- - ' - , . l- 1 . . , ; . ! i;w'." win 111111 i iiiimiiiiii j ujiiurMimaiiMgjjB.i,, . . ; , - --, -PUBLIBHXD k $1.50 a Year, in advance. ssssssssssssssss 8SSS8SSS8SSSSSSSS 88888888888888888 o (D a 00 w 00 t- e 5 ?e 3 3 88SS888888S88SS8S a 3 X .a 8S888888282888888- 888888S88S888S888 888888SSS8888888 888S8888888SS8SS8 OS- tZ2 th eo 10 1- 00 os o v eo 3 o J G Subscription Price. : The subscription price of the "Wetck i.y Star is as follows : 1 Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 " . " 6 months. " " I 1.00 4 - " " 8 " . " ". h .50 ' (HE OVERHAULING OF THE -NAVlf DEPAHTHIENT. 1 . - That the former Secretary of the Navy, Rbbesoh, should be investiga ted and criminally prosecuted, wo have not doubted for some years. If in private life, in the transactions be tween man and man, a person were to act as this Secretary of the Navy under Grant acted, he would, soon ind himself a member of the peni tentiary striped brigade. . Some months ago wp copied certain charges against him of" corruption' and 4 un-f faithfulness in office. We were, then hopeful that his transactions would be thoroughly overhauled, and that it would be ascertained if he had been, corrupt in office, and to what extent. This being done, then the law should take its course in dealing with offenders. v- ; such W4 do not suppose there is the slightest doubt of his guilt. The in vestigations made by., the House Com mittee on Naval Affairs, of which Mr. Whiithorne is .Chairmanj are such as to satisfy any man not blinded ly party zeal that Secretary Robeson, and some of . his subordinates. vwere a rasoally set and richly deserve severe punishment." " I The Radicals ou this Naval com mittee have shown -but little zeal or interest in the--investigation, whilst the Democrats have been earnest and laborious in their efforts to arrive at the truth. I The reportof the committee is to lo soon presented to the House. It gives the needed information, andex poees fullyas we learn, the flagrant violations of law of which the Secre tary of Navy was guilty, and certain others connected with that Depart ment. The Washington I'ost thus Huiamanzes what is set forth in . the roport: . I - il "la the first place it shows that, up to the close of the fiscal year 1877, over nine huidredand sixty millions of dollars have beei expended upon .the United States Navy since the organization of the govern ineit. Of tbiS amount ' $416,785,272 00 were expended since 1864, sod under the eigU years of Grant rule the sum of $182, 493033 48 in money.in addition to millions of collars', worth of -accumulated material, was expended. 1 Besides this vast . outlay. Mr: Robeson left a demand for an appro priation of $2,033,861 27 to meet, certain deficiencies, and left the various Bureaus of tie Department in debt to the amount of $3,(00,563 ,89. which he called upon Con grea to pay. The report shows that thirty oneBhips, which cost the government $13, 775837 S3, were sold for $542,524 47, and tweaty ships which cost $12,614,390 45 wee broken up and sold for $541,831 16,and iha out of the money so received .the sum of $101,847 44 was taken as the cost of Vreakiog up the vessels. . Besides their rectless extravagance it is shown, that Bob esot and his chiefs of bureaus violated the . lawt in numerous ways. They sold old vesl3 and material at private sale,: in spite of be law which provides that all each ma-, teriil shall be sold at public auction after due notice by advertising has been given of tie sale. They made such use of the motey so received from these sales in the de&nee of the law providing that all mo nejs derived from the sale of condemned stuf or vessels, or any material that cannot be sed by the navy shall be covered into iheTreasury, and shall not be applied to; anj use for the navy unless specifically ap prcoriated by Congress- Robeson and his palf purchased supplies and materials by pri ate contract from their favorites, while . the few : provided . that all . purchases and coDtjacts for supplies, &c., "shall be let to the west bidder who is a regular dea7e ia o: manufacturer of " the articles wanted . It is hown that over $20,000,000 were ex-.. peoc:d by Robeson in violation of this law. -.if- - ; "l . Trie committee recommend, . in vie of these facts, that George M. Hot json, W. W. W. Wood, Isaac Hatasn and James H., Wathiongh,v "observe and should receive the se veest censure and , condemnation; , ani thaty in addition ' thereto, said paties, as well as others aiding and abtting therein, should be punished to.he extent of the law," and that thse parties, thus fehown to! have . dilated the law, "may be tried and puished as prescribed by law." j i ' This. looks .like business.' Let no gulty man escape, as Grant said. .. . ' : ' ' -.1 i ,- f ... rtnt - I ' r VOL. 10. Let justice be done though it klwcki: the bott6m otxt of