.-.-! rr rr-! ii i y ft, y pi ir Jr ur;ttrgi( I -taur J jut ii:fwiM.m a, imf ,a;k!lfti.Ti;iiC i t i s; t ,.! !! C t ; .1 Wilson, ia tolhave a race track. WilsohFema(o Seminary" has sixty five pupils' in the third week of tbe - 6essionO-ft $ f OT 0t I T- J ; 'v,. The Albemarle Fair will be held. At Uizibeth City on the S3tb; 14th and 15ih WIlttlsrO-TO 1ST. c.. -ft ,..!,.-! s .: . j . - . i .-..ft- ,' ) : . ,; $1.50 .a Tear,,ta advance. , Y;ftWfftrftf: T-U'js! - v- ;-fto..- i.t i i ; . ... . . . I - . T ; iyyWy- ft:,ift'f f-.;r ,. 1 SSSSSSSSS3SSS3SS3 O ftV'.r.: I teo AN -m l ma . . 1 r. V 1 -u --. 89 MC etc SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSoS S33SSSSS8SSSSSSS3 888SSSS.S8.S8SSSSSS -a 8SS88S882S2S88SS8. qition: i 1 H&kV 88838SS83SSS3S888 .8gS8gSSS28S8SSSS8 o co id go o -! e o o ai o - p ' e - M it 88SS8SSSS83SSSSSS y. -vox. ifneietooaeT4iieaqs V s t&vl ... . . "v-Ki ' sabscHption priee'of the Wkkk r,Y Star is as follows : ; Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 iC O "J. tt ' , t( tl " ' ' '"50 ;:f CHKAP HON BT AND THR L4BOR .'. Ttie .country needs : a . oond,. stable ' . , . . -t -.ft-.r -r- --ii"5r--ft -t-''- enrrency It needs' a specie 'basis as iiear; as possible,,. .capital- is ipoKing anxiously towards the honr'of restimp- upn wneuever tnai soau Decome poa sible. A Whether resamptioh will take place as soon ks1 1879 "or noti' is1 very problematical. H whether it does ; or not, it Is clearly tnol" the : interest of .the, laboring j classes to i f avor any scheuies that will fender the money of the country leas fixed, and valaable.: vVe are: in a transition state aa far "as tnonev matters are concerned, and wisdom and prudence are required in dealing with: the finances of the cbon- - tryji-jrV .8i4iaftS; ij''ft. The Workiiigmen party that' met not long-ago in convention ! a Uar- rbutg.:ejajf;aq iominaie4 candidate for i State " officers and ' adopted va platform that contains planks that willjiprqv vefyT0tteb. i6f their interests if they: doiiot look DatC Amoug thesi planks re' those ' that call for the "enactmeut of wholesome and pernianeut tariff !aw8,w by which, we suppose, tbey demand a high pro- leciive tariu, pne mucn .nigaer tnaa the present' oae ;'for the abolition - of conspiracy:lawsn; for "grataitous education in j all educational institu tions;" for the erection of courts of ar- 7- bitration for settling all disputes that may arise between labor and capital; for an unconditional repeal of the Re--sumption act) the abolition of the Na tional banks and (the issue of a cur rency by the government based upon the wealth of the whole nation."; It will be seen that they demand a great deal much that f would prove in j urioua t6 them and to the .country. We suppose they mean to place ' the burden of education exclusivety upon the ricbt' for some class would - have to support ahe educational institu lions, or they i would stop operations, being unable 4o run without money, and they are' not to be allowed to . charge any tuition. -But we do not propose to discuss the planks of" this anomalous platform, r ; .' . , ' . , We copy the following concerning the financial plank from a high au thority, the V Financial 1 Chronicle , of New York. That paper says: ' "Now it is especially lamentable and dis couragiDg, allhongh s not unaccountable or unexpected, to see workmen thus embracing their worst enemy. It is the .usual testi mony of experience, as well as the doctrine of economists founded oo the nature of things, that an irredeemable currency robs and defrauds those who' work lor day's wages worse than any other class. '.The fluctuations in prices and the special risks which it always causes can be guarded against and compensated for, to some de gree, by capital, . bat they fall with foil force upon labor,' which mast ' pay the prices of to-day and . help, insure capital . against loss. . Such a currency is a bad. tool, as a cast-iron hammer and a soft-iron chisel would be; and just as it is, true that the poor, buying in small quantities with the disadTanUges of bargaining . against them, always pay for what they consume higher pricetftban'tbe well-to-do, it is also true that the greenback Jiowe ver it may be dabbed with flattering epithets, has not toe onguiesk uuq 10 oe cauea ne woraingman dollar. It is a, bad, tool which does q good work, for anybody, and the poor man jIwaysjnade to.take hold of it by the blade. . .. ..