V IIGLIDATS. 4 i. , it i HENRY W. LONGFEIAOW. The holiest of all holidays . r ' ' .. Are those kept by ourselves "...'? . In silence and apart i - The secret anniversaries of the heart. When the fall river of feeling overf 73, Those happy days unclouded to their do", Those sudden joys that out of darLne:3 start, . i As5 flowers from ashes, swift desires u C rt, Like singing swallows, down er. c'a IzJ ithat blows,-:--: --Hsi; vi j'- White us the gleam of a "receding 'e-11, Ji " White as a cloud that floats and Llrta u t;r, White as the whitest lily on a streaa, ; -These tender memories tr?. t A fairy tale of some cacha. i had, , We know not where, hut tcatiful ? As a dream within a drcaa, t ." . , , ? TUe r;ike Trr.ri.' Atnoon yesterday , a , p- M;e:an found a taoy bat hing in a slip, . near the foot of Jtandolph street,, and he -called to the lad to come out and be arrested like a man for breaking the ordinance. ; tils it agin the orjunance for Ja" boy to fall into the river?". queried the bather. "No, sir, but you are naked." . Toes the law say that : a boy. has got to have his clothes on , when he . falls in?";' 'iTf "Ur -'.St '.'The ordinance .prohibits baching here, and now. youcome .lOttfef 5 i',' . - 'Is.it bathing when a feller cats his foot on a piece of tin,knocks his head agin a beam,and swallows four catfish and a gob of inud?" " i u f f -ti V . . "I want youl" called the officer.-- , "What for?? asked the boy. . .I;neommand youi to come.iuitISa. ! "I cant come," sorrowfully, answered the bather. "The real truth is,I jump ed in here to rescue a drowning fe male, but her hair palled off and she's at the bottom. - As I have no witness I dasn't go to.vtriallVi-Vi-'-r-- "I'll bring you out!" growled the offi cer as he made for a boat; butjthe boy disappeared and was seen na moreJ While the officer was looking under the wharf the. half ofa - good-sized sand pile suddenly slid down the back of his neek and into his boots, and a , musical, , familiar voice.' -was heard saying: . - - . - "My shirt's on hind side afore,breech es .turned around and , this ; vest, .is wrong endup, but I feel as clean as a new stamp from the : Post-office, and Lor! what .an , appetite . I've ; got for. pop-corn bfdls.VDetroit Jfree Press.) - Aerlcattnre la the TTaltea State, r. j . . t f. Baltimore 8un.J , A ' i Agriculture, which lies at the fouo-! elation of all other. Industries, ..is not apt to be exposed' to sadden floctua : tions, save from unusual caases,' and - whatever may be the- case-with other forms of business,, the.', tiller , of ;the soil is likely to Rave something always 10 do, and to get a - fair- reward for doing it. i At the timefthVt)3ata1ifdr: tbe census ; of 1870 were compiled, there were 2,660,000 . farms in the United States and Territories, and it has Jeei estimalQflthatinot. far. from: one-uair ine enure popuiauon 01 ine country obtain their subsistence from Providence at first hands, owing it alone to that; source and their own industry. The total acreage of farms at that period5 was"? 407,73,041 bf which 188,921,000 was improved, and 218,814,000 unimproved, being about S3 per ct? bf the latter. 'In some States the percentage was much greater. The average size of fairms in eighteen States and Territories fell short, of 153 acres, the average for the whole. . The total value of farms was $9,262,- 503,861, and the wages paid,' inelud- ang, boards was-f310,236,00a.yi 1 A Desperate Riflu Atteatpta t Kill ' .r i'r!u.a-jBietlee la Ceart. M'lft . :-7 i ..r.'.v IPncAi N.1 Y' June 27.'"; Plt & t ? yeu 1xelaimed Tbny Lucot with an oath, asr he was ar raigned before, Justice Edward T. Mantont of Marcyr yesterday, on a . cnarge ot burglary; ana puuing pistol from hir pocket fired at the J ustice.-'' 1 be weapon' was - loaded witfa hot,HnajlsJiand similar r stuffy and a part of it lodged in Marston's . side. Lucot was secured at once. Tony Lucot hasJong beeo a noto riously bad' character heresbout. He , is a' faftneV a'ndl keeps a small hotel .- three miles - trrfm this city, He.has threatened to - kill Mt. Marston for several fVfarSandij-ecenCdifficuUies - witi that gentleman ( doubtless led : him to -the- attempt he made' onh'i9 . lie.; ...uir tAtarsion, was ! jioi aanger , oasly'hurti although 'the fshock rehi dereU him ' unconscious! fbr short timiucot .U be triei: on ithe charge of (attempted .der' It seems , pretty certai n that M r. Hayes must' give 1 np hia. dear 'friend ' Stanley Matthewr or resign all hopes - ,' ,Vj.. . .f $ f vi warm nuupon. in nu wn Diaie, A Wafthinffton ieleccram to-the- Bal timore Sun say 9 in ibla connection; There is ' dissatisfaction in the Re- . publican ranks: over' the' course of titB.Aef 'MmM ttd the President . has been -very' plainly informed that he has alio wed Mr Matthews to' run things, too, much .for. the benefit, of lher ,partyt Jf,ia!iknpwn . that;jstliei . President bais been told that if be ex. jiects the? success ot his party in his own St4teheT&iismaod!;J thews ta a back eat. It is not ; nor believed by any of the.OhiollBepub-rr licans thatif they are so fortneate as to obtain a , Hepublican f Legislature, . Mr. Matthews would stand the least chance of a re-election. A frivolous Grasshopper; having .spent the summer in Mirth and Rev elry, went on the approach of th e in clement Winter to the Ant ' and im plored it-of its charity to stake him. "You had better go to your Uncle," replied the prudent. Ant; "had, yori imitated my forethought and deposit ed your funds in a Savings Bank you - would not now be ' compelled ,to t re , gard your Duster in the . light of an Ulster." Thus saying, the virtuous Ant retired and read in the papers t next morning that the 'Third'?. Avenue Savings Banki-where he had deposit ed his funds, had suspe9ded.