I-' air.yriTtarTTitirinBLfc:i Sic ''li ; 1 ih 1 i 2 naaillC. , i iUul $ l j50 a" Year; fat advance " r. l., It rrnr 88S88S8e8888S388! 8S8SSS8SSSS88SSS3;' .tJUPjflgJ S88888S88S8SSS3S? -- -t - ct ot et ct So 56 So 88S8&S88?S8S3&8'J I.S3S2SSSSSS'SS ti.il ; .1 1 iu a TV jjiai,i il-it il iu tl.i 0 t.t linT" (- l.vUi...ltt fcijl il'i llfct -S-s j1.!... .if t-i 6 Jr-Ha IU lit t 1 -. i i imtil h ii . . .; --ii-ii-it-iiote Enierea at ine rosi umceiM wi 1iH ik.iij.jij ia I F P I C OM tu ft VfiftlMXJtnrf If iuiiiJliii tUJtr.l .JTM and I ttWficwd5Mf:thQ4VeSd6M tiUtt' Tyler,. KlilknL EiUmbteJ d the line of 8uceoe&A J?he Vief 4 a.. u.,k C-Uiui .uuu, raiiuau Btuuu, buu Buarueiy ever - I. - - , - :r , MU UJH.Ua -a. ua - M AUM QUI ITIA I II . Ll kj 13 .tekaaltho8tialrial,fifi!htsa,yn' i; tr : . .. .. i t . , ,. I -BUfcempon au soria or HDecaiauons. in. , SUDS t in in 6 SorheJ tVd 1t8 ' !)6foTeth leM dent was smiilen'dowaeveral-.lead! can party WfctOdquitewpUin-spoken as t tho 'charaVjtbYlce PreMent fillnr,4 jXhej i.t.J.houg.iali, fJbe ciu larywoold-eonwieo'eoen1 aodea hearHbo'!brijuknJkt ait.Iai' - an ii 'haj feuv they tectjgRizd the;iin--. ct rtaur jare.pf jhapjaij .Ufe, and U.. viw of ttie poiwibki deaUr frdm tiatrt-- r.tl causes of the' President they L looked hI :U)t) icendition .mf iheiooan try with Artbhr "succediog: The"y bt-moaned: huU a. calamiiy,, and r-they piiic;dhirfi ih 'jtisfi Bdch colofb aVlhts" iuod..in Uia last Qampaignirrbe. difftfreiice l)etWtfiU86cli 'Nirttiefii Uepubliuau papemiaAd.. lhfeVST4R.t: they , into h4ilratt)f wbeii 4t5s itofrlate 10 remedyarlal; rong.&ej? the Stab atnedahe oountry-mimr. ' btiforethy .eTC.aAonS JiRftiPeeR.poAT. No .iai,a.Q,0iinia taKr5Uifi.ex thd Ufa exaired tfirm.- roi fthldh ttiiref.rVit-w At: Seiate adiharadl viiih'oiir 'lfiiWr .te iuw . UVA1.1U. luQtimo -yt uuiu UI3 I jut? tent of the blesarnGra-vottchsaf ed ' this country by a merciful 1 ro.videnca.ia : sparing iket ilife.'of lhoiPreeidentiVlf he had died he vOurd HsVtn"1 ceeded by a,, pftlitloiau-of .. tha . Qwest possible tVoto'-a 'reduJat Neiifr York ward uiauipulator.trSQ.kw was.-ii8 ataiidardof ',offiia'dlty,, kttlV HotfbV wheu : in, charge of ihfl Haw.i York, Cuatoift House tliat 'lfaVesVVhioved' lii:n, and Johu- Sherman:'wroi6tll0- t.-r hi aimg squarely ahd uninis Ltkabfy 1 the' gr"ounda'ot the'fresi- SheruVsii' cdld nt'rt poor must have neeu.ins moral fatness, Agauii , aToaJgh1.feTe : ticket with GaTfield. he thought it not r iiiuouieii.vyjijup.OBiMOHia siding Officer ltie Senateft0' leave; ins piao, .and go ;4vto ijbaay Jw, York: to throW himlf n 'the'titfrarJi-! ble and filth in i 13p4aflA:r!6fUffldusf'i Bat'thHbuao ot nbd r'drgtfofcea.?' TE'XhefeYore., idetldafit-&rthur' adifiof feed 16 fill' vcy uncerWrK-Wli?BHhcr&"W.ere rib jsneaking a?'fWitfta4! farlatics in the iaod& Constita- tiou.oueni to do cnaneea bo tnatifie . iooritingefioiVsiangg'eB hap4.uleJawoaoceaDoght- -ttf beo4ltd t!rai- fcvtscord ooard abivb tie'"aeaiH, oTbotli "'.GTarfeeta' tT) hJd; iayov.v.ery4cr&galatiji4tid' Lhtvi Q-fowep 4)aahd.4o-cboe8er tbe proper officer. The tfi thinks the! Secretary " of 'Sta?teo'uia, called . ihe, . Senate Itcethef; add .it.. seohld have then eleoled a'Pceaiddnii ytii em..io fccbge-lhcr' alie-m4 ward uiauipuUtor..SQ.iow wA8,'-iis.I.thJ President of the United t'StatS" runnr tiie- people couiu eieci onaer a 1 1 twbioliY the ' tJorvklirig and loberison fatwWaf'enjactf Arthur enters ihtoa4 fiVhtiw-ith-CTjat- 'off a(iti;fleYi.Vf?flM? men to lhe very''ody ovT.)whwh Ire is.called.Lo DrejideiundetrUieCpnati- tmion,1 artd who iwte,4-lfght the,PiJo- '! if j.. lfJI It-' iHfi f'fVi'tl'i lit. hkiuim. ,iuiitpi8jJweina,,jeiAai bitter anT naUseoVw1, 'jjP'fWnat-tha' country.quui gai'4(,eQa.