xrx xiiM:xir3-T03sr- isr oi, 1 - j- ' AT ' " "j 'j . $1.50 a Year, in advance. 1 1 8SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 88888S88S8S888888 SSSSSS08S0SS8S8S8 S8SS88S8S88S8SS'S sqtuoii g .1 8S888S88S8S8SSS8S 88SS8SS88S8888SS8 8S88SSSSSS883S3SS; m ai i. w W W CJ 3 S3 g O 80S80000 ooo5S6555S55 r, et 00 ao O I- CO Ot O 10 o 0? 5-:' 3 T Si S :Sf;lft'S linlered at the Post Offlce' at ,Wilminlx , ff . in, u.as seeojQdclass matter. j n The subscription price of the Wkkk i t Star is as follows : - 5 ;; j -tinirle Copy 1 year, postaee paid, tl.50 u months, . " 1.Q0 3 '. : " .50 , CENMJ NT.4TINTICS. In .1 860 the cereal crops aggregated 1,229,039,610 bushels. -Four years after they were 1,387,295,523 a very small increase on account of the war. In 1880 tUey reached the enormous figures iii -2,7 14,602,6 81 bushels -an lisurfttHe of 96 per cent, in one de r.aijf. M ew England, increased 2 nr c.tMit., Miditie States 11, Soulherti 48, VVeHtfril"i36, and Facsnc btates Hint lVrritories lid. Of the total ried 70 per cent, j belongs to the iYit-ni oiaien. juiu. xuuiaun. xiif i. dir., Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas and Ne liraska - lien States4-raised 1,920 218,085 bushels in 1880, an increase of 136 per cent, in ten years. Two Smies. Maine and New HamDshirei j j if ntcl ne territory, New Mexico, show uecrease ui prouuciion. in . luu N'v England States during the lastj t-eniy years there has been an in- -rul a werea8tf in corn of 7.85 per. Tlje South during that time! hut 5.52 increase in wheat.' 1 I 'I : I I'lu 0 her great sections have gone! 1 . J..'......i i 'pi. :''.JiJ t. - i . L .... j 1 The increase it ih MTmtttj Stales In - corif dnriltg Km Itikit.fjiia vooro Id 2.08; in wheat 2. In the Southern States, 49.73 iu rn, 44.94 in wheat. In the West corn, 67.79 in pit: 3,500 men engaged regularly jn he Gtihini business. v We can( see no occasion for apologyj: i t he part of Mr. Cyrus W. Field r proposing to raise a fund for Mrs4 iartield aud her children. Some .of iur Presidents have died poor and i . -'i . - !. .- -r4;- -km oaie or two almost in want, l no Jrresi- lit, however grateful will ' be too ijjUnly and self-respecting to be oon-i itolied improperly in hia action j byj tfose who1 contribute to the fund.; Mr. Field has deemed it necessary to publish a letter ; in the New York 'Mines justifying his course. . He says il the point: , . ' -r. ;s ; "He de-uii. morener, such a provision rilressnry and commendable ia view of be nl'rtiflcauon suffered by Mrs. . Lincolb,: nfl.- r iiio ksaaseiDation ' of ' her hnsbaad, in Lvin; her caao discuaaed in Coagreas aodj iii be pi pern, coupled with the - paltry cai ciBtiiion how much or rather how little. eiifliDg with merely the allowance of the! reii of thai one year's salary : and 'tbe frfukiog privilege 1 This.' addaMr. Field,' lha all that a Congress which yoted $30,-: 000 for Lincoln's funeral expenses could gie to lb support of his- widow. ; This! small provision was soon exbauBted, and bve years after his death, as if from very sbime, Oongreas voted - her- a pension of . $3000 a year. Thus Blowly and grudgingly ) di tbe nation provide for the widow of its' in&tyred President." ' md now Senator-elect Miller ap . man of liberal view's pears as . t towards jlhe South. He is repre- seated in tbe not very credible Now x otk j.rwune as saying recently ot thl campaign of 1 1$80: if 'iCertain men have remained at the head of fiie Republican, party in this 8tate solely 'y peeping; alive tba -Southern question, Yetr after year the speeches they have mule and the political pamphlets tbe v have baJ printed have rang the same tune of L uisfuat in tbe Uooib. L.aat . fall they adopted the aame .old -policy. , I received pnnlpblet after pamphlet charging all sorts of filings in I the South, . but - tbe people wold not read them. ' The Southern ques 'ioifwas a9 dead as JuliU3 Csjaar.". ... , . j Webopo thenew Senator will torn out! to be a sound prophet,' and that tbeiSouth may have rest 1 The New York Legislature yester dayj elected Lapham to fill the bena-i toroil vacancy created by , the "re- sigtlation of Conkling.t Miller and Lapbaml What a pair to represent the treat Sta.t of New York in the; &euteof the United States. Inlet lectlially, fgnkies- Tomi; Thumbsj anything and 'everything that is Ve4 mote from greatness. 1 VOL, XH. ? ygfhl tvm ; t 'cotreet errors, htorlft9ib5ryiso. It is sJ easy l9: tl !9l(iair,rrtorand it is so easy evef.