-rlrbrld. ' H m - ,Jir';,; ;;'r"V Father EvauSj of the' ChroMble lias been sick, but wearee;lad loleara he ia able gay, J'Richard is himself 2iia.V ; 1 .. ' 2 i ; Ir- .lent. . -i-:-. .r.'i A: IFrom New Yc.k Sun Interview. Mydut.es3 President "of T the Board of Trustees of Harvard Col lege required that I should be iu Cam bridge and appear publicly with M. Hayes. But the suggestion that be cause I did meet him in public,'-and CTtende-l to him a civility which 1 tLink proper to be extendedofany 6 holds'the bfiide which he -because I did this that. had . ... i . u my views, as expressed in n 1 4 1 -1 i to Mr. Tilden, S whilhS was 2dj. is wholly false. I have net clanged those . views, -nor- can I. I CW feel?: a little : peculiarly trbea ; I thought f of -"4 meeting A Mr Hayes. It is a hard thing . to : say cf any .i man that he bears";.' the Etsnsp of I fraud upon his brow,vand, therefcrejifMr Hayes saw the?let ter 3 aiiat have been touched by i I did qot rw.rite it for publication, but calv tav express to Mr. 1 llden some esasa of my respect for the mapner in which he had acted, while the wrong was Lciag done him.- But ::what I then wrote I still, adhere to.i till, Mr. Hayes came here.' He is the act- ing President not the rightful Pres!- ident, but still he holds the oflSce, 'A certain respect is due that ofnee; that is all ' that tny appearance with Mr! Haves means."'; .:'-y'-' m":T' StateevlUe Haua-Ielt aad ..A seiai The Statesvilte; Bank has been adr judicated a bankrupt on the petition or s Messrs. iilackmer & Henderson! m - - 1 m sr r 1 a a "b-w Am - 1 ucKer, flicuorKie ana x oiK,soiiciton forMj,Koxana fiSiraontonl Th schedules filed with the petition show; an aggregate indebtedness, bv cer4 tificates of deposit of about seven ty thousand dollars ($70,000); and assets to the amount of about nineteen thousand dollars ($19,000). Citizen of Iredell county hold certificates tq tne amount ot f eo, 000. v rue largest; certificates are in favor of Mrsliox4 ana Simohtou, wife of the late R.IFJ Simonton. for $20,000. and the . lato Judge MitehelVfor $12y51 4 il A meeting of the creditors 14 called at Salisbury, July 16th, for the pat-1 pose of' electing an-, assignee! siThe Bank was incorporated in 186&70-7H 72. By. special statute administra-l tors,' guardians, clerks of courts, Jbc 1 esc., were aumunzeu to ueposiineirj trust funds in the bank. 1 1 I T. i The President and Directors clainV tiUSk tucT uroro uuuuuau t lituucro u the xsank only.; . Thev were i incor poratea aa sacn witnoat tneir rnowl edge or consent , After the death o Mr. Simonton,1 they called a formal meeting and elected a cashier 6. suc ceed .Mr," Simonton'. ; This 'the pireo-tors-claim is their only official act: in connection with th ;Bankr . since 'itsi incorporation; TAre they liable fori the debts of the liank ' t-V H.- :"'".'.'..,:'" '" mm eai a ' ' ' f Hayee Stands av Hie Clreolr.i Special tor the Gazette. v s : .,' . .WASHINGTOir, Ju The President - has made up ..his! 7 4 mind to fight the politicians On the; merits of his recent '.order'. to f office- holders. , lie said very recently to a friend that. he kne w the order -would create dissatisfactionin . the!;party,i but he believed it was right lit prin-j ciple, if it duliose; the party some voters at firsthand he. meant to have; it i rigidly carried but. '' He' regards himself, as he, says, aCthe heald of a large; business which e, is expected to run in X thHoterest df the people. He does not think it right or. business-like . that men wbo are paid by the : government for Attend ing to its interests should be wasting their time ' attending and manipula ting;; isony entions,- and he; annburices mat me omce-nomers , woo come in conflict with this order, will 'suffer. He says the Southern policy is a fixed tact, and will not be changed, and intimates rather forcibly that tbe par ty must come to his notions, and that he believes it will do so. ... .. saareata Cea;rt DMlaloai - 1 26. branch vs. 2he; W. JS. Company. Tfce act biFheftiegis lature,' imposing a penalty on a com delay in shippihg goods, is ! constitu- .ionalTbO; rangercasles lately decided by the United States Su preme Court, is. conclusive .on tbe riPreference inshipment .'should Be given, to'7ocat.,'reight.v':'In8teadi:i.of oemg an excuse, "tne aeiay or local treightfp caused ibynlacksf Hears, which lack is caused by the pressure uvuruKgu irigub, - tiauseuuy iue in ducements; held out by railroad com panies, is the very. eviF. which the statute is designed to preveoti V1 : Being a penal statute tbe computa tion of time is that most favorable to tbe defendant," and therefore fiye full days of demurrage is allowed.! cfiere, cotton beitig" received Octobers 10tb: tbe , time . expired Sunday, October 15th, and the hrst penal day was the 16 th of Uctober. - - " - ; - Oalumeoeement Cxerclaes at Ktnafon. We condense some items from a letter in tbe Goidsboro( Messenger'. Kinstbn has two excellent 'schbols in successful operatioit--the Collegiate Institute, training about one hundred pupils, presided over by Elder i J. H. Foy, and the' other, High $chool, witn aooutniiy