1- ' . ' - , . , J ' ; ; r-f y- . p :i.sreN-.-.. iiwi - .m iw.i iri nr,i mmmmmm 11 1 i.imiilimnnap III I WWWWWwmW JTltjir.iiimi,,u,M" O f Wilson has a boot and shoe faC'1 -PTIBLI8HXD A1 4tfeChat!6ttefindf iSreeri ' '1? vpew map8h.Qth7V;ltie3EC '4 1 "stnaoKSljm mwcsw oo.co ".v 0 a w t w. '9 :p h a is . m sr m ca 8s8o8S8So ooo 00 w 00 c g 3; go 3; -- s to s 00 W UJ 43iU- few -! 'Hit I'll! Spwis in r - at a et co a 6 00 o staoa OWyH W It ii:r2ulii-H ft - - rtil t. : j As i L j Singlj&Copy 1 year postage pald,fl ?UT.j;.: rv - , ,i ; , -i.fk. m i rrit'Ui M Some5 Weeks aco we ! allow ed how, much the strike bad oogt the coaotry that over, twent y-8iX million f, dot lars hal !beu ; jdeatroyedwbJit it for each man, woman tind.cnild to1 pay thi? damages iGslairte from the mob,5; w hers'rltpy I L a.t'VrfjabjIrt" Itcans pretend to despise gheartilr,M only Costa f the ? Kngliph fipeoplpi.oAer. half, that um.:" Day1 by day - other . Io8se8oiherf jfacta anq 1 ngnresT-rare brought 'forward to'ttbow how .terri bly expensive,: was,; the fecem strike. Not only were the eni.of mljflohsl property destroyed referred to aboye, but quiui tweiity-five tnUlioi bf fpeo- people who j hid npthing under hea-j . yen 10 do jwith: the triVdireVtly .or imlirwlly, were' injured! -Ko section' lesuaped, Al felt jaore j pt Aem itho -evil influences of -the hour in tfie prostration iOf. tfadjn tnterraptiona of traffic and other1 waystW -ThOj Chicago 7W6uae says that city aloue ! sastainet) & loss of fnlly one million and a quarter oUarsfTha is to'say, by the loolishness of 'a few persons, in that city aid tug and abet-r, ting a few. hot1; heads scattered at other points im about ; a week: an ad-.' dilionat 'ttati4- of -'$.50 per head was laid upon . every, man, i woman and child in Chfcago;"Ve seefrobi ihls .' what a poor, remedy strikes are for evils. Thev tonlyserveltojmakVttie poor poorer, and add new burdens to ' innocent ppIeviUi JSIp pm ever enieihaajei had a perfect -1 right ' to ' decline the' wages offer ' of wagesv 'it monstral6;taganst cutting do wfl ..of u.wages jto. vote for. J . candidates who represent ibe' !iuter-' ests of laboring men, ;and to petition . for a redress of grievancesi. " None of these thiugs Jiaya ever-been denied to any men in this couh try by people of sense, or,.by any Respectable? paper. But there tbe rightsof eni ploy ea end. U They haye:;nOght;f lb ftdp t raflg; they have no ught to close np hohsea. J of busing heyia slop other peopteufrom work $ !- they have . oo.nght.' of other men; they rhave 110 f fight to j threateii,. he )iyeapcLoMke . the ! livea' ipf; 'Other5 !toeo :, Who "do not join them jn-their wild and ilaw-i Iess Jcrusatlei "against lifeaodbrbjiTt against SipiQietyi and 1 KOVeranient. All ratioiialnst-thirikin hien'batf easily nnderstand and ; will " readily - indorse all tffo-irt?ifcjhfe - Striken wstrjmRJeneIy " Theylafe sure to, inflicts mores in jary upon the "iTTnocentln lhWenthaaJthey ?wUl secure . benefits. ,for. the i oppressed. Violence "and ' lawlessness, can neyer : vbo tolerated -in: any cotomunityror; ' "St ate. . Law5 andCpf de? in dst pfeVa!, .or there is an end to civic institution, 'j--- to personal libertyi ihd (eveiii ftb if ! 'niiiiiii nt lirnii in r ' -jit; -qfc.tj.la Mr. E. VV. Slough ton, one of Ne w. York's, most famous iawyersvy ha prepared i!Juap,;S Black's Tvery t famous 1 article in the last nomberrihe JWAmM Meviewp on the 'EJeetoral Conspira-i : y,w which,' ill'appe'ar in teame able periodical in the September-0 - tober :miff0ar will be interesting rbadin'g. ! His first article caused ,;eJeyen(,fid.iMpns pf th,e J aly-AUgdst nuhiber of . hetileijji J to be spld.tiis repiywiittejequaUy7; sought after. ' Swift's terrible pplitP' -? cal satires Sydocy, Sraitlia:.PeUr! ' -PlymlV u tetters Janins's ffercelaal ;v;,t 88.88888888888888 VOL, - J - - U.ri - ln?17T7pFn7 - r,rrrt &d jprospePU It sVarkinglysays:' 1 ' W'--" "tlf-" tti 't H'tJtw We have oever regarded Mr. E. W, . e nave never regarded Mr. js. . w, J StoEshlOB1 ast a? 