fc3t'Mtf vtM it's ;? - i'. . 8SSS288SSSSS8SSSS SSS8S8S88S8S88S siri no i I SSS8888888SS8BS88 3 -I s a 3 S5 ft t . ' 8888888-8888888888 88S88888888S88S83 82885882288888888 ,,.t 8888SS888888S888S 4 e to " ks t co a o o m s a it at ee k to c oo o-i co io Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington N.C., as secbnd-class matter. Subscription Price. The subscription price of the Wbkk ;,i Star, is as follows : ; ingle Copy 1 year postage paid, fl.50 " ''' " 6 months " " 1.00 " : 3i . " 44 ! " 44 .50 : TUE'CZAil AM ASIA. t The Rassian Czar is resolved upbti extending his "already vast domains in Asia. Nearly or quite two-thirds of that great continent is his, and, yet he is pushing on -his armies to new conquests: "GeB. Skbbelofif, one of his ablest 'soldiers, commands the main army numbering 20,000 men. lie is to be supported-by two other armies. Sooner or later England and Russia must face each other, and then it will be seen whether the forces oft the Empress of India will be equal to the task of driving back the armed hordes of the mighty Em peror of the Russias. In the mean time the inexorable, insistent, sleep less enemies of Alexander- are "dog ging him at every turn 'and laying their trains of. gunpowder and dyna mite right under his palace. ; When he travels his train is wrecked; when he sleeps he lies over a loaded volcano and a slumbering eiu tualtt. Tr uly there. is something. awfui vin ; th : re morseless dalerminatiou of his malti tudinous enemies. 5 The lo4 on the track; of thefttgtttye; the ira- piacaoie avenger pursuing. nts enemy; the I Indian traeiyg the steps of the alarmed and sh Wdering vie lim; the watchful, ofaftyj skilled, de- teriniiie-1 detective following th cniDiual through: all Ins tortuous windings arid ' his' ingenious dodges a. 1 nope 01 eltc'cninir his cscijie tliewe sire fnint types to expres-. the undying liaired, the renolved .will,! the pcrtma -.iou8 pluck, the sleepless: energy, the inexhaustible ingenuity, the reckless daring of the jnen whoare fiaorificing ail to compass the destruction of their victim, and that victim tlie royal head of one of the greatest kingdoms of this world. The poor, half-fed la h rer, as tie sleeps oh his pallet of Mraw iri fns "hut, is:? Wrapped in ely Muin coru pared with the royal head that tosses from side to side in noeasy sleep, and; sees ad assassin in every . shadow and the gleam of the poniard j 111 every flash of the (ire when awake, f The oply ..safety of ;the Czar . is , iq, j yielding to txe demands jof his pecf ple, instituting vigorous,' needed, sal ntary reforms throughout, bis immense empire, and giving tlie country a con- jBtitntional government. - Bttt will hie 1 do this ? The present1' Czar is ho doubTa ruler of a .milder, tfpe' than his father . Nicholas. , was, of ; indeed than any of his predecessors On the throne have been, b&t he is too much of a despot for his, ageV The, people of Russia a?e discontented, although many abuses have been remedied and the lot of millions' has Jbeen amelio rated. He must r go farther if .he would have. peace. j,He must yield to the entreaties of the oppressed if he would enjoy personal safety and peace 01 mina. xne; cup ot retorm from which the Rossian people have sipped a few drops has but intensified the appetite and fired 'the blood for .larger ana more satisiying arauguts 'The Rev.- Cowley "goes u p" for twelve months to the State" prrsori. The living children wil doiubdess he -.1. 1 ., . v "'.-'5 'A' -L-Jt-!'V- giaa tnavtneir persecutor is puniBMe inn tbe little ones ,whpa sieep lO) nameless graves will "never" know that the law laid iU! harid hpoh- ttie monster. -'t-i'.T-.:'' i When the Legislature gets together it may 6 Ukeu the extra ? session1 of Congress, in to "general legislation and then inftea4.o? ;bien nial f ,essiofi8 we will have"! annual, pOssibly semW annual," '6r even 'ritmnff'. pesiofls.; This is a wonderful country. n. 777 . . J a 1 1 i ii i u hi i. n' " .i eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw- aaaaaa, . - 'V'M.yt'.-'.' :.:r.. - . - -M v , . - v--:i;".-.r : rj;-.v .; ..... 4-.,.