pupiis, conaacxea uy Prof. J.; a-Midyettela '4-! ,.The closing exercises of both these schools arer now in progress, and tbose parts of the programmes- which your correspondent has baa ' the pleasure of witnessing, reflect great credit on both the teachers and, pupilai.t The exercises at the Institute em braced a debate "Was tbe 'South justifiable' in seceding and ' an " ad dressby Dr, Craven,, on The Ma chinerv of Edocation." Other t fea tures were a musical concert on 4Fri day and t addresses' by Fred. A VVobdward and Hugh F.l Morray, o Wilson.. t ,r. . , - i n -t - IK i - -i Jt 5 Li - J j. U . ! .V'Waesongtos, July ,3.1 1 -The'Treasurv. ofiThnf 3davi Will1 Tirnha- J m -.oil , .if- . ; i ... i r.. r , 1 vj atl KU UlUliUU pUUUA ' ' j UoL JTench;- of the.Becoad Artniem Jiaa been promoted,- Gen Roberts reared., ; Nothing was done in tbe Cabinet regard- ine foreign 'appointmeots: , "V H- ,-! Secretaries Sherman and 'ITcCrary 'are absent r Mr. t Evarts r; ;retutned ; eaH v ihis morninvfcf-'-:KrW44.;K:fVi'r i--'- Secretary EvarU submitted to thaCabi- nes io-aay jjiaz' order to Gen. Trevino, or dering him to resistrwlfi force" any inva siou of Mexico by United States'; troops, as autnonzed v by instructions to Gen. -Ord. 1 ine Mexican; order' was : discussed hut no action was taken.;, Geh..Motta; has not yet uaii; sn interview, wita .secretary .JUvarts concernlnc his 'recosrnirion' aa5 Minister .of the Diaz government. ! He mav be received mere is: no mcucation . that Motta .win be received.aa ;the5ilexican minister. iLo that the instructions to Gen. Ord will 6 modified. : : The Administration kill' act slowly and ' cautiously in' receiving a5ew minister from Mexico 61 UMttitt hue, f The President has, commissioned the fo owing postmosters: Bhuford. Minola, Tex as; Chamberhnr)(BenqD .Texas; .Wilson, Lynchburg, Va,. Gen. McUormlck repreoented the Tretfc soryila theabiinet todayfrx 4tvt f ;..iue iecreiary ot jtherrreasury'basissued an order, declaring ten hours alesaL dav'a work, but contracts for greater or, lesser times are legah-,'.: 'l-. A liercua special reports a diseutegratiba or the Cabinets There tare rumors athat Key; finds hejcau relieve jthairPrBfideni oy resigning, ana tnat; ilegreary, j,ia view of the expression of his Iowa constituents! is bound to re8lgn?;'y4iii?W-s ' ? The Presidenvisrirated over theiin4 dictment of Wells and Andersdni ior ner-l jury iu connection with? Abe Xiouisian Be4 turning Boarder The Pfesident's ideawaf that aU matters of this character were coa-f aoneaoy ineiaunews08terargaiQr 1 Agricultural Commissioner Watts, after consultation with Simon Dameron, declines tne invitation to resign; and his suspension also- comes an' before the "Senate.5 V. There wm De muaay wararieii au-apoatj iota ot uctonec. It is claimed in iir;!hlghlrclesmiiatti 1 ki-D...IJil.t -- sbeeches'durinlthePresldehtlalC T . : " 'J ' .' ' . 4 - a. a a' C joatoq, were composea who a view ot ex-j eluding political or other significanceif r ;i commissioner ijeiinc (nas takenteH sion of the Agricultural Department. uTho cotton interest will be glad to hear (bat Mrl Dodge, the Btatisticjan, conUnues iajfchargq of the Statistical Bureau of the Department! xne instructions issuea to Gen. Trevino commanding on the-Rio Grande, in con-j nection with orders issued to Gen. Ord, au inorizmg mm to rouow.uexican maraud-t era across the riverr. are . positive. General Trevino is instructed to resist such inva-l sion, but .the; Mexican' 'War Department takes care to explain that: such resistance; could not be -considered- in ,'act ot war against tho; United AStatei-yTrevino is in-j structed to send a commission to Generar Ord to. explain these views and to; assure! him of a willingness, on the part of Mexico; of observing the extradition treaty between! vuo udiuju uues ana jH.exico, iDirc at ine; same time a ' determinatten to maintain all her rights under the lws. of nations..; J-Thef order also states that. Genv.Jlotta ;is fully empowered to treat on tnese subjects rat Washington; ; -.j1, .jf y,;-, ;.u',: FORKIGN INTELL1GBROK. t k fA Pahtr. .Tnlv H. ? The Clerical and Bohanartist 'naner! are! k . ..v' . , ..-r., ... a -r t delighted with President .Macllahotfsof-j uer issueu - on lue . occasion oi me review in the Bois de: BoukMrDe.ut ihas caused a! tremendous sensation - 4 A general ; understanding s ha been nr-4 nvea ai oeiween lungiana ana Austria witn a . a a -rnr a a m m h m. -.. 9 regarq w certainpyentusiiiies j j y Many bishops are-about: leaving" They delay departure 'on account of the Pope's The Times' Bucharest disnatch.".sava the Russians have occubied LTirnovft.ihe an- cieni capuai oi cuigana. . v icnerKSi nasi been proclaimed jprovisipnat governor of tne province, ana; ,eiecuae naYAJoeen or- jTheJhis nova towara tne mntans. - t s - i; ? The ZfcJMa' 'Belgrade ' w dispatch savs Bkuptschina will declare tbe independence Of Servia. . . . ' Tbe latest reports indicate that only tbe Cossack advance had reached Tirnova. and that the Czar himself would move nearer the front for the purpose of pushing the re duction of RuStChUCk. ,,.;v vfRittet mm9! hham A Simaitza dispatch to the- DoiJv News and tne 2 twiriiucnarest .dispatcn remark upon the dilatory tactics of the Russians since they crossed the Danube; ; The 2vme dispatcn says tne position tbey occupy is ionunaieiy aumunoiexor ueienianu me time all0wedTnhembyeTurksias abled them 1 to bring up men ; and i guns enougu 10 oerencit;f:;i;or