- i.'i W .! .. . , ft "And not onlv is an irre deemable Currency the worst foe. of. labor, but any successful attempt at renewed in flation would be the worttt event, short of ucneral . anarchy' whlchr could happen as regards labor; - W.e say ."successful"; at-f tempt deliberately,: meaning that a renewal' of tbe active, fluab,? 'good.? or wbatso .ever sort ot times the term : trmft l8C3 to 1870 be called, would end Just as Uiat 'end' ed, in the downfall of every activity and tbe suffering of r every class; especially, of course, the class who must live by their im mediate earnings. , No' such renewal can; however he reached t effect it t is out of . human poweri.-it:;c; K:J.te.x-ism:-"We cannot put matters back; where they Were in 1870; as well hope- to restore them as they were in 18S0. i To art tbe printing presses' and make money so very cheap that it could be had for the asking, oukl be to destroy its: value and make those who owned any sort bf property re- luse to sell it,, so that nothing rwould be obtainable except for specie, or for-barter,; 0r by violence., - . . : . . ::; )Vhile tbey (tbe capitalists) feel thus, "! - - t lionista meet and resolve that more 7 money is needed to revive indnatrvahe more titiri capital will become and, tbe jnorev deter mined not to stir until nutters et- ouieL Tbrealenlbg ahd'Vociferalidij only make iV withdraw '. elosor SaXoS it 'hidfrii -tii.U Nothing but a calm sunshine and the pros? pect of profitable enterprises can induce, it to come Out 4 r ft! T ' -.. "i i - f 1 f -,j.i..t "; MrV y man mtinflPik II!.. ct. . rt - : ;- V' ' " Aifcpu pucaHaui yoqven tipo t yest evn South, theDenrocrais WillI"cajtnreta feWNdrtherii' Sate?thuf-gt control or tno national admnustratiou ?f .anotuer twenty-nye earjid Mr. Tremaine wants to knowlfr "tia loyal men of New York are ready i .o hand the gbyiernmenVdVer tb themeil wB Jio 14161 sought', tbpdestroyit. loe answer ox me; "loyei .. men" vhaa not yet beViwo!ved JbutijiheyJ will no doubt remember that it is the Rad-: ical party that hasT)neekingtd destroy 'thelverhment'for inaore' than twelve years past. Mr. Tre- mame may as welt make lip his mind' v iuii.uu uiwuj-BUiri UK aUU LUK6 a back seat. d',?.','::H t-.uisi-jj;; :-! The-editor tof the Bungtowii :Bird jp rceuum win soea many "tears or. peany uew over ine intelligence ot the jdestructipn of Prang's. , chromo establishment at Boston. "The Bird. of Freedom and a' cbrorad worth- $10; all fdrthe' insignificant sum bttZM win ij uuw uo nio, Bioian, ana tne great American, , public wil I be de privedfor a season at least,, of the besti family newspaper ever pub- li8hedw and of ko elesant 'ehfbW be flidesy? imatihe'edito the Bung wnu uuu x' iouuuui win now -qo . conundrum of very( diflSoult sola- Jtion $ but we would suggest that he. Substitute, for the chromo ' a : pat eut . uieuiuiuB aiuiauaooraureemspaceK ri ' i . ! ' -1 . !J. - . . i i .114.11 I "i t r ... - - i ln the death of . , the. Ute. Iiev, 'Prv James A; Duncan, of ITirgihiai the South lost one of its greatest, possP' 3tIy its greatest; oratofi" His' elochV tioti was superbV": and lie cooYd "tell, iwnav ne Knew oeiier 40iaii - any man we have ever heard. Rev. "D. it'eadl resbytenan, of. Uichmond, use lo ssy during the. awen JJr'JJun- ban was stationed in that eity, "When J. bear that young man preach ' I ai rways feel as if I were never called. The eloquent Southron wasburied in Richmond. Bishop Doggett preached the sermon, which, was every way .ap- propriate and impressive. .The facul ties ahd Btu'dents of Richmond (Bap tist) and Randolph Macon r (Method ist) Colleges were present., V. '. ;.'", TUB STATE VAItt. ift"'';??!. The approaching 1 State Fair to fee held at Raleigh ttirbugh five days be ginning on October 16 th, promises to be a grand success. . We learn that it'is thought by those who Ire hi iosition to be : beat informed that there will be twenty thousand persons present. The management ; appears to have Jeen excellent. $ The-right man at last ; has been secured for the ofiice of ' Secretary, which is one of great labor and responsibility.! Cat tain C B. Denson is a decided suc ce88i. Well 'educated, a !firracefnl i . . . ..! " .. nd; thoughtful . writer, jtrri adept in some branches ' of 'science,' and .... t ' r r - an earnest worker, he has "render ed emcient i service and) shown himself thoroughly capable, ' He merits public approbation' for thkzeal," intelligence and ttidustry which liave marked his efforts td give a new. im- petus to the North t Carolina; State ?air. ? , We