: . i ; I i r 1 if r i V - $ W) VlLUJLO. ,t t i: P For the Cure of Coughs,. Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis.Croup, Infia! enza, AsArnaVhooping CpuglIib- lief of consumptive persons in advan- ced stages of the Disease, i? or bale IbyalrPraggists. rnce, 25 stents. Xervous Irritability,- Sciatica and all painful Ner Tons Diseases.'-A treatise by a well known physk 'eian, a specialist on these subjects, concludes as follows:- 'Xeuralgia s one of the most painful of diseases, and is attended with more or less ner vous irritation. Sciatica is also a form of neural-' ia, and all painful nervous diseases come under that name. Keuralgia means nerve ache, and therefore you can suffer with neuralgia in any part of the body, - as the nerves are supplied to every part." ' " 1 - , I have for many .years closely studied the cause of neuralgia, and the nature of. the nervous sys tem, with the manv diseases that it is subiect to. and have found bvi actual experience that the .true and primary cause of neuralgia is poverty ' of the-nervous flUid--it becomes impoverished and poor, and in some cases' starved, not because the patient does not eat, but . what 'is eaten is not appropriated to the nervous system; there are 'many causes for this,' but Dr. p. w. Benson's Cel ery and Chamomile' Pills have in my hands proved 'a perfect remedy lof this condition and these dis eases. . . ' - ' - . -:' r ,-' : ','1. : Sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box uepot, vsi jNortn .utaw , street,, .Baltimore, Ma. , By mail, two boxes for $1, or six! boxes for $2.50, to any aaaress. DR. C. W. BENSON'S M .a SEC1N Is Warranted to Cure ECZEM A t TETTERS, HU MORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, a en ALL ROUCH 8CALY ERUPTIONS, . DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCS on all part, of tie body. , It makes the skia white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing ill THE WOHUJ. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting; of both internal ad sxtezBal treatment. - All first class druggists have it. Frioef l.perpackaffa. J. W. CONOLEY, Agent, wumingxon, jn. c, oct 19 Deod&Wlm i we f r su nrm . Neuralgia, Sprains, 4! ' Pain in the Back and Side. ! There is notMng more painful than these ' diseases; but the pain can be removed an5 1 the disease cured by use of Perry Davis i Pain Killer. ; ' ;., - This remedy not a cheap Benzine 1 - or Petroleum product that must be kept ! away from fire or heat to avoid danger I f of explosion, nor is it an untried expert- ; - ment that may do more harm than good ' j. Pain Killer lias been In constant use I for forty years, and the universal testimony j ,? from all parts of j the world Is, It never : . fails . It not only effects a permanent cure; but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. " ; Being a purely vegetable remedy, it is safe In the hands of the most inexperienced,: ' -'i s - The record of cures by the use of Path ' Eilleb would 01 volumes. The following . extracts from- letters received show wha those who have tried it thinlc: ! ' Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Winn 4 say : . About a year since my wife became subject ... to severe stiff eriag from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Ejlleb, which speedily relieved her. ..- Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London : I had been afflicted three years with nettralgia and violent Bpasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in oeBpair. I tried your Pats Killxb, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual UWUUBUUU. - th. Saco.Me..wTil from pain in E.Yorksavs: uEB. I have used your Paw KrLtEit for rheumatiBm, ' and have received great benefit. Jbaxton Seaman says : i - . - Hap used Paih Killeb for thirty yeara, : : and have found It a never-failing remedy for ' rheumatiBm and lameness. - . fSx. Burditt writes : -. - ItJ'ai7 tqeive relief in cases of rheumatism. JML Gilbert, Somerset, Pa,, writes: .; isthebestmedcmelcanget. . --,t - All druggists keep Pain Kilter. 