:4 w :P 0 w -S V 3 J5 M w - m t pi a p Thef.Weekly;S&: PUBLISHED ATv. AT I - t! $1.50 A TBARt IN ADVA TICK. BS SSSSSSSgS8SSS 3S3SS3SS8SS8SSS38! lT,,,'K iJi'K'K K oooooot SSVSSSSSSSSSSBSSS! e5S33SSS8S38 SS888383;fe'82588l TS8SSSS3S8SS8S388 3SSS83S88888Sg8S5-J io "0h j J; jog SSi-SS 33 A 5 s 8 8 6 S 822 88 SS 8 S 8 8 ! i-i i- i 09 0t 5$., , I. .. .... (!.: 1NIHH1HW 5 r . as- - aa I '! Entered at the Post Office afWilmington, N. C, I i as Seoond Class Matter. SUBSCKIPTIOX PRICE. The s'.ibscriStion price of -the-WEEKLV. Star is as follows : 1 ' . 7 Single Copy lyear; postage paid, $1.50 " " 6 months, " u " . s 1.00 " " 3 months, " " .50 THE TWO THEORIES STATEH EAIRLY. Every one who has correct infor ly all,1 believe r im great centralized power. Only the other day Senator Miller, of New iYork, said this, speak ing for his party: fi i "We believe that this is a nation, and that the supreme sovereignty of this . country re sales in tlic General Qocernvwnt and not in the States. This is the doctrine of the Re publican party." . jr : i Mark this. Here is stated correct- ly what the Repubficap leaders hold, Do you believe in it? : Oh, reader, do j you hold that the i"suprerne authori-; ty "resides in thei General Govern ment?" : If you I do, then you are a Stalwart, f rieudi of the enemy of civil liberty, of local! self-goyernment; " of the Constitution . as . framed by the wise men of the: past and as expound ed by the ablest men among the framers. If the"supreme authority' resides I fact iiithe' General Government" in then the Government established by our forefathers is overthrown already. Who had heard in seventy-five years, until Radicalism came in as a great controlling power, of the General Government being the Master ? Who jver heard of the United States be ing a Nation-r-a strong J consolidated power until Radicalism began its war upon the Constitution and upon the people? - Let us go to Boston and get a clear reply to this New York Senator, who appears to nave lost signt ot tnat ... - grand instrument--the Constitution whicK is the ipeopressiiferd and break-water against the incoming tide ofespotisy.RajthVBoton ' 'The bembcratiearty ilfeves mat su- vreme sovereiaiitu r tne PThe:? I oral ftnwrnrnATit'l'i7fU2ii31 fijdict to be confined to express grahts ottheCoii- f ji it"'';- ttt:v. stirution or powers muiueui tuereuu.,ui in this sphere it can act without question, but all its power is delegated to it for na tional purposes, as specified in the written instrument, but no further. : The State go vernments are also of limited jurisdiction, and to be confined to the powers delegated to them. " The Federal Government cannot invade the exclusive powers of the States or the latter those of the former." All powr ers not delegated to these dual governments still inhere in the people. This is clear and true, every of it. The theory of the Rei hc.nn nartv is destructive ot : tne r ':,,.i ..... ...f,,.. : Jis - rights of ?the : people Says Sen ator Miller, the General Government is boss, has supreme authprity ;f nayi is the source of power.,? The Dem'o- cratic partyi in Eternal and violent with earnestness, thisf is not so. :It is treason toM rtAt(r pec0 the source of all oolitical power: f people are the Masters, are the Sov ereignsL' This is the whole truth. Herein lies the great, underlying, un dying difference between' the it wd. parties. . The one denies;;, to theTpeo- pie the power that uiheres in ther that resides in them;-ther other de clares that the General overmne1 is the great Boss that can control the - very liuerues ox mc pcupic auu uc- prive them of their liberties, for it is "Supreme" and all 'Sovereignty " re sides in it. Thkt-it is the - source of all power." ' J 1 1 That is the greatest po! T'T ft itical heresy that ever cursed our conn universally adopted, and tution is a nullity, a rope spider's web: ".. Once adopted. good-bye forever to civil "and reli gious liberty on these shores. -2 There . are some Deinocrais ; who can see but little difference, bet weeil l the two parties. With' them r iii only a question of 'fmsanid OuJf Thank God, with hundreds and thou sands and millions it is a question of mation knows 'that the Republican MWW " " BluucaM U1 mstw wnicn we reierrea yesterday, wnen au average Knew a greai ueai more tient investigation have so