" " -.b. I. --ti'-i T& OiMh Star; I - 1 ill . ! 'Iir i.a i '. .y s -vrai,,,... 'httT?--rr ,'. -'--I - KM' pftits Jltitt tij v . - ' i ii ' .'i r i ,i i . i i ii i i ,i i . m II ii w-.isi 'f.-f , -'v -a ; i.' n i n. 1 1 1 1 ' roiuiHn at w-ix.3vrara-rro2sr- isr. o., $1.50 a Year, in advance. T sssssssssssssssss J- ssssssisssisii'sss I sssssssssssssssss .- sssssssssssssssss " - ' sssssssssssssssss - - 88888888888888888. 1 88885882888888888 1888SSSSS8SSS888S8 o . ; K ' . . . - . pS " S t J t 5 S 5 J ! ! OQ - ! ' -ieo-ioiot-geeMeone 'Edtered at the Post Office at Wilmington, JH; u.,a second-cl&ss matter. J ion 'f he subscription price of the Wkkk Star is as follows: v Sir gle Copy ! year, postage paid, $1.50 e montns," j " i.w 3 ; ;.. " .50 NEW THEORY-OF DIS8ANK. The philosopher-of the New , York Times is the best humorist connected h the press. ' He does not write fuijny paragraph, but he writes es says of a hnmoroas Vein that are quite redehing. His last is on "Musio any uisease. ' TI a s rencn nnvsician hal discovered that "musical i os tra in ents can be used with excellent ef- i in the treatment of many diseases, sj th jecially those, affecting the nervous iiom. .-1 hue, for neural eic naios in head he prescribes a' tuning-fork. e iusiroraent .is held close to the head of the patient and made to vi brate; The immediate effect is that tl b patient becomes drowsy, and bis n etrows less and less, until at the eid of Gfteen minutes it completely disappears and he1 falls into a sweet sliep. The same able - physician has (fund that the sound of a drum stim- ates persons suffering fromnervoas haustionjj and id in many other cases i exoolleut tonic' The time will h : at hand soon "when the shops of ii usical instrument' makers will su p;rcede the drugeiats'- shops, and hen doctors ,will write prescriptions calling for horns and flates instead of rugs aud lotions." Fhe philosopher treats the matter gravely, and refers t to the prescrip- ioii the Court physician gave King Saul, prescribing David's harp, to be akeu three times a day, half an hour before each meal. , It is well known hat unless the ajr is set in vibration here can be do muaioal sounds. It 8 said that during the great plague it Loudon the streets were filled with ingerB.'' Bad music is sure ' to pro-1 mot.- disease . as good, music cures. Such, as we gather, is J the general idea of the philosopher. He is clearly of the opinion that it was the.bacf singing at night whieh produced the plague in London. If tins alarming theory be correct, and who will contradict it, what will be- come of Wilmington ? The plagne or some other fell disease wilt -come inevitably in -,spite of the Board of Health.1' The "troupes of wandering minstrels who make night hideous are enough to produce and disseminate the most , fatal diseases. The tnneb they bellow singing they call it) are enough to cause th& black death .or the white misery, if it be fact; that the vibration, of tfte air is oaased by such tnoes as In the morning by the bright ligbi,? 'radderEpbam cangbi a coon," and Them Golden Slrppers." But after all, . we 'are . eomf orted with the assurance i the i philosopher that where there is no musio there .is no plagne. He says: : f ; ,;.J, i' "The plague baa never j visited countries w here singing and playing oa musical : in struments i unkopwo, and H Jim -proved far more deadly id cities woete iboae prac tices obtain than in -country places ' where mua c 4b seldom f heard. ; What were the nsriicalar song which produced; the grea plagues of Bistory no one; now knows, nut itiote woo listened to the Harvard -psrior-miincef tbeehorusesof ? the J'0BdipusH vta iedily aodersUodlhat the singing : of Greek cboruserln' Athens would fully sc c uai for the plague' so forcibly described y Tbucydides.' ; : " 1 This information is valuable and is to be commended to the - speoial at tention of, oar. municipal j authorities ami the County Board of Health. Buf there ris. one other - point. It is not only singing tbat causes disease, but musical instrument? are said to be highly productive of fearful visi tations. .The philosopher says some instruments are "simply pestilential. But he ta so fall and satisfactory jnst here we must : quote again. He , says feelingly and -finely: ;. s i : "Chief amonz. these is tba cornet.' It fatal icfiuence extends to animals as wsli aa men. xne . Americas pig, has. wilted under the blasts ot the .cornet mea who nave piayea in Chicago and Cincinnati, A few years sgo our pigs were healthy, and VOL, XII. cornet