SitX a Year; in'advaitce. f.t 88888,888882:888383 -r S8S8S888SSSS88888 sxAS will happen as long as . twelve men are required to agree. Th4 bid theory lW Legislature" no doubt acted ii gS8aS78gSSSSgSg8S8 j 11 tai , ??8agrff8. ,wrtb wisely in; submitting the question of 8888oSSSS8SSSSS 1 Hveir be to fart be punished 'until ' i.? Prohibition to a vote of the people. uecivwoa , .u tuuiuium- liittciiica iuuuu i i nflpR ts a. airnniT nnnniar 1 1 anil inr the recaieitraai; :oae the . tanoceut some, law that will tend to abate the elen fy60? - a,fv ni? eviL of intemperance ; and there is American strode aodt'sensible I k we mast .capy . some oiher .oi its re- I troublesome question than by sub- necttonf. . oays this able paper: ; "The clineine to the UBaDimotij frvstem is the source of most of the iriciouaoesff thstbas been: developed io trial byiotji woue us. eooa . leaiures, i&u io ceuater baia$ee its bad odes Granted tbat twelve men are likely to do right when they do agree, how of tea. do. they dowroag when The oet earaings of. ths company! dariog the year, over all expenses interest on. bonds, etc:, was $11.98$ 17." ..;V-. i.: DIVOBCB IN NEW iN6tiND-THB in the rest of the State it is 1 to 19,jtNor is .;:. :The,ToiBnoV Home neither andeiv the worst of the Reserve in the cities. , The. .-Aii.'-. Vwi Lsln'nfi jWiV;'iih 8.SSSS3SSSSSSS8SS8 SS8g8SSSSSSSS8SSg sssssssssssssssss ot eo w ab o v-i co io o o et SSSS&9SSSSSSS9SSS - - I - ing people originally from New England, is j acttOn of the jLegislaturejnor the rJ" real point at issue in regard to New . Asuoaia is e coun u.x HftpQve r ooaQtJ. Jt is , useless to uuui. uarueiu. luiisuu ouuuuj, xyy- Tha lor nf inrrn aft- laid -down 1 neotioot, furnishes even more iearrui statistics than Asbtabdla. Think of. mitting it to the people at the polls. The . Stab . would . have cordially endorsed a very stringent license law, and we believe nine-tenths of the 3 Entered at bje JPoetiOQce: at WUmiagton, JH.,u., as secoagcias8rmsj)eri j ; . they : do not aefeer That there should be given it their earnest support. entire unanimity on, the part of a dozen I . But we are ODnosed to the Jaw to men, of different traits and characters, ,dif vi , , . . A..o fereat degreea-bf mtellUenceJand -different 1 snbantted to the people in August stations ot hlef is ta.anaitu ot greater sur- I next, because it savors of class Iegis- North Carolina. - There is but one Annan fn. 1i tr rfA BAM 1 nir t.rk' t.flA people of North Carolina would have w i T trA . " ti. r. r.'sj :' . ' s , I Divine xLaw. - Human law -allows mbre than one' cause. : :In this it tfah by the Lord Jesus Christ is clear, ez- nlioit nnd irreversible. It ' has 'been TnnnwA in thA Rnnth bv leWisla. one every eight house? tors better than anywhere else on hold,?-; What aort of society mist kii-isw- r T; ki,nWr hA-vfl there b&i where this wcurse Testa ? that; it" has : been ' Igoored ' even in lecturer says that c ism,- Mormon'.8m,&OwfUeBiag f rom . f JVliss feuiW PlatkgaisRbd4U r over to court .at aionroe ior. givag an ?n -;r leuainmeBt witnoar. iiceose. ;.? : : Not to be outdone by the House, tne senate preseotea Li euteoani uorernor Robinson with a silver ae Or course there - .'wreMpeccbeag'v?;;.gBwtwfr f rEarelgh;:TOiforWe Ifcaro that tbel residence 'of Mr." oeeph P4' Gdwdwin , nea Holly Spring, was destroyed by fire a few niffbts ago. ' JH;'vt:r;1 --- I FayettevUle;ri "te new school bill which passed the Elonsu by. a unanimous vote on toe 3J In8l.," Ieyjcs a . l nf 1191 lunl. ni' tk. .tHlA w.ln.liA. nf aary t that : either, cannot nr will not.J property, and Sty cent on the poll. Tbia pnaerswna tne matter in pootrover-r i pre8ent fate.v;; , f waste time or . words wiin an aaver- syj itjrj .contents Jtseif with ish'j flings -and, .misrepresentations. CT hitvA nA, idaflL nf contmuins such an,?Hl a Blrtlefla 'mtrowerav;f;.i;i,r treeripve,.- material- 4 n r 1 per ion The snbscrlptionprice of theWERK Star is as follows : 1 ' : ! intrle Cfopy 1 year, pbitage paid, $1.50 8 : " - ' ' " ' .50 Tf K CAPE Ff AR & YADKIN Vlr I ... - - - lky h a ad. :- v The bill to appoint twelve Com missioners with authority to sell - the State's interest id the Cane Fear & 1 -Yajdkin Valley Railroad has passed bojth Houses of the Legislature. The following are the; Commis- siojjers i A. J.. DeRaBset,.of WiU mil titon : Geo. M.' Rose, A. B.:Wi 1 - a Harm and A. A. McKethan, "Jr., of Favetteville; 0. A. Hanna, of Chathiro; Johns A. Gray and Levi G.j Scott of Greensboro; Jesse F. Graven, of 'Surry ' Tyre York, 6f Wilkes I- G. Lash, of Forsyth; -Vauehan. of Alleehany; Parks, of .Randolph. . , . . . this i4 the billTwith the addition of three commissioners, referred to in the Stab of Sunday last, and to which wer then gave our. indorse .me'nt. .'1 - " - ' . No action of the commissioners prise! ibaa tbat.lbey. bf ud fait i to agree. Yet by that failure. joTrejuibe, greatest ia- iustide is" dOBk"ftna"tlwiV.