I i n : IM 13 II i . - i t ri I i . ; llX .11 ! j 1 "1 II i I M k , JILJLJld V V iruWAX 11 A II Ky JLL -i Qj 'I I ..( K . - --l- - I , .1 . - ; - .. : ' -Li i i i i v :' i ; , - ... i i .- i i - ' I t in Wilson lir&vaS' 1 . PUBLISHBD vVxXinxisrca-TOiNr. c. $1.50 a Year, in advance. . s 3 888S88SS88S8 wtSBg88S88SfgSg 88888888888888888 i-lMWVHi sqiuoK S sirjaow. 88S88888S8888888S SSS'SBB35S3Si3J8e8S 88888888888888888 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 S i""! rlTtSww 55 W 64 W w w OS SSSS888SS2SS88SS3 82885882288888888 5139 I 88888888888888888 ei eo - o to ao o o g J c - MI aa - - eo o o -oo g 3 3 g - ' f Subscription Price. The subscription price ftt'tlie'W'ErcTC .: If i. y Star is as follows : ! single Copy 1 year, postage paid, 1.50 " C months. " " i; 1.00 i 3 " ' " " " :. .50 VOL. 10. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1878. Gen. J o8. E. J ohnston, iConeress- f feel Quite assured. Thev . are manu- 1 ins to take this i responsibility he has no, I W. L. Dacrerett. foreman iu the iob man elect from the Richmond (ta.) facturiug all sort of falsehoods, and S01S of the Charleston Nem and dent's instructions to tbe district attorney Courier, has sued . Mackey : who the corruptest knaves, who ought to the fullest examination Into the matter be-i charged him with stuffing twenty- is to be judged by its works clares himself "unalterably money," and says He! de- forhoiiesl be in the penitentiary i" "Upon thia question I stand with' the in telligent and patriotic men of the Sbuth, who are not to Do dciuaea by fiat sophis tries. The war taught us the value jof a curreocy whose issue was illimitable, I and God knows we are now loo poor to try a repittion or the experiment." He thinks the South point its enemies, dicious Bentiments : fore you, and from returning an indictment 1 five hundred fraudulent ballots at o rroinof fha ahnnaarl If: fnA AvMonoa ahnnlri 1 The New York Times. Radical, re- v.mnt it. vnn ? BhnnlA f.i inanird with: one poll. The News and Courier cently contained a letter signed "A Additional determination to do your duty.) pronounces the charge a most South Carolinian." It gaveahistory controllhe action of nhe courts in the ad-1 grant lie. The Philadelphia Times, that has been goiDg on here lately, and for nf the Knllnin nf nn ISsinfli; miniBirauon oi cnmiwu jusuce, lueir iui ,n noi,ncr UaPffett's action tor IlDel. ! " luc uuiuumics nave me iu ivwiuK o I dpnpnr1pnri ?a crnnpi It is nne Mr. Hftvesi I 00 T7 ... mi . , ' . .; ,. - . - -- n-r . . j. 1 enr 1 1. : . t. xveitt. ine wnoie account was ais- to say that the court tfoes not believe he saya o uiaK.ey uiuiacn. torted. The tr nth is Sand v behaved h.as any desire to encroach upon the judi- fla- A Former Climrleston Tblef Arrested I on Suspicion of Heinz coneerued la Robberies Here. ; The monotony that has been prevailing for several days in our usually quiet burs was varied slightly on Thursday night by the arrest ata bouse on North Water street of one Gas Johnson, strongly suspected of being concerned in much of ' the robbery The truth is Sandy behaved Will ritRan I 1 1 viary, or mat ne uouietupiaieu au uuwu win uisap- badly was very violent at the polls, ranted interference bv hia instructions to ITT I...! . I 1 , ........ .... Wfl nnrtl o hia 111. 1 . 1 . i 1 . .. I ine niMrint AMornAVL"; .. -j-t j - was arrDRi ftii ann rpipasen on nan. 1 1 ! ' - ! I I " " ; - of the 2Vmes out of which capital ; is : ' :t Carolina sought to be made, i The vote in I will venture to say that the attitude of the gentlemen from the Southern States will be such as to disappoint the irrecon cilables of the opposition, who have, I see. alreaay begun an effort to array a solid North against a solid South. We will pro bably have little to say in reply! to Radicals of this 6tamp. Our acts will speak more emphatically . for us. . Sectionalism was killed last Tuesday, and long before 1880 the solid North and solid South, will be forgotten-terms.- ' .The pple rof'the ' South nave known for thirteen yearsthatlhe war "The latter,, by the way, has already had a hard time keeping out of the hands of the law. Congress has actually convicted him of the crimes which he now Jays at tne door of bis Democratic competitor. In 1874, as was stated in the limes a day or two ago, Buttz, another Republican, con tested M&ckey'a seat in the House ot Rep resentatives on the ground that nts majon- OranGhnrfT conntv abrjears to have held crime of any ort.. It has ear- I lv wa3 procured by 'general fraud and ille been fair. The Charleston News and ne-suy . couienaea:j ior emocrawo -v. ZZZa the Courier has inquired in all the facts, I P"ncple8j..a.nAnv.ie Democrat- charge and Mackey was kicked out. Since B result as follows: , lo practice9 when .jtty were in accord- 2 and gives the "There are nineteen precincts in Orange burg county. Both the; Democratic and Radical Supervisors at seventeen of the precincts have certified to the fairness and grounds: Chief of