: f tar, J. - .J $1.50 a Tear, in advance.; w w w w w w w w wo B -a S Q H i8S3S3SSS828SSSS8a 3 M M 6 to t-flo o o er - -s w b4 e t r 5 Uj'l ft..t' !. S 04 i A" n;1 k. f , .,t i i ii i e ct T Subscription" Price,:! The subBCripiloaprtce of the Wbicic mi STAiollo..: rv, ..11 Single Copy! War.'postajgeala,'! 1.M j tt mm -jk x ' t . ' montrja, ,7,, 4 4,w 1 8 -; " ; i 50 r mi. The editor of the Wadesb'oro 27i?rl I aWinuBt be verTinnamitble fellow ...1,11. : v ; i . . - Ssi- - ' . . . ! I reseotatioa.rlie . eithets wilfally o I ignprantly'feeryertaHhe dpmiohtfand l remarks of the. Stak.. in orders' wi l offenwre tov one of the persona 4 half 3vfsel6the ironical, and terribly satirical article! .a v - fninS i- "? I credits ins. witn. vvesaid i tnatiMri Sunjms'iaft a($ writer bf -"ierj soperior talenrbly geW editorV idea of haVlagemaa;; differ from oar own, or indeed fof I that matter, from all tho rest of the I world for evidehl wuenino yibxb, auu is ua not -a i great -'original mind? Selaht As I to Uov., Graham, we: said that Mr; J MACUhiia hiiirULA . ir; I t I and admirable gentleman's legal abil- I .,11 " - a . .i ( -jk . r.;t ; 1 I TT I " 1 X -. f ' ' I I lues, r iiie ( maKes . mm ot tne .jirst 1 nrAn W lnnn t, n m' V. I, i I t w uauucu .u iviivrnr aiiou u I was never so regarded bv ihk ablest . , . . t . . . ,-.i j men with jwhom he practiced, wrote ourown view of liim for.Mf Living arid Our i?eaJ, and Jodge Kerr told us it was an exact intei . - - i ; I pretauon. - v e saia men - - wnaiv - is i . . . i . ' . t I Jleraul. ' t t - 'Is As tn Jtinins. in finmmnn with I all men of general reading we have an opinion as to who he .was,,;. It may-'appear Tidicnloas in' the eyes 'of the great original" of the Herald for any one net so bg as bimself td I have-apinida:'; anything else, but so it is.. -'We.shaIl I t,.-r I hereafter get the, "great originals," J conseriK seiore irasmti are itqiilv, or i . tj. ... ti L I tbe!inexcusabl0ternerity j of venturing an opinion upon any topic, much lesB I -abdut those4 pliblig meti whose fame is in bis special keepirii 1 ..!:'.-:..- .w- .... -. tT I Wo" Tuirv rtk vAnri miat ' linmhlir ' onil I - . v . t.' I spareJustWe try amend j f 1 vv mist tne lamp nows out to burn, I ; l as to the plagiarism charged, japob j na hi Kaxi aatf ii- - m. , I Z7""A3T.TTZ Vy it does not, satisfy the "gTeat original rninrt H fntimaroi wA l,l,ifW 1 we iwyf buuawuu uir,un. u6fc wui cf- ' dit any statement we make, ahd it Is - '! v-l-': i C ' f 5 ' not. a -matter, of any,grea moment to lis if we do riot stand as welt itf ' the ""''V;..'.' " 'ir-it.':4--t 'ii ;; f-'-i estimation, of Oiai brilliant and, it- reguiarcenius, who watches, vultu re- like ta pounce upon us and our poor bantlings of J the rnd'yet-we1' know hot why the. greai xrigidaPsb dislikes uWe arow doni:; me xicrata, anu lis strictures xor an ;tim riAT, ih nMA A:aU. :-""?r.?. ;v, .M, B, .,M:,on. - auiiaure . vuuvi. en's ! l f-.i t 'Iiij :.t rftf iduus. tvbii upuu fcueetj',!' 4 !.;;:, w i : 1 1 1 . ? TilKBorialD ott ; littA xixii i A in . : v ;ji yM-VLi?: hr , iUl ."-Ve pObllSn ' belOW A-5?letter from r.Wn Si Match we rresident Board and the , valuable r, aeryicea.tQf - IT. !1 1 I -VT.il. ' lie- IB UUV UU1V' ITCJi KUUWH .-, lUi'iil OrUIr i r.:- . Ji ..l av.. i. j . ago he was invited to JN ew. t iork ta.4 ' 1 ' T r -t - ' XJ 1 a deliver an -address before a tenowried ., ... - ..... . :. , i medical institution;,, We kuow that he bas ettiended labor time and JrM nasependeq lanor, timp and money in working tq2 .establish' tne Or- 7-' . I OOOOOO wOOOOOOO OO : v : . -r -,: . - -t ; t f - y j - pUIuOjI tl I MAiAannfianArtAmenMmn I - - '. gg TttsatWitt& ttlt VSSSSSi MkWpmm ,mm Wrtmr '(8SS.SS8Sg8S88SS88d We givp th letter, i brief 'extract' : twnaaatwjeMie.;Brt th."itiioofi Dd'Oonr.' pWs raTalrT&iGener), Wi over ''SSSffigS W jW!.p '-f M HPiiiiiiii '4 ?'iH- ?,wi,?s alV? . .. w. bed . -1 i..batqbwelf cUims, sijiie originator afflMAtiod with ibe'Wedieai ieWf the i Vtf -m Boara; A TlidnleSfiOurvpiiper ortii;Uaina.atiii orgap.zeain - .