' -a ttUfi "uter. . DKSOJbaVTION. - I In fiercest heat Indian J une I rode Acrossan and waste or. Durninz uu, a . lA.An. all! arnnnri the lonelV la0.d Seemed desert, and in shrunken channel flowed - i -1 The river; overhead, a fcky that glowed. Hot deeply uine, DuiwtuwiiuiuimjiMi. The tyrant Suul with fixed, unwinking Veiled by no cloudlet, in mid-heaven abode. And crushed all nature with hla blinding ray. No living thing wan in be seen but 6ne Huge alligator; bn a sand bank prooe The loathly saurian; basking and I serene W that grini, unloveFy Grim monster Fit type of utter desolation, lay. n, lay. . 2he Spectator. The a nil-Pro JilMUdai ConTention., Raleigh Visitor. ;', ". . Porauant to a call, the State Anti- Prohibiiion Convention met n me tropolitan Hall at 12 m. to-day: Uol. T, IS. uooper, pi xreaeu couu- ly, called trie uonvenwon oruer, and Mr. George Tonnoffaki, of Wake, was made temporary secretary. On rirotion ojE Mr; Scott, of New U.havm o Ammit.t.AA tf five On PgI- uauiB., - -. - - r , Jmanent Organization was appoinwu 9aa follows: xu. rL Powers, t. iu. ooott, J. J. Stewart and Matt Atkinson. 6 . 'd T). . All-.... I Mr. j ames x. xoyu, vi miuuo ounty, was called out, and proceeded o address the Convention for up wards of an hpur in opposition to the prohibition bill. At the con clusion of his address the Chairman of the committer jon Permanent Or ganization reported as follows, whioh was adopted: For President R. C. rfadger, of Wake; Vice Presidents, 4 S. Angle, ofjlredell; J. K Boyd, (lailford; J. T. Respass, Beanfort; J. E O'Hara, Halifax; Henry Northery, Richmond; J. H. Renfrew, Wake; Daniel Kelly, Moore; IM.N. Leary; Cimberland; W. H. Bailey, Davie; EJ VV. Turner Granville; W. J. Daughtry, Carteret; D. R. Johnson, Warren; A. Moore, Uamberland; j. Al Bingham, Rowan; Btdo. Mecklenburg. : i Wm. John- Committee on Resolutions N. Atkinson, George Mathes, Col. Carf pelter, J. E. O'Hara, John Spelman. Executive Committee State . at large, Col. Carpenter, T. N. Cooper, II. p. Scott, H. Brunhild. : j Secretaries HJ L McDaffie, G. Tofnorfski, J. M. McGowan and YV. V. Turner. " ' ; j . . Major Badgei von taking the chair, as President, addressed the Conven tioi briefly. I' .' : -j. , . A E. O'Haral and J. T. W8pass delivered addresses. I 1 Mr. Nat. Atkinson,0f Buncombe coubty, and another; gentleman,whose nanle we failed to get, made speeches, after which, on motion, the Conven tiorj adjourned until 5 o'clock, P. M. !rrom the J&ewf and Observer we coadense the following: : , I Vhe attendance was : quite large) nearly every Beat: on the floor being occupied.. About one-fourth of the delegates were colored, j Nearly all sections of the State were represent ed Jbut the bulk of the delegates were from that portion west of Raleigh Wke had a large representation. H Executive Committees for Dis4 'tricts: . . ' - i first district W. A. Moore,. of Chowan: . second district--J. rW O'Hara, of Halifax; third districfrl Jd P. Powers, . of Cumberland; f oj rth : district J. H. Renfrow, . of Wake; fifth district W. B. Stafford, of j Guilford; "sixth ""district J. ' Ji Siim8, of Mecklenburg; seventh dis trit C. J. Baily, of' Iredell; eighth: districtrNatt AtkiBsoo, of Bun-, combe.'., : . i . 14 7 I - AITBBNOOH SESSI&Si j J,he Convention reassembled at 5 ock, after a recess of three hours. ?be following wa& introduced : i Vhsbeas, Complete organization! been perfected in many counties against prohibition, therefore be. it j JResolved, That this convention adppt the name, to be known in fu ture, as the " Anti-Prohibition party fo the State of North. Carolina.'' long preamble and resolutious w-e adopted, -which- we--are- com-: peled to omit for. want of space. The Conventiowaa addressed -by J afnes E. Boyd, jof Alamance, Ri C; Bjdger, of Wake, JE. O'Hara, J. T. Keapass, Nat. Atkiason Mr. Cobb, of person, Mr. Bledsoe, Seth M. Car pen ter, of Newborn, and Rev. J. B. -BrpwD, Missionary Baptist, bf Yad-! ki1 - ' I ' - ' T " K mass . meeting of aati-prohibi-, tiobists was ' held in Metropolitan Hill, at which $Ir. E. P. Powers; of FaettevUle, presided: ; " Speeches were made by lames H. Harris and VV V.rurneriSlred.