.... . " i T . 7.1 ... "TZ """""77. . 7 ...it.- r " 1 "tj1:.' 3"iaici 1 -4 , 4 -at p r"?uBBft- 1.50 a Tear,, in advance. i-iWau'J S88SS83SS2S83SS8S Bxsi I a a est 2 8? s 22 a s ' a si 1; I?-. ?l8S883S.88SSg.2888 it BOM h , , . t 88883888888838888 8S3S S3SS8SSSS3 SSSS3SS3SSSSSS3S3 ' S8SS3S3SSSS333SS3 3S33P3S3S'SS333SS S8SSS3S3SSS3S333S j I .:T.I g to . - . 5 S. S ( 3 v ? 5 - s s-f- "a,"3S!! JE2SSS 1 V ' Bnttred tt the Post OQce kt WiUnfogtOB) The subscription price of the Wbxk Star is as follows t.'-fJ . VY'k'-; ' e Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 6 months. " 1.00 . :.. . KA t'GURST10R OF A CDBB OP P9 We are satisfied that the Mormon qsestion must beoome,- sooner or lafterL' one of the inost important p ssibl y t M most Important that the; ti deal with. It is simply impossible tlat Mormonism : can - be ignored ' nJ ach loDger. It .will not agree to ignored, because it is aggresBive, at willed ' and wicked. " President aifiehl, in his inaugural, took ground. tb at jo stifles the confident expects-, that, he will tackle the. mon- tk)D rous aiigma and blight. He gave hi "th.it it was his determination to ert the power of the Government ir its suppression. i It is not denied that the difficulties he way of ; its suppression ' are pfeculisr and - formidable. . - Probably up living statesman is equal to the sk of furnishing the right solution. Whilst it is admitted, on all sides bat the great evil ought to be extir pined, and many . suggestions, have ueen made, after all the difficulties appear to remain ana trie solution d&sojved. j - We have before pointed. to some of the proposed remedies and the 1 imouiUes environing them. Il ls held . oneraily by tboes who have investi- fated the matter that there - can be :o cure as long as the present jury vstem exists in Utah. As Mormons - , ..... tompose always a majority of juries ha of causes in which Mormons are soncerned is but little better, if any, han a farce.. It is proposed, in view f this fact, to wipe ont Utah from he map and let it be absorbed in ad- J oioing Territories or States. In this way it would be possible for cases to. be tried at Salt Lake City to be re- raoved to other places and the. pecu- iar complexion of juries could be hanged. This , is one of; the sug gested remedies. r-,:-; s i- i There is to be another plan pro posed. .. . It is. believed when the next Congress is organized that a bill wil be introduced to. change the form of governments ' "he purpose, is Tto get rid of. , Governor and Judges and to place' the entire government.' of the Territory in the hlmds of a Commis sion to be composed of seven persons to be named by the Pr? sidentl There eould be many objections ; urged to. this plan. tlt j8nbyel, untried, con trary to usage, and subversive of the ancient order of things. Governing States and Territories by assort of Star Chamber would - not .be, agreea ble to the free people 'of America,' it strikes us. :Then .again.: it gives the: President additional, power, a thing3 not to be desiderated just tat this time, if ever. r The bill to be pro posed contemplates further disfran chising all polygamists, men and wo men also, as the latter are allowed to vote'inUtab:i3,ii csy:-3b23-.s t-r hrAl . Another' plan still, ia to , retain the present government of Utah, -but so. cbanging.the law as to juries as to.al- lo w th em to be selected" by - men wh 6 are faithfoTto. the laws of the United States, ' and who will f select .no men who regard their oaths to the Church as paramount to their oaths of alle giance tothe United States 4 No man; who lives in polygamy is to be chosen, the burden' of .proof of. inn'ocenoy to rest upon the accused, 2 The ballot is. I to be opened : to aH ;men.;; . This. last suggestion is that favored. by the Philadelphia American, Rep.,' which" says of the Utah juries as now organ- "As regards' juries in Utah the law now requires that the Jurors shall be drawn id equal proportions from the Mormon and the Gentile element. ? The former, of course, obfect -to avv ' efianre!: Pnf ba . law. bTtato the right to dematwl tlm posirloa iff VOL;-XII; ajar?mt, or hu -persoa charged with felooy a xiiixx o insist jthat . hadt the Tjary .wbkb ttiea bm shall be composed of per Bopa. who bate been, indicted for a similar