s V 1 h -.ilt.) (') ! ! ' J i ! f 4 ill) -.-.- -PUBUSHXSi A l "ill , fj ! ' T t , il J f7(U lil . I .' I ' ' 'I i ' J ' I i ' 1 1 1 1 - . u ' ssssssliliiiissgi s'SjaOK ' o -a to o - o t- t f-1 - ..u ..'-Jj,S8g888SSS8SoSS -- ':-''-'-". 8SS8S888SS8S8S8SS t-iBi(,5t-?eJ-' wjtsecmsJeJ -.!.! ,i -.IM.' .- T. :,,t . -nr ., :' t n.. S8SSsSS2SSSSSSS v ' I S 2 S8J28Sgg gSSS SS S3 -:!7ti riT.t 1 !" ii'iriwrlfff,,yPw t 8SSS8888S8888SS88 ) jii ii J X ' ' '."' .. '" Viiri b" f .l .tti'i; t Aiitl if rj "fyA.; g fnittmT -WtoiUa-i 5. -x '., - "'Wirte ' T "''. vi. -a P B 89 M I ii j. The subscription price of the WERit .50 : s ;In fenuWej'anipaj) BhowathaL itbeyt.mean o be gOr- . pLayr and -t praciieali ; oommoaense tin na rned onIy socb aa'had pressed theoa te alii we aidi. tFor instance the Oharl6te democrat had said: j "Let" us treat him (the President) fairly ,and b,yeprpper,.anL;.).PQPr-i v able 'ineatts tndocWhim.'tb'bea'so ' apd fait Chief Magistrate of v a r good ' andreat cntryf f:: , :Tbis extract appeared in the&TA& of Adgc 14 tb the, daV 'i5orel;f wSmen-5 tioined thej Democrat f as being . go verned "fey3 fair-play and cdmmon- ' ' sense; V-i-i4rMf;-- i f.n 'We-ootclaim . " Blade any more than - that it is dis posedtq be.fair.vand candid, toward. the PreMdenl,' and to be 'governed by .j "praxitical commoa-8eose Vy e have no ' idea th at i.he iBatfeHvill rt charge 1 ua with misrepresenting it in "this statement. ,flA: few' days ago It said i . - Whether it be complimentary to Blaine or an evidence of our weakness, we cbn- ' t- fesa to a feeling of . nympattiy for i Hsyea when weifeaw- bow the 'ruffianly1 brag--gart and canning sceandrel was' trying- to ' ! run down a man for tae alleged reason that" I be was disposed to show us , favor. Jf : we know anythiDg of the Springs pf buman ac tion, such proceedings ai tbesk wilt do more to make friends for Hayes,' with Yrar peoj I pie, than the intrigues ;of ten thousiDd Stanley Matthew and Fosters." ,-. On the .same day we mentioned the Bladeanhheriyeto tished itheufoliowkig.! jusfcVsientunent; " from tik'tormfcp'm'm V'MfV'JHayei. soiariia not asbal aar Grant; for be bas doneeome good actions; 1 W natevef ms motives may have been,' and id is said we should not 'look a' gift' h6rse iu the month we must commend the restbj ralioD of self-gdvereBieBt- to tbc 'Soatbern Slates. " i'i gv Y itann)t-ttr. (rur.-i So our readers could see for them selves 'whir we was ac- ' tilt f t U-y'-'tt,ai . i ,.i,i;i ti ii.i; tuated by .."candoc and! fairness aod pracucai ccmmoQ-senae." ,,v e invite o or-readers to refer; to the brief-ei- underthe head of i OoT ' State Gon-- jj, 7'Uj !1ii-.t-rt . j.i i 'Kin . r f.iit'if!j Ti .bpme, weeks, ago we received a. copy of Geni T.L. CHnfirmans book, eon ..ii.il tmjng ,1)18 ppl addresses, and have deferred tical fpeeche.8,1 literary ieieiStifid paberfL'-We wmwg a, notice in ne hope - that-we'conld i get the" lets' ore 14 -?$ i':!U- Ct;:A 'fill , ir. hj'iii 13 VJl-fs necessary to examine it carefully,' and to tprepare such a. criticism, aj its me rits required at oar liandst Bn& . we carer nl attention which is a pereqtti- site to, a. yfairg and thorough nfttice That great wilJ, Itev. Sydney -ShnthV said .the trpet f,way. was. feo writo yonr criticism, then re 'tri" boot, ' But,1 as we. have only -jreaa.a small portion of Gen!Clingrivtdoiur4brief notice must ;be of; a .general 'teharae ter;an4rbaMd,n'pbrt of the high ' abilitiea of the:disttn ioomi$dictUfW of 4he emirientEd- f . Gen. CJingman ha .been berth a Btndent and. Xh,inker.ii Ue baa; read a godd Ceal iind HIS though fas m ucb ITT, t . vy limijdiosyncraslea ,.be is 'none; the of i the ablest North Carolinians of Dased upon 1 some familiarity with his hinv deliver his acate;'abl arid tele 9gniai(jeM aciende and feligiony atid aftfeF having caii ,.ns.ao,miraDjiei aqfjrsf.aLoew.a.- ,hej yojume.i before, U8.' twjlU b& prized more and(h16l'6,!as, tn'crf roc'eiSa from the times tipiv which', the dIsiin? i. J (II ' . I : .1 'r ' p i. Mr!' , "-I i , .t , ; '-uC ; i -A.f J 'lit J JJ -i j i i f . i f li.. i :"T(i) iU .iiyli 4?tt guishfed anthoi- ligdret!: 4 man 'of li la pefsbnsj c6h ictlpna' Sifad poliliy al autagonism8, must- have ssuLa gooa deal ta-yiKipe t)tj.e h and 9 ,P C ihotJii Mtbatii rieaids Itave boen; dealt bvtfee auihor in an unceremonious wav. the Geiif raliCy ipgBiaiififkJi maniAf very considerable sagacity Uv polHicHr Hi antooyipf icqpsWcsrlftaaWi menta ihtieertaiii fields of letterR? arid scienceahd. ls iamt cvjnipante !A8 aoliSciafl lie 1 a ressiye, vigorous, fall of resources as a General he was brave; watchful and dtiermined as, NjjrLh Caro-tt linian we think him ilroej xk :h&fiint teet ahd ready to defend her hem Gr&i'dkr earliest Tecbileciionbf hia dates -back . pronably , thirty, years if ?! ni, I f iiis.' f-riitb' Tali .tiivln. VV SPAhenhe. excoriated a ;outh CarpHniaii onf the. slump and proved bia-readincfS:then:ito apply puniKh- mentrfforin8jiltL jrf-f nessal-yQuif next distinct ' Tecoilectiori !of ; nim ' is his duel with.ncey we ' .Delieye 1 wasijf Alabama. .