.1 ; - i IV - - v -1 . i . i ,s.t ' AV.H.(.sjaLni c ftffiu'i 0-i m il ; ft 4. ?w.? lot . :-:t J -FCSUSHXS A1 wniTwrxjNTG-'roiar; asr.. c, $1.50 a Year in advance. SSSSSSSS8SSSSSSS8 8S888SSS3S8SSSS8S ssssss'isgssaifisE'siss 88888888888888888 SSSSSSS39SSSSS?SS8 B s Q K S K M a - a sinuo w, 5 888888S888SSSSS88 stnuojcs 82888888888888888 r! ?9 55 5 fi 5? S3 35 tr ob oo a 88SS8S88S28888888 . . . f 1 9 I 7 vn Cx C Of 09 CO CO 8S8S8888S8S88888S e ci io i od r e eo io - w o e - - . 1 88888888888888888 ! a!. V V.- on The subscription pviee of the EKK cT Stab ts as to1lQmtX&nr&:yW'J -r Single Copy l year, postage paid, f LJW : " " .;! . 6 month 1.00 ISO SIGNIFICANT FACTS f There are two facta derivable from the statistics of .Massachusetts, first that the emigration from that State has ben largever ijOOOjOOOaring the last handred years; 8econdly,tbat agricoHuro has declined ' greatly, and there is a cnsequienVohangpf busineav ' j According - to ; ' statistics used by Dx. Nathan'Allen, ipf Iowell, Mass., before the Social : Science As-; 80clatiQti,: the following .was tbe nam ber of pnrsufts'in 1875:"" 1- QoTeromcnt mnJ profeseioaal. 29,730 2. Domestic and personal eervice..424289 3 Trade ad transportatioo.; ...104,935 4 Agriculture, nsncriea,etc ... 81.156 5. flianuiacinrea aoa mecbanicaf iodustrie8 .. .316,459 G Non-productive and., proper-? lied ..........;... i . ... . . .. 65,430 7. Students of all grades. . . t. .; v.282,784 8. Not given, including", children, - -v, r etc. .. ... . . . . i.374,12D There Ls another -,-fact that is calcu lated to arrest attention. ", The birth rates of natives is less than the death rates. The main cause of the deteri oration is well known, and one- Eng lish "writer, Ilepworth' Dixon, has given some significant information connected. therewith. . : a -t Tlie real increase of population, ac cording to Dr. Allen, is owing to the influx of foreigners, chiefly "Irish and Geitnan. Dr. Allen says that whilst the population of New England is bht 20 per . cent. ' Roman ' Catholic, that actually 75 per cent, of the births are , of Roman Catholic parentage. 2Jo wonderthe old . New England stock is . fast dying oot, when -such llgures as these can be drawn from actual statistics. :u- :' f v'vf ius': Mr, John VreIb, f Pbllailelpitla. Nonalaatetl A GreaSnrprlse.. t ' ! t :...r iSpecial to Baltimore Gazette. 1 V sv; . : . ! :,v, WASHniaTOii,.Oct. 30,; The nomination of Mr. John Welsh,: of Philadelphia, to the British .mission, t fol io wing so closely on the heels of the Simon Cameron fiasco, has created great conster nation among the stalwarts in the Senate. His name bad bees .mentioned in a qaiet and incredulons way as among the possibil ities, bat no one appeared to believe there was any reason for suspecting that he would really be agreed upon for the first diploma tic position in the' government ' Ilis nomi nation was determined upon last night, and kept a profound secret, so much so that the fact, when announced this morning . took politicians by surprise. , It iscatomary for Senators to make no remarks upon nomi; naiioos before they come np in, executive . session on,-regular committee report, and hence It was hard to have any ofthemcom mit themselves on the merits ef the selec tion. It was qnite. easy to .see, however, that no one seemed particularly struck with, the choice. One gentleman was heard to say that he knew of no; objection, to Mr.' Welsh especially," beyond the fact . that he neyer had turned his attention to diplomacy. He is regarded on all sides as worthy qf the position from his high character as a mer chant of great public spirit and . liberality. I f c would be no discredit to the1" country, ; The anti-Cameron men' do ' hot ; disguise their satisfaction at the Way ' Hayes has been able to; honor Pennsylvania' without accepting terms atlhe hands of the Cam- Mr. : Welsh ? was i chairman of the Board of finance of "i&e International Exhibitions He- is pne of the. best, men of Philadelphia, in which city he was bratinXSOne 1i ih yjgoroui health for a man of ; his agey 'and has , the confidence of, the business'men of , the city of -which he is a representa- ttye citizen, j lie .-has never ; been in . political office, is ' a prohonnced: Re publican, but moderate ?n . his: actions, ilis life has been devoted nt0 business;; in which; he has been em i nen tly suc-r cesaful.";' . lie is a gentleman of qufet, n nob tr a si v e ; ra an ners, , as y we learo and is sprting from a race of Ruccess-: . fn 1 commercial men. jfy ' : OF TUB PAST GENEBATION. . A correspondent writing from Lumber ton, Robeson county, gives us the follow-: or: Frederick Harden, of -Robeson county, was born July 4th, . 