it':':...- -v.- . . me a w jsay i-'..'j'4T..rii :4?-j90J. nut l it I'l jr " SI KlL Sk VB9T its advanna I - l- -J . -1 e 7iT 1 . - mt sssssssssssssssss SS838S3S5SSS388SS S8S8.SS888SS888S38 PS28 oocQOooeo SSS8SS88S888SS8S8 6p do o e 5 co 3 e o qd J U W W 8SSSS88282888S8S SS8S888882S38S8SS 828Sf38822S88S8S8S 88868888888383388:, C9- v.. as HCie9iO(St-aoaOTeeioe Entered at the Post Office t Wilmington . - It O. ; Bjsecagdes natter. J --fr" Subscription Price. The subscription price of tbe Wkkk trZ Star is as follows : Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 " " 6 months, " " 1.00 .50 PHY HALT. There is oDe very serious question that i the people of every shade of political opinion and of every section of ; our common 'country will have to consider very maturely and anxiously, for it is the great ques tion of the present. It is this: is there to be another free, fair election, or are elections 16 be decided bv m frauds or by legal technicalities and dodges ? Grant will be nominated, is he t be carried, by trickery or violence, or by both combined, into VOL. XI. endeavotmg-to i show that Otov. i&ft tnottf is not poptilar in New York'. Q. cpurse iiot. aouoVdiitg Ui thosewbd wouui noi nave mm u do lue cratip nominee. Kfenang to the eWi Una in 1806 th jSm correspondent! . "I find in thit yt Jue ;pt;intcrfttic m$ joriUes by linnrfcwHbl 'plstricU'aggrega ,339; wafle ibe fifeEeet Heynwiif ewe 1 V-i'J .',i,1A't II l mm tm& I r ll yrV3J 2 1880. NO. 10. 7! down tbe 1 1 XROn iwr nam. w W&me Las a republican form of . eovarn-j j Let us lay befbjre Federal intererecp wiil bpreenteddoat s Our hf-st State exchanges devote a very fair amount of tbej atguon to matters tbat .xonceriy&s .nrth Carolinians. They know that a pews. led-11 4orsl ms-iQciur was iOv flJBfflSi ivt? -jils " "This is out I And . that IloffmtfiS Bfujorfty wi 2T,04ff; Q thtrbewjw ahead of Seymour's highest electof. I find also that Hoffman: ran ahead of Seymours bisbest elector in every county in tbe State save three, Essex,! Rentselaer,. and Scboia rii. In New York city, where I naturally expected the bulk of Hoffman's increase over Hevmour woald -;be-4Ufd. I find that there is at4ifferenf e of onlj 4D n llfcTuH The conclusion he draws a that plbhing tbia end eitorillworkby Hoffman was more popular than Sey- their own methodsj and according-tb mour. But is this a right inference? the light that they!have. The Stab Hoffman was running for Governor aims to be a "map of busy life," and ican conspirators who are i wniob i he can ; rako from ,$200 to j prospects and consumed its sub- . - . , stance. f oar readers one Just here we will j avail ourselves more example of successful farming, j of some figures in Halee Weekly t Xt is one of a hgnred that can be because T,hey show most conclusively found i in Grange county. ! The the . great advantages gained to the Oxford forchlighf , gives the facts in people by the supremacy of the tbe croppiug of Mr.fiamuel C. Hob- Democrats in State affairs. They HOmiCIOK. good,"; who . lives jaj ..few, ; miles town. ,; He work .three, bands. from j serve to disprove the charges brought A While man murdered by a Colored Woman on Cbrlaimas niornlos Tbe Heittllt of tbe frellmlnnrr nveatlsatlon before the mayor' Coo ri-llic Verdict ot the Jury or Inq aent. See. . A shocking murder . was committed shortly after 1 o'clock on -Christmas morn Last week Matthew Jones, of Gates county, aged C5 years, married Lis fifth wife, a young girl aged 1G v !. bis fourth wife being dead only three wt rks ,,u the day of bis marriage. Weldon News: While i:loby,rt patent medicine men wtre j.efurniiig m the streets of Scotlaud Nerk, n n.ue mu -tered the eboo of Mr. P. 'Jfiwt-ll i..i fifteen watches together with uibei jcWi-Jiy amounting to about $200. Shelby Aurora: Tb& revenue officials, in this county, captured two ll. k- ade stills last week. A company of engineers are engaged ic suiveyin; Brut.! river with a view ut opeuiug it up for navi gation. Tbey were as far as Eilit.' terry, this county, o i the V6:h inst. Hickory Vess:Mr. Lewis Camp bell, a worthy citizen of Iredell couuty, had the misfortune last week to lose a barn tull He by Republicans that there has been. ing Bt what wa8 formerly known as the State Fish Hatchery, passed down Prid- made 14.400 Donnds-of tobacco, 150 an actual increase of expenses under Farmer's House, on Nutt stieet. between wilh a laJ5.e lo.1 "f young Balmon, for tbe ,,fK-? . -i'-ivv, r w:- .cJIik-.... s .1 u: waters ot aoulh Fork of the Catawba r.ver. uaDer must be what it claims or iti iDUsnets wneat. luy ,parreis corn, zou i a ueuiucrauu aumimouBuuu t fcUw i uu nuuui, mc mum uciug Wt&W i.A?IV--:;'J:l.