- iTTTTT a s m V - ' ; jsco'- V -IK IVCiiLl : WCMPJi o W 9 O V if-r - - 3 . 5 -. IPC SSSJ PII'O:. - i -xvr r. en i 1ft 11 6 it !. a . :i1 to '.tif t lis liilt-rt 'Ut JWt peer of tke - QoTereors 'of 8iteab4cb s&ay wen be applied to North Carofiaa, in 'days past ; and pretext, and which,' bet f oh its length', we Would like tu pablish.i With this prlnlege In 'the bands of ft State Executive, courts and' jary trials in maay cases, in majority of them, are rendered a fares, -for witb a dash of the' iea decree are 'set aside. aBd1 criminals discharged again to prey iipon soCietyi or oon society, or I hava their nunishment ao mitiirated as to 7? a -atc iSM'ld -iVfii 7H iis'c; il.VUia Tkil ::fitft i: -jyMi 11 il ill 1 i ii ' iU.i - amouM.no aaeqaaieinniciwn tnss oi- . Smei;" 6 f-,n!av00 f; x'Bpt.ipovernor alone to blame for tb& S&rQlyAO'wbfpMI beset with. lepgthy. pcUHuna numerously,, signed - by I - Cien3. judge, jury, and attorneys, wgmg J him to reverse or modify the decree, of a I court! We take it that no Governor ever .1 did, or ever MtilU pardon a convicted crimi-1 nai, wiinoui tut previous lniervenuon i petition so to do. ilia decision, then, must be made between the mandates of . the law on the one hand, and the appeals for .. lent- eocy and mercy made by . citizens, judge aod Jariea,- wba itried, rthe cases. , on the other, jWhih shall he obey? ,Tne ques- , tion is more easily asked than answered by . one .wbo Governor..., We -presume , the -Eecuiive.in sucn cases enomTora to ao tbTDesthpciiin a perpteamg dilemma, anAas others would do il occupying bis pionTne fault is inorewflblhepubric than withtne Governor.? n . .Th1attiTeryMojible":We'hav6' not beensposed to hold Gov. Vance aione responsiDie tor ma pardons. ,.it 1 ia his "rnisfortane to have 'a great power placed Constitution. tune to' be annoyed. :and . perplexed baofcea ud crenerauv bv. Lbe ODimona l "- . l -T , 7' .'', . - :v?..l them,, r yhat shall we do ? : He, ire- jnembei'S that '-i.-i ine uzjwii UWI IW f I It blessethl ' lnlrpa 'Tia mightiesi inline mightiest--' It is an attribute ef God himself i And earthy pdtoer, doth show likest When mercy. Reasons jasUce."; ,.. r L J-1 -.iH -,.11 v t ij '-kwI nW82&j?TZA,W. ) PeMMoni Jd I the gallobirds become the inmate: How lob? must this thine nontinne? I Juat, as long tas. tbe J udeea, .Attor-1 nevs.- Jurors and teorit aend nri their1! nfJ7?rjW$n wna up their 1 petition praytns for: Ibe exercise vlof 1 wu-t.rtoi'.-f..i.'i:': 7.initL-.i.i.-.ii .S;W,enOTrewre?ttii,M. ,cus ' i " " i-. - " mtd a babit-bemftabandoned! Let ...I - , -.. . . I wneaasaea sayer'Wflere taev ; abder- i . u '.,,...., - i .Ji.i.- ".. . - , ' - 1 ; . , 't -1 Wthat criminal hae.been un. Rrh-''l .,.wu -Mjr T,r ""-s'li power si Hhal ifnf: Bvoled taftofi 1 th fK-Vw;a"rw i IT, mkI. . 1 emovbBV.apotti a .properiyj ...v.w..-j r.-r., A.tl! oHuung:) aay at renc bjioiupw part of te sttbiecti i j ' !' ,1 -' . e 1'-' 'P ' ' !'' -rvtl,1 11 . JU nnliftnoaoa rwnrtvA At nrartn inv a1 vlnor lastlv. llle&allv imnforvarlv demnedf u! , : r-'V' n" 'r EZ?A "7"-" 7 7r f,une is. Owned, doold 6'n A Governor who has 10 devote a ! i Vf -:. - ' r ,-J.: M the most corrBwdfil at parofnjiniW icago U , a,rajer' Jively; llite km YorkndrHrfer nation ! of petition; foir pardon or Mwnji the way pfrf big fires and.big, bis interest nd Jhoe of ,bi88bro!h commtaopv cannptSavongt; Jreaka. Iii- 1877ihei failures .dalf ndhpiders, itumay e jtrft ft. time;todevote id 4be real duties of; t nearlffwU jgarded. as .a apeciaaoftbe h& hignionloeV,! Iti il fj&eo agooU f ortyns.mor than , the ;, losses jgoldworshtppertvA Here isitt reasOnradditiOTaltd those wjefoffered'o the otbiTda rwhv 1 -oaoninff 1 1005 MBhabitahUNorth Carolina' f'TJnder these circumsUnces. tHipuldih me tneriCdayl wny ww paraoning.i tv ,i!iuy,. j-- - texceediBgly unwise for ew Tork.bankess . ni'i fcirjfio- fM.iu yiii! iton. l!2Vlt tTe ihwBnpptfm'theteleafUg;s havjiitheMTi .wyufch,,naBCiai- kom'e Jdea'of ibe commerwaHmpojro itoai JiladahlaiiBoreu mm; Mighty Aodeed w a tBttbtdted preaa Jy :tjiere aBcordrab !tWBri3llfWtaitt UtbttiatAs df vctsplBillmtJ BoVthe' friends, hohesiiffionev J?