-Since, -he.-ilre nave wpicuefi, i8 cre,?rjWim inierest;: He .has done well in . gathering into a stout. octaVo thfe chief 'rietnorialsy of his'f atner eventf nl lifeiM XivVng, ' he uas uui a-w, ctiunis. Ill iiiH. OUULIi; ;t. nif s i fl vi.i . I, i. when:, he t sleeps with JJJ1; fathers, amidvjiia, native, mojunlains ;;he ;,will J leae a; name tor general information, ' ability ? couragTpfcttiotisfrif varied men tal gifts and dikinguished'pulH he services thawjirntitle him to be .ranked ardong thoee Nbth' GaTd- lintans who have rejected the.., mQs.t ciedit epon their mother' daring the nineteenth century how in its last qnarter.' - We hopo the, author will live decades to coine, and gi ye? many other contributions to our, Statqi litera . to re ! H rv.nft JtiwUteiC: tW--, t'-t f'if4 ' - Many of our readers are acquainted witbthWrepoiation of Edward Freeman. By reason or his very groat work History of the Jorman est," an.otbefi. niatorical .wri tings of .high yialae, ho ranks with the'rst'men 'who' have won ; emi nence in the' histono ! fleld'innEng- , ana as. an - auuvorxiy. MooaDiy fijghfsrt' any other,; countrymen- iiis : jpdtciali,, candor and iairness hia patient research;' his almost - entire freedom f roni! bias of IpreiudfceV thettemsence1df M ihero worship; hia vast abilities; has , f..f. ' g 1 ' ivigorons style, have, rendered him the jhighest 'authority pon' all subjects sition at - home, and ne writes k)f his own countrymen he roay.be re- I- -iUi:-u '. 41 Jt-j-niil BW HIM -,).-..j41,: .j-tj 7 it feardedaf ;;.;teatjf jiqg AOthe trnthJ whether for or iagainst some special We artfXincliheof tdthinie thai to three'raen Only may be attributed the preseut : attitude of Great ;iBritain, in regard , to the Eastern qiieationii; We jralher, think that to Edward A. T'fee- knanv JWilliatrf E Giadstbrief and ia rt TT. n rrl a rl Jyiprkey an pqnsequepli European war, ; Mr; Frae- mans Ottoman ! Power s in Enfope, which arrested 1 the -rattenliori 1 61 his suuiivitiucu nv a uiitiuiti periou, ana f sfrf4l Ji'tJi-lt-ii'lfiiiDj -- ii',f,i.i?4l ff i f iiicw du.uiucii tiui upon.' iue mon istrosities of; Turkish role ;, Jtf r, Glar. fetonsjpeeches in Pafliament f and he Eastern? embroituo: land, lastly r. Carlyle's splendiq protest against rotestant - Englaffd'becomin the mfiutfAi r 1 no von.honnon MioiAm j tjeae contributions ( staye he ma4. wort;ioJ ; iDisraeli aand t.his.; minis try more than all else,1 and faaVed Enrdpe from 'eaTfaT'ih'leW : Mr. Preeraan. in the work referred mpn who are ip,.favpr;4!oC ; aiding the. cruel and tiremorselesa'i Tatki f. Jieat this plain-spoken and niagbatiimoua EngHshman'aHdUarh ; k' : lesson ( of tfutn arid candor 'fWm?bisetlnod!oif. iu .:. i - -'i'i fi-?-:-... --i.i ..i , '4.J-l: ( M'Crete was in tbe iehd conquered j and J artrelv conodered bv means of an Enfflish-' gain, vq, Mie, uc .01,1 f4iisiauur- iik was, !man.' This was an .English naval ofacer; lllobart by name, who4 was nolf ashamed to ' tenter into the servrcervir"barlrarian,;to' lake' his pay, andfo help bHngi Christian snations under hia yoke.' In the old days of: ihefJruaadea (there was oae,: Englishman,. Hobert. the son of Godwine. who went to rrhomas Carlylo the wdria is indebted !f or the non-intprfirn J jibe holy warr who saved the life of 4 King ; 5J ' 7riii fi'' , i liin n ij '.-!... f BaldwW in 'battle;' bb wai at last taken' prisoner by theiMnasnlriianB, ?and who,!ra Ujer than deny; bi faith,; was shot to dealh; with arr6Wa ra4iie market-place of Cairo, Somewhat later tberd was anotheTEng tiahman,! Robert of S& Albansj a Knight ot lCiTeniplewbOi betrayedL.Mp order,; bis, country, and , hisf aith, who ,took service under Saladin, and blocked the last agonies of tLe' Christisoawhen Jertisaleinwas t&kedf We have bad aueh pisn, aa bath of t these, in. has.ita like in Uteeharaeof Hobarti ,Of all. the, deeds done, ja navftl .warfare surely , the most glorious was when Hastings went forth in hi Karteria to f rte Greecb f rdm the barU bariaul - The -basest wata -surely benHo4 bart. Ojasejl English ; naval skilV to, bring, backth Greeks nndejr t)ie ffnrkis i jroke.l 'bonn Iiatt fs gifted buVuncer&inl In pia.clcyer p&per. the Capital, he, wrpte incendiary edftorjals ;,f ains Wli Ilayeai 'aindvhaa ; beenharged Ire- ! peatfedly witfethratglvioiericeft -if -"(Ji- ,.ht.. (fi-i.i. JsiiiiJi-i it.