twonyrtbe sit- uaupu to cnucal, out now, py .yccupying tne niiis in force, tne liussians nave prac tically gained an immense bridge heaox nvt 1 Concerning the disnatcIL of. the,ileet.to Besika Bay, the supporters bf J government sentation and protection of British inter ests, and should . be nowhere'; so properly stationed as in the vicinity where ' its ' pre sence is most useful. ' Those Who doubt the pacific declarations of government argue from this movement that the intention is to keep Russia out of Const antinoplevbyiforce ir necessary. - " , ; U lriDON. Julv5 -- Xbys spinning and weaving factory, at Rouen. -'Franca wasibdrfied last nteht. throwing three huhdfed'ana fifty-bree em ployes out 01 wort. Uya;f': .iH. Clason & Co.. mercbaal& Ifridiofirwat Bombay. Liverpool .and Btuttgardt. have iauea. iiiaDimies reponea ai fouu.uuu. j- m a a a aav i l ' ' aL a- : - jatiwv AAA . i The Schuptscaina opened here to-day. Prince Milan's speecn: was very guarded. He expressed confidence, that : the Servian blood, shed in the last: war, would not be in vain, but the? fate of the Christians in Turkey is now in a more powerful keeping. He said that on bis recent visit to thana the Oz.r fryp hia nrotection of fienria. the 'Czar assured him that the Servians, would' never cease to be the objects of jhis paternal so licitude. iPrince Milan wactedthe Schupts china to -proceed inMts - legislative work with the greatest .circumspectioarsinfie aay false step or ill-considered resolution might jeopardize the ..hopeful .prospect opening ob ueiuro oerytaj . i IX'... C t - - The present government . has. a sti Btmnir majority in the Bcbuptschina 41 "r'A ".t ;k. i - H,UotfiK:rJuly 3. . The House potCdmmoossat V.f tbU'A yesterday. atternobuitQ tr jcj'clock o'clock tbis morning. It was chiefly in" a- ccftnm it tee on supply.',3 Ther (were'lghteet,?ircy obstructive divisions, and seteraf attempts to count out. xne o pstrucuon ists .were Messrs. . Nolanir, '.O'DonneU. V, O'Gormaio. O'Connor Power Richard Power and Par- nelt. Home ;; Ralersj-aud Mr.iWballeyliihr leiScUnrceeo- vunceru ia ings,"whieh have greatly impeded business during several sessions, may l$ad to Jaltera- lions oi ine ruieSiOtiaeDate, .urtaumg , the pnviieges or memDers.t p- ? ,ii.-rf;fi" s iiiK s, Paeis, July 3.', .JJ;Myiretrring-lo Mahon's order of the day to the troops who participated-in the1 reView tfat Sunday- fat last we feet hatlwe j are jiiledTby a:;hah4 that wields a sword. ; The chief of the army has appealed to the bayonets fahd; airmust . A- ; f lTiwYosz,,July 3. 4, p-tchf siys a dispatch was received this morning, dated from : Erze roura, Sunf 2y,l wLica says the7 siege of 3 r ::sa ca.P-i ciyiand t-at tne Iter ;aa fcrces are now retreating toward the f rpntier.:;uojiirrK; v'-'s-t-u!;: ' '-..'J July 3. ; iThe'Presbyteriatt Council opened here to-day. J iThe i sermon ; was ' preached: by rofessor ITmti of t Xidincurga ujiiyersuy. KrtU ftr.aiiil lijtmr TjrtKTvvNr nWa vi , "A laree block of war s was ..burned last night. Loss $ 500,000, mi OestrUctlou of Property and SeTeral ! 'Another neavy storm swept tnrougn H or- thern and Central Ohio and Indiana last evening and this mormngp uitiuw t ;" ..Xiast, evening, at Elkhart,, Indiana,: six hbuseswere levelled; and four others par tially destroyed.' Mr. Craig was blown off his barn -nd his -ami broken. Mr. WaW. ters was blown out or 111a bouse; and, bis headv and ''back ;dangerouBly cht. 1 James Bowfin was taught under' a ; falling -house and' ' severely- iniured.-' Mrsi Bowen ' was terribly bruised, and ''fi ve others were seri ously injured, is? tt-y, p.. At Jiingsbury. rnear jua forte. Indiana; the wind demolished the residence of aMiL Barry,' killing four persons. 1 ','inree men,near. vvaienora, were situck by lightning and jdne; of; thebi Instantly . CTHB UOBESON DIWNBB Wj Bialoe Deread csrant nepabllcaaUm tHKUpatriekt Jal i Uia Army Soma :l!I!a.ltfoWa.1trt UiiStii? Jim lt,W'.9-:T8kWK,'Jalyl- At the Robeson dinner Mrf '.'Blaine' was received with., great enthusiasm. He de- zenaeu JepuDucanism, especially as u was administered by . Gen. Grant., ' The or otecf tion of the rights of citizenship i in every State was , its. cardinal ;feature and a . jjo vernment that did hot offer.' protection, to every pitizen h every State had ho right to Remand allegiance, . ,i Nothing, was said ia reference .to the present administration ebtr cept hy implicauori.' . The maintenance of the party intact, wal strongly urged. it ,' t ,ijen. iUipatriCK spoKe, on ine ..army, ana dealt some heavy : blows as r.to its present cbudition. , V :Cjt;.,:u , -U I , It was long after midnight before tbe as--semhlage brofeeupV ...I'l-w ' .;m 1 Appalntmenta by Bllip '' Atlclnsonl It I fait hli Shmni.r Tlallatlan. '"i 1 Bfcsvulef '.WJulr1 3 Owlnn's Chapel;Tvilkes bounty .!1 July 10 jsiKin. ... .,..... .'. . . h" . . .. . i .... .July li WilResboroogn. . . . . . .a.-Julyl Ore Knob,' Ashe couhty.iv.:.;.1'.. ... July,14 July 15 Dobbins' Station Boone.1V; jsanners 122 V X .................. .v:..;:v;juiya4 Lenoir. i J ,i ;.iilV-:W July 25 Hickory . a Ittiiii A V. July 27 Aiorgantou.,.'4.. . .4 . juiy Old jfort. .i ... . . . s. .... ... v ... -... Aug. l Collections in , behalf ; of Diocesan Mis sions, will be made at each place.