-'" ' -"'in'"' mi-i- "r- " iar-liMiiiiT-m ' ' ;, - ri.nwc'.'"!." " 'uffiSSWi 1 ' : WfcfDBUBglD it- S 1 .50 a Year, in advance. . " -? SSSSSSSSSSSS3SSS3 - . 4 -. I-,i SSSSSSS8gS88i8SS . '' 88888888888888888 a - i 88888888SSS888888 S - m - 88888888388888888 7 10110111 Tssaaggggsgggg 3 88888888838888888 5 . ; r"i 8888883388888888 4 J Z ctcoaOic0e4ceottooi4eaoe .v , - t ; - v-v-v-i-i--i-ieccct5'5 '5 '--'' , sSoSS3SSSSS3838SS s .. ' ' . - ' . a" . ;;M:-U:Wi;. - v - r : ,? .- , ... . eiiooat-ooeoHoo'i"iogto :Eotered at the Post Office at Wilmington; rix. v., as second-class matter. J Subscription; Price. The subscription price of the Wekk .4.t Star is as follows irigle Copy! yearpostagepaid, $1.60 o montns, . r l.oo 3 : " .50 ", LKRiARD GRANT, Grant's; biographer,; Gen.. Badeau, has been criticized r aeverely already atitl by Noriherhfaawell aa by South writer, lie in unreliable aa to his factN and figures.. Thai wonder ful writer, Thuinaa Carlyle, wa in variably accurate as to ; a statement of fact.', lie was very careful always in datfand figures, aud criticism has been able to find ; Scarcely one error j in his three great biographies and in that work ,of .- marvellous - . insight, urHuiiiu power ana magmaceni elo quent-, t "History of, the French Revolution." Carlyle might mislead you by the too free use of colors, but hw portrait Were drawn with rarest kill and individuality. Lord Ma- aulav has linen accused by;ineon i-ierale critics of being careless as to au and datesarid statistics. But it ciiaree couiu oe more .Groundless. Id ha been known- to travel a hun-r mil uiilea to verify a date. He is a Hriirtan a irreac wtiip and he m uw and then apt to exaggerate lh0 reainetiH of one or the littleness and eaiitira- of another.- bnt vou will over liud hun blundering in his dates ar figures. 1 1 is memory wan one of the moitt extraordinary known in the ititory of literature. But now-ajdays you are not ex-! ijeU'd to be accurate if you ander-t an article for a periodi-j iJLltH write il or a book. Of what importance or two errors? ; What arc a hundred liirin can there be in calling a man; 'a laiu-n:if his n a me is Thomas, or howl ue of a history if a ii lower I i ie val il mi4t-8 the exact mark on everv Ifigu mi it strikes the target gome- where? x Aa long as such ideas pre- Jvatl and ' such demands are made i ere will be no accuracy observed uog . write rs. ,-: Carelessness and Kurry wiU always trip and mat the tlutb. In the case of Badeau we are dis posed to think be blunders often from design. ; Ue has set- to work to make Ms hero a muoh greater man than he and to that end he must misrepre sent both facts and figures . For in Hfeuce, as to facts: he makes Stone wall Jackson j fight jStegel,- which is uit true. Breckenridge fought the Dutchman. He makes Grant a per--feet pattern of sobriety , all through life war, when - the official tecorda show that he was at r times given to vey excessive iudujgeftoes Bat our purpose is ta refer to- his jstatemeata nyegard to the two armies that were pitted againstjeacb other for so long a time in Virginia. , Badeati endeavors to Jndo all that ias been written, and to show that Grant's army- waa but littfe larger than Lee's, and his losses corrparaUvely Uifiing.t; "The"BNew,: Yorjt HqraUl has. given Badeau full oredjt for all he says, and thus gives a atfll fartberj publicity to a false hood The Herald says: ' " T v "Ota. Baaeaul aa will be 'seen from the tx'.rais we reprint, not only gives the offi cial return of .Lee's, army as preserved in tlta archives, bat takes paios to cbalienfte in tbe broadest manner Bay attempt to im I'Un the troth of bia, statements.. Now, if Qeo. Qadeaua figures cannot be questioned ifeeu he baa rendered a crowning service to the end so of truth by redeeming the Army of ihe Potomac from an , imputation under wbich lt has long rested in popular imagi nntiun-tbe ,; imputation of never bavint; een able to defeat its 'opponent untU it was f?ar or five times as strong. 4n army 'f 8evity- flye tbouf and men . under Lee, trained soldiers, Ughting on i its own terri tty, among tta own people, falling back m a Ua own lines of communication, is a a rooglr body tban any one supposes Grant to tuv encountered in lbe Wilderness." Baeau eays- there were '.'500,00b men u the Booth in arms when Grant aasnred : command. During th entirj iouijfnxiifel Confederate aTfflj oa?Ruexecl .' but 000,OOA men, aftcotding to the ofioial Tepon of VOL. XII. Aojutant ueneral 'Jooper. In the itpnug oi ttsot-tbere were not ex .... . '. ceeding 300,000 men under' arms in the South, and we would not bo sur prised to learn that then were bol more than "200,000. ' Wo quote from Badeau "Oa the 4lh of May, 18C4. Grant could put mto bnttle on the Rapldan 116.800 oU dibrs; V4.000 