i r ... ,-, . . . - - j- 'm ' r -r - iir-rm-i-Tr--i , i iiii" i'ihi ' iimiiii mi i ...mi .I).' "i " i f in i'i r ir i i irriiTi ii -r; r t tt r-irmfi y i rr -nr -i vr j -rtmUBHBD AT $1.50 a" Year, in advance. sssssssssssssssss MITKK.?I SSS8S88SSS88SS8SS - oj ! to o o - as as ei c? i th io S8SSSSSSSSSSSSSS8 SS8SSSo8S8S8SSSS8- 8SSSSSS3SS8S8SS tlluoH l 8SS88S3888S8S8S88 L i;' 8S888SSS8S888SS3 S 8 S 8 8 8 S 3 3 3 S 8 8 8 8 8 8. i-I t oo a6 co as o h eo V o a - v H H OC Ot 4) a- ,s ; Rntered at the Post Office at Wilmiogton, ' if N. C., as second-claaa matter. J Su5scrjpti6n:; Pricey 'Hie subscription price otilie Wkkk t v Star is as follows : J -iu'l? Copy 1 year, portage paid, f 1.50 it it G months. ti it 1.00 3 4 " .50 niWKA A KTOCKDKALBU. Let Dawes come to the toot-lights once more that he may be seen in his true character as a' pliant. tool of D ikes Ames. He stood with Gar Held in the big swindle. He is now fiarlield'a mouth-piece rbia chosen apostle - his peculiar friend and horn looter in the Senate. It is no slander to accuse Dawes of complicity in the r:ii rascality. It U a matter of re ivird, antl the whole proceeHugs have hceii nuldixhed. Dawes in UHt not be l iriroiieii: lie is the;ffeifow who Hiaiids u in the Senale ifrom day to df and introduces liars and s slan derers to assault the Southern people and blacken their good, i name. Let )wes be handed down.! He should l.u'..mlulmv(l in v(rM. Hfl IA 1AO tllCB r m i it try . ; aiiiu" to l overlooked or forgotten. VI y" hi iiHine !mj immortal. , I'.ih ir xhe testimony. Dawes 'i'ore he was not an owner of any .hi Mobilier stock and had never in aw owner. Iiil lei lis tfiv ins ilwii words: 9 . '- I I was never tbe owner uf any lock of ml corporaiion, et I did kt . uke lu a bares tf ibal Block, hi,U ifain nrwnii n. vfts minded before the rtockTMi (ntbs:vi r ill to me, and u nfiCT was transferred "Q Tins was lwul the begiunnitj ol I tie 9eS8luo f (JougreBk? M a I am e it could not hve lien r iban the first week m December. 1807. enl ridbl back and told Mr. Ames I l-l not t-ike it." f I litre, according to his own evi- d lioe, he is dallying with Delilah. Ill is ou the perilous edge of the pre- uikcu2but has not fallen over? But lei In tree farther. The whitewashing c wltnittee reported: I j')o June, 1868 Mr. Ames received a ilmU'lend otCOper cent, in money on this B'oti, and of it paid to Mr. Dawes $400, and applied tbe balance of $200 upon ac i: -uiita between them." I . ijf Dawes had "recinded" "the agreement," as he swore, "belore the Ktoijk was transferred by me" (him), whl this payment of' $400 to Oakes . -1 n H W' 1 . Ames? .1 bnsineBS with Ames at the' i .. very; time other of the Credit Mobi lier jorruptionists are engaged with him But let us quote farther. This is f orn Ames's diary, produced on iiia : k . ' ' I r . ' HENRT Ii DA.WE3. Byi&ab .....! $1,039.00 riy ftmouot due on bond... J .... 1115 23 Ta fond. $1,000. (Jrtiit Mobilier, $1,000 ('ben worth $3,500) ' Uotm Paciflc, $1,000. I "Ii Can you state when this entry was made? A. That was made, I sup pose, previous to the June dividend in 1868. 'Ii About what time ? A I think nboi the same time with the rest of them ." In December, 1868, j Dawes and Aiftes closed op their i transactions, a the former gave this note to pay a jifference due to tha latter: 'A "Washington, December 9, 1868- . I For value received, I promise to pay OJkes Ames, or order, $283.00 on demand, lib interest. , "H. It. Dawes n, , "his is lovely. This I is the man who now leads the Administration frees in the "Snited Slates Senate. Tjie New York Sun, from which we ifve copieu me ngures, says : . I'This man swore deliberately he 'was lvr the owner of any' Credit Mobilier f ck, and that a proposed purchase of ten stpieswas 'recinded' in December, 1867. Vi ihe record proves that be did own ten fcixrea, that be received, the money, bond9 - d scrip dividends on them, and that he f tied with Ames a year after the time he I'iJ sworn to bavins; notified Ames that he "lii'jl not take any stock ! He was em i- lv TiltPil tn 1m lhA nrimn uf fn(iia h ratitleil the Slahonn harvain unit nut t. n forward as the champion of Qorbam l itiddleberger. r ' 1 :9 its now coached by 400. We have received a verbal message rn Uev. S. C. Alexander, Chair man of the Prohibition Executive if nWniee of Anson county; to the eet that he neither authorized, en 'frsed nor approved of the letter Wjiich John T. Patrick attempted to palm off as an expression of the opin ion of that committee. :; ' ii- Until: -Ttui. :'! AV-A.i:'xirra-rr?rr,yTrj.t.!rr:'-i : vt?!-v?tr -. a u n ... v-'i . 