- :; !- : : :V- r-- .J-- i -WITBTTBtnlO' AT ' Jt!L -ATI i) ,1 ii-iil :tl: $1.50 4 Year. in advanced Ed a m V Z. S a 'siiioorci' jSBEf SSSSSS2SSSSS 'M'lt : "i i ,.l!M7 ! IM.t f i P-..-I f i ! ill Subs S38S8SSS8SSSSSS8S SSS8SS8SS8SS8S88S 88,81888888.888888,: 3SSSSSS888S33SS38' 3 t S W W t- 00 88$g8888SS8S888& 8888888S88S8SSSSS 1 V" B" Wf. i I .SJ-.-U W I- CD 1 f j ' ,-iewiowi-ooa9ttt-iwib - Ir - r. t-t ' u j w & L- cription Pricej l - rt Mr The subscription prtc e: of tli Wkkk . -.r,'.:!-i !t 11- ,;..it,i-iV!!( I S. i i ly Star is as; follows;: ,',,. i ;f,. ?ingle Coj)y 1 yeax,i)patagpaid? $lf 6 montns. . " . , i.w 3' . .50 ' ..i.' -1 r Itifc.uqve.lpiiients tbus far iare. ejrj tremely' 5 Hupicions "l and extreiiaellri' damaging . tq;- the;:cbaraeten; of ; te two promuunt Republican o!iticiahaf 'whdse names we! have writleii abve. 'Ulie reyelatiQiia eoncierriiua Matlbewi; havd taken the country bye surprises It was notft;ejpcted,i 'hat Vettie curiaiiv rose-it or tne nrst time tnat i it would discover, I Stanley Maiti)ew8 amonir the consbiratora. How ame he to gel. Lis fiogers ao deeply V in 'tba broth that Sherman arid Others 'were preparing, and bow came, his ! fiogera to beTso' Very badly Jbrnt, fs1 iiideed very straiigej be Pbiladelpnia'ymes says, in explanation of tbe '; niy stery "But Dotbiog except tbe fussiest ami most meddlesome of disposition got Stan ley Matthews into the scrape. When Sher man turned tbe cold ' shoulder on his ' Lou isiana pal it was Stanley Matthews who stepped: forward to execute the broken contract, and j of course be bad bis; fingers burned before he fairly comprehended the' situation. Once the recipient of the story of tbe fraud and the custodian of the infa mous agreement between Nasb and Ander son, be seeing to have taken the utmost pains to play the lackey 1 to the irate super visor. In vier of this subserviency it is hard to understand why Anderson should have flayed the fresh Senator so unmerci fully." J ! : j ; ' -To - appreciate Matthcws'tj condi tion yon must have read his letters to Anderson! and others. No! one, it appears to us, can read thosej letters without cot eluding: that Matthews was an accomplice-a party to tbe fraud. ' He did not lead in tbe inat ler; he did. t ot conceive the villainy or aid in 'its early stages but 'be helped on the plot after it was in a fair; way of execution,1 and -.became the special agent in. seeing tbat one. of the chief conspirators should' be duly rewarded for hU part in sup- tn: iis LI yd Vji diit& IH Ao"? II Id ffe- . Ii utiles inu jifi.- ' -4 it. i mi tn'tti fiU Ji. I ft v-uoK 110.60 5 ziifvu rl it "iiifi ? '1 ; r d. I 7 .u UJ JiadlA H., :-;il -i I n .itYii'f ydJ ab a r, V" "' Ml - r.bJLiUiiil ir'j J 'jd .; fil 1.LJ fit f: iiii.-i ....m. . i , j - r1 nUHHu'J HlH .Mlt'ijjn IIUUT Ji.l' iTl ' ,.!t I rr .. ti . i ) . I. , : ' -T'V'.-te".;. 1 i'A-i rXTXUX-'-iJ-'M I Jli. i '',.-!. U- . .; ... . ... .. t . ... ... t . : V IK.1 Dili ill J ..it; .WWi1. 5-Lwi!Kl .;aiiMic ,aH4. Hf "V? UF ?mpuon irom euner mis nawsinnis etatetuenl aa a ;aetoonatratI6iof f'Ttta XfepabllcaB Barbeenraad BHroaiy-'iaM-tHBe iMocebceof UieaccusetlUiJiytiro Amm ha awdkfflui i.fr,ol! "I X f'1 Ti011 1 ."MeSflfivft..Ai WflPS? fym&& t 'ryTre tfeWujfer isT wbra?imd!dt tie cbrroborkTtdefffl 'HtRlWMfelsW WM4W4e( .'Wi,. 1 " . Uetsonfc,-, qa w:li'iioja9a H ba ' Wrmstaa'the'tfn orcomthanU Hi be accepted aaavlngnyiiiealtvalMP itbe. ahigMMhtiaa. SJames IHeatoirdaad ol t'lSpecrai tatbe'ifrtg 6uP,t liotitt Jbltsiusei.edkeitaetJtoHa sfiifilji 4)sbroyed or ximT 15 1! -o zbt. on the uinetv first ballot, receiving , ti.-i.0. Ski t..r '..1 i tf ltfltTllill-t if 1 oVrSP1? np-necessuy rot K. , , , r eqmisoeaMonwijMi 1tb9i:WnjepJij.jyu.)bift bdT 1 --'t-'x,'1"",J -T: yl -aH5 i Ai1f,?:jT w iAWJi tj fu-Tiiritj3r-JaKujSy-i "id ur, .aetiarAUbria td iie8pvcresttotfdni11iro4br binif H4rarimhe '& ttueh1ftob'':1, Lr4- ' ,?Ja. vrem t, MTeruiafPMiHTO valiant challenge to tbcommltte patilhefc tfcfl fV":r"" --n?fTf a J iu i , - - fTingjia(rej ui Buuuutiuura uuiavurnuu) 1117 1 ri , ; -7 , "t'creiivereHj. ay l ine.vreDresentattveSr 0I; J 'adwltbeckiwcMild bflinoMtAiof otil tarbretation which the circumstanced mX' -UMlA ' iAViUmovi ttiAMU4ilii -Wiwi i'-iil Stii1!?