-y:J extremely hostile- to the .President. aid isnow- raigihoothef way.- llearvhimy dartd' wo , wish lour critics to distinctly nnderstand that v' -i;.- xvv-i J'Sni -j! Kd we do not, agree i with the Washing-t ton, rrp4t.A.Kir?Jii do what we can to prevent any each CJaty.i ment" bf an1 honest election. Bat :hear.th.'3Yasiiin:gt j .t'ShOuld. President HAyea carry iato soe jcess the t reforra naaitenipta; ha will aavel 'removed the great evil thu s attends a secA jond term, and we may safely return to the 'practice ot the f atoeiB. t IjeS bim eontinne : !as bebeglns, and thei people regardless of Iparty as he has shows himself, will insist npon the great rerorm he-inaUgurated being (left, threngh another inauguration, ia the ibands of hia frieadsJ They will be as eager no retain so able a statesman .and patriot ial office as were; our forefathers to retain Washington. - (Washington saved ?a from an alien enemy. Rutherford B. Hayes will haye saved na from oorselve8.(iWe promise jthis brave, taan . from Ohio the endorsoment (otiav boneat eleaUMkfQtm- (fet jki 'mil ih a or' toB' irn ii wottH 'iPoiK-ci, i.iiiif i.4fi.V.. .-i-- ---4 .it I fi.i jsaptainicrw? jsypmesi reef itls friot . on f celebrated !Of cOureie lAlabaraa captainr Raphael Semmesw -4.l ifiit 1 I .ti i vspbaiu. py uiiuea, JJaa jgivu. $500 to the Howgaie 'Arctic Eipedl tnand hofdstha tnoear'islioP low has ais6rt oft tube or cavity rMnning f ronia pofe, to, ,pol aw navigable. lief thinks Ilowgate' wilt iDe eDie to . enter. tne icavity. )(f ,vy ouiu, t not bp a tremendous triumph 'for Ipwgato and Am,enca,- ijhe jWereTcv trike the' tunnel: r tube or caVity,! at ha N r tK nnla anfl sail mornt In rn 11 or n khe centre' of the' eartli and cohie out jat the South pole ? vlti fairly makes bur headswimhinkbf it iVVhat a fine.sqmmer excursion it iwould be -so'shady1 ap'a $igr5lK if -the bad place? is below, ' it teigbt bebtietoli when fire -wilt'inot be disagreeable to people wno are cqfa, apj aymmes. Itas! written a letter to ib i Courier ?iAwhcli 5 bje tq. ft North CaTOliniahGaptl Saihes Waddell. and his marvellous u explo-. iring expedition i Heaays iii-aK "Did hat ptam't'WaddellJgo ttpprif fc Outhera exploring' expedition a few years jo, and find an open roiar eea,' asiu tne nrth ftnrf -WhpA'ntirirff ft find hia com- asS 'bad reversed'' its 'position, and1 was plntinfe'riorvB when be,thbtight he was ,'goW n? Southward r ' He' became ' alarmed and urned back; wbeif'if be bad followed on;' cs Ms1 compass1; directed,' be ' would, ' bare' .ii.' . mi IMitW jaStM,lV an1 iairn1t kve nrovedtbe IheorV trne wbicli says h'e arth is hollow, and, no' doubt,' he would itlTu a v uuv4 Auuauivauva t imih ilf we may trust adoouats frPm the Pfe PSweP?na ban army.m Bnlgarisr W dietrpssidg bfl we l;ias yfalaingafisBufj. xering f roraprdemio fever, -and tbe' fapldiers are so .demoralized an ho.m-: tick of war-sick,1 Vhseem-P' 'baVP tfofit all tomapi tpr tnejngqAey kre'clam'oribg,whilsi-ih "kii1 eneiriy country.' lor . tnr coin t orffwae wo iandTOii ishoso tired 6f;figb nsr and depressed they are. . .Can IvlcjWry' eYerom f rOm'suctf 'material inalihat f uilt 'ii Cfilifrfif ri'? hs f 'ul igust: 14. give an account of two Turk 5sJyjctone ilSihFPgolfoSwaiftartjand protracted but- hpallyathe B4nssian& wltiwlJLdoiner' 1 report!s! that5 pe Kussians werodetcaLeaat, Ardaf fhany jy theiEurdsiMthf lofesif(iO killed and Woauded8 ?' .Hi 1 ; li 1- 1 T liini I 1 i,i,:iji,t5'j rThWeen'tiemlnla avieaiilDema cratic politician . from ..Pennsylvania, Sapdja; pnghtf-AoI be.j,afprmqa.ble( SvaLof tlr-iUandalL for the Speakers .ojivHebas i6enily said r . n j lBute caneiW afoVd to Imeasurea pft Slxi tHayesif eamt rUi, 'fbove partisanship and support, fiin injwhatj, eierfie does widely fs constitutional ana rights jWe xnu8t not counsel disorder or tb viola tion of law,." .j 'itbtiwef i9Jw?tjl.7n ff. -14' pur ownay.;, lhe elory.of jvC&?et,son.oL I Godwine, has'its likein the glory of-HisUj inffl '.The shame' of Robert, of SL Albans ' I j assassination,! or- someuiing j.ot, ;tne kind tit be'lniijjiis it'niiyeaa heirfl that Geni 'Mehkoffi received iw If f vlt-'Ml i '.'tsvsi p'U ;jt:?d -ii J aoitv pn forcemepts ana!li.hn0.tt,acke4i.thol Urklshuiadvance:, posts,' "composed raajnly pl.ifiavato . jhAf apn J,hft U 4 filifi :),!?. -J'l" J i.l IlltJJ Ij Ourireadera will h: .readers will bear witness that ,,. Kill- the. Stab Jiris-jbecTrr : tapt nj sea- t v t i1 f f Hr - i son. pt v:?.sou; on . Lhe Al t i i. .i 'fill ff'.U imioiu' III.: 11 Ul IU vuivillia, 1 AJOOII -iiMi rrH''i ji.iitj-rji:l-' j v'l" h --u il winteri when .the , V'isalnren.wa8 .lis l,.il;l.m 'iilJ ntm J, liJU.i; in : session, va conm ered the sub- .'