1j It price ' Is stUow-thaS it ls-wltWa-ter-caacIijef-ftll,. , and it will save many times Its cost in doctors! Wlla. 25c.f sOc. and $1.00 a bottle. " " ? PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor-, : . -Providence; R. f. 30 DAYS TRIAL lot rein ..ij-.., i 3 ., w nsls,ISS VrX VltL SEND OK 30 DAYS' TRIAL, , Elsctro iVelfaic Appliances -?.frL'rfiis from XervoHWealiHesss, Gen- ii'i'al OaltiiLt'T ioK-s-of aiervo-Ioroa or yigoiy- any disease resulting from Abdses and Other tUVKEA, or to any.ja;aiulcted with Rheuma-il-m, Neuralgi&Pfttily.gisi gpinal Difficulties, l.iddfey or Liver Troubles, tame Back,-Rup-Uinx, nl other Diseases of the. Vital Organs,, n A.but vruHES troubled with disease peculiar 19 - tiitirst'X. - : i I -" .Speedy relief Hd complete 'Testoration- to ' fu'ultlt cuarnnteed. These nrc. the only j Kf-Cftrie AIi;mceN'tliat Jive ever ' iMiucAiislrncted upon Helentiflcprfn-: riplea. Their thorough efficacy has been prnc- tically proven, with, the- niet vonderfnl , 4t-cti8, anil tley. have the lUsbest iMloremptsdb-oni idleal ati V K-ien- tielittt,Hdrrim hittMiralffWlttrbRve Itevn quiekly and r U I ly ured by -.!lie4ru9eiU ' i . ' V St-iut iUoneefoi IlhistrMlfd Piiniiililet, giving . all luforuiaUt ireteki AilrtSpi,l''.;'.u ; A .. r,-- i, i V01TAIC BELT CO; Marshall'. Kiob.,;;. .' JesDeodAWly - suwefr. ' -' .. . Tl II ... . - y - - - - 1 nov 15 DifcW6m t ' ; ' hocprfnn. - r x - y - ... . jxm r m - EWumfiism The Weekly.Star: FA.XJJY -.KEMBLE-UVTLER.- -1 T him fnTiiTir6n(far"iii thS North. .Him ye calwnter,rActuring him ever , , Itemfe-o'erthe fierv clement, Ins toe, u. 'JY crowaecUvith j&st?t4ole nwl forth -From his feceivpmt-iiKC I'vt's uiw isijum' Broad, glaring and mtensny coin aim bright. , j - . . : , His breath, iikesliarp-cclgea arrows, pierced -Tiic Hated e&rtfirR&cTied Sftimldcring at lT!o finimra rn nil KiirronnflinT Wfttei'S SVCCt. Ij&y icily motion nor soand was there ; -Nature seem'd frozen dead ; and still and ' x slow k A winging sneei ieu ueruisiramira Flaky "and -white from his wide wings of snow. - . -. s I THE "TWO PRELATES." Reproduced from ttie North Carolina Pres byterian But not by Request. I TnWJPAPACY IX WILMING TON. M 7tie Editor of the Ar. C: Presby terian: , . ' t - Dkak Sirt: It is cihc lo the f-ailse of tmth to call the attention of your readers to some deliverances recently made by the editor of the Wilming- Morxixg- Star upon tlie occasion of the installation of the'newlv-appoint ed Romish Bishop 'of North Carol ina.-- Probably those articles were not very widely read; but wherever ' they are read : they ?must have misled." , Tie installation-of Bishop Northrop wfas the occasion of two discourses by two prelates r ot , high stanamg in . the Romish connection, Archbishop GiIk bons of Baltimore, and Bishop Keane of Richmond. These discourses Mled the ; editor . of the Star ' with an enthusiasm which u inipelled him to aeciare , tne aav ot tneir qe livery "a -memorable day. for AVjl- minsrton." "a notable dav -in the history2" of our : little city. Had he stopped with these harmless ebullitions olfeeliajr. one could have overjoyed ithemias outbursts of in innocent, though 'ignorant, admira tion. But he was not content with these. " With a !' harxlihobd such as generally accompanies ' imperfept knowledge,1 he proclaims the tvo Romish orators models of the trneRt methods' 'of public speech, and inci dentally deciles the written - sermons which are weekly the means of t n e instruction of thousands from nearly all the Protestant pulpits in tie land. Having condemned Protestant preachers iii order to point his praise oi tne xvomisn, ne asserts, ;wiui can did ignorance, that ; 'Archbishop' Gib bons presented "a striking picture of the progress of Christianity from its inception until-' now," showing "n very choice language and' by apt ii lustrations its progress, its' 'persecu tioris arid .:, its , .. triumphs.'? . . Th it there misht , be no donbt about his" inability to distinguish between ja true history of Christianity ?nd ;a' history of Romish organization; the converted: editor avers that he be lieves the' address uttered by Bishop Keane, on the evening of the day of the installation, to have been "a yeiy grand - discussion of - what constitutes the religion of Christ," exhibiting "the principles, power, provinces and fruitions of that religion which Christ perfected and defined,"? and .."full of the marrow of the Gospel." .? r ' "Itoughtii"oT" to beesSry" to warn any. Protptn reader nay,any intelligent readeragainst pntting any trust in the opinions of one whp can write with such disregard of "his tory. ' 'Certainly it is- riot necessary. t assure such ..writers I that something more reliable v than their .'judgments will be needed to convince those who know Rome that she f has suddenly become the herald of the true faith. Probably the editor of: the Star does not realize that, in giving un qualified endorsement to the views of Romish prelates, he is helping on, the aggressive advances of an. organiza tion whose cardinal tenets are openly antagonistic to the principles of free government -an organizatioii which whenever and wherever it dares, pre fers and enforces obedience to its own laws rather than! to those of the State an organization whosevowed object it Lr.to gain ascendancy over all civil ...'