- ? The - latter announced himself as a'ReptfbUean, ani said ibal, newas:a4ithat' a Democratic Legislature .had ''(hidwn thl fire-Tjrand.offcprohibitiOri.3yi)ong . f hi people, for it wouldnxeiylresult inj good for thaRepuWieaa -party There was a oerfecit exodus of liktRii era from the hall during Isjspeejcy will trolaibiaoa Prbbiiu? ' ? ' but will prohibition prohibit? ' xua were laoc.oi na.viDgra,preoiOi ry law will no,t. The people moat: Si eaucatea up to the evils .of r'thif affic and the, inflaenoea lit throws on society. The sin of intempe rance, like other sins f bumaaity 818 in the ma. We must reaeh ad remove the root that, asJShakes peare tells us, "makes the reason gri8oner.w. -.The caUseofi&tenipe ranee1 will find a deadly foe by giving jpen the pleasures which lift, them up J-freer education,cheap and inno cent amUflemcntA. Art mnain or.il ooks. Of course these things can iOt be done with tha ' atlOn. but mtich r.an bA 9.fnnrnni;r.a1 for those now growing up. . : iu iuau must, do restored horn what th aanroU Kirmm.t ! 'vile fever of the mind," and we hope s i ' i I j if m si thla'-maltel'-wllT'BisispaMtobktelj discussed, without appealing to the passions or prejudices of men on either side - We are not of that class of men who become blinded by the cause they advocate and seek to crush at one blow their opponents. We believe in making haste "alowly such,: matters as concern important questions.- Justice and ' fairness should . be meted' out to friend and foe. v . i i ; 1 a ' , v r- C ., Worm llomb Orn. Charlotte Observer. The Wilmington Star, in noting the blowing up of a saloon in Cali fornia, makes it the occasion of offer ing some facetious advice to the people of Charlotte andCite 06serv&$ We would suggest to "the iStorth'aT' perhaps it mic;ht be i net as well for it in its attempt to - be funny not to be unfair. The Observer is not a bomb organ, and in the discussion of the question of prohibition does it in a spirit of candor and fairness, con ceding to those who differ from it the right to do so without raisreprja-l senling them. , If the nar, sees fit aoj espouse the anti-prohibition!: sid of the question, let it do soi but let it. throw no more of that kind of bomba; at us.' ;; :: y ; . ; We assure our contemporary that we were not in earnest in suggesting to our Charlotte friends the use of bombs. Still less so were we in sug-7 gesting that our friend of the Obsef' ver might head the bomb squad. Ed. Stab. How Prohibition Wotlta in Kiihi. Waahingtoa Post. ; . : The effeot of the Prohibitory - law in Kansas has not in all respects been what its originators and supporters anticipated. It is of course unpopu lar with the large minority which op posed its enactment, but this was . to be expected, in a more important aspect, however, it is operating to the disadvantage of the material interests of the State, by diminishing the amount of immigration from abroad. Just at the time when the tide is setting in with an unprecedented volume, and when Kansas would naturally expect to reap largely bf the accruing benefit, she finds that her share of the influx is rapidly fall ing off. ; The immigration agents of other States have made industrious and successful use of the prohibitory law argument to divert settlers in other directions, where' they- will, be accorded the privilege of managing their domestic concerns more to. their own liking. Still, Governor St. John insists that the law shall stand that it must be enforced that no such thing as re peal, amendment or retrogression in any shape, is for a moment to be thought of. He says: "We have burned our bridges ? behind as and hoisted the blaok flag against" the liquor traffic." : ; ' This is fine talk,and it may be good policy, but there is such a thing s carrying even a temperance . crusade to an unwise, fanatical and absurd extreme, particularly when.it. is mad a use of as a political machine for the manufacture of Senators, Governors and Congressmen. Kansas can no doubt get along without the aid of foreign capital or foreign labor. She may choose to 'depend on her own resources alto gether