1776, served as a private -soldier in ' CJapL McPballer's company. North Carolina volunteers, at Fort John son, 1812 and 1814,' is in good ' health, and performs well on the violin yet He gets his pension of eight dollars per month from the Pension Office of the United States. Mrs. HOI, mother of John A. Hill, of Robeson county, is now one hundred, and ten years ot agetnd is in good health and vnTijijai .:.U . : ..y '1877. ;;rl; j ar'5, 'V'NO. 2. sound memory; freiates skirra&bes of -the "old warJbetweea theWhigsad Tories, Mot.- jMuetgi jxews.: ; A genUeman informs ns that Mrs. Campbell, near Antioch Churchy Ro beson county is jntier J 1 05 th year. Her son, Archie'Campbeilj died semd iwjgo ou years or. age. j,; cwve nas a reoord of :" her birth : in; the i .family Bible. Tle same tfenileman informs ns tbal in Richmond .oouotya Jives Mrs. Isabel Lbwefy, great grand aunt of the famous Henry Berry Iwery. who is 112 years old. '. Here, too,, is a family record.1 We:o hotlavdni the truth of these extreme ages, but tell it as we are told'."f:iI ;;st?j.fi, , , , , ,'t' i.il h: THB ATLiSTIO INtlND WiTBB ..;"! ' t iwK "T.K if'" 4i ;f ! Oor people have never given'- that atteiAtion, to,, the;. proposedtAtlanUq Inland Watef Route thaVlrjdrealimi portance entitles t to.j , FromV:some cause ihfindiffercelsf lethargy' has marked toe course, of-j m&ny. bf.iour cit iiens from whom n aturslly wrm. interest t and sympathy a would have reaching sagacity, a determination td succeed, will give an" impeto tg.anyj town. vf-When the business m'e&'Of ' a community V combine " harmpmously,' and each working its hiB owrVf sphere strives , to ad vance, the general inter ests then yoa will see ordinarily1'; pro- gsvfiyetop We could illustrate' this, ! f necessary,' by referring to two small cities - in; another State. in which ' the erieriy, the hearty co-operation the . sagacity and vim of the business men of 'brie' city placed it.far ahead r of the : other city, although tbe; latter iiad 4 fiv,e. or ten times the natural, advantages of the former. A ' -From:' recent' information we': are encouraged .ith the hope- that Htbe: Atlantic Inlanaw ater Rdnie S!llno: Jonger be overiooked. The; enter prise promises after so long a time to assume j a practical ' business ; shape. Biit let! us be more particular.' It has been long held, by ' those .who , were the best qualified to: judges that if i the nnmeroos ' bays, : sonnd,; and other navigable bodies of j water along te Atlantic coast, were united by a canal or series-of canals, the re salt would be of no little benejlit not only to the people who were im- mediately , interested : in the pro- ect, : put ' to ; the united States government - in . case of foreign war. Our coast ' is ' very . long and dangerous, ., and inland - navigation would be found of the greatest: utili ty, in transporting troops, , floating batteries and munitions of war.' By such a system as , we refer.to, theex pense of coast defence would jbe ne 'cessarily 'diminished, So important has this deemed scheme of improvement been . in the , pasir ihat Fresident rew 1 J acksOn; and oiher tresP dents oft. the ; XTnited Statet ;l have" icalled the, attention of the Congress lo the necessity and advantages of jconstructing this 'work, 'ntli eif1t I I But Congress has always hesitated labout the matter. It -was apparefit that atter the U. S. Government had constructed: the T canal, of " series ?of canals,, that! ah r additional expense nuuiu u lucurreu uuuuaiiy in Keep ing the work in proper conditions To uu t,uia , jwouiu require i, toe, constant services i of ' officers ; . and ''menV at a' Bonsiderablelaj(ngT pears, therefore, , to have been deter-: red romj authorizing the undertaking pf the very important. work, arid has jnever made the necessary appiopria iroh for3 the sarae,v May we hot hope that enlightened legislation wiH take a broadej1 view Of the Advantages to: fee secured by this inland route, whether Iook!at llf omr I tiie standpoint of naticmal defence," Of jfrob'thof knd ad vahtageSf i -We -believe ; that tio. Congress'shocd such i sum as (may be necessary to perfect -But the cause that' 'has' heretofore leteVred Congress from making the necessary appropriations, need hot pre yent-ine nnaertaKing or ine wors any. iongcrjeearuthat !LteftNew, open in the North and in . ibe: South, . by constructing an ' inland ' wa route between Pamlico Sound, in this: State, and Charleston, South CarolP ua.. xt propoBCB, - BtLtsr i vuuBtruouug this connecting way of ifansportktion,' io sell the free use of the same to the' ITniied States. Instead of the ,sumj necessary being paid at one time, the payments are lb bo made 1 in "instal River' Canal- Company has TMclied 1 this difficulty, . It: proposes . io .unite the line of ' water t way : that1 4 'ndwf . T- - - - - - . , -. ijt ifi8jf ;ili ments aa the srkprogTessesiIt is thus that the Matte'itf-pnt In ; "pt&- UCdl lOrm. i ; , . . ,thi$ :8 !