have heard that CoL;Folk the Commissioner of Agriculture has given a very hearty and well directed so pport to Capif Denson aiui'tft&iw services bay been inyaluabe.: ',, We do not write in the spirit of idle com pliment, but from , ail t we ? care ; learn tliev are richly entitled to alt we have i I, v , s- it, f ;Kiu '.f ii: y ;t - htbited will"; be unasuaUy large, we judge, and the list of attractioW wilt be great. There will be a vast deal to see and a vast crowd td i do the sJeingl JMth6f ebbeaV!fand' ya6od?of Me?b!ort"te" ul i n i It will. prove the; most interest jngs of iuiuwijvyiji.BH.. Buui uiano vajtf t :tal willjgiye aV punantefe Variety to the ?6eeafonit&$fikim ft Wo like these rifafia rnhion5i?t, is a time for sight-seeing, merry-ma? k ing and t gallaq tfy a. ; lime for, old--fashioned hand-shaking, , when! : the iong-separated : f riends and a&duain t-' ances from the extremities, and the, centre of the State meet once more. 'Jfdlame .best pdfleta. of jtbe )IP JraparteJ th jnay should largely, pre.domjqatd id, the aud that vice and immoraliiyi Bhoo,ld be excluded as.faikas practicablet I la forriiiefftyearW swmdlefs'aud1! drels had fioo ? muchts license-. ;We tures should be subordinate .to?? morei mpjrjnnt made Uheu create cardh chief est attracUbna.ot tions. . -ift ft:-ft 5 ft nJtw KvVe trust thavthe r StateFair fof 18n wiirprovel'ail inkr'warinest eifwin-'plre willlfeTaicompiriDeaf The cotton crop of 18?6-i7 amounts toY 4,474,069 tbales; 'The;ifO?p: of 1876-6 was greater by'154,54 baks,- amonriiingl'to 4,632,319 'ba's. Of the last, cpi26vp7a snmed in the South. The receipts at Wilmintoerl t f $$48 Ibal'es. New Orleans heads the list . Israel v.. tne ecepts.beipg'laegas JMdes Total exports 3,028,136 ' bales 'f England received 1:994,41 8( fThe total Sea5 Island cttittaised waribalesThe' bf yireihia consumed l. 429.005 bales. have been butj three largeJ ferppsi that of 187S-6J that of 18612: khen 41800,000 balerf"were kliat of il859-60; when the cr6p:?vras tt.669,770 bales. , The .smallest: crop pm kuo ,war was fu icpo-r, wnen.i bmounted to 1,951,988. balesi . Witfr Lbese figures it is uot hard to tell why bottoii is iow:-- 1 -: " "'' ' A ' ' Some of : the " Maryland !' Judges ave got themselves in hot water. r-uc, B'u J"ry xjammorej nave ound true bills of indictment against udges Grasou and.YelloU for mis- bavror in office, and also a present- ent agaiiist ' T Judge I'Telldtt for runkenness." The presentments upon uiuu iue. , lnuictments were, framed ere found, by , the grand, jury. at the. ay term, of. which Gen Jolin S. erry was foreman. ' ' ft The Baltimore tm regards thl ao- lOtt of the erand iurv as Dresentin tr ! '. .- r 'i.,--tf fvP-' .yry ,j gve spectacle A before the ommunity, and will require the most erious ' judicial considerations .The people everywhere demand 1 a. "'pure nd incorruptible judiciary!. " They iah respect no other, and 'will not be Satisfied io place the decision pf legal lases in the hands of men of doubt ful charaqters., The people mean par tity and reform, whatever poUticiaos The ".speck of war, wjth Mexiqo seems-to be growings JUur telegrams report thatfMexicau'sotf na8'been,,lu-, vaueu uy,jieut. inius. ...'fie, nasjpne hundred imen4n,: 14s .command, and has attacked some Indians and Mex- icans f at i the town fc of Searafirossat in ' cm urn u - -nrwnr rvov . . - ' P- i- it ; T.i o " yy.7.nt ifiw 7-j.'tM J. ' - . . " ".It.- ... "-.'U? ;ttJt Tlie Hon tb Atlantic, -ft ' -,; . , IWelearnjthatthe Tah bri el8r8t issubf ' wwrmaganS? is1 made Up, 'and that it Will appear proipUy op the 15th,vthe day advertised The' ar- feh areVjt 'Aft Bidgrapb N.vMaffltt;;A Sketch of the History of the TJnlvrsity; bf IrmlbaroUnatipnf ' empP.!I3attler"Eve ptersa; gftiin ' jBsbenCooke; CriUqueon weJljEarfiet pems bWrfi.bcM flq article by professor ' Ha88el?i; jb'eiay in Hceiving thesHSt makes lis appearaBce in we nrat numocr . ciouduui. is from nl.Hayaej JohnJH. Boner and M.' La nier wiil alsd' appear in this number. -n -wpn couuern sine cnaraciers.oi eewara ana Mt kafiU'obtained his mfor kjaailon from jAd'aniraf Poter3 ftt ft jA sketch historicajro.f ejCnxversity ib yuiiniaVlwrttett- b a' member of . the Faculty, is expected for the December ?Thee maga& 'w'ilf5 book paper,- wrth' litt'ndsome be vr type. - If 'the succeeding numbers are as good las tad first promises to be,' the enterprise will de serve encouragement from tno entire Boutn. crowds will be immense, -lb!at? good i which it f is ih6ughtTias been capf rored.