-. nor the obktitos'ndert)wlyo wm-iiaW. i& ni.i..T ,t..ui., j-. m l niiwnuit)uutuv.,L'iaii.iD aeeU neea si lea lo nrmia nor aiSDroveff Tiv'mfi'VPtri(tti.jic.v.jiv ,kAU 'From a long aodiiiuUxate acquaiataBei : witn JuovbtBor-i uayea;:iiam3ustifieaiiar assunikjg thei'Tespoosibiltty-Jtor jpromisda midwiiand -will oarabteeoaiatTbuiilli be proVidedf'jr -sooq afttal thk4U.'of HaifcbY aa imay be Bracucable,' auxiaprmch Maaoet tilll -.JL1( i 4A. 1 w ir . ShoakFMMl aeBritiiih!e4tyUioo) ed'f-.febuLidie.3,qFfe Irtde'eldwWfcfeeateil ft"7r. o-,l , I chineaoL getting, a'aqiiara,; warWaBarRbbiBtVii-WaA; reDresente , hv v David Alll?r$&W M f!B0Hhing'ina maU LBoVafi J Manning Ml - tl 1. ' rrUTT"Tr-r"'J 'jut oouw .Jlt adf Lainoj.t .'J :W l6ved tohaa acoundrer.the mhraffiflOKin rtn AbaeVMs'WiH mMjrfrtfff W "ft! ft would tben , be. pro- &Lator is damaired by tcdeutialrfe- . 9 leurlMit4J -ftera feN Ifj WbTatf6,BptjW& tbVf We rtH'WfWAri&fcVa ftfl-fWfyWg Ahepof 4iWi in Mr. Iiatthews possessibn: mher' i the meeting niaaiuudi mute, uidetly than hatd, Wilmingtoo? anjl Mjdieaohi lonry iwo ofi jjoiiugwn.r iuohw ; -wjiu Si .f, 'II ny tBat,rr6 wrdte w i?::bbtMkbb;udea'1 8 m&m oamments on theYaiw qhi-jer.f,! ermanVi-epIyiibiJ To4)aV!Bnerm'a'wuulh iis Dearre to' oeny j-i!jHt-nd tiiT . .. . - .. v. I 1 AOfr.Atow fVi wilia. Ihla. Ann Am A nn trta h I i I ,'Ht did Kt dire) to depy itjj ,Tb record) a IJrfcfe' 5oppwcyiWaaufierpufta c(unra5y-.ixqJix,rf frite'tforitltaTy, bifuiiuiiui. Duciuiau vcaucruoY nvuiucu l.tidn. hftf u Jiii-itm;i i ... ... . : . I .i 1 . j i.;.. , - ;.. i I. - i i I- .. .. - .t j . , j i i ti . T : : . .mL oifa,. J iUj,ni.n nLi, Af..U t.k xrv.. I lor. 'jviuj JadJ 'ji ) b'-uniiO! nana '1 riMd-1 , wings growing uu 01 intercourse wiin-.a.ir- was nataralrwtoibe exneetedHoaiy two or i .nr,. AjexiugioB.i xus xwncv reponer- anan i;ratfiilkt., l iilHftrfiaafed tbeSate a WBW? strange, kJ i l AiQ W-iiii n -l 'Mm-iMMm s'tlt'to him to Gen. Ha aaVas; no Woodfivl DfDea.htokep., is v f WSS. ntf i..ili2 i I uarM made trie muste. u rations Jwew .liiiiiid Jrf; S'tJ 'ifj f - . .1 ; fl 9fi!(J 7ir:i 11J2V Of l.'il TOiVji JTI :iioiiI .!rj I Ii!;i-' ail I. - i - i i r l-l J , , ; ' ' -- ' - Spirits, TarDentme jWe v Jii"i I i iiLf?ase l" receive a call front Gen. John J V(f'oLi?iiId iGormanrof Raleigh, on last Wednesday. Jo iJ'ani'0 it N0v33. ; j v. JfJDICIAIi CQNVKNTIOJV.. 'vpehenced mttr iserf aYitrtfwriteY.wilI cpmmanfl; f gqerat pppportBrhia new, horaef rrjl" Wake Criminal Court; Tues Trak ex-Judge Fowle submitted to the HCbirgtrttf atflrarld battery upon ex-Judge aourgee, aawaw&eoapeuoy and coats. Tuts attack' ilsi will) i) remembered, rerew 3Q0t of the publication of .tbe A!0'! letter in 4ba Greensboro New North Stole. Judge T'oargewaa.put on tfie stand and asked if he wrote the "C" letters, which Question he .leclined to answer. ; - - - : -GAnanCa Journal. (Paris. Fiance.) which ' f sas: fDr. Ed warcTVTSfreDTBe y,) tbe well Pjwn American Jbysician of ih Is city.has Senator Whvte, of. Marv-1 seH ttreauoualyy agaw aud againw nunngaI ft, ,Jj j. ,-,r ,wiJlJjmj, fclti.yr :, r delivered: by the Senuyr eiass?as X bl TnrirT-T-jujii-irTw.-.i unr-.n i tietiod extendint? over months: to satiafv 1 ana "oaraivzea" sunury ana various oi .i.i" 1 ::.'..!. -i: bdviiaiflj oipekuAPpMUiftn loiljAderson's demand imnvrr T : r- - .. . . i ... ... . .. tJi.theiGolljoatlinie-jihat ohad' enor liwJZy yw' Ij..a k.. hz M-hSTll her. E. D. Hewlett:, Surveyor. J. K. Brown tb.agjeclihtBrept.tiw?l4tagr8s.nfl) mLHi iuMiur IfiUiL .ranse ' 1 . . 1 . . I." 1 . - ."J"- " j"' I L ! I ' .i.,,!!-.!.!! 1.,. I - - ..J.l,. t.. lll-.-.J 4 pduntrv will be rid norli8 WrTlLf LwM0fJi;K"" WU'.f' f MbJich.Ue. branding Anderson. as be.de-- are fbreerieB.! pretestationa - In ihis behalf will be in vain, ine attempt to explatn.mem i aiMay ts an insult to amtnoM mue. And tbe pressing the ins the Loui siana record. : true;' Tetarns and. falsify I I M(IH i: -ii I. , 1 i ... ,.!.,! , i! o . I. i. . . i !. i ...rt l , , r .. h wft "ditB tTie"ioiinwiniy resumeari toat appears elsewhere," tafceti' lott'N' Sli! :v "'L i I !ih. liihed iii th nonrVtrv: Wsoma l? W'SHWXi.il.iL. -2 (,iJ. 1-0. W - ii i "I, -vii:JJ VVe direct 1 Attention. to) ab .axticLdi her, E. D. Hewlett Surveyor, i. R. Brown JL1. ..n j-d.u . J TiL. A TTW i a over Japes Heaton and an unknown i'c.olore4 u.vuunoi "yjliTH'Wnr.IilHn nnnA.nmnn hn1 m.inlnH mil. n IU UUUU IUC lUUKUICUl 111 rCUUlli IU JUL I I L.t II i j i . t. I J ; jtn.DK it wm pe. ; i Uif jCbmoanv. ad that. "to-dav it,..was. a Urkn .the dialttgennous .bWAfW ,"eP?,e TT" ' f v ry, NC.; subject;'Real irxrtieM i Ln.r.T ,i..TPT i,.'