the i charaofers o these faithless andenal officials. - ' ' s From a Washington Aeegram of J,he I7lb, we learn, that .the commit tee will withhold the1 s report for thev present in order th'th excused may, nave "an opportunity t ?. to f armshi proof as desired by' tnem'W sh'bw1 thaft thejpharges preferred .are false.' The time granttd , for this, purpose extonds until Janrtiry--'4i and 1t- is understood that in orjiero allowi tAl opportunity for the liutroduotion of new; evidence, the committee 'I will hold sessiotjis during itiejjhohdy re-: cesai.' ' a---- :!l i 'i i .tJ Nothing. wUl be 46ne. this ..Con4 gressinal! probability1, and Robescm5 will be a member of i the 46th Con gress. "' " The Washingtoa Psj interviewed Hon. Alfred M. WaddelL chairman of, the House Committee on Post- offices and Post Roads, in regard to the i action of the Postbffice',: DepaVt-1 ment as to the- milway mail servioeu He iwas askeii'what he ; thought of it. .We! give the main poiutsit: Mr. Wad-f dell said: . . j -j.-. .. I . 'That it will, be exaetly Irlgbt. T told ihent last winter hv the House; when Mr,1 Key sent in his estimate, that be 'was right, and 'that if they expected him to keep up thatisort of 'service they Should . give him' the money to do it with 1" f t u fYour committee has ;sdrne. control of the matter, has it not?' ; ' " : v - rfKot the least.'; ; t If "jr '; . . .. ... ' fDoes, not the ' Committee " on Appro priations act bo your recommendations V. fNo; they disregard our , reeommenda ti0n8, and snub us at all times, Iast.8ea 8ion after our committee ha4 eat upon measures for six ,weeks and, presented carefully preplvbilJa, Ihjey ., were , &am-, temptuously thrown aaida, without cons id eratfoo, by this aUrpawerfiuj coQllntee., "fVVhat is your committee or, then ?' " fLike a great many others; ornamental, I presume. The Committee bit Approoria- "ttons has absorbed -all of the tpower of the ' tiouse. 'i na rest ot us nave but compare-, lively little o say in legislative matters.' ",' r-p:. . lr ' t.J.;..!, THE HOUSK Bfc KJTOa AL. 01 flu ; "he-jjelectoral j bili yf jthe Hbose , committee, of' wbieb Mf. Southard is cbairman, is 'tbolong for our cobvmbs or we would , publish, it It is . no doubt a better bill than the Edmunds bill wbiehs passed f the Senate.. .It maintains the2 spirit and intent of ; the Cs)80,-. reSorve:;p' J ' theV states' the ex-ciosiYe rrgbt of selecting their electors. ...T;he mode and man ner, -as ' heretofore ; have ! not been Changed. Iu;the event of , a contro versy in any, State as to the; appoint ment or eligibility .-of : electors, : the same may be passed'upon by the highest judicial tribunal, and the de cision thereof shall .be certified by such tribunal to the President of the, Senate. -This decision may be made either before 'or? after the casting of .the: vote by the State electors!" This decision of the supreme judicial tri-i bnnal shall-be-conclusive unless re t t f r; vereed by both Houses. ' If there are decdsions frofrr two or more tribunals claiming to be the highest jodiciaftri- burial, the two' Houses shall deter-- mide which is , the" ! lawful ' tribunal,' and Its decision shall be heldits , con: plnsive -unless reversed sr by both Houses.' ' 1 1 I . : i i . i - . 3y comparing the twb bills itj will ne iseen tnat tnere are some impor tant differences! The Edmunds bill delegates ! to the State Reinrn- ing Board, or any State author ity! which, may be created f de termining a controversy, the, power. to settle definitely: the electoral vote of the State, placing it beyond the power of the two Houaesjif Congress to inquire into-the facts. White the House bill takes'nopowerfroni the States heretofore exercised; it names a tribunal, and thta the most respects able and honorable in the fState, be fore which controversies may be.ad judicatedy and the result1 certified to the1 Congress. : It retainshowever, the rights. of the two Houses not only; to inquire -irrto the" ! Idecisidn - of the State tribunal, but to reverse it. The bill practically, retains eail ? the' powers wbioh Congress has i. heretofore exer cised," add ' specifically provides the mode and manner -of determining re sults by' the two Houses in' joint con- The Edmunds bill will impose upon the country the principle and policy of the Republican leaders,as deolared and practiced in the contest of 1876 :77,when they refused to go behind returns, and declared! the action of the Florida, South Carolina and Lou isiana" Returning " Boards absolute ana unaL i f j TheJEdmundsbiil favors the ahsor-, lute decision of the State Returning Board, :or any'dther f tribunal which may JeVireateY This tribpnalf shall count, the, vote, &qd, decide who have been chosen ! as' electors, f From its pogressaAorpowerQSo be the cetirficliUon to inaolre alWo.fritod'i of corruption; ftutHmhst aeceiptsthr ,proeeedingp by its; owp actinlTr --i-,: ..': 1 1 retiB i mere.cipoerjana. can', ae- lermioo: n 4 result: TJvisds Edmunde's J djepision of the' Returnirig Bofds" final.' ; eao'. WVWrmlW ideal of State rights." Stfwtefotn a' tiiere' U n.io uavei uuuiempiateu ov me tJonstionbV'r Houses -to.1CAnvasshe,I!p!vpas1 beenh cuutanuy exerctsea ana nc ver,en ou8ly ditottted. S & vS f v.oO .1 cnlties, and can but hope hat ttbe wrsom anainQtVirni, gljtCoagres wil prove qnal" to- the-emergencyt' Wei are solicitous that a -law Snail be t framed thai Wilt berietft'thb WuritirV a.na; not serye.. any par,ty as ,fiQfft it tbeSopthard biU is ,defecve in, any , particular ifi Sought to !b6 1 s amended , .as,-to make it answer 1K all ' respe'ets the '.vfeifj' i Wpbfiiaiit "4nri in'ieV " '-' . iWo notice" that tH'e dmunds Bitl "i uasjoeea reierrejya.i.u xipnseo air. iSoathard's, v committee, , . t .will not pas unless amendefd in maty partica-r. larsi 1 That cbrdmittee'will'take gkirjBd care of it. ji XI Sjenator 8atler, of aoutfcJarolma,; I made Met first Speech ki the Sehaterori' Monday, in reply to Blame s arraign ment of iSoutn." Carofinat'aD velrV" ma$iy aud able. .. Jienaa .tioe.speaker, and his manner is aaidrto ihavohflBh: emiently "cttrttis nrl deliberate1' He jbore htraself with inarked' self resljraini under no , 6e' ietoaoa : to fee aggressive. and,.,resentft' lie. obtained a victory and i scored tone; agafiest the" vigo-rou6land ?ittgtief wrestler from (lib froeiV7 rgrllsjIof, Ma neT! " - '-'iW- THE XBA ..IlKNGTCN BKLSHAZZAB8 There uever was a completer fizzle thaii the effort of . Blaine, to f'fire the Northern heart." Even Cockling 'snliedKad. wpajd, ."wpuh , A cent." After much caucnsSitrg' ahd: thel most parnf ul -rinr1tioitl:tt'om1 mitjtee or ooscuruie were, orougut forth, j The ; great .Roarer i himself shook his head ominously aud said he f'wouldn't takeanysugar in his'rr." Bu the fun of the tthing lies', in the fact that there is much ..shaking ampqg the Radical dry-bepes. , Whilst Bldine snorts and q cavorts in the Seijatorial areria begging some Sou tbi erni man to tread 'oil r the tail "of ' his' coat, tuere are quasmg f ana anxiety among the "visitingstatesmen .who did the light-fingermg in i the South in i 876, and accomplished the'enor- mous theft;-5 The New York Wdrld i, editorially ;,' ord has been passed along the Re ican line that the doings of certain Re publican leaders in Louisiana,- South Caro lina and ,. lorida. ,- must be mvestigated. There is a. fearful looking-for of copies, in the ihands either of .General Bh tier or of the Democrats, of Republican ciphers which it had been hoped that ta Western nostmas ter had effectually . suppressed. , AryLafterj this' word has been passed goes another to ine eneci mat lor issu 'everyvone 01 me Hayes clique, who had to dx with the Re turamg uoara consmracy must ne thrown over. Those Republicans who contrived iue pioi, or wuo execurea it in inose oiaies, or Who defended ft ?bef ore the Electoral Commission must he diaowqed aa Tweed wasj disQwned,by theTJempcracy." . r. yn1? tt"",q vpr aarbjjbjaAn lrrrpiti- Itto before? tllaye tsitl the jeajeyw mept of Uncle , Samuel TilaenI, W. salary 150.000 a yQarr-;and hundreda of thieves, hold fffttoe iUndef Jws pointment, as rewards lor services r We fel'.i eeinteresVin' the'final' plan 'of adjusting' . lnefeoaral difii- says PUD? rendered, and the country, ia itox.4.cttifes".la.thlsState'are ex- ecutive Departmen n't; is ntrdlfeTle-4 nodding to Radic laeaa or waste and extraYaga,nQe)tan4.y.e t;t)ie, precious rascals are. ta bei ignored and. spit upon because ; they stole the ;Jftfcfc Idency." ' What a gloriotisiilustratibtr1 of the old saw about honest men get ting thir jues hetihe roea'gjj' out. - yeijpbnherrflan wjjiayei to walk the plank although i he. was the areh-COBSplrator -and the ehlif' knows no law, an A napftfaal) y party rnanipuKtrir of stflperjabusrJd But, as the W8aj?j,n,ece88iiy necessity, r Th ptea ym 'b? YWi'work House and find them in good cohdis tnese iepuDimanpioiiers wno j se cured the Returning Bpardslbywhat:. ever immoral practices, had no powr ,er 1 or : right to represent, and. taint whole Republican, organization. he Princess Alice. WhosedeatJi ,pcrurred recently of diphtbWia waa said to have beejrhenjgJ' loVable' and the greatest if sprnrite ; with ;the' people pf atfoiftyyjojbr :q.iil- ' ' A Texas' buwiffumaJ a nine-year-old murderer a hua'dred' Hes before capturing him. , ' - LV... . . ... .. ,.i ... . ,r . , '1 - ' tier's i. fjTja.'G.,-' FRIDAY-,- DECEMBER '27 : 1878. B8i WHIPPING POSIVo ,oso bhj4Jli!tterwbH)lng4f fa white woman at the Iwrotiid-tiidft; in Richmond. atejtv dajs agofa f&rriishiisg.a ew 1 rS'r,:nir,tjPPQsitVfl to, itJLjreyj- ty'ihW9diOH. b &Ka fighting iu 1 J A.JL"'---lt l.VT' .'I.IV.'