w jun-rni- r - --"-V - ' t - ' , j )r ,.. ,t J. ' -intiii - t - "i iimii n iliiti 1.1 it i ',M, .g,-, rr ..iMaiM .!'iw.. .s.-t. -i-m 'm " "( t-j. 1 Min""" "J ,w,'"'"'"' 1 " 1 w . r on Mt jOf 1 f . 1 r. i ww ww : . v mm. m m r w w ti .- - .. rr . rw . m --r i r r mm. 'v i if tarn. - 1 . v - . . .. 1 . . j - t . - s v a a 1 .-..mm . m m ( a - c-v - - l i - r-. . ' r .- - ... k w j - 1 w 7 n v & t v v. -i ; t ... J.,, . i i -T'f. ofiavt'- ' - 'i - , , . . ; , i . ,u i-j. ' . : ' ' ' ; ' VU1 $ 1 .5Q a Tear, in advance. S M IS a 28S8SSSSSS8gSgSSg WimiNGM!0 FRIDAY MARCH 6, 1880. ne w-f-be dedicated ttje iRaad lem CJorton Factory with religion enrices oo ibt.- lot h x insl. Jn Randolpli count nTftu . ? w - , Raleigh Mibhfal JZecorlen Hev. A. DJ Coben'a field of labor lor Ibis year JSOi-iy1 I Monchre, Manly; Cameron and Sanford seveQ; appoinlnwjDis per tatutim lu "sqjnoK 9 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I i . t -rf"i?; i j " vy. v , w-w 1 rErrJTi'iTp ------ It w not niotereD&tp kaow tbe.i to ensrwte in eenertl tktBifS0fttWi. Nlfrflh veUfcr t.rf,s.hi9-;: people, the gggggggggggggggggil kuivu w uvuio- i ugpy bUSb UUbU parLlCB Will UCttl WIW I ujmmiwi m.vi9vii,gi1 uiubu , s?iaK5:BKSSSPSSS viuo,i ou liouix. viDcumau ann uai-r 1 the oteat railroad eleDhant as a sort the ubhoWinf? oi ine iaws, tne per- SSSSS8S8g88S8S8S 1 3tg6 by the ( two rate?, Jbj qvi0 Stowmal4nsjwl4ch4heylhaYa 2 I Pack Town thence . o Ohattaogaf arid; wU oaite 4tf disosidg - of the pedtetaoy of a change at present: OJUUUlUlUg bV S288SS88fefe'SS8SS S88S88SSSS8S838SS' T;;rr i' . . . - .... . j . . -i ar said elaDhant in the taamier tromwed aSSSSSSiSSSSSS I j-he distances ajo as follows; n I or in some other" way : that 'iriay be prontaoie, iair, 8aieranjpatrpua. b. !!! 8f88?f8SS8S888sW t'sssssssssssssssss Preliminary EuailotU.on or Henry j r :Crue, Charsted WItn I.arcony and ' : Ano t . Henry Crusecolored, had a prelimiaary examination before1 Justice Gardner, yes terday moroiiigfOa the serious cnarges of I pocketed the money, inasmuch as, Oldham j ult oc )o. got none, although tuey got more r .- - than B.FJ Mitchell &. Son did oa cou- Raleigh Observer: We learned signment !, they t made to another of the Tuesday from a gentleman of thia'crty 'that niog. i vvuai uuyou luina. vjiuuiu,ix m. i ne nap U8l.Deen lniormeu oi a i!ornmrn got? . J.I was a statement or account cttueu July 'ith, showing aJjalaj)cedjieD C . Seymour of $$7.55 aaiost ; the peas, uf ter crediting proceeds of sales of 98 sacks He at tbeisame time advised Oldham & Co. to held balance of peas for another t . , ; . a- -- ........ - - . ............. B i 00 . - i - iuwt ut o so o o i eo o e jo sp t-. t-. 1 1. k Entered at the Poet Office at Wilmington N. C, as second-class matter. ; Subscription Prikce. The subscription price of the Wkkk Star is as follows : ' nge Copy 1 year, postage paid, fl.50 Urrpnv n1 raon. The first warrant i season, as he had nreaeTved them with lime iMPOfiTANT. eharges him with stealing a table, bureau, 1 f? Bd they would do to hoid oyer wTi . . : . . ... . I until tlnotber .season. . Io. December, Old- Prom Wilmiogtoa- t lf ii K Dtbfitable. fair, safe ani Datriotio. L Thhs.fat ibeindications are that P"CBer uptuju. a Co. thinking Seymour must b tired To Kuox?Hle....;. ...... t 389 miles ... ' . V . 1 :. -. , TfiVia L l: " ' nr """ t? Joan A. naers..inuwBseHcnauueaiinM ot homing the peas, ordered., them turned h'ktUnooea....iVi. 446 MilesM Bftt WO are tmM!Mft t&etnerlK LWfJ? uftvf?f w u6- . M.rSaBder8.;hovaefat over to Root. Carey. Co. SeymooMells, FromKnoxville i 1 , J' r ! Will not allow th& DefaScata to do tfe4 pemocraUrna "by a large ma- I hifl ril t eftr thia 0'Di the aCterty Pettr? B? w,the 5har?e8: To LLoui8.i.i. ...... 4LumUes i, ; . I. i "---- . XT i ...u i-tr.:" , .Jx.Aii t! 1 f varey laereupou uecuneu io laKe uieui, uui T6 SunS.X .T,7- J U .they pleatej' that-.Wic tay that Mi-" .o?0 prominent Neif -1 aoon of the 19th f.Pebrqafy, 1879. ; The Laenv oam & Co. a sample of same. To Iiouisvilje 198 mites 1 ilimr win ntttA ihZri n trirftErifflknd . Deraoctate is proeressmg. same, night the house, Which was only in- .wmcnturnea out tope a iocs, t-eas ana not ToChicago;. ....... ........ 4l0mnes 7" r s7Z."r4t Zt- .-. laii 'J 'iJf.5 v:- hkhitin fhWt!me?Mk!Skmlers sleeo- rVysbich were shipped Dyuianamcsuo. FromChattanooga- i --v;:?! elephant and then go. borne witbout io iwuuvu u - - . . The chmte changed them, or w be- Toat. IiOUis.j....,..,'i...;. 398 foflea .nvti;nw . 1 ntairr in thft South. Unt there is "& v" : . " cause lDeymour was. uouesi, ana .am To Cincinnati,... ...i...i 298mUei J l . - , . . )i r----, - s . ground.