.il L J. ' --...- KX, .L, i:..?..,, ifidVated toa considerable extedt on the Mlvthical. '-.nv jIJ .yail- .. i" - . i 1 1 nun i Hn i UH4Lur:i;Hiuu& uu am un.-. ijiiiithvii iHteri.j:KiH iiti iiiiein I "that kidney. 1 1 ..w - j i . . ... i ...-. . I ,r-T o - I i ii nam rinnirnau , I nna . .rv onrtnn . ' . I ....... . - I ' 1. 1 'A. . A A t ; A . AWI 1.1-. .J I'.t I 1 I . . ... t . I I . aiM.. . .. W . W T Vrf.niUVI.UI IhtolhiJI .tafM-fit-iiiM fWis. !..i: .1.1 liHUW, bUild IIM'UUU. UUlieHl taiK. UllU-l WnD.lhnjU. ii6ihl,H.lWnk i I-.tI ... . .nr.. . I - f r if II 111 I I II 1 1 I I I I I M SM ' MM VUUll Ilil0B! I M u I -MWTW 1UUIIBIUC1 III 1. I . FT IflllL I. IILI. Illt-T M.MMMrJ n W lira. VU t H I IH .VkraM AH lU-n, HH MHrrHl I A 1 . I . 1A f A I W i I ' m i V. A . lri'iTWI n h TricketTheGeneralrwilitake charge me Aape-KiieijrjoneeiK ud, teBg anx- e4nappoiBted .by.hia natlive State,. North AJafolina, JCefclaHedmiriissnyner- ii1ib ifjafis i Exhibition.., ,Tbe.,. Commissioner liQeieralof the UmteffStatea has also se lec ed Dr. Wartep as fte jne'dlca attendant of i he officers and' soldiers 'on duty" id hjs department, with thferank and title of Mel- i elec ition or nil take s no cal culating whaC'l thei lue ilb he ? Until within the past lew days neither party hadf ratiluted anything like las active canvass. - I be picnic at Wootllawn, yesterday, wuk the greatest success this line that thd Catholics o'. jCjbarlotte have , ever bad. The train left the depot "here with 250 or ,300 people oil board ad 'arrived at Wood- awn about 8:45. , S ' ,m f Mrs. Christiana G. Morton, near av JiFirinklmton, was burued so terribly from "a exfosene expnosieff watoat in is deepair- Bfl pfy jj&ge l0ojK he tamp, to the flre place to lighT it, arid in apptylog a torch H ex piddeAy eoyiaribgiier: with: a sheet of flame. Tnte UUOia Wee Lance says:., Stunn.ed and beltaer8life rh8he'dyuVfn, Ihe "yard and enfleA-focedjalOi (fxUnzvuah the -flames .bv jplliBg over on the ground, but to no pur- l tlenVvhomks atM.nVH r M r-e"Tri0m. TnHlf.ud:. anfl succeeded in smothering the flame's by ,v ,spb, N. U; subject, "TJtah 'ahd the ihiowtt'ove fhera'abverlet' seized from ' ;Mprmons. ; -' -.-aU. vj.uA J,o , jaJHed, ,I,f,r4-,n,f i..,;,, ,: Idward John Eill. Faisonj N.nC,a.l!?.. f-Salero. Press: ."Tbe 'Guide Book TIIi Ottier-iWorids. ,- , ' J Jhtough TOthsferff1'NoTtb!!Catoliua Mfr$ Sobu Byau Lwis, Raleigh 6, 1 W agea. - rj ' . - - . ... . lu.t ourarwnsmarj - o. rr-jmcaev:- oanoet Guard. ;sn. L,o :j ii .vwiaeasofc-i-sbihDed i 30.00Q..jouBdsf ot gripes, and during the presen t expects to seaa .otiVpounas torward no market. 4.'4;ba, biestj ; price, paid f oj; tobacco ftdnv$49 (o fSas'ji Tbete were ;about 65,000 .pohnds sold, and. the sale waaverv satis- . IGeoree.CjrkiieNew44.a.;. i M10' J of -fine to-" H - - r t -nannvoar ibuvauai.-a i-mm Mtn nnoa . . vk . - l uuaiUVkjau ov ww aisuuuaa.' iuui inn mi tbe weed were "sold. jViBsue8 of the hour," appealing to the Demo-i crats tohelD wine out the "camet-baeeers. meeting at Uutoand.v, U, Branch and Alex. A. Jones acted as secretaries. ' : u -uil VL. i.r.y. .Ajeot.Wtjjleye;Nor,tbC - 1her annual report was next read. It Was4tt' Mat tatge " J-'CglCCB WCIO IUCII UUU1CIIGU. ifUUgC Grant was' made an-' LIi.!- S)Uevi Uames Sprunt,.. .of.: Xtaplip JXj , ... . . ... .. .... , , ....... ... ., ... . ... . . . B T I 1" ' I ruf?f'.MtenH?Efiaf1DP Sa,uea.(Dy aa om: J.iB. Kilieiriwrbr4)i-rAT-M. on ciklinhis city to a letter from Commis- W. jj. Brooks arAJ -B. 'Jl Wesson AN OtVD AND INTBBBSTlNCi PAPER Rv. J.' B: CbesbiTe: Jr.; of Chapel HiHl-'sfirida th' TnrKnro' Smitfifirker W hA tfMalrl TAFrral. IhA onandol Ihof n iAnr I I 1 , i j1 I . . . t i -L: f -,..: - j ; ? --. tipe' ago referred to thb tpKpoSition of that Pahc Mail subsidy r The I'M interesting, letter .concerning an luat vuui;rcB3 buouiu ibKc infl uiniiier I "T , 'X" "w I owt paper m lUB -uvuseiisiui v,A wsi- i. ,i .m vli i ij v- j ' t m -rw I 7-7. 7 r. , . " ' .1 -. -, , 'ii'iiii.) iivf I fltiatana saturatea ;MjnHrev7 jw'wnyia-i li , T . , j i ner naum, oi me internal rvevenne i :j.ne unemistrv, JYieaal waa . awarded ,H .7?n.ig?M3 coDtainathe proceed- JrtmeD wWih mfty b4 of interest to saWkU kd Ernest , Hv wood. RaKh: : th? vv a an n Of nn i not. oonvrat o ototq aminn i iiftutHuua i wuiwui tuai lauiuus cauusuio i lnrri nr i na nroi i nnvpnT.inn i s i i . s i XL- r.a.i -n tv jrt, nv -i conld not possibly harmonize the opt I amonir leading tHilltieiaasJ Raisin? his I ofef- bfeld in North' Carolina.1 The villages and tbe proprietors of ' country borojlhe Gertnan PnJze1 fo J. b.J Man- nnsina intPrpsts.tifend itn'afc thl fl'nlv; I wicftuaiitn, .'great;. 