,FV : -v-.s- 4 J 'A - WITH PIPE AND FLUTE. ' ... : AUSTIN DOBSON. s Willi pipe and flute the rustic Pan Of oUi made music sweet for man ; ., And wonder bushed the warbling bird, "And closer drew the calm-eyed herd The roll'iDE river slowher ran. - Ah ! would ah ! would a little span Some air of Arcady could fan 'f. This age of ours, too seldom stirred With pipe and flute ! But now for gold we plot and plan! . & . i TV V T i adu irom ueersneua uniu uaui Apollo's self might pass unheard. And find the night-jar's note pjeferreJ, Not so it fared when time began With pipe and flute ! J as- j FROM WASHINGTON. ' Special to the Baltimore Bun. 1 W ARHTNTlTOTf.-NOV. 13.-4-It IS -oortoinorl tt.Aar that. IriA inlnriirii-t.fid interview with the President, sent hence last nightis a correct" reflec tion of the present view ancl policy of the administration as regards the South. The statement that jthe Pres ident said, in express language, j.h'at lie waa tiuuviuusu mo uuiuciu uuuuv - -i i . j i ! bated, andjfresfi afrivals'of individ ri als irorn, man Bectjon with further sup plies of outrage literature are report- i fr1.AM fi'XTvlained lant nirrlit tlia Prcs'i. dent insists that the determination to enforce the election laws involves no however, although UNCLE SAMiTIV WILLIAM". A Former Virginia University Pro feor, and a Treasury Officer Un der President Bucliauaii,5ellluK Ap ples In the Streets of Dallas. - Dallas (Texas) Ilerald.l There may be seen on the streets of this citv everv dav an old man dressed in the scantiest clothing, ped dliug apples from a small basket. People pass and repass him, and some few, moTe through pity than for want of fruit, buy of him; yet they never once dream that the old man who peddles apples for a living was at one time one of the most eminent scho lars iu the land one who has filled with honor the highest educational position in our country. For a while he kept a few apples on a box at the corner ot mm ana Lamar streets, ,Dra rif tll" KAvth. which he sold to make his daily Mr L0ard, ginCe ioeWid bread and satisfy an insatiate appe- , . , tn ant was aJfaila.re.is understood not to have been authorized his anuareut determination Sto revierse that policy might be understood as an admission to that effect. Inl the language of a member of the 0ab inet, the administration is determined that every violation of thb election laws in every part of the! South shall be ferreted outrend the fu 1 penalty of the law visited upon the! perpetra-1 tors, and those that are sent to the penitentiary may be sure that no par don of the "President will intervene to prevent the serving out s the full term of sentence. ' Ono of the latest arrivals from the South is) Mr. Leo nard, the United States District At torney for Louisiana, wbo came freighted with a heavy load of "out rages," which. he yesterda emptied in the audience chamber of the Presi dential mansion. Mr. Leonard sejrved in the Confederate army. Aftej the war he was editor of the Shreveport 2imes, and, it is stated, a 'prominent member of the White , League of Louisiana. While - the ' Times was, under his control its extreme utter-! ances were constantly quoted as good camDaicn material bv all! the I Re-i 1 CT - 4 RELIGIOUS NEWS. Since the Bonn Synod, abolish ing celibacy, "Old Catholic? iilergy in Ger many have been marrying at a great rate. "Whudrfiv-Stin" Kalloch now euiurco me eiecuon jaws involves no - . , . J ,. . , change ; in hi, portion - nevenheloss $S$Z??ZEg!& the stalwarts continue to so view it. has recently attached the church-organ for Tlio knno la o-vnroaof1 Ytr t hia nlnna I 'n Hflt nf 4. 0(V ) ! ; ! ' ' M. Dupanloiip the late Arcn biahpp of Paris, died at the 'moment wbit hia highest ambition wits ou tbe point ot being satisfied. The Government intended presentiuii ttis name fdr a Cardinal's hat. ; The Key.' James Dixon, D D., one of the ablest and most prominent Methodist ministers tit Southern Indiana, has signified bin intention 'of joining the Christian Church and: ienouncing Method ism. - i ' j I jjr Leonard, since receiving, a . : , . . i jjeaerai omce, tseeius iu umu gu ic w ntv, ni-u - --r I the' other extreme, nei wants as control oi him. . . manv ag five hundred men arrested Uncle oaramy vviinams itnat is me . - - - . f violatfon of the name he is known by 'here, though, as TTn:ted rSlate8 election i kws. The he confesses, it is not his right one) has radical R blicans here bo wdute a history -of a character seldom to be . . . f, . nna ,:n,J v,n0Unn; -met with. He is. an Irishman by taken him to their boson birth, and when quite a young man y-v t i yt 11 i . 