pltjiMg waaarintost umkoowdi Now; tnere are BCOiS4Lcoroet players in every City, and our pigs are so unhealthy that the uemptfcaeenrmadetO' refuse them ad t&ittaicetaEuTopettiCountries. This can not be a mere caiveidenee, ; The ti ue : ex planationor it is that the. peculiar vibra tions of tbe cornet render the air deadly to pigs and. mates the Western pig men rec ogaize this tsctnhey: will sooner or later fladUbat their pigs bave perished, and that the prospeTttv 'of XJhicago and Cincinnati la at sb end. m s He says when Levy introduced the cornet mNew York., the death-rate began to iserease. This is alarming. Where if the remedy ? If Guy Wright's flagiolet and the cornet are dangerous to health Wilmington is doomed, and the people living within 'three squares of the City Hall will the : undiscovered goon pass j "to country.w j INCNPaSVlTABXE TALK A BOOT, r Tbe steady tnoi ease in the cotton crop of the South is not necessarily a sign of pecuniary health. In 1860 the greatest: crop, up to that time, was raised. It amounted 10 4,823,770 bales. In 1880 ; the cropr exceeded this - by . more than 1,500,000 bales. The smallest crop, prior to 1873, after the war, brought a great deal more than tbe largest crop.' If the Southern planters would grow but 4,000,000 bales, they would get more for it than they will get for 6,000,000 bales, pro vided they would not exceei the for mer amount for a term of years. They would then have time to make something for man and beast, y There is less intelligence shown by the plant ers than by any mother class of men. They strain every nerve to make all the cotton they can, when it is cer tain the larger the crop the less price vill be secured. Let 8,000,000 bales made in 1881, and cotton will fetch 7 or 8 cents. ' ; The planters make a large crop of cotton at the expense of all other crops.' They keep their hay j fields and smoke houses m the North. They neglect their stock and have to re plenish from Kentucky, West Vir ginia, Ohio, &iv They think it. wise to; raise but one, crop ajnd. to buy everything ihey cuBsome. . V. Is it a matter -of surprise- 'that the 1 small i- farmers have mortgages on their; crops or . lands, or both, and tbat the large farmers grow, poorer often? Until the South learns two things it will not be great, prosperous, and rich-like the North is. First, it must learn to manufacture its raw material -its cotton, its wool its iron, its woods, &c The profit is in the manufacture. .. .. -.t-WJ v; ; Second, it must raise all that it consumes." . : After TaiBing its breadstuff, stook, &ci it may then wisely make all the cotton and tobacco it can. We again say, that great - cotton , crops are not signs of: thrift. It -costs a great ; deal to make large cotton crops, especially if you go abroad to buy all you consume whilst you are making said crops, i It is Baid the crop of 1881 will be much the largest yet predated. Read tbia from the New York Sun: :Hj; 11 "If the season progresses favorably the Sonihern Stales will nave nearly twice as many bales of cotton to sell this autnma as they raised on the yearly average in the ten years before the war! Emancipation has been, in truth, a great blessing for them." ; It is no sign that emancipation is a blessing because the eottonr cjop-, is BQ much larger than - if was before the war. The South' has it in its ppwer to regulate the price of cotton and to keep-it at from ?Q cents a pouod andnpward It.; has: but to reduce the crop to 4,000,000 bales or less, and keep it there. In three years every1 pound of Southern ! cotton. would fetch 20 cents or ! more.1 The Soath wcoUd then grow rich, for i; it would get r more foe ' the 4,000,000 bales than it- gets for 6,000,000,- and would raise all it consumes, 'thereby saving millions. Bdt you would 1 do a wisely to go. to Bald Head , and sing psalms or preach sermons to the tambUng, Vpjishjrtg a waves v, as sato' preach this lessor , of common 8eq8e to i ther Southern j i cotton raisers. Ephrainr is inlhiairistaace :wedded certainly . to h idol.; Ex-Gorernor;1 Perry," j of South Carolina, says: "The State has c no more right to forbid her citizens con-' verting their peaches and apples ' into brandy, their grsjies into wihe or brandy, aod-heir corn linto- whiskey than he:'ha9 pro tion of corn, peaches apples and grapes.She nayUxi5Jbtrt5 jnot en tirely forbid these industries. . r. !)!; .-JThe LojuisyiUe - (JmrierT Journal, iavprs tbe abolishing of Decoration Day in the North and in the South' AH CONCERNING CATAIiOGVES. 1 i.i VftJs. 