m 1 Triers ittsxm r; ....... wix.Micisrc3-T03srw aavo.;-. $1,50 a .Year -in advance. it r'.'tfl) 8SSSSSSSSS3SSSS3S .8S888S88888S888S8 SS8S3;SSS3SSS3SSSS H 4 a a id V ae 3 -85 M M M S H - a 8S88888S8838SSS3S r4i -V'a.'f. i. - i SS8SSSS8S3SSSSSSS . 1 888Sf S88S28S83SS8 8888g88ggggS833S8 faija-t 8S8333S383S33S333 i 1 f - rl -JI.- fit -fA 1 fui. i. fej -Will j!!Ji;!Vii 2 Ml ! i f.-Jllu-.ij ' L4 I v ' ..4..: -m Si. ! M- . , ttj .; t e tit t-oe ' - i- 'S52S22S& SuDScnBtion. Tbe inscription price of the WSKR r,T STAB l na frtlln-ars . . ; : 5 jingle twi Vfeif. tH)8taee bald: tLSy t .u. 1 . . jmMfm,Vi99MVt limn, Thedefeflit of 'the Demootalaf by the want of fidelity- and tdevoiiou to principle1 pii'tbeairt its own ei is a CTeat omisrortane to mourau 10. power are anaoie to carry .oatiioieaagrf9 that are so essential to the maihtft nanoe of - Wood oVernihent' 1 and I the that they are not nnited ireally in the V great -questions pCtrjwai, and ltha wh;n an important; ''vital " qoealion ; , ' -i v .v'i '- j, iS-.ui i uo iu es, , i u p -jiior .. Decision o xnere f , are enough recalcitrants td alIow: the "rai nority triumph. ; j We regard Ae ; passage of the Bthdrtzlhg the in crease of the; army- as a?ivery:.;8ert- bn&iness''. It raa'nif tbatis daugerons to the safety o( ReT t . . i - ..... publican jnst'tatioB3. eight yeart! used; that ariny ati the! great uibhub ui.. vouLtiiug iut3 supre- raacy ol tbe: KepQblican party. To do this he did not ; xeerard the'conati tation or. the laws.-" His 'own Inipe noas will and u the necessities of bis party;.were the only conditions of biS' action. He literally trampled under his sold ier-feet'tbla great; '-muniments of the people's liberties, and acted as a tyrant and usurper. And yet'jtel! it not in . the' South, proclaim it not where raen love their country: and local self-government; when the ques tion ; camo 1 up t in I ' a Democratic; ilouso :of Representatives whether the army--the ., chief, .ihstrnmept sof danger to the ' con n try - and ; the main reliance pf ...ly rabts sonl4 . jb increased or diminished,'1 there were thirteen members who had '-been elected' as Democrats who ' went over to the opposition, and voted with the party that had sustained Grant in all of his hostilities to. the people of i the , Soutb and In rallbf His Violent as , saults upon the very i citadel ofv the Constttnrirtn of tki'iiTirit.rir1. ''Tit '"U .:,rr.;rrr..JI,, ..wuft; The defeat1 of the iDemocrats is rendered the inorehumiliattng b'y.the fact that the 'press' and the politi cians bad , proclaimed n.iti.from -one end of K the country to Hheotheri1 that ; thp .s requctioaKjo the - army, was of primVtieeessity andjone of ihe cardinal principies; of the party, i jThJ danger of a! large stajidfn jr,; army to the conntjy. basi .beeQ .well' tuderr stood1 from the7time ofc Washington until the present. The best and ablest men of the couhli'y'df in the ppreri dayaiofiho-Rebiic invariably opposed any! increase Joif the'regular army. n r - I "f;. lbe , x4qrthern, . Democrats j, were about ' as faithful the Southern democrats JTO this, tinMof;trialfiif the jthirteen feq!Vote45lwHt the llle-: pab hcanajitf e:i;swere ;rom i Texas:; These; five;fihowe3 ty iii&Votesibal iney naa .no; reatuaBderstandiBgrot those -dangeEB iddea or exposed, thatthralerrils'exist Btantlyn -'!;.; vi?fosiilja" 't -iimhUiu carried -out uoceesfully their ?pur poses, ir all theifeniairiing Democrats. . had continued tfUe. fi There werV five i-emocrata.woouabdeQ.ed themsiBl.ves just in ; the11 crisis', and thus, 'allowed the army bill t0! pass.nThey iwero Savlef ff Ohio' Clarlte of tCentticly' Walker, and Douglass ioi Virginia and ! Morse of1 MiaiJabbusetts. l';3y.; thta act of cowardice oriofidelity, they gave;Vi4ory 1tMe!' JttCal at a cost of I nearly eight million of It has been declared, -and pessibly uPn go?d TUialflOKen; r twenty more absentees ' had been necessary in 'order to '.secure thetri- I Cf'i 5 1'itU if j (jt. 1 Li r 1 I VOL. 9. umph, of the IiepnblicmsL they could haehejen found.iAhd j why oi? If vuirieefi could be fdumt to 5 Vole with the; Republicans r n pon - a i measu re i d V iui:1imjita Mil 'Hlill A' A . f .a at wHy, could, ot In br twepU oth ersW ifouadl tiquallyt lobliging and KgrabtefolWdciif'w plans? tli'iloi'Withi rtAa jT F Mj-.i a ... l r I .1 .1. greafe JfFrmanipapeiVAhera l;: j We &an?certaini oibeeDl'U 4 conclude OoiuturesQltr the conflict over we army Din, mat thai; administration hasso ;occaaioa.. to fear, any raortiof hi-( ervfrom;tbelemocratic poriiop. of lhe , Hwse," Indeed, It would nut be too much to aeumethat It lidS exclusively iii the pow er Pf the President io.brw.k tU botrds of pahy on the DetnocraUe aide tQ suebb de-j ?rfe that the. Democratic, maloritr 1o tha House wUl beentirely wiped oui?1'fV f lUr. Abram. Uewitt's bnepf -the leaders, t Um i fias ne Vbr 'dQe iaii !god :for:? the1 democratic lpartiy vet. Hijs a'ifanare . itefetitlj; : I4e $?aj i-jnember pfthfij.cpmmie, that reported hth4 fuctay bill, and id ; his tIace inttho'IIon f f Let taa.' jwrovide iisi the! 