hp WM. H. BERNARD,1 Editor.and Proprietor. WILMINGTON. N C: . Friday, June 24th, .1881. TNotleeB of Marriage or Death. Tributes of Respect, Beaolatlons of Thanks, Ac , are charged for as ordinary adTertisementa, tut only naif rates when paid for strictly In advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Mar riage ox Death. , pr Remittances most be made by Check, Draft Postal Moneyl Order, or Registered Letter. Post Masters will register letters when desired. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. . - , . . fST Specimen copies forwarded when desired, j WKSTKBN ROllTH CAROLINA. ; Some time ago we received an ad dress of the Executive Committee of the Agricultural and Mechanical As-' sociation of North Carolina. Al though late we .desire to refer to It. It sets forth the purposes of the organization to be to discuss matters pertinent to their interests and calcu lated to stimulate.the productions of that section. The object of such an Association cannot be too warmly nnrnmanrled If MOOerlv conducted -: . i it cafinot well fail to excite more in terest in all that concerns the welfare of the farmer, and, therefore, all that concerns the State, for agriculture is the basis of all prosperity to any peo ple. The gentlemen who have issued the address are fully in formed, as their? address shows, as to the great importance of having farming con ducted upon a truly scientific plan; anu pos Bccuruiug w mica u their forefathers who knew nothing, had heard nothing of hillside ditch ing, horizontal ploughing, or chem istry as applied to the soil. : They say : "The time has passed for sneering at book-farming. The prejudices against it are now confined, to me igooraat ana snui-, less, who have everything to learn and nothing to impart in return, o The time was not far distant when a farmer who devi ated from the old ruts became the laughing stock of his neighbors. Mere theorize are mere dreamers. The study of the closet and the work of the field and shop must go band in. hand to secure valuable results; Oar present! knowledge of the industrial arts has been mainly acquired through the stimulus of cc-operative effort, through the conflict of thought with thought, and the comparison of experimental results. If the world was deprived of this knowledge, the amount left would be comparatively smalL" The Address sets forth, the marked x and manifold advantages of the Western section, treats of its climate, soil, peculiar adaptation to the cere als, fruits, garden products, : sheep husbandry, manufacturing, eto. They say, justly, no doubt, that their sec tion can well claim pre-eminence for frrnt-orrnwinor. Wn Tiava Inner known ----- a- - --a- - -. " that the apples of that section are equal to any grown in any State. As . to size we have never seen any to compare with. them. , The cultivation of tobacco, a new crop with them, comparatively, has been extended very rapidly, and the soil is found to be well adapi ed to t ha crrftwt.il rf t fin fin oaf. ia -veil SLA er " i Tw- " the coarsest. The crop of 18J 1 will double projbably that of 1880. They do not think their lands equal to the Northwest; for the cereals, and yet they say "that more than one hun dred bushels of corn to the acre and fifty bushels of wheat have not in frequently been obtained by careful .-11 W FYM 1 , , 11 1 1 uuagv. - .uio wuuiu uo vaueu citci- lent farming in any section, even in the Northwest. They: are justly proud of their vast water-power-enough to move the machinery of the world. ; - i" , - -; .-. - We have only space; now to refer to one other point presented in the address, that of sheep husbandry. We have often said that no State in the Sooth was better adapted than sheep, and that the Western portioa must be specially adapted to it. The address says: " g ' "Wool-growing is an interest demanding our attentive consideration. Why this should not prove a profitable industry needs to be explained.., All through Western - North Carolina are immense bodies of land, which would support large flocks of sheep and are of little value for any other- pur pose. It would add much to the aggregate wealth of our section, if our farmers gen erally would keep small flocks to which they could give theirpersonal supervision." The Legislature might do' a great . deal to stimulate and foster this im portant branch of industry. As long as carniverous dogs ' are allowed to depredate npon flocks of sheep there can be no 'great progress in sheep laising' in any part of jour favored State. : We hope still that something snail be done.. ; S ;. Althongh we have visited fifty counties'" of the ninety-six, we have not visited the : mountain .section of our State. It is as yet comparative ly an unknown land to us. And yet it is In many respects a most remark able portion of the South. More than twenty; years i ago the late Bishop Atkinson told us that