- Axfcea!fqafiAr& idl bo immortaL NoY rJie: Charleston News. and WieV.Jgbt .the! dato wrong as to; yttf secession, of Nrorth Carolina. Aux-Jejadeot Davwj who lofes the tjaillrfarlen ; uierrrs,;some of .whieb l;has sews aod' which be will cofrect ;wUlfngly fn his next edition. His error as to the electoral vote for President in i860 ' has been nointed out in the Star by a well informed bcoreetdi It is important to do iKsirfPW! error Uyes u Rurii H to die. -It ts like wire- grassTamobg other grasses. It flourwfads to the detriment ofrath. t-I the eventful winter of 1860-61 the General Assembly of North Car olina directed Jtbat : the question of "Convention or "No ' Convention" should be submitted to the voters of the State. Alluding to this fact bur fiisnd Montford McQehee, Ecj., in bis (xcellent sketch o( the life and character of the late William A. Graham, uses the following expres sion ;i "The doctrine of isecosaion met .with little favor in North Carolina." Again: "The people at the polls pronounced ; with great unanimity against a Con veulioh.,r ' ' 1 i : Mr.- McGehee is in great error as to the last rental k. It i, however, a very wide spread error. The actual vote on that occasion, taken from the .. .. . . j i - official figures, (Governor Ellis's let ter book) was as follows No Couveution. ....... .. (Jonveotion. 46.603 .-...45,409 Mdjority against Convention. . . . 1 194 These returns do not include the vote of Davie county, which, if il had been received, would have increased the majority t against' Convention to 05 1. -Surely there . is no evidence of "tlie great unanimity against Con4 veutiou" that our frien'd supposes. The vote was some 0,000 less than in the preceding August election, when it was about 112,500. This shows tudifference at least. Proba bly those who1 did not vote were di videdui the same ratio as those who did vote. There is nothing in the election l to warrant the prevailing opinion now that the : "doctrine i of secession met with little, favor North Carolina" at that time. in as i The people of North 'j Carolina,1 an abstract question, did not .prefer secession. They were devoted to the Union. Theyneverwould have se ceded if the States, South r of ns had not gone but and formed a Southern Confederacy. '- North Carolina' hesi tated . long' before k Bhe : entered ' the Union j she hesitateclioog before she undertook to retire from the UnionJ paotionsly she' considered 'the qaes tion of accepting the Constitution cautiously 'she - considered the great question of sex&dragfrom the Union. In 1860 thero twas not a - very large secession ecntiment in the State we - apprehend." In 1861, : when the eleo- tioiTreferred to above was held, there; was a very strong sentiment. . Oof people knew lhat there was great moral force in numbers; They recog nized the - iiptftahee-of taking our stand among the Southern sisterhood.! Once v resbfvedf upon secession they determined eJike an : heroio people! who loved liberty1 better than life to be a power ia the conflict. She voted 112,500 in I860.' She had over I24,-: uuu in me war.i j. , ; ' ; TftSl VieSf rHWUOBROV. The crisis through which tbe Presi dent is passiRg, ahd we rejoice ' to believe sucoesstaUyy&asr called atten tion to one faibt of which parties have been very.f neglectful. .1 It is the araeter arid antecedents 6V the men nominated for the Vice Presi dency. Heretotdrefn many instan ces the; sepopd : place-on i the ticket has been regarded of so little lmpor tAboe th'atrnferror men or mennotin harmony with the; views of the nomi nees for tbP residency, have . been selected. -Botnpartres have, done this. . John Tyler deserted his party and overturned all of - the; calcula tions ofvtheWbigs who bad eleoted him. Andrew Johnson, ran counter to the views and wishes of his own party in 187:"He first undid what the admirable 4naola Was trying to do when be aa-assassinated, and then, ' after two years,' he began to nndo what lie bad?3poe7 himself Hj hki hjtfhis course jrveithef theoonfi dence of the South nor the confi ;.8 V ; L - WTTmrTNTOTT. at n ,T?pmAV JTTT Vi 90 iiefti . . ! i. V TMO 89 dence of the North- It is urged that the Republicans blundered ? in ' the same way. in the nomination' of Colfax with Grant, and so with Wil son for the second term of Grant The Philadelphia Times Bays?: f -' j , "Colfax was named with Grant Does any man doubt for a moment that he would have carried out a policy diametrically op posed to Grant's had he succeeded? Wil son waa next chosen. Hia protests against Grantwenron record almost the first day he assumed office. The Democrats followed faithfully; the same bad practice. - To say nothing ' of such opposites as Blair add. Seymour, Pendleton and McCteHap tp$y joined two such extremes as Hendricks arid Tilden."