-'Tf the" n'ews'is'traeBmbns' trouble may come of , it, and a back . iMrii , ilargarel J. Preston1 will contribute aa exqiii(9ite poem to the second , number, 'eopenfngi chapter of tf sconoveCfey a lady5 ah experienced writer--of s Alex-r aodHaVa add to the Inler'est lof' the second number, while bapt'Xf amtVs second, "AV-i-ci; ift iP -fife!1'- ! .J-'i'4Ss'-Vi Peatractlve Fire Ia;oldfboriX.0aiit . About $4 ,0 0 Or Icl iv uB k n own -rue icain m,ooa sabMttato ;rr En- - slnea. &e. - , 0; -ftftV- "'"..,x-,ft Wppned'lti'our pister towhbf Soldsbor last Pridajt mbirnlrig'fM'lKR liEbe hardware store f-CampbeM & 00.V iI.Sm : . . i . . . . . the( larrie ytiti ' f anJitorf itin WeiV V$s BrqauABd aM.tbe'sloreba.4dibochpt9 pdftlioms ;Giddf ns.f but, sthe heavy rainy which was pour ioe down in! torrents at the tame furnished an abundant supply ot wa terjan'd 'by' ihi extr'aordinaW exertionsof our white and colored citizens, the Weil,5 saved. ... ft be 5 last, : bQwever; ! is ,i seriously I damaged by nre; tbe otbera more of.leas...,, ?Tbe total loss and 'damage Wgobds will1 lowar'TwoirtilldinBa cupied by'Ckm ben uo., and PoweU&SsBSjt towned&y II,; Weil &JProa.loss About $6,000 cvvered Mrmsurance in Underwr V W.ilA n. f u.t ' J . .. I. building $8,000, On goods $i3,000;'dfvide4 among the following' companies,1 i viz:' ' LP verpool, London .and fGUobejlIomfe. of New : ana Bremen: insurance of North America: jN&garaj Virginia flome- Westchester,' of ENew York; ahfftWPhoBnikf l. OamphelL& Co less of Btbek SIT.OOO j ;.ra burancs $2,000 in . the iIaterpool,ij6adoa bind Globe ompanyn,r ,ti J. H, Powell & Sons,; damage to stock C,ow ; insurance $o,uuu in me unaer- Jwrllers.: ?J.5C.-Eason (Grange tore)',11 damage' to Btockt $3,500 i. insured l Underwriters Sand Old North1 State GomDABiea.?itv Ss-J i jUbarles JJ. Whitaker, jobprinting. office oss about $300. L. D. Giddens, damage to building about n)j"t; $30ui1nBured. rVVA 'It i not known how the fire originated; bpisiod is divided. Some think It Was paused by rats; others that it was the work M an incendiary or. burglary.-, s But tor, the rain the destruction would, haVe been far greater.' .""V ' ft . -v. '.' . m m m ' ift-' BTaTelllns Voder JDlfflcBltles. . . ! A few days since a Vounjr man from an' pther State went to Statesville fdrthe pur pose of taking a situation, which, however,' lie found, upon arriving at that place had dready been filled.. Not finding anything o" do there, he decided to go to Charlotte, ut meeting with no better success in; the 'future Londoq, he made' up his mind to try his luck in Wilmington. 'Unfortunate ly,, upon examining his 'exchequer he dis covered that his fuads were well-nigh ex hausted; and, being among strangers, he uld not raise the wherewithal to pay . his way to our "city by the sea." As the train was preparing to leave in ' 5 Wednesday morning the almost penniless and ' friend- less young tnaa stood upon - tbe. platform bewailing hia unfortunate lot, when ar igen;L flemaa at his side, who had .overheard h.is ixpression of jdisappointment, suggest thai he jump into a box car and cloae : the t door, which' ' he did, and ihortly afterwaids the- conductor passed ihaK) l(y and . locked it. . Tbe - young man. femahed J)his .close quarters in. the, box ear until the train arrived at a station seven teen miles from this city, when, overcome hhVuhger and the effects bf 'his confine-' ent, he beat, upon the door and clamored stlly to beTefout - e'ddoiTwas there- pon opened and0e Vun man almost located, with the perspiratioa stfeamlng every pore, stepped out; And, as soon he( had '.recovered hmself 8lighUycan- iidly confessed to the .conductor that be riad 'been Ved uied id the necessity of steal ing a ride, expressing' his regrets that it was 8b,'. i'He theQ'asked the conductor to ik him to Wilmington saying that he had loney enough left to pay his way, for ,hat hort distance,-which request was acceded tpjand the stranger soon found himself where he was able to get the first square ir4,Anl fA kia4 Kail tni ttrr rr tlMo'lbtta v." iitJ nirt-s r if. ? rbe TlrKlnlan an A arollnlana. In his speech last Wednesday welcoming e members of the Irish Catholic Benevo- UntXTnioii.to Richmond, Va.