.! 5 - -j 7 uvmmn mrmmMmmmmQ&& , . .... --- ,L." '. v'i-jfc- f Vi" ' X IJL.Vi.rf f :VVAVA . -;. - I r I IV"--'--:;;:; x 2vAyT ,:M r I M f J 5" T " ; .1 firf t 1 r'l jiff '! ni fwiii! a ne- rwueign jiuvovaie rc i tetivals as follo-wsT-TahceyvQle circuit, 10 converts ; ueasAurg wrcuit, 4 v additions ; . TOentworth circuit, 60 additions; Lenoir , 5 jiiwui, ua aaoiuons; insxon circuit, Q Acruaons; -Jewkm elrRuIV 15 additions.' ,- . J 1 j Greensboro ' Patriot;, A,t:;New; . . --. . Ki.m.i.sMmi at ti . ... i. Vi i. i! Ti! i hum - irsi I r?i . I I .1 I t! I II. i. . ... . : rtlf, I NY Iv?j ft ilL 'm si I' .i jut v HJin;i;ju ,f r t 0 H s is handluM dirt, frtormSi &e4snpt lias thaa H'ta :$SSSrSSS8SS8 LWiliJOe a most conspicuous --ngjuroiin , S888888838S8;883t iios r-or4 a&TjiD to-o 3; now is; y- w w s;W w w StatL M tiie'"4 iaian jdf V the m'osi 'iHi-,' ri ! : 1 r r1 ''tti t n't-'j- .,!),tf1u,i' v ! j it, tiJu tensif v the; nnmsfiaii sind inhant? tnl NEuerlana ..factories. The attentive 1 L .1ric' rdP Ti - iTrVi trrri 1 'Rim'nWipirtil1 PVifcrfoi' thoSTA I tnAlvs that. trr t.tp-rt 1 r'. J.ci': JjT LL lJ T5ti!T.ri witlterenoe t fneSmitH .is alio- T,6iS three! tears y e Uiave; - in- man vT that tftf New wdratorafiKtwwibnf ibl$ the era .of ,cQalitibn3; .will tlawnj ov& conclusions pt.w- ftaw;arcl At- IMvnarcL AtMnsoaa renort saowg. TUat ii&rtt ijraer anu asKeu ur K.muer w 2 f : T'1TliWtsasa8$88a 1 PaK-i i.no-.jnaaiwftoiw precept? y upon, m ppuaTOiinaanSe-. hiPfsom tKTaWfeM vThe i - liVrtih "All 1 a i " l"w' - r5!s8Si5; zeal, an mtcnse nthlisiasm through-; i" Ve : may -a8feiri66t the1 matte in" 'tyfinScotton milling.-, 'l'liat -.Worthy. t8?,mAwhlditIal hrV&rrrncit)Wix: " : ' -s-l I'il-sfi : :mS; .ibt s jMi S42plwia?ppfc fepgW!; i&:t!f fe: ii v;V 3 14- haye-lwerurf iiork that'Will Mof madertov-wresfe Mi606teerf frtmntheJ feniKtttWdTJlB"; a3dua tlidi IS ME 'iaMaialHlfedTft ii fs T sT.m.J: fyriUtO tiWflnen',-n4W?'end'- embcratWeelileady oMife.eottotianiitriDgiibtf' iaBBiiaJJtaxil liaiittiia tgttoff reportsii.fchniidred delegates r Entered at th& Post Office. aCWilrainaton N. C. aa Second Class Matter,l. -; , . subscription BJicn&: The Subscription, price of . theKEKtv Stab is. as follows :. ; -, '. ?r Single Cpy.l yeaj, , postage "paid,! (J.Sl.60t " " -a-i3 months,; Q,H' . ,' ;: ...... .. . t f . . - f. : I-'. AN INTEBESTINO' BBPOBT AND Wej have lief ore . printed volnme yiersity(of - or High ?8clidol or of quer.n llieir; n'opct.of .-feutessfimts' tagQ,u WendeaVQred to pma school, and can 'show Ht her't' 'mainly ih creatins ' fIiyisio2rs:T i& ont ; UnhtLgSAn ih f allaWr hi inch' -a y'tjsUi f.teaclungJnf.Krm partyey arft ahadypjng, feft tbmdeuieihmtiji cprd. it They aroviisirig fceveii iiow the' ersj .are; ia-.tlKi South ,?takin motes, t ked? whschsh teniperaneo duektfptf'a'awMt' dthhavo isc'oeVMliaap .fCflnd; andLj accurate, . whose: epei?,; jwhich to rive the Democratic. paryrr geared ?5h?dr td itsj loflg ago,fthjaot(i ice' in 'fVeaching h t cojisideVabKt .Theyrl-gaher 'fmhfirix&m ony ft't itbn of the leges, schooli ? ' 'i f whose ren is that'dfa "readv writer." the -Mahnhi aiuicfissi niidswre hiairex-.'l adtaMtaees, in cofcton , miuinchMrith I us,;aii admirahly -Aa.i-tXnnUo-mhlt 3T: i AHa aLtttyiittdekes of 222t: pages ;octarprl- ustrated.with, handsome 'various buildings nsed'fpi' yojuas' idhl a'queWtidh thr or not the South shall become1 ,,woucw , i v. j .. .,:ZIJ , v . Mnginga prayer. r,m,Lf wjxji . , .Lw.. ' j The . folrowmg ; visitors . were m- iOioTf Lbrimr hapnblislied f vitied' tbeBs In .W .itfonVfeHHoW -miV I 1 ; .v u: r r.rj rrJ:r:"r:"T.,rv7Kir;iJfirj if-.; .;h t, h --r.v . -' J-f ' u t'Thcvrarec scrnidtts7 dnarah'd' dth- mona i v a4ixieA:vwu oxeiga r.n i';iaiBO 8ajing.wht M precisely nes .Republicans! .with .whiph, tf debauch jvell, managed mills an, tietiouth. L . y. , , ':v-. -sit- ir -Jl.