rrt ' l. r. : . ... rr : 'tit! iii b r.i U S883SS88S888888SS' r At. Mfil.Vf 88888S8888S A W . M ac wjsa'B'sssaa'ea stria - TTTTr: .ii 8S888888SS2SS88Sg; ii; ii.i 828SPS8Sg8S8?S8M tt k 1 6o S S oi 2 s .. .,1. i ,8J!l:! m: l a.uil'iw 88888888883888888; b IVvji.llU l'f U Jl' ' "lit II' I i UlX Jsi .iiihq -iis ite(; han. ,ti'H u i ti w ------ - .7 J -'I ".!' !'!.' '! ,2533X3888 Sul)Scriptiotf,Price- xnes tT Star is as follows 4 T ' Jl ?, L Single Copy 1 year, ptofogpaid fF.QO t ft months,? '.).s-' LCD .3 (tojMui fi;.. - J!.. ;.... j5D DB ATtI F POPB PIU9 IXVI .' , Ibe Jng expected, evenl has, ocj carred at1 last. , R IX is' He., Ureatoed " his last in i.tbe iatojf Rome on the 7th iost. : " His real ttame was Giovanoi Marie Mastai Ferretti, and he;waa born i $enegag1i4 ja 13tb, lao. He would bav been 8 years of aga -if be tadliVed jto another birthday. He was intende for the artnybut resolvfida i0 devot himself t6 the Church. j : His first im ortaiiy service, was jhi: Chili,-whither he was sen oil ": a mission to the govt ernpie: He was next appointed td J , Vt. ! ii; l ' .( il - une 01 itie moHt. icnponaui. pt vutj cc cle8iafiticocivil departments in iltaiyj In!l836 he was sent as Apostolicbi Npticio to ,laplep,: In 1840 heiwas . appointed ;t Cardinal-Archbishop Imola, in the Romagna." Oh :, Jnna 104 184G, he was' ejected tp the Iapai cy . He has had a long reign-longe than any of ' the hundreds of1 Poped wno nave preceaea mm. (V Upon becoming - Primate ' he' was qoite popular at first in Italy. : ', Bm? , republican ideas' prevailing the peo . pie deinanded representative govern rnent. The Pope wbnld not snbporij inese cuaages. xiis minisier, vount Rossi, was assassinated, and ! he ;fledi in disguise to .Gaata., He remained; at Gaeta and .Portici nearly, a. y earl and a half , an object of sympathy is- the head of .the Roman , jCthoud Church. When Rome was captured by the French; he returned, amid the thandersof the French cannon. His; chief ecclesiastical acts are tbe formal definition of the dogma of the Im maculate.. Conception . in December,: 1 854; the famoas Encyclical of !,De-! cember, 1864, .ana the balli snmmon-; ing the OScunaentcal Council of Ij8p9- '70, which promulgated i the doctrine; of;;Pap&; the Italian Government tindeT Victor Immaittuel! hagcohtrond i-ilL and Rome has been the Capital; We will not TpBdertake ; to po- nonnce upon 'the Hfo' afidaro this Ponuffnor. to; specalate aa 46 j what may felld, HisBnsjor wl ' probably bia chosen in ,a few, days, ! andthep we shall lear what changes ; f-- i'i . btrauge nd, startling nana,, fill the air arid flash-aloDg the wlres It i.!.ii:l' j J-J-1: Otf' ; Tfi. i... ; : i;" looks as,: if; thai two beUlgereata had come td itj it'nie8tadbj intend to makepeace whaterer Eng: land and hePjjewaay .i 'it-. It LiaArery clear that Turkey ia tired of figt. ano ao -psace, even:' though England 'should after wards get ijnjp wif xith Rus sia. There ate 1 confident assertkmi in Londpijbakvrtatin is ; jn possession of the Russian lerees and also 6allipoii;eBaa ;n Tdrkisb'Ampaa nothing fof ay stfcH dwupaocyl v: It is perhaps certain: thaA itbfl Ru$sian forces are vety "hea , Constantindple and Gallipoli, jlT ibey have not as yet occupted them. iis'lalurf that the Xnrkish (fleet is the fDanuba had snrrende4d!K'erV(erIiPai4 dares himself impart isatt jt iRos'siait policy and alii' tofh ii documents will bd phblisbed, showing that'VB encouraged :lh yar 4y fmi8es of firmed by his "colleague' driad6- , PourseucuanftjifiCT ft staje of etoitemeiltil'C LATBicByi tbe,fcUrm h ,Tttt are id evacnate, the1 lines b'f 'Con'ta unople, which are tq , form a asutral zoe. The Rassian limit1 'is1 to" be1 1 hcw.J: li Jjiifi i":' .- U r Lt -i ll M a. lot. Chekerijeh;,3.