Ae-Qeekla.glHt. is" - f -PUBLISHED IT- vv-tXiTva:i3src3-T03sr. 2sr. o., $1.50 a Year, in. advance. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3 8888g888S8S88S88 UinoH 9 SS8SSS8SSSS8SS88S 8SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ad e? oo ei w s oo at so o of oo -stpnoH 5 8S88888SS8SSS8888 I qiaow. x 8S3SSSS8SSS8S8888 "83100.44.8 coot-a5-co-ft-ao 8SSSg882S888888SS 88888888888888888 r H y iH e et St al ........ .. jj- - - - CO Ef ered at the Post Office at Wilmington, n. as second-class matter. J s iption Price. lie subscription price of the Wkkk Star is as follows : --V It -t . : t r-n ri year, uuBiagepaiu, i.uu 1 0 months. " ' 1.00 " 3 " ... " " .50 9IK"SR. J. ft. R KOffH A: CO. few days ago we published an ract from an article in the Golds- hfio Messenger reflecting on Messrs. 1.1 B. Brown & Co., of Baltimore, and in justice to that house we prink below their letter in reply to the eisenger and the comment of that ler thereon. And, in this connec- v we will state that in the latter of April we also received a iet f rom M essrs. Brown. & Co.,; in vJiich they expressed a desire to sab- be for a number of copies of each 'per in this State opposed to Pro- I lion W these copies to be mailed per. list to be furnished by em.- iney also stated inai inej expected articles to be published jlsLifying their, support, and asked ui terms for several hundred extra We informed them that we ould supply them with anynumber t copies they desired, jast as we Juki supply any one, at our regular ties; but that we were not opposing Ifrphibitioo for the purpose of ex- tlilding our' circulation, and would tier no consideration agree to pub h anything except what we con (ered fit and desirable in further- ice of our views. This - ended the (ire8pondence. But we will do tuifese gentlemen the justice to say if ijit ; we did not regard ' their ifiiter lo us as an attempt to I rlhe. They were alreadys ub libers to the Star and knew the guper was opposed to the so-called ohihition bill. Erom the general I . i i . ... , . , tiieoi meir leiier we inierrea mat. fhjeir object was to circulate papers Imposing prohibition for the benefit Id that side of the question rather tan for the benefit of the papers lemselves. ! Hie following is ihe letter referred as tit appeared in. the Messenger: j etierlrom ffleaara. J. B. Brown & C "t l L 1 . 1 M l - Ijvie nave rtceiveu tue louowmg letter iWileesrs. J. B. Brown & Co.. of Balti- iiie, which we cheerfully publish. in com-' liancH with their request: j , V Baltimore. May 2, 1881. ' utwr juessenaer: Dear Bir. Our attention has been illed lo an article in your issue of the 2Sih if April, lenecting upon us. It does us leave injastice, we believe unwittingly, ad we ask correction at your bands. ' IWs are especially desirous not to "dis si" or "antagonize" any. of your people unwarranted interference in their affairs. 2 pressing a willingness to support ' and ifcist such papers in your State as are Pposed to prohibition . cannot be - so :0ustrued. By re-reading our letter yon ill see that we stated we were of the Depression that the Messenger was opposed oj the Act. We asked you if J that were be case at what "would you furnish us :6rtain copies of . your paper -. to be nailed to a list of names to be furnished Ou. And farther expressed a willingness o contribute articles opposed to prohibi tion to your columns. ' We have written similar letters to twenty- papers in your ate and received courteous replies from Ml. Some were opposed to prohibition led willing to furnish us as desired; some avored the act and declined the proposi ipa of course, and some stated that they "fere not taking any part at all in the dis iosssion. . -: j-" You would have done, us no injustice di you published our letter entire. Yon would not have laid us open to the charge i attemptiog to bribe yon, which is in ffrrible from your article. But our letter was not for publication and we think in fairness you must now regret the use yon made of it. - - ! Certainly you couldn't have had any sort Vf tight to "turn over the Dronosition tn Brother Roby, of the MethodU Advance." 4 ou musi near in mind that we pay $400 Eittf vear to Tntir Rtota tnr tha' nrisilano r filing goods there, and we have some fgaa in tne premises that should not be Iveflooked. But if we were not in the iqaor trade would it be an unwarranted jpierference for us to support and encour fge those whose oninions on anv nneation f public policy coincided with our own ? yu mean to say that the prohibitionists I 1 uewine every oneroi assistance or en- PUrSEement thnt nomsa frnm lu.niiil ih. Statef . I Our COnscientiouat v formpd nnlntnna tputled to the same consideration? as those lld by people outside of the liquor trade. ;f e agree with Senator Bayard, Chancellor goaby, and - many other good men and Reat thinkers, that prohibitory legislation nerates and fosters more evils than it plres, besides being powerless to accom bbsa na intentions. .u Surely we have a right t join with those who think the same way R promulgating our views and seek con Vrta to them. . ; . . '-.