-I -Mission ,-JEoard-- SotitKBapAist rr, ! ccssary ana nomoreis-'-tneman'toe".! the pedple-and to ipurcnase xnan ciass.4 aaK.vaiur .vivtivy-. w.-uurvii.ug w hiffh:.! schools, and : pr?marY.ili.w knfPTi'f W t Pwitf 5 techoois'bf EredinL SUie-l! Otl? North.jCarolinians jspeeially ; the o- J ! Vith veTOorjLegishitra hUn4-vJi tient.ox jruuiic xiisiruciion, niay, icani someth Kit ; election .of ; magistrates ' SmSHtK'iKred yl&bfeM had' igniiBibte dety-j .e. gnfe Bea-i t ; -(u-y i-s !;;iivn aiTiunuw I ana otnert juestions tner may con- i oouhhu-wji wsy j puwu -ww mkp ing from this edifi4iigvolu htmJ and ih&fyfji1rrv1U,:i. 1--Tf! iW-'mm'f4t.1!'M a! IfiossibW saviii'of i'froin 'wVtodo ?rRuesddnf be! jmecte volume to me yix,rvi2 wyi!' J .pi-pnern .qorresponaomRupn .cun- Keport of oard ot v commissioners 1OVb for thfe eoncatidn of ichildfen Radical Pleaders - r-r " rr,v - r rf " . 7 -iwno nas an -'.-em:iv.nsiasm jnax: Durns 1 mase capital out ot tne compncatea 1 luauiuawuiew uuu wiav vuciiv t-- - - , , .:r "vvt --i-i'-h.' r'r.i . vrr3 ijl-u .'liCZj-oiZii' . . J A. I -J A. A i. I n . I -k4n J. -.-- - - . ------ . . 1 m--wmj.-- m i U ' ' I rrl am ba A y-i - ViUirlC4U liJUC ICUU1 o Education-. .-'v- ..ra.o,! onJ tkn.n.V.l...nIvi. r , UUU 'Ui Ji t . ' i i ' . ' . I I . i . . ' . I l"l - f , i ' : .' I itJ'- . . - ii I '. . il!'J- I '3 ?t ill" i T T 1 ' TT1 'V V J T ? t i rtW i " 'I J.I i ti.ll' . l - XJU1IL1UU. ailU UUUUUCH9 I ' 1UB UHUUUVHO U- " j ' " "r "-vi I I 51rrtrtli hii tPM-o-Waffhii tAA literal f wlUls ZCaL. V tneiO Wilt pt LHUtJyg jM r "XV ""f v -y;.ljfl f sont.inor th -'ntil' h-f ftnYa.i ftTinW'tftfl ;iJJ' a : s-' .. .t.. . . rx ,- .. f .1 ' t .tt:.,i.. r in - ..V 1 1 j: - i UnAtllinn - totftti tt oirin,V lint w"!T "CpH , ... r 1(jr-..?:; r.-:-V-"".rv " Mft i-nnfrAT nf tl,P Tt m al f Arrft Vlliea, We are DeatCl' -r- "' ,1 l" tc g' w wi M1 uu 1,1 - J.WWIJ-Wvl-- .In-fR-H. .m t T t Southern, city: Every member! ' , 1 : ;( u'tT -N- . , . J-..f.fv.-fX.T;,-ii-. i-?.r..1L-oi the State, :bitch aijnan.is jeaUy? ui v .f, n urn tfft'Hif Ni.im?' arJi::" ti.i jLi-UZi lHaymore)r, ni-V' to 3ifnr in ,ti legislature wouia..w B uave mure, euiargwi. vie .titri-i.c ir.p,, , at may be;;saKl do notikndwi-aii.ijiaftotlier i p-your lectures .are- tho likd.' - - ' . jr 4. m i j . nil. - I erains - in- otner ocaies" l ne i reconi i had studied the Renort under ium- 1,. ; . ;.!!..;-- i,i.?i:,-i.i n ! . ; ! 's. '. it vuiJ ' i lio Jd'taTuftK I-iiunnt .iiuT Vt ;i urpat, --- - . ,i V Superintendents of some. ofheCom, wuus, ' uw e vei n Hu .; uy a vi cur , , 7." "7? -ii f",:'S" sideratiQn.f, After givingx the;l!ord - i -?"J ;5 'dow theresM in till r-cbrit - f .J'i' - ", rf",,.' c. v , , moiwealths are not unlike the out' Vow int resuip.in fne. ie,cpniebsiu Vi;si iirii l.-f4 of Commissioners ?'of'!tPiibHC' School' v. . . :'-.-. k.-,-.-: .. -i-wr--.- i &q.j u.TWr.c,;irr , aataami. ...The liitellip-ent corriiSDondent. ot ; ... .i .u--- Jma picture we nave drawn. , we luful "M v.j. .ywm-j .-r., ,:. PTl ;!( :? 3;f( .iiau;' and Standing Committees, tha;ird;. gaylrur the alary -of' teachers4 vota threeryeavs.-heuceaifferehU make their Report ;:Tliis; ico" '.in-; Mother rtie " -:WmPhtion:herov lniliaf they TotcHl '.on last Tnes- ;Atlanta,jsay bf.UtliwB.:inanuia tnmy-eignt. pages , anat. is po faithfully.' Kext comes the j Repots -; ' t ; - - '..