infniuri- 14 iV) k.v.i. 8,800 artitlerj men were reported as 'present ji umjr quipfieu, wna me Army of the Potomac the Niuth corps; 332 guns ac- 1 AAW M.fibiil it. . . ' T' vuuiiauiru ';oiiiinanaiiee s army at the tame time numbered. ?5.000 effective men, txciusiveoi the troops in the Valley and in the defences of Richmond.", Vol. a. page 4. This eulogist of Grant and perver- ter of facts on page 95 of the same : volurao ia pleased to .say : "Tbe aatertrhnu hf ftm rAhoin n.r ti,i- rrienda in regard to the relative strength of the two armies on the .Raprdan bave been so inaccurate that 1 invite particular atten- iiua in my Biaiemenis ana to tne authority .on which they are made." " J : We 1 suppose : that tho ; Southern Historical Society will not allow such statements to go forth unchallenged. It ought tcruiake an official - state ment of lbe precise strength of the Confederate array, at the beginning of the camuaicm iri 18G4. and nlao nf the loHsen, and numbers surrendered. Doubrlevs the organ of tho Society will have something to say. - But its circulation is too limited, and, there fore, a full and fair statement; based upon rfficial report, should bo pub- ished' by the Southern Historical Society in the Herald, 7imest and other Northern papers of ..largo - cir culation, or else the Northern people will live and die in the belief that one Northern soldier was able to defeat and conquer one Southern. Every South- era man knows that there was not a: half dozen battles in the war where the Confederates were defeated un less fighting against at least two to their one. . But let us examine faiw i ...... ................. . . . ther. First as to the ; strength of Lee's army. : Badeau says it was oomposed of 75,000 effective, men, and the Herald indorses it. . But a distin guished Confederate officer Writes to that "iaper as follows. : '.j. "The field return of that .Uip a over tbe-aignafnre of Uolr.iit Walter U. Taylor," Adjaunt General to General Lee, and to be seen on pge '17G of bis, 'Four Tears with General Lee.' nnhlinhit in 1R7Q shows 48,002 men and 3,727 officers, an ag gregate nf 52.629 r this return made by CoL Taylor ws for tbe information of bis chief and must be accepted as true unless it can oe snown i-j.ue incorrect." Lee had 52,629 men and Grant bad 116,800, according' to - Taylor and Badeau respectively; j but really the army of Grant waa much, larger as will appear farther on. The -Herald accepts as true the latter' statement that Grant's total losses in the whole Wilderness campaign were but 13,601 killed and - wounded.' It says , this puts an end to the generally aoeepted osses of 50,000 to 60,000 at least. The Herald is quite willing evidently to believe any " sort '"of extravagant statements if it will magnify the deeds of the North. But let us see. Let us turn to what the Confederate officer has to say in his. letter to the Herald-.- . ,1--';;.- ' : - "The.caaualues in the Arm nt - the Po tomac for tbe 5th to tbe 6tbof. May in the nattie or the wilder neia caa be ascertained by referring to tbe report of the Surgeon General of tbe ' Uoiled States Army. In that report they are slated to have been over 87.50ft.. The ('Snot nnmhpn mm nrtt nm.m. bered, but are readily determined by refer- .'na . v. . rr i Ai frivefl the entire Uiaa nn In .nil Ini1ni:ni May to be a little in excess of 04,000. So great were the losses sustained by his army up to and including May 12 , that ? General Grant was forced tu stay his onward march to jicnmoaa ioi several aaya. - in bis re port Ue says, 'The 13th;. 14 15tb, 16tb, ' 17th and -18th, of Mav .im' xnninniHt la. maoaavridgV and , awaiting tbe ar- riTai - ot reiniorcemeois irom . Wash ington. And Secretary of WafStanton in bis report clalnva that there were 47.751 available' men for duty in the Department of Washington the chief part of which were ordered to the front after the' cam paign opened in 'order to repair losses in the Array of tae Potomac.' And this army hadi accardiatf 'to tha rpnntl nf ih Ranra. toryof War on -May.i. 141,104 available f nnMa tirpupnt fnr i)nlir 'All ml1i.Hltin- f wwyi - . f-i-T -n MVIB .IIVIT from eifSef IflnCA fn kMIvp Mmnatona that the flutaiag-force" of armies is-always less than the number reported preAeaifor duty; but after making a reasonable allowance ior mis aiuerence it must tto admittea that General GrantV mimhera Wirn nvpr I urn tn one, and largely more than double of Gen- Badeau claim that the -Federals captured -?9fil V brisbners1 ou the re treat ' from Petersburg;- ? Gen. 