't'H A catalogue is nublio Dronertv' en it is sent forth on its mission of Information and electioneering. . It is to be criticized . and judged fairly , and ihelfigently'inst as Vo'u! would appraise a book. We propose to no tice briefly the last catalogue -issued by tbe 'University.' This1 c'atal6gU6 ts got up.on the "titled" plan. Every $ody must be something, even if it is bo more than ; Enquire, and that i?ieaD8 very little you know.! Aside from the injustice done , to several well known gentlemen, it ,bj; not in. simple severe taste to parade titles so conspicuously - in a plain thing ljke f a catalogue.- We1 ''notice that' some gentlemen . have the prefix Hon." who ; have not the - slightest claim upon it according to the best usages that have ipreYaibsd: amngnhe gionine; of ne enUrprtses A. . , .. -t - . i . the true,'s represdntativo-' people of the" South in the pasCAlI men who happen to hold State offices are thus dubbed. ; Then there are. others who J are v ; "Honorables," who. . are placed without it. There is a-Confederate ' Cotonel. v who fc is named i . . .. . . . "Hon.," but who is not entitled to it. Ife appears as simply , "Esq."K .Then there are ..some ;, two or , Uiree .who were not in the war who are paraded as "Colonels." ' There are 'three ex members of the Legislature who have the prefix' "Hon.," but then there are three or four other . mem bers every way . equal, to them who are simply ."Esqis." Why this nn- fortunate discrimination ? i; : : By running after titles confusion aid injustice follow. Men do not. like to be slighted. There is a Cout. L federate - Captain or two who are written down Squires, just as if a gallant soldier of that grade was not deserving of wearing his title. But Captain was too insignificant possi bly. If j all of j.. the: names appeared without any affix or prefix it would be- more simple andtallefal, we( think and, would prevept ; confnsion andi heart-burnings. What must a genu ine live Colonel, who won his spurs on! a dozen hard foughten" battle fields tuink when he v sees himself. trbtted ont amid a host of "Honor ables" and "Colonels" as plain Squire, when, next to him there are gentle men's names with the title "Colonel" prefixed who have been members of the peace establishment all their days and , never did any more . fightinc than did Jack Falstaff at Gad?s Hill or Parolles before Florence ? '" It is a good time to introduce ' a reform in College Catalogues. But, there may be, a protest just here, for. the ordi nary American loves a title better than any flunkey - who ever hong around a noble house or an European Court begging for honors. tThe University catalogue is well printed. The Faculty; is well "filled mostly by young, earnest and scho larly men. There were 191 matricu- laws tauring tne iass scnoiasuo year, and. not 181, as we were made to say rekterday. We notice -that' three counties, namely, Grarivillei' Wake ana Orange, furnish nearly ( one-sixth qf the Z whole .number. Wilmington epptributes three only, namely, Messrs. 1 Radcliej ... Alderman '.- and Worth. The Uiversity--ought to have at least three hundred! students from North Carolina . alone. New Hanover: pught to i send a dozen .orj more. .Educate .your boys.: What they get in their beads can never be taken frbni tbeiri1 sav6l) ; fhe "God woo maae tnem. nan is poweriesa to rob you of your intellectual furnif? tuce. ' The law t! cannot v seize -your prams, aua tney arnttejL.inan Dans credit or office. ; Give the boyi'of bur State a chance, fathers;1 1 - ws a Some of the catalogue3 thit ebmej trader . pur. inspection aro : gotten. up; npn the simple style we . advocate, and titles are i tabooed, is a man really any Vp.iggerTwJtBTa tie than without' it? Does a pfefir 'confer really, power, or dignityj.or,-. hpnor? Is II trustee any ibetter; qualified to oversee a literary-ihstitutioB- because be pas been a member ot the legis lature, or set a.Bquadron. la the nald, or jholds an office .by . the. grace ,; of, TOteS? : ' .- The Half Breeds se'-ciieal atirag dpllars is on hand and in possession of Conkbng & Co.v to beiised n buy -ipgi up inemBeives..-hum un-itwt I,-..- j -,.'.: 1 1 2 t At Indianapolis oh - Decoiation' myMr4ChrJes3BW loraton tonk 'date's? 