he had never beheld any scenery in our country, fairly comparable to some portions of North Carolina whioh he had .visited,- Miss, Fisher has done a most praiseworthy, and: useful work in making better 'known th beautiful and romantic, or the sublime 'and stupendous scenry-,of thar HJrtiotrjfc! our State. Her graceful and gifted pen was never more patriotically eny ployed than when she open Id up to the outside Worldthe rich treasuries that lie hid away'among ibe rnknn tains of North Carolina. The lime is not far distant, we may hope,when thousands of tourists will flock to our State to .behold Ha marvellous features and explore as yet nnreveal ed beauties and attractions. Butbet ter and more important than this,; we hope not long in the future that this whole section will begin to blossom as the rose,' when wealth and taste will go hand-in hand, : and ; highways of travel and commerce will be con structed in . many directions, giving the long land-locked people of that State such rapid communication with the sections beyond' as ' shall give them markets for all the produce they can' grow and for all of- the beeves and sheep and other stock, they can raise. . j' We may not omit mentioning- that the very beautiful sketches of , West ern North Carolina, published by; Senator Vance a half dozen or more years ago, have done no little in draw ing attention to the-Switzerland of the Union. Some of his sketches are executed with fine literary effect, and are better than any similar work we remember to have seen from a North Carolina pen. THE HALIFAX MITTEB. , ; The subjoined article we clip from the Baltimore American, an able Re publican paper. It is the first inti mation we have seen of the action of the grand jury in the U. S. -Court. How much of truth there- is in the whole account we cannot say. It is to be wished that there is no basis of truth whatever. The Democratio party cannot afford to tolerate or con done anything .akin' to fraud or, in timidation in elections. If it were to become the practice' of the party to cheat and bulldoze really, as their enemies have accused them so .often falsely, it would be deserted by thou sands of the best and purest of the party. The Democrats of North Carolina are in deed and in truth in favor of fair and free elections and an honest count. The St as stands npon that strong platform and will stand upon no other. But here is what the American says : t ; , "Some of the men who were en gaged in the ballot-box stuffing and frauds in the recent election in North Carolina are likely to come to grief. The United States grand jury sitting at Raleigh has found indictments against a majority of the Board of Canvassers of Halifax county for a wilful and fraudulent refusal to count the votes cast at the Halifax polling place, and against a number of in spectors ' of election in the same county for changing the ballot-box for another box which contained a very large majority . of .Democratic ballots for congressmen. ; It came out in the investigation before the grand jury that duplicate ballot-boxes were made and Btuffed with Demo cratic ballots for every polling place in Halifax county which should give a Republican majority.' If these prosecutions are pushed as they should be, ballot-box stuffers in North Caro lina may learn that elections in that State are not such a farce, after all." By refeinng to the reports of the cotton market for the last week, as reported in the New York financial Chronicle, a very noticeable point occurs to which we would call. the attention of all interested, in cot ton growing. It is this: h, -' ) When it was ascertained that the crop of 1881 would not exceed the crop of 1880 by as much as 1 per cent, cotton showed. a slight advance, but when more ' favorable reports came in showing continued favorable weather throughout the entire cotton section, then what ? There was . an instant reaction and cotton declined. Why this ? Read our . . two , recent editorials on the cotton crops of; tha past add you'will see. KnowiBg that favorable seasons promised 'aii: crease of production prices at OQce fell Think of iu ':V;t .:ols-2b?iz& Mrs. Nash, a married Jiady,, living in Iowa, Was nominated' reoeotly itsr the State (School Superintendencyl in ner declinature she says sa; 1. am a wife and a mother and, have a home to lake care of, which occupies my entire time and forbids all thought of eg lecting U for any political honor." . 