&M&&nh$We&lMii 00 aQfcithosehPtSrt back'the,,'ao1lar,?lSr,1" f'SedoWfc ( ;LeaJanrli Tbb staridVj)iijip IcorpIey j .HwbrTOm. -mlmymm a livety abiutcvlo be 4h next Freai that poor Dawes gadpoorHowfaiy j mxB9 tfwtf kil.'steoaetl-toJM ilicted bodftdeate giVB'LBaoh an office and. .. ' ' . - . ' - : " !-" -: -- .-'... .: .. v . - ; - ..." i j - j . . ' ' . '. - " . .'y ). . . -. ' . .j ! , ; i . J ' ,'V" .' ' " ' ",' - .' ' " 1 '.'I.' ' '-:'. .!".-"'' 1 i ' . .'"' . -I . ' ' ! ' ; .- pElglaSilf tOTaMlNfttQN, fc-d' -iff' 0 AT1 .' s Dt) l.jiiilfW'rirT-i?.hr( wr r ..Lj.nji lv v jITT Tiiii. til SIT, Ksiit) MTir??jf iMfctfimi - tr - - - . ----- ; . , at fend ;iLe Uassachaset j L.nators. j-era 88-4 kilias eachi otter lt&.am4rtci:2,. I fcrr.l3ii;,"?t7!Wi! .111 rkil!fvl iafe lr!4hefienateffrtmithatSute.tuJY vVI 'Jones, of Florida, aoexeeted'that aficbt 1 VcaSi ale.-? If yon want the record' I can tive roo more. 1 1 " BBiDT FOB ! INVBftTICrAXlOff. i .fFresidept Hayes baa in formed, Mr. Clover.. Chairman of tbe Committee tn Sxpeaditnres io the Treasary, that kttik wUtiw. ii'-;s;i !,c w'" W"V " l" vesiigaung tne auegea aDnses m mat paenQHere is bislett: K ,. 7 a ,VI yrASHjNQTON, P. C., January 21 1 1878. 1 , J 'Dkab Bib: I am in receipt of a resolu- fion addpted by k committee of the House of Beprescntatives on Expenditures In the Treasury Deeartment. reaueatuur my co- 0pe ratios with the committee In its inveatl- i ration of alleged abuses in said Department, ahall beflad to co-operate s heartily with the committee in , the proposed investis-. ion, and to that end will issee sach proper directions to all officers of that or any other Department as may be required to secure and effecUre assistance ia the con- gijc p the investigstionTTouching the suggestion contained M your letter that. witnesses who may testify btfdre the com- imwee may be apprehen.ive of losing their places 4f they tesUfy-trnly , and fuUy, yon at Jibert to assure aUsubordinaUofa- fers that the fact of taeir testifying r before thecWiaittee4,ba)l;ti'bA Bsed.Oo' theif; rmS 1 vnwi"1""1 hi.cvmi-: jed at ' Cambridgeppjtlu3chlch he will I A . - . ; . 7 . ; l WacoMwwcn.waa-oppstructea,! iua- l at pjifor.yaaappio saw ,-,.1 knenta eotrtrabaad of war. TbatUei-' I Qjj.rAa --dnntfti-h.ininav,iBi, . .J. I ti) liS'Tv !;-. I t-'-irti1. - -CUiiU, VT.J f f t,,AM tvrwlr rw1 ji.m nanAV ihnn f ha God.: pacopis.atat.wucagptnern: ib i . -1 totoiWf. ,,.;.1 ? si J; Jr':l relett-aUfd tlheeniaibftrashd - 1 - - ' - a tan . i Hurry tro that benstoni for the MeXicaa Nterans. Let ns see. there will be e 'residents uram arra UHna, governors i Cenroer and tTcClellao. QeriferaTs-Joe J dh-ti-1 etton: Juba! A.'5Early,'BeaOTegaftf, Heth, I iHaury, Senator Cerro Gordo Williams, Hancock. Irwin McDowell. Gen. Sherman, I 'aBd a whole lot or pensioner ex lesser note. I RiehmiMStalAaiiX AiI.-ft ! :vi IhwJSaLa ..mj;.m I ir c. va was am a mihw nsu i oviuivi avii , , .... ...... -m-.. . i If. .- : ... t-! ; .. . I It:; 'I? -.;i 1 1 lu.ti. ait-jii-fA: uistorv. a aoiaier or mis oiat.e was 1 061 'tfw 1IIOVUI T -A. OVIUtVI WB VUIO lbUVU bv 4W ' ' j I.-' u jt " " ' Vi 1 i:l r .