offeDcer A to theip'&tte'r bf e??ieDce,'uo le&i the U w 4hat e tuggest if enacted but aime aaiM9iTnrottttec to uoltwfal m&rriages caoooj tie jbompelled to crimi nate" tbemeeivea, and s the. priest who 'oQciatea ia boaod by What he reeards as a higher oath than any he can tke in a coart of isw, not ta reveal the aecreta of the En dpwmenL louse. Tbft. common,, law holds .that, if stolen goods are found, in a man's -possession soon after the theft has been ptnniitted,1 and he can l?e no reasonable explanation of how' he came by them, the jr?m.wHiwi tu us m gauiy oi larcosy. It can work ,00 greater hardship to enact that When a man is found with from two to ienty; nominal wives in his keeping; the Cbart sfiall presume- that" heis guilty of polygamy' - ' Vv-il M W Congress. mast 'deal with the ulcer.. aoTely ; ttiere! is eooash of in Ihrb-)a43 tb demise slaVfnetbod of edactsoMe lah1ehhamefui 1 wwwvM,H.y Tv-rH can be, trdioatediid . TSB COIjinia CBlTBal. XAieporur vet interviewed Dr.!J. JL MbAden, a bank president of Charlotte a day or two since, in regard to the probable effect of the. lease of the Charlotte & Atlanta Air Line by the Richmond &. Danville combination; Among other things, Dr." McAden said : J " ; ' , . ; 3;-: " , 5-v:-'y;i . r r.- a "1 ii VTbe Richmond & Danville Company are the owners of the Western North Caro lina Road, and also " Con trof all the lines leading out from herei with the excention of the .Carolina Central . it has this road now almost cut off at both, of its termini, render-; iog its business, entirely local, which must damsfre Its gross receipts and must diminish very' materially Its .profits.:- The Carolina CentraL Road must odnsequently suffer by tnia lease, as ue Air L,ine hs been a strong feeder. to this line." i , .; j ... -. uu uofc jtBow.ireierrtng to me Carolina.) Central)- exactly -what the Doctor means by "both of its termi ni," JttjiljBssiie ipclnderWi one terminus; and .if he; does, we can not see how the Carolina Central can be cut off here as long as vessels draw ing 18 feet water, can,, pass over our bar. - -"There's many a slip between - the cup and the lip." A few days, ago so powerful sv corporation as the Baltimore fe Ohio had no thought of being distanced by the -Richmond & Danviile fn pie race f or" the. Sibley- Air-Line stakes. Xet. so" i( ,was. Still, are; there not p(her combinatioos that mar be for men c -lwi i ik J i Possibly, the new " arrangement1 may diminish the "gross receipts" of thejCirolin T.bat road hasLbein doing an immense freight traffic' for many months past. It has all it can possibly . do ( now without regard to ta connections at Charlottes: JBy: theCjopening :.of 1 the next cottotf season its" -transportation facilities wijl be materially increased, the .question-, jfly caonot the qL railway, be-more thin elf-sus- tainrrig without Tegard" to. ebmbina tionsV consolidations orconnections ? tttt : tm ;---Vi 1 Sc. ItDKIR T1LLRT CiPR FP4B The Raleigh Jr-tear bt ;,March 7th says: - The peopleMititig on the line of. the Cape FeaYadTtfn -Valley Tlallroad will soon Jb jrjsued : at) seeing the track laid. The .iron. has. been-ordered and is expected to arme-as foliowii 1,000 tons in April, 1,000 tons in May and 1,000 tons In June. It will be laid aa rapidly as possible. This quantity Will ly the track from lbe present tei minus at the'Gnlf to Greensboro. We may, expect to see, trains running be tween the towns of Fayetteville and Greens boro by the end of the year at the furthers est'; i The : oDenink of 4 - road t was never looked prrinpre; gtVrl Greensboro Ib "T'-.'Wt' ii nrWJ 'rv.strrj i;-,CJt. ? it ought; to bejungerstood that the transaction referred 'to 'above wis made by Mr.3 Jatihs ArGfayJthe pre- sent rejuqeuKoi ine,vape j?ear s Yadkin galley EBaU wayia Tbere are BOMB,.ye aiear, wuu xamicxDis uem or rie.ws has'rsome" connection ' witS the recent Apt of- th'XegisIature autho- nzing thebaic pf the road j)pder cer tain '. oirenmstahces . nnd: uionditions. It is an old thing, if we maybe at-' lowed to express Yourselves in a home 7' r ; ?A geotlemsn in thiscity is in receipt bf a private letter from1 prominent centle-- mra in. Wilniinirton;;inwhich'he Jncident- aliy mentions the salejf the 4ir Jjine. RaiK roau ana in rererHagOdtMw-expresses his