'support o'll'thk armr w we nod iwaecordintr !to the actual nutnber Hir4ktoittptii aai to' wnetner ,u fa twenty taousapd, fifteen thou- : iWith such a leader failure was aU together a, probable thing. . ine Jxew Xork o bas this to say in pregard.to the. pemocratio defeat; fNo attempt was 'made, sto, investigate the contracts which ihe War jDepartment had unlawfully ' entered ' Into for. half the flBCal year, overiag ILeWbole of the extra an4 - partofj the ireguiarj seaaioa, for the Support, pfjf the .army , its nazlrnum, atreneth. or, the usurD&tibn bv tha Exeeu- ttve of fa action exclusively ' belonging to wMffioih irua an auiucuuv sjfiUi rj v iu CA hibiled to the House she wine the numbers f the' ariny( until: Ir.'. Banning contra-; aiqwu uie voouicung aiafaemenig ot, bkiu bers of the commltieej " j A ? ; . iy. " ' 5'TheHou8eswas asked to vote blindly and loosely, 'and to appropriate wentv-six mil- Iioaa " wtihqut uesfion.," via it eorprisSog- uat unaer mis state oi t tacts, and , lp ,the absence of a clearly defined and affirmative policy,' there should be a ; want' of ' unity, anc) thai individual who had griefs fo re verige or supposed interests to serve should hate wandered off ? ; There was no leader worthy of the name, no rally of the forces, and no tact i the management' of the bill On the other hand, the Jlenublicans stood united for' every possible increase pf lbe array; and were outspoken ' for every !ad ditiboal dollar of exDenditttTe. 'Thev never flinched, and they had no desertera.u. I .Hi It is -idoubtful if j the, celebrated race horse Ten Broeck will be able to make the tace with Lorillard Parole In the Spring. , The Kentucky Iive t - i i Stdck Jiecord of lh 1 7th inst. Bay 8 of him: We went from the house to the stable to inspect Ten Broeck. and wuen be was led tout we confess that; he. looked a mere wreck ofj the grand: horse be was last spfine. : He looks weak and dull oat of lbe eyes, bis coat is staring, and be is extreme- iy low in neslr, his neck as thin' as a year ling filly'av One can count every rib in bis body, and his quarters are deeply creased and muscles wasted awav.. We account for bis defeat at Baltimore from cold and ex treme lowness of fie&h,and it will take him some months to set back hi form for a sorine )'' I; e. jmainbody, of4 thefBussian Army: in Asia Minor are now maroh- Itf en on Krzeroumi as Kara is fao lousref in the way. The fall of .the former aius(;aoon jouow, j.ii. anoi.,10 pe wondered at that' the Porte is willing to, entertain1 peace proposals. !, It Will bef too' swift,' however, to conclude that th enof the j.war, ,isuathand, It'tjiay be continued through the win ter jand far into the coming year. ,s t !The lines which the Wilmington Stab. attributed to the Earl of Derby were, writ-. rea py rnmip stannope Wortley, .and sent to' Glen. Lee: 'under the circumstances wrobgly applied to the noble tdrd,' whor4 we near or now tor tbe first ? timet in 'tbis cpb nectwp.iWeratrj Jndex: AppaL4i ktaken again, brother Index-Ap' hatage. The article was not credited, and; so we could, not giye credit, ;,;Ip, fact, we have seen it ; in several ex-( changes. , , , :fii,i ; . ;iaor ltODert- riitigbam writes us of? ihe'date of ihe 20th iiistant that I 6 - - " ' ,1i;i.:' uiereiuafi oeen outgone rouu case .01. diphtheria in Barracks, and it yielded tb; tVeatment and the 'patient' is'abdut well. 1 be disease has never beep i n the cam i it-- I . Th immediate,, vivuaity off iIebane8ville.,Huttpr,i i '. : ' . ' . . - . 1 Tr.wnn i We. make: the i statemeb t' 1 16 correct any? false impressions about the rnat'. ?t-! ?' rThe State debt of Virgi nia araouil ts to-i tS!2015278.TW8 .;js;.;the' amount to be "readjusted." Let the. Virginiansr8tickto the bell-puochund they will have no .trouble ' in Uqiii-l : will one day get a statQQ if that.regi8r !er bf bis keeps on ringing out its'" -ma ai?i' l vti V? .- vt; ; f i ReiC WV; Bennett, DD.,n ae Jnior eilttbr ot thWRibhnibpd Chris tian Ativocdte has been f feHcted. President t of Randolph Macon,' Col lege. TjiAn excellent selection.' fe'J ?t xsrnara oy tareoriJutierrxiByeB is doing well; sd well that I really wish he .' T . J : 1 I 1 1. T . 1 TT. L bad been elected", 1 si ,"1 : ..t i t i . , . m 1 r-nM ui vur- il N j- tit , iWlLMINGfT0N' -ltA.'