1 was sent to Oxford College, where he "graduated with the highest honors. After this he went to Dublin and en tered Trinity, but before graduating a woman a beautiful young woman began to make matters disagree able i$r him. His father was! wealthy, and Samuel, becoming tired of his condition, easily persuaded five of his companions to sail for America with mm. ney ieii. iiKe roving, auu an forged notes on their parents and came over, landing in New York city. They had a high old time, but their money, like the sands of time, finally ran out, and they scattered,t each, to use an expression of the day, scuf . flins; for himself. Our subject was , a fine linguist, thoroughly versed in seventeen different languages, among themGreek,Latin,Sanscritand others. He readily succeeded inl procur ing a professorship in the University .r Virginia as linguist and Professor of Applied Sciences, - which j position ho held for several years. After this he taught in the families of the first men of the country and finally drifted into the Government service, in the Treasury Department, under Presi ' . doat Jachananr.Xt is beice ' that h rlatoa t.hft hfiorinninsf ofv his downfall. Everything was sociability".said he, taken him to their bosoms, and no encomium seems too extravagant for him. Gen. Butler is authority for the assertion that "the man wholivs in the White House never hears the truth." This maybe going too far, but it is certam that mixea witn tne truth that is Doured into Ithe Presi dent's ears by politicians andjtime servers there is more than falsehood. The risrht in his determi uphold the laws aud the violators of them, he is sitting in a leaven of President is quite hationi to to punish but when that the South Carolina cases may be i i i r i -T :j a T tnea oeiore juage xonu, as tuey ie satisfied in that event there will be no tempering of justice with mercy. THE ILLINOIS SKNATOKSI11P. . i The Illinois politicians are also very much stirred up by the question of the United States Senatorship ip that State. Mr. Oglesby, the present Senator, is said to be out of the fight by the lriends ot;wen. ijogan. Aney claim that the new Senator will be either Gen." Logan or a new mau. GEORGIA PAETY DISSENSIONS. Georgia politics are reported to be quite lively at this time. Charges and counter-charges have been made against each other by some of the most nrnminent Democratic noliti- cians of the State, such as Gov. Col quitt, benator Hill, and others, lne excitement, it is supposed, will cul minate on the occasion of the elec tion of United States Senator in a few days. j' '" ; .-: ' " ' POLITIC AXr POINTS. The President's haul of Old- Line Whigs doesn't! seem to have paid him for the hook and line, and like all. unlucky fishermen he's disposed to get mad abou, it. Phil, limes, Ind. Boston having voted largely for Butler at the late election.the title of "Athens of America" will be temporarily transferred to Cape Cod, out of respect lo.the feelings of the Beacon street aristocracy. Baltimore Gazette, Bern. j The snectacleof Haves as a Stal wart is something sufficiently ludicrous; but that of the tearful Key wiping off his cheek , and "bracing up" at the dictum of his chief, reminds one strongly of a rabbit on the war path. Wash. Post, Bern. Among the conspicuous f eatures of the reconciliation between the President and the leaders of the Republican parly is the unanimity with which the latter agree iu presenting cither Grant or Blaine as the standard bearer of 1880. Phil. Press, Had. The Philadelphia Press wants to I l-nntD mhottior too nrnnrtan tn cprt innsiliyfi and control the North by robbing the peo ple of their ballots. !Not unless we can work it on the Philadelphia plan. The peoplo seem to like that j system. Bait. Gazette Bern. i - Isaac Bates... g. V- Wallace Cashier Bank of New Hanover. CAPITAL PAID IN - - - $350,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - $1,000,000 ; 1 BISECTORS: fC 1 4 Iu Lombard y 300,000 womin spin flax. ; Their average wages aie twenty cents a week If 300,000 people could be found in this country earning but twenty cents each per week: by hard . labor we might complainof haying fallen upon evil limes. Our commonest tramps earn more than that from the sale of donated bacon rinds. Baltimore Gazette. .