intention: oLteavino;iV7JJmuiston as. she 4s now, by tbis-eonsumraation, 'everlastioely ,anaeienaiiyaeaQ:-yww Observer. I -;W.e, rathei;think Wilmington has been hurt about as much as it can be,- and we still hope for growth and de- veiopmeuu ,vPen .up our. important ;w4urwajs,iMfactar and.energy.and.enterpriseand fthe cityr.by the sea".wtll hive a 'future"; rmore reliable than cotton.' - i The papers .are now telling of 'a corner in oats." - .We have known a fellow who "felt his oats" to take to a; cornerjBarlyr i Gen..XongstreetisTto be recalled .romrkVy:ad made UMarsha l ClaoTgia. j jJV-e ' Wilmington, n;c; fkiday, april -8;;i88j;i - TfH B TWO &BA DBB9, . : . il ' If Jth, serious 1 illness r of Lord Beaconsfield should terminate: fatally it would have very great influence upon lithe political t fortunes ot; his party; we suppose, tie has . been so long a time the leader of the Tories or Conservatives, as they now prefer to, call.-: themselves, and is by suoh a great "distance the first man in ability, 'courage, and' resource amons all the prominent men of his party, that his deatbt could hot fail to be a great blow to their hopes. , He cannot con tinue bntafew years in active leader ship, lorhe is now some : seventy-six or Beyenty-aeven yearsof age, But his loss just now would be irreparable. ie party of the aristoorata and largo landed proprietors might not be able to fallyT injBqfilcieht forcq fpr;a lobg from ! power. But Lord" Beacons- field's death would not only deprive the Tory party o; iu inost ; f signal eadership and be 'almost certain to prevent . its return to power within any reasonable time, but it would re move from British politics the', most aggressive, dashing and reckless of eaders. In this particular England woald be benefited. ; .: But whilst the leader of one" party is sick, perhaps fatally, the 'great eader of the other party is reported as breaking down rapidly under the cares of office., ; Now jn 7 his aeventy- first year Mr. Gladstone is doing the work;' of two industrious ' and able men. His recent lau nas also provea hurtful to his constitution.. I If we may trust -London ? correspondeots there can be no doubt that the great Liberal .Premier ; is ageing rapidly and growing weak very fast: tinder the very severe task that is laid upon him. y He was averse to taking office again, and it would have been much better for him if he had remained in retirement cultivating literature and his farm. His death would prove a very eeriom blow j to his party; but, great as he is, it is not without other very j ' able leaders, and possibly it ' would . not be as disastrous to the cause of progress and reform as would the death of his j great rival , prove disastrous to the hopes of the Tory Vartyf ' - When Beaconsfield and Gladstone pass away tne two most remarfcaoie Englishmen of the last fifty years will have gone - to their final audit. England is never without men bf high culture and superior abilities. She has now many able men, but none so marked as leaders as these roj! , venerable statesmen. , John Bright, in some respects, a greater orator than either or the two , we have named, is in .rather infirm health, and is himself an old man. .. But after all, however useful or illustrious or potential a man may be in his day and generation, and how ever necessary he may be deemed for the welfare and glory of his country, his place is : somehow quickly supplied,- and as Joe Jefferson says whilst .personating Rip Van Winkle, in tones of wonderful pathos, "are we so' soon forgotten." It is true that the impress of men of colossal minds is not removed speedily, and in case of great creative genius ' the influence and power continue all down the ages shaping men's thoughts and even moulding their- destiniesv But - with most men of ability their influence is limited and transitory and : their memories soon pass away. Mr. Glad stone is. not of 'this number, we feel assured. .7 Mis . writings will keep his' memory green for a oentury, whilst isgreat reform measures will eter nize his nname among, the greatest, purest and ' wisest of British . states- men. We trust that the great Libe-. ral leader : will - live i many years to come, and that wheTTTiis work is ended the God of ; nations will raise up some