71 KJWoT?- t Imt tlaaiaa. AdVanca -fc - oa CaaataBtlBeaiaUAaaral Vcaitta ; .. SOfllB SOVTHBnN POBHS. t sc? aft ATTnBGATB uimoirAXb cahtwxij i v I I dreamed that outside Heaven's half-opened . ' sale. Thou being inside, I stood of course dis- , t i 5consolate,. 'WSf ; Bat catching glimpses of the life -within and occupMion--vviy neanDg ceiesu&i music, songs auu coo- And, ; witnessing thy daily jaacriflces ' for ' duty, KviS&v:)!'ia-ijt,-fwt T HaKaI1 An all a 'flam' wttti lnn unrl t gladness, - .-,,v,;... . Scattering aroundjhat pricjeandjptca- r Which TStkes out life & poen, aad dissi pates its sadness. ... aaftiaaatfraneW CaatatlBe91-T-Uitm aaate ! ana lanakUanta aBBx. eicaaaaat laereaataar-TMrkKfe reiae tE(o laatraeteA e Slake ,M ' '! rrB stkteueBi i rr tna . ;EbkIIb ForetxajMaeeColltstaB: lb ib neracy-JitaBasblirBV a a '' TW seMB fair a Waaaa set Ilea T'tt th"! Market, 1 i mi in n ? i ii .LojrDOH January 123. The lime$ Berlin .correspondent savfe' according to the latest rumors, the Turkish uetegaiea, it w expeciea, wiureier. the less acceptable points of the Russian conditions, toConstantnople. Io this case the Russians will advance.-rK j I Austria seems confidentially informed of -the Russian ' determination to advance . in uie airecwou or. insianunopie, ir we: terms or peace are sot immediately ai -cepteu m sir the question of theleganty of the reinstate- IHBrice advanced, to SJ) cents-per gauqnrtfdr ment of SwgeottJppape w the atj, 4 Souhby MvioiE IheuaHe caselnri.i I rfT m' "" M""T- -rected to make tho iimtnrjr a:irii" f fl I'UilJfflWr j&ih i ia i 5 itio i. flr Mauuews tottay tn interest and relL of Missouri, con tinned a i rema xI?r i 8 resolution, i w sJfr I 'TABJlBrflrm aaduBiKaian A. i 1.1 - ' a ' a oiuw f -i.t--.gc To nestle: and in Jts sainted; uotheri bosom .ttereij p Twine ! its i Uttle arauf and fingaslia bet ! Austria has waired her oblectiona to the IJssiaa occupatioa cf .,3occtartieple"';-l -- Should the Rnssiaa7 .intention be carriea I law lh nmDgfdpithll Sl&S.,! WIereto,each5rgbt, litrte chUd doth '-SSlSlSSfJ1 t It U to be noted tbtt this otrespont entv dijpetcheB tare laU'j t sen oLa lensstioDal clairterl I fie also aay in au earlier teleV tA&iLz&r. islJteam tdaiine-lhat the Porte will communicate Russia's con ditions to the European 1 Powers, ibreaent ng to accept anjtbinjg if ief ( wittoct aup The Jimef correspondent at Vienna telef graphs that ad? ices vrom CoustaaUcople show that a general paniQ, prevailed there, and4hat the excUemeatis hourly increas ing." MV is believed hat. tbe guaranteeing new " instructions' to the peace delegates, of which Izzed P&a Was SB .Dcarerj; were seav.r mere Aft aoeoant oi the nanic than for any other: cancan .The ;ei instructions, ,. as ' ireli ; as ; ccaferring xuuex powers,' uum aoove a' ! upon ine .delegates doing eyerjthrng poi3ible to stop the Russian adyanee. H fJ trs tti . I t" This; correspoodeat Jalso meatione jth0 Rusalaa, threat toUareh onX3oaatantineple,' :.The Paris correspondent otAteJltmei says 4U . oi3cial- announcemaot hai been published'in Constantinople stating thai if BBgousuoop iaii aiji prcparaa And once the heavenly gate to me . opened And angel hands were stretched to mine, But warm and beating with aVhuman 'tide ; Such band ' and ; heart-beats . aa ax only : -r;;thine. "':! rfrJa ui,U: :(:. I know that this wal.aU dream J ,t -JLti Mv meetinjr.wUh thee bv the eates serene: These short sweet glimpses of life f diTine powers would' s These; putstrelcb vi.bAnnl rob jectsV The v4'De( to niine. j'i' f; i i ,:jV,:; u,:. ' peace delegates!' m . . . . ill 1 .! A.na yei, now Mtranse,- vo tuuw utts -But how. scale the angel spoke' to ' me, And whispered, that mine . were now the twininsc fingers ;-? ! Thine the. mother's neck and hair should : - vaWMSUiiwa ty Hate. ''.; Washington Poet; Jan. 19lh.l SeoatOT rJemmbn arl M aitha W waolBtlAaf waalBMU :Vaa l,WhUbWtt fafiaiiia ; " , ;t j ' , I The XAmjr leugrapNt jrera correspondeo . . . I " . . whole question irom a luaioiax stana-1 structed to make peace on any terms so point. . Me qaoted from speecoe or I tosiopinenussianauvaagc. " flllKriUUI I.U H11UW LUAb UUUl HUIIIITK f v ' - -. 