r ' r v ? " v v y : , .1 lie ) f V fL-..:.. n : AT v. - - , ' (Euterttdntthe P" ..(.er.j i ; V" ' subscriStioh jiinsjle Com I year, postage paid, ;r f . Jf. months. ' f " ff.50 : too . .5a Br it -l-J - --4- t V . - Jf J - .. Hy ' 7-:k"; '' ' i.i',:. '.- - . . :t i , a;!.-. -r-'-r'. Oh - - . li"r-r rr-" r' ' -rt. IS- 3 ' - T -.""" JCT W . -: ; -W ' l i. iv-r;- i tt 1 i v. I ' 1 ', ' ' ,;' i 3 months. .." AKOTHEB ROUTE TO THE NORTH ' i - - "WEST. ;.f'j j.-r An intelligent gentleman living at Asiu'ville has written to lis concern - int the importanee of that town hav , iiig more direet eommunication with. Wilmington. " He thinlaalthousrh Aslieville is -growing and: flourishing : I Iiat ''her Ontside connections will nbt is. e until ihan grasp Jmnds with ; her h the sea." lie to taee "the Uarohna Uentral 1 extendet from Shelhv throuorh Hicko-' rUitb wer as bur ean-espondent says, "itt iVuht placej Wilmington' some ritiVi'nty n lies t iiearer t- -Ashevillp t liiaji.i.'o if- p;'f!ot"'nt.ver7thj5j ;u Western orth C-arbHna atid the lAtj- lanf uvTei uies TIkv roHte proposed would "place I . - v iimui!4l( ii ui auiumusi uireei.: iiue, ?'' aiid AihevillCj with ' Gin- ehmti,van V;wp.nldmal.j(trprt.'ac' ireibfe-b3 ,: a'-Rh'-lrotttitliythip v7 -( " " auaries ri-Ji rjrraaarics oi,kthergreat West i ' ":'. .u ?i-r 5 whilst opening n'p ja largeection3.in NTfh th CrJtHina or direct ttrude . with . or itv.iFhat; Wilmingtbrt : must 4 svk tradci in everV. possible direction if !uwbi'fld groWidfUrjirisli would aj ear to plain-.for..argumnti? She most, reach beyond the sections now trjhiitary io her if she would expand aii! ilouriih : like other commercial . eitU's in tjie SouthJT She ials- bbth marmfact ires and wider connections with ''the! regions bevbiMli" ! )ur resj)ondfent says; of ; the pro pscd roiite by way ;- of Hickory Nut Gap, thafit passes through as grand and icttiresue. scenery as can be tquna in itne iana ot tne &ky,r 1 w e hopcitliata; Wilmington i will not shut i 1 1 ey es 1 1 any schjemef that ;prpraise4 gen uine benefit, and. that .those-who are engaged in railroad developments will not fail to examine .the lad van tages that are promised by this route to the Great Xorthwc8tiby'way Of Asheville'Ve'wrfloi-befflad"to see the beanilful ; andouriiiing moun4 tain townj ? in ch)sennctk)ri rwith our cit v. 1 -Both would ' share -iii the benefits o a nearer alliance. ;.' ' t 1 Ion. Lewis' Hanes. of Davidson county, i dead m his 5Cth year, of. heart disase.''';JIeervfed5n Leislatilre and i it ' the United Ssates Gongresl was an editor j: of -superior abili . ltjes uid - withal a very reliable, amiable land1. person." We i knew pleasantly ? and h el d him in csteem ecauso of his n. unquestioned ability7 alvd peional inteirrity AVei laVl :thepleasure j of .onet newspaper discussion with : him. : and v we willing testimony to the ability and curtesy! with whieh he met mv To libld diseussion with so even temper--ed, gentlemanly,- and fair a disputant was graifylng;Hecarried hVslainf ' on his sword and never struck boloWj ( ... the beltjor; in ;th0dark.IIe Waa! 1 consistent member of the Episcopal: , Chureh,iandduring the las ten'years cooperated with the-Republican par-j ; iy. ;j, in ius aeatttw-ine ycai ipses.-a ; man of arts-a i yalttablfitnd . ;tent:citi4em l:.f&);:V-'di .1; The; Richmond J)i9pateNm letter; r f rorni Wkshingtoii "-: say slconcerni rig the Mexjcan veterans:i lltiri: VI ':notced ini''--'jiAtfuA Uhe House Pensions Committee will soon report the bill granting pensions - to soldiers and sailors of the JjIexicaHwar andpthersi.This ' bill gives pensions to the officers., and .men of the army: and navy, inclnding Volunteers and militia, who served sixty -days iri- the .Mexican. war. , It also 'ives pensions to those who! served1 for. thirty ; days ixf the Creek. Seminole.' and Blackf Hawk; wari Also, to the widows of, all of the above who have not remarried. No one receiving a uension nrflsrwllr fjfi'entitlcd TO One under ; this bill, nfcr wlirany- bneabbrins under disabilities! imposed by-the- Fourteenth amendment be entitled to its benefits." 1 - '1 -'M. ;-'. jjii i i k tu "i r'f i ilT 5. 1A?3", .The President yesterday signed the Cen sus Deficiency Appropriation bill, . yqu:z:l -' A-writer cnIoi2c.?' i:i s:me piper the late Nathaniel JMcon a 5 patriot -worthy- of all estec cry cxtrayji-.". declares that he vtzJJ'Ia' alf octcU), i;Uo gre?.tfsV?Tan CatlTorth Carolina;5, ever gave ,to the pu-.c service. 'He as. -greater thai. IZciitbiv Dads' Cr3tc:v.Jinles Irctlclh'-tha. 'vouWeaC' u:ira "dozen .others lhai could be ? J, f ar, 1 t. i ' " 1 that; :Ve :'v.o. nct!"rbss'yJca" x;ouIl find Javfil-'Ifea. ihiholV: i;oI;A"bVV8ide of-"Varrenosi;ttt "wLd- Relieve It. .A e wPuld nounder'ato JXJaeon,1 whose ; simple, pure, useful and cxniparedSvKJV"ih6eK thersi3that5iniffhtiibe ladded j.i ! He" sd hihsaanSenators 4pm and honesty but he never made a great speech Mi:his life; and was no it doubt; incapable.: of; so doing;.; .He vas cantiousJ f sagacious aman j of Bterliltg Jtonestyt-and jommon-seirse, with IstreakT-'oif eccentricity," as Iwe apprelfends this character, a running- through himHe lived at thci right; time, feervediwith usefulness and-tlis-. tinction Lis .otajce, ana leit a memory -4hat' will . be-i4ong ; cherished- by the- pepple pNprtK iCarolinasK - . W hen Qutfieau-i heard--the verdiqt; he1 became furious" and cursed 'the . j nry and called down upon them the vengeance of the,. JJeity. As the last name of ther j urv wa called the- prl- pner surieiceiu tfllrrii i "iybloW'1l'un'the; licads of jury T)on't you.forgcl it.' ; v ; ; . i- IIe was ask'eS: by a-reporter of the Post if he had any fears that he woiild die ow-tbe scaffold. lie replied:' "i f . . i v ; , . -. .t .