- " ij, 14 We J may ' hope 1 that both parties will learn something 'from 'the pasj:. If Garfield were to 'die '"everyt One. knows that Arthur would at once change the whole policy of ' the p'rej- sent Administration, ana commit .na,lrequiEes.cverthe9Q jmprsbaalitUes4ifiH party to aline of action opposed dia metrically to that which has been pursued thus far. It is believed that the friends . of : Garfield would be. turned adrift in almost ; every in stance, and that to all intents . and purposes the Government ; would be administered in . the .interests of Grant and Conkling and Arthur. , .i , Surely, such an experience such a threat of danger should : be instruc tive should serve as a . warning. Common sense teaches that in select ing two candidates, one of whom may succeed the other, as has been the ..... .j . . . -.- - t- -; - i oase three times, therehould be con cord, unity of views and plans and common devotion to the success of the party as well as to theproBpenlv and happiness of the country. i aesiGDiiTOBaii depression f There is extraordinary depression in England in agricultural industry. Lands have been . sold' recently, for less than one-third what they fetched a few years ago. -The great North west produces corn aud wheat at such low rates that it can deliver it in England at less cost actually than it oan be grown there. There is a scheme to try to revive agricultural industry on the joint stock plan. Several wealthy noblemen propose to raise a capital nf $5,000,000 and to lease on long time farms to be worked by care ful managers. ' By this means it' is believed that the produoing proper- ties of greatly the land can be enhanced and-much land now unculti- vated can be. brought into use. The Louisville : Courier-Journal , says ' of this plan of Lord Derby and others: "If this arrangement will result in hand ing over to the plow the thousands of acres now inclosed for deer and hunting purposes by tbe English lords, there is no doubt the agricultural depression will, to a great ex tent, pass away. ' There ia land , enough lying idle in the United ' Kingdom to sap port the whole population; but too much of it is locked up for picturesque purposes n" ; The distress among the tenants and poor laborers is without excuse. While the noble audlioh'are indulgj ing their asthetic tastes aud fondness for pleasures ; and games, j the work ing classes are pushed to the wall and thousands of them can gain with' the hardest labor scarcely enough to keep soul and body together. But there is still the difficulty of cheap producf tion that the farmers of England and Scotland have, to 'contend against. When American wheat and Ameri can beeves, can i be 'sold -.in s English and Scotch-tdwlisfor less money than they can -produce them, what then? Will not the cash buyers pui tneir money ; where ' 1 the " rood is cheapest where a. givenf ; suml, will purchase the largest quantity ? , South Carolina is being , helped , i4 the matter of immigration by Castle Garden, j The executive officer of thaj place, Mr. Jackson, is selecting as.fa as he is able to do sol families . who are sent South. y He renders this, ser vice gratuitously.. The Superinten dent of Immigration for Sdutn Caro4 lina;2 MrEdward " M. s Boyfeln,fiis made special, arrangements . by wtiich immigrants are transported fromj New York to Colombia, at $10 each for all parties of ten.' But there lhas . i- . n . f i been no provision made . for "their; laaintenance op arriyal and of. course there.mustbeimore or less discom fort.' 5ris h'--j J. ., un.. ! r,i The excessively bat weathef the world over is exciting quite naturally fears that' epidem!caT'bf sioknei Jayj prevail 4 tfhe yellp w, fever if slibwiug itself in tmany places apd the1 South; will be TOryTfartcsaBif - it escapes.! The best plan is tovput yournouse in. order before hand Is the sanitation of -Wilmington jsuch as it should1 be? ;. - " tlj ! ' John Lf Stanfordsof Duplin, 4s announced aa "one of the Speakers' to canvass Wayne: county sgainss jiro- hibition. I liiBRIOIt Y AI.L, ABOVHO. The efeat of Roscoo 'Conkling is very 'complete. M It is true the ' two men chosen in place of himself and Plait" ir4 ordinary' mortals, but this fact ral..er increases the humiliation. If two tlrong men like Evarts could have 'bebn electe'd the heaviness' of the fall.wouldJia(n. been broken, and thetaki consequent thereupon would haVe been less ; intense. n The fact b( the inferiority of Miller and Lapham