il.50a.Yeax, in advance. it ' " - ' t". ; ..:, .- t ... t ......... ... . y. . v -v x t . , l: ! ! 1 ' - ' - , " 1 . i c -" 1 ' i! 1 . ' i ' i'. ;. ' .. -. j - " . 1 . - , 1 . i 1 . ' " SSSSSSSSSSSS8SSS8 S t- dO A O r-t tf 00 2 c- v-j 3 sfiAOOQfififiimefiMiii SS.S8SS8SS88S8888S SSS8SSSSSSSSSSS8S S8 sssssssssssss CD WOO C CP SS388SSSSSSS8S8S3 8S88888S8888888S8 8S8888SS8S888888 et ee o t- oo o n a e 8888888888888888 r " T?. a s s si s is ra- a. - . a' c , - ? I i I "SSSSS&SS Subscription "Price. The subscription price of the Werk Star, is as follows : ; j Smgle Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 " 6 months. " " 1100 50 pIKtLIH.OANirATION ANUQC1K- The sanitary condition of cities la ecomiog more and more a topic ot icasBi6n. : The vile condition of e streets and' tenement houses in ew York and the, bad water in Baltimore are fruitful themes fovthe ltreas of the respective cities. In fV'iImington the kind of water used fbr' drinking purposes- is' attTsctiug ore attention. . ixo . uous'iDoiaer saouia us conienL to arins wen waier until be Knows wnat ne is a i in King. e sanitation; of the city deserves e attention of - all, and especially those who are expected to ook ter the public health. Recently an instructive report! has I ten published that contains infor aiinn that, niav ha useful to other 1 -5 I calities. It is issued by . the Louis- ialaa Slate Board of Health, and is slid to be a voluminous document. We have not seen the report, j but lave seen some of the conclusions auiied by the Board, and those oiiolasions are of genuine impor- fance. vvnat concerns isew uneans concerns all of the cities in comma- tication with it by water. The en trance of yellow fever is generally at New Orleans j the highways it travels are ordinarily along the streams that lead to that commercial entrepot. The Louisville Courier- Journal, in discussing the report rl t-rred to, says : , ' lai portable diseases, like cholera aod yeil- fever, without sanitary precautions,' caa travel, the first, to every point which enn be reached by steamboat navigation,! aud i iie second to all poiDts. which can be reached in the yellow fever range of the' low-r valley." . j The Louisiana Board of Health is composed of yellow lever experts aod medical gentlemen of known skill. What they may say is, therefore, Important. ; It is known through" the papers that very great improvements have been made in New Orleans and Memphis in the way of cleansing and sanitation' generally. It is because of the many sad experiences of these cities and the ability of the men hav ing charge of the health of the citi zens that their opinions become of interest to other localities. Accord ing to the tables of the Louisiana report, from 1847 to 1878there were 30,984 ' deaths in New Orleans from yellow fever. The highest mortality was in 1853, when it reached 7,849. The fever began in May in the great epidemic years 1847, 1848, 1849, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1858, 1867 and. 1878. The maximum mortality was m August ana September. JJunner i 879 and. 1880 there ; were but few deaths from yellow fever. We now quote from the Courier Journal; r President Jones, of the - State Board. offers three causes for this gratifying ex-I emption. Climatic, rigid fnd effective baarantine measures, and the rigid exeCu-1 ing the conhfraaiton. .Wei ban" but tion of the sanitary laws of the board, -"The L s- - : .'vi ii-:.'!. - -j - -tiim.tiA o.noAa . 4h in. t.mnoMtnr. rbelieve that Matthews is not a proper land abundant rains of the Bummer. This, ent the introduction or . germination j of 1 ellow lever in any way. Il is true that uch conditions are unfavorable usually to lhe propagation of the plague, but it is not fare to assert that climatic conditions alone prevented an outbreak of the fever ' last tear. -The fomtgation of vessels and car ;oes with sulphuric acid, gas was persist ently accomplished, and thus -the elemeat )f danger was stamped out. while in New Orleans the work ot disinfecting foul privy faults, removing garbage and fasal matter w,s most iauniuiiy aiienaeo to." r-- ;. k-; : - . - - i - ... ; u aubsequent investigations will con- nrra or alter the above conclusions. If New Orleans.'" under , the above rigid sanitary rules, should continue to be exempt comparatively from the mortality and the frequent epidemics of the' past, it will be established clearly that quarantine and ' sanita tion are the great agents in prevent ing or stamping out the fell disease. -J?rom4858 to 1867 there was no very VOL. XII. destructive.' s8i(anTif yellow fe Ver. Under ?en?