The ; Weekly Star: Virginia. OA Biff I.OTE SONG. i TrfACON. . Oh, listen to mev darklea, .. ;. 111 tell you a little story; i Tis all about my true love, ' Do Flat Creeki mornin'-Kloryv', She's nice as auy dew-drap Inside de open flower ; She's sof 'er dan de moonshine, ' An'il lubs her eb'ry hour I . CnonusH-Maff is a sunflower ..; A' Mag is a daisy ; f v - 1 j --.:! Mag is de very gal J- To run nigger crazy ! rljer bead is like ide full moon, Her lipsi9 Bweet as a cherry; ' Her furrud's smoov as a lookin'-glass ': An slick as aj huckleberry; ' Her face is like a picter; w ' Her teef is white an' pearly : Her eye is bright as a lighnin'-bug. . An' her h'ar is 'mazin curly I - f J like to chop de 'backer patch Wid Mag right close behind me; I'd like to be a "jbacker-wum E f Mag would only find inc ; -. - I'd like to be aflock o';sheep , : . v.-. Ef Mag would dribe me 'bout; I'd like to be a ftater-shp .- i Important Decision as to State Bonds. i 4 By Telegraph to the Morning Star. t - Richmond, June 21. Judge Christian of the Hustings Court, this afternoon de, livered an opinion in the case of Smith vs. Greenhow, City Treasurer of Richmond, on a; petition - f or a writ of mandamus to. compel the said Treasurer to receive past due coupons cut from State bonds issued under the act of March, 1879, and known as the McCullough honds. The Judge de cides that the law passed by the Legislature of rlast winter, known" as "The Coupon Killer," is unconstitutional as to the class, of coupons mentioned. (McCullough), and orders the mandamus to be issued. ' QNot a drink, not sold in bar-rooms, but a reliable non-alcoholic tonic medicine, use-, ful at all times ' and in all - seasons,' is Brown's Iron Bitters. 1 " - f , . COTTON AND N AVAl, STOIIES .MONTniY STATE3TCNT. " ' -RECEIPTS ; V For the week ending Juno 18, 1832. Cofon. Spirits Rosin. Tar: Crude. , 219 ; 2,836- ,8,090 . 332 - 2,294 -. RECEIPTS From June 13 Jo June 20, 1881. '"." Cotton: Spirits.;, Rosin-"Tar.- Crude. 1 1 142 2,428 J -8,263, 278 . 3,321 - . " , exports :: -r . - For the weekending June 18,-1882. - :'; : Cotton.-Spirits. Rosin.. - far. Crude., domestic 5ia 441 l 3 si 4 Kfla-.. , no I Foreign. .. . 000. 3,017 16,053 : 000 ' 00 -COMMERCIAL.' WILMINGTON MAliKET. r-563 00 FINANCIAL. and E Mag would set me out I ox I seed her for de fus' time j - lii thinnin'-out de cora;'1 - , Shefmade my feelin's fliitlerate An', now ray heart isigone; OhJ Iluhs her like de mischuf, i , i s oouna to ten ner soon, . i , I'll cote her At de shuckin' On de cb&ngin' ob de) moon ! - , ; The -Century Une-a-lsrae. An I'"--' ! COUII "chan tol ... . : i Jor tne star.:;-- XV GOVERNMENT STATISTICS ALEiGit, N.' C, Jnne 1 6, 1882. Editor At noon to-day I cea to oe in a room at xne vjapi- When the occupant's mail was re- cei v ea. The Star js among) the J pap srs, and in it I read with interest the ?di tonal headed "Radical Eitray-! aga ice in County Affairs." The ar , ticl j consists of extracts from a re ' pori, made by Mr. Conigland: and an ' edii.opat statement of other parts of ; the same report. I. have examined ; tlie State" Auditor's reports' referred New York Stock Market Weak .- IiOwer. . - ; IBy Telegraoh to the Mornlnc Star.l -- New York, June 21, 11 A; M. The stock market opened generally weak and il per cent, lower : than at yesterday's close, the latter for Northwest. In the early trade a decline of ilf per cent, took place, in which Lake Shore, Louisville & Nashville and Wabash' preferred were the most conspicuous. There was then a re covery of ii per cent.; but at 11 o'clock the general list reached ii per cent , while C. O. G. & I. sold down 1 per cent. ELECTRIC SPAItKS. - Nathan Lucid, colored, was lynched at Sardius, Miss.T yesterday. charged with an indecentassault;Li;-", 1S .George Deon, of Charlotte, . N. C. shot the wife of Wm. Wade,' who was stoning -Deon's house, in which Wade and "another woman" were quartered, - at that place yes terday." - - - - Alex.i Forbes, of Hamilton, Ontario,' shot George Ralston, care-taker of c the Central school and "his housekeeper, and then killed himself. The housekeeper was formerly Forbes' wife, but they had been long sepa '. rated. i :MMf Wii -The Grand Army of the Republic gather ing at Baltimore yesterday i was a grand af fair. -The city was profusely decorated and the procession contained 25,000 meiU; Pre sident Arthur, members of the Cabinet and many other distinguished officials and per sons were present. .- ; ;"; i, 17 .; Total... ; 359 . 3,458 19,566 - "EXPORTS ,.- '1 ' v From June 13 to June 20,' 1881, ; " ! Cotton. aptrits.l2osin. Tar. Crude. Domestic " 373 -421-, 294 v -393', 17 Foreign; 000 ,2,233 12,139 -' 000 - 00 Total.; 873, 2,654 12,433 - i STOCKS : Ashore and Afloat, June 18, 1882. " r. ' ". Ashore. Afloat", Totals. uo ion .......,'. BS7 Spirits......; 1,790 Rosin. 68,353 Tar; 3,925 Crude...........; -1,578 ri: STOCKS ".." . . Ashore and Afloat, June .20, 1881. Cotton. Spirits. Basin. . Tar. - Crude. 1,347 2,029 ' 32,779 2,870 1,154 QUOTATIONS.; : 29. - 916 1,662' 3,452 9,421 - 77,774 . 000 3,925 - 000 -1,578 STAR OFFICE,' June 15, 6 P. JL : SPIRITS VTURPENTINE--The market opened-firm at 42$ cents per gallon, with sales reported later of 350 casks at 43 cents, closing dull, with 200 -casks offered at 43 cents. -." .' V ' ' ROSIK - The. ' market - opened at $1 55 for "Strained and 1 60 for Good Strained, with sales reported of . 500 bbls. Good Strained at quotations, closing quiet. TAR Sales reported at fl 80 ;.per bbl of 280 lbs., closing with, an advancing tendency, $1 90 per bbL being freely bid. CRUDE TURPENTINE- The" market was Btcady at $1 50 for Hard and $2 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin, with Bales of to day's receipts at quotations. . COTTONThe market was steady, with 8 mall sales at the following official . quota tions t' Ordinary': ll;. . . 