is sot denied,; we believe, , The PhU odelphia American an. able i inde pendent i Hepublican r, somi-weekly, sajfljof Miller:., - !, t, , ;ji ,-"iife have. nothing againstjMr. Miller px cept tbat he is too small a man for the of fice. " Wetfilieve him to be ad hohest man aqd a cossistent Cbriatian. But the mem bershin of the hicthest council of the nation. while it needs such Virtues as these, anxL liant gifts separated from them, calla also ior tbe nnest culture and tbe most brilliant leadership the party has in its ranks. We do not blame the newer Western States that (hey do not send such men as Mr. Evarts. ; Under the absurd restrictions im posed by tho Constitution, they have to send such as they have, fe But when the bid Commonwealths have such men and send' them not, they are unfaithful to their stew ardship and to the nation." : j - i Ai i. We are pleased to hear that Miller is a i Christian , and an honest man. Those qualities are better than great intellect coupled; with! great vices. Wei would always ; prefer a man like George1; Washington for any post of honor and -: responsibility ; to Lord Bacon, ;. Kti'-4'::oA-' X---: u y .;lf ."The wisest, brightest, meanest of mao ,. kind." V .;- 1 I- i . It is.to be regretted that an abler man,of whom it could be said he was a "consistent Christian and an honest man," could not have been found in the great ptate with its five million population. Is there a dearth of high talent in New York? ; It would seem sol ,When the American un dertakes to designate men of the first rank it is driven to name Evarts and Wheeler, the lone fi-iherman. Lap- ham is not a man of conspicuous We hope he U "an honest ability,' man" also.; ' ' "'" ' ; - " Conkling, by his own unwise and arrogant course, has brought the! de feat and humiliation" upon himself. He undertook far more than ' be was able t) compass , He has ' found out that an Administration, with ' six or eight thousand offices for distribution among his Own party in his own State, is far stronger than any one I man, bucked by all of the machine manip ulators of large experience and ; con stant practice. He will go into in voluntary retirement. He will learn a lesson he will never forget in the rugged school of experience. Out of 7 -T omce.he political will be able . to regard the outlook from a standing- point somewhat new t0 him. , Conk ling is a man of superior abilities. He is credited by political foes with ho nesty as to jnoney matters. His hands are clean. ; He is the ablest politioal manager in. his party. He is too able to be kept down. -.We have pq doubt that he will come to the front again in his State and become the leader of his partyirHowtjan it be otherwise with such leaders aa Wheeler, Miller. Lapham, Piatt and Arthur ? : These are the representative men of the Re publican party in New Yorki and Conkling has more : brains, more, ca pacity i for management than all of them combined."!-": " ! 1 i r The attempt to destroy President Garfield has had a happy influence; no doubt, in bringing about a patched-up-harmony-in the partyJ It is said ihat the relations of Vice President Artbu with ithk -Administration is inuoh' morel satisfactory than it1 has been, and that the same sad event brought this about i The circum stances of the last ; three weeks, have brought the Vice President in more intimate association with the Cabinet and henbl a better feeling isr; said ? td exist Ther American, ' in another editorial, 4bus refers to ; the recon ciliation:: Va'n-H i Thete have been opportunities for mu tual explanations, and assurances, which would hardly have been possible except in the humanizing shadow of the great Calami ity which has taken the edge off so much of our parliaanship. There Js,no ' need to assume that Mr. Arthur ia less fervid, tbaa before in any of bis personal attachments; or that be has changed his views on any of the Questions of . policy which divide the f more from the less reformatory sectiofal of the party. W about any suca change it is pos sible to believe the Vice President has come to see" certain acts of 4 his own and others during , the past three months in a light somewhat different from tbat in which they appeared at ' &e' time, and ; that if some things had to be.done over again, be would take at least a less public part in them, Kothing, We believe can have helped Mr. Arthur to this new attitude more, tbaa did the prospect of bis own" accession to the Presidency through such an act as this of Guiteau, and under circumstances , so paln--fal t6 himself.