.t- 5 iRecently : a.jNohern writer ihai undertaken, to ahow.i that tbe d varw aijirf'ttori ImlanufaciLfirinHiarii Altogether Mn favo'drvw Wrthl isrlybks wn remember that the ; rawmtoriaF is Wised io! the1 Solhat;1abr W a itidanfana cheap1 ine'ortK that there ia . water nawar.m almnct Pfldjess 8npplyaqd that, fcheflecesagfy, mebmery . can jbo obtained ati bdt tittta'advance on what Nonherntriarr-1 'ufactifers Wld'havet Stable business as. any of,. the .North- erh ..faotoriesv Why-- wrttertf shovld attempt .tomakxiPar that thf JNbrtb has the ad vantage cautiot def1ml,?1 Fi WHeceponor ,rom i deceiving u others. .Basse-, bar xauacyj we cannot doubfe ia tteti mains at peace, thererisr crood reason po8iblyvtwenty,wherw there ig tiWi onje. Time will abHs& we' Wel' as sured," that' ' lbe 'Sotlth Ta peculiarl v .J.-ifiii n:-ffu.-ima- 9ii. A.b-jiI f-t a targe scale,' and that .tbtf true. idea j IS LO and ! Mri' Atkinson; of Bdston; Isir life has given force. aq tthQ,.nbm:d Wfl Kave'follbwed in his'wakd'BuV ioweu .to naves iR.aApeirfcW.ayniaifte 'Sbhth'has brains and bewspapers a pensanff tltese will ba usiid Jreely infi ad Vocatmg itbefUu.ms of thtstsoctipn aa j thOi great coUoninianufactnring.J centre,? by reason of Its great doaturaP . Somo of the more intelligent Nprlhr ern writers cieariy txisoern tnot snperr. riority of the South over; the t North in ktd.iac6iia'mihnt1 nng.i .rnopg, . tnese israic. . Cheney, -h who- has .pressed iut opinibrt i- the' Gfrahitit Stat&Fie ' iihat &tru in Xew ,ja.amp8nire nasi gprooapiyr seep, ita.best daya.?, i Thia opinioh Kal been controverted by papers ' in that Stated ' He' 1 returriaf 1 td''the opinldn', and mawtains it j with ability, in an elaorate article.; He does not thil( tha large mills already erected will stop wbrkj'but he thinks ibeir' dlvi-' aenus wui grow iess.r we copyome of bis .views , in exUnso, because, t we ; feel' satisfied the South, sooner !or' later;!wm findH pdwerol nVeam?f1 reoperation nngvHiair. vineey says.s , je fi,i;ji d rPossibWnlocal'i cairfuas'lvesulrer local pride, may now and then build a We W cotton milL Bat it will be like rowing. a boat op stream against a, current, and, djvir. deads will be smaller. ' Large capitalists, having money to 'brverf where It1 will do' the most good," are ndl gotn&fo put It into' cottjoamanufaaturing inj New Bampabire-M oerUinly not Jn any part r of tun alateufai: removed from tide water.., The coarser, cot ton4 wOl be "manufactured in the South. Why'?' Jii ' Kiviyt.t . ''tii s'M.'i ". Because' the f cotton is there' Now what is saved by manufactoriog'it 'en the spot ftJ Three very importaat Items are m-; braced, in this, calculatiort,i viz;; thdxottif. freight, the cost ; of pressing,. and the loss' unrli A&mmhre in trarudiu the latter' ambunt-' ing to one-twentieth bf all the cfttton sent Nortbi .! tTbesaSjare a jvefy coasiderante 1 ir.s jifYt !5i1 tYJi ifijff urinma iacxonea latne cotton. I lit w.l 'h'bV dairry the poitbnto te jfactoV Items. t eve u, S t r ? iWm-Hsp 4 'Hf lfiW.WIPUig bun inpennentiary. "liThe water Mwer in the.his.J3u8t,r he am fTAnH ..him" it. ..... . . i ? S. Tbeclimateji These rekma,f by f aon bf the mild winters, are never-' troubled with ice.;; No care; has to be; ! taken to pro iecti wheels or buildings, from, ..frost. ; , Jk much cheaper 'foundation, and a much cheaper building anlwerooflrianufactu ring purposcsif ' 5 j 1 "4. Not only tlie cottoa tbuti the" wood, the coal and the iron are; there, i . . ., ; "5. The laboring population of the South have not yet contracted the expensive habits of i Ne w1 England, bet Hvec more' as-JOUP fatbers, did. , r They knpw nototng t aooui carpjets, stuffedfurnitare and pUieE,expen-J,.f ive articles wnicnaoornine nomes 01. xsew .1 Eneland mechanics Their dress is Of the-f Plainest kind.They ktfow?BothinBOf beef iteak.War cakes" tapiceJI tea.fcQffefttor act can beset aside nithjcpctosn us seems.iTresi8tlDie. -. r , -rr t South, had j toeLbeBt 1 partiof its lesarapid development. ,In.tbej discus UlflTbl I' WUMV WWd aywwM MWIW VVlviPii v sions on tae siaveiy issue 11 used ireguemiy t id be said that if sttveryl were abolished the' f South would do itsownJmanufaettiriDg.and'f We aUeaati admiUedUfaittiand sagaim One source of -New. .England prosperity ift Cut on, ana i seems to us wise. ip,iaceine truth, and seasonably consider, whither ytr hither We rora ions time tbe finer fabricea, had the: machinery to make them, iwMi$oib uajas the mtnuf actttreTof 8?e oarsertcfothsJl beweaunprofltablebyjfeasoOfS ..tltlonT w fafroanfttf'nfaernre ,apd; nence;re .