'Ri ffhti tsas v-hiav I r - ' : I is eternal and always in order. -WILMINGTON, af;.0, "JB38IDAY,'.; SBX WILmilRGTOn U AVE A VDB- . i-.t.ii ! A company-has been !rgnisd In -New Orleaas with a capital of 25,000 for, the manufacture of furniture . The shares are fixed at $20 each, and early the whole amount of the capital stock bss been sub scribed. Charieston Ifabt J Courier ? t There ought to 'eHuststtch a Company organized in Wilmington and-at Charfotte. The native woods1 of'North Caroling are oi surpassed in quality and variety in this couniry.' We do riot know the"priciser number,'! but there are at least, we suppose, t , one bund red choice rieties iii'Norib Oatolina. Our; recolle(ion is, that, tbe worthy State Geologist ethibited' nearly: or (fuite eighty specimens at the- great Vienna ' ExpWtion.- The enormous quantities' of :Uf urhitnrs' rnanufaciured in theNer aa'4: ibid ip uie ponu are sumcieE io prompt ; .?.. 1... . ' . . ( ' w bfic , ouuiu , mab cauuub . laii.-. w uo ,highly remunerative. Every house lk Wnmington contains, jaq doubt, more or less of 'furniture that was nsade in the North, and ' a 'good deal . of it ' was made of Southern 1 timber that was taken Nortb ieruthe pur pose. !We mentioned some'time ago' tatijOOOobofeett of walnut i alone had been shipped within a, year from ope small section of i VVestern North Clarolina, ..Iv i W''-i The following ' items from the (evos Jbl Courier show what isdoing ielsewhere: ? s : - . -; - - ;.i "Iq 1870 there were 5,981 establishments in the United States representing a capital -of $43,947,913.: These factories employed 53,298 hands and paid out In wages $21,T Tl.' Tbe materials used amounted in vsiue to $25,853,170, and the total products were worth $69,088,684." This was eleven years ago. Doubt less the amount now produeed is . at least fifty per cent, more.,. The cen sus of 1870 shows that tbe manutao- tured furniture fetched nearly-three times as muoh as the materials.' cost. This confirms what we hae asserted oiten that' ther profit lies in . manuf ac: ring the raw AL Smith & Co., of this' city, - have a. mavafaoturing establishment at Old Fort. Our Charleston contemporary - - j - isj urging tSAe establishing of -a furni ture factory in that cityi -v It makes a Convincing argument,' and all Jthat it Says will apply equally , to Wilming ton. : We quote a passage: " "Hundreds of thoutsnds of feet of the finest timber are now rafted down 1 to - this city from the interior Much of . this tim ber could be worked up into furniture at a far larger profit than isnow realized upon IM In addition to this the -middle , and mnnntain counties nossess an inexhausti ble sabDlv Of the choicest woods awaiting the genius of a the cabinet worker, and, bus- cepiiDie or ine most oeauuiui ana enaaring Dolish, The forests cover, immense tracts. "add can be boneht for a trifling price. . No, more Inviting field lor the employment or capital, energy and taste can be found any where." i iLettneri of ctlpital arid '.enterprise - - ' T tbjnk.6f these things.- We can.' im agine no reason why -such a factory' will not pay welt herb.; The nomination of Col. William K Cameron for( the office of Goyernor "of Yircinia, by; the Readj asters, is. iftb doubt, the! strongest that could be mkde, unless we. Are-. to except Gen Mahone. CofcHBameion is aanan of Jije abffitiOT,3s WjOTeaaive-ra ameM,ny wilf'maka vbtous and- bold -eampaignJHe is Jhn old' joirfairst,niSnd4s' kkfe feeiibve to thb family of the same iiame-ie!t his Stete. 5 The 1 nominee for s the Lieut. Governorship is notso:istrong-Hex-' Ui S. Senator Lewis We- suppose the ticket, 11 the rvn-thTOUgh, ia. abjout aV cood as could have been se-. ! . w mi j v . . a. : ll - ieetea, 4ne ae9i-payingparuy-i,uJB old, true Con servatives ot, Y irginia - will have to put in sorae mosteffect- aye blows., and be extremely, active unxu toe ngub is euueu. vv iiu a urat rale tXdkoZiti sybriidaid; declstv mkn beyond the State, exeept-bar ( gaiaers: Rnd rbpudTaibnut, pmtis w&h-Godpeed' to their oaasa. t - 'i's V?V!...l " '." .li'.U 1' '.t.i .rr Jngtonndwme otherrebls - J- .1.. .... !.. ' ' buey;UiBua iububiub iuuiwum "referringlo the trial of .Wnv. )T.N,rHunter aibuplin . court last week, charged with 'bumi&ti allndea to our townsman. Colonel D. JZ.. McRae : "In..the;eepdnet.pf the-case,' altbottbl eili thar'.attefafijtlnld oheir ifull rduty,yei;BpcisctMiighV 1.JDejipneAJJrr3 sicixte, ytsA CBiiu,lQ) issvbsismxb niaio jusi aams trial Was about to edtmtieicel yet ae was Was iiuicK. jMert,i.reey,o flpwsW. tsvtr, deace, tonrivaiied U-searohg cressexan SXeSl WBBIr CTPBBlPg "'" m- l rior metal." in I Tit stftu BokDwrcaiuaciia;1 ; Theea8a. of r4Jam Klornegay,-1 charged; wlUi, being connected with Geo. W.:Bla8ey , in: the mail robbery f meoUoaed in .oui last wo or three issues came