- ' . - i ' : , 'l am in the. nands of;, the Lord, and I have no apprehensions. Life is but a span. " It is. appointed .-unto all men once to die, ' and no man will die before his appointed time: No man-can say to-day that he will ' be alive tQ-monrow. ; Take the case of Clark son:N. Potter, t Only two weeks, ago lie was . alivcL and weiu-, l saw mm m the court Toowfc, intensely interested in my tri day he is in his coffin J t si io? trial. To- REPUBLICAK ON THE - SPOILS . SYSTEM. ' President -Andrew: D. White, 5 fof Cornell University, has a paper in the Niyrth American Review for Februa ry that is a well directed blow at the spoils system ' and in favor of civil service reform. lie is- an able, seho- larly Republican, and -was recently Minister to Berlin succeedhig the la-4 mented HayaMTaylor;:. ne discusses ayardTayl the. question with force and clearness -"Do the Spoils belong to the Vic tor ?"a lie I thinks well of qJtenator Feridletbri'st biland says that ltaf 'tho onlj'; measure yet presented which' even elai ms to give a clear and intelligible path out , of the present difficulties." rWe i wpuldilikc -tosee Mr.: White's article circulated extend siyelyf as a ;pamphlet.; a It treats the whole subject; so.calmiyi so sensibly, so strongly, that it cannot fail to dp good wherever" read : by intelligent persons.: ! We do '. noti say a he ; is cor--reel in his position in';all t respects." The probability is that he errs in sup posing the 'English system to be adapted to. pur particular Govern ment'. But the-arguments and illus trations hCployi to. shbytheie- ees8ity-of-aehage ot-aretoiTttrft-iare, Hhtrnctivcahbtnmt ft"i i Here is a passage which iscateoded f or theorthy butf it8trttelEHi;per4 .hapsbl iderapplwaiibnXiV He says 4 ; Thbse whO hddoVith'yopri.hiea liefore the war will. remember that the fault then "was perhaps - tod ; mu(m ;;enthu8iasnv about th& bries bt Uberty lextendingthei larea of freedom. and the like'- But luekv j it was for-the country; when1 the civil war came, tmu sncmyas iae spirit ui its jwuug ;men" They who fo-day talkicalmly iwith; young Americans of the sort; who. are to mar orimake the future cannot but be struck. bv this ehance.' There seems' a widespread beiict amomr :tnem uiat nouncai me. af ter an . a Srame of erasnln-r and ffripinff- 1 that generous sentiments arc the badges of fools, that patriotism is an outworn lure of; tricksters; that , honesty and honor are en-i urery.Danisneu iiyiu iue puuiiusui YivvirA ?A11 were bfi seandK candor; ;4eplbr-ecd service iand admit that-nnless there is a; great change wrought, and that not -longliehcferthe ifsW--will. beme Incurable. There" -are many good, faithful, hbAesttu3n in office, but all bow ithiemQatesithitasand who jOtherqualifieation j5But?v-whon iWill therefoWbegin lUtjj' as long as, tjie i cKepubliean ..party is in ptrtThau tion thatprevailsi jThatpartyalpne., is resporisiblcb power f or moxtthaii--twenty years. GribTTOatio rbbangef of ft AdjoBnisiradon? not think soJ Even President White a lSF6' TOm responsibility coneisihing the present ? state of - the public service. V. !Hie - great fraud, in 1876 perpetrated by 'hia. partyby wincjijXue rtaiuency was sioien ne Tjeobl'd nveie defrauded oiit' of- the ght fxhQip an'i the ecied Sfresk dehllf lUdaWW. irer- allowed to-takeChis seat, did more. to. de moralize politics to. IpreT-he,t'etan .daid pf oSjci&I. wtegrttyrrthan ill else that has haprietied "The-Xew '.Tori;' WiwJiT9:Wi:tiii9-mxtns -rraragrapn,; andonce'rniiigf thp HnuiajcCof evil mjarapJefipon. yDutigimenycastsi ly coiuiIthbWrboHld auyrhciuestyouflg man 'believs.tliat bdlitic&.xidBoec!fmvitc. XWblicaa politics, the politics of prfptended porauiytma or iraua, sanytmn but ?a kanie or --erasDinar-'arid crroini : that senb- ttras teattmehts ar thQ ba5ss?s of fools; that patriotism ia atf outworn lure of . tricksters; ana tbat honesty dand, honor arc entirely banished from the'pubUcrseryiceTV' f a itaiso :remin(lrr--MtMhatUieI is- in setting au evil pahiple because he participated in? the wime" pf J 1876, by accepting office ; under nayes and f going5 :to a foreign' court' as jadipipmaUst draws attention to 3nbther civil ser vice rormer-rIriEdward: -J&xPher-son, Clerk of tlre !Itqtiio0bfi:ttepre sentativesjf and a man of : deeency andl-nrtlllnce" to the. iPhiJadelphia-:in:Hvhicji he refers "to the. .cblleetiOn bf funds! for campaign purposjcs froni officials, as a mattef'fouriivnd as alto gether proper. ile evea speaks with apprpajiv the in-, comes of officeholders as ". 'taxes," to be paid.-jnstlike any f other ?taxe levied by the Government ; or the otates. me 5r..-savs ot .this: - ; ; I i "A. pouucuuvwno taus craveiy ueeiares to all practical intents and purposes in fa- : vor of. offering to- Government officials the alternative of giving part of their salaries to . help their - party- carry the election or: losing their places, accompanies such an avowal with - twaddle about i throttling the people through the selection of delegates to party conventions by county committees! If Mr. H cPherson is a representative of the, so called reform element in the Republican party; it is quite plain - that the only way to' reform that party is; to turn it out of power, : and keep it out until it learns af least u profess twtjiething akin to honesty- and d cency." "':;-.