1 .V ' IH ' WW M. H :v..vt:;i: A .. :x : . ;' - - - . ' 1 '" " ' 1 - ' ! : . . ) - i r-'-'i ,. - ,i,r- -- - l ; . ; . ; -L i - -s : I ' if - m i - VOL. XII. M. KEATIMT Of ; rHBOR IS riiKirv. f From air editorial in tfe -Methodist Advance, headed "Heartless Argu ments, we take the two following extracts: ,' ' ' ......". -. "It is said that there ate business, men not engaged to the liquor traffic, belonging to iue ciass cauea gooa eatseru, who are op poaejd to prohibition on the ground that when men are drtakiog they can trade with them to belter advantage than when they are sober. . - . Vlt is said that some of our political man agers are opposed- to , prohibition because when men are drunk they find it easier to control their votes." : The Adoance is a religious paper published at Goldsboro, and we wish to ask if it expects to aid the cause of Prohibition by snch -"heartless argo meats" as the above? - We confess pur great surprise,' as well as our sincere regret, at finding such language alwl such sentimentein any religious newspaper. ' Does the Advance really know any "business men not engaged in the liquor traffic, belonging to the1 class called good citizens,''-who would take advantage of a drunken customer by swindling him out of his money? What else can the Adoance mean when it says Vthey can trade with them to better advantage than when they are sober?' i And who are the "political mana gers opposed to prohibition because when: men are drunk they find it easier to control their votes ?" I "It is said." By whom? Will the Adoance - please file a bill of par ticulars?. Who is its authority for these wild statements? We think it due alike to itself and the people among whom it circulates to be more explicit. j We commend to the prayerful con sideration of our brother of the ..Ad vance the caption of this article.. "The greatest of these is Chanty.". I The telegraphic news looks . alto gether favorable to .the President. To.judgerby it Conkling has lost the game and will not be re elected.' But after aw hi e oihei retains may come in. C-mikltitg iiitiat have information not known to the senders of dis patchvK. : lie. would not have resigned' his place in ihelS;nale in a opirit of petulance or bravado unless he had assurances of hta safety in such an act. If he failed of re-election he must know that he would only play into the hands of Garfield, and rdb himself o a great extent ofjhis power to checkmate his enemies. We have considerable confidence in Conkling's astuteness as well as general ability, and he will not be silenced or de feated as easily as the dispatches read in order would ! appear to authorize. He evidently thought himself safe or be would not have acted as he did. He would not have taken a leap in the daik. He is not the man, we ap prehend, for such folly. He may not be elected now, as the New York Senate is hostile to him possibly,.but he may yet come through and resume next winter his place in the IT. S. Senate. I To call prohibitory laws "sumptuary laws'' is the extreme uf absurdity. Corres poncuntUiarlolUObserter. i In many respects the qutsiion is a sump tuary one, aod laws attempting to establish sumptuary regulations become inquisitorial and impossible of execution. Ihomas F. Bayard S We have givisn our opinion as to the effect of such sumptuary laws. New York Journal of Commerce. Pay your money and take your choice. . Wej believe . we will take Bayard and the New York Journal of . Commerce in ours. Score a victory for the colored peo ple. Ex-Senator fjruce, of Mississip pij has been appointed to a good-pay ing office, Register of the Treasury. When the President hears from the colored convention at Raleigh he will be moved probably to increase the number of the - appointments among negroes. rj i The proceedings of the convention seem to have leen, conducted decent ly land in orders The resolutions and speeches show J.hat at last the colored voters begin to appreciate their im portance. They have perhaps waited too long to get their rights. It may be that Garfield may count on the North as being sufficient and can af ford that the negroes should shift for themselves. The speeches generally were kind towards the white, people, and. especially to some of their white allies. One wiseacre from Wilming ton had made the discovery that the Democrats had "ignored the negro." How did he become a justice of the jieace ? The Democrats have given the. negroes more offices in proportion to Democratic negro voters than the Republicans haver, and that too with out gaimng any thing by C But; for the f'coloresman r.and brother,'? the Democrats would have had possession of the Executive long ago. ,i j r RITUALS. - ' - !'' Mr. Wesley, wise, good, able man that he was, i prepared a ritual to ' be used by his people in Great Britain. ,We believe it is in use now