up before U. & Commissioner1 &JcQuTkk jyesterday." , The, testimony was a tepetilton in a'greattnea SUM of hai I already: vea1 in the 'case of lilaaey, and was of such a character, ialbe Opinion of the emmisioner, 1 as to justify: him in requiring the idelendant to give a eona in me sam ot sauu lor nis appearance sthe next terk ortheTJ. .District Court, m Notember next,1 failing in Which1 be was sjoaitBltted to jsU,tt&; t . jei I Postmaster Brinks basnk shown: hhnselL I alive to the interests of. the people, as well s the government," in this, as in many other cases ef : a; similar character which he.has worked up and brought ;to a successful, issue, td thesatisf action of the pnblie and' to ha, (error syiWoers, n i. 1 Zal 'kt Hon. D. It. RuBsell appeared for the go vernment and air. if; H. Uaroy for the ue- fence. ltIIMIM bbks- x ak sad intelHeecce was receiyea nere j8tterday of '.tiV accfaVntal 1 tilHng jpt Mt.f B. ' H.-' Paul, ar" prominent j and energetic citizen of: Bed Banks; Robeson county, on! 4 Carolinar (nttaljBaUrpad. ft seenis; tiatUr. Paul Wss. engaged with some of his" mill hands in 'coupling some .lumber csrs on ' a side-track, and was in between two of the cars,- when his head got acci dentally canght between ' some ;project' ing pieces of lumber and was so .badly Clashed as tq causa his death.. t, , , ' Deceased was a man of very superior eherev.' and at the time of his destb was postmaster atiied Banks, railroad agent, tbe proprietor of a distillery and a steam saw-mill, and had but recently erected alfine residence at that point. His loss will be a heavy one to the little community in 1 which He yaa such a moving ana contromog spirit, and in hit death Robeson, county has been deprived of one ot ber best and most prominent citizens. ; s ' IBq blame whatever ia to , be attached to tbe ' railroad for',' the . deplorable, accident,' at there was no engine 'Connected with the cars, which, as before stated were on a side track." , '"."': - j Deceased, who leaves a -wife and; chil dren to. mourn his sad fate, lived only about one nonr auer me acciaeot. we uuuen stand that his life was insured ) for $20,000. VMKm Btxports rr th' BtontnJ ' 13 ' - jThe.f pllowiagis a statement of . the for v Vigjt exists from the port of lYOmington fbr the month of. May just .closed, as com piled from the books in the Custom Bouse : loain and crude turpentine-43.308 Tar and nitch-r&750 barrels, val i lued at. . . t ....... , 5,600 Spirits turpentine3,X)64 gallons,1 1 J ' 1 valued at. .K. 27,365 Uuqiber 1,062,000 feet, valued , at 18,254 ahiagles 64,000.i vslued at. .-. h: ' '::u 498 Af fal valuation of exports' for the . - i months, i. ,V;i'i; Mts.'.r: .i$12S,423 J ? Value of exports , on;. American t vessels, $9,014; on foreign' vessels, $120,408. j ! .. BSWBBB" v yrun I ClIs;Iaa.v'lntltaie- Com !' mtacemeni Exerc:aea. , , ITuesdsy, June 7lh, 8P. M., sociable, "given by the Btonewall Debating Society. "' j Wednesday;' June 8th," 9 A. M., knnual meeting of Trustees. 4L'-'5 s iThursday June 9th, 11 A.j M., anBoal address by Ma T. B. Kingsbury, o Wih jThursday, 8 P. M., closing with musical kod rhetorical -' erercises, annual report' of Principal' announcement , of distinctions ad presentation of prizes' and diplomas..' Tf FrrlBs; Patn.siait cot- Vtzmz'x ' jWe mentioaed -a jfew. days siace that Ma j Peter.C. Hayues, , Eoneer of the Sixth ' Lfghl 'House' ' District, "had been -sounding on Prylfig Pan' Shoals with the , view of finding a suitable foundation for the construction of a light -house in thst ideality. The Revenue Cutter J Cfflaxi which has been , with, the surveying party, was here Thursday, eyesaqg. , .and we learn that tbMior liaay not . vet succesded ia finding i'suitabvlscei wnlcn' muBibeat 4 ,iTTi : .s1.' 'Z.ft,iii J.- v-.: wit-it :j6ii,ft , near ss possiwe on inet outer leage pi tne shoals. He has bored in two or three dif ferent places, to 41 depthief from fortyflve trvhAtwnnn flftv .nd flirtv fpt,nrt fnnnrl rWbd at the depth of forty teet and bius mn at the. deptit.t fifty; fj but has as 'vet struck no rock, wbicn would be neces- I sarV foTJa -foundation We' learn further f?v - A f .1 : , inavqiacovarwa mau ajfco cjpjamoa iasbeen enraged in its mission have com-? pletelyuptet- all preconceited notions and xueories is regara to tpe caaracter jorma tibn and nature, of the. shoals, as heretofore held by: taoseWBO were thought to be most f amiHarwtth them. a aad tbe. matter would ruquDiiess prove a suuaoie Buojeci ior. scletttiQC tesearcB'aau investigation. - I