-!. 0jJ :rJiK:nX Tktj? . e are. cian r.n i arn i plan meets. with.., fav,or, among,.toose Senators and Represeutfttives in Con gress. who have had charge f f of , 'the taaiiereret0foe:l" i,lit?a?i fFro'WiimYngW r?aHs .fc oC which ha yocatea, The.routa.that.has.been adopted by theiNewrRiveCanal'iCohip that known as- the Marriey' routei By4. usinW thVioAj-'Uven miies of the PWgaRl! pon ?l hA .rtbJBaM River, j apdi thence following j.itbe Kearney survey or route to Pamlieo Souhdi and by cOtistriictihl'dhlyf oaf opnifes caaweenPuhp .5iTOPm!PilJY would . be almost, air.nejif. anA would be seventyi-Urree mildslessf 5n distance than- by the"' tortuous -'route that . woul 'tut:. 1 1- - -i i ,u;i.;t i a Wilmington ..UuougbUu8 - proposed new passage-way woHiM9 e very laigeV'Of thwnhewcatercelV any doubt. - Wilmington can become. is,.? A!wise,8ystem; of jimprovements, wel I directed eoergyand enlightened' iuii. pewpift. A4et i9t CnaipeiWii) and be built -at an early, day What (says Congress f t- What Bay ouf Re X ACK CTH AN DLER ON ttEOHlht1 jif Everybody1 who1 feads 'newspapers knows something "about ofdack" l-JZ iBs ts. i'-iA .T!.Si-'aMil 11 ; Hi:t ' i UW: -1L Jl .t j . olent Radical ibullrdQze.r f rom"yiichi-; jgan. wen, oi0 Ziacic fias been giving; ihts views aboofi'tervice "reform. pt'iwonlbeAnpposed ; known hostility ( to, the present; Ady. jministration; because 'tf its v willing Iness to act nndeir the Constitution in stead 6T above arid yondutw Grant did, that he would be. down pn; Lit ' J. m. m ' !"-'"- - - - "".t'" . ait attempts ,io. re orpi net. ci vu. ser vice. 1 His views, however are n6ts variant from those Of ' the President 1 as was ' to have Teeh ? e: ebted.. fay8.tor Wao!: a.: .f -iar ?.? fei I .f What his hearers' .wantedrIlwhatlthe jcountry, wanted, what the citizens of, all 'governments 'wanted, was common seBse, ;and plenty of If lrhat did men do hi the jmanagement of their i pwn bnsineesT yil they found an incompetent man, they, dis icnargea mm ana put a. competent -men in 'his place; if they found a laiy man they luc&argea mm aoa put an lnausinsusman n his place; if they found a dishonest man bey discharged him and, put an honest man n his place. And when they found they had a rood man: a conmetent man in their (employ they; promoted, jhlm: .whether bail was in a govern ment , omce or, on, a. . f ann J jwnat was wan tea. was onstness capacity." I j Nb wi that is indeed ,'sensible ,n& practical. ,, It ; reads very much like home of the utterances of Mn Hayes. lAtl any rate, if the j Administration rill only "-retard r'appoinl tO;bfflcr nen of f 'common sense" ''competent nen"- ('industrious, men" "honest iin'i- Vli-i itJUv tj:st;$&i.i UUl !M liivuiji.. a,?n;;n7:"gooa men-- men , ?5-ousi-9 ne88 capacity, the country will ibO i ally satisfied. l'ThuoJdj stnodacd fitt eqnirement in i the days of "genuine U(:esniansttjwaWho wmm oiaKinWe, mm Ehe"8ame, qnajifipoi, 901. I E'Wes. have, naiidea that L Chandler Would -really favor 'any civil1' service s well to note, , how. , correct : a bull dozer .can be in thepry hp w qerjinnch; pis s ptacticemay ; antagonize, with iL? l:lU'.tjn --: ' . 1 ' 'Ll. I vWe intended; noticing a iBomOwhat remarkable lettdf fl,wriUettf by iMri'1 'i Justice ;'St r6n a of the Supreme.Court Iriregard Collie lecYoraf udom'mis Mon, but other matters hay e engaged lonr attentionJIevfited with the immortal Eigim andyWf he' IseVS'l apnrenenBive mat a, wrong nas, ueen, aonebjfelnan .hf t awetrset :?of Irasoalsi knowh as ,he Louisiana Rettrrning Boardi f He? explainsisvdte bytatrnWhahe" hel4 thhCbngVWs1iado Vr1pt, sion, of which he was a meraberhad, hhvkpwersgreater: thah' Congress flohaVCbngfess could' not tfo Ho voted consequently ox-ther votes being giv6n to Hayes.tt!Wd may have occasion to refer ,, more. , at to his letter .wtn .to Hpaj . .. I v 1 Hi George Vf JoP398i .ofa .Tennesseje, n aa i6ld personal .friend4inin 'fa'jt ' .;i?t 5 1 Queen Yibtoria andtha Brincess: Beatrice have been making lint; for the wounded of the Eastern war. 6 - .ftt'-if-'u 7( W 'TOebenehYs i eriterpHsemusrsijeedilyVgiv Ipeius'tolils m7:WeWdff$W preseniauve r vrnai say me Dasioefa i ;'f1rirtiJ -i'?.T HjLLUift Sfi4 ilJMii men of Wilmington ? , : ; . ., . . ... t. 1 f The' only war news of importance is a' reported threatened invasion ' .of Kcrtmt ' Thv"n Afitrecinian ' Kf 136,0006 knd the formation of a Rdssian army of 70,000 men' io'cross Ihe Balkan ' moan taJn,' and' to make an attaclc upon Adrianopfe without .WaiOng5 for the; fall oK fte vnal We doubtVtW cbrrectM asVbdmWi largely,, prQyisioned jand eahi stand a ,0,nS:8ief'e we may trnt anpfficial stemen, of the lmmiS- tf We' call attention io ' the communi taoii 1Sfrcl,pd;pn Greensboro JPa&iot. bn the 'in ti Xfry NirftWGauS RailrbadT eifUhst theimportkncS of this adilt' nb