in that country. The -Presbyterian General Assembly of "th"- South, now in ses sion, have the matter of a short ritual under consideration It is to be com posed mainly of the words' of ' the Bible,' embraeing the Lord's Prayer' as it is called, and the Ten Command mens, together with the Creed Bait 3b termed. '' Is not,the prayer given by. the Saviour more : properly ' the Disciples' Prayer, than His. He told His disciples that when they prayed they should say so and so. The Creed takes its name from the first Latin word that begins the Apostles' Creed Credo, I believe. What Creed it is proposed that the Presbyterians shall adopt, if any, is notimentioned n the dispatch. There are three, known as the Apostles, the Nicene and Athanasian. These Creeds were simply the confessions of belief or faith. They were written hundreds of years subsequent to the Apostles. The Athanasian Creed is appointed to be read in the Church of England. Many able Biblical scholars are of the opinion that it was ; not.. written .by Athanasius, but by Hilary, in the fifth century, who lived some 150 years or more after Athanasius. The Apostles' Creed is probably as old as the latter part of the third or early in the fourth century. It was known to be in exist ence in the fourth century, as the writings of Ambrose shpw. A use of short rituals will grow more and .more into favor. They will ' not i supercede extempore ser vices, but .rather supplement them. The exquisite beauty of the English Episcopal service is recognized by all who can appreciate a solemn, deco rous, narmonious and admirable wor ship. : The English of the Prayer Book'i- very choice,' only second to that, of the Bible. Its history is well known to all who have explored the matter. The collects and prayers and, especially, the grand, sublime, majestic "Liturgy," must arrest the admiration and touch the hearts of all persons who have felt the influ ence of tbe Divine Spirit in the Soul. SALISBURY'S POINT. If the Irish in America wish to see how much they may expect from the Tory party if it should get into the ascendant again, let them scrutinize Lord Salisbury's speech. lie is the leader of that party. His utterances are, therefore, the more significant. It must be remembered that the bill against eviction was killed in the House of Lords. Take this in con nection with Salisbury's remark that "it would be better that the House of Lords should cease to exist, than that its function should be merely to confirm the decisions of the House of Commons." What does he mean? This and nothing else; that if- the Land Bill passes it will be defeated in the House of Lords. Why ? Be cause it grants too much to the ten ants and takes too much from the landlords. Every : Tory Lord is a land proprietor, and the most of them own thousands of i acres. Place the Salisbury party in power and what is gained? Ireland will be treated just as she has been all along. The most rigid enforcement of laws will be in evitable under Tory policy. Read English history for a hundred years back and you will find the Tory party always resisting the - reforms proposed by the Whigs. THE NEW VBRIION. We put our readers on their guard as to the copies of the revised New Testament they buy. There may be thousands of false or bogus copies sold as the genuine. It is known that the advance extraots that were pub lished in sundry I, papers were all false nearly. This is made upon the authority ot Rev. Dr. Schaff, chair man of the American Committee of Revisers. There is no doubt that more copies will be sold of the new; revision than of any other book ever published. The reception of the new revision, as we said before editorially, will be slow, probably. It will be criticised sharply, and may be again revised, but finally the changes pro posed will be accepted, by most scholars. Of this we have no doubt. We have been reading a very learned WILMINGTON N. C; FRIDAY, work jby : an . eminent i clergyman of the Established .CJaurch of England, and we think in the notes, there must he.some hundred changes in the trans lation of the James, revision , of the letters of St.- Paul alone. He insisted, giving rthe .Greek always, , that the translation ,of tthe : English Version was incorrect. 4 Jtle is not one of the revisers. . This shows how ; scholars regard the cherished old revision that is full of "errors of, ope kind -and an other.