-.!' .-.-? ' j , So the prospect of reform under a Republican Administration is not very encouraging. . . . j Gen. O. E. Babcock, U. 8. Army, wil commence .on Monday rebuilding Royal Shoal Lighthouse, Pamlico sound. A stake lantern will be exhibited while the structure going up.; AU the beacon lights recently ed away ia Currituck sound haye; been replaced and the skoals of Edentoa harbor have ' just been remarked . with beacons. Temporary buoys have been placed to mark the channel Jeading into Bodys Island, N, C. i as f ollows : 'Piret, black spar, then black nun, then red nun, a stake marking good anchorage. . - THE G TXITMA U VERDICT. Received by the People with 'AaUfi.c ", tion and ReIlC Comments ? of tb ' EnlUb Presa. DBy Tetegraph to the Momtajf Star. j New Yobk, January 26. Dispatche irom various cities report that the Ouiteau k verdictwas,promptlyf1bplkjane4rtand re trou with satisfaction andJjelief;; , Telegraph, Mormng Post, IyAemax& t the cbnvitftioniGulteaubut alr"wita moreoriess.v-severiiy crpicisu lue conaucq of the trial.- ;' ; ' - . By Telegraph to the.Mornln Star.l - t. Washi'sgtox, Jan. 28.f-CoL Thomas A Carter, of i Asbevillei through: his counsel Homer II. Stuart of New: . York ; II. S. Senator M. C? Butler of i jthWCarplina, JVIaj. W. ILJaalone ,of, Asaevilleraud ex 'Seaatbr.Jnbr.Paul and Col. -AL L .Woods of JVAshmgtbp. j Cityjled in the Pederal Comt at. Greeiwboro, , N. , C.r esterday, . a bill in Equity vs. the.W.N. C, R RCo.J th Ricunond,& IfenyiB&Railroad Co., the N. id 1L -B.-'. ColS the'rPledmont Proad, Co.", the- East -Tenhessee Virginia Geor- gia, jroaatJor,.JanaJiienry,,: views ana, others,"The7bili ueplares.7 that- the com- nlainant' boueht ..the Westechi: North Caro-! finar3ateijadinch f ranchise, a SherifFi salerP liVestern '2 GtRlrbadem Division,! . including; Jthc. f ranchise,. ,at, SheriftHs, sale,! uecemoer Ojoiafojana atiaeeaspy tne. Sheriffs havev peea-haderrand delivered m him ; whereupon, . he ? demanded possession,! .which heVwasuaable tb bbtain. He tlien .began suiOa -the', State VcourtS- to recover Dossession. which; ia -stilLr, pending; He! brings '.this', suit to ji-setk aside-jertain; . closure; the last. . of which was rendered at : the October term 1875. r The bill prays thai decrees relating 1 f prcclosures bo set aside, and the sale thereunder and:pecially cthe final decree '.' confirmin sr fthe sale : that 'the morteaare bf 3larch Tl. 1870." :be adiudrcd : .nun ana voia; also, toe mortgage lor foout- uw; inai compiamani. ue r put inw posses sion of the Western N.C. B.R.,; or that an Jaeebunt rhe taken showing -the. " liens and claims upon the WN. d .U. R. Company, both divisions: that the complainant have leave to redeem the propertyby paying- all . ' just liens! and claims prior to ; his title, and ;tbat there be. included. '. in. -the;' liens. what ever - sum the State has, expended in con struction 'since,acceplingthe.title under the decree Of 1875," up to the time of the sale to 3Ir-Best, or; that ; said Jdeerees' be ,, opened, and that . complainant,' , the .Western Pivi sion Company," ftscreditors and stockhold ers, have leave tdJntervene.'. : !rt C Ci i: N Ed. Iklton colored, was executed tt on Friday, at Mansfield, La. for the attempted murder and highway robbery of r, Alfred Smith, last summer. . p.-iQLD. TIMES, ,.jL ; . I ' Tl i T ' -' it JVC'' .Fortber Cereneetloaa imA .,IneI4ent : - .J,C..lT-. Oldeu Time, . '? -:.,;. i- . The Capa -P Uecorder of November 23, 1331, alludes tqthe approachmg -session pf the LegisLiture as being one of more than ordinary.intcrest andimportance,fromthe. fact, that tlie -question was to be settled as to -urhptlim ti.. Stntf : TTnnoo -roViinfi had iately.been destroyed by fire, shquldlbe re-1 .bmltrat Iiajm should be d(rtermiae4rtQ concentrate r the F, energies of th&State-,by !'estahlishingtthe fscat , of go-. vernment .where jit j maytaUniijtato j,.the growth of a fommsrcial.cppbrjum sufD-' cicntly large lonabVe hee to draw -from, hi-, stead f paying tribut to, her sfcter Sttates, evidently refemntO:ilnngt6n.. , fc The JlM.': 3th1rtTkjtt3t'for r of JTorth Carolina met in . this,(city;hn the: previous Saturday; but little. busmowas done owing' to the absencoof .Chief .nst ice ahirshall. k t -iM'SM'i I "i . ....Mr ' Qnllen, : a : clown., advertises .a per formance 'to. take place for his.benefit,,with an.entiref change of jpeffbrmance, and . in dulges in this scrap of poetry -t-:tLV "The Clown's Jokes to-night will . not . be - over dry, :',-: They will make you all laugh till near to cry; : ' --JJv,.- t All lovers of mirth, I beg you'll. be there, i For - without you the benches : will look rather bare." ; ' ' The . dcatli, . pf . Washington , Lazarus, Esquire, is recorded, at the 'prematare age; Of 23. ,'i '. : ;-is?i'n!'-"K . The Right Rev. Bishop Ives ..was expec-j ted in "town. . r t r, . -. The dissolution of copartnership between James Kyle and John Dawson is advertised ; also, the formation of a partnership between Joseph rKvlo and : John Dawson, in , .the.