"Y ' . " . v - . A els 1 ... 1 v ' - " t 4. " , J - ' I j i I 1 5 i- . The ; Weekly Star. FICKLE 21XOL1.IK. .5 v. -TV.. ' I think all day of Mollie, and I dream . of: Yet I'm never quite contented tevetf when ' she's in ny sight J ..- .r.-K.-s :;..- -V For 'tis, I lovo yoti" Jamie," and'tis 7" "Ah, I love you notl": -.iJ1 . n "- Until; pretty, fickle Mollis I wish you were ' She's, a' fair and lovely" breature,. thesweet - st of her kind. " : lt she'd only be r consistent f I ne'er a Unit v - But lis, "Ah, I love you, Jamiel" andflis, 1 - . "Ah, I love you not!" '' : 1 Till I swear,; O fickle Mollie,'' wish you My .heart is tossed this way and that, my .v feelings ebb and flow, -!'."V Till, wild with, joy and mad with, pain, I . ..r . know not where to' go; '' ---.l- '. ' For 'tis still, -"J love you Jamie r and 'tis still, "I love vounot!" - v - Till I vow that fickfe Mollie by me shall be ' .'-. foFgot';VV : ' Oh r Mollie, Mollie,; Mollie Jove Vi why imfi: s. 'For you I never can forget, your love can. And though you love me, r Mollie, and - 'v-though youloveimeiiotj --.iipv: - Full .wel you knowj O MolUe dear.you'ir never bci forgot. : . the .CQSjS(tjoN .;zti: Tb Situation' of tb KbdlTo mB4 M Ministry Folly and Clearly Ex plained ? "';.; ' " lProvidenrjbtirnalj In order to coiripreaeud jy early the 'Egypttain ' questijiii so called, krid. 1 ; its material bearings," it is first neces sary to rHjalI briefly the events which have taken place within the last half dozen years in connection witli" the . al ministration of the Egyptian Gov erimient. In the year 1876 the alarm ing condition of the; affairs of E'gypt, financially ni administrative, called for the intervention; of the powers of K ii rope in behalf of the. interests of ':, the holders ; of ..'Egyptian . . ,bondsl England and France felt that their su premacy. .over the Suez' C:inal,if not ' in . any immediate peril, was, ; at least, likely - to W threatened. iAt tliis 'time ; the Khedive, - .Ismail Pasha, was - wielding absolute and despbtie sway ' over -the ' land.' By his reckless prodigality 'be had brought 'the country to the brink of. bankruptcy, . and matters were going f rom bad to worse. The debt then amounted" to $90,000,- 000, and was constantly increasing. The wh61e of ' this amount had been incurred in fourteen years. . In the meantime; the people were groaning beneath ja yoke of .'taxation - and tyranny - that was ' slavery save in - name.' - England and France came to the rescue. - - It "was intimated to the Khedive ' that he j must reform his . government. "This he engaged to do,. saying, in a note to England, that in his future rule he would act r in con currence with, and under the advice 1 1 of, his ministers. . But ; Ismail failed to carry out his agreement, still ma-'- king his oWn.will the law, ' and-el:er- cising it in the . old despotic way. Finally in 18 1 8, a high commission -was appointedfonjbehalf of the pow ers, which made inquiry into the ad ministration of the government, and' presented a report,) setting forth all that could be. learned concerning the Khedive's oppressive . TuleT and its ruinous effects upor the country and the financesJ'The principle was re cognized,tJiat any amelioration of the finapces.raijst: be accompanied by g5d governmenti - -' Tn 1 879 Ismail Khedive was com- ' pel fed . to' ' abdicate in' favor of his ''. neplifw, .Tewfik . P; slia, the present Khedi vi and since the accession of ' To wfik the administration of affairs ' has been earned dn under the super vision of England and France, with Germany, Austria and Italy behind them. - In this supervision England and France are each represented , by, . a Comptroller General, who ranks as a Minister, and r is in vested with - extraordinary powers. The Control lers have-full authority to inquire into "evdry public service, inclnding the public debt the departments all report - to" them; they prepare the budget;: they cannot .be . removed only by their own Governments. In , addition, in I880,r a Commission of : Liquidation was "appointed. Under the "Control"' and the Commission much has been "accomplished in the direction of ameliorating the condi tion of the conntry. This is. the "status juo" which U tb-day threaten ed, andwhich :the Powers desire to ?ee maintained. "-" yf:;--r':- ' . On the other; hand, a party has been recently formed in Egypt calling itself the National party,whic!i is led v by Arab) Bey,'jtho Minister of " War, t , and the xmy. n Whetlier tliis party embraeeany considerable portion of ' the- population' is asyetfan unan swered question outside of Egypt. Arabi Bey,' the army,and the Nation- als clamor for constitutional govern- ment. Yet, while they do so, they . 