grounded party has decided leanings to a strong hat each of the old irteen Colonies they declare that "it is no more pos- than the same class knows now. .Not himseif Jirl the precious doctrines' of nvprnmpnt - Tta WdPtSalL or neJ. wa& recognized in the treaty with sible to evict than it is to imprison a only did the boys of that day1 have Chrlstianitv as to be uninfluenced'for people M i ( -If ' , ": T" -r4t" ' " 'mM i-..,-.., c t I . i :, ,t - v;-.r itiC. VOL. XII; -priwiplei The very,"bedrrock 1 of Democracy is that tJie 'Gopernnieni is , bated ' upon 1 A toii? a ' on2 q' thepeoplei ,Kevet .f orget fh'at.' !tJever Jeled5 aVav from it for o'ne davi iver vote wun any party Of tov any 1 1 person .o, denies it. v people in jthis great j freo, prosperous : country ; have been) heretofore' the': plasters. -The Government was the; servant' 6f tne people But, gay' the RepHblicans, all this is" changed. The people lare ' no longer- masters, " Uif " servants. Their J'crea- Mife,uiwgrowtt greavCT ,inau Creator: The General ' txovernment1 . ,, . ,1 ,4 , , . , , ( , is Master, is Sapran., Such a doc- trine, such- a eelaration,1 deserves eternal execration. f.Arethc people reaiiylifsUrrendler x their1 hbertiea ? Shall ."the great principles of j free government : be abandoned ;on: the American Continent ? 1 Wlien the war of , the Revolution had ended and America was free, it Great Britain separately, and that having become States, by the re sults of war they; were each a sepa rate, independent, sovereign Common wealth 'or .Republic.--If they -had each so' elected they would have re mained to this day without any Con- lederates. Jor tne purposes ot com- I mon aeience-eacn oiate peing tniniy; i populated and comparatively' 'weak as a war power-- each 'sovereign,; in- I dependent, separate Commonwealth .or Jlepublrc entered Txi&.: compact: forming a r-Federal Vnion' of 'States on certain clearly denned terms and j conditions,' which are embodied in .. . . . . . the f document' known .' and " read of some men as the Constitution" of : the United States." The American Regis ter thus presents correctly and f elici- tously the specifications of that in- j strument the Great Charter of free- I men: . : . I : "Thp nnwprs ip1fntjd tn thft Oovernment I of thTinwescallv define and 7i-KK.rh.t.ii I eouoled with the exnress declaration that all powers not therein delegated t the United States,, nor prohibited to the States, were reserved to' the .States , respectively,, or5to the people.; ; Thus were the powers of go vernment so denned and divided as to pre serve the existence of each State as a dis tinct republic within itself for purposes of internal, municipal, and local government. : And in the formation of the Union the peo ple of each State acted separately and dis tinctly for themselves. : So that the Federal Government became ln lact a Mepuouc oi Republics; in other words, a republic con stituted by Republican States, each preserv-' ing at the time to the extent of its reserved rights, its own identity as a State " ; ; The greatest meuof the North, as wejll as the greatest statesmen of the South, have maintained always that' the States : were sovereign' and' the tTnion dependent on. the will of these States. Ve will copy; now, but a few sentences in which this doctrine is held. Mr. Madi.4on said: ' i "Each State in ratifying the Constitution is consiaerea; aa a sovereign ooay, vnaepeu dent of, all ?Aer, and only to be bound by A Wustovici v Lii this- relation the. new Constitution, will. l)e a Federal and not a national Constitution. '.V f - p i - ;.'-.t-0anieJelifereia- ' I' t'Thf'tfp&rtieitic? the1 onstitutibn contemplated- by it onginaHyi: . were ' me I'r Edward Evfiretf aid mr1860v just as the1 wrwascetenin;,f "5 J "A anion of co-equal sovereign " ElaUt re quires, as its basis, the harmony of its mem bers, and ' their voluntary : co-operation in its organic functions." ; , : ,,. V ...j . ; The. High .Priest of ;Republicant nn Uliam; H.;Sewardp said x.m; btC.;-.HA'- "y:ffjr;.iv-:;-: r .ii ::-f.. 18m! 1 RfiJ ;"The States er before the i Union ' vms . . -. ; . : Our Federal : Republic forever must exist throueh the combination ot ' these several free, self-existing; stubborn States." ' ' The Supreme Court has- held since the War in ?xicitterms?the same' doctrine. . But we have not space to buote. ; Here we have the1 testimony and, opinion, of three : of the great j - Northern leaders Of the past,arid they augui, wui,ocuciOUu, . iCalhoun taught, : the able statesmen of f,SoiifK,' jufl ni-i;sf Since ; the , , above "was President" Arthur5 has spoken well at: Yorktownu ' " Ilis short; speech is ex cellent as to language and sentiment. vveare giau w uear him speaking as front the ' ! .f ..' K ?'Then' as , we trust, nftnt for asres vet government .which? 