-Bfler rulp;: du nog the . war, wje , believe, New Or leans was: hear!y1)f duite frte from yellow fever e pidemi cs a He caused the cit y" (o lou&t'iAeinae. .Here: is .another, papenrb paragraph in the Louisieahl enough to be copied. It says: ; ; . r VisTri .i'-:i:..;i:v i ii'r "Ths fc8 tbatooly t wo deaths occurred from yellow fever io New Orleaos in. 1880. and these were two cases jwhich. originated Ion the. tidieh barkilKxcelor; that; the disease waa immediately siimped out. and yellow fever .was ragtag at Rio 4e Jeneiro .and at Havana duriog i the whole season,' prove beyond a doubt the efficiency of the qbaraDUueHmeasures jo- the exclusion, of ibis disease. tjaarantme only against vea- 1.1. Is A;r,- l . I . 1 IUU UtOCUOk . U.UHI BUUUC UU1V BVaillKL vtSH. I niterf, necessary. and arcomnaDied bv the utcacioua owiotectien of. vsa.eis and car-. 1 mefce of citjiri . srT - above., ... txc L - Stanley Matthews is now being paraded in thef Cinciunati Comjner cial and New York' Times Repnbli can papers) as a slave-oatchen ' He is even accused of having imprisoned a man for giving a cup 6f water and a crust of bread to a f ugitiye slave. We do not think: Matthews is a fit man for the : Supreme Court for the reasons given heretofore. We do not believe that any raaa who was; concerned in anv waviri tha rrreai Traiirf tit'-1 RVR- I iTV tJ-Vi l '77, ought to be in office is fit to be trusted. Hence, we do hot think that Garfield is a' suitable- rnari to be the P.ii1ini of i'nMl AnM.n '."'''.i I V j ; .-r,.,- v ;t' .c-. . : J I ruy oi wnpse people; are, supposed to I h hnnMnrT ,W.Min be honest we think i. " "t tt: 'est T : ' a I that . John - Sherman -and I Hoar'of MassaehusettSjare fitpersons I a... . . 1 to MHlf901 Vfioner or Agentpf States Senate. And so with Stanley Matthews.' He bad Jess i to'"'do with tVia rnKhorv rwf I hn nonnla Dn1 tka J JT rape of States than Garfield or Sher man or Hoar had, rand yet bis own party papers have'''spolcen'aite decidedly against his confirmation by the Senate as United States Su pre me Court Judge." It is true that their objection is not our j main . ob lection hi complicity with the ras- - . "'"' 5' av i l cals who were used to cheat the peo- I pie of Louisiana, and : thereby the people of the whole ITnioD.". They object to him mainly because he is mixed up with railroad corporations, is supposed to be "Jay Gould's can di- date, is kuown to be somewhat pli able and so on. " "I ' ' So strong is the opposition to Mat thews that the old charge . against him is revived within a week, and he is paraded as a man of strong' pro- slavery views in the past. 1 We have not space for the whole article in the -T T . :v":i: !U . New YorkTlmes, butMLhe following shows the animus of the discussion. It says: "Biamey juattnews, in loo, was a can ill... M f ' - A - T ' -m aiuaic ior vKiDress io - us oecona uon sressional Di&trict of Ohio, one of the Cin cinnati - districts.. , During the" campaign Col. Ingereoll, in a speech at Cincinnati, denounced the Democratic party as a pro slavery party, aod hu remarks drew forth from the Hob. E. W-Kiitredge, then and now a prominent lawyer and - politician of Cincinnati; a commnnication tp the Cin cinnati Gwjmrewf,' jwblch gives an interest ing reminigcence of probata very times before the war, when 8tantey Matthews was serving as J amea Bnchanan'i DutriCt Attorney at Cincinnati. The article of Mr; Kittredge was printed in lhe Commercial, October 6, -1876, and that part of it relating to the in cident i ia -Question is here" republished. -When it is remembered that Mr; Matthews in the forties was a Free-soiler, and - editor of an abomionpaperrand a protege of Sal moo P." Chase, and a such elected Clerk in the Ohio Legislator, the-incident given by Mr. Kittredge becomes doubly interest ing at this time. Many . would assert that it only illustrates the .general vacillating course of Mr. Matthews. upon any question of politics or partyisnt with which he has ever been identiaed." : ! -. ; . - . -cj : - v ' The Times' at the close of its ar- ticle, says liearfy alt of the Dem- Vcratio Senators are pledged to vote . . - V JtOt C- . " ' ' A '-J .', ,-3 ... . for the confirmation of -Matthews. This is a mistake""d6ubtles8. We have - - - - -- - v,ri - - -- I VeJ mfPP.- I person to be placed upon the highest Judicial Bench in the land. There are already too many partisans in the Supreme Court for the "good .of the country at large and the vindication Of justice. j Af ter reading the various accounts of Cameron's behavior in the Senate wkh' two Senators holding him down - ... . :-r ., JS- -r . T M - i oy ine coatriaiis, ana others trying Atliini from doin urJtrZ to prevent him from doing something aesperateine only inference that can be made is that hehadbeeutimbibing heavily of -; -Pennsylvania "long- range. ! It is a pity the f coat-tails had. not given way . and he had not been allowed to get near Ben Hill. v J Senatprjletbnfl speech ia spo ken of in'higH yteras by the corres- J pondent ot the Richmond Dispatch. WILMINGTON, N; C, FRIDAY- APRIL 22 1881. Shoe Heel, N. G.i April 13, 1881. 