'iwlblie'beuefeictor.4 It5 lsl'i meat 01 mauRind. it in, we are willing to perrmalias; iuupoo, ucumi wimcu itu niucic uiscuss ing In an aofrieadly ma&DKr kaepublid ca reerlof Mr. JereBlack.and tbtrmabcious editor of ihe Worth AmexicQnilteiwo I ma admitted the article to bis ,colum.os, is paldful to think nthat a; ban of Mr, Stou2blbns yeirk and f xberience shWd be eb entirely alone in the world. .Ue had n ft-bend to advise bUe 'tbat heifeadboiter jiot fool with Judge BJackK aiwt tp .lead him? feently away.n Ahnwafv bov fick- Jing! the rcarlevation of a aeatracted r"ala is fayorUeitUemeJor the preasantry of jile American; paragrapher ? J3nt b ojf letskJiiiy a fainttype of rihcf Vreseol aiect "off the Siougbtou-Jilacki cdnirovcrsyvK As .fp Judge Black, -he; has never had much aiu pppirtunity ?The late rHenry Vilsoa .offered him a chacce Which he so improved thatlan early posterity is likely to remem ber Mr. Wihtoa only what Mr Black aaMJabput him. Judge Black has a faculty otfiading the vulnerable pqiuls of . persoua whhi whom he engages in controversy, but he lias never fallen in with a man o Vari ously . assailable. ;aa MttSloughto.v We aoierily state the popular feeling in anticipa tion bf Judge Blask'a reply to Mr4 Stough ton;hv do nor attempt to- Justify it ' Our opinion is that a nation . which looks fer fwartf with . pleasure to an essay pn Mr.i StOUkhtbb bv Jud.?e Rlark has tJeaqunce a bull fight as! a baibarons pas- timet" Ci X & taf .-ia -i w We cometoJudgeetMej-ejScue. The Baltimore! Gazette in cruel nd Dqfdrgiving enough to JclasMf himf U i iaijFcruaggipiB. -.11 u. Ill-; fort 1 the Gazette tha.t the Judge is. a we) born North Carolinian that hi father was a BHMtrcfNittbkpJndgeof, he pnperior Curtbac tby 6nto:' got marlyUaimhg, and formerly! yeans haa been training wif.hVfhe car VPfC Sg'ftW anoihWiiiataiice; of t m old i mw. that "evil obcnmuniJ cala ris:,corrnptfgob6l 'manned, or fath ;r, in his case, a good name. IJer i is. the way the Gazette - puts it.j and 10 doing so lells some news. ;The iJjag has . made , a. discovery as will be Been:j gi-t lMKWi-B' I "Jadse Settle, now of Fiorida. hnt ifttflv of Kertb Carolina;; where, we regret tp say, his extraordinary talents were not fully ap-; ipreciated, asserts that a strong administra--: lion party is growing tip in the tsiutli, and that it wilidevelop itself in tbeapproacb ing fall ekctiona- Judge Settle made tbesej observations while in Washington the other day; and it i iS a curious Coincidence that' Whenever the carpet laggeri sweep 'down on the ci pital tbey :bring 1 word iOf , a. new ad-, ministration party i,the ;J3ontb Jt must J pay lb flatter Mr. Hayes, or ;tbey would n't 1 keen tt iio soner8iBtenMT: 1 keep it'iip so persistenHrL4 1 .'.'' AH THore port . that VOsmaa PasJu , la 1 nonet other i t h ail the veri tabte'Mar- Jiazaine appears' to' be gaining crednce'lWe1knowlhathere are se vefal gallant Irish men. 'Englishmen,' anq pen otr,otber: naUpnaUUes,,in command pf brigades arid diTisiohs; ire skttw that seVeral Sdatherti- ;ewwere recently1 in the army of the xuieuive ui Agypi noiping nigD COm improbable thati Mafshal ' iBazaine shohldirbea in command of a 'Trirk4 ishlarmy, and Uia"ttb1sTteb WS Hevna. ' His, career - from . earl Bein under disgrace iri ratrcey haV- iflgjjfceri, condemned ?lo !1je sh6t tof htoitoiiciltfetg capd fjom . prison, .it s not a matter for Surprise eHifpun4 ghting agaiiisi ! tha tTartar- as i a 'soldier Of iortohe. The Baltimore American Although the son of an 'officer of high rank; Who coald hare proctired him a com missiop ia the army ta..begib with; he vdK unteered as a private in 1831, and wpa the. marshal's baton ' In 1864. Between . these years he passed through ail- the' grades of promotion iand; took part rid thirty 'three campaigns,? He fought in iAXrica, ia Spain, ia. Italy,-, in the Crimea, in Mexico, .and. ficallyid "the great "Francp-Prussiaa war,: from Boray; to Meizv where his Star -went down In darkness.;. ;France pat the j blame of the humiliating surrender upon jiim, and:' wherejef h6 may be. Whether commanding a corns in.the; Tarkish rtnv. or living id obscurity in 8pain or Belgium .he. is an exile from his native land." 5. i-. .....,'...:': Nourii Anotm s -r tiioops' -bW' llB'HiariAW.AmKTTS it Sir Robert. Walpole,. father f of thet ' celebrated 'Horace is.Wal Ooll K-ktifrl Pnml tMiflidlbf :Oe6rgeI4ddW2eH lempall Ws(yh ont accepting the :. statement' in its7 f uruaunesB aTiq completeness, 'wg nave bfat little doubt jlhat a great deal of moss prant; romance, andiflO little f it is..Mncb with tbe ,s(rjoUsH of the e- ! patatuwis hf heif6es I atiJ e)t)ie8 whi? were aeserviuK.oi a ueiier laie. yve jver tJio nazes ,ot, several d&O'-called hfst!oTleKipfytb aearch; an3. JEafinCofs ntnta that mark the real bistprica iikiau Miuwirv oi i time, macan. 