other pure, able, consecrated leader to carry on the immense work of reform begun1 and so much ad vanced bv William E. Gladstone. ntOIE; ltf 18TOTBB RECENT f I .Ai..St- :i VJ;!!. W irf i. 1 , i , : Sepator;Mabjonhs4Jiear.nt.'8ome- thing evidently from his famous cOr respondence with GenT JEarlyin 1871., le was neid responsible for a biogra phy, of himself written by a . Federal GeneraL- Gen. De Peyster published a Memoir of : Gen.: Mahone :in the published at Morrisaniajo New York.' Of course it was Iremarkable that a FeeraV General; should cwrita.: and print. ( a! Memoir ;df. a Confederate (Rebel) . .Generai- and in a Noern Tiistorical monthly; A note to the I ' T3 TVv ri -Tr- r-rp ldj2d:icSv:iiL Memoir stated that it had been subv mitted to Gen. Mahoneand "approved by him," and that it " was "corrected by the General's friend, CoL S. Bas set Trench," who by ; the . wayi 'has received office' recently, ' we under-i stand, through' Mahone'a influence. : This Memoir reflected upon Gen'. Robert E. Lee, Gen. Early, and per haps ' other Confederate 1 leaders; This sort of manufacturing of history was not to be tolerated by brave old Gen Mahon to Early meant fight no one will doubt whoBaw the whole pondence. Gen Bradley and CoL Robert E A nortion ! of the corresnondence was pubUshed.1 however, embraced only the first letter of Gen; Early and the last letter of Geri. Mahone, . with a : short ; oonclhdmg letter by Cfehi Early. Gen; Early first demanded if it was true, as stated in the note, that the Memoir had been first "submitted" to Gen. Mahone and "approved by" him"before its publioatioo,and wheth er the language ' attributed to" , him, Gen. - Mahone, "therein," was r his? We have never seen the intermediate correspondence, but we have heard" that there was a sixteen page of Gen. Early's that . was extremely warm ana snarp. out oe mat as it i may, the result of the correspondence was this his in the original Memoir which were pmonaIlpjf$Bi bden expurgated in this revise? copy." - i " We have' heard that this "expur- gated 'Memoir wa published . in the same" NewcJork jHitoricalMaga I zine 'in which the offensive Memoir I , . -.'" I appeared. The editor of the maga- n said the first one was Dublished 1 "for a consideration," and it is legitU I m. to .0ppo.e th.t the .ecoad on. was puoiisnea aiso r.iox a oonsiaera- tion. , The lesson taught Gen. Mahone by. this letter was that 'if he allowed an-, other person to assault a gallant com- mander iji aenw. andindoraed it, that he became responsible foFthe same, and just as much so as if it had been written by himself. In the recent debate with Senator Voorhees he ap pears not to have forgotton that lesson as he rather insibted upon holding that gentleman responsible for an edito- rial in a Philadelphia Republican nanpr that ' reflfintftd nnnn himaelf. even- after the- Sehator had Mis-i L,.:.a SJ. Le -irl --f oiaimeu any inuorBBmeni,i .:ny - pressions m the article which might ba conatrned in the-wav-of - makin? a, i . . , ". T. .I. . . -t- ; ' personal-qaarret wnu aim., ' - , i came IWhat Wains to be seen hereafter; Whether pistols and coffee Wilt follow or not the whole country remains On tiptoe toVea. " The whole debate was fiery' .''If .....,..J . i J t-.J....- and the old aores have --been -openea wide. It is very manifestr that the f - , ,. , ., - ,., i time is lidtTmmediate 7 when the Northern ""Stalwarts X will cease ' to fctthe"oldgyygd bring raiUngaccosationr against the Whole Southern people. The faults. or crimes,' if ybtT: please, of a few hot-heads or bad meO are made the faults and crimes i of the whole peo- pie Every maf sense aha justic whether he , live ia Maine or Ohio, 1 . . - - - - must know that this-treatments of the South is both vindictive and crueL itlve and ernel. Rnt ahanl.l wftrlr will va iti : arVd nf tr Sixteen years ot peaoe, pet ween the orth' ahd the1: South' there? UfMo J Stalwarts wiU receive as many blows asiher mav be te 1 nt r. All nh rlftbatPH be regretted; f Criminations and re criminations are aiways 10 oe aepre odto W fcii-''rTiTiBr. cfiA Knnth Ia V T" fcTi "r -JT. . r SU with wool in itsmbuth,withboweri head, and ashes npoo : its . garments whilst the miscreants smite its cheeks arid spit tbeir'; venom upon it ? ; Who Bays that