(eire were'cBthed'Vitli thd Rtgtistf tt&wrrf. We iraiiiwe-again-and -agaLn .-BOt.' only tfiatH&'c (36d bPN&WmWMtii i ii iff: . .1 t-: 1 1 " . ' .1 iuo vaiuaoie iuOOi..uie Jjresiaen ous that the ooinitja8uueiicape4.aba fearful t isftktSiow us-ifronld- have be5 fallen, if Asuio.liad (dBdTp? the cbarrof tfce-Chief ExecdtifJFiet' us say at, foj'.:we.fbeli0ire.),eyery ,w:9rdi of it: If1 GaVfieW hWieiea'iC,ttOJihl'! 3.11 f'i0. Kt'O j 4-1 I rtif'rJ.f fr have beeD liia.sadda&l blow rthat. l.h. : 1 . m 1 , : ' m ." " tug eienM8ovoL in.ccFy GoaMJiavft receiveairfAWBhtlie,ejjrPr' sident ittwould havobfee4.1iO 'Kreat for the rogues . and rascals. , HLe would Jwiiret biv. aiapp). pulled Jiy Granthisrftli Gdnkfitfcf; TJib'-awrfel ft tbxwe.irow44b8va.iboeii. I behind tbft inoodparabl gVeltfertlfafle,ttfliin4 ' iweii.,; i 4 ho rings od. thie ve wonld have bU go$ ag, aj 1 reah saturnalia, jofc oTiaiamnd'proilt would have wep4ho'whol'' iavd-as spared-. tawreifly-t. the lp0OfldfiORif 3 -tfiH It is evident ,thairtirlttbi8 great land tbfrei nabftptpwrj, pova'aei voted ;ititotttfeV6rf ' lUkh htiM hfl foundM tle lWMa.m'n'se.. lSm the coantry has something. ,to bel mankful for. tOiUMlitiiofheJceufctrytif f brivide Jby Uit f o Ifltai&Mi&vaX' HA rati!iiiU ::ilf il.i.l oK' jlSi 'lit 'ilih' 1 . ci LllidL Sri - -! . ii f Mr. Da 1 L:ll Ifedeak uuuaauuo d,8ihihtol, tt'tirisiriess blini ,f riJi'itwfll-b acitfiarvel4lf mifyW' 8rber knoir!eagi tfrid exp'eVilne' unavoidable, qt this, kind pecuiatioais daneeriQU91.ana.iinapjLTti ,-u uuut. trail oucuiuiuj;j , aaui ne i tt gfi ifS r.W"6.SKw"itrn.i befclected Agreeably tottfiis prevlslo I Vf WW&Xfo CobirrcwiaJl792 .ftiafeia th&trMMVvA P .fThereia a eenuinelv honest mdkwhole-i teuV. di thfi SebfifJt idr.ordr"affer.ftel WBP the timer Is iiePfttid&ntoauceBaoaTo"iWChief a.man huildaia rojpl ot&es4axU i, ouu- inct tNtu iHe opeaKer oc I ri . " tufuiniuuuw u ui n hod w. 0f6r84ntafivtsV1o feilff offlctf 1109 bttJB-alW Btorea'K cargo"df graii! or1 da aj regular and leeitiniate speculation in 2xi ' " . jocks woicn many or ourouamen quietly i praicike, i f teti to their "eceedfeg great I sncprt, nor play policy -with outa? and oalaJ i .Thty8elet -good atock? it 4 wnen every Doav seliine. rav cash for. it (rio 'mafgitif fbr'ifiem!' ;Tock the f shares' fib -iitf tift.Bafa Deodsifc.Comnanvi and iwai iuuw uuy, caKcrjy. c any Drice. lua uere is-a toqm!. Thea thsBO mrdeot. eoecttla tori sell.' But the unhealthy tide of .specu lation which is now dreaded is fostered" by quite another class otpersoms." ' V tlie " peoifl e'eontd" elect'' 'n h'dFer a S-lalh Segrotarjr.:gf 'ajle. But whyleave this uncejiajn. ySadb a cy.jffAuidbfii urogbiKn.T:ho Senate' would 4e-;-roeked 4eHrdes- it '- Arthur were out of the way and Ma- borfe ;votT WWi?flre Kercanstan'a" h'ej lfewr"'Yorlc enatdrs wejre.'in 'Pj-Jidanuinf tba anat jvo.t0iiarid be hwldialsoaoB Prklei,f theif far bftft ttf-Vtae itt'lhVSetfate'as m- bral& woaJdvbavea-nxwioTiiy of dnd. ' A07" Colquitt, of Georgia; is said- ta hass paraonea nearly 50 convicts upon tbe oc casion1 of his late visit f for personal InebecV ttoq to the prieonaof the State. ccftd7w. ift itS plade: The Englisli Tories are' ao rerV" ddnservative tbey tesist all nedded reforms, . ' Time-TioloredtA-1 sHButiors arp egelle.ftt thjsipjrQT, .fX i begpftdjnbjtjriiafilyjefl and a8ttw.!iaVpiUisaJLwn.B'3edo..iThe wolld moves. - It may have been tbe beak bsBfitilthihgvirtffler' hi fcircuffii1 Btahcies? 