" rtTBUSKHD .! , $1.50 a Year, in advance. : 33SSS8SSSS8S8S3SS 't i. 8SS8SSSS83S8888S8: ws':- 88SSSSSSSSS888si ' ' a - - 88888888888888883 ' '- .,' sssssssssgssssss' ' ' i " " I8S888S888S88SS8SS' jSJ ?'tTf3l?M.8 s oo toV-" eo o cij -I ' o ej o S - j 8838?S8SSS38SSSSS " . .r :" 88383888888888888 ! - r4 S . r J - i j , a : . t : ;.i,f ob . - ' i v. ra"?!.e,t,a'aasassg?s' , Subscription Price. . . - -j ' '.a- ' The subscription, price of the Wekk Star iss iollows :' V""V 1 " . "j:'IIOBthV"- ,1.00 iii 4 50 T ' RETRENCHMENT AND REF4IIS.' The war with the Indians promises: to have art- end not long hence. The; strikers have Hobsided, and' most of them have gone to work. The South is as docile a: a larnb, and as quiescent as a strong man who, rests from his labors, and no one desires a war with a weak power like Mexico that - can not take care of itself.' .. So, what do we want with an army any way?. ' See what required to keep up the presuui comparatively small force. Over thirty-two million dollars are y asked for by. ihe President. What a hn;e tax ! What an incubus upon the people ! . . , '; ." : A very! small force is all, that is really needed enough to man the forts' and arsenals, together 1 with a .few frontier regiments. . That is all that a Republic like ours can require. The true defence rests with the peo ple. The strong palladium5 of our liberties, and our sure defence in time of war are . the citizen soldiers the brave and resolute spirits who are all over our vast country. Let our coun try's honor. be assailed; let real xian gera threaten our people, and hun dred. of . thousands of determined ; and gallant men would spring , to their muskets to drive back the inva der, and to uphold the prestige and . .glory of our arms. t : No, 5 no, 1 we need - no great army. , Our sad experiences have taught 'us l lbat the greatest4 peril that ever - - . threatened the life of the Union and i the cause of civil freedom was the bayonets of machines pat in motion ' " by the will of one false, foresworn, ambitious, traitor, who, to perpetuate the rule of - his party, was ' ready .to ' overthrow .the : government of our 'fathers' and to destroy every .vested right and every inalienable preroga tfye of thei people. Y J " ' - - This conutry has no mission that leads to a war of; conquest. - It is set for a light to the oppressed nationk : ,of the world,! and neither aggrandize rment nor'martial.' glory; shoqld ever if beckon us on to . fields of blood and Victory. ' ; Probably it were wise and prudent ' jiist 'now not to cut down the army. . But it is clearly to onr interests as a onited people to enter at no remote - time tipon a gradual- and certain re . . d uctiob of our - force, until it. shall not be-larger than it, was in I860 be fore, the. two sections began that tre mendous struggle. Ve would not counsel rashness but moderation. We would not listen to any promptings but those of a broad and noble pa triotism. . We would advise no meas ures but those of practical twisdom that bear directly upon,, the progress ' - and happiness and safety of the peo ple, , We advocate no party measures that are not prudent just, humane and , patriotic , We, are .for true re-, trenchmetit, for true economy,' for l rue. reform.' ... - ' 'i , '; f: The coIto(n report of the statistician of the Agricnltaral Department of the IXuite States for October; is outfit J makes the average' . crop ' throughout the, South -very, nearly equal to. that of 18tC7wThis year it is 8i.i;agaihstl 82.3 bfj 1876. Ut makes tlie North CaroHnaaveragef higher "than , last ' 'yearg placipg it at - 88. Wo believe T this to be an error, if the accounts in i onr exchanges can be relied upon. If ' the repotts from other Stales are as . wide, of; the mark, the general average ; musi be inuch less ihan as given. ... '" ' ' . . " ' .. ;? :.- Henry Clay eame very near being elected PresidentrOnIy 5,000 more . votes in New York and , he would ..have wonv " ' v i-.'f '..- :. - v , - . k h. . vv : . t m. m mm m m.m . m m ' - r j v , i - . m . ' -mm i v ah k a ... .am. aw mm n k - .. m a. ...- v n ' The. outlook is -very 'encou raging; If wisdom directs'' the councils of the Democracy their triumph in . 