-trt fgK accordance, wUh,baonsbupn)(ofSithe .shftWiprejcisely how W9i came 'pop!-, .ld State edicsl Associalripn are Aeby H-m'eADW j well baa ft disunguisped name amflrrg Sec. 6.. That the cotn'petent legfkl rtilthorl- ix!wtXi UWtt.iU'A': lvciY. ties of any county in 4 this J Stitd or any in-, . , the medrcal feentlemen jOfethe tStatfe. nornorated tow oVdWrtalh whenever m f-'i If A ' i ... i , ' f j .. v - r- . i . ' r i f Lt i i - . 7 V -',-". .: . ! ' . 1 '" ' ' fi f. -itf .-.r,l.l...f,f., VOL. o: tins;, thd b;!l creating the Boetrd of Health J w v"7 ..-. .1 f Ti vca are maviteting, as tlUtTllii maq ana sqieDiuiOvipW)iuLiQn;OttOU . j- . ' .1 - - f . m . . a Sutei5oara.pt Health, prompt me t . I .1 j . L l : . - extracted from the j prooeedrngSi of StajLelIeicabSocietyrtiifAsUarBfai perasal of tpi8 printed 9iaUer;wiU aid you;m Tormina a moTe definitef ideal of the plana a4 octRpt ihe Poardi establishi th, aacie r tbeL.act,.w4 passed by- tbi last Legislature. ; Id It' - . .a . . . . nas-requwea mnenrnara wor 10 reaon the preseut point of prosrestf of -Prei 1 1 en ti t c lucuiuiue auu oaunar y ouujDCti 'paper.' will slow that the measare bd - - a L a. r I "ioiog .in .Bg4ra;'-;ws'. iiitB there iiearlv twbi ear a6hA Eftfttern Medical Aksbciationl' 'I was inen appointed ohairmati v6i a6ra mentL -Al"s the ranriualU meeting Ir the State Medical5' Society ,1 agilri 1U V1?' r-uV2 iHirtM ii in Li umi n n. j inuiu 111 mn - n r was made chairman of-a. similar com rmittee -f rom that v DOd v i to' oress si apon' the atlentioy of the Legislature 1 .Charged 'thenty thus Impsec darinff the last seS8i6b of the Ii'esislatnre. preeehtini a raemoriai and bill, which passed - both Housed .v.u j a jj j of improvement and reform. Itr has been with me a labor of Jove, and wjll cbntinne to be so. as 1'Bhall QAAIT' - f rAm : t ha htrrhdof ' tnrtf iwod T k. rt UV, Wi. w u ta V- HIS t AUV&S uuu iuiir , , - - i . .... . , . . . I centrate the public mind;'both within ami Willi nil t. ' tit rtf oC5 nVi K 5n fan j r" " ' of ,lhw gjeat Sanitary measore, whicl seess to Daman tne canses or diseasei t0 investigate the nature of prevalent and terrible epidemics, to promote this public- health, prolong ;hdm4n "Ie? au.u v?,a?Ianc fn5 S00 Pj nnmanit.tr Inn n.lnima irr ' orifTio and thef best interests of the neorile of our i A t -. -n:-.. ; .. i. ...iteJ ..-iespeciiuiiyt your ooeaien sei S- b- ATCHWJXt, M. President tate. Board of Health of North Carolui a..-. -.: u - STATX BOABD 09 HEALTH, i , The : efforts of ihis body to establish a State Board of Health have beea crowned wjm'gmifyfag'usa,VYour commUteel establishment. And-to present a.bilL fo- wat purpose, nave oeen aingent in tne ajs- chare duty assigned them A pUl udd ui iuc ouuiaiiiicc lociauuKur frcnir. dent. Dr. Tootd, repaired -to -the Capital urf the pasTwinteVand remained tbere' no mcoosldei able part, qthesesfipQ m tbfe. 10,8 canse Wff1wnws ormemoersyach rnHiti. tvnrMtntBtiMl -ftrt tha. Atnsrinilv . . ' 1 . .- i. n r t V ann N. J. Pittmati; who resdilv lomedm following is the bUl as presented iWin$ in aoimnflr In. n.oflarro nnv rkilf I ha .,5u5 5-4Tv,;."n Be U enacted bv the General Assemblv of ; ortn V"108! iHM t 1 Sectioo 1 That Uwl aue Medical S ciety of r North Caroliaay organized lsabsequeotly reorganized by theLegislarf "L01 ""e 7. acvesiapilS i ec. 2 That the Board of Health ol Lhf, I State of North Carolina shall take cognfc zance of the interest of JiealthVand life amobe "th ciuaeas of the suteThet I shall make sanitary investigations and aif- qumesin respect Miner people, .tne causes Qf disease, especianyepdeimcs; ancTthe Bpo'ces of mortality, and effects of loca- circumstances onpu811c'health; and the? 