.;.1. V fir. : m rpXfnr w-:www onn: Bcnaanu vae ooutn, .th ffctf whip or'k hickory is a good .evM)!f M II ir t'V-.l. . drspositiQn. to either, adopt it .'for, the iink uroe, vor . to return.io it on the garl ol States that once employed it. jhe PhiUdelphia Times says o the :gro vrng-inclraatibn d revive' r the wiilnpo;s"t:" - ; r luciE.HDU cviucui uisuuaiwiuu iu uittuy paitiof thf country to reUdopl the whip aai a o.meUiod'j "at ntlniahment for rfnVf ih.tSWy sClingiogTOperaMtetly r x - - iotas anciepi plan, Btood alone for vears ana preserved,' by the sheer force of her persistency, the life of the system, which every where else hadu perished, several uiucf oiaica iibvh juineu uer, or ai present seen! likely' to do so. ' In Virginia, for. a yearjor twx past, whipping for larceny has beed quite r common g in South Carolina it ha been to some extent, introduced, and,, from the "tenor" of ' the discussions in the -Ctaifornia Constitatiohal Convention,' U'is lsteimecE likely that that State will incor-r ppraie jt pp,a pew penat system." , i ,,, vjThat paper notes the fact, 4,hat tn J the Legislature of Kentucky a bill to ree stablish it failed 11 of its - passage, whi st 'the Constitution of Georgia expressly lorbids the use of the lash arfs pens method, V: M L- Ihexe.is A, growing sentiment .in No: th Carolina we think, .favorable to i a reestattisment.n Theeniten tiarkr has1 faffed to9 deter criminals or to' lessen crime. " Toe 'convicts rather s well-clothed, andj Wl1.. n,9 j more, wojk :to.do than Uiey , wonklrhave if on the outside of 'the prison. They are sent to the penitentiary for stealingJ and befbrd they'hfave been out a: week af- ter lueir iine expires, uiey are at ine 1 ij . 1 ' l i. : . i. CKIUC.-VIU VIC& U 13 IUUUU more dreaded Lhan a sort of. semi-in- lcarpeTatioi'T"If - the?' whipping-post we e restored as to' "stealing and- the lig iter offences, against law, it would je found probably to work well. hat good time coming so 4ohg looked for and bo lagging iu the rear wili not, rbe with us, we fear, during .$19. The monetary outlook is uot cheeriot iu Europe or Amenica. ? We have not much hope for hotter times as Cli pret. The following, from the krleston Jtfews and Courier, tells a sad "story for that city: tThe spectacle presented to the country by the publication of the city sheriff's no tice for the sale of the real estate and other property of nearly twelve hundred citizens of jUharleaton, may well till the minds of its people, with the gravest reflections as to .the causes which have induced this Whole sale auction ' of the' city of Charleston There never was a period of time during the past nity years .when there was so uni verbal a money famine among the people oi the city." - '' hllai Chfriatmas Box. weye much gratified to learn of the success of Messrs. Poison, Munds and Ro binson, the committee of St. John's , Lodge Hoi l,in -procuring Christmas contributions for ,thQxford Orphan. Asylum j as through .theskindness of the Railroad aud Express authorises, they were igiven,, on Thursday; asti tree transportation fpr nearly two dray loads of articles, consisting in part of su gar tecoeeTaisifts, .oranges, ;. apples, onts, candy, cakes, clothing, &c, to make. iheichildren happy, while fire crackers were notiforgotten for )he merriment of the boys; aaq the ppmmiUc, in,., behalf of the.or-! phanss teng.fr,; their sincere thanks to theia- de, gentlemen, ; childien, merchants and Maions who, so generously responded to ,-jfjhejr call. " s 11 2 ": - ' ImporUDt to Cotton fdrcbaaera. ' Skate Treasurer Worth has Called the at- tention of (lie jRegistef of Deeds to the fact tttat it has oeen reported to ms department . that miD? persons In dlflereat towns and Pf1 pajl fid &i for said privilege, while by ex- amlnatlon of the Revenue law-Of - 1876-,77.J iectiah lS;' Bchedale Bit will be found that they are bound to pay ope tenth or. one pferj cent, on all purchases, as other . mer- cnanta, ana mat it is maae me auiy or ine Ketister to prosecute every one who re fuses era fails to pay, not only for this year, bufi alSQ.fprhefyeara877. . Report of lUe Grandanrx Important ) -''" Cecomnendatlod. ATbe' otlowlhg is the report of the Grand 3jMue Mlnelaeernvrjf the Crlmina: uonrt for rtew meover eounty: j CsiMiir al COtmT, Hkw Hanovbk Co., ) ? DeeembTerml878.;' ! TheXJrand JurvJbea leave to report that .tney have examinea.tne uounty jaiiana tioh and wel and properly kept.