i V U - - $jWOMAN CXQKEAITH OFWOMAn SVTHZEWlS THE HOPE CM LYDIA g. PiNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND: - A Sore Care for all FEMAIiE WEAK ! NESSES, ; Including Xeucorrheea, Ir regular and Painful. MenstrnatioM, .'' inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb Flooding, PRO LAPSUS UTEKI &c. - tWPietsant to the taste,' efficacious and immediate In its effect It is a great help In pregnancy, and re lieves pain during labor and at regular periods. .. PlITSiaiSStlSBlT 1KPPBESCKIBB H FMELT. i - tFoB aL WSaxxbssrs of tie generative organs I either sex, It Is second to no remedy that has ever been before the public; land for all diseases of the Emms it Is the Greatest Bemedi . Worfct tKIDNEY COMPIiAINTS of Either Sex ' ' Find Great Belief in Its Use. LTDIA "E. PHTKHAM'8 BLOOB PtTRrFIEK will eradicate-every vestige of Humors from the Blood, at the same tune will give tone and strength to the system. Aa marveilons in resulteaa the Compound. laTBoth the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn, Hass. Price of either, $1. Six bottles for $i The Compound is sent by mail in the form of pills, or of locenges,on receipt of price,! per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose Scent , stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention this Paper. i- tTT.vi)iA JS. PrsxnAir's Lrvro Pnxa cure Constipa tion, Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. 26 cents. 49sold by all DruEgists."9. (3) oct 18Deod&W tuthsa- nrm Bummer, Complaints At thi3, season, rations diseases of the . bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe "" an J sure lemetly. j Peery Dayis Pain Killer i$ a sure dare for Diarrhoea, Dys , cntery, Cholera, Cliolera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc, and is perfectly safe. - ' Read the following: j. -. "', i JUtnbriboe. N. Y., March 22, VSL rsnsT D wis' Pad. KTf.T.ER uever fail to ajiord lutuxi rcltty' for crump ancl pain m ttio Rtomacli. 1 i Joseph Btjbditt. f K'iCHoi-9Tt,i.s,N.TFeb.2,188L The very best mefiicras I know of for dysentery, ,s Bho'ers morbus, and exumps in the Etomach. Have ' - itEdditioryt-axa,an(iitijsrecaTeeerytime. .- i : - 1 Julius w. Dee. .-. I Mothgosa, Iowa. March 13, 188L I have used your Path Kti.t.v.r in severe cases of -tramp, coliUjand cholera morbua.andit gave almost " isstaut relief. I : L.E. Gaidvell. . Y CABSTESvnuaB,GAFeb.28,188L--i - FortwentyyearalhavoiisedyourPATsKlLLSij . la my family. Have used it many times for bowel . . DO!nulamts,andittZuaseurt. Would not feel safe without a boUle in thonotise. i J. Rlvra. ' I - S aco. Me., Jan. 23, 1881s Ha,venaed.PEHBY Davis' Pain Kuxkk for twelve i p:iirs. It id ta'e, cure, and reliable. No mother fekouldailowitlobeontof the family. u )- i H. If NAHM. . f Oneida, N.Y Feb. 1 188L1 Tie began using It over tlirty years ego, and it -- r' ways gives immediate relief. Would hardly dare to b'O to bed without a bottle in the QOU6P, , .-. -.. . --.- --!,: .,w. o. spEBBxr;,-'" : CoSwlxDOKO,S.CFeb.23,188L Noarly every family iu tliia section keeps a bottle lu ilio houcov '-! Dn. E. Mobtom. I - TT. R CoksuiAte, CnETEi.ii, Ejtzskh PBU88iA.Feb. 8.188L I have tcawn Pekbt Davis Pais Eiixeb almost iroui the daf it was introduced, and after years of observation: and use I regard Its presence in my household as &n ixdispeiwahle neeesnty. -i I. 8. Potter, U. B. ConsaL - I Buiiton-on-Trbnt. Ehg. I hf a ooeA eevciral -days suffering; severely from (liurrtwpa, accompanied with intenge nam. when I t c ni your Pats KTi.T.,T.and found ahnoet instant . relief. 17. J. Nooin. ; S? 5TOSTA6UK ST.,L0KIK)N, EHO. . cjip.era, ana never snow it to fan to give .' v.ETo family can safely oe without this . ."invaluablo remedy. Its price brings it - rilliin ths reach of alL . ' , For sal by all Idruggists at 25a, 50c. . and fl.00 per bottle. DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, A'rovidence, Ji. JL The feeble and emaciated, sufferine from dvs-' pepsia or indigestion ; in any form, are advised,- t me Banc ui lueir own ooany ana mental com-' fort, to try Hpstetter's Stomach Bitters. Toadies or tite most idelicate iconstitntion testify to its harmless and its restorative properties-Jhy8i triittn -everywhere, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe it as. the safest . nan most reiDie oi au stomachics. - - Pot sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. jD.lD&Wtiyl : i. nrm suwe-fr Slcfe Headacbei 7 'fiioniii i For the relief and cure of the distress ing affliction take Sim mons Liver ltegalator Malaria. Tm. x-ersons may avoid V all attacks by occa 1 sionallv taking a dose .. a. f til Simmons liver Re 2dRjf'! gulator to keeDtheli- v i ver in neaitny action. Constipation snoula not D8 regard fid a n tjnflinw oflmcnl- KTn. ture demands the utmost regularity of the bow els. "Therefore assist Nature by taking Simmons jnivcr jtMSHuuttor, 11 is so mua and effectual- ' Biliousness. 