'ndl such information ia raspectlto these matters as they may think, proper for diflfbsion femorig tbe p .b alife iiSj.V S " L i. ; 1 .v . rW m m . jeopie. i ney sban db ical d(tsers '-of tbe Ibe'overnmeBtib I regard tu tbe location ax regard to tbe location and sanitary wanitg&- meat of any pubHc institutiori,,,and!;ball I11 ita iMftnllnnOlrt Wh nilAr matter. aq iu j iucii juvgiucut uicvii, tus luuuoirvi ptdperityi happiness, ; besllb,! abd 1 lives of tbe citizens of. the State.; I bey sualt make to each regular session -of tbe. . General -Asr- it.- 1 V - r - - '1 i i.i I 8embly, through the Governor, and in the mobtb of pucnX&essioo, a report I f their di.itnWniW!ffat1anfl and diacovti. ries, accbnrpanied wrth suqb soggestions ip 1 general 'direction of the Board of Health of, I. rFffarn to r ip-tfiiaiive-- acuo as i inev; mav I lttnU,ln,li.maii -it-Anw.l,nki-ht tnrln'Ft J:.u I tuou - iuuiusiw. vcwut caA,un,ui w I ani nnvorfl Trtr ina nnn in. nooirnv ann Tin I, . - aereed upon between the two parties: and I that aUVqaesUops plating (to salariesand I aTMnrtitiiraa .hill lui raiAtwn tn tha lnrral authorities of ; the county, city or town, as the case may be:'1:' 4:;:. 7 . rfBeo7. -Tbatw board f4&l?b aS visory or execuute. medical body forvtbe I -r w ' m m ! t3?fl tit B..tII.S1 m 1 . WILMINGTG powers that may bp granted. GerieraV Assemyof M! Btat hmS t!mmT nqwpad diligence andiflueUtms :..U.i: .iiSJZuAkk f is by mnrrermraMrd,vreai- ..rATOlife : WStM' ,FWjfi.dFmlfti4?rtW awaiting the good pleasure oliCJop gross Und the Postmaater. General bievingtha;they1m 1' . ItV & vl'ltf Sill liM .R)UfJ ft:fT Kf j I Xr1?!.0?; oX.goiTerjm.fW? iat;e.tViery;lplneffirl of Mailsv entMattidemaadmalf services, and sncoeedlTibtrietoras u-,iijJlaY U't Li I hearin&r. when, confident boldness will 1 .'.fW'sii'i Major Jlobbipa..ja.nd1tptiiftrPavia hatre written r UUe concerning thd pstalv? servicer CktWaddolKihas aiso wntten tojtne rtaieign voserven dp the sarn,e subjept-VAs, he is Qhairj man of tho committee la-the House on Postal eW ami PostRdadsi and some of vhm statements are. of cenerat interest.1 we5cbovfeat?ar4 w ; iKjiuui a iw j I pears to as of the most , jmportancei TTp'ravr 'r -. .;Mai: j I ,J j.-f i" .' t'- 1 r & ''The matter of getting routes establiBbed J; is a mere routine -business. The 'llfit t)! I routes is made out and passed as matte 1 of course. The Postmaster General caai4 j not establish a atflFdutejCondres&hastodo I thalt ftatit Congress does it me rtnAs- I ter Genendls not oWigedto ptitthe 1 . o ; T M SSSRSSS uura uut vituvsc w fu uir His. mnwi'juif are just where you werei before He has a j: . 1 . 1. . WAV iwtwuaia-ibjfl r;'' jBtiaBafc-rwasSf -- ,-. , iii I w v ii.) : w. - k 'i i i ii mru wa jf laMAHMna i m feMirtiib asmb i &j a a - ii ii j a . -.s T.honcrh thA . mail nrraniramanti a rc . t 4T . J1 ;. ...ift ; '.f I ITIftilA Knl lift 1a Kal too nnnnika nav I. V : .f V. ... kwilS?' - ' ..t ' .. . 1 I 0- .n- fl H I . )--r'-'' -t tr-nff-rpyTT' f,j wiwotti entering" into a-aiscussior i dead-: that he ought to have .been on five -yearfTue, only ajrgBlany idf tue'mferitB M tW-bill.' w may )dm ithine from the Qeaeral QoMerfJmdil l.W.W-w5ti.wti:. Is JroUotf ans & tHe ; bondholders Aver it wit efH louj. PerhAps lhelaw, nutitAQitohaafied 4 .i''WsVisi'-iltti-V".. 111 bung the establishment of the Hght -soon in this respect. If, changes are, not lMWrf'. Sayejnis, an expellept, .meta :horeferao.'liei'iieees 1 nnlTan3 Ah4 committee on the Postoffice and Postroadsi SiKS : 7 . .. T say. j Whether tbe postal semcuoiLUie whole! country will, be miproyed.,lbrougi the agency ot, the committee, on the rostK office and Postrbads of the House of Repref sentativea remains to btf seen. -"I am wilft; ing to waitattd.se4.aBdU thb-preas wlU-dd, a General law on the anbiect. in time' for the - . 1 ...... V...." next xour years letting 01 tne semcey j Umet eyerybodyj;whAJ?anhiJapew or a newpostomce send us wprd. We can in this respect. 