Theeekly Stan' StDirits lilurr)entine.r,i,N, -jh Tnn-r-. f , .....- - i-fr-r"i-iT-Bhlr'ai wmil. L..ruiri '. WT- i tti i-r-'f - -. 111 am mi -fijr- 1111 - - " "-" - -ii-i7ct?thlrley wrtn4J f . Ui WH 1 PCBIJHH Ki AT W ! I Li Ml I Itf O T. O N N . C 91 SO A-iBA R, I u T w a: HI OS! Ii r cc :c o a o Vpob t-! B t! !" SSSSiSS8S8S8SS888 M."Pi 1 2SS8SSSSS88S?SS; sSS8S8SS883S88S3 0! 8SSSSSSSSS3SSS a CD " , . :. . ..1 Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, - t?s Second Class Matter. .1 .. ! , 3 ' ' . I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. The subscri6tion price of . .the CWkeklt Stak is as follows : - -. I , ' ; , j 4 " ' Siugle Gbpj 1 year, postage paid, " $1.50 6 months, , 1100 3 months, ' , .50 ; WHAT THE S1JN SAYS. , . . The N Jw Yort Jas beeir aU alonoj in tavor strongly 01 iuieyrtotaJ -abolition sf the internal revenue sys- TIil Stab has fousrht ' this scliemej 1 .. re were pleased to notice. in its issue! of the 1 1st instant that the Sun haji began to view the mat ttr Urflf't.JnJlI v and in nnnAt?nn with the . support of the Government. -The .stab nas o ipbsed abolishing .because'. . ; i . - the) supp rt j of . the Government would ther upon the d bby. be thrown j entirely ities, derived on foreign goods undi the present high tariff The JSun st: 11 favors the .abolition, of internal taxes," but opposes tinkering them.: It .slvs abolish ; or leave the. tax as it- is. RefeiTing to the .effort to reduce merelyj it says.; ' If it succeeds it will diminish the na revcuua by nearly fifty millions of dollars a year. , imt it will none the less keep" the entire odious machiuery of the internal revenue . systeu, with its fourj thousand of!ifr!i and its Gvc millions of dollars of annual expensls. in full force and opera- tion. ;There will be just as, much patron- . t . . 1 . 1 .... 1 . . . 1 i,' ...... .,(;.... n . 1 .. just as much spying into pri vate business, just as much fraud and corruption as there ....... .i.-.i,. 1 ti,,. !., c,t millious of dollars a year of, its present, in come ' , If the fepcal or modjricariou of the existing pension laws is not practicable at present, and if the paying off of Mlie public debt under th operation of 'the , sinking fund is to go 04, the JVmsury will need cM the recenue it & uoir, getting, if itot more." '. The -closing p:irt of the extract is in full accor with ,wlwit the , Stab lias urged so often.; There is no prospt'Ct of aj repeal or modification of the pensioli laws, and there is no certainty that the sum applied to the liquidation of! the public debt will be reduced at present. . j There.;? are --j ber sides many sobemes I on ; foot requir ing much money, .and - among these to be noted specially is the construc tion of a navy.- iln-view oft-this iwe have urgedi the JSmi adxnitSj m itvv, iviiuciiiic A.'uixt.i w mil .JU3C jiiiy that "the Treasury will need all the revenue it . i-j now j getting, if, not more.'' The follow popular man : ng conceraing the most n the State and the best. stump speake r m the Union., is ."too 5001I to be omitted, just now. .It is from A' pen-sketch' of - Senator, done by that literary., artist,.'; R. Randall, poet and editor, yance Mr. J. for his paper, .the Augusta, Ga., .Chronicle. We give only i part: ; ','' ; -' "His devotion to party is extreme, .but the ultrd Itepubllcan? Senators have pnly kind feeiinsrs toward. him. He is .'hail fel low well met' with all mankind and J think even thti temperance ladies, :wha; go. about crusadia?.. reaMlrf orMve him , for - frankly inf ormiig thm pat though Jtis spirit ; is with-tbeircansclhis rebellious stomach is against it. He . racy of the soil of the Old North State and a pine tree as ;to-. him far more Jifiautif ul than the stateliest palm or aueenliest maguolhi. , Like our wephens, who would 'ratber be be hanged Id . Craw ford villc thaw ik compelled to live ia Paris,: Vftnccf would be willimr. to eive Uo the ghost at once rither than be t exiled (from. his but u place, t jxever oia .uie .eouui :pr0r duce d - characier .more mi generMvaoxe typically individual. JrjThe.; idol ; - oft the masses and tae f hero : of : the stump,' ao bodv can surpass - lum m i popularroratory wheni breathiinr bis mountain air and face to face with his devoted constituents. ', But the chilling precedents of the Senate, allied with a certain traditional pomposity, re Dress his freedom of exnression : and damp en , Ins frolksome pmions. : .While jnany people, North and South, may not agree oritK him vhMllr nn lllP tnnlt nmtMfim 1L cannot be demea : unaer & lusuaae 01 nu morous uiustrauons lay niuuen utwt ui . . . . 1 J 1 c sound sense ana trutn. uis voice is mel low one. and trained to eiTing emphasis to enisrams. anecdotes and satire. 1 He knows to perf ectida : when to make a point, and where to stick it. He has the faculty as Lincoln had, of illustrating argument with little stories, full of pith and pungency," I The Richmond & Danville Eail road performed thfs feat in one day this week 1. Its stock opened at 216. It fell to 130, and afterwards reacted and closed at 185. But a clear drop of 31 in one day will do. -i Too much f watering, eh ! . . , 1 Four Southern -Democratic,. Sen: tors voted to v give Grant 4 f 12,750 each tear, and he has nothing to do whatever but smoke. ; ' f r- s i I ' ' " ' ' . ' - . I 1 I ' I , ! . . . 1 :': ' ' 1 - - ' - ' - I T . " ' ' ' . . " ' ' i . II l - 1 - - -it.-. j ' J 1 1 ' r J. 1 ! . i 1 n . ... ,, . . yoL. xiii if i After all it is by no meaua certaia Jthat Garabetta's ' defeat was disaa-' trous or that lie will 'not be rn the as-' . .it . ..