1 year or twopast the V great expound er bf iiMofd- docirlned feore, ien4.tQ-ja&saine ihakfai tjusads; were , not payable, in either z gold .or Uver. Sherman asf -Chairman of theSenaie Finance Committee, was arrayed as a witnoga aorTni Rharman am Secro tary of the Treasury, to the confu sion of Sherman in potn .capacities. ' Reports of the Russian' advance beybh Adstaeople are beginning to atlraet atten t ion, but the wild statements from Constan tinople do not command much , credit. was lhoueht that at moat only a few I siao cavalry, ean have been seen ia the direction of Gallipoli. .sip j ,au In the House of Ctommoht jeaterdsy itr. Robert Bourke,; Under Seeretary of the Foreign Department i reply to a question. said the Foreign' Office has received no; Senator Merrimon presented the law I authentic information that a strong Russian inrt iho faotA in ' Kohalf nf the. silver I force was marching on Gallipoli. but had: fineftLion with the enre and accuracy 'eceiyed reoj concerning theruth ofj i v -- --- - - . . - - i vhiKhitntffwnmiiina Armdnnv mat tne of a lawy er presenting to case to a U jury, and his speech wilr be hard to I direction. J Tto reportiWet imdoubtadly forwarded by Mr. ljayara, isnusn AmDassa dor at Consuntinople, as a current rumor, and therefore have the same basis as the special dispatch of the 7&mpkw&:gtand ard reporting the stale of affairs, j ,: The panic io - Constantinople consequen t on the evacuation of Adriandple.' and the arrival of thousands of , refugees,' would be answer. r TUS 6SOVBB INVMTIQATION. The sub committee, composed of Senators , McMillan and Salsbnry, with the late Senator Morton as chairman, who went to Oregon last uly, as directed by the ben ate, to 6ufflcient to account for the circulation of investigate oharcee of bribery and I such rd mora. ' Their transmission here may corru ption in the election of Go v. be a new effort V induce ib British Cabi- Grover to the United States Senate, t to take some steps which would inyolve - sn uA-ti .nwi. . - breach of nentrahty. In a similar sense will shortly submit their report. , wilf ft be construed by those who belieye Senator Wadleigh, ehaif man :of TiinceBhmareir wisbenotaee in- ine uommmee on r privileges fana 1 voiveaina wa wun fvaBjiavigHOH Electiofis, states that , the; testimony I London Jan: 23. in tne case, iwnion is voluminous, nas i TheA'iriericattship ' BarinBrothers. been opened, and that he has tome I CapL Thorndike- frosaorfolk" for Liver- WASUMUTVH, C- T A rvx i oos. :,ei : .3 i.iui... ing-f r scfqtfceritiBiry:ra- 4i :4'acti rf dr-1 on , p- tcysrestc the u r ee ir'rr'':i3nv-l n qtfon pi iif Anthpay, Cf 5daas land the coafclttee on Naval Affairs was dhv u COMMERCIAL? nurjTTJBPTlNElIarket8teadyi,b at t i An tttrd and: t2 3 lor.Yirgin and. I -iod i 'Wf.'SVo ,iv, t 4 r-J BTAtt OFFICE, Jan.. 17. ! ' f SPIRITS TURPENTIOTfc--The market )gaUdnTf reported or. 60 casks at that price and 15 do city dis tilled at SSi cents; but later In the' day the country packages, with -sales r bales ctiltonr 15 aakk fiDirlla tumL Sandtewwfc bagaiandi24 bbhv? peatata, 17 iRuyarBcA ja uiuea 4 Mv wasie, 9 pons s of aboit Oieenti.piin on a XMcentt per ft for IKdUng Tle foUo- jW v.j . 4 at ct . ; .. ng were tne oniciai quotauoaaj a .h mu Stri authorudB 9'.- a ' ; a. .V " . "' B -1 a . . A. the coipage bfl silyei jdollars and to make I wP 01 ."y "f1 Pa oi the same- a legal4 tender. 1 Ordered to be 1 1 .-W per jbot- - ,,..,...- . i j printed, andto lie on the table for the prt-1 CRUDil TTJRrENTINE Market firm a legal tender in, common Jwith -goM Coin, J hemg placednS $1 40 for Hard and $3 20 ior all sntasupta and including five dollars, 1 Tor yifgiti and xenow pip.1 :i to 80 cents per bushel, as lttaanafityj -jfiL at t ln-it.tnoaftiaa' yrLwifil"t v-.U us - : ' . : V ' I; , S5 S r. .. as .i:t'3.fl.! 7--3S A 1400 and for all sums' exceediee five dollars the idebtqr shall have, the xhtht to tender and Ihei 'leredjtor td demand nehalf ot, the amount m gold coin and ohe-balf In wiyer ;i The Senatn exhausted the day on flnaniel and: have aereed to exhaust themselves 16 a ,Tpte.6n'lMdlt;-;46i"fte-K HOUBK The biU to amend the ateam- uoat law was aiacusseo ana some uroETeas 1 , t iMde in m -It was then laid.asidelnorder nC.' " .: to hear the letdoeies on the late Senator I TSJTZtttAlllZZ?. 7iteli?mv a . .v. 1 DUILS UUUU VIUIUU Yaa , . VZ i was steady at a decline of from ic to e bo iibusl'qtiotati iowjwiVi;Tiaa?l iAFt brace about 125 hales , on f a abasia t oflOf cents per lb. for Middling. The following laWriadaTlnieArlW1"? 4ihJdespld4 piper j 0 pKgsirOoU andherba, AiTarpea l- !!PEANUTS-lIarlou1if wttS ? sales-L?8 HiiM t W kifc 1 1 paaa J OVrt 1 1 a." "A A I ? Jk JVViOLlA DtUIUl WIUUUTT, APrxosrUf r 4ig Mwara , r augUr--fuu .dws psin,, -i pacitagea, aoq jt&r Be;aay saiea wereer- J LHIIe M HasseU-90,873 feet lumber, 10 CWtedflOOfcaannloimM H i l steady i'w iiid iok"sd i a-jtij f f CModLASchr ftrace Webster--l90,-ir DSArOr l MtOulUV AtiNXltlolK.MMiBMU r " -t" . , Hi Ml- HHi cents. Boirv: of Missouri. J- 4 j s? " - f (The Senate, in several: eohflrmhth no Southern' 4m po;tehce. aKu"Tfwre5 paling, it.ir.iSi . 104 . w. w ..y vti wfw qqqj jaid There is a "beayy -delegation hereto op Uoff Mrv WaddeiraiJtnlhboi iition of the Western Jad'.cial District Cehrt ofl?ortli CinaMThaVdlci-ein-t inutee of the House -WiH HTe tteJbeir4 ; fsbe spokesman..4ii behaHot :teta' h.eard Secretary;. :lrsSht3,45j5utieaa agarnst, ?and flo6kerrrbf IsrTand famesi of Ala.