'aim their shafts 'at ' the Control' ; which has secured for -the people all the constitutional privileges that they . have enjoyed. When the new Minis try, with Arabi Bey a Minister of ' War, came into office, the first article" . of its programme' was to place the budget iii the hands of j ' THE CHAMBER OF NOTABLES. . ' f This body is composed of about , seventy-five persons, nominated by local officers, and chosen from the in fluential and' moneyed natives. Hith erto its powers have been very limit 'ed and, unimportant. ; It is contended 'that the Chamber is entirely subser- vjent to Arabi Bey and the army,and 'that placing tho budget in its hands wnnld amnntit nracticallv tO t.nrniny , i J T- it'over to the army. All this while the army menaces the ruontroi ana the . Khedive, who ? stands , with ,the ' "Control" t and f thetfpowers f cannot " look dri with complacency when so " much is at stake. .The rray,. it is , - claimed, has grown , to .proportions that cannot be-.justified by, a condi tion of peace, and it "will be shown thaV the efforts . to bring up) the finances of the country have already been hampered by the increased mili tary expenditure. ; The army iscom pxsed of alV element population except the 'i Coptic, ' the Arabs , predominating. The , Copts" are excluded. - . 'A .correspondent: of. the Nation; jef erring to Arabi Bey, remarks that he is . by, no meam a born leader, and cannot in any Ifeht be looked upjn as aT Cromwell r a Washington.! This view of him gives color . to the assertion that lie is in a. degree acting under the infltpnee of 6thers.'&ft:liy--;: What the end willlbe nbf 6pl can predict. In case of absolute :. rlvolu tion in Egypt, England mar lofed her . control over her great waterway : to xnaia. vv ouia v Bne ' then occupy, .. . . .O . T . . ' Ii - - f - 1- 7. . jgyptr a xn tnat case otnei compile tions would arise. The 'Suez Can? was built by French enteiprise and i eucu capital isis, aiiu is i.wn French shareholders. ; France y ma "have something to say.. -1.-. i r J LIVING WITNESSES.rte hundreds pt hearty, and healthy b lookim menf sro men and children, that have bi'Cn.- rscued from beds of pain; sickness and well nigh death by Parker's Ginger Tonic are t? best evidences in the world of its Btcrling merit and worth. -You will find such in iiimost very community. 2!i SENjLTOK V:' Atlanta Constitution of Surii 1 saw: Senator Ilill but ridi his son the other evening ? with He re- cognized " almost ; every ; peilon he passed, and in response to thi kindly salutes-lie luted his hat, witp out in clining his head. : What a iotervel of vigor and jV recuperation bunSenator is! Having undergone enqngh Cut ting and slashing to kill a defzen men, and with ; two terrible; wounds open and wasting on his cheek and throat, he continues to improve and grow stronger day after day. Indeed, - if the doctors would only yield one got of f the inexorable calmness with which they have prononueed Mr. Hill's case hopeless, ; the world "of laymen would begin to hope that the present improvement is not; decep tive, and that he may yetj outlive the ravage of the knife "and check the progress of his disease, i I am in formed, however, that there! is no im provement xn the wound. ANNOYANCE AVOIDED. rGray hairs are honorable but-their premature appear ance is annoyine. barkers -a idir lialsam prevents the annoyance by promlptly restor ing the youthful color. , - f . r . ' -H T-TT : T1IE SPECTRE IN ftHE 3IIR- " . . . MOB. l Several years ao, Thomas. !the eldest son of John Wilson, living near Orange City, Plymouth county, Ia.,:wart to New Mexico. He corresponded regularly with his parents until the middle of last Februa ry. Then for abont a month they; heard nothing from him. On the1 night of the 12th of March Mrs. Wilson Was sitting by the fire waiting for the return her hus band, who had gone that day to Le Mars. The children had retired to bedj and per fect silence prevailed wittua and without the house.'"