7. . . . V : "8 15-16 cents . ft ood Ordinary. "..10 5-16 " l" Lowinddline. .11 3-16 " x " Middling: . ..... r..: ; .riif - June 20 1881. Cotton. ; 10 , Spirits.. . 40 " I Rosin .. 1 75 1 80 Tar 2 50 r Crude... 2 -75 June 18, 1883. 43 '1 524 1 60 " 2 25 - 1 50 2 75 - EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK, ' -2,300 A negro fireman fell from ; a train. . When found the following occurred ! . A a.1 iTl JtT T . . - j , uri n i jv v accoruing w uie unarioiwj wserveri in re- to ad tmrt Mr. Uonigiand s figures gponse to a question as to whether he was entirely, accurate ','arid;:hl&VconiinentS'' hurt or not, he replied that he was shook entirely, upon them altogether proper. facta - are remarkable and ought -to' liavt'l wide circulation, as ttiey The do good snrvice in the coming cam- up a little but not hurt, having struck xm his head, j His hat was found, half a foot under the sand at the spot where his head struck. He was ! helped on the engine, when he commenced firing up as if nothins paign and in . determining the atti-' had happened, and, the : train resumed its tudefof thejDebcoratc party in re-, journeys - , - gHS - ' IJYING WITNESSES.-The hundreds ter. tThe Stab las done a good day s 0nkeajt and healthy looking men, wo- work in bringing themtolight. Keep men and children, that have been rescued th'pm .before - the neonle. and suoole- 1 from beds of pain, Bickness and weUf nigh men t them withf the tores for iateri d by Pker'sflmger Tonic are thebest years, Avhichyod will -find in the:Au-' ditor's Reports for188p and 188lt all of like purport with those, quoted; torn Mr. Conigland.- f,. 1 .;' II. ; evidences in the world of its sterling merit and worth. - You will find such in almost every, community. , ; . f Jadl- 1 FATHO& and poetky prosjeC IN, From the Detroit Tribune. J Sometimes ritelieve the little ones &ay the best : things after all. I! know a little family in Detroit who jare lieartbrpken Jand sad this Sator flay night. ; There were three last. Saturday, but to-day only two are left. The tie that bound them more' that which the clergy- ; rjv sKAnre T?nminj W were man arew uas laieiyj; uovn nwseywi i ghown at Raleigh a few days ago a speci- Democratle Convention Third , fslal District, i . . - The Democratic - Convention of the Third Judicial District will meet in the town of ; Magnolia, on Tuesday, the 27th day of June next, to nominate candidates for Judge and Solicitor. - The eounty - con ventions in the several counties ot the Dis trict will please attend to the election of delegates accordingly. - C- .. By direction of the EsecutiveCoaraaittee, " .. ! -; DcBrutz Cutxar, Chairman . Wilminarton. N. a;May 27. 1882. . i Democratic papers of the District please;! JFf 18 "if .coDVi -rrijmfci;,-J-;- uw ;ii .r" r - ' . - COASTWISK New York Schr Albert Mason bbls rosin. . - , . - New Y ork Steamship Regulator 336 bales cotton, 361 bbls spts turpt, 1,206 do rosin, 100 do tar, 92 do rice, 67 tierces, 22 bbls peanuts 27 bbls corn, 11 bales yarn, 1 cora wooa, pKgs mase, luo.JKU leet lum ber. . . New York Schr Chas' M News 240, 416 feet lumber. ' - - . . , Schr Henrietta Hill-40,071 feet lumber. ., - v . New York Schr Annie R Lewis 5,990 crussues. - . I FOREIGN. 5 Antwerp Nor ; barque jEolus 750 casks spmts turpentine, 1,800 bbls rosin. Belfast Nor barque Gazellen 500 casks ' spmts turpentine, 1,561 bbls rosin. Hamburg Nor barque Hjemmet-r3,232 - ANTWERP--Nor brig -Alkor--SOO casks spirits turpentine 1,116 bbls rosin.' Rotterdam Ger , barque Soli , Deo Gloria 4,028 bbls rosin , m. London Nor , brig Regubuen 1,669 casks spirits turpentine. . Cnarleston Rice Blarket, June lO. Charleston News and Courier. r Rice There were no sales of - moment reported in this grain? We quote: Com mon 56c; Fair Gi6fc; Good 67ic; Prrme nominal at 7t7c per Id. , Carolina rough rice is quoted at $1 $1- 20 per - bushel for common, , $1 30 1 40 for fair to good,, and $1 50 and upward pet bushel, for prime to, choice lots. - . ..... '815-16 cents tt 10 5-16 , ' " .....11 316 .". 11 COTTONThe market was steady, with no receipts or sales to report.- . r - - -Ordinary X . .'. . , i 9 1-16 cents $ B Good Ordinary ..T.; riO "7-16 f. Low lliddling. . . '11 5-16 - J,t " 1 Mddlin Hi - - .--- Good Ifiddlinff.,::.,. 12K . PEANTJTff-Marketsteady at $1 251 35 for.Prime,': $1 401 50 for: Extra Prime, and $1 551, 65, per, bushel for. Fancy. Shelled peanuts 5c per lb, : , , - , ; ' m m m" -'-. New York Dried Vrnlt Market. 5 New York JournaT of Commerce, June 20. ' , Huckleberries prime 13c. Raspberries- : prime 32c. Blackberries prime 14a Cher ries . 