-...,... ... t. .. cendant again in France "before very jnay inontns t i,ie js a.jnios pcira- Tordinary character as , wp ,.attesipte4 to show once in a long editorial. He ' f.lL .1 . : ..'""". "V , ' T "" poucy mat was unpopular -aniong tne niembers of! the, hamterVpfJjepu-ties,j'- It does ioti: follows 5 'seems,' rqnxbis over thrpwv tht the jFrenchi people are not with 'him. : The pro- viiicii press. 1$ represented ; as ipping almost unanimous in defence of Gani-' petta a poiioy .ana., ftemaBtls . we very measures of reform hich caused his overthrow. i:Over: forty; papers have spoten out bravely-in favor of Gam betta. So the Deputies do not seem to be in accord with' roonstrtuen- cjes in their war upon..Gambetta;""It j is saad h conH ihaveT MtainedefSca i' the people, and ieeiing assured loat he would Bes Sustained - by5, themf ' oia npt iiesitattP;Drinne:,matlr; to an. issue rith. the. Delegates;' f i;Tje spirit ii xef orm is, rf e ,jn Frauce aid soon or late Gambetta will be to the' J -ii- . ,J:.. fJ.VI-iK JtC I li-iiij,'r , s-l front again. .. i,UHi.--ip-rx?-iiU Senator ; Hoar opened his batteries witJ great earnestness and mftchperV; sonality iipon Roscoe Cpriklmg when1 his. name was sent to the; Senate, for j confirmation' as Associate Justice1 xf ; the - Supreme Court of : i tne ,v. United States. The; Massachusetts Senator,' even went se far as; to say. he 4id not TwlivtrA fOrVnT?-! in r '4-V a o-ri trimeka nno uaa v i v vvuatmi: iu waa uv"3U xumu-. If -: Roscotcou1cL. have i ; got! a replyl about .that., time .w6uldnt- he havej made the far fly? J Hoar 6ay q Vonk ciary would5; be a- disgrace to - th'g ermine. : It, jnay, be f so; l(we. will not dispute or j gain-say, but wowill " add -that we do not believe Conkling is either a great lavtfylpfc! "the. great est intellectual force since Webster. better lawyec:and jsaniiabler maa aiot: to'meJitioh Vther. "But Cbkfi:ng wilt" be confirmed in spite of Hoar.. ,j j . . . . - 'i t t Governor 'Jarvis states7 that the ' State Board of Education have no-fight to com-' pel the use of books -which they see fit to recommend.' He'says-'that no school com mittee, county superintendent or teacher,1 fa bound .by the recommendations of the iiaaru, oui are enureiy ,ai tsxer Cise their best judgment in selecUng proper' books for the use of theChools under their charge.lAmas tte;-:-; "' j .We are pleased to see tnis state-- meat. It is important. The Staj for reasons ' satisfactory to itself, did ' not approve - of :; the -action f-df cthe State Board in selecting books for the whole of iNoctkjGardlina. The ! -, i . - ... ., Stab believed and, insisted that the ',iii tt4 it uii it gti im proper way, ,wa to , lea vethei selec tions to -the -County Boards.-5 f We will not repeat pur reasons.' We. are Had : that the - Governor ' takes : the position assigned -nini jp J.he. ;pye paragraph. ' This(-' decisiori of y the Gioveraor tleaves the ;- matter,: practi cally in ;the; hands ' of ; the; County; 13oards. If they may . disregard . the electiona 'jmadelj' 'the Sjapa'r' they can get farther and make their own selections. y.iThis places hp pias ter iust where-h Sab urered it should be plaeeri kt fte beginning. massacnu can otate, as we mentione&mafiyi months ago, Jias .pojtdti 'eljJpbniU witbth&-frr:&i Greenfield Rail4 way .Company,'; r ;The! repudiaitpn , is certain ' iand!':''tjiejieprati;.pf tiwB trapsactipn.: unmistakaple. .The-j St. Paul iPiohe&r . Press h&H this to say bf the transaction ' desperate expedient of pleading its sover eignJym:baiie judialproe 8ionttilklaanQaaiUflAldn9 URQA themeiactfjiettaj-sjtji then its confiscation of, the f prpperty, of jin,- dLyiduals who had trusted la its good faith,: and its refusal- to; prpyide.,any ."measure Qf relief or,redre8s is rank dishonesty. n.l,;' j .; It is worth . while to ;note these things. 0 jState., tW &ore prbnetb, throw stones 1 at its neighbors than iviassacnusews. , 4. ). .m ' Prof. iVenable,-6f ;.thev University of Virginlaj i bas been 'ieefpring be-: foref Johns Hopkins 'University, Baltimore,' on the Constitution offtae . Sli 'ft Foretsrtf Shipment The f ollpwiflg comprlse the foreign ship 1. ments from this port yesterday h Thehr, Floretus L.: SoJUppi Capt, Crabber forPdrt; de PaIx;HaytI,bf MesOT.fprth9pT& Cum' glesand4a,5fl0hricki Jraiaed!ati42,lQ6.49;i: and the Russian barque Aalto, Capt.' Grape, ! fPk JfebourJTSrniaayr valnat:t318!i!!'5.iTotal.valu offoreigri exports for lfo$ftXffi$Y: , ;; .wiemingt6n' ;c.v. Friday, ;m Worms in theTiirpentfa Xre? He- ' colleetloM of 49, ; ; - ( fA late 'number of the llinesvilIo'T!Qa.t' 'Gazette says: ' Sdme of our turpentine" men j j 1 ,..- . - "7 ,ing in the trees recently boxed, and decay soon touows. ui course tne supply or gum is scanty, and it is': filled wfth the dust of the bark and'' therebv in-hiTedi'' -14: is fltiD- posed that these worms ;get m ' the "green. I timber irom;tne dead trees prostratea'Djr the storm, for the greatest havoc caused byv uieui. ja m uiose paru aiijactiui ui jmu.. farms' where thd storm logs aresoi abun dant"' ' ' ' " ". Ij -' V"1 ' ' '"" The winter of .849 was. generally' mild and open, and as spring approached :it be- 'came evident thatirtu9 lad-attacked the pine trees in-'air tMs sectfohr.Thefioisfi- jiiade by them in their 'depredations was perceptible to" any one passing through the Woods.' The trees commenced to .'die rap--idly,' arid but for a providential extremely' cold snap in April of that year ton the 15th f whici4nonth if will Jbe recounted : there more or lets afe4ed by thcmandpoasibly, killed. ' lASi it prbved J however. the cold snap pui an ena 10 ae "ravages ,o jne Dug. Jh succeeding,, years ths .effect of .this bug attack was noticeable in the broad acres of dJjimberiw3W6h many sections of pur pioe country vi'f , ., This same hug.haanow- made its appear- ajnce ln; Georgia5 andpprifchs;"of. South Varouna, anu lrnofc liuip on. pyr a tuuuiar. cpld snap as that which so opportunely .inn trvened in 189aswe npwve,reasori to 1 nope tJhey; will be, may dopncalculable dam age., . Those familiar with and who recol lect the visit of Xhe bugs in . 