-,i;ri Xi '!, wL.:M. -' . white seaman named William Marev. for- u :Maai ; ; i j !. r , - , , rJ merlv beloneine on1 tbe schooner Sadvi ,ee a man independent, but our -Mtyor ppunds of porfcmsvyear he sold Iu 1869 the Republicans levied 77; SJT!? L resect iogf The IZSSI ryoutThV Unaer toe XremO-M of November last in ilistrfins and tha nl- Asylum. OUppOSea Cause: Tbe Governor there, leged murderer a young colored woman, and party dld not dinc at lhe hu,d- According to the riediuont wM Dot fiU its raUsu)8r News abroad. ad news at hptnjBbeside ot all rjaaner of topjesj muse bd.- a plaoe in their columns it thej, would give interest and yjiriety. r ,.t jsyer j recei ve oue attention. la accom- e a note! about twenty-one years of age, by tbe I Accorau !!!!'iaBia--of JfaW .Haiti JW 'ika ivlilencall ?.re8a a female ,rai-jHwT a; ti t -a ftSr 'il. a -r - i - irnama bf JSHiiv alL. JProm 1S& jevidenceil a iemaie scnoot will De started ut oTl8f he will make more than on' it." BtftTfurther,, anTwe qopie..:Hi?W-WW i-'T' I .. . : . . . . I of Mr. Edward Brvaon. the nronnntitr nf"l 7u . . . . i Kfn Mh At Kl. t.hnM.l..iUt m- l "UmitunefT.euu.uw raisea oy tne sale. " . "-rir . r'r M.W1W uyiuuuu uuureu, ana piaceu in ployed. The Torchlight says: against another New York man. I to present from time to time stysh Seymour was running for President discussions as are of current interest, against the leader of tbe Union whilst also considering questions of armies the "conqueror of the rebel- peculiar interest to North Caroli lion "the greatest soldier of the nians. j age" the man; who put down the We have frequently referred to South. The Democrats in the Union I questions of public utility. We have were powerless in 1868, and yet Sey- I endeavored to encourage North Caro- ruour was strong enough to carry New I linians to diversify the industries, York against Grant with all his milita-1 and have laid figures and facts before our people that they might be per suaded not to desert the old State and seek homes abroad. North Car olina cannot afford to lose any of' its i r ry prestige; he was able to do this at a time when the North was busy with its plans of outrage upon the South, and when from Aroostook in Maine to San Francisco! there was a Grant I industrious, sober, enterprising citi- i-j- --aJ.- tidal wave sweeping over the land. So strong, ap irresistible was this tre mendous tidal js weep that but six Southern States I went -Democratic,' ceived Stales. the Presidential Chair ' for a third term? That is the question of the and yel Horatio Seymour was strong; bonr: that is the Question that must enough lo carr ew York by 10,000 j - - A be firmly met. If the people are really to be cheated out of their right of suffrage by quibbles and technicali ties, or by frauds, practiced by Re turning Boards, or by the abuses of deputy marshals, then their liberties are gone forever, and the country is lost. VVe all know how the people were cheated "ni l 870. We all know how the Republicans abused their power and stole the Presidency. We all kno'w irow tlia votes' actually given were reversed in Louisiana and Flor id i. The country is even now dis cussing the recent doings in Maine hy which th voice of the people Uhs teen silenced by legal technicalities. Musi these tilings continue? is the next candidate for President who i whall bu declared successful to obtain hit end and oiiice by tricks and fraud.