1880 J is absblnielassurwl,"vjThe victory jio, Ohio: shows that their cause - has- been strengthened by the events that'Ksjve transpired since the elections of I8t6. , Iff ja true the majority in the illoijs'e ol Uepresenlativeii i. not", as. great now as in the Fort yrFourth Oongr'ep, but we are prepared to' believe i tqat the , presen t ,'good ; workpig ? ma jpr it y 1 . will be increased by ealweq'aeiitelc tionBi As to the" Senate-tho shbwi lg is exhilarating. '- It is ue'r'tain tljat in two years or a litLle, roorei ho Denid- crats will not only. haves a r majority . J W .v-I l l 1 1 jority.;Even now ' the .Repubfioaiis only have siJL,Jby spme.thrfceuorVfoar jDaajorityjs vsThey j iare ricftstroig enough to obstrnet usefat'legjslaUan,1 as they axe vnot united. Enough bf the more moderate Republican Senja-r, tors wilt vote on conservative meas ures with the' Democrats to insure their passage. . - v: i s. ' Six Democratic Senators go out f)ri March 4th 18t8iz: Baruum; Con necticut) ; Gordon! (Georgia) '; Ac Creery, (Kentucky) ; Dennis, (Mari- land); Armstrong; (Missouri);, aiid Merrimon, (North Carolina). Theke States will return members ( of 'iae e politics. The term. of . seiep- teen Republican members expires dq V. J , rri. . o. . . ....J' . f . luo saijie Aue OLaies now; repre-- sented by those Senators will! uot'all return men of the same politics. V tt, is qonndently believed that Alabama, California, Arkansas, --Florida,' Ohio1 and South Carolina will, return Deih ocrats. Louisiana will send a Demo crat also. . i So, according to an esti mate of the St. Louis Repuhlicant the Democrats will have. V: after March 4th, 1 879, thirty-nine members, wit out counting doubtful State It says: "If, however, Davis votes with the Dem ocrats and Spofford and Butler are admit ted, the senate will be Democratic by eight majority,? even if Repnblicaa Senators should be returned from Connecticut, Illi nois. Indiaua. Nevada. New fXork. Ore gon, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin."-! 5 -, . Without- permitting Ourselves to' take the most sanguine1 view,! we ace certain . that the Democrats will haVe a, majority in the body. .This shoves a wonderful change in public ' senti ment. In the last Congress although,, their strength had been greatly di minished, they had 43 members ,tp the Democrats ; 29. . But after a year or two . the change will be intensely' marked. There will be enough left,, however, to act as , pall-bearers wheh . . ar- aj ' - - tne liauicai - corpus is talcen out' to the potter's field for interment. 'Sv":.t ' The victory Of the Russians in Asii Minor is confirmedl . It; .was evident ly very complete,and will change thp entire aspect of affairs in that distant country. It ia true the defeated Cerj eral, Mukhtar Pasha,', tries ' to 'cover up the extent of his disaster .toy aay ing he had entered Kara 'with' -ode di vision in order'-that" he- mfehttpre pare to take ; revenue," but he .left behind another division that hasbeei j gouoieu ap. Mine oanie was eviqent- ly .won by hard fighting,' add the fcek suit reverses tue whole appearance pi matters in Aeiaiio 1 urKey : j.t leaves the Rossians now frTeeto operate 01 the wings,3 and "Ismail". Pasha if he does . not retreat, wil I , probably u be subjected to a fate like that jpf Mukhi tar Pasha. It also libcrates'the'-'Rus-Bian force at Ardahan, and they will soon be engaged m active operations; The French outlook becomes more ;om plicated 'iind gloomy, and reportf re flying about of ''a 'pyr jibett c$ij (Petal by MacMahoii; ;lriiSv?pnWii can' aepntics. elect -will be jSivtted ai is to consider once to assemble in Paris the gravity of the situation and lb e policy of the party. Stbr my times j we fear, are ahead, and the jf ClcricO- Imperialist party, driven to!despera- tioo, :r may pjcipjlate " irvbluttbn 3oso the dngs of wiar. Bu and turn loose it is sim ply impossible to forecast t h4 future Of France fdfooe 1 'dl day.' The The is one of profound uneasiness,' and bence business,, operations aro se riously affected.? ? iM? jt.iU-s'i-i m "i r. :k 1 j i Marshal MaoMahon accepts'- the situation very grimly. ' Whilst' ih0 people are, accusing the Ministry madness, MacMahon is saytng. ; whai he means to do;.':. He seems jio fegard himself as the 'StateVandsHyM will 5wso tbje Assembly aginjanol again if it opposes his polic f oi that is the . meaning of 1 his 'declarations He is playipg a desperate game,' an3 .with a people that may not be forever long-suffering and forbearing ,r !1 tr BlODEJttATIOsPI 19 VICTORY .. . . Some men-are ; wise only inbattle or in adversity: - Victory turns- theirs T" beadsj and . prbsperiiy Ypro've Jthpr T&iH" It WtTbe '-tf'witn' afiarfe' - " ! "S" v5gl iqr tne .yins", it may show, great aggrpvp poweiy j,but ; when, successful iv may i throw away the victory, t We trust it will rbt W ,o-wIth the Democratic party'.Vftl ia laoi. ttiier seveiiLeen vfiars or wait. ing? once more )n the .ascendant, It 4, -A. It jas.i,he; JHquse,.andli;after.JMarch 1 878it may: have the Senate also; has' a' popular majdritbf 't ' least three hundred triOusarid tn'tbh tTnin: How .will ituse its bower? Will wisaoro, pracence,.ntegiity anp m d tration: mark it$t triumphant oojar ie' or will it be conspicuous for violeneej truculelebilterDeas?M'",'5', r-. ' .1 Ve waht tb' Democratic party Ito pontifi tp shape nd,vdirecV-tho des tinies of pur great country." - We Re cognize how much of the safety and prosperity of the JpeopI ' depend) i upon the' perpethit of 'Democatio principles' . and " the ' continuance' pf Dem,p3ratio po)icy.