- The Democrats were self-respect ing fwhen they1 voted t unanimously; against the confirmation' of fWtUiam mor senseless, viperous assailant' of th& South does not live in New Eng land j He is a sort of Yankee cobra- de-capello. It is monstrous to put a blind partisan on the bench or to make him a law officer to hound and persecute. An Account of cue Southern Baptise Convention. Notice was given last Sunday, at the First Baptist church, that the pastor, Rev. J. B Taylor,' would, make on Thursday night, some statements concerning the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.which has just been held at Columbus, Mies., and which adjourned last week. Notwithstand ing the inclemency of the weather, quite a number was' in attendance at the lec ture on tbe evening 'mentioned. : After some introductory exercises Rev.. Mr. Taylor proceeded to give some account of the meeting referred to, stating that though he had been prevented froni . attending, he had received information concerning it from various sources. Having mentioned that the Baptists of Missouri, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina; Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana and Florida are identified wilb this Convention, some account was given of the proceedings. The following officers were elected: . I i Rev.' P. n. Mell, D. D , of Ga , Presi dent: Rev. E. T.. Winkler, D. D., of Ala., W. C. "Crane, of Texas, Dr. Curry, of Vs., and Gen. Stephen D. Lee, of Mi-s., were. chosen Vice Presidents. -; ! S The Secretaries were Revs. C W. Dobbs and Lansing Burrows, of Kentucky. The introductory sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Landrum, of Georgia, from Luke 24:47. Rev. II. W. Bdttle, pastor of the Baptist Churcb at.Uoambn8.'4ariveredMiatfdieaMyj of welcome. Kev. Dr. iiroadut,-or Ken tucky, responded. After referring to vari ous incidental subjects which came up metnion was made of the three special ob jects which enlisted the attention of the Convention, viz: Foreign Missions, Home Missions and Theological Education. The report of the Foreign Mission Board was read by Rev. Dr. Tupper. There were missions under the auspices of the Conven tion, in China, Italy, Africa, Mexico and Brez'l. On the resolution, "Tbe indications of Providence seem to direct the great en largement of our Foreign Mission work," J. B. Hawthorne, of Virginia, .'addressed the Convention. When Christ said, "Go into all the world," he had in view all who were living or should ever live in all the world. The man who. will give nothing for the spread of the gospel beyond bis immediate neighborhood may be a Christian, but it is exceedingly doubtful. This world.with all that is on it. is God's fiejd. He has put his signature upon it upon every land and sea. Let do power dare to say that we have no right to preach the gospel to every creature. We sb all never meet with the greatest mea sure of success in our mission work until we realiz3 that it belongs to God, and .that we have a divine right to give all men the gos pel. What ' Christianity has done for us it will do for the inhabitants of every clime. In bur own land there is more of virtue and more true manhood and wo manhood than among the same. number of any other people. All this is due to the power and influence of Him who said, "Ij if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me." If human nature is everywhere the same, low, depraved and degraded; if the effects of the gospel are everwhere the same, to elevate, refine, ennoble and save; can we resist the prediction that the gospel should be preached ?, ' 1 ' J. L. M, .Curry, of Virginia, then ad dressed the Convention in a thrilling and eloquent speech. I The report on Homo Missions was pre--. sented by Rev. Dr. Mcintosh. It gave an interesting and encouraging account of tbe work' in destitute portions of the. various States, among the Chinese in California. and among the Indians. The Home Mis sion Board teported Si missionaries in its employ: " " The condition and prosperity of the South ern Baptist Theological Seminary, located. at Louisville, Ky., were also considered.! Rev. Dr. Boyce made interesting states ments concerning it. The endowment aimed at, of $300,000, has nearly been se cured. Of this amount-$50.000 bad been given by Hon. J: E. Brown, U. S, f Senator from Georgia. Mr. v Taylor then quoted from Rev. Dr. Broad us, of Kentucky, who said concerning' tbe- Columbus meeting; "This is the most important session of - tbe Convention ever held. Home missions for New Oceans are being inaugurated, the skv of the Seminary is bright, a new thrill has beeb given to foreign missions by the presence Ol tue two new missionaries, sou measures are on foot to link tbe Convention more closely to the masses of the denomi nation, r About three hundred delegates were in attendance. The next meeting will be held in Greenville, S. MAY 27, 1881. Wlip Wave Het --: . On the morning of the 14th inst. a stran-? ger, who registered his name at Timmons' Hotel, Cheraw.S.