-U9K)PyPiri.P9uiae8unea 10 pe poorer in tne eua; xUfMt bread is almost AinKDOWDj I m. ii"i?. iQ?: b?.:r .: t r:"': Tbey live7 prmbipallr on sweS ptbes :W!llS W pbrk,flshi corn tbreadj'-'homiOyricendJ Sr jof !the -Union i and more i dbbts; ...vwedo not. aeediow the, forcfiiof . these; nlV ,D DrKen oanKS, ana tens ot tbqur. -pfflaef goods, and ajereatvatleVyarttelesteaSbedn ?Mibd ydti,'-Philadelpbia now imported from Englandi France; BeK-'t -was filled ap last year With rnilhonaoF giumyGermanyrVattd SwltaeiladHf WAfatAi u.:i inai inece win new if rail-' p shire aaraw material of i any kind f dr ex-4 I f business in more senses than one -to freight' I i , r jLi jjJJit Jo y Vi t-.,jtl t . 'il'V Mi . .- '.. . : 5?ch material toNortlLrn and Western iiuw inese are tne matured views a- far-seeing New England man taTanaito.regara.tBtejnJacta uadecntroie- lighUs iHia j 1 iew' will bi fully -feustiined by -lhe' events of Hie f uVurew11 nrdstrt biM With" ' VslatlOn with .Anr .rinhlnrri1aKiv 1iuvkai4 oa ilionorablyiahdi satisfaeterilr'to bdtbreditdifarid 'debWrr lbeW'!We rllenlefbfe t .i r I .lit: J li rk - tt Xiiii iii. Bdath determine, to jnake.the most of . va10naq4 Jflgacytbey iaveioherited, .arjdj.ta Pfact.weU itbe living ptesent,? ; jeUlbghQeai 'paSfa H woii, meu we snail oegin to pros- P,. M 8hQtt4jrty ite, persuade, at7 jtrkct immigration and capita) . by ' fiUTritfairu Afid fihsnorable v meansi f 'With 'oapital factories will BDrinf? nn over;tiut!f,aif1 SbkhfandV iiithe bup wimci uc(ss win inueea Desin to 'Pl08 'Petfsf. untprprse,, en. LrfeyfuPnUedi urpoae .with liberal arid, just. iLawSji willjieurely speed the &i KWQ Ihreftiflays agoiwe, briefly remarked npon the failure o the pen feeing1 and hearih"lthatT the'great olithed and bedded, at the nnblio ex- yie puuiaumeni,:snu uo not regain it as avgte evitMaby bf1 ilhent'iipotr heiieye jiouQh tin tbejtyirtaei.of .-. the. wnippiogipbst both; in ' its - punitive abpwfbrmatdTy: Aspects.' Thirty-nine llisueb ell laid oil have' a terror cbn- ' ' I --!ii j!vi'V1' "i'!j;r.s.,i:! ;-4ii;i-j..--fl netted with theii.that calculated tbl make ..evepiJthe ordinary .thief. 1 . . - t - withhold hi a iiandi;It is yery certain' mH 1 . - -a ? . a v uiat puiaging, tnievtng, Bouse-oreaK- ;j8f ; and -other :icrimes are ''far more pr ivaleiit iibw tnan at ahypenod be-' wre tne mtrpaucuon ot j jxounern notions andideasThe abolishiug of ih whipping-post .was the signal for wholesale Jobbery io? the 'chicken- tbdal and th"hoj-pefif ' ah for the iii Lrod uetion iof an -incapacity on the partrof the man and brother" to dis tinguish between 'inine atid thine.' tlyi.L'i VUitH'J ij-i(ilit 'n,, ,:i 'U' IV e are . glad .to note that many, of th0 State papers are beginning . to consider the wisdom and propriety of estojringj.he usefuj and efficient WMppitig-poat1 bf: ? our ' : daddie.w J,. 1 1 nt.ifft '.ftiii .1 i;' ,;: .mi l ;-. ;! 5jqce wft; wrpte oar, article qf a. day or so age we nave received the; fast Hills- bofo Recorder that has.a timely edi-. i'bri tbe,lubject, r We 06py the ,m ii i.imiI m i.'ii UiUA i -v , - toial' opining paragraph that contains the ... . : Xjejw brati 4 old time darky,?, which are in accora-witn tnose we expressed. Thb Recorder saysi1 T.v?'. :J X--L , OL?a.Ta f , i . a - l - nptjKuig since an 01a .unjo aarxy ota tlix 3 in speech and modes ot thought, step pec into ;our office just as an eulcer of tbe Jaw was' passing witb a negrot i in -charge to be lodeedla the county jail to await a trial fori Urceny.; Wo - remarked i to ' the 'old darkyc Vthere goes .another .candidate for tbe) penitentiary." s "Dat ain't de way, matter dat.aia't de way tIt dont do a bit. Of good, nhrger-idonti mind . penitentiary pler gH dare, and be .gitlpknty iloheat, ancf he get his closeand hedont. bave bo woik to 09. ?. i ten you. wnat u is, - master; heap better off in , penitentiary dan fl ai nome. xou amtgwine maae aim nacx. ororoite no necic' 1,i ,tye hgreeheartilf 'with ' the opin- iv l . . .ri-!i-ii.n rt' u a ivkhdWbelieVelt the duty4 61 the press to agitate the subject until the people are unanimous in WsfUdting the hextLegtala' turaj to proposd that contitutionalj amend ment restoring .the whipping post, and whfch' amendment J was - so unfortunately omitted by -the iaet Constitutional Conven- lidnfRIRKaCiUv Soptri indeetf 'p.6or.- ' With j i .uvjhiifiou.'.j'ii. its WJ Ma!iUt ii.kf'' YftwtV tvLll ? .",.fi"-.fi- "Banfls of failares,?iand,; tremendous i.lLs 1 . k-vwM e-in v ? :Ti. - 'i,fnt r 1 - lWA.'A'vlHwli - ja pnej month-than ir North- Carolina in 1 , i ii.-ms n e ! ,, a,. ar- wimww,:uc l:CWmptrollet of Philidelphia; bas inst , mkde his annual statement. He reports twelve monthBmonntalto ;be4 lif eeb forty 4fld fifty millions of dol-; iars,- xne uotiom nas not yet Deen TOsiiofi. ahdinade .tcks of mohey, a ' i:n"i.---:'-:-' u- '-1 t u. Apd )aljlJ',there"isj;fceaVy ifihriage M witht Philadelpbia so with other: cities throughout the plethoric Norths I 1. 