-I" "" ' , Teare concerned that out .k a that has happened Jthe' country - shall be benefited Let there be recon mm mm ciliation in the Government and in the Republican party.in New; York, but let there bo peace between, the South and the North.' Tbe President will have a splendid opportunity to make a great and endeared name by becoming the Pacificator of his coun try by restoring to the discordant sections fraternal sympathy acjd! 18 'There is one interesting point 'that arises How will tho election of Mu ler and Lapham' 'affect the strength of parties in the United States House? There are four vacancies1 from New York! now caused by the death 4f Fernando Wood Democrat thd ''ap pointment1 of llevi P?- Motiofi '? as 'Minister to France, and the election ol Miller and Lapham to the SVnal When ClefkAcdams c4me'lD6oirair-'' ize the House how will the count 'of names be ? - Thet Washington Post says the Democrats will 1 have the; majority But is this coirrect . A correspondent who lives in Nash county and who has attended , nearly all the recent meetings, writes us that the anti-prohibition majority, in that county will be immense. . In fact he estimates the vote at nine to ... ... .- -H i i ... - - .; . . against prohibition. ; - ono i Ballots may be either printed or written, but must be on white paper witBout device of any. kind. "' This la the law. .- jj -) ; :.' ' We do not believe a county Can be named in the Cape Fear section that will give a majority for prohibition. Do not forget the day of election the first Thursday, which is the 4th day, of August, j Epithelioma, the disease Ben Hill is suffering with, is only a doctor's big name for cancer , of the mucous membrane". It is very dangerous, , Personal Crops In iba Weil-Frobl bltlon &e. , . ..... - I Maj. John W. Danbam, who has been absent ia the western counties for a month or two past, has returned apparently much improved in health'. He gives a rather .dis couraging account of the crops in' much of the region he visited, which have' suffered, materially from the long-continued drought in that section: . West of the mountains be. says the crops appear very good, but in the Piedmont section, especially in the coun ties of Iredell, Mecklenburg, Gaston; Lin coln, Davidson, and in parts of South Car olina adjoining those counties, the crops of all kinds are almost literally destroyed by the dry, hot weather. In fact it is doubt ful if on any of the lands in that region one third of a crop is realized. ! - ' i In portions of Mecklenburg it was stated that there had not been . a seasonable rain kince the first of January.' Beginning with Anson county,' coming in this direction, however, the crops are very fine. ' ' t Major Dunham says prohibition, pro and eon, is being canvassed very vigorously in the West, and both sides appear equally certain of victory. J Deatn ot a Former Wllmlnetonlan. !..A' telegram from- Capt C, S. Ellis, for merly ot Wilmington, but now a resident of 'Savannah, Gs., received here yesterday morning by Mr. Wallace H. Srdn an nounces that Mr, David Pigott, 'formerly ja well 'known citizen of Wilmington, dieil suddenly at that 'place' Friday night from overheat. Mr. Pigott left this city with an excursion party to Charleston in April-of last year, and after spending a few days in that city, wen on- to Savannah, where he has since resided, carrying on the merchan dise brokerage buBin ess. Deceased,1, whp was in the 54th year ot his age, came here when a mere youth from "The Straits,' in Carteret county.and i was a clerk in the store of Messrs; Howard & Peden. During. th war.be was in the Qaartermaster's Depart ment, and since,he has, followed alternately the naval stores brokerage and the tobacco business. He had many warm ' friends ia the community,' who' will regret to bear -oi his sudden death, i-He has a sister and per haps other relatives . residing in Carteret county, - m'm mi !.a-'..W,j ,j Jtlaqclairatea' Gonrt. t . ,s vUlcti . The case of John McKoy, colored, here tofore referred to in the Stab, came up fo a hearing before one oi the magistrates 1 the Court House 'yesterday morning, i Th two daughters of the : accused, Frances an Rachel McKoy, the former aged 16 and th latter 17 year8, were examined, together with quite a number oi other witnesses, tbe Court room, in ' tbe meantime being pretty well filled; with spectators, mostly colored; but with a .fair sprinkling of whites, and at the conclusion of the testimony McKoy was committed without the benefit of bail, for iriai at the approaching term of tbe Criminal Court, and was thereupon re4 manded to the county jail, . , l, t i Mr. Solicitor Moore,: of the Criminal Court was present to. assist in the examlai ation on the partot the State, and Marsden Bellamy Esq., appeared for the defendant making earnest and ! forcible arguments in f.mr rt "hla rlinnt ; 1i j i irm ' :- i'-.