-' ...i; IT ."JJ"t concerning the future of jnanufac-; , ,4,Lv! i ; t- : i,wfyh jAhkndwlexlgeof'whatwe -write or may tTHna Carolina ckwkal. y.patiacularlrof cotton; 'all hieri of in- . "rTt-"u Z '.Ta hwrite. ; We. hayrt! TfeifaXe of the, I ; ne negouanons ior; ' saic op teuigence -ana : Durness, expenence Bpea j.ms occupies eleven pages. c; e 1. ; , .rb.";-v fiA."it?t'ir.--1 r Jt.WtTlftiW Wii W ' dccupi come next to r the aries 1 of T Officers Publicj Schools. for the; present and tion of i pay f or teachers The publi are excellent 1 A distinguis scholar, authoir i U , ' , J euuuren 01 foii varoiuiH ai ncaii, -"v . " " " " - f "7; l" I i'aiin faqt,-npt easy to, seefiyny,tiie mil fSCneilUle OI fiai- I . ..n-iil I .1oTitvnl."R'"li-riVl Iimp nrt. vot hfAii 1 slinnlrf hnt 'sp"fe' t.hft 'r;ntton'insta"d of . the, and Vaphpis ' of . . . . . -: . , , . , - t,i -! cotton seeking the niill. The Southern, as We must. stop hevc ' n - rtf ' i?if;m Ir . snn !idubt thatlwSale jwilliereifect6d.? I a-vaiABty.ojf adyantaiSu3ffident.liitthbMis.i consider the ques; V . i ; . ' - , . ' Mr 'Fdwai-d- Matthews of ' New ?te to Uirntliisway the flpwp capital, ; . - 1 . ' 1 cojfirv : Thrnvi-mcrht. tf; be at. ltast .l -----;fr-ir .r . tiAii-ntw , V I RpfiltTno-invfistmentin manufacturing. or..at ; ' - . f.rl ffl";tot iW -Ar-t fiji.J. 01 a lar-e stockholder in the-road, -e--.st. a veTy:ie s--r; ?f ' fJt? iptinn & Vif T5i fimorti i -"""i . vr r i " : I , " T . A. - . -A i . I to believe tiiat tne usual laws oi xraae are. IC scim tobeof ndeffedtinthesematters: Nobody' as good as the best. , - . ; : V,!--;J.ii--; '' j:.:1 1 t?. nrnrbWn tnnmvpnt tho transfer.- I believes that manufacturine; h. to die out: in. hed r North OaroHni, 1 ! ' ; i S ?l 1. : 1 ? j v W v ; ' ' , ' i ' k-VI ,i i oV,0,b i New; England-, Miils . .andr their productsj 11 toiiiaveoeen to oostnict ana ueiay i uuiw U Uu Fi""."" .; s: vi Tfi. ifai-teaa nimrtiv-Mian m tne soranem k t- ..-..iil ij Mil i ii i i ft rrrfci ii't t r i.nst it ht 'tri I iiut kOBNtisEssiolr."' i, WjMft -vi rttt .- nans tf45 jSi 'tM'?;H -il ?S!m4ahl&ihe bt ttiese: charges 1 tibramefc'imlitanMtrc- tw een. Sandy Eian- aad a negro. The latter ' th: w a rock J At Rian. when he drew his ' j T fa ifeand ut the-egi,acrjss -'fh back, 4 fektojr'-a'slitflcs ' T fcorn is- selUng in 'the market -thw week at -.v eo'iow cents per nwiBMiW; ; VLi , ,MiltQljs-CV2fpMefevfJ ; ; fli railKAd anA TtbleBTSnh 1nii for tfif' ' town, we have' a cobd ' mina to acitate thc ' . .rtttuilding of the .cotton factory. . We had. " . jsplendid factory here years ago fwhich ; . was mirnx'to tne- ground to; gethe-lnsur- .lihce) ana in' arge nut mpletellf HaM Inneyi cairlBe5 1 ;KyNV;Bobfe PxeehWlThe rrj" . .v , 7" r ; rr-T - aents, j. j. iarr rtnrniign ktu j . c ttotf'i8'p-h,?;te Bdone,-;. iVola'hlV-''qu'b9ti5n oi time11 wKe-f cording Secret iY.' I Fy?- ,1 .Convention ; Rev" Dr.JK tA. Doug-- t m f i: - - j. -. . ! -i iua n'nit n-nauP' pnrwpn'Tr Tnnrp annm.ir ij-l js-ixu u.r; ruui f unvtA'k wbtfarcfofH-aler -WiiiAth VlftllVI IT W a-- linl' PmA vn rmnmrm ' T n-n - r .IinraT-lTXrVllT. TTIU 11 III orim . n 1 IF. If 1 ItlVV UllllVi 11 f I1U L UlOVvt. V1AV - I KIWI WVMI J '-TA . WMn cu. v. lecturerr .'To the people that like,, I session k. . a. nunn, n. vv . xvein- tm$ say that your lectures hartTV Pi Hdbgoda?' ''U! ' "r'W WTtvVtnrog; iiaat saoni people; r u Th Bantiat fihufch' was 4rrfirdd I J The Baptist "ehufchf was rdwdisd .