-v.--.--... - - - , - .j- , - ; i : .. . ! , . . . ' : "v 1 ' : ; . . - . " - , ... . 1 - . ', 1 . ,-. ii. VOIi. XII. ,1. Aa y mi have taken tccasion to warn us to b oretul, we bejj'rto say that we have been aod always hal be careful not to dis gust or offend any one by any improper net on our part,J but we here declare our iuleaiiuui(i assist tBd'ip'DODenls of prohi bitiou in your Stale by every proper and le gitimate means in our . poWer, in hopes of saving tbe; good Old Korth State from the condition of -affairr'existing in Maine, in hopes of j restraining : her from plunging headlong under the spur of fanatiscism into the gulf of moral wrong. We have never descended to anything illegitimate or under hand, and never shall, but if in doing our plain duty! honestly and above board we incur enmity, - we think dt ,will among those whose good opinion is worth much. ;-; - I .; --r : --- ' : I The head of our house is a Kortb Uaro lioian and! proud of his lineage he does not propose to neglect any duty he owes his motber State, or 10 08 recreant to any trust imposed upon him by bis heri tage. . i We regret we were misinformed as to which side you were on in this contest. We hope jroti will give ms space for our re ply in common fairness. ; If you are un willing to do 60 .charge us for its insertion as reading notice and send us the bill. Re8pectfjlly'yoiit8, f. , :, .'J.xB.BnowNCo. ! LWe disclaim- any: intention : to wrong Messrs: "J. B. Brown & Co- r As we stated on a previous 'occasion,' we are not at all disposed to- blame the liquor"-dealers for making efforts to protect their traffic. We merely cautioned them to conduct a decent campaign. The offer of Messrs. Brown & Co , "to furnish 200 to 300 subscribers" on condition that we publish "good matter in opposition to prohibition" was to say the least on the order of a bribe, however, little it may have been intended as such. We bad the right to reject the proposition, and in the interest! of respectable journalism deemed it perfectly proper to caution our journalistic brethren, and would have done the same had the proposition been made from the prohibition side ..Not many weeks since we published Senator Biyard's letter in opposition to Prohibition. Ed. Mes senger . S - THVIKG TOjnPLIOATE OTIIKUS. ' The Republican papers are fall of tricks and resource. They mnst break the force, if posfiible.of the Star Route rascalities. To do this the Demo crats mnst be, dragged in. It will not do to have it appear that Indiana was carried by fraud which was inspired by Republicans land "engineered by Dorsey. So Hancocks.nQtnination is lagged in and they ; tieclare that the Star- Route furnished; money to se- cure that gallant soldier's nomination. No one. -will believe it whose opinion U woith anything. No letter from Hancock, like that ; written by Gar field to "my dear llubbell," has been discovered, nor will be discovered. The whole story ia a pure fabrication. Hancock's nomination was a splendid tribute the South paid Northern valor and another concession and 'plea made for harmony and peace."! "7f - Senator Wallace; of Pennsylvania, who is a man of -high character, Re publicans themselves being witnesses, has written a letter to the New York World. He was - implicated by cer tain Republican correspondents and says: "It ia not my habit to contradict news paper falsehoods,! but tbe truth touches the purity of General Uaocoek's nomination, and therefore I Write. No money what ever came from jany source . to carry the delegation from his own State for General Hancock, and none was used. . His ene mies and mine trumpeted the result of that convention as a victory over General Han cock and his friends. - General William B. Franklin . was in charge of the Hancock headquarters at Cincinnati, and controlled tbe expenditure of all moneys used there. No such sum as $30,000 was either -raised to: expend or was expended there. The whole sum expended did not exceed $1,500, and this was for rent, music, banners, badges, etc." J . -' ' - - ; ' The Republicans will have to stand alone. It was their .dirty fellows who did the dirty work and who stole the people's money ' Tbe Democrats can laugh at them iu their confusion and corruption ami say, "Thou cannot say we did it. -Vi - u We have reoeived by mail the fol lowing insolent! letter, to which we invite the atteniio'n of our readers: : .Wacesboro, N. C, May 11, 1881. Ednor-"8tr,, . - : J)ear8ir: " Wn rtaafrA tn hn informed how VOU stand on "Prohibition." -The question is a nmpi: ODD.. .VI.UU 1UUSI -ilUVI - US J VI VI against the liquor tradet . You cant . discuss and obj ect to parts of ihe bill. If you do not tyothiltwwiMiVot'Metveyoul you said you wouia lavor aoui oi uiuereov con structioor It is pimple,-oFar Or, Against Prohlbttiqnc-JtKalsaj yout colors" let us know where to plsce you.: .' t 3 yYmir, Respectfully - ProhibExtcutiverGommiUefor Anson Co. -: ' 'j .