Police Brock received on i Thursday last a letter from Lt. F. J. Keidt, Chief of Detectives of Charleston, covering three intercepted letters from the said Gus Johnson, written in Wilmington, addressed to one Ben Davis, of Charleston, and dated respectively Oct. 31st, Nov. 13th and Nov. 16th, 1878, the contents of which would lead one to infer that Johnson was in the habit of stealing whatever he Could here and forwarding the articles by express to Ben Davis at Charleston to be sold. He alludes particularly to a watch principles, ;ajid J fog a gang of roughs to drive out the Demo-1 which had been sent, requesting that re- was at an end, but these long-range adi-1 regularity of the election. The (Radical Supervisor at the eighteenth precinct was SOME FACTS AND FIGTJKES. It is a great mistake" to suppose that Radicalism is in the majority in the United States. The people, by nearly three hundred thousand ma- ioritv. declared that Tilden was lre- sident. In 187S they have not re vtrsed that decision. Hayes, is-stil TPifiideut by fraud. In New York , the majority at the last electiou of the ouiDosition over Radicalism ia :13,40k . The plurality of the Radi ttala is 37,016. It ia clear that,; the opposition united can easily Carry New York in 1S80. The same is the (Mse in most of the other States " Even in, Michigan old Zach Chan dler's State the majority is largely in favor pf the opposition. In Penn sylvania the opposition has a majori ty of about, 00,000. ' In 1872, the Democrats had but 10 members in ,the Senate, 67 mem bers in the House, 10 Democratie Govornova of States. In .the.Presi demia! election iu lS68 they ;were iH-.iten by 300,000 popular votes; in 1S72 by .700,000, but carried the country in 1876 by nearly 300,000. How stands the case to-day? I The Washington Post draws this j con trast. Heed it: ; S "Instead of ten the Democrats have now iiiirtv-six and at the aext session will have foFiy-lhree members of the Senate. A clear 1 -.wit . ,f tan . . .'istead of sixtv-seven members of the House or less than one-third we have itowa majority of nineteen, and have al-i- fe-idy secured a majority of from seven to cine in the next House over all. -1 "That instead of ten Democratic Gover- ; rims of States there are now twenty-four, -or nearly two-thirds of the whole n amber. That onr vote has increased from 2,800,- 000 in 1872 to 4,295,000 in 1876, and from a minority of over 700,000 to a clear majority of cearlv 300.000. I "Because New York has been lost a3 the natural result of a disgraceful local quarrel, Lftciiusa for lack of oreanization and ordi nary party sense, and the uniformly Demo- r. r. . i-K-r T I n...i.t;nnl ctauc Biaies oi new jersey auu wuuwumi cals and latter-day warriors cannot, seems ingly, be brought to a realization of this iact." These are the words of the ablest living soldier on the American conti nent, and one of the lour greatest; Of E. and the captains ever born in America. course the other three are Robt. Lee, Albert Sidney Johnston Stonewall Jackson. Ae to trumped up lie about the Southern claims the old henysays: prevented by his political friends from signing the certificate, but has since begged the Commissioners of Election to make the proper report for him. At the nineteenth and last precinct the Radical Supervisor admits that he knows of nothing wrong, but declines to sign the return. ance with those iaarke4 by jind right. It h, Kfir,to,!" not failed to condemn, now and then, vention in behalf of the Republicans. At Wha. a Democratic OongroSs or f ftaS T&. 1SSSSH Democratic Legislature may have $4,000 upon a Federal official, and for de- done, whe- it regarded sch action as ga5Sg"&ffi?; unwise or improper. benefit laborers who were hired and paid Tn rpcrarri tr n.rimua nnrt nttPnsPR I VJ . .w " k - turns be made as soon as possible, as he (Johnson) was in need of the money. It appears that some of the goods have been intercepted as well as the letters, as Detect tiye Keidt states that he holds the watch referred to subject to demand. ; - Johnson formerly belonged to a gang of ' hieves in Charleston, that has recently Since we wrote the above about committed - in our sister State we would not approve of them for one This is one of your representative been broken up and ths members conn Radicals who cry out "stop thief." vicled- The detective got information to : . thfi pfrWt fhftt Johnson was oneratinff . : . 