1 V n. or .tw, taWespoonf nls will relieve an the : muuuict iiiuiuent 10 a Diuous state, such as Nau sea, Dizziness, Drowsiness; Distress after eating, a bitter, bad taste in the mouth, " 5 . Dyspepsia. ' The Ec.fimlfttor will rtnolt.lvAlv on m i..n.i disease. We assert emphatically what we know f. ' ' " i , - ' - . - f Colic. ChUdren suffering with colio soon experience . T, ucu oiuiuiuiis uvw mvigorator is aamtn . istered. , . ...j .-. ; . eTTake .only the GENUINE, which-a1 has on the wrapper the red Z Trade Mark, and signature by J. IX. ZEIXIN & CO. . ' ' " SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 17 l,Deod&Wlr tatb sal nrm feb 1 D&W?m - j nrm ' 1 ' '' . 1 r ' - The Weekly -Star. ' THE ROSEBUD, 1 MOBTDC&B COIXIKB. VfT". ' ' O touch that rosebud I it' wilt biCon Mrladrfair! - 'Z I " -A passionate red in. dim green glQpm. , A joy. o spienaor, a penume, -IThat sleeps in air : , a " u You touched my heart; itve'a thrill v ' " Just like a rose, ' That opens "at a lady's will i . Its bbom is always yours until You bid it close. ' THE RECUPERATION OF -"I" THE SOUTH. In his address before the Senior; Class of Trinity College, HjT. C, Dr. Lafferty makes the following elo quent recital of, the trials and tri umphs of toe people of the South: If -battle tested the pro wess of the South, defeat tried them in the fur nace. J The ; social and political - fab ric tumbled to pieces. , The African: from the rice swamp was ordered to' put his, mnddy' foot on the neck of scholars ancf statesmen. It was as if a continent, with all' the fair works of art and civilization; had suddenly i sunk below the : sea level and the; monsters and ooze of the ocean;' had flowed in over all. ' Judas at homo aud Barrabas - from abroad joined ; hands and became the fiduciaries of : the public purse and the protectors of private right! - ! ; f - j i ' When the war ended nothing sur--vived in the war of property that wasr not indestructible or uncontroverti-. ble. The home necessities had gleaned the field the enemy liad de-: vastated even the stubble. The loss in -personal property (leaving out the slaves) was two billion twice the in-; demnity France paid Prussia. J This was two-thirds of all the property in the South. In addition to this two billion there must be added the expense of 'the j Confederate! war, (represented by Confederate bonds and Confederate treasury notes,) amounting to a hundred million. This was lost. In addition to this two billion and to this hundred mil lion, the South was saddled with its part of the United States' war ebtof two billions and a half! And on the top of these vast sums must be piled fourteen millions of wnvate- bnliffa- tions based on slave propertyj 1 And j worse. 1 he seed corn had been ground in dire need. The last ox had been eaten. The plough horse had fallen under the Confederate sol dier in the fight. Mills and instru ments of industry had been burned. lew have ever forgotten the rum wrought on Prussia by the enemies of Frederick." Macaulay paints it in the most wof ul picture in modern times, yet Frederick lost only ,1 1 1S 000 out of a population of 4,500,000. The South lost 222,000 out of 15,000, 000. X The boys, the grandfathers and the cripples were left to redeem a land overwhelmed with industrial, political ana nnanciai aesoiation. W hat race that ; ever lived could have risen ? The Greek never rose to manhood after the Roman con quest. It was living Greece no more. The sons; of the men of Marathon were slaves forever. The barbarian broke the proud spirit of the Haughty Koman. , . f , r . In a single decade the South re built her; burned altars, lustrated her temples of justice and turned, the bal ance of trade by her exports, and made a United States bond as. good as gold. , In ten years she f had re gained political power in Congress and prosperity in her homes. It is a triumph of character, fortitude, pa tience, industry, statesmanship - and prime manhood over . adversity, with out a parallel in all history. CURRENT COMMENT. ; - An epigram of Emerson's has just been made public in England, which is said to have been written lr.' impromptu in a lady's album, and reads: r- "The man who has a thousand!; friends Has not a friend to spare, .J , " But he who has one enemy - S - - ? Will meet him everywhere."' . - We haven't the slightest doubt Ralph wrote it down promptly enough, but how many years he had been conning it over in his mind before it assumed this impromptu shape it i: would be hard to tell.: We doubt all (epigrams that are impromptu. They generally exhale an odor that, when" analyzed, will be found ; to consist in about equal parts of benzine and kerosene Richmond ( Yd.) State, Dem. r -r Hon "I W.' M. EvartsJ Secrcta ry of State under Mr. . Hayes, de clared in 18J0, just as the country i : I x . i