-,'rin behalffonhe' Toi-ttenToXthe South, and - fiothws(.r -T,he propositioBi was to appropriate mbdey to enable Secret tary Sobers tocoetinse the proaecntioh of the log men. Messrs: Hooker' and James contended' that J thef Jwtlpavpf ,8ecretaryt Bchurz, and bis agents m tbeUult bta was illeiraL harsh and ioDreaatre. Mil 'XJoL . Boh InitersoU uarxued beiotfr th enbommUtee' onWays and Means attlns .ute nx on aayinpan':,; jie;,sajp; i inej inn naaxs let it e rauea -try ,ie iflia ;Uuii .o .u v - theprofiCs.' jBhktBjgo hjaendeil, laadiag-Iwhiogous-af- Colli na, founder of. ooe of the first lines of American steamShipey died is New Kiw York. Jajrrl9. Al JWboiintooaJ .plane to)ayy between; JUapt&in iAi H. Tblbat, of Endand, the oondttiotjs Good MiddUng; .... . 10 ? i-H if'; . 'raANIJTS. Market quiet, with sal reported to-day of 850 bushels at from 60 to 85 cents per bushel, as in quality tfr-:4$ 8TAR OFFICE, :Jan. 18. I SPIRITS TURPENTINEiTtThe markel was nra at Thursday's closing quotations. 75 casks changing hands at 80 eta per gal ion for coanlrypackasts. '- ' ROSIN. The market was fins at 1 40 fori Strained and quiet at.flaS for, Good StralneeC. galea ; reported tod.ay of 625 bbla XJaodtraineo: at,$l 45 per bhl ' '.. TARIariet- firm and innchanged the rect-'pts of the day being disposed of a : C3SUKS r.TOiaiamNEMarket firn and nnchangedrihe receipt! oT the day being pCaCfd t 13 forward and 2 20 rated quiet durnglhe dayiwixbsales report ed; or 153 najei on, baau or ioj cts per m, for mlddltng fc The weretheoffl cial quotationst ' T " pasO OtrdteafyNii.V. il; , 8 jcents; 'p, ibJ ooa urinary. Strict Good OrdmaryV. l 'W Ixnt MWdlintf.. 10 Middling. .rL .101' Good Middflngii: 'to$ et StuaJy,' with; sates! 4i t , ( ... - t ji t bfeing' rlJoAtfethi broken balls jn 00 ;Tolbat;i to ahoot at.50, and Bogardus at 100, for f Ip a siae. rogaraus oroKevs out iiid Tolbat 4d bui of? 50 01 tnateh iii a Aa - - aa bb aa i, wg-iu? nriO Savannab.jdull andIowef fb Selfal'lt eta net receiDts 8.873 bales : Phnaddph, auiet at 115-16 cents gross receipts 740! bales; CharteatpfJteertdauTn at.lpf 1 Ai 'for cents net tfceeipte ,T25Wea Memphis, r T T" " . . , anil tioimlavat 101 hat Mwrntatl oaies reponea or t.uuuoQi to the conclusion; that r tho.cbarges have hO foundation in'facti and will be prepared in a very brief period to submit a unanimous report to the RpnAt.n eTfirmratinw SUinalnr flrnvpr from any oompjicity, in any.attemp ?d' la4 aVbHberV'brptibh tonrVhs rooL earner into collision with the' Spanish steamship Ponce, CapL , Porluondo. in. Ihe Mersey, off Liverpool tbday. - .The steam ship was- sank ' and twor bf:i the crew drowned. Jj:.:::LJJj p The Baring Brothera-waa:maclr: mjuted seat inifh United ttes Senate. Kxecntton of a Ifes;rs at Plyaieatta, -'I':- w.,'c, ... . Special Jo Rchatond Pispatch. tt rp p , 1 , Noefolk, Jan. 1 0, Yesterday, afternoon Ardeo ,.Kel-, son, colored, was ezeonted at Ply mouth, N. C, for the brutal murder She waa entering the river in' tow when she was struck by the once. A, heayy-log preyaitedat ftetime 'hvte&diJzZ The street rata tajaxU aombaLf ,Ti discount bouses are said to hold yety large amounts of money which they are unable to employ 0B7 any, terms. .The uncertain state of poiical ajfilrachwii all business. third daughter of the Duke de Mpbtbensier, the sole purpose of robbing the store in which. Webb was a clerk. About two thousand people were present,) and the condemned man was escorted to the scaffold by Sheriff Sprnill, of Plymouth, Sheriff Bell, of Bertie, and Key. H. G. Hilton, ot the Epis . - ar f-m ' a k .-bt- a : -? s mothor and father), the sneciat .sba dors from 'France. 'Austria, KnsTO'hmn England, the Apostolic, delegaterihe Count and Countess of Paris, Senators-iaADepu-ties and other dutnitar ies. . The Pope,ohe King's godfather, seat by, the, Apostolie delegate: a wedding; ring, blessed by His Holiness, and a rose ot aiamonas ior tne piscopaIiChureb.l Nelsbn ttade a I fJmmW8 A;.. . u 1 .l 1 dansrtiier zo.wu.uw irancs. in aaoiiion 10 a j,u6 OFcCUu ui ouo iiour iu leugwi, i idteaoada and avwonder- eioueratingall confede'rates,' asking' 7 ich trossean, , Alfonso, 'gfres his queen several suits 01 leweu ane.cjs por trait set in brmianta. AThere aee irreat preS parations f or the festivities and'lhe cele braUon Will tej(-t-iBaya;t::'Tliera also be a aixv weeka". aeasoa 01 - xtaiiaa -opera. Tha Oneaa alao received from her, lister. the Ccfflntessof Prl magslceht set of jewels, . i-wMx .lLn . St. Pteksbdbo, Jab .