-jPrP. ) -- This highly intellectual production, of which the"aboveli aniteral copy, is marked "Pnyate;'' but we do not propose to allow; sneaks to fight us from under coyer-if we? can prevent it. - "Private!" -Yes, it is the pri vacy of the assassin who lurks in the bushes as be waits for his intended viotim-the privacy pi the coward who stabs td the dark. - : t Now, we wisfrtorask the Prohibi tion Executive; Committee of Anson county if .they authorized "P." to write this-letter. We do not believe it. We know the. Chairman of that committee. He is a christian gentle man who would scorn to engage in such dirty work, and we call on him ta fix the responsibility where it be longs if, within "his p9wer. If the letter was written under ' instructions I of the coramitteelet " them" acknow ledge that this is one-of tbe methods of carrying on the Prohibition cam paign. - " ; " A SORBOWF17I. FIGI7RE. H j Here is a specimen of the negroes who were bamboozled and enticed by the friends of the Chicago Inters Ocean and. made to. go .to Indiana It is .a ; shame and outrage that such white rascals f can thus fool -- the Bis-' groes and escape ' unpunished.' The Washington letter in ; the Rtclimond Dispatch giyes the following:: .. i : i "I saw a well-known Washington1 color ed man at the Baltimore & Potomac depot hindly helping with their luggage a dilapi dated colored - party, of .which a forlorn- looking colored man was the head, and I afterwards asked him who they were. He said; 'Do you see that man? Wellhe went rrom JNorth uaroima out to inaiana, ana is now going back home on money a white man in North Carolina he used to live frith sent him. While out there he lost his wife, and his children.' He didn't save any money, and had to burn 'bresh' for fire wood. vThe white people, be says, don't like colored folks, and colored folk3 don't know how to get along with them.' " "Seventeen families were recently sent to South Carolina from New York on the assurance of its Commissioner ' of Emigra tion that there was work for them in tbe factories. They were diverted from their intention to go West by the Superintendent of Castle Garden; who. was willing to throw anything in the direction of the South that looked teaaon&be."PMadelph(aFres8,Bep, Some one has made the good sug gestion, which the Stab indorsed, to have a good agent representing North Carolina among 1 the immigrants as they arrive at Castle Garden from Europe. The above shows that some thing can be done. If it be desira ble to have European immigrants come into the South we can imagine no more certain plan for securing it than an efficient agent in New York to represent North Carolina. Other States should take the same step. Kellogg was. sensible when he in sisted it was wrong to employ men om the North in the various De partments of the Government and credit them to Southern States they had never seen. Senator Morrill, of Vermont, with a moral obliquity quite noticeable, thought it all right that it was important only to have efficient servants. Just so. All of the honesty - and capability lie in tbe North. For instance, when Vice President Arthur was in the New' York Custom House, or Brady in the Post Office Department, and so on. . It is very important that the Govern ment shonld be honestly and. faith fully served. A good way to secure this is to give the South its propor tionate part. What a row Morrill would make if Southern men were to be placed in the offices and credited to Vermont, thereby ousting his con stituents. The New York Herald is now the organ of Roscoe Conkling. It con tained a few days ago a five-column broadside aimed at the President. It is so circumstantial, minute and con nected in its account of what tran spired at Mentor between Garfield and Conkling that it is believed to have been inspired by Conkling him self. : Gorham is supposed to have done the writing. It is said to be in the line of Conkling's cancus speech. Republicans in Washington cannot" give a guess as the probable outcome of the struggle between Garfield and Conkling. It is a mighty interesting fight to the Democrats. They are not mourners at the funeral either. In 1872, there were 437,750 immi grants to the United States. This was the largest in any one year up to 1880,- when the