1 IT1 A. I A C MhA I . - . " r o Keittwe learn from our Charleston J moment, whether tuey were tne worK t xnese are me orL ux wu wuv down here, and set his traps accordingly. ntomnmru oomo f n rt.hfir narticu-1 of Democrats or Radicals. Crime is are caught up by llayes and lvarts TjDon receivimr the information from i0 jt aaa. i A crime, and wrong is iwronc, and you to make out a case against the people Detective Keidt, Chief of Police Brock put I District, was in town on Monday last. He s lartt. ii says. ; t 7 . ' I . . I . . . j . I i u: ya n. upuu Spirits Turpentine Wilson - Advance: We learn from a private letter that the Goldsboro Rifles propose yiaitirur, Wilson on Thanks giving day to drill end parade, 'with the hope of inducing our citizens to rc-organize the Wilson (irays.r' - Goldsboro Messenger: An extra MO fi I term of the Superior Court is to be held at Xi.lIlSlOH, COUJIIlvUUIug IUC octuuu muuuaj in December. . i Next week is Sampson county Superior Court, and ; the following week the Fair will be held at Clinton. Judge i Merrimou says plainly enough: "I say frankly that it would be agreeable to me to be re-elected to the Senate. If they shall elect me, I shall feel complimented and honored; if, however, they shall select some other; person, I shall abide their action.!' I Newberp J&ai Shell: A colored man who was at work yesterday around a cotton gin on-' Mr. Enoch Wadsworth's farm, a few miles from thia city, met with an accident which may result in the 16ss of his right ' hand. Hja fingers became en tangled in a, portion of thejmachinery, and before the gin could be stopped, or he could extricate them from the machinery, his entire hand was drawn in and badly crushed, j Greensboro Patriot: Capt. Gra ham, who is interested in the iron mines in this county, arrived in this city last night, and reports mining property looking up. The Allen brick machine attracted much attention at the .Charlotte Fair, and was awarded a diploma. This is the third testimonial it has received a gold medal at the Raleigh fair.a diploma at Richmond, and one at Charlotte the; three fairs at which it was exhibited. Winston' Sentinel: Something over two years ago the - people of Stokes were shocked by the occurrence of a bloody jtragedy in that county, by which two young men named Martin were "shot and killed by Ben. Smith, as they were re turning from a barn raising. Smith made his escape, and his whereabouts were un known until Saturday night, when a dis patch was received here from Russellville, . Ky., stating that Smith was under arrest at that place, and asking if he had not com mitted a murder here. Tarboro Southerner: Capt. W. H. Kitchin, Congressman elect from this settled policy to saddle the war debt of the! Confederacy upon the country is absurd i contemptibly so and it passes my jcom-j prehension how any iotelligenjt reader can! receive such reckless inventions with pa-j tience." " ; I c . ... wV I AOnnnt vw o Tr ck onxrt Vimr Acaa rtf thTVI "As to the assault upon Kent: tie grossly v" "" UJ,1Ufi insulted a white citizen, who instantly and-both are to be sternly condemned. It appears that the Radical saints SOUTH CABOMNA MAilXBHS. The Radical organs are bitter in their comments extremely upon! the The revival of the charges 'that it is our; struck him with his fiat Keitt then drew a pistol, ana some uiusa usuic tuuio oo sistance. The few white men who were engaged used nothing but their hands and walking canes, and the only pistols drawn or exhibited were those used by Keitt and his supporters. Keitt was not hurt, and now walks about Charleston with au the dignity that new clothes ! and prospective pay can confer upon him.'' j So one lie out of which capital was sought to be made is nailed to the Counter. In Richland county a number of respectable Democrats have been ar rested by U. S. authorities at the in stance of a "special deputy." He charges them with interfering with him on the day of election. The per secutions have begun in earnest it seems. iiu wuat. aDoui, xnese ixicu- land Democrats ? Are they guilty ? The Columbia Register says: "Thev were arraigned for preliminary examination before a United States Com- of the South. f amy ! Out such in- i i - E t real or supposed outrages inj thej South. They have nailetl th oldj bloodv-sbirt to their mast jheadsl and i it'is flapping with great earnestness If these organs are to be believe the country is in great danger! and Southern rebels are a terrible st fellows,. Only hear J ay lonld's or aan hlowinsr this tune, a3 his jUool Whitelew Reid, the of . i . i. j nieeon. wmteiew iieia,i mrus uiu crank: ; An arrozant minority has seized posses sinn of the Government and practically dis franchised the creater part of 1 the popula tion, either by driving them avay irqm ine Dolls, or bv erasDing all the machinery of election and declaring the result to suit it-f and bull-dozers are wide-awake and specially active in South Carolina. They have not forgotten the days of 1872 and '74 and 76, and they are still experts in the persecuting and brow-beating business, as well as in ballot-stuffing. The Sumter. Free Southron reports some cases of Radi cal outrage that are specially atro cious, as the negroes are persecuting each other for ! daring to exer cise the rights of freemen. Not only so. but - necrro women take a hand and beat and maim a helpless cripple because be voted with the Democrats. Read the following start ling report of the way in which Dem ocrats are hounded and injured and maltreated for daring to exercise their right of suffrage. Let the missioner, and the witnesses only yesterday J Philadelphia Press put the following gave their evidence, which was conflicting tr mill and arind and contradictory, ignorant ana vicious w-.