- ; ii VVE"G Ef I W E ," Says a Boston physician, i'haa no equal aa a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cures after an outer remedies una iautu, 1 vibiwju uib nauura tory, and convluced myself of Its genuine merit, it is prepared from barks, root and herbs, each of which is highly effective, and they are compounded in puch a manner as to I produce astonishing re sults " - ;me Is the great Blood Purifier. Vegetine Will euro the worst case of Scrofula. Vegetine Is 'recommended by physicians and apothecaries. Vegetine Has effected some marvellous cures in cases of Vegetine Cures the worst cases of Canker. Vegetine PERSONAL. J i ! judgment on a whole section oi ine uouuiry -uo should not place implicit J confidence in the stories of those who have! only; selfish motives in view, ana wdobo as to conn antecedents are not such mfind them. There are scores of men in this city to-day ajble men, sol far as that stoes wno areienureiy cai pable of sitting down and manjufac-j turing letters to order, and describing "nntvawes " "frauds." "intimidation "i &c, in a style whicb cannot fkil toj harrow up the Northern rnind., j Tht thing has been done before, and it; will be done again. Sucbj a thijng as V.ftllft..hnY Rtuffinc' was never known men il ana &iuureu awuiiipiwwpv" ci-A lnt.Todnced DV tnat ODiisina .".said he, ;1 . aa - rort.hfirn ffentlemenl whq "and being an Irishman, I naturally I went thero to take charge of the go 4 a leaves ma? , the" fell a victim to the damnable curse of drink. I forgot to state that I was first educated for the priesthood, which I have so shamefully disgraced. I drank myself down, and finally came West, where I am eking out a miserabte existence. I sometimes 'think of taking my own life." ; The old man's manner and evident knowledge bear him "out in what he' "says about himself. j , Killed While Robbing a Grave. I Alexandria Commercial.. . John Brown, a rather good-looking, intelligent negro, lived on Dr. Hughes farm, below town, but his staying down there on the farm was only a blind. He has been resur recting dead bodies for the past nine years, presumably for the Keokuk Medical College. The negro was in Alexandria two or three limes last week, and displayed considerable mo ney. One of our merchants said to Um (Kof farrainff in Missouri mUSt """u ii- rrun a resentatn be a pretty good calling. The ne- 8vl vania. gro grinned and winked, and replied, .hilade,J vernment of the bouthern states,' and to spend the mohey of the tax-payers for them. If ballot-box, stuffing has been done in South iCaro--Hna and other Southern States, jas al-j leged, there can be no justification; fnr ?r. an A all those enffaeed I in itj should be punished. Buji whyj mak fish nf one and flesh of another ilia rrp-minentlv Renubilican city o Philadelphia ballot-box Stuffing long since attained to the dignity oi a fine art, but no complaints were evej: made to the White House in consequence. notorious ballot-box stuff er of Cincinnati, with several! of his ac complices, was brought to justice j and they were all sentenced jto thej penitentiary tor i tneir - uiiueeuB, President Hayes pardoued every; member of this gang,4 icommencing with the leader and ending only twd months ago with the las one. j ;j a nnmhAr nf stalwarts were at the White House to-day, including Kep-I . " TI UTKUo .nflPonnJ resentative Harry Whiie, f jPennj Hnet.master onowaeu ut i Kru ana mnm: t uniiiici iu.uou y wvvw-i "Yes, it is a paying usiness. On Keogh. chairman of theiNortft CarW Wednesday evening last he was seen; - pabhcan v Committee, Com-j rrninrr nttat. t.OWn in the direCtlOU Ot: . . Tt, Tns(miaar (Zo1ar-A -rr i 1. turn hArcna' hirnhPn I . .... n ... jL -J 1 4eOKUK, I All V lug u n J ""'" , tr, snrinr wacron. There was a strange man in the buggy with him. This was the Jast seen of Brown here until the next morning, when' his corpse was brought cross from War saw on the ferry boat, with the ex planatioa-from passengers that he, had been shot' while robbing a grave two and. a half miles east of Warsaw,, The contesT in 1880 will c be a' V ft-rtTik: nn and doWQ struggle between the two old parties; " flo0nlinftv. . One side has the of-? ficcs." the patronage, the Treasury,; and the army, which will all be freeiyj useci ior toe ..Bpuuuw:.vi.u.-.-i, - no matter who hemay be. " The oth- c;q0 naa theSenate and House of Representatives by a narrow ma j or- Hy. Xllcio -mu v f j - ov,.nr. a a -if. ' mav be set od; bv de- signing politicians in particular lo calities, to draw off votes from their adversaries. 