'Lee did not have 40,000 when he left Pe tersburg. How ?9,01 1 oould- have been captured would. W hard ,to ez- plaia, r At Appomstttox: -Badeau says 27.5 1 6 soldiers -were? ttamled. u Theaa are new figures to us. :; We have never seen more than 10,000 given as the number of mnBkets surrendered, -But all this should- be set forth officially by the Southand the Historical So ciety is the proper body ..id do so. ; There is much -deraoralization re ported ' among the employes of (he canal company in the Isthmus.! They axe all despondent and in, the damps. H ..a,., -s'r i ' WHAT THET CALL A 1BI1L: . , a , -. . .- . T? There is a wheel within a wheel in the Whittaier case.1 After, costing the people $40,000 to ascertain if it was a fact really that the negro. did clip his own ears, and after causing a second trial to continue through two or three months, we are told that the very voluminous evidence is to be reviewed by the Judge ,'Adyooate General Swaim before the evidence is approved.' The news from Wash ington is to this effeot : yfj??,ul ,v ."It is officially stated that thesgovern ment is well. 'pleased with the: conduct of the court martial Just concluded, af ten sit ting so lone in New York.7 and "it 1 is to ba .hoped that the verdict will be found In full accord with 'the justice of the' entire pro- ceeamgs. 'Tne examination or eviaenca can scarcely be concluded in less than two weeks, after which it goes to the President for approval. ; The announcement; of - the verdict cannot therefore be expected before Julyl.'V - , . 5 , odi There is a trial, so-called, then the officer, a fire-tried Radical, is desig nated to review all the evidence to ascertain if the verdict is right,and men it' ine jrresident. anotner nre tried,1 ; approves of what bas been done, the country will then find ont something , about" it." This is the way truth is upheld and justice 'done to all concerned. Suppose the Conn-; ty Solicitor revises all the evidence in - a; criminal prosecution : after the jury has found a verdict, before the case is sent up to the Governor for his wishes in the matter. ; What sort of justice would ? you call that? 'The whole thing is a farce and an absurdi ty. ; In order to ' prove the ' negro s innocency this sort of judicial leger demain is resorted to. It is just that kind of hoens-poous in which Radi calism delights. ":':"J'" )'l'x:r:V"; We are glad to see that a Conneo- ticut paper punctures so pointedly the cheat. The New Haven HegU- tersays: , . . : "If it should torn out that this narrow- minded partisan who goes bv the title of 'judge advocate general, thinks thai the verdict ib not in. lull accord with the jus tice of the entire proceedings,' that is, it the court, ; has found Wbittaker 'guilty, of course the verdict will be suppressed. If it is a verdict of 'not guilty' it will be ap proved. .'Heads: I win. tails. you "lose,: seems to be tbe DrinciDle that eoverns 'tbe government' In this case, but whether Judfe Ad vocare General Swaim, or.GarfijaldV or Blaine, or all three are the government,' is nformation not vouchsafed to the nubile It was supposed at one time that the legis lative and judicial branches were some-. what important puts of - tbe ' Federal go vernment, but that notion seems to have become antiauated in Washington circles. It is to te hoped that 'the government won't be too bard on tbe military court it the verdict in the Wbittaker case doesn't 8Ult." ;..V SIlERRXAN AND HALLECE. ' The speech ' of Gen. Sherman de nying that he burnt Columbia, S. C, and taking issue with Mr. Davis, will be reviewed at length of course in the South. We shall be surprised to see a Northern paper open, to the truth in the matter. We venture to say there is not a fairly, informed man in the South who -hesitates to believe or say that Sherman was the burner of the beautiful little capital of South Carolina. Why he should have so contradicted his own eft- phatio statements mado in his Me moirs is just what we cannot under stand. How could he be so blind or forgetful as to suppose his dinner ialk would go down as 5 the truth when he had "written . and published the -r following. In his Memoirs he says: , ' -r "In my official report of this confiaera-- tion I distinctly charged it to Gen. " Wade Hampton, and confess I dUd so pointedly to shake the faith of his people is Mi,ccJ ; For the basest purpose he lied de iberately, and now he expects the country to believe him when h.e denies ;he charge brought by tho Confed erate ex-President. ; We say" dehb- erately, that in our judgment Getu Sherman deserves all and more than. Mr. Davis says in his work -Wioncern-ing him. He"beldngvpttiatde gTaded class of soldiers wno bronght so much reproach upon the Northern arms. . There were men in che Union army who desolated Virginia and Georgia and South Carolina and who burned a portion of - Fayetteville, in this State, who wero as malignant, as cruel as brutal as the soldiers who harried Ireland in the reign of Eliza beth: or duriner Cromwell's ': Pro