- m '-. !t:lti,'' '!. "Militi'o'i iect- somewhat at lare. It is pne 01 very great. impuria ce io f i-4"..'r.M-t--4-i.iX -"i- pie, and, we sincerely iraatJj srislatnre will be choen iu 1 rif vt"tr--w pie, and, w sincer&Tf ila't a Le- I iriii ie cnop-p iu 187,8 mat M.iU i 'iIi Vrr Jily-1 ii4tiiitf Ar.lJ will maturely , consult r the , matter. and, pass .laws that rl foster the J'ili'fl,! -fllS. . .4fLil . I t . .IUU-.-,".- Bbeep interest and be l-irncal to .the "rights and privileges of r the rneat army ot oogs. - . .... rr We'lavo already given many "'sta tistics doncerning .the profits' of sheep raising,' and the great losses sustained -Hi. ' iU-.:i-- 4'.U i t' lis r 1; 'S to the pouutry by the immense num ber 'of sheep-killing-dogs 'that' roam, at large, destroying and devouring. We find ln the lasPayettevijle '"&al. 'zW a 1 graceful, and yet -practical," arucie ou vae suDiect 01 sneep rais- . -' ! vr js----; . - " -.m -hi ;! j mg, a few extracts from which we propose; .tPilaybefore tpurr readers. Major- Jonathan Evans is the- writer:- uu ub j,uas a aeciueu vappreciaiipn bdth of the value of sheep as a source lot1-profit5 and'asonrce of comfort! btf theiatteV pmy-m jdiBPourse m -imi appetizing way; I -"liur obL how it depresses me to Uiinkof jthe nice mutton we have.lost. 1 - I must cost If ess to a weakness for mutton; let the over !fed epicure stuff bis1 distended ribs with his tepison and Atadcira if be will ; let the ad-f .- . ' - m t . 1 t s . . uiirera 01, Jima ana uis oleaginous repast fill themselves1 on roast pig; T quarrel with no man taste ;, but, for a 1 oood, oid-fasb- ioned country, dinner, the best basis for a square 'me'al,4 'commend me to a Teg of boiled matlon , with Reaper sauce.' fjVTis a . jdish that might tempt the gods.' , It excites tne salivary glands to even thiok or It; and F?"AwrfR,Vie.'-WF,W pf,my mojOJ4.ftli- Major Eyans) estimates, the loss by , In raising dogs. . ... v., $ 900,000 i Itf feeding "'hti, 4,500,000 Vj; c In sheep, deatroyed.i. . ..Jii 46,343: . Total,. ..: ii $5,448,842 i A"Qur cob sequential losses consist 1 in our not poasessins one and a. half millions of . jsheep that wet would have but fori dogsv Lajia iBat 13 our most scrioua loss: ,wa .mays never ioob: ior tnorougniy. succeasrni larm-f ing without sheep; we- must learn to Ward jtbenu not as a mere, adjanct of-, thei farm; iput as a necessary .concomitant. . - liut our qaaea great as, tqey- are; are growing great r year .py year, in ,180U there 1 were in forth Caroima 595,249 sheep; ia I860, 546, 49; in 1870. - 463.435.'. sThia tabowa jS .de jcrease of 131;814 . in . twenty; years; ,i Tbat the 1 decrease : ainceii 1870 baa been at a b greater rate is the opinion of all close, irverst As fdogs increase, sbeeo de- aae Lknow of one community inCanvt. lueriana. county wneje in 1000 mere .were more than 1,500 aheeto t now there are not 15 , A correspondent tj tte ; Department of Agricultore. from; Bladen county says: "In the neighborhood of my acouaintance Oast vear 950 sheen were counted in an area of five miles ; now- the same ; region- has only ca au told, owingnto 1 the ravages 01 dogs.". fThese are by ao means isolated in stances; they are common to the whole. State.;; Sbeep-are-threatened with- annihi lation, unless speedy protection. tiangivenr them We,. cannot afford to s allow that. Bather than submit to it, we had. better cut off the tails of all Our Sogs about twt inches behind I their -' ears. I think, i however; a remedy may be .found .-without such mate curtailing. 4Pi!i,rem?ly,a8 proposedfc,isfl,judi- . i -.-1 - . . r 1 r jcions ftpd practioaiLi Thia is it: r j s;.qi; utfl wish to sea? the f General Aasemblr. which Will meet on. the first of Jannarv uovv, enact a iaw: .nrst, piapiDg ..a yearly juapiuiiiua ui1. ui oue aoiiar per neaa on au jdogs;; second; reqaire all owners Of bitche.9 Ito take from the county, treasurer, or other bonded officer, a license, for which he shall jpnjr uiuuuij live uoiiars, maKiog a iauure jto do bo a misdemeanor; punished' with fine and imprisonment. ,Io my opinion; the ef- ffect or tne camtation tar won Id ha fpn in She destruction of one-third of the dogs to, TnrnVunt rnwlTnnt nfla-r iu-,i .' ,rj4.l'.' ' He estimates that $150,000 revendo would re8ult.fro?nthjsj,ax.J "tWe cfo the' and thoroughness. But ho makes aoplher ppint,;; .t -41 ' 'BuliMs not to the capitation tax so much on dogs as to the license tax on bitches,, that I look for lhe!'accemplisbmeut,'of