15oth siaes are ou vueu; r-nnA Kormvinr. and the COUntrV will watch with interest their actions for the next two years. : , j o ' ; 'trfj A cbanee totrm llowfl. fri' i ' ' ' Special dispatch to the Post. OshkoshIvVIs Nov; 12.-UA.dam; Iluber, who visited Germany three months ago, hasT)een tried and con victed there of speaking disrespect fully of the Emperor William , and sentenced to five years imprisonment! He is an American citizen PHiSGase. will be . brought : to .the attention of the German government , by ' Secre tary Jivarts. . . T n i-i m 'Pricf master miSSlUUBl xvaum, -- ., T. j TCv and others. The ; iresiapni, ae- voted nearly the entire day jto con versation with these gehtlemn, and; i ..t-:-J Wot Arrtf was warmly congrai-uiteu .7 t 4 kam nn hi fthanfrA of views. The President took occasion : to obserye ,hat he does not consiqe mai. will'be any change in his policy, be-' cause his jpoiicy naa aj m nKi.thVngtiittfi:itind:lM laws citizens.. Jofc;MG8by fTS already fonghtandoh,and;:Grant is the man. The new crusade .whieh it :basr been f r determined by the uepuDiiean leaut d - o inaugurated against thesohdjout, has now formally been fnteteaaipon. Of one thing these: leaders ate con vinced, that the Best way for them to secure a "solid North" is to If eep up a "solid. South.". This , is" be s Jian upon which he Jast .twq ampaigiW ducted. Mr. ZachariahhandlW managed the campkijn ipf 187P4 When Southern R'epabicans applieq open and frank in assigning his reaj sans.1- Said he, You yreill be Ksoird South it we aon t u mut inot. nihat. ' we wautF. -,, want a solid South, and then-wewfl have a sona i?iorvu. rr. cnn-in.law. MrHale; managed :th - -c- iota wIuaH naa TUB! campaigu-wi iv."--v j closed. He conducted jit on thejame; principled exactly, but was j more di plomatio in bi0angage, -r I . i Wisnm&i Nov. U.JntejesI in tbe attitude of the Administration toward tbo South continues nna- -I-"'-' I". ' Michael Fitzgerald so brutally beat his wife, in Keokuk, Iowa, on Mon day, that she cannot live. " Fitzserald has been arrested.' ' , 1 " t Henry W.;.Bache, who died suddenly in Bristol,! R. I., the other day; was a descendant of Barah Bache, the only; daugnier ot tsenjamin i? ran sun. i Of the 907j students at -Eton, one is a marquis, one an earl, one a vie count, two are counts (foreign), thirteen are lords, thirty-eight are honorahles and three baronets. j ' j ; ' " ' II. D. Meek, ' ! Wheeling's de faulter, thought it was necessary to tear only one hundred leaves from the Bellaire Gas Company's books, which he kept. He then left. 1 Gov. Hartranf t has become Vl.ilarlflnhift nd &S fiOOty ftS lie nfflAit - nosition will take :Bbirce of business as principal m4oaft4r:-" r j ' . The Due de Nemours is about to marry a Polish "Princess,?Selena 8an truy.Xcn a remarkablv handsome .and youth ful-looking woman, thougb She is 43.' The announcement lias provoked much com- meilt. . j;- '- -m'1 ; '7 , j Twn rvartifia of medical students in Vermont went out after the same corpse.' Thn firat in nrrivfi nn the cronnd ambushed themselves and let the second party ex- hume the corpse, then rushed upon mem with wild shouts of "body gnatchersl" nt "arrest them!" and when their rivals had! fled, carried off thej corpus delicti at their, leisure. " - . - . " 1 ' TWISKLINCS Definition of coolness: Step ping up 16 a bank1 President and asking! "Who's your janitor T'' - ; The Republican plurality fort Governor m Pennsylvania is 22,000, count- inc in the votes of the Republican repeaters; in Philadelphia. V I' , . J i'. "AlM means that a vessel is alt 'right -as to hull,- rigging and equipments ih lptipr annlvinff to the character or con-i dition of the hull, and tbe .figure denoting! the efficient state of her anchors, cables, stores, &c. ' - '----''::'iu r ;- k , j A bad young man of Pleasant street told his grandmother, whose memory; ia a litfia lame: that the end of winter was almost here. ; He neglected to Btate which! end, and the good oia soui now reiaies, as her most remarkable experience, a winter without frost or snow. Rockland Courier! "Sylyania" sends us a gem be-j rinninc. "ABdmust,we seek another heirt wherein to warm our love ?" We are; afraid you must. We've rented our aparw -mont f nr'n term of vears. and the tenant re- auires all the fuel and every inch of stove-. room in lne esiaDUBumeni. -t c ugno 3 ; a recommendation, though, if that will helpj you any.