11.1 VliH I 1 ; .1 i . . . T Ll "Jl I i-i.".f r M'f,''ir'l ff itentiary' to1 Tefern thieves and 'punish WM We hM' satisfied, Ibbth froni vciuk iiueraieu uegiu at once tueir that the depreciatitftrnnTvalue; of the 'real estate m that city ,d arm e .the, 1 Vj.J v t;urt ...l'.'U 1 HfuJt(tl I II jt if .! ti. fKititi t Hit -si .h t.; m ,ft.)( .. .v (i.iiffx: ., a; I n Tti-ui I ; 7i J 1 Lvt lToqii r oif I "ii('vlvn! '".MflTMl -O'wotii vull- vi.'nia . 1 .' iii.-.j u -.j. u Ni.i 1T1 iii i,".w;-t jinwimau Gf T7orlh,f aadi iDuacani UoHaaau it sfe nh qaentPQllrtaxvji "ibiiK.bUrtibirtsspAiay-Jd i ' 17 dob nrauoi n uemmiasianer unuom Whxrkas. There Is Teaaou ;ti belieVe matin Justices of Clwlfeaee, n thecity df r,vurauigion,afe ; tpropoatagatoiuinatiftite prosetutiona asaiBst a lirga number stw per sons for failure to listtheiis ell-ax fand. .'whereas.lt is thexinloapf ihU'Ik)ardltbat 1 such prosecuUotMwUl taaloly:! result aa tbe; ucwaawioo oE a na smwni ot. costs,' imposing an tstoteraoie'. ; bBTdeK'-ebii the oouaty; and; waeteast Ulbele8ire of this' Board to bava the taxes coireetedr witb iaa least possible xpeases) tbeitfore be it o sv ' lieKaeajnUMt tia u sauces bf thefeace of ! this county are berebv reaueste& aot-to iastiiute rjtssecjra feaayjp.ase" excepfj wan ine uisubci uuaemanaing vnai iney must look totaeidefehdabta, ahdnot tb tbe county, for tbe costs of such proceed inga. t Eetobxd, That It is the duty of the Sheriff to maae tnorougu exeruoBa w eoiiect'tne poll tax bv distress la everv ease iwheiwiie' cannot otbierWlselect; and where .any property can oe To trad to seize it; audtnat w his settlement this Board will not allow biro for insolvents, extent IW cases where it fnlu ly appears that after da diHgenee tbe ta icannoc Deooiieeteo m oiaM,?o tteaoived,. That the Finance committee bf this Board aieifceroby appointed a special committee tbftiuil wlAUfe magistrates as to the poll ta preaeentioaat br.s ,hiio ,! Jt. Tllat Ihaacemmiiteob Instructed to advertise, fted.ttesinc parties'. wuu uave "nov iie'neirpoir:iax w3i at pnee wfth'tbe SheriffJ4nfd:pylne' tax,"? and save ts ior thetoseives.! w e im-mi il- On application' of; ohn.Tr6 V.as' jraiuvu icfnae q retail jBpjniouiiiqiora, in the city of Wilmington for three months. o isx assessment in tiarnett 1 ownsuipwas, not granted i'ii; m ld iiontuiy I r : . I Oa' motion ; the 1 $pplieatka df ;United oiawjs ouiwta was rcierreu iy tQuiajrniaq Wiib powr to act,;- ; p-;b ytai m u molioathI s , !BAii.ttoap.nQnBOR;v i? '',: : Colum blav aBl ? A ssniu j Railroad Pur cpmrauity:w.asi.ehockedretlyJye8f ft!0 H,eK.rfPh! .iWWfip, muui.io me cueqt inai a lerrjuie acciuent had occurred on ; the 'Charlotte,' Columbia and Augusta Railroad. There were various rumors afloat ih'cbnhecUon with the 'sad ' !':;:. js-"lt . !;"" .'uttiiu wits affair, one .being to th jeliect that Captain Wi Ri KUne and Mr. 'John White, former ly bf this ' city; were ; amongthe killed. air, rf uiie, uruiuer 01 jne jauex gea- tleman telegraphed to .Charlotte Jauned-1 ately for inforaationand received a repTy that hfs brother W as pot' kitled, put yeVeT k r ifiom." information since received, I we learn that;" the - kocident' occurred to the Northera bound train which left'Oblumbia at 12 IL ob Friday two passenger coaches and tbe express car ; being precipitated into. Bouth iork crieek ten miles iputh of u Bock Hill, Sj C, by the gifiogiwar of the tres tlej in conijequenoe of the foundation being nnernilned .by. la' "'irjK-et. J 1.4a, Jj&e;, cxii-fili', irom tne iaiij oeavy jrajosuv-itjw anu. tender passed over ; safely , tha structure. falfing Just wlhen ihe - express and passen gerj cars ' were well on lV There were eighteen passengers, on ;tje rain, the most . i . . . . . ot wnom escapea xarpugnyie .wiuuowa 01 , tne coacnes and waged tnemseives in tne s. from whence they were subseauentlv rescuea aner , mucn suixering. ine ex-4 car juxned imig frje.; pf wateri while i tha cpaasejixer. coaches 'dropped- into :i the middle -bf ihe ruhning was vwiukj.; j pui ,ivc fuq AieaJAWKJU ne coupling the engioe and tenler would ua dQnbed&' baVe; ;been. 5rgeaIKi''ano, I f 1 - T. t i t: .1 1 f alien fyjtto,fflttisjtoi& ej. press car, to which- case -the -loss Of life f ' ii-i-.-Li'i--t.sJ t "irri: vj-li stJj&i jmta. dr-l wouiu uave oeeo mucn more serious man IS UbW; SQDlJOSeCL ; l . .osnV.I-. .f i-lfr,- 11 Conductor Kline, who was reaeued about abalf-af mile 'dow'iW'Mrfherel he2 was iu.udu ciinj(ing iu uw.iiiqut a -ireeis . reported badly cut on the am...W&-Ji-0(rr aud James 4 McLauchiin; bf 'Chailbtte aii1 reported to, haye.)Jbee9J4iowirepJ.n, one of the cars. i a W m.. .Oyment; of Chariotte,- fs badly cut on i the head 'ahd f acej 'R;f McAden, of Charlotte, has a rib brpken, andj j;iGrSteey,of!'lk4Hil knee' badly ' mashed.1" A; ladyrname un kqown, is reported to have been' drowned - rin obe of tbe cars. A special train left Co-2 lumbiafor the scene' of the accident i at 6 o'clock Friday eventng'.1- ;bi fV .J?i7 ;,D.