1,-Tbey-most - iadTtse their necessities, and they will unquf their necespitief,iairtrtiey4wiUun hlv rot what thav rAannafilv afilr f rvr " if," s "t; . 7! f, .TTi ""i i,TvT, lit ." iqtaw. no.w.or9 oa wi ww Northprf editors are. In the North;- customed (to-driver tg Jbisj.much, attache l as topostal facUities.fi, Her iremaricfe; If ppcati ;??gf!?4TOf tJ&imj. 1 urtbor':-": .. n.u.v, e i. j , years that I beard him in Fayelteville. . . t la Itacmv .ysHm, on. Khulh lho, mules -,WfS ffolmpmi ..WST W. S.W iill mbonS'4fNortta'1Oufali tiou ' who. jfeelthej need of .rvjyBftoKigj routes and i Wank ne w : ; offices 'estab' r f u 1 - . . ,, , , t i; fished- will not hesitate to communis ireeiy wuu iucii icuibujudovuwi 1 represepMbish.es, tueuc. interest ana we wxereigna. home should aotba backward 3riu in- a7U !1fj.li 'no'An fa oliini I' Wi A"w.'TfTA-Mf,5isA-iJ hitt :strier itccwuntkmmy as to-the disch of jlieir;omciMfewiatt( Mantfemrnev There is a spirit oUWryar?iMi that wlll where otnerw ?ise proyidedipr by con tracLwt There. ia1p.nalplaco;1At1i whict .the bill. pi.nches.-u getaim.thjs Jep4 not oe sauauea wimoui u Vl,01fr II whicb was a1 won- ' - i, icivjim ; r i . i i ',r , ij t jr. JU.., pavannan zuo.jr.itja. tne :C0inaee iot.me iiyer aoi.ari wwr Trr Tr-r-., , ji atnmcre'JRiqia, jnniaipnia r e. r . ; i ceive and hoodwtnk.thepeople,tbe a-40 A;.. New York 95 A. 1VL - - f. .1837 ahdnder tbbilUhuiooin wjfl Savhaiifitwayi-q l i jj0 - :;lefal- ThM!UJ5l firpie;taik.wiujro MWf'OT aue; Bublicd f ,navehea1I?hallyetV? f 4 Srl? M,thei'bbndlJ0ldifUDitvd.S9ttetatB r in t oonas ..swuia. iirey-arffiu uo uaiuL n be remoneuzea nere ana tne united Btatesf f-Y fjfi siirfCTR rn'T Trn t in 4t .f ix'i'H 7Wfit ,ff. iTt-tuUtii Whatever suTOIttr or fiiivex Ibere baa bep - tiralb on theamo k'oawtlr leave Treat jL&Wanoutf ti0C$C40 ' .iamb at aidllblW Epfek fchftveoalreadys.tfeAsiiupiJiheimaiwmaivf p would not ;1 and jia& traia. on. Ota tatter roadt will leaVe snver'rlIi',gdi4dowri Brf3silffKdc1v i, shipped to Uastern countrieswould do ahj-, A4ft.P M-i nwfeU??f?JnlIi 1 sV-WCF'cIn' fr3 at 1iODeatf' U'ta Estimated tht leave w e . j l - milWePM Wm ?n ;WffiPff- i - - . . . ? i ddllafWa4rgal vhvTvr.' l!dI,1EWe bi3u"wtiilworB?wW ( i. t Knt .th MnmiAt.iir.lAh..TnLr isare f isJ iniuiiQnselyt'ophlaT'rtn'Cpii meal ime'tiT uikiJif t&T-& tt &w.iu . y t . rr ft ft, ,'-:"(,, V t.. . . 'i-s . f -. ' -J --r,ij 1141 !ili;j')C IFEID'Av NOlVfEMBfiB' '16,'. 1877L' gTr.afsiKi i newspart afciK trfvery richi I day,; .GenfiratLee'fl loss of his nsaat newspswers fc-ofcan Jtvery Dtriocrat8!fn"the main aV 4ffbirerm ttirndfrMftfa!- iVfciufr..iiiikj,j-i.b L. wocrawo amiy,-paper. w I'dpilbtMWKft'et'trdt HisWTWof atHi tart i ,nU::iti.!t.nf,hArv.mi;.' i" t.A I 21 f i fWhat -wTtoW mcv w . w mw w wwauaaie. - au wai aa r ft i 1 1 niajority a8'a " : uiviit ao oov va i Bnt'th!s Is ihW-wtf4f lg , Thleadrn HMmLt-nir - I luy "iAiiiXntAHii kti,. no'aers." ino saver mil win' inmct . iti : , i great. ; injury, say tne papers,' Jupoq I that, nltiiw rif' m Art wh tiftv'nf r.wti I 'itobWMf their nW fftn yrr UaAn I w" j "fa"" tnougnvmaires" -u aimoet a persona i gnetance. 1 lneliicnmdndXapaicA I happily says: ffThar ia ttnlcrar Air fthnnt ftu dMhAtinl I Sctpaaingitoruierneaiiorsmwnatiney 1 ave to say in clenunclation of silver that I j ."r - . . ... Li. would iggest that, they are the carriage4 1. WfWw footmen of. the old.worshipj- pers. Tney are supersemceabie in their aUeglance to those' whose livery they wear, and .they put ob a great show of disdain tov wards simple honesty when' it comes too near the skining retinue pf. the devout I w r.00 ODan -, .i; n,imi ' 7 s w r ' 7. V J posing vpJjjeptiopLtQiitbe (buL. sltjas :ut ' : : ' L ' UUHA1U1V '' HI! .iHXInfllflcU tm III Ml lar &H il 1 7, . i, , T t pnnpt" confidently affirei'-wbafc Uitsinfluenc npon the curreri. l:'!11 IKWFS " I well. adapted to the; uses of trade,and yt,niay nothave a 1 J .. 