1920c'. : Evaporated apples Choice to fancy 1415c; and sun-dried lots as fol lows: North Carolina sliced, fancy, 88ic; do. good and prime 77fc; do. fair 5i6c. Peaches Evanorated.' neeled. old c: do unpeared lli12lc; North Carolina sun-- anea peeled I718c, IJeorgia 1516c, and other grades 1214c; unpeeled halves 5ic and quarters 5c. Plums ll12c for South ern and 1213e for State. , s j MAEINE. men of kaolin found in : Catawba county. ? ifc W H Trott had the specimen, and he says it is ia great abundance in that county. The specimen is very fine and white. PERSON AL! TO MEN ONLY I The Voltaic Bslt Co., Marshall, Mich.,' will send Bk. Btb'b Celebrated Ei.ectbo-Voi.taic Belts ' and Elkc tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men. yorniff or old) who are- afflicted with "NerrotiB Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete -restoration of health and wanly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk to incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. . ; , stitution. The fever had - A LOVELY MAY DAY IN NEW ORLEANS. On Tuesday (always Tuesday), May 9th, the 144th Grand Monthly Distribution of The Louisiana State Lottery occurred. Generals G; T. Beaure gard, of La., and Jubal A. Early, of Va., bad as usual the entire charge. The turning of fortune' wheel spilled oat promiscuously $110,400. Here after the monthly distribution will be $265,500, on nn enianrmi snht tiia. with tickets at 5 the rela tive value of the $1 to the prizes being undis turbed, and fifths sold with a capital prize of $75 000. The first capital prize, $30,000, was drawn by ticket No. 19,102, held by John Weger, Post master at- Kasota, Minn. The second capital, $10,000, was drawn by No. 94,638, held by Charles Nelson, cor. 16th st. and Ave. M Galveston, Tex. The third capital, $5,000. was sold in halves to ticket No. 47,960. The two C2) fourth capital prizes of $2300 each were drawn by No. 84,726 and Noi 10,822. The next drawing, with a scheme more than dnnhlv enforced, takes dace on Tuesday (always Tuesday) July 11th; and for further infor mation apply to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La.' Correspondence of Chicago Times, Aug. 10, 1881. THE WOBLD'S EPILETIG INSTITUTE. fc Wh passmg through St. Joseph, and having heard a great deal about the 'World's Epileptio Institute located here I concluded te: pay the celebrated institution a : short visit, we were met by Dr. Richmond, the proprietor, who has gamed a repntation as Droaa as ine lanu. no is a rather small, yet prepossessing man, of very and .the lurht of their! countenance; went out with tlio red . winter sun; only the. other night. ' fTlie fallher is W railroad' ruani. ? whose duties call ini awav from hOraej nearly three-; ourth.s of the time. ; It was his habit: whenever -lie . was . apout to start I'or his home to telegraph his wife ap-j prising her of the f act 'In these tele-; grams he never. failed to mention the name of the little four-year-old, and the dispatches usually Iran as follows "Tell Arthur I (shall sleep with him' to-night." Tht Labyi boy was very proud of these telegrams, which his mother would read tcj him, and he. considered: the rteledraf' a great in- other night; when the done ; its work and the mother was sobbing out her anguish j the little one turned calmly in his bed and said:'?"Ion't ky, mama, I shall sleep wiv t)od, 'oo know. Send Dod a teledraf and tell him I s'all sleep wiv him to-night,' But the message went straight up there with-' out the clicking of wires or the rustj ling of wings. " ; I COTTON. ' New York Commercial Chronicle., New York:. ! Jnne.16. The move ment of the crop, as indicated Dy I za.bie 21 Jfa(ir Us IQTOugu Uia tuatituchuu imuuuiuniiuj)wnwJM It is a five-story building, 203x180 feet, with base ment, and contains over three hundred, rooms, and can accommodate five hundred patients, and each and every room is furnished in the most ele gant and hwlsntaanner.'' But -we wfll begin at the office which is a large room, furnishea -with rosewood furniture throughout, 't In the ofBce are thousands of photographs of those who have been benefited by "the Nervine The walls are ele gantly papered, and are profusely decorated with and nnt! vnicinires. relieved here and there by busts in stone and bronze of eminent men of wa anH nihp-r ftmmtriefi. In connection with the .: Institute Is a mammoth printing house and bind ery, occupying six or seven large rooms, ana a score of presses are kept runnmg iught and day turning ont work for the doctor. The office is one of the finest and most complete in the wesfc and he has the rooms decorated, carpeted and trimmed up with as much care and luxury is his oWnprlvate office.: On the first ffoor ofthis mammoth building is the doctor's private office, the prmtmg . department, bindery, , tank room, packing, bottling and consultation rooms, barber shop, drug store, etc., all of which are fitted up regardless of expense. - The second floor has the hotel office, dining, billiard and- cooking rooms, many guest chambers and several parlors. The third and fourth floors are all rooms, all of which are furnished with Brussels oarpeta and the finest furniture. The billiard room has six tables., all of which are free to the guests of the house .and their friends. ;t The bath room is large - and' neat , and is also free to guests. The entire building is surrounded on the east and south by an elegant five acre park, in which are lovely trees, beds of rich and rare plants, gravel walks and drives, de licious arbors, and a. most beautiful summer house;! There are also a number of fountains 'that add wonderfully to the beauty of the park, which is truly one of the most lovely and attrac tive ia the western country, and the Institute has no equal for luxury and comfort in the world. Everything is perfection, and the visitor Is At once charmed with the entire place and its sur roundings. An idea of the immensity of the doc ' tor's business may be .given when we say that on ' tne day we visited the Institute he showed us to his express room, and we saw the expressman take goods labeled to the following plaeea, to say nothing of hundreds of orders from all quarters of America? Lyons, France; Geneva, Switzerland; ktAiA Hmin -RmnsaleL Belgium: CaDe Town, employs hundreds of men and women in his In- New Yorlc Comparative Cotton State- . meat. - " I'U By Teltgraph to the Morning Star J New . Yoke, June 16. The , follow ing is the comparative cotton statement for ending this date: ' ; ''-;;,-K' -.rT-v"-:. .1883. 