-.V. Bntisb tloose;i of) Cotnmona KMr.Pdr8ter. Jws aesendmeat to the G6TerMnent,s IfflPuoiijIoc A aupplemeutary yote jit Hra! withdrawn aoerdiBl vl' Thl i brought aboui btlhjchangeYaffafrrf jasaye wieni. iMnsut. citement in Londbr. r Crowda ;thtt)n c- esref;w8iogtn;''uoo Gave tne llbNDKICat AUD-THtJQStAiri lit - i'-WJ!'iV wriVLL j , ;i ",'! ! ii i nplfis, Vice Pfesidek iect bf htf .UnitedStattsl'ati u59M uy tug Americans, letter 1 Recently1 W. ireDl ehipperati ba great wty of' New A 17 n M w m m ! viewwe miht 4 v Lewwe might xboV of sach an eU- repoitad & few weeks fago as faTOrtng' tervkfW . ; Wito -Stak.'-1 lira 4 leltt r af! !"(' M-J "0U- Jt .WS-iV A,' KM l: wHl gV(i,tfutete!(6t!his .sJqdfiTefe who) have ' oharged j him -ithi'ihcdri- listenjpjes, and with, endeavoring -.tb ride twb'beses'at' the saiuti iimp. 'Wt copy i M JoHowjog lunpeirtant and i statthfnilike mraiicei ' 'Tl 't Jiisii fcriii . - . i-i. ji JMUj-J ' -f .- i i x'rTfce aet of 1873 cooUiiSs o pledge a coolract: ill U JIslatiofl uader thecon Unuia bower of C(Mcrest,:aad sunjectti repeat e eflaendaaent,! like May other laW J paaaed toodex tbe same power- It w tk, therefore, in my jttdj;meBti a question 'of public'. f ftilb, bat onei ef expediency onryl Being sae it seems the pwt'of wisadift tb iisvc the same regard to- toe - coadtUonA finaBcia) distress last exists ligtbeeounti and to . tbe . distorbad ' state of t he pbblii mind mat' pervade 'a targe portioft or tb a t - - coanirrv Any caane m toe coinage is a ways delicate ami - haportant work, in siioald be made oaly after the most caref i constderauon or all the interests of tbe eoun toy.ii Shoold sUver money be restored,' hare-thongbtrso the pledge of 1869 of pay meat in coin and the assarance in ; tae ac ; of 187Q,f of ! pay meat ia oia at the thei standard valoe would seeui to atthorize almdflt4Qequiieit-coiftpliaiice wlth ibi i contract cannot be a breach of public faith Oar country ia large producer" of silver The quality of; money is Important to it i Tarae.u'1 think thafv wben restored, silve will approach aatT perhaps reach gold li value; batshcwkf experience prove that' i must i remain below gold ' beCaaae of it i greater ppoductibe Ceagress has ampli powers to provide against the evils lfkelj tofelidwiH' p.St id!, ly-fst-i -i ! viiiiua a ill n; -l.-- UL&. L .i.Li.'. hiU -' ,i Senator. Tharman ia. possibly.: thd abtest'uiari now in the United States Senate, i He. is the ablest Jawyer in : . !TT: JJ A .1 J wtaeBb Biaietuuen. xie auuresseu luu senate on tne ctn oi 4.he i atlveri- bill. xnst. in advocacy He comes from bhidnd bredaon; i .niscailtyl and great abilities his opinions are e unusual importance. . : Like, the Vfbt Hendricks, he is one of the. ,"eilv6 lunalics, . and stands.. ' ready -. tCf giv the most' potent'' reasons for the faith- ltnai.i is . an . nun,- VaPi .seit-poiseq acute, severely logical, he is 'knoTej Ihan - smatcb )(foi: ;aay of the ;ei4 ponenta : ' 'of , the jl gold, mania. Hi; speech ia described as stroog and fall of i Jrad fc ?COTambu rneioncai aernmenu tie; was listen ed Id ; with' prbfouhdest 'fkttentidn. .We.aave notaeen the text of hia re ksburi iet; JUtB WashingtonsieoxredpoMeBdevg ithe Wmmf: 'ir; main part, and the reader will be struck witrnjpjc tht the bonds ,'held abroad- will not come i.'i I (1I ,fV irtljt. ,1(1 ttg- HBI'1,11 hmel9nless theje, fnpuey, fompg them; and. with ; that other remark, thai H)a better fpr the5 oun try ! that they shoulau be held at bonier Biit n j 'There was sbaje feTverV bdwever;-ln Ms mauuel wbeu'replymg' to the oMection that if silver be remonetized ail our bonds held abroad will be sent baca he Bald it , would not-come m hls day, bnt he hoped I the time weuld Meeme 1wbeVallof our j aecuriiws wm ne neiant aorne, ana mere will be nocdntiaoal drawipon bdr cold to pay interest 4tf foreign bondholder? Eofe laod'a debt ' k held by EflgHaliBrren and that tf France bT Frenchmeu, and; that is the secret of theur greataesa hd power1. Bis aaserttee. tob; that the people of the United States' Have become sd accttstoined Wtheulerot pper' tnoney aa'cuTrency Uiat they wlft neer give it up Was uttered ta ti tooe-of prophecy. ; ? Urtre was a stow of increased life id the galleries, toot when he urged the remonetization'of ailVer on the ground 4bai the United States has mora silver than any J nation, on the earth, and that its mining gives employment to millions of capttaT'iidalTy labor to thou sandi of workingmen. Then there was many an old fellow in the gallery who now has nor dollar wl)6' appreclatedVis'allu sion M be frequent suspensions or the old banks and the delnsion of their specie-pay-ingrBystema.; jHere he added, 'And lf iyou now makeypar specie basis.'dependeat o gold alone, you wli uad. it a greater del- sion thani that iOi the ante-war 'pened! for there more silverin, the Worldthangold. jTese.