1 J 1 J 1 . niU. I owy junta gviu ,,ua ; xutj advocatea,. of a eold basis' endeavor s' .'-4 sedulously .to depreciate its value to aebasa it as1 a Usal tended ' It is an aeDM f : PrJ," ''11". .liter. bondholders hcfle the JHspatch, thb I appears, ; to ; be some . 1 independent "I ' I ' .-:, : I jQQ no. pwa tpose papers tnaij nayBii Md- W H-PPPSlvVhf I remonetization scheme. - ,,f-t i Aftef alL the -gtfnTeTit8 nrced 9- v- r- t 11 rfiouth-pecek4 whl) aWotitftnb it . 1 1-. i ti aT t illy A A: I wisn 10 secure enu; 1 - bfn they tan Mve itateid- ' fictitUf 4all and henR(f : k I .' i ' 1 L" ''"- . . J wey pajdgQld.wheaeir United Stat - bonds are i taken uri. I iney aretnereoy ids ncner, ana mat - i -tne wooanai.'4ai -?wh . I oAat.tbe litotrittsie Jvale ofailvir. letral tender in ourconii-1 the nlawM aha uuivuituwj mwv.niui.iui6VHVuir.int . n ' - J. . . . . -w .. A.v"7T ., of .that metal at least to the r proportion, '1 sixteen of silver to' xne 'Of gold, whl 1 sixteen ol. silver w uuo -oi gum, wmcu would place the dollars 6f the tWb inelals t . 11 w , i j ama-.aha1 kr 1 . I n i - i. ,oldtqea8e to .bewth0.;,ouly,:worid - . haVb as fixed a Valaatiorf asTgold, and hio warn ai aiuarx. iLweii Anu uuuLrBt r advocates jot; smeiegoia standard is spej-1 ton !and "WeTdon' and "the :wirmlfiglbi, ii tiotv sfiun the flrtt pUCe siltetf js teuyinniAna ingutaaWds w 3.; l.t ij-;ffl. H.JL.jJ7i JauJ J. V ;ti;!! ''i.:M '.i.iT r ft JHOiii ti :JlV-W-v JJB.i Will lftl lJ I S. I C Ii nci V 1L-C3 LU iill L.UUIIL1 V I . . - . - . and to theiworld atularge-v -. i A John's Day, 'iff I 1 I M . 1 ' Wderstoit ?b fe wMfmM, -1 h'UfktSMw. iiW" ptbis MP.aft lXnr I - -T ill :. . OI in rcDorts uiis conversation; - . - f . . . . . ... t In speaking ol tbe r fight &f therdo Julv.1 attlettrsblifff. GebratLeb'saidr' ahaJUver belies if rt Genera) f Pender ,,Jnd remained on nis none nan n nour longer ed we would navecarrted toe nemyyB p-4 we wouia nav in . . - ' vt k-u' 2t '" Effort5 to'revehternftUmHti an g&Mfiti of tbeir-artilleH' at thi battle of DVveflgayun -prr wui I0'"' " 1 " ' ' '" " Jtj I I LiCbthop.., c f i r.'W'rj i-i-tii'.3txy!&HUM tA letter from puf Kepresentauje in yon irresq. Hon. A. M ' Waddell. addressed t tbe tsldetetfiet' Conveys the impdanivinrdrttiauoa . - . . i ij:r tio nal jjji--Wti.uS YfotU Carolina coast, one of which, .at hia.pwa be - placed on( Bald 'Mead , lap' or in abme ' Ut'ierposi will either at the Ca tiob on the Island.' . lie' is lso giving His .....m iirr, Muii.JL- - ' . . v . -- - i I. - . . u MSUilVU- W aS piMlHg' 4W- J lgUHWUOM ' ftW the Bar and apon ibq rivev.and to pr4yid ing aaufen'number.;l)uoy The establishment of a. life-saving ataf tion'at Bald ITeacf'' is a matter of J great "im portance to ahe commerciiir interests of far port, as everything tending to lesseifthb dan eer of -vessels aDDroacbirie ihefoasl i;Uori( Jieiib; I disaster4 which jWaU, iOCComyQcciA .iSjL- . v,l . i h: l.i'l .'' 'K.j-i J ,r. i 1 ''Hi i ' I 44;; i 8 !W fcU by iour commercial maj- 1 rme r-' .4; .srv aw :f Ho c.r... I ,m tti T)-i:l. 1 .iur.,;fc wiut.wtuB im0 rV'F t ,06sflreer'fronx Ifew :Torksays: Among the retnraWdelefatea from the EDiscoDil r0?!" ffT Qf5ier Con7?PHon 1 haT? f3 .Sfi aH faytion nilidtirig 'willi Hhd 'mr:1 Dfoetbrk 1 offoske and Watson,' Of oOr Bute, and df I tiine practical sermpns, each as he, was ,d- I pf the GooaBbephetd i Pooklja juisUpi u itV-?'-rtll! I aW'preachedin fercklyUHt rgtl PetrW lrjirajch.M z tf&0m ';M o.-iwofr I ie 1 4 H fi T. aihijiv v wan CfeHiea Iu FaaK ij ! Commencing November fllU,,.;llW2.4b 9 immmmm rive,, a,,CbarJteston j4Aa I t. "A-9Jt A l W l Htnnnah . . lO-iS AL KI .i EWfiMnU' i hUe 3.00 A.' M.. New OrUaas 8:35 Ai Mj t pr'jiobila ll t5 Pf tMonteomerr l20i??S mmrirmr&VWm7&Tjrm . -- cinariestop Washldgtonltib I and pxprtss tsain oath.f erifer ioad'iwal i ....,.- . ." Am I .1 n m A XT v tmI. arriTyn .t amA et 7 IR ttrain Will Jewt iU.OQ A MdlHurive i ,f jp vt . - 1?$? Vr.fr4' ''.. jnof.f MiL ' I .