'is -the? Very fibre of our F political systenfeA, sovereignty Itfo-U- that we should gather here to refresh our: 'souls with eontemplaticms .on the unfalter ing patriotism, sturdy zeal sndJBublime faith which achieved the results we now com- our Conste r of tn0se w?1 represented tne sums ex- montniy: puoucaop pas no ngnv q y, Theampmenttto ff-, ; , 1 1- if. i.uHiL ; . iSi-L "i'-,'i'j.-a:;Llf.'ill:'2i'ii'i l4 ! o'lfL'VrijLi'-Si'iii; 's liii2'JL-LJ 'fiiii -r.A- .i-ottI. tm'ai k ro oi a-ot,- I iJooa nnnnttia unanaiwincr nApra. I barquentine Maria j i tuwiw i .ura t.np anvpreisTis.' ntar i pnnnation.s t were: ne lticuhui v tue i uuu iw eumuu.;i;ui auimi i iwfiiusuiu iy,ipw iT.-vrkL r. , audp-in and gatner.TUojje w t ipviwi-jw- ntteranceli'r m .''': - ?! allowing file negro95ecliPs6 them in the S6tith $9385,626". J aiiu mwo .."""rrr. "T.' I : -' ... - . :. v;,,: 't, : VJi; Jl ' "' i ' 1 tort , niadecurfcuppiOhis : conu-1 ignorant ot: the real - advantages xnat iiai.ruci.ors, anu i ou , .tocomei thatPnttCiple OIjl lir2ljUii.liLZt wtll niiniAw.atil1 fnrt.liPr MM. WAV WRT -.V - fIP A TR ..7 Wilmington; memorate : for so. diaUweTbe inateVto ions which shall follow lesson of the hour, transmit to generations which shall follow the precious legacy which: our fathers left to us we love of tiberty protected by la w. ; tw;,:..i, i , t tne Benumem ana animating prince pie of every patriotic American be t.nftt: amhnniui in tna tina otiTinir rvf I . r the illustrious;, statean ; of , Massa chusetts '5 The TJniohand the Con stitution, now and; forever : one and inseparaDie' ' THE THICKENING STORSr. ; ;!We We not seen the manifesto issued bV the :L.and Lieasue; ' 'ihe ; Aianaa .vlv.w.w ,v .v uu.r,v of yesterday shows that the leaders are acting on theiright plan-that of passive resistance. If they will stick With armed force, the will use 4 a weapon that will prove too much for the Liberal Ministry and too much for Tory preferences. They repeat the sentiment of Edmund Burke, to whole nation."- If all Ireland resolves upon paying no rents, then the Gov ernment is powerless. It may attempt to"' crush by brute 'force, but it will prove a" stupendous failure and bring uuiv lcpioauu upwii muse wuu uipM. i and favor it. i The Irish have only to unite and persist without resorting to j insurrection to thwart the purposes I and plans') of the English Govern- ment. Arbitrary arrests will accom- I plish more in the unification of the Irish than lall of the speeches of the5 Land League leaders could accom-; plish in years. ! For hundreds of years Ireland has I been oppressed by'England. That would have been strangers to forever if , bright with the scintillations of ge much is history. Lord Macaulay, in they had remained at home. North Car-. nius, or eloquent with the passion of some of his masterly speeches , in j Parliament fifty , years ago, dwelt I upon these oppressions as a shame and an outrage. In the beginning English rule was established by brute i fnmo :Snmp nf :. tlio. mnst ; nainful I " - V r records, 01 .oppression we .nave ver i f . . . z , , " - i read were written by the great poet, I Edmund Spenser, who lived in Ire- J land for many " ears and was for sometime in the employment of the British Government. : From that time until now there lias been gross andinexcusable: misrule. : , It is be cause of this that the Stab is the friend of Ireland and would rejoice in seeing it ruled by Irishmen. We would be glad to see all Irishmen treated as freemen. ', .';.; They will move on towards the hour of deliverance" if " they avoid open conflict with the British .Govern ment! The true way, as we believe, is passive ! resistance j not " revolution or insurrection by ' force: They' are resolved, if.. we may judge by the latest accounts, upon getting.; rid-pf all landlords To this end they will retuse to pay aii-.trents,:. now n.ng- land can imprison a whole" people5 or evict them remains to be seen. iJi.!.;' 0 BDUCATIOH 1M THE SOUH. ' ' I Some bne h-as sent us the number i '.