1 Editob 8tah: What is the difference I between 1iative and to the manor born" and 'Native and to the manner .born and are both correct? Please answer through the columns ot your paper and oblige ; 1 : t ASTJBSCMBEB. J ! The accepted reading among jthe tnpst eminent Shakespearian scholars, is the latte'r. It is believed that the dramatist so wrote it. We have not time to go into, the matter at large; Roife, White, tYerpianct AHadaon England. - A selfJrespecting North 'and, indeed, all of the scholars who erner who is not an incendiary but a are j regarded i as high authorities, good citizen, and attends, to his own read "manner bom." The old read- j in as adopted by Johnson, SU phens J ! . . ... : -n. ' . - - I an1 fYn M T n a MmAMSUM " KntthAM f pasleen Ayery, great advance m thai knowledge of the .Shakespeare text, 1 3 ,ieiieniaaTt - taunri xne-iasxwenw- i important changes made in 'the text during that time that are received and adopted by scholars..' 7 Mr. W. C - Bencher,' son of the venerable Hon. Abram Renoher, an alumnus of . the University ; of the class of 1866, and who has resided in HiUroDe six vears. has addressed a circular letter to the State Board of Agriculture and Immigration, whioh meets at Kaleieh on Tuesday next. I k; I views and opinions regarding the u,f .. p :..;. I riv..ueuuiu,6.0- uon irom Europe, tie proposes to i tWRnor- ine uoara. " " "1st. The establishment of an office and t an Bffencv for Eurona in .London, because I it is the best location in respect to Great 1 Britain and Ireland France and Holland. I and it is to those countries we must chiefly I 100K Ior aa ,DC!on,e 10 orin arouoa oi nroductive caoital and desirable imtni- 8rfJS?: S5.d . . : ' "'J i 2d. The annointment Tiw vnnr Hnnnr Immigration resident in London, and in charge of said office." He says this; office need not cost more than $500 af year.1; The printed matter to be distributed abroad to be sent from North Carolina. Mr. Renoher enforces his views at large. J They deserve consideration at least. It may prove a more advantageous investment than the agency the - -.- . , ..... Rencher insists that his plan is the '- , -; . most effective and the cheapest. Then try it, we say, for it cannot do less well than the old system has done. " Don Cameron, the red- headed Senator from Pennsylvania, got ex cited a day or two ago anjhook his fist at Ben. Hill. If he wishes for some one to "tread on the tail of me coat" we hope he will be gratified. It u said 6ome of the Northern Radi cals are showing bad temper. They will not make any more in that game L, ... .. . . . . I j than they have in making terms J with the Virginia midget. Bullying never paid yet when Southern men were to be dealt with. Here is the State's account of the Cameron cir cus: ' r . "Everybody looked solemn or excited. Bat when Don Cameron suddenly lumped to his feet 'as if his neighbor Oorham bad stuck a needle through the chair bot tom) and with angry voice and threatening manner interrupted Hill with the exclama tion, "What - do you mean by that?" the galleries broke into a broad grin. All eyes turned quickly toward the Pennsylvania Senator, who dropped back into his seat when Hill merely glanced at him and said he was only dealing with the Secator from Virginia. Nobody knows what stirred up the hot-beaded Don, but be is reported to have said that he didn't think it was right to let Mahone be imposed upon by every- ooay. - -- " - - '- THE SOUTH VI K WED FAVOBA- B1.Y BT nOBTHERN BIBS. Every how and then some North ern man who has been touring it through the South makes a fair re port of what he saw. This is plea sant. It is a sort of offset to the multitudinous slanders that are being conbtantly circulated to the dispar agement of our people. Col. Mc Clure, of the Philadelphia Times, &8 able to correct some false impres sions among his Northern readers. But Tourgee has done more to injure the South by his books, that would not have a six weeks' immortality but for the personal, Blanderous character and political -' venom with"1 which they are s surcharged, than all the letter-writers can ' do good in the; next .decade.' . There are tens of thousands of well-mean- I ino-: intalHtrnt rtnonlA in th "NTnrth . " " r who believe every word the carpet- bag slanderer has written,and who will live and die in the full belief that the South is peopled with incarnate de- vils, who kill and nay alive just for the love of -it, and that it is held to be a great crowning virtue to kill and eat ' a Northerner who has come to help build up the South and make it great and prosperous. ' . J 1 i But there are exceptions. . There Jare men and women who know that irgee has merely sland3red.& peo ple he had helped to bankrupt. They have been among the people of the South and have seen good order and kindness where they might have ex-; pected chaos and bloodshed., ; There are men of Northern birth who know that a man. from: that, section is just as safe in the South as he is ia New business without endeavoring . to run the South and meddle with, others, is 3 1. . 