-.two';,! thoffet irv not ignorant or 1 Inexpe nenced statesmen. They are familiar pretBin g Heeds bf 'the people, ao; mthft of whom alreaay have been , ruined, and so maiiyioltferftiffT",Oii the. yery brinlr. oj financiaY bAfrapteyv .itii:ai ;- vFtoia the ! time '.when the ' foundft tion of the government was laid by Qnefen.wiThWfexcitemehtcbme8rth XfUtbsifrw with the potitfcar"fit8Tonr of onr eouBtrVr, iyAnndeiandra t . 1 V '7'Y7 i a'n i i-i.tti ' "n Slilna. iCklii&l.Tlrnn'!. 9 ' ill '.flL A79a.to(a85hanmopt.fi6iHiv.ar U.J1L! .'l'.iil ' .iH1 UY OaVi'iQ' 'h ibi;t f a. ik. .t tsmk w VttatfiWntyVeayt&J tsea8d to 1 k lecal fiMWi 6f ainfdbtA tne UAiteai euuea. x bsv icosiiaasa 'Kv ie Congress denTSfexfbirf 6f no loneer leral trbtl (HMMlIlilM'fllli one-half or moretban a half of the coinasa 1 Uh3.juJuyia iii'LiistA. LifcarU- L uuiubkq wan If 1 1 1 fH 1. II X II L.II rfH LimPB vimutaiiun t-eaaiiea" xuatoc "goal, i.iwr unuenamg prouuy?r 4 morality, m&2rc.iL MM!a M6-ttiifefxiiici..i va!wt!i is -"a . j.i.a Aucio wctc i tr,io.o42 ul miyer.aaa 1 buuuiu vv notniuaieu. 1 1 ine.purest 1 LidentJtelynroi k ihi t 1 . 1 1; . 1.. itt 7 - 1 , . 1 1 r4ir.-r7.i--T. ttt' t i puoiisnM iageiimiiaiinefewdMin fj J . pceaentttiye enth8.qr Bpaatsh aadMAoiioijaia, RJiiil'JT.i'Lieiwf Ti n?r?li,Xuowriri 4 iu .r,-' I is. xnen: meraiiv' traa mat tba nioncit 1 ruis; ue i waa "uiore reereni manr raisiag ,th4)ricedafcfoikl Taa4rlceTjrJ,T, 3 neat, weuia pe .increased by ournlng up f fine cdtnW the wbrKD' , , . l iilwiw bfcweeiL.; therofore. UiM tilvr motteynhw Deniiia.eeaeI(USAiana lria 1 1 f 1 J L. a ma nodediundi lias .MwaiDelfeaIaM;!:! t3i ukit,,sj oju .Tujn. cuioed ib other cona tries ivfakra maria 1 J not a leeal. tender... .Since.. 1881. both, eoM I vA ailiTOW fs w mwwm WAw - W I 'L'Z'1 t,ZZT.7 ii chwar.tmnd betraUse' they were both of P-Ti-,-WW.1w-f!'mTS I ore u Hhe .r was reqjuiredftfox4)toawppsea that bat few t it was" moe Jatter olaed low ep8ttveretaihe& I daa.ISB:as " ' '- ' . .1 Laioibv'u.i ?lh ji.-i .u.i iiod J f began dhtettteiife 'tb" fatoit wdearblh Ji njocraH SWe ajpfwenUQA. 3 I'-fv . in..: v-. . ... . . jBFaa we are concerneai woiaBDOtci. H vi t r 1 i"f.l?.l8"?. M', ! hluara.eoWilutiiFfu-7f?PPe wn?jg? to? aRqb.bpdwfr generally leef 4 Idbi jide- .We araiaelibed tfr favortbfe place tbe most difficult of JtccesiLan number of delegates uTbe last Sata Convealioo' was veryc tinwleldi body. Tbe'ErigJlshrlikniefit,11 rn .JfffftiiS? .ttRKirSfi rpyeti0" 94? noAbe fjonipoae fo jpyej? 4,w4 hundred inembersy aatdthey" should P WTy elecfipftj, aad d dalegai aborald be inetracted by" tBa people fo 1 trbonii tiflM yAr 1Aru;bodjr:ui 1 never wieldy, . and . , efiieient , unlea 1 iWsffiW diacjpUnedj mnd, expe rienced parliameotarianv j Wbat4al 1 . convention oF ti'elYd, bi1 fifteen liun- H r-tTl 4U-.m ix t J -- .! vW..fWi?:iiKOT,ft?fl?!1rt: any deliberative assembly, biifcai aor of mob? " . We areal80llincred.JfQ favor th .o6 fcrMft0 Riiowesi xeatogriod.,,! Tb chief Jtbia isfoJ otrnV people '4oeeittnA?'tkeiii wisuesj m preWted. t!Im2&& alnJ select 4bs officers X itbw peoplaVi'It ia 'higb time tb people bad Uketi'tbe Walter IbHandf WdteprtsenUdiWem- it; ii 1jf,-uj 'j li! aifi.