-, some ene ia wrongeid.llre-fwfeeinle-trouod fir' the continuance or a system reaumo nnaor mpus verdicts, is the antiquity of that me thod:' ' Yet the . greater antiquity attaches to tne majority system.rtor the. present sys tem is rather the -result of Tsccldjent; than design, while it is the offshoot of the former. .Iri nearly, all th more ancient systems of trial by jury, 'the majorityTer- diet was all that .was .required, provided that not ieas.than twelve agreed.1.1 ' The evils of the unanimous system-are that in the bands of one person rests the .power to subvert justice or retard it... Tbe weakest- miodea member or tne ury can neutralize all the intelligence oi tbe otner members Bribery ot juries, unfortunately, ris not a throe unknown, even at the- present time The purchase of one man is sufficient to effect the dishonest end in view, a disa greement usually answerinsalllhe purposes ot a favorable verdict The jury or to-day is at the complete mercy ot the- fool or the KBave-reither can, and: ottea does mate justice a laugiuog stock tt i - fit '& How lont? this svstem shall continue depends upon ' . the! j enlightenment of the people. -As long as ;they are content, with the remains of a com pulsory system with its Inquisitorial Mr.j"Kenneth Rayner came ' near those fwho were feiirednudeiP the . rbeterarrestedl in the postoffioe in j m the Kaieigh papers. principles of our best New. England J Washington by a policeman to whom life.h Is noitnUTer j heLaWlied some 'cuss words.' The ment ?fe Suppose :the - Sbath : had j gentleman publishes - a long" states hrncrht thin Aftftriaatton. how f thuch I ment of the matter and ; makes bitter ; There was ' talk; of; pistols and coffee at'Raleigh between; Sebator; Spfer ' Wtntsker land Representative; VV: H. Dy, . both of Halifax. ,Dy,-a laigex man, had assaulted Whitaker,' a small mab. " The ' latter asked the former to meet bim ori equal terms. . Dy cuuld not see it.f N powder, burnt. .The correspondence appears 1 i scends and contravebes the.'Diyine. It is to be regretted that the-South- o.n n.nnlu hivo nnt. irtfiifltad in atflnrl. Ution ; because we have doubts as to v . 0a,a, -,n iai ' k of untruth and oncharity would have complaint of ilU tf eatment.,The J'----7f- Hw of divorce as taught aothori- V?-? tuallytranafertheawtraffl vug uai awluo buu iuu y because it deprives the State of tens Commissioners beard - bia -complaint s- Raleish -Hews Observer , We coBgratulate the General 'Assembly and the State uaon the passage of ' the Yujkioa ap propriaiion ,bill.. -rr- The ibtrd . annual conveotion of the National Guard Associa tion bf the TJoited -States is cdw in session in Philadelphia. North Carolina is repre sented by the following offlcers of the State Uuara Adjutant lienernl JonDfione duties. of thousands of dollars . of xeveDae with no corresponding ultimate ben efit ; because it is sweeping and puri tanical ; and, above all else, because it is utterly impracticable. We have no doubt that the law will be rejected by the people, and that ; we shall then' secure, at the hands of the next Legislature, what we so much need, a law that will really " do something to check the growing evil of intemperance. man spake. In the North; as is known to every one, the law of divorce has been et cessively . widened and. abused. It has been so changed and enlarged in some States as to destroy the sacred ness and purity of the marital rela tions, making marriage a mere tem porary arrangement to be broken al most at will. That this is true is bred Ne w EbWnda fied with statistics and knows where-1 the polictti of he affirms. " f." : amonnt'dfic . But this same New England lec turer is after his kind. He first probes the festering ulcers of hie people and exposes them; under the; garish light of day. This Would have made a man of any other section or race modest and hamble; but : not So with your and dismissed itT The old Judge lest4 Brigadier General M. P. Taylor, Colonel J anaatsmissea - - - J hlajr4timerftdteaiened 9 isr on ibe executive t . , lt-v- -Kt-.h icwtuee tojinernewr-Hiaies.-: f. VSUVIll v IvtTbcn A. .-- BaU V aUU fatal; afceldent occurred. wi Brg ilvyooe-- ti .. lata A inn nl t r. " .. m r . . n fla. W r. . h. According to the list of Commit-. I bob, ; aged 'IbtfU beventeen years, took , . 1 ; . : (dl : ...t..