- fancy dry goods business, Messrs. James Kyle and JohnJDawson but recently died,", the f ermer in Fay bttevflie andlhelaaisir in Wilmingtob. at'advahcedages. ! t Mrs.- Hooper advertises an infant school, with Miss. Reston as assistant. x - !t ; -Messrs. Anderson & ' Langdon advertise, new -fall and winter goods.' '1''? " I j t;iMri'-Henry Nutt (whd died ! here ra j few; weeks ago) advertises dry goods and gro-j ceries, "at the new brick corner," east of, j and Opposite his old stand, near the Town Hall, in Market street." . . i u : -j ; The followinjr refers to a -matter men-. i tiohed in Thurstlay's paper; "-; , . ' ' " ! j ' - -'Mtr. ; Editor i-Tour ' notice - in ' yester-'. day & paper of an incident ccurnng m Wil mington many, years ago, as elated by a newspaper ' then published , in Jthis (then) town, awakens recollections . and -traditions of: the past that seem like dreams. " " . ' J ""The scene of the explosion -was on the easLside of Second street, now known as the Carr building. - The circumstances and re sults bf the explosion are well remembered by dtriaens now living.. - . j i . "The privateer Gen. Armstrong.. had just returned from a successful cruise and need ed repairs. She was consequently disman tled,, jier armament and stores removed, and she carried to the shoals below. the ''Dram Tree" and careened. Her magazine was re moved te? -the place above ' iiamed.rt in the vicinity ofo the ''New . Market. 'Vu Those of us who recollect the old Town Hall will re member that it was of two stories. . The un der portion - was open and -'-was in tended "for useas"a 'market ;nouse, being known as 'Mud Market,utvI"do--fi6tTe-collooi'of-iteveP being used as such.- - The . Captain SittClair, of the privateer (frtvArm- L atrpftff; was -a noted character -a man.- of great determination and will, as4; his after career proved.- An incident is---related of the explosion which iiiustratcailhe,. charac ter of the man -Imraediately after, the ac cident many, persons .rushed .to the spot. Among the rest was-tme- of Sinclair's inti mate friends, who murmured aloud : Well, old Sinclair's gone to i h 4 at last!! Which jWas responded to by .Sinclair, himself, . who said: That's ad-n lie:' Ben Jacobs: come Ntereand pulUni oui)thls;'j; - :uJ ' .-''The Gen4rWMfljarwftrdsbeeamcr famous by her boldandsuGcessful opera tions on the British coast and in the Bay of Biscay. Tbe Britishidmiralty issued a special order ior Jhet destruction whenever found, Shejiussb9daf terwards block aded by two Enghsbwarse sls Wle at anchor in aSpanishportTYigo, I think; Spain .theh " being onJc)endly terms - with "!t,BrltainMcteaitgd: ita beutral port.- 'A df--aYi.grag. ies-,xor tturrenaer- of rthe Armstrong hich"belni-f refused.' the two, British ves rselshbldly entered the harbbrr and ranging ,tna iortuajici-dmanaei ortne uap .tain the surrender rpf Ws yesseLiHis answer .wasthe Jioisting, of thejAmerianLjIag- and clearing' for' action,' which 'immediately commenced.- - -The- two 'powerful1 English vessels poured broadsideoAfter broadside into the devated schooner, - which was nswerei by tMcAncj-wt-all.of "his abiUty. v, The eonflict wafearfulas long as it lasted,hut the. contest was'tob unequali In a short- time the 'S'n;'' Arvitironp yitA- a ptfect,ttrecki v-thldefsnoecas heroic.! iThe ljnsaetiop,ed:'fp.i .-ncbtw'paiiiranil Sreat-r Britain.' .ahdvenprtoihia" "Hme question , of "dapiag&rii-intledrhet weentljie'Spaaish; :Land,AmeiabWib 1 t, ,." . HainSrton pf ,4813; -was a. irreat rendezvous for jwivateers who t pperaledjn ffigesClnd Twaters who- 'nd' inrtaT-itiiT-ithe Attended 5$fes- of s -fliesfirgocSfnWh among our.ht rcizens-h heard of the'crfebmt4ipi!fffeet Snap Dragon aru$i -biirDbld' ijitiiiBofOBt ot whom? many anecaotas-aadincklents are related ? XiSJSdfpsm Bap-i JAsckio niaaths at pne fhl90cur. jjunthc! -Jbomids of ;:thessociationiiio6nvened on -yesterdayJ-r?ith''the"aibb Baptlstt unurcnrneariaspnTOrosv-KJimo ., vuue a -nnmbttarejtt attoinlacDectfrDm' As distance. -TnS fiitroductory sermon bp yesteitdayrab ;pf . trcityr'irdAQ $$&mm Ttheffr Vaac, mon waspreaqajtsamg py icev. .-Thpbarjiujpjartffem JjsSi ihforvfrBopVi-haa .sea on the 18th insux ) dismasted jand.lcak- ing." " The ctcwt" have vheentaadedjit -FaV mouth. f -. i " . disenssiopoti (h$ 'Sunday SehcWork.iand several ."addresses- cVk.deli "fjfd. ' A'scr- i vWASHIlfGTON. Nomination. Sent to tbe Senate Evi dence of 31ormon Complicity in lit-' di&n Ontrasc Tb e . Cblli-Pernrlan Correspondence. - L,tBjfTcleeraohto'th8"Moi,hlnt Star.l ;- WASBiHtfrbk. "JanuarV 26 The' Pisi- dent to-day abominated to the; Senate to be "Jollectors of Customs : Thomas y, Jphn-: ston,' Charleston; . S. C. V: and Francis A. ' Vaughau,' Saturia; Texas; and to be United -StatoaAttorney, George B... Patterson, '-.for. Ibe-Soulhern Districtof Florida. . ,fI :; 1 ' The Secretary of the Interior . lias trans mitted to the Commissiotter of ' lndian"Af - fairs an ' interesting ' letter concerning the auegoa . compucuy of tne Mormons in the Indian outbursts in Utah and New. Mexico. The Secretary has ordered the fullest inves- tigafion- of -the charges. ' and has . directed ther, Intpau : sigoitts m eyery-taicrgy ki eolloctinar information lo1lehno thnmiirtpir"- -ihittcd to'Se'mtoay.i'mreH- t. the resohjiion calling, for itiaerv arohnni-J ihus auuui auusneiruasKeixui. ?r nc most uhportant document is a letter from Seerfe ' tary Frelinghuysen abrogating a part of Mr. . Blaine'&instmctions to Weseotand Walker," wnicn jnrenngnuysen says if fuUy earned oua may lead to serious complications , witU Chillj'and as this country has no navy she' is in nacondition to enforce any: 'demand ' that circumstances 'might , compel : her to make . upon Chjli. Frelinghuysen." disap ; proves Tentirely 'of the pfopbsed visit by. Messrs. 