my purpose, yi! tbenbisniitg out of the num ber and the improvement or those iefmut few bitches will be kent. because of the SS 'tax; but some will "be left for' the purpose' jof breeding puppies for' 8ale.,rt A'man'will tnotgive away his spups! wbea he !haa to may such a fax on, the moUier.bitcti." ,, i ThepeopJc ihay.exutbe.i means in themselves f orstopptflg the universal raising, of tdogs and the u ni versal , de struction, u,pf abeepf.ljettheni more careful in the selection' of can- Ididates for the-Legislature." It may ' hot' be - amiss 'tti state that lrV"vlV li"-'' . ,; '4V. f? r 1 f uiunting dogs. "!" Wemention this fact (because there, are some, who think, jthat every line V w ntteri , in f a vor ' rof jeportsmen., . r .1 s ?' Who Ivill dehy' that this5 is ,3 great bbuntry'and oars ia an age of . pro- Wresa ? ' 0 'longer snail, the dear Flil K it .j.,.1? li " . ..!. .141 l iris ; pew kept iir the, s;paQk-gTonndT ere is the way our Northern cousins 1 . . 1 The Old Flae. Dublished at Piltsfield. afia supports two tickets in the county cab jvass, .both. Of which appear at the; head i bf aicoiumns,. via. .4 f Vv i 1 ivi t Jbw-&TjaX X or Ckupennienueu 01 ocuuuis, , J' -MISS BELLE MOORED T3,rtr finnnrlntntirlnnt 'nf 1 AnKrt.nlcrirMin. v-cim .t-.i,-! -back .Ticket, -m;!,.-! -t-.-tJi "MISS MAGGH? BENBROOK.'' uot 8uppo80jit'n-oyr-2estimateMir law is executed " with half fidelity . uuajor jjvans ia an arueut jsuorumau, and.,U8naIly ; has front ithree- to .five i ' i. . i i -t- t r , i ,. .. i OOUNTY COnniSSlONBKS. j ' H'xi-j fl ; .J4' in: 1 .I f'-'iiii vi' 1 1tJ(.iraeor1pfTftfee!nffaJ'U; J . The Board, met in adjourned, seesioo i'.i i , i t :i I iU , Jt; t-4 -i J . I. . yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock: present SYlar Vagner,tfdhaVrman:- and bommiai steheli It'Oi' W6khV ll' fi: Grath'ger,i! V) iSiDfioteiaiDtiacaal Hollies, v I u 1 1 i f(l f,fCbe!BftVdi Hng;ica;d.lOtQ"rder itfrpw . luuiioa, u was reoiYea uiav tue .bq-; M-da ol bWirtmttfeeiefc66'bbSj rry; - "T " - ; - - rr anft luac an, inej meaaiime sna 'Ubairsian ap4 rntwftpq ilmiagtpfine "iil ships, toecommend, bow, the 8chooi; diSK tricts ouglit to be Uid' off under the school 1AW. ,, , - -'-', ATcommun'icatioa ' ftoni he Shenifof Wayne cofanty, asking'; thattbe1 Board fal-i low the e,?peaaes qf G W4 Price! j of; that ' county, who was,j,aumuwued to appeal be- fore the Superior Uourt ,of tpis county, at, itue June term, nut provea to oe toe wrong ' man.1 was onside're'd,1: and VHhe' "claim ! -L'.t--? J r. tun ji-fi-:x 7 ,aiuuuniiug iu wj wm uiottuowcix. ; 7 1 1 It was dtdenad that the atatement, in' re gar Jfi cour Teferre4,pjbe Ilnftncs the next regularmeetin of the Board. ,1 , ' It was ordered that ihVclerk be instruct ed to notify ;kir 6ugoiumftgl8traies to HUra over ? all Mt 4he!t 1 Aeii'of -the General j Assembly,: copies -. of Battle's ReVisaia; jury boxes tfcc, to the Board pfjpounty jPqm-, missioners;u.4V il''A- I It was ordered that the election of aOon- '8tabte for Wilmington ownanipe "post' 'pofaed Until the tteit meeting of th Board. iOn mokioa the Board adjourned, subject to the call of the Cbairmaai m-jiitx . ti A iVl.iT-! m, ?.ff !. (Iff. ii I 'itiV . i.iii. iu..'.j 1, -v ;T-Ji..l j'.TM-, ..i.,vj t ,..-.-,,( j si,,' ji-m of r a Alan Marttora tola owm BroHter Liw-The Moraertr RIakea bis Ka- ?epe Offleerii on hU ifrailc "TetTlWie !Apparaac r bW UlarAereA' Inlanv k.4 e.J.: rl-.'-fS n! U t-a , Our nanally quiet city was, the kceue laal' night about.JQ.p'clpck.iOf pm Of the most horrible murders t has jevertieenjouj,; fortune to chroriicle. , It seems that 'Elijah -- ' W!i -Uli.' i !:H.-difit.iti, n.eeter, ..a; -wen anown nsnerman 01 mis city,1; and ' Peter .' Robinson,'; a ' pain trade, the latter having married the sister ol the rf oirmer,; were Widing in ihe eatoe house, togetherilii their yapectrVe ii'mi- liesy.on Fourtbj between "Nun'and Cbarcbj st reejls. vrt Mr4i W. jfRegistirhdsSwaiii PTViV-?61! fRSlp aboutlO, o'cl pck,and went into the room pec &pied by Robinson, who liad retired to bis bed." Mr! xiegiBieiyvvjiu -was evuieu uu iue (imziui at the time, heard some Words pasBiag between1 tbeV. twoji(i4hetimattef i ia -dispute being' about - bouse irenJ asd j heard ,EebteriBe-F marltlto Rinson binaon replied. 'If I am a. s n of a tP-b, you? are a genUeman'fllA Register says that, thinking ii'-Was a: family qulrreland that he had ne business ibexes aeacladed jtcj ,leaver and 9tiP ifor . tfeat jpurpose, IwheUf :be , heard . ; JMrs. 0-Rabinson. who was in i an Vd joining 'room, ) cattlfor-help.' HeerebpMi. ied'li'to pWffi wbeWthe tWo meiweream clenched jHSeMhk .fiiH ha.