-Ci as Henry Psrms. ol Denver, Colorado, 'and who was' . also' known as W. J. Powers, was foaod dead in bed.'with his throat cut nearly from ear to ear, all the circumstances leading to the impression that he himself committed the desperate ' deed. He had' on his person $800 in money, but no paper or other trace could be discovered to lead to his Dositive identity. A special dispatch to the Charles-' ton JSew dt uourter, under; date oi the l6ta," stated that the body of tbe deceased- bad been recognized by a inegro from-Wilmington as that of a Mr. Simmons, from this place, ' who was originally from i Hyde county, and it was In evidence before the coroner's jury that he was from North Carolina, according to his own Statements.' The question is.! who was lie in reality, and where wasce-irom?.- ii I be cotton iriovcmcm. ? Under the head of 4'Somo Eocouragifig Lessons of the Cotton Movement,", the New Orleans Picayune has an article from which we clip the following: 'On tbe Atlantic seaboard the tendency has been towards lower . lines of latitude. The five Dorts north of the Potomac have this season received direct from the point ot produc tion only 411,700 bales, against 452,515 in 1879 -'80 a decrease of 40,851 bales. On the other hand the Atlantic ports south of the Potomac have bandied 2,434,643 bales,! an enlargement of 25 per cent, over the figures of last season i Norfolk has gained) 24 per cent., Charleston 37, Wilmington 50, and Savannah 16 per cent. These vari-l ations, however, are due more to the rela tive increase in production in the various sections tributary to these cities or to the trunk lines that haul to tbem for jthrouga shipment." 1 I Upon examination we una that me total exportsforeign and coastwise, as taken from the records of the Produce Exchange, not including any except those Bhipped by ocean convevance. was 00 per . cent, in excess of last year, the foreign shipments being 118 per cent, ana tne coastwise iu per cent, increase. - . ! ' Floral specimens. - . " . j The Statesville Landmark says Prof.M. E. Hymans is on a visit to the Neuse and Cape Fear sections, in search of certain flora of which the .botanical warehouse there stands io need, and which the moun tain counties do not affordi The late Dr. M. A. Curtis, universally acknowledged to have been one of the- best botanists or nis time, was wont to say that, portions of Brunswick county, contiguous to the Cape Fear river, abounded iu the most choice flora to be found in the world; and the late Wm. A. Wright, when in Europe some years ago.upon visiting tbe world-renowned Kensington Gardens at London, was shown two specimens of flowers by the Superin tendent, which were readily recognized by Mr. Wright as old acquaintances, ana to ue found! in considerable quantities on the west side of tbe Cane Fear, in Brunswick county. A circumstance connected with this incident goes to show the extent of Dr. Cur ttsfcretnittioniidttB8Unatioamw&icn; be was held.even in England, su. wngnt remarked, in alluding to the specimens referred to, that they had been classified by Dr. Curtis, of North Carolina,! when tbe Superintendent exclaimed : "Dr. Curtis! Do you mean Dr. M. A.I Curtis ?' Mr. Wright answered in the affirmative, when the man of flowers said : f "Why, i he has the' reputation of being one Of the most learned and reliable botanists in the Terrlfle Hall Storm. j ' Gentlemen who have arrived here during the last day or two from Beaufort,! North Carolina, report one ot the most terrific hail storms there on Wednesday last that was ever known. It was! almost a foot thick in places, and hoes and other like implements were brought into requisition to take the hail from piazzas etc A pbyt sician who had been a short distance in the country to see a patient, and Was caught in tbe storm, was almost beaten to death by tbe bail-stones and had to take to his bed as soon as he arrived home.' The stones were not large, and consequently tbe effects were not so damaging as they might otherwise have been. - I ' r - Tobaeco a Parable. Some one sends the Greensboro Patriot the following! on tobacco, and commends it to the attention of prohibitionists who, though opposing tne use oi liquor, inuuige iu looacco: "Then shall the kingdom of Satan be likened to a grain of tobacco seed; which, though exceedingly small, being cast into the ground gre w, and became a great plant, and spread its leaves rank and broad, so that huge and vile worms formed a habitation thereon. . And it came to pass, in the course of time, that the son of man looked upon it, and thought it beau tiful to look upon, and much to : be desired to make lads look big and manly. So they put ji forth their hands and did chew thereof. And some it made sick, and others