-jThe articles IwereiaiiDSauyi notbMong.to anyring. Nevertheless he uid tsee-more DiacK tnaa ciay peas in me game, which caused HJT T:i I -1 J h.n.h na. Is , . - T i t i f , , -i .. i f eiffhtv six'to 'sav wnen inev win aa i iroauieu at viuuiiukvvi . wiwu xur. in iwucewcu m vi jj i ai-eaqe -wrore. s.- nran , an--aorucj tu I i.s t - . i Lii-i-;mn T io Vnnivn t.Ht. - t.h and remo'Tea'ihem W m':carX aW'ttrtwd f New Orieana,-directing him to .call on" Mr.' UCU a uiailUQi ,.v. " " " . I r " I Hu.n.An. fn- tha nana onH n nau all luwflll AftPrwnrdn. tellisp one of thft WitBCteeS WHO I ""TV , To Louisyilie.... J...J,. 233 miles . .sQn0 msnaii.QaU one 0wwdrel jund igeodipxcwpeol, fW? W wpen?r Ifoanhin the Doaaessieiket Beoxy .Gnue. .1 jfioold SBeenm black tb 4 I. f fiirrnTTT fliviTA aw tDnon vnnir ixriii nnr i t t-oti nim hl . y i iif liimnLii. . wilu aui xi.- i uuuucaicu iu a :vwiiuu vi uiauv uv j i hl-41rw tbtoib'' From Wamineton 7 . i V " v J " V " T . . .TT T .. 1 l l.Vi?JJL.iXA nJ7ii,ua 10 uoicago via vnaiianooga . . u-o mues i juuiu oww s. To Ubicgo via Knoxville. ... 897 miles To Cincinnati via Chattanooga 733 miles two THIRDS RULB To Cincinnati via Knoxville. . 617 miles;! , . , To St. Louis via Chattanooga. 830 miles 1 he .Democratic papers are discuss- To St: Louis via Chattanooga. 799 miles I ins the twO-thirds rule that prevails To Louisville via Knoxville.. G21 miles m the National Convention., The editor of the Louisville Courier-Jour-nai ls a warm personal and politioal friend of Tildens. ; It makes this statement, and it is important: ot mow fnrthpp fit nt n us within our 6 months, 3 1.00 .50 So it is seen that -Wilmington is Republicans only require a majority poajtiJe knowledge, that Str. THden does bond In the sum of $100 for his-appearance and ! sarerto these cities bv the Paint vote to select candidates. The two- notsedk the nomination, but that be is at the next term of the Criminal Court. J8, FOltKGONK rONOLIISION. We copy elsewhere from Governor Jarvis's argument in favor of the sale of the Western North Carolina Uail-ro:i-.!. VVe have; already.; given ! the Syndicate bill in full, and hence it is ni)t necessary to give the Governor's synopsis. Let the people" , read the ln.il carefully. After awhile we may offer ho me comments upon it.: 'Wo m. y say here, that if the arguments u w used to induce the sale had Wen lined hy tho advocates of the roal when they wanted the East taxed to build it. there Would never have beeu a dollar raised for the pur pose or a foot of railroad constructed. It will be interesting reading to place the highly colored, roseate " hued speeches of the friends of the West ern North Carolina about the; time the taxes were being laid for the thirds rule was first introduced -in 1835 by the late Hon. Romulus M. 51 miles Saunders, of this State. The rule g.jg8: has worked well in some instances, , . .121 miles but it is not universally popular. The r.aatin about for some one who may Hit the burdens of the canvtss from his shoul ders without sacrificing the party." This is explicit. It is "within the positive knowledge" of Mr. Watter son that Mr. Tilden will not seek the TUB BA1LBOAD QUESTION. Let it be understood, the Stab is COUSirUCllOU Oi LIIO OUIU ruau, auuut liuu upuscu vu ct oaic ui iuo iw soubiu whichT heavy, unbearable, outrageous, NorthiCarolina Railroad. It is not oppressive taxes ho much -)s said even opposed to a salejof that prop- ..t 'imar't h -si.lp ihft warmlv ertv to "the said William J. Best and juuv ..v .. ,y " , J I ( his associates." But we do say that nearer Rock route, and by 4the' following number of miles: , r To Louisville. ........ . To St. Louis.. .'. T Chicago:........... To Cincinnati. . If the road from f Rockingham, old Whig party never adopted any nomination. He, however, is seek Richmond county, to Salisbury is such rule. We notice that some of ing his successor. He proposes to built the distance will be shortened, oar Democratic exchanges are very name1 the man one whofc can "lift It would look, from this table, to a earnest in their denunciations of the the burdens of the canvass from his disinterested mind as if in favor of rule, and demand its repeal. The I shoulders." tho Paint Rock road, nbw nearly com- J Charleston Hews and Courier, for in- pletod. It is the shortest route irom stance, says: I "Oiia Arfrnment acrainst the tws-thirds rule is that it operates to defeat the strong- I eD8 aa a novelist. He tried to read est candidates. There is force in mis view. The small fry cau nearly always prevent the nomination of the most ! conspicuous candidate by dividing more than a third of the whole vote amongst other canuiuates, and when the convention is tired out, a candidate of the negative type azainst whom, as for whom, there is no- by tb KoOAVillc rouU thao by the JSS.JSiS T,,U h l"' and Buchanan