--& 0 ---- If the Greenbackers had not come to the rescue of the Radicals in some of the Northern States they would not have had much more than a cor poral's guard. The Cleveland (Ohio) Plaindealer says truly: "The Republicans can thank their stars that there , was such a thing as a National Greenback party, or they would have been buried so deep that the noise of a million cannon would not awaken them. The Greenback men are the men who brought about Republican success in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut." Officer Woebse on the track, and he ars rested Johnson, as before stated, at 9 o'clock Thursday night. v He will be held for further developments, and if nothing transpires by which he can be brought to trial here, he will be eventually turned over to the authorities of Charleston to an swer to charges against bim there, i Cpiarsed wltU JH order. Allen Mathis, colored, was brought to this city by Officer Hand, under a commit ment from Justice T. H. W. Mclntire, of Pender county, on the charge of murdering one Reuben Herring, colored.of that coun ty, on or about the 22nd of September last. He was lodged in jail to await his triat .at the next, term of the Superior Court for Pender county. It seems that Lucy Herring, wife of the Judge Humphreys, of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, is to be impeached for constant drunk- j deceased, who was arrested as an accom enness. He is a scandalous fellow and a shining Radical. We are re minded by the Petersburg Index Appeal that he is the Judge who re fused to allow the arrest of Senator Patterson,on the gronnd that the pro secution of Patterson was partisan. mt f . T . . away, me aouuiron says: i "Hiram Poole, Charley Wesley, Ben self. Thus the Bourbon Democracy has j negroes testified to such palpable false secured a 'Solid South' at lasti by anppera- 1 h00ds that five of them were subsequently .TO? iBB" Boone and Abram McDaniels. all colored, iue meiuou ui rurh Ti!-- , i convicuon can ue .secured upuu tu noDn arroatA , ,nH -nnfinwl in iail meni pursucu nuiu nuic imUuiv...Vu .uv i. mony oi inemseives, a agaiust-auu umci, i frioi icimo T. T. HVa- Smith American Reoublics. iThis condi- nhiwM artdnrpd at this examination, upon a warrant of Trial Justice L. Xj. ra- - . ' m ... i " w - . iw Ahovnan rn in. noin or fin v tinn rf thinfa hrinfS U9 lace tO lace WUU a I Th ;nHitmant fnr nllofMXl intp.rfprpnp.fi I oci """Bvu - J serious - 1 twwriL .if I rtrtoom nr arkt 1 i . !a .111 1-Mn I a i SniithprnlRtatPsJ The Ti. '...,:, ; ,u o(oonr.D , mt,t ourning nis nouse couiaiuiug --,uyy pwuuuo pruauf'u which our odXiV false adoundlesTaaTlons of fodder WO pounds of hay 500 pounds Anga8t election-both Democrats. nkU nn,c,int.t vo .nil H'Pflprnl BVHtfilTl 19 I - : nn.lnm.n mVinea , itrAatnct ftffoniip I - 1VV 0" ouv. .w. w. . m usamou Bvunviuvu, . &.v-w. within itwentv Btens of his In is. too. iu ine Jueiropouian county, To show how very apathetic were the Democrats in the Fourth District as well as in this, one fact may be mentioned. Captain Davis carried things brings us tace to iace wun a The indictment for alleged interference J , b " oj:"" : " PVna , , A. . . political problem. FoV the present 4uh the . special deputy' will doubtless be Lowry cokred of the Swimming Pens Wake connty and 8tlll hl8 vote fell w r . K I I ...... . I I1H1 U I I I II II I 111! Ill . VI ILLi Lllvi LillillU V. MWWU I m mm - a Kenuoncan iorm 01 gmciuuicui quashed, but the negro witnesses win nave r-- triTrr. CA ,o;; o nnn nnnnAk abmit. IfiOO behind Mr. Snow's in the whole reDresentative and Federal system is founded, has been set aside inj favor jof an olicarchv of rifle-clubs, intimidators and ha ot-box stusers. wno caimiy reier 10 their lawless triumph an 'Evidence that thp. p.oldfed neonle. even wheke they! have the numerical majority," cannot hold their own against the superior intelligence, miins onrl rmirnnp. ff thfi Whites. IfKrl0 UW WW j-, Tlio nmmAnt. of t.llR! Kaltimore an.ott, nnn t.hi tirade of the'fffeat inem Pa7 iae Pena"y lor BUUU tBW ji itsvw wv-". i ;tj m hPAn taken :iwv from U9 bv small I iniiir.zinn' nrorsn ia so nertinerit and i swearing pluralities, is thiere any good reason Sot re- I . , TWorlnkfl it. In Williamsburg county the same dwellinff house. No ill feeling had existed -tU t on wn iA. 4 , J . ' . , Lowry is a Democrat and voted the Demo- I fluential dailies. crane ucttei iu iuo iaic cicvuuu, x ia lvinf? scoundrels become false and swift witnesses for malice or pay, then prosecute the last one of them in the courts for perjury, and make Diuine ? . "When, in conclusion, we stop td reflect that the Republican party has a majority in oalv nine States of the Union, with an electoral representation of only fifty-four votes, that