for the development of her prosperity. She can afford, perhaps, to shut the door on every colonist who cannot subscribe rto nerprohibitory statutes, but we imagine that in the long run there will be some reaction in public sentiment on this point, and that while "burning bridges," as Mr. St. John expresses it, may be a pleasant pastime, "it does not always The foreigner, who has been used to no inhibitions as to what he shall at or drink, is naturally enough as tonished to find them, in their most obnoxious form, in a country with which he has always associated the highest degree of religions and polit ical toleration. He cannot under stand why such laws should be ne cessary, and cannot, from his own experience and instincts, be taught to believe that they are really neces sary. . ' i As a consequence, he seeks ; the more congenial atmosphere of lows, Minnesota or Nebraska,: . or tempts the inviting fields of Texas, where, all things else being equal, he can have besides a measure of personal freedom which Kansas does not offer him; nor so far . as statistics show have any of these States .been the sufferers by reason of a foreign im migration which believes in beer as a beverage and grape-growing as an industry. j y . cmror. . ; v State Journal. -; : A gentleman who 'haa'vrecentfy travelled over a large , portion : of North Carolina tells as he does not believe there is one county in the State that will give a prohibition majority. This is cool comfort for the prohibition politicians. H Raleigh Visitor June 3d. " i i : The commencement exercises at the University yesterday were of a very interesting character.' Th' speech of Senator Ransom was an able effort and was listened to with rapt attention by the large erowdj present. Among tne prominent la-' 4ies from other States were the Misses Buford, of Richmond. Virginia. On the platform were Senator Z. B. Vance, Rev. Dr. Patterson and other; 'distinguished gentlemen. The boteU are crowded to their utmost capacity 3 The commencement bids fair to sur pass all others ever held there. ' The Rev. Dr. Broad us was to'preach the Baccalaureate sermon in the after-: noon. The Historical Society held their meeting in the afternoon.;?; Tlie crowd to-day is exuected, oi:Ja; We can only give a few points gleaned from the" Raleigh 'News- Ob server's report: A'ii i h o j tA : ' "President Battle' stated J that the faculty had Jieleeted twelve - of the class to do the speaking - to-day. v Tbey f were , j James Y., Jqyner, La Grange; James D, JMurpby, Pender; John M. Avery, Morganton; Noah J. Roan, La Grange; R. B. Albertson, Raleigh ;'R. VV, . Winborne, Murr freesboro; Robert ', P., Pell Chapel Hill ; C. R. v Tbomaa, Ne w.'Befoe ; J. M. Leach Jr., 'Lexington; L.T(Ht Walker, Hickory;3 W. J. ' Adams, Carthage; W. B. StewartClinton.J'.; i - -;' ; ajreiEKOON. " : : ' ; 1 '' j By a few minutes after 4 o'clock the chapel was filled, and President Battle," addressing Gov J arvisj nom ihated the followio:' enieri'f:: degrees: ; - S I For Bachelor of Arts: Hessriu.W J. Adams, J. M. Avery, J; jEL Brady F.i B. Dancy, D. Hill, i.R::OJ Holt,! C D. Mclver, J A.. McIver, R. JVIos Rae, L. X Mial WNeaM R Pv Peil, W. E.. Phillips, W. B. Stewart, C. R. Thomas, J. M. Walker and R. W. Winborne; rr rveU is fjiJIUJ ! For Bachelor of r Philosophy : Messrs. R. B. Albertson, W E. Er in," E. L. Harris, F. G. Hines, J. Y. Joyner, J. M. Leach, Jr., J..D, Mur phy, W. D. PembertonJ N J. Rouee, J. H. Rnffin. " '; : '. - For Bachelor of Science: Messrs. H. B. Battle, A. Nixon, H. T. Rum bough. I : i - - . ' The i Governor "confers these de grees and presents them with their respective diplomas.' x. i -, . I 1 i In the School of -Latio certificates are. presented to Messrs. F; N Skin nier and Ei A. Alderman.' In the School of Greek a ceitifieate is pre sented to Mr. II. H.' Williams.,; t Conferring of degrees L. I. D.t is conferred apon the, Rl. Rev. Bishop Greene, of Mississippi;' RevV" A. D. "Eiepburo . D. D., of Davidson Col- f lege ; Hon. ' Thos. " H. Ituffio, of the bupreme Court, and General , M. .VV. Ransom. - . .uiyhi--a i The degree of D. D. is conferred oh Rev. Calvin H. Wiley, of Winuton, and Rev. Joseph-' H '-Foy of - St Lbuis. : ' ' r . i r-:M-.