.authority. In other words' probably the editor of the Star does not think, and i every one should bd warned- against the; influence of those who speak without sober forethought; Anti-Sham.. ! From an Editorial. ' 5 f ' -' I The Roman 1 Catholic Bishop of North Carolina" was installed at; Wil-I mington on the J.5th' instant.' : Arid now that the " Reverends, antl the Right Reverends, and the Very Rev erends, and the '.Most Reverends,have appeared ; and - -disappeared ; amid' the blare of the trumpetings of the secu lar pressand 'the glare - and glitter, which 'Rome knows so well how to use now that has 'aUr passedas in ,a! fitful fever frorri the stage, we reniind; our readers - that ..Protestantism .still lives. Still lives ' to iptotest against the i iniquities -of -4 this Sarnie Rorie. The Rome' of the Spanish Inquisition and St.' Bartholomew; the Rome that perverts the word of God to its teach ings; the tRbme of J'relies arid fother superstitions innumerable, ,fl' : Charlotte f7At 'Tr i-Vnfou has many friends .d'fiimtances'' In Charlotte-arid thfougb.otrt;:tlie; State Who would be pleased to see 'the distiflaished honor (a Bishopric) bestowed 'iipon him. If not Dr, 'Yates, there' are others within; the bounds of the North Carolina Conference who would serve with ability and honor to the Church, f-Day.. before ' yesterday' a little negro child' of Lizzie Pearson's, about two years old, living in Logtown, was hor ribly burned, fr,omthe effects of. which it died night before last. ! . ' , ' ; . " ; " I tHRS. LYQU L PIXXHA'k!, OF LYNN, JS5ASS... - o 18 Ot 0 : ?o a X ti 1 LYDIA PINKH AlVl'O V i,SSBBSiSSBSBSSBSSSSSSBSSSSSiSSS""SSSi uItttFogiHTeCiire j f trail tliM Palafal OosapUlaU mm Wejfcae- It will en entirely ths worst form of Fenuds CoiW. . plaints, all OTarUn troobles, influanuttloB and tJloera tlon, Falltnjr and Displacements, andtba consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the ' Change of Ufa. ., : , --' . ' "It win dissolve and axpaltomoM from t&aittM-nflii an earfy fctageof devetopmanl The tendency to can - cerouahnmoratherela checked veiyspeedllybylUUBe. It removes falntneg, flatulency, destroy all eravi&kr for stlmnlanta, and relieves weakness of the stomach. , It cures Bloating Headaches, Kerrooa Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. ;' ;.. ' i , ' ' That feellntr beartnt; down, cansin taln, weight and bsxkache,U si wsysrerriianitly cured by Its use. It wlU at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that gorera the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. I.TDIA E. riJi'KnAM'S VEGETABIJ! COM POUND ia prepared at 233 and t36 Western Arenoe, . Iynn,alass. Price 1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail In the form of Jiflls, also lath form of losne, on receipt of price, f 1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freelyanswersallletteraof Inquiry. Bend for pamph ' lev .address as above. Hentiott tkU roper. - . No family should be withoutlXDLA. E. PINKHAJri UVEB PUXS. They cure obiitipation, bllloucnes and torpidity of the llrer. . tS cants per box.- . v ay Sold b all DrwKclata. , octl8Debd&W , tu th sa nrm H 4 .It .LOWEST PUICES POWELL'S PREPARED CHEH1CBLS JKj-rJ 1 ) a Jarmercin bar . FORMULA .in For (520 lbs)of POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS This, when mixed at home, makes O neTon of SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, equal ia plant-life and as certain of successful crop-; production as many high priced Phosphates.: MffV EXTRA No trouble to mix lNVEXPENSE.t FuU directions. : - Powell's Chemicals have been thoroughly tried, give universal satisfaction, and we offer leading fanners in every State as reference. . . Send for Pamphlet. Beware of imitations.; Brown Chemical Co SOLE1 PROPRIETORS, r 'Manufacturers of B!?' Powell's Tip TopBoneriFertH izer. Prieeonly $35 a.Ton, net cash. Bone Meal. Dissolved -Bone. -Potash. . Ammonia. ' And all high-grade Fertilizing Materials. COTTOli GRAINS TOBACCO VEGETABLES ? janlSW8t HALE VOICE CHOIR. PrIee-r(luST OUT.) 50 Cta. A new book of Sacred or "Gospel Songs" for Male voices, by L. O. EMERSON. It is a very comprenensive, nnely edited ana arranged book, with 91 - good-pieces, and 119 . large pagesv The iiiusuj is ui easy vuiupttss, iu um way uiuiuuil- rery satisfying book, .i" v . Dn-fnnn) Tlftlnn-Ki TJinim Tiint-rmftAH ' una oeen usea oy niinareas of tuonsands of learn ere. ; A great success.