- . : U4 (. Uii' 7 W - U '. U ' X - W r"S?' 1 A II' VOL. XI. f THKIXTR1 SESSION. We ato glad to see a very Sensible and timely editorial in the (Greensboro J Tttitiot with reference Ita the,etra of the Legislatures ' We dre ; session in bearty accord ivith ,4b'at jsay J tr ?" w j r4r01 y )'au" " peuewe s tuey ares;wiseiy tSKen. uifihnrcbes: Salisbnrv District the mosfl very! properly asks: when thjp Legisla j tare meets' if the Governor 6anNbrer vent the, introd questions, or prevent from? speriftgiriglnewtfissacsl? - Howls uw iu uu vuih t - vi eourso iae eneniv i ,UiI i . ?:hk W ,W 1 wui peon me aiert, ana uw oe reaay i tq tnhker:aU tAe papitrtmbU fo r tie dwroafiAirttf campaign Tj avcid I uwrarna wiu lue uoveroor; ouijr call together tlie Democratic element J and have an ; old fashioned party.) pow-jwowr jjuetx-ow-Mt Bee yearly i the danger ahead just here, ind says: j ItwoD'C be caUed for aovthinir ! bf this" I kind, it is true, but will that prevent smart politicians from introducing question and 1 provoKing aiacassiooa wiai ave oo.reiaiioji i "".Ar.huiimlwHtt stake wjthiB the coming ' monthsletween' deSySrito oppoiitommmJcmp amongst us, to create naw grounds Af dis- sensioo abd widen those that may'already exist.: ' i h -i ... i ; exist In an effort to avoid 8evlfa the I avoia Dcyiia tne i Democratic so-cal ea leaaers may run I their scallop-shel in al Improbability. To gftt a hearing I for the Best proposition the. people . j 7 . ; I mnQLhatiTBrf X9flnnn mnn nrlSM I -vr,w, v- ", I This ill give the enemy an excelleni 1' opportunity to expose the pratenUens of the Demoorau to being a party.! refdrm and retrenchment.- Thev Will ; ; " : ; t . s I snow now reaayj ; inai , party,, is 1.0 throw away unnecessarily thousands of the people's money to carry oat some schemes of theirs into which en ter quite as much of party as patriotism.- 7- .7- ;..'-7.-:.t ' I In endeavoring to get the Western or th Carolina Railroad out of poli- I VA uvu" I Bo-caueu leauers may p.91 accoinpiiJi4 1 -if- j in!- i 1. ' ..! their end after allJ Of course every bodyj understands why the Governor and: hti.Acfvierg aco m such a tremen- aous iliurry, ..They are afraid : of the I if: tiiey sell tlB -XYeatetn' that thrgance. Of course call the Legislature. guii8'o the'epemy.ll)ay,be effeptually spiked. . $ V0. ave eard of rthe -gnn that 'kicked the owner over.'' We do hot prophecy this result, but it is by ii! ineauWcertain that the saK- will be a cure (til a, sort of Universal panaiea or oalholicon warranted to relief all of the illW u wbieh Ipoliti- i "-i -' - ."-V. -r .1 .. :J .j.:. , -i 1 ciai'8 are hens, and it may .turn prophet:; . j Hie ratriol says out to be a true "The Republican leader are very ahlt- ious fbr this special tetctw .or it will give I STTSDMd eagerly awaiting the opportunity iow. We J teS'Effl tbe Western N. CL Railroad; but that there 1 wm De ao giiDFThVd aod wfe-ab gendered to drageibtisly ipRt Mhy!v6n r I Itinjjy prove a hornnesti a boom f erang, a wopapr.norte, ?Mi$gpTkme Court to twenty-one Judges, .eilwepfiConnon raiinJ' ...... flora's tor, Or anytbin else -man!.! - 4 . fefessg.-- ,-, 1 "S i n btIiooishi a om vtU?.ui 1 : Wi have received frons "the- pubw I r. lishei editor 'of the7' Monroe I n ,a neatly 'pmpiiietfp quirer Vftfj&ftjit. bi JJfoa-liaf uZix,rrLx Ihe 43 d sessiob' of the North" Carolina rence, M. E. Cbur beKfjat Wilson" 1879. r the SxlBjgaye a pteity f all report of the procfeediDgs during ihe s'essiod, it fs notrieee to 'giye again the statistics 'tfiaftyiay Ko iliian N,im U? ti; .ia be gleaned from this wen.arrAnged reporL , W, may wmtipo Ahatlhew, -. . .1 : ai6:namesi.oo . the roll .bf imtais; mt . ...... r i.. . , . ir -jLoera are, a parsonagSi vaiuea at $88,7.. ; 783 chur at :l708,8t)5. oWa ''t.r:-'Viia-J-Ui-'itI-f ruaaaj& . wuw. ism uw Ifwhole membership ,401.38 lathe ISisbop n?UJ.8Gxto -"rest- aing Elders i $70,647.62 to pastors s I ' l"?11?? ln aPPeala .-P0"51 lhe Circuit or T - '. T- ;T, w y!" .'JlliatdOtCoiitta when the amount iacon $4 vl 80.90 to snperanuated preachers.' .troyersy exceeds $500 and in other cases miia!Ana4li:a2.41 tn Ab fy. M;Z, ZA: :a -i,. aro :ZX liKopsj i.i ho itxie poorj c 936. 3j) to Sunday Schools; $37,628.74 fr btiilding add ! epatrrhg$ciitf robes;' -L ". Vr 4 ii noK i(s- rra. i' A.t;".'i ". ? ona oi $1,080.75 for, education.; :f5,208.21 for incidentals; and $369.98, to ,the Biblej cause; The -wlfole' sum. ; paid- dutihs' the past year hi ! ll J,699.?lV v' r.f-.. : . .