- e I renresehtative New EoErland lecturer. I onlv too certain. iu a.i.ut.uoa ui .. : . . i divorce in New England are posi- i tively alarming. The Richmond Christian Advocate, referring to the rapidity with which the; New Eng land divorce machine operates, says: Ia Connecticut every tevenih - married person has been divorced..: Sucb a state of society is almost inconceivable by the peow nla of South Carolina. . where, 1 in all, the history of that Commonwealth up . to the war, but one divorce had occurred. . In Virginia a citizen who has been discharged from tbe bonds' of matrimony is 88 rare as an eclipse. Prance, godless France, even in the riot and madness of tbe revolution; did not equal in the ratirr of divorce the New England Slates of to-day. -These are not guesses at facts, but citations from offi cial - reports. . ragan , nome, - uecayeu : UtIIPTlNG. It would appear that the grand military display in Washington on the 'inauguration of the new Presi dent has awakened very serious re- Aontinno omrnf man if Vint h nttrt.lPR r . ;, A & . v.,, I and from vanous sections of, -the win naraiy. move, 10 me; ma.ier. Some weeks ago the, KinsUn .-(ur- naZ, whose editor; ia a-lawyer, had , , -.wt . t 1 longer pi fJnion.' The simplicity of an earlier time . is gone. Civio displays - no w . 1 . ease, mere mast ue epien- something to say ir condemnation,; demon8tra. . . -. -s-.r.- ' . ; tibns, with flamine banners and float- throueh all the veins of social life, could. j "----At ftftnaiBntlv rioint'to ani j: ' j A out Boston to blush in tbe count and com i,6f .... , ::f-- The Christian Advocate says: VThe Yankee hvDOcrite. however., grew careless of his own fragile reputation, and commenced casting stones at bis neighbors' sins. . After having finished up the South (in rebellion against the "New. England idea'); be begins to pelt .the Mormons for ineir wicKeaness lureaieuiug m wio tucu oat unless tney menq ineir ways.. i v.'l We can not follow the subject far ther now. .: The Mormons are in turn after; the New England'' saints and show up -. their hypocraoies and : cor motions : in true colors, "But .more tees reported in She Senate, Gen. Rnnsnm is chairman of the .Com- inerce and a member of Appropria tions, Engrossed Bills' and' Library. Rpnutor Vance lis chairman Vof V the Committee : to Audit and Control Cbnticgent Expenses of the Senate, and i a member of Privileges and Elections, Naval Affairs and District of Columbia. v i"-" s , J r; ;" T -f si: down Sis fifld for the porpo&a of Bbbbttog a; hawk. I Being in doubt as to whetber ibe guu was loaded, he pulled back the ham mer with "his toot, and; was in tbe act of -blowing in the, muzzle,, when .bis, foot slipped and the" rifle was discharged, the buiiet , knocking oqt bis front". teeth and. lodging in bis head. -He lived until 10 o'clock the next ' day, when he paid the penalty of his thougbtlesspess fj.;' r .:;? i 1 Carthage (gazette: T A colored . woman, who came to Manly re cently from Shoe Heel,1 aged only about 21 or 22 years, died there; last Saturday night; under very distressing circumstances. , She had only .recently - given birth - to a child; John G. Carlisle is looming up as a I andii waa tnonghther mmd waaJtffected formidable opponent df Senator Beck ,fromi this cajse. -She lay in a little .hut, . , ; . r ! .. - -rr- I alone, without help -or friends, until life tor tne u o. oeuaiorBnip nuu i leftithe poor, Trau tuoky Senator Williams is said to favor Carlisle, because he fears he. will 1 be in his way unless he gets BeeVs place.; We hope ; the able Scotsman will be returned, for he has bf this at another time.; Pebpla living mathful 1 and useful; Senator. in el ass houses can; not throw stone He is a thoroughly honest man. . . w ..... ,.: . J - with safetv. That is the lesson. - New But, while we do not think unani mity of opinion should be required, we do not ihinkj on - the other hand,' Damon of con; ken marital bonds." wi) be valid until ratified. by the Go- J that a bare majority vernor and his Council, andly. the stockholders. And it is proper to note here that although . the State o whs 5500 shares and the private stockholders only 1670, the State is It is suggested that nitie out of twelve would be a good proportion. ; t should gorern. swamp LAN us. Mr. E J. Hale mentions, in his let ter to the Charlotte Memocrdti that rode from bis residence to the capitol jnUlled, ' under the charter of the Company, to cast only half as many votes t, ing pennons and gaudy apparei. These things might be innocent enough if they did not mark a J You may raise two questions just change in the