1849 say , -they Were a very small liard-shelled, black hug, that )x)red into and sapped - the ; life of tree, when -it withered and died . Aworm known as the sawyer then folio: track of the bug, and it-was this that made the noise referred to,!which resembled some-; What the 'sound pf a small saw ia use. ';. J. ' TaJclnc A gentleman from; C3olumbus county in forms us that a Mr. Pearce, of that county, sent ' to Whiteville , a, .few , ; days ; since for some auinine. beine : troubled with a liht ftver. He reeeiVed : what he supposed to be the medicine sent for arid took a dose of it the same nightafterwhjclihe went to a neighbor's house, where he soonucomplain ed of feeling sleepy, - and was shown to a bed. ' About' 12 o'clock the family were aroused by bursts of laughter apparently issuing from the 5 visitor's room, and upon entering to ascertain the cause, of the un seemly and ? unseasonable ; mirth. :Mr, Pearce was found -in the agonies of death, and was soon afterwards' a corpse.'5" "ETpbn rnvesti Ration it was found that he had taken morphine instead of quinine the re sult of a terriblelotBttkelBOmewhere and By some one. ' Foreign Shipments. :-vt'-' f--f The following comprrae the foreign ship ments from this port yesterday: The" Ger man barque Madura, ' 'Capt.'? Schultz, "tfor "Iamburg, Germany, b Messrs.- DeRosset fc Co., with 4,084 barrels of rosin," valued at $9,280; 'snd the1 British barque Eehh, Capt. Dyer for , J?ew ; (ltle-onyne,' r by ilessrs. Alex.. 6prunt&i Son, withr,iB,095 parrels of Tosin. - valued- at $8.500. ! -Total value of foreign exports f of the day ,$17,'780, ,' , - . v ... . - I .Mr Haen, Signal Service ;.Omcr in Charge of the station fd this bbrtyfuraishes U, folio whig . information : , ."The Porps Station at Idfe-savingjatation J?o. 6 reports to the Chief Otguaft- Office as fol- kws:.Schr. Pearl yelidhViMachii Murdock teemp master,' from Wilmihgton, N. -C. bound to Plymouth. Mass!, "with a crew of six men and a cargo of twelve hun dred barrels, of tar, .came ashore1 abreast ' of fsayinjg ;3latiouJNo.,f 5, 'VniaV;at 4 A, iu. K-qay eDrnaryiuiji orwiug,wuuii' ilculatiop,' ihr a'heavy nor'rwind and heavy sea. - The-prew Jhav beem.saVedl The i captain -.will notijoome -ashore, h A, wreckmg company has heeif notified.' The yeJ jies,ia7 leak. Aheaw; northwio(l rplowmffyand there i a heavy tea, 5 iTheyjFWt iNtiaon isth ujoi3fffssaSsi4iiPs nott tlcoxcu air tills uuiu ao auuic. . uw Mutlnon and' Insu'bordlnate Sailors. '-'Tsar:Deibifx oil1 board of the ICfl. Jtmlmi a fJfX Vft mi N ' ifniJtMi.va6 Vxtrlrjr- 'lift?- beeu ih : iaii"1liere i':i fbVr eome days charged ffidesertionV wtakeir t5rSmMyijle on' jWednesday last and placed in the jail there1 SO as lO utriuore uuuvcuiuui wuw iuu vrasci got reauy 10 uan. r riuay eveuiug apt. .Tensen cameUD to ' this nort and endeav ored to procure the services offflceriCarr r . ... . i . ; . .r ; - . -) x -ift t-. re-. i (U1U oirouu, Biauug kuaii lun iucu hcic uxu- tinous and defiant in A the extreme1, and the ailorat'Smithville ' was unable to deliver them intbr his eustody. l Captl Jensenaiso states that' the fneu "sent him a note from Sinithvilleail on7 Thursday to the effect that they intendedtot&kiJiis life on the first convenient pppottunAty :,t ,l 1 . Qmoera Care and Strode inf ormed, Gapt, Jenseii. that it was hnppssibk f oren, to act ia the matter; a the prisoners were now in tiie Custody of ahoiher'cPtuityi the au thority of which would have to be invoked in securing posseaSIOU'flf tlRTmen, and ad vised him 40 apply for the assistance of the "Revenue Cutter. , ; S There are seven sailors in the county jail at Smithville. now ' three belonging' on the Jlarmonk and four oi the British -barque Jscho. . -. ,; ..i port up t,0; date, for e preset.op , yearH f oof ffmbajes, a -againrt 08,2 . balpf for, the, cqrrpppding period jjast y eaT showing an Increase of 16,572 bales op td .datem favor Of. th present crop jearV - was a Jvy.fliMw tie;eniue pine jf orests1 w'ouVnave.!been'. VtTtdTSTT A -Ji Hi DestrneaTrind 6tWm Near Peters- ,bvrfciCtcmral Asaemhly groeoedlag -Epae off Prlsonersr , ...j f,n ! ,B7l;elegphto)leMoIlhgStar. t Petersbttro.. Feb. 23. r Intelligence iuat received says the wind storm night "before last was Verv destructive" in - the isdlncent . countiea; .blowing r down arna,! fences; trees and felegrajph poles, and dom.t other damage. t " fiT) ' j ItaCHMOsft Feb, ' 23. The ' General As-' sembly to-day1 proceeded ' to- carry out the joint ordes for the election of auditor of public accounts, railroad commissioner, etpj. In the Senate, Newberry, leader of the' bolting Readjusters; made an effort to filli bUster by moving to adiourn.I but failed..; S, Brown, Allen,,) Read juer, caucus nqmi--nee for the office pf auditor, was nominated by Riddleberger. and Senator Smith nomf-" nated Franklitt L.' Brockets of Aleaadrialn Newberry briefly , addressed the Senatei de nouncinir caucus rule and. one man-nower." auu, nominaueu jno. a. massuy, iue present incumbent; whom ne warmly enlogized and defended, ' A joint vettrta both bouses; re suited Allen ,70 Bropkett 49, Massey, 6 Allen was declared ViriyA"&ctea.