$''.fi Jtaleigu,jyew and Observer please copy riurd.iround. or appointments,'-as maue bvtRev...Vj S. Black. Presiding. Elder for the Wilmington District .Methodist : JSpis, Church Soutbi t-. r .'fi- j fti 1 in s.fi ;im u. ( Onslow,' atGmri Brknchi.I. iJJulyl .lyttfrl Eenansville. at Ric1dahds.W;4 J ul v s 14-15 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, i July 19-20 Smith ville. at SmltbviUe. i. . a. July 28-29 Cokeshury ndL . Coharie. JMis- t j i ClintOni at Hopeweir. :. . ;"Aug. ,'11-1$ UVU. M VUBUIal l.i.MUKa V Topsail, at Rocky Point. fDis-"" ' "".'l trie-1 Conference). .4'. . i' Aog. 2326 !'f!A dejicate coniplexiou is nest, compare w a oioomine rose: dui wnen- ine counie nance la disfigured with Blotches and Pihv 1tl- ' 1 ' - ' : V. J C sh9ul4 promptly use Dr. Bull's Blood Mix-j ttire: which ouicklv "and' effectnallv eradit cates' such ' unsightly evidences of . impure tor- r" 1 ':''-" A. held la their UU, ft Swaa Qmarter. tlie Mb day of June, 1817 a committee wu appointed to draft reaolntloBB In trlbnte of resoeet to Brother AUGUSTUS LATHAM. Sr. i wfco deputed tbis life; sx atareuaenee ta ueuiort county, ix, tarn xui I. JLar. 127. vao reoorcea as xoiiows . ereaa. It hu tleaaed Almiffhtr God. in Bis all wise aisoentauoa. to tase mm oar mian oar dh loved ud esteemed Brother Aogastas XaUuub, 8r.J who for many yean nas been a member of Atlantiq WU.i.Ui .n, A. f . W.A fill, .UVf. J M . 'juaome wauE, giniea ear love, commence ana ax ieetioiM:tiiererore.'ieUreoired. . ;i'i t n . ;i let. That while we luuably and aubmisalvely baw to His diTiiM win. who doeth all tbintrs well, we dot sincereiy lament tne loss or oar aeceasea urotner, nui the foil asaaraneethat oar loss is hisnm. Tub bereared , and .heart-rtricken .jcpmpatuim, .aadl r xaa. i nas we cenae our nearaeii nrnnuBia in cuuuicu. . . - v i ji Sd. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to! loewiaow. aaa ta tne wmnnfox mu ror psoii-j .cauuayaou.Muu we memDera n oar tjoago wear uioi nsoai oaage or monrniHg lor ininy asys. ; ( , . ., ... JOSEPH M. WATSON - Ooimn.tteeJ I.The aourmei talks eloanentlr about truffled aoaUs. paitdeJkiU grot, and other sach delicaciea. . Pin, ini down, thooan, and you'll and fee admits the sa-j vreme uniorianceoi irooa Dreaa. siBcau.roua. ec Here all agree on th baste of, true eaetronomy. : Toj be sure i or tae most delicious taings oaxea, uom nour joamuM twe jjooijt'i xxast jtovdib. i J" a it TitHnjii Av'ttwiaf int. bmiT volnriiVwitaaM otuba. tUy yield' to the curative influencos of Pulverma- ,ner"s Jilectrtfl uelts mad Jtods niney are saie. irniie. ana esecave. and earn oe easur aoouea dt the patient liinself. ; rBook,,with-iaU. particalars. ed free. Address TuxyxBiuoiuA OaxyAirio 430.4 tnnrilnnail.Olaoj U an-& iiimoJil5t iiihtU.ji i .'ai mm ai : h t . i-f .i iHplpfr the weak; nerrodJ and debilitated. Chrai Electric Belts and other annliances. all about them. iand how to dlatingnish the genuine from the spu 4ioa : Boohvwtth fall partioaiars, mailed free. Ad- drees rui.TXBKa.0HKa jUiiTAino1Jo...wi viae at., rHnrinimll Ohio ' f . ',' ' : : r'- ' .U -urjl V'n ' an i aa '-'i i-i'-fy There Is ao case of JDyppepaU that Qamni' s Av 0t, JwaawiU'Bot.eore. ' Qo to. any Drag Store and inqiura' aboat lt If yen Isnifer from CoettTe- 4ie6.michr Hedache. Soar "Stomach; Indleestioa ,JUver Complaint, or any derangement of tne Sto mach or liver try it. , Two or , three .doses will re - "Hit ' ni UOTBJTVU. MIU bi-s wy.-w. J Erf- . .-1 r ... . . j-Ok THE A8 KING. While Dr. H. James was at tached to the Eritiih , ledical 8 t&ff in the. East la -dies.his nieh position enabled him to call about him he feett chemists, physicians and scientists of , the day Jand while experimenting with and among the aatiresi; be accidentaUy made the dieoevery that Sllr ourn Diseases, and upon i his retirement : he left with as Ing that every one caa be his own physician and pre boota iaa Baoers contamiBK iua uarucuijun. buow pare bis omrmedicine, ana sacn lniorm&uen as we aave received we now offer, to the; pablie without price, only asking that each remit a three cent stamp for return postage. - Address CRADDOCK B CO., 10833ac BtreeU Philadelphia, Pa- eiviBr name of this paper..., . . . : mh23-8mWv - I a i. c; 1 1' t " i ' : ija-waa-aMa.i i 'i . 1 1, v -;ui.wMA'"oHPfcf'moaa Xepureat. ftim? i '-Upon the action ef toekianeys,lladder Kndbow li depends tbe a?aratioh of (toB' Jflby promoting jme acuviiy oi toese organs uuu uostev ter1 Stomach BItiers ensores phrtty to the circttla- tlon:J In its paissage throngh the kidney, imparities Which beget rheumaUem, gout and gravel are strain ,ed from the bldod, but when those small bat impor- ii orgui grow inUvtbjbtiritiea of coarse iema.and, IneyJUbiy prodace, the, .dieeasee; men tioned ostesBitlroa (the kidneys to renewed activity, by. which means, the blood is de purated-- It likewise purifies the blood whea con taminatedwith fclle by promdtlnfra genUe bat effeo- tual action of the bowels, and has the farther effect of regulating the action ot the. liver, thus, counter acting a -tendency to biliousness. ' Dyspepsia; mala rial 'fevers and. urinary complaintejare 'also coa- a. ij 2 Ji- r-x- Mij-i --- ?; Inltr 1Q JfiikT. . . . iv . July l COLIIJu3IlCIAt." W I E II III QTO IT ' 114 n K E T.i . ... .. v .i i i . v,- , i .... , ; . ; .. .. JSPICITS TDEPEirriNIU---TLe market openedarid 'closeijf steady "at 23 cental per; gallon, for; country t. pacta es ( jK .casks" chacsisg hands, at tiisiiiifsknff I-1 lIOSniTte'taiketiiopene at ' Etridned,' w.cjbdj uresif iWe : hear of sales Of onlyrSi this fine rMnsAt-C3 for (2liI56Palei t3s CO for.jmd;; ' kTi-KarliBt at $ V 80 per btlthe 'receipts of the Mr fcelt- in price or tone of the market, the receipts belnk placed Jt J3L;4or Hardi t& W i or Yellow Dip: and P 80 for -VlrKui. ::; . ; X)TTOK.