A. dispatch to4he Kew York BerMtt zrem new ijonuon, .uonn.,juue u, nay a: i - 1 ssys fdn'Mav SOttftte whalerX WBatim of ;EdgarwnstghttAaU,rwaicjiahe fouad to :be the schooner rZi?, of Boston.t05 tally abandoned, full of water, loaded itii -hard pine. The .main hatches were gone Cant; Jiu-K conneu ana iour men irom tne wisleriboklmariS bt the sChuV.wnich3 was-picked up fo-latithdedegC mla? norisf woguiue t saiBwwwt. rr uo sau threej-reefedand furled; HsrnauUcaL insirujDBiawero ai ayn except ono cuui Baiat'PaDers found ori board the itingU&der ehbAhat aer captaia'wasGeo. fi. Smith' ana thst snftnaa cleared Trom w umtngiony N. C.,f 01 Gaivsi The JTproceeded bni her; voyage in ehargetrf lbe Bastey DiiBr Bprague CCpnneU conjd not do any ifttnir'thAl niifhL but went to work earlv the isecf mornlnff with thetiUnmiknd succeeded in boardmn npr natcnwavs.ann tnns got her comparatively tight At 11 .o'clock he had gained'a foot on the water fby'thb first hour's .bomnins Punxnedalbda Ssixnxbrr fared tJUBday. , axis o'ciock en .Monday tnsre I was still six feet of water in her hold:' Had a verjgfrpfssgMuid sebooner would rbave to be. abandoned ataihV "Ther decsrwasf ulf "wster from pumping all.tho time. . iWhen. midway be? I ween montana ana oninnecoca ne rameu, eotorstbr apHot'0S men. were exhsusted. Thn'nobadr-wastowed into New'Ijoa- -doS, at 6 o'clock on , Thursday evening hy 'the menhaden steamer Earns A. Foot, one has now four feet of water in her hold." JUNE! io;t;i88i: 'jiil ti!t r ! 1HK DOOTOIM IN CjOCNCIE,. J TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING QT i THE NOKTH CAROLINA STATE 3JEW- qsb!aCE4-'f:f;;J!' j laleigliewsWrverr11'- ' Ashe vxlLs, N. C.J May 31,1B81. j The Medical; Society of. the State of North Carolina held its 29th an nual t meeting'., to-day, in the j court bouse, in the town of Asheville, at 11 o'clock j' Dri?Richard B. Haywood; of Raleigh, president;; Dr.. L.: ; Julian Pibot, of Littletop, secretary. ;' jj .The meetingiwas opened with prayer by the Rev J P. Gammon, Of Ashevillert? i ; : 1 The president announced tha. fol lowing' committees: 1 ,':,:'; , i On 4 Credentials-Drs. ' Satchwell, Thomas and Walter Murphy. ) ' : i s: !f On Finance-Drs. Faison, McDuf fie and Knox. i;- . '- V " " . V'f ' :f : On motion of 'I Dr. :Griib8om,?"Hori.; Thbs; I Clingman 'was invited "to a seat tin; j the jneeting.,. The General Welcomed 4the . .society to-.his ; home, snd m1ade sbbie? remaf ks.onthe cli mate of Western North Carolina. ! I Dr. -" Bahnson. Secretary - of the Board, of 3 -Examiners, reported thefJ xollowing names to the .society for membership: "1; ' 'V";" ; I D. J.! CainPery D. Nbrcross, H. W; Lilly, S. H: Lyle, M.. D. Phillips, S. P." Waldo, B, F. Whiteside, W.l L. Crump, . T , B. Robertson, R. S Bay nes,' Thomas' M. Jordan, R. J. Wilson, M.;H.! Fletcher. ' . ' P ' I Committee" on Finance reported: $136.00 in the, Treasury. They ? say the treasurer has a list of delinquent -imembers; . "whose names will., be dropped unless' their dues are I paid at this session of the society. I u ii J We recommend $2.00 per capita tor the ensuing year. w,e iurtner trpcommend that the Secretary ' be paid $100 and the Treasurer. $50 for the ensuing year. i- -itf Respectfully submitted, j : r. , &; Heney W. Faison, , tv "f r" ';. ''WCMcDuFPrK,; n.v A.W, KNOX, ' k:'-J:c':yifM hi i 1 .1 Committee. : ? '. r ; i AFTEENOON SESSION. -, 1 . Resolution by Dr. Satchwell in re gard to'the great importance of the Bimtary improvement of North; Ua- rouna. r a 1 Reports of jsectionsPracUcei' Dr.; W. Faison..! .. ,i ' .. ' - 1 Moved by Dr. Whiteside that the piaper be teferrbd to the committee cpuoHcauon, ourgery ana Anaio- ysilr.Lllolmesj wdq ; .was "ab.aent; ad?bV)L?r v,ood.; M .,...- 1 . ? Dr7Wood "moved that the . paper referred to the committee -on Pub lication. ; ; Carried. . i Dr. Wood moved-that at 11 a. m. tb-morrow there be a joint meeting of .the , North Carolina Board of Health. Carried. ' " J List of members present at this meeting: i.Drs. R.B. Haywood, Ra leigh ; James A. McRae,Fayetteville ; S S: Satchwell; Rocky Point; P. E. Hines, Raleigh; M. Whitehead, Salis bury; J. K. Hall,Greensboro; Eugene Qrissom, Raleigh; U. Lt. Jfayne, Liex tngton ; Charles J. O'Hagan, Green- ,yille; J. Fl Long, Washington; W. W. Gartherlienoir; Thomas X. Wood, tyilmington; George L. Kirby,Goids boro;! .Walter Debnam, Earpsbo-r ro ; 1 G. . G. smith, Uoncord ; JL. N. Patterson, Marigum; ' J. 1 B. 5pgg,J Tarboro; H. T; Bannson, Salem; G. Gillett Thomas, W ilming- ton; Francis