1 mutiiiAr thi t.i.vi.:! a..j lat byiopbn Jbhn WnHon qroke JSdgar ergeh era not as good dhiff MaZ rfe-) the dOraaandsHhat Vdre rfgaea feW IJio H. 1 4 Jjerala trrows 4uerrv over lifii niiii ia-VAtuirJ - r j - .... , , ,f , , , , ,, lW I Pollard MoCabet (ViTgiaia iwri papers o cnih gronnjfestkiiB y$hVHft.haMM 3pfibavft no, purboaepnder jheaven.to. rott tanf. fiommand of j:jta j ustly an d Iearlyi I carted JarelhuXv?eWa?ffi to ahy . pf, the glorious., brigadea'frorni' hw siAhaVfoiigb, thati aanguitfary dayajit ,4 M Pf ixn just raa uPpllardlt and f other; Of vienK, Petti&rrew the anrvivids offi-s J4ra of Vhis tirlkade "heldf meetlhW1 and appointed Capt. Louis Gi Ywnfff j. true statement-of ; the iactSLt and (:to us assailants.,, inis , importAot. UaJy, W liPPrwPiknthQyiMi on wftapjubjishedft arejitflnable aAtlJwnwjjiu ft cppyhifbj flas iny purpose to reflect anjustly i jappq the troops ironx other l States,' but he hasfeitbr lililfidereff y MSafcJI ddiit ofi the. third da's 'hvfphb lishc Jt rctenUy itt Uhe Philadelphia Urn feUhriohrfwrite bave taker! tUibitiei ,M$Wk$ been"1 igrebtorlyiiehat'fis p,pas bielMfOol.qylo will kleny. ' That he tAtcini1 to t tirii l?arj)r ; unj ast we do not believev J': iiMo(i cobv some impo Aant ' kiM$ mebls from hiaatiunt ,si f l-rjie asaanWngcelunreaily wniBtsteof oi-ieaeus upvisiontwo. brigade IP Jrpti t and, one in. asecond linu as a suDDort - with the brigacTof Wilcor in'thei'rear of Hsrirfbt to pFoct Uiat .flank, .e$fc ffeW DiHitoh moved forward on Pulcetfa left in. tcAelok, or with the alicnraent sr fmnerrect and so drooping pn the left as toappear.in 'Jl)irtlfh T.Qnoi. bit. Q.lo U.;'. w mM uMuva uilKiV III rear of its rights and its left 'without 're serve or support, and entirely T exposed.i Thus the Column moved forward. " ? It w is different: hereH This cbaV Wkfl mkde down, a gentle slppefc and .then up tq .the edemyV lines, distance of over half a mile. Benadcd of forestsjahil iin full sifht of the enemy, and perfect range, of, their J doced their natural effect pon Peitigreie 4Jivifiivn ana uie ortgaaet tupportmg il caused them W'faland tM tkire'S Then Picketl'a Division, fcontinuine, .thb charrrA wvumi suppora, ana in the sight or the ene- myw Was hot half ld formidable or effect i ItypaW hav.e been.,,? n , Had the veteran diviainna nf TTrwvl anrl McLaWs been : moved forward, 1 asJ 'Was 1 piaonea. ia suooort of those of Pickett and HeUigrew, ' not only would ihe latter dlz efforts of the enemy to dislodge them. iThe enemt closing in 00 Pickett's1 Brigades ceacehtcated apoa tftaU Small biddi f fet roea the , tire, of every gun that could, be grated and evrpeweiedisaemilJ Back as' In biiotlierlace OblTaVldr vs: It miltdUesaay' other icommands reached th. crest tb& height thi waa ihe only crgaized body that eiuereaine vvTc qjwe nny. flluth can be said tcx8U8 fpr.tbe failure, .pf th other, commands lo fulfil-the : task, assigned C.;ayi:llap1defl errojri ot Pollardandolherlwriters in ma'-; feing pelh!s :if divisibnr orlTa cif jycettV Jdivisicnv in Uhe i memorable charge, ult was to liked left 41 iPiekelt andraocred. firWatil oatbtf mmeiiiiej btit hhd iprobably CwiepiUia distktice trjcohUt vreaeh thontjhetfly's'works1.; jSwnfoflW; acbduntf ) Js'ahwaefV jEalsehjoods. itijH8 AatiPtiigrewist iomrrlandJ.'prokd in Sdisbrderjf &el f;f hatlasllrewa iiow; icj3mpb8eds?84enBefcb had' t)eerr; woniided on 4xie 6t the pre vjoti days.Oifeni Jrettigpswutooktiom pf rvisionasihioH BrigEaieW The c )mminf wa4 eipoed of f4& ferigiaes onlpblal iTbrtl lriolTbeBbijgade Ijttf JSfbrtl foluiiapawasl grew' 1 po;eiipiendid jtfboVf tlikt- WayaodghTiftfpil igfeji'rf -majnlybirhe trihgTSat and aiiknettli gtel Mlrfjhy graVey hlriil beenllirtf rfnTlnireiifVNlti tot derenaicdubPo herola ' ommaridbi8ow tf brr? ade;1 jAji a bvaifdthe ebrviVirig'ibf3 ppra priUs combmndh'ave done tnat' ibroogl!Ck ablewiAatoelvealXofJ iheV staterieoi i.Tbt tindfdatiop h6ed ! conp4sivyiIikWjkbaoh injustice bad feeejif dPnai tb iPeUigrewaspleodidl tt& lr,r as, did that, bt;, Pickett, ,bwt l.tB:f'r. these twb Would 'JiavenahJfidwirh 1 the aid of Hood and MoLaws. Ao reaiki all Ii ! . ' I . iM ' Ml ii enemv: worfcs-s-h o '.