-, r will there be an open, honest, fair expression of the popular will ? These things are to be considered. Upon their right answer and upon right conduct hang all that jis pre- uinus an 1 all that is worth struggling for in our American institutions, De- zens. Well directed labor will pay. as well in our State as any where under the sun. In this section of the State men , have accumulated fortunes in a few years by commercial ventures, whilst majority, according to the American uo B,u" "J- Almanao for 1878. I tilling the soil. Our standing axiom If Hoffman t had been running I " tbat what has Aeen done can be against Grant Jit1 is quite probable I done again. We believe that when New York would have voted for rone man makes a fortune by pursuing Grant in 1868 Mr. Seymour re- a certain branch of industry, another the vote of fovr Northern I man may io the same tning wiwi will proba- eqaa energy aud intelligence and un- bly carry some! five or six Northern I derlike circumstances. States, which, added to the Southern l; We have found m our intercourse ma Aiflninral vntoa will aiva him a I with North Carolinians that but few handsome majority., r - . . "At the close of tbe war bis estate was valued at $1,200. Since which time be has built up an attractive and well-arranged dwelling; stables, barns, packing-house and all necessary farm buildings, all on tbe most approved plans and of tbe best material and workmanship; owns 850 acres of land, all paid for; has money at interest; owes no man; never bought a barrel ot corn since be bas been farming; sells corn every year; last year sold sixty barrels of corn;; raises his own supplies." - j Omitting $7,800,000 raised by the sale of bonds for railroad purposes, the Audi-' tor's report for the year ending September 30th, 1869, shows an expenditure of $887, 428.97. Tbat for the year ending September 30th, 1870, omitting in like manner $2,000, 000 used also for railroad purposes, was . S1.454.214.1U. U Oder Democratic rale tbe State 'pays as it goes,' and in the three years of that rule the total amount of taxes collected from tbe people is $1,420,981.10. Tbe expenditures have been lust about tbe same -sum; that is to say, three years of Democratic rule cost $33,233 less, than one year of Radical rule, and that too without counting the illegal and repudiated debt the house, before tbe Mayor's Court yester day morning, it appears tbat about 12 charge of the Sisters of Mercy, six iu num ber, who will shortly arrive, in that town. Mot W WT T -. . ... , o'clock Wednesday night, the 24th iust, a. . ch bulfilngT viH dispute arose between ibe parties pa his I early day be erected. premises in regard to a buoch of keys which Mary Hall alleged Ibe deceased had snatched from ber. She repeatedly asked him for it, and abnsive language passed between them, when finally she appealed to witness to compel Marey, or "Frenchy," as he was familiarly called, to give her up the keys, hilt he lanlm-nsri 1i1n't wish tn nan uinlpnr-D It would be safe to assert that you made under Radical rule." to make the man surrender them, and he might search every State in the South There has been no increased valua- wouid nol do it otherwise. She also asked for such splendid results and you I tion of property, (omitting this year J a policeman about the door to interfere in could not find them. North Carolina I which will speak for itself hereafter,) j her behalf, but he declined under the cir. literally leads all the States in big as is charged. The good work of re- cumsUioces to do ao. At last she got ex profits according to capital invested, ductionis simply and solely the re- SifjVtjJJe hlrtbe Wshwoud make Hendersonville Courier: Satur day night, at a late hour, H. U. Miller, from Winston, who was intoxicated, bechine in volved in a d fficuliy witb Marshal J L Hollingswortti, at the entriuce to Taboi 'd bar-room, aud received a severe beating, lie has been confined to his bed in Cbasc'. Hotel several days under tbe professions! care of Dr. T. A. Allen. Hollrogsworth was arrested and arraigned for trial ot Monday, but owing to the absence of one of tbe witnesses the case was continued uu til Tuesday. Durham Recorder : VVe learn that efforts are being made here by ihosu interested to raise a fund for the purchase of a lot for the building of an Edisco;.