Yv; 4v f Someidl8coyeriesbTB very startling character have jbeeh made at York- l town very recoritlyi but we have not space now jo copy tne account. We will try to do floiti , oar: next issue. Ti, iw&:ftaind , ... ..0 . aurinsr tneru,eaerai ooenpaney ana been discovered.' -" ' . .' T ..Withers acted for the1 slek; fat feUowi wTio1 , ata-m" I JKwu, now reaioiBgnoi rirop ws Geo. E.riri.odC.pt H.mCb.mW -S . ta. iSWS4Ta . Theombsequentprpceedingsbe- verv personal n a v, very nerce I oumuioi , uhjuuuiwuu. vmrAaroa-jkeuogg- - - J- - - - --- - - . -, -I! ... .... . . -r. . , 1- r.:h. T. TT Hbiniur A aa will be the outcome of it re4 speecn in tnisaty,.wneniiMiXOttng, l-r era Senators do; not appear v disposed (Housec HewouWdischarga hisdu- g& , JWPrhaa UKjjlwauuMr' M88 satisfactorily no donbt. W.ith a discovered a lvj" ot af , - - -fH-V F J'f , a , . L- v 'jf - - iTt:" ,i' -"t' ! C" across the Uack, with one end fastened in nnjusttafdalserimputations. The feto&&A)u$ khe' embankmentr.and snatched it out of "til iitt tia oicka. cAnsvatstOTiiio. ofYheFederaVoeefsorth V, vsvv'-ia v Caro .na tn Washmajeiof ; Ralefsh, and- Ike 'W?t&Jn& Harris, and Tim Lee, HhV bald-ad- i rkinsJ wno 1 -..if.-- tyU ... -3i-r 'j J; i and-Jim Harris,-3the-man and bro ., iw t . -- t -ww- - ther,w and George B.vVett,-Who i avas'not confirmed as ColIecor bf. In-: ter&I Revenue in Ifie HftfiDttic ther iahe Cof !infnd there was "revelry' by night" you bet. "Shaffer "is after Ike's jplace; "Loge is modest and only wants a olerkship. Tim is aspiring and seeks to be Mar shal of some Western State or Terri- tbryl Phil would be. glad to grabl Ike's office. ' Ike, and we sympathize with him kahA in th rAt nf th . - . ..... ' I is content to get a consulate to some way-off small place. Alas! that such I should be. We are amazed at Ike's I modesty, and ; must believe there is j ome mistake; justhere.;'Everettii f.- - . i 8tm Beekiog;to oust Wheeler. Wd I r -." - ' s " . , contemporary's account of the happy age into one Here it is: " of utter forlornness. ,;?;-?5itr f-i. :u:,u tti&Qt "On the day that Mahone made his 'big speech,1 O. fl. OoCkery, Esq.; Was In the Senate chamber and- beard it. When he aoa ld him: with at quiet earnestness,' which was particularly impressiverilrat-he nau juoi iouna piece wnicn wouta exact iy suit Captain Tint;!. It i was at pl&ee: be 8id tha there was no rush for, because -it er. but it was a posiiioasf mach resoecta- om.aaj.. jMjg i wnicu was so provoKiog in other departs ments. Mr. Duckery was pressed by Cap tain i tm to 'give away? tne ' secret of the position. He declined at first, r but was: fairly pursued with interrogatories and re-, aueats "for : the information:'" Finallv Mr.' Dockery informed Captain Tim ' that the, position' or such slight resnocsibiutv and so much "honor, was -that -ef ehMnlafn at The tteaate." Tbere wma bMHsgtttW'K aervame anouttnat lime on tne lace of the questioner." j .-fcss.Uikta- It "was little less than kind'! tou be? thus making fan of a "very lonesome friend who has been out in the cold for so . many " unhappy years, Ob "Oliver my son," why; did you" thns I die Timothy, the' labhrvmosei i and I dMnnndunt? Tt u vara nniAl Riit itm ' .u.- .c. was s auwiu.;ii,Br, ol: the faithful rrmteralika-thabofj Tom ' Caorjei?s' .famous " still., honam I - - V. - V . . w 0 i ursver mBHunc, aooui.wiuou oeua-ti 1 led.in' the singing nAhpfcfohnt of every !ble88iag,::nd;piouSiTom: Cooper offered; hp the prayer fof i'an-t other .goodrun." .Olivet : khowingc i,.ivm evinw.in Wheringt l thought that i a mt cv vr ar l u a n - I cauona ior . ouapiain oi. tuo , peuaM ... would be equally-strong, especially as hand. Bnt what was "EurneljDookeryj after, himself t The rjytm8yoserver is silent.,. Those mentioned ara only k part ofjJiordtphjcjB llarrisitj mjsteentjoned 1 Jwaa ;on andressinghiB; demanda 1 - . i-T TT.IJ T- 1 r iv.LwmBg van- fmi J was.uum iww,uu,ausu.iuuw uuui - 1 Oxford. .Whena younff tnecro, before d Irishman " arid'Plil'Hav WaUoneht nitaWwuWd hissed of the correaM vafrter, that gives Jprettyfull 1 pra4a4;the eddlngn . lSSljonljoneiUi j T. Johnson I Mcotmt of c : the'-tribniatfons'' r of 1 uWW'W&SSi! if!.a wiainonanx was gatnerea -vienaoa i . ... if j : a i a riiT. I Rnl ai TSJ H HnmnI J I J-NtnVKnann. JIO. fwhf1 5if1W01l rMr. Robert CApplewbite, of Brinaiey's ?4 J-3d9nPPWihi II . 