-, ...... -..- -rt-- . :i!!i,.-7 i!ai4Ji - mg. T4ie,., paper .uii: oiir,,;.;.; ititcr.! Pnnw fi Missouri but :'- a native oi tnis interest in the main portant 8Ubject-The Southern- Ed- Preble5 4 Mie'a extracts ; i- .... '..;' - , .i '' J - ! we saw from it and the accompany - incr . - onmniMita . . in . t.wn Nrtrthfim daiUes i did .injustice to Mr. Page. An i Anrn AAVhm Antii KdOa1 Virvvn -atlmt . W Ul J Vt aa VVlIIlVlVOy uuovv Mrvru. I we saw in those papers, also did him miustice. or three passages in the whole arti cle that we would have had changed. As a - whole it. is tfjood' and 'shows a carefui study of the 'educational sys- tem. His first paragraph is this: , ' . . ' - 1 .'1. ' ' I .r t'nnn ill li" i -'','; i a I nr ttn tn infidel lectures or ston bvthe wav- I v. I " ; ! -;) '? V' Itisa;clear, the blasphemous utteV w111 DerememDerea tnat onaid: fair discussion of an im- i most oi,our readers. Anat census I ances. of,spaid defamers,)! the- tJhns- I son and ,VV lse . were both lost, alter 1 "The greatest need of the Soutk pepttipnot yet lar and practical education. T ne greatest' hmdrance to eaucation is popular maurer- encer':" ' r-'W: 'f'"';'--': 1 ; 'We have written" something like that often"'! follow ed the ,,discussion: of education in these columns - dwing the last three j , years have met with frequent regrets re fified tb find" smother Worth:! Carolinian taking hold of the great -rl JTirl I V.o. nni nunnla oa a. vrhn a .OTa Ift. I tnnar. fliahparT.Pmnor ST.aT,lKtlf!S WPrft 1 TPr. . ..DHL .... TUB t TOinii! is xuai ; ft I i - I 14 ven and werehore careful :to;fadvauCf hm educaterthe- girls tnanttuepoy sa .e jrage a pa.peri ua:Muro iTOiig- n. c.;- frida October 28 issi. Prolt1pm earnest' and discussing it: J with so much ability and clearness! He I i ability and clearness' says truly that "indifference is worse than? ignorance," "and that school- 0 . - factories., ' He thinks there is much A i -mLi."l-t,jii i - ..J. t i . ... i .. i i i qalihed teachers., All -tins we be- lieve I most steadfastlyJJ "The chief burden of our discussion in editorial taf ter editorial has been tfie" almost in'- tcurabe indifference of Cour 1 people; ,the lack of money, the defectiveness ' of the common sVjhwl system: With "" M the poor salaries, the ignorant teach , - 1 ... - f , , era employed, the very short school terms it was thought impossible that ve,7 much good could (bpdone. ' It: the coming" generation would , be a very dense; ignorance, , ! The methods before ' the war may have been: very defective, but the young men of thirty years ago upon better,advantages,but they improved tnem more. JNot all, but ; a majority, oitnem am.tnis. a knowledge 01, ponte meraiure was more common then among the middle and upper wow.yUa,u uvn. , , , ,1 v t in one particular there has been a; I decided change and , tor the better. ,1 i ne people generally are better un- ij formed as' to public affairs now than' they were before the war. The four J years of conflict were a great' educa tor of the masses. . The war sharp ened the intellects of, tens of thou.: sands !of men and gave, them a breadth, too, of understanding, they olimans read the papers a great deal more than they did thirty years ago., There are four times as many copies: of papers published in this Stae! as. there were a quarter of a century ago But them is less knowlpdore of books I , Li:,J'l, j xV ess proiouna iniormauoiu,.t w a-i : ,t v ' 1 ui' . . .ji- v 61 f.. i rare tiling to meet a man now, well and scoffinffs 4 and insults and horrid versed in the literature of the world, ancient and modem. It was not i so difficult to hnd such persons tlu-ee or four decades , since. . ; A i yve knew two iarmers, living in, a half mile of each other, who read the ancient classics2 constantly, and we're more familiar with Shakespeare, Chaucer,' Yirgil and Horace, than cul tivated men of these days are withf Tennyson and Robt. Browning. We know a lawyer of the old school who is . familiar with . Greek, Latin and Hebrew, and can read three or four modern languages. A quarter of a. dentury agor- iu a villagein North Carolina,' 'of -- not 'more" than ' eight hundred' inhabitants,1 there were!at least ' twenty-five gentlemen5 ' who could have1 prepared intelligent and well written essays' on many topics.