-drewii him laway frpm Rohinaep .'.aa&tat oUhAyopjaJ the meantime insisting that," he (Register) Bboiild let bim ga Aa Register bore Keter ttoth 1 tbe'reoin !Haf-R6biason5 ebfered'it, abdfonncTaerbdBbaniaiying'u'poObWface Ion the; oor.Srfpparesi tohki jh9ld of ar basbandand turned buji Aboutil isteri-wbdwas'stfnfoa the' -plslaaV'iiianetV back into tnerbtwhlRobiasoa wasj abd tteeteebarted' In tbW direction Of the froai'ffatieL'-ffTDeb; re-e'n1terms i!nooWMrI: Register forndthat Mr Robinson badbeefi which the etjrasj?f IthOMfitfiaate man were protruding." He was; sUn prealhing, but never uttered a word after his wife and Alr,aigi8ier,entere4 he,;rponilexp-ruijB; altera fewigaspa-aaw moaa8i't mi ya7y ? Up to this liine there llleittP.obterjr ordiatdrbance to attract a crowd but in fcmatipn -lioia-a got ipoam e ftfeet8an members pfej?ph rorce ana outers maae uieir appearauqe. f lCeetei- 1Mb murderer. ; bad, however, imadd good hts escape; ana at iasi accounia Jno'traceof him had beendiscoveiedvthpngh .oce.asearelt'ipf hsa4ii!H,'m ifwj tThe Hanrt'fm- Wif.mW.W. four children to mourn the sad fate of the i'' ' J-'ltv'C V--:?t1(:',i!4' hJ'' Oi : 'unfortunate husband and father. . : I ;eiarh'iHatnoMtW had beeb drifikiaf? td some : exfentv thoug Jjfleilher of.thenkwere intoxicaleo (Bmvicasl totals apraritpe two,mejtaa -oepn t'l wnmsUBcl-ot'tae hbmlcidlast! nlghVand wiU hidd aai mqneit'oyedh&b Ihnt: tbirty-six years of, age, though -be loob r, age. though ne jooKea -I t fTT- purjtoqs-.worl o1ia4tjrpeTe ria: lvepsett,.the artist, and a fine artist, he w who has made, -perhaps.1 a fe'w' thdaBanda by jtbe fupremer eitort Qf jbrais andjhand iiut Hensett, the artist, bad a brother who packed oysters in Baliimore,1' and 'tele-- ra;terseJyjBtaea that be f baa . justnie leavinar a nroDcrtv wortn rj.uou.uuu. . now 'which bad you rather be Kensettlhe1 artist or KeD8ett the uoyaterrpackerjotaksltbo circumstances just ,,as J.hey stand r Ihe Saratogian. VJii4 tiri twice inlLebrtoWepVtokklnga; deen anW gh&sliy -wounap wnicn exienaeu. enureiy afetudfore terruption to their irtenashlp some montns afro, which had aDDarentlv been forgotten. bofoneV'WewMfW'noai 4 4 i lJiV' it' If W i. (I 'il?.-'Kj J'1 Pardoned. The Raleis'h''()Ww'r saW "Tlic 'Gov'i aliiot on !yeBief day-Issued ' bis 'Tpardoh- t4 Obediah Jehkltts; c&tfvicted altlie 5apmu tern.ilSITof oNejy A Hawret .nsiSiiof Ml cut. Itenfa? There are mitiffatnt circuuistaneoa a L$ tifitiaMn! .&l!sprfm2& 6f Whrclf af & VfeUknOfrtito'dui YeiS an J nbontIdfkJn-of'JtW'fHitWiat'iljli.iii served IbuieiiaaOnttfl of jtae-tMbotihp KojJ, ernor granted the-pccsn and now walks the streets a -Tree man. iiiee fiywfotebcedl-l'ua has conducted hlmsejf iaoeb a maanet .fitf toitke.fcany.Xrseii fla among 411 llA3&6 jo P-W citjzens :,who .will fajga.1feeaj this act of executive clemency on Ihe part jlil " ' Nl lUil V.1J llf t.-tit Jt iue governor. - , The Ca'3abl?Qu.Mop. ,;r , -in our last issue we referred to a letter, n regard to Conatahle, recpivpd by SoIich-' ine irom lue same'-source: oince wriunir yo teabWr'day IavesEadC exanliae the last pii 6ce tQv-AtH State Cooatitutkn atid, U leemA lo Wb (that the cujnbntsjrnpjy; until hia successor is appointed- or elected. -' Ail- !.-:; birTr ..-. 1 vi.'lp T'i If vacancy exists for ant cause in office of Conatabiet SeC aems to' VfejChbwr drapblntiixebttd fiirrn4heouWy.-'t3pni; nlisstdBera-aas tMrf4iittalttPi office I apprehend that ino.iBeriQQsi jiobpnTl i-In the New .York papers w find this- knl- WMrncement of the death p( Miilnjamin Biomllticb ijliltnjjuojdfnj hia age. Deceased was the father of Mr. anffbraSfW'ftfmW Evans,' the1 "jlimor member bf 'whieKMrT- Taos. Bvahs) reside&i nWilnnngtanaa& the snipr ii:BrppklyB4 bAfe a'fe oUne pfo appreciation ol bis cli arkcMF icr eVery ,relai-5 tiepin ifejjana wm hope,lbji JS ePlf .b? ).M. a precious heirloom, for us to-emulate and follow -. ' -. - - - -V --'. .. - . . A Bfonatar Snalte.-fy ::hittiiilt Mf Intelligenae was. reetived here yesterday, fremA liable jouixev iadbeveSeot' thatiar monster snake -w4a--knled bear a place called) Beasly Hole as hort distance! IfPm Burga.w ?epde count4,l iThuiaday ilaejtj about f 11 a1 heCaa ia'Uaetbi' deeraboat One-half of ..wbichlhadidieapH peared InjfHipaeff if or. j these parts, bustranger thiegs hayi thanrifi nftd 1 anof Mr? L HL jSro wnr Reriste; or ueeus in xenaar. wuo unugs iue news, though-bdtfia not 8ithesuakWj Beetti jfo lhave oddaobtf iks -correcUvesaX htx gc-sl .y n l -4j9ti nu:Ji nn m..l $ iul pi uiea irom uiiiajnnei. 