'Blaine and Trescott tbother -South American nations than Perurand Chili, arid" thinks , when, their mission to these eouhi tries is 'discharged they had Tjetter return home. i! - ' : '.'i f iiaSUiO(t&-i -- i.. Mr. Scoville is busily ' engaged in pre-, paring his application for a new trial;, his' motion will be made Saturday." and Judse Cox will assign a day early next Week upon which to; hear arguments. : No one believes tnat -tue smallest, cnance , exists for. a new trial, and although Mr.' Scoville asserts thit he shall exhaust every legal' remedy before giving up thff&this'appeai-ance and con--vcrsatidnVara plairJy iunicatiV that he en-, tcrtains very Uttle.bope of averting the ioa- pendingjdbbm of the assassin. '.'kThe onlyl really 'Wgume 'prsbn4 probably' Is 'the prisoner mseii.- un tne way to jail last evening, aitnougn the van was saluted. with a continuous storm bf jeers-the niews )f . th'e Verdict having preceded it-the prisoner never once bctra-jnyious Amotion.. TthT nhattwt wlt.h',th driver.flTid irnnrfla said he was satisfied; with the charge, of.lhe juagc, mat it wasyery 'fair on legal -points,; but that the fury- hail gone back ori-him and brought in ; a : verdict contrary to the" evi-' dence. . On entering the jail , he threw off his coat and laughingly - called out; "Well,r boysfcthey brought in a verdict against me, but I'll get a new trial; and ..upset: allLfhis business r anidon'tj'yoa , .forget (it. Ie ate his supper as usual and as f ar as could- be learned: slept1 soundly " last :night. - 1 This' morning he caBedfor papers;: and though. somewnat ;,impngnttui - ana dinncMnca to talk ; much' maintained that" it -would att come out-right, that Arthur was . his friend aad tlie American people would not let him suffer. " At one tinr he repeated Jus Asser- twin o-y'eMeroa-fc-V JLf they, pang me, this ' nation win go down in blood." - j ; " ; . - Guiteau -has -'given .tO ,the press1 another address to the: American ;peoplei. It is of much -the same .character as his former one," but is much more .coherent and logi cal. !; He explains the cause of his conviq lioni.wliich, he says, he intends toreversc. - and to this end he, appeals: for money con tributions. , , i'!-;-. , Favorable JXeport to be "tbule n llr. : McCord's Apportionment r BUI, Jtl ak. istn Total 'MemMrbt'tooae'90 - Tbe -Xpp oirtlonment - "Bill B.e j port3nt:jCommttteeADipteb -f from af b;Enyoy t CbUl nnd Peru.. iii IBy;Teieicraphtoth,V j. .v ,WAsnrNOTOs, r January 27, The House bhmmittee on the. Census tb-day agreed to -renort to thW HftasfiLiWith-'favoTnleTetiT- i.mendatiOBJRcpresentativoMcCord'sappor- nmentU,witpo$rfn:a of which is that the total - number of. mem bers m thtfHousc shall bb 320; - " 1 "'" MeCords"- npportionment bill ' reported to the Hou today, isbascd on;. the 'Beaton method .of computatkm.T and i as; amended "by the ccmittec provides for. "three. hun- -dfed and twenty members, ' tb -be" appor- iitioned among the sevlimltatesasifpilbws: fCalifornia,, 5 a gain of l;,t;olorado, 1; Connecticut, 4) Delaware, 1 Florida, 1 a loss of one; GebiialO-a gain bf -1 i Bit nois, 31-a gain of TSjofediana,-13;. lowaj lla.gainof 2iKansasf 0-7-a gain of 3; Kentucky, ll-again ort Louisiana): 6 j Maine, 4-a gain of 1 Maryfefad, eMassa ,chusetts, 42-Tajjaia pt : iljIiebigan.Jill-a gain of 2; Minnesota,; 5r-ra.Kaiu .olr.s.Misr sissippi,' 7---a gaiflfrpf '? rMissburi;; 144 gain of Ijebraj-tkai'S-a VgaiP- 'of: - "j Nef vada, l Newtilampshire "a-a loss .ot. i New Jersey, 7Nc.w$orkr34-a, gain of ;1; "North. Carolina, p-a'Tgairi of 1 ; Ohio, 21 a galnof 1 rOregbn, -1;; Pennsylvania; 29 a gain of 2 ; Rhode Island, l-rra. loss of 1; South Carolina, 6 a gain of 1; Tennes--see, 10; Texa8r lu again of 4: Yermbnt, 3 -tk loss bf 1 J-'VirglniaTlOagain of 1 WYiria;'gw'f lWntcoiisiii v The ratio of representation as adopted by the committeef or :820 members, is 154,285.! When themat.fi-5rjtakenj2p f or.considera4 tion in the House of Represi-ittiycsjiJtr. Colerick, of,Ind.;i will . probably, offer an amendment "providing that', the total "num-; her of wjpresentatibri -shall 'tiot exceed "316,? Which wUijrnake, the ratio. 156,238. - - ,H .RepresenlaUve r.TCillman, of S. C, has in-! thnatedan lrifo-mtion to. propose an araend--mcnt fixing the total number of representa tion at 730,.insteadjof J320. . .. r The Pi-esidejjt'TtPday. transmitted to, the: Senate'a communication from the Secretary1 of "State Hfmbodyh mepurpbrt"of-a " tele-i .gram recently received from Mr. Trescott, : Special Envoy bf the United States to Chili and Feru. MrnTr Bntt, in this telegram, : reportaiabbx; hariiioKl aoafcraUfiagnt'al conferences, with, thej Minister for Foreign "Affairs of Chili v that the. Chilian. ffovern- fmenrdisclaims ' any. intention" ;of Offending : 'ine v.' o.' government m-l ine arrest or rres-- ident : C ilderoa and his removal to, Chilian : territory: that the good, onioes of the United states be .accepteou py unili, ana mat tne Chilian authoritiesiwill facilitate' a ;corif er encc -- between': the : . United States Special Envoy land .the Provisional Government of PeruitUMegjefiojt-u'of Senor uaiaeron. . ine terms : ot hysJ3hib -Vace.!:tij folkiwliic.'pomts s ThCf ibsplute eessionr: of the ..Tarapaca district and in addition thereto the payment Of an jndemnity of t'l.'