---i.?t. Pw'iwwn'erawiausTo aggrgateV8fft43,6I2 Banks go it Lliaii.:-0 d no Tti 3lJt5Ut: ti r"iv K . . . ,WiJi ,Wni 1. yiy! J' - nonla of tba North west, are . .. , ir ,.. , .. . jctaraorooa' tor xne aoiari onr uau Uli. Mtt'rr !? -fifi-frf-.nu i iil 4 1 , t arr.tr I vessels entered toe pors qi v nmingi xora on rucn a oasis inat noDoay can uia- 3 ijennff 01 reDresent Jparila f rjii6r the inlBestAofcUiel on '.di "iit C3.;liditAQ8tiiajDcyt!Are4a JiFjti-'rJirt xlju;-v in J .nod fOrtance to tne country. ., He made a Ttt", tb&ua, Xt"v ready jto starve ost, pwww "?TW 6? PWSPf?."HeWr s!iciof r.nd tU oUDd; , It aa created! qune. soiHl remonetizing scheme. 1 All this shows : )rogreas in the "way of honert inotie important .bills introduced th,a pug i. , 'I'-TiMiiiW 'i i i!t; ifiij. Intmdnoed a bill that n prohibits, J ,ho Secretary, of tbcf Treasary or any llUI VJIUVCiUUlCllk UIUGCI A A UUi MV- l.k'n .ili til Wt- . -i-i U u ; i . tore ind. compels rided Lender ixdhahi Mr! oathard, of t .Qlo, iq trod need . bill that makes greenbacks a . Jegal tender far all, does after January. 1, , 1 879 wheDaccordiftg:ia- the -Re karaptmrf Act, specie1 Jpay toetit h!t6 be resumed, . and when green F.;?Sema;bl! ,w jgwdj oiaen-cau woranippera in.wie uomw ctually voted against the bilk 1M e quote ah-interesting Vmefit rr ; L.f 7f ,ru'-i r j . ' i sti'r,l party dominant 4n Congress larvtb&jJast. h im ijiwemmsnt! unn tmuu .wrau i r-"U ;r-?s-rrT--'i-,-' 1 penaer.ior.au auesw woma. MTe...oeea iana sesi o pcasmimy xney : zmgns em; tbu -.their, sttrjenority over all, other- cur-, I rencv. thev were deliberatelr doomed to , annihilation. :wunuer lbe"resumpnonr act thevi ware set aside lor ,deltucUob-wabd but foe the breakg down of the const irar. Ltors might havemet their, fate before this beeia to see that the Oovemnwrit iutsia its own bands, by means oljhla cuirencyrrlte bwn notes-the Dower to redeem iuelf and revive the mduatrieiandfplrtjsperlry5 Of the comnry;"-p iutq-is .a,., -i-iu' . . . t ; . v . I '!-ia inlaniollHtt ffK iua tintt'ttiU ponaporS.il'RfiP AftL?Jf,W and. th? Aet forthfi.repeal f tha iRe-.. sumptiofr ' AcCbliooldecofadlawaV1 i 1 . .-. 1 ..,.,, v ;.i j..,,,,. ,r- j . Sort of aaheethtf lbTearjiAoa'fc itexceediBgiy unwise iorew j 1 td deferunnecessarily any stepr ne6esSa 1 ifnr ftlf-defenee. Thev cannot afford fMiifoc the cltyaadof?tt u 1 leave me commerce w tne w ibu w toe I 5ot,iyea;orBayy W . rlneir duty to protect themselves jstsktael protect memseives asa.iae;. whether Bland's btl passes latJacUoAiJ::- 4 The commerce or $he do. no matter lor not, by resolatj I lyy01"000 " ? "WolT - ilx ueun?- of reDreseDtativesoi itnem w pay quvaapro- i L.t-u-gf vslefdar 'Wivfc whal rmr- I which ills to enard us is bv ho means nreaa- J kZ iiMnnV Vi lrA!W K bythe,riginal,lawv;aay notes that may e -received in f writfl Le;hti mktiori piedourimceongT "T M ? donWeank firing with front 'for fcoih tor biiblic 'dhesr Or I i. i J ' i.t" ';JH.I''!!'15 1 1 A rdTincisj journal says. that Hhe Dukel ratks.knjaelmff oV ;?t?Ni "fceoaitJ J ' I Dm C ' 1 .;-f.'l 1 - ' r ill jimiME.ja mgn.; P igm .ii ., miiHMiaiiii... . r. . . Ib 7 - N; CjoTO FEBRIMRY yiswr W -1 t.:'.li.k..v-. n. i.l I brott SHU tnHa. biiltaOiaEau TliBpsiUoa si jjojuaUingi i Miff iot! i least, eaecveided n atirruig thafiof : :!ppeop 1 asuBe f ad njAbeeBjbefi: laudiaV de idedaapiiBq twl! i wr leeUagnt 'Sick Vlladl ' ' b$ Uio LfWIVasJ brasitemDS!: t?lc iiydfjoaiiijef' f I . !-u&ifa joi.' iJi)uii til iH'Kt jiiiL i reaebea Jnglafi;, sU ftifiPPi flf -V iU liUQ jtliiq VOiU' 1 tiallesj and to Jay under theajls I ; l onseli ! stiles & a 1 . ?a - T . such a course will be obvialedjbyth:! Seclaralion of peace between the bel- figeretlwagtoatlrflugb like rriraevMinister has. atinodncedHfiat .. . t .. . .