jvas ireyiumug w recover iituui uuau-; cial ; depression ; t.xhe -first- great truth to be learned by the jnanufac-5 : a i ' - .i . n iurers ana worKingme is mat aays of high wagesare gone. In the near future the workihsmen of New York cannot expect twice or -thrice the wajres of . his ' fellow-woirkcrin Eu rope, nor can the coal-miner of Penn sylvania expect twice the I wages of the Northumberland miner.'' In spite of this , positive . declaration j from so high, an authority, the protectionists have been telling . the wovkinsrnien that protection insures permanently nign wages," '.Latterly; when - the workingmen begin to strike for the 'permanently high wages" pled sred by the barons in 1 880, the latter have been pointing them to the ship-loads of . foreign workingmen (who they are in the habit of calling, contemp tuously, "pauper labor") and tellinp them that they ; can get all the labor tney want at reduced prices. -Louis viUe Courier-JournalSDem , v - The literature of the Tractarian movement will ''be immensely enriched by Mr. Mozley's volumes of "Reminiscences, which i in; an American edition has just issued from the Riverside Press. It will take rank with Cardinal Newman's '.'Apo logia" and Rev, William Palmer's "Narra tive of Events" in the history of the Tracts ior me limes. ; i . . . . h. r ,. .-yroia the Home Journal. ' :. 1 A Remarkable Discovery. A REAL SKIII CUEE. THXBX 18 OM.T ONI ' , ' C AND THAT .WITH SIMPLE NAME. :, f. Beware of tmpostersrpirates,or any old articles . which now suddenly claim to be the best.,' They ilave been tried and found wanting,' while this has been proved a remarkable success.'- v. . JiO POMPOUS NAME. r ' . Thi curative needs no pompous or ineotnpre heusible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but its simple English name appeals directly to the' common tense of the people And the people are signally manifesting their appreciation of this , frankness by selecting "and using Dr.. Benson's Skis Cube in. preference to all. other professed remedies.,.. ' v V . t Dr. C W.' Benson has long been well " nown as a 'successful physician and surgeon, and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous sys tem and of the skin; since he has been persuaded to put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescrip tion as a "Skin Cure" on the market, various things hare sprung np Into' existence, or have, woke np from the sleepy state in which they were before, and now claim to be The Ortal Skin Cure. "Beware of imitations, or the various art cles which have been advertised for years or struggled along, havnig no real hold or merit on the public,that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as ."The Grea . Skin Cure." None is genuine -and reliable except Df. C. W.;Bensons Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles in one package. Price $1.00, 4 get at your druggists.' t't ' . - . BELIEF for all Overworked . . . . CAUSE AND CUBll Brains. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable for school 'children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain In their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtaxed nervous centres ' - - .. need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weak- ness, and paralysis are being daily cured by these pills. They correct oostiveness, but are not pur gative. Price, 50 cents per box; or six boxes for $2.60. postage free, to any ..address. For sale by all druggists. Depot, Baltimore, Md.; where the Doctor 'can be addressed. - Letters of Inquiry freely answered. " ' C. . N. CRLTrKNTON, New York, Is Wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. . eot 19 Deod&Wlm " we fr su ' nrm -. The Public is requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. ' . v rCAPITAIi PBIZG, 975,OOO.J TlcketonIy $5. Sbarca la proportion. LdaisMa State lottery Copi. IneorDorated in 1858 for 25 years bv the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital or $1.000.000 to which- a v reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. tsy an overwneimmg popular vote its rranchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 26 A. D. 1879.' The only Loiter ever voted on and endorted bvthe peopfe of any State. , , IT NKYEK SCALES OB POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLES NTTKBER DRAW INOS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY.. . t A SPIiENDtD ' OPPORTUNITY ; TO WIN AFORTUNK SEVENTH GRAND DRAW- 1.NU, ULAbS , ATNBW ORLKANSw TUESDAY, July 11, 188-X46tB MontUrDrawing. ' Look at the' follewlnir Sehm under the exclusive supervision and management of , Gen. G. T. BE4VBE61R1K of t.a., and Gen. JUB AL A. EARLY, of Vs., who manage all the drawings, of this Company, both ordinary and aemi-annaal, and attest the correctness of the pubjjshed Official Lists. 