tectorate. They carried on war in the latter . balE- of -.v the-' nineteenth century quite in ;the"BpiriVj of the men ."of the i fourteenths fif teenth and sixteenth J centuries. They believed in making war hor rible. Read all that Gen. ' Robert E. Lee did if you would behold the contrast between the: methods of the two civilizations as represented- by; the Northern: and Southern armies. But we will not dwell upon this nowi We may take occasion - to draw- the contrast more at length hereafter. f I M xrxu f.; V'. t y u : J-A. J AIb ! vl oh lOW I I JT. A wilminqtqn; $:$f;:mmx, We now avail . ourselves '6iT the f onowing'wnicfi111 we ttipi' f romHho dr-lovingi Northern0 mahv siryl it he "can that he fjelieves iff big-hearted aerletfaiea -it 5 "Vf . J:'se. d ttT t if' -fn ftni b When Sherman was preparing, at Sa vannah, to-march? inte5 Bouth' Gareiias? he received! rom ; ChiefrOf-Staff, f t Halleck, the, following significant missive, 'which be' embodied i bbiIemdira i i i-.u);i 1 i v o -r j.' 'Shquldafou-capture Charestdn,fr,u)pa Chat by tome 'accident 1& ptaee 'ma be ' atrbied; and a littie salt should bo sown upon us site.' .-It may prevent the growth of future crops of nullification and secession.' -:J"'S. 1 t'YonravtrtUy n Jli W. Haluck, ,.o . 'Major General, Chieff-Staff.' " , f "To which he replied i 'l " " ,r t"I wfll-tea: innund- your hintas'to Charleston and do not think ,,'salt' will be necessary.' When I move the Fifteenth Corps will be on the right of the right wing,; and .their position, wilt naturally pring them ; into " Charleston t first;' and if 'you have : watched the history of that corps you will have remarked, that they .generally do their .'wta.' - ' flit.- .1 1 wuiik prony wen. xuo irmu in, iuo wuuib 'army )s burning with an insatiable desire to wreak vengeance upoa South Carolina.. I almost tremble at her fate, but I r feel that eheideecrveaall thatr seemS: in store for iher,',. . ' . ' , I , look upon . Columbia as .quite as bad as Charleston ,' and I ' doubt "if rwe shall spare the public buildings there as ;we did at Milledgeville." , j., I ; Now was there ever a' more dia bolical "correspondence? The two men engaged in it ought to be despised, to the latest generation of Southerners. Benedict .Arnold twas klTetter man -'ib'.Tomseh' Sher. inaiTiftiBehoid thedeviltry "of! the two representative soldiers of the Ko'rthV " Such base natures; deserved to be branded as worse than any Hun or ,' Visigoth. "The"" suggestion of the fellow Halleok is as infamous as yet he is a Northern exemplar and hero. As to Sherman, his was a swift : and ' ready hand to pillage and devastate aiid born. 'Ho had an organized corp. Of "plunderers and murderers known as Bummers. If ybububt ist'DiO1 Draper work' on ' the !war (a' NoTthernpro-1 auction of 'high: repute) arid you can see f or ypursel&jS Tiosoj totwin brothers in, crime, Sherman iod.Hal leek, deseryc an immortality of,infa-f my .richly .and,wehoptheyH will have it..? These two companions, in guilt wili.JnudjJLhat; those who "but teach bloody, iiwtructions m the, end will have them ''return to plague .the inventor." , It is a most comforting thought that knaves and scoundrels are often .overtaken in their own :wilea-"-T, ,TJT? '-rso 'si: 'Kxdi'SnVll- ., ,',:".... "This even.handed justice ,t Commends the ingredients of (the) poison'd i lchalice :ntmuds& io:?- tiw.'e To (their) own lips . . : ', i J The Kinston Journal says "we have ' information from a jprbminent gentleman at Jacksonville that Ons low wiir go against prohibition by 1,500 majority." !? He says there are only four prohibitionists in Jacksoh- sonville township.1' May the Stab ventnre to ask' if there ! are any good people : in Onslow? ' Prohibitionists can 1 never he -made to believe that Onslow has any chance for salvation if it goes 1,500 againsi prohibiiiodP v f I WHAT WILLDEnOCBATS Dftf v i 1 It is a ntatter of precious little iq- terest whether! the -Republican State Committee , j committed its T party against the prohibition bill by a unan-: imous vote, by a two-thirds vote, or by .a bare majority. .A State con vention usually nominates a candidate idr.Governor.by a majority vote; and, however small that majority may be, the; party--especiallya the Republican partyr never-fails to rally to his sup or$.f!; So ofaplatfprmrj.if .it is adopted, by a majority of pne and, is never ,o distastefulf!tOtthe large, mi- nority, it is nevertheless the platform, of. the party, and the party accepts it junt as if ithad. been ,f adopted ; with out a dissenting voicet Jn 1870, the Democratic Executive Committee pf the Third, Congressional District was oomposed of three members. Two of them met , in , Wilmington -and nomi nated CoLWaddell for Congress, and this nomination was -just 5 as. binding as if it had been . made by acclama tion in a ; full District convention of. the Democratic party, -.,,; , .., , 'E So, ; what's the odds, if ja minority of the Republican. State Committee, did oppose the adoption .of i anti prohibition u as . a partyjmeasure ' Since the address of that Committee taking party ground against prohibi tion was issued has the minority issued a counter1 address., advising iheRer publicans, aa a party, not .to. oppose prohibition And if they have, what uas it atuuuuiiuu tt . - ? .. ... iffiWo have ;.the ; authority of, one member of the Committee, who was August MMcWmmt and in'eW.ieaiiy. i'rutoeftfncli gherlri& didotXbmf tamluafor datie is tefioble SndMefctfuiFan J. 