were not the strongest and I less, out it is not bouuu crinyiom highest available Democrats by any means. DjgkoUg j8 charming. Iu pathos and UUTGIUUI UCYUIVU1 a UVUUUOhlvu mw saw him that if 'she said' anythmg about it gfght for jhe same. Labatt -made the de . be would kill her. The articles ia question mahd if or the peas according to shipping were in court and were fully identified , as marks Seymour could not deliver peas by .v . . QmA- kVU .,, said marks, because they had changed as the property of Mr. Bander both by him- bad eaa- He asked fo Ume self and others. He was ordered to give I to make uo his account. He being honest truthful,, thought the best thing to be was to put the peas in new sacks. TOhip.h: wnnld ohvia.te the necessity of hia Defendant was next 'arraigned on the I accountinii for the marks. For this labor Charge of having; on or about . the 10th of j be only -charged 31 cen ts per sack, while Wnvm r,P! tln threa lurkevs. the nroner- 1 c barges should not have exceeded ty of Mr: Sanders. The turkeys were traced to the house of his mother, Minerva Ennett, and it Was in evidence that when Mr. San ders missed the turkeys the next day, and went to tbis house to enquire about them, they were hustled into the loft to prevent Mr. S. from seeing them; that they were carried 12 cents per sack. . When this was accom plished, he found his account was still too small, !su he adds one month's storage, in surance and interest, more than the time the peas had been in his bands. He also charges Oldham & Co. with a draft aad interest, drawn on him by J. I. Metts & Co., Wilmington, on a shipment they had made, in which Oldham & Co., had no interest whatever. He further adds$6.50 for ad- the great North west ti thin city. Since the above was in type we have noticed that the distances given are as the crow flies and not as the roads are actually constructed. The figures show, however, that Wil mington is nearer to the cities named way of Chattanooga. Old Thurlow Weed thinks that Thackeray is not comparable to Dick- "Heniy Esmond," which be very properly considers the best of his there by Henry Cruse, where they were J vertisihg, and for commissioSs $43.80, on picked, and taken away the following day day to be disposed of. Defendant was ordered to give a bond of curreace ia Chatham coiknty A negro-1 -by ' the ndme of iiynuuv-was stid to, nave ami raged;u small white chili md it bve kiiiwt her by his brutality. , No further pirncuUt.-i of tbej elfair could be gatbeied. .. -rf jNow Berne Democrat: Oar com munity was startled early yesterday after noon y the announcement of the vudden. jdeathlof Mrs. S. S. Guion, wife of Dt J. A. Guion, of apoplexy. Mrn. Gniun wait most jstimable and. charitable, cbribtinu " .lady, md the sick,- and the poor and needy . wilig eatly miss the "mihistratlonBaodtbo 6pen-l landed liberality wb'rch diaractt-rizcd her hfe: . - j I . A. negro man by the nama of George McFaydeo sbo:, aud "Ft "is thought, mortally wounded his wife, on Sunday, the 15th instant, on Drowning creek, in this Count r. ' . Capse, jealousy,,Geofg l.aTao, shot twice tat young negro -man -wnuni lie Bcilherof the shots tooki-,iifreci. Hocking 7iam $piriL ,( ',, , ... . Winston. ,iea7er: Never be fore in the annaTs .of. Winston as tobacco, markek has there been such a quantity of' the weed" brought here j as' there was last week. .The oldest .tobacco T men say they have seen nothing like it before. It ia estimated that nearly two million of duMam have Been pajd out. to our farmers for "iie leaf" since ih hrt of ht- year: That ia thewy we do business up here.. . - Charlotte Observer: Ve believe we have as good hotel accommodations as can be found in the State, not even except ing Raleigh and' Wilmington. The opera house here wili seat 1,000 delegates, the court ihouse will hold '500, 1,500- can be packed into Oate's Hall, 2,000 could be seatedjin the third story of Sanders & Biack wood'i new building, ou College street, by providing seats,-and Independence Square will hild all the people that will come here. Wadesboro Herald: We are pained tb chronicle the death of Mr; Char lid Smiths which took place .last Sunday. We learn that the small grain. crops iu $100 for bis appearance in this case. Cruse was next called to answer to the charge of stealing a quantify' of pork, the property of Mry ' BanderiMtiebTOr a month ago. The evidence was to the effect Ahsbtt are- looking unusually well. There was a slight fall of snow here on last works, and he could not become in- tnat lne Darn j tvbien the meat 'was kept terested in it. He can always read Dickens; cryohe is greatly Thacke- and wants more: and even is not satisfied at that, but wants to whip Oldham & Co. be cause h'e shipping marks