-7; : U auj' -t'i .iJ the condmoqa, furnish j a :rb48w pf act text before disjcusBThglliiihu The terms as published, are tuot; liarah or nhuman. ;" Considering: bo badly urkey bas beestf plucked in this oon- t the terms te Vnj , aa"nild"A8 kny of the Great Puweia would have anted Jin; iBaasia's o place r.Servia. nailioBeiueg4 will, be proUoted in Ueirviiiderjendenceii Bakariis Jtcf L.wa rn..;-ii.7-,f tn fwia inai an outlet thronrhJ: the Maxuaueiiesw scuoa are tne mailt ica i , j j i u pxwjwBeu pcawiu-g . oj rumor, rvr nrr. Y.r 1 u. u juh-;;. v:, w-h.l hi gate tbe debt. or Ubarleaton. coontv. I zzo.zoi.w:! -Biiowea... 4d..iy.o: i report 1 , , r a hows wnat a jrecun8 - set oi , tnie ves i - . - . : ' . i From it the commisaionv learn that. ber. 1 f;3nolft.r 3! if'ja JiUW diisfi 4ni;j Vi toners ona their, wives . L r C i M. MpLinirlilin . . ' .fit 41Q &5 jje WsalKT....oeifc.i;.I J 8t fii Mii. u i u.T...i.i:. 'oom n i l 7-Mrsi Theodora' Miner. . iN3.72d iBf 'Th-Atw ;Ti- Ii,79(rt "ftviiliJ sfiJBJiM. Lrf Waliv'JL I. U ff l$Q7on ioelodedMn(bd fabove ' tbere was paid for furniture delivered I imdi or' polstery done at the residences of h'4raeuto . jnoJxrai.Miliet j. . . .xilSv'flAJBlWW osi jiryJGroodsiaoI n ;ffwju ecsl' j.0.tftM9wxb.yfiIvf tteWi a mu iui uuiDg jusu.i,u r... i....... r...i,,ai aii i While the testimonvdf1 WaHMftSkt1 the county, did not own aq animal. mom muuipner mcajauenun, iiawever, . nr Wit 1 ri jt liyjit-r- may iexplaui u the ? trangatdtlow. ,One bhek civen; for adcoTiclirilenlf pt, voartotte zu. , w no jujaa,rioite is., jao.es notappear neqtuoDamfci wiU v. jOhamberlain il audi- his ulaet 1 havej knaiiy friebda among i tie indholdera : uuu worBuippers-'ui ura rruiacu au. 1 I . . . , . ; - , ... lO ij'!" ' ' 1 1 ' ? lmH!UJ '.Hi 1 .: " 1 !- The Obioans are' itlmost united oa J nef'Silvef Bill deStibtf.SThiOhicago in favor or tbe. bgo Bonw! resplotiqns wereHBdopSe.d. (after a full. debate; bya vote of AOLU) hM'ommHef hbneslyBkrjftj IwJedotoJanal iWtloato -netax JipaVfjrt this oouptxyvtdmagjtne mmmwmm . YThat ..Presideit.iiJtiyes asd,,&fcreVary Bberman, in their opposition tatite,.resto-.J Ration of the silver : dollar, do ; fadt reprt - nt tbe viewB W whettf 'tae OMo ,'jiio a.Ji: ,yi I,, i "ii'ii,; .., i i j j: tt iui ay-w i ; The ltat-vivaLWfia tttesv lusuaica in u cac-or x:aYCTJ,wonaai--; lor.'wholalOl yeafa 'owiMI, p tr frhfkXrtiH?iMkvi 'jUitru1wlYkttl'A I arm toUll v so. - Eeinff 1. atronff '. healthv tban tbe Knftt ,ifis t5i?itn?Ka t is for eau JS & I beaceJ will not1 -aUrtlyi those tiays to to elapse before the .motion .comes 1 1""?10.10 g'Wr.T IF ... i t , t- .f-- r ii, 'rJ sf '.it I 1 a- im k. fcl'ai ..a - iLii iiiii.i. '1 V ht4 iua I Fart Who Iha mind la . - , ,.i ineir correciuesa. vveawaji, in&ex- i t,rn.;.i,j w.m u.i..i n j ii k i between An east. 1869. and Veto 1870. were .tiaid to . count v commis- yatmoforeerV are lfi. favor or toe , nncondltipnal re E0ftTHO?d '?( liiJfliijft .Hilt lit "We leire from CJinL'tt. P' 'addisonl 1 iiu wiifsu mi utia viijr iMk uiukf um i i iu ,1010. a wno, maae hia escape: alter bei&g eej i w :J ;rrv. 777 7r7 I 'flj,HI wwp ?Wi ommnnM. ha fnnnrt that Tirht bnt hatl I intered i bh aeaa, inree oi if men ncr a 1 -a a & a iveawaaaooauasjeBMBja serums xmet .i WtaaKioiifessed I i If H 7TJtimTJ VIIJ Tn;TT5JI"i 'TO I'jIIWK son store., a rreliT'l- Lfc-- made toraecuralithd depsttkttl oCj 1 I .1 .... ilia generally believed that J5am ilayes WtW Morphy"Iiome : orf tbedav he was 1014 befas fa loo, bad 4 ibUtio taJ ave reacnea oome anaiaea. . , a-j-jv (;o li.rIiMfiDOil.1a The government organs ahpw jisposl;J ion to minimize the imoortaace of tbe ac- I ioa thus far taken; Tbe Standout taye-l 'the news that the Russian terms of peace I v . 1 rs n - f : AW- In) I lt uwn mw uovo wuw irone. ana 1 two rear; ran tt ituen fOowJcioseiyjntief re now, being diseossad I bv ItJ comes on J FJitVi.. 