1( , . : Kinion TtpsL the colored man wno baa a knW drlveiPlnW matiead i fighfitfi IEb Jones, Ifaotnbic3oie4ii, kw,roplii4icouat7iii.p B: ilD I OUtXlIU W JJHUHIIUIO OUU.I; i ; Jra shiSjin, iowm-i0ii vU.n,Jd -,--.' ASHINGTON, -AUg 14. jL. ,'itttf. fvtH:jiifir''.aiI.-.iS'wi' Tt rfimains with the United Stati aiatnci'aTtbMe whether ithetestimobybfJPycbiWi beuvsjlvmblei tea&be- gp.terunent,tn Moyce, it appears, is a competent wit-, b'ess Wt'dthe truthfulnWof cemfri' 'statbments whicil Will b "filed ibdii neotlpnjiwith IttanscripfAi.of KecordS furnished Pybetgrnai Yenng iBureau. but no ope here Knows of kny arrangement yioftbybe OUlu do secareu as-a wneees against jBilly MeKeiff- -"J-jmisnr noi iA prominent Mm&h: getleplan.iflf IhgOTiticil'triifiblesf iWaterlaflyiBierfeVo :wkh-tbe s'aeoess hi ttbjMBositkml 4fi the do -njoi 9to& exposition is not popular with the buWessM jieuuuacjfi w uim aut -muui- "iiutu' tut legititnatei rAbj?9fen! j lead-, it iintq temporary anq unremunerauve. cnan- i-i ; A i.jjn lv J UJi Jtt . .my. l. n.i paiiXft&i irn 'iae isW'8wf 1 "rf f funis . ,The long auence of Keelv, the new pwbesaitfgagddiftjrwe deiCPpstrjactwnio aecnq.Wieighis xo' srenerate tne new torce ne claims fiavePdlscbWretf J ThVKfeelyMo -1 JI-.-HI Li'Viti ..-.-.TJ JS-iJ ,or vmpanyiseem nave 'count lence, ia the importantfe j&t&4rt!faii. povery, ana invite scieniisvs, ; macuiV-4 a '--: 1 - I hist? aBd,iile,arnd jsocieesito fcocJe l-LA i r t ..ll lid., 'ff1-ai 11 111 4ij.f Ufti t Elizabeth r. ; City ,' JJaroliniani freTnenibela li',Glurch-itCeaav.'Gttve asithe jreiult of jlhe 'recent revival.. 7 Mrs. , Henrietta iWin'slow tied last lMdiy,0and 'Albert El--tipU flied put Mondai 4 i rHTreolYi, oon-? Verts and ten joined the church at. Venire Hlll7"-U-' ' tJiJ'4'.iii'iit. OK ii xT.il tor Moore from Attorney, General .Kenan. Yesterday the .Solicitor, received tbeJfollow day, it was resolved r that we, the .mem ber8 or the NavaT. St ores,. Trade, who have known hlm'formiWarsteMti of the anacondar,being abont thirty feet in length and larger around the middlo than a ma'nV bodV.w Wheh1 aiscovereahd k'nie furies on Thursday nigbi' , : ,. .-. iParis. is of the oDinion that the oend- pr. vioia wter ana. air are .iue oniy felenSen'dsbd o ge'tierate1 this41 rriys-f Spi- ;mm .Ai . rcrpc viit c tl.e It,.... Cbvrrr. eaysfjn t1 " sun--rr-rf 177? ll n- ; ry: 1.- r'DOlci "a;.a ;r tJOL..-i ' L.cr -a1.:,1 il scouts, employed byj!i3 sctllers for recon noisaqciOutl) at.. -..v ....... Jients. - thttJben,statp of. the.conntry renderi d the Indiana -trptU', cseme ;- J ang vu.9. kl la coveredthe Warm . Springs on the Pre neb Broad, whicb was tten called tne ' Agiqi ' river. . .' . .,; . -' -J-:- i'r S.'! Thjfr ,i it id reported -rfthat PoiV.WDawsoajtef the " Charleston News and Courier, haeacd gun drygps.JHT? .iDclude(j,,for4ia?- " ' which appeared, originally in he Baltimore es.'marglhrlAWSont the?a tea ' -andrCourift mlhkotalcny lit' prlntiiig 1 fraliilj to connection with -.-.Woodruff, clerk , ; ahtf Soaatai ?: aiioa .wisJfiorf: mi r j-- a farme.r4iyipin Ctedar Creck,t6wnship . thiJ county; sowed tiie last tei0ta,i on'fi? ' acres dfdaiidjiiie bnssclPI lbecoinujou - redwheal.apd reaped tUerefrpm 9 busb- . elsanabeuiaitt4at,dt, leastffw'eDiy-five1 httsueW e left fa thffditiwtlhttiinij . s bee a cut clean," He used for manure thirty - 1 4. : 1 . : th'e,24h'H'A r--' .-,y;:1i-'lf1-'''-1 -: J Elizabeth CW'I2tihbinlst 'Bast week as we Were cpmiag iio0n thftisteris pU f the Albemarle . House, in company with ,( Col: -Wheeler;' wer blet' at he of the turns of th stairway, rs.(,Albertscfns, .witU qa of, her daughteragoing upr Each party paused ; politely for !the otlier" fo-pass.-- Aud as we? stood , copf ronted f or , , ,rpomentt CoI.r 1 wneeier turned to us ana saia:,. vvny are we like Balaara-s ttsa, inacriptUTe'ff "Dun- nel, 'an angel- stands in our pathway. r 1 GaJlaata'venerblejr? iWtiaftntffiis,' . TfieiedltoSbfHh ba.lu.afffiejayjlwiih.th.votari oC ffouVa ball r6omt-rablaW'witlf beauty, and gotgeopa ib iari8tiQ-jfemale decoration, ana our neau is ablaze with excitement, while our-heart beats Uhietd the 'symphony' QMlSa-jg- yeaf pinga; r Bprnf upqnthe per- fumed wings of imagination we quaff the -rieaar-et deKcioiis thoesrBt. fOli woman 1 Cocking hani Spiriti The Peel Pee myg are yarning pntsomo beautiful. r checks, -.These ''rnilfs upon an' average maiftboati 2500 yara8!iperay4-prloci--i- pauyehepfes. ahe Great raii3..miils make. sbnieTr.OOO yards bf'sbirtifig Del daV. Both' nmlla hf eimaning f all timfe.i i--tTTT- A-iisvio vaior religion pas Deen. in progress, sipce SBaVlaft amleasanlTf JourS8 bow bjrmginfeabput1fS;iiOperr barrel in ; this market. Mrs. . Mary Hayes- departed - tb W ttlep n-W01f Pitt tpwnsbap,pi auvancea