- Bishop Qib-. bons usedtbis; language: "Nearly , he last decade of years lj have .spent In Virginia J anu 4iuriu ,varojiu. ; xjurtag iUHi ,f.imv x have'dsuly commingled 'and conversed with'' JpeoplewUhout dlsilifctlbV lof'crecli' nld dnlesa- i ' have been very i mucK nU- ,en,jn the character and; disposition' 'of these people, lean say to you with, confi ,dbnce that you here seek in Tain' for . social Itacisnioiriglous animosity; Preju- dices, indeed, there .may be. and are among us but they are relegated: to the private family and to tbe churcheaj . -.Tou will find ia the, public walks of lif e A.broad; religious' .tdleration andia social fraternal ; spiriti,,4, ' Tha! October number of ihe Carolina Far mer -ti put toAaaV It contains about 5 "ar? tiptes, embracing almost eyery subject bf Interest la the farmer and planter; la the eitOriaf department Are twb artlcksbe Mart Beeion of the!- CapeFear' and ".The V alley of the Lower Cape;: Fear," which will be found bf special interest in this sec' uuu.jA ne lyppgrapuicai appearance ot ine October number is better even than, that of the September number ' Terms, $1.50 per Carolina Farmer, Wilmington, N. C. We areindebled to the kindness of3fr. J.f A: Bonitz, of the Goldsbpro Mmengert fof tne foViowinff 'narticnlnm rf fii-'tlif stroyed," together with tbe stock of goods,. VAt;one iim4 the tfrc iWekteiied )lo devout f Weil's iron-front store -damage to goods eklmatedit 3d,06d, taamaeosfe,at from $3,000 to $4,(K)0. V' insuran'ceon Ceneral Abatraet eCnTaat jft ,Nev -ft IlanoVer County for tbe Tear 1811 listm'coriiptingpad jdsTt iBg'audvgeoraiatlaBBmg CutyjaDd Cir Taxes I ior.iv'yeaiiM' Beal.!psae an,d Persqnal Properly, has been apne unqer vne - supervision oi Messrs, Uroniy &? Morris, ily & Morris. rTbeir , general abstract is as iffi&if-iiite oiMta ijftwisjab. WrUmiBgtbtTSwnshlpVTpl - lotsjf noMnqiuaing.tax, qq. " I a - lalEateW vaiuatfHns: nai Z H ft i. Jjdirect UiUie State Treasurer $3,552,357 bO ?67i -Goats .UVUJaLXwjl t;j u85 iOQ 208: Cattle. : - 3,128 00 233 'Hogs! . iVh 450 00 M iSbeepj lu ufivM.i.'.JJ 34:00 HousehQla and Kitchen Fur-- ft -ft. .-ft' -r nituiet Farminr' TJtenails ftiMechanicalTool8i Arms! at-utfi&tflzS&ii. ilr faster, Iihraries,CI4oAI Money n . USi-W J ti 4,o6i ' I Solvent Credits. . 1 . . i .. . .... 310,265.00 Stocks in Incorponrttons.. 203,598 00 ! All others Personal Property., v ,668,306;(09 1i $4,907,089 OQ Franchise .VAi,,.,.,.... . ,r. 2,100,00 Income ..viVv...i-; :.'.Ji ? oireo Off 926 WMte and 1413 .iOplored'&:Ta.t,v'.feit-.:I : polls,,at $1 14; 89 eta gea- .V . . . ! ' eraland 23 cts SchoolXr. 324 46 ! State. TaJB.--General afhnd 14J rf t -si'm ! - a a .i OA - on each pofl;' i per cent bit 1. f , !,i J i (irancnise ana one percent vm wt. r- yt. ff uu lutuuic. ............ . t Deaf and Dumb A8yluni.Insti j Ktuofor Insanea&fe. ajc4fffrijt , .on $100 valuation... . . . ft 4.4C9 03 !Pehiteniiary,U cts iori .$l(tt'fa ! valuation. . .i t . i 2.979 '3 School Tax. 8i cents on $100 iftvaiuauon anaao cu onpoii ' t i-ft.nft : M'.jV.! j- $21,821 80 iDelfnqueutvmvV . M xi X U'1 i 843 5 aiSwnMp$22. Cane Fear Township f &'n) iloff ewiW mn Tax, jisted-.i;, ,M(.pv& -pt r-r,v rft Dellnonent 'i 43 80 T8 4f IFederat Poiat---liii$ifmii io4.!pw;Mi , Tax listed,...,.,, . s227 30 . f .. t Dellnquent::V...- f 1861 ' f M,245 Jt HArnett4-l wdl .'r ihi 1 ivri 1 " w r? .Tax listed. ?...r!f 844 23 K DeUnquent... lit 114 21 Masenlkm-ihwM c-'ln . f ns j ki. f I'uri & & U 119 W5U .......... UIA - . i'Delinquenti M VtlWI fiDS 33 p- 'j.-v.i-ji..: fl : i' .-';-. f iji' J. . .' T(Oa1 Rtat 'Tax . . ' 24.601 43 nArmw iii Wilmington TownSBjB,:Valaa-.Ii f; tien Real Estate.,, .iU: , 5.808,432 00 Personal, as enumerated for ' '. ' ; State 1 Tax.Vi.il..:.... 1,414,732: OQt 1-,::. ;;-ftrJ:$5;g2i;i64 '00 County Tax one per centum and $1 il, 1 vn nn nil nnll ma riHiimB io meet aenciency iur mo ; - carrent fiscal year, Bepu 1, . 1S77, 31 cts on $100 valua- . f Hon and 44 cts on the poll. ' 1 17,082 77 Interest on n Bonds, funded i i o,cts oa $iuo;jraiuauooAnal u 1- f I'i'MOJ. 7, cts On each poll........ (To pay interest and raise sink--' i line - fund lor principal . j r I bonded debt' contracted prior to 1869, 22 cts on $100 j. valuation. ....... ........, For the necessary expenses of i , jH.486,66 :the County 43 cts on $100 vnlimtinn lilt r.tJI on tha noil , . -. . ana one per cent, on iu- . i Jcomei;'...;;.. ' 23,769 89 Deliaauent. '. . . . I i . . . i . -:c 64120 ;ape Fear Township h Tax -'listed.:...:, a.iaj io Delinquent. .....r tf 69 70 , ft) 2,187 88 BrOCP AA ederal Point , , , Delinquent .., :. ... . 41 14 arnett m illiiTi aillQH ' ' j f If Iff Taxuste::m;836'tl DAlinnnenL. 164 46 ... 