX 4-' East, ?who. has, been "Worshipful Master of Winston Lodge' for several years, was on last Monday night' the recipient of a handsome testimonial -ia the "shape- 'of a gold headed ' cane. - ; Twenty-four thousand feeti of .floor cai pacity, at Jlhe " warehouses, upon which to-! put down tobacco, will do right well for a ' place ho longer ;in the trade than Winstoo f has been. To shw the fever beat of. business and trade pervading our section, ' , we had at the: hQusSj tlx9 otkerday an old ; bigger, (with two ckaldren)she had walked : . eleven miles to town.' brinffis tLree ouarts ? ' of crdiaary,- sour cherries, which she de-; iX V . . . r - . . a bucu uaitciuig ioc a uox. ui u;ppiag enuu, r 8he11geton . ' I w get out from, his new ground on Tuea-

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