number reached 593,-, 703. Bui 1881 promises to surpass last year, if the stream continues tnrongh the year as it. has been thus far. Since the year $1861 twenty years the number ' aggregates 5, 635,925. " ;In the recent election for a . mem ber of Parliament the Irish electors voted for the Tory candidate. They should read Justin McCarthy's "His-? tory of Our Own Tunes' to ; find out in all the legislation of.rthe last forty years who "were therf al,jXriends of their country among the English peo ple. They elected the Tory, member. They are angry with Gladstone and wish to restore to power ; their , life long oppressors. It would be a bad day for Ireland if they could succeed.' '; We notice that the press dispatches giving an account of the ceremonies a( Cowpens, S. C.,omit to-mention the presence of Gov Jarvis, of North Carolina. North . Carolinians are more courteous, and are sure to men tion the "invited guests" before glo rifying themselves. WIIsMINGTON, N. C, FltlDAY, PHII.AOBI.PH1A Tinted ON ARXIH pigs. r i , -v . The Philadelphia Times' now and then slips up in its editorializings.r In its comments upon ex-President Jef ferson Davis's little spee.conMemo rial Day at New Orleans it, is lex tremely truculent and without any proper occasion. The truthisits com ments are in very bad taste, and are indecent and spiteful. Ilear ,his paper, that affects fairness, and; pro-' priety in its - dealings witli ubjepts and with the South specially; J ("Jefferson Davis is slow at applying his own plaster. 'All we want,' he said, when pranking aa President of the bogus Confede racy.'is to be let alone.' The Kepublic con temptuously let him alone when he stood with' Ms neck tn the hatter : and hebss been spitting his gaogrene'and veaora upon it ever since.4 His latest indecency was in Xtew Orleans, where the unveiling, ol a statue to the traitor Stonewall Jackson af- ioraeq mm toe opportnnuy or npuoag w magnanimiiyvf ihe nation by lamenting the success of the uprising which began in too bervtnd ended in oceans of innocent blood shed. I live today.'sajs fliis shameless 1 reae oj fraud and bloodshed, 'believing that the Southern Confederacy ought to have succeeded.'-" j Now such stuff as that malignant and impudent is. not worthy of aby paper' of intelligence - and - ordinary J fairness. There was nothing said .by Mr. Davis in regard to the motives ot the war that . ninety-nine men in a hundred in the entire South do not believe and teach. They so believe it, that even such men as Jo. Brown and Alex. Stephens would to-day in dorse every word ot it, and they are never accused of "Bourbonism" by either Northern or Southern papers. What did the "old man eloquent" say that causes the Philadelphia paper to spit out its venom in such raouth fuls? Let us copy again what he said : -;:1 - y::.;-.;.. "From the academic shades of the Mili tary University he went forth to battle for the cause of State rights, self-government and constitutional liberty. Such was Jack son. He livedr-for-his country,never doubting the justice of his cause, believing it was righteous, and 'trusting in bis cause be died,' as I live to day, feeling that the Confederacy ought to have succeeded, be cause it was founded intiuth and justice." - This is all. - It is precisely what every soldier who .fought under the Btars and bars believed. It is pre cisely what Longstreet and; Mahone and Mosby now saints in the lte publican -calendar believed. It is precisely-what every Southern youth ht taught JU).belieYe. The outh fought for what it held to be right. Mark that. The heroes of the South will not teach their children to be lieve that their fathers were traitorB and the cause treason. It is as false as h-ades, if tbe Times does dare to say it, and not only will Mr. Davis, but every true man in all Southland will rise up and tell .the calumniator that it lies when it so charges. But after all the Northern people are very much alike in their views concerning the South, call them Independents or Radicals. ; . .' . . . . . ; After the war Mr. - Davis was treated as a felon and made the scape goat of a people who were just as guilty as . he was. Bat the II. S. Government dared not bring him to trial after the long imprisonment, and the 'Times knows very well the reason why if it had the manliness and can dor to tell it. If he ? deserved the halter then every man: in r the South deserved it who fought for or sym pathized, with the Southern , cause. Treason doth -never prosper: what's tbe ": -reason? ::1 - - Why, when it prospers men don't call it I ..treason ". The bitterness of the ' Times is the more noticeable because the Stab and other Southern papers have given It credit for more than usual fairness and moderation. But from-all such' speoimens as