2,000 67 fasonboro . , ft, Tax listed. - 818 HQ n . . , R1A Total County Tax.'1' $81,801 78 ; - : i- f-;. ftC ' ' i cm tax. 't Valuation of tReal Estate... 3,800,830.00 r-ersonai property. ...... fjOv,i!?, fetbek ioMelW-.. ,n-" 36- $4,67,873 00 i 1 I per ceot. ,..4, ... . . .. itao.-vf ProfeaaiqnaV..,. .j ; 59 Polls. 6At. -r m ; 5)34, 00 riAlinnnpnt villiiAflon S2.060. - . r Tax;.j,w frtf'y'f ;f.-.ftj( ,', T.82 40 Toui City Tax . nv!;:;.; ft$99,724 16 Of Cilirdeiinauent; valuAtioo i ,32.060 iQQ ftJ,ftp i,S-Jl.f!-3 " ..... v-rino ob Owned bv estates toO'exeewoT'I 1 J 1 i - flwAnlAAof KfhlHi ?! 'f npr.adminlstrAtor.,. i-$2,640 00 out of $3,832,890 notlisted, al; mough owners have been advised by postal cards and toperoiM 'funisi, t The valnationa of Real Estate are those. of 1875, except where revised bj the Board' of County Commissioners.! 7&.it: t Total State Tax. . .s..,.,, fa 43 otalCity rax'.iviisfwwp s fjnv4:. Town IViAiJ W A- V. v 91 2 4 ffiSffi 2.334 CatUe.1i.,,i34.-,-Aql84a 00 3,049 Hogs.. . :.V:. I . .... ;.5,499 TO Moneys. lyt.uj.:ci., B527,682. 00 fe Solvent ,Credits..fft,..s..,,U 326,567 00 Stocks in Corporations, Banks, - - i ft ft 4 &Oii.JLx.?::.. .rfaikjU.203,W8.. oo.: 4ll other r Personal Property, V v -.;. roods, wares and mdae:.;. ' 679,99600 'Income-. . t ft i .vK;; 62,100; 00. lfrancbise. . . . ., , 4 ft . -tlw w . .-ni M 'ft 3- f : -' l Among the 1 strange incidents of the war tn the East is the eagerness the Rtis stan soldiers show, f or the. .purchase tOf, tbe Bibles sent for their use by the British and Forei& Bible Society. - Over 60,000 Bibles have been bought by them since the Rus sian armies crossed the-Pruth. ft - .Iioffi. faiKWW8iffil ,748 AcresLand. 397,405 00 I .039 Pons uprt&m tum9sx-w t -'i'.ti'm.Hi .'J I??igh Pbservf r.1, ,. .r.o.Ul: HiSq., county attorney, served a notice Ob-kibrManly1 'd 'Tfe'asnYcf Heartt; of ayettcity goveramen 0 maing4ftiimmefih : r l. poidd' theiMaliforilir4achesof thfl p.eGi; j&elfclaintiqg1(lhat.jf yfe amenqed Constitution, sections and 8Wscheaft& and seeiipno 2i thHaolidaied School. Ja thiswf uildHiiie'cppSftrytbei Ihe.. Attorney claims-1 the' full imiJunV off ffhef o? the1 : ariS which 3fa ttts!4l memi , ihjbnsand,? dpllarsi smd 4jehj8u?cpidi : JLhis1 w.e consider a fine point of Iaan1 ha thecsMHne pieme Goxmfi to : whictftJJthe actmil will wdpuhtedly goavwiU be invoked Siipf. the" Attorney's demands a peremptory puwdamuft can beUsuednagaipst aft 5! &n ,W the. Satetfor tbe immediate, payment to the School eoiiimtee 6f ' atl.nes'limp'oWd1 bV th:ef May ofs thereof s1nc4jl868lsfyiiU tn a , pal .!! No speaker ievf shit Ahe mark more Mfe i?M ltei?e?' crane Governor of Georgia did when Kb said WlhPredfletie af movinisfrofthesefheaTty?demtm 8tratiqrwkjhjhayAv greetedjnSP since, yon reached Southern soil, is to be found in tho generous confidence with whlch5ybti!helieve whale siy and your magnanimous trust, whch will oot exact cringing i aud servile guarantees." President llayesjhaa had tiie7 manliness t6!ccep"ihi u prdfeS Bi6HWtjt!Bdtfib:rB aiuceifeaioai? cqjpndence begets. confidence the South trusts his; s'lncerityiias be has, trusted theirs 'The- President is'corf ylnped; been, ;misplad.tiiHji ild therpd; peopla at' Atlanta-th theyjhaa neyex bees so undisturbed iu their rights as: ddHn thQ'.iBijttobtbs dent's j reImhew6ti;iiieiroitof the1 Sduth;;fd"6wV'col5red K friends,' said'he, let me say another (thing.;: ye; haves been . trying it for; ?: .L a . oii iuoulub, auu, in m. upiuiuu, iur no six: mohths Brnce tne wa'r,have theref beferT' so feW outrages and ihVasibhs1 of ! y ourp rights, jBde Loai s6 secure im ypar, nghs,, peiaofls a, ptnes than in the ast six s mpnths. Great. cheeting. ''Ko colored 'citlzin in;'thV whole South cati ' dispute the ; truth b f 1 this statement, ft The magnanimity ofi the; President land . hia generous trus.tj in the - sincerity of Southern profes sions have done more to secura &od treatment for the'negroes thah all the military coercion and terrorism of the hre0edg twelve jyears,,!. XtipyRft. wonder that the President , was will ang to proclaim at Atlanta more ex fplicitlV atidiwitW strbnger mphs!s (than he had ever done befoireJthat he adopted his, Squtheroi jpolioy; fojclthe lone controlling reason that: after ma-1 tture . renecuoD, ne . oenvea it to do nr Tha Revival of Trade SunrlBep23.: The merchantal Ht ftw ?Ycrk:tsay there, is a marked change; for the bet-r er ia the state of trade..