- I The same village has ' now twice the I inhabitants with probably no increase of educated f and : disciplined mindsll " . ' -. - Mr. : Pag aays: :moW lguojraucei.iin .miieimmu i wiibjj mipruper 4ueuious acquire; au xiereui .WftFWW ruwiuu, showed that of the entire population : 'i aUo tiioL-ii "knt 51 Q ioi- .mint w"hr 1 aSe iner ' W1 ? ???? who In the' former slaye States tjhe figures were 78.1 percent. I in the i.VreMQ3,l30 whites and 2,660,809 ! blacks who could not terite. ? The slave' States contained a' third of the population and iour-nitns oi ine illiteracy. But..Aere,imprpveent. since then in thej South, j .The.; census, of 1880 as to educational statistics has nuliflbecr. ThrfetidfS i cf ;the Cmmissi6h6rv6f ducktibn ;--:i:i;i for ;i87 South. 1 ii showe progress ; in the t .i .r'.i . in .tne jn ortn tne per centage of lt population,.? attending ii school' was 40, ' ' and -in 5 the i( South " it was ; 24.3. The7' school days ' ih the North 135 in the South lob. The There were piipils. gestion and reflection. It must not be lost sight of that J, , -.rT ... '?(,..'.." (..Ji -. J A tuem Binuu. . Aire atcbi. vi mo nunu unu . ... - j . . among the illiterates in theSouth are included the former slaves.:-'It is the duty t of iithe' North i: after ' liberating tlHTn'(t,o tvJnnatAJ tliam . -.T'hin . :if: via I - r scribed scale'! A few millions are all .vr-i. ....A- I;. ... . . work of preparing the enfranchised negro'ifor citiienshipJ bio mi -s-him. V j ' u VICIOUS LITC&ATUBE INGE H If the JVorti American lieview i-5.l fii?-'i-Kr':. . ii J'' .'It. ad 'ces'0f J'the! continues , to open its pacres .to the most, blatant' and. aiJU-Ar : u s w - ... - - ' ' - suppose inai its suDscnpuon among w- , : & onUv . a At i ' . greatly. Jno r.rriTT'.r troduce into' his i house mephitic poll sons. 'NofathercanocevpW . i " T t . ' ' i wumn reacn oi nis. cnuaren dooks and periodicals that are hurtful to the mnraTa nr oalpnlatpd tn Vlistnrb tiiW"l Americans wne.reTOnehCOnvert.tO jn- xnuuuuwvuie tarouiw iweniy-seven. con-mYra,,?;.f?u.Wt.WW-Ji ir "i. 1 i. " r verta,. fifteen Editions Montgomery cir- Denet in revealed .; religion. ine I tather himselt may by study and pa harm in reading the' learned attacks' of Baur and Strauss or tte elo 8Cepticisni of : Rehan, or the ingenious criticisms of . some of the: English Agnostics but what may prove innocuous to him may be ruinous to his child. It is a very BeriOU8 responsibility assumed when we mtrbduoe into our homes the noi- 80n of infidelity however sugar-coat-5 ptj'oi1 bitter.' No' magazine or review I is fit ! for 'the ? library .or table of a '.. ... - i' T'r- i ' 1 -' 1 -' ' ' : : 1 - i Christian household that is the vehi cle of ; unchastened, ' vulgar; flippant attacks upon the - religion of Jesus, however relieved by .sallies ,;of wit, or an . earnest, unquiet and unsanctified heart. - No Christian man ' can afford . . v i. his f aith. to pay for assaults upon No father who believes ii in God only, ani discredits the: Lord Christ, can nAiU !;. Va1!,;.," kl.;M.An v r-AU sowho is he ? x We h know'fiome nnhlication that teems-witli nbaldry arid scoffings .and insults and , horrid blasphemies tricked out in ting style and made influentia I bold and persuasive, and passionate rhetoric.. The hearthstone should be kept sacred. No pollution, in. any literary shape should be allowed to: enter. Fathers.guard well the purity and sanctitv of. vour homes. Gqzette has a well timed editolthe niibhn in snh nil bh cations aa lnsrer- X . - -t7 , 5 o ; soil's hired assault upon the. Christian haIiwiam 4-V i-l rr? r&fij" . and widely : circulated monthly . Ke- view. We quote a paragraph :or so that s gerraain ,to what we have said. It remarks: j -m-. .,.! V'4':V. HI.: .. :-. I.vt?. .'.'To us it seems a grave error on the part of the publishers. t certainly enables Jn ffersoll to sbeak to man v auditors, who un der other circumstances would never, hear his ribald abuse of , holy things. In this way the insidious poison enters : the veina and does its work lpng before, theunsus-' nectmg victim feels the fatal effects in his i avsiem. 