-. the ( proteDtloa ofabeedJ husUandrr, bow tcPralke th talteShy 'a he imooat'q.aesiouilf'o'f tbjp' peopie to Consider. .qo'I 'loilHi:yib . The elect initdnaA wgaot, a we pub-i 4ished-Teently; will-1 be ftSf etilteTJ . two Assoqiate, Jflsjaoes of : tbe ame,j aadivtbreeT SdperioeOewU Judges.' The pedpTe litvery icn 'tfbticeih jtesejppcs.fn.Tbeyi ajtauldr rnaiufert & proper lin terest tberef brey and tee ad It bat'hV ittgbTfVtinetfre sobriety, sbpflld &ei filjedted a ,andi dates for -tbtvlsegteiaturer They shoulof teTerehlffiea1 wTffle'eople ancilBticessitieLiln aelebtiar isaadi dates choose men bo WlFial&eure IWpWf?ft,rVTiTOThIWJP nien mneuuiiUsawiU thing staib or injury upbflfiNdrih' Catofitia. " ' tet attend to, the gregj fltprpsta of edu for ithe f oatering bf 1 isoieeo irasbaadry. tirtAretiitseilngitaaemslyfrodt iftoapab'fe adyrstoeetialsic'bu a pu d'- payiDg. .uuues an win; ) ?rern exK i chabge.' 'DilrrtgUcSelist setenteen yeals I iae" sroS eeiii hh Been1 as Kbseht from KJ-1 such a large premium, .in gojk) person sought its" coinage: brbfitabld tobuv tfold 'With it betelefcte by tallo tt1 Tbij coutyj should "XriW? JCdcWaiBbh l 1 t - -M II- ; m I 1 . .m . I I I 1 r am.' laelec4:ihe auaii . iu RsisvHue, vr vue ouin;ue en of tne nibi XOreW: tbal thia good old - rule 1 reversed obsequious ich aneHedeseiJo5 auu win uuuuiietro oe, nomioaea 11 pajeu i new ajreifnembart of the bir w tKa '-hSJVtik-ti: . . I V : u:i:.L iwu, iiuo MjiciiGiiva auu tue auiutv, IH6 high place. Wp trtist that ' the-'ehoice will f all' updn1 . the Democrats to nornmaU 1 af iicaei xoai win not eqnarin aoiucy L-i4:' 'i'" ' T; to ' Uir ede,; J We r dd,s1it))thihk the material, out C hfcmtM t. ... - -r- If 'T I WaDttadatft a88omftof"ttbnteni-'r oVariea appear td thibk. ! There ifa'aHrf r. 4fW.;fi titlr t, uaJi l,u Th9t Su'nerttir Court Judn.. or. tn 1 ,-,1 w fii w wJ- m vivvbbMi v v uc v a vii vrua respected contemporary, th Wilaob-f -lrfVc, in" the following timel and proper view, aa it .appears to u WetbU ItHbe duty of ' tl itaie jdnr tontiotialst tenet linatetke caAdidates fj the Rnnerior Ooart. . .It ia true the v ara u 00 aeiecieu irum toe seven iq, eiguiu an .ninth iadiolal VlUirictk aur theyarS to- b elected by the qualifled ypter of hewbel BtateaadUhder the law requlrine rota tisui will bave to.ride tbe dtSereat-clrouitB rot the Stale,, , They are 1 elected to hld courts all over the State, and the law only one Judge, shall, reside in each .district. 1 Kow If the Judge of each' district was com- J 11 . . . 1 a .1 . a k ' 1 peuea as ionneny 10 uvui muwudik district aloaa, thin it would be right tha the nomwationshould be made by. the ned Ele of that district.' but the fact ft at the i W requires one Judge to ' be resident ia each district, but to bold courts all ovBrthb ;State, .; is, no reason that the people; n ., that J district atone snouia nave a voice in seiectf lagd candidate; i J J ' r 11 Terb is'to be j an electibW in lioi- ember for , members , of Cpngres Of this we may have sonaething. t say hereafter. : . We may mention th a the Legislature to be elected in An fjgtiat will have" to choose a ! successor1 lb the present faithfal and able UV Sl ditipnal reason, is here ofierei .thf annr of men to be' nominated; fot 4fae Legislature -The pubHo men b bit1 Ute1 hate '& vast deal tb, Jdo id j character abroad., !We,,,trost tha L jrwdpmj patriotism gfd iBfiMfM idttty, will control thd people ian.thd t choiea of olBcUlkj 1 f mi1 I The Tennessee bondhblders recent ly held; a TBfafWOCTrWJfr iWbenu they fcensoled, each utberf aa beat1 they could, and repudiated al outside interfewnce. They profesd 'aabJdingaUii Inin'e'eam'iel Of Tennessee." and do not belie v ftliat; it wM,, reject js honest, 4eb$s, W.4Wcn.ni8(aBttraianuy. uwiMiipajr orauffer aJstigmaUo Ibng; Vest up five was appointed takesuch fQtiprj iJiibs jftatter.jaf , MtMrag ment may rdictatex iQn the commit tee we j wotiee the namei ofDr. RobeWSiMbratjiof l$nAlitHiilwi jr.y ;t4ie; '34 ' ' - - h' fiiunn tUiJI ai j .!;We:iBee' imitate at'ihels Strong oplU, uaagaiu? Gen. JosepbJpJtLnBton as the CVwserv&tive caadidata ia dksRkk- eordinc to the Kichmond edrresDon- M&& ufttrQor ;Acthre; , nd xeffieieat jUem her could be senrrecU i.Qmu. JbhnBien1 ean 'mrisfei- 'td Hfceftewi tekauj 'mik uilftietua't1 ttpha jjODlyjpga. larly useful but rarely -dwtinguiahed. it bet Wflrbrj iJoTibtf e mluatea and elec " t:tnoBaptfridieeof Charlotte isiw 11 1 i'-rt 1 "i 111 . v. UM' ni vim . z ' 1 r 1 vtt . a are to have an entertainment, " ii ! -in i mum i - r r i rnmg, aha H. ,v UUKUU1UUO - auu LWiKnillt I Q9 MMmtM .viiu vui) viuvn ii,o wvuiu.uyi 1 in wuuoKty aupuvriauy ur respop 1 Ifble a'n'exattf ooatt iH -Vtf wU4:V r. .r.w, VfV wuu- na rjnmmnrtnrA'- ntt. 1 n nun- k aeht: aria labby eanhieWoaawt 1 tta good name'. 