4ramtiC:uPower.Hr, 1 Gbnvention met at Tarhoro on No-1 Btbresl ' Under an eld fullbe of the depart- rbrag, x'lttsboro. UJaXM;: rjlJA.'lJA nhvte;allud-edlotoe.a L,LQ, 1fh ,.on. . rmnnA ment thW artielea referred -: to in the letter I jTbe Misses . I Mangum, pf: Oraugo, Bwure icuicm nuuiu uo muuu iu .D nrea ana nuy tuousauu uonara a year i y-... i " -w. . , t ni nffal o m1al o o Wanted m 1885 to tbe ' GaTriaan linA of I xfcw t.i: ''.-.i..o.......'i 1 were aiioweo to Da conaioerea in me cate- - . 0; j , . - . . -iV . . I ui x" mukiiii vuuutv, wsa urtiniai v. eldinwn nlvinir hptun . Nm . V nrlr and I I-.. . ' . .. - i .W a riAai : attovrmln Datr tKflfli.wO I "TiT T 1 1 r I . ... : .1 : .1 .. u T. . stroyed tbe very commerce nh In1 fnoltiT ril Ciot linn tion that would jnvade. the -rights of I vessels, hitherto actively engaged in the I Cheshire says: Yfefl Stto lenrT tn tliA nnnAliilt israsuian , iraae,, jo r m. iuie leas n our I ; ..The newananer franCBvhleh the follow- . - i L... ' - nr., with Amntv-tiAlilfl tn viri fin I . T . . . . la imi . u . -w . . tion ot tne iiovernmeni. ine ten- i and down our coasts nae a lunerai cortege, i fyroUna Chronicle' or FayeUeville Gazette dencv to a strooff ffOvernment is al'- I lhe Vi l when lhe ad was published at FayeUeville. "printed uency to astrong goyernmeni w , Byy ended, tne Qarriaon. line gave up the by HowaVd & Rawlstone. for John Sibley reaay ; Bumcieuny. pryuouucwi. a no uum, uu ma won an mo ucucut no uc- i at Irranklin'a Head, in tireen street, . : t . m.z' A etweeii,Je.wjyorkand. H". ' - "-v gory 0f medicines and sold as such, hut as prwe ior .:vne uesi, orauou on v,om- at di do.f . It de-' was the father of. the late. Judge tbe present Commissioner places a different mencement Day , in memoriam of eThSndredl of Sltatf Norwood, of HilUboro, Mr- cQnstruction on the law.'and dealers Uo &f.,r father Hom WilheP. Mangum. !r.?.?ff x, . . j iw .i.i-t.t.J . L.a. .'uw ;This was . considered, -.the . -prize . of.. sell these articles without a license are thus liable to Indictment, itlis hut j proper that Sbnteme Court of the Un tedi States Ja1ZZ.:": where isays, Articles ot Inteiugeuce, Ad- iVDrtiBPmantB Jbn ara f Tianlrf nil v rpppivpH has decided that Congress! has power aj-e asked to commit the same folly again.'; ShbscripUona for this paper are taken at .! .'Oil. !j 1 1 i't .' i V . ' ' . :.VJ,.L .it i """fTi ' I .tfhra Hard dnlUro riAr nnnnm rt fifltr.tnrn to regutateteiegrapnjr ,w)e r j 'H1''11 rhlt mXSa on suribTng, one later-state cornmerce. ) ti,t jiniSjiaw,.!, , . , - a ru;:i . : : i.ojurtet in six montns, and tbe other quar- holds.'then Con ffress must' have alaotj guard, in order that thy may be saved, unnecessary trouble and expense. , The letter, or rather an extract from the same, reads as follows: "Isabels like tbe roiiow- trig: 'Peach Brandy Bitters 'Old Crow prize them all. The contest was hard, but, J tka uucyBftf ul contestant was Arthur Amn0inTJTXjOUisonre; -ir. :XJ 'f-LVVea?re! indebted to the enterprise of the Raleigh News for our con- densed report. A .VIRGINIA HEROINE. boh Bitters iDose,a wine glass full three times per dsV-are hardly sufflcient, uio-..M. I j c K'ir I mt: n:tt-jut, I id the. opinion of this office, to take the the power, to regulate alt mailer of I i 6 . . - , , .r-, 1 I . . j radicles out of the category of beverages pr ,liiiaLlttlAlv -m-u5viuooo uiiwueiiiwi tu -jixji wit uunuiuiuuiy uuusen x reaiueut. 1 .. . m i ' ''.l. 'aiuuuuiiv: iiunurs. iuu vu uiauc iuciu iu iuc thifewi's fali,:!fo'r tbey 'daVe 'indeed j ito is the famous "Parson", Miokie-r We have Only space , to' copy a con tract of whifcb Mr. Matthews became the custodian: . i - . "Agreement between Anderson and Nash. Representatives in Congress, New .Orleans, Nov. 21, 1876 ;f . ., : 1 ,('.'