-.! church, and that substantial aid has been We believe that the most flattering suit of honest and economical expen- him pay for it; she also threatened to have J obtained from abroad. The University , . . .. .. - , -it. T. : i ,u j tu; mm put iu jau. numiy tue wcdi out iwiroau may De regaruea as a nxed tect and encouraging statistics can be diture. It is only that and nothing ana .wa9 absent about three minutes, not from Durham or Hillsboro but from obtained from Halifax, Northampton, more or less. These are the things when she returned and walked excitedly University Station to Chapel Hill. The T, , i i . XT , ... e through the bar into the dance room ad join- stock subscribed at Chapel Hill for a con Pitt, Greene, W llson, Edgecombe, that concern Worth Carolinians far ng f0uowed by Mr. Bryson, who was im- nection with Durham has been transferred Wavne and other cotton sections more than Federal politics can concern pressed with her manner. She passed quickly to tbe University route, and sufficient other 3 . . , . ... t, . . around the room, peering into the faces of aid has been secured to begin and carry out Bt.atist.ip.a tbat will comoare With the 1 them pOSSlDly. . It tbe people are thoan nrfisent. and finally Inmiid to wiinpea thfi work. 0n Hnko in nni!n ih. statistics that will compare with the 1 them possibly. If the people best to be found in the Gulf States. I wise they will take an active part article is already too long. know how much can be made in this State by farming. The opinion pro- The New, York Journal of Com-1 Tails among a great many that farni- merce is so much amused over Itepre- I ing is far more profitable in the Stales swntalive Martin's new plan of carry-J south of us than in our own State. ing out huge subsidy schemes that it I Thousands think that if they were is moved to ask -"Is it a burlesque?' I only in Texas or Arkansas or Missis- It thinks he must be conspiring to Jsippi that they could make a vast show up "the folly and extravagance deal more than they do now, and of the steamship subsidy business. 'would rapidly accumulate a fortune. The theory, adopted is- tnthe'less jWo beliove that if the iudustry and able a given steamship line would be I intelligence required to succeed in to support itself the more liberally it other States were applied to farming ought to be supported by tbe Got- In this "State tbat the results would eminent! That is a true statement be equally favorable, of the favorite! argument of the sub- j Eight or ten years ago we heard a sidy hunters, though not in their own I South Carolinian a man of intelli-. language. Mr. Martin works out this I gence and education say, that the si.rancrfi iheorv in his bill nronosinf? I most beautiful cotton farm he had prive'the people of the nghtof choice, 8ubgidie8 for 8eVenteen distinct steam- 'ever seen was in Edgecombe county, and liberty is dead. The Boston ! ? And yet there are many farms in Herald, an able Independent paper, The 8Ubsidy business is not popu- fhat county and Pitt and other coun- wisely says: - j lar at present, and Mr. Martin may ties that areequally as productive, DlllUVUgU UU UlBIl iUblbUiai 1BIUI UTVI three hundred bales of cotton were made in one year on three hundred acres, or in other words the produet Was. more than a four hundred and those present, and finally turned to witness. remarking, excitedly, "Where is that s n of As to tobacco, in Warren, Person, fnext year in their home politics; they 1 into the bar and approached deceased, who Orange Oaswell and Rockingham, ; will see to it that only capable, faith- 1 you can, by inquiring, find results ' ful, sober and honest men are select- witness) got up to them he saw her with thrt will compare favorably with -ed for office. The pr08pect i there S, & those we1 have presented from Gran- will be a shaking up of the pack, so then noticed more particularly and found ville heretofore. There are farmers to speak, and possibly a new , deal in in Orange, for instance, who raise many places, if not all around. This ; after physicians, and Dr. Walker soon ar- very fine and desirable tobacco, that would occur probably if every oihcial , iot living exceeding fif! fetches very "tall prices." But our I in the Slate was all he should be, and l teeb minutes after the wound was inflicted. because there are so many who are -j standing, waiting to step into his i Frank Knadtb, a seaman, testified, but POLL.TAX OBL1NQOBMT8. I shoes threw no additional lignt upon tne matter. 1t , i 1 1 j. A. Asne, coioreu, saw aecuseu cwpe xi a man votes wuy buuuiu uo uuu Bat whether there be few or many l outDf the houaeand was told tht she -bad out tnlLtiLzl JlVbv Bhonld-v man4-.u .u- "iJ. .i.-. I cut a man. He subsequently arrested her, . 