'rttUIv V;-: r w. 'tolj-il 1 1 present' st 'the meeting, tor the state- went mat tne action, oi inai uouy i'j"iot-fi-jtr! ,--i.A.-".ii. v, ' '' ' ,v" V : was. unanimous, on. tbe, question, of opposing prohibition ; t put ! as. we. . i ...... i . . ... . v . . .... . 6 i . have said above, we consider this , a matter pi toe smiesi. poHHioie. uou, sequence. The fact is patent that the itate Ex;edutive Committee has issued ugi vlng1 the feaaons" f or' thei This action pf the Republicans has no doubt been in contemplation for some time.'' They have waited until all the ' Democratic leaders andi pa- pers tnat were niceiy tiOf lavor pro hibition at all have committed them? selves "on , that sidej' and now' they come out boldly as a party in opposi tion to the hill. I . I. It is now an opportune moment for. toe Jemocrats oi xxortn Carolina to put on their thinking caps and try. to determine' jtjst" where" this thing' is going to end: ' J I 'Does it mean the' eleotion of a' . v r r Republican and i "Half-Breed" Leg islature in 1882 " and the " defeat of Ransom' for the United States Sen ate ? Does it mean ' that the city of Wilmington and the county of New Hanover are again to pass- under Republican rule ? Does it mean that all tho' Republican counties which row have Democratio Commission- jers are to be wrested . from Uemo cratio control?" " ' '', " '' (It is for the Democrats themselves jTq decide by their jj votes whether or. lot these grave risks arid responsibil : ties' are to be assumed. ' " I The Stak is a Democratio paper, : md we feel that it is our duty tto warn the Democrats of North Caro fena that there is darigeV ahead. '-Th f JJil'i irr-'t- tlZLJjni-X-&f duuuobs ui iuq party is xuipeiiiicu,iuvx lheonIy: way "to "pluck IhO 'flower 4afeTy from the nettle' danger is to jote down the prohibition bill by an 4 This prohibition : .question is as nothing whei weighed in the halarice with the1 questfon of continued Dem ocratic 'supremacy in North Carolinai . j .i.3 .i i ' . y , I Mr. Hale, in his. last letter to the Payetteville Mcaminer, says a Xw ; ?'A Boston lady sis very much pleased with the Revised New Testa ment,' because, as she says, "it leaves out hell and all these horrid things." , i That "Boston lady," like, so many others who have given an opinion of the merits of- the new revi8ion,-critr- clzed before reading ' The f amour apd witty Sydney Smith when one of the chief contributors to the 7m' burgh 'Review, in the first year of this century, said, "review the book : f Aen read it." There is a plenty of uhel1t in the hew revision, and it is as hot as thehell of the j oldfor: it is a translationaof tho same word Some falsifier telegraphed from London to certain- American papers that1 there was no "hell'' in the ' new "revision, ahd - thisi lie has gone thei rounds. Tho Bostonian jumped at ja coriclui sioflbut that is better than jumping tho truth or lumping! into the place translated "hell.' J. i, H ' - .fr. ; t. "The Lone . Fisherman,', of New lork States Wheeler cby .name.onoe heard'of rao6mTCcUo:witheVic Presidency : under. 1 the i: Fraudulent Administration, actuly re votes - for United Stages Senators in the Ne w Yotk Legislature.5, !3eriatcr riaL timber is very scarce,' evidently, ri4 thbig fttatltisik crooked, sappy, twisted arid in parts rotten - - hxj: ?m tGrant says the i indorses? all; that Sherman eaid in- reply t0 Mr? j'DayLv Sherman' has been proved by Senittori Hamptonto have vnlf ullyj slandered hint and : tor havealied deliberatelyfr dnr t Wft hrnvfld ft falsi fiflf PiUj: dent Johnson. "Birds of a feather, w " Vioae ' or tne' Coetc FlKbt Ctaarlaste i i lie Victor. Yesterdav was the last dav of the cock- fighting at Klein's Garden, and ended the first grand pitched battle between Eastern and .Western Hortte Carolina cock that baa taken place in Wilniingtoou Atthe close' Of 'the main the. score stood aa follows Charlotte, 9; WilmingtonV 7. t The remaini ing three of the nineteen rlgbtc-eonatitmia g BoU parUes toheniainhawgoodraaaooTf t6 be-proud of their hickens. . ThecoBteat-j waa a close