'j We have no doubt "Mrs Uash.is the most sensible woman in her StaleV No one will despair : of the North1 when it is found that there is. one man wbp declines to become a; can didate for offics (as Judge Thnrman: did) and one woman is no' aspirant for 7 political ; honors. - A monument The National EducatiorJal Associa tion will meet at Atlanta Georgia, on July 19th, and oontiuue through four days. In the long scheme-of exer cises before s -we fftnd iio-pari as signed to North Carbjjna.; cJi' txnBiru u u&Pihi w ti tt- oa x It gratifies US to see that some of the bestfpens ?le at work against the d ppliti'",V machine system that has en s-h a curse to the country Not jly artjorWqf the ablest papers do ing good service in this cause, but the most widely circulated monthlies are discussing thecurse'Of- the1 corrupt system that as controTrehwhore' land, more or less., The July number of Scribner's Monthly has a pointed article entitled the "Peopled ' Prob lem," which is a vigorous blow at the "Boss" system! in politics J-l In, the North American Review for July Mr. James.Partoo contributes a paper that will ; be read ." widely, "headed "Power' of -Public Plunder.' . Both, papers are timely and ; strong. The very groundwork of our political and social fabrio is being undermined, and the, tyranny of s party machinery is doing the destructive work. . , . . Whep' .the people, learn inojre of the vicious tendencies of tb'eV age; pf the despicable and dangerous appli ances and 'methods of ', the ' profes- eional politician who lives out. of the PUDUC criq ana wno nas a, uorrur ui earning an honest penny " in sthe' old wav: when they are ' made more ifamiliar with the a" destitution of poiiticatf pr other "principle ,pf the professional omce-seeKer, anu oi iuo "ways that are dark" and the r aban doned "tricks' to which he is prone to resort, as welj as the tremendous power exerted by ; the .rich corpora tions jn controlling nominations, elec tions and parly policy, if, they do not despair of our, future and of Republi can institutions they, will ."become alarmed sufficiently to change their practice., ;They s will . give, more j at tention , to, primary, conventions, to ihe selection of candidates and to the machinery employed. In other words they will see to it that" their ' views and obinibns are more , potent and J ihey.'will hayea more personal," direct hand in the choice of candidates and in shaping the policy of the party. . j "Everybody knows that the people are left, in the rear, .whilst a few. ao- tive politicians and manipulators manage the whole machinery, The people . allow themselves to be used as automata . or , puppets, .. and we moved about, at the , will of a few aggressive, 8elf-a8serting,pertinacions politicians. .For this condition of af fairs the people' have themselves to blame mainly. r They ; could have it otherwise if they so . willed it. Aa far as North-Carolina is -concerned the :- people-the honest, - reflecting people must see to it that slates made np by political thimble-nggers are smashed, and that the tyranny of machinery has no place henceforth in North Carolina politics. . ' - -- -; Look at New. York, look at Penn sylvania. See how; the . people are bamboozled , and . led. Behold the power .and danger of machinery. Shall the methods that have prevailed so disastrously in that rich, great Northern section be allowed to domi nate the South too ? Shall the cor rppt party manager lead the people to the shambles?, Shall public affairs be managed by ring maniputaktors and ggantio corporations ? : : Where are your liberties, , oh I men, if . these things be ? Where wjll be your per sonal independence and I self-respect if "public .plnnder". becomes your niasteran and the agent; rises into a despot ? The able New, York 2ime says of the tendency of discussion at this time : rr:-r-rrrrr::rrr; : i f. . -... I ,. 1 - "The more thoughtful political discussion of the time seems to 'turn largely on the failure of government by the people in this country. ' By this is tot meant the failure of. repoblfcaa institutions, or a: demonstran tion that, the principle of self government caohot le put into successful practice. It is not meaat that the people have proved to be lacking in the intelligence or the char acter necessary to free government based on universal suffrage, y But it is meant that in the evolution of our. politics it has come to pass thai Ihe people do not, ma a matter of fact, govern thejmelvu xit.extreiae the . control over Ui(ir own affaire which is' presupposed hi the theQfy,pfog.rJlovernment. The .writers wb? are endeavoring to make a di agDoeia of the disease of the body politic had, or think, tbey find, tha. political par ties nave ceased to' be the organization of voters having different convictions as to the 1 policy , best fpr. the great, ipjerests pf the country, or me memoes most ezpeaiem in .administering -those method a i Tiiey hat e become ruachines' toade up, of, active poU Uciana, , holders of , office or seekers after ofilce; whosp chief business is' conducting hs work of CMWiDg,.eJejfiUQaond.lrtn appointment prla other words.. of ftting '4U'U ' "'7 "in : The Borne jCSncridr aays .'thai there are 152,000 tons Af ferUHzers sold, in Georgia every yeatjJ;Od.thifl the farmers pay. a tax ofi flftyi'eenta per ton for loapection, amoanUBg to $76,000. If we. allow these fertilizers to, average $40' per ton, -it will show that $6,000,000 are paid out by the farming, cammunities every year for this article without a correspoidisg benefit. Exchange. ,. ..'," FB ff-theie; ggures are .trustworthy they f-may5 well1 awaken "-reflection among the , farmers. e It it jbe true that'Geofgiiii alone pays' tdOOOd a' year tor its manor ey the-question arikes, oes iepayr f DofeA'lhe' 'excess oi rprponcwpn justuy,fufc au v im mense1'1 outlay? --With 'cbttoh 4ver-' aging .8 cents, can planters ior eor- K'r .