--'.r , i iz1 This giveB a general average of $2.28 per niember ;pr Tjpvec; $3Q0: to (eaoh whb really cpaiti, and ;87 per cent.' .of all) assemSfiti : : Witiaton dis trict paid the largest sum' to the ; WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRTJAEy 2,7, 1880 Presiding Elder: Charlotte- District I the; largest sum for pastdrsV Raleigh I District the largest Conference col-1 lection for missions; and Sunday schools: .Wilminirton District the lar- I the poor; Hillsboro District I largesi ior puiiaiug aaQ repairing i for jeducation. , iFor iBllsbbm District nair all purposes, I $3:4 IT; Greensboro, 12.30; Salisbury, zi.73: aneinv xi.H4; Uharinttp siz.4s: t 1.71 i . .' ' , ' i jyayetteville, , $2.05; Wilmington, f 2.03: .fewberne. $2.81s fWaslittff-: ton, $2f.5Y'. The average . pay to the preacbersls $573." ; -sts i ' ' ' Rev. Pf.. Jeter, whose death was a,uuuuueu uy leiegrapn uu u euuea- day night, was one of the most emi- J nentJ useful and consecrated divines fn tfcU Writ mn was mnrA 1 .-".J 7 " a : . suj rawomtu auu uv wau UVUHbl i ' . lon& iaDonous ana uevont life has closed,and to nim tne "Servant of God, well done, ' - Rest from thy loved employ." i i - 7 J . , r. , TJi .Tfc w t.hft aoninr fiditnr of , , " the Richmond Eeliaious Herald, ihe - ue(,t T5ftnt:at nflr.er ;n the South. I I l. Hfl -th the fnra" ""f M.-lar'Vl. foremost; men of bis very large de-I . " . . . I nommatinn. and wa rncrarrifiil him aa I ftf ' " fttvirthftn ftnv of master of a finer style than any of I thern Baptist brethren. It was a model of neatness, perspicacity, , . -w I simplicity ana iorce. uinere were more brilliant but none wrote so well according to our judgment. He was in his 79th year. ' The Democrats have not heard the last of the proposed "extra session.' "Wbai are twenty or thirty thousand dollars when a proposition to buy a uvum a vtubu ,m ua wa vaawwu w w w 1 oeenf laugnt, oy iemocrauc papers t l- . . , - .1 . and speak .rs that there is a great need of retrenchment, of reform arid so on.- Is all this clap trap? The sp-called leaders , in North Carolina Whoj cares? Have a perpetual ses- sion.i Appoint a grand committee to hold sessions all the year round, Other Syndicates may desire to be heard, and another extra session must I . ..'Illl TTT r 1 uecaueu. vve couiess we nave uu patience with such wild extrava- gauce. ' JCTDIClAIi CHANOBS. The Stab has directed attention Already to a proposition of ' Repre- sentaltivo Manning, of Mississippi, in regard to reforming tbe it ederal N8- There 18 an opinion, appar- 'ently well grounded, that certain chankea are imperative. Sometime ago the U. S. Circuit Courts were from, seven to nine.; But this qatt not mended matters as the . BrvPii n v a a n a 1 a hkriva - A ( F1 than the increase of facilities for hearipg causes. Congress will have -ome remedy,: Mr. Man- bill proposes to increase the t v , r r - i -, . b subdivided into three sub- . I Viriben' of seven .TndtreH each, Sehkior David Davis, who was one of ,ie ablest sCnd best Supreme Court Justifces When he resigned his seat to enter the Senate, has also a bill before will meet with more f f T9r Idbbly - .UiaiiV.Mr. Manning. twsti , iu....L.s . u He proposes to have one Cir- I epit Court to each Judicial District in the United Spates. We find hi. fejjl thus epitomized in a Northern ex- chaflj;e: , , . "When there are several judges .present competent to hold a Circuit CoUrv each may hold aseparate session.- TheappeUate 1 ... .. m ia . n . 1 iUQ,l& of Ihe Cltcuil OcSmi, aid iu 11ml. , - . riAmo-Tov lo hla a f-vm. a. 1 nnaala Tha I uunuT h lata sib r wiaati vt .uuoaiw bill provides that there shall be one such WU11 yu9-.uur nrema. i-mrt assiffnan' xn 7: ins . citcuil the Circoit Judges thereof, and two - of thA THatrint .TndoriMi 'In lm - VtMltrnateii I by the? Senior Circuit Judges vlt will have I quoBuQQS. oi w appeal Simlkn W atw.eal a.h. had tn tha Ap O e uTln SSln; ' -tead of $2,000,? as at pre a-1udicatioiri involves tt value $10,000, in- present, or where the I aajudicatioiri involves ttbe construction of m 0oMtUuoo, or a treaty, or a law 1 ' the United States, or where the Court of .cla publio Importance. ;7the bill provides for the appointment of eighteen addltioaal circuit judges, two for each circuit." . ; - ; W A correspondent of the Greensboro Palriof suggeata Gen. A. M. Scales foGeVnor and Miot Charles s M.T Stedman for Lieutenant Governor. bwatb izit.K.ts ci.AaiFioATio2f Aeoording ' to Senator " Ben Hill therd are three classes in the South whofavor GrantV.Andey all claim to be Democrats, The first , class, according to the Georgia Senator's maun vi wiwujf gup Toomos: wno were . ver xe ongtnai secessionists. A second clasS who Thejf want the change to- come as nnicKiv ; as dossidls. anu mev ioidk i . T , . . Graritis the man. . rpere isuo douot that -JGranti tha mfn.tpestcey our Republican institutions apd overtb tne Government, any aesiresucn an nwfnl disaster to' befall the coun- try let them by all means stand fast by.the "strong man" who wui draw I around him harpies and sharpers and I r.nnsnir&tors. Grant can brins about 1 i:u i :.bUWtTMWWMWMV - representative iorm or government quicker than any one else. , He has tnd wjjj e iron nerve, the ambition, the lust for office, the vices that are necessary for a man to be a revolution- . , ; . . . ist arid the assassin of his country s :t :-;. xr : fn. il nuerntcs. no w mo iwj iuu 1 .M p v.