the above we may ' rev erentfy say, "Good Lord deliver us.' - It is time there was economy in the administration of the '- Government. It may be believed - readily that the expenses could be reduced annually atleast ten million dollars if there were an ' Executive : and a Congress deyoted to rigid economy. - We no tice ihat some of the great railways have reduced their expenses immense ly whilst increasing"' their aggregate receipts. - The IL S. Government can do the same thing if the same integ rity,; zeal,- business tact and- close scrutiny 'were observed that prevail in the-management of some of the great private corporations. - ?'It wasi impossible not to contem plate the probability of a difficulty of adjustment with him." r. t- This is, from an editorial in the Cincinnati Commercial) and was writ ten by no less a journalist than, Mu rat Halstead. That is the sort of writing that is regarded as fine in the North westi , MAY 20, 1881. U , GARFlKLD or CONKLING. WHICH It is certain, we take it J that there will be a break in the Republican ranks , if Conkling holds lout much longer. The fact that certain Sena tors gave notice in caucus that when the uncontested cases had been dis posed of that then they should feel themselves free to consider any con tested cases ' their judgments might authorize, is a' sure sign that Conk ling will have to face" the music and test his 'strength against the Presi dent, i In this connection we may mention tliat some of the Democrats are very much 'disposed to go with Conkling, and not because they love the South-maligner so much as be cause they think it will rebuke Gar-' field and improve the "prospects of lije Democratic party. One. fieuator r. . ' according to the Washington Stan "I am clearly of the opinion thatitis the duty of Democratic Senators to sustain Conkling. There has been a tendency for years, said the Senator, and it continues to grow, for the Executive department to en croach upon tbe prerogatives of the legis lative biaoch. It should be stopped. No President ever assumed a dictatorial course toward the . legislative . department of onr Government such as the -present occupant of tbe White House has and, should he be sustained,1 there is no telling where he will stop. 1 think it is the policy of the Demo crats to support Conkling in this fight, be cause I think it will do much to disrupt tbe Republican party.' - We cannot hope to drive Conkling out of tbe party, no matter bow often we may 'crush' him. We may, by helping to defeat Robertson, cause such a split in tbe Republican party in New York as will enable us to cany it with ease, in i the next election; but as I said in the outset, it is no funeral of ours. We have no favors to' ask of the Administration." Conkling's grievance is all the talk. He . accuses Garfield of downright lying and of deceiving him grossly. He promised to. do certain .things, says Conkling, and he failed to keep his word. ; There, was a palpable bar--gain in the New York conference be-1 tween the two Radical worthies, an , Garfield fooled the other. 'According ' to the long account off. the bargain in the New York Herald, inspired by Conkli ng, Mr. Garfield began bar gaining in offices 16ng Jbefore the Maine election, but at a, time when the outlook' for the Republican cause was very dismal; that j in fact', the celebrated ' New York -conference,, which was called at the instance of the President and at1 which hoi was present, was forthe purpose of secur i ing the aid of General Grant and Mr; Conkling by promises 'of patronage. Well the South never took much stock in Garfield. -. It believed - what Gov. Hendricks proved in his famous speech against Garfield as to j the Louisiana j rape; it believed in his complicity in the Credit Mobilier and Paving Stone scandals; it believed that he had lied about both. Thus believing the South is not surprised when it learns that : there was a bar gain between Garfield and the Stal warts, and that Conkling charges that Garfield made i promises that ihe i would not keep ' Really, it is extremely in teresting -a very nice kettle ;of spoiled fish. Where; is - the Radical health officer? ' Mrr John .Wanamaker, the .well: known ,,. merchant of Philadelphia, and a deoided Republican, has been on a visit through the . South, as far as Florida,1 .where he remained for some weeks. ; He gives a very differ ent account from that of, old Dawes and his Massachusetts liar, who oould not tell a cotoin gin from a cotton mill. In regard to social, ostracism, Mr. ; Wanamaker says there. would be none ot that feeling leftcf were it not kept alive by a certain class of news papers ; they clip a -sentence from one : paper j here and - another there, and now and then publish things which excite remark