-1;1 ; Tbis is. extent of the j informatjoq re-: eeived up te this time, and, the numbecof i lives lost eannot be accurately stated'.'5" We' - ezpccteu iuu warntuiars oy leiegrapn. dui were disappoi h i.rL vii-.' 4 .r .tto Sle-a of hM IaJ-arlea -1 i-T.T -.t We learn trom I a'i letter received ' from kr. ijt'jmiMm .Clintbhpjoii --9) D.- Lamb, a! resklentf Jthat'Dlade,1 allnded ibin bar laJt iasueas beinco'nSrderetl i$ a batcbetmthe bands or one of ibis: em nts Kovtnrr -MoKAfl tliotter afla hia decease.JLt i f i J Uii Mae Itimb5 ; of ' writingWenesdaai 12 ' . ,4'4. . f4 . v . cr f . r .. . . - . 4t I .. . ociocKj an mquest was neiog new over tne body pf the anfortnrjate gentleman, and hia same aav .at t&ree o ciock. . , i ne party ,wno inflicted ihdblowthat 'caused his death" was' arrested 'and Commuted 'Ib' jaiai' atatetFin'Ouf laali'R-liHi -!, v 1; -r-The Grand, Jiodge ,of Masons sets at Raleigh on the 4ib 'of December.' meets ThePqard.of fntytpoma ioi Special asfoaHea$ahIaybafteraooa prefcnL-'lt iQ.Wkgw.L'CliaJ and. CenlasfpnersX'B. iraioger.j.R, pl6yee, died from his Inj nries on Tueiday 1 lastjat bne;boceKP antii 'IM IT U-.tO1; V 1 iehfai ILc j JliU -:T9fV JjyJy ijl JO'i N.0 v) JkW'Miitinpi ' if lir'ow Train OIT the 4 rThe IWreked, Wednesday mqraing. about thirr oe)u uiiico auuvo i.uia cur. uiruuEU in iron f UmkViill beehvWaceicross'thelc: Thti -eaglneer'an'd'cottbidi-lcovered thb toDsttuctidap but before the train tcould bte ikeh its AiBaVir'amdenr at a.1 nit'an-riberala'beeb gdfog;atfuBpeed Aniax?1" wouldin.aUprobability harebeeii fearMneia-iTbe0rai HSWHL. no, doubt! jjuu -wuu Lue new PLwrecsiDZ tne iraio.as o pru, wo icuu, oviuuiir -cuaineu. w tne erbsiiei?a'rVarnor OtM 'WatM -nared bv the authorities to ferret out' Uie cbuU iHlPl j lenlnf oiiucmn wBUiqantgui, jiHTe;erentuaiea inia Wholesale -ifeStruttiOn of lifeJaridpwperty, This w the jeeondailLerM)ttak en the,jtrack(CHiroads coojoectiDg witli this: ICify-duriBtbepaBt-Wetk ofUwo; m. The Eate rb-tVttlBflCfcaeJrc'af iiK!?? From'a,e3ettet received- f r6m Mrtt?i2 i Ldonard wb)y as 2Pe9!fl JPt-?flerieldjth mh nest Over the body of the lateiThaddeilsS rrSfwe ieirb tBal4hferSwas a 'mistake U kilfnhtHXi JfliTlt!l U'i-:-jHft t'O'-USa ft eW?nteflCthatffhe;i veraici ei jjaceiaeniati arovping.i JttryJi. BaVsVThriV'b'a1i hftti wfiiinl rt-fer'thA right eye; thfe "JarV rendered a verdict tbat! aebe'ased' Samg'io'is deatn f rbl m& on 'jie. f heiof romi cause unknown-'Thisj wdundj.was j probably i received vin-. f allingj irrdnvlbe bpafeV;?i , o. letter from the brothers at the unfor- ifjapate man requests that ;the. body pe. al-j wjvcu iu remain wucie i. is lur ine present, orJ Snow's Marsh Island. "1'' 1 'l .. i ,5iioij.jiM.! jTj"jLf"J K.i. i. niyaiif , lth: h fs appbtntme ni fatWe Fif tn street IT cujarch to day! in accordance with the law df ithei iletfi'&diata, ,!wbich, allows i bone of their ninisrs to remao, bn the aamework pv JJJput Jpaff iar8apnt( this popular, di rine closes his labors as presiding.. elder bf the Wilmington district,-and will be as signed-to 6me otrer-field of labor by -the1 annual inference! which eodvencs at 8alis-- bury. id a Xesyf days. ,Jt is iWith the Jeye ajid es-jeem of theaentrre diatrjc that Mr, .Black icavco uia wutK, rur aiLtiougu a u stranger when he came amongst -pur pedple 'four1 vkf's aeof bv hujTAairenial. friend-! . i ly, urbauerr nianriers; ' he has won the ad miration and esteem of the people for him genUemaa, ehristiaa and divine. -i ii it- tr -fiitr- .vitHV'til- 4 fill ' 'i !'. ? A Correspondence WhlcU will Ex- sit , plaiIieif.';-4Ju. 1 Special. Dispatch to Journal of Commerce. Ai I .. CotTIMBIA. Nov. 21. . . 5The following telegraphic cbrres-ideVc-b blbctfrredestetday n"f tit j Rhtomv ChW.XtCthcorit ; Gohxmbiaii ;f fTbe indignation about the treat- Intnt of the' Richmond . cbmpany75at yuiuiuuia, in riernuie. .am Burry.x. bad!ianythncitp"'do'with it.