-to its 'lull capacityda'st night to-hear Ocath or an .pid citizen, of wiimfn i the: Introductory Sermon of the Con-, Ml; tou,, j feem tJ is: rvf -i ii , i'ftVpnuoii, wnicn wjprepueu uy xwjy. ti m inrtPht WriA-iwiiW bifl ir. 'Il'- It. bJoMtteri paStdr ot the-First AimimiL ViSSW3 Baptist church Ati Raleigh: tt iwas tf 4 ' -t,M?"-!i T11"lt-".-3Yt' !pifYTt and thonbh iceunviBO- of the. death at.the.St.iicholas Boteh New iV aidrt aftd,, oflgn ccupyjog Yoricohi'thatiterneo7WrfaIr) 'febdldSITO. fOTuV WW -uv i .' f it. t- riit j. u , i. followed with, marked attention, by Latimer,.one;pfHhe Ai rsteemcft(;?iizens , yvuinmgtpn rv rcher Ubak as: ihifi tex jBf-.aiKiutt-i-iie,.M:t. ioo,,-.jmihii i.v. $he great wor.wnich nas -eei."Jora-, the hr'of,;'wJ,4 X :Latimer;,di4 large, mittd lspeby'bd miVI'vftrv snriifissfnl drv firoods business 'for (''g r-f"' ' V r'-"'h tt mumber 'bf'!yare,;;:rte: waaalsb'Vn the; YMOJDS,imiQRTHA for';' a? .short. Jiinataftijnmembefciof ulhe; litt'X rtf Anft; A:aBi'9fAtitJtnd .riririd wne- a i.x. -- K;J -if r'" " " T i--. - cjuuenxiueuueuu in biicui, au vnc r J . , .- : a -. rou pers of that cuy,$ay he.is an officer , i . i: . ; f , j . -1 7 T j.-- .r ; ,;. - lation approac; of extraordinary merit.' . We hope he -.-.j r'- 'i W-r'A-sfati.- witK'a rihnn-5 the ; negotiations ,,torvtne saierf .ami, 8Utes:;,,,..i.t.fliri tic vi kohwOH : ting a , V million and a when' thc-icase.-reached, a hearings yes'! ' ' llio time may; come hen the KW. i:l4A":-: .V.' teiay iiNeW-orlr eh nW-'Toner J"ai)'l!e'Jto'J -willyejiUlhe public pchoolsiof nati;ftnfb;' i.i.iiitens?- ! P-2-on5 dics 9 probable .tnrer? inrKft matkets ofJthbuw.orKMi loved ITorth. Carolina. I ; We .happen g'y- effect; of .this chimgefOff iwnership.oh, i.LaVeito shn up.tIt is Certains' to knowj thath takjsocr; AsMstau&reachi the cortmciafintestdfn th eannfc interest , m ine . Con rrressional r district. - l5ut -four ; -mit if the promena nm pt-eaucatipn.iixnra riiate transfer are 1 or ten percent, in thecost of manu-U s -poorlyH paid hi -Ballvr J .l j1L. d'Li'LLxLlS i carried out in ffOd-dfhre-seeino;l faetntino- irt faifor -of? the Sonth4 Weliavei-:ftlready mJZ:-3: r 1; ':-A i. cause for .serious apprehensicoi, Therecaiv ' " I 1 J j . . lJrrtiT& HwlA-ibd ; New York- JourhaPof Comnierce: r ilFILL f Jl XJaviUTCB. :fti . laiULiouu, i r .-i - .r- fr. ' : ' C V Ui oI iitin ihanl-l of tMdt J 1 ,. . : .; .' , t ... . 7 '.' ..-3 -i tl f Mfk-irthi I 'arrtlina. snhsmhsr i a t.hTn Wallhapf found ; progress Are teacher: more ? the inqjuiry :'in saying -above that the schools? are' Of the ;first brderl; ! ;WTieii: udany-one. schools when 1 VIKGINIA THE FIJXCKK AliWuuiU iUe a great imua fbrBds tari pWPr9feSi .t.l.C..V,;il; - -f tJ,.! hrtlf nil ich'talked ! Ff L-!? H W.gx,. -S- eyerjlliear jot excellent e Byuipae .wwMuugvMVA. -AI s,; -ii s, ni South. The. goods dfvOldEng' rhepay;wasinsunicienti; pje of Virginia- m their defeat ami oi . x and. !maVbe -kbot' Jout WardliibiW There can be no moredisastrfnis mis numiuat pn. - x ne ;c. v.-: tQfy' tariff, but leW England,-must i i- xJ 1 ?x't -ivi ' 'i --:ii.;iT nViWIr.aViQ whiti' Renrtd!atfdnists and It-reqmres'ii5L000i00a.