.Ofk),' payable in tJk yeafaJ!tJ.ring,aU of whiCh" time positive occupation, of ,Arica ,by Chili is required, 'arid, should the. Indemnity" be "unpaid, Arica -is also td be ceded to Chili; and besides this, .Mil is JtoL'appTjapriatci. the ! guano-de-' -posits, of jthe i Lobos t Islands. T.,t In . the event of Peru refusing the ' conditions named, theChiiiage-Hnent would de fine any Mrthcrptblfcntfie faerid jterference uf ,theLUnjted ,6tatesi;feThe re mai nder,of, the telegram is- obscure, and; it .fe- uncertain iwhethjcir the , Department iiof .State is able. to! .translate (from the: cipher the exact language, or-cven to obtain the sense of the sender. frfc NO. 14 . '"" THE G UITE2L IT CASE. A ITXotIoB)7Iade by. Counsel for a. New TrIaJ Tbe Paper Filed in Support of , tbe mot tou.; t; ri -i ,-.f -, . ."; ' ; . tBy Telepraph- ta the -Morning SUr,l I ' ,r ' Washixoton January 28 AttliACrlmJ' JnalX'ourt -this morning Messrs.-Scoville! huu. tteou,, counsel tot Wuiteau, appeared, t and the former inquired of the' Court, in ...... . . 1 ' f , ml- . ... icoixut w me: iornx .or ms Diu or excep tions, whether he .would- be comnclled to' except specifically or whether a general i excepticte would suflice ? -:. Judge Cbx stated that under .the practice of the Court he' would have to - except ' ibecificallvj ' Mr Scpvillevthen; stated JhfttrUeiTiad intended to' file his.motion for a new. trial, hut. ha would -V like" to have until Monday. - The. niafrioi-. . Attprney objected, jand-Mt Scoville; stated iua m luat- caso ne wcaua Tile his motion this) f teruoo ;in vtllerk'offlceiJ ; Tho; District rAttornev r.asked , Uwit intW assign TWay WtiSt -"t. "t 1 J .Oul.l, -ycareely-bCfablc; to-enter Xo ta'arro? ment at that time, the Court .declined to fix a day : at' present.'!' ' - j - Shortly rbefore, 5 o'clock this afternoon4 Mr. Scoville filed with the clerk .of the Sri-J pirerae-Cotirtof - ihe District of -Ckfluriibia papersupou "which he bases his motion 6r ' motions for a new trial. Not being fami liar wita the pfcactio$-4n 'this District,' Mr. Scoville concluded to file . two motions to assure himself against the 'possibility of be-J iuS ucpnvcujiurougn anyipgaitecunicaiity of the right of review by the Cburt in Gen-' cnu-ierm. ; nne papers med ia support Of the motioniare? the prisoner's afSdavit; and" an affidavit of Frederick, H.- Snyder, aslo" the finding bf a-newsnaner-; -Under rircnrmJ stanceindiea'tiqg; th at it- had. been? read : byf juij.Y.wc amudni in v. y . uuiieautaat' he is acquamtcd with the 'signatures offiye jurors whose, names ar' written on the mar-' gin of -the, newBpaper said to have been seen by the juryfhat hlihas'cenrtheni write: tneirjnara.es and bolives : the writing uppp1 .the said newspaper to have been" made bv 4he jurors earned. : " The last afildavit is that- efff Mr.r .ovtllesettmg r forth newly .dis-' covered evTdenne nnnn wl'i hn motion for-anew trial. -J.i.sr.o i , Mr. Seoyille's application for a new trial1 is based upon the ground pf uncertainty df.t toTO-n1fcf'?,lrfltr aictmcnt consists of. different, varying and inconsistent v COUtltS. and the vnrdirt. flra : not., specify upon which count or. counts It ia luuuucii; im; iacK 01 junsaicuon errors in rulings and in the charge to the jury ih excluding Some and rejecting .other evi dence, misbehavior on-the part of .the juryJ and new 'evidence discovered. The main' reliance i4p2sced upon.the.affldavit of ,Mr. Snyder. .The latter "says he is a resident of Jersey -City; -was aguest'bf theNatioiial Hotel m IReeember ipd ; during his . stay there pasfiftq,. througli , the ,,, corridor ami occupiea py a --juror open, ana on a table: WitJUu-i lay a riewspaper,. which he secured. It was a copy of , the Ecenina Critic of Dec. 19tli and upon its maj-i were ihe - names ot several of'iheaiirymi written? in ink. . John W. Guiteau. in, his afBdayit ueciaces xiaw:nese names are tne aptograpHS -of the jnror-r'tolBedJ" TfiSs newspaperiwas handed Mr. Scoville, with. a. statement of' "ine circumstances.' k f -" ' - ;3Ir. Scoville's bill of exceptions) which he refers in gerieral terms' in his motion for a new trial, will be ah1 exceedingly Volumi nous docipnenivand.wni.not Jbe ready for. some time yet. " To use his own expressiori, i"fit embraces the recbrd of the entire trial.!' . Judge Cox has not yet set a day upon which to hear arguments' upon the inotionbut he wDl probably do so early next week. "- The main reliance of the defence In thisvmatter is the affidavit bf Mr. Snyder and the copy Of ; . the . :Critic ',' appendeil ,,.tb.,it,i .which it is claimed was seen and read by the jury pending the trial. A; careful comparison of i the writing, . upon. the. margin of the newspaper .with the; signatures of the jury men whose nariies .appear there, - shows a striking .rcsemblancbnd "establishes ' a strong case of circumstantial evidence. The District : AttornejV however,' ,; asscrti that this matter pf tampering with the jury, and irregular or injproper conduct onthe. part Of the jury, aa set forth in Snyder s affida yit,will be dispod of in short order by' the prosecutiori.