- t prrl Ha it. 1 j a i -vjjf ; 7riT-Mi. -Tjn r I, -iri Bu ftWf Ililivlili Wi i tMla Spottsylvania met '"killed and wautic! jd ontof :alit; emore than evien..rmndrerL,. Th Hwr,y-Uhthfiel4i jrfereilJea V 1 1 a J-W ' ' -1-7" f'Wffor!fPttfgff:a,If9rlPa i JlPi Idivyioond hejbrigadesnpporttn PIPW Sces'sNprtb app tnat Jrettigrew's division did not' G0I1 nel T.avlor . wft inn'iAl.-, imwrnnor vgoffipers pfUhe 1)1 as. A. Engelhard, then editing tbe: 1 L. . F . . " T ' .1 fir 1 vi 'it d W'Adtd it'ili;ni-!tirtt. Ve cheerfully give .our cprres- ipeli ent-saidlMai. Engelhard, "the liae( Tour editorial colnmns for his Jtfltie y defence, of Fettigrer s ' gal- tuuiti truuus. v; ire: were -an anxious ipecLuor of their noble .fight npon ibtf , Hr8i day at uetiysburg, an4 a .part cipaut on f heir immediate left. TN'T IB CHABGE ON TUB THIEP DAT, rTheqrfJaro i-l"'- a i li.iti.t.Tijrx .f'M4j-? .! (Fet .igrewVowD), wa$onA extreme. !a 'P''i-r '4 'fi "I-' sA-.-- I fef?, (of, Hetha division) and the Tern essee brigade next. " t We know OS 50 JB PKESONAL KOWLBDGBTflAT !Picb btt - piTtaieii :..un.Mim .. right, 3PTE1. I.ONQ . .BEFORE THE? ' NOBTIP CaeAlina land 0 Tennessee brigades 'eKASKD iTOi advance. 1 joirrir"ws OF- irfitfe bl PendeVs division, A?fuAi: jrir; bccitPiED.ii'OB XfsHOBT time .the ASrvKNGE FbUebai. wonna oir 3BMB-f TBSij llujj'bmm -sin wi iitUiiiV; ii Sojmuch iorVlhe tesiimprif of .Mflj.! Eligsibaxdi who U;d Jississippian by: kAxihi ftpd was A3 jatafat of Ppnder'si HI visjoja t; Captain iLonirf fiui ypnn is r i SautlK, Carol inian. j These ; two! aBjptgotio. obbeiiouh to shield bra. prLUiCajrolinians from b'BjpJtjreprpach,or.nnjii8tr harrhfioq. 3at? festiwy qtrpdajoo auothev jvib pest. ?Xk tirneuit f is ' "Virginiani fh9 oreiimi3efiniprt twen yfeaIeIrrtia; cQmnsdnicatioA lath jlg67 ard hkai.wa copied datq: 0ttr fcdving aipmJ)eMm Jakiek dl,; rl4&e;, wrote! 'flil'f jjttiit 'Y'-7ii jiistieA) to (lifia gallant i troops t rbiifli prCatolitwijand for t&e sakel Of riallpw ifart; throogh yft'i. 5fiwnnitQ fewtefactai reTtile jdddayt Gettsbqjpgi3 tiatcHlhe ubUoXinay; ioniy i irrived .iny iinq' dwplavj rta braV ry in the last ; othe jatiuggre, '&ir. o,SAet ojyhhesQGeUi) divtei oft " was. on the leftot iPickett; have Declared,' and that his bwrt bti- were : r rta of i thb Mgbt ibf niietn7e aivisi ,fk -WaS 4; r Bornmandf' of Periderms JidivU BtbrPdMtlreaT iaMiferllikVingeeh f mbTtilyUwoiittdbdV, khdilMit Hhtey vmti yrdefedlb take; tbelrel po Virbhtbahe? IeoilheT!toopsrthat, wferb fightinif f hisLane'a brigade) efag tbextrVmylefrjf tbe!dttac ifi fdrce-that wben n$W)sAdi& $!M "enMffor drea( y nmUtk& m Gelieral iWofebis: mni and irapidiy Jto! atf 0 WKelmin that aoered aestetiVef'fire flrhiltfi 1 . , ' yi t , ,- . V i f ." vnj wheB bbthing!Wo.ld ih'en be gained jwbaaded'larjd Haat neitfdif $It Back reliable eye witness. -.In ISfO. Maior. now Secretary of - State f foi( North ppt r upon a oraraunicatiob; pnbr liaht d in that paper fronai the pen pf -'.- to :ff y Tsiit fA-i-xn-'-ii;!.! la ge illeman' then resident at Oxford. ' f " i ( i -r".i i n . m f ' iaaa reWrmed irf rear i of therartillery; fHoisaya further, that fcisNortb Garo f i r a aJied'tfor tit ?'snc& ta complimentary! jpJt Jlhat : battlejl aud afterwards at liiniy&attolivheriGrfe Jilrrl thall lbrtHCWrbliaaaa cause jt 7 e wrote the( AbAyetOrt TjtiPsdayJ and havei. withheld tta'PoJblication- id able apd conclnsiy p "djsqussi obV pf j,hp battle, accompanied byaTl letter i f rprhS ySngelhar t -WiYthipk: Coll Tyl6rGriUfibdif make good ;his statements, in tlie f ac 0 wretf'Be MwpAhleilience5 andf cjbftraolrltfPrCw,bo tiyek of other Stajiesone a Vifgiman: oDepiutsstssippiao, aa one a oatn tlarlihian ;br 'HMeiti wethavtf 'ijlli- : t'r ::t-' ; " 1 W' r iiXAJ.i:W ,."v -v: ' beerj efendingiNpr erwkr tias takerntK thaubjeci - wltfe so much pf; yigor; , and earnestness. 