it has lost possession of both Houses of Congress, that it has to bear the odium of a fraudulent Executive whom every honest American is willing to admit has stolen his seat intelligent uemocrais will conclude with us that all their party just, we are glad to reproduce it The Gazette says: "If everv nesro in the South should walk lip to the polls and voluntarily cast his hftllnt for Ibeuemocrais. BUvHursaus ua me Iribune would be more thin ever con vinp.ed that a ReDublican form of govern- mpnt did not exist in that Section; The Rennblican Dartv made a mistake when it con ferred the richt of suffrage on the weak and ignorant negroes of the South, and the nPfils tn insme siir.o.ess is moderately intel- I nrnner thine for the leaders to do i$ to ac ligent leadership and an efficient organiza- knowledge the corn and insist on their dis imn i I franphisement. The negroes are going to ' . . I- I vote with those who feedjand Employ If tbexpp08ilion to Radicalism m th inat as tne jte people do in the United States can be successfully Massachusetts. When the Federal army is . , , . I' . sent into the South and placed -in the hands united, then it is absolutely certain I nf th. T?ennblicans to be used as an elec- fhat Grant or any other Radical can- tioneenng machine, the whit people of the didate can be easily beaten, in spite of the efforts of Chandler and; Hayes and Evarts to make out a case against the South. ; Unity, harmony and efficient work will save the country and dpfpat Radicalism in Hs last struggle. . j " Lord Beaconsfield is exciting criti cism both at home and abroad. Ga ribaldi thinks that if Lord Beacons- field "is not sent away" he will ruin England and the world. A commit tee, organized by "Lord Lawrence to urge an early meeting of Parliament in view of war with Afghanistan, was refused an audience by the Pre mier, but he wrote letter in reply. The committee then adopted a reso lulion condemning the Premier's ap parent determination, in the event of war being declared, not to advise Her Majesty to consult Parliament until hostilities have commenced. I Secretary Evarts, it appears, now disclaims the use of some of the pub lished remarks attributed to him in the interview. What they j are we are not informed. We would advise him to publish a card, but the . first sentence would exhaust the patience of every reader who had anything to South mav be politically thrown into a mi nority. When the army is sent to -occupy Massachusetts and is placed in the hands of Democratic manipulators, thfe bulldozing which prevents workmgmen from; exer- ' cising their sentiments will H stopped, and Wendell Phillips, the ancient Republican leader, will not be able to shalse hisj finger at Faneuil Hall and mournf ttlly announce to the. country that the Bay Sate is denied a republican form of government. " j The fury of such papers as the Tribune and Philadelphia Press, and other organs of the virulent type, is absolutely funny. We can but laugh at their brazen effrontery at their double-distilled impudence. These corrupt fellows were tickled to; death when Grant used his buyonets and throttled whole States. They threw up their hats in wild (excitement when Zack Chandler and John Sherman directed their tools, the ! corrupt vil lains in Louisiana and Florid?, and managed to steal the votes ofj those States for the sentimental andj sanc-timonious-'Hayes. But now that their ox is being gorjed,hOw they do scream and turn the old crank with renewed L energy and violence. .We are satisfied that lany illegal votes were polled in South Carolina; and we are equally satisfied that it was a great wrong. Sjoner or later it will prove a boomerang. But that the Radical organs are engaged just now in "doing some tall lying" we plice in the murder.turned State's evidence, and was thereupon bound over to appear as a witness. The prisoner, however, insists upon it that Lucy Herring killed the man and threw his body into a well. The facts in the case will probably be brought out in full during the final examination. ! j Mathis was once before an inmate of our county jail under the name of Allen Wilson. -sv- more Pender Prisoners. j Special Deputy W. T. Bannerman ar rived here from Pender conuty last even ing, having in his custody Lucy Herring, ' alleged to be implicated in the murder of Reuben Herring, and who turned State's evidence against Allen Mathis, alluded to in our last issue. It appears that she was required to give bond in the sum of $5,000 for her appearance at the next term of the Superior Court of Pender county, to give evidence in the case of the State vs. Allen Mathis, in default of which she is sent un der commitment by Justice T. H. W. Mc lntire; to be confined ia our county jail. Special Deputy Bannerman also brought down John Isham and Magness Isham, both colored, who are committed by Jus tice Grattan Williams, of Lincoln Town ship, Pender county, in default of security in the sum of $200 each, for their appears