- ' George A. iMartUvf NorfolkiReadjuster;J was then eletrted railroad' cfcnunissipnetfi -uti U:i 1"IiTKCiiBEG,-.:Feb. 23. Charles; Jones. sentenced . to eiehteen , years ia the State prison for murder, and RandofpKMoff ett awaiting trial, for murder, "escaped from yythe county jail by digging '.through a wall.-; Pickett, j Mpffett's accomplice .was., too fat to get through the hole and was' obliged to stay behind. - ' ' PENNSYIi VAJHUL. Tne Reading : Railroad Company Ar- rival of Jewish Refngees at ' Phlla- delphla Decisions In Star Route" i Snlti -v'"; Uif :AUiJ;;i a ft i -. IBy Telegraph to the Mornimr Star. : ;; READrNQ, February . 23. Judge Hoee- man to-day rendered a decision to the effect tharReadlng'RaHroadec pf deferred ibonds lis ' legal, and! tlau it is Within the power 'of. the said company to issue boads without pamins a Uaie for .their, j detoption j .u eUhia, Feb. 23. The steamship lis, with the. 325 Russian Jews, refu-j on board, arrived in the river to-day." bear marss of hardship and tell dis" .1 stories. - . The Relief committee met them at, New, Castle and informed them of plans for their' benefit. They are profoundly; impressed- with what they have heard, particularly of the offers pf homes in the South. ? Most of mem are tradesmen ; only a few farmers. J Phtladbxphia; Feb. 23. In me tJ. Si! District Court this morning,1 Judge Butler gave a decision for the government in five Civil suits against Jbegrand Ensign and vunsiian jrrice, sureties pn oonus oi iieuj, J. Wiley, a , Star Route mail contractor,' Three; judgments, against Ensign amount to $18,700 and costs, and two against Price to fio.oou and costs, . y; MISSOURI Tne Iron mountain Railroad, Open AfiUn Terrifle Boiler Explosion ; af St IoaiA Namber of Workmen lm ared Desith of a Prominent Ma I son. : '; ; j'.'j..: ,"r' :::';;;.-:,-- ,.; ..-"'i j fBy Telegraph to the Morning Staa r- '-i !-St LOtrir," "February 28. The obstruc tion on the Iron . Mountain Railroad,"; at Cave Cliff, has been cleared, and a train left for Texas last night. Passengers from the South, numbering two or three hun dred, were brought here on the steamer Jno .; Meade, lne mails irom Texas were also brought up in the same wayt ' '' u ; St,', Louis, Feb. 23.0ne' of the ' .boilers in tiie olooming null or the , V mean bteel Works, South Sw Louis, t exploded :; with terrific force to-day. About one. hundred men were working in the mill at the ' time, of whom .Michael . Cockley, John Dolan! Frank Chambers and Ohver Aude, were, fatally injured; being terribly scaldedjje sides having limbs broken. Robert Cotton; has three ribs broken and was; severely burned. . Mike .Crowin has .a combined fracture of the leg and . eeveral : scalds Frank Lof tus and Thoa. . Brannon were also badly scalded, - and three others, seriously hurt. The smoke-stack was blown down and the mill otherwise seriously , damaged. 1 Samuel H. Owens, Past -.Grand Master $f the Masonic Grand Lodge of this State,!, J . . J TT-. , i a T. iqu presem, wurana , riigu . xnesi oi vue Grand Chapler of Royal Arch Masohs and Grand Treasurer of the Ancient Order " of unuea woramen oi JHUssoun. aiea. in, mis r i a. ir.s. - i - ?u ; 1 - - f tfVIIlGINI'Ai tirMA -f 4 ReadJ1Bter Nomination for : ClrcU i and. Supreme. Court.- Judges" A IHTur- derer Sentenced to be Huns:.' ' ' ? ' i; LBy Telegraph to the Horning Stakl 1 Richmond, Peb- 24 :The tReadiusters in caucus last -nignt nominated : county Judee-Henrv M., Ford. !of Henr v. county.'. to be Circuit Judge of the'Banyille , Circuit, ana iae ipiiowing OT,r,tner.uprem; wpurt; jtooen AiJttcnarasen,oi cunytn - pouniyj vice Judge , Staples; T;.- FountelroyJ late Secretary of the Commonwealth, vice Judge Anderson; "Oruiy,., A'jB3nton,'t. retersDurg, vice juogeisurks. ; . ; The Readjuster caucus continued inses Sibn last xiight until dneJo'clock '-'.and com pleted the nominations for .Judges of , the. pupreme. iour Of appeaiS K,f .,.18, bf this citv. was 'unanimouslv nominated. uj udge RJCjacyl. NeW nfc;.re ceived the nomination over two ooDoneatsl Lewis is Remiblican' jorney io mssoniW? F t l Aimm He is also half brother of LL. Gov.; Lewis.. ! Danvii!ie, February. 24.1--The Ilustings uourt oi iniisyivania coumy . yesujruay sentenced Dock Wri5ht tq be hung on the pist oi marcn, au enorxs io procure a tom mutation of the sentence having falledi n , -Ml ft FINANCIAL New York Stock Market-prices Ir- 1 i 'regular ' -"' ' : ; . By Telegraph to the3Eoraing Star.l sM I New Tors:.-February 25. 11 A, M. The stock market opened firm and 2 per cent higher for the general-list than yes terday's closing prlcesTth1?Tatter for, Hous ton $ Texas, while Richffidnc! 'Dahtflljl cer. higher. iJlanniPal & tstii Joseph, pre f erred, however-was 1 ner cent, lower. In the early dealings .there was' a general de cttne br44 per cent., the latter for'Wa-: bash preferred, while Richmond Danville fell off 4 ner cent, i Louisville & Nashville. however, advanced 3J,' Nashvifle . & Chat-, tanooga 2, St Louis & Sau "Francisco S,' aid Atlantic &Terrehaute 1 pef cent. At 11, o'clocki the market, increased il.pei; cent Erie preferred leading therein,, while jjOUisruiB Oi iittnuviiic xcn ui z per ceil t !-; , ' ,g 's'sWi ' - " The contfaTetfOrifflttlfig a gap of fifta Wilea f the'Vfcksbur SMfeveOorl)Te as R.' "Ri-beloneine to the Erlanger system extending from Arcadia to Shrevepbrt; La. was yesterday signea Dy ine contractors. - 7 . . n ill? aegh 3,' 1882. ' WASHIITGTOK. V ' tliMf t.-m, -.'