Duffy, Newborn; A. i G. Uarr, JJurham; J . M. iiadley, jLa Grange; Joshua ' " W. Vick, Selma ; Joseph -Graham, Charlotte; J; 4 L. Henderson, Mount Pleasant; J ohn Finke Concord; Thomas J. Moore, Charlotte; Ti D. Haigh, , Fayette- ville; J. L. Picot, Littleton; W. C. Murphy,1 Soutn 4 Washington ; ri iw 11 SbeiehL- Tarboro: W. C. MoDnffie, Fayetteville; k Robert tj W. ? Glenn. Greensboro; JNat., S. Henderson, irel- nam ; . ueorse r vv 1 Aiong, uranam ; Richard H. Lewis; 1 Raleigh ; J. D. iRoberts, i Goldsboro;' ' E. - Nelson Rbokeri Clayton; Jfi. H, :. Hornady, Willow. Green;. Wellington JJai- sdn, "Faison ; A. W. Knox, Raleigh ; Hubert "Haywood,' Raleigh;- J.' H. Sexton. Raleiffh: S. B. Evans. States vaie;.H...P. Bargin, Marion; Thomas El! Anderson, Statesyille ; , Richard Dlliard, Edentoh; J. L. Nicholson, RichiandB ; ;C. M. Pool, Salisbury J .W.iFatson. Faisoniiepot. . i t . t 4 jBSCONQ D4YQ?5nar . SKSSIOI, ; ;Dr Hnbert Haywood, of Raleigh, rea4.a)report on Recent Progress in Mibrosbopy and Pathology. ", '"-1 m jMoved bvJDr.t McDuffie that the very" admirable 'paper read by Ur, .Hay.w.ood be referred to the commit- tee .on jruoncaiion. ; .carriea. h t" SLrrT Walter Murphy read a paper U14 nxabcritt luvuiua nuu xuciscuuvd, arid-very ably fdalled- attention to a loi pt inew Iremedies which, by! the kipness of Jiiessrs., Parks, Davis : & Co., of r Detroit, .Michigan, he had been able to present to'the society. td. JJH&i Whitehead and O'Hagan sWkfijinihiffh commendatioa of the Lreports-read:in the.- hearing: of the sopietyjto-dayi tsnu-. s ,-i 10 Mr! Satchwell, on tbe part of: the l qoknmittee on Credentials, reported .the. names of the following gentle men' for membership : Dr. W. D. uuiiara, oi asnevuie, ana Ar. 1. Coweivof, Monroe Ji i: unbent . i 1 1 I l-Tlr.-r-r: t-T mm!. - f If inliiflltl will tTRhmr IhA nrat nn t Ihn fiftiAth .ftnnwrr- sary ot the vpentne of tbe University; of rAJSDama, ai rnscaioosa, on juiy in Acsiu 1HH0. mnoa v or jreoerai cavairy. un der command of General Croxton, captured the town .of Tuscaloosa1? and t burned the .ouvomgs, nnrarjaBu appaiauis or tne nni iversityj entailing a loss of nearly half 1 million; of dollars.; i I.. - The State Journal, published at 1 Raleigh, by Mr Jhapetnfa,' is revived. It ia a hot anti-prohibition pape r. i QxttrdyiaaSOiihhal.itantP. and still jt is pmHtad inb Censss-Bulletin, although Other fowns-with less fobabi tants are published. - - - I - ) - The first iburiiberbf ; the , Tern peranee Herald,' published .at Cncord, N.': " " u., oy me uaoarrua upunfy rroblbuioo , Executive Committee, "lias been.receved. ; ' I Monroe J jFlVr., Wearp i mat tv. u. A. miller naa reaieotifc tbe lastorate of ihe Presbyterian .cburc.jn t If adesboro, "and tbat KeV.;J. L. Witliama f ias been installed as his successor': 1 1 ! 1 ' ""Warsaw jBrief Mention Samp-' Son county Soperibr Conn- IS! now ia see SionJ Hon. J. F.-Graves presiding.' The docket Is a heavy one ana winnot be f utly1 4isposed of. We need more eonrts badly. otb in Dupn adtM.mpson counties. 4 Oxford c Torchlight:- IV is our lcasttre to-flav to reDort brbfress on tbe "' Oxford & ,Hen'dersdn Railroad. CapUin tVilliaril tells us the' Iroh bas 4 been pur chased. ' rA clrwldadof fastenings, stc ; arrived To tHen.(J,soo Saturday.' r Eaoagh - iron was tben-ra Weldoa lo lay three or tur,mUB8of :the. track-. -j-. v..; :; .-,-. ,:. , -r Pittsboro Record: Rev. . E. N. 4oyner, Qf rhia"place,"has' received and de-' ijiineu a cait oi.ine vestry, or - me isptscopai . -church- at, Wiosl,oni-He has also, received -and accepted a proposal from the vestry of the Episcopal chorea it Chapel Hill to be V come the rector of that church ia connec- . iton-witb tbe cnurchiiece; dividing his time b$t ween, thej twa;. though caououing hia ns rfesidence at this place. , . : 'i ew we learnirrom - rmeft from affsetjH ns . of., tlje county, is looking well, and 'omiseS more'tlian xn neiro vfcM . . 