-i!-- .Antl-Fre&leUlonJa Penaer.ir .. i.i: We are. informed that a large meeting o: anti-prohibitionists was held yesterday, a Rivenbark's Mills, about six miles "from Bnrgaw, in Pender coanty. Speeches were made by Messrs. S. H. Bel, J. W. Madden and H. E. Scott r It is. said to have been one of the' largest meetings of the cam paign; and to have been virtually unanU mous againBt Prohibition. . . j '- CAM PA IGN HEWS,' i : A.Wayne county correspondent of the State Journal says that ' county will give 1,500 majority against Pro hibition. - J . .- M : TheiJ Elizabeths City Carolinian, "conscientiously; believing that the mis-named 'Prohibition . crusade is not a movement to promote honest temperance reform and that its suo-j cess will result in greater injury than benefit to the masses, cannot join it." The , announcement, that '.there would be an Anti-pr6hibition: spekk-. ingA in Durham on' 1 Saturday last, brought a large number of people io .town!;1 On .the, stand , wet noticed Cols. iW- T. .Black well. John MH Staples and .'James E Boyd, and J.' Ferrel, P. M. Bnggs and Sheratd Garrard. ! - -.( -i ; : i La Grange 'correspondent in , Kinston Jour- naL i iear that Prohibition is' noeaia iniJirthllHownBhiryxBelfevtftBi soniewof best citizens ara cosad to it while others, -t equally," as r goou isvor ?! it; out ute way oi f arguing -. 1 - .1 " ' 1 ueems iO ue wrong- msKiug cue a-; gument ' personal. You ; can : 'never convince by wounding tho feelings or exciting the prejudice. .: kL' . ;l . 'A', State Journal. ' ' There will be a grand gathering of the Anti-prohibitionists at Roxboro,' Person county on Saturday, July 30. A free public barbecue will be served. Able 'speakers will address the people ye are requested to put down Rutherford at 1,500 against Prohibi tion, and every county west: of. it with majorities the same way.; An son county wfll also give a large ma-; jority against Prohibition. i u. ' j ' Durham Plant, j . i ': : i Prohibition mass meetings will be held at Mangums Store) Patterson's Mill ' and Olive Branch Church, on Saturday the 23rd. Able " speakers will- attend all these appointments. Luther Benson, of Indiana,spoke on , Thursday night in Parrish & Blackwells warehouse in favor of Prohibition ThiB.was the first time our - people ever heard Mr. Benson, but the reputation that preceded him had prepared them for his . wonderful lecture, i He is certainly a .very re markable manj and all who have an opportunity should be sure to hear bim f-jn-:-; : : : r I: ; , J tWeidon News. yyr '--.. ! v The Prohibitionists and . Anti-prohibitionists both claim a majority " of 'about forty thousand in August. Wo believe a small v vote will .be polled and . whichever way the ms J'ority goes it will not reach anything Lke forty" thousand.' -;-i The "Pro hibition canvass has beoome a little more lively in this section. Mr. J o- nah Boughton has been making speeches in this and adjoining coun ties, t On Sunday he made a speech in this place and was replied to by Maj. T. L. Emry. Jas, E. O'Hara, Esq., spoke hero last Friday night in favor of Anti-prohibition. Hon. A S. Merrimon did not fill his appoint ment at Littleton Saturday; though other gentlemen made speeches. lJ j . J. j Tnrhnra Snnttiftrnpr. . " Mr, Jpnah Broughton delivered two powerful s.peeohes on Prohibition in this place, on last Wednesday and Thursday, nights, and was listened to by large audiences on each Occasion. Tho Anti'-prohibitionista were represented at -their- appointment at Leggett's Store, on Tuesday, by Bat tle Bryan, who for an hour . or more entertained with bis eloquence (?) an audience of forty or fifty colored per sons and perhaps a: doxen, whites. Speeches in . reply were made . by Messrs. John and , George Hart and H. L. Leggett, Esq. The speech of Dr. Brown, colored, of Boston, on Prohibition, was . listened to with great interest by a large crowd, both white and black, in the court house on 'Monday nights ! From -Jt ddsre Black. Eloquent 1 Pe ' - 'rorauonr . - ' "This religion has come down to us through the ages, attended - all the way by' righteousness,' justice," tem perance, meroyi transparent truthful ness, exulting hope and white-winged chf fit7f0 ifiever was its influence, for good i mora''- plainly perceptible than now.' It