.I f iB-kki I -rrtM tf ':r- Rooeoot,Coja.fclIn nominated for 8n. prcme jCourt Jade and A. A, Sar gent for lullnlsier to Oermany The .ITtah Contested Mectten Case.' " ' : ' Js ByTelegaph'totlieMorDliigStarj "f WASirmenN;iFtordarv!24j-The Presi-i dent to-day sent to the ; Senate tjtie following nominations: Roscoe jConkling, ,to be As sociate Justice1 of the U. S. Supreme Court,' auu a. ji oargeuMj, io uo juinisier to uer- - Washinoxos. February 24.-ThB Senate to-day confirmed Henry iR..Heriot as Col lector of Customs at Georgetown,' S. C. ; ii-a . vuuMiug d uuuuuatiuu: xur utc oli- preme Bench was a surprise to every one at the Capitol to-day, except a very few SenaT. tors, ."who had recently received an intima-' tloh bf it from the President, but who kept the secret inviolably. It ;was this afternoon H ah . absorbing. , topic , pf y comment. . There . seems to be no .difference of opinion among Senators as 'to ' Mr. ' Conkhng'S emkient fitness- for the position ; but in view f i his declination of t,ho Chief .justiceship, Wflen; offeredto him." by .Presidept Grants some dodbt expre88ed !hy'eve'rat of his 'Inti mate Abends as to whether he. wm accept the:4 present: appointment. .;(IThe igenerafe belief is, however, that he has accepted rit; in advance of his nomination, ; ." " ; Thenommation of ex-Senator Sargent to the (JernlaB-. Mission was also unexpected at fhp Capitol.. T His; friends were taken by. surprise, as he had not souerht it or expected any-other 'office than Secretaryship of the Interior. ; It is understood that Mr. Sareenr : will accept the place tendered him, and is rather, gratified to escape from, the storm which has been: raging about the Interior Department and the hard ' work-attendant upon, the position, j f or ; which, his.'nomiiia tion was expected, ..: .-,; ' .. ... :.. ' When the nomination of Senator. Cohk ling as ah AssOciatei Justice of the Supreme Court waS read in Executive Session of the : Senate this afternoon,; a motion was made. to take it up for ; immediate confirmation. " Senator: tloar thereupon took the floor- and warmly said that while he conceded Mr. Conkhng'S great abilities; and that no man since Webster had sumassed him in intel-' lectual force, he believed that Mr; Conkling had used his powers for bad purposes,, and he did not believe him. to be -honest... His, elevation to the Supreme. Bench, said ,Mr. Hoar, with great excitement of manner and pounding his desk by way of -emphasis, would be a disgrace to'the judicial ermine; and' he, therefore, interposed an Objection to the present consideration'of the nominal tiony and! insisted that .jt should take ; the regular course of reference to the Judiciary; vouiiuiLWic. .jx (ungiCf oujecuou ueuig bui ficient to prevehtf immediate consideration," the nomination was accordingly: referred to:' that committee, under .the ules, without an, opportunity for, debate or" any reply to Mr.; Hoar-s remarks:' 1 V'J M"Ki The nominatidu '-of ; Ex-Senator Sargent as .Minister , to Germany was ithen; referred to the committee on Foreign . Relations un- J - .- i. j r . Ai.- -:i L ation, which was interposed by -Mr, 5 Came ron; of Pa., Whoia understood to be friend ly both to him and . to ! MrT r ConkUng, but who desired to prevent? the appearance ' of any mviuioas aisxmciion uciweeu lue cases of -tne two benatorav'ial i;i.nrtiT wrss'H.iu Prominent members of both political par ties in the Senate predict that the two nom inations will be connrmed by ,t)verwneun ing majorities whenever they are reached for-final action.; ;, 1l -Hn:,: .jj-.w ,-s; ' Amendments, allowedby .the committee, to audit the expenses of the' sickness and bunal of President Garfield to the attend ing surgeons, is stated by a' member of the Committee to be as follows : . To Dr. Bliss, $25,000: to Drs. Agnew and Hamilton, $15,000 each; to Drs. Reyburn -and 'Boyn- ton. $10,000-, to .MrsJ 'Prj Edson, . $5,000; to Mr, ' En-niss,. steward $3,000: , and the other employes of the Executive "Mansion two; m6nths" ektra; pay.1' The committee recommendj the appointment of Surgeon General Barnes to tie rank, of LMaior General, nd his retirement at that grade, and the promotion of Dr. Woodward to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. .-The com-! Sittee has also: agreed .to - grant to Mrs. arfield tiie .remainder of., her husband's Salary' for ; the ' current year. The report' will -not be -unanimous: 1 Messrs.- Springer' ind Blackburn will, submit a minority: re portopposingmqstof the items allowed : ,Th& House Committee on Elections spent, pearly the entire clay on the Utah contest,' and late in the evening decided to report to the House that neither Camion nor Camp bell M entitled . to "the j- seat ? and : declaring lha goof vonant if t tin . i iu.' -f:ti;' nC-r.-asi.