1 Whfetf Jthe' t)ataoni-b ' VrtfeV' dep sited in tba,aWdsJ;'ie, system is unrepubhcan ;,and woka I badly.- It is a great responsibility. It ib an absurdity -as -wehaveFsbiew ev4rcommanjcj3daMnetJia entire, up U UUIt VUlUUItb Uill- oding'witb' one dasfi oT fiispen'fifty' Victedanasetejgycad. JfltaSeSiotibajt. a i very-great abase of power? i Ooght- anjj people td -Ihas'tie" the bands'Of vf Iess b'isparty -as ttiVeBe'o'pit position the rnajQrjybeUii parties I myhtjMet-t trjrihcfi tffls Vftn i.fj f.i.ttt. ti"is.i fWj k)U4?ff foV weeks -or- ittdnTtefy'.' iand the erJolitry would bo without a Presi ;4rlxff! Wta&tttfefif' i iTiftjjay si 'vr ne-raw- t amies wacn ina nrsv WtDeed5Mm'ljeoemeT is more' lhafitltFO sodlhs oil the Presidential Electors ate4o J tot iuoiectrooj Ht tBfe'jaDseuc&Di .raore ii 4DOIQCr .vy e-ttoKje'tnatvrtnttrsiaarffeGr ttio-eu wunin iiiirty rour dayB.beiore diy'." Thl-rrfYll t be J a'w that iiifjts 39 ' re ioviuftDeoi!ij" r t wilb Ifiieveniiniai SanltSll'JBlajjiat'Si! TeifccteW'-Beinectea'Presi" Jepi pr.qU'VffiiilMB Senaf oa . TeAV JUaMaidife.to bbicaojt Xye-iB that xne wnoio raaxtcr oasnt xa db seitiea .831 iQoq.s .tntj'-vwereB'f -asacmBieB; "iSatilfaeiioHlfc;? tbafiftbeTecanr'be fecr idsqsucamOTgerntjKM'artmigiBsiEtfe - i that! a?wseddi'fepeerm dttset Prti&flcylitftft4li' pjwKrvin naeia i WViftaU.pepHleitbe Juft themBW o4,thaJaws wekWfid-iritolslreW bdllmbst' 4f alar to jcnaii4tt!th NofTthertt.apers oauastropua sone mne-ia'-'iae insurer It t manifest that the Nona la 'crazy . I . .JJW- 5 -IS.-. - ' - veil srmolationraodiifc-B '(ftioreUian I thodsaaca rhOiEreie4moui wiH b&v penalty in o&mipm t.rew losses. Money is abundant and peo- y:cxvyr-id1Waueste before. ivri utlons. ttptts It is dangerous ttfe'OtiFiDitM thol courts and to allowr''bnb m'afl to givB a quasi ma to tbe perpetration i- siimer .Hi its ast sessien, created aState. Board Pardons. ays ttu the4 It is said under tlie 6ld eu tbe abuses' werd'greaC Tiere qgals,ne,t,aft!vjwajMii&yo4i 'General 1 1 1,J. i V. J 6 : 1 A I fuiluifcU lnii4 hl.H F.nSlotl n.if lef t 42 U 1 -w ' ... it!' f ' vis saia some time ago mat sou was regarded the Enslisb- tnat I ing wprld over AS' the greatest I of the war, or words to that l I Th vprv Rl.rnntx.wark of tsx-l.resi- dant DayiSiia destined: Jlo do na little; in the long series of editorials on; the tj . T ..... r . 7 ; reading' of.oglisb pg4 fiodicals would not lead V8 to suppose tup opinion uBuuuueu yreyaueu uitary or. in the .mehest literary Win.iifSiiii , .Tiwi'ii- . u aw es o Great Britain. As to the Topjis rsP9 nmsm "on a paper on4Gen. Robert E. Lee, in od..wei.bQlieye and iiope,., in ttne Lddncrersahat threatened the people is JifrSS ilif tofe tatf nfirmed. j vjd mire YPVWajorgoW -.11 r .. J TT. T J .1 " 1 ? imL' t--l XT J. ddr.Lhe ftuacious. falsos and destructive I fib-uric nrWir-ioa hrieflv Lhe noaition a - I 1. Z C I .