1JL41 rtunelv to temner the akritement and .V-l aerated alarm that Tobitah noiM mivhtl tnerwise , have ieat tne intention of . the I . . ... . . r- - 0 I ng-in-Chief, who was visiting m tbe coun- ry, was unexpectedly sammeoea to -Jon on by tejegrapn en rveanesaay morning. . A Keuter tetezram contains the follow-" ".ormantmopte. Jan. 25, Tne rorte. bav- rig yesterday accepted the Russian . condl- iom; peace, lsxegaraea d as vtrmauy i cosw iuu.eu. i im xvussiaa , voouiuons . are: now et officially known here. bur n appears ettaiathat they greatly exceed tbe eonfer-rn nee programme, and Stipulate both ferterr - itorhu concessions and tbe' tiayment of il r indemnity." j- uji 'ifmt .la A The Dauy leUgrapn, in its second edition, r.!d!riJ,:,r taiitiopIeT ucrcu wwkhuib timuM jiir.iiiiiuinriea. on afuiiaiice wiu yiuuauir ue conctuaeu 10- flay.' Tbe- peace tobditiona ae1 sUfetfrti Htory bordering a Lake Scutari :Baasa la hold Bat'oum, Ears and Erzeroum' until a Wax vindemaltyj oc S twenty miUiodslpiiiUnd J is paid; the Dardanelles tOK be jppenejd to. Russian menof-Waf; Bulgarian autonomy tHiasian men-oi-war: tabeooncedeiitaAer a thai nrkioiila ot! nate aCtoistiaaicoyrnmentrfor; a loss IF1 "SPJ.TrL 'SJt'11"?? ? W Krrapvr''KiTTtraTrm nnr TinnarsTriran t x 'mi nr infl rami kbiibt nut tii tiiH nnmifln mxmv ui iittZZXnuttttZtt 1 Lr. jTTIIT"' rir.iIT 1 saAiaty jher wnsBtan mtuury aenos t WBaflnt i pie." f.wv.. fa 9 r-'''l Tn the House pf Commons this afternoon 1 fejrstaflu etcbaneeno of W Exchequer, xeplying ,a, question put. k j Z?.?1! tb4s mdramgto6iialeomnrtn1citioa from: Rnssia,tCOntainbiga basis 4Bf peace, vrasJe?.! M'BUOiuuiK nMiiiuutMuauuM iiuui'i te manioatioabnt evenmvtileifleBUwmielroti sraime41eai!fliiaW'fiotautbDr ay; whether .any: . minister had resigned. h6 vote" to-be -proposer IS slX mniioas of pawaMs.fco&0.win nothwateof theconclnt 4nh tiooaa ot&oraatnejsari oivAJarnarr T laitk:Hoose eifJoaleraoooi i jjora iieaconsneia. m rernvr to a auesuen r; , .Ij 1! ii;. h ;i ii',rf V.iu ihatitMajiaj facfittstiwdqticmshadbeen, given to the fleet to proceed to the Darda nelles 8-C6astantr&ople. At 1 the ' same time 1 he goBtrnuiejit preiarea.to:tejeSrspa ; to the En wpean Powers; including Russia, add tteYForteihai'ln the Courao ternment &aa mjow inerer; wa,ox me j Slightest aeviation xrom, tne policy oi neu trality they had front the lrtl announced; He maiataiaed that the mtm neet went e Dardanelles to defend British sub- ehtaabdCrKiahrirDnertv and takeareof Britiabjlnteiatain the Straits; 8inco the government had arrited at that resolution tney naa oecome aoqaaia-ea wtuv u pw posed conditions of peaces and having ex-r amined those conditions the government werd ofeihaiopinion.that they 1 arnished- a basis for aa,armistice. rTberefore they had civetrdiroctions to the' Admiral to remain in Beslka Bar l They had nc usderithese i circumstances, circulated throughout .Eu-7 J rope the teiegrspnic aispaicn to wnicn nu 11 ijjtl ooi.onU io-i8FoJTto'StBRri. SUalit.'B for etjftwU rmdnttisltKitlM HBOTJB Yott-Bste'TmiBiea- masei 55.inthl tthirH was l ,Mi?n iixiALLi Skrlbuttne'mTetaribf iw a ni-ipr!-rtftnt lssQarouns aamciawa bonflL then.1 wbosa'lkntfi have beeB iold fof l taxes and bid 'in by the State will have tvfcre mesitiia dai whicti ilbi redaea fthe wn mum mm vm ww ijiafff! !