hai not bdnvefted, purified and reformed ij all men, for. itaiiusi prinoipie is.tbe.freed69& of thehuinan will, and jthere are those who choose to reject; ii.rButT tothe mass" of mankind,) directly15 and ' indirectly it has brought;;; uncounted bene- ts and blessings. -. Abolish . it take away ,: the restraints which it ;im-i poses on evil passions silence' the admonitions n of n5it: i pf eachers- let all Christhs-'"c ; la-- bors' ot' - charity -blot out from his- torv the records of its heroio benevo- lence repeal the laws it has enacted ana tne institutions it nas duui up- let its moral principles be abandoned and all its miracles of light bo extih guiBhed--whatf;wOnrd we comet to f I need not, answer this question; . the experiment has been partially tried. The ' French" 5 nation ' formally ;'(re nounoed Christianity, denied the ex- istenqe of tha Supreme -Being, and so satisfied hetxttrxrgexfrthe infidel heart for a tiei-; What, followed ? Universal depravity, garments rolled in blood, fantastio crimes unimagined before which startled the earth with heii sublijiie 'tyVu!The:;Am(srH can people have1 and ought , to have Ho special desire to follow that terri ble'example and misery.' . 'V 'r: ' ' Major A, D, Banks, a former resident of Virginia and prominent politician, died at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, yesterday. : iffepirits .Turpantihe. 1 Stateaville ilmmca;: We re gret to announce tbe death of the excellent wife of our friend. Rev." Alfred Carson, of TaylorsvHle, which sad event occurred ltu week.' -!Wb learn tbat a clue iijt bt last been sttock that, may lead to 'ibe d.s c'overy of tbe Thompson rubber aod mur derer in Alexander. -. '- t , - .: r A man by the bame of Dockery has been arrested and jailed, io Caldwell county for tbe murder of Misa Caroline Thompson. The ofllcera are after one Church, a supposed confederate of Dock ery. , The Charlotte Observer esya of the latter: He has made no confession, but old man Thompson identified some of tbe nn ney found on his person, and another wit ness sworo that Dockety inquired the way der. - x . : v . : x . . - i- Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic. Mr.h Wm. J. Best and family have removed to ilorehead, and expect to j mako-North Carolina their permanent home henceforth. His success in leasing the'New Berne Rosd, and tho earnest manner in which be is sur veying lbs Goldahoro and Salisbury con nection,' indicate an intention topjake good tbe magniflceov promises of April 1, 1880. -We venture to say there are fewer Car olina boys at Yankee schools and colleges to-day than at any time within' fifty years past, exdept fcur or five years immediately, sacceediog the surrender., r-rr-Mrs Qon . Bryan Grimes and her two sons (bright lit tle men,' fully awake to kbefoui wrOng done, their father and themselves by t gang of assassins) have come, to Raleigh to re side during the summer with their relatives. 4 .-4- FIoatirligitenrr AThumber of spebtabletJermibcizenso.f Philadelphia iRyejt orgazed tbe Teuton ufyo-opcradvo Colonization Society and 'purchased 2,000 acres' of land7 near Ashevilie, Kotib Caro lina,, between the A.Uegbany and Blue Ridge Mountains, to which' they and others who may join' them wiH emigrate.-r.Tbe capital of the association iajfclS.OOO, and each mem ber is expected to take ten shares, $10 each. Desiaes paying an entrance iee oi s. r town will be laid out, and factories, school houses, museums, theatre, etc.; built, every thing being on the co-operative principle. Beer saloons, churches, ministers and law yers will not be tolerated in tbe settlement Beer will be brewed, however, and distrib uted at cost price, while no profit will be ' made on articles sold to members for con sumption. Hotels will be built. and an at tempt made to entice visitors to the place as a summer reeort. I .: -f Kinston Journal: A,W. Oxley, . Frank Green Huggins Pollock and sev eral others, of Jones - county, went driv ing for deer one-day last week. They killed' two fine bucks which ; weighed upwards of 200 poundsfnet In eight days they have siaugnterea eignt aeer. jo. irieoa bbs kindly furnished us with a list of the old men of Onslow county, given below with lucir BgcB.xxe eajro iub uiuot ut iiixia bid working men and are l active, sprightly and . healthy: Jere W. Yopp, 78; James Hobbs, 78; John Brown, 89; Joseph Ennett, 86; John Yeates, between 90 and 100; Thomas Edens, .76; Thomas Hill 77; Asa Sidberry, 77; Abner Erwin, 87; Thomas Jarman, 77; Britton Dawson, 77; William Roberts, 83; James Lan gly, 83 i Ben Bryan,- 83 ; Wright Hornet 77; James Patrick, 71; Daniel Fu trell, 73; John R Fountain. 