3 1 II HT. !U RPri.Ain III IIH I (Mil 1 1X1 I I1H RUth as he would be at hpme, e A gentleman by the name of Kim vjine at .wnfra,, wauojmine re- Chamber of Commerce at New Have Haven a few, evenings since, that are well calculated to do us good in this section, if his hearers will only credit his statements. , He assured them there was no sort of danger for a white man of New England to go to Georgia to live that the South is the garden spot of the earth, f In regard to social ostraoism he thus spoke, as we find him reported in the Eoming Register: "Permit an illustration of another maU ter. I have lived in the South fifteen years. politicians make on both sides. These poli- ticians will have to admit in this way that ta .j, talk they d0B,t meM anything. That's the only way iney can get around it. Talk about the Solid South. I have always taken pride in saying that I am a Yankee a real New England Maine aod tJonnecti cut -Yankee." I have alt the time said that 1 was born and raised io Maine and lived in Connecticut, but in fifteen years 1 have never felt or seen a slight in any form my self nor my family, no ostracism, no exclu 8iveDe88. I have' been received jaat as warmly and freely as if I had been born in a Southern State and reared among tbem. I take no pride to self, but I tell you there is in the South, among Democrats and Re publicans, white and colored, that ., reeling that we want progress.- Applause .1 We want our industrial facilities buut up." Tl 11 J T . xub ww wen uuue. - xi wtto nuo was no doubt every, word. Bat will he be believed ? , Will the, Northern Re- publicans accept Mr. Kimball's testi mony, or will they believe rather the Ohio carpet-bagger . who trades in books and spices them with slanders. The , Register the leading . Demo cratic paper, but one, of Connecticut understands the situation evident ly, and says: V When be says that 'the politicians' are responsible for the false impression given to the North concerning the southern peo ple, he slates the exact truth, and neither Toursee nor the author of any other 'fool's errand,' can persuade the intelligent people .of the North that the once kindly, hospita ble and generous boutberners have all been transformed into murderers, night-riders. ku-kluxera and assassins. Mr. Kimball is himself the best evidence oi bis assertions that the South welcomes Northern men who come to work and labor. Thongh a com parative stranger in the South, he has been made the head of the grandest industrial movement' ever organized in that Bection. His is a position of the highest honor, dig nity and importance, and yet he, alter an. g nothing but a 'Yankee.' . The South honors and gladly receives all who come to occupy her land, develop her resources and identify themselves with her Interests, but it is not strange that she does not hanker after Northern politicians of a speculative turn, who come to ber to tern her laboring classes' heads with politics and disturb her peace." Kimball for the true testimony they have borne. They do the Southern people no more than justice. In al North Carolina there is no spot where a well meaning . Northern man will not be received kindly and neigh borly if he settles among the people. We have hundreds of thousands of of rich lands in the South awaiting the husbandman. We have the grandest water, power in North Carolina on the continent awaiting j -- - - : 1. - machinery. Peace, prosperity and contentment will attend all who may come and who will - labor diligently and - economize. North ; Carolina offers very L peculiar and 1 manifold advantages. ;.,We are glad to: read the following in the Register. Says this paper: , . . f "It is time that northern mechanics. farmers and laborers learned the truth about the South .and it-ia just such men as Mr. Kimball who canrand"wiii-tell-the truth. There are thousands of Connecticut's farm ers now eking out a miserable existence on sterile lands, who might live happily, pros perously -and easily- with one half their present effort in Georgia. Why don't they sell off their' truck' and go South t The same may be said of mechanics and la borers, i They can improve their, condition immeasurably by going South." 'i f' 1 THE FUNDING SOHBSIE. Secretary , : Wmdom's refunding scheme meets with much favor in the Km-tKi TT nronnaea to nav th nnt- 1 - Sr-- r c r-j j standing sixes on July 1, 1881. The I holders will, have the privilege of I having their bonds extended during J the pleasure of the Government, but 1 only at per cent, interest.. , It will I be remembered that the - bill that passed the Congress and , was vetoed by Hayes, proposed to fund, the sixes at 3 per cent., and it was believed by many of " the . best informed men in financial affairs that the arrangement would have .been acceptable to most ot those concerned. .. But certain banks and persons oonnected with Wall street combined for their selfish purposes, gave Hayes a scare or bought him up,, and. the fman who Was certain to exercise . on all availa ble opportunities the -j veto power hastened; to