one, and while we would WJt attempt to detract from tbe merit of .tne Charlotte cockB, we are inclined to -the belief that their superior keep and con dition gave them the victory. In point oi grit, the birds shown -on both sides' were i ncomparably fine and would, hold their own anywhere in the wotldT 5 , f . n 'r 'im m"mMii". " '" ' ? ATbonaanIoUajr CkMleeataw.. ;r. U x ' ", We" are" In ' receipt'pf a telegram from Judge Taylor, ? of BaUleboro, Nash coun ty, N.Cr asking, na 4o annonnceachalr lenge to this or any other Slate -for a main of cocks to take place at Weldon, N. Cn for one thousand dollars. Y i lis: ki i i.i ltd I'J'l-'J t- . JPr tceedl Asa lq Called Seaston :J v'ipe&aSaSSiii Wtho1'Baa'rd'of Ccman:y-Cdmiftls8ie4e, mialioueis' Kdouk Vesterdayftfternoon, jhdl lytoyaelSajnnejioasjfoit Jrere appointed registrars and .ppllholdcrs or the election' toT be ' held on'the' first Thursday ii? S&gu'ejttTtO ratify Or reject ChfilWI' fjasseabur; recent LegiBlatuVe1 proMbltinaibo'BalaaxKl manufacture of tat alooko djinksjixocptjUpon a fhy sician'si If orn At Tnllnara. ' -' . " : v irustwAKt) uptEa division. rriglstrarArchie Aiaerman.' A F: ' n Pollhbide w James i - Stewart, v Charles Murphy. J. O. Nixon, Simon Richardson. j Sf-t KBST WABOrrliOWBB DIVISION. ! RegislrarW. B. Turlington. , ! Pollholers-Johri H.' Straus? John L. DilclleK'J'aines Atowiey: " j l j OTv-I I .y. SECOND WABD.'"- 1 - Hegfstrar-Dr'. W.-'WHarriss. iV'! ; iPollhoiaersr-'K'Fi Eyden, L. Tate Bow-3 'den Geo-, "K Burden, Chas. Mallett, Sr; f Registrar W. L. Jacobs. , f Pbllhold'ers i fA.: -t J." Yopp,: "Walker Meares,' Allen Evans, John Hargrove. f FOURTH WARD. f -t' ! Registrar.' a.Buntmgf j' PollholdefsM? r ;Gnmnnifg f A. Li De Itosser, J. Q. Horwood James K;- Cctlar. j Oli '.".jECTPTH WARD. ' " - ! j Registrar John W. Hewett. i Pollholders rJ. II.. McGowan, J. G. Dbt- den Washington Howe, J. B. Dudley, t , j " , ; . GAPS FEAR TOWNSHIP. ' 'Hegisttar J; . H."Petleway.' 1 ' Poimolders W.5 O. Johnson, J. W. St. George; iWright Dickson, .Luke Grady, i 'Qli'ki 6t fi HAENBTTTO WNBHIP, r j ; .Regiatrar---James N. Macumber. Pollholders C. B. Futch, P. M., Woolen, Jordan Nixon, C. H. Alexander. - MAflONBORO TOWNSHIP. iarar-John A Farrow. I ; Pollholders B. -1 S. Montford, . Lewis Todd Joseph Smith, J. J. Hewlett. , j FEDSBAIt POINT TQWNSHJP. Registrar J. H. Home. , . . i' r Pollholders Jf:1 H.' Savage J. O. Wil son Archie rreeman, W; H. Williams. : TJpon "motion, of ' Commissioner Monti itomefyiit was ordered ;that ; the , matter of awarding contracts! for-.building an addi tion to -the- Court House and, tinning the Poor House bo left to the Finance ' com- ! It was further ordered that tho matter of. the .ventilaUon it of lbe Court 1 House be takeainto: consideration ; by the Building Committee, and that they report at some future meeting.'; - Xl:9 '-' j Upon motibn, the meeting adjjurned. ' The Finance committee met immediately after thi adjournment of the Board of Ed ucation, and opened thei bids for the con struction of the addition fethe Court House and tinning the roof 'of the Poor ' House. Messrs. B. D. 'Morrill & Son were awarded the contract for the . former" and Messrs. Parker & Taylor for the latter job. Tbe Colored Bepnbllcana. iGedrge'W. Price, Jr., who was chairman of Jibe, dejegation 'f :cblored Republicans appointed by the Convention held at Ra Jeigilasixaonth..to protest against the; un fair distribution -of Federal offices in this State and who was selected as their spokes man on the occasion of their interview with President Garfield oii Wednesday last, says that.tie following, is; a correct version of the President's reply Tinnhar occasion. ; In reply- tho President said he sympathized deeply iUktVem; in this phase of the situ ation: that he had no. means' of knowing the standing of such applicants from North vroiina aa were appuiniuu iu uuutca, oavc through me Representations of the party leaders in the State ; that it had been his belief, and he had exemplified .that belief in his action, that the colored race' should be promptly, recognized whenever an op portunity off ered, as in the appointment of Douglass as Uecorder of Deeds and Bruce si Register of - the T reasury.' ' He admon iahes thq delegation that they should be particularly . cautious in recommending one o( their own race for an .office, because if any. mistakes jweremadc, pr.the, object of tbeu'ehoTce should' prove un worthy; of his trust, it would have a greater influence to prejudice1 such! appointments than if -: the appointee were a white man with the same fault! ; He : pcomised .them that if they recommended anyjndvidual appointments within his gifi he would give their wishes due consideration- ' ': ' v -, : " ' The delegation. Price says, were perfectly satisfied with the result of their viait to the President and other officials. ,,. . 