-'i'tf YUnn:VHt iril .H IKoyernmeni 19 move-on xaonusy iora sup- j pounded, the; - two .tront rant men remKfedVfonii'hH akebei? rin4s frb!m tte'fra fisv th&t tlin hlprA f&rt that a tt m. fwar i 1 't.'7. . ... v i . . . . , . t Stab Obtener and-sometot kkteythat;pcTBaijs"Yl bold for iaWk&Mkt1 0 miilv A. frJ lTO.' f WaablaWott Postl- fcif: l uu ub iLn; JBIUCIl-biaiUia illUlUJQ hehe faiMae of assac sett Y"C"r , J o, the rescue, of the military; repnta WateatJ80iaier' ilbliviofc.' -W ray IhetUUer xlaoae, that.lbe ffreat sot'. b?: r i r? " '"li'-i 'il lejt ior attMeedin in f nyi rdm aekaba bn-tije commissary, jdepartments f turn 8ditotiji Tkefejikbdwd bfedna- baatbfJihsl firetrinblitttte4oiilJaijn&l aaetmaetw. w w i-jot b4nc.il rnfrrr-sdh-'eii A Ballrt-Proaf anleld. . : . r?ertirtJ!Mirlefi 'nKnlkWi tnaBiifs aniasing-hinMelf 4 wiihbnU IelproeJu . shieW, .wbieh albus dg- fccrdxhejfhieldieJfjbt brbof steelfswinging oh the axlf treejof. two ngbt wneela and cebtamingioar oop-bolesr Its entire weight is about L.-l WiriW ftVlAV or -pounds. . 'Two-; Jf ront rank inen. rJre;r"?;"ri?!W"? ':',.'.Tr PWis.tfaMBQJftAneiafefcWitrnfWeft 9etBg bladed in a rack ini the shield, i -Then I" Tu P"tcuwu, a wei h f.tte:ironttank anea ' strorAivdireeltifile. klTL . I it ! V" ? M I v jiep we wommeijce u iinng; H as i - . - . ' - - - - ' ' ' ; - -1 L. - it m ASS JOIMi'Sj OVW JBT 1SIJ iBrBj auv V1(1U rCan Volt'beMve thar1 atfithfevery moment it here; is.? a:, clown , howling comic songs at a mnaichall, and dis-j torting his body "to amuse a pit full pi oeer-annKing. ana pipe-smoKipg khd by hirth. i Yiscoaat2i It ia true.: fXhis man's name is Viscount Hio ton. bnd he is the oa of: Earr Fonlett. He has been aciihg'clown at' (he Sur NTheatfeniiv1 iiiturtti at1 tremusio balls. iunder thetaiame ;Jof. fMiv.,Co8man.f? .TeiMpjintesa. hja I irJ i mi i bo into this way "of life, 'aria "musC 41 Lhey snow wisdom ami good taste in 'dotasteln IrdppniJjfHW tttref-xv m1" tJOill 1C Bhthernwiandifriefcid ofi thhi MUsifl p4W-w,fc9r3iwiA wfis? law v i . . . . r. i rati oan1i1afa fnr .VirAPrpRillpnt I vshviw . vihvv ayi.,' v ylti rr,,r, . t, .i Utti V -i.urM M l t'Md, JK1 tie Believes xobs dv i ov an Beowonax .?ilww3..w Kwwsi-wyjj atrengtn tne secona piace. pn me tieket'WWgiVefy tb'the -B6tfth Ri tirt.uiwrJ2rffu .x ho-w.- w v-8w , WMTQ JJenraoyi iw jnoiffiaur fhatthe Vresardujh iok alr Ways oftitmT tTia nnmfaa toAna msnorvntA nn-nryni rno ti otti tti - uJL. i SrA-TtivDLJilaJtt lP.tet.PAXe. ?P9r.e: wght than.all he ofters; afa6VI.amaf " donT propose oFhittsetMrfWtittg NWraf qowu damBXim Siii oi Hic5.imtnoJ Is . a ": mm t - i tjir2T Tha . atatne. ' tifyT 4fBaWifiore Sdn.t5 dm -Nekflyoj ail i of ic he - Dernoeratia feeaators and Reprtsefltativeein; Coa-j tress, from, the Southern ... States baye unibea in. an aaareBs 10 un pwum ui rbeSMierrFStatein which, Tefer ffi&Voilhe$imtiiU thfenStaWbf fit uen cm ihey give the scb erne5 their bdrdial in- aorsemepti ana;appeai;aa Laeurnsoa atitnenti to firiva-ani earnests andJibe tal support to.the efforta of, J-beLee Mdndment AsBOciati on; the Executive bokrd of whibh" ir aarttpbaedbf the Goyemof oAotoaiiof jJruhiic rAb-rr bounto.ftnd TreasiirerjOrbftS.pf ur. uuonnei arnvea in mis cuv jnel arrived in this ci kre8teTdaithis bishop ;&ibbon& inThe? JVeteti iqo-aif t taouncemeD t on the autftonty ot . toe AfcnbtshoD that' bis eracewm receive thWainuWatho' Catlfe'draP'oti' the5 ttQbf rtialy,Bs2tifcaa motlygt in: ne; ceremonies .upontuat jwqmirp. Jacob BrowBan. joid. i raan. rot 53 1 iyears piatre. a resident of Martins 1 w Tiu i ua.w ,-rk - ft - j t wiu unrnr&ivi v . a rs r metN:a.vmeTidf!arwVicdalr' tbd !dd1Sr;Chdreainhat lacerlasc MbdayjJnernrngiwtrl,beiaermo prayer tie made an earnest prayer, arid aerb'itered tHe',fcyi'(? "AMrJP1 fell dead -ifti1kesWi0B(taJ!ini..'