will not stay on the sacks And clay peas all turn black and : 8peckled.,aad.got mad because Oldham & Co. requested "him' td send "the old sacks back to them at itheir expense. He would not even do this, saying they were so badly cult by rats that they could not be identified. Oh for morn Rincme.n! Give us a Ririe mem was tuai ne snoma ueciiue vuo uoirn- i tl,o mkator aF Thaftkerav.and nrobftblv I firp.d nnon them with a eun he had in his I man everv time in Dreference to such cattle nation rohir-h who tPnHftrprl him. whea it I ...,r--. .... I nT.P. the peas which be could, not sell, making a total Of $426.70 against the peas, and says, ;most positively, that he will not turn hvnr th npna In T.hat.t. nr unir One else until this amount is paid. The Wrida4 niffht. f The telenhone wire bun public can., see very well that this arrived, and is being put up. That man does not belong to any ring, most Excellent and interesting daily,; the because the Ring merchants will allow Wilmihgton Star, is bpw publishing mi 50 ceots per bushel on good clay peas" eveaiog edition- which is' a great eon vehi in New Orleans, even if they are quoted at nce to the jsubscribers ou . the Carolina $2.50 per. bushel, while Seymour takes all Centrift ' Railway. We think. the Best in a barrel was broken into at night and the meat Btolen. Mr. W. H. Salmon was sleep ing in the back part of the barn, and bearing the noise made in the act of breaking in, he burned out and was just in lime to see three men making their way . from the really an exceptional case. The arrange-j humof, in laughter and tears, he is j Darn with bags on their shoulders. He became evident that Pendleton could not I of any other writer of faction, tie is be nominated, and oroDose instead Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio ! But Governor Seymour, broke down, physically -and mentally, was taken home by a zealous mend, ana. re mamed the candidate of the party." irresistibly charming. ! We never tire of him. We can read him again and tint ml. arnest L nersuasive'. high wrought aiJPfiaU. , to. .sell. ou .u I it "ought not to be wld; tm th terms It is urged on the other hand, that r..ad at. this iinuortaut hour of the proposed in the bill printed in the the candidate of a great party for its -r , I t? . c rni j I I kirrloat. nffip.PB ftnerht. tn hft Jihlfi t.n oh. old biate's destiny, la ibs ana ai- omk ol I . " T?. . V.L:"Vn. the author of "Vanity Fair" and H".8"" terwards, when the Western North We are not prepared to say whe- tain ,wo-tairus ot .no ueiega. u , , . - E8mond -hesum of $100 nan Carolina was so strongly urged, and ther Merte offered for the property is plausible, but it has not worked delightfal tectures on the when taxes were uotning or out oust is a xair equivaiem-or put, uut uU a - - Huradrists and the Georges must go hand, when the thieves dropped their bags, one of them. crying out ;"Oh, God?" Rosa Ames, with whom Cruse was staying at the tim tPRtiftpri that defendant had told her again j and with renewed interest al- hQ wa3 gojngafter the' meat, but that upon ways.' But ho is not Thackeray's I coming back later he said be had met with equal ! where that great writer is I bad luck, and detailed the circumstance of strongest. In satire and protnnaity oeiag ureu uu ao " barn with the meat, ana saia mat ne nau him. FTfinrv Esmond" 1 Bond in the sum of $100 required in this case. . i r 't 1 I - . in lne balances, ii you wouiu usieu lu the jidvocates, the State was really very poor, and the taxes were op pressive beyond belief. Then it was nothing to nnaertaKe iue rausi gigau careful reading of the bill it strikes us that the conditions are not altogether satisfactory. ! I under the operations of tho rule. It The bill seems to be loosely drawn, is to be noted, however, in the case of and in the hands of astute lawyers I the three mentioned by the Charles- . . I . - . r i . .1 . i m. .u ite tic schemes, and enterprises of great I may bo construed to j mean almost I ion paper, tuai, wuiwi. tuey wo i Kith and moment were entered upon I anything. Thirty-three words em- negative type," they were all elected, 'oMfh.HH. liMiiannv. and with a bold- brace all that is said cdncernine dis-1 which was the mam end in view. ;: I . . i . . neas bordering on the heroic. But I crimination in transportation rates, ten or twelve years afterwards, when l and there is a vagueness and latitude j passed the following resolution : the Mate has reauy improvea ana in many ui iue provisions iiiab uugub r. euperated, there is haste to sell out, to bo thoroughly eliminated by the atid tlie taxes are made to appear as sharp knife of scrutiny, enormous. Well, so they are, and We hope the bill will be'carefnlly tliey were enormous in 1S72 