-, The whole- paie aeaiers arecrowaea witn DU8inesar ahd-'fsl, frtinieverywhere idlh West and Southjs jBuBinessf has net been -so; gpo,!',. said: eaatoj the renorter.-' "within twelve .vears. Ivv e nave Deen a long ume in reacmng hlMarf, ttn&anasi W fie there.1 if Merchants understand eacni otner DeU erg andj. predict sUm speed j cpmiBg. bf the, good time which we have, fcalterf ftrWlon sForalI!kmda-of Hry goods, hats, bootsrattd shoes'Ji Eioinmg,provisiosf wibs juu uuois he demand ia' very great. Men who, layf ter-daywithifaHne 'ast ew, ff4iy-l?eganr parri out hands ftdl of business.? 'in. ;1 . ' or lt ' t a iaer iflo which- has stiver ! been exceeded -but iwiceiffft1f876ir6 add ; JlBSOf wuuu - luo crop , ruse 10 4,oo,uuu alesii U f he total ; crop4 3,000,000 ales, in. round ..numbers, iiweree borted, 1,188,418 were consumed ,by fhW'NdrtheVncoinmn )0a by the" Southert-The" total cob-' sumption of i American rniUdtcwss therefere.1,435,418 bales, against .1- !90QQ bales in 1 872, It Js . Uu8ta ifeof ifte strongly increasing volume t 'business' that our cotfool mills lo day tofisnme tbift jfone. 1 perl cent re raw .material than they did six Hsidered 'stagdatlOtt benod. Ifl ears considered 'sta&tfatiott p 6 sain& tinievO)ir epbrts 6f cbttoh doda , ha-veti riaenIf com d.8',800,000 ards of mncolored goods to , 76,720,- 00: from 2,806,000 of colored to 29,- niOOOJ arid ih total alne fVtfm'2:- 04,000, (in the yeai ending June 80 872, to $10,180,000 for the Jast s- 1 yeat. It is somewhat too early to estimatoTdtJsdythe-standiiigcrop, its lateness exposes at m; f many, lo- ities Jtoi iearlyifntsiune- la3t eek's retibrt to thd fcottlJfi feXcMnesf Mr. Hayes ' was the first Presi dent since Washington to visit Georgia. 1 county; board of education, the S&'o&rrf of 'fioia 1 thhkvW town and city in theHState.-, Should the SupreihelC6,urf! cTecide in1 favBf The tawb$;cbjt6n . tne yea,r.rtciosMiff,(,oeptemner,,i terday a requisition on Gov. Hampton - for HettHT Williams, an escaped convict. - . whois soio',m,1D Florence, S C, Lar. C8Dy,was'th;,coflnce-:-- f'-. ' ' " tbe Secretary's gQS? Z?5?'1? Bn applica tion received this wet ffom Sharon, Pa, Offering eiRht hundIVdollar ' n aslr dqwpy tor Jlhe privilege ot toojuns one paddle-wheel of fortune .on U.rtunds. It . .yByAhsototelnscd. - . jrensldrd CentriJFOtestant: The youngest printer in tbia oface5 up a column of manuscript, matter, con fining , 2,500 ems, id Ose: iour and, forty-five "-min-utsron day, ..this h week.. . Counting I?" s hours to. the day, and putting tbe work it New ylftkU3iiood times, iu one year ' of fiftwwo weeks it would amount, to $2. mM.';ftftft54:; -'iX'Rck'y o?uCBt' MeaarW Primrose And Afarable, Presbyte-. t rian minfeters, will preach- at the Methodist " chbtWlJjfcTbu tr October -and -are expected to-protrapttlie ' ' ihee.tlng through the remainder of the week to ahd including ; Sunday. .1 -Tbere were twenty-six 'accessions 10 line Philadelphia Baptist church on. Sabbath ! last by experi ence jandbaptism. i''xM-J ft ,'ft , yesleWay appointed J. B. Morgan of fcur rituck;! P. H. Winston, Jr., of Bertie, and E. Q. Yellowly,.of -Pitt, Directors for tbe State in the Albemarle & Chesapeake Ca- " ; aal Company, aqd W B. Martin, of Pas quotank. State proxy, to represent the State ' Id the stockholders' meeting. ft- Seven wej((tha pf ithe KitUeU's Sprang property were soldyesterday, at public auction, ac- eoWiflg to previous notice, And - purchased ' . 3rDr,.WBleknaU- for- -!$200;TBer 1 was, we believe, some incumbrance on the p1fepel,ty?aT.f,ft i-tm .i-: v, - mw ilsbMoVnce: ;A negro ; by tbe.name.of Jerry Byaum, pf Gardaex's, wali broughi bpfbreT. C. Davis, Esq., on Monday, for disturbing a religious congre gation at Moore's ChapeL Jast Sunday, and ! for an assault with a deadly weapon. - We;regret to learn that Mr. Calvin Barnes had the misfortune to have a bam, with to bacco just cured, burned on . his farm, in this comity on Saturday, t" The loss is esti mated at $500.. sr The Wilmington Stak has entered uboh its twenty-first -semi-annual volume, and we record ?wim; pleasure 1 ' its continued, prosperity. , ?; V ft-ft Kaleigh Observer: On one Dlan- iOn.' in Chatham county, that of Ti J Haugbton, Esq., at the Gulf, there is found a superior.quauty of iron, coal, and Asuffl cient quantity bf limestone for fluxing pur poses adjacent to these beds. - Specimens ' of the same will be on exhibition at the ap- prbaching' Fair; .We learn with plea sura that tbe Hose Fire Company, of Dan- 1 villek Va , will visit our State Fair in a body. ' , The revival 6f religion in progress at " the,Salisbury street Baptist Church, fun der. the direction of Rev. A. C. Dixon, - in creases in interest nightly.