(la-. t wa f K-v I - - . "XT- 1 : -- - ' L 3 .T' .st.r ftiifi.oMiar rinounaers. tne JNortn i mnfo reptifelwjntlpbs ftfiRi9HT iftPn.?.r.e? Jmot too vast and; pomplex, the. part? add able constitutional i faibers.tJrod. J nershin bnRinesB too extensive.: tor T I 1 . m W i a Y F "1- T- "I 1 ' 71 tl . T' 1 -- AftJPerkMI .which had -been nisd i1J.:t , -rwi .;i1; f -lodke'cVlo anltafi8n'of ttie"ooweH ot'lh fliWWP'eSP.W .VruVA,Lient pi the authqiity, OS the mtca. Tbe 1 . f6tiltll I tV.iJ i.t; fciillvi.J; T ril' iajy giuseAoe Eng.: ?e.8Pyi MM., fkl&W$i coMidered , on! Ibe. ideath. of Gen. Leek t cave a achieyements,, aflsigflehimia. bigh place s among-'imlitary heroes. ArrecolIetf6Vfsai Jfpt , amppg ..Ajnerwap pldiera, J fe it lhe ifceadtf erfoaA.JSomTt (tp sdycirlplJyit.bWj .P.ampaigns.. A pjcqrnigflll rdivjnftjfif Jftia, tft.tft of tba American, war, :Hwr veracity jome other 8U I bUtl P'ilU WWWW fhrlrff w f t,tf n WcftHSfnYillhfi ffliil HttfWHrWtU Cbb tmeQnsoiaUve6pmplesoU i I -.aA.lt. fU J.It aJ .iJ ciJ i tf4wA J.tL'S. i." : 'ii.i!:t.irA'Ai!lsUi.! uanstitnMfm nnaer: .wnicii i inev live, i raw or no..w. tno vu-Mifl"y'M UHHUIVBUI BUU..llUUIUUi UllUlt. nns i nouBiern W 1 bafee been so fredttM'ab'di;tlbe'lea6n'- tffeiiedi,,! i t.ri;.n "lngsbf'their'leaaer'aH s6!subverM1 . Wnyiberrntc f tbofgUaHr a'h'a T!hSltddiiu6f H-be 1 wHole 1 matteff ' " 'Briefly ' " tfiisif !tbe. GicSrCKSrteT-tnal the'ina'sse b ffi& f gohtHhs fiMde orits ttsteeVit'staHtlfl': pebp-TeWe nl? pdttei,?kn,6W14dge bf Hoi tified in its interpretataoif of- tJbei tht true'gnlulW'orfruMr gdvernm'enratfrra ridh'orse,6t16hstb1f arb W tfce'ntt-i Aeaeeldaeteessijaeflt iihe mxh ef. I tn rails, who often gained arfmerpu.8 dJ The campaign iQf iGen. Lee asunal 4,iWcHyaond,i8aiia I BtaknpVn t89ldLe.rlof1jjgb QuaJig? prr qui of the.ireninsuiar ot Virginia. he ikeot.him at bayor. eleyeja. months J atped: p.-enaccgg tf,I on ms.nf.tia etelement. 1 ThV tflffi VJBSfiould gel ieve such ends with sucb. means D ier. ave Deen a superior. soiq , We have always believed Lee .to be I oiW nil I . noiMftiiniiB JM-.ti4 greatest soldier, and , we have do- nuance to i I M I .1 a. . 'restiwn graa I . . a ' f a i icbireoti'fJ msnansweawi-p8rjrn-i? I t . . . i . i tmetot'w tamr ec secession (Deingj eislintkpa4'rihtof teithi wa bpt ivlcmWB48) ;tadlf wiVhioyirjgJ .HffidthyaigaieatfttQOd(n tbe facta .nf 1 1fl7, -.nil hnt. nm tlia aat a nf -1 SRI.? . T Vff JFIUIWl gtVIU WM.llQWaww. .JAi T eidhanges ! a short time since that: the 4 JU' I .... .1 , II 1. . bavo been constrained J . . . . I M .mi I een it enJionedthatvtbe chaBga- L'jBiS! beean oinrbvenefcft wtetfvlBi5i ttieH. WbflnB Ihfe ttlra'nW before' 1 . ' y .A . , . .r Sr-t I . i ----- rtfie donneMcurXeMsfaiure 'iw,fl .ifUot -10 1 iTpoVamre8naaadU, bMe4ei,tere fl6rl!11iaafer ,drtht)Wta"rj i won ''jpariooipg.;:.fti oriminalii (GeVeratfr Jarvw-feels this so touch aha't to&t av vork kHitigbt& UTieih?imhmtf. 4Tb4 Ii6utsv1nert7oMreer-tV,Isays rhe..fii?ea8 Pe(fifca.p, in Kentucky, where the pardowna power.. Jiaatbeea (texereiseilith'flex lttoW'ii,dled TKaVinffit' of Hlie rf-ywpm(rwttriw I si- Dtates Stdtesville pdmetcan, WrsoI!, penators, Mr. Seymour, raa4e(!a, MdW peechdvocatiBg jebange! s"1' iiqtii wurini4iiitufi ei tiioviiuo )ueuwLiauaautll Ui il 1U111IUU uur I I . . .. M t i . . ,.i i i...:,-..,L.iT,.. iiP.I3...i. i. . .i.. .Aafliif;r.;nUiiHf.tAmrit.. KThe.3amfl l i.t. i....ii. i.Avn.ikAaiiia thaiiBs lbe Gayexnmenti.sKaa 'pohtflifig- 6r the iSoVerhbr; i nW&fe J 'LUijA SlAii. A.4lltf $8eSaV?TO ' tbe BBprerae veun ei jiirrors'aacrwe tTretN'i existing of : honest. iiiwmMlft W riwfj.ir .KiTJ leblo.lftf MWatMB!?tonnd,, realafoKnai I -nap-pjF 6tfe,."iTiie'66V1-' s i f .t . i : . t r: i a .1-ni'1-.i.nn nnnmwiir t.iif" in nriii nav n irrnwir i s ' - - s tooo oHavttaaMtwrai,KnriMir AnW,,,n,h,a riKwy r '"v mwvaw v ;Caaa UAUiifUlUKJ W UUUUI VaaOa A. UU UUI" 1 l - - a ' f au VUva aiTia.11 liiamlfti-w aaiwis.aili i fi iiiVii.i MAM ' V .1 t ifi i i i.iifiitil fl u.