- p I IgU bS, VI IV UOgCB BUU CUJUJIUCUta w I 'a .-4. ? -7.5" .1. .VI V J TB ntant atndv of statesmen. All I . - i. . k nrhnbiah tn nnn t.hft tranninaa of I J " mnnar.hv and tn have a snnrema ' I Master ought to hip, hip Grant morning noon and Urant moruin2 n00D a hurrah tor I ana nignt. 1 But there is still another and a tmra, Class accoraing 10 iur. nm wuu 1 . a a - "V F TT!1 1- w I favor Grant. These are more noisy and more numerous. They are vie- timsbf the inevitable. It is fore- I dooried, predestinated, 4 fixed that wrant is to De tne man, so tney are t for him. Thev are looking forward f 1 . . 1 men. tie never aesens iaeni, uow- ever! nameroa., depra.ed, rascally they prove tnemseivea to do. ne is 01 1 o'clock, meridian; tbe senators ana JViem uam Txriti. rhom fn- thm here Qt the House Of Representkives of the - - and this they know. Hence, this w -, ioi i i.a nll Vnnwn ," " 3 1 .. tl, .1 ili n n a .. tnm I r-l-oni oKn.ll.tWo crt fa;tufni 1 Grant above all others, bo faithful is the nictura drawn that even as I orenounced an orfcan as' ihe' Phila- delphia Press is constrained to admit I of whose financial responsibility and per ... v.. . ''.. I sonal ! inteerity I havB satisfactory assur tne naeuty or me colors, ana 10 say . , f I - . f, . 1 I tnat j in some respects ooutnern peo-1 ple )ear a striking resemblance to NorUiern people." It might have been more accurate to have said that in some respects unprincipled people the world over are alike;' The Press is booming for Blaine, .ami that fact may bave given unusual penetration to; its vision just now; If Grant isnom- iate the Press will grind for him as furiously as the most furious. Female rtfererB--An Old Time Bx eciatlon. ! . . TAafhere has been a good dea or Uiscu-- f act that thew cxlstsjn NewjOf flinn in thin r.nmmnnittr recentlv with re-I . . 1 - ..-u .-.-.-!- Vi . ; , 1 V f .1.1 . : 1 j ,,; I.. V. . rant . A nAIAMil nAUiafl ftl T fT OT1 2ri 8UCh ;a thing as the h - - - hanging of a woman. 0 w nnnM li.ou hoon an nnmMU1in1 rVnt wm.v " c 1 . l mm - a .. hkve! given us tbe following racts neanng jecU They teU us that Harr et Qf ftgb ;ormerly belonging to the Haasley family, killed her mistress, an aged and in- I T .-. Y.M . Mn.lAAi mI a Kltt atVTADH VPHni aaiwKjr, a Wiua firm lady by the. uamrbrMfsfOreen, and was codvlcted and hung for the murder in WliiJngtou about 52 years ago. 1 Pr.-John Hill's wife was i nu Tbe late nW Vkf t'hft a., tn The oM wa9 her pat confidential servant, and slept in the same room with her; The murder was committed with 9 pair of fire- lon 'WJffit? unliJ f d after the bloody ff. f ' n oug enough to tell all about hdwit hap- pened." The rr rail away Immedialely 1 - . . . . .--. ;i twd and lodged ia the coooty Jail, where 1 - -, . ... ; . . '4 . rn Iha inni nurA thunlll MnpnmhA Mao, waa aaaw ouw. w.uw.w tn9 and the execution Was wit- --- f -t--" thither from this and the surrounding coun ties to witness the sad and novel specUcle. niei- tainment in mitSSttoft A programme has come into our posses- sioaof a concert given at Ooldsbbro Taesk, day nignt last, ior tne oeneai oi siae aui- le"s?B i SW . ' ferers in Ireland. TAT nntfAa .mAnfli ffa re, Iaindsey.) Mr. John.D. WiUiams, Jr., and When Other Lipa,w (Balfe.) Mr. John D. Wllliama. Jr. " Had his friends here been advised as to the appearance : of tbii gen tleman.-the receipts on tae occasion would have been much larger.. .: , :l i . ' m m. ,' ... Fatal Accident. .;.. '. ; Charles' Falks, colored, in the employ of CoL H. B. Short, while getting: out ahiu- gles Jib Green 1 S wamp",' near' Flemibgtdd, was iistantly kmed Mouaay iitL -11: a m m effamnpo tp Vk,K U1UW ABUtUK auau a s;v.iuviu aavw nuivu he had just felled. IIOPOBTAIf T FBOM B AI.KIGH. ; rA vMlon ; of thf Iieeltlitnre i jjRepbrtea far tne Stihl i j The Gonccil of: Stato.met to-day at 10 o'clock. 