-1eniar irticla 'ariwli alight; mMA $hfexf. 4ay'a quotations. ,We.hear of : salef of 407 , bales,' as follows:' 3 bales : at to cents, 4 -do cents per Jp.ja.Ttte f ollowfe5 W the pScial Low Addling . W 10 'Ill' i 8TAJl OFMCE:iJie23--PJlt SPIRIT TTJBiPENTlNThBB iniarket opened quiet ' imd ,dced i-dully at epU per eallonlf or country nackaeafWe Jieax 6f 'sales bif cnlv20 casks trf thai nrleU f 1( W.-iar., .quiet0 at . .ajii 8tralnedV;and .$t a7 fc;tood Straiae We hear of aales-of SOObbls Good Btralnea ati wii&4B!ro m (3 25, and ,100 dQGood. prices') '..nil 7-'-.r .iu j.'filjV,! Mld f , CRUDE TURPEfmNB-rllarkettquiet and steady.'with sales of the dayvs receipts at; $1 . 25 for Haxd a' id fo TelloW Dip and 2 30 for Virgin. i .'ilt i . winvilf 1 f 'i iim Tifl mar rat f nr uim smits was firm and nominally unchanged: .a . i . . . m . f . a a. a . I louowingare ineomeiai quotawooi . i Ordinary ;i:.w.y..f' J cents H tood Ordinary i"l0i Low Middling. . lO'-f Middling...; ii" j TIUBER. There were " sales ' yesterday of 1 raft. Common Mill, at t3,W,,and 1 dp Falrt llilat t8 00 vi II, .OUrket, auie and but Tittle doing.n f a fll, ,vniuta - n, , , STAR OFFICE, June 804 P. L SPIRITS TTJRPUNTlNEThet market was firm at a decline of cent On yesler day's quponA the sale.up io ths on footing up 455 casks at 35 cents per gallon and sellers apart tlie bnlkflLatnck .being held at $1 for Strained and ft 47 for Good Strained', thomrh txmie 1' 5X'or 2.600 bbh) sales ! reported totd y comprue onJy.Uf ef grades asollowa2ti4blfe!Opaueliat (N) Extra Pale at i25;pef bbt rhniai ' TAR. Market firm and dncnaniedi,' !iha rtceipta of the day sellmk at $1 80 per bbl. t CRDDE TURPENTINISlIarlti3l.:rrd and unchanged. ihe receipts of the day being placed a tl 25 of j Eard, (2 ,10 1 Yellow Pfe ?M t ;TOsKoII :l :4 CQTN.T$ t this. articJd was ' rm and uuchanged. fWe0'heart saleSi fit pnlyoia bsitfn'Mm The oQcial qaotations are as folio wb i-ur. Ordinary ..VJ yi'.'ii.VP 9f f s; eents-i IbJ Upod Ordinary. i.s,..-iut) - ;r Low t:Middmg:(,.10Jr tj Middimg.:.;;...tv?iAT J liv? frp kit htmy SPIRITS TlJRPEJlJThe,.maM ket was. firm at 28 cents . per gallon ,.fo at that figure.: Ut'A4 mlmitmiitTM sales reported of 800 bpls strained at fl, m 500 4o(Good Bbainediat4i:;42fani 60d Pale and Extra Pale at $3 503 25 perm i, TAR.--Market steady ranctvunchahgedJ the receipts of the day selling at ) $0 pea CRUDE TURPENTINEMarket stea4j and unchanged; thei receipts '"of ' the.av seUIngat $1 23 for IJard, 2 10 fdrTelloW Ut SUU wpa UU (in v ugiu. . T lcd1naryv'$iS Middim.yrX im:. ltimt STAR OFFICE July' JjMi-TF.MT SPIRITS Tt3RPEltTmE:Tnemarke !jpie4;'3e ages, auu; uunug uie aiternooa: ipqiii uv ll ROSXN.-rrTbe market, was quiet and easy and offeringSf light iTIe. hear of j sales (Of, ,400 bbls Good Strained at f 1 421, S4 do fj) Extra No. 1 , atill J&Otj i 50 flo (Ky LovTPale at (2 00, audi B5 do U,:IFvaadl!W) Extra Pale and Window-Glass at r$2 60, i3 'pee fcWio.r i'tft..erik; 'A TAR. Market firm and-incbanged, the recetptaof ihe dayeeUlngu $1 80 per bbl. , CRUDE TURTIMTmE---lIarket steady and nnchanged at $1:25 v for Hardj (2 10 fprTellowj Dip and $fcS0 for Virgin, the day's receipts being placed at these fignjres. W CKTTON.-irhe market for thlf article was quiet,1 with bxi tranacUons; to pori ThecIaiWotatlonsaa towai.- Vi-asi.'ll tiiir-r ,-ii illWsWSf viuuiuji . . m ......... a-j , wum m-tw. .. Low ffiddBnga; -m iu. 10 if art siofin y? 53 pieces R R timber at tl8 per Myjq odT; gvJpa..ii.iir'ji;j . f Vfiwriir a siyr Tail ft ' r 1 il La ' 1 arV in good -demand attGC 53 cta-; Pork in fair demand at fl3 CCSi375.i Lard, prime steam nominal; current mste ia good der nand at C3. 4G8 42li kettle C'A JUU COL Bnlk.meat,quiet ndifirra houlisrs 5 cepts; short rib middles, 2c t a-crt chrclo apdgic forshos-'era, clear ri&a ; aaa. clcir 'quototionsrtldj to.- mn o-j.'t'v'io Ordinary',:; ?.f $3 60 pe boL' jjMircyit ;;vd..ri.flfi j t TV i tt i1Ti.V- flrtW ' ! t' Zn7tttc'wiikt.f with' iiiji for4 country packagea. 3i jROSIN". -Market quiet.' ith buyers 4ecfine- ofonj' ysfteay quoUiipns, , lour quiei, : suu uucii&ugeu, , i&iuuj 25." Wheat easier, red T1.'75Q1 W; white Tennessee sold at tl l75St tsJCbtU . fThe following is the stock ot naval stores aad cottdin' ardand adatri at' this port tiiU oQ '..iii "t o.vj iau 3xid. r r- 'O6ttoayara.'&.?4' yi ii'-ii-i ' otfr lijis 'iioii otLiliCJ asKs afloat : ki til A Otto,., a ...... -, 0,6IO;.i I Ro8iu,n yafdij . i.- wfJ8,55a bbls. j . i . i - tl i iitl ' ; UJJ . i. 1'. '.ill ? tttt t " ''ill iifes stf f i j: 3 i t '3 i-srh-r-r it', wTotaL.-i. jj;-. .i...v 2S.R25t."i i Tar, in yardii.? afloat, Cmtmr,H 81 i ' Totals, J 1,286 urude Jmpeatmd, in.yardri:u 1,163 bbls.' 'ttii3'3d o m stocks &Mot -m nAt fti !!.T1 C. i ti t-?V. ill ?J K? . fi t."tj?f a tti it aninta, tosin. Tar. :crnd. If Sniritsbii. .-ttmxt&ttSmtithm JtOainvtilTiois tr l.'Sh I .vrttiiftltau.ud'drri't. vwuvu. .r .... .... v. . , & 8pirits.V4nvi. l:.f?Iw t"11"'!. ROSiny'. I'itfiVir .44'Q64 a ari snrponTa - v ' Uotton.'SDinta, JElbsin. Tar. Domestic! ; 1 977' J 1.604 13.6X)7 .500 ' 57i Foreign.;. r . Ml, 207 82,408 1,585 ! 4 n 1 yrrfrct't giriL Total. . ,fl77 i J2l8ilc4(LQ15f '4.08a,S7i i-vi' -f. i 1 i ' ' j jaa i a r.i 1 1 ij V i,--jsH.