-; They bate, also given the County Poor House a thorough inspection and, report that they fin it properiy Kept auu- in eAveueui con. i a' Tx appearing to the Grand' Jury that there '4t appearing to tne urand Jury that there has been' andTstill existsWch useless prose cution of trivial offences before the magis trates' courts of, ;this ,county, so, much so that we deem it of. the. utmost lmnortance to i the i'WeUbeinei of society that ' the nuleancer should be abated, and as there seems to us no other way of reaching the casef we wpuld, recommend that this Court memorialize the Legislature at its approach ina Session to abolish all feeSof magistrates foe thisconatv.iand the aDoolntmentby the County Commissioners of a Special Magis trate for the city of Wilmfngtpn, at a salary fixed oy tbera.' ' K --v: ;i t ,. :! ! ! w. a. uilbs, foreman. li:; ?1 : t l 'JiG'f . : llit.WfJJ6.,'FjpWwrViJ.':','i ' , , Testerday'rnbfningi a . lefegram :WaS re ceived by the way of 'StatesviUer from Mr John J. Fowler, dated at 11 A. M.T stating that his brother was still alive, but' that he was sinking1,1 andmenfibnliig' -farther, tliav two negroes had cefeh arrested on suspicion of hvir g" made the jwsaalt! upon him. This; telegram prepared the relatives and friends of the unfortunate .gentleman for; the dis tressing telegraphic announcement received rom. Mh J. J;' T6w4ef-'at' Charlottenast eveniag;-u fellews v- ' ..a ' ' "Brother fexetred IbiaL forenoon . at 11 o'clock. Just arrived here with, remains. look fci'us tomorrow Btght" ;- ' v - Mr. FoVler was 'slrlcfien ' down on -his; way. from his store typhis ireflidence at Moore$Tiile,red cojiairyj ua Tuesday eve- umgIast, aDd was soon afterwards, tlisoov ered lying insensible on thejavement")yith two or three severe wounds' on the ' head!" admjnisteied th l&leV'wood,1 and f " which the aiteading 'phjsiciaps feared; tV the tme of examination Tbad ' .resulted' in fracturing his skull. .- This, no; doubt, was the ease. ' -, i Mr: Fowler removed 'from' this city .to ' Moordsvllle last'spriog; with 'the view of benefiting hts health by a residence ia (hat section of the BtatjKThQ change -.bad re sulted in very marked. improvement, and he was! also, doing well in a pecuniary point of. view when, he met. with the misfortune that' ennea.in nis uniimeiy ueaiu, uaying aiso secured the respect and' esteem of the 'peot pie among whom he had So : lately cast his lot. The deceased leaves a wife' and ' bne child to mourn bis sad fate. Yesterday's Charlotte Observer;,, received laatjlast, alluding to the outrage, says: .. t Whenthe traiil paSsed Mu6iBtiflle;es terday f ternoooi W. Gi Ppwler1 tUe merchant who was knocked 'down and rob yed there night befcre'lasii was thought to be --in a idying conditioot : He hasn't SDOken since the occurrence. Several per- sohi were" arrested under suspicion; bnt as 1 J -yet bo posH,i?e eyideqee has, been obtained agamsi any one. x ne citizens oi we piace are tereatly incensed at , the : ontroge . and every efEort is being made to discover tbo perpetrator, ana tney are not liKeiy to stop till this done, AbrpUer, pf , the victim Mr.f J. J. Fowler, came up from his home in Wnmington iaafe night, tad will go on ia Moeresvine to-oay, ,ivnj( iJ luR ,( I ;Tm::mk oitAH8BE,Mathf8, -qoIoi -j - -. . changed, .ithUie, mudr pf:uhen Efer-v rip g, colored, was set for trial in yx is -Court yesterday, but was finally continued until nexs term, me grouna oi continuance was the fact that one' Henderson' Davis, colored; of this city, was reported to have heard,; while ia jail; last: weeki -some ! con- fesskoo made by the?woman Lucy Herring, which it was though could ,be used ; to the advantage of the prisoner, and the case waa. coniiuueu ia oraer uiu ii cvuu ue summoned and testify as to the .character and extent of said -confession. James Mosely, an old colored man j sixty years of age, convicted of rape,, his victim being a colored woman, was .sentenced to be hung on the 14th of March next. Daniel Zfiuller, colored, was - sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, pro vided he fails to pay the fine and costs im posed by the court, j Allen Mathes, James Mosely and Uanier Miller were bronght to this city last night.! in charge, of Deputy bbenrl Dordeaux, and. returned, to tneir old quarters in the county jail; Lucy Herring Implicated i in the murder or Reuben -Herring, and who turned State's evidence' ' ' against ' Allen Mathes, was sent to Duplin, -conaty jail. . be mooresvllle Trt;edy. ' ' ' V J'ICharlotte Observer. 'j ! At. 10.45 yesterday morning, -Mr. W. G. "XFs 1 a r thn IfnArAOVillAtnarnhflnt urrtA txtqq Avnivit uiv auw wwa tv una waylaid, ' knocked Idowa -and beaten and robbed, jiesaay nignt, wnue on his way from his store to his dwelling ill that town, died. He remained la an unconscious state to the last, and consequently could give nq information as to the identitv of the Deme traiorof tae outrage An examination of his skull revealed the fact that it had been fractured in seven different Dlaces.ahowine that -the highway ! robber v undoubtedly intended to kill his .victim . berore taking luslmoney, r " ; JSight before last; Jttr.:jjr mctiean and another. .pUizen of .the place arrested two negroes,' Jo Gillespie and Jule Davidson, and yesterday meroicg they f were , taken before Justices Harris and Walker for trial.'' As there Were fib' witnesses to the occurrence, of, course there was much difr ficUltv in obtaining testimony other than that which '-could- be drawa from the two men. o Finally. , however.