1881i Net receipts at all United 1 " C i -s-7 States ports during the ' ; ' week.. v 12,956 28,144 - date. i . i . . . . . 4,559,055 5.577,405 Exports tor tne wecic. . . ;:- sa,oia nv,V5Z Total exports to this date:. . . . 7. . . 3,285,7084,212,310 Stock in all United Stated ports. .............. Stock at " all interior towns............... Stock in .Liverpool. . . . American , afloat , for '; Great Britain. . . .. . ..- 400,850 403,261, 35,221 967,000 50,167 906.000 New Tori : 71,000, 134.000, market, Naval store June 19. . . " New York Journal of Commerce. c ' Spirits TurpentinerTherehas heenlitttle life to trade. . Such" parcels as have ; been sold brought firm prices, and we instance one lot of 100 bbls on dock sold at 48cv The arrivals have, been considerable to-day, and huvers hold off in hopes that when these parcels are put on tne marKet tne tendency will be more in then-, favor. Rosins The Strained and No.' 2 grades have further ex port demand und show a firm .range of prices. The higher grades sell moderately ana prices are very regular xasc -.quo tations: Rosm Common 2 YZCdtf 15; good Strained at 2 171 from yard :No2. E F at $2 22i2 40; No. 1 Q H at $2 502 65 crood No. 1 I at $2 75; low pale K at 12 871: pale M at $3 00; extra pale N at L$3 ; 253 371; window glass W at $3 75 Pitch OuolQd at $2 25. . Good Middling.. 12 PEANUTS Market steady at 1 251 35 for Prime, $1 401 50 for; Extra Prime, and $1 . 551 65 per bushel for Faney. Shelled peanuts 5c per lb? ; . :. . ! v 1 1 - STAR OFFICE, June 16. 4 P,M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 43 cents 'per . gallon, with sales reported of 40Q' casks at that ' figure, closing steady. -; . " . ROSIN The market opened steady at $1 521 for Strained and 1 60 for Good Strained, with sales reported of 1,000 bbls at quotations. - 4 '".'-', TAR Market firm at $2 25 per bbl. of 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. - ' " CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady at $1, 50 for Hard and $2 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin,with sales of to day's receipts at quotations. ' , - i i COTTONThe market was steady, with small sales at the following official quota tions:" ' ' . Ordinary. Good Ordinary. . Low Middlin?. . . Middling.;.. ... Good Middhnov. PEANUTS--Market steady1 at fl' 25 1 35 ' for Prime, $1 401 50 for Extra Prime, and : $1, 551 65 , per bushel for 1 Fancy. Shelled peanuts 5c per R. , STAR OFFICE, Juno 17, 6 P. M. - - SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened dull at 43 cents per gallon, closing with 42 cents bid and 43 cents asked. No sales reported. ROSIN The market . was - quiet' and steady at $1 521 for Strained, and $1 60 for Good Strained, with sales reported of 1,000 bbls at quotations. . : r TAR Firm at : $2 25 -'per bbl of 280 lbs, -.with sales at quotations. Incorrectly reported at $ 1 25 in our first edition. ; CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady at $1 50 for Hard and $2 75 for Yellow. Dip 'and .Virgin,, with sales Of to-day's receipts at quotations. , - -'-V : COTTONThe market was steady-, with small sales at the following official quota tions: ,-;. ' ,,! ' r: -' :'- . '' : i : " Ordinary., i. .... . Good Ordinary. . , Low. Middlmg;.'-. Middling. .. .. . Good Middling. : PEANUTS-Market steady at f 1 251 35 for Prime, $1 401 50 ; for Extra Prime, ' and' fl 551 65 per bushel .for Fancy. ; Shelled peanuts 5c per lb; ' ' ; ,j!.';- . STAR OFFICE. June 194 P: M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 42$ cents per gallon bid, with sales reported of 450 casks at that price." " : ROSIN The market was quiet at $1 52 forStramed, and $1 60 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. ;-',:';"r.'.';:; -V . '' '" ' ; TAR Firm at $2 25 per bbl. of 280 lbs., with sales at quotations.' ":,"";: 'i;--;;-;';f: CRUDE TURPENTLNE-The market: was steady at $1 50 for Hard and $2 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin, with sales of to- day's receipts at quotations. " COTTONThe market was steady, with' small sales at the following official quota-: tions:' Ordinary.... .;i. 815-16 cents W Vb Good Urdlnary. ; . . ; ... io 5-16 Low Middling...;.... II 3-16 MiddUng... llf ; .,. Schr Lorenzo, Bloodgood, New River, naval stores to Hall & PearsalL '-'.:.- ' :. s Schr Katie Edwards, Bell. New River, naval stores to Hall & Pearsall. .: Schr E Frances, Jones, New River naval stores and cotton to Hall & Pearsall. , Schr Wahab, Williams, Elizabeth City, ,2,000 bushels corn to J IMetts. . . .. . ; . Barque Horace Scudder, 327 tons. Sears, New York. Geo Harriss & Co. ' i i; s Schr Eva L Leonard, 115 tons, Googins, Dosion, xi u uareer c vo." Steamship- Benefactor, Triboo ;New York T E Bond;-;;;:.:w;K-4:i- ' Schr Bessie E Dickmsorv874 tons,1 Dick inson, Bath, E G Barker & Co. -r; . Ger barque Edward Pens, 357 tohs,Kipp, Daker, Africa, EPeschau & "Westermann. .-' -: -C!LARED.-:f:, Schr Lorenzo, Bloodgood,5 New. 'River, Hall & PearsalL . . .- . Schr Katie Edwards, .Bell, New River, Hall.& PearsalL- f " .: . . Schr E Frances, Jones, New River, ' Hall & Pearsall, . For .barque .Eolus," Krogh, Antwerp, Paterson, Downing & Co. s 1; ? Nor brig Gazellen, Weibye; Belfast, Ire land, Alex Sprunt & Son. . "- Nor ...barque Hjemmet, Ingcmundsen, Hamburg, D R Murchison & Co. ..' t - V f - Schr Albert Mason, Abbott, New York, Robinson &King; vessel by Geo Harriss j & Schr Chas M NewinsJ Matthiesen, New York, J W Taylor; vessel by Geo Harriss & Co. ' - "V' .. ;:f;.: Schr Henrietta Hill, Chadwick, ' j ; J W Taylor j vessel by Geo Harriss & Co. - Nor brig Alkor, Madsen, Antwerp, Alex Sprunt & Son. vAiv-W-l .vv Geu barque -Soli Deo Gloria, Meyer, Rot terdam, E G Parker & Co. t - Nor brig Regubuen, Olsen, London, Eng, D R Murchison & Cor ; Schr Annie R Lewis, Lewis, New York, Colville & Co; vessel by E G Barker & Co. . 