100,000 Ticket at Five PoUars -' Fractions In Flftha In proportion. '. ' 'A h:i ;;-.' :: LIST ORPEIZES. -' - '':; 1 Capital Prize..;.. ...f 75,000 l capital raze. - 1 Capital Prize... ........i 2 Prizes of $6000-... ... 5 Prizes of 3000.......... j 10 Prizes of '1000,. - 20 Prizes of t 600.... ..iii 10,000 k....:..k:.M2,000 10,000 ..............10.000 ...i.a..10,000 100 Prizes of - 800. , 300 Prizes of?100 : -600 Prizes of L 60. .it.. ......4,;: 80,000 .. 25,000 .3 25.000 ipOO Prizes of 25...k.. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. . ; g Approximation Prizes of $750... . .. . 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 9 Approximation Prizes. of 4250.... ...6,750 ... 4,500 ... 250 1,967 Prizes; amounting to.....i....... $265,500 Applications for rates to Olubs should only be made to the officoof the Company in New Orleans. , For further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by. express or Regis tered Letter or Money Order by mail. Addressed omy ut .. : .3 -9I A. DAUPHIN, 4. . . ... New Orleans, La. orJtl. A. AUPHIW; SfvT'j-i.' ... k 607 Seyenth St., Waablneton, 1.C N. B. Orders addressed, to New Orleans will : je.14 D2aw4w&W:-.;;::we sat 4 i D0BBJHSOTM10USH. . -An imp:ti;Ci.iu4is-' coy ery; by jwliich .every family may :gtye : theif4incn .that beautiful (in- I 'isli peculiar to fine laundry work. ' : Ask yoor Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. - For sale. Wholesale and' Retail, By. ADRIAN- a vuuliIskm, f. ij. BiuLujSKS s vu.- ana j. u. stevxnson. tu th sa ap 6 Deod&Wly . Popular Monthly Drawing of the - ; ,1." ; "'In the City of Louisville, "on :- Friday, Jiilie;30, 1082. . These , dra wings oeour monthly (Sundays ex ceptedV under provisions of an act of the General Assembly of Kentucky. ' . The United States Circuit -Court on March 81st rendered the following decisions:-' " 1st. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRI BUTION COMPANY ISXEGAL. , 2d. ITS DRAWINGS ARE FAIR. The Company has now on hand a large reserve 1 una. . iteaa me un 01 razes tor - - ; - . THE' JUNB DRAWING: : ' 1 Prize... "i. $30,000 -100 Prized $100 each $10,000 ' X Prize. . ; . 10,000 200 Prizes 50 each .r 10,000 '1 Prize..:.. : E 600 --605 Prizes -20 eachV 12,000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 tOOO Prizes : 10 each : 10,000 20 Prizes 600 10,000 - - ' - - 9 Prizes $300 each,; Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes .200 each,- r- , - " 1.800 9 Prizes- 100 each," . 90Q 1,960 Prizes. . . . - $112,400 ' wnoie 'ncxeta, 11 an -ncxeiSj i. - . -27 Tickets, $50. - , 53 Tickets, $100. Remit Money by Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. . Orders of $5 and upward, by Express,1 can be sent at our expense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Buildmgj) LOUISVILLE, .y., or a. a.. nujLtwsa&ix, aw ifroaaway, 1, tu th sa mm iliV, ft i in V:UV- RELIOIO US MISCELLANY. Tfcp. Rev: Wm. Hicks.; of t the Holston Conference, died at Union 'Depot, Tenn., May 29th. , ' On Sunday Righ Rev. Bishdp J'-Ji'-Keane:-. administered the sacrament of confirmation at SUMary's churcK Alexaii-- dria, to about .125 persons, of , whqra .thirty were uuiuib. , -r;,..:, . . .3 v; ,. The Rev. Ernest R."Wllberfprce, the third son of the late Bishop' of Oxford, 1 how Canon of Winchester arfd Sub: Almo ner to the Queeni has been appomtea totne new see of Ifewcastle. , . ' - . 'The ill health , of Archbishop' Perche, of .Louisiana, lias compelled his. retirement- to the convent . of the , pacred Heart, in St. James parish. His condition is,oot promising of -an early recovery. ; ; Bishop Halsey said to the .Con-i ference of the African: Methodist Church: : .We have little respect .for. grammar,: but great respect for the ' gospel. 'To succeed with us, one .-must - nave a ioua voice, ;ai-; most enough to raise : the dead. .We sins: lond and shout, but get true, religion.". j . Rev. Charles Betts (ialloway is to succeeed Bishon Parker-as editor 'of the New' Orleans :. Christian Advocate, : Three editors, of : that"' paper have v been . made ( bishops. If this: fact had " been generally : known there might have been a scramble for the place. Baleigh Advocate. v. 7VvX:" I All the "'great irionumeDts of the Church are represented in Our Bishops the missionary cause, in the former missionary - secretary, cisnop yv lison ; tne eaucationai . interest, in one ofVanderhilt's professors, Bishop Granberry; the Church press, in the editor of the New Orleans Christian Advo cate, Bishop Parker, and the intinrant work, in one of the presidiB2''elders of - the Ten nessee Conference; Bishop Hargrove. rifo- leign Advocate. ; . .w-v. .-' . ' ''':;'.'.- . The Bisnop of Limerick . being ; in failing health his physician recently told him it would be necessary for him to seek - rest and change of air at Nice; The Bishop , positively declined to do so. ..Then said ' the doctor plainly: -'My Lord, -I tell you candidly that your case is a mos serious one; and if you do not go to Nice you must very soon go to Heaven." -"Oh, well, in that case," replied the bishop dismally, T will go to Nice."