-"i U.S.. iuC-i'.l gTitJtha nict piciwaive df"SouIBef n States, afford to buy six million dol 1 ars; worth of fertilizers?-' In other word s, do they get back their money and a profit besides? A"t 12 ycents a pound, for cotton, onan average, it will pay excellently to buy fertilizers' at the ruling high prices.' - But bow about it 'with cotton at an average of t. 8centt?., :').,". -The . highly stimulating process pays if cotton fetches good "prices.. If a man can make a bale .to the acre it may pay even at 8 penliiprovidedhis neighbors do ? not. emulate .his exam ple. .Suppose every . cotton raiser in the South was to act upon the high pressure system, and by the. free use of fertilizers make a bale to the acre? Then suppose the area in cotton is not diminished ? r Then what ?'; We'an awer, that; the' total orop . would ..be more than double what it now is. It would range in the neighborhood of X4,0q0i000 bales. ' What effect would this immense crop have s upon the price of the great : staple?.:; Would cotton fetcb, on an average, 5 cents ? We doubt if it would bring 4 cents.: ,vi The old law of political: economy applies to cotton as (tOr eery' other product. If .the . supply is: greater than the demand the price rules low er, and ; if Tt reversed higher.-: Make twice as much"; cottbn : aseworld wants and cotton will tumble in price just as eggs do in Wilmington some times when the supply is very large. ;You can buy. fish in the Albemarle country for almost a song in thtt sea son of fishing." "';('.' , '. .".'.!'!'-, The success of highly stimulating farming, at a large outlay, depends, we take ' it, upon two' things ': the . shortness of the crop and the fact that but few farmers oan or do make a bate to the acre. We are satisfied that if cotton should rule at 8 cents or less for a term of years that high pressure farming will . not enrich. We are satisfied that if all Southern planters were to resort to the highly stimulating system that the ootton crop would be in excess of the ide mand by millions of bales. Then what, we ask again ? Cotton would fetch 5 cents a pound at the outside. Reduce the acreage by half. or two-r thirds even, and then stimulato and make your bale to the acre, and yon will average 12 cents or more. ;. ; A FAMB JTCDGHIBNT ; Mr. Edward Atkinson, of BoBton, has given an unfavorable opinion as to the success of cotton manufactur ing in the South. He is regarded as an authority, but in the South his dictum will not pass current, however it may be received at home. What he says will not cause one spindle less in the South. Accidents by fire will do a great deal more to retard cotton milling than the oracular utterances of Massachusetts theorists or manu facturers, and Mr. Atkinson is both. Two factories one a very costly one -have been burned in North : Caro lina within a weekt or two. .This is very dispiriting. It is all nonsense for Mr. Atkinson, or any other inte rested manufacturer; to undertake to say that cotton mills: can not be as profitable in the South as in New England, The plain fact is they are as profitable already, and, in some in stances, more so, The mills at AtU gusta and Columbus,. Ga., and at other places in the Poutb, are as re-; munerattve according tor-capital as any in New England. ; : " j j i Whilst Mr. Atkinson delivers his judgment ex cathedrand it is quoted and oommented npon in the North, money from that rich seotion is be ing invested in cotton mills in the South. -' The South, as ' we 1 pointed; out before, must hot rely- on" the North for capital, but upon : them-' selves, v There is capital enough in the South to ereot all the mills needed now; : if it ;wera brought; forward'.' There is some difficulty in obtaining the necessary operatives in ? some septions. : The; laboring classes '' Beem unwilling to engage readily in this form of industry.