- GillesDie con fesied Jo being implicated in the crime,but asserted' that he watched while Davidson committed the, deed... The flatter 4enied this, -arid his testimony tended tq convict Giliespfe.i-'At 12 1'O'cldeka.th court ' Ad journed for dinner, leaving., the prisoners in pnnriTR m nmcen. t ' By this time two Or ihree hundred people haq collected w the place, ana considerable excitement prevailed, having greatly in creased after the J announcement of the death of Mr. Fowler.. The conduct -and assertions of the accused men forced the conviction that one or.both f them t were guijty,. , Bp determined were the crowd to ferret Out the matter that tw6' or three men took Davidson out of the hahds of the offl- cers and. placing a rope around. his neck, buog him up for awhile to make him con fess what he , knew? o He .persistently ; re fused, sod in the meantime Mr. Isaac Har ris! and Mr. John-' Shepherd ''entered the room and prevailed upon fbex men tor take him. down. ,t . ,. j " The trial Was resumea inff the .fiernoo&; but was not concluded, the magistrates de ciding to adjourn till, this morning at 9 o'clock. 'when it is believed mat one or the other of the men can be induced to make a coniession. a ' In the meantime, however, it is : greatly feared that the people of . the town and neighborhood will become so incensed that they will tynch the, med TfRheutl further testimony. Our information is that many of them are nrmiy convincea tnax Dcnn -men are guiity.and public seutimanthaa been so vrnsalv insnltprl hv the dntraee noon an es teemed Wtizehthatiit'wiH' W duucuK tr restrain them.' : Indeed . so intense was the feeling there yesterday throughout the day, and'sd determined are the people to bring the guilty to punishment, that all the stores were closed, and4 business of every kind suspenaea, tne ctuzuasr gnnng uiem selves up entirely W the lufemlgarion of the crime. ,,,, ,f -1 t-- ;f -4 -. Mr. Fewier haffnlf-lieen a citizen o Mooresvillembouw ia year; bat during , that time he has won; tne conhdence na re spect Of all whd were brought Into business or social relations with him. NO. 9. The cotton Tax. ' Raleigh Observer. v! " The following letter from Dr. Worth will be found full tri. interest: Raleigh,5 Dec. 1 7, 1 8 78. C. SiYnpson, Msq., Register of Deed, Monroe, JV. (J.: v n . You state further that "thev are wiliog to, pay .from now. on, but notjthe back. They acknowledge by this; expression their liability to the taxj but fail to reoognize the full re quirement of the law. , Please refer them to the language of section 12, schedule B, which is explicit and un mistakable: "hivery merchant, jew-" eler1, grbcer,druggist, and every other. 1 trader, who, as principal or agent, arries. on the business or buying or elljng goods, wares, or merchandise, of whatever, name or description ex- oept such as are specially: taxed t else ' where iq this act, shall, in addition to his ud valorem tax, pay as a privilege tax&c. :': ' . ' ' ' ; I It cannot be denied that cotton is an article of merchandise, and that itr is not specially taxe elsewhere in the act.- Ihe JawJis contained in, sectipa 12, 'applies also. to purchasers of corn, tobacco,' and all other articles of mer chandise not specially taxed t else where iu the act. ; If, the parties fail fto; furnish you with the , list as ,re-. quirea, it is your auty to notiiy tne Solicitor of your District of the fact,' and he will take the:matter in band. . TJatUjof. opinion jthat strictly,. barter transactions, are not taxable,, but a puncbases are clearly liable. r i ''.'-. ' 1 J.'M. WottTii, . d:)fi;t State ,Treasurer, JMoeganton, H . C, Dec, 15 'ditor- Star:! n : y our ! issu e of 13th appears an article signed rthiiCarpjina," ,m which it. is cnargea tnat tne omcers ot this vom pa: are hostile to the interest lof Wflaungton. Such is far from being .the) case, as was shown by our acts. Evefv, i DTevious administration had cfeargeidf ulljfreights to Salisbury for an i articles j;o vv unungion, toougq thejy left "our road at StatesvilTe, twenty-six miles this 6ide. Itwas olekrly o pur mterest to aot :as our prddcessors, had( we Jooked oyJto ba o.wh interest, without" considering tha great advantage to the : State in building up the trade of Wilmington. Our road beiner a, State road, is open alike, Jq.