'Preseot: Om J, , Mf ; Worth, Treasure Chairman jQ.e ouncU ; . Col. ,,.At. w wwnwuw MrJrjce:: Orermas h-oriAgireaigaed xthr IposiUfcapf Secrjttr.the CduafiHCapt Uommaolcations. irom iue, wovernor traoEmittiog. the propoaiuoQa from Mr. Beat knd his' asbiates-Ybr 'ih pur chase1 and cdmpfetion of the Western rtorth Carolina Kaiirdad to uucKtawp ana Paint Rock together with , all the corrjes- Pondece on the subject, were laid, before the Council, with a request for the opinion of the Ceuncn as tdthepropriety of caning an eaiUvidav. The oropositiou of Mr. Best was read, and the correspondence relating ndeic X Y uT. T MurcBison, Donald MacRaft ana A. J. De- Rosse. Otters fromm Wotthand Hon . - ... . .- jos J; uavia, relating 10 me nnanciai re- Beat rind his associates, were alao read. ,- i-. - . . . . . t After general discussion of the matter. the Cuncil instructed the Secretary to in- form the Governor that itf their opinion n,k .--, a-. kuc uci iukxcow w& ubuwbuv.ww tho TJtoialatnrA thnriM be called toffether at as earlv a day as practicable, to consider ine P9posiuoa suomiuea uy jur. oea. aou . I ... a " f 1-1 - 1 f .. l f. n . ? ... Rnt . Tncw. town.: t .M. The Treasurer tben notified tne Wovernor that Mr. Be8ad ' depoSfed'fOT.OOO tdhis credit ' r" ' v 1 The draft of the proclamation is as f ol lows ' ' r " " a'phoclamation bt the GoyjsaNOR. By ina witn the tavice of the Council of Stated I. Thomas J. Jarvis, aoyernor- of 1 Mwaiw ain in mo ovaroiiia nr inn nnwar i,VMU VUUUUSt auv vawi viwy w. r nno!al AamnblT ih xtra seQiion on Mon- jay, tne fifteenth day 01 juarcn, in me fegVffi Qenetal AssemblJ of Noth CaroUna are hereby , notified and requested to meet in their f espinve Halls ii the Capitol, in the. Qt dfnaipigt for th purpose orcoosia- 1-: MMi.t.-.f.-. f ataie-s interesiin, ana xne compiewon uij Western North Carolina Jtailroad o Ducktown and Paint Rock, made by W. iilTi:lJd aBCgj n for considering such other pro- : - iw.n Ki. . n A r fAv fha dnm-k ,poiuun uiojr uo mauo iu m fn n'. whereof, I Thomas. J. Jarvis, Governor and Commander in-Chief, have hereunto set my hand and caused to be afflted thereto tbe Great Seal of State. Done At our City of Raleigh this, the twenty firsfday of FebCTMyi 10 the year pf our Lond, one thousand .eight .hundred and eigity, and in the 6ne.'handred and fifth yen of Americas independence. , j . Thomas J. Jabvu, - v ' Governor. By thb Governor : j Q Dudlet, , 1 . Private Secretary. Tbe 1 new oriaja cw-JPaa JttinK . Hbw it operates AEalnat our Deal- - era 'Ana naniera.' ' Wa are requested to direct public jatten- I leans k cow-pea ring, composed or f com- I mission merchants who have organized I T ... w. 1 tt.mdartrM inl inn tap thA nnrnnsiv f I . , T 7 . --.?--.. .. I ft.crt Thoif rnnrlff nf irpttmcf rnnsicrn I - 1 , w !- - f7. . .-. . , - . -. .-ri . dfi3ngl)eingof feucU 1 . ha11lPfc . rftr n-h ifcln that tin irtinMSlMfi foif ariypeasto" reach their standard. 1 But (bis U not the, worst, complexion : of the ring. Itfr the summer of 1878 Messrs. B. P, ; Mitchell & Son" shipped ' 'a car load olt peas rherer for which Uy never' received a cent, bofeven an account of sales. Messrs. W. P. Oldhaia' Co. shipped .peas :upon' ' a t 1 . :.! a . A mmAI .. whi6h Oiey exemJed i t iosJ, WhUoMeasrs. Eenan &IForsbee aod . J. L J&W&ffc, iavemet with a rimUar In one InsUnce a khipment was ! mxiiKWU-ii uu uuukauuuB nus mt uuuo . jAj,;, ,liJ!s , t4 represepvea o oe now buu7 s to innaence ue iraae ui advice of those who have .raarianna what' ral inrA ia to I IcaiBCVa ... Uj vAuvklviluv . v . H w v v " I . . i . ,v i-.i.il.L 1 .'..U ,. niAr.Rd in ineir uuuiauvuB la kii usao oni. hv arle ail your oWu doors foYahe unlawful comoinauon wnicu vperawM against the planter afid dealer alike. Fire smlthvllie. a,. i - w. n A mwAatAfAmvr mnm inff I h- i:ar,-iMi f mm' Siehal Officer Bovd. at aQuthville, that a' sinalV one-story frame i bouse iu that place, - tbe property oi jut - 1 Charles uagms,U- Hici.- I . . . kn1 to th ground about ll, A-.M, ;;The hous. was ocupieoi by a colored family, who had locked the doors and absented themselves. The fire is thought to have i; originated frpm asparVifrOrathynpla " : There was a rumor on the' streets during theT- morning that neatly the whole of SmithvUle WM Ifl fl4mes,-but .theaborajwe learn was the extetrts?t$fee! I -. . . . . a ..tptfaenAiata I. (Q)g SOGUQU UUIUI, hUO -Ck,V 4yw- I West and Southwest. "IO ' : 1 ft . I . CR in IN AI COCRT; - ; "Trll of Jbbn Gratly, a Colored Fire'- ..r -'.7, .- 'v , - ; ! .. 