est, intelligent business menof Wft mington.; With the great natural advantages ; of 1 our i little - city, and -ni'K'i-A ?'iiv -Jfijv -v.v Jx;m lutqiT QIo js witn sucn aaaitipnat . means 01 inter trade of" this place should not rapidly; increase." With more railroad and water-routes with, more concert of, to. and 'trade . faster than was (ever d'remecf of in jthepnilosoph ' o 1 1 thft Senatpr piiverj iP, Morton is dcadf His liferecord s; complete. lily it he WUI -be. judged .by.Jiia L fellow-men. Whilst ii living and a great moving1 agent for good, or eyil tp his country we spokerfrhinrfreeryr""Now that jhd Ws ' passed into 'the' unseen world rwi have: no farther ' oornments to make, upon bia career. .,:,.. j si i . el M. Diatrlet Oonrt. ; "' " ' ' "This Court adjourned Vesterday at noon' after havings transacted all the business be- The only cases. lof impprtancrtried du-. ring the term were the following; - jsu iawuw, uepaij jrosimasier at Magnolia. K. a.i' charred with robbiriir a registered letterj -The evidence' being of . positive character, admitting ;of . no de fence, t the,, defendant . plead ' guilty., . His youth and previous good character induced HTs Honor,' 'J odgef Brooks,' to visit opon him the ' least punishment known to the lawoneyest at hard labor" in (he' Albany jpenitentiarj i j ,," 0" ..''.'i,..' f . Conrad Haoseman. charsed . with steals kng, or obtahiing pj fraud, ta fetter , from J the Wilmington postofflce, was tried and inrictedJ-- .- ' - vTbe same,. defeiidant was also charged with. fprging,the name of payee to a money ori tt which plead guilty; ink was BenUncedto imprisonment at hard labor at bahy!rbriwByeara:i,i- "? ' ' 'insery' rarely indeed ' that any "one 1 tamper wnn the mails hereabouts, without "cpmiog tf grief,'! 'rvoicQ the. govern ment and the public may thank our ,vigk puit puBiuutaicr, ml JDnnK. oi,! POXI8B COBIflIITTBBS.j..i( raimafeettia of tb Tttmi son' thelV ffl toir.7 JO -r""'-"fT-' f v;:.- , i y.i parti there paRRAhflibeatrisifrn f thO; Sbeakfirs, feaccess is the fact, that the minority Is so well pleased with' the' treatment Ithey have receiVed.-'--- f y-i-:,: " : rjMtimore AmericahTRep; i s ktTs rnotfttliy rereserited on the im Mfttfit " cinmitteeaV tnd w& think' Ihat iwhen' a report has to be made on he, curxencyjqrestipn, the Texas Pa jtfio . Bubsidy, or j the .revision', of the ;ariffpthS deciding Vote in committee wftit 'oe'bast' ;by j men ' whose'views are ' it.the presents itime nnknown 1 to the sountry at-largejoii iav ? vai Mr.! Randall's committees- mean economy and sohnd legislation:' with heeded- reform of, MdiIaws. ',Thev1 airly represent: the bost spirit of the House, and ! give ft promise of 'useful egislation. aliiyn .. armpiiax l;qjdi di,3iPMkdelph)a- Times; Iiia:f f? Speaker Randall' -seeiris' td! have made a consctehtiouB effort to Utilize he-'brainoftheHoUse irt'eithei par-" tf, totthe liesi ad varitager, and the re suit will givp rnoi'e thano'nsual satis-1 action. (m:timi tu zlidM .-nil ni u.'aJ -The. utmost: thai -anr Sneaker Scan pope, to ;.do Is to il oommand a general Irewlio fRpm - tpo I assembly atiJarg .09 ne s pt it mio jtne Dest; yrg&&rs ng order attainable in the' circumr. stances of the xaaaajLhas done no flagrant in justioiUBitbei' to1" indivK j dual y, members, to v particular 3Sec ions of ..the county or, even ; to spe- tiali! cliques and f schools : of political ; mndall.has fe deserved, and :,wiH un-; peaker.i. Randall appears:: to ; have nade ap his comniitteeff r .with - great jare, and as a whole they,ppght to rive general satisfaction. - - ' jm i'!'v n' - vr-There' arefourteen I'exrGovern- brs in'the Senate, and. eight in the House;! besides several ex uovernors 01 Territories. communication as may be. opened np by united and strenuous efforts, there is no reason -why the commerce , and l.-.iri'.',jjse. !-tH i;tint.-sa 5.T.;iLu action , ana t invinciDie pluck, w il ia H2,f."9iiI-tt4t"'l - .osil5jn: .j'lsi-vuil m'ost'. of'-the ' lead ins 'men of both ieHeem'io is -little' idissatisf actionj i Per 'PI ,tyt is jiiJPBnion.cotixaTt' h The case f Iiebtrt smUM-Tae Arc- ;"in Cottnaeneed.' . t The1 case of the SUtet. "Robej""t!SmUS waa resumed it the Superior Court yester day.Tfie examination pf wtneveatorilhe prosecution was continued ud to i o'clock P. when the Solicitor annbuacecT1 that itestlmehy for the State; was dosed. Cbuh set forthe'defehca then askei fr ai recess of obe hour, for meporposeof consultation, Court was .asrain xmeaed'.atr 51 P. M. wqcn defendant s counsel annoiincedthat defence! itfa there would be two speeches oii eaehkkhi JEjtis pnor staUsd.tlial, he would heariM speech fp prpton and; one for derence last , evening- and the remamiDg. arguments todjsyt: c?;;v::ii:V:5 Mr. Thoi' H. Suttb openedd tis3 for4he defence to and a f41towed4y Ur.TiiH.