7 . .... uauSc, iuc Fopc uuo oucic&Uo and on the way to the guard House she ac- enjoy the benefits of citizenship with- f our State should be true to them- knowledged that she Btruck deceased be- out aiding in sustaining the govern- 8elVes in the matter of selecting can-' S&aac if ment ? There is certainly very great didates. None but men of high moral I 8he had anything tor say, when she made a neglect in the matter of poll-tax all character shoald be chosen for any glSSSSSt over the State. A white man will be 0ffice within their sift. Say what . ened t0 shoot her and a man who had been ,, . u . paying ber some attentions, and once drew called upon to pay whether he votes yoa will the best men of our country his pistol on her. She said he played off or not; but thousands of negroes are are becoming TerT tired of votine for drunk and kicked and knocked her about. ,, , . b j & jhe was cautioned by his Honor not to say nuvRcuiuivN j jrc-i political noooaies, or worse tnan no- anything to criminate herself, and she re- never pay one. farthing to support bodies, simply because they are de- SS Sta:e, county and municipal gOTern- monstrative in their political profes- and accuped had been ordered committed, ments. How many negro voters in :nnB ani ftrfl iwftVs airine' their witbout benefit of bail, for her appearance VT fT j ,. . - .. "one, ana are always airing meir atlnenext term of the Criminal Court, to JMew Hanover are delinquents in this ciaira8 to being of the 4,Simon-pure' answer to the charge of murder, another particular? The Winston Leader and wooi.dved kind. No rirla0as XlyTtLL 1 UUU1II9 initio ououiUf uv ouiu u to i I i.: if -,r rnnM Ai nr.v. should insist uoon a halt, and a re- UB V""" mm u hooest politics. We cannot afford I appointments with the reflection that t wander any farther away from tbe funds- l. .mm ,a . i. ' all .n.nt. nr no n i9 of l-nii i leiin irmprn- I .a.o uvou ..... . - ment- ; We believe that the great body of I subsidy schemes for some time to I lie pcupic vv ail it ivnu uiciuwgui auu li..ricxt f.fp.iions. It is the noliticians. with alfisb interesu to serve, who j forget the I . . 1 ' . -r ,1 fifty pound bale to the acre. only legitimate source or power. u iWuumw).yw. i We were riding in a public haok iet tne oouin anu ine imotlu, tei i luaiuie iuiai uiajuntica unvunwu lhe East and the West, say to r. all J Mahoneites in theVirginia Legislature who would corrupt American politics j only foot up 1,281. That is to say, and silenpe the free expressions of the I if C50 men who! hid not vote had TOted ithe State, a with three Southern planters a few years ago. One was from Duck River, Mississippi, one from. Louisi ana, and the other had farmed it on puck River, in Texas, and on White peopled choice, halt. In this instance I with the true people of 4.. - I T t . t. .... Mn 1. I J'.CC . . '.nnlr' ntAtiM havA rAllAWArl I i - in vue voice oi.. pp uiuereu, -. River Arkansas. They were discuss- r .r (i.j i m m.. - m nt m t r Toivnrni aim 1 voice Ol WUU. " . "iu milling wur ,.?u i.u.. . . . .. . . .,.. ali:r, efficient basement officers who have so I , ; . j, j " , m. nrn , I ., i . , I what they had made in the most pro- T wT.r-- -- ductive years, ..&c: After 'hearing cepiao.y, uave oee.. F.TcufcCu, for mile8 ia this strain, we ana the election ot vteu. luanone w that Rev. Dr. Robert S. Moran has left the Methodist Episcopal Church and been ordained in the. Reformed Episcopal. Wo copied the paragraph to get a response,, and wo have it There is not a word of truth in the report. Dr. Moran preached for a month or two for the congregation worshipping in the Church of the Redeemer, Washington City. We have seen a letter from James Rea, LL. P., of that city, making a most earnest and eloquent appeal to Dr Aloruu to accept the call to its charge. VVe have also seen a letter from Dr Moran declini'ig the invitation, not withstanding its very flattering char acter. Dr. Moran, as a Methodist, could not see his way iu accepting the charge of a Reformed Episcopal Chureh, so he said firmly, no, I can not serve you. lie is so well known in North 'Carolina, and has so many very sincere friends in Wilmington,we make the needed correction. the United State Senate; and might have saved the McCulloch settlement.' One Mahone Readj aster was elected by only one vote. This shows the importance of jevery good citizen do ing his duty on the day of voting.. Another was elected by onlv 18 votes, whilst another received but 24 majority. 