- It is novel? and thev are not compelled generally by necessity e work 8fffBteAdil,; ft is all a roisiake, we think, to attribute the reluctanoe to anything akin to ptide. People can live, owing to bur! productive soil and favorable climate,' without putting girls and boys in; faotones, which s fjeenie4 close, hard labor, and it is difileqlt'to persoade them to undertake suoh work. There' is no pride involved, as such classes do no "regard work disgraceful' or at least ungentlemanly," as a Phila ! delphia paper thinks. ; The Sotthern people are better in- formed as to the morals and condition of large manufacturing ' communities than some Northern editors suppose, and the whites are not willing as a gen-, era! thing to subject their children tb the temptations, excesses and toils of a ' factory ftfe. As 'manufacturing spreads this indisposition will grow lessj'especially ia'the";ruraf districts Wbere t'ills are remote - from each other. ; vh T IIOIMI. E. 8HKPHERD. ' : . . : .. i; - I f We have received from the jaub-: lisher, John B. Piet,- of Baltimore, "An Elementary Grammar, by Henry E" Shepherd, M. AJ, Superintendent of Public InsTruQtmnTfor'Balumore. Prof. Shepherd is a native of JJayet'e- villel North"CaroIin8, and bas; ft fine 'Jty ' J reputation for scholarly, acquirements t ' 1 1 :. ; 1 us .from a superficial glance as being highl yj.memonous.' rAlT r. irrele vJanjt matter is excluded, rigidly. It being elementary it js "confined to EtymOr logy and Syntaic-the; study vof - the word anil tbe stbd vjof the sentence 1 -. ..c-. i ir-: .-c! l i .t i The publisher savs: . "The name of the -author of this' book will be sufficient of itself tor gnaiantee its excellence.'' Prof. Shepherd U . one of the principal contributors tu ibe American Jour nal of Philology, edited by Prof.Oildersleeve and also one of the contributors to the Die" tiorutry of the Englitk Language now :'-la pre- faration under ihe. anspicea of tb London hilological. Society.'. ryi'zo uil -'-'V- VAa in the case vf h& History of ths Eng lish ; : Language; va : wor k ; endorsed -'by he ablest profeasora in ihe country, isd buthor1 oi this new Elementary Giammar ebows the most familiar acquaintance witfe his subject." . r.. r . "J t '-r.r-st- -J- -.-. rf--' We take. peculiar ioterest.in the success of- North. Carolinians both, at home and abroadjand we have been. gratified at the success which has at Itended ; Prof, Shepherd. ,.. We must .regret that his native State cannot have the - benefit of bis experience more directly than it does. He otjght to be in one of our, colleges, i In tne South, we doubt'if there is . a .scholar better qualified to fill the : chair, of IBelles Lettres than he is. Davidson br.Trinityy would ' do well to secure, him if possible. , Tj jere is even a broader. , field . than J the Professor's Chair for Mr. Shepherd in North Ca rolina.; , If a. citizen first, he.-, might be then called on to fill that other place, which the Stab; regards as of the very highest importance, and as; requiring such a combination of gifts as no other, office . in the State calls or. I The stralghtout Republicans and the "Half Breeds" of Virginia are threatened With a sortr of "bust upj A 'majority, of the' eighteen w hoW met in Rich inon d on Tuesday decided to call a State Convention on August 24th, at Staunton to which hone but straight-outs ; will be admitted. But there are twentyf seven; members of the; Committee, and 'the Chairman, John F. Lewis, who is the candidate for Lieut. Governor on the Repudia tion ticket, has called the meeting of his Committee on the big row is expected. : outs; will nominate '. 28th inst; A The straight a Republican State. ticket, and of course will repu diate Lewis and his tribe. In. fact, the Committee turned . him out on Tuesday, and elected Gen. Wickbam as chairman. in his place.. It is be lieved that the Administration favors a straight-out ticket, and, if this be so, a large majority of the Republir cans will support it. This will give the Half Breeds and Mabone Repu- dlationisis but little, if any, showing. ''-'. ' '. ' - f ' The Providence, (Rhode Island) Journal says that within ninety-twb years 211 U. S. Senators have resign ed their i seats voluntarily, and most of them were of the original thirteen States; Here is the list; ; "Maine 9, New Hampshire 8, Ver moot Q, Massachusetts .17, Rhode! Island. 7, Connecticut 6, New: York 13,1 New Jersey 9, Pennsylvania 8, Delaware 11, Maryland 9, Virginia! 14, North Carolina 8, South Carolina 19, Georgia 14, Alabama 4, Kentucky: 11, Tennessee 1.1, Ohio 8, Illinois 1,1 Arkansas 1, Michigan .2, Mississippi 9. Louisiana 6, California 1, Iowa 2, Minnesota 1, Kansas 1. This last resignation was made under compul sion. - . The following named Senators, most 'of " them distinguished in the annals of fame, ea6h resigned their seata on 'two : different occasions: Daniel , Webster, Hannibal Hamlinf Simon : Cameron, J oho M. Clayton, John Forsyth, Jefferso Davis, Geo. W. Campbell, Andrew Jackson and John J. Crittenden. PAREBK ACqifllTEU, i A special from Raleigh to the SAB slates tbat Parker, on trial for the murder1 of Gen.J Bryan ' Grimes, was acquitted at Q o'clock on Tuesday afternoon . : The trial lasted six days. ; , Col. Cash .was put on his seoood trial at Darlington, St C, for