'This- add mucb tnoT bf the' ekrae sbrt.' A cOmmutei mbhdHVai) ' dfstrick fo-ObbgWss.' eouud1 theopposiabnr-i a its little rtx Kev. Dr. Deems bas made a aacri fice that is well worth v of mention iait bocd times as tliese He jefasf d :to- ornel iiderbilt. but crave it to the Church, of the Strangers, of whico ne is pastor, j He did this .quite.. prv iiaic.fu -jtUfT silt Jxvt ir , vately and it is but recentlT known. 1 1 m iinwH rusar nnirter. v. n sometimes . are .ut .their hasty tents: - ur. Jaeems nan to write ousebold expenses. , We lbittk the, octor could have accented the least-1 cv for nis own nse with oerfect TJiot irieiy? Wfdpnot'a faltfiftt 1 r - f mi n - . isoonous. useiui mimsre: minis r of tne we appreciate, fully your delicacy and J 'aetMeniat fl ,,u''t' I '1 Iii iiHI-HttM.) fFSK-q Vii,!Mlf iOr Secfey t RTJie moe Ibatiakaotf are considering its merits. , If all ttie ? , j .:-. ' . f- i,- -:ta .dii.tuiu i mstmwwpmYm Wit? f- a.. 1.1 . 1 . J .1.1 j jA. geoflemaa o Jihis eityi whdbad ticed morning, copied trom tne, itocxy Mouat JfaiZ, in reference to three men living m bne''Wibbrhobdiln!; msn couofy Wttoi 1 bavef orty 4iy iog'-eijildren; called our -al-: lieatioa itertthe iatfe - that ihetonaTi: three. brotbtrs residing ia; he JKaintnck section in Pender county, formerly Kew.,Hnover, of the name of Pridgen. who have either forty-nine or fifty children, two of them bavtog eventeen eacb aWd xlie1 third feithqr fifteeai eo jtiXteen; : uWr informant ) li : hot ;poeiUxe,.wmcb. These brothers lite y ipj a radius p a niUepf each, other and aji within siebt of each ether. The eentii maiif afludect to iayf uaf be was at a party or balFinUhat nelgnbeibbfad bn;bbe obcI. 'ajon aad was lh6odaceft durisg the eyenl- imw iA Iblriy Miaa Piidgens, all children L Ub. Jkrea brother aamed.., JJew Hauoj (or, Pander) eea. Nasharfy and . gqes.te t JTire lis BrMtawe; t j 8I rt j :, , t . The store of Jtfrf GMrge,.JUamii A own yreea 1 ownan loewer wain ni 'stocofgWda,9 was destroyed jaAo TnursdiV inorn Wlkit The ; budding aai&tdkave oaoghai'ffonia !ote,bWrnki )9& a atpjecelef aef , ground leeat retnfjjsr flx$t par&esipnetoejid 1 tbeiit Vfts 'rtsuratfee-ia tbelArerptrol and Jjondota anfl dlobey repeeaeatedby Messrat Jno. W. Gordon & Bro., for f400S.t-:Tbi Btockof-goodoi alaed at fCOO. was not inj- . ?.;-3;; vii 1 . A.on:Pwdent;hiJormS M-.that' Pt regular meeting of .Launnburg Lodge iae folldwItrt'eBCert were'eleeTed for Ihd eaatdngleraisIT TCdViogtoB,; U it. JkfJss CeraatsotijlJ.I 9.c-aiKM TTf . WW a WT . T TT ,0 MfjJ Ti -rederlekiIi.f HunterisWi' M.-fMfes: SaUia E Lutaij . D j : f -Faany t8ajitboW4 Am S4-WTOnofllawaiVW I. G.tPanieiPMWilkeaaQn, MQQ.y, Jhe fJS0, 5now flourishing condw tibn, tfiere obing new adjtibb's to the'iluui4 nlrelfWl2?".:tu,t'r,fll-!U,? jBfw tin . 1 m m m III m 'il bA Mil ( A Itarmnhll. L. Russell, of thia city, yesterday,' ihat'he' would receive tbe appointment of United! SUte District !ttJtteyff heVoold remove! lo Salejgl), he : lelegraphed hnMedhilely Hoj jaabton.mpatk time smmhmmmmmm inepas to . whuuxbw h usiua u m viuhu 1 (flaie:UwhareubonHWe brbsseaJover Ihe Tet',rntfirnnsWWk.'