-ftl- ' . ' X Durham fydaanvIfantr&We learn that a railroad from Durham to Cha pel Hill is a fixect fact We are indebted to a friend just from Raleigh for this im- ' portaat information. The road will be built . ; by the company owning the iron mine at unapei MUt' And is to be, awidegaugeft -rr , a num oer 01 1 ami lies nave, leit linr- ham on acconntci diphtheria . Therere? iM.ye vuiy uijuw cases ana we. cope 11 will not Drevail to such an alarmiuff extent m it has in: 'some "section a . There are at -present 143- students at Chapel r Hill, and President Battle is confident there will not tie less than 200 before spring, ft, " of religion is ia progress at Cavalry Mission' Church; The services are largely attended, and .- at the I annual ' protracted meet! nss Smany persons have professed reb'gion. arrangements nave been made for exhibit ing at. the State Fair a few soecimens of Igold taken from ' the rich: deposit recentl v - discovered in . the Ellington mine in this county, concerning which we have fre-' quently had occasion to remark. iThe sight of these specimens will do more to con-: vince the people of the State and the public generally 01 tne exceeding richness of many (of our mines than a whole book written -about them. .v i Tarboro Southerner; Capt. Coir ten, of the; Edgecombe Guards, has re turned from Raleigh and reports great dis-' -satisfaction with the arrangements made ' for the military At the State FAlr. They are expected' to take care of themselves, pay: their own expenses, &c. . He thinks v mere will be a great plenitude of scarceness W far as tbe military are concerned."" ; Six North; Carolina editors ia Norfolk at the same time last week, and the. mer chants drummed into suicide almost, i V Wilson is taking., the lead, ia, educational ' acilities in Eastern North Carolina. The Collegiate Institute, by Prof. Hassell, ' And f hfi.Wilson Seminary, by.Prof., J. W.Joy, . ire 'both fine- institutions and are' full of studenbYTft''-'---:'-. Henderson ville Courier Maj. D. . Duncan, presiden t Spartanburg & Ashe rille Railrbacf, returned from New York a ew days agar He is sanguine of effecting, in early negotiation of the first mortgage ; onds of. the ' 8partanburg : & . Ashe ville -Railroad On Wednesdays last eigh een Deputy Collectors, under the charge ; f 'Deputy Williams, of 'Ashevllle, raided 9,the illicit distillery of Harvy Wilson, of 'ransylvania. .. The still was seized, but no -vhiskey. - Neither could the proprietor be bund-v ,The officers being unable to move he still consigned it to the pellucid waters f tho French Broad. ' . The Superior ' Jourtof Polk county, adjourned on Wednes 1 ay last. His Honor. Judge Kerr, presided . rith marked ability, Zand, gave universal j I apfACtion..;3.nl U'hi:r$iij 5 -i -Elizabeth - Cjty JEcxdMt A ; 1 evival of religion has - been in progress in ' 1 be Methodist church,' in this place, durins 1 Cbe past week.' ' -New fodder sells for Jifty cents a bundi'ed from carts.' - Cur- -v rltuck county item : The blue fishinK season ,v 1 apprdaching, 'and those '.who follow this ' efrilous business are makiogmeirprepara- -ons,-;It absorbs other things now. ; Tern-" . erance councils ana aeoaungciuDs, aoout -arvisbure; have shut ' uountil bloe k fish: ave their day, -MJaindea county items:" EOod'tnanv "horses have' died in this oonty from, .the : disease which has pre- 1 auea wroagn - mis aecuon 01 me country. -'he emigration to Liberia fever prevails "-" lf DeoesHo considerable extent. f QrdnsJ -i eont and cotton hrah ininmA ' Horses continue to die." The county offi-' cere have repaired and improved the court 1 house at their own expense; Rev." J. Ma hony.of the.Methodist church, had a large . revival lately, and forty were added to the churches in Scuppernong. - Elder Joa G." Gurganus (disciple) had a larce meetirsr in -' Gum Neck, where thirty were Added to the : church. tHe is now holding meetings on Jconqj.rejek juoiumbia township. -y... St r ThJi feai orhell's the hangman's whip . f, To hand.the wretch in order, -But where ye feel your honor grip,' " - Let that Ayo be your border. . Its slightest touches, instant pause; . V Debar a' side pretences;- ' ' - -And resolutely keep its laws, "' - f - ; s Uncaring consequences." -ft '. Botert Burns, -:! ' r J - ) - I - I 1'

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