-V Bxecntlonof a Murderer at Coyington- Tke Murderers of tke Gibbons Ckll j dren i i ciAiKFeiH24Johnf,iMa HickS, cloved,: was hanged at Covington;! Ky.j tofday. jThe execution. was the second one ever had in Kenton," county, and, was, the ' firsfquasi private"' execution" in the Btete Of Kentucky"; Fattier Lambert came to. the front and ftddressing the. three hun,-,' 8red , spectatiors admitted, , said; VMr, tlicks will say nothing '' 1 speak for .bim. : He takes his death as a1 punishment for his Sini'N i The hlackcapwas: then adiusted, Hicks all, the while weeping profusely and exclaiming, ""'God is gpo4. Oh? miy Lord,' havenfercvi-The trat onoed at ; 10.15 o'clock and the body was cut down" at 10.44, r Tjiere was 410 struggle. ?j ue was nung .tor. the murder of Henry MurrayrWiTliams, "at jLudlow, Ky.t December 15th, 1880. - There ' Were- ho' witnesses to &e crime, o The oitter anpe of Father Larutrtpu the scaffold, was; hispnfe CrappmAi7,Tebroary24. -TheSnquyrer, has a report front Lexington. KentUcky; to th' effect that t& repb; hwmg been con pned ajwsel i4aiiM!itbiGeoige JSUia ol. wnedf romlumafltatementthat.hia former,, fcdhiessipnf charug the murder Pf Fanny Gibbon' on Wneal and EHiS Sfaftias untime, and tUatdt'Was .made under duress: and. 1 junder t' thebelief "that- Craft itad con-s fessedj. be'being solnformed by the person to 'whbmT his 'first confession 4was made.' The other. Cmcmiiati.papeT8 have noicoh-? firmation of this matter, and the Enouirer' report says the indications are that Ellis has j Btiir rurtnerreveiaaonsiomaKe. ' i v..iiy-LiMISSIS$IPiPIj Favorable .Reports Relative fo . tke ftiae-W: T. An-' deraoniW-hon hat beenTworkingl for the last ew ,ys repairing the worst places in the levees, reports that he can stand all the wa-! tef 'thatls bomfng.". Reports' of high water and the condition of the leveeS In this' part of jthe : Mississippi -.bottoni are; partly, nn-( founded. The Ben. Lomond Levee, so ofT Lw u..i' tnt 4v.i4 Mil ieu, reyubeu uiuii.eii, in buu uiMtub. : I. -- "" sn" " '' '' :- The i weekly. statement; of :.the Afesori ciat Banks shows the foUpwing changes ;; Xioans aecrease f o,cuJ4,uu; specie uecrease $3,125,200; legal tenders decrease -$804,300 idepW f !decrea9e -.'$8,W3800r j circulation decrease $917PP; reserve decrease $2,505, iBOO. .The banks now hold, $1,433,075 less' J t ,i .v--s':: fJt 1 1 NO.; 18 FO&EIGF, tl; A ) It !i Tke Trial of tke Russian "Nlklnsta Important Disclosures, Made bjj tke lAecused A Xancashlre Cotton Mll Rurned-Rrltisk1 Parllanen't " Pro iceedlnj-RussiantState;iTi-lalOM jof a Russian .Steamer Coiton. Spln jners' Skort Time Movement', Etcl V. 'A .By Cable to the MornInttStair.3 it t n! 1 London. Feb, 23.A 6ti ' Petensburr dispatch, says that ia the trjal,- yesterday, Isneff!declared that he prepared the ' dyna mite used in the njineaths Winter PaK ace, but did not knyw for what purpose it was r Intended. jf Emilionoff declared' that' tae statements m t&e deceased Goldenbure were, untrue, and that Gen. Melikoff. when at flie liead of affairs,' wae in direct' commuv nicauon with the Nihilists through a lady Hereupon the Minister of Justice ordered a protocol drawn upon this impbrtantJpolnt.'j - f Loinx)N,iFeb.:25.T-Jli, Hargrav' pottcp; Mill, at; Partricroft, '.Lancashire; has. been' destroyed by fie-' TA65,000; "tf I Thsecyetery ottha mutnpottptv Spinners and -Manufacturers Association, 3 hieh ! includes Blackburn, f AccTingtou, arwln, . Hastlngden , and several smaller towns, has received twentv-mne renlies to ajcircular proposingrshort timei f. Of these " tweaty-tnree are. lavorablc, ,tp - tne move ment i;":' .j,,J ; ';il Tfr:"-';." ' ' J J A dispatch from Chnstantinople says that- iae xvussian steamer vesia nas Deen. suns 1 a collision in the Black Sea. It i skid T thatall pa board; perfahed."Vl r 1. 1. h f In the House of Lords, . last evening, Lord, Sisbury- stated that the "objects" of ; the cpnhnittee induire.aS(o the. Workings of the. Land act had been misrep r"seB.ted. ;i He said it would heithei try "the7 Land Commission 1 or seek to , repeal I jChe Land act. Any change must be in the di-; rection of diminishing thewrohglS 'of lahdy lords rather j than: .diminishing . - anything which tenants may have acquired by the, act.'! VJ-1" .'4ii The Daily flews points to the significance ojf certain remarks of the Marquis of 'Lahs downe. Who is no votary of the Landlady e .pointed out that a committee formed mainly of landlords was not likely to be re garded as . a very .impaTtial tribunal to in- vestigate the working of an act devised in the merest of tenants.,' " - ' Ji j tips utmessaja inat tne Mouse 1 or liOtds u committee cannot possibly arrive at any I disGrcdited by the fact that it does not rep? . reseat the House of Lords,-but only a sec tjonjof it rl; T-'i" ; iuc uuuib stuuuiLwro .vvciik LlUbUi.cuin-v.i nuttee of supply at 6 o clock last evening, wnen me xrisn memuers seizeu xne oppor tunity to attack Mr. .. Forster's administrav tion of the Coercion act, on a discussion of r t-4ha MtnlfA. Tnak riAn.t.n1nM 1 nSnt. .-.n n ' I' r ..I.: . j. i i . 3 t . . i -t . j- uiuuuueiy carrieu oy a voie oi xao 10 l-o., fhel sitting. was prolonged, until. 4.3ft O'clock thishtOTnirig. s,f- -iS y . 1 StL; Petkbsbuiio Feb.-35The!Bcra. shystftat precautious; have'1 peexl'taken to . prevent ; nenceiortn nigh Kussian public servants from taking the libertV'of discuss-1 f. ihg matters of State ! policy .On .! their Own1 account ' it is hoped that "this- announce ment will induce the foreign press.'fespecin I ally the press: of the neighboring'' Empire;' no -cease using uosuie ami oueasive tan-. guage toward Russiaisi Ji ; ! : "f The London Economist Says : 'The speech Of ; Gen Skobeloff 1 has !: counteracted the; good effect of the reduction of ras of disJ ooUnt bj' leading EuropeanbahkSl' A feel ing' bf ' uneasiness1 Ms trKfeased, yoth' bi' ("temarfV ttd ?n? Austria: " J A disatchfrom St, Petersburg5 braV1 of Berlin says: During Thursday's proceed-' mgs at tne trial m tne JNinuists, , several or the prisoners Imade very full statements and in consequence of their, admissions many of the witnesses were excused from' further attendance.1 tit appears that' Trigoni had only a very slight connection with the pro- eeedmgs of j the Nihilists, - being merely aware of their designs, Suchanow, during his examination, drew such a vivid picture of the abnormal social conditions that had driven him an honbrable,sensitive man, to a career of crime, that even; the; Judges, were deeply j affected. . Jakinno acknowledged the truth of th& charges brought! against her;' Jenecker,- who is uneducated, admittedi be-, ing a, terrorist, but was unable to define the aims of that party. jh.! sji v u-. ..liui;... cMurkuleff. continued her ; endeavors to Incriminate her associates. ," All. of the ac cused declared that j they i were- Socialists and were willing to carry on ; ar .peaceful propaganda, but that they had been driven to illegal acts by the government's cruelties. It is believed that judgment will be delivered Monday, and that fifteen of the prisoners wiu ne conuenmea to ueuui. : - nf ft m-.