1 ; . i feeaftft ! .cap q. pnuitpa. v, sa.2 TJaited States Engineers, who, several years ago, was connected with the river improve ments below this city; died Tuesday night at his home in Norfolk; Va. The New ToiliEerald, in a notice of the death of Capt 'Phillips, says: f "He was born in Massachusetts and served as cadet in the United States Military Academy from July; .1880,' to June, 1864, when he was promoted Ja the army to be first lieutenant, uorps of Engineert. After serving with distinction ia the field he . was breveted captain for i-.faithfol and meritorious services during the tioperatians., which resulted In . tbe fall ..ox liichmond and the surrender of tbe army commanded by Gefi; Lee, At the close of the war he . served as assistant engineer on tne defences oi iiamnton Koaas. va.. ana as engineer on- the staff ' of the. General cpmmanaing tne Jiiepartmeni oi me m.us sonri. ; He worked also" at ihe s defences of Baltimore. Md.. and the Potomac river in 1878, and hi the same year waa detailed to take charge or the river improvements, in Noffolk,i VaHir. - deaths reaulteds from general debility. . His.reraains will be taken 1o t-bJ j "f r 'aw rTi''"f'a.l 1-.'; Jit WJM. Welslwof rthe Balti mora Gazette, will, on next Tuesday, de liver the annual address before tbe literary societies of Princeton College. i - Some of the Henderson people deny the1 report concerning 'thewflig 'and "death to Old Granville.?, but .the, Qxford , mrte Lanee insists that tfea first -report waa 'f00? tUl' f.Tr;. 1 ;"'- ; rThat 'extent weeklyi! the Wil j3on Advance, baa put on a new dress and it ?ooka Very handsome and ..auraclive. We congratulate Messrs. Lancaster and Daniels on this evidence of upward actt opward A if Raleigh 'YhUor A4 colored man from Fayetteville, was .accidentally killed at Ssnford yesterday.--. lie came uj to Sanford torn FayetteviUc pa o -txcur-suin' train, and. while' fooliog .wllb another, colored man he' f elf 'between the passing cars and was iriasheilNd deatE1 Our iu- ! formant did not learn. his ii-iCharlotte- Observer? Col;Wm. Jobnstobf 6f this city SelivereSarf address at StaUftviiiey jWedneedayi before; ae-anti-prohibitipn mass meeting,,of .which the Amertean, says- -'The address of Col Wmi J obnston; atv-tbe- Rnti-prohihitiott -inaes meeting in'.thls place, is complimented on alLsidea-fot itfffafrneaa." force adeffect nn' his hparersfc-4rh Coionel,oonc4ed'Edj luicouons among inose vmat deairea the. law,"1 but plainly! shqwed hat- ita adoption T would be a. great mistakes ''. i' :;; " --T-ijWjison 'Advance v ThaNormal, Scaool Opened on Wednesday, with .fifty ; scholars..'.- Information: has' been i re- i ceivedjof the,aceidental;v poissoning.-jit . Griffiri, Ga., of the family of 'Mf.' W. J. Kiacaid, a former resident of Wilson; and -otbersJ r A.party of young people had been . invited to his honBe.-and ice cream waa served, ; which , contained: ipoUonc It is s thought that the poison in the cream came from the brass in the freezer." j&zter. All " .who: were poisoned hav6 almost entirelv rr- coyered. ; i " : ' John J. -"Sharp replied to Rov Joseph"K-rCarterV of i Wilson; who made a ' prohibition- speech, at Rocky Moupl The, ; Tarboro Ssutieraer aky a; Be that aa it may, ' hit conclude that bbarp went too far, -in tbe j heat of his argument, in the personal abuse' of the reverend ' gentleman who had pro- ceded him. f . Some of his personal remarks 1 were simply outraeeous and hia best friends'. have told us there was no. excuse or pallia-' ting circumstance. -We hope nevMo hear- of such again. , Some of his language was t so" oaensive to ears palite 'that ne was ar- " tested, so soon as be cotr off the stahd and ? fined by the town authorities for using ob-. - scene language. e'-- - " ' 1 i .-Toisbbt 'Hoine? Wright5 Wig- gins, an honest. aDd , highly, .respected old gentleman,, of Edgecombe county, died du a Tuesday evening last of heart disease-7 p we learn that qn -Tuesday .-.last James- A..' Pitt and a negro by the name- of Granville got in a dispute on the plantation, of ,Mr. . Arch Braswell, near Whitaker's in - Edge- ? combe county, when Mr. Pitt drew his pis-; tol and fired six times at the negro,, several t of the shots taking effect L' The negro ihen ' pursued Mr; Pitt to. the 'houses where he (Pitt) took his double barrel :gui ; and : di8? i charged both barrels into tbe nesroe's breasts - Mr. Pitt Ihen made 'hia escape. tbinkinc that he had killed .his ; enemy, but from' a , private letter received here on Wednesday ,.; we learn the negro still lives and the chances are favorable for hia recovery. ---WiU-, son note : ' The Normal School, which be gan at the Wilson Collegiate' Institute on