-4.PSB Mall Oasette. ' POLITICAL JPOINTS. ; Sorni day-the Egyptians will take Egypt as the Dutch once took Holland whv not let them take it now ? Flnrina-; Jieia McpuMtcan, lnd. .fiep. . . ?;$t.-"i . What'is to, be done with the sur plus revenue from now until a Democratic majority in the House reforms the whole , Business ? JSasliviue American, JJem.. , ;v i The yeryUeast that the' Arthur administration could do would be to send a letter of farewell to that gifted Stalwnrt,the Hon. Charles J.- Guileau. Atlanta Consti-', tution, Dem. .i:;',;.;.:r-V-.;.:-' 'i-t'.'' What a' spectacle we have of slaviahness, slave'driying slave, one slave a little higher than the other, but still a slave worst slave of all, the Boss slave owned in Washington and permitted to come to Virginia to drive more slaves into Stalwart Radical pens! Richmond State, Dem -y - The people are not attending side-shows .this year iSo much as they were. Neither the tattered .remnants of the bloody shirt, nor the virginr simplicity Of an inde- Eendent Sambo can turn the current , which as set toward the broad and solid platform of democratic reform through and by 'the Democratic party. Boston Post, pern. "The very essence of a free go-i vernment,1 John u.) Calhoun, "consists in considering! offices as public truststo be be-' stowed for the good of the country, and not for the benefit of an individual or a party; and that system' of political morals which regards offices to be used and enjoyed as their proper spoils, strikes a fatal blow at the very vitals of free institutions." r . . ; - Greensboro J'ario. .Randolph is reaping' the heaviest harvest of wheat and oats ever raised. Wheat ; is . fifty per cent, pverfany crop ever grown pnor to this, and oats are one hundred per cent better than ever known before. Kax-; bioh, June 15. Dr. J. J. Mott leaves here to-day in response to a telegram to appear; before Vance s investigating committee in Washington to-morrow. , It is. said that Vance' wilt subject him' to vigorous exami nation, and some apprehension is expressed; that it may result in a "personal . matter, : ; Cures '4 Q sYPimsi in any stage, Catarrh. Eczema, 7 .1 Old Sores, I Pimples, Boilst or any . SKIN . . DISEAES CUBES. WHEN ALL 0THEE REM EDIES FAIL ! ! If you; doubt, come to foe ns,; and we will CUBETOTJ, ot charge nothing ! ! ! "Write for particulars,' and a copy of little book "Message to the Unfortu nate Suffering.'1 Ask any prominent Druggist as to our standing.- . ? t81000 Reward will be paid ta any Che mist who will find on analysis of one hundred bottles of S.S. S. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potas sium, or uny Mineral substance, .i 1 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Props," , (pbb bottle.) Atlanta, Go. , Price of Small Size, : - . . - - - - $1 .00 ; Large - - - . - 1.75 av1 . at Wholesale and Retail, and by all Druggists. jy o miumaa vy ly - CHARLOTTE FEIIALE INSTITUTE THB SAUK ACCOMPLISHED AND EXPKRI. enced Corps of Teachers, which has distin ' ffuished this Institute for the last four years, will continue its connexion therewith. In thorough ness and high standard of instruction, hi comfor table accommodations for boarding pupils, in se curity against accidents from fire, in provision for the sick by an infirmary under care of an ex perienced lady intendant, this Institute is not surpassed by any other in the Southern or Kiddle States. Music and Art are specialties taught by first-class artist and professors. : . - - . , No more healthy or accessible situation for a school than Charlotte, N. C; it is on the main trunk line from New Orleans to New York. - Session extends from September 12th to June tSth. ' . . :-. For catalogue or particulars, address- the Prin cipal, REV. WM. R. ATKINSON, my ao 8towD&Wm sat wed Charlotte. N. C. UJiAX -... S Q i 1-3 HEj 03 H ;LDDL1L f rv 'Vt A DICO H D EZR E D LIVER ; V IS THE DANE y " of the present generation. It is for the C Cure of this disease and its attendants, EICX-HE AD ACHE, - EILIO USESS, DYS , I'EFSIA, CONSTIPATION, PILE3, etc., that TUTT'S FILLS have gained a world-wide reputation. IJo Remedy has ever been discovered that acta bo gently on the " digestive organs, giving them vigor to aa eimilate food. As a natural resnlt, Hie . Kervoua System is Braced, the Muscles are Developed, and the Body Robust. ' ' - B. RIVAIi, m Planter at Bayou Sara, La., says t j Jiy plaatetlon is in a malarial diatrlot. . For - eeverKl years I could not make half a crop on ' account of bllioua diseases and chills.; I -was " I nearly discouraged , wben Z began the use of TUTT'S PTTiTiH. Toe result was marvelous; my laborers soon became hearty and robust, - - and I have bad no further trouble. " Tttmy relieve On engorged Iitver, cleanse Uie Blood from poisonous hnmtn, nd caoM tte bowels to net nata rally, with , oat wtaicb no one ran feel well. ' Try t b la remedy fairly, and yon will gain 1 a neaitny Digestion Vigorous Body. Pure Blood. Strong Nerves, ud m Mound 1.1 ver. Kriee. 