1 1 1- . ... TTT 1 J cotton he, coulojool rheld.to, death and make restin fit his Presidential head on finest toohain, f Npw if aUesa patrip i y ...mw ,wi.imj.i 1 can . but succeed, .how verv hanDV I 1 i ' - - - . V - they will, Deinejwurjom in tna Lord, love us, Aow w apjmtwm .. : , Reports' from- Washington tare" 'd' the ' effect that 'Conkling - tiaagiven notion that he Will fight the tAdj&iam istration ; in and ,$at of : the Senate.. That iM rich t. 60 f or- it IkirollBoBcOe I -Thtngs areTlpokhig fenne amongl ithe New YbmHmeTBmoffl ta 9 ouiiTiqDf e Airltlneroaa, naarequesiea gea 1 is peug reswr? iub yoaajiwo w 1 'T-t TT-ll fll - f - axTiwj utu win uuuwitti - AAV- 3t f-v' NO. 23 . C 3 a oita wxau. :3 "J H: Vi ' Our venerable and venerated'Tellow-citi fST-f- lady; Celebrated their golden weddieg at residencenme coof Bevh; -eada, Mulberry sitreeisVfefBateraafi ''dttsA fJesios.: jaSvarjriedto;Ph; .hold, at-the, residence of her. mother i i what was know asWhite Oak DisUict, in Onslow county, on the slsl day or siarcn,? Wrf.i-5f, U vJA- i n.:' 18S1,3 yrGeo. A. -Thomson,"-Esq 4 Mh mtti niiarnsldw county ;!UrH.tooi jeth.of-November,: 1808tani; if. i on. the 29th of May, 1805. 9e foUQwedjy: buajnesa of farming until 1849. when he re; 6( ibq Gumucuvnii tinuli:rjleica-ame.paanh. -:Of,;thoB aa yestexdayaod-was fuedh fair ahpasant Onee?: Its. i im iy The venerable couola1 i eceived their fiiends'during yesterday afternoonS and evening; r and a large : number t called . ana partook of their liberal hoapitality anif Con granulated, them on ' the consummation of their first halt : century of married . happir ness, which1 has suffered no diminution with their increasing years; The tsDies -were nanasomeiy ana lawet ki.il ms.a: .lirinat -llt.nll- f1?? XT. rrr which were spread upon them. Over the door leading intothe dining-room were the - white:; cloth sand festooned with: ivy, Kl worus, , . . vy eiconie o aai, . ..paiuicu uu nn anu- iesioonea who ivy ana ODoaite dodr. at. the rear: end of thelables were the words, :"50th Aani ver- ssrygntletiers on :whUeth.;'j A Terrible Tor dsvAo Clinton Bp ia : eonal Chnreh Blown Down. &e. tornado passed over that town on Tuesday efening last, about half past 9 o'clock," lasting about ten minutes; and Which de molishad in its course the Episcopal Church and several carriage shops, with loss of the shops and' carriages of over one 'thousand dollars, to say 'nothing of ' other damages about town of a less serious "character. Some of the people left their houses and Concealed themselves ;in their flower pits. aba'nstein describes 'the scene 1a fearful in the extreme, and during the few - min utes thai the tornado lasted the terror - and consternation- it inspired was- almost um versa!. - Amonz the incidents related, as having actually occurred; during the preva lence of the storm,- is one to the effect that a window of a room in a certain nouse in the town was smashed ia by the wind and a maa; and his. wife; and child- actully blown out of bed on to the uuor - .It is also stated that a good many clocks stopped working from the shock, so fearfully wfre ft UMrHoaAes snaaen. Jnrors fi ttie W. pwirlet Cwart. The followtog named persons nave been drawn ; as furors ; for i the U.1 8. District Court,' and summoned to he present on Tuesday, May 3rd, at 10 o'clock: Duplin county Martin Robinson. New Hanover . county-Sol.; 4W. Nasb, Charles .Stemmerman, P.;H. Hayden, N W.chencki George Sloan E. J. DeBer- tove,-W. Csmpen, James H. Car- 1 1; rwsy. R-Greenberg, JameS W. CblUnS; S. Morton' riehrvweat. Johnson BoopeK r W; H. -Alderman, Ben. - P-White, B. I Hall, Dan. Ellisop, Warding Johnson, Jos.; BWottbi -ChrUtiM UusselW Barnes li- Court will convene on Monday, the 2nd: day of May, but that day will be devoted, to the hearing of admiralty Cases. " ' ' ' f Wot clca Expbrn r tbe BlontU thenortof Wilmlnetoh-' for the monthof atf compiled from thh 1 . . . . r i - i dooks at tne uustom nouse : . 