!',. "By an agreement entered into' this day,' between . James E. I Anderson, Supervisor of Registration for the parish of East Fe liciana, La., and Charles E. Nash, member of Congress from the Sixth Congressional District of Louisiana,, it is agreed that said Anderson shall suppress evidence ahOwibg that the said parish ol East Feliciana "was fairly carried by the Democratic party' at the election held Nov. 9, 1876,1 thereby electing the entire Democratic State ticket and Congressmen! f, in consideration of which the said Nash agrees to secure fori the position or Naval Officer New Orleans, La. ' " u : "James E; Ahdersost,5 "P. E., Nash. I agreement was sighed in' our presence this 21st day of November, 1876.; J. M. TOMUNSON, "O. B. MOEOAN." Mr. Matthews, in a letter written said Anderson at the Port of The above March 27 th, 1877, acknowledges . ho bad the agreement. Tbe New York Sun makes this proper comment: ' "The agreement r which, Mr. Matthews here refers to is that with ash, which ap pears above. .What is its character? It. is an agreement to, "suppress evidence show iog that the said parish Of East Feliciana' was fairly carried by the Democratic party - al II.. .1 . . . . -. T , r. a.. -i " iuc tnecuon neia jsovemoer ioo, iu consideration , Of which , the . said .Nash' agrees to secure for said vAndersoa. tbe position of Naval Officer .of,; Qxq, ortof New Orleans. ,? I If there ever was a. cor-- rapt and crimibal agreement this, is , one. iue one party bargains to falsify;, toe jmje returns of the flection, by 'suppressing evi dence respecting it, l and the- other; party bargains to secure for the falsifier a. : valu able office by Way of pay! And yethwa uave mia vniieu oiaies ceBaior,, iui Mosom inend ana representative ,or. Jttxf, Hayes, introducing one of '..these parties to auomer rnend and sgent;; ot Mr. Hayes, tuesame agent whom Mr. Hayes has since ewaraed by making him, a Judge of, tbe Supreme Court !'.., u, , ,. l As to the case against John; Sher man, it does nolyet appear' how mu'ch evidence- will be brongbt dot tocrim nate him!. ' It isfceneranv ltelioved that- he wis : the areh-oonspirator among "thej yisiting statesmen,"! and had more tb Fdo in enonnier!n(Ti.hA plot than anv other cunnincr rascal who went to ifew Orleans. We eive TllBEAtiONi tVIfr. ... . . iic.i rn.-.;i' . . The;,RepnUcasft.a.re.,. STrat the end of the year. Ihree hard dollars per annum, of fifty-two I Bfittersi' Oldl Kentucky Bitters,' and 'Bour- I she Kiu Two Trampi-and is Herself cktegory of -medicines. "Persons sel Ing mis Fatally IV on odeV i re. t : ni.v. t . i " i Richmond, Va., Jane n r' s j Last night a plucky 4 widow,1 livings near Tazewell Court i House, in this State, succeeded in defeating two tamp ruflSans, after va fight which cost her her life About ten' o'clock afc night twomen cattle rto the hoiise of Mrs. Becky Baldwin,, and ! asked . her to give them Bome silver ia change liter-State r4'niere:e-tQ7 regulate' between different StAtes. f n tr rf, Ldi4 lfln -vJ1!, . Pe.aJ,'. tJfuu wuo vu t turtles arneies Bboaid,J in the opinion or fftr -a Via ihftttahtiniihblai rmMM P-i.v11-. kjD8jst that Sher- Glebe,; a plantation given bim by potece pay Special tax aa liquor deabrs I. . j i . . I.t i -i i 't t . j 1 At - Mi. . - ' ;.'-li ii mi ! .. . -. ? midam'ionBt Y wwm.aaY.nevei-siigutea nr pfeo i nomas rerson, or me .iVi'e'eWekit:'1 fUohta bbtUat 'rari aarihdid if.'lheitiad.iwriUeii tioDaand..who,livea and died in. Gran- I TeAerdaV mdrhiug, at point on regard Uofrei BBTsu UIIU 1 1 Villi IMS I Ut; ta&VU IW I I , -1 ... ,2... , -i j i , I uau ?kiCU, iwio viyu j mjUVWdjitin nA iiA FA.'Ann..-A 4r.1 vcuius. "'u mau, UBUiu u enteroa. 1 ney enierea ner. Dearoom. ... ... , r , 1 .. --11.1:1m 'lif uwiv.i.ii)'Mi.Miii.ii f kJLiP juuiucu iiuw lira ucui ana vvia ellion when be, was -a prisoner in ,1 . n,tmn thor. tknaxii hr! ; nMt0 therefore, bad reasoato-tfaiak tbat the hands of, Gov. Tryon, after ti cop; nenjdholdipg onjbehinda ma- . matnf e4 .er;lpo;qkjppt. andtteai Aniier8daybadifio-' etldeA.ee J o- sustain I atUe. ol.iA'lamance. ,. ;. ,.4( 1S, terial train bythe aid of poles, when, by'a clned to violate her persomif she did riirtVYr, "0; 'tt' I iw- nir vr' - hf .Amahf j th' isud&Vcessaflon'fe e s'beed oitte iralo'.4' not iye' it; np. -Sheyent het Hku u y VUlac-;w UV UlIKU If UllUCl I ifw w ay j m m,w v w uwm v w wm. w i i . f . . i , I - . ..... " YY nat was Aiiawasw uaiced word resolutions aaoptea:i . -t? ; , ;uu u. John,1 the Rev. Charles Pettigrew, thB Revv'J cbrppetjttg linps.ahojJld i,H9t WpTfJ ojf tpe destruction of each othe as in isbrfte. States, lwpjbe naWZ wise for the Legislatures to regulate local fr'eightsibthaithey snoold not Tortb against 'i'u'cb1 'a raaftjah't ess lump tlui i7i Jlr ,;'1,'iX i..i !' I - ' F. . .. "" . - . m r rt.'i r 1.4 ... . . ; .