-.-i BoiiTOH, Feb. So.' - A-bolloi'"Of cotton Opcsativeflss totthe .acLrif auilitytiii trikin- lorjan utcrwas vuo jKneewwiia HSQai mi 4ulted in 8271 votes ,for4)ftnd403agajyist k strike ; Notices for an advanee in, wages rere therefore at once withdrawn.,' A Rio de Jeneiro dispatch says that bad feather, i both there : and at Santos, has; panuigedthe.roads,.causing..a considerable. reduction in the arrivals of coffee from the hiterior.' f-jv'Ij "'5i4 -; ;:,ril-uf VIRGINIA. rdit'ii A Election ,ojC; Judges ;of tke . Supreme I Court by tko. General Assembly i Protest from ' "Democratic Members, i Richmond, February' 25. The General Assembly to day elected ! five Judges of the Supreme , ttourt ; Night ., betore last ..tne Democrats nominated and . voted for their Oahdidates' in each case except in-the fease ox Mr; liinton. who was; elected to; succeed Judge E. C. Rurks.!The. Democrats claimed of -.Judge isurKS would not expire'' Utitil "January 1st 1888, as did the terms Of the other four Judges, and , that he ; had,: nearly, six years ; yet to serve. Ty,thereforja,reframedroni voting, and a considerable amount bf 'Skirmishing around f or absentees had to be done before a quorum Of each House could jbe secured. ! submitted a orotest asainst the election of a successor to "Judge Burks, because fthey did not consider that tne tune nad arrived for so doin&r. and they were sustained in this belief by the Supreme. Court itself.- 'i ney asaea to nave tne protest spread upon the iournaL but it was ruled out of ..order. by the. President pro tem.y and, an appeal from ins ruung was uuten, wmcu was ui? cussed until adjournment .without actipnw CONKLINGuh A .7 ' 1 1 ' T t ? ri i iivf-t'l Tke , . Ex Senator . Represented, j toi ,le r -WTiOAi February. 25. Conklingiwilfc-not bolnterviewiedjo His friends, can; only say- tnat tne : nomination . oy: wiegcesifleot was a surprise to .hinv and he appeared,- so f ar; as there was any. appearanca jat be iCOTTONuii&di dtt -j: 1 ": ' 'j , -..rvuiw ;. v. Tke Visible Sfnilpfoitke World. Nbw YBKFebruarr'25.'-The total viai- btesupply"'of cottoa forthe world is 3, 124,1 los bales,' oi j wnicn r 2,457,ui " bales are American; against 2,926,450 and '2,491,090 respectively last vear. m s,-.! . -jj thrning otJIr. Do wd's store, recently.-: at jllttle's Wis,, were arrested-. laeW Saturday rt r a fed placed la Wadesbotd lalt Thefe" is ho . Wdbubt of their guilt. RockingTiam Spirit. Hrvtfofin.DawiihXdf Clbtinff- ,-t n-Bell's creeks, was very seriously and -p linfully hurt on the evening of the 14th, . b r - being thrown tut of "the baggy, ne ' 1 wneei ot which ran Over a stump, as he was -returning to his-.' home from, Rockingham-' JgockingJuiin Bee.- j - u f i itaigigir jLflvocate ' Jiiiss platip ,j Crayen,.'daugher of . Dr.. OB. Graven., was siverelyu bund iuGrsensbonv. V;C..'.:T stveral months ago; She is yet "confined to J- J hbr' bcd' but wc are 1 glad: to learn that she J "ia improving and that she .wiHi receive no j- rpfermanent ,m juryw f Though . still quite-; fieblef romii tae' effects! of thp' -burn, her jclmpleto recovery is expected. 1 "1 ' " "Wilson "Advance: There be di t important meeting to-night in the court ise; which every ; citizen should attend. e Vice, PiesyieniiiGhief lEagiBeer japd oiirveyor oi the Seaboard to Raleigh Kail radv which is to be built front Williamt" sjon,to Italeigh, .wiIl be present, as they de.- t sa-e to meet .the oeoDlc of Wilson and re'-. - - ctivo their auffgestioas and views as to rtn j Jf :nlng the. road through :ur town,t r. ,, : ,( r . Purhani Plant: A colored man , hhd his leg1 broken while digging 'out'the1"1 rbhsement to Walker & J?owland"iprizery i f .rwecK oeiore jast,r t Alvw Snipes, -eQlored, , ah Employe 'of A. J. Klvett. hid'an 4rm 3om jtaaoggqyr ruw A painter ; leu i t om the second story 'of Cant . Parrish's , ir rtsiderlde, sustaining severe injuries. 'His sl ' Tigntv upper. jawpQue was; proken and his n? face -badlv "bruised.- Theshnck was vprr . . stvere an; he fcamcvrear dying before reao ri .Warren itJVews: Mr. . , Jas. , AT..-. Bgerton has made his report to the Board cf Directors "Of ' the' surVeV recently " made f-tbp! i w tiiieuiuu to xuugew.ay,.anu accoramg to oun cjj ik suuut vac umn i iu mer tuau- by;Wat3cen Plains as,, tibe, road now,, runs,..!. bus .wie anorney jer tne ooara nas- written 'tb MajorJWinderj sendiag him the map or i ' piorOi.