temper and feelings of here:; that the divorces, are" not the Northern people. They indicate am0Dg the old families, and that a tremendous change since the pure, Connecticut is the only State given truly republican days of .Thomas 0yer t0 such follyw and wickedness Jeffersou, when quietly and alone be jjat jn this you would be mistaken. Most of the divorces occur: among It is believed that the commission 's!) in tbe count and com I f . m - -r' 7 I ra annointed bv President Garfield h.rmnn nrt nnKroi FMnrmnn itn anrl witk .'naaftl tWan? I erB appomieu uy itesmsu. , ,u . ...... . i I ... I . "' J .1 T J .: ava all P ; rt-VonflnUa nvrtrtftnnftfl to attena tue xarw uiconuS o.0 . maledictions upon'1 the followers - of Joe Smith and Brigham Young: favorable to a" double currency. They are Thurman, Evarts and Howe. Howe is that It was Evarts so from child hood's hour, and Allen G. is Thurman as are cast by the private Stockholders. With the restrictions imposed' by I with ample means. this bill,' the interests of the Stjte and! of the private stockholders are entirely safe. Mr. lulius A.-;Grav, one of the the immense r swamps . of h louda, known as ' the -Everglades, are to be drained by a Philadelphia; company Heask es: coraraisisionf'rs, is the President of the Why should not North Carolina endea vor to' make a like contract as to her exten sive swamp lands, which Jiave been a sub ject of legislation as long as 1 can remem ber, and wmcn- belong totnescnooi iunur of the Union on horseback and then I the native families, and all New Eng- took the oath of office. The con- j iand is suffering from ' the curse. trast between the display and splen- J Hear what Rev. Samuel Dike, a Ver- (dor ot Washington official life now mooter, said a few weeks ago to a and the simplicity of other times is as Boston audience in Tremont Temple; great as tbe contrast between the J "The courts are crowded with unhappy gaudy splendors of Imperialism un- SS; A pasVor once spoke Mr. Albert Fink has written a reP ply to Jndge BlackV speech oh mo- fbr the occasion. nnnnin ' Mf TTinlr roTori1 mnnonnlv I '--"' ' "" ' TZZZZTZ rithAr ft & blesBiriff'than otherwise. I Mr. Abram S.. Hewitt has foi ward- He shows some important errors in I ed hie check for $100 to Mr. Marshall Judge Black's figures, and insists I Jewell1 chairman : of the National that the "railroad monopolists have "J Republican Committee, to aid in oommitted no lobberies at all," as is ascertaining tbe authorship ot , tne I count? of Vance is siid to be giviog the poor, Irau body and -ebe uied without a pitying hand to give her aid from any of ber color.: Kenneth Ray, aged - 78 years, died. yesterday morning, in this county. He was a venerable and respected citizen whose loss will be sorely felt. t ; ; Warsaw Brief Mention : L We announced several weeks ago, upon in for- . mationj we thoueht entirely reliable, the' death of Wm. .Yernon, Esq., of Wayne county J . We are glad to learn that the in formation was incorrect. -Two little negroes, whose mother lives on the lands of R. Blackmore, two ur three ; miles north'of this place,' and ; who frequently works oat by the day, wandered off on Saturday the 26ih of February in search of their mother, it is supposed, who was absent on that day, -at work in the woods. - They did not re turn, and search has" been made ! in vain. They, 1 doubtless, have perished ere this. - We learn that the dead i body of a ne gro child was found in tbe Six Runs a few days ago, supposed at first to be one of the lost children. - . - d ;: - y i . . Oxford Free Lance: We trust," the News ani Observer and the " other Ra leigh papers will publish as soon. as possi ble,, from day to day, the mot important bills which have become laws during. the present Legislature. The distribution of the various offices in the proposed new charged. He says 201,000,000 bush els of grain were transported by rail, and that an additional tax '.would famous or infamous Morey letter. lb Farmer ana Flabermen's BUI and BUI supplemental Tnareto. For convenience of reference- we give road. COnPSLLG OTKN TO 16BBK. Sometime ago the Stab had some-1 thing to say about the jury' system. and: the attacks made upon it from The vast swamps of North Caroli na ought!: to be drained.?:1 There are many hundreds of thousanda of acres that could be reclaimed, f In almost every Eastern county .there are large bodies of swamp lands; that are ex tremely rich and could be utilized for agriculture. Mr. Hale says' the Phil- der Louis Naooleon and the prevail- to the judge, in the lull of business, one day only make $5,829,000, and Mat so tar e .u-t:j-.:i a member, I think, of his church, and 1 fm 'mbblnsf theT.haTe not beeo Paid I henwith certified copies otitha. 