-r , he freatlv in, excess Of tbtOu&n Lsi -3--.J:uL..l J: i-llL U..j5-iiwL:n 1- hfcrittttri -lciV 'Shott th'ft nnnfldMt I' henh innnintait HanWtiaa tn ranroOAtit. tht ir'trie Lie alioolnyi Colored ari hre i dressdeHberately . tobk, her pdek , I(erred0 Waa drojected forwjard withBUCh l etoooK. iromn,xouvaiajguoui . oi, liolence agsinst-tha.'BBd of :the pole that it I ana tnrew it in tne nre. une or. me ntered,ide.ja?u,a peoi ri.tiAo oVinnM hfa flof irhin ii tfid I: "SherniBti '''alsO' ' shared the1 iconfldeht hereby aonointed. deDUtiea to represent the t 4 - . lv( H-j ' fk t - j L i, IbpisttondfiStMteyvllal "lhe. Clergy and Laity of thisBtate in the next nxaiuob w Duuu au cA.vcuia.av. i wbiv wwiwmowwMft w i uenerai xipiscuuiii isonvenuoo, iuun uiu ocHiJI-'iul Ji:Tl ?Ii'.'Jn: -7.-S :Al I I mana fiotlnaa Irt tfnlf,tf 'A r7?irann nfflo'o I I MRtaabii. That Iho, VAnaaiii, IWltln It! any legwlatforrpb; this sabjectjA and bM darjng. though! )isaAtjrotia game of Micklejohn and Cutting, the -Reverend i - I . .4. i !--,- - I Dnl. iW... J i:il I ir TI.. . .r...l Wx U1U4V v1;fjuf j "Vfc ,ljic0l v" AieuBfU. diuuui, rigrew, aiwuugu .auu stronger reasons, isvery member or tne yvilson, ot tbe Clergy, and Jonathan : Ji.it Betttrnibg BoaWas kept'ili or given afatif freil. of Granville: James Mills, f Wat- f 1 1 1 i( J ' f 'j i t V 1. 1 . - i : .i . 1 A l . TT TT'll At Tl TTT;ll; Iff - A.AMrsAn. .nnnrM.l.a tU.l.dnn '-xuuuawnv. .uuuiejr ueio,J j nnw.pi, oi r raoaiui; uuau irrptrr'-r ra'rwr! i tbe . jsiectorai,, iomausstf) .or, ,.. Visiting 1 Keazlei of MartiBEaOuires; Doctors JUeighv willreact. ;a8 has alreadv'il been the I Statesmen wjis rewarded by a foreign mis- i of Tarborwighi and Dickinson.of Edentohv h'oweieri a pprbg'kM sbbdlder i JJg had rW'fejrlfltitt of railrokd' 'Bettttnld ' 1 ; t- ! : -L AHAtMli y4 nn nvk at v n3 lnnU riim nd the end of it w" forced through his HW u-u ,atVF It : T!LxVJiiVj,:ili..ia J mvl'l.,i I a terrible Wow, knocking, him down. rpast, making a rr une wouuu iae - . iffo- WIther'birJw ortunate man was taken up by tbe passes . . Krft5 - nt! An..thA:hfi-Jr.h; p ' v : . i, Jii.it.- wl: !:. i I v n1. stone. "The second tramp .then idrew, ! BPW.DtiW :ueiBS: 4 dirk-knife, and rushed at- her-and staccounta.i - b.i lrUeoYfcBtfIaivaai' ii:J stabbed her twice m' tbe' IeFt breast! $hfe dealt him a: fearful blow w'rththV ar,'Jneariy-!ssevering -bis rigbt-'arm case n 'several 6f States. J.t, the North treSterri' Sioh ot a seat Id the Cabinet.' ui- ' i ' .i.ii- . i ; , 1 1 1 - j. i : i.i jt b: Jtj (,i-. f ivi o h .The papers all, oyer the land were suspeated villains. tSays!tbe,.Pof: : ' OorteleCTaphie dispatches of i Wed-j t Shermaa,: knew tine . had. to be i r : . t , - arawn aomewnere, sooner or iau;r, auu so nesday. nifebt stated1 that the i5ra-f he drew it on Aadtfraoobose offensive . -. ... r . k a i . f i ; iirianMaitotsidrn i i ..:; Ia Miii.,-,iit4 is li-fv'. i il more than, a ooy, a?! J ' a I 'a. a 1 " :i . J I -a,. . . . m. . . - a " senaiey oui,inej(convrac;i;wJa.iiiui'ei, i wnne ttouae lp " t 1:1 . Wo I rudely insulted' I ,,aaj i ' i . WMW VUBIVIIE BMMimH& I . WW a WWUaat av CQfttract,.1istitftpi7fojJ, the.Jine was ,oaly foimu,pfter. he had re,'. Tiro KnJW nf iflliKivvtiii 'CVittra .4h vnnnir i..ilrLJ lU..-i&tjik-LA 1 hear thei shoulder.,, The miscrean, ituicu uuu nnwbiwuuuij uiumiev i i, rt , , . . i j i i - - ' 4-f . 1 rt, . " i tnen nea, leavme a irau 01, uiuuu ub- iff the rateamer; X r, on Tuesday; , .m .t WV ,JfWnn and Colonels Lone.' of Halifax, and Leech. 1 afternoon last, abbut twenty miles above .i ; ; - . :fiJi 4r.:- ofNewbern.of the Laity, be . appointed a thls citv was iecbVered od Thursday bya , K -oiug twu mi tu.0 Standing Committee i of the Episcopal t?W w..-Wnn?.W Da Ulace;.i A young white man eatno by Church in this state. .... i ; ---r : i tms: morning, anu iouuu ,4u.rs4 xaiu, s- "Resolved, That there be an annual meet--1 panied by a white man whose name we did wm in an expiring condition. She ingof the Episcopal Clergy and iiaity. or hot ascertaih, ahd brought to this city yes-1 foldber story, and died two hour's SSiS SS,? nlaSSf :St2J: Clm. afterward. The "dead bodies' 6f the' . . r ' BJ 1 UKin KM ntfi Liif. limit vr;nij:mn , . . , t sj.-i.l--.. and Laity.' : I' .