5 ilOTEDilill! Dr. John : F. Hancock, late President of the National Phar- maceutical Association of the United States, says :" ' . : -7 ' ' ' "Brown' Iron" Bitters - Km a,' - j . heavy sale, is conceded to be a fin - tonic; the character of the manu facturer is a voucher for its parity - : '' -.-'i-.i". and medicinal excellence."' : Dr. Joseph Roberts President Baltimore Pharmacentical ' College, says: , r. , , : r " : t ! indorse it as a fine medicine, ' . .reliable as u strengthening tonic ' .' '.. ' : free from alcoholic poisons?- ; Dr. J. Faris Moore, Ph." -;: , D., Professor of Pharmacy, Bald- tUmore Phermaceufical College, says: J WHOLESALE PRICES. . , Our "quotations. It should he understood represent the wholesale prices generally. Irt . mating up mn&U orders higher prices have to be charged.' ,. . -i--"" .ABTIC1JSS. raicsa. -BAGGING Gunny .. . . j j - - oianuaru BACON North Carolina, .; nams, y b..! Shoulders, a...v.v,..; " - - Sides, choice, $ lb...:.'. "Wkstebm Skokxb Hams, $ B.-r Sides. fc...i.......,i-..i-U Shoulders, lb.....-...:....- -Dbt Sai-tto Sideis, lb. Shoulders, 0. ...... ....... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, f second nana, eacn.. - New New York, each..i.v..V - New City, each... ...... v.,. BEESWAX 9 ib..... BRICKS Wilmington, JI ..... Northern..... .i BBTTER North Carolina, ft lb. Northern, lb........... .v.. CANDLES fl Spermi. .';. - 00 r 00 ,00 15 & 0 is: a ii is 11 14 . 16 .13 1 83 1 SO 0 00 7 BO 0 00 10' & 1 90 21)0 1 90 9 SO & 14 00 30 83 25 12 1 - -; ; '' Broirn's Iron Bitters is a safe . ' ?l'j teiSff-8 reliable medicine, posidrelyi ffc --.V.; OJui free from alcoholic poisons, and can ;i., ' - '. be recommended as a tonic for use ; i J, : . . among those who oppose alcohoL" Dr: Edward Earickson, ;, ' Secretary Baltimore College of Phar- - ' T. - -r- Biacy;.says ' ' . - ',-"'' . - ."I indorse it as an excellent . :. medicine, a good digestive agent, . - . and a non-intoxicant in the fullest ;;5.;-: '"sense.". . . , - - r;f.-i; Dr. Richard Sapington, . 'V i . 1," one of Baltimore's oldest and most ir: .. reiiaoie pnysicyuns, sas,; ;i w Tallow . ; .v: i.', . ;-w..v.i.iT-y 11J4 Adamantine, .. 13. CHEESE lb Northern Fact'ys aM4 -i ;.. Dairy, Cream.... . . . ... "S? 15 4 'BTAW....-...iii.-.i.i..;..... M COFFEE $ B Java..;j?.v,4-s. ,j l8 88 Laguym. . ... .i .j.. . . ... JL ; '. .- IS . 14 fc- Ho..wr:.-.;....;ii.'".i.i.V?.v:' 10 & 14 CORN MEAL- bush-, to sacks, . "1 '08' 1 10 " 5 -."--' - Yirjrinih Meal..,.. 1-15 ,1 17i : COTT03 TIES bundle....... ? 150, 175 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd 7 : 7 , - Yarns, ?T bunch. 00 " 1 10 EGGS Jp dozen. 00JI 19 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbLi. ,1ft 00 - SO 00 juacKerei. no. l, V nair DDI., woo & iu w 9 60 lo 00 5 00-f 5 50 8 60 9 00 8 00 3 GO 700 8 60 00 - 4 00 . 5 9 "AH ho have uscf it nrji. it- ii J standard virtuts, nd tne.' well.', ) known tharcter of the house which . makes it is a sufficient guarantee .. '; : of its being nil that is churned, for O .... ihey are icn who could not be m ' uccd to olTcr anything else but a reliable medicine fcr jjublic use." - - A'Dnaggist Cured. , Boonsboro. 1IJ.. Oct. i tSt J ' t Ccnttemen : Brown's Iron' Bit- , J 1crs cured me of a bad attack of. ' ; i Indigestion and fullness in the stom- ' f , tich. Having tested i t ,' 1 tak e pleas- r; I : t, lire in racomraendinz it ta n-.y cus " v 'i;". iunicrs. and am glad to s .y it cives rj tiatir saii.racrion to aJl." . ...... -; . .-r;?; 1 ;y w") Druggist.. j 0 00 6 50 0 00 . 6 00 6 60 7 60 7 75 10 00 0 00 OoOV, 00 ? 00 '.- U i 7 00 7 60 13 '. 1 "AsVywsf &ri Brown's . X Taos EiTtere, at-.l take'no olher.- . )ne trial will roi'Viiii 3 you t!iit it ''i 5 f apSSD&Wly nrm 2dp ; THE DAILY STAR. 815-16 cents lb 10 5-16 'f 113-16" llf 12 -:' tit. b a preparation of Protoxide of Iron, Penrflan Bark and the Phosphates, associated with the Vegetable Aromatic. - Endorsed by the Medical r Profession, and recommended by them for Dya t Mpttakecaeral DebUlti;, remle Dlf SMrWMorTltaait7. ervn Ptsmk . tratlon.-Convaieane from Fevers sad Clironle Cbllla said FTer. It serves ' every purpose where a, Tokio Is necessary. - fbarfwtotd tjtlieHr.BrtgeidiiB Co, St lorn .' The following Is one of the rery many tesUmo nlals we are receiving daUjri - - Cmfltmn: -8ome three months airo I began the . use of Da. Habtkb's Iboh Tokic. upon the 1 s-wno Knew its virtnet OLDEST DAILY PAPER. IN NORTH CAROLINA! u ': Mackerel No. 8. bbl Mackerel, No. S, half bbl.. ;i Mackerel, No. Sig bbi. y. ; .. Mullets, bbl Mullets, Pork bbla. ..... i . S; N- C. Eoe'Herrinj?, 9 keg... - Dry Cod, 9 S..i......ii FERTILIZERS 99 2.003 Dounda. - PeruvianGuano,No. 1.. 67 60 63 50 t" - '..' .'. No. 2 86 00 87 00 - . - B ' ' -'- ;-"' '- Lobos...... 00 00 61 00 . Baugh's Phosphate. ...... 00 00 60 00 ? Carolina Fertilizer........ . 45 00 60 00 ?. Ground Bono .;. . . ..... .J. .; 00 00 O 40 00 '. . Bone MeaL 00 00- 45 00 T , Bone Flour i-s:s .. O0OQ . 67 0O -S Navaa8aGuano 40 00 45 00 : Complete Manure. . 00 00-- 67 00 r-., wnann'8iospnate...v.. uo 00 vu uo vv Wando Phosphate...... ...... 00,00. 70 00 . Berger & Bute's Phosphate.. 00 00 60 00 ' Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 66 00 60 00 tsijuyjo. v D01 fine. . -; . i . J--r. Northern-Super...,....".. -';- " 1 Extra - - Family. i,... .. . City Mills Extra. . ...... . V-.;-'- " Family.;. .., - ' ' Extra Family GLUE ? B..;..; GRAIN bushel. ; Cora, from'store, bags, white t 07J 1 Iff -; t Corn, cargo, in bulk, n " 99 - 1 00 " . h-I Com, cargo. In bags, v '. 