.;JbdgCb'ertsob, ye before; slateq.wju.fobawy receive , iiThetaunaanceaieat of the resig' natioe.of H'.Jbb Badgerpbf thsr position ef United States Matrict, Atteraeyf caused it is unaerstooa tnai tne. most prommeuk dssell'dethlieiiyi Iil edAbtytfti- t The CdroUnart$eroUd tor kwigAimBm'th 'two viailfiiTlteehrnaxyi noaberon cnirtabfe.ihfty.oine Jii';hly inte resting articles, and the ,w,hoTq ."get np-of iheublicatidn' lain first-lass atyl; l Publwhed Jiiri" Vnhlidgtbii inOWAlytby .dVV H.eniardT at f 1 50 a year. Salem iress. ami m m va . - " 13 It ! I" ' ' "LI -J . I tpera p ror ti t.IfTii.t vi'. W.1U1 v .It k tii wiYn jjocwjr. -ran maaa a miiUKe. &iLtonn ti-."r tbe same had left, ,There was 0 one, at 'ine' stbre'ai the 'tinjel "The 'loss' on fthi 'bQitdmi'eStruVatediktv. lW-' Hunter, W. V.fT. Clifford C. CalaisJ W..rHrars'.' icaali 11;; :t,-t --"r . .A iRafeigh' 'Kewsttepbft' Condensed .a 1 r . Gensijoeo1. Teb: 5. i 8 8i JX;L .-i. ? "lj"t J'f - ft 3 I " CapCkteanefo? Mecklen- urg,lMater, balled tbe 1 Orange to arritr At.ai lilSfti .mi) 1 3 n d QaauxBrdoseehl U aJPfirter. o 'Mtfeoiubaib -iw i--i;.t .1:1 ?feiT2 aioodft :rLetrtuitt-rT StKObrnaiWFiqay; T . . . ' r . r - ; ani-84nr. tosfij sta 1 a -'m io3WbplWryE4iR vJtwwuy."iB . fc)iu,r o a-ur df J -5r 'b rttbijy :.lca 1 3idi j sih1cj1 'fewlng.isQfper pointedS M$afcurt iiillIdiaso.j j b?4 If 1 gu (if i f . 0 ly ' iiUii TiWiil jvuwi '.- wi'-'u ivroiu euiHs-i ;:.vwk .saoi w ilo s-Wiicjar Jc Blblfewlrf amance.r iDiwdeiatiah Wi 0TSeHbbVj C. s as v JJuUBk SUA. Montgotaer jros .fa A'sVlti o : : 1 - - , ... , r 1 o Uj3Kn a. eall a t counties be; I el W VJ incr resDonded: Alamance. -CatawbaJ- 1 jaoarrna, uasweii, iagecomDe, xrp-j tttitH Wx;irn iaio4ui! 'KlSi.lrmM.Ju Martin, Grange, iPitt RooliWghiim, MU2 Pleasant;' was 1 called 6Wt' and lb-, livered an able and interesting fifed- dress. He.givjes it as his opapion that Wortb: Carbtina has the 54ari,eftt arda' Of the best clay 'subsoil '.ixt aWStaie.-l 'J Ji-i u9i".M ...iiiJt t .iii.i -ij; 1 j. m$mWi' b f;i4'.rm2bno3Q7; oiTbe -committee Ont Credentials re-' ported- 51;f atfges-tereseted ' ' bM- "'ThefTreoi-er 1 subi4.ea Uixe; port .shewing -Lamennt on hand-- a j Col.f Cheek, of Waren,' andi Co Polk, the; Vide fatigabie Cnamisaiprj er '. f ' " , . ' 1 - r 1 Kin of ; OobIow. Assistant Steward ;' Mrs. H. EvKui ofj QnslowxLAay, Assistant bteward, answered f tp.tg pir names.. .. , . , q Tbe folkwing were adbpted bya most a'ttoanimaus vot0: .c i? j -ai WHKHEifl..Tha . Snnreme Court .off fineuftited ' States has decided '"in ait Stales' havb'tt1 right' to regulate th uHffstof railroadscbartered by thehj, and 1 operated within. 1 their j limits;; . 1 r ' ' ' . 1 I 'IsH 'fiepolvVd, hat rihis bodv rel- Bpeciruiry oemana 01 tne next, Jueia latrrie aucrrlegistattve aetionPaa W prevent unjust discrimidatioti ipi.tat- 2d. ,Hesolvea, That we use all pro per influence in the next 'election for members of the Legislature, tb elect ucb p ersofes as Are f f vbrable ta ou -interest bdjl subject; and tbat,w s request' the press. 6f tbe State to ad 4octe!yurifeintere8Wtn'h1s''con tlbn. ''ti'V ' -' 'l1 Si'f!i1 b'loyi nsot di 8d. Resolved, kfThat the 1 Mifiter, wth such a. .cpmmittpe .aft heqT designate, present . these resol 1 jois td the1 nextLegislatureV' ' HJJ'i ' . t "J. coninounun ui ivr -was taaeu up' from the individual ; membere 0 of L the wngefor, thq, benefit pt iPxford Ornhan Agvlnm. - U r , ' :t-. Cbl.' Polk at the close of? " the 8 sesl Blon' vras balled duil'and explained tU wortuhgs of the Agricultural Depart! meut, and, jstributed qaite; A. ,co Jlec j ti maul laotbred undfeif othe'yaDeriniende'nbQ of eransetCQioperation, in hjs conntyj 1 specimen are fine, -and .worj,. 1 General State oatronaere. . . ' - xvesoiuuons muorsing ine jepari-j nienvoixagriouiiureiana ine Jumimu ajjpqVa: SfaU 11" Polkjwewipaa80 01 tne resumption act anatnenassai of the silver bill were adbtea.iinto rt ;.)ommlUde son .Constitaiiotf: a By-Lawa,mbmiUed a report makio the followins ibosffiiitutioaliobangesd -ifiJhe .change, made by the lasiiLNa-j Uonal Grange redoang fees' for mem bership, tnakihg fcitiatibrt'forniales ; Adopted. i.ioii iiJ a'kiHL's ci -no-Hlil- i.f The clause; "Each State shall : be Entitled to two'votes in the National liy excea8.of ten thoosand."i -Adopted. ?lArticte aebfi8ectiofli -5th bf a By- fa to make the ebretar ysaalary ,$ibo lnsteaid of -$?0P;; to get 1 into effect .Apilatij iMSJ Adoptedit mil U 'U Articlb Istseblibn 6tb,3beanened to $25 Instead bfrllOdJ :i Ad'onted- vhSkfii) subject - of a t journal elicited nu9cb disewssion,- ;whieh resaitedifi tfie;?appiCmentsof: tbb ftog commuiee. wim aiscreonary power: Winrtb Cobbitnd Harris: ' r j Dm i.