83 Cents. Office, &5 Mnrrmj at Bf. Y. mm limn dyi Gray Haib or Wbciskkbs changed to a Oimsv - Black by a single application of this Dyk. - It , - Imparts a natural color, and acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of One Dollar, t ;t ; V - 1 Office, 83 Murray Street, New York. (Dr. TClTB 31A.XVA.Ij of Valuable Information and VacfMl lieceiptm B i eill be MUiei FEES on application. J : je 18 DiWly , ; sowe fr . '" ' - 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. 1 0 , : a a MZZ t Jt - Vkt't , .-.(. - ; . r:. Jane 18,187ft i WF. WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, ;:," DR. DTTK?S j Electro-Voltaic Appliances uflFcrini? from Nervous Weaknesses, Gen. eral lebtllty, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Other 1 Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, .' i Kidney r Liver Troubles,'. Lame Back,i Rup tures and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. - " Also women troubted-with ducuu peculiar to : theirsex. ' . .- . . Speedy relief end complete restoration to-.' health guaranteed. Tnese are the only - Electric Appliances that have ever . been const racted upon scientific prin- . cf pies. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderfal aneeess, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien - tiflc men, and from hnndrels who have been quickly and radically eared by . , their ae. . - . ( ,- Send at once for Illustrated: Pamphlet, giving -all information free. Address, . j - VOLTAIC BeTP 'C0l Mari.llTridhy'y Je8Deod&Wlr ' suwefr. TH E MOST P 0 PULAR BEWJNG MACHINES IB tiO f1- ALWAYS iM QRnirf? T LIFETIME & N 1 y -SURPASSES' OTHERS S y30 UN 10 N S Q. N E W Y 0 R K I Chi C AG oi LLe:;y,;l ) 8:5t;b RANGE MABS T Ui AT)T A T , . ap 29J)2taw8m&W4m - -- we sa V f Music Books by -fv American, Gomposersi ; Dltson & Co. publish a large number of books that are purely American In design and composi-r tlon. ;y y,7-y y ;:... ?;::'; ;,; y. y-y. i 7PUflPT I a bewi&rand Operai just out! Zlfifl UDln. It fa by 8. G. PRATT. The subject ; is a noble and heroic one, and the scenes are capable of heine made most attractive. Will soon be given. Jiiss Annie Cary taking the prin ' cipal role: ; .. ; -; - - ; -: D0H7HUNI0- (franS CMtatOTinadOT'a3l e .. icend of the Crusades. v --r.-m , 46TH PSALM riLVCK JOSEPH'S BOPABE: ByCHAWICK. ' BELSHAfflAR($100) ByBUTTEEFIELD' ' Are two sacred Cantatas, Introducing, the one , Egyptian, and. thejother Babylonian scenes, which, with proper costuming, may be made magnificent. - The music is good, and either is ty well worth giving. -.. . - ; - - - j NEW, FLOWER QUEEN ffi Ga pjUJQ(J1.00). By THOMAS. . Two Cantatas which are most appropriate to - the flower and excursion season, REDEMPTION HYMN gfflsg- a ; most acceptable to 'choirs and choruses. t 0LIVEE DITS0N & CO., Boston. ' C. H. DITSON & CO'm 43 Broadway, New York: jelOD&Wtf, Wed&Sat - Cow Peas. 4 .rl I UAG Nn JT.J 100 Bushels, day and r IlixedPeas. y . 1, Tor sale by J - ' - HALL & PEAESALL. 1e8D&wtf ' , 'vy:r-:yy-;iy.i- -;y&; i y my-yl-y t y 1 y-y y fe ? : P. Li. Bridgei4 & Co. WHAT WILLTOO DO TO KEEP COOL . We advise you to po to P, L.' BREDGERS & - -. - -1 ' ,'., GO'S MAMMOTH GROCERY "eSTABTJSHMBNT, and there you will find a large stock 'of FINE : t Wines, and Liquors.- . , BUD WEISER LAGER BEER. .' -NEW YORK tAGER BEER. . The best Beer sold here.- .-. -v ; . CLARET, SHERRY, PORT, f ; ' v MADEIRA, SCUPPERNONG,- , . v ' .' r - -' - 1 -ANGELICA WINE. " t- . ' . j -. Cool and Refreshing. 1 J 'MARTINIQUE LIME FRUIT JUICE, ' fMARTIKIQUB LIME PRUIT CORDIAL, ' MARTINIQUE PUNCH. Old Scotch Whiskey., . BEST EVER' SOLD IN WILMINGTON, of the ' t Finest Medicinal Properties. " ; . , - ' $8.00 PER GALLON. Another Fresh Lot of 7 - . : Eoyster's Candy . . i - -.: : . j i ' . ' ' ." ' i m - - RECEIVED SATURDAY.- NOTHING PURER. 50 CENTS PER POUND. i P. L. Bridgers & Co. Jel8tf - , , . - icoTTOM cins.l i .i ti u i . n i j i i t-tt Tta 2rm Gsttca Eia Gi, Ksj Lcndca, CL, " Israel P. Brov, JVet y Edit). T. Brown, Treaa. " -These TtishhinfS nrn- ttgbt, make fine tmotpie, and elean the seed property. Beat English cast gteel ta tho ; sawsj the teeth wfll not bend, break off, or torn back, iron pnHeya thrcraghoat, brash rtrraigly made, with adjastaW bases, cut steel journals sad two belts . -one at each, end ensuring eool beazmgs, fall speed, - and steady motion, (only Gin la market having this Improvement.) Extra bigs shafts to saw and brash cylinders. Strong Iron frame beet materials, supe . zlor worfananalilp, Une ftnfaTi, ' t - ':'.. -' -' tyMore Brown Glna hare been sold derinff the past three seasons thaw any other two makee combined. Mr. ' Israel P. Brown (from ISO to 1858 of tho firm of E. X. Taylor &Oarf Colmnbus, Ga), the preaUenfi of the , company, has had a longer practical experience in . mating Qlna than any otherinaalivlng. Present facflt. firTnimnf nrtrtrtng itpb) by say , other ostabUahment of the kind In the world. Hones our very low prices for soch superior machines. .: -Price List of GIXS, Feeders, and Coadeagers. ui mm w ' ?'i. a'.I- . .. - ' ' Price with Price with , f- V "'.film ' Prices of Self- Self- - -,v Gins. FBederor -, Feeder and - Oondenwir. Condenser. ; SO saw - : $ 76 0. . . $100 00 .. ... $136 00 , . 