( jY boper,t,hete fore,' that our leaders will be as cau tious, as agaDtous -hs 'moderate, as far-reaclunaifjrseeing in ara thbrity as they were vigilant, earne it," aggressive and united an -defeat. Y r& nope ihey witl b, ,bpar themselves irl' th jir legislation and public utteratic es :th(tiVhe vh6le1 bountryball see and feel bow'greatvand if elicitoua . is th it fat e that consigns ihe'desUnies' ot a vait 'ahi'Hpidl Jgrowii'ebunt 'f into the keeping of such a party? l' iYe are led to make these remar :s V ' ' ' ' ; -'i'iii- IvW J ii oy reaaing certain opinions ano, spep ulations- in some ; of onr Northern !ex- - , h.t.-i ii-i-' s Of-Hii ! l"-J;-riiio. -h! - changes. Our readers must have beon, often ' impressed with the wisdoi a, fairness, and, judgment' of ' the'iNew York Journal h of Commerce, ; iwhose opinions wet have, of ten copied in o ou:' columns.; "It isp, feminpiflit y cat itious, f rank and conservative p i per in 'its HOiie. ItbblongLqri Oj par ty, and, therefpre,' its.,fl tterane ss are the more - weighty because n t wa rped .by partisan bias 6rv pari y. str !88. Referring to the Fortyflf I h Coi igress,' it, among bther.Jremar j :4,The Democratic majority in the ' Bbu le should not flatter themselves that the'th o" verdict is a 'vote of 'public confidence n, thei' wisdom- and"' honesty,',5. or an atdetit popular desire for a 1 vigorous 'Democratic policy in that branch of Congress. - It eij -nifiea no such thing. ; Jjocal and aide isau a and 'party dissensions . growing out of the reaioent, civil service, ajad boutbern po. iciea, caused the xtepnblicaij oefeat In (Jin It ndeans that the, President' for. xma reasc and laobtber.. has failed to secure the beari support of his .old political friends a;tht State. But from this it bv no means lot- lows! that thejooenQf hio or other (lateRfc-. publican) btatea are ready Jbr a great ma jority to turn over the whole conduct bf f national affairs to the present tribe of Den ocraiic 'statesmen in or 6nt of Congress.. A' Democratic victory in New Tork,"or Veh in Pennsylvania, next month, cduld'hbtbp. so interpreted in trntn..-. It would imeao id difference to, .or : dissatisfaction with, tbje existing order of things political; f or varidiis reasons, but not a perftct confidence in ithfe sagafcity, and integrity of , those who lead the uemocratic party.ln JNional or State cap naiens." 'And we' Warn' the' DemOcfatM. i 'Coniresy not; 'to build 6o 'fextravagantl, upoq tne resuit in unto, astney are in aan cer of doing. i we! mav jadge- Vfi-om th .Washington reports, If Uly wish to aho themselTea , worthy of .renewed and ,, it creased, trust, they will ' particularly .avoid the exhibition of riartteanshin at the extra sessibn ttoWabtfu't tifk conVeite'V -i V:" ' TiiE WA upor n&nm.,, ,; j is ' tfb:'b'ealtf'tfi'a't,io'ee, is to be a general ' mbvemen Valbust '.the whole. Radical line against President I Haves'; jsjtrid l.hipolicyj P ebbnbila- tion and civil service reform. Ih tone of man yi leading liadicaL paper the eringsa. a tbe starting'ipf ?an- anti-Hayes ipaper at the". Capital oX the country, the position qf ponWling and others o tne uostiie,aii go to snow that war is 4 ' J'4"e Upon t,he ,'A'dininistra- It ,. vi;m ij ! ?..i j Now what,.do, they pipposc , to do ? Wilt they inBiStptjrr"Testoring the carpet-Daggers to., tneir oia piacei that they jnayi plunder -and1 waste ai 'Wt, ife'PifttWSSTj'W take! possession oi ithe! Capitols ah plaettheiVd& guaiianship;)f te cjQfpqraiof 1 the . guarjd and his bayonets? 7 Will they jrestQr.q rgifrjB;jn .tAjmqfltJMiaiPKr pe Hamptbhi drlvev o'dt, Vance f'aio4 pot i a Holden instair. Packard;an4 ?end Njchoiisv ?ntp fjwcedi retirement? Tliia'Ss &U nons.ensfc' 'for .that 'Sort- of vi---i- Say W -:-xmI1 -flL tWl' l rf'' -t the grave crimes, oLGraot wouMi. in. coraparjed jWith which the late riotous 8ceneH'lfa9.lfo)!tn-;wet7bHVle , , h ; i -.1 t. K 1.1JJ 'Jil.- ii, ,-l4ll:-' ,, ing pastimeswo. s - . Bnt 'the "extremists do - mean mis- chief if they can bring it about. Read oh is-cbntinehtl&bfelrtiobt bow some of the Radical sheets fume -ji'r.. , .,- , , . ...... ....... . ... .fairly pver : '.the visit of Stephens and" .Toombs,, to" the White .House. In their .eyes H. is a greatcrime fox two .bjBjstoj "call npjon the President of he United Statea, twelve years and half after the,war. Tbe Presidenll is charged with extreme partiality for "rebels," because JTr, Stephens, being an invalid, sat in the carriage and tbe president, kindly. came out and talked with him. R.eadtliis, from the Wash ington correspondent of the Radical Globe-J?ejnowatt h( Si. Louis;., . ' . "The maddest man 1 met id W&fthimrtL.ti Ltd day was a 'Republican ex Cosrressmau nuuAmp; aou uie 8U0ect of Uis-ludigoa-tion