negative the action of the Congress. The movement of Secretary, Win-. dom has the merit of novelty, if that - ' . ; . , IV jf " 1 lue aurioo ui tuo x icaiuBuk auv uib Cabinet, he makes an; effort to sup plement thej false step of Hayes by planning a refunding scheme of his own. The. New York News thus" Views the matter:? , ."The fact that the Administration con-. eludes to organize a refunding measure without ine assiaiance-or jongress, is, per haps, an indication of audacity, and aa dacitv is often very successful. Neverthe less it would have been safer for the Re publican party to have left the responsibility with the Democratic Congress that passed the Wood Funding bill, which, if. Mr. Hayes had not vetoed it, at the dictation of the National banks, would have saved the Secretary of the Treasury the risk of enter ing upon his present financial adventure." The action of -the Secretary of the Treasury, backed by the Administra tion, is an admission that a serious wrong was done when the Fraud of the White House sent his ill-timed veto to the Congress. It is a con cession to the wisdom of the Dem ocrats in Congress who passed a bill that the necessities of the country de- manded.' If this were not so, the new Secretary would not be in such haste to plan ' relief, and ' secure the acceptance of his funding measure. The New York dry. goods market is thus given in a letter of the 14th: "Business continues moderate with the dry goods bouses and importers, and the jobbing trade ia sluggish. The best makes or brown and Dieacned goods are inxair demand and steady, but low grade bleached fabrics are unsettled, rants are in irregu lar demand; ginghams active, and men's wear woollens in light demand." ' Tbe RlacnoUa narder. ; . . Chief of Police Brock received a "postal" yesterday morning from Magnolia, Duplin county, in regard to the murder alluded to in our last, stating that One . Handy Bass killed Adam Bass and escaped, and' re questing that a lookout, should be kept by the officers here for the' murderer. He is described as being about 20 years Old, five feet high, of a dark complexion and of sullen, downcast appearance. 1 Since the above' was written we had a vjsit fromi Mr. A. J. Groves, who' arrived here Thursday night to watch the trains. who gives us fuller particulars of the mur der. Adam and Handy Bass wejre hair brothers, the former aged 24 and the latter 20, as already stated. A feud had existed between them for the past three months about a colored girl whom ' they weire both in the habit of . visiting. On Wednesday night ; last, Adam; Bass, who: iff as at work with Mr. Charles Matthews Ion the Magnolia secUon of the W. & W. K. K., went to the house of the girl, about one mile from Magnolia. "About- 9 o'clock Handy Bass also arrived there, and com menced cursing and abusing Adam. The latter finally told Handy he understood he was going to 6hoot,. him; -upon i which Handy, with an -oath, replied that he did intend to do so. Adam then caught hold of Handy, when the latter drew a razor, and flashed it across his throat, cutting it from ear to ear," and-then fled." Adam, ac companied by the girl, started immediately for Magnolia to get the services of ft physi cian, but the wounded man gave out when about half way. He was taken to a house nearby, and Drs. jucuman ana isevane were summoned to his bed side, v There was no help for the poor fellow, however, and h& breathed his last in about one and a half or two hours, after the wounds were inflicted: w--- s:"r.r' .-fr-- . Mr. Groves slated that the affair created great excitement in and about Magnolia, and that Deputy Sheriff Mathis,' with a posse of about twelve or fifteen men, scoured the country a round about all day Thursday in search of the murderer. He has a brother living here, and alsd one in South Carolina. iUp to . the time of the murder he worked with, Mr.. Alfred Ho lingsworth, in Maenolla. vt" " I' '. ' ' Brnnawick. Court. j ' The Superior Court adjourned at 2 o'clock yesterday. . No business of much general interest was transacted,' on either.;' the civil or the criminal docket. In the lease of Brink vs. Black, ia which a large aumber of witnesses from this .city ' were summoned, and which has 'already been noticed, a verdict for the plaintiff was rendered In the sum of $700.. """''If- ' :r In the case of VonGlabn Bome assets of the Commercial Bank, now in the hand of. Col. John D. Taylor, Receiver, the plaintiff was given time to amend his writ or show cause why the fund should not be restored to Mr. Parsley, the former President..-;' 1 vrfh-f :::t;:y, In the case of the Stato vs. Sarah Atkin son, charged with infanticide, Messrs. Hub sell, Cantwell, Devane . and Watt were as signed as counsel for the prisoner and con tinued until the next term of the court. tT- ! We regret to learn that Solicitor Mclver was compelled by indisposition to go home. Mr. A. T. London prosecuted for the State. . Messrs. Russell,- DevaneIVencb; Cant- well, J. D. Bellamy,, Stedman, Geo. Davis, A. T. London, W. B. McKoy, BjJ. "Watu and Al G.'Ricaud.attorrieysr 'were ra at- tendance.,:,, f; ,sr..