Wednesday, should be attended-, by." every . ,, teacher iq the eastern - part of the State, who desires to be proficient and successfal in tbe honorable avocation which he .has f . chbsen. The tuition will be free to teachers, '"' aneune lectures open tq aU'- L Monroe lMn.amretz Jnrx Strawn' , Ifttil son, -Stanley. Bged about eight years, ; while pulling off young sprouts in a "new gronna" on Wednesday of last week,- was - bitten on the left hand by a snake sup- posed to be of that species known as a "rattlesnake's : companion,": and but: for ' ' timely treatment no doubt, the little fellow would have died.'" As soon as he could be .' taken to tne house cords were placed around his arm at four places,, for the purpose of Keeping the poisonous- matter out or tbe body.,: A poultice was prepared of tobacco, salt and turpentine and applied. to the wound, and in an hour's lime, a pint of ! whiskey waa, given him? Afterwards , a -Vs pint of sweet milk, in which an herb had been boiled; was given him. -: His hand and arm swelled to alarming proportion and i r became discolored. He was very sick for -twelve hours, and speechless forsftt1 After 3 1 this a reaction : took place," the swelling, , begaa to subside, and. he began' to get ' belter. ' His hand is yet very sore. ' -The -:' snake, we: are told, measured abouUthree. f eet after being killed. ' i '. , - 4 Elizabeth City v&onmst: Per quiman3 county dots: ' The bridge "over ' Perquimans . river, .near ,, Hertford is the.-, heaviest and most expensive work on lira line from Elizabeth City to Edenton. J They are setting the piles. The corn, cotton :f rice,' wheat and other crops look well.' " Elisha Simpson lost by fire.- on Mod- ; : day night, the. 8th inst., his . barn, corn, ,. . fodder, stables, borse and colt.' Jerry 1 White, being suspected of the incendiarism, -; ; was arrested and taken . before. Justices ' Newby and Bennett. Gates county ' Items: Farming is getting on finely. The, crops are looking well. . -The probU bitiomsts iof the county met In the court house at Gatesvilleon the 6tb iDSt. for the , ; purpose of , organization. . Speeches were , made by Rev. Mr.' Amiss arid L. U. 'Smithi l-r The, magistrates met; on the same day tor , the purpose of electing a general superin tendent of public schools. John R. Wal-' ' ton, , a zealous , f rieBd of education , was - ' elected. J- 1-:-:- .;". .; XyX 1 1-14 The Atlanta Sunny South says:' There lives in North Carolina a family nota-; ble for nothing, as far as is known,! but An .5 .. indioeyncfatic fondness for being- married in unheard of and absurd placer. Thc wedding Of the youngest daughter is just1 announced ia a cliff near Cove Creek, one " -' ' hundred and fifty feet in the air, the - place being, old tradition says, an Indian refuge. ' The father and mother of this romantic - " young woman took upon tnemseivea tne holy bonds of matrimbny in a balloon; which, by the way, became- unmanageable before the bridal party came to earth; so ' that they barely escaped Iwith their lives, passing the bridal night tossing about do a bank of very wet Clouds, the bride being deathly sea-eick. The eldest sou iof the family kept up the traditions of his .house r bv weddine his bride in ' a diving bell. although in taking a second -wife , he con-., tented himself with a simple marriage, by teletrranb. ITbis will do for summer read- ing. It Is light, airy and sentimental . : Like most of fictions it Is not founded on , . The Monthly 1 -BuUetin' ot the 1 -Department of Agriculture says Since the;,-, last Bulletin wbb issued a good deal of work, has been done in securing immigration for v North Carolina. The regular : correspond t , ence of the office with Mr. Fall, our agent in Great Britain, has been .interrupted by e his severe illness, consequently our reports 1i0 from bim ire not as full and satisfactory aa usual, v He has, however, seBtront fseveral -families who have gone to. Western, North.; Carolina With the intention of raising sheep. . " A nunaberiof Eaglisbmen of considerable I-U means, who bad been induced byJUr., Fall H, , to come to North Carolina to prospect for ' " settlements for themselves and others, spent i;. two or three days in Raleigb saw. all the . . , places of lpublicv interest, and- expressed ! themselves' as pleased with what tiiey-saw. v,& They 1 were r provided with . prospectora' , . tickets,' and went to Ashevrlle to make that place headquarters for visiting the western t;- section of I the Stale. . Several gentlemen, from the New England and Middle Slates ' 7 v have called at this office on the way to the Piedmont section and Western North Caro linatogetall the Information possible In 1 regard to sheep raising in those sections. :

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