(J w a ir-v-e"r (." up twi a"-- -r-ri jy-i 1 dell, our Repre8entatiy?Jntjqoftgr?ss,4wa: I Upgui9h44BftriQaosi iMaarxi And.Morse,, ? of rtaur cityon December JTthliii i im i a r.w iat. auu auo iuivuu iivjai. f' l.f .Ji-V'V,,-rf 1. '.lo ononis I J'.l . 1 -J 1 L . . . 1 j . .1 I ! i I: I ll '. I IHI'I r JadS pcKy apd, tbe Knife. .."- o Oxford Orphan Friend.!"' f Jttdkd'McKbyJ while boidingcout in! Osfordkiied the Orphan Asyjium dent ,of his youth. ' He was a. solitary UelowBeiW'aliaeksoH'beysI A h gentleman.' ciam e ddngl.and nqunced .his, purpose to Bese? t Knue io everv "jacKson do v. " no 8a!iKeoceive,tKelf'ina presenis,' i ana 1 uvsirong ' lempiiion waa-plafeed before-hiimirt ijat hide-i termmedjiQt to, sellf, ,his;prnciples at any price, and ne turned away; thpugn liUQ bDdlO WCin in lllD CVCB. , niUUl I t " "T-. - Z A 1 w-.wva gvuwvuiunjTrcio v v j m maniyrantegmy,?anaricane4j(iimlAd i as a reward, tor ras nonesi nd't'o'H&'dkv attddTi;neTd& whe temipid tdd)bgforgai 1 think ftAa)kBfB and, believe ihat i airs oi earui ana rignuy rewaruina all who resi8tf'tha1t5mptSionl i 6scf J..td f''rfN-iivToE-t Oct.i2B? Uml$rJbrttiaHrdet& to- win lyoiipiease .xMPiSttB' wnav is j mpant th 4iiVRI-ht? and , ! "Lef Li 1 o;u .:-i--.. A ctTf. n. i as applied to the hamper .orepu l. H-iri-i u mmwwb II Abd oblige;'" " A STjBSKtBBlii. i ists-c iesatimisti and' VfrieanistsJUie Jbrswlgan j thewnaiontyi pf thi$ fid Me Left consists of BepuWi. J-i.mt'j ?; a.4nt7ij sviJi5i uau. iuaiuguii(vwiu wwujeu i bfk5 Wdrate fMoBrchiltsA. andftthe I JCtrfii iofii Moderated Bepublksafisi 1 That .;ia.,iLhe right, of .Which are at hm tolt hearepublmn ' 10 . - ' 1 1 ' m Mi u tr 11 bVjiB'viF-IWK-i Mi ybmi i 1 Washington Union.1 : - : f I 0 1 -- -T f f U nciaaciMprepaioletter s bearing I la -T&iue&b for tKeiriretarn:! within a i rf " -v . - - , - - - O 1 -i-, .-! J k -t. ! ouuii, naun. .HKyaauuHiu. uB-ucucu Fttfef!S.ttfff-l tflft expiratipnyf tnirty .aaYB.irom fiue naie 01 ineir rej- cblM atltoO pdstbffice.1 Letter, r'eadhf ''renp.rryl.i4Utliii,'i W-rfT Wf. A I.TrntatesviUa JnarA;; James Chamber! iseomposed3of f Banap&rt k:U Mnctetf hmnraW in Ibe first ing a'spvdfivd 'tstdffiee through Sh. DU0?:ia V bJacKanownite, n per o, DF"C pvowmec '"'"Hguiu jpendiculat stripes,; and occppies itheposi mails, addresaed to tpersonSiresidQ . tion ot.the buoy :whiChappeared from on apqst-rputef and twithi31,th)a0de Us.moorings, early .flaaiimonthtt-nT-iIt is Jiyery of -said office, may be deliverec by the mail-parner on that route 1 ithffbbrsdrid-iddisedtid1 th carrie sa desire. 1 Therei.is nothing! jiatth poBtal Jaws, or .regulations whacb tftyi1 having- populati .0,000 within its corporate liciitft is entitled to. ttve Ibenehts , of 1:tnfr"free 1 . ' ' m .. .. ' J letter-carrier system under the amend ed laws.10 ':!07:;JiJt; is n'Mf i'liiii 4l1WifclS-tfiiv'iJ (L. tllii...OiIUO .: 1. 1)" Bvuvvi VvUiue i w. JfliJ it win'-H.'-'ii.- -;' '' ' 1 J-5il. ediiThe hbstracts ijpnbiished Liu I the voserver ot tne'"7tia85.':,-8now a total of 1 6672 white, '"Children; - of chdoi "I : Ii'!.l.i-'4fto' 4r. "' 8Jllr fernQeswnTerer'arv:tl0O,00. xjlhe-f oUowiJ8g.ountaes.have;Aft sal- failed to repdrft-&lv2b tsn - W 11 " . ' - . - -"' , - - .--. w. . Alamance. Aiexauuvr, hbuu, uic- itUCk, l)are,; Dayie,f.LUpIinL drsy th, Franklin,.- Gaston, , QfeencL Ctif1Ti4ttiviAil,TnAb'aAi C ttmnA-TnkrarCn .AiL wuftfnu.!t, J ft. n; Jiitixtm 'V 1 f rePOTil Ihe number of semllleibf Jeitherfaed 'f ; JUaUoweli oountyiirepiorts lieq- Ashdonrity'has'tiOepoHf-the 5joYbxed,&ft i A Proatoatlon, fcv be .Gyernei .f' v W-tEBBAsi The lawn of jthe -Stati ;td;. Now,' therefore, I,' Zebul Vanc7We'rnf--TdflD7 Carolina' do ivsue11 th toy '-pt-bclatio-t J an- f ;pttqtifgiiTAi.ac Jio prayer, and. thanksgiving r to Jmiiih.v (3bd7oV'thbea6v; tieMth'ah 'bbAnte&uiff Wrta W'tife earth Hnffdthi1! -OT bieBine iwtierewith He has blessed j: ' " f :-: fr na i nnnn t na . Tiicginrr ivnop - onri i '-TIlt:trliirr fmTm m ai penu, as lar Bfltuiay.fuo prawcaois, aU secfilir b'uslffesd;' anaAo-d'emBlp Jidtreth nihatdii?3in'i their - ttsajUtl nraise Will be icomt)16te unless with f , V i t ft r . ff't inn J f' 1 1 f tv m t it .