-.Uxe freights (of all, and ,y invjestigation North Carolina" will &nf that the trouble is: not where fae ha4 located it. From old associa tions and friendships your city has a warm, place in mv affections, and her luiereab uas never suaereu irom any wisn or oraer or mine. Very respectfully, ; : Your obL serv't., Jas. W. Wilson, , Pres't. W. N. C. R. R Support ef , Iiunatlca Oatslds . of the Asylam. : LRaleigh News. Mr. Partin, clerk in the Auditor's ofiace, has prepared a table showing the number of lunatics supported by the State in the various counties, as well as the cost of their maintenance. There are only sixty counties in which lunatics are so kept, and there are of these 342.- The total amount paid for their support from March 12, 1877, to Januarylst, 1878, - was $24,423 96. The Other counties of the State have no lunatics outside the . Asylum. There are ten counties that claim less than $100 for the "support of these unfortunates. Eight counties' claim lees than'.' $200; ten claim less than $30 jifive claim less than $400: eight claim less than. $5 00; .while nineteen amount is paia to riuiaeriora, wnose lunatics tuns supportea are us id ! r. - : v number.f , JNew Hanover has the largestr . number, 20, and ch $lJ361.77. Wake has onlv 12 thus BUprSorted, and tney cost"' only $725. The county v whose charges are the smallest is 'Anson, which has only $64. Who Killed Simon Cameron's Bro- ' j .'-. - . .. ther I...... 1r -; : iZ 1 Special dispatch to the Post.1 F St. Louis', Dec. 17. In connection r with' the story of wo v. Wade Hamp ton having shot and killed Col. Jas. Cameron, brother to Simon Cameron, at i the battle -of-rButf-Ron, after Cameron t hada surrendered, t Henry Koener says: ,"I was, a member of the Seven ty-ninth New York Regi ment, of which Cameron was Colonel; wais at Bull Run and was with him, not ten feet away, when he fell, and was the Jfirst to raise .him up. The Rebels were three or four hundred yards away, cannonading ud, and we could hot j see them, they being screened, by trees and bushes. Uame rbn fell longbefore our regiment was forced; to surrender," . , A Prominent Carolinian ' Qaotlns Scripture. ' .Mechanic and Farmer.J But the worst we happen to know of, is the boast of a worthy North Carolinian, (who at onetime held a prominent place in public life,) con cerning his flask, i. e., : that it : was ike the widow" Crew's oiL" "How was that?" asked one of the party. "Why? grunted the old Colonel, vha nt yon never " read int the Test-i ment 'bout theidywCreWeriIe, an' the more she put hi ; the fuller it got. Ub; hbld'Oh-r-it's this 4 way: the more she drunk the fuller it 'got! Youll find all about it in the Scrip- tureu, out x uiBreuieiuuer uuapier. The' Colonel's guest Was lucky enough to suppress himself in. time without necessitating any oxplan atio n- th at the-widow's crruise of;;oil",wa8-not a drinkable concoction. the SpirisrI'urpgntme - The value of the land in North Carolina is $74,221,898. Raleigh Baptist Seminary has the Kindergarten in full. operation. gggg Goldsb6rd' has 'shipped ' 17,000 bales of cotton this season, and 13,000 more are expected. Tom Evans gets off a good article on the closing Up of the year. Long may the limes live. ; - t- The cost of the new brick stores built in Goldsboro in4be last eighteen months were $300,000. The retail trade of Goldsboro this year is $1,500,000. Its wholesale busi ness is large and gfowipgr The Goldsboro Messenger came to us with a large supplement containing a review of the business of that flpurisbim; - r The Graham Gleaner deuies the statement of the Kaleigh Item that the cbanty officers of Alamance had failed to give bonds. -i- An eight year old negro girl was burned to death in Wavne county re- eendy. She was cooking dinner when her dress caught fire. - Rev. Dr. Sutton will leave Pitts- bord, where he has resided for eighteen y eanv aud take ''charge of the JGpvscopa l chhfcj atrUxeeoiiboro.. H- The: Shelby Aurora says Mr. James Love, aged 83, Mr. Gilbert Venison, aged 84, Mr. Meses Koss, aged vi, and Mr. ticnard AlcUinms: aged bU. lour oi the oldest citizens of Cleaveland county, have died in less than one month. 1 4- Raleigh New: That talented andieasy. writer, Maj. W. A. Hearue, is nowi on the editorial stall or the Observer, of this city.' His editorials on the internal improvement question are forcible, and conspicuous for their clearness and argu- ment.- 4- Goldsboio J!fai7: From a private 1 communication received in this place wc earh that Mr. Frank Fage, a merchant at 'Ward's Store." Kobeson county, commu ted suicide on Thursday night of last week by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. -v.-.'. .- , ; 4- Raleierh Observer: The authori ties (discharged from the penitentiary on Thursday,' Jack Oxendine, a mulatto, con victed in Robeson, county of larceny, and sentenced to the penitentiary in March, 1878. 'He is 1 about 29 years Old, 5 feet 7 ncbes high, and weighed when admitted" 145 'pounds. " V ' ' - . 