1 V'TH'.'-7'' New York has just enjoyed a six inch snow and the delightful slush 'hat follows, Not only is ; the mighiy Blaine and the warlike j Hamlin lifting' .their voices and barking on the dogs of war, but we . suppose that Hayes is becoming belligerent thinking, of t,a too, a nana - in ana is the Maine j pieV ;Tiiela8tvVVhington Post has a double Jeaded. paragraph that indicates) a ;mement on the part of the de facial . Presiden t. It says:-. : . -.r. ( ' :' '':' ''VV - "If Mr. Hayes attempts to pass upon the claims of two possible rJvalOovernors,and to decide wIcoTJKSTWOlS the.Jegaloaer be will get intd h6r.wrtt.on Tv. Garcelm,to;pW a satisfactory posiUon.,haAWr tp imme'r diatsly lnttUuliBfeneretic measures to put told them of some farming results in the county they were then in. They were amazed, and; said it beat any thing they had ever seen or had ever heard of. VVe told them when they got to the county seat to make in quiry of certain leading gentlemen, and they would find that we had not 'overstated the result in any particu lar. - j Why should people leave North Carolina if they can find good farm ing lands in every section ? .Why should a man break up old associa tions and family ties to seek a home in some distant State when he knows in fifty counties 1 there are desirable farms that can be purchased at from $4 to $10 an acre. .: If ,he wishes to plant cottoa-ho-canfind as pro- ductive lands in Eastern Carolina as he qan find in .Mississippi or Texas. If h wishes to cultivate tobacco, in a half dozen or more, counties he can fine .virgin, forest that can be bought for frpm $6 to; $10 an acre upon says in Forsyth county there are 776 woman js found asserting her virtue, standing immediately behind Marey when ;1. ee . 1 I . U..1. Hull wonl nn tn him ril inflintprl regisiereo negro voiers. vji A' man of principle and conviction Z"f but 282 have paid any poll-tax. Near- has no rea80n to be proclaiming his loJiiTake that, you tn of a b h ?" ly two-thirds do not pay one cent to devotion to lhe cau8e he e8pou8e8. 1,,' the sustentation of a government that yye nave known men wno were eter- the following named persons comprising protects them in their liberties, rights nally parading them8elves as very L.TllL and privileges. I extreme who could be bought for $50, 1 B, Bwann, W.J.Stewart, C. H. Legg, mi . n . i . i nhn Nioiphsr rc itrnnrn Asnipviii vvnat occurs in orsytn county whilst men who never referred to Urt" 5 5? sni . AlerandeTMarreli. L -Raleiah the work. Gen. Hoke is sanguine tbe card will run to Chapel Hill by Commencement. Asheville Journal: . Thursday last W. W. Medford, a farmer who resides near Richland Institute, four miles from Waynesville, was killed by a falling tree. He and his brother were felling limber, and being a little deaf, be did not bear his brother's warning, and the descending tree, which was fourteen inches in diameter, crushed him to tbe earth, broke bis neck, smashed in the rear of his skull nd broke one of his thighs in three places. In eighteen months this unfortunate man has lost wife, mother, two children and two sisters. He buried bis yuungesi child ju&t one month to a day on which he was killed. He was formerly Clerk of the Court and Register of Deeds for Haywood county. J. E. O'Hara publishes in the Weldon News, trom tax list, the acres of land owned by tbe colored people of Hali fax. It is a most creditable showing and foots up 16,601 acres. He says: Tbe above doesjiot include the many acre and half acre lots owned by colored people in the suburbs of Enfield, Halifax, Scotland Neck and Weldon, nor does it include nine town lots in Enfield, with substantial, comfort able bouses erected thereon, surrounded by gardens showing taste and some culture, and a decided air of health and content ment, thirteen town lots in Halifax, and at least twelve in Weldon, valued in thu aggregate at thousands ef dollars. Charlotte Observer: Col. Tom Long, of the mail service, is in Atlanta, under treatment of a physician for a dis ease of the throat. - Gen. Johnstone Jones left Philadelphia for his home ai Morganton on Monday, having improved considerably in the past two weks. '- We understand "that Mr. M. Schloss, at present proprietor of the Na ional Hotel, Salisbury, will take charge of thu Char lotte Hotel next