was the cordial recentinn o-Ivhti ; ui KTObAtbs; ot Qeorgl, 'at the White . Hoiise lihe oihej day,' My informant L slated that wuiie,he and oh(t$ Republicans were wait ing ia the' President's ante-chamber a few -day "SV .TotMnfli-jsoaS lllS C&tO the door below. The President Was riot7' content to ask Jtiarirp-, but wentdown to the f rpnt door and welcomed the arch rebel as if fie had been a long-lost brother. The 'two remained' together a long Uine and it was impossible to see the President that afternoon. "These things don't look well.? said the-indignant Republican, 'bat I guess iwecah'ti help it j these Southern fellows have got Hayes, body and breeches.' This is only one instance of many that might be given id show the President's new-bbrn partiality for the ; erring- brothers of the South It is a notorious fact here than an ex-rebel General 7 can get an andience at the, ; . White House quicker . than , anybody else. ' I 9 1 . ,.. , . . i r ; Nolw, after reading that precious mess bf falsehood and truth mingled punnihgly;, read what Gen. Boynton say8;pf Grant .and his future pros- 'pectsJ The following was published in i the Cincinnati Gazette: ! "fwose are not few who talk of bringing Qeheril Grant into the field for the next , jace. J The. . men ; who propose . this have, among them some skilled organizers and manipblalors of the party. k They believe that the triumphs of the solid South, and the prominent reappearance upon the polit ical eUlge pt the' leaders of the rebellion, will haVe bo disgusted the North,' long be fore the next Republican Convention, that such a name as Grant will be needed by the party, ind that under his banner Republic ' cans ci n conquer again. The signs.are nu meroui ; that there is much ia this raove ment, and its foundations are being laid by men whoso trade ia politics." 1 ' " All this" shows how jealous and vindictive is Radicalism, and how im portant it is that the Democrats shoul( be prudent, wary and wise. i i Senator Merrimon, of this State, baa in produced a very necessary and impor ant bill into the Senate in rela tion 1 1 a vacancies occurring In the 'oces of President and Vice Presi dentof the United States. Onr past ;experi jnce has been anch as to make piaiu iue ueiectsan our system, ana Judge! M. proposes to remedy at least pue of! them. PIekpelcet. Pickpockets make it convenient to be on hand at.all agricultural fairs, and the one at Raleigh this, week was no exception to the general Jrule in this particular. The Asso ciate of the Carolina Farmer gave us, yes ferday, 'ji brief account of his experience ith- thp; light-fingered gentry. it was at tha depbt at Raleigh, Wednesday migh while the vast . crowd .were pressing and ' .pushing to, get pat of the jam; that he felt a light , touch in the region of his larboard' breast - octet, and the next moment dis covered that a bundle of Farmers had dis appeare I. He glanced quickly around him, bu everybody seemed to look perfect ly in hob :nt and' respectable, so he resolved to treat 1 be matter pbilosophibaily and let the-felloiv make the most of his prize. - He resuied'" bi' efforts to extricate "him .selt,.Ifrqu .the .jam and. the . next mo ment ; il elth another mysterious tug in the region f of his starboard breast pocket, ; indjnpon . investigation Vit turned, out that: this time the thief had got his clay' pipeba ; of tobacco, a roll of delinquent newspap er accounts and V a Email package bf hiank memorandum paper.,: This second ossfmadb the ' Associate1 fee! quite desper- av the pickpocket was the worst imposed .upon individual of the two,: and he wended hls,way,buite contentedly to his hotel. f A Trlpjio tbe noontaln. l' A gebtleman of this biiy 1 informs us that he sp nil last v Sunday Xuigbt on Mitchell's Peak, He left Asheville pn Saturday morn ing, and arrived ntja house, at tbe base of the? mountain,' just j. as the sun was gofng day heepeDt in going tip the mountain; a distance of twelve, miles, which is quite an ujadertaiing-when the roughness of the .travel isjeonfeidered. - Here he spent Suni- &fy nlgm i'p va feniail hut, wilh la throuf Igetatsbakiiigliaib failing, while icicles au large1 as a man's wi 1st were penr- dani Jfrbm'every pfpjec TW8BW'iHhtoii;a rough bench in a corner of the room by a rousing fire, and htrmirfea4 the lines bf ihe bld ditty; swilh a , lig(h ..yaf iAtipnt',,5'RaUt. come wet me and .fire comet dry me." ". Monday morning, sat PlsSed with his short experience in the high- vf. lamuiB, uo.blbiiuu uuwu tut; uiuumaio, after haying bad. ; fine view; which Was cut short-py dense fog and arrived safely at Asheville that nighQ, ,-;r . , j , ; j i vThefaiiaie to form the Second Battalion', N. C 8. G.. into a reciment and elect offl- q;,ir; t. n-f. z--., .