'Farmers ins customs of the Presidential court of this oountry now. But we are really interested in knowing that the changes are not occurring without comment and ex pressions of regret.- If the tendency in the direction of show and pomp continues each succeeding inaugura- timA in Lima in Enclish DaDera. Re- . " i I nrlolnhiann ar tfi rpRfiive onchalf of I tion mast eclinse all Others. Until a I ih. nlw mid nf th kind reoorted in that some bqdsiuiv i -j . . . i n . . L ' i wv r . w chief-justice , of the State. Another man annroached. xcuse me a moment said ttm indire. In less than three minutes the indue turned to the minister and said: . 'Do you know wnat l nave , ooner x uavo ui vorced a couple quicker than .you ever mar ried onel There is a daunhter of a pros-: Eerous farmer, still a young ; woman, - who as been divorsed from three husbands, each of whom is living and married to another wife," while ' she has "lately been married no a fourth husband. JMor is mis . i i :XZ?Z S TirV win be gathered tt. Oo iiiirinV an unaniinitv in verdicts. I be says, cover about twelve million capital of the Union, and then what r courts.; Young people coolly . reckonon menijfSays. for wbat they have done, s The;total grain crop for 1879; is placed i at 4,424j000,000. , The total shipped by rail is a small per centage of this vast amount. It is urged that because of the excessive charges' of railroads so small a part of the crop was sent to market by of Farmers and raiL The', Baltimore and Fishermen's Bill" and the Bill Supple mental tnereto: ; - ; t f .i-i I : : : AN ACT - - rr : for the Better Protection Fishermen. '' I Iht General Amnily of North Carolina da enact:. , .. : ( .:,..":.": "TSeci 1.- That it shall be unlawful for the Board of Aldermen or otner proper au- tboritieaof the cities of iWilmirigten, Tar- boro and Newborn to impose or collect any American, noticing Mr. Fink's argu-j tax on or for the sale of fresh meats, beef, nor, mutton, same, uaq, uyavwo, tioiuo, rnuirinfr an nnaniuliwV ThJ nhl .v of treatihff iuries as if acres. We do not know the number Mr. Randall, of the Augusta Chroni m i . ' . ..." ; I '' '": . m ,h-i wa deaervinff of actual pun- ot acres now coverea oy swamps iu cte, m a recent .eu-er irom aDutuS ,Hhment because thev could not agree i tbis State,- but there must be several ton, says when he witnessed tbe brave WNnc thnnirht to be a ereat I minion acres., io snow now very usr- array on t,ne n oi iurea uu m .u- out age. The system that demands these lands are we may mentiotf stinctively, "It seems to me that the 8eb8Kiaia,; .m-i oKn nMa n I that a gentleman in Halifax, county nev Nation has come." He adds: 1 in Vermont m tne opim thai twelve, men shall agree or there shall be a mistrial,' is' probably; the greatest- absurdity that ever got into' a court of , justice, ij It : is abaolutely hoai-y with age ?and is invested with a sanctity in the eyes of judges and lawyers that would make it criminal, even in an editdV,' to suggest that an improvement might be made,or that the inquisition was still in force in the Courts., . - .. Why should a jury be Xoreed to agree or be punished ? It is punish ment the - way - 'hung ' juries are treated ordinarily. VVe find a timely and jectl pub intelligent discussion- of the aub-' in that" able5 Philadeipnia ite ican weekly,-the Jwfica. . Re- ferring to the compulsory method of compelling juner to agree,, it says: ' "All manner i of -ways were' devised to make-the jaryjicpme- to an . agreement, whetber they were willing or noL, The jury during their deliberations, were .de prived of meat, drink, fire, and light . in order,' as -Blaekstone facetiously puts: it, 'to avoid iBtemperance and eauteiess de lay.' I To keep a man locked apia a eold room, without fire, and to deprive him of fund and drink.' were well calculated to avoid any Uanecessary delay on the part of the victim, mere is reason to aoum, though, that they were; as serviceable Jn securing a conscienuooa uiscuarge ot uuijr as unanimous verutciB. s (, : This has reference more to past: practice than to present usage. .There is more common sense-and justice- now in the mashsrof dealing .with disagreeing juries.! It is no - longer the case that;:thev are; kept, under watch for many days and Subjected to great mi.i- truej they are guardedilor a day or ao, and often suffer no little, but this' reclaimed some twenty years ago some; thirty acres or more in a pocosin that was near his house, and he made more: than one 'hundred