70; Hezekiah Fountain, 70; Fields Brinson, 70. .. Another prominent man who don't , like to have his name in the papers is 72. t 1 ' ' ' ' . Wei don Nevos: The crops are looking wen, though the farmers are com- plaining.of the cotton lice which may be iounq io a nmiieu extent in neany au ino cotton fields it has done but little damage yet, but will if we have much wet weather; We have been blessed with pleasant rains, but hear of much complaint of drought about!. Ringwood. .. On last Saturday night a terrific thunder storm prevailed in and around Scotland : Neck. ; The light ning played around everywhere and atruck in many places in the town. The Metho dist Church was struck and set on fire, but was put out before much damage was done. A small hole was burned in the roof. ; We learn that - the Baptist Church io Scotland Neck has been sold to tbe trustees of Vine Hill Academy, and will, io a short time, . be moved to the A Anrlamw rfrtnnr,fl i Tho mnmhflra ; tha church have contracted for the- erection of another church in another portion of the town, upon which woik will commence in a few days Charlotte Observer'. Here in this city the mercury has reached as high as 102, and the air has sometimes been so close that one seemed to be .in ..a furnace, j r-As engineer W. T, Newman.1 of tbe fist mail on the Air-Lane road, kept , a sharp glance ahead of his engine while emergingjrpm a Cut about ten miles from this city,ster-. day morning - about G o'clock, - a sight met his eyes calculated to sicken the stouteBt heart. :; It was a man on the track, crushed almost out of all semblance to humanity. There was only time to see this when the engine and train rolled over him; 'crushing and grinding him more than before. As soon as it could be ! stopped the train was run' back and an examination was made of. the remains.. They were - ident ified as being those of Andy Beattyj. a colored employe - of tbe Air-Line "Com pany, whose principal duty it was to guard a section of the track some miles back from the spot where he was : found. His head was mashed intj a pulp, both legs were cut off above the knees, and' he was more or less mangled hi every portion of his body. He had evidently been dead for some hours, and the remains were left lying there to be removed. with the sanction of the proper authorities, Washington City letter: North Carolina- is not much discussed.with the exception of Ike Young's case.. ; There is a strong movement against him, whica is pushed by Tourgee, Shaffer, Bill Smith and many leading men in the State. ? It is, wfiis pered that Shaffer is to have the place, and that he is backed by Judge Russell and Can aday in addition to the above named lead ing Republicans. -; ;. . ; , j, - Tarboro Southerner t The crops between Washington and . Greenvill are nourishing, withrthe exception of a' few 'farms near the latter, place, where the hail played sad havoc .with ' them. The cotton that was cut - down - has . been replaced by corn that is. looking well. There is - more evidence of thrift and enterprise in Pitt than any of the surrounding counties. - -We learn from the Nem-Obsener that the pet alligator of the Peace Institute in Raleigb, has been killed. : It ; wandered away to a strange part of the city, and was discovered to be in a man's yard, which frightened the inmates Who armed themselves with a .Winchester rifle and heavy planks, and made an onslaught bn the mysterious reptile, and shot and beat it to a jelly.. When it Was learned at the Institute that the pet baby alligator had been killed, a wail Went upfront tne insmuie nara o oe reanzea. Martin county items: Our community was blessed yesterday ,with a bountiful shower of rain, which was badly heeded. Crops were suffering very much, as we had had no rain in about twenty days. '-The Roanoke is quite low, and steamers cannot get higher than here, . -Tbe Balto & Roanoke S. B. Co. have placed on the line a magnificent steamer called the "Conobo." which cost the Company -about $40,000. It is said it has a carrying capacity of about .700 bales of cotton. The citizens of town and county held a meeting several days since-for- the purpose-ot building a college in town.; They appointed commit tees to get up subscriptions, and I bear that they have succeeded in. getting the. re quired amount. They will locate it hear the Baptist church. 'The Episcopal church is about completed. The -Bishop says .it will be one of the neatest churches in the diocese of North Carolina. '