- - - - - ' . . Imnmnov fllnn Tlnnlr . - . J, JiiUGllbuJi LT1DD DUUi. (Sl..m W. 0. Peeking. Is an -excellent and popular collection for social singing.; - - . '-K.-'.y huk.i. Stalner and Barrett's Dictionarylf iu- OlPQl TomTSO "($4-00) is a perfect 'encyclopedia olUQl 1 CI Wo. for reference. - ' Moual Hpin and June JJUOKi (40c.J Full of the very best tunes for opening and dosing schools. 'V low-priced book for the purpose.' ' " ' " L Parlor-Orian Instrnctioii Boot . ($1.20.) By Al N.'Joksisoai, Is wonderfully easy, interesting and thorough. ' -- - . .. . - : - lss s ' - - ' ' 0LIV1E DITSOlf & CO., Boston. C. H. DITSON & CO., 843 Broadway, New York ian 21 Wed&Sattf - 1IAEBLE nONU T.1ENTS ANB nCr'ave Stones. null- . , - n-' lilii. i .H 'u:-sk. FIRST-CLASS -WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK ; PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK. - TO ANY-PARTWTHE SOUTH. fti. Itzo-i;':. STXsayettePIacfiNew Yorlt. J' Wathan's sronnmental Designs, In book form S for sale to the Trade. .vi deo4D&Wtf. ' TX&. -E; 'C- WEST'S "NERVE" AND BRAIN JL TREATMENT : ' a specific for Hysteria, Con vnlsions. NervoU8 Headache. Mental De-nresRimii - Loss f Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Age,? -causeaoy over exertion, excesses, or over-indui-gence, which leads to misery,- decay and death ' One box will Cure recent cases. Each box con tains one month's treatment. One dollar a boxA or six boxes for fiTWtfBtofffgent by mail prepaid on receipt of : price. ' We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. ?, With each -order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we iWill send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. (i Guarantees issued toy WM. HviGREEN. . Druggist; - successor to . Green; & Flanner), Wll- ' imingEon,N C .Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. -ry H..i, -..!:;;t , , -mh 28 D& W ly IXP ILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR T any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constfcation. or Costive ness we cannot cure with; West's Vegetable Liver Puis, -when the directions are strictly complied with. ; They -are purehr Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction.. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, contaimng 80 Pills. 25 cents. For sale byallDrug-gtets.- Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The - genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. ; WESTT & CO., 'The Pfll Makers,',' lil &183 W. Mad ison St, Chicago.;; Free trial package sent .by mail prepaid on receipt of a 8 cent stamp. ., ; mhSSD&Wly . . . . - . '. ..; GOOD . ilpl a THE SOUTH TO THE NORTH. ..itX ' From Kansom's Tribute ,to Burnside, 1 'L rbcoirniz&d here fri this Chamber a sentiment '.ofwveral-Barnsifle than .wliUnuJiwrtbry--,yitK--5a11iits ex amples of 8jlch(Tor.,furnisiU!8nothing grander, or brighter, . ' I speak 'not of whaf ho .'conceived to be his. duty ;to hia-partyi' On .that ground I sliall Hot tread. But in : all' else; iii all of my " association! - with him 'bh""this floor, he never failexl on any -oceasion to render-1 o North ; Carolina 5 and Jier people any. and everyJ service' -in his power. J hat fttate seemea enat!areu t and ; sacred to ..him. ;lAs .ho-! had stricken . her . m war, - so in peace he felt 7 it. . . his duty-j to i befriend her. I, never . mentioned her name her , people to . jhim . but . his heart ,' , opened . as rto a talisman. His friendship for her was deep, con stant ana tervul.. .Her tame, ner in-: terests,' her' future were objects of his care. ' Her soldiers especially were dear to hiin. ! He loved the living, ne almost hallowed the dead. - What 4n honorable,! beautiful, - heroic isenti- jnent ! :! The knightly thought of a (Jhrstian sbidier. lne picture ot Achilles m. his tent as he wept ar d fasted .over the dead body of Pat r o clns, bis friend, has touched the heart for forty icenturieSjJ but ; here f was Achilles paying, nonor to t ne, memory of Hector and offering his ships tt Andromache ; and ? the children of Priam." PERSONAL. .