-irWhO'iokl I'TrWrtu fl hv.L &rr .T!tf . take than to starve th teacher. tBalti- $u)lisziiB,wwe. yt , ,1 l , ., , ,ftv - ; r. -s,tandn uponjiitapwnrlttotn in a; . more is! fartoose ,fo attempt this .negroesacked by-Federal patron, have- : fair I Ind Uopei Competition wit hazardbos experiment SLet; iurn .ae and NhernReblican mo um would have proved too fJiMjf , outilhaynb 4b thatv ; totheRepdrt4tb feeco baS provedjtdb-strbng farWM;' the grtmercial" city rtie con- ,r feig.. The $uperinteiident; of Public seirati party.; tKe;consolaaQn to t?entvy,Jre,muse,morei , lrfif 5' structil for Baltimdre receives f -b nottfieans-larg .whathis du. bef cern,-soonr r" mmdJ i thBusahVbrilffe he1: is -the salary is; j against. jhe party, ,tn x -,H ,vy; a-to- i miles distant,. they .wili qomefionth-. NdhCaro" bitslf with the Virginia ifaction, that Brft Boston though containing. ;but; , ij : , v . . . i nivuj iimvii. ..i.ijv awuw v""-v"x; 500, a sum .by ; When it is remembered ties are'atid: wto rather small ;,JSo linian bW Hfi Rllsfertbdliisf tTatiW t? soor baa He ness.; There are. thousands 01 rte- w,; Ff "-"j.-""r- f ,ii: Knn I nublicans? scattered , thronehont . the ; prising aavehtures. We liopr Bos- - UIU I U .UUUUV Tijuuujuv.u,. r . 7-;-:.r.i , . . ., "-' , . I - .4, 1 ' -.1 '. 3- first class college !or University that I. JNdrthr who nave aenouncea tne 'suP;- " "' , f' :3 t.- -; 1 ; yntd Mahonrt and his set: hold the fair' in 1883. The duties he performs are .' of :the. and first importance: .There is not a pub- : victory 'gained under such .disreputa--- 3Q3,535, - Itisnowmoi'e tlianOOa Mis-hasterihe" fday' when f rbm' Vir- ginia Ltd the Giilf cotton .mijls.r will dojv thewhoig ,iaii.d.T t j .-vrndlMji t ;i'.The"f last . oensna vshowsthatthe Sbuth cotton' ddes' bttt'vSf ' per cent i of; the It is belieyeiby; the. xnpitl inteigentiibusitiess: ?ne.nf inthew . ..J.J' "IT 1 . ' ' j 1 j. 1- . -l nAA coiioii. iimuiing section mau uy i o u ine, pquiniwiii raanuiitciure ai(ieasi "20 per r'cent.!I "aiid"that the growth will vcontinue ..steaaiiy anji, iney napiy. ;.and' The) popfila- was WW importance, tXhere is not apuD-i :v-ei.i-jf Mu uuiait' l ' ,: - . . -i .- - . - i; v; lie functioriarv in "that city .who liaa 1 bio circumstances., v ; . - light breaking -upon -liHE ' "-"I -: . i. .'.-.T. s.,,, I . the means and opportunities5 "Of the' h rheAKlmm so aupermtendent; ot, doing gopg-oitj - r ; -" , -,; Wtv inted beine felt in all the grades of society -Virg ma ythat it iwm :and in every circle The Stab has:; again; -sisted with the utmost that the 1 Superintendent - Schools in 'NortkCiCarolinai wasf 'thof Carolina aad other States who; for most important Oovernmeht be paid, Isalafybf;. t2.500. Howcean -Noi ever bav. t.lifl.T services df rsUcha Itie. prooaDllitr i inat a u"-'-4 v?;r Hr scnoiar and teacher uuiess.it is .wining to pay iprine 1'" facmrerreckSis Wing and precisely man;who awakensby,p vass, by '.yigdriA elduent a!ppeAls;(' a great eoucauonai interest;irora one end of the1 State' W &h otherwho so arouses the .taxpayer and parents -that a great eonc5anal?"i"eyv A UU. AAA w -w - . I ; ' . . - - r n : i T. ' . I J " eradlvinV'cnspt .W ueraWif items may.be Mil ThetffoTJoV SIa7 M W rMvxoixts of thb:: Souths eettoJA-, mills. I gimiihg aupalhig; f3HtpWiistf respective pcates uijiiAeateepiug. ., ; '-k:'! respectiyi ilie party Hhat I -Th hVWccess in Virginia will In-.l factones pay better than the New I inSurance, $5; waste by steahng, careless t Tuin'UDon ?,tjJ .1.1 -ijij ranee. ! 7. eentsj,,prayagp, ,&t .cenu j , sam- I 'i ney naviTonndupo r n j U1-W founds hf au- cepts: I tliav 11 .js.rtj j,aeij wiiKi"--.ii,,c'l1u 'J 0rokerage-2 freight id Wew England 'and V9 i 'desired-to khow?J4W at'dnfee fecttg lvlcling! onlyitwff position 6f rpubn- tnist f ' .:, U.iuAlnmni'tA.. k anMim f. ftripi'.' mllM! sandstone. Jwith the strange ixrorjertv! paraiiveiy humblft,ioi3es ,uctpripf he 0f flexibilitv" It can be slisfhtlv bent Ccwrnercial jank and p jflie Bank of. Capq J or stretched Or cbmpfess'ed in any2 ffl ,rrear, .rie.ws-s aeu spout v vtara, xujc i its f aimensions. -iiAiiu reuiarKauiw FilULLUS were nave iw iw& iobk uigut 1 biuuc--4b ; auuuqi j mnaiiauinAiBUM u if -U'tii ok r'tlrr w.w.