-- xonicen vazeue,iQ Meets with wonderful success in Mercurial dieeases Vegetine Will eradicate Salt Rheum from the system. Vegetine Removes l'implcs and Hrimcra from the face. I Vegetine Cure9 Constipation and regulates the Dowels. Vegetine Is a valuable remedy for Headache. i Vegetine Will enre Dypep8ia. Vegetine Restores the entire system to a healthy conditionr Vegetine I Kcmovca the cause of J)izzincs3. ! i Vegetine Relieves Flatulence of the Stomach. Vegetine Cures Tains in the Back. :im OF HOREHOPD AND TAk FOR THE CURE OF ; Congha, Golds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Difficult EreatMngr and all Affections of tie Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, leading ; to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree Abess Balsamea, or Balm of Gilead. The Honey of Horehound soothes and scatterSj&II irritations and inflammations, and me iar-Daun cleanses and heals ineinroai and air passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi :r)e of a famous doctor who has saved thou- : rids of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or. n?ll.. TRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. - Great saving to buy large size. pike's Toothache Drops' Cure . ill 1 Minute. " - Si'-.Vl bv all Drujjgists. ! iept 84 DAWtf ': IT IS Currently Reported ! AND Generally Believed1 ! THAT John Dawson, -. D. K. Murchison, of Wil- I Bon. R. R. Brideers, Pres w . c vy . k. it. n. tVollers, of Adrian & .. Vollcrs Jno. W. Atkinson, r1.1 T T7I T Sill . j " G. M. Stedman, President. C. M. Stedman, of Wright & Steaman. - . Jas. l A. Leak, nf Wads boro. E. B. Borden, of Golds- . boro, N. i j" I). McRftes I j E. B. Borden, President flftlil(ilnnnTTinwnli R. P. Howell UUluullulUDluIibll. Cashier. IDLKKCTORS: K. B. Borden, W. T. Faircloth, W. K. fcorncgay, WilliTllSTltiO T 11)0.11 Rf R. Edmundson. Herman WcUl nlililUdlllib Llhud bt It havic ben widolj adwrfUfleTnaTe 'America Alicku Inpool CoUou that lie Jury on Cotlu topics, jarns and inreaas, t the Arts Kxpofcition, decreed a Ckd Medaband , rand Prize to the WiUimantTc .Linen uompanjr iyi ?H)oI Cot. ou esicp'aUy adaplt- for use oni-ewlug Machines," overall tlie great fuTCd manu aclures f -.ho woridVwe owe it as a duty to the public and to Messrs J. & P. Coats to announce that ; No Grand Prize3 were decreed at Paris for Spoof Cotton. We are advised by cable of the following awards : io i anin uv. nt .- '"'-li "President. P. Lkak. Cashier.. . Wadeslioro Brancli. M ': DLKECTOBS: J. A. Leak,R. T. Benr.ett,G. V7. Little, J. C. Marshall J. ft P. Silfef letai; and we' claim for the winners of the' First Prize that, as they have established inj Rhode Island the largest Spool Cotton' Mills in the United States, where their Spool Cotton is manufactured through every process from the raw cotton to tho finished Issues Certificates of Deposit bearing interest, . ,',Mra t p Is authorized by Charter to receive on deposit ppool, AMERICA, as represented by Messrs. 1. ae J. Gnaraians, &c, &c., &c. Strict attention given to ine oraera tma requesLB of our conntry friends by mail or otherwise. . Boviu-wtr- ' i COATS, is still AHEAD IN SPOOL COTTON. AucHmcioss Brother?, THE DAILY STAR. Sole' Agents ia New Yo.k for ! ! J. & P. ;oats. -I OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN ! NORTH CAROLINA! mUK DAtLT -.HORS1IIO STAB, A FIRST-CLASS DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, I H WPPrft I pAblisbea at trie following low I ""t1 OILS SASSAFRAS j AND PliNNlKOYAl, 6f prime qualitybought in any1 quantity, for cnsli ou delivery, fice of brokerage, commis sions, or storage expenses, by DODGE & OLOOTT, Importers and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSRNTMIOILS,&c. 88 WILLIAM ST. I - - NEW TOPK. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ! . IT Orv - I B ATI One Year, postage paid, Six Months, " " Three I One " " ' $7 00 4 00 3 25 1 00 Boatwright & McKoy ARE ALIVE To the Wants of the People ! Ictuaily cures Kidney Camplaint. j Vegetine Is effective lii iU cure of Female Weakness. j Vegetine Is the great remedy for General Debility. ; Vegetine Ta acknowledged by all classes of people to bo the best and most reliable blood purifier in the world. Bey Will State to tke Doilfliit Ones, IP YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT, Call aM See lhein, See tneir StocK, aM ASK THEIR PRICES. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF WILMINGTON WAS SUCH A STOCK OF Family Groceries . . OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. COME AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. Boatwright & McKov, 5. and 8 NOKTH FBOHT ST. novlTR&Wtf PRESCI6IPTION JO ness. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought W Hlxtn Est, OTnciunan. viu. to u-u-"- THE DAILY STAR Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Mar i kets, Telegraphic Reports of the Northern and European Markets, and the Latest General News, by Telegraph and Mail, from aU parts of the World. ' Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for ins chewing qualities and eaeeUence and lasting char acter of tmeteninff and JUmoring. The best tobacco BTer made. As our blue strip trade-mark la eloaety Imitated on Inferior poods, see that .action's Best is mi erwy plug. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample, free, to C. A, Jacksox A Co., Jifrs., reienbaht Va. BEFORK f OD START .i Insure Against Accidents ! Get an Accident Ticket t r Yearly Policy in the TRAVELERS, AT LOCAL AGENCY OR RAILWAY STATION. St IA9 A Tt&V fn ArrAnto rnvngainT fftr thn ! O 4 aide ViHltor. Terms and Outfit Free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. A DVERTISERS t send for our Select List of Lo- rai iNp.wRnanerfl 10 Spruce St., N. Y.i GEO. P. ROWELL&CO., nOV 4-4WlJfflW Largest DAILY CIRCULATION in the STATE :!- Address, WM. H. BERNARD, i ,- , Editor & PBOPKritTOE, Wilmtngton, N. C. MANCHESTER, LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Established in 1853. Manufacture ail kinds of Locomotives, aud have re cently purchased of the Amoskeag Manufacturing: Co. all the patterns, patents, and the good will f o: the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire En gines ana JOre Apparatus, ana are now preparea v receive and execute ordars promptly. Send-for de i scriptive circular. ) ARKTAS BLOOD. Agent. nov25D&Wly I Manchester. H. Ii. Training Dogs. SPIKE AND CHOKE COLLARS, by means of which dogs of ANY AGE OR BREED, no mat ter how long hunted, or what tho disposition, can be taught to fetch and carry, and to retrieve game in a most periect iuauucr, vuu uv - j brokea of gun-Bhynees and whlp-Bhyness, made t.f r, vnhiTii nfl "to heel" steadily. prevents lugging on the chain, besides a much more extended sphere of usefulness. Pripe, with direc- u'lrNNKi. :i 1 1 1 1 n w ii ii.ii iitr auu k.w w sp27-Wtf W VOW CTJLIN. Delaware City, Del. The Dog Breaker's Guide. TRAIN YOUR OWN DOGS IN THE MOST artistic manner. "The Dog Breaker's Guide" sent for Ten Cents. : ; j PONEERi WORKS r ' - . BIRMINGHAM, & -sE-'- Prices in Eiigland. ' v - :- VEGETINE, ' ' Prepared by II. R STEVENS, Boston, Mas. it. irRiffv . it ii na j- . a . 1 in NAV.lirifl&nH HBI.UICUIICUI . . . z.-. nov y-aawiw w . tore, ejected ia New- Jriaos was- pledge o Vote against tM Molfett liquor register. ' iEfiieryi Speer, of tti Ninth QeorA AUG, . oia District, will be theTyottrifeest memberi vfl of the Focty-sizth Congress 4iHecH an J i . . 'Independent' and beat .liwupa, tna i ; -monralic reculaf : ; : ' !v ! i 1 Z "' U.' trfiBantativeeclckleriV ot Louisiana, it' is 'rumored, before tlfe; elec- tioH declared that be was bo ldngeif a De- I inocrat, and obligated himself to keep oat of the Democratic caucus. r?, i f ...1 it. tnriM ut that Mr.' Jtieonarclj &'jBlrDistrictiAttbriiey f6rLsiana, whoj has just steruea tne Kepuoiican uauip :famous-aceoants of'buU-aozingr in that State, was instigad.lhereto-oyane oqp -i on nfflm frnm which the Ultra! hieii of bis party in "bis State were trying to. Veeetlno is Sold by all Drnaslut. nov 1 DAWly J i Music Teacliers will do Well '! ' to use FOR PIANO SCHOLARS, Mason's Piano for2 xeebnies ($2.50), a bookot sterUng merit, witu wu.m , rj viblch may be expanded to many thousands, i 1 desired. Admirably prepared by Win. Mason, assisted by W. S. D- Matthews. Have yon read the last Mnaical Record? 6 cts. each. - . . - -.. . ! ' FOR ORGAN SCHOLARS, Clarke's Harmo- ntc school for tbeorgan. ($3.00.) The newest and the very best Organ School. Teaches . ' composition as well as playing . By William U. ;. Clarke. : . . - - Subscribe for the Musical Record. $2.00 per year. trrvo TnnworTOTT BASE SCHOijARSt John- t: ' Base. $1 ) Tbe simplest ana best method U to teach Chord playing, in Hymn Tunes Glees, Part Hongs. Ate. Ask for the iraw Method. i312 pages of AusiQ per year in the Musical Record I FOR SINGING CLASSES. ONWARD I Sing ina School Book, by L. O. Emerson, $7.50 per a02i. alia .i jxxisx : , . C , 1 " TNG CLASSES, $6 per doz., are splendid books, differing in rcice and contents, but accompUsh