-f. .' i Ph. D. (causa Jionoris) , - a pon 1 Dr. F. M. Deems, of New. York. ) isv;; Master of Arts. . (to.: ;conre - npon Rev. Robert W. Boyd, W. C, Ren- caer, Jlisq., and U. A. Cookei liq. . 7 We are compelled to , omit other points wnicn we may notice- .in our next. StKLIGlODa niSCBIiLANr. The entire circnlalion of . the forty-fiye volumes and tracts prepared for the American Tract Society by Dr. Pluiner is more than 5,000,000 copieavr - Other pub liahers have circulated large fdUiona of hta works.- v,. ; fv . T: f In response to Chaplain McCabe's appeal for the money to build .ten churches lor me jear 1SS1, etIinBi writes: ' see you want to - botld 520 churches this jefcr. Too .may - count oa ma for twenty CQurcnea.": mat meaoB ao.uuu. s j Bishop Uoxe says: "I haveiieard of :churches decorated with cut flowers at Easter at ani expeaae of nearly $100; the offertory alms 10 the same church rarely reaching the sum of $15, and leas than $50 being the sum total of Its' contributions to missions. , "" '.' ,. !' : ; It seems that Nashville, a eity of only twenty thouaand souls, is anxious to entertain, besides their xwa Conference, larger than purs by odds, the . three ' hun dred members of the General. Conference at 1 every session, aad " each time for a mdnth.-&AtMui Advocate. ' '' By a new assignment of the bi- shops of the Keformed Episcopal Church, by the Council in session ; at New . York, Bishop Fallow goes to the Northwest and West, Bishop Lataoe to the South, Bishop Stevens to the special jurisdiction of the South, the presiding Bishop to the other missionary jurisdictions. Bishop Sugden is continued in ;tha English Jurisdiction, and Bishop Cridge In thaof Victoria, TJ. B. ; j I'OLITICAL POINTK6 K " i - The Democratic party is having a very easy, time nowadays. It has nothing to do but favor dead-locks. Atlanta Con' tiitutwn, Dem. '-- 7' , ' 4 Prince Bismarks yanoose veins are ulcerating. ' His trouble fa the opposite of Coakltag'a. This statesman has a case of "big head." ; Bismarck's is only big leg. JkiUAmericantJ2ep, , f .. s , ri .What is Conkliog waiting for? fie resigned io order to get judgment on his .course in the Senate. He has his judg ment, Why does he not take it like a man and get out of the wayif. T. ltibune, Sup. - .t.-j,f-i.t . Pf.(f... a. 1 1'. iXx ' . it1 HBdSewOtlaanlCOLASSBg, ' t) .,;.4.M.U;--!.i. U.: ,1 ;f ,-JQQ Hhds aad ?NCI7BAi ido 1 ' 300 Mw,HJLT ' 1 '., j 2000 BMhelWHITB COKN. - W5! HALL & PEARS ALL. ap,83 DAWtf : ' ' ' m A. STEDIIiini Jr. Attorney nd Connwllorat' law," ' tXUABTOITON, BLADJRJ, .-COimTXH BUtaldlSsOo. . , - i&lrJi 1 . ' vvi'yvi.ll. vu UH wjboat ault, Drawing Deeds, UortKaeM. dk.la Steclalty. t J't apfr-DAWtf7 COME.TOiTHE-J , ilsok:state:pemal;; school Q BSSION' BBQIN8 JTJNS 15TH AND SND8 -y - A UHVU CftW. wwu, 1 U I UUUi K f aril lined Mom. Hchta aad iamnt htrPL. m inr ttia jeesloa. All the usual . branches taught. THB B K3T TS ACHKR8 AMD LBCTUHKR8 KlfPLO Y B. Magic Lantern, with atrong calcUfla light tui rnll deairint1A 1utnraa ' nanA n li1n.t...A -the! Scleocea aad ;Ar VOYAGB. iODNU. .TOM w vomju, ib waiea wui oe ezniDited views oCcanes palace, caatlee, , cathedrals, ' morinmena parks, .nzdeas. fountains. vitm-hRi lk-o -a&rjJt prlngs, grotteet; moaatalaa, valleys, tt. . .-i. -.- v::-- 'i All Teachers Who wish tnlmnmm ttnwtnlnu in heft 4obleaUtog,.;aad1 uieaawhlle to Jiawt ajdf ir own, 0001a,. eepeciaUy more, recom- Bveud irt&e State Beard LXdueauoa. - m 39' I 1 i-Sf.'