- Judge Jeremiah Black' and wife passed scvcmI "day Jn MLiwaukee, Wis.,: last week, the Quests of , Mrs, Matt H. Car penter. , ; .. : - ' I ' - John Kelly is getting the bet ter of his recent illness. It was feared at one time that the old man would ' succumb to. the dead-lock. ' ' J ' .-: -- - ' - Mile.' Jeanne Bonaparte, daugh- of the late'-' Prince Pierre, is to be married next month to, the Marquis de Villeneuvc Bargemont, 'the scion of a staunch Legiti mist familVi. The lady's dowry is to be one million: francs, given by her brother,' lnnce Koland Uonaparte. t-1 ' j - Mr. W.; W. Story's new statue" of Orestes j represents the beautiiul youtn clinging , to Apollo's altar with his right hand, and with his left lifted to repel the pursuing Furies. ' The -lithe body is said to be magnificent, the face fine, but full ibf horror. Mr. Story at sixty is as vigorous, as handsome and as energetic as most men of thirty-five. m! -' ?r-c-! "TT" uiant to hxty forMenorBoys cillicr TCady-imde ornuvfle b order, do not Fail io send, for our Caialoue l SfsassisSBsaM - nov4 W3m : Important to Cotton Planters; THOSE FARMERS WHO WISH. TO OBTAIN Cotton Seed for Planting, of the most prolific variety, can obtain such at One Dollar per bushel, by sending their orders to me. I have been; se lecting and improving my Seed for the past; six years with my own .hands, and can confidently recommend them to farmers as much better than the famous Dixon or Simpson, from which they have been improved. Those who wish to avail themselves of a chance to increase their yield of cotton, can sena tneir orders to is. lilly, uotton Buyer and Commission Merchant, Wilmington, jn. c, Dy tne iota or r-euruary, ihsj, or to . j i G.E. SHEPARD,- L -r-yr-u . -i. : .' Tonsail Sound. N. C J Orders accompanied with cash will be promptly nuea. j -., . aeci w C. .M. tTKDUA.K ;...r.l.rwsident ..Vice President Isaac Bates S.. D. Waiucb .. Cashier 't:v-yvvs:r s '?'- TT:-ir- Bank of New Hanover. "CAPITAL PAID IN . - $350,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL-$1,000,000 DIRECTOR8i W. I. Gore. F. Rheinstein, of Aaron G. W. Williams, Of Wil llanif & Murchison tion. R. It. Brideere, PreB W. A W. R. S; ! ll.-'V61lw."of Adrian A Vollers.- Jno. W. Atkinson, Isaac Bates. " se Knemstem, C. M. Stedman. Jas. A. Leak, f Wad.-s- ! boro. 1 j . . K. B. BordKit, of Ooldfr noro, n. o. D.McRae. . .CM. Stedman, PresidenU Bokuen. rinlitnhnnn Dnnnnh B. P. Howmx President. UUlliaUUlU DlQUUlli Cashier. ' " ' ' ' ' DIRECTORS t ! ' j ; , s - , ' i B. B. Borden, W. T. Faircloth, W. P. Eornegaj u. n.araanason, Herman wcui. , . . l Waflpehnrn" Biflnnh;.M.pt'.LBlt j-rcsiacnr. tiuuuouuiu U1UUU1J. uasnicr. . .. f , DIRECTORS: a. . . , ' J. A. ! cak,R. T. Beimett.G. Wi Uttle,.I. . Marsha . Issues Certificates of Deposit bearintt Interest Is authorized by Charter to receive on deposit moneys nem m etubi Dy Kxecators, Acuninistrators, Ouaraians, &c, &ct &c . .. . . Jt Strict attention given to the orders and requests oi our country menus oy mail or ornerwiBe. nov 16-wtf- ; , : '.- - i'"-- PIANOS and OBGAHS. :"'Brai Special HoMaj'Sale',.. A-t '.--' ".,'-- - , . x---- "-.Vj1 pv ' ' For Christmas,' 1 881;' make yonrsclf and. family happy by the gift of a Piano or an Oi gan, that will fill your home with music, not on .-for a day but for a lifetime. i. . Special Holiday Sale. 800 first class In struments from six best makers; 163 styles, all grades, all prices, but no competition with cheap makers. ,Wc sell none but Reliable . Instruments, from old makers. Others may deceive purchasers with offers of $1000 Pianos for $225,-and 27-Stop Organs for $65, but we won't.- Gold dollars can't be bought for 00 cents: True economy lies in the purchase of a . Reliable Instrument, cost what it may. ; . ., Best Instruments for least money is our claim, and in this we compete with the world. Send for Catalogues and Special Holiday Sale Prices, Address - - HIDDEN A BATES, Savannab, Ga. ! The Great Wholesale Southern Piano and Organ ,decl6 W4t ,t Dealers. - - , Notice. STOLEN, FROM MY STABLE; OTT THURSDAY kt v 6 te8tnmsta?1': GRAY HORSE. "rir 1 a sear unaerwnere tne right saddle skirt works, and lifts np her left foot when turning around, . 