85 87 W .- Jit 00 ' , W I 40 " - . J00 0O .13360.; . 16 00 . 46 118 60 14 00 ., . 17 60 , ; 60 " 136 09 160 00 ' 196 00 SO " . HOW ' 180 00 ISO 00 t 70 " 1C0 00 :80000 . 863 00 . ' :: 80 " - 180 0J 838 00 , 88 00 ' t&Xote tho priced and Imprcrrement ; dont : be ' deceived or allow yourself to be talked Into buying other ginat Our machines are fully guaranteed. - If 1 not satisfied with our guarantee place your order with ? any responsible merchant of your acquaintance sod -j get him to buy for you. . Time, when desired win be -: ; given to any responsible person. -Write for descriptive' i - circular with hundreds of teednKmials from enterpris- -i r Jaj plMiterg,' :5 ri k-'-St iC-SiuhyH .s4',-i,i.ta!'4 BROWN COTTON GIN CO K . t- ' ' I J ; New IiOndon, Caaa. ; , -.v , . . W E. SPRINGER & CO. Agents, 4 i ? ' -"j- " Wilmington,-N, C. .ap D2tawfcW 6m -y wed sat . - . ; r PARKER'S ' HAI9 s BALSAM. ing, elegantly per iiunca ana naxm .less. Removes i dandruff, restores natural color and ' prevents baldness 10 cent and 81 (atatdrsnita. nnT.nPvWr! if put parfam with xotplicullj iattiaf r nrnri.rH.. - 8f sadTCssDa. CIRICI?TOmiC An Invfaoratinfl Kedlcim fliat Nvr lutnviMfoT U This delicious combination of Ginger, 1 Buchu, Mandrake, Stillingia, and many other of the best vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, &is The But and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are suffering from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, age or any disease or infirmity, take Parker's Ginger Tome. It will strengthen brain and body and give you new life and vigor. . Paid for anytiungmrunons found in Ginger Tonic ft or for a failure to help or cure. r i mT30D&Wl7 tuthsa . . chtu - : Lynck Sclibol, : r HIGH POINT, GUILFORD COUNTY, N. C. " Max. WM. BINGHAM LYNCH, - -- RT. J.B. RICHARDSON. - . Pall Session opens July 17th. 188 Y .,' ; -5 . . For terms address - v".: Je 8 Doaw&W4t tu MAJ. W. B. LYNCH. NEW ADyERTISEMENTS. Tbe King's mountain All-Healing Springs Co. Will open for the season of 1882, on the 15th dav of May. Thev have enlarged their hotels to accom modate 2ft) guests, and have added every amuse These wonderful Waters onre Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation and all Derangements nt the Digestive Organs. .All 8kln Diseases and rn cers of every kind. Scrofula. Catarrh and nii tr;., Nney Affections yield to their healing virtues. 8vl ntlllMn TXlflOrltll nnA li.l) l.tt.n Dl O . Arkansas without relief, found it here last sea son. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial ef feet upon Females Complaints, and many distress ing cases were cured last season. - The owners i-v tend to make this the most complete Health Re sort in the United States. - Besides a Table d'hote they will open a. Restaurant, and visitors mav suit their tastes and their purses. Excursion tick ets will be issued from all points to king's Moun tain, the depot for these Springs. For further in formation address DR F. -M. GARRETT. Mana ger, King's Mountain, N.C. , -s y ; . , P;nAni.n ENGRAVINGS, EASELS I vr L LI I t? PAINTINGS, ., MIRRORS,1 ' ' ''- BRACKETS. " ' LARGE STOCK i---" i - - - f' . . 1 LOW PRICES I ET T2 Y Q ' j. w . frizzell; 558 W. Balto. St., St BALTEBOBE, Md, 0PIUH - HABIT IBy B; M: WOOLLEY, Atlan iia, vra. xwiutuie evidence given, and reference to cured Twitlnnfa nn .1 1 1 IO 1'-' .u.v.v.u. V patients and physicians. ik en The CURE. iHablt and its Cure Free. EVERY OIME8'" Will get walnable Information FREE by sending for- circular - to E: TOURJEE, Boston, AQA Per Week can be made in any locality. VUU Something entirely new for agents. $ 6 outfit free. O. W; INQRAHAM & CO. Boston .Mass. ADVERTISERS ! send for our Select List of Lo cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 Spruce St., N.X -, - - University of Virginia; ' S CMlTliER iiW. LECTURES (nine weekly), begin 13th July, 1882, and end 13th Sep tember. . Have proved of signal use, 1st, to stu dents who design to pursue their studies at this or other Law School; 2d, to thoso who propose to read privately; and 3d, to practitioners who have not had the advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P. O. University of Virginia,) . to