-.iv ;,,.,; t. , ;v.;wM - Judge Gudger arrivecL here Ust evening and Reaves this morning : for Johnston county courts s.'-7 fi? " Durham ' county carried by an overwhelming vote. .- ' 1 -f; N0.25. jFaieieiisaipmeati, The following comprise the fofgigfl hip- (ments for the past Two dayss Thei Norwe-j igi an barque Oredo, for Hamburg,German y , iby MesBrs. Paterson, Downing & Co., with 3,450 ! barrels pf rosin;' the British "brig 'Stella, for Glasgow Scotland;; by. Messrs. PatersOn,: Downing & Col, with 4,141 bar rels i of rosin :' lhe British , barque J", 2- ISmifft, for L&ndon.i by ..: Messrs. Alex. Bprunt &'8on, with 3)45 parrels of .rosin ;Bnrt omkXch nf nniritn ttirnenlfne- and the. i -r r- - ' Prince,: Hkyti, by ' Messrs.' Nortbrbp & bummlng, - with 168,055 feet of; lumber: and ancT Pender Irtpleta. ' ' - . r. - William Murphy colored, aged n about. years, living at Moore's Creek, Pende county, is the happy father .of three chu dren, one boy '.and two girls, who all camel into" this world of sin and " misery at one time, just one week1 ago' yesterday; -They an all living and oing 7well,Theftft trip-: leU make the number eighteen which he has added to the populalionrof , Pender; fix. by a former. and twelve by his present wife, .1 ; j .; - A. -----. - --. "- " -' Beporied Homicide att Magnolia. ' - Uu , t 11 . - 1 1 -.- - i We learn from a. private telegram re- ceived here yesterday that- two colored men, and brothers, by the name; of Baas, got into a difficulty at Magnolia, Duplin county, Wednesday night, when one of them cut the throat of the other, front the effect of which he has since died.' The two men were in-the employ of a gentleman by the came of Hollingswortb. M Bobgaw, N. April 4, 1881. Ma)or Charles M. Stedman, Wilmington, M. V.: . - - ' i Y.". - -I Dsab : Snt-Tbe - heated . contest over, your, supplemental bill for the relief of farmers aod fishermen has excited much interest and widespread attention.;. It marks you anew as a man of the pewpie and for ihe people. - The bold stand you have taken tor this measure or. delivetance, the; very efficient and signal service you have rendered in breaking down the monopoly of the new Market House organization or Wilmington, and thus standing iby the rights of labor and securing for farmers and fisnermen the benefits of a. free market, en dears you still more to, the producers and Industrial classes, and excites the thanks of the people of render. As some evidence of this grateful appreciation we are au thorized to tender you a public dinner at Burgaw at an early day. I I Please notity us of your acceptance of this cordial invita tion to meet, socially and around the festive board, the people of our new county. Very truly, your friends, ' i W. 8. Larkins,' .. Daniel Shaw, Jas. W. Westbrook, J2. forter, R O. Cowan. P. Montague, Geo. F. Lucas, ' James H. Moore, Geo. A. Ramsey, James Garrason, . T. H. W. Mclntire, JobnD Powers,; G. P. Walker, L. P.! Bell, 1 S. S. Sa.chwelL Committee. S5c. -Wiuchqtok, N C; AprU 13, 1881. Gentlemen. I arrived Tin" the city last night after an absence of more than a week, and found your very kind letter awaiting me. ) This will account for the long delay of my answer. I wish it were possible for me to accept an invitation,! so courteously extended, and . so grateful to me in its terms and spirit. .But 1 cannot j make an engagement to be with you at an early day, being unable to foresee with any certainty that! can keep it. I have never received aught but kindness from the entire people of Pender county, and I am deeply sensi ble of this' renewed evidence of their re gard. - It is always pleasant to j have the approval of one's own conscience; it is still more pleasant -when to that is added the approval ot friends. I should J not ' have hesitated, however, in my course upon this Market House question, had I been de serted by my every friend and neighbor. Knowing full, well," as I thought, the meaning of the contract which was sought to be -enforced against the! people of this city and the surrounding country, . realiz ing that -its terms were manifestly wrong and unjust, I should have: been a traitor to the people r amongst I whom I live, and a coward unworthy of their con fidence,; had' I hesitated. I The contract; with - the ordinances intended to en force it, ' which I think I were ; destroyed bv the Supplemental Act, drafted by my self, was not in my. opinion .compatible with the rights of a people hying under our great Republic. The cry raised by its ad vocates, ihat the Act interfered with the po lice and sanitary regulations of the city of Wilmington, was but the! flutter of the partridge to decoy the hunter - from its young. It had for its basis neither tbe tanction of law, r of reason, f nor of truth. Yet I have never . blamed any person