- j v- . ( y ' ' -' - - . - - v.ii ifimmi .... There t js j general; regret,? chagrin,' and. even indignation ' bere at1 the fanare" in courtesy ttr tbe 'visiting mil-5 itfef 'buiheref the judges arej qajnsW oiTheyi,wei3e.l7oi- ted ;otttes f omcersitf and -'igerJtlemen and3 did their -4'duty;:6brdenti6usly TlW jawafiH .I'prrfv, Htte tni Baeli atf sJeinliewaeef Ceiajkreaai Vstl jnojejatio-' majority qC' the? Ilbuse of nepresefitauvea to. tnirteen. anere ate now 20 V-niembeirs,- of -vhich 152 with ! tfne Cob ressibnat 'district un- rej resr4tedrtbat oEloVAdTviThe 3ei late bow'stands,- with the; new De mo cratib Seaatbr-f rbmt IbdFaba'ReH- publlcarisEeni W1 1 Si tWnXBiJiinS;i trjee vacancies, 2, from Lonisianaand 'ti "rom South' Cif5lina:aWitb!Mr.' Sh trbp7jofdae wih, whom be j has tvoted aoii some ustionsHbe.Rei)ablicans have but twb-liiaioritThe Senate las not beBcaetymdebtJf years! VQ ranting the rRepuwioapa A a magority of ifobr; or even) five, it will be noticed that- tbfee vptes are- only required tpestfo almost an v question., that ma v arise. I1 I U "jwix31&XJ1$ovjI The v-essel inspected "'bFbein-fdr ' buba'sish: at feritJsuniHer the stream: oiS Bristol, and tnear:by is the ret;nuec'utterli8amidbl Dexten :Witu. ner ,guus uipun.i.e-u. :j a qe ASieMe his riot gother clearance papers, "and tha Collector at that olace. ner -order bilhTreksurDebaeHt; refuses ia give' tbem'tc heV'nbless' shel'pre- seats an inspectors certincate;tThe loca Jjoard of t. lnspeetorsjjoli steam boitert: bavetrefifsed' a m certificate i on jtej gtdfihd hatebile;48 Tatg is not jL&e real;reasqn.v;..?2.iaon si si.Mi i .The cavernmentj until Ralisfied she is nov iBcenaea-iov tne vuoan insar g6rittfwintewsatp3;ler steamy. anl a jgutAern wdirgmain ,,at Bjijrtgf-RntU ft nil Mormon 'i IT'nKh Ui4 1 -JioB vuus a0 u v uu ui. - w . tt f ITotKNd-tfoubtx recbnyJftj bodrs andaa be made, to coi faster, Si i.ea-r inAuv wJ2j Shd 18 126 feet long 'and - Wllh arry StbRPEd the rail had coma.in .contact -wit I IhjB cow-catcher, by which it -was bro in! pieces and the train passed safely on 'ocwrrecf The admission-' of Mr Metcalfe, of I Weldon .27ewsi CanL ' J. aL. 'jQrizzard's gin was destroyed-, by j fire- -on v Tuesday, together WlthTaboat t We nty bales' ' ' of cotton. -Loss ahont 2 000 1 J5I.000, in lhe Capitol Ciy& K li IV if -T ,vv iso4 ,rlflaacf ;,vAVe -Myoj'. oeen -requested : to annonnce that "Ned iJce. a, negro preacher, in Nash county, has 4 been expelled' from the Baptist Church; on 'abcoimt of hiiratooralcdhdhct iw The i race track presented !? lively scene last w l ueaaay, over i&u peraoaa baving attended : id witness the race -between DaviaU'Hen-r ij ttf'od, BarneJPick?.! .The . presence -of s ladiesfor the first time,.waa a new feature, and lent an additional attraction o the-ec- jpasion. The race bet ween Henry.aadDick Which was iwo ' bv Heartr! Ucaer .52 an- fi ,Sfi!Ppi44ii;:; xi,.fo.whicb pointiie teok( twOiprlsonenaioC 1 nmentforrobbinethe" mail niliii- Q. and j Courad-tBaraapvconn.,, yieted of robbery of the mail and forgery ' . .aijd sentenced , twoyearaicenfineraen at n harcLlabor. :-V-r7'Agentlemap bftbiscily, Wfio1 was but" several tailes1 in -the -country'' 1 yesterday, says.he. bas neverifeen.thwateR c,ry. cduraea rise faster than theV did yesterday. 'Hb -state thamhe NeuwasHsln-g 'VeryJ1 t an darnage f rora.the hfen, -:u water ,is; . seriouslyappre.nenaed, " 1 1 ; r? Kit$eii UiiyCaroftnk Thd receipts bf -tbeiFab? only amounted V tO'i .499 ..88j-Athe expenses and premiamsi.i amounted to $484 75: Edehioti'has a 'w-bntawbarbe-rn boldly loaaking their appearance in diffemftparw' '2 5 of i the couityand -'numhers ef them are"1 ,f .beinc BhOtit tiiThB- (Mntinfi -run ml I.'. e Albemarle House last Thursday night - ja ne oest evur nem nere, ana ine supper t " ,eVer -WaS-'xcelled. ; -Elsewhre we ,4 -thave spoken sbf tha Very excelteflt adtfresnl . 'ws not a prepared one-rt WaSinipnipta1-- -'i ' put if -jubi suitea ine people.-" it was spe ciallyn appropriate for ' theoCcastoK ir-pused i a-: new ' inspiration. among- oar' J farmers and made them all go home better 14 H j' satisfied w&h I their rcalltogy awakefaed an ! ' increasM love' for their State and 6ctlrtn'.' ! - eath one resolving to do more for IminroVe- '-' 7 rmentaiidineEreBBV.tq -i -boaJiji tLa hil- si f cu, ji -j tu iff an u-iu ,a geuuemaa , ana i.as ; ju a j judge , , as has ;eyer. Vheld ,Jbrsyth U.' ; CoiutylBuperibi3ourL:,TheJ , bers ,ol the Baptist Chuf ch nettedverV near' " , 75 at theif recent falr.TJ(iWr'.' Some, fine cabbage were 'shdwCus by brie of . , r, ,our farmers the pther daywbidMc'; oyer !'