-L ----- t 1 I cera for the same, wnicn . was expectca to t iakeharlos the presence of .thV Bat talidb id Ealeigb, was owing to the fact that both the' First and Second Battalions claim to have .the requisite number of companiei to form a regiment, and the question as to which is to be the First Regiment is now I under advisement by the Ad jutant General. Haae-Breakl0K and Bebberv. .The bouse! of Sir. Abram Williams, re- t- siding about two miles this side of WrigBt 8- ville Sound, rin this county, was broken open and robbed on Wednesday last, be tween t and 3 o'clock. . It seems that lira; Williams, her husband being absent f rbm home at the time, locked op her bouse and started to visit a neighbor, who lived but a 4 abort distance from, her home. , She . had proceeded about a quarter of a mile on her way when her attention . was attracted jby the furious barking of her dbg; which fhe had left chained in the yard., Feafing'tjiat something was wrong she hastily irtlraded her steps, and, , upon;, arriving at . bomeV' found that, her back door bad been bat' tered in, her trunk broken open, and $2djb silver and t6 in greenbacks takeVi Iherefr which;-with a fine $90 rifle and a alioi and pouch, 4 bad been carried off 1 by thief. Itjs! supposed 4hat. the latter ; Mrs.. Williams as , she :'was. hurrying ifflnc. jtnd.K?mg.j!ftiratwii to-a thick swa: a short distance in the rear of the'-house where he could easily conceal himself-- -The money taken was-the property of Mrs.. Williams , being ! her 1 own savin, jawl Anothfir lriink. whih rnntninoft enmn money belonging tb her husband, was; not' moiesieu, owing uouoiess 10 me speeuy re turn pf Mrs.' Williams, which but short' tie thief s operatiooa, 'J-, J i ! Vy Hpi Mr W illiams is : unabld to Bay LWhetll er any oper articles, besides the above were taken or not, as he was too excited . upon, learning ; the fact of the robbery to make a 'thoroueu' InvestiiniUbiiil J. ". v ' : " I - 1 - The - trigger to . the ' rifle mentioned !as among the articles stolen' Is 'broken) ahd will consequently have to be repaired bc- fore the weapon can be used,, .which fact may eventually lead to the detection of tue thief. '-: ' frviil Azr; The beam bf a plow about three' feetlin length, was found near the back steps; aid was no doubt used by the. thief in batterihg open tbe door. . I Profeasor Cooke In a New Rie." ; A passenger on the Northern train ejs- terday evening informs; ua of a ,set-tp',: that occurred at a hotel in GMdsboro.'ya-)i terday morning, about 10 o'clock, between the "Exposer, of Spirilualism," in which the former is said to have come out secofid best ' It seems that during the performance Thursday night .the Professor held'in his. hands four cards, one of which he- named Hampton, another Vance,; another Hayes,'' and the fourth Grant, and asked the ' abdi ence which of the four they would prefer to see first, conveying the impreajion that he would bring forth the bbosen , one to the view of the audience by some spiritual istic agency, but really intending to perpe trate a joke.' One of the audience immedi ately sang out, "Let it be Hampton. The Professor then coolly , replied, ''Wellsir, go up to Raleigh, where he is now in at tendance upon the State Fair, and you wijl be apt to see him." This answer was taktin by the gentleman as a personal affront; and he called at the hotel where the : Professor was stopping, yesterday morning, and de manded an apology of that gentlemaji, which was refused, whereupon the irate cit izen "went for" the exposer of spiritualism and a struggle ensued,' which was finally Interrupted by the interference of the1 po-' lice, who separated the parties, taking IbV citizen outside, who shook bis fist revenge fully at the Professor as he was borne jfrpin tha field, say mg he would settle with huh another time)' while the excited Cooke. tbdk a position 6n tbe stairsteps and shouted'' to the policeman to 'Let him cornel Let hi n come again 1", '. ',: ;." '.ifti .! j. : Vletory Tor the WllmlustOn Llent ni KIT Inrantrir. ,;.:;:" - f A special dUpatch to the Stah, received last night, brings the, gratifying intelligence that "the Wilmington Light Infantryy, wop the champion flag at the shooting .match ota the Fair' Grounds at Raleigh," yesterday, by a score of 48 out of 75, and Richard IL Grant, Jr., of this company, -won the' prize rifle for the best individual average. -.Throe cheers for the Wilmington Light Infanliy! By the way thjs reminds vls 01 a. . htt anecdote we saw if Wednesday's Newberp NutshMl 1 to; the 4 following ) effec?:'-'6dr boy9'win MingbacK tne flag.' ' Mark om la.