for an honest . difference of opinion on - this question, j i Preedpm of thought aud freedom of speech upon public matters, as r far aa is consistent with the feelings and rights of others, are guaran teed to all cilizenB in this country. I heard, many years ago, from, the lips of my aged and honored father, and I have read again and again from the Constitution of North Carolina, that monopolies are contrary to the genius of a tree State, and ought not to be allowed. Perhaps tbe lesson taught me was a mistake, and it may be that the. Con stitution of our State is all! wrong; This dream of a free government m.y be a myth, and it may be that the many should toil for the few. I do not so think and all I ask for is the liberty of my own opinion, which I shall exercise, please whom it may. - With a profound sense pi gratitude to the people of Pender county, for tbe feel ing which has prompted their expression of approval of my conduct, and regretting my inability to accept their off ei! ot hospitality at an early day; I am,-. v f : ; ? i! - ; - Very truly yours, ; ! i A. . To Messrs. W. 8. Larkins, : and others, Committee. jDaniel Shaw, D&Wlt ' Wbat Kind of liemeerai la He? f Everybody knows that General Mahone is a Democrat c everybody knows that he was a Democrat when elected Senator. Richmond Whig. I am a better Democrat than the Senator from Georgia. Senator Ma hone in his first reply to Senator EM. ;, T -:-A- ' I am not a National . Democrat. That is the last species to which I would attach myself. Senator, Ma hone in his second reply to Senator Hill. rrrrri . ; .4 . ' Wednesday Tand I . Thursday's NutSIieU in one package. --This looks as if the fault of not getting a daily was in tbe omce and not the man agent. They came on Saturday at that. Quick work.; - r spirits Turpentine; Wilson Advance; Mrs. Isley Bass, quite aa old lady living near Pleasant Grove, was found dead m'ber.bed this morn v ing. :- 4 Ia this county April 12ib; Mrs7 Elizibeta SatmaUf 'Wifs of German Ettmn Esq, and)mptber "of CPs'? ftl rJiiEaiman, died pf typhoid fever, aged 73 years. . r -Wednesday .night llamah-named Brown went into the new store belongiazio M. B. Atki08on,.which is now btiog huuTon . -the corner of Nash and Guldsboro. streets, and being intoxicated he built up a fire on the floor by .which to fwarm; himself. "I History ' rails to record the fact" whether' the- man. warmed himself or H6t.' but it is Ihouichi if ' some one bad not been luckily passing and extinguished the fire that the new' building would have been burned. ,r:v : :.. Greene couhly letter :to r thev . Goldsbdro rMts8en$er: The yclo'tewhich , has been giraticg retty. generally around the.'eastern part of the tttale.paid our cou n--ty at rfashiQuable calL 3 Ito completely de-.i moliahed Mr. Tom Carraway'a house, three miles from town, sllghiiy wonndiog every member. ;pf. bis . family,'-: about..; five . in alL It carried a bed one. hundred yards if rom the bouse, - tore -down the weather-"' beards and., chimney, and, genu the Icoof, 1 faultlessly shingled and elegantly finished, 'on an serial voyage to the man to the moon ' . as a-specimen -,of American -skill and io-; Igenuity, but by some mVabs?the darned ihing jfnissed its bearings after, ascending ' one mile, and suddenly took a ? retrograde movement and lighted upon the ciliary ap- pendageaof atall pine, not far from the ' ;ji - 1 - 1 , I (Raleigh .. News r Obser ver ix -The ;. Opening "sermon" of hft C222d session of ' Oraoge Presbytery 4ra preached io Chapel llili on , Wednesday evening bysJlev. John -8." Walklna, of jthia city. The sermon; we leHrh fulry- sustained! the high repuuUaan 1 -bf this esteemed and nseful minister.. After : the sermon" the Presbytery was called to Order by the last moderaioiRev. Mr." Waw -, kinstwhen "Rev. , Miller. .qf Madi80o, was : elected moderator Sind" Rev.; S. M. ' . Smith and Geyr&eAUeo, Esqt, Clerks. ' 1 So Raleigh didn't strike a big prize In the . lottery this time.f It is estimated ihSSooo ' tickets were held in this city. ' j We pubSsh the lucky numbers elsewhere. ; The' wagon-aod - buggy trade has increased an ' hundred fold .here ia the. past, two yean.. ; f r-Yefcterday afternoon a colored cok , was painfully burned at-the house of Mr. Cheek, corner Dawson and Jones streets. . She was found lying on a hot stove, and with her" bead -and armed burned.- - It is supposed that sbe'.was seized with a fit and fell on .the stove. I 4 - , "-. - I -piifordf JFree Lance: We ander-stand- that the Revi Mr. - Shields, ot Kit- ' trell's, has received a call to tbe pastorate . of the Episcopal chuich in New Berne, and will accept. : There are a aumber of applicants for the position of. County Su ; perintendent of Public Instruction, to be ' elected by the commUrioners and justices -of the pace at a joint session on tne first Monday in "June.- The spring term of Granville Superior Court.' commences next Monday, Judge Avery presiding.