1 in i assuming-: t m In s laasuming . this position . we must not be misunderstood. Wewouldnot abridge, in the slightest degree, tree thought, free, speech, tree, discussion. as long as men keep within the limits of the law, they should be allowed to write ana. say ana publish, what. they u please, f and. no, u one : should attempt to niolest them or make them afraid. ! The rest ' of the world need free discus. lar .magazi tian faith. introduction 4-of ' What is called discussion on religious. . topics in popu- maeazmes ana ; newsnapers name of inftdelitv i and causes i with fearful rabidity in localities withering bught. should , never reach . - J. : . ...... one who. does not .make it his business examine, this curious phase of the nublic mind can have any j idea , of the advanced opinions) on . religious questions which are now not oaly tolerated put aosomteiy aaopv ed in certain Quarters where mental vigor is supposed to be in - excess , of ; moral re- Biruinf. j ; Ifj' the" pnbushes pf vtliejiyofA I AmerieaniJ.i Appletonr& Co.were I to give hoticeln Tidvahce that a5 cer-' - ' tain. number of infidelarticles would 'L-'-i'i'j-.:-' - i. 1 Cv nuJ FPrrvJ I f ians, could , , jkeep. teir. ; fi vei; dollars I ': i ' . .i . t ii a a ' i eacn m tneir . ppcKeis ana , avoiu. ,uus trap. But this is not done. , No one questions t h p right, nf g Tngprsnll or anv other exoonefttx)f nthospel of unbeliefto.writeias they, may pre4 without due. warnms:- iJet inaersoii et -bim,, merely, Knd,if the. pulpiis wouldiinot dignify! i him fbyil . speLireference: h wcflld ,so - -i - .- - - iuc i ihis power apft IngersoUisiwonld beii;NorttoOpC feet i -1 TTi is notuiugiicw in uuu. Avcrv man ui NO., 52. theological reading has met his jectioni before!r'He shoots the obr old arrowsj but from a, new ... , .. . . . ivt. .. American "Knur ..'Thpt ia all. .,Wfl .TPntnrR tn Thst .., - r.r..rr argument in all Ingersbll says that ii.ll.iiTt.ir.1 ti " 'il'iJl I of the past.- , . - r Th Ttnlsnn f infidplitv W upw I . 1 - - . -. - -i 1 made any great impression aa yet on, I the purely American mind., Of Amer . 1 J ... - 3 . u;ui uuiu j vu-r nvi uuu .ifuii few intelligent scoffers at the ,Cbris i : . ' ........... tiajv religion, v.. vv e . never., met, .an Irishman; nay, we do. not. now recall, ithe.name of a . singla, Irishman who rejected the Gospel , of the - Lord S Jesus. j Our people if not all personal I VvLm "i i' ' .l.A i .W" 111 he Script fii Inspiration, t,J-ltaiid bplipvp t hafc-nai iial rirno-rpjiji. ia . r" " . :r" r ruiii.y. "g . : r ; --ej- : oj"rrrr"j- and ends in . .nothing r-in Nihilism- in a denial of all good can be made, there will-be a "thonsaad-r-who will glory, in the Cross and cling t the1 promises of the! "Word of Jehovah. iThey know? that all forms of infideli- ty are destructive, that ilngersollism. beUevesi in nothing, gives nothing,' holds out no light, and no hope.;-- It is a blank." It! is destructive. It sweens iwav 'all 'nnrftv: all cnnsWla: ii i.- j'.x..ii:Ji! nuii, an iiuptj uir a liiguer ami ucttei and nobler life leyond, and leaves J Pothingjto udgiuent- staiin1 nnon wfipn trip sianav upon . wnen ine I upon Judgment the :i - Dies Irce -comes and the world shall be calcined amid thej renovating fires of the last day.. Mrs. M. B. Clarke sharply criticizes iMr. 'Mills's management' of,the, Ox-, ford Orphan Asylum m the Raleigh' : Farmer and Mechanic. , Mr. Mills, we have no doubt, does all he can UYi hl mna'na rfi;DK 't,? TTa U8 aWe indefatigable' devoted' thor- I I L..li.iL ta .-el a -pqSiit 22"-1 i -.-i. .-u. ii-:T...i uugmy wms.woimu uie.wrpji tow nun. ms iixe cannot pe xouna in the State, we think, for the place. l i, . -U- . , inins oi inis manasrement, ana wanst - i '.'. . -r! r and writes with a vigor and terseness that few can 1 iequal; ; 5. He can , fake care Of himself ! in- any Controversy; democratic senators are mucn dis- appointed and embittered in the' k- j tion takeii by Senator Davii. Many o, them 'ided 'te I AWATno4-; rVix WodWviJ I UUVU VVUUuiuavivu xxj - i aouiug- I ton borresbondeht of the Philadelphia I (JLtmes writes on; ne 4tn:j tuij; 1 1 f .li.iWI.f-f,i;ri" Aiiti l Pemocrats that Davis should be ostracised, I oxlld, speak to him,' says one' Democrat. ' He cannot get a pair rrom his side ' oi tne Chamber,' says another.