when a and thoroughly examined by every Democratic Legislature was aiding in member of the Legislature, and the thu construction of this, very North soondest and ablest lawyers in the Carolina Railroad. State' will be consulted as to its bind- ' We are not arguing -the question ing force and effect. to-day. It is a foregone conclusion We do not hesitate jto say that the that the sale will be made. We are bill .ought not to pass in its present impressed with the wonderful "change shape. It needs amendment if its that has come over the spirit of" the guarantees aro to be worth anything "dreams" of some of the politicians to the people of North Carolina, and and candidates for office. We can bu? the members of the Legislature, who remark, in passing, upon the contrast are the servants of the people, should is the . . . , ii ud head. Such, we take it, men nave not oeen cnosen generally . - . ' geueroi vciuiub amuug iuq muow w oal readers. Such, at any rate, is our The arson case was next taken up. Mr. Sanders and Minerva Ennett both swore that tbeliouse was locked upon the evea- Clay Pea. The Cow Pea Bins Once more. As a conclusion to the discussion of the subject of a "Cow Pea RiDg" in the Stab, we give the subjoined extract from a letter from E. Lepage & Co., prominent mer chants of! Norfolk, Vs., to Messrs. B. F. Mitchell & Son, of this city, which shows that other communities besides ours have suffered from the "little irregularities" of the New Orleans "Ring:" . ,4We noticed the piece in the Norfolk Virginian, of yesterday, headed 'The New syndicate 'we now knoworbearof ialhe one I thatjjtoposes to buy, the western JMorth Carojina" Railroad, .and finish it to Paint Rock, jand also the other branch from Ash ville td Ducktown. We will be the biggest ' j set of fools North Carolina has produced, if we don't sell the road to the syndicate at any price, if they will bind themselves to com- ; plete it. ! I Kinston Journal : A good edu catiou will be worth more to the next gene ration than all the State's railroad interest, j Log rollings aretieeoming frequent all over the county. There was one at Johu Rhem'a last week, at which there were near 100 bahds.Bndyetthe work was not finished. Jesse H. Hardy's steam saw and wa ter grist mills," near " La Grange, were ' burned on Thursday night last. The fire ! was accidental. This makes the fourth- -time his mill has been burned since the war. Thomas Harper, of Trent town ship, killed three otters at Lawson's mill week before last, at one shot. The hide9 brought him $18 in-Gpldsboro. . Do the Raleigh politicians ever form such wicked things as cliques and rings? N, never!! Such talk is only "balderdash," The steamer Neuse has' been loaded Orleans Cow Pea Ring,' and you gentle- ing .of the 19th of February, 1879; that 1 men so far do those thieves justice that j d0wa With euano on her-eeveral trips up mere was uu ura m, iiuie, ouu uia 1 ma wiujuoiug unu .uisitoe i tue rteuse or late. the furniture afterwards louna in me pos- i King, enouia De puDiisnea. iou are not ftpssion of Cruse was in it. Mr. S. and Mi- I the onlv ones who suffered. We got nut own view. Let us add, that in deli- nerva Ennett returned the next morning in to the tune ol several thousand dollars. . , . . rj i and found the house burned. Rosa Ames From the 24th March to the 8th May cate irony he has no rival, ne de- swore that Cruse had told her he was going (as bur books will show) we shipped on scribes human character as it is. and to burn the house because Mr. Sanders had consignment to Newman & Jones 2,010 in thi respect he very greatly excels 1 H6 na tnreatened to bUrn u the night be- composed of highciayrwixed whlprand 7,U " 7 : : T o U in ok y rival of the Victorian age. forerbtat sh preyaMdolmQo some blacks. They bad instructions from SXraS The Democrats at St. Louis in 1876 J ttnA so. The next night, between the hours of the first to sel at highest market price and e or ,alvf8neak anthoritativelv wher Goldsboro Messengers Mr. C. C. Rich, near Faison's, has a cow that is the happy mother of twin calves, and the won der is that one is three days older than the other-rone being born Monday morning and the other tie Thursday following. Both calves are doing well. Oar Smithfield correspondent, nmong other probably Gu- His style, too, is more idiomatic and I 8 A a l0 Octock.' after sheliadedne'to bed, fresher than Dickens's, who. ereat as she discovered the; fire shining through the wire sale. We continued urging them to sell until June 6th, we keeping posted by ti 7 3 rut... u A ai2t.. V. .amunt.) I ' to I .