year. A. very large amount of drinking was going on in the city yesterday, but up to 9 o'clock at night the police had made only two arrests for disorderly conduct. Louise Pomeroy, the gifted young Shakespearean actress, will soon appear in the Charlotte Opera House. Observer: Yesterday celebrated occurs to a greater or less extent in their Dartv attachments could not be After a careful investigation, including I the Governor and Mrs. t Jams onw onf; ftt .uc,.,. Ta thi , ? . . '. - . i a evidence of the result of a post mortem, ex- their wooden wedding. They eVerV SeCtlOn Ot the StatC 18 tniS I with all f ha nffiran in the lftnd. :-.; An K n, T n Wolkof anA I m.nw .nnn-MtnlalinnannH niimAr, condition of things to continue in- Let the people prepare for a bold, definitely? Are able bodied men to I active campaign in 1880. Do not received animation made by Drs. J. C. Walker and I many congratulations and numerous band- n . . . . . . I .a . I 1. .1 'i n. HurDanK. inev rerurnea a veraict io i some ttuu pieusuui ttceusanco. jhu exercise the greatest act of sovereign ly that of voting and never pay a penny towards the government under whose benign protection they enjoy life and have all the: advantages of free citizenship? This Js one of the questions that the : Legislature must consider sooner or later. The time, will come when the voter must pay for the privilege. allow eager and greedy aspirants and self-seekers to deceive you. Go to the, nominating conventions and vote for men you can trust, and in. whose honor and "judgment you- confide. Po your duty first in selecting can- Marsh, a segro man, was stabbed in the side last night by another negro, whose name be did not know, as be was not ac quainted with the gentleman, be said, and painfully but not dangerously wounded. The spring terra of Raleigh Female Seminary will open January 21, 1880, and we are . informed by Principal Uobgood that the prospects were never bet ore so flattering as now. Rev. Dr. F. M. Hubbard, of New York, is in the city, the HOUSE POLITICS. The correspondent of the New York Herald, now in the South, in one. of his letters gives his general im pressions of public sentiment as he finds it among the Democrats. He says from the Northern border of the South to Charleston, whence he writes, there is ' no marked: Grant sentiment, but a prevailing indiffer ence to Federal politics as compared with local questions. We are glad that this is so. It is of the highest im portance to ub as North' ' Caro linians that we should have wise, prudent, economical, just, honest State and county, governments. Whilst the condition of affairs in all of the counties is not such as is de sirable, and some of the present offif cials better than those dis placed, there has been a very striking improvement in many counties, and the people 'have muoh cause for sincere thankfulness that the Demo crats are in power. . If the people are wise and know, their, bwnr interests, they. will see", to it that the; State ia not returned again to tha very tender : keeping of a party " that ? blasted its the effect that deceased came to bis death from a wound inflicted by a knife in the bands of Maria HalL ' Tbe weapon used was a large size ordi nary pocket knife, with buckborn handle and a tapering blade about three inches in length, and ! it was in evidence that the blade entered on the left side, just above the clavicle, and severing the subclavian ar tery, near its junction wilh the aorta, ot the lnrcrft afterv leadin? from tbe heart, and .-; u 1 Knn ..4 n half I miait nf P M A ran , ' ,. jm . . .i i peueiraliu liic iuuk suuut mu auu i uan i i,uwi - -i amaiesi uo your uutj iu incbes. , Weldon Keios: Mr. N. R. Odom, progress Of the campaign: and on the : ranK jnuatn ana luomaa jxuue, me we jcara from tbe Reporter, has resigned - i 3 a u two seamen who testified in the case, were . offleeof eterfc0f the Suoerior Court or 1 day of election dp. your duty by vo- prdered to give bonds in the sum of $50 rSDfon tine yourself, and by inducing others each, jusiinea, ior meir appearance ai naa beea appointed in his stead. - Died, to vote by appeals to their reason wnich tbey were committed to jail by the and interests. r ."t'.L . .u.. . XI is unuerBtuuu luat auiuiiuai lunmauj We-learn from the Raleigh Ob- lealousv was at the bottom of