- -. . ' . J lu afternoon, the; l Jury returninea Yerdict to two tramps were' tnrown rea.nog i . . . . -.. . . t . . .1 . ...... . t .1 I - . . - , . n . b. inHiMrfnliAn - ... l : I .. . i -..M.nin i . Wyim.w irhBi in 1 1 ijAnAPO unn kibi. l iv w.wjk. vryy was fwijr i i tww, -iu. i .i wsmk.m. the eseei mat aeceasea came 10 nts aeaiu j ueu bw greau ; w as mo ui4g iimhi, and jyho had called at the Conventions the Laity have alright to 1 jfj, ooMMntal $,t9Wrt& itl I i jji tbe people in Vthe Jtvicinity. . There a state ox intoxication ana repreaeniauoa taoir wu wucr. nuu, m s i - 7 nanerg found on them bv i Mrr Haves. 1 Yet: even on bnttt some future regulation take place it Uf.Wr.ii.irt.i.iai-h SMi'-l w?7!e.nl PaPel8i .Dv .P. n?:B P.i TT-IUU .uv. is recommended to the Laity to choose oue for every county and one for every district A new. Compress Company has been art 1 gsnied La biajcity, .with the following offi- U. iill .n county, on the first Saturday in September 'Convention adjourned to meet again at on tbe fourth Wednesday in nexi. n-r.r(.Biieiit JoIiiibob) JTIonnmeut. H i Knoxvii-i,b, TkVn!, June " i ! The ceremonies df 'unveiiin'1;Ei James Sprunt, W. 1 President Johnson's-monment it in T?irtwood. L. W. Sanders. E. E. Bur- I Greenville were attended to-dav. bv a We. J.Pennypacker-!y. i j, large number of prpmAMnper i The Qoij-ipapy wlf erect what js known from different parts of the State and LtW AforMChamniAn CnmnreaiLon what jOOUntrt! ' MisOnic aind'Odd FeflOWS Senator Baitey:,!0 Vou may make Anderson.; you qannot I -''Takbobotjgh, Nov. 13. 1780L-, ci-3-.4l Hwas , formerly! S8r8..-Yick 'ilebane l lodgeS 'frotn 'iKnoxvilleBaotlieid zt ij- i-i ; . ii i" - i i---- ...I -. . . . . . i ,-..,.,......... - ... i r i. wi.i :: -pe gamers oj jjm uercn' Mpe, whitewash: thereby UhOI charatlteis of i ! , The Convention met in uctpDert:,iwi, wiJilhifihW bfrjy J readineas ,for toe,. -uou ppmM! kavK ilniiai fhA nfaatillifv rtf ' o 'ThrAiArnrl ! . - - I MAAn.4!aM a Via nhnva annmnlmont an.r1.lt ... " M - 1 i '1 t c tmmwm mmwm 5SSiSS5t bbhn .iberWsn adBtevMitthewS. t.'lJ Ifpesai.ew it.ia W , ine -toideyeton tbe trade. had. tomknerce: bf vAA An Hr; r.i 1 Mav. 1792. at which last meeting the revT iU J1 YevejMe .bales,ton the, mea- J rfnj. j.:tr!r.iJii .ii.. j. 'itu u ranA nhnrlp.a Pp.ttiprew iwafl chosen Biahiito. I sured ton of the veal nnon which the v are theitwoferjiliMlStinigSpM on this,hpmiapher -1 . r . 1 . .1 t 1 I o 1 r rr -rtr im TTT JTr r u vi iTr . ! : i -.-.i. ..MnAnnr nr wninii tiaa I t nan ur 11 u i. mmm linn KLLHrn i i:.j &... Ai.tt .nnnirtr. ..n.n . . ;. ... . . . i. ?nUiriiCm"?3 4 r"w" V:V . cu UClUi,, VHU1" .'r wm wewerneanv,. vesterdav. W.J-aOstwSS Ja3-J IMiat.wm.Vnot outatpta Diaaiogr - . ? ;i . ! .. -vn piyprepsred, witn tnree nrst ciass presses, :aatt-4f! iUy?! i xfL. 'vii.,. i The Rev. Charles Pettigrew men- ;t(coiiitiressat& toe uniieoiKates'WBiiay tm BjAjteWf.-A! ff rto-'-M j MMn!Arai.Aw f lr'Z 'vil its way ro thirpotll s'yif ioa an vi i a u xiiaen ior a nominal baft RenWVPawr,iaonr,eQI the grandfather of jthe RftV. I i y . J - ;: ; over ubtil S. Pettigfenaenderson, h J J phn-SbeiiBamtff rightenfd be- I derpool. fibtamprfl aia rwmfftTTn on ecoauiai i fl Bu e mal nnrl J nM1niMittMl(rMli3ibhiBS.''tire a lfartMlta h.4llr.JalS BrMat' kbiliPlklinl1tise conditldh of the martyrs.' arid astf Bo favorr, I depeaap0B( Mabricir,' and" iSapicking JulShinnnekhM .-irf ?ftii11tiatlhAi4riiJ ery;wU,Uat;if there Js ;f ny movBuwat ttl inoflr dot tow v4atje h icU Uoes not " v.-,rn jV r --f--;-,-,7 ! resisBa oj ine-LOOnrnera ijwawni. ate GeOrge K. Badger! f 'JilJ JC r Tlldeia'B lneome 'rk.l 'J,J tNewJ York Herald, 'Sth.4 v j J In the United States. CirouiX Court before Jndsre Choate. the i government against, p. J - : .i. . iuu. income tax was iurowu belt term. '-Mri'A; J. rdn oounsel for the defence, I iaid would take . probably . two or, iree, weeks to trv tbe case. , f - The coming stateimdn will 'noti write letters. iVw. York .ltifcune, ftqiL,, t apfjiea-radtfigbori hpalOi, aiiJjM aa (lively lot of good inanufac. tuhog. tobacco we have , ever seen down on tbe floors 10 tb)S market. it is quite Sdssibfe1 thkt the fteen factories will ' pro dcej ijhiaj,ef -as , igh: as 5.000,000 pqunds of manufactured tobacco, 1 and thbr6(are!,,aiQea,8t7wo thousand bands em P'pKdu.oflfciis industry. . . . ffPQWrner : It r is re ported that a colored man, 'while working 6ilUrerrati of'Mf.3lf. K. awindeltkilJed a dqeriW.ith hihoe, f 'JIuchlun for pleasure hunters. ? ''6en.',Bryan Grimes passed through from Pitt on Monday, having a pair oQsix-pronged antlers found in the woods -almost indissoluhly 'locked together. A neighbor, was attracted to the spot in tbe forest by buzzards, and there be found the backs dead and only slightly decomposed, with these antlers locked in death. The neck of one was broken and tbe other evi dentlv Btarved. Granville corresrjon- stprm passed through a part of PitTeounty oil Saturday night last, doing considerable ilimtiior f-Fnria hmota tnnt.irttiny.