the kill-; ing of Col. Shannon in a d uel, and was aoqultted,; .The finding 'of the jury will probably exoite considerable! adverse criticism in-that State. : ; An Unrivalled Hair Sresslnc PR0DUCINO. AS BICH AND CXBANLT APPEAR .. AKCBS AS . IF KATUBB , ALOKB HAD ; IM- - PARTED rr. v " , t - ; :' ; , -' BUPNEll'B COCOAlNE Is"" the best and cheapest Hair Dressing kills dandruff, allays irritation and promotes, a vigorous and healthy growth of the hair. No other compound produces these results. - ' Ihe superiority of BURNETT'S FLA VORING EXTRACTS consists in their per ¬ fect purity and great strength Tbey are war- ranteu tree irom .the poisonous oils and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit flavors now in the market. " , i , ; J Education In Robeson TUt fcXerCle 1 ana Addrenl at M lipoe Academy, j j A corrcsponijcnt gf.es us f n acccruit of the jcloaiDgf exercises o& Asbpole Academy,'; Robeson county, on Thursday last, the 16th -inst wbicb"reflecls great ere lit both upon : Prof ..Ivey tbelPiineipftl, and ibe pupils of 1 the school,! who gave evidence of a very ; commendable dpgree of proficieccyjn their : various studies.' The addresson tbe occa-. sion was delivered by Mr.lT;"ATStedma'n, i Jr.; ou'tbe subject 'of "Success ln :L!leM and his effort,! our (correspondent eaye, is spoken of in;ibe veryhighest terms by all who were so fortunate as to hear it, and his audieoce probably comprised more than five hundred persons. An excellent dinner was also spread for the delectation of the inner man and immensely enjoyed by the crowd.' ! ' '' i " ' Our correspondent also informs us that Mr. Stedman will deliver an address -at Whiteville .Male Academy, . in ColHmbtts county, on the 30th inst." " '. , J Cape Fear .lfe-savins station. ; J -"At the Cu8tom,House yesterday - we.' no ticed the drawing's for a Life Saving 6ta4 tion which the Government has ordered to be established on Smith Island (commonly, known as Bald Head), near the mouth of the Cape Pear; river,' which is located in what is i termed the .Sixth Life--Saving Dis trict.: The ground floor.is to be about 20 by ;45 fee and the building will be two stories high; w ith a lookout,' which W. iH .e, about thirty feet above the, ground, level. :, It is Mated by competent authority lhat this sta jtioh will be. the nandsome'8t and most tho Tougbly and substantially equipped on the coast.. - Bids have already been advertised for, and the plans and specifications can be seen at the Collector's office in the Custom House. .' . -j.;;. .': V:. i .'Collector Canaday informs us, in this connection, that Mr. Alvis Walker execu tor of the estate upon which the station is to be established, is entitled to great credit for the liberality shewn by him in further ance of the efforts made to secure the loca tion of the life saving station at this point. International Cotton Exposition at Atlanta. ! , . ... , . W,e havei received a copy of the Pros pectus" of the International Cotton Expo sition to be' held at Oglethorpe Park, in the city -of Atlanta! which will Open on the 5ih day of October, 1881, and close on the 31st day of December folio wine, together f with a neatly executed diagram of the Paik and Exposition buildings and grounds. Dr. J. E.-Winants, who furnished us with the above, haa peejn requested to act as agent here to give any ; information desired ' in regard to the proposed exposition,, and he is also provided with blank applications for; space, etc. ) ' :" : ' ! The officersrlare: Hon. JbL "E.; Brown,1 President; 8. M. Inman, Treasurer; J. W. Ryckmao, Secretary, and H. L Kimball Chairman Execntive Committee nd Director-General. Prlsonera for render. v. The following prisoners, to, be tried at the present term of the Superior Court for Pender county, were taken to Burgaw yea terdaV. in charsre of nrnner officers! Abbia Howard, accused oi the murder of her own child, in January last; Joshua Hayes, lar ceny; Holly HerriDg,iarceny;Lucy McKoyJ larceny; vfilliam Murphy," larceny; SoL Moore, larceny; Green Harp, larceny. , AH or me aDove are colored. Foreign Exports. - The ! German barque Elize Metzler -was cleared from this port yesterday for Stettin Germany, by Messrs. E. G. Barker &' Co., with 3.279 barrels of rosin, and the Nor. brig BaguhSd, for Hull, England, by Messrs. Chess, Carjey r & CO., with : 1,233 casks spirits turpentine and 150 barrels of rosin. Foreign Exports. - ; -U; : ;ff -J i - The foreign1 shipments ' yesterday em braced the; Norwegian . brig : QaseUen, for Pernambuco, by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons with 187,910 feet of lumber, and the Schr. Walter 'E. Palmer, for Port-au-Prince Hayti, by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons, with! 118,495 feet of lumber and 39,400 shingles. . t : . i U - ' Mr!. jlt't. McCormac, of Shoe HeeK sends lieABacottoh; bloom, raised by Thos. Watkins (colored), of Richmond conniy. it came to hand since tne one mentioned elsewhere was received . Mr. Chas. Purcell. of Mel rose, Robeson county, N C, sends the Stab a cotton bloom of date the 21st inst , and Mr. John W. Plummer, of Rummersyille, sends one picked on the 22dV j Our cotton bloom editor thinks he has enough on hand now to laBt him until next season. '' ; ' TbPrei Convention. Cor. Raleigh News-Qbserver... j Wik8Tdir, N. C, June 21, 1881.'