in most cases, not quoting fairly the text of the article." " ,i ' " ' .' - . . . . The Springfield (O.) Bepublic, a strong temperance paper, has made .two disoovenes. The first ! is that "the liquor laws are much more elab orate "and complete in their provis ions than the laws against theft, burg lary and murder.' And the seoond is that thp liquor 'laws are not effec tive, simply ; because they j are not enforced, and they are - not enforced because the public sentiment of : the people does not" demand that they shall be.".. " I ' ! ; A State convention of the liquor dealers and all others opposed 'to the so-called prohibition bill has been called to meet in Raleigh June 1st. I The heat all through the North has been ranging, among the nineties. - In New York it got.; air high, as ; 93 degrees, i . I- LA NO.29 STANLEY MATTHEW..:.:;-.: . - What ihe Papers Say." J . ' Philadelphia Times, Iod. i S The people may well qaeslion the capacity of tbe Democrats, for 'pub lic service when a majority of Demor ocratic Senators vote to put a man iiks Stanley: Matthews on the Su preme Bench.-. ''. vff ' :",f; ! , , ' New "x ork Times, Rep. . ' :.. ' i If this nomination - of Mr. Hayes was discreditable,1 its renewal by -MW Garfield after the emphatic protests of tbe press and .tbe legal , prof ession has been still more 'bo. He owes bis confirmation lopDemocratitfotes, and will take his seat on 'the ; bench tinder such a -Cloud of suspicion as to his.character . and' affiliation e z as must greatly interfere With his usefulness. It is J,o be. feared that the traditional public respect for the judicial strength' and' impartiality; of the .- Supreme Court will not jrorvive'a reetitibnof such a"nomination as was - yesterday approved by the senate. "", . Baltimore Sun, Dem. . The" main' objection to Mr. Mat- Ihews was the fact that he has at various times been counsel forj rail road corporations in important suits, and as a law j er has committed! him self to principles and doctrines which may oe submitted to -judicial deter mination when he is presiding in his cirouit or sitting in the Supreme Court, i ! v- Baltimore American, Rep. Matthews on the bench will repre sent the survival of the nnfittest. He was made Judge because all the judi cious minds in the Senate objected to him. . i . . . ; Philadelphia Press, Rep. It" appears that : Mh Matthews' support, in the Senate was made up of more than half of Democratic votes. The objections to 'this selection for tms position were mamtoia ana vital, and in the opinion of the Press should have secured his rejection. . : Baltimore Gazette, Dem. Wa have now before us the humil atins spectacle of a man in the Su preme Court.whose honesty and truth have' " been questioned and : j whose championship and counsel of monopolies- and corporations is sup ported by a lobby of great railroad men. r.His record alone as one of , the Southern "visiting statesmen,"! and in the disgraceful part he took in the great national fraud tbrougbi which Jar. ttayes was. seated in the presi dential cnair, should have been suffi cient to have caused his reiection for any post of trust and honor. .V- Tlie.Cllbion AFalson Kallroad Com- By virtue of the charter eranted bv the last uenerai Assemwy. ratmed onithe 5th aay ot -Marcn, a. u. inai, incorporating the Clinton & Paison Railroad Company, the following named persons, viz: Wm. H. Moore, J. L. 8tewart, J..R Beaman, A. F. Johnson, John Ashford, E. T. Boykin, J. H. Stevens, J. A. Ferrell. C. Patrick. J. H. Royal, L R. Faison, J. C. Pass, R. It. Bell, J. A. Oates. W. E. Stevens. R. F. Herrine. James Morse and J. C. Hines, being a ma jority of the persons mentioned in thesaid charter under whose direction subscription books are to be opened, met ia tqe court bouse in the town of Clinton on the 29th of April," A; D.J 1881, after public notice to that effect, -and - proceeded to organize by appointing Isham It. Faison chairman and A. P. Johnson Secretary. I ! j On motion! resolved that we. the neraons aforesaid, do open books of subscription to the capital stock of the Clinton & Faison Railroad Company, as soon as practicable at uoiaaooro, -Mount uuve, faison, war saw, Wilmington and Clinton, and) that the said books remain so open for ninety days.' That the book at Goldsboro be placed in charge of Henry Lee; that at Mount Olive in charge of J. A. Royal and B. A. Mara- ble; that at Faison in charge pf i. K. Faison and J. C. Pass: that at Warsaw in charge of Fleet R. Cooper; that at Wilmington in charge of U. Fennell. jr., and Adrian cs Toilers: that ia Clinton in charge of A. J Johnson, J. A. Ferrell and W. H. Moore Onjnotion an executive committee, con sisting of J. L. Stewart, X. T. Boykin and A. F. Johnson, was appointed and charged with the duty