IngthesamoWellcnt result in diverse waya4 Examine bota - ... j ' j ' Aakat Newt Stand for Muileal Record I ; ; 'Any book tted post free, for retaU price. i922Che8tnutst,Phila.' USPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I Over Half a Million Distributed! Louisiana State Lottery Couiw. This insUtutton was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Chari table purposes in 1868, with a capital of $1,000,CC0, to which it has since added a reserve fund of $350, 000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS will take place monthly. It never scales or post nnnes. Look at the following Distribution : i GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT I : j during which will take place the Eitraoruinary Semi-Annnal Drawing At New Orleans, Tnesday, December 10th, Under the personal supervision and management of Gen, Q. T. BEAUREGARD, of La., and Gen. TUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000. j Notiob Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of $100,000 . -l 1 GRAND PRIZE Of 50.600.. v 1 MR AND PR1ZU 2 LARGE PRIZES feb 1-Wtf M. VON COLIN, Delaware City, Del. BURN HAM'S WARRANTED BEST & CHEAPEST. AlSO, IfilLUNB MACHlntRTt raiCES SEDUCED APB. 2078. Pamphlets free. Office, Tobk. Vx. je 7-W6m Of of - 4 LARGE PRIZES of 100 200 6C0 10000 20 PRIZES 50, 'i 20,000. 10,000 6.000 of 1,000 , 500 300 . " 200...... 100..... 10 appwmrnwATTfiw PRIZES: lfiO Approximation Prizes of $200 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 .... . 100 ADDroximation Prizes of 75 , 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $5S2,500 prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La., and Gen. JTJ BAL A. EARLY, ot Va., Commissioners. -Anniiration for rates to clubs should only be made to the Office of the Company in New Orleans. 'Write for circulars or send orders to M, A.DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Louisiana, sat we .$100,000 . 50,000 . 20,000 . 20.0CO . 20,000 ' 20.000 . 25,000 . 30,000 . 40,000 ... 60 003 , 100,000 ... 20,000 .. 10,000 .. 7,500 Cotton Grin tor Sale, For sale, at less than manufactu rer's price, a fifty-saw : N Brown Cotton Grin, With Sclf-Fee!ding Attachment and j Condenser. Boxed ready for shipment, and has never been used. Address. BOX 212, sept4-tfD&W nas Wilmington, N. O. B. L. GORE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION i MERCHANT, I . Nos. 2 and 3 SOUTH WATER1 ST. nov 8 Wly WILMINGTON, N. C. $68.00, $78.75, $89.25, $100.00, $125.00, $150.00. Delivered in New YoTk, duty and all charges in ' t 1 elusive : $103.28, $117.79, $131.97, $150.53, $184.23, $28.00. The above may be ordered "Full Choke," VMe dium Choke," or Cylinder Bore, at these prices We are now makins small bores of Noa. 14, 16 BTIU !4U gauge, wnicn are uuarceijr mituui iu pui to the larger botes. Weight of 20-Bore from 5J lbs. ; 1416 " 6X . "12 " 7 " Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Mei it at the Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, wno nave purcuaseu auu. rc uuh udju uui Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N . C. Capt. D. R. Murchison, Wilmington, N. C. rrS a W I.SMln-T.ltt.lA'K Mills. N. I!. James A. Leak, Esq.. Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. U. Bernard, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. , J. & W. TOLLEY, Pioneer Works. St. Mary's Square, oct 3 DAWtf i Birmingham. England. THE S8EIDER BREECH-L0ADLN6 i Shot-Gun. Prices. 50 to &250 OO. MUZZLE. LOADING GUN ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING. Prices, $4 to $lO0. Clark & Sneider, MANUFACTURERS, i 214 Wcat Pratt Street, -j tt&iumore. Send for Catalogue. dec22D&Wtf I OTJK3 FITS I DNESXjE P. O. Box 69 nov 13-D2aw4w&W To the Editor Dxax Sra : Please inform your I nf Ri B I thA 1 1 nnaltivt winMii fnr the coreoi I Itir 1 111 H I k. iliuai. otA that hvitanaa In niv hr&T.tice I liUV AUUIV- uwna, muv. uumw "J .hw - J m . v . . . 1 ' . M . n. .Va bftlfl l nave cureu muiicaaun ui cbki ui wwci. ..uv. and of long standing, ana win give ONE THOUSAND OOLIiARK for a case it will not cure or greatly benefit Indeed, so strong Is my faitb, I will send together with a valuable treatise,, to any eufEerers AND EWTS Grave Stones. addressing me eivine their name, expresi and P. O. address. Please show this letter to any any one you mav know who is suffering with this terrible disease anaODIlge, xveepeuuuiijr yours, mm r. mm my GRAND DISTRIBUTION 1 finmwinrinroriHh TliotnirintinTi PrnirnQnTr . -1 . I Legalized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and XO'iVPJflS1 Stcind.a,rd.. GuT.