-'.-.-ytPty. '&MViA6mcaX- reason of the conhectibn is .. j ,; ; . . .. ,..,jt;'- v f not knowhbtii ttie1 'fMlsindufes- Frei2en , r fI tbniThe: searched treatirV iijThe German barque ., I7?jrt Bm&, Capt: ( m orjth..C;arplinalvttJdf i beenbourr; nwlf afihisfeforin. l'aoed bV a "find" of itacolnmite. for. .w-n :-4iartvi'iivMbs.ii3ai6h thesis not without 'hone: of. disco ver- hc&M:imiijmbBaTo Ping diamonds also.' The" presence'df1 i vahied, and, thp 3iah harquei gold ra several-parts oi tne ratate tn- Uni xra rU ivrrmn, VatTIpp- L .cTeasft.tho r.uees ofuthejiawidnd ye Dee,n !taKenT.irom tne bldeldi ahifif socially migui dg -Drained m- - 7o--" r -T 4" AargerrquantityrMHd ofogreatersze fotMay,S7o::: .rtii .j - :dto -jlVe j8 an aclrabthat i, rrhU 5thi-Aiintt ..vfiiwiti.Miti-hrii v mdnds'i ui r VimihiaZ-Nbrth Cardlitia )wbs Ileare5l5 t.jldiport JtMU- Georgia onld' liObn Thfmhfiins-. with 183. 00Q feet of lumberand tirtnJArnsMa&4UKftii&A:4RiJ& WOO. shingles; valued I at 3,2$6 8('and of 4uVierkh'GovkmideAt'fH nb'seh, for UkiVyessi'-r fdr years . a great.iapd growing 1,; '.fe'TVriifiiflrkn.' hultli & I25Rj.lia.lj."imS;i jeottailiHMhi-aTiwTior ' t.liA -nrtTi final elements jwehing STOjj.pdSjftn ftfS... .Tom,vame.; oXpreiexani -wiv-aiu a lewj yeara paua'ii uwir for the dav. JS68.589 32. - - , v demonstratea .to -tae wmm. iXnax, np r I 4 1 ' ' '-'H' fv-jfvl -toleration; df this corrupting : fabuse, lot only .placed tne liie oi tne .Second Crof fjs ,fuxt l -i ? had It "'"ii?-!0????.. f- PAideht irt jeopray,,I-buthad' Actif- the second crop of rice has so tordspcrfeotha of a- President uby iiolene. It jus Weeks ucli weatheif b -we1 haVe beeh1- time' fp?,the peopje tp. pause and.con- avhi: since ?i:firstri template',' tjie. utter, : ah inevitable 1 secpnii woyid -eadv f pr, the seythefeJ 7 rnin 'ofrai5 political" stem to which is rapiy heading, and ia someinstances the ,we are Rapidly haitehingpf and i'p'rd . i - 1 3Z. 1 II . XT 4i- 4, henfon the eve of maturing. Twdcrbfe ?im VM- fm;Wwt- Fire at i.umiertoiksrk.'-H t .'sHi o;i ' tne dapger,' ana wnouy eradicate uus or,' .'A seined by fire yestrdayjnnrmnjogether (with a good MrTaylo 4- V iA C . .ji ,!i -f;; loot ' V-h't. 1 meht wili be made at bncc.-Ameri- thet jdisaster.- Diligent enquiry last nlgnt i . . n .. , --i!l-' t. ofBTrfflirnar-Mi Register, Bern, . - f - theabove,j -feitayHb joiH'lI-n. fTtCm$eriiaivt.m.,ih4i) name t ja i. fir hti r-niaortifii t ;niirfii nRTitr Tin iiiHiifti in .fi-rrlWiTOir3Wfai83aaaWeiy; H 'TUitim'iMv- MltMl ihv tta JWuT1 ft is,a,Nex,.Yorfc ; correspondent spredie, Bacbn. - Judging from the. contents .of the tipn.ahbutrtthe-ftJthui'tiadAni It- ;ntunber before us the cluef aim of the pa-' the first thrluarlera-of jtbii plngJiiBmei -Wer to Review ahdrseriticifle the 'Atqerican are carnfiavjPUfcin peopre vwu nm 'fJMeran ChurcAmanedited, hy..the Rev, ireasdnhbly critical as to the statehness part j Wmt Kirkus; rector of the Church of 'Sr. ngave steady employment to imBer wbrtny'i popj--people.i worn; and in'ot' the hanc - Hrethral .Yq are growing okl, care-, . worn; and Jnot the handsomest man vou r ievarwi tieiMa-Bft-:HmPVsahd8-o Kf. like "' JheJ lamented-Jifdge Pearson's,' writs pt shth, -1 a eorimsi have' nearly' played