- tneproppsed road and making a f. TB-oposition to build the road and donate it ti the Ri A'GsRailroad.J The-board now ! ? ahxiously.'a waits 3Iajor Winder's reply. - I itatesyiiie; Vitizen:, Murnll, of Hickory, tells the1 follbwlng on one of his :' mother lawyers; "A young lawyer not a. . ..uiuuaauu. luucn uway oiKi a witness 11 ne - t 1was not unfriendly with the defendant, his r c lient. f The witness said not and that ive :1 ad loaned him a dollar, and a quarter to 1 1 ay his lawyer;' -Branch roads striking ' -'(ff,om;inain' stems to profitable r points: . AS - -. V " 1 T . , ' ' practically ,unng xaiiroaus into every neign- nornooa. m tne' total ntvsenen ot a oirt. . t i Dad, system,; heso supplemental railroads .., s Imirably' supply the defect-lSpecially if t le cheap'narrow-gauge plan is adopted. ' j The1 colored man, Adcock,' who . i ras supposed, to-have, .been .murdered iu 7 rance county,' has turned up .in ' Danville. - ThfeVi are starting the political ball quite n arly iri.Eranklin countyj Mr. N. H. Ma-, , uou nas announceu nimseii an inuepenuenc . candidate for Register of Deeds, i . It, f is useless, to attempt to conceal the fact that . much 'destitution exists among the poorer " dlassesof the county; also that this destitu-,. ton wiU be increased during - the next f e wf months' 'The' condition 'of affairs is"en-u; gagmg,the serious consideration of some of .' pur, best citizens, who are personally cogni ?ant of i the' suffering1 hnd want, and "who" ajre: endeavoring ;tOi perfect some -,plan;by which : relief i may be extended in worthy daseatjJrVlfi. ; - - 'if J-v Iltn-eram -Hi party- bi- I gentkniehrif tota, .Chatham:. were. in Jones ; r county last week buying corn, paying 70 dents perfiushet.- There will -be a " meetingt BelVs-. Ferry next j Saturday, for,; ; tfce purpose of petitioning Congress , for an" ' appropriation tp:icotiuue:the t work on-" Couteutnea !efikiir-TnDr,f,W-7 ;A, J. , Pollock cites as a prodt hat his plantation .' , ihjjoaeSjCjQunty is, in a healthy,. condition, tjhefact ij)at .Mr-. iJanies .awkmaxhp lives near by, , has three sons that weighroOO lbs., -i-r r '!toJS.iB.iNobiei:f ..Sandhill , to,wn- ,1' ship,; who was attacked ? at his home one ... nightahput six 'weeks ,'agq and left - for dead, .was in town Monday. He has . seveV) , ral ugly soars on his head and . neck, made i by the.bushrliooks used by the assassins, if, who have pot yet been arrested. ,. ,;; r -; ' t xne ji.insiow oourna copies-' j- wnat tne ptab saia oi jook s Dngaae, ana -' then says the 15th; McRae's :old regiment; and 27th; : Cook's old regiment, were ; the ; i two best drilled regiments in Hill's Corps, 1 or perhaps in1 Lee's army.' They once drilled against' each other. Col.- R. C;Hili; Of the 48th,' an old army bfficer.i5 was to de-- r cide the contest. -i- The 27th was handled by -Col. Whitfield, the f 15th by Coh HcRae. -Cob-Hill's decision was just what the most " if us expected: "The 27th the best onfthc manual, the 15th the best On the revolu- 1 tions. '. ! .In 1865. a South Carolina regiment, ,f challenged the two regiments for a drill. Oh the day selected GeneralCoOk took the 15th and 27t2i, regiments out,. and, in the ; presence; of Geh. Iiee,and several Corps and -Division! 'ecrtnmandefs actually made the1 ; South Carolinians ashamed of themselves., ;,-., jGpLisborp Messenger Mr, B. S. Barwicfc, of Indian ,'Spririgs township! re Ceatly killed a hog iweighmg 710 - pounds) i the day after being, killed.. The pork was , , $wo years and eight months bid. " -The dweuing house of Mrs; ; CwA. G.' Herring; a (worthy' widow"; lady residing, in Indian , Springs,: in this county, was destroyed' by" fire ion Sunday last. The fire was eau&ed by sparks. No insurance, Thefriends pf ' Dr. John R.; Thompson; of tbis'ebunty; ' wilh regret to learn sof his affliction in the ) fleath of his beloved wife," which sad event ' pecurred at their' residence in Fork'tcfwn- : Ship on the 13th instant,' aged; 45; years, v j The carriage. . house. jof. Mr., Wm. B. Thompson ear. hif pV:yy was destroyed by fire Monday night, together with a fine car riage, a buggy, about : 100 bushels 1 wheit jand a quantity qf rice. t . Total .loss, about f 5UU. The nre is supposed to be the work of ad incendiary. m a .,,!,. i . . t. I lr- Raleigh armeriandMechamc:. $trange to say, we for the ; first time yester day' learned that Judge Thomas S. Ashe, of "' the Supreme ' Court, -was once elected as t Benator from. "North Carolina. It was in . 1864. - He AwaS" 'nominated ' without " hisr knowledge,' and elected ; by a considerable . , majority ,pver Edwin G. Reade, . Before the time for him to" take' his seat arrived,' thd Confederate Congress took, down its hat; and silently scattered across the Appomat tox into the domain of History. -Bishopj' Northrop is visiting (and preaching atVNew , Berpe, which was his first parish in North Carolina, just after the war.: It was s tiam-' f, per of old. New Berne friends,in Baltimore, ticdlar, "!who prepared ami i presentedJ to v him the beautiruj jewelled cross and chain worn by the Bishop oh ' the OccasiPn Of his consecrations JiThe-cross is! .composecof h jHortnt uarauna gold, ricmy set. with gems : from our State mines;' and was much ad mired for its : beauty? and appropriateness North. Carolina is likely to be the great Vintage State of the -Atlantic coast -The"' Vinerflburishesi everywhere I through , its. length and breadth, t growing with especial luxuriance ' in 'every forest bf the State. Since the war, hundreds of vineyards have r been planted: these are mostly small, but fthetd are six,5 eacai:cf a ihondred acres br mQre,)Where . wme;.anngisrurled on,ni aided by the best experience , and skili that' could be fOund ftt Europe. i PThe products-; bf eome ef these s vineyards .made; an inte- j felting feature of the - State "exhibit at the treat Atlanta Expositien.'-ijPhWrt' Tbrk; c irUqjS. it Hunt, ff '.Co,, are getting orders t for 1,000 gallons' per week. 'fl i SO fs"i ii t. 'fX i. 3 "ft

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