1 02 1 03 i Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. 94 - 95 - ' , . vats, rrom store....... 7a ; : 7TV4 - Cow Peas i ; 00 1 25 HIDES Jb Green ............ 4 6J4 " Dry........................... - 10 11 HAY $ 100 lbs Eastern I 25 1 80 Western....... 1 20 125 NorthEiver..........wi....... 100 115 HOOP IRON Ton... v.... 80 00 85 00 LARD B Northern 12 18J4, North Carolina 00" 14 LnvTB g barrel :. . ..... . ...... 1 10 & 1 60 J LUMBER City Sawed M ft. ' v:; ouxp Btuii, resawea.. ia ou . M uu : . ? xtoagn iage rianK... ....... . is uu 1000 ' . ..West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality............ 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 23 00 - Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 00 15 00 -MOLASSES erallon. . . ,. ' ,: New Crep Cuba, inhhds...'.. '," " .i ',-'." , in bbls Porto Bico, In hhds . " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds.. .-. ' J " - m DDIS . .Byrup, in bbls NAILS Keg Cut, lOd basis.. OILS- gallon Kerosene .... . ; ... Lard.. .v.i., . y linsocd. ...... .-..-.. . v',..... -. Rosin ......;... , ... -Tar '. Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown rjlMK HAII.T HORNIWH ttTAK, A FIRST-CIjASS DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, published at the following low i. 1 "i.':.' 00 43 : 00 ; 00 00 : 00 -40 0 00 11 1 10 90 15 -00 00 33 : .f 22 75 1 70 60, 4 00 - .44 46 - 45: 43 . 29 - 82 80 .3 75 12 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION t One Year, postage paid,... 8tx Montlus - " ... Throe . ' " " One, i" . ... ..... ..4 . $7 00 t4 00 3f0 ' ' 75 vice of many friends who knew its i aes I was - suffering from general debility to each an extent ; that my labor was exceedingly burdensome to me. A vacation of a month did not gire me much re lief, cat on tne contrary, was followed by In creased, prostration and sinking chills. At this time Iwmi the use of your Dtos Toinc, from. : which I reidized almost Immediate and wonderful - results. - The old energy returned and I found that -. my natural force was not permanently abated. X . bare used three bottles of the Tome. . Since using it I hare done twice the labor that I ever did in the same time during my illness, end with double the ease. With the tranquil nerve and vhrorof body, . has come also a clearness of thought never before enjoyed. If the Tome has not done the work, X - know net what. I give it the credit. Troy, O., Jan, 1878. Pastor Christian Church, 1 For Sale by Druggists and General Dealers Everywhef 1 je 20 D&Wly "T; ' tu th sa f ' . -. '' THE DAILY STAR 1 - ' ' , , Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Mar v ket8, Telegraphic Reports of the Northern ' and European Markets, and the Latent ' V General Kerws, by Telegraph and " 3 -, Mail, from all parts of the - i , , . . World. .. x Largest DAILY CIRCULATION in the STATE Spring Turkeys PEANUTS-HP bushel.... . .... .. POTATOES bushel Sweet Irish. ner bbl. i . . . . . ...... .1- PORK-HP bbl.-City Mess..... -.227 00 .:,;. mm.... ...... Rumn ... . . .1 . . .... .; . . i RICE Carolina, ....... Rough, t bushel.,... BAGS ttt Country.. V., '' City . . . ..... . .-. ROPE S B.....W......... SALT $ sack Alum; . .. ; . juverpooi, - us Don. . ;. j. ......:. .. . .,. American SUGAR $ lb-Cuba... : Porto Rico.. . . Afcffee ...... "..4...: " O-J- - -" " I - l-'H- Ij'CII Ex O ..-..,!. .:. .j -: .. Crushed..... '...A.. SOAP-HP B Northern,... j.j,.. 8HINGLE- M ContractX : Common 2 00 Cypress'Saps. . . . ... . ; . .;. 4 60 ! Cypress Hearts i 0 00 STAVES M W. O. BarreL... 13 00 R. O. Hogshead., 00 00 TALLOW ) TD-. EStFme Extra - . Mill Prime. ' MiUFair....... Common Mill..-.- i..- - Inferior to Ordinary ..... .. . WHISKEY gallon Northern ' - North Carolina . .. .-. i ... . . WOOL-HP ft Washed...... - -unwasnea. Barry. ...... ....... 1 45 1 00 ,-18 - '20 -.28 35 25 '1 25 1 90 75 ' 4 25 23 00 16 00 17 00- 17 00 18 00 .494 8 95 I 15 1 '" ; 1 1 00 L-:- 00 . 00 s 00 0 0 " 0 m 9 . 8 ' 9 V 10J4 5 00 S-HP M feeb-Shipping.. 12 0C Snipping.s..... ..... .. 14 00 pa do .. .......... 13 CO 7 00 6 00 400 0 00 1 00- 1 00 25 20 10 75 ,85 00 75 00 -00 9 6H 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 60 18 00 10 00 6 13 00 15 25 . 14 00 8 00 6 50 6 00 4 00 6 00 2 60 OA . - 28 15 WM. H. BERNARD, . - EDITOS A PlOPRDCTOB, WHmin ton, K. O. X it oiir " tGlearama trom tne ooniu 10 night, is given Ijelow. For 4ibe week ending this " evening (June 10), the total feceijjts; have reached 13, 658 bales, against, 15,624 bales last week, 15,950 bales the previous week, and 1 3,981 bales three weeks , since ; making the iotjal receipts since the 1st of September, 1881, 4,586,1 VI' bales; against 5,622,692 bales for the same period of 1 8 80-8 1 , showing a decrease since September 1, 1881, of 1,036,521 bales. . ,r', Tlie exports ( for tlie week ending this evening reach a total of 32,173 bales, of which 24,388 were to Great Britain, 2,681 to France, and 5,104 to the rest of the Continent, while the !tocks as made' up this evening are now 394,850 bales. To-day there -was an unsettled opening, but the final close was firm at 57 points advance. Cotton on the spot lias not been so active as last Week, yet a yery; fair, business was done for export and i home eonsnrap tion. 