-Moutgomery offered- ihefot lowing, which was adopted by: i JUsolveZ Tjtkt if tbeWortbyilaa tatwill designaW -Brother Dr. Davis ta::UrlareTiiii'tbeelfe Jfrhti'rtr'ftj ast, ,";b9 Ab4ivi4aat' patfonev tpleoge to them our bfestaervices as a safe body guard while engaged in' their good 1 , By permission, Jjtu . J, A. Leach, iieut ef-Oxfbrd .fOrbliitfl AkVldm. of Agriculture,, members of Execa-.J l1tive Committee' Re vl ) J. M. Qrjtni, J of' NbHbairipio'n;' Chaplain ;j 'Hi E.H Kt3n.exhibitedBrie-ciiiienSD!sboe8 age,pd atadditlrial yote.or ?itffirtei "thousand b'iyfflgdprbfrs l-yadioipt)werk.:pf reviving our . v On?motion. the. per. diem, of mem -beraTof the Executive Gommittee wilf hereafter not be allowed the Grange oalypayingtpri expewea, J, It ws. decided tp .meet next year. utRaMgfe. vriii.'ji -l . . The-motton - taki og "llie -Secretary ?romiSeieiutive'-Cbmtntttfee was Th"edubiecf. pt BhKusbandry is to be discussed at the jpexi session. . Xq open tbfe'4.nn;i:TWin8ton; CboV CheelfiMbgom'ery.. r- 'i Adifjanred fcifftt'die' '--.: i.:-.' - ' Hiw a -i i4Wiri fiauj battery: has last feft a lfacr of 8 to bis Cbarlotte iahffldlai- rfdliaot itty-kiaboard.-' - ppratect tun w9. -ljthvday of .Jttnttary, iSUf itMieMljukenvbv the mavde showa th t jjuuiuct ui muauivnvs to oe o,yu. . irwrfrBuniIred"audfibtefl early been planted in. the 1 vi- cinity of Uoldsboro thM.4aasojt Tt ia iraujor4d7.tiiiiiBe uai dryi .be married baibe Wt! r-ktrd ltiUhe jJaHlt! f. one of our . It) Jtenett, keeper of Cape H&tieras Light .ouaebaa bti removed,, and Xiapt. Oscar . ttue, former Keeper or rtorlbi jw8t Point Orf theTttiddreOroubcftH<eras beacb.du- I i ijijafJtoyali Shoal liili tbouae- preraoted a nd P U tWterjed Jo pe, liatteraajiwbtbouse. ;prffiB(blIaay9r e.4aSsdaynight; January it: win. one was irom jxew urieafi8rwnir,--'i r'--:j n-' n trar anrt moiftsft Nn iwrt Inst - - . v ii. : 'iayetCeYiirie7ass obiaarycolBmg wUl ,b found a -aotice of the death or our friend .Samuel jj. Hall, a dative of TaybUeville; but for years a re sident f of . 8oth Carolina aDd Georgia. Recently' he married,' and with a loving W5 fefine business - capacii y and brigb t pjfQspcts, life opened auspiciously before . hTm. Odd FellowTB Hall was packed and U mnted last Friday evening, on the -occasion o Captain Robinson's lecture, cftpersoas were doable to obtain seats, and a) l.a.yajlablej standing room was occupied. -j yetteyille Gazette The State docket', cohlaining 128 cases, occupied the fl tat week; 83 cases were disposed of. Tbe ioUQwiDg are judgmeals .01 the Court: -Geotge SvOverby, larceny ,'foar montfis in the. coanty ' jail; .Henry Evans, . colored, larceay, one year in the penitentiary ; Alex. 'Robinson,' 'colored,' larcedy, three years in the; nenitenttam i John Johnson, colored. larceny, one year in the penitentiary; Mal- ieu yne8, tnansiatigmer, three years m the penitenliaryi ; .The State docket was closed Saturday, morning, . and the, civil docket, Containing 201 cases, ' was taken- up, and quite, a number of cases have been disposed of, up to this time. . - ' . Th?e' i5harlbtte 0ftscri'er tells of 4K inbbmabity bfc Wash Neely to his aged tathertlaw; who jiad been sick lor days. . . They lived together, and Morris Henderson, Bocb-washisname'.waskft lo die of sickness ' and starvation He was found dead. He had dragged himself up to the fire place in order to keep warm, and ihen being unable to move, was severely burned. . When found, his legs were both so burned 1 that jthe fleshwas almost ready to drop off of them from the knees down. ' . There was no clothing in which to bury him, and with a shirt on him and a sheet thrown over him, ; he was put ra the ground. iThey were both colored ! 