-'t hb jiiry themselves are quite . uidignant, ,and -firmly deny' the charges of impropeT'eonduct on their part;; 1 V. The affidavit bf- Guiteatf was takeri' a the jail this aftembbns He eip-cessed at first a 1'lbfty conterapt'for ariy action that Scbvillei in nis uiunaenng wayj.migni; De,iaK.mg la his behalf. - He sahUhat he did not expect anything l-romu35eT,?u to the CoUrt; mGerieral Term "to "review and upset the work of this 'jury. : lie thought Scoville talked -too much; thaj his. whole "family- talked ' too I much. As to Scoville Xhausting: :his energies by J sitting up all night with a view, pf vailing himself of all legal remedies that was all1)oshV Upon be ing told ;Qiat urilesshisovrnlaffiddvitaWas' signed, attested and filed jn, court.! before 5 P; M. he would have rib case on' "which tb get before :.the courtiiihlibaoc Guiteau quickly clianged his tone, signed the affi davit and swore to it with great f ervor I'J.wnt well.'slept well last night,had'a shave .arid a" bath this morning," . said Guiteau) 'aadl expeet to be happy arid live aooq "many years yet. -: As for committing sui-i cide.he continued, "I am the last man. in the worKS to resort iosuch-a ttetp&y A r. No reporters have been allowed tb sec the; assassin . for two ;days, which is the lonly thing that seriously; imnoys him,, and .ne' intends,'' -so he says,' to put Scoville' 'pe remptorily off the case1 Unless he is allowed to have his mail and receive visitors.- "! ' ? ! " i LOUISIANA. : ' v I - t r ,r- :iiJ s :,r .Ji A Negro Thief- Set Plre to a Jail IUm ' j' ' " ' ; Execution by a JKob. i .' 'l . ! 1 ; By TeleprapTd tb th Jtorntng Star. ' r r 1 ! ; Shreveport January 28.The news of the: hanging of a: negro, named Henry Solo-: mon, at Bellevue, Bossier -parish jail, Was received here last night. He was confined for: horsestealing and set fire to the build ing, which was discovered by the 'guards before i it? got 1 hnder ; headway ; therwis-s much property might have been destroyed and . lives 5 lost The: fire occurred , about midnight : and the ; body. of Solomon. was' found hanging ,frbm' the,second story of. the nail yeslerdav mornmg:!-'lhere is-no clue to those who took part in the hanging, j -'..-. .-j- j , - ty . h i:j Onlore Ballroad Enterprises': ''f. ! ' By Telegraph to the Morning Star. vr '-Jf: ' ! Gaxveston j Jan. 36. A purchase was effected to-tlavj). tne yulf Uolorado as Santa FeRauroaoConu3anyfp- the Mont-j gomery t "cntrai roaa, running trom ,JNava sots, on the Texas Central, ' twenty-eight mikBottthwest'toward Montgomery. -The Santa :Fef Coiripatty will build a branch from Bretiham:.on their main line, to Nav- asota and from Montgomery1' ultimately to the Stated rotigh the pifte Wriiber' district 0 clhvilLlOLlIoffman-a ;dist -minister JafcBlootaingtOH; I1L , has been found guilty of -seduction and bastardy by a church committee, after ten days trial. pirit3A.Tv' pontine. . --Durham. ,Pla-:S: 3Ve heartily Jipprovc' the tJitoriat in" tin;1- Wilmlfigtou Star, "Not Loftt Uut Sleeping." If Jeff. Davis were-onl3-puni--!ted for 1 a, own sins.." he would live longer Uian some other-people Of Our acquaintance. r-We rcrvt to be compelled' to anuounee the tontirtued illness of -the editor-in-cbi-f ; of Ibis paper. .-.-..'I'arborb -foHtfirX'.'rlAr. SiB, Bellamy showed us 'on.-Iond'ty two aad & half yards of,,calioo taptured during tho' war of. 1812.f rom a.Ciitif.h vesffei by Lieut: C or Midshipmau Frank-p$T.ry..-i U''ic i a remarkable state of presrirvniion;, :.Sona' of our merchants who exumiiitid .it say thaL it is far superior to -the- calico mamifaetured now-a dysvi The cokirs aTe perfe t ly tiril - ; liant. Off Saturday morning about 4 o'clock the store of Mr.. John 'Warrea, m discovered tp bo on fire. Efforts 1q save1 Iho' store were fruitless: The amount of -roods burat.was'sma,-nbout,$loaYorth.":.Then was $50ff insurance." ' --3f f. H. D. A vera. of ;Rocky Mount, was -CQmpellel to' make an assignment a few days ago, which we allregret. .J.-.JUii Henderson riold-LeatYJi iirr' broke put ia;ouf -offio y?merday'iorning, , .which cama-aeat-proving serious affair. It wa.s a narrow'escape, and had not the mti!eus.TChnded so' quickly pi. tho cry of .VFire ! fire!:! fire ! t 1faM.leaf would -.have been-dead issoA. -v -We have in :pur'i office several finer.f'rmples' -of ' vellow uj!j:n.-vo tuw .urigiiiHir T .-ilk Jnt-lTOm . yrvr f r at r ir- " Sola :UX. ad -Qa. it eok at t e I : Oc lot at iJ.2j r,t.rt Jow wg prices one nt ff t.5Q ; one at f.64 one. at $7tS0 and pne.rf.?l per "pound, v. There, wen? several pile:-,.' -li-ad of nomeattizej lhat brought : from $85 to 150 perlandrcd..-, , . . - . -mills of the OaidAlp"Maritrf acturrag ' Com pany a-situated -one mile front' Jamestown depotonTJbep. is about GOxlOO feet,-.nd contains the Eng mills; jfec.z-Thchjdsoff 40x50 feet for opcriirii. the' cotton.' ; Sonib pf the.mafchiri'Waplflced; in'. ! he1 facto-! ry before.llie'closb otpthe war:XiNe.w ma- ; chinery has hcen'added from time tb time. until the 1 mill house-its .Tilled to," hs utmost capacity. There are"3; 784' spiridles mak ing plaid ;rbods-ahoarelher: usinfrthrecbalos" of cotton per daynd turning out 1,100 or 1,200 pound-rpf-gopds'jH arc eriiDloved: rnostof thir?m hfi&ifr fnmnloa The -gobtls are":sbld; Princiball v . in Ph i la -1 delphlaA 1 -i--V , -i.