-A,Habbm, and'other prominent citizens W UJLAU T Bwuuoiui I thatni.VDcde8ieiiatedby ticket-holdera, will hold '-0U8t : ' 'rirc wumfnntnn Stiil- averv ablv con- aacted paper, whose editor and publisher, r.J fKnnriht tn niihlic mattera Das uiicn uiuvu - . x . . L .l:. .Kiir ht hn .introduction! into. this State-of the MpiTet Bell Punch, aa .1 t.,. it in virtrinm Willi ill ue nuc. There 14 one thing Certain, our law niaksj have got to cunau expeosw ;??3 faked and scraped the eountry for subjeots (Tpjo way,- auu 1 ma nn Tnnh win ri U., then rwe ,say ptincn "FOKiKaI3?i fAIESi.AllMlOHlIDRifEBS, "i Ulti'iiifSti x'r, Uf.n: CtSee1 Mill Spio and Store 1 'Fixtures fieiially. V :.. -i. ; The Improved Tt tie kii i KENO TOR, that mav be designated by ticket-holders, will hold Vtheir ; ' i i . SIXTH POPULiA.lt DKAWING In Public Library Hall, Louisville, Ky., on . Saturday,Nov.30,1878 NO SCALING t NO POSTPONEMENT I ' j Nearly 2000 Prlase. j j $115,400 in Cash! ' AWI. TICKETS ONI.Y $2. In consequence of its popularity, and in compli ance With request of numerous ticket buyers, the management again present the following ATTRAC TIVE AND UNPIIKCEDENTED SCHEME : i j 1 Prize. .. ..:.$30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 1 Prize....... 10,000 300 Prizes 50 each 15.000 1 Prize . . ... 5,000 503 Prizes ' 20 each 10,000 10 Prizes $1000 10,008 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 20 Prizes 600 10.000 j, - 9 Prizes 300 eacn, xpproximiiion t-nzes, ,(uu 9 Prizes 200 each, ; " " 9 Prizes (100 each.1 " 900 Aeere- . gatlne Ml Wf!TriiAH mm ter.: : Co,' Pttnapa. tic.' ' ' ' " ---l ' ' 1,960 Prizes. , 1 Whole Tickets, $2. SI Tickets, $50. $115,400 Half Tickets, $1. W Tickets, $1004 Taug 81-ztaw4m&W ;a we. . Hemic toy JroBt umce Money vraer. regusicrcuiuu ter bank draft, Vr express. Full lietef drawing 'VorfcHerald, and mailed to all tkelwrfd. Fer UCKetS ana lnionnaiioa nuurcoo t"vyi CV WEALTH DISTfUBUTlOM W., or 1. o. wm- 'UKrtohxj. secretary, uonner dotnuu ouuuius, Louisville, Ky. - . oct l'i-wx v . weeuin ucs. a iu iu o lywiu n Notice Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be pade to the next General Assembly of Korth.Carolina for a Charter to in9orporate the Bank of Asbville. I nov 15 W2t New York SHOOTING COAT. STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT, ,' First Class in every particulai Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheap est MADE OP BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take oat, so thai may be worn ior eany rau ana winter buuuuu&. Horace Smith, Esq.., says : "It is my idea of shooting coat I have worn them for several years and will nave noneomer. 1 Price for Coat, $25; Vest, $6.50.; ' Also, the best i --A-n, p.nti. at 10 mr nftlr . I make on; lv the one grade, as the cheapest goods dp not turr, briars and will not give satisfaction, i. Also, in auaruon in 101 bdovc, iuu nuuuus . Waterproof Canvass Suit, cut same style as the Vel eteeni goods, not stiff and hard, bat soft and plea sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportsmes 1- - 1 it It tm rpw. ut Va fftttt WDU XuiVO DUtSU lb NJ x m AUV wow vw For full Suit, $14.00. . ; I also make the Sleeveless Coa; Vest with sleeve' If desired. . '-':"' " Rules fer measurement ana samples seni. apm application. 1 V ' F. I.. SHELDON, ; t lect25 D&Wtf ' RAHWAY. N. J. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, , . TO ANY PART OPj THE SOUTH. 1UCHAU9 WATHAN & !0 57 Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.foi sale to the Trade. I dec 4 D&Wtf N. A. STEDMAN, Jr. " i 1 - Attorney and Counsellor at Law. BLiaSABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Offlee Un stairs, in Brick Building, occupied b Rinaldl & Co. i Special attention to Claims. Col'ccnonson sum of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit Drawing Deeds. Mortgages, &&, specialty. , j j , ap 5-DAWtf High-Bre.Dogs. English, irish and Gordon setters. of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. i For sale by r 1 ! " E. P. WELSH, nov7D&Wtf j 1 York, Pcnn. Butter, Cheese & Bice. FINE TABLE AND COOKING v'l ' ' BUTTER. , , FANCY GliOSTER AND FACTORY CREAM CHEESE.: WHOLE AND BROKEN CAROLINA . KICK. -r V noy 14 for sale low by I v, r- D&Wtf I HALL' & PEARS ALL i - " . i! V 1 1, si' :i n !! h " ' - - " 1 . . ... .. . '. , ; ..' . . . !' 1 re' S . - - .. . ... y I 1 1 4 ' ' t; i ; ' :' x '