- tlprpsecutibnn, jspeecft pf Tjftyyg minutes, Both Uiese getlemen made,, ex cellent argu.men': we had fiearJ eieybf these attorneys fie fore a ury, and we were - mbst favorably unpressodwith their abHrtylit i&H&A flPjO'cloc'k, Daniel Jj. Busselk will 'begin the - closing speech for iho prosecution. : He will be followed by Mr;-N;'Jii: Sreuman,'' the defence, when the' iak6 wnl ?go 'to' ther JThe 1 a teryst in Ihis,, unpprtant, case con- tinues .unabated. vAtnong ihei spectators Bladen bounty K largely- represented, while1 ; rV7Imipgtbfl da u-iliuiea S&iiejirtQ number tq keep the.conrt room crowaed.y,jj Tbe SiteltiL' a a rttr rrtai-Artmi; or; ea uwi-LWvSanis'ir ihe-'Vei l;The argufienKin ihlc'pTjthp1! Ibert t Bmith.s resamed io the Supe-t rior Court yesterday; Judge Russell spoke about an hour and twenty minutes'his be ing the closing spe It was an ingenious and caref ally, delivered speech and gaveveytdence of decided ablmy ;,Mrl.4jjHjA.' Stedmank".Jrv ": of .Bladen,"1 made ;the closing : speech; fotl ih&l defences 'MM Stedmsn has been at the tdr bat t tkw' 'yearsand his friends here ,wer anxustb' hear his hrsl etzortcbefore a ; jury: oXi.J5iew Hatrovei coumy.-Ui Bladen friends sboke hiirhlv of hia cabacitvl and had nredfeted great success for bim iii ' 'the' defence' of SmUh.' He spoke over two hours, and the very general opinion l of thoe whd heard him ia that he. acquitted hiniaelf with very. ffnut fmA 1 1 TTia oauwh 'vaq alAnVtonf able and exhaustive. He 'showed a thorough 'acquaintance with !bbth. the' liw' 'ind 'the1 if acts pf, the ease, and was very highly com plimented by!; members of 1 the! : bar. and 'others.; j, -,fci.i rL,t., ; .i. .r-c 1 After, being charged ,by r the Court, the jury retired at 2i o'clock and. Court took a irecess of an liour. J During the' abSence'of the jur public7 opinion7 was J very niuch" jdivided as to the verdicl mat would bd Teix jdeiedii The Diitside sympathy iwas.almoet (entirely with Smith, and it aa dilfbisl find charge of the C6u Verv damasr iwho expressed tbe fesx; that he .would .be , kound knhtv-bf mWslkwhter;'n,;,!,vf -V "Abbut 0 b'clbckfhe :r"'campiittiie!i icotrrt room and took' their seitslHA'le'athl' like stiUoe4B now itOok- the ace busy, jcenversation. f Then .the, faces' of the jury were carefully scanned by tb"e spectators. 1 na guesses were . maae as 10 me prooaoie , howevei, that Robert Smith wtraluflbbn 4A. utue later, the Jadjp.jcame iatp court. The clerk called the roll, and each juror answered to nis name. "Gentlemen of the 1 3ury, have you agreed" Upon a .veralcl?'1 ssed theiaclw Sponded the i jury i through j their;foremaiit''' Mr. R. n tGrant: f. Dp y bu find the prisoner indictnientrr Then' came the welcome rea'pon,' ol1auU lhrbughJ the bnft1 robmarid1 "whicfi rwiS' received with ecideimesfaacs7 of apphuiseifiO'L' baiif"lf$?b?-..:ijM- f t -h: ?n,Terttie;. waa recq"" innounced that the prisoner was discharged, ind RobertJ, rniiUv,TWceojq em braced, his counsel, father jand several hia friends, and theq burricd to .the Manning House, where a most affecting &mig;tobll;'placeabet we knd; children knd Mnc1f.' " Ois aged father Was pvercome:.;witb:motion - and rweptllike a I Thus has ended one of the most interest: ing cases that has ever been tried in .New. Mbvia: MWWt't has Indeed; endedi .iMach ba(L.feeUni has been engendered between the friends, and. enemies of thb defendant in Bladen cotth-i tyi.butUbbert Smith has been acquitted by; 4 jury of his countrymen, and here let the hitterfeUddiel-''Viv -u iliy itf'i'ii i-j.v11 "P. .ffi JuVJ .i&iZ) il") . Committed, for Steailna Wool.. ., t -. colored uiiaity-&e'4ants''of ayetf' VeHsWa sjTcsfed" yesterday, "mbrriingi'by pfBcO Kelson,' iC.the police ferce ia the heighborbood of the Carolina Central, de pot. charged with stealing a cord and a half of 1 vooa 1 rum apy xv. jr. : . iraoaison, at promt ii Antr bringing Uto' thftf city !&Psen.I he prisoner was taken to the guard, holsej but immediately turned.oyei3 to: Justice. J d . Wagner f of jaytigatkB -- j - .The Case came np before JasUco "Wagner iraerea to dve a Justined bond In tbe asm 6f t200 for his appearance at the next tferm' t fender Superior Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. a man who did not say he ought , to .be acquitted; hut most of his friends consul-, ifered the' charge of The' Court vervdamalgr- esterday afternodn,r the prenmuiry exam--' )atlbn(reshithrriiithee i l t ' wt.vtf.ij :; ,! if THB , COTTON ..TBAOBlj 1 Snewv or tli mub Tratfe-A'Very !j crnatlsraetery,( Exhlblt-Tbe Pros 1eet rbr ike Pntare not Brlsbt In herMUSE' sttiei- tnrermaites :j3e., wsl, v.