ance at the next term of the Superior Court of that county, to answer to the charge of forcible trespass. j 1 mB A IHnrder Case befere Duplin Supe- ' rlor Conrl. i. Louis Taylor, colored, was tried before the Duplin Superior Court at Kenansville, during the past week, for the murder of a man named Etheridge, the case having been removed from Wayne county. The trial commenced on Wednesday; and cons tinned until Thursday evening, when the inro rptirp.d. and returned ft verdict of not - , r . I BIw IIUU1 IUC IIVIDU UUU uw ww.u. I wuaw w J 1 " I J 1 . to damn a whole people tor. tne acts i rr, a diutant General's office emolovs 17. conferred upon society in the prompt euilty on Friday morning. The evidence nf o W mpn scattered here and of whom 16 are JSorthern men ana 1 irom ana ieanesa punraumHm, ui cniue wssenureiy cireumaiamiai . the South. In the Medical Department the potent to every one. These benefits are there. The speeches and character .proportion is more equitable than in any seen in the great diminution ot cases -c ri rrnrr,ntnn o mMi i as to an- other, there Deineiaf JNonnern Burgeonsio on me duumw ureretuwucu uyuaci, uu vi uv. "ruu " oan ,ihn. Tn thP rnvftlrv there are &1J UUUVUVtUVIHt wuw j 1 384 Northern officers to 50 Southern ; in the artillery 259 to 23, and in the infantry 831 to 55. Of the 197 officers classed as belong ing to Southern States only 5 are above the in rumored that the testimony will be that they threatened to bum out all the 'Demo cratic niggers,' and then begin on the whites "On Sunday, the ; 10th instant, a colored man, deformed and quite a cripple, named Golden, who lives on Dr. C. R. F. Baker's place, about eight miles from town, was brutally beaten by j Sarah Webb and four For the Star. UrHB CRIMlNAIi COURT. There is a matter of vital importance to the well being of society and also of great interest to the taxpayers of the county, which I propose, with your permission, Mr. Editor, to discuss in your columns. I refer . .i .. i - game is being tried. Tho Register other negro women, on ine P" to the attempt which is now being made, o & .. i estate of Henry Spann. The reason given ... . , , . says: by them was that he voted for the Demo- or. as I understand will soon be made, to . j, crals. One of them hacfa hoe, one a fence abolish the Criminal Court of New Hano- ,oX7eSLWoY;hVogeUd?Se r.U, .od fe ote,. dubs." Ter. IimuI,a 'i-.-- lying witnesses against them have been re quired to answer for libel, perjury and false imprisonment Other counties expe riencing the operations of the j aforesaid The Washington Post points out workings of this Court. I fear they have . . . i-j -vt .u t been made to believe that its establishment wherein there is a "solid JS ortn. it hag erjtaiied an enormous expense upon the mill are ready to imitate these I examples is in the army. It gives the follow- county and that its advantages to society AnrL aretffic.entto.counterbalance its cost maKd iffir'rS?5 " T "There are now in the pay of the United "fi mdgmenL d as far as my obser- majie goou iiivir g Q mm&fy gentlemen of commis- vation and knowledge extends, these ideas We have said that there was ille- sionedrank. Of these 2,273 are put down are altogether erroneous, and I propose to l T A a.nnr.aa tTiia On tneilSl as apDOlHieU iroiu ilUflllvlU bUUW IU BUUMHWUI uuvun uiu Ul imw gal voting. We do not suppose this gtat &nd m ffm the goulh The numi haye not been increased on account of this will be denied. But it is hardly fair ber of general oflicers is 11, of whom 11 Court, nor has it been an additional ex- are from tne JNortn ana uirom ine duvu. pense io w wuuy, nuuo wo umn uao sure lis that no one would be more prompt to condemn illegal voting, or. to vindicate the purity and j freedom of the ballot than he. To what ex- rank of cantain. while 167 are below that grade. It therefore appears that the regu- tent illegal voting was practiced we lar army is a thoroughly sectional institu have no means of knowing. tion." The twelfth annjial session of the they are also seen in the marked decrease of crime in our midst. When it is made apparent, as it certainly has been since the organization of this Court, that swift pun ishment will surely follow the violation of law, it necessarily exercises a wholesome influence on offenders, the fear of punish ment being a great corrective of evil deeds. Objection is made to the amount of sala ry paid the Judge. I have no hesitation in saying that in my opinion this salary is . - -i it .t l .a i C. S.CommUiloiiet'a Coon. : 1 1 James C. Sutton, of Robeson county.was arraigned before U. S. Commissioner Mc Quigg, yesterday, on the charge of retail ing tobacco without a license. He was or dered to give bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance at the next term of the U. S. District Court, which convenes in this city on the 5th of May next, in default of which he was committed to jail. M. B anton, Master of the . State niggardly policy maeea mat wouia cnain exuiu.uvc.jr - WhatVeve7blc ' , , him down to a mere pittance in the way of j be found at present at the office of Mr. T. fiat e? ,tc wfo?n flranfrp nfVirmnia. which was re- vr ohm,M h aiw-rt Uhiral F ., who started to walk from Raleigh to Char- - "-. .. . x xl -ZZ I W. Strange, on MarKet street, j I wtA for wr. abont three weeks aeo ? a-j v TT c xr.n;- rF nh n comnensauon ior uia BerviceB. iuu uu i , - - i ..r---. . t.i" ii i - 'i ne ijinenan bdobub. ausuiiiuuusuu. 