bushels of oorn ; to the acre on this i reclaimed land. - Rev. Mr. .Sanderlin, as was mentioned in the.STAB reoently, made over sixly: bushels . of prime-rice to the- acre on reclaimed land. - TbereMs no tdddbt of the. extreme fertility of thejaxnp4arjds, and; no doubt, we suppose,; of :the possibility to drainand reclaim' tbem.xil Why," then,'-' can. this not be - done .? Mr. Hale thinks a'eqntract similar to that made with the Philadelphia company might be madevfor -Nbrth'VCaroliha. The Faye ring to these The new Nation has come indeed. How long it will endure or into . what, imperial shape it will develop 1 ao pot Know, a nere .may be reaction. New England is already restive, and the mumpnai entrance or uar field into office, as though he were Impera tor. has shocked even Edmunds and Hoar. They are aghast at their own work and may retrace their steps. Tne jsoutn must wait divorce in contractine -marriage. A Ver mont couple' married "on i trial ' for six months,' agreeing to get a divorce 'if either party did not like. An advertisement ap peared in a Boston newspaper for some time : ; 'Divorce legally and quietly- ob- tainftd. Can nav bv installments. - Uut or t one term oi court, nioo of members of the bar, all hut one were collusive." . .-i not tms . snooping . w In the land of steady habits in ' the Very' centre of ; Pori tanism, where two hundred years ago women , were put to . death because Now; is alarming ? and see what Is best for her to do. There suspected 1 of being Witcnes, , ana will be some startling transformations and a peopiere banished because of their breaking up of the ice in our political j Fwr . : V ; , -. i : . , , i v i . JSeva.- Liater on it win oe time enougn ior i rengiouf? opinions , Time :; develops some '. remarkable changes. The shaking of the politi cal kaleidoscope reveals some strange shif tings of color and form. A year ago it was believed that the South must look to the great Northwest for its 8UDDort and cooperation. : Now - . . . . . whero the most stringent and absurd; "Blue Laws"; were in foreh and where liberty of conscience was not tolerated in this land of 'culture and riches the marir tal relation is brought into, oontempt and divorce. becomes a trade. What is the upshot of this ? Cnme is j in- creasm 2 rapidly. . Said the lecturer' maae'ioiortrrrouna. you may hear it said often that the " " ft ,f,:om . ' ; v i Jml timeUs coming-perhipKrapidlyH DeWwMrh1 ese laotfV?!! '-v,-; when New England will be our true ber of chUdren born yearly out of wet! num- wedlock "Caanol our legidatore ddrsomething in I . . -a -M'.A 1 bad doubled the ratio in ten- years. i ne the way, of reclaiming these, swamp lands auy.0 .out, iu . wa uieuwmq uQ , . destruction of nnborn me was raster tnan with convict labor ? If not, Wen the Board of Education -oaght to - bet authorized" to have them drained by outsiders be the best terms that can be obtanred.; die o States and the:; Northwest ; are growing with great rapidity. " : . j The Enterprise Cotton . Manufac turing Company, of Augusta, Ga.", held its annual meeting on Wednes- ever. and pbvsicians spoke with' great in dignation of : the wicked practice of some church members in murdering the inno cents. And 'nearly all this increase of foul Crimes la aUlUU IMC Ul irvrvii(ui. Senator David Davis did a hand- Home thihg yesterday, as may be seen by referriBg to our Washington tele- av last.- The President, in bis re grams.; ue aecunea tne posiupn oi pruiietatea-abaridaring. year, grene :ana .-Tottennew pwTaun. rr. e,, Unairmau Ol uu.iwv vuiuuin- i it..,- I ttn -inm-An-a of 220.000 OieiY. ; 1UB leuiuici bmu uiwiw "Bat there are' some; points " which Mr. Fink ignores. ; If it. bef conceded byt him thmt ft5.829.000 of tolls are" levied by the railroads by an addition of Ave cents on the hundred pounds, it must iouow mat taree times that sum is laid by adding fifteen cents, or $l7,4S7,Od0; : If twenty nents pays the road a fair price, and enables them to make a profit, thirty-five- ceuttr is .a tax levied by monopoly. - Leaving out of; the question tbe possibly - exaggerated , figures ot Judge Black, and admitting that .Sec retary Windom, the Seriate eommittee and tbe Chamber of Commerce of New York have all gone wide of the; mark, yet what Mr. Fink admits is surely enougb-to pall for protective legislation against monopoly.. For by his ' showing 17,487,000 of tsharge is laid on grain alone, moving in One direc tion; that Is,; to the? seaboard kr. tax so heavy that by-the same figures only about one-tenth, of .. the crop seeks exportation at all. He makes no account or otner ireigut . or of