'Man's inhumanity to man," : sjietrlr.e3s'1 The upper portion Of town is to have ; several fine residences wfthVthe opening of ' spring. V? Mary 4-nn. 'Meredith; .'about , 40 years of age, dangbfer of Bradley Meredith, living about .ia'tnuebIo'; ihe'fKernefsviUe depot, was fbu'OVer . by the train on Saturday morn Ibg,'tbe '2d . ihstantand Skilled. ; It seems, as the ' train 'came in sight, running . on a down grade, she noticed .from the house. i as they lived right at tbe road,' one of their ; pigs .on: the . track, and got. over tbe fence and ran across :tbe track driving it away, when.. ber., 'dress . was caught by the cow catcher,' throwing her down, dragging her -abbut'tjlf ty'.feel,' and leaving her on the 1 nurrr Tarboro j Southerner! 4 Robert rJones, 'colored, was arraigned on yesterday for the -murder' of -Rudolf Eaton alias TjusUvelJchmer, in Rocky Mount, on , . ChriBtmas'' night. I-- A' negro named Savige was tried for the murder of a negro vnamed ' Hill- at North ampton " court last .week, convicted and sentenced to be hung. Cau't some frieads get him pardoned? Our citiieas remember Prof. Theodore Nugent,-; whoiwasv runnine Prof.: Hicks. or Twhoml-Prof . ' H. was running, some, time since) and who was a sbilf ur performer on the accordeon. Well; be has just been sentenced to the State prison from Golds boro for stealing a watch and two pistols .from Pink Winn, colored. : . : 7p; Raleigh, Application has been made to t)r. Sears, the agent of the ' Teabody Fund, for funds for schools in this State, and: allowances .amounting to $3,500 have been made to fourteen of these ltaleigh schools obtain the sum of 1,000, divided as follows: Raleigh Graded School, white, $000; Johnston and Wash ington Graded Schools, colored, each two hundred , dollars.,, . During ; the . last meeting df the Board 61 County Commis sioners the sum of. $17,632.66 was apportioned-among the public schools of this county. The allowance gives the sum of ..$125 to each, child in the .county. Tbe . number of. these reported last year was, ' white,; 6,731 ; colored, - 5,636 ; totals 13,367. The Bomber now reported is 14,106, an in crease of .1,789 Xkiring tbe past year 72 pnblie.achools for white and 66 for colored children were in operation. The amount disbursed by tbe county treasurer last year was $14,051.36. Iv-ntc y'Z ' - : Ur ic 'Chadotte'- Oer: 'Day before 'yesterday .tbe ; postbfBce 1 was robbed of about $40 In the broad and open light of day. .r-T .It is reported. on good authority that en next Sunday a new schedule will go into effect, whereby the time between Rich mond and Atlanta "will be made by the Richmond & Dauvilld and Air Line trains in twenty hours; add from -.Washington City to Atlanta via tbe Virginia.' Midland , road, and .Danville, in twenty-six hours. - Revenue officers were in Gaston coun ty last week, ferreting outjthe;. illicit distil leca. L It is learned 1 that they- eu cceeded in bodiDg three pr-f our distilleries which were being ' operated without "license." These -were a destroyed f and : six or f eight ? of tbe "moonshiners," as they now call the block adersji' were arrested. ; The - play of .VRomeoKand i Juliet, as presented last night by Mr. Ford's, company, including Miss . Louise .f Pbmeroy,' was - not that u n- 1 Qualified success that Lwe.expected In theyeara869.qr 70, one W. . J, Willis, k'citizen of Concord,' was charged with the crime j of, forgery. The evidence was so strong against him that -he fled the, country, leaving , bis -wife and several children in Concord. Nothing .was, discovered of bis whereabouts ' till in 1874 ' be turned up in -Jaincolntoo, committed soma crime' and fled . again . , Sometime during the yesr 1875 or T6 he tdok'up bis abode in Kernersville, Forsyth county, passed himself as a Single man, and-after- remaining-there- f or some time married-, a poor but respectable girl, with whom, , be was living until last week, when he was arrested for the crime of big amy.and incarcerated for the' want of bail. 1 .5; f; 1 r- t; I. V 8 t,. i 1- in 6 i. 'i::. ii U 1 I i I i'l' li' i,