3 The President de facto is gradually National Grangeis now in progress I ?SfStlwbSl stretching out his hands and grasp- in Richmond, Virginia. The address well for work when it is well done. When tY3; lirU-.Ai,; , Ji u j i Tk It a fit man is found to discharge the duties mg powers that do not belong to mm. 0f welcome was delivered by Dr. i J . of a responsible and laborious office, it is a His last recorded or known pertorm- ance is an effort to save a bank .thief ;n Tn.nna frnm fViA f.lntP.hfiR of thfl buouubu w ujf v' "v ovrvftimnt nntlav lnt BriffleianU lonr IX a lnnt.rncted the district &t- ),. D.n.'n. Sf.fa Master !n t.hd Nil- 1. 1.. n nl.iu him hnn thofpirnf ap. . it -..iKs.:.:fi.-j .J . - n.i .n .nit rmfittino- thn rtitrnitv of the IMakeoeace. of Randolph, had on exhibi- torneyintne umieaoiawB vuuu a. tional yrange. . j' ine ionowmg we jtiVhoidl tion at the fair samples of Irish potatoes Indianapolis not to prosecute Cary cop f rom tbe Richmond' Whig: I This salary of the Judge of our Criminal raised by him this year, which yielded at i v. Jp rmirt neema to be a preat buir-bear with a the rate of 604 bushels per acre. This W. Miller, and on a charge of em- The Treagurer's report shows (exclusive gJ piJ "teitaaan ! wonderful result is vouched for, and the bezzlement. The Judge (Gref ham) of permanent investment) that there ia a eviaence 0f the great expense entaUed upon crop is not only very large, but of very fine . , . u x.B; balance to the credit of tbe Grange on the th countv and claim-that an Inferior quality. It was easy to take out from the evidently did not fancy the PreBi- first of October, 1878, of $3,408 68, which 1 Yt S -w ' iSawr aU pile anywhere potatoes which weighed 1J dent's impertinent interference. A has since been increased by receipts, pnn- tne pUrposes of the present Criminal Court, j pounds each. Early Sunday morning . r , trr x.' rn cipally from interest on bonds, aggrega- arJd conld be sustained at a comparatively risers, standing about on upper Hay street, dispatch to the Washington Post ting $4,599 15, In addition, the receipts anawuwDe sustamea a a comparauvw y aston to see a magnificent buck, t .ha of State Granee dues for the year amount- I muif ,-n wnifltv a T hnne tn be I ; with erand. wide-spreading antlers, appear edio$16.739 11. The total amount to he AwVto hStmlaAmOX boulevard "in front of Mr. Troy's grand jury that tney were nounu w cre(Jit of treasury is $24,806 94. The t d of economy, but as affectine residence, halt, snuff the air for a moment, resnect their oath, and could not expenditures during the year amountea to the morals of society. I think it could be reaper u , uwiMt $20,188 61 leaving a balance on the 1st of plainly dem0nstratwd to any unprejudiced, escape its obligations by obeying Mr. ocber, 1878, of $4,618 83." fnd that the Criminal Court is an abso- Haves. We quote: ! - ' lute necessity; that its establishment has J -1 ' ! . '.' . mi. CJ tl, fwNi;.ia 'Rontiof . Rtofo .nulnAf i nf lh nntet mint tn thfl arrua Pnoipnt of the 1 United States ids ouuku vaiynu0 -o v-w viwuu w fe---"?r xuo nvu... ------ i i. . I onmmnnitv Ann inlprrarA AVPII I . - . n . n W tn. Y a I wwuu.w.u..w. - I 1 Hill Vr I I U1UU LUl. H UH . . vw. WM was looking well, after his arduous cam paign. He haa secured good counsel and feels confident of successfully defeating the would-be Congressman, O'Hara, the biga mist. O'Hara, O'Hara, why don't you go home, And stop wasting your time in foolin ? Your money will be gone, And then you'll have none, For the Canvassing Boards will have none of your rulipg. ' ! Raleigh News: & few days ago, as Albert Lassiter, of Elevation township, Johnston county, was ploughing iu his field, he stepped in his bare feet upon a nest containing thirty-eight highland moc casins, which his ploughshare- turned up. He killed all the reptiles and carried them home as trophies. ; On West street, at the railroad crossing, is a deep ditch, into which Mr. Yearby fell last spring and broke his thigh. He sued the city for dam- . ages and a compromise was made on $700. A gentleman called last evening to say that no means, had been taken to guard against the recurrence of similar accidents. Charlotte Observer: Yesterday morning a negro man was hired to couple carsjat the North Carolina Railroad depot, and began work immediately. Being a novice at tbe business, he allowed himself to be caught between the ; cars and was severely mashed. His wounds are not fatal but are dangerous and painful. Mr. Will