'The concentration of stocks at this market and the superiority of our shipping facilities. bring buyers to this market. But holders have met the demand readily, and on Tues day quotations were.i reduced l-16c. To-day there was a further reduction it was recovered, mid- 50. f - COTTON MAHJKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. net receipts 206 bales; Norfolk, steady at 12c net receipts : 409 bales; Baltimore. holiday ; Boston, quiet at 12e net receipts 224 bales :PhUadelDhia. quiet at 124c net receipts 290 bales;; Savannah, -quiet and steady at life net- receipts 257; bales; New (Means, firm at 12ic aet receipts 100 bales: Mobile, amet and firm at 12c net receipts 14 bales ; lemphis', , -firm , and held lusher at lBc-net receipts a naies; Auinista, - quiet at life net receipts 23 hales: Charleston auietv atMac-net re ceipts 14 bales. M' New Tforlt Peanut Market. 't New York Journal of Commerce, June 20. 4 Peanuts maintain strong" prices on the. moderate run or stocks and steady aemana. Quotations are as follows : 1 Hand-picked at 94ai0cr extra prime at 8Jc; aaa at 9ic ; fair to-prime at :7i7fc. ; shelled quo ted at 55Sc: Spanish sneiied at icsic. : i 5 OO per year 'can- be easily made at home working for S. G. Bideout & Cq., 10" Barclay St New York.- Seri4 for their catalogue and fall particulars. . . . oct22Wly 9 a.-4s : r- ;,J, , ". a nnwit town MERCHANT, havini passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries of a suffering: child, and becoming com vlnced that Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching homo and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the ohild passed Good Middling : 12 i PEANUTS-Market steady at $1 251 85 for Prime. $1 401 50 for - Extra Prime, and f 1 551 65 per "bushel - for Fancy." Shelled peanuts 5c per lb. : - j STAR OFFICE. June 20r 6' P. M. i SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 42$ cents per gallon, ; with sales reported later of 700 casks at 43 cents, closing firm at the advance. - , ROSINThe market was steady at $1 52$ for Strained., and $1 60 for Good Strained, with sales &i qiiatatons. . , ' " ' ,;TAR Finn at $2 30 per ; bbl of .280 lbs.; with sales At quotations, . - - . CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady, at $1 50 forJEIard . and $3 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin, with sales of to-day's receipts at quotations. : f . r COTTONThe market was steady with small sales at. the following" official, quota tions:" -:- ' Ordinary......... Good . Ordinary, . . jjow miuuiing. . . . A DISORDCnCD LIVER IS THE DANE - of the present generation. It la for the ; Core of this disease and its attendants, felC-HEADACHE. tlLiqUSITE53, DYS PEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, HLE3, eto-Tthat . yrjTTB have gained a world-wide ; : reputation. Ho Bemedy has ever been , diaoovered that acts so gently on the f digestive organs, giving them vigor to as similate food. Afl a natural result, the : ' Kervone System is Braced, the Muaolei ; are Developed, and the Body Kobuat, i (Oliillis axxd. TP&xrer. . H.BTVAL, a Planter at Bayou Bare, ' My plantation ia in a malarial district. For 1 MvarsJ yesurs I oould not make half orop on ; - steeouat of bilious diaeaaes and enUla. X vss .; nearly discouraged whan Z began the naa or TOTT'S PIXiLS. - The result waa marrelona: ) ' my laborers eoon became herty and robust, , and I have had no farther trouble. :-(.,-. ThyMlievetlMeJisjMvedUw,aesis ; the Blood from poisonous . bamrsod easMe tne bo we la net naisiraUy, nils 4 at wblcb no one rn feel well. . ' - healthy Dlseadon, VisnaiBea, Para Blood, Strong; Noroa, sHs Sound Ier Pries, ascents. Offloa, &5 ttonrny Sfc, M. Y. C. H. KTKDMAJJ. Ta a a s Tl a ftrna ' S. D. WAIiIA;.. i ...... fresment .Vice President .......Cashier WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. Exchange (sleht) on New York... :M discount. - v - . . Baltimore, t. Boston..-.. . - - . PhiladelDhia.... " ' Western Cities.;.. ozenanee, so aays, 1 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock... First National Bank Stock. Bank of Hew Hanover.1 CAPITAL PAID IK, - -, - $350,000 ATJTH0EIZED CAPITAL-$1,000,000 Navassa Guano Company Stock . . . .-. . . . .. . North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons . I0T 75 1 140 " 82 13 12 83 '4 93 TIT - T Ham IQ. W. Williams, of ; Wil liams & Murcnison -Hon. ft, R. Bridgers, Pres W. & WTR. S. , H. Vollers,of Adrian & Vollers. Jno. W. Atkinson, . . Isaac Bates, - . . v C, M. Stedman DIRECTORS: .". 1 . f F. Rheinsteln, of Aaron & Rheinsteln. - C. If. Stedman, ; Jas. A. Leak, f Wadcs- boro. .. . 1 : B. B. Borden, ofiGoIds ' boro, N. C ' rxHcBae. . Fondinjf, 186... -JnnauiK, 1808... r ' New 4s... , . ' Special Tax to N. C. Railroad W. & W. R. R. Bonds, 7 o. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina central n. a. uonaa, o w o ........... iu& Wilmington, CoL & Anfrosta B. R. Bonds . 106 Wilmington CSty Bonds, (New) 6 . . ., V. 100 ,p " " 8c. loo New Hanover County Bonas.6c....,......ri00 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock........... 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock... ..': 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. . ..... GO Wilmiiurton Cotton Mills Stock. 100 3 President. R. P. HowiLL Cashier. aKd?niN'eoldsiorflBraiicli. .x -' DIRECTORS:' ' " f " E. B. Borden, W. T. Faircloth, W. K. Korncgay R. Bdmnndson, Herman WoilL- - 4 - . .' .' -- , wm J. A.LxaK,Jb Cashier. . pd-c aiesliorflraiicli; t DIRECTORS: V . ' 3. A. Leak,R. T. Bennett,G.Wi Little, J.C. Marshall Geat Haik or Whiskers changed to a Oixjssy Black, by a Blngle application of this Dyk. It imparts a natural color, and acts instantaneously. . : Bold by Druggists, or seat by express on receipt t of OneDoTiar. . 4 - . '.