of superintending the carry ing into effect the foregoing orders and resolntion's. 1 5 Oil mnllAii! Ttln a Oates. J. H. Ste- yens and J. C. Hines1 were appointed to 1 1 :i Huuuii Buutturipuuus vo iuo prupuseu i ab road company and to report their action to the next meeting - On motion, the : meeting . adjourned ? to meet on Tuesday, the 7th day of Jane next, at the court house in Clinton. - - Ishak Ri Faison, Chm'n. A; F. Johnson, Sec'y, Queen of Ma j" mi SmltU-rllle. -' There was quite a pleasant entertainment at Smithville on Thursday last.the 12th inst., in which a large number of young misses participated. , The exercises began at H o'clock n. m.L under the direction of Mr. 8 P.Thorpe and wife and Miss Manage Thomp SOD, ana me nuair pnwcu uu ycirensoui-lv-atiii Intha kktiafuptinn nf nil Artncerned. ,T Miss Carrie Dosher was. Queen i Miss Olio iruuwood, urowner; miss .nnie jusucr. Sceptre; Lucretia . Piver, Firsj "'Maid of Honor: Miss Ada Dosher! Second Maid of HobQriMiss Lfziie Clemmons, Third Maid of Honor; besides which the Seasons, the Graces,: and represented. many other characters were - i- .-. . - - - ! - ' ' . I. A Slonster jBael. 1 Mr. John J. Hick?, of Topsail Sound, Informs us that he killed an eagle one day last week which measured seven, feet and eight inches jfrom tip to tip of jhis wings, 'Which beats' the Moore county eagle,' (men tioned in the jWadesboro limes knd copied into our paper,) by six inches. t The closing exercises of Laurin- burg High School will take place on Thurs day, June 2dJ At 11 a. ml ! tha-annual ad dress will be delivered by Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. At 8 p. m. annual cele ration of Philotechnic Literary Society. Spirits TnrrjntihB; . Charlotte Observer'. , The, com. mitlee of arrangements forHbe 20th inf May met yesterday evening and prepared a pro gramme, , The SpeSkej TWd ;clfcf Jiarshal for the pecsaion were selected and-iavited to serve-is Boston company, wbieh is icyieaeuieu ax aausoorv dv a Air. iiovd. has purchased, the Jlitchie. mine, and will I anppiy u witn muling macnisery. for iu ex- 1 tensive working. Tha innn'a Mouo- tain Company ia rapidly pushing the, work at that mine to completion, and will have ' V the finest mining plant in- Rowan county. 1 uiv - ua tuio vviupsuij son OUJIC1 (Ui machinery, and that it baa been pot up in' the very bet manner. d Q -r ; I Here is the way North" Carolina : tobacco sells" in ; Viwnia. Tbe'.MiUon : C7ironicle says:; Waleat trom the Dah- ville limes of last week that the Star Ware house Bold one lwja:h0vsec load o vf tobacco 1,571 lbs.) for Y. B.Wrreo, of prospect lliIJ. for 7a2 03. One load of .1.085 lb. for J4 O.'Braflsber, of Bushy F6rfcv in Per, -son county, for C00., One load of 400 lbs lor Moses Anderson, ef Prospect Bill, for f oa ana focr per tiundreq. : John i-L6ng. ' of RideeviUe. one loadi at 1140 50. .aver Li J.' Anderson.' of AnderBon'a Store: one lot at $8lUad'onelot ASai-' 'New York inspectors should note this. C ' - , 1. i ,. i -. - . l :i. . ni.-- "--t.. mi- ' 4 , jlu wit; uitruHicieift ioo jTumoren . murder and robberv of E. Scroetranj. near Olife HilV,on TLureday last by a negro, and a wane man namea uarus.; awmdlernown to a free figtyin'lhe public road in' which Nat Wilkeraon.'colored. dealt. SerJffifana a dangerous blowtoverUie.eyeYvri6a rock. : stnnnine bimso lhat'Wilkferaon "and Banru ihpuglu.hfe ms kflleaiaoif Mf hfni -lymg in rue erjoau aey r, were -,aiu. OTUnk, v-- Steplied, "who eficsped.ffohi 'the officer, wont come back. - iUeerna he was arret, t- ed npt,forr adultery with, awhite . woman but for Btfealing tobacco, y the way ia- it lawful in this country fortharacesio inter marry or to live as man ,.ndi,wifer. If not wny sleeps the law in anatchburg? - ; ! cR&ehliiblical'Kecorder : The commencement of Shaw University of this - city will come off on May 25th . , RevJ W. T. Jordan in a private note says that the new Baptist church-! in Lumberton, N. C, will be dedicated next Sunday, the 15th,1 - ana ui. r.; tt. rrucnara will preach the dedication sermon. The mee tinea in : Edenton, Thoma&ville, Monroe, Header- i sonvme,:iiOutstrarg,' (Jharlotte and at Wake . Forest College. were of wonderful nower. i while good news coraes to us from Aehville, Goldsboro; -Oxfortt; Warrenton, 8helby, Statesviile and other places. The com mencement of the Chowan Baptist Female Tnstitntp .TnnnSO 91 V. MnnHiv nanin.1 i reunion 01 Literary societies; Address;) Capt T. D. Boone, Manney's Neck. Tuesn I day evening, annual sermon, Rev. Dr.1 HJ ' McDonald, Richmond, Va. Wednesday, 12 M.,iannnal riddress,.Prof..W. L. PoteaiJ waKe Forest. - -- - .- - Raleigh Neios- Observer'. Hon. A. S. Merrimoo, of this city, will address : the citizens of Iredell in behalf of prohlbi- ' tion.