Walker, who was thrown from a horse on the race track, Thursday of the Fair, has sufficiently recovered to be out on the streets, but not without crutches. It is believed that the civil docket of the Fede ral Court, the first session of which will be held in this city, in December, will be larger than that at any other point where such courts are held in the State. D. Coble, the old man arrested in Greensboro, " Monday night, almost in the act jot setting fire to Yanstory's livery stables, had a hear ing before a magistrate on the following day. It was proven to the satisfaction of the court that the old man is crazy, and consequently all ' prosecutions against him ceased. - A majority ;pf cases in the Inferior Court are in the hands of young lawyers. j Asheville Journal: We aro in formed that a petition, signed by all our business men, has been sent to the Post master General, praying that the Eastern mails intended for this point be transported over tbe Spartanburg & Asheville Railroad. The reason assigned for tbe change is that we will receive our mails twenty hours sooner. We are reliably-informed that the tunnel at Swannannoa Gap is so near completion that the concussion produced by the blows of the workmen on either side causes a perceptible quiver of tbe wall be tween them. The tunnel is almost com-' pleted. One more week's work and this Herculean task will be finished. Mar shal Douglas did not have sufficient funds on band at the recent term of the Federal Court, at Asheville, to pay deputy mar shals', jailors' and witnesses' fees. He made . requisition on the Department of Justice for $8,600 to pay the expenses of the court. The Department refused peremptorily to allow him but $6,000, assigning as a reason that the appropriation made by Congress for conducting the business of that branch of the government was entirely too small. This message was supplemented by a note from the Attorney General, telling the Mar shal that he must reduce the expenses of the Court. I - Charlotte Observer: It has re cently .transpired that public opinion in Mecklenburg county is moulding ttseit into a warlike attitude towards the dog, or more properly speaking, is preparing itself to be come the champion of the sheep. Far mers are getting their yearly supply of fruit trees, and the quantity sold in the county this year is said to be larger by far than ever before in its history j The larger pro portion of these are from North Carolina nurseries. The superintendent of the steam shovel of tbe Carolina Central Rail road was struck on the head the other day by the lever, knocked down and considera bly hurt. -There is nothing settled yet as to tbe future proprietorship of the cen- Col. D. K. McRae, who has taken up his permanent residence in this city, announces that he will devote himself I tral Hotel -We shall have both the cir- mav. if he feels so inclined in advance of indictment, by exercising the pardoning power. In no other way has he the slightest authority to control your tt v..- :. in Vita nnnror tn nnrnrin the alleged offender, and unless he is will- I ed President. Convention met i at Sumter on 21st. Eighty delegates are present. Revi R.; Furmab, D. D., was elect- that .to abolish it nowr would not only seriously jeopardize the peace ana safety or ine community, .oat would be a grievous blunder, which the astute Talleyrand pronounced to be worse than a crime. Vihdex. Fayetteville Gazette: Mr. J. B. I colored, has at last gotten into toils from He was convicted, yesterday, of stealing money from a colored I friend and sen tenced to the Penitentiary for three years. His counsel, however, i took an appeal. Under authority of a resolution by the State Agrieultural Society, at its annual meeting in Raleigh, last month, Col. Thos. M. Holt, Ppresident of the Association, has appointed a committee of five gentlemen to gather information from tbe farmers of the State in regard to the workings of the law enacted by the lost Legislature imposing a tax on commercial fertilizers. En gineers say there is as much difference in engines as in men, and the difference in engines of tbe same pattern is even more marked than that between people of the same familp. Take two engines of exactly the same size and make; the bolts, screws arid every part of one will fit exactly tbe other, yet one will consume a cord less of wood than the other in fifty miles, work easier, pull more, run faster, and present other points of dissimilarity. and then- bound off from tbe height into the main road below. The State Col ored Normal School is progressing very satisfactorily. The pupils generally 6eem to be taking a deep interest in their studies, and are making gratifying advancement. The number now in attendance is: Males, 44; females, 38 total, 82. There is little doubt that, with the beginning of the new year, the number will reach one hundred or more. I- do. i it T - - L - . i ' i

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