- : The anbual meeting ofvthe . North Carolina ress ' Association convened this .,: morning in i Brown's ; Opera House,- Mr. Dossey; Battlej of the Tarboro Southerner president, in the chair. Mr.. Jordan Stone, of the Asheville (Jitizen, secretary, also pre 8enti;i:;;j.!iV;'"-.; j.;-,js;i,-si;-v-'-' ri; - Twenty-three papers are ; repre sented. ' j; ? i '-i-i; : -The convention was opened with prayer by; Kevi G. D. Bernheim, of Wilmington: - Then the' address as delivered by the president of the as sociation, after which, an address of welcome was made by J. C. Buxton,1 and a response by the president.' Af-1 ter the appointment of committees a recess was taken. .;,.; J '. The following were chosen ofBoers of the conyention for the ensuing year: President, CapU S.. A. Ashe; First"Tice President, Col. R. B. Creecy; Second Vice Preeident,G; S. Bradshaw- Third. Vice Presidefit, J. W. Goslin.r -jla '-" f&i&ftli. . ti Gov. W.' W. Uolden delivered ; his address bn 'fTKe Histqry of:Jour'nal ism in North Caroliha.ni This which was prepared 1 at the special i request of - the Press t Association,1, waa able ana exhaustive. SEE 'HERE You are tick :' well; there is Just , one remedy thai' wil) cure you be' yobd possibility of doubt. . If ji's Liver or Kidney tronble; Consumption,' Dyspepsia, Debility, Well's .Health 'Renewer is ybor nope iruggisia- lMpot.-j. AJ. Munds, i Greensboro Patriot-. Mx W. Swepson will at once begin' the rebuilding of his cotton factory' and be 'ready for ope rations by the first of nexljjear. i. .,.-(Jf( liirpennne i Lumbertdn Itobes'onian: Whitti. ville items: Crop 3 ore looking floe in this section. -CaptV J. W. Ellis was ap pointed Couaiy. Superintendent of Public Schools. No better selection could have been. made. We are glad to learn of Mr. Blake's appointment 'in Robeson. -- Toisnot; Home-. Robert Pette w ay, who lives about four miles from this place, was supposed to have been attacked with euo-stroke on last Saturday, land since j 6, w ...... u,, u.g UCCU CU- lireiy unconscious. " His recovery is very doubtful, ' He is about 70 years of age, and served ia the Mexican war: , A fire in the extensive pine for-1 ests about toe town of Manlyin Moore couotyi N O ." swept. away nearly 20,000 acres of valuable, timber, and burnt up a churchy several farm houses and all the fences jn Us path. : The fire began on Fri day, and was still ragiqg on Saturday, but with diminished force.; Floating Item. u "New Berne Nut Shell: We learn a large whale was captured near Beaufort on Saturday last, i The excur sionists on the train going to Morebead to day will probably get a peep at the sea monster, or at least that portion already cut up. -t During the storm which visited this section Sunday lightning struck a dwelling bouse in James City, doing con- ; siderable damage to the buildine and severely stunning the wife' and moiher-iu-law of Moses Latham,' colored, sole occu- pants of.the house at the time., 5 . i .-. i Vinston Leader? About " noon on Wednesdsy last Mr. JoTin Vogler, of Salem, jdied at his, residence iu that place, iat the'advadced agfe ol .37 years; iiilei wM born id Bombay township; Forsyth county an the 20th of November, 1783. , ; ; Sen ator WL B. Glenn, sometime sinC9 planted himself squarely upon the Prohibition plat foroi, and by that ensign he would fight it luut, it ft took all the summer;- Within the past two weeks he has signified his inten tion of withdrawing from-the" campaign. His opinions on this subject have under gone a change, and he ; will array himself with the opponents of the bill. . ; H , A Norfolk correspondent of ibe New York World says; About forty statute miles southeast from Elizabeth City is a place Called Nhg's Head, which has be come quite a fashionable seaside resort fur citizens of this city and Baltimore, as well as for the North Carolinians. It is on the narrow; strip of land which . separates .the Roanoke sound from' the Atlantic oceau, the distance between sound and ocean be ing less1 than half a mile. To locate it more exactly!, it is five miles north of Body's Island I lighthouse, and about four miles south of Kitty Hawk beach, where the un fortunate United Statessteamer Huron was stranded few years ago. :- A finer place for a combination of still and surf bathing u cot to be found on the entire coast. I Charlotte Observer: At the re cent : commencement- of Randolph-Macon and the Medical Colleges of Virginia, North