(23. It spoearsthat UielaslaJiiytcea from Lon- don'and Vienna are of rather a satisfactory character. The relations between' Russia ana juogianq are now uu a uener luvuug. Thh Agenee Sum. ofto-day aays'The oZot was weinfonaed when it announced yesterday, in a telegram from Vienna, that Austria seemed to ne enureiy jeaarorea 04 to the protection of her Jateresu ia the ap oroachine neeotiatlons for Deace.., The forgiveness, and declarias bin pan isbment Just. He died eleven mi uutes, and was buried in thjB jail-yard. The CdrdUnala,rmkr for Jan uary, 1878, a monthly publication issued in the special interest of the agriculturists of the two Carolinas, comes to usi filled with instructions fbrhbsfbf whom it is specially is sued. The January number contains able editorial articles on The Future of Cotton in the Carolinas,"' and "How Farmers should Educate their Sons." " Onr farmers should not fail to support this' publication with a reported tOHlay of 600 busnels at 1 f rom ' 6Q to 80 ceals per busheL as in quality.- w SPIRITS TURPEHT1NB. The market bpened'quiaaVk'rcenta pW'jgallon fort country packages, w tin email raiea re-j ported atibat priieei bat later in the day wej beard of a sale of 50 asks at - 29i cents. MagqitelI'MalhM5T -kili , ROSIN The rd aVket was1 firm at $1 bid fbf Strained, without any transactions. uood utrained. reported of 1,000 bbls Good. Strained: at$l 45 per bbV ' f TAR Martefc fitR? and wahanged, the replr of the:day being-dspose4 ff akfliCft peviJabk mt-tihip. ..miMi-Ay UCRIJDS , TDRPNTINE-Market ateaH A IA A VW A A AM W 1 dy at 91 40 ior iarOLaoa ss 20 ior virgin weak and irreeruar at 101 cts-net recefots 2,038 bales; 'Newf Preaaa, .weak tQd c lower, t, t(jutceniaHaesireceipuf ;,z bales:1 Mobile, weak atlMctsnet recelnti 2.688 .baleai. Galveston.1 weak and liresnlar t atlOf cts net receipta 3,881 Ibales; Boston, ln t -1 U cMitouiiM wtrairrta MUr'ffiMt'M-1 Korfoifc, quiet at lOf eta net receipu 2.215 baleai.BaltiiBoraBllsaad e&aier at! we aa MUtvb auu vaaj nitu dbivq v wmi aw I . ia- . 1 1 ' - r t . . . a f baleV ftetf bflbasirfbf lcehh? per lb..foW!oroog?3TM'tqlfo JThi artTvalR wcLMavn" iurvaiW,1nD casks spiritsfurpenUbn aad67.hbla3Hin. Sales of rosin about 500 bbW 'at ft -45 for XQstrained.XOy extra strained and (E) jmo. 3; 91 MraflaaiiT3; si go zor f " nwKd - ..siti ii..'it'tw WSEKt j bellow -Diptho receipt of the daybeidgt fnnft piacjwi ajeae.nsyrea. 41 i.n w iswata 1 i(f 1.809' Trte Tt .fti j jT ;-r:' . ! I " WOrxt oiouuods. u aaoald be understood. rej YORK pteamship Qttlf ..Stream i I ttteat tha abolasale prtcea generaUj. in m&kuK aa noaU order higher price Have to be cnarefi AHT1CLSS. raicati. 00 ''V oe - U , cottonl : Cotton cOOda.1 10 lmle8rars,16 bbls and 116 - hags peanuts 23 -frills i leather, 1 pkgr' roots andsberbatpgs: dxie4 lml.t, H5ttptg but- BA.QGINQ eafliy. IUCON-MorthCaroiina. . . . . . name, 9 (new)., . i. l ' 14 Sboaldera, W 1b. ; ; . I. .. i . 8 Q v Sides, N. C choice,) . . 0 SjL 10 ' Western Smoked trm;! in'.h v -- Hainan .- ,iiV. -:?l5S4a-0 .i iM , -Irr Salted Si?rVw O l 80 ce a t 8S .15 O - 0 -; 'iSttA 14 .- niSinui UiiJl.J . J,l: T -4: TTl x'T I - .T : Us r ' : do(H)No.latV?0per bbl. y Stelar' TARnafastanadvanA; teitiirjrtKt a-J vit- s-2J " a t IiiyKKioor:-Br barduenline' Waa1.vto t iv nwTff '3fiub taa Hi 1 kWtMi , - a- : : , - iH2r una. ... .,. -.. 1 1 . , - .? . ,- George BSBSWAX BRICKS -Wfl mlngton. BOTTKK North Carotuuk.,Sl-fc . -laaSaSietk' tMEBSSvMortaeai Factcrv S State. ' i. I 11 S" 18 ooyF&awava; e tv -- . i lit as? c 1 20 ' Rio. :. 17 n lit COilN MAL baehaUa aacku 1 1 '.s a -1 T8 DOMB8TICSheeUii. M . 8 rdl ejKOT ' ? l. Tarn, w boaeo i --. 90 a . is FIStWMckerel.Na-l. w bbLui tt 00 -O toeo !'" VuV.l 19. It JiMU. i - inw, . Hint .... .No. a, bhu. . . aekarel, No. S, V bb. , .1 statement; for the j week ending January IWi PrttRRR' MXRTriiiQtrsr Br Bcbr Sea -t . - . . . 1 wmi I mrm rr nr. .utiiifr.i . it innr an.uEn.a.. and unchaaged, the receipts of the day bef i r. Bchr Marion Pc fibamplin 148,047 feet ing placed at tl 40 for Hardndia35Mtor UWW mmWWPrW J9Wr ojaed ;)dulf ;n;ir hear of sates daring the day of 165 bales, as 1 'X;JiuT'laea.fw.."M fblm'wBbalea'aiatBiaii ijiiiJ fc-ioluNnwiRk-4anvl 60 dry at ficeats,'84 dtt atlOcenta, 6 dqpl f olne follbiriig Is - the:eninparatiVecnt rpni. !M..iui. x aa--r I Btatementifor the j week ending January wvaaw .www AV4, VVUSV) w fa xvx TnJ U-t set closing qoieut - rae foiiowwr werethe official ouotatioBSi:-''' i;iiy'l3j rfv a i -- . ; urumary . i t oents v'W Good OrdioaTyTri Low Middling. i i i.Jva -! W v' s orij-t Good 'Middllng:.7,10ib ' -t!ORN-2.SaleS Teborted bf iOflll! tmshela Hy4 fcnunty at 60 cenU per bushel Market dnllvr. ijf I SAW- v;l xif i jythirtt. r : : hkab u ITS Jlarket oniatLw ila aUaa t- portedto-day of 800 buahe!' at frin:0-tb Cl Tas vvASl kKJ.TaI..STaa84 ii.nnvyu nbrawt-t1 aa'-aWWirV''? - N fl. FfArvtncr ! t 1 to. SVx K. PXOUK Flie. bb...: Super. Northern, ebbi .... ,iu Extra do. i bbl. . ;. s Family V . , bbl.v. City lllua 6apr., 9 bbL.i. Bxxra. w DDI. l . - ! a FarallT. bbl. 8x.Faany. V bbl A' jsonsxor,weev. ,4 io,yyr Total -eiportsr tb ;this'-Vr J f JdaW..l.hV.n:4895Ll; rBKTIIJaaKS , . Perarian Quanu, tow aa Ei Baagh'SPaoiphau, " v 1 eroandBona, . Mw-8oaaMaaW-v?