-f t 0. uuoiuu, AS&.a .VOiTa'l Saperhrtendentv '-r . ; ; Wilson, N.C. l 1 bit wit1 ' CELEERATFi -WiN tAcalnst tbe fconitfngencror lllneis" !by takhsr with4 Wm HoBtetlWa 1oitmwiI Btitnwt haa ooi8ion to Mngratnlate blmaeU oahia torecigbt, wbeu beaees others who have neglected to do bo goffer Ing from some one of thenaldieft wiichltlfl a remedy aad preventive. . Among these re fever and agB, bUioaanesB; onetipatloa aad rhenmattmn,' disease often attendant upoi a; change ;of tdimatoor un-s wonted diet. " -i I Fonaals by all TJrngglau aad Dealers generally. Jel DeodAWly ,, - c (.tuthsa r . ra.. , j ', PKKSCBIBEP BY PHVSIClANa A Uelicious and Re- t 8 i Serves the Purpose j of Pills and Dis agreeable - Purgative TBtOMC-KKUUf JLAXATTtTE is the beef 'preparation In the worid for Coustlpation. BiU ?oasaeas, JHeadaaie, Piles, aad all kindred Cora rtalnta., It acta genUy, effectively,, and la deJl ctoua to U.kS. Cleansing the system thoroinfaly, U Imparts vtepr to mind aad body, and dispels Melmocholy, Hypochondria, &c.Vne trial con vince. Parana li hraiseslllsi Iisjiih slj PfcjCE 25 and tfj'CTI,- OTLD BT UL DBUSSHTS. I tohCDeod&W tuthsa. tf pzm HOP BITTERS ' (A Medlclae, aC a Driak.): ! , OOKTAQTS .. .. : "' " ' BOPS, BTCHIV BL&KDSAKEf : ' ' DANDEUOIt, ASS TH PuaWT AJTD BTSTMTICiQTTAlI- .;. TuaorAUOZBSBBizxsaa., ' ''T U EY tUBE iV; All Diseases of the Stomach; BoweU, Blood -. i-iYer, njaueTS, mna unaaryurKans, fter - . Tgasaaav Heeplesinetsand eipeclally . . , Female Complaint. , ; 01000 in coLDat- wm be aald fbr a east thev win not can or ' help, or for aaythlna Impure or injurious -' . - found In them. , i j. Aik your dnrsglit for Hop Bitters and try them baton you sleep. Take na other D I. C. It an absolute and Irresistible cure for Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and. . narcotics. Roi Blitm life CoRadMttr, M. A Tomato, Oat. Jsl eodlmAW ' ' tu th sa ' 'j JCBON ' BITTEIIS are ; higbjj. ( : recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially' indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter . , inittent Fevers, Yant of Appe tite, Iioss of Strentli, Iiack of , 4 Energy, etc u Enriches , the Hood, j 's ttrengtkena the muscles, and gives new life to ' i'-' the nerves. They act like a charm On the n digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic ? ' symptoms, such as tatting theood, belching, heat in the stomach heartburn, etc The y.. only Iron FreparaMnhWfSiBrrtot blacken i the teeth or give headache. -Write 'for the i: ii . B C Book, 32 pages amusing and i Useful reading, e free.J,, BRQWN CHEMICAL CQMPAJOf, ! i t : ? Baltimore. Md. A ' : "slsawi l Cial ' Now look out for SUNDAY? SGHOiJL wW the aborxtiUt. The cempUerr Mri S. M. Jfo Intoth, is well known to hundreds qftftousqndt at oneoftte tnost successful provider of sweet melodisM cud Ayawi for the great Sunday School pub lic hof .heal writers aowihoM mlriii' ted. tThe book Hoe a UaiiU UUe U twll printed. and u every way desirable.. SendOr specimen pages ffL or specimen &Pllj which if mailed tor the retail price, 35 cents. ' : Alsov t pablUheerv TfTB BBACOK tlOHT, (30 cts yrgNNSy aadfOFFXAK An near ly ready, a new book by ABBY' aad MUKOBR.' making atcioof Kapday School ceE that eauaot beexcalleeX j j 'j - . f - 4 -i isar: 11RBTJCLASS ORatAT3wmrSW.iroRa ; ' PACKJEQAND BHIPl'EJjfAT OUR-RB8i,5I; Wathaa'S jaeaamaatal Daaurns. in boakfom.fra sale to tae Trados j feifa.- - daad'DAWtf a fPrepmredfromH'1T' -.tropical , .x I TRliETOIIic)1 Tm inisin"! i I TJAtiitM only'-loaaeeertottd on end endor- 1 pvexiKalf yJiUion tDistributed ! 1 Incorporated i f&& rJsr .23 jMJt1 tha Legiala tare focKdocattopaifand,!. hantable purposes with a capiulof Sl,6J.tv-t-rhlch-a- reserre 1nnd f over C4tut03ahaeiad bean added.- : tByan ever whelming popular vote its rrancnua wasmada a paiEt of tha present -State Constitution adopted December ad. A-X. 4879. v i ! ilttRANu MNGLB iNTJMBBR DRAWINQS will take-place moattrty. f lT BVBB8CAJUBa OR srrKa. j.qpKat toe iouq wing iiinoauon: ' QBANH TEOStEKADB TttNCKBT Iff 7fdflrInWehVluii place tne J, .! j . ;Eitrt8rfltoaFr-aai-AHM Mmt AtWewOrleansjiTuesaar, Jone'14Ul,188I. I Tender the pertonia'snpervlflleii aad management of Qea.O. T. BEATJGAD, of Lv, and flejayJX? BA.T islLALTi ttfagiiiiswb. i ,: uarirai. rmKtt bvuuuov a ua w w , h Nones Tickets are TeuXtoUarsonV ; " - ' Fifths, $8." Tenth $i ly. Haavea, l. . : .-.! i rjlST-.OFfBiZBa. ' i '1 CAEITAJ.PRIZESf400O;... . I i ORANil PR12Bf of , -60,000... . i 1 GRAND PRIZBf Pf - SQ.000.... j ; LARGB PRLZ BS of 10,000. . . . . i 4 LARGB PR1ZK3. of. 5,000.... ..l(,O30 90,000 S(UKW : VII --v .t AT' 1 IVUI .. 88,000 1 IUI ,. oOOi.i... .. - 85,000 .. 30,00 100 . I 5 900 .1 44 , 6C0 ." 