- : ',1 regard the iale bf Davis worse than the bargain and sale of Mahbne, says another 'Democratic Sen' ator. . , 'Jttahone sold hunsejz to tne jtepub. licans ' for , the promotion 9f his,, .mends, . while Davis sold himself for 1 his own per sonal elevation. coming from Senators toward; a brother enough .as an expression of - the estimatiou; in which Mr."' Davis' is held at present by the Democratic tSenatarsjTwr t ' We notice that in the North b! t ere is much Jfear felt .'for the safety of professor King thetenhtP'nBfo making many ascensions. The Phila- made an ascent He is,thoroughly familiar with every detail of hk perilous' profession, and has acquired a valuable scientific know ledge of . air currents and i atmospherical dlstur Dances, xiut ail luajKnowieage wouia be of no avail in certain K)ntineencies. He. went un in a storm and it is to be feared he Came down m a tempest, if the. wmds drove his balloon, over the great forestsf t Wisconsin jthe worst is to be feared." l . ! i ' s Arenoisnop ro-Kes lewer proiewr incr asrainst the Land Xeague . mam- : i ; -,'. r Ti' festo is much talked,, of in ; Ireland, and is , having . u decided influence. He,, has been ..the uncompromising enemy ,0 . IhIIUIUA UIOUU . -a-V CK J Om ; .IawIIavIioit) Ha natra noweTe?"' that the doctrine , of , sno rent" will, not do, Sbtpdaenu't'esterday. following: .The; German ot,- rrt nation n OppftOtCapt pacnan,ipr. -i f"i-rj ."TTi - T"-f' ' $4,303 li rhet!British - 'Ii0qw;'1i7b)l! SgS cotton and barrels of rosin, 'valued at I V ' m a . r i aay fiiw,oo o. delphia .Times takes this encouragmg iwo-: entertamments at -tne upera LttosDread ;Tiew : . . !i' .,.'.' .. -i. ..'..."; '. .: I events for the . week. ' Forepaugh's '."big- 7xA2J?-ZZttKi The . to XrZrJZ wT trains on the' Charlotte, Columbia Au- , -.j-rl" Tr:rr """n:r: eista are almost daily croweded. - lSpliitS'r Tiuehtine. : FOaTarKoro Fali-lo5h 8tW VthlOth and 11th of November. - r 1 Durham r Plant I Ther North I Carolina Conference convenes in annual session, in Durham, ,011 the 23d day of No-. TMmTwr -r -' . I v" .. ." J .f ' v "5. . . , . . ' Raleigh JNews-Observer: ... D. R. Walker writes us that great preparations are oemg maae ior tne uir soon to be held' at Tarboro. Mr. William Prince died (at Wake Forest yesterday: ; : fr y. ( . Elizabeth CityTl'oaionis?.' The quality of the cotton .this year, owing to the -i long-continued dry weather during - the picking season, will be better than usual. There will be very little stained xsotton." . j, -r-; The: Greensboro iJE'roteitant re ports 32 conversions on Randolph circuit, ,3KSTd5S5: nTmtbK icvit: IteiYtktckcidt 84tMnBioiif. T& conversions' and -"17 additions on Haw ! . Raleigh Bilica2 Recorder re- 'ports' revivals as follows:' Enon," Yadkin ;couniy. a oapusms; Duipnur Bonnes. Aiex- lander, 19 baptisms ; Piney , Grove, 25 bap-, itomsr Mocksville, 5 professions; Old Port, 6 baptisms. "t .. . ... rrr Hillsboro . Recorder ; George, 'Overby, a poor, unfortunate drunken white , man, was before Dr. O. Hooker, J." P.',' 1 last r Monday,- , charged, with t stealing.' a i Oxford TorcAfo'flrA.- Mri Thomas 1 "RiiP fl.71: nlrl and -arm thr !Hwn rvf Amti. , vile, died at his house in Oxford township ' on the 6th inst. He had reached therioe bid age of 90 years,: and was a soldier and, pensioner of thc iwarofl812. ; , . ii i lhe'Raleicrh Advocate reD orts Tia afniuTOTh6iu, otr Verts; Onslow ;dnnt, thirteen converts; ? cuii. eiguiy-eigas convens, ininy-inrce aa jditions. MLK,Airy'-WFkTlieC. P. & ' ,Y. B. B. R: has been graded to ; a ' point twenty-two miles North of Greensboro, to wards Mt. Airy: ' Mt. Airy has more ' different kinds: " of manufacturing ; enters ; prises to her size than any other place in North Carolina. - " ' -New 2 Berne", News: Yesterdaf- afternoon Miss. Rosa Schwerin,.; aged i ten i years, was thrown from her pony on feroad street, opposite the residence Of Mr. Wm. L Hollister, and remained' insensible for a considerable time after being taken to . her father'jhouSe.. - Oxford 'Jfree Xanee: Ti -IT J i 11a nlMMnm tn .a4a 41i Ka 1m1v a1aa..m. bf Granville 'was T'prori appreciated at l?e 'BBB ' r-ine-uunam ij'ertiuzer; J ri, tA i. niw old for the Tesf exhibition' of bright tor"., acco, and this was "accorded to Mr. Irvin ' (Jreen,, of Tally Ho township.. , j. rjj Graham Leaner: At . the fair, t Mr.f Charles Kerr took premiums to ' the L amount: ot geventyQve dollars; Kobert Scott took several premiums on farm pro-,." duct8. J The Episcopal Church at Com- 1 pany Shops is to have a rector again."ic Rev r: Aiirea ii. siudds is to taxes charge ot the . church there and at Greensboro;-' 1 ' iWeldon'iVewT-' Last r Monday l. night.aboutlft o'clock, on the cars at Wil arm ft. vlnrwi nriA.n nv tho no mo rf rh-i-rpv Hill, was shot and instantly killed by Benia-1 mhiMov. of Pitt countv. W do not fa moi m the of England belonging to the Confederate Go-' vernment . Some time during last summer j; we saw a private letter, written by Mr. . Benjamin - in answer- to one addressed to ' him on this subject, He said there never ,. 