bftniiconinn tiMlowini leespril is at ' passage) irom aificetlcal contribution, writ-," ten for the Economist by, a poetical contrib Utor'from tbe central part bf -North CarcH lbj a. i$agHead yisltorSiWilj i)pdverstan d i t e Npwjn your issue pf August "the firsC, - A wefe bii bf jealousy doth sefeni to burst ' Wbil6bnauug.ije cards, in tar game oil i -i WhiSt, V;-RiA-i: K:sv f 5 ' With a 'fair' White band audi gofd clasped' tpwrisijtdw;-Ii-30S If jnloye with a widowVinstead of, a maid,, Tho "be.ware of "widdera" has' of ten " been PHswkt-ittJ . I i ? ? jii3 t i , iai ",ur -411J' i ne nau ot wuicn nas never? oeen lrbooSo reteeipt.ojf. a Aetfer. ,i0m ppfLCorrespendent; at Wbitakers, JT. q., dated August 13th, whica Bkya thai negre bey bflBaed Fisher- budne, week; a. large puntuu ui vub uuuuiiea ui t bhu iagtonj Beauforti'Tyrel afid Hydbaa fa aar I caa see. and, learnare pewrpnder, water. The water is two reel deep' On many 'swamp farms, anddfcoatiinKfctflGriita the mills and mill-dams have 'been, washed . aw'ayoiii nearly destroyed? 'if the' heavy i floods. v-fc-J. -'"isidi sif-feoiiO-i . 5w?7i,-anlderly gfeatleman, thus sings; of the glories, of ifags Ilead : "To-night, . . i Nags Heai is herseit aaafnfia to-fa ighti . see or 4 vears. itocKine . ies tQbeaiWeallfiy53i.ii li !-; Elizabeth CLty lowmsiryThe are8pciWheeler,.lBt(Albe-f utei.Historical?;Sdcietyyi ea JThprtday ? nighttn the toUrt iiouae, rwil hfeprinted' ia t pamphlet formi; u.' . Gales county oertes J I pondeut: Wpen,ejcpBoty,Commi met abd compared the polls, last Monday. ' it Was foand tiatttie pedaoaed sabscr rption 1 . . of f3APO0,bybe county to thaSufflk& ' Edentoamflfo-ad; bid teehVefekted.4 Solttado llorenBi8rid Hut j Eurei ibontT twelve 'years, old,', was, Jnstantly, killed, at, -Ballard's' saw binllast TuesdayJ'lIe'iwa8 - seated obthalogasiit awaavrun up; to that. saw, anu nine muuguv ue . waa ia uauger His head 1 wai ' Split open nArid 'tni L braids1 dabed-Put';fM"i t-i'ooi mit ri i itih-r 'fi tm Theiifollowiaa aria ihe 'bono! ties, ..represented atnthe., Normal, Sciool, . ' -just closed, and the number from each1 ' coa&ty:'Meeklenborg, JiBeaufort, 4;bitii . ford, P;waKe, Ki; Sampson. p uange.) . lONHiAoyerlh; RandOrph! 8:' Pam-1 uk:o( 3r!di4dgdcombei4r 4;i , -' Hirany uie,f a JUoore, , l . renoer p ; t v u a-, thani; 6J JohEiston, -ir,Tredell,''..'3, Pasqucv; iLenoir," a-, Alamance, 8rPavidson, , Bliian;lY'-xwkWgIfam;V2r Bwajp, ; PupliaV 9i RobesOi)4;ofaave-1 ; land, 1; Lincoln, i; yviison. j: uaoarrus. -I Rutherford, l;i Hay Wcfetf; 1 1 Catawba ; - -l;jAnsan,4 FrMnklibiGateSrfa: Waine;; -I; Bertie; 1; Norfolk, Val. , ' . !agpolia JRecard:, yfe learn; -Lhkt i is r 'particularr1 ' healthy in' .Tones " ... Bounty ,feiaseaBoal48arer. veryVfine.-! . The public. Bcboqls are. in', operation and ; sveryhodyil taking 'deep1 Interest in themr1 , -- There is an' eJLrt being rndo to, maka z ' ap a schooj, which shall have the.advan-, iage tf public1 f tmd's,' for ihe benefit bf the' 1 iQiWatjtWxT-P Sampspn , county hepxti -' respondent: It is rumored that Dr." Patter-. . y: on i Whd Wa8 JMrti ia Bcotlaid,? but'whd ias resided to '-3a,nsnf or, several .years,' las fallen heir to a very large, amount of ' ndBey-upobhefaeat&bf a uncle, ' iff" 3cottan4, a Jliss, IamiH Hobb of, Hall's, r . ownship, ninety. years of age, .who has jeetti sWiiotuttedxaerabenf -Jhurch. Jtor , neady eixty.years, .died of , )heamoriiaPMgust7th.,t 'Mt Olive ' 'oneobdebtt cOar i academy ! ;ia ? now lio i-, lUleigOf U&hkjy Esq., he proprietot1 of Vhe Thomastou vineyards, iituntMtWO aod-arualf zo!es irom this city; 1 iaa been 8hippingrgrarje3,;Northt forsome V ,ime.,4i He has siiippedup to this time aboot -, me bundredjiocUfiftjrj craerandnit caa-f iardly be seen that any have been, taken, rom theivines. 'Prof.W. Simonda,' J or 8evera.yc;ara a sncce3sf ul instructor jo . he department of Natural History at Cor- , ieirUniver.y,pupirahd friend of Prof:Ti 3prt G.fWiaer. ajapulJof iAsai?; atl Penikeese. has been elected Professor. in T - . . z 4 ,. . . . w l v.- he Department or itatura'iiistory 'tr tie" ' f EladencougtyStirior Court pa'4ntp.8-" he State Treasury; i53 Wt fi,neis, a, im osed in bistiiity prtor td! January' 1st; 877, .which hetates to , be n, fullr.of ;-hia,i counts. ". It would be well for other, ilerks to follow the exampi- tof the-f Clerk J Bladep, aa we understand pUa, will,, jie iessarily be'inslituled against 'delinquents. ' LlBiyrgitx of (Tiorth fjaroiiia jja wi;i .have. kspeciai charge ' of oology ,jand - botany. MYesterdaylllvBnder fcm-letary.3 Clei k - rvrs-.f.zi:-

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