( r5 . v(f.ii.j,f .Tjownow Nov 1 ''The in its city article,' has sum marized- the annual : review of the . jpotton trade,; lust issued by Ellison & Co., of Li vtrpooVand' nAj9i'-u'HJiW r?H Is full of .evidence tbat.Jthe trade has been dull and dragging, and tbe immediate prospect is tar from bright -i During' the first thro :arH four tmooths, fjla8 season there were some Signs of-reviving activity, but these were all sweet awav bv the out break of fRwarl'nriheTllafltS has befors kept tttroughoutmireffd of edft-t sumption and the result. has been that af ter nritme much oasi thrbnih Belting L atnnremunerative t prices msnafaetarerl were driven w work, on short tune during lh third quarter Of thfilf ,year.' ? "Latterly through the reduction of .stocks which this has induced, and because pf the strike at Bolton, -the trade has been plabed' 'on'isl& tie. better, footing, andullrttimeihas.Jf'fa many instances, been resumed. But busH nfifUUfarirOm satisfaetoiii'i The report; furoi3hea(.abundaoteTidenpo that the state of the trade is the same almost everywhere, s -Ellison J& Cd. have sent mrb riea toall the .seats oficotton; trade inu-; rope,"and'almost "without exceptionlthe, re plies cnay Jbe -aummedi in the obe-!Tword,! Unsatisfactory,,,. ,;J!S ;:v. fvfcfVh'l "Singular to say, Russia appears to offer artexceptionj the trade having -been' good there, especially for yaxne, but also fpr eoV fba goods," home prpducts snd;home pro ducert; having been .assisted,' byVthelall in theexchange. which has prevented importa tions,' as Well a3 by the enortiftma duties. The trajd p Norway and, Sftejden (appearaallol to have been fair. ' The Ddlificarcbnflict.in I Fifanee bas had a most Injurious effect both da the Jfrencn, trade. a,npon that of jts'nfear heighbots. Perhaps, however. the worst reports of all come' fromi the various' manb-' facturing centres of: -Qemaoyi where, the; trade ' has been almost uniformly bad throughout the year, aid ' where the prb pects aremost. discoqnigingj iProduction; will have to be reduced in Prussia, Saxony and vAisace,j: unless there ; should come; ' favorably change owjiich thee is at pre. ent no Bign...'. v.-j-.o. c ... . I Several eoun tries have slightly increased the number oft their, spindles during; thet season; but the increase has been'ihsighifi-; cant) juod at Iast counterbalanced by -sus- pensions, .destruction through fire and les-I sentng in' the oatrarni'stThe entire ' cbnti nejnt possesses 19,500,000 spindles, against 39,000,000 in the United. Kingdom, but the continental capacity is greater than 'our QWn. i They take sa, pounds per spindle,? while our rate appears to be only 33 pounds. The United States "have 10,000,000 Spin-' dles, and their-(Capacity is greater still, reaching sixty-three pounds per spindle. In consequence of this the annual consumption in the .United i States reaches -630.000.000 ; pounds, and that of tbe continent 1,033,7 ;ww,wu pounas,Bgainsi i,ouo,ouu,uwponnaa 1 f or; Great Britain, f The , actual , spinning , .'power of the world is thus higher than our own,1 although we have' a greater number of, spindles. , -: , -, ,;,:,,,, f; ! Speaking Of future prospects," Ellison & ; Co. estimate the yield, of.: the American1-' 'crop at about 4,500,000. bales, of which the- uoneu otaies wemseives'wiu xase i,ouu, 00O,;leavingjB,0Q0,O00l for exoorL The1 es timated .supply from India , is 1,432,000 bales,' a slight J increase on - last year: ' and other smaller' sources of supply may be ex- pected to send about tbe same quantity as . last year; or a' littld more. 'Taking the eh-' tire sourees of supply, it, -is estimated that: 'Europe, may receive 5,290,000 bales of an average weight of 411 pounds, or 3.176.000. ;000 , pounds, of fcottoa?,and as the, full. ixviuuemeDis (o4vuie iraue, woruog. oniy hmstb the: present dtl level ftf produc tive eapacto-, are estimated t 2,253,000,000 pbuhda,'lt folio ws that the coming season' would show a dencieticy w some 7,000,000 pouHds.. , nhe.of dinary course, and were thli estimate tb prove accurate, it would lead tb soma increase in price, but with the trade as is po such. , risers . to be looked , for. ' As Messrat Ellison jttstly iremark, the strong statistical position of the'raW mate4 rial ia weakened by the knowledge that the stocks - Offered, ara : targe' thkt' the 1 positidh' of producier is f very-lunsatiafactory ' i thai the general trade shows no signs of revival and' by the fear" of 'new pblilicalcomplica lionavnmiov no3-. iHetll) iffilV iJeteii With so much against it the cotton trade of Elurope is likely todr&g'bn for sometime as5 iV laadonc; 80 far as can be seen;nothing short of a.speedy peace is likejyito give ritimorB lhan spasmodic activity.) n.AU that aj short J luppiyiotrawj.coijoix cjane expectea to qoii hereforeisto piyjsnt an. accumulation of itcHs to a ruinous r extentiio Consumption. iad producttoa may be brought nearef to iacJbi,other,by thei.eadi of another season, : ut with so much against ( the, trade . more, jan hardly: be jbokedaforp.'unless -Europe: ecornealietUftd-;i wben;;r:oL course, f the whole position may behanged.ft?.