1 3 1 . -WX T . T 1 -1 ' . ii au ueeu any money in xungianu oeionging annrobriated them to the use' of ex-Prest- dent Davis and his family while . Mr. Davis, was' in prison: He also said if there had . heen any: such .money- there !the; . English noiaers oi uonieaerate bonds .would nave seized it: "" ':'" . .: ;-" ' . : 'Fayetteville 'Medmiier: Mr. ' J. 1' M, Lamb, of .Fayetteville, had.; on exhibi-. A tion at the, otate Fair . aw) green-house p plants; evergreens, shrubs and rustic stands: The present , high prices oi . grain and . I am.nifnM n ath . . I qigi.xviuviu ytmUbu u uie jvuiui On Tuesday night last Mr." Alex. McPher- son,1 the Judge of Probate and Clerk1 of the'''. Superior Court ' of , ; Cumberland county, ,; died at ms residence in tnis place. Senator M.' "W. Ransom 'writes" us from1 Washington that he will look out for the appropriation already made to improve the. navigation Of the Cape. 1 ear river between -t this place and ';Wilmington. and: see that It" ; does not lapse; and he wiu do what he says. , -A telegram .' was received "here last Tuesday by Mr:: R McMillan stating' that , jar. donn u- JJaroerry, lormsriy oj Damp-, son bounty,, but for , several years a citizen' : what ja moral reform has- come over Char lotte, the fact ; is cited that five years ago a f there were about a half dozen faro banks - v running from the Jen celt institution, run'.'! by ai benevolent sport for the benefit of the ' 1 poor,: to the $25 stacK games wrtn tne ?inut - n what you liked. 1 .For the last four months, ''! at least, a Scotland yard detective couldn't s find a place to buy a- stack of whites for love or money, i A prominent railroad A man of this city says he thinks before many years all the roads will be ' changed to the four-foot-eight-mcn gauge. '- The roaas ot the Richmond & Danville Co. are about I ! the only.ones in the South five feet wide. Two- entertainments at tne upera Col. Buford, of the Richmond & Danville,.. is a" North Carohnian. He was, raised in Mocksville. ! -i r As the passenger ; train ' ' ,was leaving; Wadesboro, day before, yester-, y day evening, a young man namea Arcnie . McDonald, from Rockingham, fell between- i r , the cars. The wheels passed, over., his left ,i . arm Just above the hand, severing it almost ' entirely in two. ! " ' :-'r . Tarboro Southerner :-. On Mon--i : day, the 10th inst, the stockfeeder on Capt. R'fe Brown's plahtatitni gave his stock I what he took to be salt i It was soondia- n I covered to be a chemical fertilizer resenv blin salt, and four fine mules died from 'v' the . enect t ,pi -, tne - aose. utners mat ., , !; didn't eat ! quite so much, , became sick, but' ; have recovered.1 -A 'meetiog- of 1 : the representative citizens of Edgecombe county,all sections, of the county being well ' ' represented, was held at the -Court House, -' in Tarboro on : Tuesday, the 18th of Octo- ... r ber. r On motion, Gen, W. G. Lewis was. called to the chair and P. Powell,' Esq.; re- quested to act as Secretary. - .The chairman , n ; called upon Walter P. ITilhamson, Esq.r - J toexplam the object of the meeting; who,' - I ln suowajice, 8U1U uiai. uu; umuciu u. Jec. tl t ,iLj wi0n t flCTrtatii with vl 1 wibw s7 r "w - rand unjust and oppressive discriminations " ' aeaihst tha cities, and (towns of the State and the, people of North Carolina, had met ,.tr to give expressioh to their solemn protest" and to memorialize the legislature for rftv.i i Uef . Walter P. Williamson, H. L. Staton, r Sr.,' John A.' Davisy B.' J. Keech and Dr." Wm. Lawrence were appointed a committee i . to draft resolutions responsive to the object of the meeting

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