-m- il Js1impifieir1elgreinix1 sentfepgt. to & lav Sua icfMEd. io ate NwillorMWMtflM ..I? i in hi hi iniiiM iin''n !.iMiimi?ii ni4 f'WillfaiRia tterp ot tbe 6,000 quarter smiei walking match. - a nnrLan,liUUU 4 IVAi nrtnk? ftnfihJLMAtlnVAr1i , jno vieaolRgeneilybtta i ...-. . ' - ' &QlBft) ajll lit tn Ife'gefM&sltfWiBe eryfgh9 teatf. i.InstrumBQt--tbe .Charter: ,of I jr-3nt nf thfi nnlhnritv nf the 4rV'.IFreemin'ai;Richti I , wiif a.if.v.itti f'tHipJllhn a.-nln.rMi States.-, evfery i.t I Pit h v - 41 f fl -as- ;f ttere'MHio wnwettms.h'iaeti iasMtAneer'tha rW?np8!t!Jai J&cw&fitom& weiisfttoi etuate republican, institutions l was . .. .V : . , I UlCttU.JMMMiiWfcMkiq. . 01 ' tbe .North, "as a ClaSS.. I. MirnmA wnn the ftamA as aivB deemed' f rpm the' sate"ways of I siop in 1861 as in Yl$fr1 -t i ii wuuiu usra Davcu Diuua ixnn agkinrt'tbe'nr:1 'uriples-'-awbeld f tbTlp6aiiybi& liI iMiti.4 mm.lfi: MM ilnni tail. . lit .vl.Sia.ir VKHKSi among, mew .wiaii are, i.'jvf.Kja w t ii UJ- h ic in iiii.r.rifiiiiii uma JOi taer"lan;' stna consummation of BedeBsfo'nl tcm lei ltA .'' H.,.!fli:.'l W fMntMlimhl .that Ihoiricht to SAMUla. under, J Tbe.iUrfracUons.0 toe qnstitation.HhSi fallll ill ll iniiinLiiu tauua auuuiu . w w uwa aw a,va w . 1 . , . . . s our torwoT wovertimemr; atra trre saxr refines, and substitutiffEr row nv II . .- . S. I.- . 1- I- I , i a . . I.Tjl .1 .11 A . 1 . .... ...... T. . Ta. ......v . I epafttfr'ek' frW 'thb Bfe''attdsgoed' son resbbbdfeWiiritb& sNtfrtW80W9'trratt j tatihertiijiitbVbtirea8iJ fotrayfc beBttdyed'rWVHhat'bkpetr't kwifri Nftrf-BJ-tiii MTihei 141 w t . i : : 1 r"" ..".? 6 r K " i fuis right i6 theTioint, aha sH6Tivia"ftHMni x Gdver nfsenl' f 6ui?forea4ber8,.aiid "to)' V lth.. Jlftll. OI jacUieitaU'Si force .DBltn knH in fAM whut it has alreadv arriVed " T - 7 1 a. TT I 111 I I ' II I I UN I III fUUUIUaaafaU. 1IIHJ a - .a at. I jls is aDBuiu.eiy neceBuary iu wo guuu i i lR.l.hiim.r.At.. Uia. nHnak tmn1ciU .-..mnosa .innniuhnil. .OlL i.l hj.1,1 .. Tr.l T o I J - -.1 r-.rT-,-,- iTmea f tow lacrcBHoc TOmrau-1 v tfi1 li?ed during the campaign;pf 1880 waich ihtiiSaothcis SttM u. sad,.n) regaraa..eeces e other su 41 . i t. J . t !,).. si i:l,.:i I .lL 0 bsm! sf.l i4itru.i -1i..-...:s 1 1 1 -air I.MU . pjjrs or the past two orirrree wBeaTT- iiiiiaai; i i . . 'i I r.iti ir.m n .-1 . ( . - m . . . i i . - , ltnout noxicing :idb; mnnirer ana mi-in wentrroWine'the uove a-?- cnaracter oi iuo articles 'roierriuK tu mdQtjM JZtiJ-.aQaQrflmili JtO.XHe iAQie. 4- ToianikJaS " . prie6rr mtvm&mMJ&ihxtt . 4mbjB.pfBftiiie.sB;a eaaiptiwufL-idjiiiet'u nl their return from Horehead last week. -; - Frora-atfiiOoaatielKaaeiBiNfertb V Carolina CQmo encouraging reports . cojtv- ttetnftjfeTiie 60110 krid cbfri crrjpirr-'gtr'far iTCtyfeiow WoaaiJiatgcSuSered, lot tha.v want of rain. Misa Eula Jjee, daughter-, ollGkH.farifflfti: aied rfubui is year-died4 J 01 lusga. uniy a lew evenin rjru .11 I i 1 : . J J 1 . . 1 -L t .. 0 . Ml learoaaat xneotuaiaiDraTauiDctSaweaf. v ksi mearisf ail tha.heg&4f-tfVts Btbk Jbetn shojva tho' largest, heoregg we,havp fevrlSetitf.-It?'wei?Bs i'foSf oSflf6es.JWh'd " meaiureaj cumferenc It'v.D V.it hv'a liAn tVnl h. last.ififiUBulteMictoedjaifttlherdetd.i.f 1 oov or an mrant nati seen mamt neur Kof8aEifi,ad tbatUgroterttianA5dHlli WfcSraMa h.hea.arjdoAMB.T 6,i j laon or muraenne net cnna. uo last 1. 