JOHN B. MINOR, Prof. Com. and Stat. Law. my27D&Wlm . : . . DYSPEPSIA CURED ! APEPSIA! THE GREAT SCIENTIFIC. PREPARATION will positively cure old chronic cases of Dyspep sia, Dyspeptic Fits, Dyspeptio Vertigo and l)ys peptlo Consumption, where every other known medicine has failed to even give relief. I refer to a few of the cases pronounced incurable that have been cured with APEPSIA: Miss Katie Hoff man, 873 Randolph street, Philadelphia, was a case of Dyspeptio .Consumption; had not been out of her house for one year, or her room for six months; a living skeleton givenmp to die by our most eminent physicians, but cure 4 with four bottles of Apep8ia. Matthew Robinson, No. 303 21st street, Philadelphia. This was a very dange rous case of Dyspepsia Vertigo of long standing, but cured with only two bottles of A pepsia. Mr. H. A, Clark, firm Clark Bros. & Co., Philadelphia, was an old ohronlo ease of twenty years' stand ing; paid out one thousand dollars; was pronoun ced incurable; but cured with three bottles of Apepsia; been well over one year. Thousands of similar testimonials can be seen at our office. I refer with pleasure to the following gentlemen of Savannah, whose characters are irreproacha ble: Dr. i. K. Haltiwanger, Clarence 8. Conne rat, Capt. George M. Weymonth, Price $1 per bottle.. For sate by WILLIAM H GREEN and all Druggists. - V. R STONE, M. D., mh 16 D&Wlv 219 Levant St.,- Philadelphia. CURES FITS. NEVER FAILS. ., HAWIKITAH KEKYIJTK . Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf am' dumb, but it cured her. She can now talk and hoar at well as anybody. Fxtxr Boss, . Springwater. Wis. SAW AKITAJl JfEKVIJTK Has been the means of curing my wife of rheumat ism , . , - J. B. FucTonsB. Fort Collins. CoL " " SA.MAK1TAJT HEBTINE Made a sure care of s case of fits for my son. E. B. Balls, Hiatuville, Kan. aAMARITAN NSRV1HE . - Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mr. Wm. Hknsok. Aurora, III. SAMARITAN NERVINE , Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. . Kav. J. A. Edijc Bearer. Pa. SASCASITAJI HEBTINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over S3.003 with other doctors, i iS. B. Hobson, New Albany, lnd. SAMARITAir NERVINE . i Effectually cured me of spasms. ;- t MI88 jKWJflK Waubbit, i. 740 West Van Buren St.. Chicago, IIL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our elilid of Ht after given up to die by our family physician, it having over. 100 in 24 hours. HKNsr Kxza. Vervilla, Warren Co.. Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albbbt Simfsoh, Peoria, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared my son of fits, after spending 2, 400 with other doctors. J. W. Tbobkton. Clalborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me permanently of epileptic fits of s stubborn character. Bx v. Wa. Maxtut, Mechanicsto wb, Md. r SAMARITAN NERVINE , Cured my son of fits, after having had 2,500 in elghtera. month. .. Mas. E. Fobes. West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE '; ' -Cored meof epilepsy of nine" years standlns. - Miss Oblkha Mabshall, . - i :' --v.-" - Granby. Newton CaXJu,. ' SAMARITAN NERVINE. v Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of BMCJK vcars duration. . . , Jacob Sutbb, St. Joseptb. Uo-. SAMARITAN NERVINE. 1 Cored me of bronchitis, asthma and general dchiilty.-. OLtvxa Mtbbs, Xrouton,. Objtb. ' SAMARITAN NERVsNS: Has enred me of asthma; also scrofula of many, years- standing. , . Isaao Jiwsxl. Covington. Ky. ; . SAMARITAN NERVINE " Cared me of flu. Have been well for over four years, Coablks E. Ctjbtis. Osakia. Douglass Co..Minn ' SAMARITAN NERVINE V Cured a friend of mine who bad dyspepsia very badly MionABLO'CovNOB. Bidgway, Fa. - y SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits -' . . - David Tbcmblt, Des Moines, Iowra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of as years standing. . Hxnbt Clark Fairfield, Mich. , . SAMARITAM NERVINE - Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. " E. Gbahaji. North Hope, Pa. . -A.MA.RITAN NERVINE -Cared my son of fits. He has not had a fit for about four years. ,- John Davis. ' v Woodburn. Macoupin Co., IIL SAMARITAN XNERVINE IFOK SALE ' " ' BY Ar,lj.rI?,UGrGrISTS Ormnybe had direct fronmV. For fur-h-r informa tion iuihim: ampler our Illuitraicil J turns! giving evidences of curvs. Address -, . . 7 JDK. 8. A. RICHMOND 3b CO.. , ' WciriJs Epileptic Instititts. ' - ST. JOSEPH, MO. IT. A. STEDIIAN, Jr., 'Attorney andCoimsellor at Law, ' ELIZABETHTON, : BLADEN . COIJNTT, ! N. C, - Office TJp slaira. In Brick building occupied by BInaldl & Co. 7 j . . ; - .Special attention to .Claims, Collections on. sums of $100 and upwards made for Fiver'eT Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mort gages. &C a speolaltT. ? ap6DW3a ITil AJ Uv . -''- V

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