'toavOshom, this negro boyrwho served but - Sterm of twelve months . in , the 'peniten- . ary from ibis cranty for stealing a pistol, . -yesterday submittedjnilie liichmond conn; ty Superior Court tp tbe charge ef man slaughter, and - was" sentenced by Judge ' Qu?lgeriQ:eight;year8in the penUentiry. I f Uhariotte JJemocrat: A walk in - the suburbs of the city shows many new -bouses tbat bave been erected within tbe past three months and several in course of erection. : The wholesale liquor deal- erSof this city sent in application to Judge Cjudger, at Rockingham, asking a restrain- ; iae order aealhst the recent nrinnnrp- nf tffBrj4rd of Aldermen otderiag all en- -' gpgedin the business -to close-their' houses op the 1st of June. "The 6rder was grant ed, and is made returnable: before Judge - : (siiup. anu win- ue neara at cnamners on the 20th inst.rwlrena 'final' settlement of aa .1 e cjuestien' will be ma4e:s -a---i --a..: - : New Betnelfat Shell; A siogu- Ur ease comes 5 up before 'Squire . Stanly. Three colored preachers were filling a pul- ' pf tyn this city oa , Sunday last, each claim- isg "the floor." " However, a Rev. Shade ! Qates held his claim good "in spite of all odds,'' and a collection was taken up, the -monev beinz Disced in his valiae. which was placed inside the pulpit1 While he was ad- ' dressing tbe congregation the value was re moved hd the money taken from it, where upon be has bid the other two ministers ' cftedto appear for larceny, while they got out a warrant against him for disturbing a religious congregation.- .w f - Charlotte. Observer'. The crops i most sections of the surrounding coun try are in fine condition. ' Tbe dry weather afforded a good opportunity for killine rasa. -There were six tntermentsiu lmwood cemeterv' in the month of Mav ' three adults and three children;: At Pine- ' wood: (colored) there were seven three adults and four children. The follow ing. townB in this State carried prohibition : Charlotte, Monroe, Concord, liutherf ord . . ton, Lincolnton, Morgan ton, Mooresville and Kenansville; and the board of j com missioners in tbe following counties bave refused - to grant license to retail liquor iq their respective counties; Rutherford, Mecklenburg. Cabarrus. Union. Chatham. Moore,-Randolph,' Cumberland, Franklin, uurbam, Do pun. Dare, LAocoln, Guilford, Halifax, Northampton and Rowan. I Then the Omnibus bill prohibits- in mscy sec tions 01 the state. ' ? i r ! -4- Oxford J?eeiance: According ";; to the proclamation ,'of . the Governor, the majoritV in favor of Vance county is 448. ' Total number of votes cast 2.556. ." Mr. ' Josiah Turner .has settled in Henderson. Some one suggests that be is. the first mis sionary to Vance. funny, isn't -it ! That flag bearing the inscription "Death to old Granville" and' paraded through tbe streets of Henderson has proven a boome rang, which is giving the Henderson folks no little trouble. - Une or tbe saddest features of tbe late Vance county election ia the manner in which the people of - KUtrell ana xownsviue townships bave been forced into relations which . they, did not desire. They protested hy a majority of 850 tbat they did not wish to separate from old Granville thai 'they did not .think their inn terests would be advanced by forming new county associations ana mat tney preier reu remaining as they were. i U i" m.m m .' i' Grand Cbapter of B. A. M. of North T I J""'- .' Carolina. ; ! f iThis body has ! been in session at Asheville.' ' . We can only find room for the following ; from tue Asheville Citizen: . . v. '..i j The following Grand Offioers were elected for the ensuing year: : ' ! James Sonthgate, of Durhamj G. H.P. : Tlrr; y i Engene Grissom, of Raleigh, D. G. a p. . . :, . ... . w ; 1 Samuel H. Smith, Winston, G. K. I A. J. Blair,Asheville,: G. S. i r : Wo. Simpson, Raleigh; G. Treas. I ID, W Bain, Raleigh, G Sec . : . 'Rev. Geo. -Patterson, Wilmington, : Gi Chaplain., . ' "; ' ;.; , t JJ; iSamuel Northrop; Wilmington, G. Ci ILi-- : ; ; 'And y the , ; following officers were appointed: ; s; r..-- : i i - . ! F.HV Glover; Charlotte,, G. P. S. , d Isaao Patterson, Newborn,' G. R.' ATa"" - f:;- -;; i H...M, Strouse, Goldsboro. t Gr. M. 3d V. .. ; .;. .,f : : -, ) -t " IS". D.rf Wait," Raleigh, G. M.' "2 d, V. ! DP. MasVWinstonvGrMnat V.' R.1 G: Bates, -Wilmington, Grand 1 i rvffiyiAaa warn n af al laA an t Vi A afternoon by H. H. . Munson, P. G. HP. til 1 1 If . C, mieAieal Asaoeiailon. tAUii !AahevilleNew8.,ii ' " . The following officers were elected 4 for the ensuing- year: . - : ." 'I- i. Dr. Thos. F. Wood, of Wiimingr . top, President; Dr. A.; S. . Carr, of Durham Treasurer; Dr. L.' Julian Picot,vof Warren; Secretary; Dr. A. W.Knox,? of Raleigh," Orator;?1 andn Dr. W. Pt Beally of Greensboro, Es-, sadist. . . i , j The Convention adjourned to meet in Concord on the second Tuesday in f May, 1882.. -y -U '.iy U; Mr. P; ShiUaber (Mrs. Parting ton) is recovering 'from his severe Illness;''' and is aoie to see bis menus. 1 fi I i'i 31 r ft ! m II 51 li I :i Ii: I I; S.1- si ; I I - i. r 1 1 i

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