-(nrin " Mienerat w " rab.:,ter from ainewe,wpuld like I By Aomp'he' 'icreiJeci ' wftVkon fesiVdf ednvicioU b'flt 'J a! fartfien' iff fiFecbgan vatu erai a Jooert Ka. x.ee. on. ine bi muhdmicfim'bh Val,J Tarboro Southemiri The mer chants of Edgecombe county paid lax for -J8J7 or lapQSS i7olimoJaf goodf pur- v zbssed out cl the Bute, - If the amount on ' ;oods purchased in Ihetate,, op whicb no, lax is paid; wre estimated If weal in :rease the above figHfM at least one fourth. - The Irootsbarg (fovrier says thai hviffltox B-vPerry. audrwo , daugtirs, Smna'aod tUe, .were, crossiBg Ferrell's ridg'e overTftr 'rlver ln' a buggy. When the -, -lorse fell agaifirt the 'falling.-precipitating ' ' ltmseir and bttjgy With its human freight nto the river. - All escaped1 narrowly sua ainiBgasiTesei-Sihisfcji;yt'W,ai ? . ' -iilso7 htro7icerOver fifty . lead k Wife feoiarnt retail 60V we'ei Ma . ittnegribflediittt.ti At; an average of. MV Piecethesfc sales : wiir, amtiuut to , ve? &jfaML kk B'.3 Wilsbn; of the 1 PJfliFieldihwnJkii; ilelUwcikujU in this eeunly, aged ; rop last year and by her, , bales tor cotton weieh-1 ng: 500 pounds eaCsland 55 barrels efcorn. H Iffittpi'lllA f2T7flttA :A:Jrrv . large assemblage " gathered in the . Qperav BouSelaat ffhursday eVenmg, on tbe 6cca- Fayelteville - Amateur Dramatic Associa- , ' jicfii uiOThfr gYeateVebtof the holiday JOT?KJ?Mj) nd lkfaa4aney press ball,, given.. at the. Wtihams Opera uTast Tuesday evtottigni)der the CovingloB had a wild" cason our 'streets. ' keatofdaygtbai was hilled Thursday morn- inahT;. jduoseiey.anq tsenougus,. .it. tneiredver fOuVfeet when at ita full . etrgUui t-JNlfej areliiinf omedi by lin1' lenry, Bachanso,, that;.bis , brother, John, , ias5atiatlgrniyears-ord;that4haa given ' jtrtha bne-j hu ndr'e'd : and twenty kittena, a tnd.-tbav they i;were all of :. dark bricdle wldrV except tour, which: were sriotted.i j .'' bloasedfto learn that the KernersvilleAcad-i ? emy,has opened its spring session with aboat fifty papflt1,0 with a fine prospect for v Bnjncreawoi tne num Derlv it appears as if there' is a band of horse thieves infest-- mg'thl country at tbe present time. Iigbt freshets in. the . Yadkin . river since October. Some tobacco brought $55 perl hundred -at Brown's Warehouse on nf?9?& o- m Goldsboro Messenger; ".The toady friends ef Capt. "Swift Galloway, of Lkbeneeounty, are: nrguig bio to become a candidate for, Superior Court; Solicitor in the11 district nominating Convention '- The bog cholera. Jiaa. been t playing havoc With-tbe "porkers" in Greene - county,", aud eaaon offr-r Moldsooro Kines paraded be town on Monday last in honor of Gen. iWirKiayvr''..y'--i !" - HQwwagmarki Ob. . the: night f Ue 1,7th instant, a dwelling house, one na a half mites west of town, the property S A: li McNeill.! Esq.i was totally con- burned by fire, evidently, the work of an ncepdrary;;;-iit)h the sfternoon of Batar day, tiietQLh Jnst.the corn crib, stables, pOrn and forage .belonging .to . Duncan J. -Johhson, Esq.", on McLendon's Creek, four : miles north of jo w n t ,were. consumed by fire. ecrestthe wife and ehtid inur lerer, has been recommitted for trial at Sarkp oSarei1or Courfei'iThe Charlotte Obtener says : .The - telegram states , that strong proofs of his guilt Were produced, ' ind that tbe case' looks very bad fort the risonerj He, however, seemed-Jfo be en- irely indifferent The crowd which gath 3tett to witness the : trial was a very large jue, and,- much excitement prevailed, but ao violent intentions were manifested. ":' AElixabetti City EeoAorkisti Two iresseis in' our port Jaat week both built of jne model, called Twin' Sisters, built -and wnett'ty J twmK brothers. Those I twin irotbars married ,twin sisters, and in thirt een months and one day, the twin sisters , ;ave birth to, two fine boya-r Fight resterday : ; cplied' gentkBian struck poor vnite jman whh a tifler on board his own rekseH afterwards struck Ihe captain with a opk. while on. t the, wharf, Captain