-..i,.;-. it.A liniiia onil PniOR viltinff f Ha llailarai f rrm nthar hnncoo nhrf Irnnminff irintniPt thp.ir deleir&teaio4lDemocratic I he is, abounds in some obiectionaDie floor M if oe had lostliis mind. She told I what the peas should command; So we National Convention to be held in 1880. whether it be desirable to continue the two thirds rhle longer in force in National Con ventions, and that the National Committee insert such request in theall for the next Convention: mannerisms. him to cry fire, but he refused . to do so, I telegraphed' one day to sell the peas at once when she herself "gave the alarm. "Assist- i at best prices obtainable. They took no ance then came, but not m time to save the l notice even of that. So we turned an or- This resolution should not be neglected by the people of the States. In so mo way there should be an ex- house. 1 There was other evidence to tne effect that Cruse bad made threats to oe re venged on Mr. Sanders. At the conclusion of the testimony in this case defendant was ordered committed Geul Longstreet has declared him self in favor of Grant for a third term. ; lie thinks Grant can carry North! Carolina, Georgia and Lou- J Withbht benefit of .bail, and he was tb istana.! it all of the uonieoerate t?S rritaterf that Cuse i. . -. t i i . r.T--i- tl. -i --lm- r. rr .- -,-: .. . Dression of opinion. It is one of eneram were raaue oi sucu ...SX: ..Ktt"""tt.r". . , 1. . -.. ::ii TV?-.-. ne is rant, wouia ue xiciabur ur der to Dymond & Gardes for all of them. This was in the height of the Club glory. No drafts at all were on the goods. They sent sales at ruinous prices (being pushed up to the notch), for about one half of the. peas and Messrs. uymona oc tiaraes got the balance. Thev were as deep iu the Club Ring as the balance, and we jumped Thev held until Dortch. VVe SDeak authoritatively when say that Mr. Dortch's name will not go be fore the Convention with his consent, Gen. Ransom's force of the flense river have reached the W. & W. Railroad bridge, and will now prepare to return to New Berne, keeping on " with Ihe good work of improving the river -aa they go. Sampson correspondent: Some of our local Democratic politicians are forecasting a possibility by alluding to Mr. Dortch, of Goldsboro, as the next Democratic nomi nee for. Governor of North Carolina. ' Gov. Jarvis finds not many followers in SamDsen. He has few apologists even. Your correspondent does not believe there those rules that may or may not be fortunate in a given instance. L. Q. Washington, in his last letter to the Richmond Commonwealth, says: I "I met sometime ago one of Mr. Tilden's warmest friends ia the.. West a distin guished jurist and a politician .of much . . 3 i I . . ir I weigm. no wu i nuum usioi presented in tne. arguments usea oy i not. uesuauj io empioy-Bvcry puooioie i tnink0f: nominating Mr. Tilden by any- ..,.;::.. ml..n (l.nv nriah lha non- I Q-i(annan) that nam ltii fiiifrrrniiiail It hi Hi? leSS than a tWC-thirds VOtC He did pie to submit to heavy taxation for a , . .. . I GOOD WISHES snven purpose, ana wnen tney wisn .... t j , i .u . .u Now let the Democratic members of the to persuade the people that they Legislature keep in lasting; remembrance o.icrht to sell out dirt, road-bed. right the special, session', of Congress; and re- m w an 1 all great and they fpnin frniA oil 1 aim ia I a tXt'un : whlAh : m4 v rlani- of way, cross, ties, iron, rolling-stock age their party in the approaching contest. because their burdens are Stale Itxciange. i ought not to bear J We clipped the above Iroin one of them any longer. We repeat, let the oar State exchanges, Sand failed to arguments as to taxation now em- note which one. What is said is all ployed to urge and justify the sale be very well provided it lean be done. usedLalso when a proposition to con- j There are two parties m the Legisla- struet i uppermost, and there would never be a foot of railroad construct 'l in the State. The Bible teaches the wisdom , of counting the cost before you under take to build. But we reserve our comments for another time. This is only a thought thrown out by way of introduction ' to the Governor's juHtiiication of his course. He man-- 'apes hia case verv welh It is an ture. One of them is not specially anxious that the Democrats should make any political capital out of the extra sessiob and the sale of the rail road elephant; There are some sharp, cunning, watchful fellows among them,, and they may not choose to thin, less than a two-thirds vote. not believe in the expediency of nominating any man who was not acceptable to two thirds of the Democratic National Conven tion . For one I should regard a change as most unfortunate. It is only just to the different candidates named for this position to say that there is hardly One of them who would care to receive the nomination unless he Could get a two-thirds vote." In arguing the case, which