-it il vX4ltr.-'StvoS Ietieri' fci.,f' Vitvif.TCT' ! rr-?;r, ;.' l i. i-tsf. ti.-l Whpn f y'Ou'atid -I were bgethbr. in Congress J :I am 'a : Democrat hbwu X fiold.torall, the ir.opiniOns'. the-States. slights Democrats have always held, 1 una wuiuu but; au&uvwieugeu leauers W theaHylhaye ivowediup 7td the5 present iwinterrrrfnevermore iclearlyl rI do ; not belieye thaV Congress lasaBfbr.sdtutibhal1 ihirejmtb the Slate elections fbf State tPlecQrBo t "Conehaft ,9Uate:year8 inter.p ferea quitn Lnn mnrn witne-otates. The jJUextMal more .power thhn .Congress .has, and finkii would U a -mbst dangerbds bftfpaiibn weteHtb Ob what'th'b States alone have: a, right! to do, even tir opinion whdh ybtf reflect to what hpaasertiott 'if iuich at power wonlS e; ors: at the mercy of the f ederal st ernmehtj and e thegfeatest stride ver made: toward centralization, nhih f'Better suffer a.nresent. evil than; pen such a door, -better than, aban ori all the timeihbnbred principles bf be Dembbratid natty. (::m&:P'H iJJl ant yoarjsjt verysrespectf ully,' erribie railwaV accident rlas d on a Russian railway in' the vaUev f the Don, Seven cars, containing nearly. 00 Abchaslad ' prisoners On their wav to' giberlai iwexo completely, destroyed, and tot a ajnglp man , of tbp'Abcbasians sur vived:4 They1 were; "ail usual, chained together.- .- Pohf? 4.lera great wrong. )f the Louisiana. Returning Boards fi-cahoi deuWthaS'sucb ' wlU'lbe1 acl, ..:it would? lace the right of the. tates, respecting the choice of elec- 0- r .Tarboro Southerner: Teel Heel, on Monday evening was ;moderately filled ' with Tarboro's most select citizens to hear the dramatic recitation in, -costume by Miss Mary: Manly and LlrLouiaH. Hay wood, of RaJeigb.r : As. amateurs, their elocution and acting were superb, easy, graceful and natural. . - 'X'-r- Winstoh uSfenh: 'poleihe cir- cus man, 'says he lost money in North Car oliaa. Two years ago. when he exhibited In this place, he found an immense crowd, and he took advantage of the eagerness of the people, and raised the price of tickets to one dollar. Our people had not forgot ten this ahhby.4ricJb.t9o'$fK:':. ' -fi if? r Currituck; items tin Elizabeth! City JTconomist; A -colored ; roan J was at tacked by a she-bear with a cub," a few nights since.; The man made his escape by running The next night they . were? both ' killed; A rattlesnake was killed near". JaWisbuig. bn FridayfilSm inst. i :that had nineteen rattles and a, button, showing his age to'be twenty years. . ' He was; killed by JoAph'-Porb'fi-vii'tMr? .j 'trriWndSUiMhil the , y tTain was passing f rom the rYelcion fair on ', Wednesday 'night; , crowded with men, ; fromeja Bdjchddren iome reckless mis- . v creant at Whitakere -fired- a - pistol into a 1 v : earV'and but for whafc seemed ;a providen- tialvintfirpoBition jseriouBdarijage would"' have been, .": done. . We understand the deadly 'messenger barely' missed' the'faco -of.Mrs, Robert liicks, of "fjlashi wlo acnsi- . oh. felt its forced as it passed. - . Jill W "i-i! U- 'Wf ! iHffOJi'W!5 i i - Alamance Gleaner j Alexander Parefoy, a negro tboy about fifteen" years' A od , was convicted F of larceny, at. Orange court; and noon thev suggestion pf .-Hou. ' Josiah Turner, his eounsel,' that he ought to be,thasbednsVead .of sent to' the peni- . tentiary," fHis ; Honb agreed to suspend' -judgment if the hoy1' father would,? in ther ' 1resence bt the sheriff JnTCj him the , wsl - " dpifig that his counsel sald' was the proper' punishmehLit-The old .man waa sent for and of course he bas larroped the boy be-, fotetnbWAnd puthhnto worfc; "". " -X;UhallotU6tei ran entertamment a XewonightS. ago proved such, a success that those who had. it ia ' charge have been repeatedly asked to re peal iK.it5t-rr-.The seriespf rmeetings which' are , now in progress ,at. Calvary Mission ; Church are being attended-nearry1 as well as wero those about, Jwpj weeks ago. More than twenty -five Dersons have already nro-" I fessed-religion,' as a result of the meetings u7;Wrugswi, bdu a great -many, pen 1 , stents are at the altar. ' There was more life in'the city- yesterday tlian' at any day7 - kiniA thn hnstr qsq arm hAin -Tha DtMni c -were lined with Wagons bringing in cotton - na coyniry proauce, ana me .'retrait trade : f .the clity, was correspondingly good, y '- Salisburv WatchmaniX We'learrr. ithar; Mr. Bingham Coleman:' whb was so' I dreadfully cut with a knife. in' the hands of his father George Coleman, some months If ago, and who was under bond for his' ap- pearance ac me present term ot the aupe- -. ! rior Court, has run away and will not ap-. i pear, r ne ien money 10 ' pay tne roneiture ! of hisibpncL His motive, as etatedto some ;ot his neighbors,,, was to