1 Wefhbpe every iabeV lbat is Itrne H.6 1 orth oCaroUna iiwtU A ventillau jtba greatniustieetterfped to, be visit ed . hpon our herotQ j N.orth, j Carolina Botdiery;t9lf therbu are other Isurvi vi irig ptoeB8ei.leribia;&poa j Wfll mo(8t' 'add van brief postscript. VYe jremember distinbtly 4b at the aml bbiai'ce corps pf :tbe Fbderai' army reported iead JSorth Carolinians f situ 1 ttilri in'their t work;tfeaiaheTaJ This; is important. : How did tlie CJOW- I J V i-:-.-;-.H.r--T - - v.- rnat (ttr aA(lt "'"t has .todm onAnr1iiiM to lJjOl lard and Swinton,;vhb repre sent j them as t iogloriouslyi flying? the field) get; in the: worka and : fall mair tyrBjto their devotion ? Truly a queer place for cowards inside the enemy's ! DEATH OP AOiniBiL 8EHinE .Alive in all. the. qualitis that. ..enter into sa great .seaman. Ue won ,im-. perianaDie renown as commander of i'i'-4:KH.''V.M bama, which went down in the, fight I wiiu iue ivBarsae uu lue Aoasii- pr illn8riou8 'sailor who shea such glory M ( nn infnt ' iAfe F 1 V n M 'nn fedhrate'StiateS! eVmio giyp an ; ex tended sketclf ' KaTih ?afa afchand,f r noT Irr&Ai vo-rl i iVti J '-!;!.; V' RQBBBKTj -Av jn Jf jyoa voald see :btow tbi people f.dutbf Carolina were u robbed 'bjr kthe jcarpet'MggerioaodfBcatla'Wagsr who f'rnled th roasl? Pntil Hayes ter tjered arid removed tbearniy from' i thaj oruelly-ii oppressed, tate read masf Independent,! which; i able4o to golumbili were jgh gaBttOB Wi.wblaw key,1 Several cases .of champagne, three boujek of: Curacba? tbuleeb hoxes'of in-' ported pigarsfc. pore np: jiass' alet f tiliti; Baif; a dozen pineapple cheese, many bpUleh - of shertjj-; several ''boxes' br? sar-' line "of , goods, . with the addition x ot six hotttei :bf ' brandviodflhair quarts' Of i Worcester kauce,! : anJ -ftalf iH uozen; quarts of, pepper -sauce ainoupt pf , pnpWeek,s! blB $3838.;4al JyRansier; c)iorea. iitesteoaaVHUoverojof and preaii dent of the Senate, took a box ,of cigars, a, callbni of whiske'y,' and half 'gallon; of gfir? in a sibgliotvai the PXpep&e eittiiuStiei ir. rtansier alter warps became a member J-,. bt, Cdngress ( and - found bid Blue Jeani i J1 miliums ,110140 .iiperai ,caierert more high-tined was the Hon. 0. P, Leslie, who, being perhaps a total ' absuifier,' took bis minprjsle alage ouj iiJlmarble)p bareauaj: paintiogs .and hanging, same, arm-chairs, tete-a-tetes, ea9y-chairsia fine Walnut cbam-i er smtaud btb mattresses. T His sccosot ($6S6)j was' endorsed ''Ordered paid: . J. 'WooflfruffJ aerkUb Hay n o, a colored senatoiv also? tarped ' frugal imlnd towards nouse-f urnihiog, and the Biate1 in UWbefiait barchaserf bonv- jqpmb jquilts,rblankeijp ptf finest paUcjrns, wiuc-viuiua, nuccta, piuuw.-cases. urugseis carr ets. 1fl ffraia car nets: itbtuiPnlO J ibametiK aad soj yi through, the . long, catalogue pi, luxurious appointments of a stylish uiwu- nooae,', not omiuing ins cradle ana uneniai bassoc ks. r Sometimes,. however enumera tiori became tedious, and the disgustebrclerk etthe Senate turned an honest thousand by a b II against the State of South.Carolina for $1125 "to sundries' ah transportatibn iOp accpunt pf-Ii. Cir Jeanlngs.Tj a person whose lexiatence was a figment of the, clerk's. own1 thieving brain. As tisaal, 1 sucli bills .alsp-wfcrf purtiy fforderedpaidV? rj hi ere are inaicatiOps or a. bittef AionoVer the Statfi.tickfisticOoVjiiRpbinson! .1. 1. fr: l j 1 i : j - . 1 nuu iuc auucu wjug uesire me rnumioa lion bfthe' pi'es'ent" officials, but Tamtnany f4,,We are, pamed to- learn that .the gallant Semmes is no more. Jie ,db parted this life at Point Clear. Ala- j 1 l,' i x ! .; rV f ' on Vf ' cr 1 "f ,a 1 niay icorresppnaent sat White ouH ?rAagai:ewaa fphpr Spring that the ladiesof SouhCarol probably, equal to- any ..naval officer I Iinaelected blniadihg thaVsbmeof them! -a-..l.-.,i? ft iff, t 1 . il "'t '... s is-L i.K . :k.lflih inntDn fa. Ma r. tl.