1 ; . -' 1 . .. . . . .. . 1 . . Tl S..i?nnlar. .T Pxunil . thnrn nrna onffl . i. l T5fn.ri-t.Tf ir"iSiATVfIWwni( ciept evidence discovered to induce him to afn that in all parts of the cotot'-rBbfeitU? ton is 1 Thp" ,ilB ICOUl hal orernor: tsrfiav mofhifiz attberome'ailuisbur'Bf.i .,. Shi had Tor some years been a sufferer from s ?disEa8et, and her "death was; "not i unlooked 1 . , i. hem lq the nigheei esteem. The tna.pi,,, j.( nt of e'very differiabt-'kiDd.; i.lva. . . . . . - , . . i ..I wily. W' Madison' ,Jeffetso,naid the" t9 jfoeti noiriood:.andi abuadant beiterYre'srderits,'0lHtKepa8t.1d 'Suhd4y'the,t'NeW Y'orfcStiii ad- a iirJcerelQVe f liberty and urd 'tirtelt'ebrial on! hbmks? JeffeT efaoeraiib jSoveimerU-a-.Govetni This ploasfelf sStf ititelr. fcofcMeWafea golback lo first principles' f ptusted with tbe prouigacy ana corra "fwTpM f '"" r--- uti n 1 WT'nw; i nrr f'U I .'.'i ' :iH.si ui fV' . rT I - f T. i 5 tbe nemocratic party, neneving us 1 tne ia9vejpgniy.pi ,KtOTu- f "I . . - i - . . J a 1 TT.. .. " O. - weBiCM'inavcoHHjeBeuie union ro -irtvr nvnr tn mo I J iiri aBwrnnau - mwm -i-iaa - w i ' -h n i -s-na--via.i r t hh s jaSAA fnp:t riln Annntra " ill I liMaUatAiit9..finiyiihAhlA JtAnf-inntiAfi I 1 . 1 vil DaivisUfVymaTkableiOOii tribal to lh)dipolitic4lndhUtoriotaLU I ... , . MU W n aVak WBaaW'WWB ah H""' ai u a va.- aitevof ftbeoaadlry tbaul.aoftilotft l w:UkiHM)Bthi.threaohn ail 1.1 - 1 . . H . -i a T-V - 1 J i T : " j tffii a mDiaeMf'aeny.ituajarijavisiis 1 Cohatitat&ntivto isacedej peaceably u strong is the jriasa'leri tbtfldyf m South ihaUtbabJp 7m does Whyjhwateg Rowd, difference .between these two Bets of Uboldi falithelvoting q-tfTwid'odt'lfltHColtectioaldf sbvep t)(4ttte . -1 I - . I rf 1 . a. ..-l-.l:-. J f Iaa.m I tU UUIWttl:4UlUaBjaUfl-llHUiaAUlCH4 W UtUWUli thpnsanc f - - - 1 . ; a a Jrlpai5iW4rr?Kir title and aonvevance. and wshwv .YitXn1frtrrinTtf trrnrj''iTSfni advise. ancuJUieaneisaMy,.,asBist a ioweri to AffiiialsilmirtleiJ ftodBf :Uat. fenuti. Li ti Lii Lin afiWttftWPMtonc8ubstttte CHata woura De property represented, jmo 1 v:t.uMaj.iMria.a tiaii.vn . . . . j . i . - y- . . . . : iti.aiK.aii i.ivith nir.i r -an i n vjn a wm mtu abuij uaw hearine wowa oeratiteraBice?rarfr,'r-r ,y r-: t -L c '.r n t?w: rsDsbQuentTy occurring facfllitlotillaassit VWbyit SnIf Iftf'imJ' PS.VM.fH xWyVflftTpri-MlaiiBiiaU r- 1 a la. - A a la-U - - at- a. I I 1 ! - . - -. . . i )l vnaAwit . . . tV 4 . . t Il i I. :l ; k wa n a. ! a--j ii i - au.a. .a..u.a i uraubiuauro-r'iuuaiHiio' uwoi was cu r - vi - . --tV ' " ' i ' i : l r.r jiiiiiu vumuiiiXJiuucio ui yuiuiuuuo et(-y4entber tn bMattlrW' 'f Pfmi to their feeUngs owdationsaitbe. Mde, knew this wn1Tbe??f6J, ranted, no license to sell liquor since its organization. I 17 H i. i . O i fl ... aalk M a. y- MaV hAH A n.llf tr r i):iw..i 1 a; J, vtprHKltifnlf iH!lfl AlMfArfiAt-Iilf iUifftn'rWfcYr nT "-Trr'U TTiwr-Wt tM&SPX tOJbestQW4hauasft.iin tsands in the South. . Ga Jl iLA a J3M;nn; MMAh 4- V V n ... I a. L 2 1 aa a.wwi w " "r-iiw . v v 'v--'--?'. a r af . a , i . i i. . i, - j . ti - r jtji a - k.au.a.... i . ... . & Kvfe w amnr vnnir2 j-i. i. . i tj t . i . 1.11. 4'iaysfefitJblttinbusi,tBiadeia,nd 'rhnswick coamies, rtbirik "'probi IVBV HUUUIrUOVMCI!IUUIIiin ,UUHII UBIIinTI ? i . 1 1 - . . 