out; but if TyOM wihu to snow wnai s iue nanerwiia ora j -. A lint Hannah-4Jie Printinff Press of North -- Cpiihawhy W few prosper-and so many , " ,lt)uap8e-trstop-: nghtTtherey iiincl : Well tell v . Sh irirst, there are six papers toone toon , f a iy alU'stroggling to.' gt a support; i sec )a41yidff6f p& drculationbedbAanket f ' t pai ers are put down at about, half-price, as if ' ah nducetneht'-to 'people' tb 1 eubscribe ' to i v (them and, in nihe cses; out pf ( ten it is the . mam it notrthe pniy inducement or recom-. r . mepdatidtt:J!Brethitt.'th'ese; are 'words of - ' J jSpbfeiroess.ahdjxii,th-rr-h8rk-ye : savi " " "';.' - 7 . - -.- QtttAv'JP'iWi6:: Ella ' Williams. daughter .of .the late i Rev; Wm. ' Tla-mnnpt'r: ajid hpni-fH wif nf V, W .(Dor- i bur i;5f;y' after1 several weeks' bfiilmess, ' 'die. I at he? residencti In this city on Sunday.'.!' flie 30th ult. , leaving her husband, two small -chi ireft ahd -'many.' friends to mourn her (' nit mely death. - -The annual 'meeting , of me Societv of Friends convened at New , .GaAleU f last Mnesday'. li On Sunday the 'crowd in attendance was larger. than usual, a. ; mamy thousands being present. A pioposi tToil was4ubmlttd by the ' Baltimore Asso-"5 s iallon,i through Francis T, Kjngk to . raise afind of ferty thousand dollars for the " purpose of crecting-'new scnoofc puudings -- enupwing- -yo insuiuuon.r,, aaic, umuer .. discussed at' considerable leriethr the queBtiott of ixjatioo; beine the'poipt of jdif-- ' iferebce. , The- claims ;pf Greensboro and r ritgii roxax were respectively urged Dypar 13esirepreseihafthe;two places. It was , aally determined that , the - question of lo-- Association sad the? trustees of New Oarden ' pafrding School. ; : .,; . . j :, . -J.izaije'Clty Jfabnomistt Mr. 1 ' J - Ouice bi'xWinmngton; N. C., is in the -, i ' feiiyl to .remain, some time.:. He represents', - the house of Boney. & Sons, corn mer- . chants.' tTaere was a. sad death cn tne '1f. EdeptpaExtenaon railroad on Weblnesday. . v mi i . i. - . t. j . i ..i i - iiu inuu run mio a uunu-cur ai nigui. auu - t Hied ne 'man.! Our Fair. which ' -dpeied on -Tuesday .and closed on Thurs-. . , . IAa-rt was, au - boiuc reaptsuia, a laiiure, auu in some respects a complete and gratifying -r success, and .in. other respects,, again, it , i or4bined' ' success ' knd failure. -Miss ' ! ! . Liziia Ehringhause; (departed -. this( hfe on Thtfrsday, aged -30 -years and a few days. .-.--jWashlhgtohr 'dbte: The late' rains are 1-1 nuryywgi ui .uip iaruit;r in : uiuir coiuiu -picking. Labor is very scarce, and pickers are bffered one' dollar per hundred pounds ' of'ificked : cotton, f -Chowan items:- It ' hsbeen quite sickly lately', and the dis- . , . eascb "Jare fatal. The railroad is' pro-' 4 grespmgvfihely ,i iWe expect tlw trains, to '.rr run through next week. A new.rail rQadj from Suffolk to Edenten is now a cer - - taimv-. t -There is no t dmtht about it. V . . . ' ;")Ve have to lament" several , deaths last - . l weeic. -ijars. unesmref wite ot it. r. une- shirt,. died on Jttpnday'.-1 Also, on the same',,,,, day! iliss- SummerrilL' ;A. M.' Moore is improvinar.'t f u ;;u ;.?;.-' j -- ,.m? v-i ;.i ' : . -;'4-FayetteviUe..5 Urajeu Bcnool. is doing well. r. , l:nc numoer , v of rpupils 'now 'enrolled is 'abouifOur hun-" 1 - Hi '. 0h Wednesday. ! November 2d, ' a dificulty 'occurred in Fleallill township . i( between a colored jrbuiig man by the name " ' of ' Jpshua ; Dahiel. and : Ial - .Faircloth,' ' a iwhife man, whiqh , resulted .in McDaniel's . ffects ,ofr-which, he Jdied.