-nl a -- . ; . - : . . , i .9. ' . . UinesJ anq: "nxings.- tqniaicHyora whotei aev otaenare spjuu pr wWmsjWirr rbUHdl of swell banquets. -Tbe biirin thia -i Tb jieoplecall them Whim men.,7 7 . easeounted to ipMhdaa p ihiae1e& Tbe firt bale ;of new. .cotton, fpf the -sea sppj was Tecerveff ana sold In tMS city yes1 3fc itA;lcoDaigBba taMKvBi'jfJnviairtbnl chtsd'asWicVgood raiddllii ana solA tb , cen ta. $eis pouad., .HsifwsfiiK qmjgi .iff l " '" imwavA " ' i r j.. srai Howard, 'WM tblAsndf .V'HhM?gt!a mndhand., - - ; s . -; . ,. I fbpt)ij 'bl9 !yMl-!:H,''t,lf,'(l,: ?viflf-iiQBi nw-f Jiarney ; Lipnahue. the prpfes iMkl'hfzer'b -: ratt-'sfrntkS' gulshes Ate jail at; SBatn, Btewit.YoBkr aot ; aerauitpl f 1,500 bail r;i, v : : i fi 1 -tl y-i i.Hr--i t1 mi i.-?o viMi BS'issmspy his compatea Uiat there ara.Z5. OUtf more f nriinrM in. a naniiDjili.K . -fin the war of, i812f Thurlow ii ecu- vos u uniwmer uoy in we -xsiuetau regifaeot andwpre a blg sbako. -iJast Fj daybfternoon a raeeed bov cot into hi hall and stole the veoerable rrf&i iAr.aohp Vansi the'-'AmericarJ . a j 7 . -w- i.5fat' viea i amisejii r jsaroo: I xjyjjMj iiie -u uyiey. comes from his l nwHaera uame oi! jjoviejifcnd HhB itftift W I i.rr iwmunu, ae-iiotnscnud. ot .the 1 9a ot Koinscnija Brptbers. ta Fans; is 1 thSh Ter2r house in Frankfort The .wfll N 6elebtttt6d'm that mediajvaTseaW bf tl eRothschUd family.r . ,s . h! ?- lp ; lphne8&ee, the other dayk JddjeVJl ;VTrlcliWas1' nVarried Oi'M&l DelitPeace. .The world not apt lo have tbi y exalted opinion of the pacific rehar actei bf'ihbstBBi.ore4Gburiaea8eel; the udge himself jtbus bousd over tbjkeep! I the . keace.' Conner ur(. -y a h i , Mr.' Wi Miami Beacb ' Lawrence aveiai dinner5 b tKerat McClellaa fatl Jewnort JftSL WPfit ami mnnn lhn rit iweraQeorce Hi Pendleton nH hin wife; Althjjugtf Mcellatt nd Pendiet&fa tko5 fbl lS84Jttiey J af previously met bntonceH . , uu ucver seen cacu oiner- MmeJiWiUaeiNilssbWb tereel into an ensasrement tosin?twA nht tercel i 5!! I?1 I f1 Bhefwill;rcfceiye 7,000, francs 3tS0i la nleht!ihekidear' 'Wliipliiw'n nWrfkrmna are begivn in ber ;name as ?'benefit,1 fpr,Which she Is tq be.paid 28,000 f rapes. .vi Madame Bonaparte, of this icity. is in hrfjjhiety-ihird year. She still 'exer cises b personal supervision, ven her large!: estat. estimated at more than sc miUionj dollafSJIff t&e'eVefatbf.lhei'Jdeatb of the4 Prifade mperiafe her jgrandsoai khvBona-i partej would 1 be in tbe line of succession; for the FrencB' crown 'ebonld the told dv-4 n r-r -",- - -i i. J .-n vro!y.e.rp!pr.-1xi;mp.ii admitted that there was it oziDfe'done' to ecure- hisf election 4HeI far. 89 U their recreant husbands unless thev voted Tor Hhniptona rbi,fadded tlfeGbvernbf,' Hmailk. n.nn a'. 1.'.. II J H N 1 J.i.;i?i!VI.4' HO? K.CfirisUan4wPb! Change hersex would ' it change' her i-eli-tibu fi erlni v. JorKpi'd.' httw. tOiin J.i " J -f- f biiadblpbia! aZeraWr Thp lie Itarniag Bored are cmmepcing tto, make their kppearanre from many of tbe summer luxuries urn nuaon,upuars 481 year,iovye. ;haye brphabiy thrown aside rnoe than that wonnj or, supemaUie. ripr,fjnfinoii uTir m - . . -j picket having! Just played1 a compdshlon pf his 'ofenwiitourati' 4ete teara'-ChrirnrShf 4 rienflsiJ-Oa T; What Is fhbmattetf 11 What can wfe f or yoa& He"rrJu mp'drhfckel -AKfmblb1os8itii!t Bt Hrfen jkafi alrnb-iatMlc'ieB taut-' aVWayiTtaken v - wi Arisnman, i resir I row toe "oia 'eooatfyiMisawaturtle for the first time and 4 Wberi IJve bcougbt. woe to all mankinL,7y H OldlAdam balled heffian' Bat when h&.fpandbeiwooed Bakindol " t He pen ptonnnnced. has woe man y, f Tint nnw Willi omlloci onrl o 1 meio i t .n Tnelrlia8b4VpbcketS!iiniHM ness, fusty bUCfeles, snaffle bits, pitchfork tines, hni bujodiea of hayvand they though t "ie enu pi we ; wona, ljad-ppmef,; put, the next day an bid farmer came along lobk- iag f of a spent Whirlwind andt iaittwri-story para, ana fntlictfaeiffor ipjayed thfeafliiaarch with a. gun oafeoa: jailing., ana now ne is Tbelimd ,the bars takmd a restpiif1 Xftki'mtLifaSAI. fxiwu1tyif uskiwilb-betf xdented bat ?4tV?bW a?d JlfiWill AC l&M.Cm ThnlsAjlnhist