- v it Complete llaaaratr;" ' Whana'B Phoephate ' . Wando Phosphate, - t 3 Bergertft Bali'aPaoaph. rvi Szeellensa Cotton Fertihaer GRAIB--CoRU4a atora. ta eaaa. p OortWCargo-, W buBheC. '. ny-Oonvmlxedp baabeL.. a uom, WBOieaate, is gax..,. 'Oata, W bubal.:..... k...... Paas.Oow. bushel.... .. HIDSS-Oroen, V fc.......... HXY Kaetern, : 100 4. westera. v tw si North ittverr W- . HOOP IKQH ton,, f.it.ri. IiAKI Mortaera, V- .. Nottb-uaronaa. v a. LIMB--W bbl.. ...... LTJMBXB Cm brmAiiSAwaD O i BaipDcax,iasawa, w it.. io vy. ww Koosn aage riana, w an.,.i w w am iq uu ' weniBaiavEKwes.aeoorauiK The following ia theaaockof vmvalstoae and cotton in yard tand afloat at this por , January XVSi v.v.cy.;-f 6,588 bales! 648 " Cotton, in yard.. rrr.TL ; .... " afloat.JUiUJ.5Ayt.f.. Spirits Turpentinerin yard,... . 8,398 caski :Totaa...4 V Total,....... Tar, in yard,... "afloat,.... THal,..,. "k tot A nr. r r . , ...... 77.973 " 849 bblai 687 tiual1&rp " ; V afloat,. ..... 157 " - r low pale; $2tfS0 for M) pals; $3 for (N) extra paie. -The last aateeof pirh tatpea traerwere8 rju bns 'rckares. .prttld tttrpenttte', is ' yalued. at ;r$l' 5a ft , wgli ana j11of dlpyt and'4I0O lbacrapav -i. n''8&.UuOJ.J.W.J. .1-1- J viilir!- BJtMAK TKfrP."-Ho otheJ afbAftAs tft tke warld was rer giren racb a teat of Us earattve qoautiM as uoscroa-B lion four hundrti'tn aa Mdicine were dlsoibatea y iiUMaco bfdeial quoiations: hfiaarrrv UUPU vtutaarjr. kf Strict Good Ordinary 9f liOW MtdOling ri . v; lOi--' ... ... SSttail&aswItf .j CORN. Sales reported to-day nfene cargo of 1,700 bushels at iO t cents per PEANUTS. Market quiet, with alea TWO a'l LMWAJf.fJfWkVKAB1i1. at'ftnrn fi to Dyaramma o'CCB ta per onanei, as jnjuaiij. . - - Total, M . ........ .. . 5i 1,2 'Ashore and Afloat January 22. 1877. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. CrudeJ 7.466 .... 5.1,17ir;..,79.0,wWS31 . 5,384 " t - BECKIFTS , For the week ending Jan. 21. 1878. ,.; For Uu third weds in January. 1877. Cotton. Spirit o .Roainw .-Tn. Caude. S.400 120 16,924 1.530 ; 5,239 : ; ; ! ZKTS ' - 3Dotton, 8piriUjiBoiiw taK Crude. Domes'c. 3,477 120 804 178 , 200 1 1882 Ui Total.. 8.056 !i,423ufo,035 2,556 200 tiQ:,itfisif .wUt-a: xevreceipt8Mauuniiea . , 1 States J norts t ! dtirfbe-,Vi! it eekitacw;;vto 150,684 w in.670 VTptai receipiai to dtuis r tt: 1 j- r ? date.. 2.7S8.S45 2.S7U.W3X .eOiisi Stock lnall;U3. porta y 858,415 : 804,069 Ktnoltf in jam; tntsrmc .j. "it , . V lnim .. E . .V laK JV5S 12fl Ktl SbklaMterpnbr; . . ,V " 392,000, 649,00 ii J Great BritatnivtT. vv S86,000 MvuamI jBTAAkctw f1itB R nnrl.. Mm a ia . a T - . nn.ii . Bu exrcniar or. uie. .ljizemooif uouoo Brpkera; Associatioa, in itt review of the aavsi Thetcoxtoa tmartet was firm -at the LjHMUf, fehdst. f igai, MAaa,nlaat aflrhnblkaaaiar':lMerrnniatlI: ' K" OXIjH Kerosene,. v gai.... ...... viictj a w a 10 60 14 00-OH 50 V 00 O 7 60 1103 Oil 50 -S-75 O 800 N O 1(0 -00 ,0 . a oolo' aso soo o 60 frTO O T5 1 60? 04000 0 00 o oco TOO 7 as . ? 60 - O ' 7 75 8 00 O 825 fit " ; -67 60 A 6S60 woo 5 oootr 6000 O 66 00 ' 00 00 O 40 00 00 00 O 45 00 SO 00 O 6700 65 00 O 6500 00 00 O S70 00 00 O 7000 00 00 7000 0 00,0 0000 65 80 O WOO 9 O -16- ,.iW O . , 75 . I 9JtfO 0 oo tm i no ,.,630 64 ' ;60 O SSO ' 05 ., 4- O- - 6 O 19 ,1 16- O 130 115 1 00 O 1 10 16 O 80 00 o io ''p O . 1? UU QF. l S5 DTeaaedFloortnK. seasoned. aa- a i scaatuag.ana Jjcarae,, eoav kblASSra-Cnba.bJida, V al. a Caba, bbls ga. j , 4 . jrorto KlCO.naaa.... .... .... ., wltb(amoxterate.bae8s 4piag4-The teb deBoy pf, , prices u moati slightly .in faVor of buyers.; freely ffere arid fewer' JtlOBS.J Amerca'n Was AVUlliAi'VIUMHHl " .... FaNUTB-w baanei.. ra.; Amereitn was f Ti.jrr.r - Jftlyiere'ifrrd J WwW Inns. fl?M Sat' !ttiA riatit Ai? I TTiTTT T U V P.h frjr71 Hy 'V :jWWli A. M WW All..' MW WW! waa moderate at previous rates iiome re daction and-rectincation have beed mad InVthe buotations' of .the tter grades oC Bea Tafanor' jIn futures the market showed! idowhwaditehdeacyxaiitit Wednesday J iWaen a reactiortraccarreov but the improve -( POTATOKS Sweet, baahe) DDI cMaaa, Irish. Northenx, bbl evWL woruieni, oixy Ui...Ji'-70 so a 75 PIk waaau uwpvaiuvu. j fiiat viuo -tteW Ta'fa Naval Stores Blarltei, Jan- tfsph!t6ifmi tho bVsinesI hi'MSUJ Thin, tt bbl. prime,- 9 bW. ...... ir' RnmB. O bbl....,M.M... H1CB Carolina. a......... . f-ii Bast India, W D...M..... KA.UB wontry, v r,, rata, a ROPB-........ BaLT Ihua, W baahe! . . . .... . . . jUverpooi, asacaucn jt.u.jj.. American, sacK... ........ hi ebbfined tbomb4rade-waats, and 'prices I sUQA-Cub, a.;"nnV r ' x a a- r a - --' . . . ' - I I aa a. Waa.. aa sa arer soarcesy cnsjngeaaunoagni inere arej freeselters.oa ths hvge.f uppliesi mercbant- ablebrdefquoted atr31ic: 80 bbls. sold t SXfc; , iwjsm renrams very quiet, out auuuv ateady" ia pricei" skies of 400 bbls -good strained at 11 65L 76u wThe following ate) the last reported. ontwH Godiitrsiaed. i A. Arft.-.A - J A -f trS? . AtS-TTt..! Bt OO01 UfCODUDUD UU 1 OUtyi.UJij Bll 41 75;Pat JaAJflU Jisial 90l 95; Hati 475. Tar Wilmington quoted at 25; fQ2 o7t 1 wasmngton ano 'ewDern at , AJ ?0 vr !fi )iiJ n vliUillQiq 1P!1-fcferiorto Ordinary, ti mm...,, ' X, l WHISKArrNorthenT Jan.J "jilt : f.R ' cbi2m'ioaaiiil. Td'nOi v UX. aj 8jl 10 filUW PnrfAlNMt B Bi ?0 a fvvffu b a C- 4 f BX.C-. ,.. , vrauaea... aat.a..m- P HrNQLSS Contract, W M... - ,iueminoB, w a.... ........ Cypress 8 apa tt M,. Crprew Hearts M... .;;..' ITAVBS W.O.BbLt.M,.. J. s i E.O Hhd., M...... reava..f.,...,.... Vt f tttf a AUUAAU, W Am.. uuwivi w vtn III T, -a m..... ar n inn tnumwn. -a aai.... IS 4 1; -ill 14 00 O 18 00 18 00 O M00 13 Oft O1600 ,88 O - 40 jn40- 0?48 : . 1OO O 4S J00 'O 46 io-.Ofii:W . S3 O , SO . i- 40 .0! 80 75 o a;6o -w16 0, 1 17 I 10 O' 1 JO Of, 100 . L 80 O 40 Vb' $ o.f? .10 60 - 8 as 15 50. O 10 00. OO UU (ft UOUQ 60 00 O 14 00 00 00 O18 00 6XO 7k 0 oa o 00 -v. a.o l oo o 2180 O r 00 a -; O0 O' ! 00 o. ' ioxo .-.:. o .-O0 o A oc o a 60 o 4 60 . 60A 12 00 iJ 15 00 10 00 - O 00 00 00 00 O 00 00 '08 O 00 10 won 00 7 60 O 860 6 00 O '7 00 B90 6C0 0 00 . 4 00 1 00 -'800 jl TS O t 60 . 18 O 23 P-Wtoi 80 8 a 18 ' 76 ; 85 85 - ! 10 10 ,l SOO 8 00 5 00 00 TIMBER Sales reported of 11 rafts as of the throat aad loan. Droesiats I folloWgiriS rafUCotnmcn Uilf Jj do ia every town and viuatB-nrthe United States an I Fair llf at ,i7 25. 1 do Prime Mill at m an ..aw 1 1 do Shipping at C9, and l.c-odost.. a aw rai a. a. a1 11a uuii a. d aaaa - - - - mi iria iar iwa an arai! iiiiii yodri by wc Odo at. 9 50, Bra team ! "This consideration has Withtheimr large subscription. i It is pnbrhhed at Agenee Bum adds: VTUi codsi .L-i aa. - a. I nmhoblv hart anmpfhinr ta do U9I0.W mm0rf proyetoenFwhicnin for six month s ostagu aid, and I Ritnaiion i& London. n wfmAm tm ta 1 T 1 1 1 1 . 1 . , . I vau.ue naa . HOT Taaarcssing iae puD U.K..! VST A tT D.t HDitAiW.)11 . xjJVeto -estate . ba. v..i' Wa aita:': T'u;-;j; - !...; r lWMhinglonPOtt.1 i&bar.-. D , Sampson Newr ,Yorki6i! merly - President ' of tbb -41umbian College . of . Washington yesterday addressed the House - Uommittee on "afjgiaei fcuh ba .BiaKtJQJaif.' 23 TUB aemi-ujicicu rrvnnctatv wreyvH A dentet in Hs Issue this morning, says it per- ceives m ine nuneM aau auwcw tiatidns tor an armistice the probability" of a speedy conclusion of peace. Tb"article adds: Complete peace-will not btf settled by the two belligerents alone; aad U solu tion of the questions which will have to be taken into consideration cannot, to a certain extent.be effected without a previous an- ramiwee on r.! aw imnmlM lad Education,, and Labor lavor pf-ATi their co-operation', but the-yeiatiotis hhhV appropriation ir tne Dimd. T- me pro erto exisung. between ine rowersappear to ject is jto erect a untv ersity and print, aflordgood gronadsfor Jrtti thLLf i.k.WiliS Win .f-kflW- decisive iaoinentf EasterncomplicaUons e.mMn S$H success will attend the efforts made to bring ;tionaI: Capital, if Congress. will aid abont B -olutionwhile fully proteetitfgthe with an appropriatiOD: The board of interests of general peaces A pledge of this regents of tba projected nnArersity peems to be afforded by the wisdom and iSifStal KarKaras Sampsbirt. ttoteofr Sapnacafntpailto out their plans without aid frbrntCbn irested by EnglaaA3irai.mii h gress. The plan, is to establish ail r , f&n 53iS Lckm; 3n.2& instiiutipn Here where blind person Theilrais who Cret an Elementary education in a,m -jrinr the Sultan to hasten a conclu- State inAtitOtibns oan be tanghttbe pion of oaoe oriJmpoBsibleJ, byexor-higherbrancbadalsoiobaveat- .SS!? ment for the printing of bks for the I knd insurance agents, have failed. Liabilities: blind." wKNfr-FTVa CEHTS KXPENDKD FOB one bottisr saaaer 9 suuuaa-v araraee aava r chiid from The horrible agony ox being eaten Tha inteaaa Uchhix eaaaai by oart fliiai of the akh Is aaeedily allayed) by- Sunra'a aoxrsua 80a, which entirely remorea every apeciea ot erup tion, la aecfaettar aafe. aad. f ar deamer and ssore af fective (baa any latmeni. w Ladlea of Forty who aae Mm?, tea year younger. j-4rf sit .1 .ij- 1 a aa en 1 t 'i oi . Wenabla i heh- for ,wak'-aod Jfrti)vi'laWrWa2 Chranicv palnfnl afid awwtiatlBt-diseaaee'eTrreft without laedlcina," Pafveraiacher Slectritf Belts1 the grand desideratum. Aveid imitationa IJook and Joaraal, with fall particalars, malred