-T-r 1 ;;rriN"aw BfirnelcJTwoarsiof . xwottifflrty baks.Tjrereh roaa: WOTeeajfciJMljeta': City, and Norfolk "lefidayiinigh t! j-iWecfafled .to-Iobtaia anv parttculara ;k -rCapt. I Jackson. iaacain-iu the eiiyfwith thsttam'teuaABhtPche,and statt that gbodprpgrefsl isanakingion .the eanal;fie-tWeimaBsafely-38-iert buefa impTOvemcnJ randl ProsBeritv. of NewBerne iisneJEann-k'dfiM the history of Km oiwi.Kr-p-jjueoiesK ptxi j ones ooun- . tyiWhlcb muSi JOfStories.ihigh.built of brick land ,?eeiledc Withr-. fieart-pine,' costing the county $4,000, f Was hnrned buTuesday night. The fire. is supposed ,to liave origi nated in a cell occupied by jfeedham Miller. -Mbred."Iwa4twohburs before thetiamc lssned from the roof. A supply-of , water ' would have "saved' the 'bulldine. but none Waa46betuid:WaterVwashdMfro n Jtwivnclj juear-by , tp save -neighbt-tring liouses. KU(arloUtf Ofet??-ThetrainR runninir into ' Chariotte are .sldnni ahl tn -h-rakcschcdulem-9now - saixi .'tpine-pad coartition- of the toad-lied. . the resnU of ihe continued ''wet weather. , ---TTrr-Eugene nssorn, .uperintcmien-: of the Insane Asylum at liateUrb.was iu the . cityjesterday, having. come here to testify: as.an expert in a wiu case wneremine san- ity of the testator was .questioned..,. A : -telegram from Salisbuiy, late last nhjh, Jo the Obwcer, cOnve's the pleasing informs- ; tion that the Western North Carolina Rail road has '.been completed, to. Paint' Itock. and a through strain- of cars passed over: the line yesterday for the first time. , The same telegram also bririgs the news that the other branch-of the road has. been completed to Pigeon River. The wreck at Flowery Branch: on the ' Air Line, ; is said -16 have lieeri pretty bad One,r;i-Box cars were bro keri up '-and freight scattered 'around gener- ally"'- - -'' -': - - . ''- :--:Fay ettevil le V. Gazette: A :; sad transution frpnib gajely to wf was wit neased at the house of Mr.. Malcolm iicln- ' tyre, near Long ; Street - - Churchy in this county, on Thursday j last. .Mr. Jlector Melhtyre had been married Jon that' day, and, tbe bridal party had arrived at his fa ther's house in the evening of the 'same day. where supper was served. J Soon after sup- : per Mrs. r Mclntyre, .the. mother -of tho ' groom'was suddenly and without warning stricken dow'u -with paralysis. . Since our last issue, thereliave been two deaths in this" town.' 1 James B; Broadfoofdied on Thuray morning,the 19th insti l aged 29 years. He was of a family indentified , with v this bominunily arid its interests- for seve ral generations, and leaves many friends to mourn his untimely end. On the same day on which Mr. - Broadfoot died .8. S. Arey breatlied his last. : He hall once. been ' an active business man, but for a long time had been afflicted ; with a malady which ' prevented him from, engaging in. any busi ness." . r r-4 Wilson .'-Advance':.:. -The '.hlun dersand schemes ofwould be leaders may disgust m5n"yvbut everyT,houghtf ul Demo-. crat will -beware of encouraging- dlsaffec- tion or weakening party - allegiance . on 'account -of ' personal' grievances. -- Dr. Mayo has been invited to visit, the. graded school at' this place, arid though no reply . ha5iyct" beenj received, fit'is hoped1-that such a .distinguished gentleman and prac- ' tical educator will favor us with a visit. ' The Graded School seems ever on the .waxing, for it continues to grow; both, in numbers and public favor. : Since the holi-days- 65 new; pupils'; have been admitted, . making a total enrollment of over 350,.; r It is not 'generally known that" President Bridgcrs took a' buggy xkle from Fayette ville to Wilson, In order to, closely- inspect the fine of the -proposed road.'"3Icft like President Bridgers do not put themselves to as much inconvenience as this unless they mean business. We think all indications arc that the Wilson & Florence JRailroad -will be built, and that it will accomplish wonders for Wilson,' 11 The surveying" is be-,. ing prosecuted with vigor.' j,; -Y : i. University.Trustees ihct at Ra leigh s on ; Thursday:''; From the report in the Item-Observer we clip the following; President Battle submitted his annual re-' port of the condition of the University, and ithe trustees were -very "much rpleased with the exhibit. :-- irshowed that- the -, number of students and i the receipts : from tuition have increased. ' Up to this date 48 pcrBOtls have been aided from 4lie ''Deems Fund," thus showing the sagacity and -Wisdom of' ' the distinguished founder. 1 President Bat- : tie reported excellent' work hy I all 1 the pro fessors, i- The department 'of Natural History is to be organized by-Profc , Holmes on a practical "basis, students being required -to" : perform -labratory - work in ' all the ' -branches. '-i Prof; Grandy has begun a new . class in practical surveymg.-leveling, drai n-lng.l4fccr-i-.The trustees determined to begin actively to -: increase the- efficiency' of the iUniversity:iibraryi - An 'annual appropria--tio-awas tihade for ithe-: inereasel f-The -following 2 were- elected as -the .executive "omhuttee for tlie ensuing' year 4 d?adl C. 'Cameron iWmLi i'Swmdcrsi T.jQuab ft. -:Carr; Ai 31. i Lewis; It IL Battle; 'Jr. 12. -tfclfisom and George Vi--Sfaxmgj:;.Gov.. jar "yis 'was authorized to' appoint a coramlltec of five to visit the University and Irispeot Us condition. : i I-