1 will pay a liberal reward for the delivery of the mare to me, or for any Information that will lead to her tecovery.i ; This 19th October, 1881. ' . f ?.oct88W6t , , m: ISHElM WRIGHT.: mm S" TRADE -3 jJl . 3POK NeurafgiaSctatica, Lumbago, Backache,-Soreness of the Chest, Gout, QuinsySort i Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Surns and Scalds, . General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear arid Headache, Frosted Fesi anrf Ears; and til .other Pains I and Aches. ' r .voaration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as ' , Kure, simple and cheap External Remedy. t entails but the comparatively rifling outlay i Cento, and every one suffering with pala i c cheap and positive proof of Its claims, t . i'.iii.tis in Eleven Languages. ... - BY ALL DEUGGISTS AND DEALEBS IS MEDICEJE. ' ; A.VOGELER & CO., . ' tlnltimirrt Mi.. XT. 8. -A JelOD&Wlv " s S Great Germ Destroyer. 1 , DATtRlPS Prophylactic Fluid ;! Pitting ot FEVER S : -i.i-.'i Vii l!ri A i CONrXGIONdestroyett; SICK .ROOMS purified and made pleasant, x SltlAlili-POX ,.. fi. -:s?reTenteii.- ULCERS v purified arid ; neaiea. DYSENTERY cured. FEVERED ' AND;. SICK PERSONS relieved and refreshed by - bathingi WOUNDS healed - rap- idly. . l with rTopnyiactio juu- - id added to the water. CATARRH relieved and - cured. . x- i - . ' - - r ----- v.t : ERYSIPELAS cured. !r " . BURNS relieved instant ly. SCARS prevented. J TETTER dried np. . I Removes all unpleasant odors. - . j IT IS PERFECTLY i HARMLESS. For SORE THROAT it is- a sure cure. DIPHTHERIA I i -. PREVENTEI) IN PACT IT IS THE GREAT DISINFECTANT - .- - - AND rURIJflKK. f Prepared by J.fH. ZEII.IN 8c CO., Manufactnrine Chemists. , i, SOLE PROPRIETORS. jy 19 Deod&Wly il tuthsa nrm ' Particular Notice. 1 All the Drawings will hereafter be under the exclusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SECOND GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14; 188-1 41 Monthly Draw- ' :. Lonisiana State Lottery :Coijany. ! ; Incorporated m 1858 for 25 years bv the Leeisla- ture for Educational and Charitable p rroses wiui a cstpnai oi i,uuu,uuu lo wmcn a eserve fund of over $420,000 has since been add -. ; By an overwhelming popular vote its! : t nchisr . was maue a part or tne present state oonstit utioj adopted December 8d, A. D.- 1879. I . ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAW!" j TT NEVER" SCALES' OR POSTPONES. ; Look at the following Distribution: i ! V CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. " 100,008 TICKETS AT: TWO DOLLARS EACLi HALF TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR. , ; .- LIST OF PRIZES.- 1 Capital Prize.. . . J. ......$30,000 ...... 10.000 5.000 l capital rrize.. 1 CaDital Prize.. C. Tl f. - ! 5,000 5 Prizes of. 1000 . L . . 80 Prizes of 14 500. .!. 100 Prizes of -1 ! 100.J: ..V 10,000 ... 10,000 .. .10.0M - Sflll Tri!Ma rt " 1 II ..JlO,0Of ... 10.00ft 1000 Prizes of :t to! . ..5 A PPPATTU A Trrisr tjtt71?q . i95Approximation Prizes of $300. ..... ..; 2,700 v Approximation razes or auo. i,80f 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to.:.. M10.400 Responsible oorresoondin nts wanted at all pi prominent points, to whom a beral compensa- Hon will Yn nnlrl I- For further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter or Money Order by maiL Addressed only to - - - , - . . . . i'-.-v.jniA DAUPHIN, ? - j .5. - - ?- New Orleans, Lai or M. A. DAUPHIN. . 1ST La Salle St., Cblcago, Ulsj formerly 218 Broadway, New Tork city. J N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention, The particular attention of the Public is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold,- and conse quently all the prizes in eaeh drawing are-sold and drawn and paid, i ; . . - . I jan 11 D2aw4w&W ,wesat PRESCRIPTION FREE .Tnorthespeertr Cure of Nervoas WeakBeas, Lost ' Titalitjr, Prematnre Debility Nerroiisaem, ' Despondencr,' Coaftision of, Ideas, Arersieo to Meietr,' uoreetire memory ana all lllsorders . broarht on by Iadinreet Habits and Excastei. Any druetist has the ingredients. Sfnt m Pitta SEALED ENVELOPE. A0DRES8 D R.W. S. J AO U ES, ; ' 130.West Sixtli St, CdCITiniATI, OHM. ' mh2D&Wly ' 1 HigBfedDogs. ; .'1 T71 JjiNGIJBH. IRISH ' AND GORTlOTr fiffil'Hijft of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees Formate by a .P.