11 !iitiiii2ii itna ti tlfteavit..ttad4 horses., lime 2:1a upt to -aMaAT v --nrra ' fK . ' - J . m ltt-;4r 4;t f.ft 4n July 4th there was a great , sa llion trotFor l0,o6o"at jKoffheller, XT T -So..n hnnti mava onnfaofon .f iv rt THii liinr-. :if boundaries of a dozen States molted ttfrtzaBptad:tBdVst)veeiifT; ot rbo American .people WQUld , remain .un-j acfed?,wWhen aUtTfibw Mse,,chanlis' bMPF triacManfcLhgr inaUsb' Afia.Wctjd that had hardened wmcb lbe loreiatner era dldlriArfouyf updnftfBSWstamairjn StaleaJteaama BidBMDefif ectatfttfoniiithaa ey thought possible. A sovereign people gtWnttp,,,wnere' Be'Bore,,TBefe''weTe- I Otll ,IV !T-- SSf Hfllilll.l oil ii .il T-t i TP. !:"-.Jl..li.-. I tiet aSid'd'sfta;5tarittfiet:,i He sayW t,i T fHM '14 . linn rffifiil ie liBs.irayeued.also aniaCamberJa&d. anil IeteuHiiWbb taofityf..tBpeopj0i. ar'ac:ai98t IV. f2 5. .W. X. France's .Alexander, , I TV" 'MtOr .-lrt . t!tifiiiii H wem, Deaung uiree times anu cpmiu J jj.f iWI'. fj spill nl 1LUU9. J Kriif ..ntt.lotrt- OUt B ua.iitii it-.T -rnici77mJ,iiT,T.friii;n,i,r - ujiirtf-jtitii iui spirevj by !GbdW'take the'lifeof the rfesideriti'f There ab almoett.-too 'ihaofabaticy newa3ayaib feel 4- I spired toi kill'ddnidodyjM il&u't kit tbbatttirae tbecin to fbim thernoiit? ;.t Wnm$ontdx feeretotor iretljraWha8 keft,aejun Bgkmst probibiiic- i4 W ie feereaftw. kappp. 4hfl Jnigtp Vs I 'Ri5frd BbttWy ,of'WUmfiilbxf Wftthd: cp,aie,a3 laid down in tbe pla.riQeprEOr. tion, now in the hands of the t3eral the ShM! idWiM' tolaa" t ' Raleigh Fisor: The" forage . marked rav'i9B6Ved las JWifttttf iM ri fidder t.25 per ;hondret: oats (IS cent. cknmon pucfidad ii C9 jeeifct lfcdi Wd hay f i.Jp, Btraw a), cents. t - R4n J f Op in the shade. Wilmioeton is the cool- " st place fceaVd ?fftthi. T'Tblj hijehefetlla tKis m lhi fflff is.S. IitSlt'WBSlM high "- f?bapcour6o?t onNorifrera GraftvuFft crown' tiiiA curd sn " meeVisjreVaefjiic Bebeiy.tTbaf'n.Brabl itenville surpass those ofall othef lBeTfoh's,-5?'', th tsaniberiess preralams'-atsd 'medals sen'4 T L a a- r .a. - . I i .fa" lnjiugrarinerB: nooseffaapiy attest tbehtc,.-,s' 1 53. ! Only a few evenings ,ago she was skinnJiihai .taudrtji.i hen death will give pain to her friends in all , pait9 0f the BtateMraDaVr3TTOs a dairgb-'1 ! ir DMhelatftBohe atlj m g.T j Efer age was about 50 years. She . married Mr.1 Davis abeat483,Baleav8 '' lei r children. She was a devout member - VKkMviJy J.K.n4i'If ut.ii,. i.iuj vi iiv wuiouuuai VUU11.U m ujuibuuiki " .l rii 1 cm.vl 1m. . 7lT JK4 i . fa i .ihta. .ii..iir.ul I 1 Huni,ioreTiiTOo:i--T 'ITO-EW-MF prdssJ: welheaif thewiiwere'tw6 tilcWeB'ify ihii couriitstrr&vrieeartbl3io '"V rd mpfedi,;dttoIemair;H na lisea oyrif'iroasrjaniKrrtrunnKtDe"- amnaiRdr'ota-i&mteSs&hrv1 V r9(nftd?odT,t6?tlctt?, eat 'wrooae-" tha voyagelr'rhB other was old manTVar- i .no.-drobiJifeaaia wftfiOtt! Mw3wtnA"n Hatook'tbreavialSiOi laudanum,- and died: , .re'nSoVblnt-udle Me'ttlmo-n'f' a'l.f epaeen waartauy tacMUurs anaaaai4onftatt.i he; never weakened; hia voice was M whene-? begttfireftm8fai3 a, by I odds $ha; greatest,! the, xlgeBUrnaiaiiiif 1 Boath.l tn the "ereat sweeb' 01 his mind. .1 wiihVery g&aWrfe sfiiirtflltkinlea1? ?d bn v nMneat tR0J0firj bore, the,,, 1 niience wltlf hirn. We "had never seen biri soprittgy Sttd-iiaBeiC? teb'eatiSet08Ba hi" fltobueaVjBp khanMtnficlenVl aajiSd.