to vomit most filthily. And it further came to pass that those who chewed it became weak and. - unmanly, and said jwe are enslaved and can't cease from chewing it.' And . i the mouths of all that were enslaved became foul ; and they were seized withJa violent spitting; and they did spit, even, in ladies' parlors, and in the house of the Lord of Hosts. ' And the Saints of the Most High were greatly plagued thereby. And In the course of - time it came also to pass that others snuffed it; and they were' taken suddenly with fits: and they die sneeze with a great and a mighty sneeze, insomuch i that their eves tilled witn tears, ana tney dd look exceedingly silly. And yet others cunningly wrought the leaves thereof into rolls, and did suck vene mentlv at the other end thereof, and did look very grave and calf-like; and ' the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and forever. "And the cultivation thereof be came a great and mighty business in the earth ; and the merchantmen waxed rich by the commerce thereof. And it came to pass that : the saints of the Most High denied themselves therewith; even the poor, who could not buy shoes, nor bread, nor books for their little ones, spent their money for it. And ihe Lord was greatly displeased there with,and said,' Where NO: 30. fore this waste; and i why ;d6 'these little ones lack breM and shoes 'and books? j ;Turn nowl joui ? fields . into corn and wheat; and put this thing far from you;' and i be separate, and defile not yourselves! any more, and I will bless you and cause my face to shine on. you.' ,. j .-., .' ; , "But. with one accord they.,all ex-, claimed : .: ? -. . . . ' " 'We cannot cease from' chewing. snuffing and puffing we are slaves. !' ' Problbltlon. ' , ? ..." . Tarboro Southerner. The advocates of this measure in the- State seem to have met wiih? a degree , of. success . in inducing ' the commissioners of certain toounties to refuse1 torgraint licenses 4tot retail. TIT i. . . iv-W - . ' . r vy nai amount, pi flisjpreupu .commis sioners have infthe premises has been adjudicated by "our Supreme Court in the case of Gillispie vs. - the justices of GuilCord county, i reported in 5th Iredell page 2 15 which th0 Advance seems Hb Jhink covers the .present case. ; The- Guilford "commissioners claimed arbitrary and absolute power to refuse any or all applicants. Chief Justice Rufhp, the ablest of Judges, delivered the opinion of the Court, denying such authority. We quote a part of his decision: "It is to be considered what .. kind of a discretion is Conferred, lis it a partial, absolute and arbitrary per sonal discretion, or a legal,' regulated and; reasonable '.discretion to grant the applications of . such persons as the Legislature declares fit to possess the privilege ? The very stating of the Question furnishes the answer.' The law abhors absolute power and arbitrary discretion and never ad-: mit8 them but from overruling neces sity; ; And there is no arbitrary pow er- that would be felt to be more un reasonably despotic and galling than that under which a small body of magistrates should undertake, upon their mere will,'! without any plain mandate from the law-making power, to set up their tastes and habits as to meat, drink or apparel, as the standard for regulating those of the people at larger i ? " - ' ' ' ' '. -" "We admit the license rests' in the discretion of the Justices; yet we say it is a discretion of the same, nature, and to be exercisedon the same grounds and to the same extent as in the case of ordinaries, i It is not ar bitrary, but must have, sqrae Teason for its exercise. Now it W not fof the Justices to Say that the Legisla ture has: guarded- the public morals inadequately, and improperly allows a nuisance, and therefore that $y will step forward to supply tne short comings of the Legislature, and, con trary to ' the intent of the Legisla ture, suppress i such, accommodations altogether. That would be not only to make the law, instead of adminis tering it, but to make a law in oppo sition to the ! one enacted by the Legislature." I. The decision which we have just read is a very strong one, going into the question fully. Does the present law - grant more discretion t j We suppose this question will be again adjudicated by our highest appellate court.' i - 'i i i Prontbltllon. .' 