-. : I irediction!" "!. lff.fi ..fif'l . . The military wiU probably return ite- iuuriuw, tb uciug luipoasime, ip. gc irau;- poriaiion ueiore. r . . , y. mm-m''ii "-"! '' Another Care for nipliibprlai .. o I ( The Greensboro', Patriot publishes, a nev remeuy lor uipmueria, wuicu nas jirpyep successful ' in the 'practice ' T6t 'Dr.. i.L .Strong, an eminent physician of ' Mccklenr- burgcountyj;: The: remedy has proved efHp cacious in nearly every ; case, and is as fol lows j , n., -. .. ' !?;.;' .fi;; t "1 "Boil two diachms of plug tobacco, ih one quart of water down to one pint,' then add one drachm of powdered: red., pepper, one teaspoon ful " of salt and', ten drops'of .carbolic acid. ..Shake well amd apply with a feather, brush or mop ; to .the .throat 'of thepatleot. ' ' " ;.rjW:'4' I ma. 1 1 J I '': ' - J ; i " ine aiei snouia oe ricu ana nuinuons, such as milk, eggs, beef or mutton essence, cnicKen soup, esc." 8haotlne.ora Prisoner. fa h-szavsj s We learn, from a party from Florenceq. 1 C, that ;Gilbert Telfair, formerly a well known colored plastererbf tiiii ciiyiHija. acting Very'disordjsriyin Ihat plabjoh Thursday afternoon list,' when apoilceman bj the name of Fielaite'mpte arrat 1 mm. .leiiair, wao is appwerint man, as many of our police officers here have occai sipn to know, resisted the biSceii knocking hini down'twic. when .meUer drew hk ! pistol and Bhpthim in the thigbiby which he was disabled and then taken to the guard j hotis&-7The office took deliberate almijat his legs, noi wishiag to kill him.T ; i V,n, j t' m i' " ' j r" 1 1. r 1 ' 'Ji.i, I v i -r A neat and bandfcomely t fur nished parsonage has ' been - provided fl at Charlotte for the Lutheran minister, - ? M ; ThAEipUeopalOoaventlen. l - . iNew York Herald. -j i -The aim of tne Convention, judged by: the' discussions,' seems to be f to arouse the members, and throukrh !j them t their respective . s dioceses ;t& larger conceptions ot the work before the Church The 'dispro'portlone tween the age and -'membership joT this Church and other denominatipnV in tbe,Pnit'ed!State8 is seen andfelt more to-day, perhaps, than ever te-i for by churchmen themselves as weU a"others.-JM Clj I .While the' membership ot thePfo1- ytenb y.Ppiscbpi, Churchy af terl a; coupie pt centuries'; grow th on 1 he. Soil of Ihia'continftrit.- 'Acid rint. 'nniii. ber 'ibreevvhundfbd'tbb&aad bouIs,, ,l, i 1 1' U - mo juciuuuiaisi wuoui .a Jumiiury nave quadrupled .that . number...tlie-,.Prefe-. ,byterians have doubled it, and the xapusts nave nearly treoieait. rnerp; must be 'Some asufficteaiiraiidi ptebf cause for this discreoancvJ-i ! Whatlit vs ana no Wrto remove iMtas fleen .the important inquiry, ot many minds 'in the Church for1 yearns ast. , ' y' ' I h v e- gainer irom ' tno; discussions an thp C6nvention!that some ; of the'de pbties trace this bnditipii jbf j.things tp'thptpo large dioee.sba now copsit ted land two few bishops;:-They haile therefore' -introduced -their remedy and had it indorsed' bj(KbpnYejiV tion to the extent, of making two new dioceses in Illinois' and : one in Yif-n ginja, and providing for ? tho setting off " of , , "missionary ; jurtsdictions'l ri other S.tktes and ,1 emtories. .Others again' beheveAthat'! the Church bps failednCodvanceTirfiropSrtiou to its agej wealth; and respectability aaji pught because of its too . ereat con servatism Hence they want to strike1 uub a nbbie i iu 10 unu mere, as OKupi denominations do in departing from established forms attd usages. ilxThiyj want eVjangelistSj riQt necessarily life" 'Me4sfs:,.. jMpb.dy ;:and ..Sankey, but5 churebmen willVdo b'theu work that3 those men have done and , are doing tP afbnse the careless and the impeni tent; tThey Want a. larger liberty, al jtpwed tQ pie rgymeji ,in.theu$e otjie prayers .- and. m other , scrvices-'of ntne Church: 'They want-more .'Jife'but into all 'the1 services' of the fcSurch. auu a greater auaption to. tne . wants ,bi the people of this, land, and thy want the old -order of deaconesses re vived and aisterhobds' : added ;tP ittje .cburch.-; Ah ifiuw progress. ui tne uenominauQQ v the enstom which t has grown up f selling pews and sitlihffs in churches. They therefore have offered '. resolp" iions anu.memonais calling- ror , no abolishment of this custom and a r'e4 turn to the old and 'apostolic plaq of a free Gospet fbr all;in ' - Wonderful "Slate tffniinjjT&mons be ' : Selentlfie SDlrltnailata. . 1 From the Le'ndbb Spe October 9. tLi f 4iaibit mrp nroe el''a riMvara rinnin auv mMug nno uv iiravo uvuac iht' Richmond on "the 21st) of last month.: j Two ladies, and three gen-' tlemen were present, besides myself, and ' theL medidm, Dr. Mohck. -A Bhaded catidle 'Was in thb Toom,' giv-. ing light sufficient to see every objept on , the,, table,, round which we' saj;. Four small and" common slates were 6ii 'tiieabt OT these I chose 'w,' and' after darefullv " cleaninci' 1 -ankl ml CM placing: a snialh fragment of pencil between them, 1 tied them togetpojr, with a strong cord, passed around i .thierir bbtiiengJtbiVys iind cr0sswisei so as enectuauy to prevent tne states from moving on each other., '. Itheti laid them fiat 011 nhe table, withbnjt ldsirMkishtbf ! tbemPf or: ati : instants r.Monckla .bands an tnemW;bil,e;-tI and;a lady. Bitting opposite me placed our hands otf the iporners'of the aes'.;dFrbm, thisipWtio put hatftfe werbeybr mpve4 till X- untied them' to asbbirtaib the resulUf 4 After tWaiting; a minute' bf twof Dr.