fined 13.50 and cost. Colored geaUeaiaa notjre- 1 fcelvtoe blew. eas sfott freei. vTfS.. jjtTfa sTayf.igqge".iatic?''; account of a recejit discussion Tnexoie'ine Liyceum Association, says : "Messrs. bio cambfiJadge Buxton and J. :H. Myrover . Were then successively cauea upon,- wnen,; n repeated solicitation, Mrs. Judge liux- , ote rose and addressedtha Chair, demolish-; . n:touecessi6n4,wo or three of the 'lords , tcveauony'aaa proving nerseu more mau -atstcl) for any;otthei polemics, ita i either u epartee) ot oargUmenL! ivThe- cross-firing raa very aptcy towardine close or tne eye ing, and seemed to be Intensely enjoyed ; ... iiilizapepn uw uarviitmuTi. :e"AfeWJffem; Maj- John Wi Moore has jen.fluiteill.ir.rr-T s.,Wi,H. N. Smith, during a recent visit to her old home at lorireesooro', was ienaerea a aerenaue iu -, ehajf of her. husband's being made . ChiefM. ustice. Currituck items: There was a ' nteetine en Thursday; at which reso- ; aJ.fOBSienoun.cipg.the alleged; slanders in . be trial of a casebf -assault and battery a Witness took exceptions to the strictures of : eTendant's counsel, U. w. uranay, Jiisq., d demanded a retraction; which was re fused, upon which the. parties cunched but rere seoaraiea uyxne mie erventiod of the bernX without personal damage to either. m; Charlotte Observer; It is gene- ally hoped that the memorial to Congress vhtch tt'isprotoosed td 'get up, praying for i heahnoinlment of la. Commissioner, to in-; , Festieatethe mineral wealth of the South .tlaSflfc States, wittineet with the support -pf. times tire community, and be of -such a Character, as tif its signers and the facts bfesetitedras t edmmand tke 1 attention of pr.natjonal .legislators, .-r The city's ilnancial condition was never better tban it s916W.Cltt:-panerri'alcIi was formerly tawked about the streets, and which hold- , erk were glad to dispose of at 25 per cent, diatoant (paTtiea who had city taxes to . bayy Js now .worth par, on v the . market. , Claims' are" pafd on presentation and the - police and aotbetremployea of the cily re- t eive tneir pay at tne ena oi eyery nionin. unariotte ypserver-. Ayqpnet t. Saunders, the editor of our highly re- - spec ted Raleigh namesake, is in the city, f adia.ceoJBriedby rheumatism to his room q the: .Central rHoteU s There is talk Of patting np another ; telegraph wire be tween Charlotte aud Salisbury, to connect ; mih thelwirBiirnpniBg . up. the Western ;, North: . Carolina j Railroad .-.to : Asheville. r Capt J. E. Leggett, pf the Carolina , Ceatral Railrpadi was painfully imised a few days agovby belpgthrowo acnside- . rable distance by. a pole with which be was attempting tot I'scotch" .several heavily la Hftrt rthrht ears while rolling down t erade. f - A frieodii. Mn mourne,Uredell, county writes us that a person, Irving at bat place was taaen m ana aoee tor oy me ottery swi.udle.of which wev spoke yester laV. He'received for fl5 a' watch' which . nrported, to,be worth $150, bat wmch was f the basest brass and ' literally worth . hotbing at alL , The recent story of the icondactor oit the.North: Carolina Itail raadTrwhot Saffcoa a quadroon passenger at Uaraumiaacri&i her la Geldsboro, pobtel y ; oojbhcrtoaleaeUngJiQteiV waeresuejpeni . hemgbtpand the next? morning , confided es teucateoia conaoctor on.tne - yv ti- linelon A iYektoa road. and learned three - tiayajafmadrdVthat she lacked something ; ptte'Big:wni(e,daionlyiurpa8Bed by. that j story OLlhe conductor on the Carolina Cen 1 jtrai whosriied toe rart White, part Indian . 4 WtA Sart darka hab ; from hia train' into the depot U luatbetton; wbileathea brat's 3 mammy waixeaaiong nemaa. ana. nearly 1 killed! herself iaogbiag; $:, vun l-. ( .v.. A . 6 i t f s 1' -3