freight moving. in the opposite diree tion. t --i9cd3tvie- io -rjiCfc , : 3Some of thoiNationvBahere swift to Withdraw 6me of theircur' rency from ' Circulation .whenne FuingbUlpassed. r.NoVIthaU ft has been vetoed by Hayes the same banks are krfocking' at" the dbdrs of the Treasury, and asking that their currency t surrenderyd : shall be re stored: to thewlTheliPbUadphia 2Tmea-says of this Teoest. ) "It matters- little how " the point may be decided, for tbe law will surely decide it before the next Congresf shall lie in aea Anei raci wh.wb garden truck and all farm products, on any of the streeu or alleys thereof, from wagons, carts, shops or stores. Or td in - any manner interfere with the sale oi tne aoove nameu articles.-'" : -. . ' Sec i 2. Any person - or persons violating the provisions of .the above section of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misde nteanorr and, on conviction before any jus tice of the peace, be fined not less than fifty dollars and imprisoned not less than thirty days for-each and every offence, i; 7; - Sec. 3. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with .this act .are .bereby, re pealed. , "" H'"f9": Sec. 4. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. ;r;. 'In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 5th day of March, A. Dn1881., : .-. man mnnlhfl. The degradation of. females is in- I banks have played theplay of disturbers of evitably .progressing.,, Morality rl is gradually falling to pieces; nd -gan-p l faction of all that there must fae a 'positive law lo uue auco unceruuu uwiuub ""irT ...'f.n. him bv thftDemocraU . - . , !, .' a .'. k ftnnin "Yankee notion" that be- , SitGaruett Wolseleyi'the late Sir worge- ., y 7 . i yaras oi gooaa ana po,uuu puuuuo ua. i - , i QeHey ftnd gir Frederick itooerts are air. ox ana requesiea tv -ouusmuHuu i . i t. j. Tr0posed to increase the 1 ginning iu vHuuecuvin. - Anan 01n ana xnsaianuaeB. Senator Garland who, as the ra member of ,:the Committee, is really entitled ito :the position; Senator Davis also announced bis-intention of voting with the . Democrats in re organizing the Committees - as pro posed.; - . . 1 . r . - . i. . ; .Kht tj.- JWnolnfl and into 1 the leading commander io me to ouu looms ana oa,ouw Bpiuuies. i "'-&- : ,. . size Hero is what was . done during 1880: "Bales of eoods manufactured, .4,283; pieces, 88,853; pounds, i,i8,8o4't yaras, 4.527,073; average looms running,- 264; average yards per. loom per aay, oo ou-iw: average production per day, 14.928; cotton consumed. 2.919 bales 1,137,849 pounds; average cost of cotton, 1113-101 cems peri British army till Colley was killed, and all distin guished as fighting generals.- Exchange. the West wherever New Englanders had settled.;,. We quote: "Iu the Western Reserve, comprising the nnftham innnti of OhlO. ' Settled mainiv bv emitrTanta who went from Con- f have ' reflected immortal : . honor oa necticut, containing, it issaid, a purer New wWiK mi. . Tta rrimentB" have .trwb- ih.n mn he fonnd in the en- J""811 arms. XIS regiments nave tire country, unless it be ia parts of Maine; j been conspicuous for their splendid The great Duke of WeUingtoa?at Irish : also. The trutb is the , Irish There is' now-only one pOBtofSce U,00nd8; average hands employed. 252; Bg- the ratio of divorces tomairiages was 1 to iuthiacouDty. I Igregate'of wages paid haidst $61,399 54. 1 11 for the two years 1878 and 1879, while I gaawry. Henderson managers no little trouble A number of young Oxford gents left last week for tbe commercial college at Pough keepsie, N. Y. It is not to be wouder ed at that the Kittrell people are vigorously opposing the new county. With Hender- . son a CBunty seat, good bye to the growing prosperity of Kittrell. It will be speedily swallowed up. The "Senator 'from . Granville" (Radical) reached home last . Monday.: No pay, no work, according to hisidevp-- vQle- -- Charlotte Observer: A private telegram received io tbe city yesterday an- ,.. nounceBtbe death of Mr. Martin Wi Phi fer in New York, his death resulting from the performance of an operation, removing -stumor from his side. Mr. Pbifer was a citizen bf Concord, but was almost as well known Ihere as at home. J ust listen at , the Wilmington Stab when it talks about the ''Best' man who u to build ithe Western North Carolina Railroad to Paint Rock and Duckto w n, and bathe tbe fetlocks of the iron horse in Pigeon river in an in credibly shot t time. The Wilmington , Stab incidentally remarks: "The press of the State should never Ut this matter rest. The editors should unite," etc. Lord bless you ( when did the