1 Oxford Torchlight. I "Bayard is opposed to prohibition," is the text of many a good man, too inactive in thought' to form an I idea of his own, and so lukewarm in the cause of human good as willingly to receive for gospel the dictum, of a man because he occupies a high place in Washington politics. And who is Bayard? An embodiment of moral defection, with a just claim to much mental capacity, productive of great injurious influences upon the weak, nob amouuuug io crimiuatiiiy,ueoauBe the intention! is wanting. His con science l is not a guide, because it is perverted for want of proper moral education, and warped by reason of the insidiousness of legal attainments. r Correspondence Warren Kews. j And it is f just exactly the use of suoh language as we find in the above as will defeat this great measure if it does meet defeat. The ylea of Sena tor Bayard being "the embodiment of moral defection I" When in truth; he has hardly a peer in that great! body of illustrious men, - the United States Senate. It is of Drime imoor- tanoe that temperate language should be used in the advocacy of tbe cause! of temperance. About the first and most natural charge "thejopposition" .bring is that it is the ideal and workof a few i fa- natics. j " . 1" i The views that Senator Bayard has offered on this question are certainly very plausible. They are certainly such as any good man can honestly entertain. i Kanaao Prohibition. - i i The anti-liquor amendment tacked on to the Kansas Constitution went into effect on the 1st of this month: On the 30th of April : the liquor sel leis of Leavenworth, Topeka, Atchi son i and the other Kansas i towns closed their doors at midnight,baving done the biggest day's business ever known in those parts. On the first day of the! new era a Leavenworth correspondent of the Chicago Trir bune reports that there : were more drnnken men . in the streets - than this oldest inhabitant had ever seen. That day the liquor men kept their doors shut and locked.; The next day about half of them resumed Bellingwith discriminations anu preuautiuuH, uow ever. Now, liquor of all sorts can be had by anybody for the asking and paying. '"BpirttiiTurpetiTitiW i: j 1 Mrs. Rebecca Edwards-Jones, the widow of the late. Cadwallader Joues 1 died nearIIillsborn, on ilhe afternoon Hfi the 17th of May, io. the 8ih year uf her J -. . f Stalesvjlle .Aniericdn '. , .The, StaiesviUe board .have taken no action in the j .license matter. -There . i &if f ad y a townshib reculation tnrtiiil.ii.i.V- iii'u.iu r spiritsi but it 'amounts to and float-1 lag grogshops1' are numerou?, and slation-'f ary ones, loo. T- ,; . ' t ' - I. , Goldsboro Stan 'XoF.L" W.j; Humphrey has . just returned .from" Newi York, where we learn he baa been euadi with Jay Gould, the great railroad ud -tele-j -' graph; mogul of the east'consiilliog ,;'ihe possibility of bujklingMtre Noith Caiolina1 Midland route. , . . - j . jjAaheville Citizen: Thv hearing' thecaseof Redmouitithft nntiHW of DOStDOnRft. tlnlit lh n.ti vnnaw...' r.t... - . -"- i m.ognu , i air. . ederal Court. Th - fnnrt mnuMiKH give him bail in "the eum Of $2,500 ! He is still iftfatt here, however, not having as yet been bble lo give this .bail." -A telegraph1 . nqo i to be established between her ami' Warm Springs. . . v I -Hamlet Argus: A; child, of W il J am .Wallace, r.olnrprf waa h luesday - last.-"It seems - that the child's ' mOtier wliO .Waa.amokinor t lm tin.l n the Cbiid to bed and went to the field to work; and soon afterwards discovered a smoke in the house; Returnioe as ouir-klv noasible. she found ih hpi nn n. the child burned to death.- i ' :The North Caroli na trnnns ii has been definitely determined toy Governor daivia, win oe in camp, four days at the l oxktown celebration.. , Altogether their absence from home will be fora "'week. They will be it Yorktpwn on October 17." io,i u auu au. , auese wiu De thei"big davs." tbe 18th heinc that nn isKiK ui'.u k. - ( . Bi .. u ix'Mt "111 H. ' heldj thegrand reception of .the French. i ;Gotdsboro" 'Messenaer t ' tlnr townsman, A. J. 1 Galloway, Esq 1 returned uuiue uoiuDaiisoury Dunaay,wnere he has been for flfeVAml noolri "Pope,? the efficient general passenger agent vLiiiuq uuunuiiuaieu -railways, ana linuing homes for a large "party of immigrants. Aboul two hundred have been induced to come to North Carolina through the svste- liuuiAcu uu tuieuigeni euoris or tjoi . I'ope and let us hope that this is only the beain- . 4 Concord Sun: Th matis are getting homes about the county. ' -What they most require is plenty of work; good pay, flour bread and meat with red in . u. i i uey are not accustomed, to eating corn -bread; Cotton and: com r.Uniinr u about over and in many instances worked over. The prospect for a good wheat add oat crop is fine, and some . farmers say as -far advanced as it was thisltime last year. V- Roxboro Herald: John S. I .nn'Tr. bart, of Durham, has. made a magnificent . viusi io uioacco iarmers: fad in gold ior,5(J pounds . best wrappers;- silver cup for !50 . DOUnds best smokers, as nrpminma tr hf awarded at the next State Fair. -One day last week Mr ; D. W.' Whitiker, in com nanv with Mai H. f! RartiPtr nf PnrhAm Visited this beautiful inland lake (BarneuV) wnerej tney met, M8j.;jck-Uarliett. l The nartv without Vastinir n'pio w;hnf with aim. pie hook and linei '-angled during the day iiiiu oi ftfijf spring caoice. -1 . i. j - i Wilson Adoance:' We rerrRtj t.r learn of the death of Mr. Charles J. Houn- tree, wiiicn Bad event occurred at lioerne, - TTonffall iuuiMv- Ta... Uf an Till. . r L. uuuu.i wuu.j, iv.,,, 1UIJ Mill, Ut,)- ralysia, io the 48th year of his sge. lie was for many years a resident of fcVilson. 