- Tbe -dockets stand as follows: '.Criminal. 35 Cases ; civil trial,-156 . cases ; Appearance, 20 cases., Information has reached us of Another awful death caused by an over dose of alcoboL r, It seems that one. Sidney : Falkner left Henderson on Friday evening last, for his borne in Franklin county, with a load of guano.. He is said to have been very much uoder the influence of liquor, and when about six miles from Henderson, -was. thrown, from his wagon, tbe wheels . passing over hir head and fracturing his ' skull, besides inflicting other terrible in ju- -ries. . He was killed instantly. ; . . , '! Goldsborb " 1 Messenger; The dwelling of K W. Melvin, in Turnbull township, Bladen county, together with kitchen and dining room furniture, were consumed by fire on the 5th inst. Not withstanding all the efforts that were made the fire, driven by a strong wind from the . bouse, communicated to fencing and en- . tered a pine forest where it burned about . -1,000 acres of boxed pine land before it could be stopped and only then by coming to a swamp. Mr. Melvin had no insurance. Several others shared a loss in the burning forest. - -Tn os. W. Swan, Esq.; has some fine cattle, among them an Ayersbire cow, a splendid specimen of cattle. With a young calf her average is six gallons of milk a day. I Mr. Swan realized from her in one month 1,160 pounds of milk, and as much as twelve and a . half pounds of butter a weefe. Tbe enterprising . Geo. Allen, Esq.. sets up the following claims . for tbe city of Newbera: One cotton factory, one wood plate mill, plow: factory,! plug to-, bacco and cigar factory,' two foundries,' three; machine shops, boiler works, four saw mills, three grist , mills, steam cotton gins, candy manufactory, clothing estab lishments, rice mill, marine: railway, biick yard, box factory and broom factory, giv- ing employment to about lour huodred operatives; -:- -- i ;j;;.b.:'ii:-'3''' : ; j Raleigh News- Observer : The machinery law ' passed by. the late General Assembly, for the collection of taxes, cre ates changes in the -manner of selling property levied on for j non-payment of taxes. The present law-authorizes the, sheriff to bid off the for thff county.' unless there be individual biddets. Formerly the property f in such' Cases was -bid off for the Btate.MAs the! county is made responsible' for Hhe amount due the State, it is not reasonable to expect that property) wnera can be shown as much., leniency as formerly.'",- Tbe Banner is the name of. a new paper published in : Raleigh, by John ,H, .Williamson, a well- known colored man. " It is to be devoted : to the interests of bis race. It is very well . edited, presents an attractive appearauce. and merits the patronage of the colored people, Who ought to have a paper of their own here at the Capital ! Tbe price of tbe paper is $1 50 per- annum, - $1 for six months,. 75 cents -for ; three - months. -Tbe following is a list of offices of the Roanoke Light Infantry (Third Regiment), elected at Wtsldon on Tuesday: Captain, W. H Capell; First Lieutenant, R. S Hall; Second lieutenants, :,w. a. uarris. J U. Latham. . Companiea are preparing in all parts of the Stale to go to Yurkto w n It is understood that twenty -seven companies will attend. These will be organized into three regiments and one oattalion of in fantry, and a battery of artillery. One band, and only one, will be allowed to each regi ment, and only one State color and one na tional color will be allowed to each The carrying of flags by various companies will not be permuted. A series of encamp ments, as required and provided for by tbe . new militia law, wilt, it is uodeMood. be held during the coming summer. The First Regiment, will encamp at Kinston, tbe Second at Wrightsville, on th sound be low Wilmington; tbe Third at' Greensboro, and the Second Battalion at Cleaveland Springs.: . The First Regiment ; will be a grand feature of tbe un veiling of the mon ument to Gov, Caswell, probably, which will take place at Kinston on: August 6th, Granville correspondent: Mrs. Ade line Paschal, of this county, has, we are in formed, four sons .three years old. Tbey are as well grown up to their age as any children. . Prof. Ledonx, of New York, writes: "I cannot tell you with what interest I read the - North Carolina papers, nor how pleased I . am with the signs of prosperity in the State where so recently I had my home.? This prosperity I can more -easily discern from my present position outside than when I was actually in North Carolina. Inquiries at our office are becom ing more and more frequent for advice aa to Southern mines, water powers, ' timbers, -etc n and several parties have been quietly ; prospecting in your State at my saggestion. One company alone, having a paid up capi tal of $2,000,000, have sent their agent . to : consult me, and desire to invest it all In North Carolina mines.?' 1 v ."l-F-"-' V- ft t s 1. i -5 i i t t

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