.'' seven :pasC-plece:T-'A'--sbhbU of , '. Unie, the genmnei article, 'was found in dg-4 - , gi9ge;.wenforu'eWatersnbprybbm ,' east Of town." vUWr -JaV'tI" tWai. adiady arrived liere on Monaytieiming,';! Dddger.br thb;. vimvmS:' ' Dqdge,"and lady will remain severslmOnths. ' New ..brandy can beTxnight.f or -if 1 per gallon. " Sandy Armfield,' colored living in Winston, was found dead in his rpbm .about; laV.vbwt Thursday, h Od Saturday morning the 10th inst. in th'a" barn-yard Of Mr, - Robertson: near FaTtobx ! Davie county, a, horse belonging tOaReye-!ti . . uuc uuiucr was iuuuu ueau, naviug oeen literally Misemboweled by a large boar, ' rutflmg at large mheyardv'-Ohe qfWei1'' badly burt in a eimilaf ' manner. "i-4- We 4 : arq often shown specimeos of InSian arrow v;- . beWsatehets; etc;,v$ 1 : ' field armories : -eft the aborMnes"- east of : ' toWniandalong the Yadkin Btrer.' ! i4- v-f-7 tyuanoti tosrver yue , peiiet jj -j that the people of Charlotte live over one vast gold mine is very generally entertained A 1iere,.andone.ofoux.. citizens , paving f had -4 1 wnat waa sausiactory evidence to , nun tbat this "was -literally-true C as 'to himself, has T 1 ' gone to del vlng ngbMn hia yazdvan4 hay-. r , . , . ih sunk a shaft to the depth of .thirty feet, has taken up a quantity of ore: that' U right ! !!, well imnreernated . witb the glitterinsr; trea-i . 1 sure. We understand that the grand t jaiiyof Wilkeft- courtf which assembled on; tne second monaay in October, is still m SesBibn or is supposed to be. Judge ICIoud adjourned court when be took a notion to leave, and left the. grand, iury in session. . . . i felling them that they were not to go jhome . until iney iouna oius. against every j over-;; seer in the county who had not put, up sign" -boards hhd worked the roada r The ' managers.of the races extend a special invit i -4 tation to the ladies to be present. Provi- ; sioh will be made for theirv comfort4 and 7 ' convenience.-, 1- A letter! received Jiere , . frotn Gaston Btatfis that T-ona Stnne.'men- . tioned in our oaner about a week aco as ' having shot liunself in the heck WHh'a pistol li . Which he did not know bad a'can omit is lyiagyery ill at his home, and his physiT J" uiaps nave expresseu great aouots as -to. nis -jrebvery. .--H- , f..'A?' r! " :;" P'Cbarlotte HObserterSThe fall " ' race still 1 continue (o bel the UDbeamost -a topic. . - The skating rink il., largely atr , tended every night when it 'is kept!opentr ' 1 1 4--The charge: that : a United Statea oflHt iK cer cannot get a fair trial in a State Court, wa4 disproved yesterday wheb one of these VP1 was acquitted 4 10 ijuecuenbnrg j apenor 1 -A Coijrt of a trespass alleged ' to have been committed by him in ithe discharge bf his ,;; official f dutifiSv -Dr.. Jones Reaves, this f. morning for . Plttsboro, .Chatham county, having1 been summoned to - the ' bei-side 1 - ' m -ti isvr brother-in-law, 5 lx-Ooternor jt . A-bc-f-uucr, - nuw is uriu-uauj uu ; 1 I. iue most interesting event-in the tb'eatrlA-. - calf lbae during 4i this winter, j , will be. - tiiecorrung. oi.iannie.ijenyeppori. 7 , The remains of .Mr. Zack Pae, formerly a ...... . wefl known and popular locomotive env-;;. : JieeT on the Norjh Carolina Railroad, passed T lurougH; tnia .ciiy, yesieraay .mormsg ,ior, burialat Company Shops, - .-r -Genii J. R. ... -, 'lrimbie, tae noted cen federate command-. ; er, cvas in the dty night before last: land a"1 part of yesterday. , . Yesterday after-, A nodn, at five o'clock, Mr. Charles N. IPrice. ; ef Salisbury, -was united in marriage to Miss - - Helen, daugnter of JUr, M. murphy, jat the . . . , residence of the. bride's father' in this city, s -' The Swannanoa tunnel, on the iWest-' ' - era; North Carolina .Railroad, is two-fthirds , -completed.' ' : " - - 1 1 athered several specimens frbrnlbe hopkrs 'i 5 iifl niiarrv. nRar thA.mtv. baA tn h the,.. only place in the' State where : the rock is i . .. fouhaVH-i It wiUbe-mahyaday before ;. .theipeople of this community fdrgef Judge Cloud, and, longer- stilly ';'T probably'before f,. " mey jwui ever encounter anouaer . person . . ; who combines Within himself all the quali-f , tieal of iudee.' lurv. sheriff, lawver. Witness .1 and, plaintiff or defendant, just as ihe' no-. ' " libit tekeahinwM&.JamfctJLUJ4I-V - lace comes forward witb the champion sow , otthe?world:i!fihe'ilsten!iyears'old,': and during ner existence on this earth: has been t 4f -; tbe mother of one' hundred and forty-nine- ; pigs, allof which have been raised. Their 5 . ' average weight, when converted into! pork, i , . Was' a hundred and fif tv rxranda1 makine a ' ' .Itotal Of 52,85a pounds, whicbt being sold - r, at. tne rate pi ten cents,. maites tne, neat i- ,f ... tie ium of f3,23SaSthe,resuItof oa? hog's'1 1 ' labors in ten years. Tbe annual con-w:; f erence of the Colored Methodist Church of ; 1 ow Bintugcu, IUU UIO IUCCMUK WVUIB ca- ' . ractiyihe-same time asthat Jbf the; State.1 1 Cdriference tof the Methodist-; JSpiscopal ., . Uhurcb, fcJouta.. On this account there will , .be tbe largest- couection cor preachers m Salisbury, on? the occasion referred to that i i 1 ? -5 , , - . JLli. lT X m lerical' and lay delegateawill xceed t;-? ? f fonr hnndred. Riahon TTnnA -ill -nw-W , 1 i 1 n . .- V - -: ' A- .-t if 1 4i" jj If .3 -i! 1. T. f i4 . J m - r r

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