- gnt nff anA "T"1 . ... nun the" hail ' could : be- gathered up- in lailge quantities On Sunday afternoon. Houses aaa trees were nrown aownana great aam aie done to stock, fences, &c. Mr. Stephen Quinherlr had every house on his place Wo'Q-downy'eXcepthis dwelling. We have ajhail trform- in some section ot the county teyery year! but this is the 'most destructive ef er known in this section. Crops are back Ward, hut are looking well. -. : . ! -tr-Greensboro patriot: Dr. J. A. . TfeatherJy, a well known citizen of this j .cpunty, died at his residence a few miles south oiftown Ja8t Thursday, oi dropsy or tae chest. . Gen.. Scales is makine oro- gte8sin hfs effort to get an appropriation t uildro Office- in this ; city. The cpmmitteip on Appropriations last week re pbrted favorably on -an appropriation of LfeOPPQ.?t i rr Mr Jt t Worth, Deputy collector, seized . twenty-eight boxes oi tybacw on toad twelve-miles goutn of Greensboro last Tuesday. week. The boxes ;were e'ntirely Without stamps.!" Three ouJiaia'taDk place . within ' the same .hour Saturday afternoon, at the Methodist ceme-tirylavei-y unbsual occurrebce in Greens- lbbrow lijrhr-l W; H. Andrews had. several sheep, and hoes killed by dogs last Friday .wight! fi-abbut ' four -hundred -of our cittzeps yoaugaad. old wept.oa tne excur- ston yesterday to Raleigh. U. -We Bawyes- tferday aspecftoeriOf fcranite taken from the cjusJ;ri(e.8,n-iar Mt. Airy , equal to any granite fe ever saw. It is as fine and beautiful as ditffbleBplitWio'kuy length, desired, 1 and doJjiljes.Vi'ArrT-.Jas.. Boydrwbile .work ing in the garden on the old Newhart gar deV kioiw Ahe t0pertyt of O. P Men den ialljjpn ithefUprtbeast, suburbs,: picked up Ismail terrapin with the' following cut on ne shell underneath. -tA D. :l65. May 0. EliYaiUJo. B.lOhie VeL Artillery." Ifri?W.dtjil have, ,7a engraved; upon tie shell, to show when.it was picked up beBcoad tiie, 'aBl then turn his terrapin dhig. loose; again. . )V) -.. . j Chaflo1itef OSsertier: The first car load7 of peached of the season by this route, passed thrqugh this city day before yester day morning by the Air Line Railroad, thence to New York city ver the Rich inofid & Danville, Virginia Midland, &c. They were iu a fruit car of the Air Line, h1ehJwm or course go inrougn to JNew ork. and.the car was attached to the mail nd expresl train. About the first of tiiy a weekly newspaper, to be called tbe eeklu (jfazette, is to be issued from tbe town f Moore8ville, on the Charlotte & States- villeailroa:-JIt -will 1 be Democratic in pplilics,' and fhellOrs will he E. H. Mc fiiiighlld an Si Bi Clark:! The com- Sienceraent exercUes of Blddle Universily, ear Ihisfeityi' have' beetf well attended. The- ieaterclBeis began at 10 1 o'clock, - A. M. , jyVedneSday; 'with the literary - address he f drethtf CMobiBn and Pbilomatheao Socie ebyire.'X7;Reefe, D4 colored, of PWJi!eJbia7 -Quite a number; of white Srsods-went out from the cityj and the ex- rdises ate ipoken of as having- been very rfterwting' th?oughoutpi;ThB literary ad HrfesWooimen ted updo with much favor. PThebames of ithe graduates with their p-esideaees kreas TolloWsl Theological Deo brtmefitc-P.!Qi Lowry;- Sumter,: g. C; O. p MbbreV WiHUsborOi S. C.t B. F. Russell, (ChdsteH' SSlQi; TVta. VineyXJharle8too, 8. jtt'fjlL' P. WhittCharloueiN Classi cal Department D. R. Stokes,' Charlotte, N. C.i Cas C.c Petty.--WilkesboreL N. C: LdolphhiimfigbV 8alemf,N.-C.-' -There nas lust neea fitted' ojm at ime car shops or the Richmond &!PaBv4He Railroad Com pany two frtllH-tiBi -to he . used in the trwisiiortatioA &l Jruit, from the tropical South., j The'cars are' lined with zinc and tfii have1 ice-' boxes,1 are beautiful speci mens Of workmanship, and are said by ex perts to be equal to the best Arctic refrig erators 'for 'the' purposes i for-which they 'were assigned. V