- s Faircloth . . Wasl arrested .and committed to jau. Jef 'i'M il4 ! IA) lMm tl4f yilr'yiait ' II V UA. J A.UV& VJt AVAIrl t-A. VUUV JJAA WWM Bfui snwho lost his arm; by an accident at j the (otton. gin; last .week,-is doing well, " ' CkV ITtmtrivfM'AVnt'liaii At in Vaxratta. 1 1 vfflelnn finndavthft 7th in sit.. .after a short rllnpia " tTia first "hkttln Rothpl ' M l ! . . . " : T T - ' i Uhutcm'on. June lutni iiiwi, waere neex-1 hibiaed that bravery. ior' which 4e was- af-. . . ti terrds'so distihgulshed. ' Soon' after the - y first br Bethel ijmaent was disbandedJ he on-' set' about Io!raisp , a cpmpany . for. the, war, 3 ; . .whidh'his doDularitv and . renutatioh asA- company :wasaft"aidrcc r 51st fCCSI (?' iftlpon the'organizatiojaof " , . 'whiQhhe was elected.;'3tajor,- and soonaf-;-. terwirds vwas regularly, promoted to the ti,-..' Cplonefcyof. the same. ...... -.; , ...; , j t i Weldon Nsxoa:' On Wednesday -Werner 'NaW while -working bread in his -' father bakery, feahght his hand in the " T roller, which crushed all 'of - hb fingers and r&T&ri our the fineferynalla J1- Ori last v ' Wednesday a white man by the name of . Uarper, trom iNorthampton; county, wnue -iralking across -the bridge fell off, striking the ground below, a distance 'of thirty-five or f6rty feet. 'He was Very drunk, and ' J. " "was hdt much hurt. Had he been sober he 1 .wouSipTdbablv havebeett killed. C1- We I learn that on Friday-night the gin house of - t'Mr: Wv-T. 'Parker, at Halifax, was burned j.torth greimd. Ths -iwiiding,; engme and , ' s1toyeAj;'ehtaihng jaiheavy loss,'none of ,J wjt4ch, -iwe ufider8tandr was Covered by in- suranceiii It is: supposed that the building 1 - '-i wai sefOn fire by an incendiary: -Mon "" 4ay, W. Fenner; of Scotland Neck,waa senomslycutin tho: abdomen by a - negro named Stariing Barrow. -ItBoemsthat Mr. - -Fenncr mployed the negro to work on the Plantation and told him to eo to' work. ' I The heero' . replied in an Insulting manner,' ' when! Mr. Fenner caUght hold of him.- The - Ibegrd cut Mr. Feimer; whg "knocked him , : . .. , down twice. The .wounds xtend. across. the abdomen. -U Warsaw Brief Mention: ; We leeply -regret id learn that - a "ydunj ! the " misfortune to ' get his bands badly .. , , . : flacei-ated by Merritt and Register's saw mill ." ' ateven prmgs, wayne.c., last noay, W regret to learn that there is a great 1 , . deal of 1 Typhoid fever m Canton ; Duplin Superior Court will be held next , Monday week. Judge Shipp will preside. . .; t - The Wilmington Stab deserves the", JV ' thanks of all Southerners for the admirable ' ' manner in which it rebukes the slanders of '. " . , oat Northern enemies, and the false pre- iteuces set, jap by many,; in the North, to .re-; f to exMbit..bynslanderingv the Southern t" ' people . and aUuding ,tp their : manners 7,,,M l!ai' those" of the- i plantation: &c. " frXMSJ&stnaA&iNQtfQet: s8,- 1881. -' Jmiot c$, Bri Mention: JaoTWOiZ he 'r war ana- behevfnff tha ia ; with the people and for. the people against , ! tne railroad monopolies, -we ieci u to oe our duty toaskyoit, tiuugb; your columns, to . call a meeting of the .citizens of Duplin. J county dn Tuesday of' court, the object of I which will he to publicly endorse the course - j ; of pur distinguished Senator ahd thereby ; show our appreciation Of the bold stand he ' h .taken mlwhalf of North (Carolina,,- i i of which every North . Carolinian should b4. proud. . ; - I i i - . x r ' e t i 5 1 I '-

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