7 7 man. for tbe 01 order or John 'rr- lor. Colored, la November, 1879v 'Tin:' i ' , T-.i n-l a- ; ii. .j I Thecaseof Johd Graflj.colored; charged J wunipe muraer 01 one jonn ray ior, coi 1 - ne. nn n;M ik. c.i,'f Kr.amh. I vU,v .v uuivi iu- T vu-w. an, woicn was laaen up in ine vrimmai i Moult on Wednesday morning, was con- I uoau yebieraay. Thentireday on Wednesday; it will be jmertbered, was ednsumed in makiig up;J remen qry. ilfesterday. morning, therefore, ; Bmfcation of .witnesses, commence. the e Therel were a large number exaoiined both J br thi State' and the 'defenciL and "the j -for the State and the defence, Wbole day was devoted to taking tesVimoBy.'; UTbe priBcipal witnesses for the State tesH tifledTBa 00 "RerTrngat tb rn olijila I vember last, while a! fire was progressing on the west side of the river, the members of the First Ward Bucket Company, with Which Gradv was connected, were told by their dtptain that they were ordered to get aflat for the purpose of taking a quantity of coal across the river to one of tbe steam fire engines. JThe crowd immedately rushed to the foot of. Princess street and were about taking . possession of a fiat lying at' the wharf on the south side of the dock, when the owner, John Taylor, objected stating that he was getting ready to goout on the next tide. A disnute thereupon arose between him and the captain of the Backet Company and a . good deal of con tention and excitement ensued.. In tbe meantime another flat was seized by a part of the crowd and was being pushed from the opposite side of the. dock and alongside of Taylor's flat, which was next to' the' wharf, aod some contention was still, in- progress on Taylor's flat, and Taylor himself was in tbe act of pulling " his flat up to the wharf with a fiat pole, with hook attached, when; a cry was beard from the wharf lat -spmebody was fighting the captain, meaning Captain Nixon, of the Bucket Company. At this a man on tbe outside flat, represented by several of the witnesses to have been John Grady'.'who was helping to push the . flat along with a fireman's pole, with a hook attached, sung ont "Who is it ?" and at the same moment elevated hjS j?ole and struck John Taylor on the head. Deceased immediately dropped backward in the bow of the flat, and would have fallen overboard had he not been seized by the legs and hauled into the flat by David Kixon, the Captain of the Buck et Company. Tbe "'stricken man lin gered! from? Saturday night, the time the blow ( was inflicted, until the following Tuesday, when he died, his skull being fractured by the blow.' 'The defence introduced witnesses to prove; that ' Taylor was struck" by some other person on- the flit, and not by Grady, one witness testifying that George Hays, a colored, fireman, struck the fatal blow. At the preliminary examination and also at the Coroner's inquest the same testimony was elicited, but was not considered suffl- cieot to Warrant holding Hays for trial, the preponderance of evidence being against Grady. . The examination of witnesses occupied the kreater part of the day. At the close in the afternoon the jury were addressed bv tha donnsel for the orisoner. Messrs. Strange Holmes and McR, in the order namejlJ ' Coll McRae began bis argument about 9 o'clock in the evening, and spoke about an hour and forty minutes, when, at his own suggestion the hour being late and many points of law being yet to be' discussed tbe CpUrt was adjourned until this morn r ing ' at 9 o'clock, when Col. McRae will continue his argument for the defence.: . Cot D. K. McRae, of counsel for John Grady, colored, charged with the murder of John Taylor,' colored, .concluded his ar gument in behalf of the prisoner yesterday n.oraiag.aad was followed by Solicitor iiioorc in a opeeuu ui ouuu ii uuia auu ten minntM in lenffth: His Honor . Judee kr J-'- aWrt Hii.Pi hia fharpa tn the Meares, then delivered his chare to the jury, whicb, at tne request or voi. -icuae, was subsequently reduced to writing, The jury then retired, and shortly after 4 o'clock returned, and through their- foreman, Air. G. L. Johnson, returned a verdict of man slaughter. ' While the speeches . of Colonel McRae and Solicitor Moore were being delivered the court room was thronged with listeners. After the case of John uraay naa Deen disposea or, tnat oi oamuei oiacey, coiorea, -h.riyfa, -.Ith hnrtTlarionslventerinff a room tonse near the corner of Eiebth and D?MAiSan afvnat a .riT At flO Ana -Tat-dO. A .T Johnson, colored, on the night of the 23d of December last, and stealing the sum