-; a-dant's Strength be hurled hiB assertions. and dared any man step for wBrawmJ proves 4adm hot trne. Fnys'thfoulb gboaf sSfedsaVr bett-ttanfTast "year ; and Tard otlieis b aitshibg.'h'a'i 'mIf exceffett gratn:JThe;, crcfois not a fall one, hut has exceedctt lhe. , . , COD- Tsay Jt Euwirnpu s ibww uut ery MdlsdffpfaiD wneal ctot. wnicn is abont linisbed in ., y con f. tif, IT', lit .WVil' y r!raaaMM i' , . ge was .done to ihe cera- crop in all , sEcnona evett Tenet Jand. trees were .Mlv 4t al-..t. Htllit.'! LliaiU,.!. . ... . . kJWU. T . . Donaent brmirB rc-. . tf-i iiii.rii A levece wind storm, accompam aWfdjie! ama. pjajce Borne Aidwawtf--.bi arDr aciffdiivillB-corres nrnarn nnnn nmrnrrnniv nv HHvinF 11 win do BgainsvpruuiDiiiuQ. . oumo 01 ua un- . , ferl fcvem6ie.inci8 -l Eno at whi go r f r Elizabeth Uity Jiconomiet: A ..i ibife a?Ciiqn,i , JJ21JbrthJy,jirill Wtp fen i' 1 hobe Edentoh will establish one. - UbdliryetripfthbeWni ! Keteerp.e,3tfr,e,pafflt ppaaepgojcf apH 6iu 16 bar loads of freight, which went over the , Sptiiig chjplien3ffr,Qm(ljq,3r cpnjs.aiaair, ,t(ll crrilpn "nrirn 15 fierita ner dozen. Reaches 50 1 cedts er peefcf irilstesdtatobs! 0 ca fbta' ' 1 plqms 7 to B cents' a quart. , vegetables ol fevferyldaAabuaaBlfcandibftioodiqdalityi'r -4-Dr. H. G. Peed eloped with Miss Anniei . ) PuTvlB frdm,Tyrr,elll5o1un?am wWe'IjfFHTa ' n 1 wife and.faraily.asfeiqniFajlPpict.rd.iu j ArlnK T?t VifA. 11.. 1,- i a - 1. . .-. - .M-m m ia .: 77 W ai .. I a.l rfhA Uaa B TfWf If WMfTrTTll SC ITVTt riTinBfTt ' ,ylTirgaan I a- riauivilll- - - , - . - - - ' k.- nr.- n WMMHIaMlMMfMmWMapWH . It r , fVT"A . a - - . - ib vefttnea t. fnw aw eyer "gain msncF again what the Times says, and the uierior Coatt; vicklSTvolV tfaetel'TOd t e-! fthorhy ttylBseB-taMsa tjhaiteeidjntldft.thafUBitdatclJflnd .. . .. . . "i-w,. . . ; a centrabzed, strorigcM. tM advertisement of the propdfe'efefeetftilb' every township in the county. eloha. heTcd..exQan3ion,tthaiiwenriiiij down to Norfolk on Friday paidits proicc-. ! 'torBtVerfBOO. a8weibilarana,. ATfle(j'i,', ' weteatwntcOOO excowta,.l,Jiappyn..it t i . :i' IV- T : i: A 1, I Kete that Iha "fees oclKylfottd6kers,1n B' -Saltern Carolina is the-Bonth Lake section -1 ot idftiConiatjr.ci y.ui'; V iilV)ni'.l d'j' j 7WHl&lt 4f"R1 Mf-liis!- 3lll T J-L...!l. I. trnAM i a KA tha t pWrtietl'wilf ftetaSdeUehePlriaf "6r,,,,fc tbe Bvs,i6nfodpIipfcaafll,pn1Ithc .- irninnil Ihil lhfl .tndcrpa hnlft f rflft . ndRRRS - frotaMers.?fihfbtd?'Oo-J Wtf'iep'byrt,4'; cej t these favors from a powerful corpora : tioi 1 ttpna whose iiirteTeslsil'musti&tetf st , ' 1 a . a. k aST j T n n ft Fatette ville, advocates in the Voil Observer, . ? an loMthntMiWto. HtftfVliHPltBfn tl taffintftfta h tic ProbjbiUiHiaffsitSbe! tnbim -beinir r mod political one, .aa, important to pMjpamlxvA: as 1 ndlher ; and that a man's position prd or : cor ,h,QiiJta oo-riWUeaffSct!4.ifl ;UddU)U OiidgataMaiitai4 Cleveland ..eottaty.foj Hhh IPm'ti ftmS fflrritfgi'Mheln1 ,,,wJ ,me lAswoak apAsaia'areatttieafendvalfo ,(.! striking, at .our girls' schpols. xWe ehall u 1 "oodyw ttie,'-witb,v,eomffientr,"Me'";" tovi cannon, etc.. on the mam streets oh tbe .1 iFburth' was enough to ,dtiWia,,B!c'pef'-w, son) "clean daft.' fatrtotismr-now-mucn ; detiltrx ds Amaitnilby vaar4eif.rrrrHW(e V I bate lost two letters within a weefe. . A . hBtifcrfftJnll'fmiireil' the mail bag from one' point, to .the othqc . i Ve , trteeUjHeal fobifwweks agFsiiot ii ;come to ife,... e4tesTiUi.manejsi3AUTpi from this office last moath has nbt been heard from. Stab.) . I H 1!; 8

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