IJiMiaa . Z .rv - . . ... ' .. -.v. ----- JA a T.J. UI.IJ - . . used to take back what be said about Jus' tice Btaaieyi enrabs -Wltt. haMeUo 4urb M y fTHHi,ftTrf Vfaii 4tVIM p tmpTeffiipn amoti gthe, WghCTcbissea m SJn- f:: - : ' J 1 gtapH.j 'mere is as.yet, however nof:een firmatipn of the rumor that he is 7maklng preparations leading up to marrying Qbeed Victoria. Chicago- lima. ftThf. SprpgfieU&ftcanr pleases) Itself with picturing lhe";wmning grlca Willi. which Mw Blakrt -Woald- take Jtrs. BaytsLupoo bja arm, and ware an in- ; -viUtiba tb tbe President to lead out to din- Ber his aeiighlfalir'aic and piquant frieud, - A nnrrpnrwinlnnt. nf t hn. .Tataa. is remarkable factithattBe t workiagmea's wiuuiupwii , Min!Ui;ituiDSi m LUaU Willi kbows las little of manual labor ' and is as little n sympathy and accord with the la boring man, as it is possible to be." " xne mysiery ceasea (o be. fTlfttl tlflmot M naiAlr ia ra nw ffeurdeFhfi eL6iils.He rt- -j- Peafches, v apples, and quinces . Veighirig a' pound.' each! are produced in , r U HThbprOepectf Statesvillbi Fe- 4 ; . male uoiiegeia very. nattering, as we -learnt .TrbMtheiiMri , 4001, Ik IPolk - denies that jhas'purcuased the State right of the Daven-? ,f per , Preserving Process. A foj- -ReVenae fik t&tiemtto? Almost, m&s WArJi1' . yet he , South : does tuot pay tny Federal taxi s4 - r,-- .-:-i -v-c ." j " -t b ather H.vans says Milton can , ea the orld'bn the' baby o3restibn.J Their' ;nCiey heard, A'oft in the stillv Pish t.?! and ' j r . .'hs'iere'cr we've roamed." . " i '4- veputv Shenfi: Davis aitemoted lo arryt Cdhtf TiabkeViatiihock'vrSrjfinc:8t"', rf H"1, pw wopeassvea juavis- H'w";3!,! !v..v; oa-r: inerei ib inucn, i.raarrjingr-'.fin r 31 .lor ,Sr f1 19. PWfiS year, , ; -j-Xeooir Topics Tb & fJoncorii ' r ' v. rfesbytery meets at Alooresviile n$xt Thurs . -day hyeekf thel3Septemoer--x3amp roeeiing at Jtocsy 4 ureet will commence , . -; i FHday before the 6th Sabbath in Septem-', " :lpgr4-tbe:28ih5t3;ife f ii-4'- f -icH- OElizafiethl Ctyiwmtiwt ;The ' : t most Of , tg'srHead ;-ybitors ? came up on j f;.f. tun steamer ou monaay, among mem some ' auo atcauict uu 4xa pt Menslcle 3aMaWeuBead80EioTa are i ' rife bf the, havoc ..w ,-aj t.:tt' vUlel iQ!Haiifax county, there has been a " t ??f ?u.ia: couon crop pros tW AWSlgViJffflW BsyjjjThera!weijB..rii tnamaee - licenses issued in the cotfntv ' bhi-SaftieadiogAuBt'81sf:'i1877P-'(-I made there this season bv. irdhery of Ou'pid.itVs".?. - f.?-" CabbkMpani speet wbhin the last two weeks; ana cotton ' wifhl weed large- enough; to. croduce one . k ' ;M;wiir;;nbt. yield Jonesthird of ; ' I - hnr ;Wil3pn4i l4taace: ,Thiei anbaul meei ngTbf the Primitive Baptists ?of., this ..." l -Mac" Jast Suaaay.khbwn as 4,Bi2iAnBnaL' : iwas brgfcly 'attended tftt crowd in attend-'.' ' A nc musi nave, peen ponsiderabjy over 2,- r : , 00q.j -il Tbe farmers of Nash; especially 4 f 'iPw l11? ineighborhoodJare; suffering i sv iw iiiB noub ut taiu. ? - . manl published at i Lumbeiton:' Robeson' J v County, under . date of .August 28th, states rf- that he sawlwhat abneared lote a nmn . . and fir person, .aS ; hone- other lhan',7. 7-, and fcat: theviberson waa nSS rivnr . ery,1oIthas s passifc4: oyer the7 northern7rrtbnpf ithe; 't i however, a bolt of ."licbtnineValruck. in" the i. ; ' yard bf- -Mr James Craigmiles, living One " aad 4 half miles from town: on tbe Beaver j i I Craigmiles ftBdrrtwp other aons, John and r 7 t Joseph; aged; respectively 1 four' and' ten t: tue Bniaoie.uenry jserry Wwery.2olt bas :,K- ' gene ally heeb bejieyed: that .Henry Berry ; ' '7 acck eftaBjr-shptpd.jkiIled u- ;:'. ' : . T Tbe healthiof ; Raleigh has very J . . . mucl improved since ibe reports for June. n ri 1 Ib'A igust Uere Were'rhut tWSBtybnp in-- Jl '' ierrri nta at the three cemeteries.-But that u:i" "3s fai tob !raachi; Early in the yearW 1 J'i3' . thlil mertf were-b'a' half rdozenxlBter"" pieht i In Wilmington in twb mbntba--' The ' J?r.''-' mort lity has been; Considerable duridg the V i! ! Jlast t lred ;montha. 'so'tah pma'x touvl J.. tin ahbu one o'clock, TasVa heavy clbiid 7wa ....