4 r ..; i : ; tcouon-8,76i bales; weighing i,aai,uo Rosin" and Crude Turpentine 85,774 barrels; valued at $161,999. ''""; '; ; Tarand Pitchr-3,t590 barrels; va ued at $7,178. ...j. : ; . ! -': - -s :'r Spirits Turpentine 215,780 gallons; val ed at $93,708: - vm - - q t (ner-1,0000 feet; valued at $18,- : Shingles 154,000; valued at $934.1 , Total' value. of .forelm exnorts for the i nnnth. month, $415,992. I Freventa 'aa Aeewtent. be wayTat Uier pfefu of his own life.slust ri time,' ia all probabilurto preventi ; r - - mm m arisne atannaeaae It Th fnreiffa ahifMnenta vesterdav consist; yrv 1,W barrels of taxand 1,840 barrels Of rosin,' and the Swedish brig Jims, for Etam i burg, with 8,169 barrels of rosin, both by Messrs.' Paterson, Downing & Cq. ; d T i 1 'WCharlo'ita Observer: li has been renorted that the new management of ' the Air Line will-dispenae with the services of CoH -ti1. J."Foreacre, - who "how holds the Dosition of General Manager on that 'road. od in confirmation of the fact. Henry W. Grady writes to ' the - Atlanta - OmutUuUon ffom Daltoa. Georgiaras followes 1 -am Informed on the.train iai ' Cot Foreacre i tlemen who haq nustsesa reaiuons with the I .1.. yt - . , i oa that day I i; - The Raid ':h T7i f tor, trndrdate of Marc f?Jj, ' 3 frorj reliable so:.:c3 t v.ul be com pleted tjrnt li ' fj.raphic commuMCaUnt . -r -- ' t-u-.-hsbed, and we piodlct -ibst jao loc si hence the beantifui Jtowa-of 4 Ojrford,tte ol ? the healthiest tocalftteaintbirr any other 6ue, ;,will prospet d:w :4heikEf SiOOSt Qfa XiSai2 Utt&t&i- fa&M' atOxfordi ,2byeWffAfi.Iatt il- . lracJa'e-x Oxford !ck'smirh' hbf was shot 'Same ntnw-'siccB' by? a twhtte wan uamed Wesly Harris, has dietUuroox. liis wohads. .! s While regretstot- asva; to 5hrooide jch-a twgvnHuo!U a fow, we cannot o4amtvu.i.j,atueiDRoii self. , matt GiUiaoawaa At Jimes e bas." Dowerfu! aaif : desoetate' man. - OsrantmuVdsttaatTarakstioilM aetmuuy." Capt-W4UiBiav Uwjesseeyia-hanrat work fiaisbroiPtiCaasl biarOtai The bed is reported. i awcVCDcditioo and the - M MferSBarnoF FBalti- ifiore,' pufilieCi ?a caVdl of: thanks in the ; HaieigDvvews-woserwr, praising ur.j iv. , Dunn 'for lheltnsiely aid'heteadered to himaelf) aod al-tiy ia ibe::jeei3eat on - the VVeetern Nort'i 'Carolina Railroad, Friday. "the i25th Mai-h. - He- Says: vWhea- the .ear lurned?rr!.? 3ne.w?2ed, he-tweeoflhe.- and was In a very, painfal . shioa'sBj: tlstoRot eut uatilrtr4ed by aim. -1 -,a4w hinvTreleass Ajrv.l uo DoweJl from avperilous situation and assist ? from taarckYf aod xgSt&f&tfoP his f)WB ipjariespd)tbe fir8tlay or Bature-- Beu-preserTaiion ne waa tpe rasi to cump f CoKApOBiient of tha ,RaIeigh rr Dbser? WiBrssI X ruas. Gates wNt u;-.;. so; --lsrn looting . uvee Moore1! History of North CarolTna 1 unu uunieunua ui viiB'iniriy-inirUiive-ment of North Carolina troops,in his hist iory of IheU battle 1 New Beroe,- Thi strikes me as - being Hamlet with Hamlet left out. - The Thirty-third" was first com manded by L:r Q'Bj Branch;- afterwards Gen'. Branch; was. in. his. .brigade, and was ' commanded by Col. Avery-in the battle of NewnBeroe; ; In v that .'engagement j.the Thirty-third did most of the fighting, and suffered as much. -if -not-more, than-any. others: troops engageoU' Ool, Avery was taken prisoner, with 'many of bis men,' and endured for many months the hardships of prl8on)ife. $ iUhc ly i . t-t - Charlottei?emocra2: Mountain apples-sold on the streets this week from wagons at $1 per bushel, 'and by the barrel from t 'stores jt jtboutr.8&- to .80 cents per bushel. v.-. Col. JP. Thomas collected from a few friends in this1 city about $65 to aidjn erecting a monument.' jb -Charleston to the memory of Gen. Micah Jenkins, who was killed in- -the, late war.-- After a hurricane of wind and dust on Tuesday evening, followed by' a good rain, Wed nesday morning-was ushered in by! a con-' siderable sprinkling of snow.. 6o much for the ' 29ih and SOth of March', 1881. On Thursday morniag; 31st ot March, there was ice nearly, an inch thick tn vessels which , stood Out of doors. . Gov. Jarvia is no more to blame than any' other public officer or editor who. favored ihe sale.