of thriee 'dollars in money from a pocket m the cloU-ingof said Johnson, was called. - 'ine following Juiy werethen selected and reg- tilarly empaneled: T. A. Shepard, AG. Hankins, S. W. Nobles,' Benj. Farrow, H, W- McLauriB, J. K. Marshall, E. T. Love, j. . sscaroorougn, uonn x. ixeen, , v. ju. Harfissa Wa L. Jacobs and J. W. Galloway. Solicitor Moore ow. arose and stated that he had examined into the evidence that it was not sufficient to constitute a casei Of burglary and he had therefore agreed to accept a verdict of larceny.: This nronosition met the views of the counsel for the defence, Messrs. M. Bellamy, J. I. Macks, T. H. McKoy and is. S. Jatimer, and-after, hearing some evidence . as to character, etc.,' his' Honor sentenced the prisoner to confinement in the State Peni tentiary tor six years Ttm Law in Refereaeeio Klre-Wood. As there are frequent complaints in this community in reference to the shortness of wood brought here for sale, and the news- oaoers are, frequently called upon to direct attention to the matter. We eive tbe law on the Bubjeet, which is to be found in Section 0i 'in.n.r 1Itl T7-q1 and .sail- as ioijows: . , ui nre-wooa soia in iDcor- ..M .4 . ..... M . . . ' 9 porated towns shall. be sold by tbecprd, and not otherwise: and each cord shall con tain eight feet in lengthy four feet in height' and four feet in breadth ;nd shall be corded bv the seller under the nen'alty of two dol lars: Cor each offence, to the use of the informer." 8piritSI;-Tufi5eAtine r'i- t .-.J . Raleigh " Vvtitori The Hebrews i of this city are endesTorint to make . at - raogetaenuto nave Kabbi Mendelso.in. .f Wilm'DetOD. officiate in tbe bvubcoph iwie once in every two caibl-iiD f ilM M W Pittsboro Jiecord;, Mr. Uat.uii Poi-- a ' Wrtfliiv J.hifcpn vf jitik .iiir,i i., about eiebty-five years old: is sic-L with ue ujcasico. if e uaTC-neverueiore. nearu oi si old a person peing sick with tbia disease NawiBerne Nut Shell : TheSbody of JaobMitcb-11,. wbo, jvltbbis wife, ws arownca wmie , crossing 4 ease riverj tm 3d inst, was picked up about 17 miles be low ' Sere, vWednesdsyl eTepiue.;x.- 1& lilue child, only ejffhteeo mutbs'4r tine was beaten to death by. ao unknown ' party- on Tuesdav evening t as ? ' l -7 'isoow Hill Advocate: We Ktate fnrlU honofil nf Ih. PM ,... ...1... V'i ners wbo bave cooied its article relative f, tbe Kv; Mr. Sirapson. tbat tis credentials were tendered T but 'not accented. Mr. clmre 'sorry he could not serve' the 1 people of Sjiupaon,-Jio dou-t, . bad good rons .6 for are in. J.eider circuit, for we know they would 1 ma ib .the N. O : Conference superior, to him, if not bis eqdal. s ; . r ' 1 L pNew I&fiiltentocrdt: T6-dav we hv a series o. articled hponi be bota- nyoi CraroHaaUM5se :were asnttea: yearsf and years ago. when old men noto were children f nd though 7 -the botany (f ' ine scate was men mile understood, yet we . in tbii day know that the Jlora ol North Carolina is more varied j than that Of -any iHte amount ; oi territory in the universe, , JNortt uarojinrt is tbe land of flowers, not artificaa!, but natural. Hr daughters are Dianas and tVDes of Venus: No haucrhtv Jiinosjhave we here, but beautiful' ebildrea of Bimplicity rivaling in our estimation a - Jttadonna. . , . j ...... , .... ....... , . - ; - -pxford Free iLfinoe '. Our to- baccoj market is attracting attention from many; other counties. A number of farmers from Mecklenburg coualy, Ya., sold some portions of their crop at one of the ware houses on Tuesdav. A party of capitalists are ; cow making . arrange . menta to start in Oxford at an early day, extensive ' Sassafras Oil Works. : Cbief Eogineeer Hicks informs us that only four miles of the road bed now re mains to be completed, and that tbe work men dn both ends are rapidly approaching each ether. It is expected that the whole v work of grading Will b'finished by the last of ApVil. ; -; 7 :. - : 1 Raleigh Observer:: The De- partnent of Agriculture has sent out over fifteen hundred circulars to the people in ; all pahs of the State in regard to the regis tration of lands, showing the best means of disposing pf surplus lands, where and bow to sell them, etc. A representative of tbe itoore County Mill Stone Company .was in the'city a few days ago. it will be re memliered that this property was purchased last fail by the Taylor Manufacturing Com pany, or Maryland, who are now putting in steam; machinery to manufacture the stones on a l$rge scale. The quality of the grit is said tb be: unsurpassed, and tbe quantity unlimltedl. -iGoldsboro Messenger : Mr.' Guy Lovejoy, who for several years has taugh a successful school at Snow, Hill, has gone to Marion, S. U., to nil a similar position. The Supreme Court has: passed upon : the. appeal of the negro murderer Alex. Uow-ird, amrming.tne judgment ot Wayne Superior Court, and at April Court tbe cul prit Will be resentenced to the .gallows. ran .