-, Onnasmt jat l"! L"Mj "Vt BHianWy ,j ea.rt V -istabttlanllTVralyoua.er N. T TlBmlvAnii biU!n -lyi 2.a 1 j I KnecriBgjflpwa andsevgrelyi injuting.Mr; . j - jy.e&rs :tdkjh.j0iQltij:& ;tfw:ms; j no 'mrTT npijppjimiy cprrespondept ofjnU Magr olia JSftWid! writes: On pext Monday. r , , -Septc tribe 8d,"Kinsten-CoUegiate'IflstituteuH7 bpeni its fall session. v.TbiainsUtuUon wasr? s,fj chart ired by the last Legislature; and had durit ;lts last term over; one: hundred pu pils( rrrt Itis exceedingly Oiealtby lb ouf n-1 r sectic q at this'tjroe'i.Tr-;Urbps are gene- - '-u rally ;qod but will be; somewhat short en ' :'' accot n t of getting a had stand ixrtbe spring; ' i - b Monday last, August i S7; Klnston1 i High School-penedsf ob i ita-falidsessiobC tuJ i TJijs i cbool.had About (fifty pupils 'Jlaring'2-' its fa t Sermiti'.aSiUit "(J Vlt ;'';' Raleigh ' Wews ; One : hundred J f-:t nd;c ne. deeds mortgagesj and: other legal. rt f wxitii es were registered in7 the office f ffesls erbf TJeeds.' durkiff 'the montbor 'i FAbgujrrr-riWe heard man Bayyester- : aay-i oat merearei37 colored people to be bapfij ed1! JRidgeway, ito-mbfrbwSt'bf w JK! Wbob are tp hp baptized face f dowaarkj;t.,ii. 'f-tk V"e are informed that on Wednesday terhfar Hayes' pbapel,' in, the .lower pari ; vi -u bf thii bityj Was en tered by some unkno w n ; , Irass tacks and 'the TieeU: turned: bp j-J . 5 and nb questions asked.1 It fs rebort'ed : ' -. IhattBertwo escapedt eonvlctr haVe been V'-M panght near;,Greepsbpro. r?Tbe ipost t-'tU extradrdfnafv,,'cfts&ihf Mir'nntln Vh ohfiii in-that has borne td our knowledge is .. ' :acase wherein a brother charges but seven ..;, dollar i for what he publishes 10 the world Ui hie dvwtiseU terms) he most have thirty - i dollar l And that brother js, an officer in A i, "' the so called Press A ssociation of this Slate. ' " ' Np w nder pp maBy papert iftxNortliCaro , "s a aielivinginthepoorhouse.'' ,f - ktated that the "army -worm," a verydeK' !rt" strict ?e ipsect pa cotton, has appeared in,-, a localit es Where' German' millet was planted. J DoeS i follow ihb millet as a result of plant-ir v" 1 ifig aiflet?. That's the question, r Judge' , McKoy,1 at Nash' Superior Court ' in sen- '' ; ' tenCfn fahog'ibief to the peniteritiaiy,ii: Tt.h showe I his love of North Carolina, bacon "! t wheb le 'said: ' Whether at a hotel table Pr . tbatfel a; private gentlenian,' yon see nothing tsif it, but,W 3sterp bacony instead of nice, sweet, ; , home i :uredimbatr andialr' oh 'accountof " "V - bog thieves, I iotend Jo slop it if possible. -' oil rwia j - j l . a . . . M&mdlift 'BROrA Tt ia VPrv hpftll hv m TAnpa 114a tuufcrvauon iicjiiea me .siuray Ota f- farmeiaUy,!? -' . fipii jTonea cponty icirrespbndeht i;r- '""T T ' ' T - "Tl ' J mi VUUVO s ' j counjjl at this lime. The crops with J T us arehrery eoortti particularly corn. :. Tbe j Pin itptlonfcrops will make a good yield, oto-- r vided Welare favored With a late fall. c w f dones couniy.pan; noasj pi an empty -jauYrL? ir;t asd a poor house'with but five in.(itj and every school district la hef ; bbrder is brbV'-1 1 1 . vided with a school for each race.- We 1 i ti pnqersiana mat a wnite man, one ot the . Mr. j yeslbrpoks, was severely stabbed a v' iew Gays agot in yypress vrees: . townsliio. .ia aaaffrsy with'anolherwhiieman, whose' name WShaveJieeb unable tot learn Ji-U. A' i yoaagao.byftbe pame of Heath, a son ofi John TRPAttt.A M nr in hnililin . ' J, shelter at :lhtoMcDaaiefc,meeting? house' f -Wbei some pf the timbers t gave w?y aad ...... crushed him scfbadlylhat he is not expect- " " V ed to live. On Saturday last. Mr. W. D. Sodtherland, who wasbnnting deer near - r- -.Tfentcm" ShoVaDd accidentally killed ;An I-a luuujr jjiiu;a.uiaufc - B,cuuiure(i : man, -.air.;.-' ouuuicautuu, vaa ai a JM.anuwa1iLDg4pr.u1e; aeer tq run out. wDen Antiiony came run land fifed at the shaking of the bushes aod , t . . iaiaiiy.wounaeanim, so thair ne .died last Rn. 17 a r a Mat Iimumwi m 0 i MEmsTENN.ug3ir !l dnera! Forrest's eonditibb has im-n5-r 11 " ".prov;ef considerablyj t Ilia friends ard now sanguine of his recovery." . . - 1 . , t 1 1 -I Sii-;''.'? ; i . ' - -1 "?-V :-:; -