uarouna naa two graauates. mine Medi cal Col ege Henry IX Dodson received the title of M. D., and at - Randolph-Macon E. Harrell graduated ! with the Bachelor's decree. LMr. G; G. Shirer. also of ihe State, carried off the first honor, of 'he graduating class at Roanoke College, Vir ginia .and delivered the valedictory, ad dress. It was stated in this city yes terday that two men, Wm. Payne, aged about 28 yearSji and Nilstead, aged about S3, were arrested at Asheville, day before yesterday, as the supposed murder ers of Miss Caroline Thompson, of Alexan der county. The two parties were lake u to Tayloreville, where . the matter , will be investigated. , . , l ; Statesville Landmark: As the Blues' excursion train was . returning from Asheville, Mrs. M. E. Hyams. of this place, got on board at Old Fort, , w here ebe is visiting, to speak to a friend, and in jump ing from the platform as the train started. foil an rlnsA In thn TOhoela that hor i1rtihin(. .... wV - ' .. -uu. W.V.U.U, was caught and she was dragged a little distance. She was caught, however, and rescued by a gentleman standing by, and escaped, after all, with a few insignificant bruises- - In Alexander county, on the evening of the 10th inst., Mr. Alfred Wood ward was kicked on the head by a mule, knocking him senseless, in which condition be has since remained. His life 1b despaired 6f4 ; The crops ia this county were probably never better worked than tbey are at tfiio Hma 'on1 hntfi 'nnrn aoIIimi oa-n mm iuv uuva Va u vuu VUlkUU 1U looking snlendidlv. thoueh the lack of rain is beginning to be a little felt in some sec tions. ;:;-' '"-u ''i4;. ;.;;' ; . ;" ; ' Mcuabe's History gives the fol low ing; account of a gigantic North Caro linian : "The largest man on record was Miles Darden,' a native of North Carotins, who was born in ; 1793. and who died in Tennessee in 1857. He was 7 feet and 6 inches' high, and in 1845 weighed 872 pounds, i At his death he weighed a little of er 1,000 pounds. In 1889 his coat was buttoned around three men, each of them weighing over 200 pounds, who walked to gether in it across the square at Lexington. In 1850 it required ISi yards of cloth, 1 vard wide, to make him a coat, t Until 1863 he was active and lively, and able to bear labor, but from that 'time was com pelled to stay at home or be hauled about in a two-horse wagon. His coffin was 8 feet long, 35 inchea deep, 32 inches across the-breast, 18 inches across the head and 14 ioches across the feet. ' It required 24 yards of black velvet to -cover the sides and lids of the coffin. r t. i 't L -- Charlotte .Democrat : Vick Da vidson,! a colored waiter at Shannonhonse'a boarding bouse, and another colored man, Wm. Wheeler, Monday night between 10 and 11 o'clock, took a walk in the direction .of. the old Richmond Danville depot. On aooroachinsr .the railrnad crnBointr ihiv passed three young while men, one of whom caught Davidson by the coat, evidently; tllinbin. tijm aaw.. n 1 O , l' miuaiu uuu ouuio uus C1CC. j DVC(BI wurua were exchanged between Davidson and the jmuvi uvo, nmi.u us kuivicu iucj proceeded on their walk. When . jeturn ing,:and about the same place, - the' partu s' met again, and words were again exchang ed, and kfter the negroes had , proceeded a abort distance one of the white' crowd fired luree piaiui buuib v. iavtuson ana tt neeiar, one shot taking effect in Davidson's fore head, jast above, or nearly; between the eyes. ; Dr. Mpoxe visited the wounded man yesterday, and it is learned that be said it would require perhaps forty-eight hours before the. probable effect of tbe i wovud would be known ' ... ; ttrrt Lincolnton Jogre9s: Two men tad a rencounter at or near Brevard's 8ta Uon.Un Gaston county, a few days ago, when one of them got his ear bit off and was otherwise injured -Hon. Robert P.: Dick,' Judge of the United 8tates Fede ral Court,? will advocate the cause of pro hibition ib a public speech at this place' aboujt the 10th of July. -Julius White. -a stepson of Mr. Harrison Cauble, bad a V-sbaped gash cut in bis bead about four anqa.paii mcnes long-by "being thfowu; from a ' buggy; ou Tuesday ; last.' Tbe wound' penetrated ' to the "skull, " and BCcnug small anery, Drea proiU3eiyv , was painfailv bruised a few dava airo bv being violently jerked abbut by biS horse ia running away. ' Mr.- Jenkins had hold of the horse'sbridle reins, and attached to the horse was i a plow. " After the horse had started he knew it would be almost certain atH In InncA on' fto- Knnr. an. wilt, tha tenacity of a drowning man until he brought the horse to- a standstill. ?Io the perilous flight his body wad frequently thrown in a horizontal position: and 'swayed to and fro like an inanimate substance. After? being confided to his bed several dayd we are glad to state be is again able to go about.! ;

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