& 1 Ne w ,X;ra; aval j Stor arlcec, rot Iht.TaeekqalncSatnrda Eeninsrl ay thiaeek" wlQi afair1 jbhblrig, 'dmaz The price has averaged SicrThe'marke opened firmer to-day inlhseque'ce: df th imallneWof e stock'ahd prbsffect o light receipts next weekbut'cUses-Wsie cwirig to! tbereport caljdecnn.ef iA'Wa- HUalVWUt . auv BWVU MJ 4aVUUVa VU U1G JLUbll was lS" tibial TMVeriesf6r 'thewfeeS 7J tblsLyhetiricerfihortid hcahyfiitU dT,? tiohisq ino itttf0CHijfiv.lasyear.l - AHisrtM nut lO: tei.rf.-JSbisiiw alibis. I Receipts ainCe.April 1sLj21,602 tf 24,051 Receipts siace.uria.iP5rv253,rit 8,214 Domestic consumptionici;4,3QS ti:il,06i Exp0rtSo(i..V4.c'iJitfevir25Ot'j5&ii35q Stock .iaoyard totdavii.ty 87 oa 4.093 n;Rosji(-rThai,higberiaBd lowE:gradca naVftiruiea nauivcuyeijana rmc aadcard quc4ed::hijdar.ftExpQfter8liayelbeen'.thd .principal bnyemiidiumCT d ReceiDtsincttr lasti!t7 65ff t L87a Exports V:, 742?. n;39"7,6 Stock in: yard to4da!5l9?lf 52,H J"rA tkcfuietbut firml1- Stoftfr in f Vard H U u i..t-1 j rtrt tTli' JJ-LOT. NawToBXStealhSfilrrFanita 60 bales coUob60 ! casks 6p1rit8 ixurpeotifle. 1,352 bbls rosin, 65Q.dolY.75 dO crude turpen-j botAfoesT: bales MdeaL 2 bbla edbber ' Jttemn8b0xjes soap.. . . r BAi,TOWfSteanaliip.D J.lFoleyTJ55 pblaxesiD, 67, dqcepiritfti H40E doj pUchj lOSI 40,8531 jwaLnutAilftibiWDoJiiSi baleaii)awB etoflk,nacba waxRXi$ rolls, ifiather8l7AajefticotfemiWi pkgs mdt. 7,li.lb3rmetalit BZ$QQa4&l K'AtOTt iK9t FOREIGN.1 9"KHMti ay ihr,' LuolA-Muhiacorn-TIOi spirRijepUTJiblffrsiaia Xojnx)Hi-br SanByiBoutbS,59(bWsi Rottkbdam Nor barque Gangejc Rolf-j- if, PcBT-AU'Pnicx-t-Schr -Loaisa (Wilsons 118,523 feefpilumberi 49,800 shingleAi 5AA-:hT ,Ma'E. Van XHeafi srnnxrnnrr Kdilmiil o mi ..;r.ij;. it .t.t tir iiiiuii8i li 'xul ut i.u.;tj 4tVis T" tl U..lrn..J'. On . ... i- . ' Schr Angola, S3 tons, ooster Phila- deipnia, flays, js jLidaer s tkns, witb 160 tons of icafftofT ATSpringer. i :Eri Oofa' Green, ;24S tons! Oollln,(I7e York, 7 days, IforthrorrSfCummine. Br brUjiGlYaoIfPrin,87BiWtta; Hooker, New ;T6rkv HAlex;Sprunt & ,Son OIt . : rlUeHu$te;3ttonsBrewsf m v n " RockpPMe, WorlHrth; jpV. ilSteano Ralelgb. Oliver Baltimore.A if 3 JaAjCLEARI.Pi9tl.Uil Llo wi ai8tlam's6IpjFanm,e1WwiToW DCa2aux;IJ vaafamaai fcui iovii Jo Sriani6batq,ttcAPfi, Bdrite 'Rbtte? idam' PaleTson? D0wMM'&!o,.i w J Schr'Luola iIctchifl6n;3JouesJ Hafahurg, VTiTtiadia'&jJIurchisOHi1 3tmoj j-JjCT -ar'getehee.iigaibis'toh? nydc&un'fy, O F- JHtCbIl & Botf. X?y ssjv lujft paU .1iI0reace,NelBon DydBfcouhly, B FUltchfcU f&Soij.a,t;k;t3Kaat'jii iul v SchVtlIarth;I-Nefe6ai'' prjbef nCifyl BP Mftchll'& Son.1 '3 iji45i .hi h'fiftr BunnV South. DeffcksdnPE6a6"nr. 't7niUn!:MufChi30n:4V MOfeiiq So JiK; -Jlamt & X:irchUoa7 "j .&butyef --etiBa&&ip'D FoleK-priceEalfim iA.Tr-naaaifelO'J U9W 36it liiio 1 trmce,nayu. wonnrop gs vuciciina J-b - - t-W-W . . a' r. TfJ-B Schr lUryKvalleaf,--Thorndiket Cardenas, Parsley & I7i 2!aa; .iii i" i..Dr.bri.'; Atmia 7 Goddard.,Lewia. Glas i gow, Aiex cpni5. caai ?i m i-vn:--vA a " aTotar.VIi.l '.-Al.aCLA? ; P,W' Epints.'fi'urpentuie, m,yara,. :r;,2,843 c t-v rt vowon. .epmts lKosina,ar.,crude. Domea'c.; t .765.v5.775 1 911 3.29a v., i' Rece nts aluce Aorir iiKf 8r.952 V8T51 i une A pkgs rosin .samples, ,14 bbls , empty .OOttlesVlQ.c&sesp 'do DotAloea.' bales hidea..bbla coDner 'li ,i?r 7rn fL?:Tfir'9 1o ft?na ft Viliif.fl I r.,IlACBUBa-HSe F8k &KR1VED p.'Ift fcarUQijsrjangeja-.Roif i Lepsde Tiotx teakAlerBjrcsifSSohfi1 -f t.BolJia57ilob, Xn6V-TPort au- Charleston v Naval store . KtriM, i..'iiQ.i4C....tts were -Ct.ii . ..a iur-,..:-penticsr ar..d 7G3 barrels rosia. Ti.e sales . of rosin amounted iOabdutl lj tarred at . tl 60 for (O toE) strained to ITo., 2; f 1 65 for for (F) extra ITo, 2; 1 T3 for low No. 1 (G); tl 80 for No. 1 (C) ; 5 1 85 for extra No..l (I); $3 25 for low pile K); iZ 75 for pale C5I); . $3 25 for, extra pale (N), and $4 for.(7, G) window gla?s. Spirits turpentine wai in. good r. demand, about 1,000 casks -having been disposed of at 23c for whis keys, 27c for oils, and 28c for regular pack ages. Crude turpentine is valued at $2 10 per bbl for virgin, f 1 4U for yellow dip, and .l 0.for,8CWr:trfiib1:i' ttaaini Ui COTTON - Itt A RELETS. ' ' ': - s ' '. ; ilobile. quiet at ili cents net receipts 2 ' bales; Savannah, firm at IU cents net re ceipts 2 bales; New Orleans, quiet atlCf, 11 and lif cents net, f eceipta J0 hales; Bos v ton, firm at 12f cts net receipts 71 bales; Baltimore, .dull at.lZt- cts net , receipts 2 bales Galveston, euiet at lift cents net re- . ceipts, 58 bales; - Philadelphia, firm at 12f - Cis-rnetreceipt8 'Sao. Dales; Augusta, quiet u and' firm at lit eta net receipts 8 bales;. Charleston, firm at llf llf cent net re4 ceipts 127, bales; Norfolk, steady at llj Hi cts-net receipts 107 bales; Memphis, quiet and firm at 11$ 'cts net receipts 53 baleSj.- i tmpch fl'igpfl.. .""t'j ' ' BAMTkOAE, July 3. Pif Flour qhietrfirm and unchan eed.1 Whea'; more active and easier:' Southern red. old 90r95; new, $1 651 SOf white, newe f r vui; o; rennsyivania red, old, $1 S5.; Southern corn quiet and easier; Western firm butquietr Southern white 63 cents;? yellow 6163, .cents.. , Oats, dull and un- cnangea. , Atye quiet; prime 75 cents, jf re visions quiet' and easier' Pork t!4 75a;- 15 00.il Bacoa shoulders ' 64c clear rib sides. &Sr82ci( Cofiee--buyers and" Bellers Apartui Whiskey dull at fl 11. Sugar quiet ana tuncaanged. kj n )..