get beyond the . snowieage ana reacn' 01 his father," who feared would renewf h assaalt upop ,him. Dr. J. J. "Summerell ,was summoned by telegraph Wednesday,' to hasten 16' the - -bedside of his father,"2 at -.WenN C., who is "believed to be approaching death." The venerable man is ia his 'ninety-second . year, and has been in failing: health for, some time past. " " "" ' ' " . . . ' ' .1 ' Raleigh Mssi Wblearn.' ftom 1 ' ' a' gentleman just returned from the western part of the State that John Baxter Turpin . had a second a trial at BaVwood Superior jOonrJ, last - week, :on fa-: charge of 5 killing 1 ; iioiKUkuu n4uuwr-HU-reeivea a. yeraict lof-'Not guilty,' ---The Secretary of. , . .the 1 "North , JCarolina i Agricultural Society was requested bv the Executive Committee- ' by resolution; on Thursday night, 1st inst , loeiateinat au arucies awarded: as pre miums will remain at the Fair Grounds at the risk of the owner; if not claimed prior v to the 10th of November. ; ? .We nnder stand that Mr. Wilton Nobles, before Ieav- -ing Raleigh, Thursday night; engaged Tuck- " er, Hall for his company fer the week of Ahe Agricoltural Pair .for ; 18781 . At the fire, vyesterday, George Joyner a 'member : 11 me colored uucxet wmpanywhue ex- , ; iting himself in casting water on the house 1 juxj uarmer, Decame exhausted from the eat and labor, anp feiya afit. x-HjJ, -1 f-4f'Raieigb , 'OiwViare uucawiwatuittijur. 4.fnuev ,4 ones. 01 : "anther Branch townshio." had ' his rurht ' " and frightfully lacerated.irx a' cotton eln - n Monday last, causing-the necessary -, raputation pf- two flngehi'Miss lanly and Mr.'Haywoodr4tarned to the ;ity yesterday mornmg ..from, a very suc jessful dramatic tour id several' .bf our eastern' towns" '- Richmond '"county.." raloaUc?! pf property ,$1,778,11$ 00 ( gen- -ral State tax $2,607 89;' special taxes ; . i .. 52,667 17; school taxes $3,484 21; :county axes , ,$13,203 25. Franklin -county, . . aluation of property $2,545,834 00: ' sen- ' ral State $3,745 89; special taxes $3,818 75; ; noor ,,iax f o.ava .04;. county : tax $lb I5'17-5 mndolph'cbuiitv. Valuation of roperty $224,286 0Cf general State tsx t . 3,208 78; special' State tax ; $3,816 45:! BChobl tax - $4,771 49; 'county tax $12,- Bis wym: ...' V. The revenue ooUectiens durinfir - he month of October : renorted hv the nnl- ector of this (the sixth! collection "districL ' imountCd, to $23,823,38Por;.the samp,; inonttt last year the collections were $21,-' ?73'23.1' -DnrilTfr thfi' fnnnth iP:nUnr": yesterday," there have heett five interments ,; nElmwood Cemeteiy.t "three ' of whom .. re children, t Neither bf , the 'adults dled ', within the linjits of the city In .Pihewood :olored cemetery there were also jSve inter- : nents.' Thisls a very remarkable'shbwing or a city whose population; ireertainly not ess1 than JMKX), --i CapW'5,. Pegram, ' : "Japtain-pf the HorcefeV'.'Nest .Riflemen, -tome days ai?o received a letter; from Lieu- enant-Colonel Catbcari, comnjanding the : Columbia "battalion" of Sbuthl; Carolina rbops. and. ' Chairmin ibf the' 'executive ! bpmmitteeOf the State Agricultnral Society, r spnWst ' for the $400 ''prtz&auittitfc t- , erasr fl&i-'.'?-i-n.iv 14 " LTTa.l.A O.. , J, .... . T'l auvv;aicp7Tifar(j.vU J.UU1S- , lay morning 25thuU.;.at 3 o'clock, the tore of Me8sra,Thigpen4i& 'Warren.-' at 'efiny HUlPitt county was .destroyed by ire. The . stbre contained about' $4,500 . vprth otigoods. Nothing was saved. Mr.' 4 . fVartcn and his filerk, who, were asleep in he store 1 barely escaped with their Uvea The-goodsf wra insured for-; $3)00. I t:-? Between the circus ip Tarboro and; the . iiaujiug iu irogwugiuu, uiauj uiuui bib -e&Un?twan They can't ? see-both knd -f ry aloud with a mightyyoice. O, that we rere two men f- -Died, oh the 25th ' flay of October, 1877,1 of consumption, at . her husband's residence, near Tarboro, l lira. Emily B.; wife of Prank D. Battle, in the. 30th year of:her sgeu Whitaker ; correspondence: A negro woman on Mr.. ' iienrpsey rwiman's plantation acciden tally it is said, smothered, her little girl, three months old,' to 1 death Wednesday nighti : Crops are' average in our sec-v ion, save as to cotton,: which, I think, ia 10-, per cent, short of last season. Cotton pick ing is? considerably' behind.1 iPortycents per hundredls the general price.., An., old gentleman from 'Nash, who had never ' before seen the train,' witnessedtthe depar- ; lurevf Capt. 'Watson's freight from, here . 4 few days ' ago,' : directly: afters which a friend - asked him what he thought of It. f Well" he said, '.that . foremost thing gin J a cOuple' er coughs an the whole string on "em got up and slid off,!' - A I! , 'I i 1 .1; it- r r 41 ( V 11; 1' -t; I - ' - X Si ' if i l t J j, J , 'I il t

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