10.QOQ 1 308 ... ".00.,.V"... :100...... 4,0UU .. 60.00 10.. ,100,000 ; ilcaAppraxIinatt6a,PriaasbT3.. t i lp0Approx1matlon."Ptlgaf )00r,..c...! H)00O I iwAppnaunaooii rzosior .73.. , t.ouu lli8t9PTJa.iamoni41iiB Ben. CT. T. BBAUREaARD,"of Lai, and Gem JT IWrlti ' i ' u -nj-aAaHfl,' Y xl ffaaHWasTiB, Lonlalana. otM. A. DAUPHIN, at t I No. SiSBROADWAY, NBW YORa.. . my ii uzawiwdBW .weaat.. OF ALU For more than o thtrdrof -oeBtnrrthe Mexican SInstaiig .iniment has been known to millions-all 6ver-tho world as tlio onjy safe reHanco-fpr;tlkfi-relief-of Accidents anth Tain. '-it'ia-ft-meaieine abve.rie umf pntja ...tKa-tosat oAtm- luu, x' or uvisiy .loriu oi vxturuiu paoa Vnstaiig Liniment is withont onrecmaV. J 1 t ye itetratcs 41eslk -.d rmrselo, tod an yvry: ooaao-maitiBg tue onuD-i nnco or pain .unci mnammation impos Biblr. Its effect 91 Don Human FlesUautt tlia UnuoCrt aiiou aro equally wouUi iv fhl.Thp Mexican f " ,i , ft'. tdnfmrnt-ia-rcccl-1-Boincboily In every iousc. ' Kvtry tlay brings news f thejtgouy of nu itwfiil aauld. or burn snlKluotl, of rliciiuaatio- martyrs ro storctl, or a valuable . Ixoi-se or ox save a by tlio licalwipowci" of tcl3 Trhlcli spcdily" cures such 'ailments of tlio HUMAN JbXKSlI ns - i Kheiiraatlsm. fcTve lilacs. Stur hhsui t snirKicu jixsseiea, asnrna ana deaiaa, Jnts, llrulitf and Sprains, Poisonous -Bites and StiiMraV' StMratesa. Tjamenota. OlaV Sores, ncers, lostbJtesrCaiilblalns, Sore- Kipples, Ca1ced. "Sreaat and Uadead every fsnuof: extema4 U ease It heals 'witnont sears. : SOt Uie BBCTB CBSATKMF tt CUT 3 V, ' - - gpvaiaui,- ivinay i HtXfT Oointst Pounder, ITarnesa Sores, HOor 1Is eaaaa, XVe Kot, Server Worsn, Samttj Hollow ' ,Uorn, . Scraachea -Windr rails.- -Sita-Vtn.' Thnnh. Rinr boiM . OMfavci; roll.ilvll, :FUaa npon tne Sigaa ana every orner aumeat to wbWh taoeenBMUta- f Jt Stable aviwt Stock Vrd r Uabla. -Tho Mexlcaaa Ulaatang T.lntmrnt always : cures audi never -disappoints ; ana it 13, posmvejy, -: FOE HAll-mr BEAST 5feb 8 Wly Isaac Batxs..... - ..rTesMent ..Vice President ...... ....Casbier - . V S. O. Wallaox... . .... Bank of Hew Hanover. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - $1,000,000 -' i.'.- (IT. V& a tin - DIRECTORS: John Jawson - iM LVK, Murehleon. of Wil- Isaac Bates, - - s P. M. Stedman, of Wright. llama as MUKmaon - :awMamaa. Horn B.B.Sridgess, Pres I Jaa. -A, Leak, of Wades- ' Wi & W. RE.;' : -1 boro. -, - H.-YoHerB,of Adrian- B. B. Borden, of Golds-' ;,vonera. DOra, IN. v. D.McRae. Jno.W, Atkinson, uoi. e. jr. utie, Ga M. Stedman, President. A z&zss GoMoro Branch. R- &sar i DIRECTORS: ff B. B. Borden, W. T. PalrclothI W. P. Korncgay 4- President. I ' ' DIRECTORS :f' v ' -; J,A.;Leak,R. T. Bennett . little C. Marshall Issues Certlflcates bf BeooBlt bearl'ni? lnt.pnt 3 Is authorized by cnurterrt. receive on: deposit moneys held in trust by Executors, Administrators, Qoaraians, ftc, &&, Ac : .. i . , Strict attention given to the orders and. requests of our country friends by mall or otherwise. ' ' the upeetly Cure fKerroaajWeakaess, Lost SVltalltr, Preraatare UebllltKSenrQusness, Soeietr; Befectrre Sreateryj-aadHklt Bisovders. - broaeht on by Iadlscreeb lliblts aad Excesses. " islt haa;ta isnsdieau. 3int at puus , OLEOfaofE : Address DRiWi S. J AO U ES, in) tWWest Bixft st'OTrorjnrAttomp - a TO t ' AiNBUSH, rlRTHH AND dOMBON HSTTrsfH ta Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. abvJT Bft Wtf .xora, renn. ,. Pfohibitiph '99 tt ' --r.i --jlJi :'.! -r ; '. .Vi-'f.J - .Kfl.'!' ..,!:) Si'.'!'''-. TO PARTIES WlSniNQ pTpT LKS3 TH AN XWO ft .ft.l' P. L? Bridgers &.iCf ! win sell a PINE OLD FRENCH BRANDY, bought a few days ince at auction,-for FIVE DOLLARS per s k 1 'h.'t'j , J A-f.i " gallon 1 hla Brandy ca&not be bought by the casfti for less than Six . Dollars per gallon; has been re tailed here foe jears at Tea Dsllars. ,-. , s ft ." -.