-. "k-jj h..,. . . -s 1 i' .llWIIOX.SA. FISICKS. i , tWVnx attOMraons. it saoaid be understood, ren " resent tne wholesale prices generally.., In aiaknig" a small orders higher pnees Have to be ehargea, . i -paio8.i 'WO dl iDoBblaAncheJLd .n-. -:vij.C ilo''-'fa--v,4xi'-; 'tr'sit'; i' !! ,1,19. J.ft?. 11 -I'--Bft'-tai'1 ovf r! t Doable AacBor rVAii -i. HOr8healaerS. .ii".VivSi fivsf 8ideB.Ni choice. . Motulj 1 1 niiin.. ....... .... ..... ..-. . art-Bides, ff.ilt.UHW.M--? ti7 BnoBlders,i.i a a.iti'i eoiwii'!'.- ' AO' C. ' "' KLf 1' Bi3F-On the lioof il.V.'i'r.ii M t 5Q: 6 ARSKLSSplriUTarpentlBfvi ;;x w o i oo sowo-w-;? BSESWAJt-r i f uv .-. s. .4V.I CXS-WilnUngtea, V Jt Northern .V.-. ; .;.'....;.'.:. . ,S 00. 19 00 B ffTTEa-Norti Carolina, fk, 1 ii? NorthMjK-91 l.v.. I ! Tallow. J U Jl "II is 1 o so . : as 5 c 85 ; C 4 'iVJ iti 5 wjw 5.? . - i VAisasiftr'Monaem jraeuay v Btaxe, ar a) ..... ..... . . .tsxoai4iT VIS VO t ;S ' vnjr p JVifr-tt avai v .4 vv iu s ', Eio, i tt 1 ia.i Li 3. ii..iv i. ii ';. COKN ItKAL-S.bufl&eUn sacks COTTON TIES tt i i on DOGCSTICS--Sheetlii.4.Tdl y j0 -tartf-w rj-i .. . - la 18 00 tO 00 :'NO. t, tt bbl wWiS ' s ou -u vu ajacaereh a.,Uj op..,.. moo oia oo ii&kereir'ttbi "iiJE 7 v .a oo 11 00 Oil 60 8 60 faJ650 oo o aee tf 00 600 0 00; S 50 :0 00- : 50' 10 60 . O 11 60 ,0 00 a. 850 0 08 9 50 10 00 O 10 50 11 oo. a i3oo Vt t4i!td 6S-50 00 00 80O0 50 00 65 00 oo oo . ta o oo 00 00 45 00 00 08 67 00 65 Off 65 00 00 00' 6700 06 00' fj 70 00 00 00,' 7000 60 00 0000 65 90 60 00 -iniltalleta.ibbl;.;..;J.r... : -.- N. C. Herring, V bbl.. .. ..... . ii Dry Cod, tt f.- wj super. Nartnenr, tm glwbta dlKO'i "OrSP bllle'a.UI ruvuif auii 7 wm............ IS J ii tcf-if Kaxaiiy, tt aoiv. ,-. .4 -.' Kx:FamUy, ,tt bbl PKHHl2KE8-7 r '. .rtK v Osj Perayianiaatio; A i J: Baagh's Phosphate; ,-..'Vf , ii',' Cwoitoa Fertallxeiv gjlfc-S ii aroandBone.1 -JiLlBoae Meal, ' ? K! Ti ; 5 fcljsuH-.f piour.L'iiis; mtsm !,NavasaaQnano,r; ' . . jt Complete Manor r'rr fln.rWandoPhosphate. ? .Bergerasimta's rnospa. Bzcellensa Cotton PertUuser vruuiir V M ................... 9 - , 15 - -; itcmx&s so --:4-.,'. . , Cora, Ciirgo, bushel,.. ...J v- corn, ye; pjXxCorBv'waoiaBalfl, ta.bags.v.ii ..OaWwf tt BD8Deii4....,.V s-i.7it 4 60. 4 tO i , Cow. tt bashei: roBio!mioH; flAY Eastemtt 100 -. Jtrn-h iw s imft. T" X HOOP XEONtt tn.J.. XuVK0w.xorLnera. .vt..iiui. ioo.ta-iixH- 00 18X ? t 85 ; oo : jirBhipStaJl,resaweUtt M.iti ; i . Roieb. Bdee Plank. M ft.. 18 00. tO 00 00 00 . 15 00 'WestIndiaCtows,aecorttint? U OS A 18 00 85 00 idl Dreasea Floortasri seasoned. .13 00 2aj jfcantung anAjBoarasna- iUUlli V ju. aai.p , MoTSE3-ktaba.hdJk jrat, 13 00 O 16 00 , 0ft . 60 ftoe.' 68 ;.C0 . s68 J l'-00-!;-'.C'S5 ; . 40 :i 80 4 00 . 875 . ,,)- ti I 10 '145 iO;aO0 ?; 80 ... 40 f ; 85 ';".-' 50 1 -15 80 85 -1100 so. a oo 4 0041 4 50 18 00 19 00 00 00 0000 15 00 16 00 00 00 16 00 "" 0 7 oo'aoo u r noatu bbls! aXjtUdis. '8gaHottsernll(,, sal,:, ai i . ii a 'Vw bbla, : gala iv ifASS'TO uu-Aero8ene,',v Eai.r.,...;. Lardi, tt tal,;.;;...;... J. !r),J;.Liiiiseea,y gai,....... 7QTBYtncaten'ltw;-.V.-'-v; a .li-jba..n3Aw s:li-iBpr6gA 'PAANUTB tt Dnsneiw.i. ..!...., POTATOBS-jweet, bnahel.. rirish. Northern, bbl .T, ... PtjRK Northern, Cuy Mess. ''.v;.- Ji- Taln,tt;bDi.i.v..-.i. w.iii.. map, w oui ElCBkfaTOltaa...1rf".ir; - East India. e-..t i ltAG9-Coiintryrtt .' ...... CttT, nnriiw JV.. ...... a....... ........ aALT-vAlam. bashei...;'.... : - : 9 V' 18 - - - "' ' 00 ' 75 - ii,00.v.,.:.i STV ! ;i:M-':c; 00 ( . ' 85 i :-r&vj ,.; oo-. ;'. 8v r . ' ' . fed 00:, lltec:srK-S';; 41 alWW ':v':-; LlverpooL ttsaolcch P.O.B... "American, tt sck;ii..V.t.v..J. SUGAR Cuba, tt fti. f " Porto Elco, f? ii'-iiviffu. sa ' - - urnanpfl. - ai -BV . 4V.U6-'-6tf : HJGJKS-rCoTrtrclll , iCommoi, J1 M. ....,.. Cypress8apsttli.;.;.'vi !i Cypress Hearts ttll. A B. O. Had.. mUT. r60 8 00 "9 60'- 00 - ; -18 00 ft 8000 s : oo oo oo oo . '- oo oo oooo ; , ' :T 08-(i': -oo'fs:':'- SntBSB-ehipptefi' y Xtii It 00 1300 Si 8 00 90S S 60- 7 00 -a oo a oo J-0 00: 400- :- 0 : f soo w to f? ia so , l. 'Common liill. V f Infor toOiiiinarv. ttX TTXTTT - TT" V7 - ' . - w TJrtW;l fl-Vl'wi 1 rMl WOOL tin wa Hi -nu -' sa i- - --- s-:iWaslied.tta. ..w-sstt-Ataitf? itrii.'itf in tTON 'Mini i d,i I a- ii 3 i -J i j 3 j; . . l,: i ; nONE JBt AU&EX i. . - . . mt. LW1 W- BSUjIHU - Exchange (sighii oa NewTotk, ,..T...-. x dlsct. ,,,( ift.,i; r ........ Ji 81 if e.-'i'l Phuadelphla,H..iUW."f : ..;" t,.; rt.',n:? We8teraCMe,-..i;x;." Fichai'f e 30 diys R tt cent interest added to above. anjc or Mew 11 an over pioca........ ; mt National Bank, vSJUl . ii . -i . I. 'Oi in ' ; J Laxntetoa LUlduig Stocfc... wi, ,t Karas8aGiiAnot)o.-iiA :-i.V.'...T.iflf! 3 100 85 100 95 140 N, CyBonda-rrOld Fx-Cou'baw.. i-K).i FllEling lb ............ v fektlD5C-4 v -i"?'? " J '' ;-if -lDo.ot fjeclal2,axi.v,ti.iii; l-i-siAliiv til to 2t.C Eaiirosif. f. ... .-.49,-Ai a l ?" W. J.v:R.B.Bonds7 c(GtoldInt).100 JT4T; O'-oJn Gentrsl R. K.J tonds, 8 te...4C - ;5 - J VilmlnetOB City Bonds, s e.V.. ,65 - i u ? ' sxsv vT-; 3'0 ..rtsii!..M.: - - 7.? ;i.f i2( i-- 6 fei.ea - - --tf J-t; jj ii ' ' 8t?.i4.l;.-.Wf- KewHaaoverCoanty Bonds (layears ? ,s (. i o trelod Int.... .vA... eaj o-i;'! I'tU Carolina lliH. h -a.i;i..ij40 A r iCasLi?htCkj. -.H .(...i.v, 'jl.,.57 iA V.l. A 6eao'd'E.K. " ....-.....w-lO-(. V tuiuutoa CoUon xr"., , .. .. ..,.4j5 ; '. 4 -' f ... ... '-S:'" f. i i' t'- .-.-- ' -ii' .f.-'t; .' i I :f' -''?;.. if';-.?.? ! f