- Mpnck asked me to.name any short 'word I 'wished to , be writ--ten. on the sla'e. 1 I , named thp word MCrbd.'f .1 He tben asked me to .1 say how -I r wishodi: it written. I re plied length ways f of i! the5; slatjj' then if I wished ' it written wltn a large"or 8maTr'Rg,,r and (I chosia a capital "Oh" 1 In a very eh ort time wnting was heard . on the slate. ,Thb m nma' - Won a' vttaa AnnnfaVif Alir' witbdrawn and I itheri myself' un tied tbe cord (which was a strong silk watch guard, .lent by one-of: the visi tors), and on opening tbe slates found on the lower one the word thad asked fbr,.wiritten inlthe manner I badre qnestedjdhe writing being somewhat faint and labored, but; perfectly legi ble.! The, slate with the writrngon rt is now in niy possession.' Tne essenf tial features of this experiment !afej: That I myself cleaned and tied up the slates, that 1 kept my .hand Jou them all the time, .that they never, went put out of ray sight for a moment',' and that IJnamed the word to "be written sod the manner of writing on it after they were thus secured and, held, b me. Lajik. ipwail explained, and what interpretation is to b blac'ed ubn- tbem ?:1 t : -1 ww presenti pn,thia; occasion, and certify that Mr.Wallace's account pp whit, happehed is correct. r .f . V f ttuct-o EfJwlKb 'J; - Biimirtei I turned from urope,'and will begin his representation i at Booth s Theatre, ie w York, under, the 20th nOveusL: m nnn.nd K!m IA: A hiaviaa . kuu)uui)t uuu IVAUUUH.O, t , . , . i mmm mm mmi I ' 4M: Mrs; XUtom baa fteeh -livinst .for I some -.lime past, quietly, .at .her house rin f Brooklyn. 'A'gehtleman-who is Well ' ic- quaiviea wiuvner; sou mer nusoana t says that about a week ago he saw ;Mt. Tiltph paying a visit at Sirs. Tiltoa's hduse.'where be remained several hours. i - , ' Jor Daly's management,. on " Inst. Mr.: B? li. Farleon: the ::MnTJeffer8on' 7 son -in-law,: ;ac4- i. . . s- Spirits ; Turpentmb. Father Evans says .Tip CarsOn killed a peck of tobbacp worms by tonbbing the tobacco With'gyntpson wced blosso ms." , --Atmercbant at Charlotte pame near"being shot whilst entering the window pf his o wq store, : it is better to go in at the door. rZMAkm;, aim w luon-jiavaneeimmtaM tbe tvf.iU public agaiust an imposter calling buaeelf ::: : John F. Weigand, ai4.;claiming.. to b anJ K agent of .Steiq wray fc Ca of.lSIew York. t -1 uen. Miles should: .give Gen. ; uowara ao miroaoction to Uhief "Josephs -v bTAR. .Gen. Howard doubtieas: pre f era Jpsej fo , be, kept; J'mUes' dialMMilton T The Grand Lod ere f colored i No. 3, of the .Independent Urder of Good Sa . - . O. . M ? maritans : and Daughters of Samaria; , of America; r meetih 'Raleigh (fourth anjuual session; on the l&ln at October. . Hev. John IM, JBrooks, one: of tha moat scholarly ministers of the North Carolina Conference, and" one of the best .writers toofc hss fleeehily delivered an . ex-- cenent series of sermons.on the "lieligious 'lramihg of t hikiren" at NeWbern. These sermoha bsvv4eoa -i Dubliahed in, tho Mem- oermcmi ... .' ikciiisyjue .times: same or tonr . n .! r . .Mi n::. . . n - i- .--'l citizens jare bying coal for their Winter (aae.' . x..ucy say h is cueaper tnau w-ooa; at f3 per coru.., rsir. vi. u; Wash, ot thiscdun- ty, brought us lim week a bunch of Ger- map millet six .feet twp inches , Jiigh; iiier says Ue seeded poo and a half acres and the , y leiU' was-three and a hall tons to the acre. ' Ki.-JKainijcTw mg for the third ' prize a militarr sented by -the Whiting Arms Company, V ana tor ine iourtu; prize, -a black plume, was continued yesterday by those who! on th6' day before, had made the shots. 8er geant J. C'Vann, u Company A,: 2d Bat- . . talion, wqu the rifle aid private J Y. Pa- -ris,'of Company F,'lst jBttaliOn, won the ipluneaj vi :m.;:u; io. b -z mmyif3 i :.y Fayetteyiile! Gtev M J.M Pearce drove, down to thp Baptist . Chui ch, last Tpesday-rright,' and while in the church ? some malicious, cowardly scoundrel cut his p 5 harness all to pieces..; j Mr. A. A. Mo-; Kethan,1 Sr; was thrown from a buggj; a shoiWime since, and badly injured; thodgh ; -we are glad to know that he is able to be up ' . and aboUt'He was considerably bruised P and had his collar bon ; dislocated.. . - - -rfr Elizabeth City Economist: TbeT ; D. S. canal improvement has bright pr t- pects of success. - Its accomplishment uill ; bring into use for, agricultural purposes he rich '" labds of the Diemal Swamp. , -This is the1 J;weekJ of the' Federal Coiirt, Judge Brooks presiding. , It adjourned on Tuesday morning. -4-.We are pleased to : learta, by authority, that the Chowan Bap tist , Female . Institute. I, at r; Murfreesbcro. .commenced its new session last week, with encouraging prospects land an increase of - PUpilS. , j ?j . , .iJ-fj : r ; J .' :i Some time ago Hill. & Skinkpir, , of RTchmond,"V"a.V'Bold a large let of Grm ville county,- Nv C, fine) tobacco, - Althot gh i? tobacco is very low tbe prices r ranged. For j ? lots of from 1,000 to 2,100 pounds, at frjm $29 to $40 per hundred. We mention only 1 a few of the sales: Ik. L. . Winston jot i $811.83'. for 1,523 pounds: R.: A.Lvoa irot t- $733.81 for 2,047 poonds; W: D. Pleasatots f got $501-59 lor 1,663 pounds.' .'