-WELSH , York, -Penile novYD&Wtf We WantBuybrs for, JQQQ BblffNBWLOTJR, 300 aawvs 1 1QQ Bbls SUGAR, , ,r- 2500'?ackLIVERp6oi'SALT,j; ' 500 Saek FINK n ' d - 1 -: ' j ' i 22 1?d?IBA molsses, ' ' '''.)-.! &c. -&e., AorJ - . HALL & PEAKSALL: JanlOD&Wtf ' ' - iOheapifjMSial Lime; - ' yyj have on hand! about soo'bbls.' of LIME,- which we will sell at 80 cents per Bbl., or - K.-V .) J ii' ! i $4 00 per 'ton. .Delivered F. O B. Cars. Send orders to , ' s E. O: BARKER & CO., . jan S9 W3w Dlt ; - . WUmington, N. C. fir I ,vr - MKlln 1 - I P. L! Bridiers ; :Co. r... :t ; 1, I Rock "and j Rye. THE BEST.! PLEA8ANTEST AND MOfer CER- 4. TAIN CURE' FOR OOUG-HS & COLDS. - . . . - - .n - It is also a delightful Beverage for those NOT 1 affected hy the sudden changes'of temperature, -- - i and the ONLY beverage RECOMMENDTiD by the. MATERNAL heads of families. x-th. 4 :, it MACKEREL, EXTRA MESS, In Barrels, Kits and 5-1b Tinsr PIG'S FEET, IPIG'S TONGUE, : ; .! ' SOUSED TRIPE, I FISH ROE, f .1 EXCELLENT BREAKFAST DISHES, in any qua- tity and very cheap. ! ' - -r P. Li ,an39tf f Bridgersj & Od. Willard Hotel Lottery 14th; February, 1882, Or Money llcfUndcd.' Louisvili. KTi.i November 10. 1881 Resolved, That the Board of ; Commissioners consent to a postponement 6f the drawing of tine Willard Hotel Lottery, until the 14th day of Feb ruary. 1882, and that they will not consent to any rurtner postponement ot tne same. . - .r..-.--r i By the above resolution this drawing mnst and win De naa on tne aay nxea, or money aistntm ted back to ticket holders. - i s If enough tickets are sold before date fixed the drawing will be had, and notice of same will bfe gjven turougn tne papers. i ' LIST OF PRIZES The Willard Hotel, with all its itflORfl CiCiCi jf . Fixtures and Fiirmture, J UUiUUU One Residence on Green Street.. . ..... s $15,000 One Residence-on Green Street! ....... , 15,000 l-wo casn razes, eacn ss.ouo. . .-. . ... . : . ... . mooo .Two Cash Prizes, each $2,000.. . .v. v. .. i j 4,000 Five Cash Prizes, each $1,000. . - . . 5,000 Five Cash Prizes, each $500.. 2,500 Fifty Cash Prizes, each $100.......;...,...: 5,000 une Hundrea casn razes, each 150... : ....? -5,ooo Five Hundred Cash Prizes, eace $a0. ....... 10,000 OneSetof Bar Furniture........... . ...1,000 One Fine Piano . 500 One Handsome Silver Tea Set. . . . . u .-.:. 100 400 Boxes Old Bourbon Whiskey, $36. . ! 14,400 10 Baskets Champaigne, $85.. ...-..-..-..-....i. 850 Five Hundred Cash Prizes, each $10. . . . . . 5,000 400 Boxes Fine Wines, $30..... . . .. ...... ... 12,000 kju isoxes ko Demon county whiskey. S30 e.uoo 400 Boxes Havana Cigars, $10. i ; .i ... 4,000 Five Hundred Cash Prizes, each $10.. ... .. . . 5 000 Amounting to $369,S50 i Remittances may be made by Bank Check, Ex press, festal Money order, or Registered Mail, i Resnonsible aerents wanted at all noints. i For Circulars, giving full .information, and for 5,O0OrrTickets, address W.D. C. WHIPS, f JLf. V 1111 KJy . . : Willard HoteL Lonisville. Kv. nov 23 Deod&WtNov 10 tn th sa - r - JX. A. STEDLIAK, Jr., j Attorney and Coiuisellor at Law; ! ELIZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. -C, ' Office Up slairs, in Brick building occupied by Rinaldi & Co. : , , Special attention to- Claims. Cellections " on urns or $ioo and upwards made for Five Per tent, if without suit. . Drawing . Deeds, Mort- :es. Ac. a specialty. " . - ap5 D&W tf s Cures iJh SYPHILIS a - ...1 in any stage, ilCatarrh, C, p. n 3 i P . hrl 1 Eczema,";- Old Sores Pimples, 'Polls, rr;;oranyjjj S It :1rl i DISEAE&fc CTTEES WHEH" ALL OTHER 'EE1I-! EDLES FAIL! ! If -yon doubt; trome t& 1 see lis, and we: wiU CUBE YOU, or charge f , nothing H! -1. 'Write for particulars; and ! a copy of little hook: "Zlessage. to the. Unfortn- nate Suffering " Ask any prominent Druggist: as to our standing,' ! IST'SIOOO Beward wU7 be paid to any Che mist who wiU find on qrialysis of one hundred bottle of 8. 8. fionepartidep 'MercuWrl sium, or any Mineral substance .-, .i, ..