-J 1 lioerai nana iwe aisa relieve tne poor,4 ... .. . ... - . Kt .iJif -rrdir-A- orwVI ithaMmhaW. MWt r emp roe tmaster or their assistant f rorn workincr the ' public roads.' u Nb sa 'less - population ' than brW'ehttdrbrir-of Ht-otei' 50,t6S"ire TW." Watts, late Judgeof the Superior Court, -T.2iWsH rwL.WJ fc liTf i-giyen him, not as might- -be upt6ed from representing tfi,reiigi0u8-Bentivit lcea pf wprehiptor-religiouf;,ser. J, vices. and to -remember y that lout T :"Toit- n r i rltowBship, thcountywhdas untU re ,fpll &ilf pi.n9tlW. fiTpf..IeMtJ y) been a-county official for thirty-five jvorK vilgyJ"ifcV--i"l-M1 Ssxr iNov,., in thorvear of. oar Lorii f -V; im) and in tba'one hundred t?&V& as-smooftir andjortectly v-w; rirr -i - 7f -rr-r.. as any book-keepeii. the fytyy Ue is very u A x viWd-Peoon y W5 pf, prrr.inde- fond . .--g,, Specially fany one dic- 1 t 1 1 rl Z. p. VXly ce. t pleted be khows no more abbut It than a hog ;By thtfTriVvTbor' " u I , does of Greek.- We leatn that a Mlyounr woman. daughter of Mr. James Wil- ;: U--I-5I- -tt-rfn j'jfiti ii ? 'tcrt iriUTi JTtTTa j t s - l - v QrevnieiJeSvf Mr. SD. 1 ; JSagtey-h'epeaed military school l .tolaca.. The cadets havnreceivedAheir tnt-ii forms add presetit qiiite A soldierly ippeat - ance. ,' iRi.uxT otuo ,... ..j.ir'-yui Spirits tTurpentxiie. - ; : . Salisbury - TFiaicman : ' A barn belonging to Mrs. Catharine Kistler. in Mt. Ulla neiehborbood. - was: fired and burned !teir tbe2d instat4tegetber'witb its contents- ot 4uv bushels threshed oats and other pro- ' vender A nervptftiM pf marreBted on tbe charge of settin- the fire. -1 11 lMtmfx'Ov different lines of steamboats are crowded with cot-' ton for NortbeTn5, markets. ---- Tho4 per : -siaimon - cropM. vquite large, and already the darkey ia congratulating-, himself .upon line prospect 0 'possum W and . ftominy. - "Shingle - weddings" are., .the latest novelty.,;,. This takes , plaqe when, the first ' born:Ja'dldj:eb6tbf:to8b-bk.---: Mr. Joseph Willoughby. residing about nine :. mUvsrrrOnf Edehtonfil tMsmr large,rt)uan 1 titles of tbevery best green tea, mTh- b. ual rity of the tea has .beea tested, by jiumbersv. In fact; the difierene'e cannot ' b 'toid frobi : imported tea, when placed I in;:cnpai.besidc ; i .,-r ftaleigh Jyetcs : We learn, that, ilai. SeatonGaues baiVeiiined'llis position Aia emhejj of ttie PodjOf Directors , pf ? tbe ueai and Jjumb and. lilind institute. Th-ftvadey kak ttbt lf4t beerifniad."'---- gSpvrAof'VaheA) aa,fsuf d af procamatn . ttni m r iPUIUl nnnAurl : liMi Uhi in VltUUK UU icnatU ) UUiU $UU reward for. fbUip JentlDS, . vuuigvu. niu iui uiuiuwr vt wall 'VMUVUUi countv. We had the measure of meet- 'itik ib Ibcf city-last JnigUtifT 1 Jl Sumiler: !,? C UDU Ulf LFlCOBUtC Ul 1 I Kan.. iftnd,Gen.. W- A. Iwi. who are with I'ihe riulro-d 'ezamibibg eomcaittee a ex perts: appointed by e the-! Gorernor ton-, the tSreevtrbfYv-r owinx' beat.t-isfaU bis vbeea! arnaUv .i m 31 Jt 1 ; A V. x-. . 1 T wet weainer uie pasi monia or more. ie,ecJasev oLdxphthtfria.ati reported, to nave abowp themseiYes in the neighborhood tt T-berttacle.'lit'cbtt Soma thmhavproTed f ataJbutiit-AdaseaSvils tembertt-cked abd init vf6!vnce."i-X- B SbantQojmty IJjMw-- presiatflgr Thetstmiiii-i docxet fiuniDerea 137cases, t wo of which are capital, and of ine remainaer a jaree numner .are ioraar- waf anaiCTed.Tesa tto - Guafotd Cdrtn the motion ?f vOonsel 1UU1UV1 VI UaQ n UGr 1 UG WBOO VT bk0 1GU(I1U rtiegreelast week at Wilkes Superior Court. l:ne murder was committed by the stabbing ?f ?nf J5heit'i2li?ie March. I JudgACloud 'thinking tithe; testiraony did not yx vete a penalty as that of death.st aside the terdict. itnd allowed the prisoner to stnymitf-m-hsTaughter. where- lpon ne was seniencea to-m yearr penai nlace to attend tbe stunendous bumbUs. bbwn bs Cole's Circus,with a lafeamount J ?e? in. ow.POSsessiOT.