-- - Office, 88 Murray Street, New York. ?; fltr. TtJTVa of Folsusblev f Information. ttd Umefttl JtoeefpC -VsciU be matted HUES o application. J JelSD&Wly . snwefr: 1 " ' . : I agues Certificates of Deposit bearing Interest, Is authorized by Charter to receive on deposit moneys held in trust by Executors, Admiaistratora, Gnsroians, Sue., &c, &c.- - s ' --- - s x. ,- Btnct attention given to me oroers ana reqaosie of our country friends by mail or otherwise. DOVlD-Wtr- .-:--,.,...-.. .;...-----.:-...-.-.; 1 - T, nn f '-TT'TTTT? OW a a. 1 mai t,wAAiaits I KrTHDT fbr thnre of Serof- ma, fcypt- is, nerofaloas Taint. Khea maUaia, Viute Swaiiiaar, Coat, Goitre, Cenamvittion, Bronchitis, herroas Dc- mtr.lJtlarlkamdaU diseases arisiar - Lxon aa lmnaxe eoaditiaa of tha . CXmES SCHOFULA. Middlinsr GoodMiddlinff. of l-16c, but Hing uplands closing at 12 3-1 6c. - ANNOYANCE AVOIDED. Gray hairs are honorable but their i premature, appear ance is annoying. -Parker's .Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by promptly restor ing the youthful color.1 f stitnte in the several branches, aside from the. immense force required to conduct the hotel. It is worth a visit, and Dr. Richmond extends to all a cordial Invitation to come and see him-j, He and his wonderful medical discovery have, given to St. Joseph a good name alfover the habitable globe.- , , . BUU . ""v """ 1 T O nw siooniAoa nicht. the mother stenoed from the room to attend to some domestio duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sence be administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night aU hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning Drlght and happy. The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al though at first offended at the deception prac ticed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by an Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. . . 9 1-16 cents .. 10 7-16 . .. 115-16 " . ; PEAjPTUTS Market steady at $1 25 1 85. for Prime, $1'401 50 for Extra Prime, and $1 551 65 per bushel for Fancy. Shelled peanuts 5c per fb. .: . '-iS STAR OFFICE, June 21, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 43c per gallon, with- sales reported later of 225 casks at 4Z cents, clos ing firm at the advance' ' ' . , . ROSIN The market was steady at $1 52i bid for Strained andfl 60 for Good. Strained, with sales as offered. " TAR--Firm at $2 80 per bbl of 280; lbs, with sales at . quotations. CRUDE. .TURPENTINE The market was steady at $1 50- for Hard and $2 75 for Yellow JMp and Virgin, with sales of to-day's receipts at quotations. . ST. LO' 11 iTfTS. aa4SetoPm1ef A. rnUCaHAKtuo fAolILLc KtfcUJT lot Ma sad 6Hm who oflar ffoui Karoos asd Phjiieal Debil ity, Fnmstora - Kzbmwtiaa sad their an; (loooy ooaMqanees, AM AfitAkl miMmIW - The Kemedy it pnt np in bozea. tm.1 (UMicg a mooui), as. Io. S (enoogh to eOaet a cms, aslssi in mmn ewe,) S6 1 71 " autiag umo mosuu), SI. . gent by Ball In plain wrappers. raapalet dcaerl. easessftbebkiad, Skia aa4 DlncUaatar Inuwseaaaseay and mods it otu LA fc" A favc FREE! : a j andseearotbs advastacea of lou nnrlnai In miring diaaaaaaaf Boaes. Nevraaa laeklUty Isaeeteaer. .Oraaale il I an nraa. usanmaaiai ayaauute am saerewiai Affeetlaaia apeeiaUy treated oa aeiaDufle principiea, --srita sals ajtd san remedies. Cailoi writ (or Uat otQaaa. Mons to bo anawarad by tbaaeaeauiBg treatsaant by mail. Cl'iriaaaiafftaHaf lraiRairtrehUIoa4lkiai asitraas, and loars aeaaaataa; to their adraataae. ItSiaetatraavJ a4dreea, DKi BUTTS, 1 . 8t St, St. Ma, Urn ESTABLIBHEP OVEtt THIBT1 YEARa. , " HWPf C9 jOsfnPfTsaHsW - -s- s-i QViJLEaM VjJCt OF HEALTHn A TiEUAELE SELF-GURE A &yorlta irreaerlrjtlonef one of thm . Dost noted and successful specialists in the U.S. (now retired) fbr the care of Mervmmm JPedtWtf. ' MO0tXmnftml,Wealenemn6.Ifoomv. Sent In plain sealed envelopeyte. SroggisuicaafiUtfe Address OR. WARD & CO.i LonUiaoa. Ko. Je 80D&Wly ' : tn th sar- - : - . FREE Is a Tory interesting book, baring Bean pieaoaaoed so hv thmutyl. n mu)m. It AvnlniiM Brineklee of life and death, and origin of diaeoaee. Should be reed by Ii all thinking people. Contains raioable proscrlgtlopa for the eure of Nervous and Physical Debility JOoat Vitality .Defective Memory. Despondency, and the - whole train of disorders bronght oa by overwork or la disoretkms; prescriptions for Oatarro,! s wora Dy i A copy of this 2d JESSE JAMES 1 Complete life of these Bold IH-liwy-- Jmeau- aim of theTeemser Brtlera, and I other bold outlaws of Uu border. Fully JQliia- tpmtd. Over 600 tares. Send Forty tenia for U Outfit. Terms liberal. A(JITH WASTED, . -K)JKSHBB KcMAKTCf, Cinncinnaa, Ohio. p maU.Besled.freeL bri W. 8. JAQTXES, HUX ISO Wth Bt. Oinclnnatlt r.TETROPOUTAtl LiFE UflVEILED! jeOWtt Kost Eidting Book Issued. vOOp&get. 130 Clostritlsfitl Bevealing miseries of high and tow life in America's great cities ; fashion's follies and frivolit ies -, behind the scenes; tricks of pretty deceivers; city's rich and poori n lascivious corruption at 'Washington; ruin of innocent girls ; old hoary-headed sianers by gas-light ; bewitching! sirens 4 victims ; Voudou and Mormon horrors ; & text-ling- Revelations 1 Price 12.50. lllust'd circulars free. Outfits T5e. Add.. ANCHOR PUELISH'QCO. bi. Xioxna. lao. cmoAoo.xu. AxiAirxA.aaI IlCaQaEIZa.lG : CTureg Hbeiunatlgrn. 1 ElCSaClBsaEsID1 Cnres SyphlHi. ROSilBilIalIa3 Cares Malaria. " 1 IGSjalaOilEallS Cares Nerrous-; Debility. CUBCS EIIUPTIOXS'. 3 has Its ingredients published on every -ackaare. - Show it to your pbytfcian, and. te will tell you it is composed or the tttrmeest alteratives t!mt exist, and is aa excellent Blood Pari lie r. E0SADAL1S is sold by aQ Drttrglats. feblODJbWftra '

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