1 4 , Last MoD4yijgb Mr, & W. We-saroek delivered to tbe express agent . and had billed t918 quarts of strawberries and 31 boxes of peas for shipment, j At the; same time Mr! T. S . XpWBnmp hurl 9f!f! nnarla if strawberries, and J.' . West brook & Co.,: - a.- sr. f aucett ana it. u. ttaray naa a quan tity which were also billed f or shipment, but the express agent refused to receive them on account of lack of roomj j Oo Tuesday morning Mr.Westbrook had 965 quarts ready lor shipment, but these Were I I i i- Tirvaritrhn Til r sin Mr. Clem Fair, the celebrated hunterj climber! and rattlesnake catcher, of the South Moun tains, was in town a few days since. ! He is over eighty years old, hut is still stout,1 bain and hearty, and can kill a squirrel out of thn ' tollaot tpoa -witH o viflai anil nUhAtii spectacles. He climbed the flag-pole at tbe celebrated Henry Clay mass meeting in Morganton in 1844, and drank a health to Clay from the top of the pole; a distance of eighty feet from the ground, j He ac complished the same feat at the Seymour And Blair barbecue in Morganton in! 1868, and the old man was expecting to climb the Hancock and English , flag-pole last year, but was disappointed, as there was , none erected. Mr. Fair never was sick in bis life, and can do a good day's work now. One of our townsmen informs us that Jude -Cloud has declined the I appointment to Alaska," on tbe ground that "it was loo not tbar, and no bars tbar. - M - I Oxford Xree Lance: I The! i new and handsome hall of the Homer School was thrown open to. tbe ; public for the first time on Wednesday night, tbe occasion being the Address of Rev. Dr, Thomas H. Pritchard, President of Wake Forest Col lege, before the members of - the Franklin society. Mr.,Hat Williams, or Person county, sold, at Cooper's Oxford Warehouse this week one ; load : of tobacco weighing 1,018 pounds at - an average of $56.25 per hundred pounds, his lowest grade bringing $31.'- He also sold his three highest grades at an average of $76.66. -,Our young men are getting ready to duly Celebrate the appearance ot the iron Horse in uxrora. A grand jubilee association has been formed with tbe following omcersr - hi. G. Cooper. Jrresident; a. G. Lockhart, oecretary; U. J?. Kisgsbury, Treasurer. More ianon- 1- Durham county has been in existence but a few weeks and yet in that brief Space of time a general and universal spirit of dis satisfaction and disgust has manifested it self. It is reliably reported that if the vote was to be' taken to-day the county would be killed by as large a majority as itbat by which it was formed. - -. ". ; ; ! j Weldon News: ? We learn that! 'the crand lury which is in session this week 'has presented nearly every liquor dealer io tbe county lor selling liquor without license. We learn that Messrs. Kitchlri, Biggs, White. Rothschild. Smith and other gentle men from Scotland Neck will visit Norfolk, Baltimore and Richmond in the interest of : Itbis road, soliciting subscriptions J A protracted meeting is being held in the Methodist Church bere this week by : Mr. Rhodes, assisted by Mr. Webb. Tbe meet ings are largely attended and a good deal of interest is exhibited. A meeting was held in the Literary Hall Saturday in favor of prohibition. Rev. Dr. .Craven made an address as also did Capt. Day, Dr. Jones, of Greensboro Female College and -P. L. Reid of tbe Advance. The meeting was . organzied by the appointment of Mr. T. W. Harris, Chairman and Dr. A. B. fierce, -Secretary. There will be a meeting held at , Halifax, on the first Monday m June, for the purpose of electing an Executive com mittee for the county, r Enfield items: Crop prospects are very good. ; Mr. W. T. Taylor, at Whitaker's, informs us he has orders for about ten thousand peach crates for this county. This promises well for a full crop. Shad are plentiful in Fishing Creek over 100 were caught Mod " day. - - Mr. C W. Garrett, of King, wood, reports tbe prospects good for a. crop of grapes..but a good portion of i the new - growth of wood was killed by the severe cold the past winter. I i

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