-j t . . t.u SWIFT SPECfFIG ffdFn&ti i, . , (pes, Bonus.)' j3 j si ff fjjttlanta, Oct,' Priee of Small Size, m ;A : W n $1.00 p. I ;: -ut l,tS SOLDBY AI.IirDBUGCII8T$. (v jy 8 Dedexs&Wly ' A -BEATTPS PIANOFORTES Mag--A nificent holiday presents; square grand pia nofortes, foirt ve3i handsome round corners.rose wooi cases, three unisons,. Beatty's match less . iron frames, stool, book, cover, boxed, $222.7 S to $297.50! catalogue prices $8 00 to $1,000: satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded after one year's use; upright pianofortes, $125 to $255; catalogue prices $500 to $SOO; stand ard pianofortes of the universe,' as thousands tes tify; write for mammoth list of testimonials; tseatty-s caDiuet organs, catnearav cnurcn, cna pel, parlor, $30 upward; visitors welcome; free carriage meets trains; illustrated catalogue "iholi- -day edition) freest Address or call upon DANIEL H-BATTX, WASHINGTON, JNEW JERSEY. EITTEELL SPRINGS FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, Kittrell,; Vance Co., N..C HealUiy location:, thorough course; practical teachers. Spring Ses Rion beelns January 12th. 1882. AdoIv tow. s. BARNES, Prin. - - . s - . . - $7 7 7 A YEAR " and r expenses . to agents.' Outfit free. Address P. O. VICKERY, Apocsta, Me. Newspaper Advertis'g Bureau, 10 Spruce St. N.Y. jan 3 lmxi&w rHE SO S3 . C9' CO CO 2 tXlAUn'y Sss i . - -- fyvf -1 O The Latest The Best THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The handsomest and most complete LARGE ARM MACHINE -.. ii 'j 1 Yet produced. . ILLUSTRATED CIUCULARS SENT ON APPLICATION. ! . . V v.-'----" - i.-i-..-S---- Victor Sewihg Machine Co., ; I Middletown, Conn. Southern 0":;, f"3.t!7.!. Ch2 las St., Baltimore, Md decl5D&W3m : ; . . - ' he-Vbest .1 OF ALL Ac1 For moratlmn alhml of a ccntn; irytho Mexican Mnstang Liniment has been Known to millions u over inn worm is tin; only sate reliance for tlio relief of ac-cideiits uitl iativ. It is a medicine abovr irico juiil pr;u3 the best of its kiuc!., l or i lo.m of external pain the ).!:.;--. :-. . ' . Iklustausr Liniment i-i v. ii hen tan ecnal. . It penetrates ficlt aud tnastJ to tle n-ery loue makiiig- t!io--canUua-sinco of pain :fiid iiitiimunation impos sible. It94rfl'cct4!po:i lliniian Flesh a- il tlwj Iimtu Ori'iiii"U uretinialiv wow ft.l. T'.io Mi'sicim " - mm Llntmont is Hiptlod Vy BOTncbody in every house. JJvery iay- bi r.ijr.y mr.rn H the narotiy of r.H ntvfitl s Ui or bura sulnlued, of rticTiimniic uiartyrj T(j su)!-ei. or ft vninabie uioriHi or ox! saved by ilio Iscaiing- iower of thij which sppfoiix tfWca -micli fiilniohts of ' 1 n tne Kh Joints stskd-osOtf .X-19itJtSrf we, sud t Sprains,, 'i'ftisaaoa' Bites and gS Stius " KiiiiSaciiii - IatoeDess, Oltl Ki Sores, iTlceiu. V'nstTbiteSr Ciiilblusig. f Sore riipplca, I'altcd JBreast, stud latieeel every Gox-m. of ezSeril dis ease . It Iwcl wiiiioht scoi-a.: . FortheBaea'r: Ckeation 1tures ' " i - Sprains, ; Swinny, , Jstiff Joints, Founder, JTnrness Sores, Hoof Ila emses, S'opt liot, Screw Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, geratcbes, Wind falls, Spavin, Xlirtisli, RlQgtMne, Old. Sams. PoU Eril, s?ilsn noon tlie Sight and every otUcr ailment to ) tvnlvn - tn ' ccupams oi tne Stable and Stock lara are liable. i Tlie Mexican Jlustang- Xiinlnient always cures and never dissajiJiointB ; and it Is, positively,; ; s t , .. FG3 2.IAN OH BEAST. feb5 Wly THE DAILY STAR. OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA!! f ,- y c Z "'. --im: i ;;:::.. : y:iyy y T H; eAIIT if HORMINH jJTA, l'A -FIRSTbAfe feEMddRATIC" NEWSPAPER, pBtolished at the follpwln&lOTw .yiyr Tr :' R ATKH OPSIIBSCKIPTlOfl i "One Year; postage paid, ':-:r.y.".'.Y.!.$7'oo Six Months,; Tnrce j: " " 2 25 1 00 One )i,isfftiixjitfy t Hi xy, yn- THE' tJAlLY STAR; 1 H kets, Telejit RcprtaQt be Northern and European Markets, and the Latest ' ;.- . . ; . ft :; . . .. ; . - ' General News, by Telegraph' and ' , : 1 y Mali fiYm aHnQvt.Ar ' ' ... 5 ;i ; ; r. . . : i . -..-. . . . i . . : . j ,x . !) -ii;ri';' W"Prld,j .k'i'it i 'f " . , iargesl (UUUULAIIUN intheSIATt .f-A? XL PERSONS are liereb Warned againRt tra i XX. ding for- or taking, np threes Notes of $13a.a3 each, made payable to the undersigned in two, ; three and four i years, .by Green. Woolison, of Co lumbus county, said Notes having been lost by .tne and payment of same estopped, i I will pay a liberal reward for their return to me;-? - ,,,: ! i .JAMES O.IWILSON, . ' t jantdDlt W2t '' w-j Wilmington, N. C. -MpiioAflO'sojaxE.o.o. imal 770 lh. Cotton Beam and Frame. $455 -asg-Tog Wagon Scales, $40; 4-Ton, $60; Tie little Detectire,t -$3. Send lor Price. List, sept 0 D3m&W6m . ;-lEUSM MI8 IpTHE.-.BEST , J ,: i. i ! S S V f I IF

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