-Jj SEVEN DOLLARS! t iJ ! For not less than Ten Gal'o'ns a kAGNIPICSlKT' Tf-s- icc; --wii wn-ini ir OLD COQNA.C at only SEYEN, DOLLARS per 'J-'-Cw Ltt--: .L'O .ii S:.li-- M-f tfVtfMt" ssU. 1 gal'on. . Bought direct (rem Impprterf. Sight. Bol- lars; retailed; here for years at, from f welve ,to 1 lit 11 -3!8Wm-l -trw" PO! urteeh Dollars. P. L. Bridgers & Co. 1 i ' Have the only box of JBBNDINB GRAYBLY'S CHE WING TOB ACUtf : ! ' : ,: TRY IT.; . ; : I '- ' a '' NO. 1 MACKEREL Unexcelled in the world. ' To the lovers of ,1 ROYSTER'S DELICIOUS-CANDY. P..L. BRIDGKRS AiCO... s(; Beg to s' ate that It Is impossible to supply the de- '4.vii,i,! ;!i..;;.,'' r tusnd. . Have been out for pearly a week. ONE HUNDRED AND FI8TY, POUNDS, received last -. - - - . - ''- - - " niht. . Call early as the beet of it will be gone b - 13 o'clock. This Candy was made bn Thursday. ' jtS9-tf'fa:i!: wsrM bitt'sM tisui- ttvA i -- . t . I ' Popular Monthly Drawing of the J - - i j ' : . ' as ' ' a I At jnacanleY'g Xncatrc. r r ? . i Inthedtyofryralsvllle,oi n ? '' Tliimitty'at -' t ' I i - .- t i-1 . : i . . These drawings occur monthly (Sunaays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As. aembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport routing una newspaper ua.. approvea Anru a, unu. 3"f HIS IS A SPECIAL ACT, AND HAS NE-, VEK BEEN REPEAIiED. . - . The United States Circuit Court en March 31 ren dered the following decisions : - 1st. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRI BUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. , . ; . : id. ITS DRAWINGS ARB PAIR. 1 " ' The Company has now on hand alaree reserve i una. iveaa uie ust or prizes ior , ' THB JUNE DRAWING. 1 Prize $30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 1 Prize 10,000 300 Prizes 50 each 10,000 t Prise....... 6.000 600 Prizes- 20 ear h 1ifl 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 u xnaea - ouu iu,uuv 600 lOjOOe ! - !- - k-i $300 each. Approximation, Prizes, $3JT00 a Prizes 9 Prizes Prizes 100 each. 998 1.968 Prteea. : - Whole Tickets, $3. 37 Tickets. 50. f "$11304 Half Ticket $1. . 1. 65 Tickets, $100., Remit Monev or Bank Draft In Letier. or sand hv JBxpreas.: , DONT SBNLfe BY REGISTERED LB'lf'- andupward. by Express.' can be sent at' our ex- J pense. - Acwreaa alljomers to R. M. BOASDMAN, (Courier-Journal Buildinsr.) LOUISVILL&. Kv.j orT. J. COMMERPORD. 809 Broadway. N. Y. - my 31 eoaw vi- iifJ.:.tta;th:sa -; intn xu EffectiT, Simplei Durable and Cheap. i tOnnpact, SubstsiitlaLlBconoinical and Easily (Jtaaasea guaranteed to work area iJJf . 1 , . peclarlyf adapted fot driving 'printing Pressep,' yutii Dwtuera. xreeaauiis,uram Kievatori, a cninerv reamna? rrom one r i to alas none power4.,;f t j. s skK OUBTlidwRicES1 "?T .H TT- -r : t. . ' uwm jirower -ngme........,....j..t $V40lO ox j .. 855 00 ai Ai nrv i Send lor deHC.rfntivn rmmnhlRt 1. , - : 1 S, ... i T.- 7T T, r "V i.A.i-x iiwnitfr.MmiT. , rv nM i my 30 W4t w . t Spnagfleia, Ohio. ! Healtli is WtlKl Ttt.J;., J. WEST'S NStRVtf lNbRA' J TREATMENT t a specific Jot Hysteria, Con Valiums, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, lmpotency; Premature Old Age, caused by over-exertion, excesses, or over-indul-sreace.'Whica. leads to misery, decay and1 death." One box wiU cure recent cases. ' Each box con tains one month's treatmmif.. flna AnUar 9 .kT - r eix boxes for Ave dollars; sent by mail prepaid tt o xuacaaiaa six Doxes to coreany case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with Ave ' deUars, 'we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re turn the money if the treatment does not 'effect a tion. ;mh 23-DAW ly m 1 C500Ee7ard1 ,T17B WILL PAT THB, ABOVE. REWARD POR, ,jf.f .any case of Liver Comotablt Dvenensia: fsick- Headache, lndlgestioni Constipatlou or Costive ness we eaonet cure with Weefs Vegetoble Liver nils. when- the ffirMtimia .iM. VMri. mmx. aaa'l2 eoatsialns 10 Pills. SSMfrta. nr bo- wwKiawi Kuuuterieus ana imiiauons. Tne tXl.. "Tlio P1H arirT isi aim txt . r..fl-- St., Chicago. Pree trial package sent by mail pre paid on rectiptof a a cent stamp. n . a u UOb-H IJ v. r . tOO 000 KOTOH V HICEOBY deHveijsUadieatv . .fci3tl ;'Ti-iofi i B6okwalt0rEhgine,v; vuxo. auma ueuea oy wn. 11. UKKKM, Drnei rlst, (successor to Green Planner), Wilmington. N. C. Orders bv mall will nM m.. .