editors of North Caro lina ever "unite'' on anything f ; We have a; press association so-called wbicu nas become' little more than an annual frolic,' and by this course it dwarfs the' Influence of the ''fourth estate" Jn North Carolina below a first-class pigmy show: j. Weldon News: ' It is "reported" -that the postmistress at Enfield and at Bali- . fax will shortly be removed from office for . political reasons and that others, more ac ceptable to the party, will be appointed iu - ! . their placed -On Wednesday, the 2d inst at Gaston, the gin house of' Mr. John H.: House took fire and. burned,; destroy- . ing a large ; amount of property, among Which was was an engine, gin and fourteen bales of cotton. We leara that a ne gro came very near being roasted alive on tha nlaatation of CaDt' A. Garibaldi near Crowells, last Sunday. - Negro like, be built , . a large fire, before' which he toasted .him self until he-began "to feel good, when be fell into a sound sleep The house caught 7,; fire and a large- portion of the top bad . burned before it was discovered,; when several men arrived and extinguished ibn . ; flames.) The door. was. forced-open nd tbe slumbering son of Africa was found to , r be fast asleep, unconscious of all that had . happened.; K iteift s ' . 1 Raleigh" UirewJtbteherbi The -bill that passed the Senate on the subject of prohabition Is In substance as follows: ' The fir at section makes it a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not less than $100 and not more than $1,009, with imprisonment. at the discretion ot : the court, ior any per .y ; -AN ACT SUPPLEMENTAL J . to an Act entitled an Act to provide for the Belter Protection of Farmers and JTisner menj "...j::. n:,'r''-:Z-i: ' TEXvTa- -Tha onln nnrnna and &im nf an ff fMj vno. .Mnt v.w r.- act entitled V'An Act to) provide for the better protection of - Farmers and Fisher men," passed during the present session of the General Assembly, was to prevent op pression and extoron an dto enable ven deraoilresn meats, Deer. porK, muiwo, game; fish; oysters, clams, garden truck, and all farm oroducts. to sell the same upon any of the streeu of the city of Wilmington, Tar rro'Tuid' Newborn, or from wagons, carts, shops or stores, and not to be forced. Io sell tbe same irom tne staus oi tne n n- mington market House uompany, or any other , Market House Company t or to pay tribute! to said corporation; therefore, the General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: 5 - - - -' V' . ' x Swrrios 1; That "section lat of said act shall not be construed' to Interfere with tbe nmiwr aanitArv resalations adoDtcd bv the Mayors- and Boards of Aldermen of the I son to manufacture, buy or sell in this cities of Wilmington, of TarbOro', and of J state any spirituous or malt liquors, except New Berne, under tne direction oi tne city-1 wines and ciaer, omerwise tnan auoweu. m nhvaieiana and boards of health, and shall not be construed to exempt dealers in such1 articles; from tLe payment of the usual license tax to said cities and towns; but so dealer shall be forced to pay any tax what ever, directly or Indirectly,; for the benefit of the Wilmington, Market House Com pany." 1 i ' - --rV;".-; p1-':'"":" ' ' " --' Sec. 2. Section 2nd of. said act shall be amended by substituting tbe word "or" in the place of "and" in the fifth line of said section before tbe word ' "imprisoned" and after the word "dollars." I . a " s ; J Sec. 3. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.? . Sec. 4. This act shall be in force from, the date of its ratification.f" " - ' - r. In the -Geoeral Assembly, read three times and ratified this, the 7th day of March, A. D., 1881, : I " v I - - '; ": " - : ' I'- ::' V - . -i the act j Tbe second section prescribes that liquors may be sold for medical, chemical - and mechanical : purposes J by druggists. -apothecaries and physicians, duly licensed,' who shall not keep on hand a greater quan tity that thirty gallons, nor sell . a greater : quantity to any person at one time than one gallon. 1 The county commissioners are to grant licenses to not more than five pbysi, cians, druggists, etc., in the county, who shall sell only for the purposes; indicated, U' etc., etc. .The act is to t go into effect on tbe first day of October, 1881," but if at an election to be held in Augustt he -people vote "against probibition,"-no one is to be punished for violating any bf its provisions. -The act contemplates total abstinence, ex--cept as to wines and cider, and except . when spirituous liquors are prescribed as a -medicine, or perhaps as a tonic. . II 5 :-:;?. i