the' difficulty. ierver that Col R. R. Bridgers has been ap-. The body of the unfortunate man was in poloua by U Gorer-or ,c repent W JSSSTaS& fbTSlK Stated! North Carolina on a committee of Thursday afternoon. We should have stated, in the proper place, that upon Chief of Police Brock's ar rival at the scene, soon after the murder was committed, be promptly ordered the large crowd tbat bad gathered in the vicin ity to disperse, which they did very quietly; ana ne also causea an me anuiuug saiuoua in that quarter to be closed up, and placed a guard over the remains of tbe murdered man until the Coroner arrived with bis jury. thirteen, one from each - of tbe colonial States, to make proper arrangements to cel ebrate, in 188Ujn a befitting manner, tbe centennial anniversary of ibe surrender of Cornwall at Yorktpwn. A neveane Bald In Moore . county TbeUetali. We learn that Revenue Agent O. H. Blocker, assisted by Deputy Marshal Phil- lips and Deputy Collector Downing, on the night of the 32d instant, discovered and on Friday, tbe 19lh instant, in Northamp ton county, John Phillips, Esq. - -Some of tbe negroes who went to Indiana from Jones county stopped at Shelbyville. A dispatch from that place to the New Yoik limes says that tbe people there are indig nant because they have to provide for them. The next' day after they" arrived much feeling against tbem was shown. Ao other arrival was expected, and a large crowd collected at the depot to prevent the colored people from stopping. Tbe train was surrounded by a bowling crowd of men waiting to mob tbe darkeys if they left the train. The negroes did not get off but weut on to Indianapolis. The whites at the North despise tbe negroes. TarboroSottcrner: We regret to learn of tbe severe illness of Dr. R. G. Lewis, of Plymouth, N., C. Brother Creecv offers one year's subscription lo the Elizabeth City Economist o the prettiest murder In Dnplln. T.tnnii ttnA anil tVi roo too ok Q a on in thp P. Of DOPU- coo. ..r U gfK?8i5Z The proprietor, -Wesley Stooe, was cap- 1 Lenoir county line, a difficulty occurred cided by single male suffrage." The tured in the distillery, with a boy named between two brothers named Thomas and Tarboro Tar Heel Minstrels will make you :john Gales. Tbe distillery was located in Warren Malpass and a man named John laugn to-morrow nignionui jruu cry, ""u. UStone's kitchen. Nine hundred gallons of Lewis Holland, during a sbootiog-matcb enougn. - ji-igan unmui iusq , uiguijr beer were destroyed, together witb a quan- between the parties, which culminated in a respectea ciuzen oi xiasu- wwuij, ujcu ni. tity of low wwes, malt andmeaL The still fight, and, while Warren Malpass and Hoi- bis residence on lasi oaiuraay, jjmec.ioiii, was shipped tq-JTisyettevUle. , land were struggling together. Thomas having reached the advanced age of 72 year? Malpass cut Holland with a knife, inflicting Personal. v --i ' I a terrible wound, from tne effects oi wnicn Mr. John D. Williams, Jr., who has been 1 the stricken man bas since died, a jury or innnest navmz oeen neiu oyer iuc aleadW buyer in: Uiecouou mar Goldsboro-tbis season, fepresenting Messrs. The place of the difficulty was near one WUVamk&lIUKhlsonv is iu the. city. : Mr. Windell Davis' miti, about fifteen miles ;W illiama. will Shortly extend: Jhia'lirnits': from Kenansville. Holland is said to have At locating permanently and been sober it the time, but the Malpass otithUhtnrii brMeh. bouse of tha brothers, who bear a very bad reputation. treDrejitannder Jthe name of Murcbison & I -were drinking.1 Deceased leaves a wife and w iiiiama h niH nnra s fit iriKniiH iu i as-vcvmi pniiiimii. i uerH uau uccu at" Wilmioeton. whose best withes for success 1 rests up to within the past two days, the I and press, with b'n brains beaten out attend aim in nis new vemure. i maipsss uroiuers uuYiug uru wuuu;. ' 6' vj""'1 Monday last Mr. Wm. Revell, who attends to X!apt. R. H. Gatlin's mill and gin at Killquick, in this county, was crushed to death by tbe machinery in ttie most horrible manner. He had been talking to Capt. Gatlin only a few minutes before bis death. He went under the gin j house for some' purpose, no one knows: what. Soon afterwards Capt Gatlin heard a knocking under the house, and gointe down to learn the cause, found Mr. Revells wound around tbe shaft that. runs the gin