- a ! Km. - - : a a i ne county jau nas mieen inmaies 1 blacki and 1 white. Two of the negroes are . murdferers Alex. Howard, for tbe killing of old Mr. Oatry,.in SanSpson, abd Deems Simmjona, for the killing of Mr. Lanier. Captain Dixon, in charge of tne JNeuse River; improvement force, is now making rapid progress in tnis airecuoc. 7 7 : ; Greensboro jBeaco: The engi neer corps of this. road having .completed , their labors on the Payetteville end of tbe Cape I Fear .&:Yadkih Valley 'Railroad, ; moved to the Mts Airy, end of the road on Saturday, and art how surveying for pcr manebt location from Greensboro, west by Walnut Cove. An inquest, was held over he body ot Peter Whitfield.1 He re- sidedlin Centre Grove township, and was a very jblack negro, ilis wire . oauie is a briebt mulatto. Rumor bad it that Peter I was iealous. and bad blood was engendered ! between them. On Saturday night Peter was complaining and asked bis wife to give him a dose of calomel. She says she did so. Soon afterwards he was taken with jerking fits, which continued to grow worse until 1 he diqd about daylight on Sunday morn ing. . . ' " ' ' : : . --'Weldon News: In the tax re turns; Halifax county, showed.: a; larger amount of net incomes than. any other codnty in the State, except JMew Hanover. The incomes given in from Halifax reached the " amount ; of $21,553. Xtew Hanover $55,284. Mf. Lowe was Known - all over this country and in every village in , North Carolina for his sublime oratorical - power, and no less for simple, unyielding faith in the Saviour. . He could have com-: manded the applause of any audience : in S'wt wtlVaTnlfe en able to pay wnatnis laieuis aeseiveu I On February flth. 1880; the stockhol I ders of the Scotland Neck Halifax tt. it. Smith's office in the town of gerund Neck, and iupoa examihation of the books of subscription it was found that the 'sum represented was $10, 400. Motion was made to elect president and directors, whereupon the following officers were duly elected : J.R. Tillery, President and Trea surer! Charles Tillery, - Secretary ; J. R. Tillery P. B. Smith, H. U TiUery, W. II Smith and Charles Tillery, Directors. On motion, the present tram road from Rid dle's turnout, on the Wilmington & WeLdon Railroad, totlaiuax roaa, oe aaopiea as ITZTJ. "S- xote the remaining part to be I pari oi ine xouie, u iciuBtut-s i a. locatea nereaiter. I tvMn f a n ? A w I for the cotton factories in Alamance, direct I M-nrv-ii ta.auH-mrPtt- nupd thmnph I til gaturday last. . Two car ioa(jai0f machinery for the cotton factories m Qapu0lph cducty.r from Jjowell, Massa- chrifletts. passed over: the Piedmont A1r at 'High PoinV yesterday. A party :of 8jxteen lafiifes and . gentlemen, on i iheirlway from the North "to Fiona a, I i: . tn.o-nifieent ' halace car. I gwitchedoff at High Point last night and 1 jit BDend to-day viewine the attractions of that nrettv bum. 4 Messrs. Houston & , ' Bro., of this city, during the week ending ; 4 yesterday at 5 o'clock, P.M., bought 81 ; raccoon -skins, 196. muakrat,J 77 mink, 2 ; otter, 12 fo?, l;080 opossum and 15,224 rain i bit. akins;? During tbe same) period they u shiirped ) 12,800 :-rabbit f skins and1 650 ' -' pounds of rags. : r Mr. W S. Moore : : shipped tbe thirdilot of- 5 bales; 928f ' dozen s, or 1 1,121 rabbit I skins : to-day, : , with jouite a lot ot assorted -fine skins Ijon nana, aou uwus m ? uu . ouuacu. I was in the offiovt- a gentleman at Wilkes- I boro Some days ago, where I met a number of geatlemen livlBg In iYadkin, Wilkes, I Alexander, Iredell abd "Watauga counties. 1 1 and the question of the.' political campaigo j I nf 1ftf)A fTnnKt tih i7Df YVMtrU thA 1 . 113 . t V i cauuiupcy ior un puauuB ui jvi--vi.wh ; discussed.? iput tne quesuon now.masy. i hiere are for Jarvis? the reply 'wav none. . How many are for Fawhr-a,.!We ate: all for Fowle," said tbe small assemblege.. My opinion is' that it hr generally conceded 1baV -Fowle is to be tbQ candidate ; for Governor this year, V-. t 1. v i m f:E t 1-' f

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