.Three yekre ngu uiujr w.uuiu uive reuiveu, uouojb uiib.. There are almost daily, sales at from $30 to ? i i Newbery Nut Shelly. Only sm ill lots - of :-cora . chaneed bands vesterduv" t . ' Market firm at 80 cents per -busbeL:' -4-- The schools at the Kewbern Academy,- ive are happy to learn,' are progressing - fine !y. ? There are about 125 scholars in attendan ce . -so far, ahd tbe number is increasing. : Remember girls, ther ' are tbirty-thtee T V ; thousand o .nine - nundred -and fifty-tbiee . t mortf' women taa taea -'-iin North CaroKiiia. : and improve your' time that JyOU may dot ' ,. uu uut , oi iue -ueariy iniriy inousanu wao are destined to die old maids, n j a .1 ' Salisbufy":'rcAman ;We hea d f ; of one man bringing thirty-eight pounds bf c this year's tobacco to town and selling it fur enough money to pay for one circus ticket. Small change Was something to that- main.- : ' . 'A man, watching the street procession i : p( t,he circua last Saturday, declared that it was a moral circus because one of. t ie cases bad a picture of "Daniel in the lion's i tden," and another had a picture of ;"Daviid ': pulling the lion's mouth penj Tl le x ' llethodist congregation, worshipped inthdr . newly" constructed and enlarged church laBt unday;,':,- uiW'mh 'j ' ' i -w. Milton? MshroniklefJ Selling out i the only male academy in town. Better ad- ; : Vertise for af flrst-dass teaeber; with a tbraa ng machibtH add1 a 1 gallows - combined, ;o j ? "amuse" tb e boy-ien, -' Tobacco sate from frost and crop and quality 'good. U; : The people of this entire, county will heir with rt-fi?onr.fl ftoHMwi nf IKH flpnfh nf fion Thomas W. Graves, whb "breathed ' his lat f : ' on. Monday; aind whose-; remains were m terred Tuesday with Misonib'bonors. . He ' i died in the 87th year of 'his age,- and h oeen one ot our most userul and prominent , ' citizens., :.bwuc:--.;:yi3rtib - t Chariottb ' Observer :: ,We under- ; uersiana mat vole s strictly . moral ore is : had an immense crowd at StalesvilleyesU r- day. . Federal Courtis in session at States villle this week and all the mountains are " there. The clown never had a crowd In , : - ' hia life among.which he Won so many sin- ; ..' cere admirers. .: A wagon load of peo ple who broaght liotbing whatever to sel l, ; V arrived iu the;; city r yesterday afternoo i, ; from Davidson couaty. for the purpose of : r attending the circus to-day; v Five hundred f i ,an4 nEty-T6ix.balespf cotton were sold . In M v this maraet yesterday. ' E.MrHale's'Kbs w York icorrefi- pondencein1 Kaleign Obserter: l have just .returned from a wedding, one:in which! I was strongly interested, and in which sonjie ot you readers will be interested, since the bride is a 'descendant ot ,a Scottish . Cae Pear, family, and the bridegroom bearsl a Scottish name. The bride, Miss Isabel IX WaUs, . daughter ,-of the late . Rev. ; Mr. - Watts, of Mecklcnbure county.' and erana- Ldaughter of John , McMillan,' who,- three . v quartefs pi a century agjo was , the junior 'member of Ihe large -importing bouse bf Donaldson McMillan, id Fayettevillb. She is thqniece sand adbpted daughter of " mv old friends. General land Mra: ' (!hnrlin iny old friends. General land Mrs.' Charles jc. lA-iogsouryoi ine unite a states. Army, wno nave resiaed - in urooKiyn ror sonke 'vears Dast;"The' bridetrroom ia iMrrlTeriitv McKay: pronounced here McKa, and nbt Mcixoy. as - with s). ;rhey were a fine looking eotrple.t 5 ! " "(- '-' ' , VaulBS:toiilNoiea; " 'lSalfltoortl'Btfa Several "of the .members of the Mil 8onn delegation called on be Presij ;dent to-day, and in conversation ar anredbiin of their support in 'all pro- per'tneasures-f? :; ( '"'":' I ; ; r, Senator Christiahcy was tendered the vacant judgeship pf the eixtb ci cuit, but deolined. - , , . : :' cretary of State, nowcJield by Mrl ' ronn &. Lamppen, wno m to be giver U Europari'consnlate,wa8 bffered'bi t , . r ... . i . . . beiPreaident:io"$fe Robert Iancolnl .tbe, eldest son of . the late President Lincoln.- Mr. '.Lincoln'- has declinec the offer.' - ; ' J .What, looks neater than calico? tezo x or K Picayune. The girl inside o n. ; jjeiTou jfree jrresa. : i in . - I ' II '1- . 1