rrelfc' Ad dresa PuLvaaaAoaaa QAVruaa Co.,- 89S TIaa Bfc.' "SmmxFWt t tbe receipts of the day Uing disposed 7of Cakes and pastry digest easuy ana coaance to gooa 1 at SI DO per t)M.? KnCT -r l -health. Good health akes'ubotot all ktod. ea- 1? ZLUlJSSXtLtWlt. Moleegs lire. Dookjets xaAT rowsaa I Ji u urn 1 u xurxkn 1 iM or aiaraet oa;6DU tait:A i')mmMtiit1 91 SPIRITS Ttf RFENTllTO-The karlet war Arm ; iat 29 cents per gallop fbr country packages, at which price we hfar. of sales of,a9ji$l5fa8j!3l(I ROSIN The , market was firm at $140 for Strained1 Siralnedalea- WpSrte'd of 500 bbla. SUainedat tr40and600dof "Cnat$l 42f per bbi. rfaiiV&m.wijikirKza TAR-nMarket firm ' i and ' , unchanged, tet steady alar: aad BTOlenca waffil WwantSkeWhSrr ! at $1 40 for Hard and $2:20 forjrUi and aw oome and nn evcManpyptneraaiagpowaer.v i 7 , ' . . UUi. : o us aiT vera Duceu. rr r ASTOiaSffiriTCf BTJCCBS8. It la this dniy of ev w aaiaoa who haaaaed BoACHXVS Oamcxir STBTxr CoaaiakBtiori. aevaiw Cbtiha. neamoniaaad In fact all threat and lonflrdlaeases. Ha person eaa aae It with oat immediate relief. Three doaea wtU raUeva any eaaai Hoch a aiecudne as tne lixaxAX btstf cause oe too wldelv known, r Ask- toot JraSUt about IL taegnlar aiaa 76 centi. '' "J- ,J' .-. HOTHTNO TJXB TT I VW STANDS aEoNB I Oa.1. 4a, Ka mJlt- A-K-mAAAAl BaMtatll aa1 ika j""oivi4 UP tiaav twuivv vi aaav auvUftvat wvtas aaaaaa aaao bublic oa HAia'V'BowaT'Or -HoaSHomn) aitd Was. Coochs. Colda. Inflaenza. all lrntationa of ! jxaeorgsnaor epeeoa ana reapirauuB, Taiuin anaer its innaence, luce rogs nerora tne swuignw pikea xootnacae iropa care iatma aunute. - DavC'tv. BaHBoaa Chart aitd CHaapaaw. axs are prepared ezpresaly to cure SickHeadache nervous neaoacne, uyspepuc ueaaacne, pwuraigia, JNerrousneas" aad aieepleMnea.kndwU hare any ise. frica ea eta, ctoataga irea oia oy an urng- sta. umce, M0.1UD , autaw. street, aainmer bad n rS rT L' rr rr8 1 J.ST-w 1-CS J CONSUITJTOOIJCTJRKD.--jAnoldj tired from pracucaf naviag; tne aay weiatpiao6u..cf sii r COTTON.-4The market foriuor article was quiet, the sales or tne ..nay e mo racing 158 bales on a basis of 16i "cents pet lb for Middling Tb'e fonowfn weifelhe "ofBcisl fb. ' . 4 : ' iic l" it " aootations: h.-t ,riA Ordinary u s. . t. i -ot , a wcenta . om4 ni.. a o ' Strict Good Ordinary.. f l LoWMiddllhg. .V. . ... m Mldalmf.T.17.T;T.;l0t : " " " n4 ttIMHa. . r. ins. . I s- " XiroTa.2nMrket qufet? " ttS. -tale reported to-day of 150 bushels at from 60 Ot 80 cents parnatejn,jjj t , mud nvmnv t- 00 Jli L SPIRITS TURPENTINE-j-The , market jwas firm at 29f cents per gallon for conn- aclrawlttfsaies fepbMeddaylubf tired from practise f haiag;al piacaa ut.au aanda 1 i"J r " . , Ma Teiretable remedr J01 fcure of consumption, bronchitis, .catarrh asthma, had all throatand lair aSctkaai alao. alpoaitlve and radical caie for nervous debility and all nervous Icompbtints, after aavisgteated Ita wonderful cara Ua nnwera In tfiaaaHnda 'Of ia8K aava felt It hia Bury toxaAkeJttaowa.thiaaiifferiafll0WB Aa-j,. iuated by this motive , and a deaira te jeliere ha. , , ausei '. . Cotton. 8pirita.iBosin. Tar. ude. jAjc0! ;AtjWZ847' ibhs.'Stewe. Domes'c. 5.338 69 628 , 217 50 I TTVrnadadiE Pahan AnWtermanna3 oteiga.uf 4243.856 mK9WOi Noy Brig RUn 285, j Ions, ftmmfJS& nOKBY BIAIlavKT iou a i ' not Brie; Kilns: iosr lons An ,:: : . k;: OTTfrTATinWR. ' ., 'i flUMhJ mfUifit mrtiti.i dill ifci 9,578 4-25w,720 217 " 150 ! Total.. Ihu' Cotton. , . ji ; 1koo.2S ,ou - 12 Bpirito. 45 , . , .. ,:... JRpafckf$.aiU,v4Ba. Tar. ...fi-eo tw Crpd-.!..,i(ijvC3J sua joo l UaseUlexl Raw Tarati Rawalf n(rea Alaraac, far 'Sal-aI??-? ' SptBns of .TuBPEjJxnjriVT-The price th is week touched the loWesi point It reached since July 81a i On-Thiirsda good lots were offered at (hat-figure without buyers. Tha mirkrt baaafarw ruled ateadier, ; bwifl to an improvement iuotber. markets, but closes dnS this evenrngthe qubtation, 81c, receipts fo? tto.wee4i24eUfrIea 876. The price1 reported, by cable to-day from .. ,' , ..... i. , i4;-;. . . laatyear. . iroi xvrt M5j&& Bols. - Bbla Receipts since AprrFxatr- 73,503 68,774 ReiMipUBlncrourlast; -2,141 f709 Domestic corisamptipn.r . v ,'.548 1,126 Exports.;. il:;;. u ' 415 . 847 triLlbTlNOTOIf - ijil i v . V' -i v ii 1 1 n v 'i Exchauga (sight) ta New Totk, . disc't '. r . ' ,ii Balttaira,.,..-..,. Jt";, ;rf fMladaipwa,v.-.;3( " ) aa days t V eenti jj3wy-i,A"'4 r'' ' ' v urUBWUi a uawsou - a ijk liJ IINTaaIh aw iiwin Stockin yardtOrday,M v ,9,626 .,- 8l5i ' RoaxK There baa been a little better feeling in the lower grades this week, but the transactions reported-are light, A few small lots of common to good strmibed have been placed at $l6q1.7Q respectivelr. No bhsinessnf -consequence is reported in mediums, aad Tieea- ajabonslderabJy ea sier. Thd better grades continue steady RccpU since ApHl 1st. 357,434 ' 847,437 Receipts since ourJast. . 