4-In Cherokee county, some days ago as statea oy? a.corresponaent oi tne Raleiehieios.We8lev Thorn nson and Henrv Palmer, colored; the latter! an ex-convict of thislstate. mat into a. difflenltv. the result of a game at cards, when Thompson shot Pal mer ttirougb the body, just aoovethe hip, wit a pistol. Palmer is dead and Thomp son was arrested.. , , 4- Raleigh News: The Happy Ethi- opekn Mihstrelsv colored, will delight the sabearat Metropolitan - Hall next Monday evening. While Dick Jttand, a negro drayman,' was ctriviiig along Martin - street yesterdfty, with a load of cottop; his ;mule ranjaway, Dick fell-off, and a wheel of thejwagon passed : over his. legs';" braising thet badly, but luckily fracturing no bones. T . uuyut jitney av-v, ot (he Roan' Mountain .Eeputliean, libists - the (broad 1 nenaht ot our great ' uryssetr;? yesidenV. ftOd Uapt. f'rommy beuue- ice rresident. Mow sadiy tiro, u. a : is out of balance in Federal politics. ; whea, he comes to State matters, he's ht side up," and ri ngs out DossCy Battle -Governor. We sSv amen : Dossev Bat tle, Hhe brightest man in the State; Dossey Battle for the next Democratic candidate for Governor of North Carolina. i- Greensboro Patriot: We under- r stand that there is a petition -in circulation . in ibis county, Alamance, Rockingham and Davidson, praying the Legislature to pass an ict to apply to these counties similar to i thai in force in Mecklenburg and portions 1 of Cabarrus, county. . The members y of the Lutheran church are holding daily : and nightly meetings this week at the Good i Templar's Mall, under tbe t direction of Revs. Messrs. Kimble, Parker and Lutes. rr-4- An eel was caught in Cobb's pond last week which measured three feet eight and ; a half inches in length and eight and a half inches around, and weigbed five and a half pounds.. ' -.')' i Charlotte Observer: Mr. Du-, mont informs us that he has been agreeably ; surprised at the- interest which has -been - South in his plan to call a meeting of j this class of citizens in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be held ia Char-;, lotte on the 19th of January' next, for the ; purpose of giving public expression to their views as to the inducements which . these . ptates oner to emigrams, auu more especi ally as to the treatment which Northern men receive at-the-Soath--when they eome as bona fide .'settlers,. He states that he has received a number oi letters in reply to tne circular recently published io the. (tow, and that the plan is universally com mended.' '- '-'- -r Tarboro Southerner Brol' Cree- ; cv is fairlv waltzine off on his ear because be has discovered a lady, , Mrs. . Rebecca Hayman, of Kitty Hawk, who is 120 years old . She does her, own washing and steps five miles as easy as eatin'. Let's pass 'em in, Bro. Kingsbury; - The Anderson - Rifles, of Ringwood, . Halifax county, are now armed and equipped as the law directs t - - Major Exum Lewis ' informs us that Mri Jesse. B. Powell slaughtered a pig pn Monday, twelve months old, that weighed 468 pounds! - Reply of the Edgecombe Canvassing Board to O'Hara: Man, dam' t us. On Wednesday afternoon of last week, the gin house add ten bales of, cat- j ton; on the Mac Jones plactationabout five , miles from town, were burned. ' ' At J midnight of Wednesday.Messrs. Archibald Statpn and T. M. Barns, in Martin county, lost their gin house by an incendiary torch, on which there was no insurance. charlotte Observer: Ai the pray er meeting service at Calvary Church last night, the pastor announced that Mrs. Mary Moos, the Quaker revivalist, would visit Charlotte in .January, and. would . begin a revival meeting at that church." -A party of revenue oulcersr-Peputy Collec tors Caldwell, Lewis,: Jenkins and Walker day before yesterday seized a still and fixtures and about four hundred gallons of beer, belonging to Mr. John Herring, in Gaston eounty. - The fall term of Da vidson Jollege closes Friday, and the ex aminations are progressing this week.! Over a hundred students have matriculated up to this time, and additions are expected when the new term opens, two weeks hence:' -There hasn't been a fire of any consequence in Charlotte during this year, but Christmas week hasn't come yet. In the House of Representatives, Mon- -day, Mr. Steele presented-the petition of Mrs. W. R. Wetmore and seventy-eight other ladies Of Lincolnton, for legislation to make effective the anti-polygamy law of 1862. The petition was referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Colonel John L. Brown, assignee, is this week pay ing a second dividend of 5 percent, to. the creditors of McMurrayA Davis, bankrupts. A dividend of 40 per cent.' had previously beeu deolared and paid. - The city or dinances of Charlotte forbid not Only the popping of fire orackers and the explosion of Roman candles, &c;,! but the sale of the same. No chance for fun for the boys this year. " . fort; forw heatl Btxi i Y

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