we have not attempted, much could be said on both sides. Viewed abstractedly it has an undemocratic, unrepublican look. We are all taught from our childhood that in this country majorities rule. But is this true ? Do not a few hun dred men control this country? The -Veto, and Courier, thinks the majority mle will give the South far more power in ' the Convention. It says it can practically say.; who shall be nominated. That paper says; "There is more true conservatism and Emperor before two years. When a fellow! does begin to go on a down grade and with no brakes he goes fast and far. If Grant or any other Republicans carries North Carolina it will be the fault of the Democrats. They have it in their power to save thia St,ate. Will they do it? The Republican have strong hopes of .uey ueiu uuui i , : . - ---. -,t,on ndnftvvrdrfrom that of-Mr. Sanders' July and gave us sales at 50 to 75 cents for tZ- jaX ... 'w - : . I .- - I . . . " Tl T Clays, ana oiners in proportion, ituw yuu which was burnt. Not .can well see, it was not only your men who got robbed That man Felix A. Jones, 102 Graviet. street, is spreading his letters and cards over the Pea country again. We have them regularly ourselves; have one to rn 2 "refrain from all legislation which may damage the Democratic party f ar mor unselfishness, in National affairs, "in the appTOachine contest.' We anfong the Southern Democrats than among rr . 6 i I tho NnrthArn Pemnnatg. The Hrtnthern hope for the- best. , We trust democrats do not wish that a Southerner shall be placed in nomination for either PMMnt nr V5r ;TrABHp.nt'i Their Rnla may come from the session. We hope J aim is to perpetuate the Union as it is, with iht Keogh HA Ike Yttrng, ad Dick Sg$S3Z Badger and Shaffer, land Albertson important that the active political strength , r t j - of the South should be increased whenever ana jeni, ,i.uB there is a favorable opportunity, as there Reade,f and. Bynuin anp itodman, and; now is." enious attorney's plea to Justify; I that no" "damage to j (our) party" a certain line of procedure. Hepublican committeemen in Penn sylvania are largely in favor of Blitin- rin rf -' 1 fil 7 resnonses re- ,n;.,.A i. vr vu.m.ih'A Holden add the rest of: the leaders t The South must bavo no candidate, Blaine has i,landGraritrbttV274.iaynotp and it ought tp take care that no man ButP.n.tv,a vot 'btrickerV party in the Legislature to protract is nominated who is not of unsullied will be cast for the latter ! 1 the session for twentydays and make character and unquestioned patriot For. the Star: ; Itlembr Hew Orlean Cot Pea mfr. : We would like to give the public an I dav. dated 19th. asking- for a trial ship- idea of the manner Cow Peas are handled: ment, and we hve been sent several from k- m nn . .m w nf lha Na4 Orlflftns hr North Carolina farmer friends in Hyde by ainannota membecof UieNewOrleans and otDer C0UDtiea We know every man Cow ?ea Ring; D.- - O.- Sey mour is the bd was engaged in' the ringthe so-called man, axiealer in cow peas, asd-called cotu- commission merchants. One of the firms, iSSlt-' -2iS biuna S 2&2S.-2S8Z tively ahd avows that lie does apt belong tot. -ttat)8-td catcn the unweary. We shall keep . I " - - ! " . ( " ' " -" ' . Jl IJ . J 1. gaming one or more congressmen i any ring, cmo or commnation iormea to r au tne oiras out we can ana aenounceiue and electing their State ticket. Will defraud; consignors pttaw Peas.,. Op this wnoie gang aa inana impose,. the Democrats allow it? Gen. Apa- ouni ne ciaioa Be a- xi vreaa nr , .1, . handle consignments of peas than ahy of We learn that there was a very pleasant thy defeated the Democrats in 1878, Ring, croW(L t us ihow you his gathering at the residence of Mr. G. W. The same General may rout -them in WAthoi W. P. Old- Hewlett, at Masonboro Sound, on Friday 188Q. It is possible t'o nominate a ham & CO. V !a : the spriag : of 1879, had night, Composed of from ninety to one to give some of the brethren a chance to State iicket that can sweep North about liObOW-toneir: htindred persons, including several from ,3 opinion is worth a straw in politics who do not see tnat tne uovereor nas maue a iaiui mistake. ' Greensboro Patriot: There are thirteen prisoners in Guilford county jail, seven whites and six negroes. ; We are informed that our spoke and handle facto ries can't supply the demand, and one of them is three months behind in its orders. The bandies made in this establishment are entirely! to fill European demand. We saw there la;st week a large pile of spoke timber sawed eut and ready for'shipment to Rus sja j Within the past week forty-one emigrants, with ten children, left this point for. homes in the Western States. Among thflm wa' Mr MaSBey, formerly a promi nent