-1 AlnUd the best they could -under-' the' circumstances, and if McV W: J. Best has proven a failure and a humbug, we do not sea how any one of the friends of the sale; more than anoth er, can be censured add condemned.: vj Goldsboro Mtmengen The pres ent term of Wayne . Inienur Court fully vindicates the wisdom of establishing said eourt. .The docket is a. heavy x one, num bering about -100 cases and? it is thought the entire week will' be consumed in dis posing of it- A 'three-year old child of Dred Sauls, colored... living pear . jYeiver- ton's 'church; was burned to death Tuesday ; evening. An illicit distillery ; was I captured by Mr. . P. Massey, representing tne - U. B. Kevnae Beivice, near Ueoto- s ville, on fiaturday last, andtbo owner of the still, a Mr. A., L. Jones, bailing from Rahdofph eounty,i'was arrested--and Car ried to' RlJfth for 7pretttniMT beariag. We learn from Ur; B. B. Flowers that deep colds and pnenmoniahave never been ' so prevalentj ia the Mount -Olive section as for the past few months." ' The dwell ing house of Mr W.B. Fields,- at Dudley, was destroyeu Dy,rnre on catnruay nignt, together with' his furniture."-1 Loss about $1,600. Insurance $1,000. ; Supposee to be incendiary. , . -. . . . j : ::, Fayetteville Examiner'. Nego tiations are now pending which may result in the speedy, construction of a i railway from this town to shoe Heel on the Caro lina Central Railway." Mr. James A. Hodges, ; one of the; efficient corps of in structors in the Fayetteville Graded School, has been invited to -deliver the Annual Ad dress before the Alumni Association of Da vidson College, at the next commencement. "The mule trade oi uayettevuie has been unprecedented during the past three months. About twelve hundred mules have been sold t prices ranging generally from one hundred and twenty-five to oae hundred and fifty, dollars. '.Most of these animals have been sold to -farmers, who have rreceived -advances of , the purchase money from merchants here. " Probably a hundred-thousand dollars have; been ad-' van jd ior this purpose, whilst a consider able number of farmers have been! able to make their ourcbases for cash. Tues day evening about 8 u'clock at bis residence in this- town;- Col. Samuel T. Hawley breathed his last, . tJol. - Hawley was born in FavetteviUe and passed bis ' long life here, -occupied until-within' the past few i years, -in' mercantile pursuits. , He was a citiEen of intelligence and high character. and for a long period a consistent member Of the Presbyterian JJhurcn. iiis age was about eiehty-five years. March the collections of " internal revenue We ia this district- were $83,233 04. hear of laree fires in the woods in :several directions One.., between.. Sanford and Fayetteville burned, . among, other tbines, KS luouaaou iccv ui iuiuuce. .110 learn that CoL R R Bridgers and several of the . directors of the , Wilmington end Weldon r'oad will this evening leave Halifax ; for Scotland Neck; to make an examination of the proposed route for a branch road between those two places. " That talented gentleman. Mt John w. Moore. has been invited by the. ladies. of .the Me-. morial Association to ' deliver the annual address at Okwood, on the 10 h of May. ' tWe are glad to learn that Msj Moore has accepted the invitation, and expect to hear an able dlscouroe on the occasion. ; TTe -Notice in the Southerner', that Mrs. Oossey Battle Will paint portraits- in oil; She has' a fine reputation as an artist, ard we hope that our North Carolina folks desiring any thing in that line will try ber before going ; beyond the limiu of the State. : The , funeral of the late Mrs James 8 West was held yesterday morning from tbe ' First Presbyterian church, tbe pastor, Rv John S. Watkins, .officiating. The attendance was large, the deceased lady naviog been -highly esteemed in the city - Tbe laige ahdiehce assembled in Tucker Hall last' evening fouad the lecture on "Et:ypin to -: be well worthy -the. reputation . of -j Genera Rdeigh B Colston, late of the service of the Kbedive.ri --r The following officers have been elected by the-North .Carolina -Industrial Association, to serve during tbe ensuing yearts President, J John Q' Kelly; vice president, Jlev. Cesar Johnson ; secre tary, John BL- Williamaon,'. of ; Franklin; treasurer, C. W. HooveriThe; aS' elation iaalready taking: steps to make iu next fair l ajruccesi:r--flalifaxrMarch 31. 'To-. day the jury-returned) a. verdict of . man-, slaughter against i Tucker ttae :ktllisg- the man Johnson near Littleton last December. Tucker was sentenced to tho Penitentiary ror twelve yesrs, - i t i r i ,