-"he m en- 4vrtrtr tnM K ia a3hAfVjkd.filtVriM n1 irwindled but of everv cent he had in his' oosseesien and all he could borrow from - f. - . . , n ;-4f;;iLi!i'ii ..: i.aQtomatic Biffnal buov taa been rolaced, IE fcCape.Hatteravi in tweiye fathftms.of water. r vape cavieraa pearms jiounwesb uy t north; distant: about tweiye, miles., ..The near Belvidere, killed fifteen bears , in two days last wee-birosjf;Mi-i-l!'is atirpear story., - ihq jNortberufsentlemen who spent some days . in..,denton - last week peak;iain the, , highest! ; terms. r: of -M ,the .cqrdialo reception - given 1 them , by . the icitizens of jthe ..'historic .old f dtown." .r-r iA .child, of, .B-! O, Brite, near-South Jdilli, was so seriously burned on Saturday I evening that it, died qa Stmdaybrning. 1 j w warns wo "wnw :iPce. I tj. . ,T.aor amam OAvarst jronirAman nna mt resenting the XiOchieli Iron , Works, another V, T7H. ni1wai4 n V. i lt T n . ,highi Yey .road'iuTiPf gPennsjlvania, passed oyer. tne enure rnutQ ex v-Q proposed .railroad .from Norfolk tteti mjaabeth City J . . T M 1 1 . t -I. ana juuiuu. uuq u Huraurers who tihi.. our country, they were. , strongly impressed -rfltW Atrr -ffnnilM'fTtl lfTraf arfvantamM on1 J resources anfi likq them , .surprised, that I had -n hoon tnimi fnliw ntJH-A ' 1. Wilson Advance: Hon. Samuel J jii oily tonguelecturedn thisiplace on Wednesday night,14 in: the touiir -house; on . rV WMWWMJ WKKVW KM W W M Ml W .-v,ivfe v-6v.v6J. , mianr at the Weldon rfair forthe! Unrest and best assortment-;- 'plows, and besides T oriVlhft TiremlTlm mi thftir nnnnlar anttnn i'Diafater. and for the best subsoil plow. 4.v',it. 1A'fKrrit;iTi.nri I9.i . caiuuu at iiuitiuc auu iikvai uuuut task a i pronounced a . humbug; -A named - 0. A. Ballstetter, - of Alle- -Penn.,-en route for Florida, a consumption.- died Mt Robkv Mount on -Saturday. Though in astrange ldnd, he received kind attentibtf'.frbm Dr. J r borp and the cttizenT.'iwcKy'. Mount. David Scarboro. Sand up I t&neno; cluetdthe ldentyof the UCMC1119 IIU WCvU . Ui-vvTT viCU." Jja.UO T 1dr6'''4t---:: Fieii(jb-rt''brokat.'4 of Nash Jail last' Priday-faiglToniuitis is raging witn tne cniiarpo in mis section An A AAf1aal vifirtl it TfM iflM ' 'gerand freight trains rah together here last (jaturday - caused by non-attention to tbe switches.4 bad but 'for the air-brakes there up vkmm 'Raleieh()5. WPOlA no doubt rhave.beeu ftjerribje smash-: server?, 'A little child badly injured; yes- t city last fniabi Washington ? this morning. Edmund P.HiIL yotf-gest sonfttvlatvDr Wm. .1 Qm HilL'whoj is .known? among, his old I otriwl motno oo MTTIriKf TTill mir-1 n nwuwvrs wuiiri - auuvu auk aiui vu iu -fterulte a pro- 4m&& absences al?henauitetffclad in his i teens, immediately afte.. the close of tbe 1 war,' he cbnclfldid to ur saHeri ad ever he has led,a,vlu.pn,the jOcean;wave." aicyuit tv aa vuiibui. ouu .nooyutiioucu sometime since; that ibe wasjiead-vHe is a nprfp..t tvna nf ihft Amprip.an rhHp-ht intffiiint. 1 L s 1 i ? i a- !.l rt ! .ij . ji ous, anu mu - lecvnty-xainvrwua mi ; ,, l.:ij . i , t.. .ui I -IKJIC ia UlSU WHO-lebWaH IU UUGKllUFD I years. "Jie is atfiihteraftematf, cannot read l a line of prlbt br'taanu-Cript.' but can write joneBDorougD, in aioore county, was iurnedl,tq death o uhda j last Her clothing;., accidentailj ttook 4re. and she rushed from ; the house and' before she could b OTertakettvit was entirely . con- J sumed." She lived about sixteen hours after (I'thtf CKHmrreace:tu,,,fi sul J-ij--v?. - Jll II- J HI IU ,U r. VUOlvtWK ia IUK 11VU IUD vvU' rAl. 1 ing.'"-- HotfOhterltTJockery arrived It 1 s 4 :i M u 4 , V ; H Hi 1 1 f: 5 M4 1 i I 5, 1- , l m

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