(. e 3 W 8t Philadelnhla. v. l" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IB A Dose of Tarrani'i Seltzer Aperient has removed the agony of rheumatism, aad its con tinued use. entirely healed ibe patient. Kheunutlsm is but little understood. Some empirics resort to embrocations, which are really dangerous, it now acknowledged to be a blood disease, resultioe from acidity. This aperient aorreets all such acid ity, and thus cures the disease -All rheumatic euf. f"fre advised to try it, .SQLD.BT, ALL DKDQ GISTS. i-J '.. - tES,4;JBEE4JiI,BEE ! ! ! i fa. iwiyv a A recipe for the inf atllbtancdre of riTsi.1.8 au arav ar a . wr an atai . m " AND FHTBK. HIAL4KIAL RHVdm OTffliaMUTlC D1SBANB. Seat free of charge. The undersigned, after suffering for three years (reduced to a mere skeleton) trying numerous re taedlea. Including quinine, without avail, was en tirely cured by the remedy prepared frout this re cipe, and sincerely hopes every person afflicted in a like manner will send for ooe, . Address E. O. MIL BANK, 16 Ann street. New York. : ! M " ' THKr-d JilHains or, For the Freseryatioaroij all Kinds of j Friiita aid Vegetables .. ' JManufactured by. K. & J. in. SPftocv. n ancy. Lreomlng Co.. Pa. Send for cir- icalar.. . . -: . lAsk rour grocer for ths Williamj Evaporated Trait, j t . -J m v 31 4n7n.W ( 7 i:e EHovn conc:i gi:q Cleans tho 8eet better, runs lighter, sins .faster, and costs less money than any " other Cin touu(smikautm 3 -.-f -.-i i (The brush Is adjustable and It haadrbf lng pulley and belt at both ends. Every mognini mm ur xne smatc maioi h&i ana fully end legally guarartteedu Hee Urt ef GETS, Feeders and Ceadensers. i - '- ' I Price with Price with M 'ei-em Prieesof i - Self Self isea,. Qlna-. I Feeder or Feeder and J j . . ...I. Oondenaer. . Condenser. SOsaur $ 75 00 $100 00 $125 Si- ' S3 " , S7 J.aMSSi- t UN .110 " 100 00 132 60 166 00 -15 .112 60 r,. le ? . 179 60 i M " 125 00 160 00, 195 00 ' ' O,, .140SS;. fiMOSS S8S0O g" 160 00 806 00 58 09 180 00 5 S32 60-. -S84 00 I The ahove pricoaaie for the nmrMnea boxed ready ftw shipment and delivered at our factory. Will K&uie price delivered at any accessible point, free of freight, Jfidesired; i i. .j.i. W.s;; v EstaUishsd 1813, at Columbus, Qa under name of '' E.T .Taylor & Co., removlny In 18SS to Kew London, Ct, , where the present firm have since carried on tho . bdsinesa , la additiion to our already rmeiinaUed -facilities we have erected another large, factory, thus doubling our capacity of manufacture, j Get your orders la at moo and avoid a possibility of delay. rfra inducement to early buyer. Bend for pjnstratcd pamphlet giving new testimonials from hundreds of enterprising planters.' j'' 1 piuuuua.-Ungiii s, and oompleto outfit rorniahed wbeaitesircd. , Address , . . , j j -i I BOW" COTTON GIN CO., j ' 4 New Iiondon, Conn. :1 ;i JOHN DAWSON & CO., Aeents, ap 10 DAWSm , Wilmington, N. O. THE DAILT STAR. dLb est?p AiLyl PAPER IN Inorth CAROLINA! I w-rm I K DAII.T HORNINH 8TAK. A II ST-CLASS DEMOCBATIC JKKWSPAPBR, pablished at the foUowing low RATES OF StJBSCRIPTIOHl: it. Oaa Year, postage pald.s.i.ui $7 00 . ....... .4 00 -4m w 4SMJ Six Jtontha, Three s V fc i' J mil. "51 THE DAILY STAR i LCoiitairis full Reports:efLthe Wilmington Ma & kits, Telegraphic Beports of. thelforthern i . s ..... . , ; . and liropeai Itoketeaiaft ttieiiaest. sjneral NewSt by Telegrapb find s-r .fr;..MalI, from all parts ottbej i- U ; Lireeslf DAILY CIRCUtATION in tfis STATE ; W .rl U ,4 H9 tl li .:' ,f . J' :A -''KpfToit fenrrnoB, " ; I WllmfnoftAti WilmlnEton'. N. C. 'id udptHMtm cntaTciwMa Pcnarar I HartratpatJtalona. -i PREMIUM av Pi jCaa("iit'ii k aaf 1 '.las a tl Acin.T,ypuera, cpr.oqic AifToa.AU ' ' ,'Ageats for Wllmiagtoa and vicinity, i SUKHXR, LAW. LKCXUHia (Bise waeklyK bs gnl4th July, 1S81,' and end 14th September. Have proved -of atgaat use, lac, to atudaata-who design to pursue their? studies, at this or other Law -al 9 - aa W W a aaav a an a a oLmjvi, w, uu mow wse propose TO" reaa privaiciy and tro,teprstfchmers whnasjrnflt had Ue ad vantage off systematic instruction. For, circular apply (P.O. University rtf V , to JdjprB VprO 1 )

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