citizen of Stokes county, who with bis wife and eight children will locate in Mis sour.. They were people who bad seen bet ter days. Another party of thirty-six will leave ThomaSvllle during next week. We put in our nid. for Greensboro jut Carolina. Will will show. it be done? Time sacks, in the haads'ojf 3y 0. . Gibbons & Co., New Orleans. -fThte ibf8j'kiad: and gen erous hearted s-called gentleman "wrote W. P. Oldham -; Co. tronx.twa to. three letters this City, the occasion being the celebration by Mr. H. and his wife of their tin wed ding! Our informant states that there was almost enough assorted ware on hand to P w.ee n&Z t op a; tin-shop, and that the affair proved ihAi,.. HftwonltFwriiBfihs-- to be an exceedingly Thett t itth of history is very impor tant specially in regard - to battles. Gettysburg is a famous instance. . The Washington ' letter to the Baltimore Sun says: 'GensHancock, Slocum, Wright, Gib- honsi Doubleday and other Union Generals tne maretwerecorrect,the8e ranging from have! all! united In a petition to Congress I i -a f i 75 nerbnshfel. asking the adoption of measures to secure w p oidham & Co. being provoked on the top of the head, which .3 of oak, are the maps and bistj-ncsl data of the battle w5th Gibbons & Co. for not selling their -.. BnrBTroA nn Buvor ror.monn of Gettysburg of Mr. Bacheler; which they gtSSS Gibbous., June 6th. to turn ljA. c y convey the morttEUthfal and valuable fhe Pea8 over, l0 Seymour the generous Criage 6mhe history pi tne pattier . . apd noble ted jo-ued c valuable souvenir. Thr i nn dnnbt of the accuracv merchant. Didhbsell the- peaswfieo he , . -i - - , r.w .r nt nnAoeffiion or tnemr no. uia ne-con- 1 !. -r... i. a -ri-i 1 1 un,tuc j.tc c.ow and value of Mr. Bacheler'fl maps. nuVtokeeD01da-Co--8te4with J uagj eremian o. iao wa uru the Department of Agriculture will begin their npna He WOUIO WrttO-'lnUS "Had I your peasTnere-woffld be'nd "trouble for me tOJffet mdre than one dollar "and a half per bushel for them, because I "sold peas from your city last week for "mnrn than that, not Cooal to yours in "quality.' He claimed, the, quotations of an exceedingly enjoyable one to all present. I ' A Handaome Present. Col. ohn D. Taylor received by express yesterday morning a handsome ! walking cane,rall the way from Dallas, Texas. His name is: inscribed on the silver band, and which seems to think she has a pre-emption claim on all conventions. ' Any of the points mentioned by the Star would eu.it us well enough. " If we had jany preference it would be Charlotte. I - Raleigh farmer and Mecbah ic : Veni, nidi, vici! Please raise the "tchune," brother; Best ! Astonishing as It may" seem, we record in this number five differ ent instances of women burned to deaths and the same number of deaths by heart disease,! within the limits of North Carolina during the-past. week! - -Now for the school bill ! We presume there1 can be no objection to rectifying the little .errpr or Mr. , but, by the way, wouldn't it be as well to begin with a committee tb inquire bow the little lapsus happened to lapse? The Supreme Court dismissed the case of the State vs. Swepsoa.l and others from Wake county. , At the end of another month, the fourth year of the existence of ... r u - histri-weekTyletters?().:.DidBOepIy in Pennsvlvania January 10, 1810. The Agricultural and Geological Bureaus occ onn caroim- wu8u..w wu j &co.'s f requent telegrams nd p , together have spent about $77,uuu during fnr t.hfivHhnwthat on theiAiVa' hp1rf v No. Did h "advise Ihem -.that bis He was Chief Justice of Pennsylva- the pa8t three years. We do not favor the ftntw. for thev show that on the third letters? ?- No. Did ht advise fhem that bis fw.tw1 where Pettirew's tuckfttadtogjpeaa qf ;Uia, Attorney General and Secretary v.jf .-..j- -o ,.., -.1 naa -uesenea-in ir ai- 1 wuvu men fought and how tar they went, did do, hekeptiuamQutnwPJr1-1--1 Wt "NTftrfk 1 Hamlin on idb uuk wuw-yi y. - abolition of either, but couldn't we manage in niraiuMta .nt nlnvonua Anr mtfll of State in Buchanan 'a Cabinet. He I interests" on a cheaper plan ? A cor- is in his 71st year. His last literary respondent of ihe Landmark compliments - . . J . ,, A . Miss Salhe McCorkle, of Iredell; with bav- effort is a vigorous and able protest ing incited her uncle, Dr. J. R. McCorkle, ve allknow they remained as long as and rTplVced CTSil inem! l!rmJD Mvr'" through his bill rtqirinToumy I jails to tv Gibbons or some of his own family I American Keview tor marcn. be kept reasonably warm in winter. They show was as dumb as an eystf.;:;He had no- about uioboqs or . tne tAnf A foil fnA ftrfriPttvanfi 1 iMmr mnrA tb AAV about GibbOE .T T wwr. " r TT:'- -. . U he adfl- them: which Ve thlnkr -we ait Know the longest.