9.803 4,065 Exports.. . 1,531 f'--1,753 Stock in yard to-day. . . 56,466 . 54,848 Tab Very little doing , a tq tfm haasre J Bank ofnew. Hanover Stock, M W. nHKWU WUh . . . . rtanKi .y. .. rtoaBtJiaiaj! Bit -IfeafaamlcsV'U L 7''-. ITavasaa Guano tJo. ( : C Bonds Old K tu Doa a i Fuadlag 1868.. 85 'Si, loo 05 I 5 , f .it.. $11 busheltcorn toBPMUehall ab'Son, icJ--. - HimahinHeirnlathR DaanA. Nev York. Ixmdon.EPeachanesternian . f Ger Brig G C4Ueaaelep832tods, Dilwitz, jaioQcester, Jatwacaawpaaei uiann. - : ScnrMerevTTrundr. 190 tons. Crowley. i bVT M Thomas, J Roberts.- W(dTille. a,with :4,500j brishels icorrT to B: F Mitchell & Sp4m'l hij'imjayl'r6r SchrmneiStyron, kwood'aFplly, With naval stores to Abderson AEoeb.1 . -lWobaraub Mida:-432 tbOthmundsen; Bordeanr. R R Heida. . r .: 8 mar. W.BJLBcada7tto(OoldInt).100 '- Carolina Central B. S. Boada, Cw,80 u :t ." Wilmington City Boads, 3c......75 .its. '- v fie on v . - -.-racr:::! -a v. . new Wrt.?.TO(OoldlnO ' W.: "r, vrii'8tt..rf.,.f88 , NewHaaoverCofmty Bonde, 6 c....W (Gold Int) orf J)o. vf.m f. H dot u 6 Ve.w.eD (Cur.: iBt) W. W. Railroad Stock ....f.....65 . ,-, NcrtkCaroliaaB. K. " r..r..L.'.40JL- i r .WHmuiKton Cottoa imis S5-. oTg barque' tjayen, ,248 , tcaie Petersen, ftfiri flari W nbtlina.l84 Inna. Hodffkins. 3 JTXfl-Z W''?jWkfT,J -Tt.l sd& bateuenUaa Resolute. 419 tons. 4w- fencftiLondoo, Alex SprnnjfeSon.q(n w d ,Get j barque Uelvioa : gcbul; ,339 f toasV fitearnshrp BBefacurceS,e w" or f; SjhRManr Wheelef, v!PotteiaChareEton, Jtbi W f afd iSjagarnsfiia) MeTOrjear. - - , The market Jar aligbtly-4unurbed by the ai4 freer supfesallfloujherni tnd the desire with fa MenarinK mail by addreaauiK with a tamp, namis hlf par VV. W. anerar, ixo rowers- juoca, nocneaier, Jan 18-Wlm ROSIN, TM market Wa steady at $1 40 ff0tlStiined.aad $L45. for: Gopd DtrainedV Bales repjd,eU?0Q0 bbls Good, Strained l A. lr ...LLI -j-;---:--- :....'' francofof f eeuif onlaat quoiationa thegegd beipta of the day being disposed of "at $1 55 per. bbl. ESS yp&lQSSttSBfa andilancyu hand-picked at $1 55t 73; Tennessee at-ni0i torienana wnue. AAA4Al WiiiNaTos.rria'-asjjBwxnaArawu AND ORNAMENTAL WOODWORK. Sl fjThalarwwt raa-JaaatvioagiMa wounwuKa 1NQ FACTORY ia tha Btata. FWe gaaamta! aTarkVl4 Meal aad jPromptaeaa. - XailjWHIiaCKIAUia MAMA JIIAW H"UWA Bates. -larSend for Prices. ' JaaSSSnW Steamer Gulf -'Stream. Winnett. New York, A DtJaiwqxt-Tt , , Ger Brhjlwarddgfi fJtfrgeVvLon- don, Alex Bprant tton.'"" jiHtttchj Brift-JMie ? M HaisellJ.Htssell, Ifrs 'fl ,a(arkrt; E G BsTkeri A,- Steamshrpi) PricBCimOrl;- .Ger Brig Argo, Schutte, iLondon, Palerr Er BrigaatineSamnel Moir, Bipks,Xiver nrirtl- PatPMnn'. Tlriwninr. fc f!h " J.. . ." -' i hr GrsAe 'Webstet: Young: Dehrerara, 1 ixuruirvp ob VAUsiama: vessel oy ju w rsar- Schf Chromo, rWoosterNavassa Jslaud, E G Barker 'Ca ' -i' ' -b -- 8chMTboinas;: Roberts,-Woodville, NrGBJlMhell&BoajU ..'.vail oiT SeArnarBeor, opgs, NerwiYdikV 1 - vaituouiuo vwjU . swmsu vwiavDg; J Mafwawva-a aaaaayu jvwuiua bju Wa i Bi achr SeaJiionPairlek, St Pierre Mar- Unqper Xoxorderstf ifaraley W!gginsci0; Schr Marion P. Champlinjr; Freeman, .St rionu, jiarviaiuuo, xw A.iuuer o& puna. .. ht'BeW.'Tvler.Ciefifaeojt. Cnbfl.'ParB-' Schr Ida M Eldridge, Fisher. Philadel phia, tr arsley & Wiggins; vessel by Harriss & Howell. fxtli .'dbFlj" CELKBHATKB) BRANDS O" i4 'io tKjJv.o'i and TAR BSEL , ,SK0KIN0 TOBACCO, We re prepared, to famish them to, the Trade at aghtrncKbyJ isBnlfl iovwm ' jan sojMrwtf i, I lSO.OOOcefteSaoldrfCSalaa have'smr those rot all other books combined. Be sure to order by the above full tide; and tdo not accept instead of tats, thx aosxKiT BcHooiwhica is an older book, "by the same author. , Mr. Rlchardsoa's opinion of -.the merits f ths first effort may ba gathered from ' thefolktwiag. taken from the Prefaca to the Kiwi jCaraoa a' - , , ' - jrriticTsnia, (by maavemiaeat composers and profea-) Mrs), and convinced that great improvemenU vera . jobvloatry needed, I deteruined, if poetib)eto te--jnedy the defects.. Profiting by the experience sad advice of tha best practical teacher?, I commenced ja thorough aad criucal exammatioa at a y ant rue-i Jthod.' ana concluded that the only remedy wonld bar to bring out a new-work on aa improved plan. " -1 This new work, substituted for the defective HaJ iDKRKiBcHooi,, waaBichardfoa'a ,, tl.i j iJni& ITIetta eel fr ik'pliuorortti ' which has been revised saa re-'revlsed, until it Is the most perfect of innate beoksi. la am-eai favorite wH h I the profession, and, is the only true "RJchaxdaoiw" ... , - boston. ; CHAS. B.BIT80M It CO. I J. B. DrTSO A CO ,843 Broadway, N. Y. 9 Chestnut st, Phlla,. janSS-dawaw Wed 8ai f275,000.