- :7- - On Saturday night a bar-room on Wilmington street was entered and $150 in cigars and liquors carried off. The commissioners ; of. Granville 'county have, concluded, after mature, deliberation and a great-deal of persuasion; to grant license to liquor dealers who may apply, while at the same time they go to the full extent of the law. in taxing the dealer. This will virtually dry up all the country grog shopa, for they do , not generally : have more than fifty or seventy-five dollars invested in the ' creetur, while this will make it necessary for them to make an outlay of one hundred and twenty. dollars to the State and county j in cash, twenty-five dollars United States revenue tax, and then ten percent, on their purchases. : , . , - ., ' - . . - Kinston Journal: . Last Thurs- ' day, while two colored men were , passing down Neuse river they found the dead body of a boy lodged on a jeuie.: .The body was taken up and brought to town and proved i to be Albert Hall, a boy about 16 years old. who has been living with Mrs. Nick Hun- ter .for ? several years. . - Capt. ; Jfi. li. Page, of Jones county attended s meeting of the Directors of the Atlantic Coast Rail-. way Company, of which jbe.i one, al Goldsboro last Saturday. - He - says the Company has already built a road from Norfolk to Elizabeth City, and from Wash ington to Jamestown; that they own a road from Wilmington to Atlanta; that: they have "stacks" of money and are determined to fill up the gap between Elizabeth City and Wilmington. The Captain is very sangaine over the prospects . for Jones county to get a railroad.! . Fayette ville .Examiner", i Mrs. W.X Hollings worth, of Ibis town, died on last Saturday night. She was aconscien. tious christian Woman, and died as she bad lived, in full faith with the church. Strawberries have begun'.tocomein. They are abundant and of good Quality,, Price 15 cents per quart. . We are pleased to hear that Air. .Joseph utley is recovering . rapidly from tbe injuries received by a fail from his horse some days ago.... Mr Jkioore, Jr., a pupil of the Graded School,' we are sorry to learn, naa tne misiortune oi breaking his ; arm last . week. J -The dwelling-house of Mr. Jerry Jones, at Bonn's Level, Harnett county, was con sumed by fire last week. ; There . was a total loss of everything in the bouse except a part of the furniture. -' We - bear - that there was no insurance upon this fine piece of property.! We are doubly sorry to hear of this misfortune ot Mr. Jones, for it has been but a short time since he lost his cot ton gin and engine by fire. Weldon ivcttw: About five miles below Seaboard, in Northampton county, then are thirteen cases of BmalKpox. The disease was brought from Portsmouth by s colored-1 man a abort time since. Messrs. A. J. Joyner and J. T. Pope left Monday for Baltimore, taking with them the ' race horses " Kate Long, Russett and Gov, Vance, to be entered at the Spring races." We hope they will win tbe races they enter and: will take heavy pools, Mr. Wm. Wyche has also taken Swannanoa to Baltimore to compete. On Friday morning we learn that - Mr. B H. Pender, of Edgecombe, while n Warren county, was kicked by a horse, tbe hoof striking bis head and fracturing tbe skull, from the effects of which he died on Monday morn ing. His body was taken to Edgecombe on Tuesday for burial. Dr. L." W. Batchelor, the excellent railroad agent here, gives us the following figures of cotton shipped from Enfield 'during the season of 1879 and 1880, 5,374 bales; cotton shipped during the past seven months of the present season 7,870 bales... The present season will show an increase of about 3,000 bales over last year." - "r - 4' a;'- ' 1 "'- Tarboro Southerner: Mecklen burg has tried tbe no-fence law success fully with improved farms, houses and mora contented laborers as the. result. Wake county will soon vote on t it and Edgecombe, needing such a law as badly as either, is making no move . toward sob mitting such a question to the people. : Let the, question be agitated and explained. -Mrs. W. W. Thomas bad a painful fall last week at the wood house ia her yard, breaking two ribs. ; -Informatko, gathered; from various sources, is to the, effect that there will be more fruit than was expected., CapLl O. Williams showed us a . t , peach twig eighteen inches long - with 1 thirty-five well developed peaches on it 1 as large as a man's thumb. The Uni- ; vereity Railroad will not be finished in -1 . time to carry visitors to Chapel Hill com- ! mencement. They will have to jolt and: bump and perspire over the road from Durham. - The admirable manner ia ; which Lane's Brigade carried out orders 1 f at Spotsylvania relieved the left of Gen i Lee's army, 'and saved the day; for the i Confederates. . , '