-At -10:30 Tlrs. Wson laid down a paper she was reading and stepped to the mantel for ' the purpose of winding the clock. A large mirrof stood. , on the, mantel, and as she passed she glanced at its gleaming surface and saw the ghastly face of her. absent son. : Almost k f nghtened to 'death,' she stood motionless and speechless while the phantom slowly faded irfcm view, and then with a cry of anguish ale fell in a swoon to the floor. Twof days later Mr. Wilson received a telegram! announcing that his soil had died on the 12th Snst,, at 1050 p. m. y-;' u ' Wfi i .' " : ' " :'t j' When heart and brain languish; and the majesty of perfect human nature jig con quered by a fickle temper and tentfcncy to sorrow, the nerves are faulty Give sym pathy to the - sufferer and ' teach him the virtues of Dr. Benson's Celery and Cbamo- mile Pills. " - - .. - ; - - i I . f ; - ' PENNSYLVANIA. r The Democratic : State ConreBUon- "One of tbe ' People Kle to be Heard Gubernatorial Nomination. . rRvTnlAiminli to the Xnrnfn Star.l Hakrisbttrg. June 28. -The liemocratic State Convention is in session cere to-day. Three ballots for Governor have been taken without restilt Comptroller Patterson, of Philadelphia, neading tbe list. Wnen nomi nations were declared in order,! an old gen-' tleman arose in the back part of the Ilouse and named James H. Hopkins. The Chair' asked him if he was a delegate, and he brought down . the ' house by j answering, "No, , but I'm one of the people." I Mr.; Hopkins was afterwards regularly placed in nomination. :' S ' :; X :' J j Controller Bobert E. ' Patterson, 0 Phil adclphia, was nominated on the sixtJi bal lot. ' m ;- ! - Whate'er besides you chance to want, ' " Ne'er fall short of SOZODONT, But keep jt always in yoijir sight, A source of beauty and delight, : 'To cleanse your teeth till with your smile ,Tbe roost fastidious you beguile. Greijn8boro-''afrio'.Ye8tei-day will be remembered as "the hot Sunf day in June. 1882.? It was very hoy throughout the day and well into the night j Hon. D. F. -Caldwell left this morn- inff for an extended trip through the Do-1 minion of Canada. - - - " $1 500 per year can be easily made at home Working for G. pideont & Co., 10 Barclay St., New York. Send, for their catalogue, and full parttcplara. J " ' ' - oot28Wfy Malaria. Chills and Fever, andl Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory's . Standard; Cure Pills on infallible remedy; never fail to core the most obstinate,,: long-standing eases, sugar coated; causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in their action and narmless in all casesjffcsy effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy thev are unequaled. For Liver Complaint their equal. is not known; one box will have a wonderful effect on the: worst case. They are used and. prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 25 and BOcent boxes. Emory's Little. Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only J5 Cents; Standard .Cure Co., U4 Nasaan Street, New York. THE FLORENCE NIGHTINQ ALE ' OF THE NURSEBY. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Beformed Messenger, at Chambersburgh, Penn.: A Bksk? acts ess. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. -' Of this we are so sore, that we wu i teach our "Susy" to. say, "A, blessing on Mrs; Winslow'! for helping her to survive and escape the griping, oolicking, and teething siege, ;: Mrs. Wikslow's Soothino Stbot relieves the child from pain, andares dysentery and diarrhoeai It softens the goms,rednces inflammatloicureswtnd We have-never seen Mrs. Winslow mow her only through the preparatkmof ner "Bootning Syrup for Children Teething.?' If we had the power we wonld make her, as she is, a . physical saviour to tho Infant race. Sold by au aruggura. SS cents a bottle. J -.'- olio, ana carries ine miaui. wavuu teething period. It performs Precisely what it fuitniwrfnrm. everv nart Oi It nottting mIngton. market. BTiiB OFFICE. Jnne 22 A V SmUTSpjRpE market M43ic iyy gaUon,th"sal reported of QO casks at that price, ; ROSIN-ttetnarket was' .'firm :at $i 53 blfor Strlned and;:.$li 63. fpr Good Strainea,;! saW:ortedf;";506 bbls llltM Wdao'bn pri Tate terms,; siiposed tb:.be at Detter figures.' ; TAtl-Quilat f3 per;blji:of'2801bs, rwith sales- at iiotatioiis:1Sfe U CRUDE -frrRPENTINEThe market was. steadyatlfl 50 for Hard an; $3 75 to-day's receip iquotations; fr.f j COTTON- ie market was.flmiwith no sales yto'repd: ' Thai f blowing 'were the ofiicial quotati. Oidinary.Wt! Good Ordinar cents m n 10 7-10 r ' . 5-16.' ' doumg;4 1 Good MJddhnsi A v.Vt 12i- - 1 '' - - PEANIJTS-Market steady ai.$125&i 35 and' fl 551 65 :pefe busheirFancy:; oneuea peanuts 5c per lb. . i. 1 ; ' ; :pg.T'ojCTjJn r SPIRTTS TURPENTINE The market opened firm' At .43f cents per callon: but closed dull, with rumored Bmall sales at 43 cents. ' V ' ; - Jl . BOSIN The market was firm at155bi4 tor btramed and $t 62if or Good Strained,- with sales as offered. ' i"' TARPirm t $2: 30 per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales at quotations. C ' V CRUDE .TURPENTINE The market was i steady! at $150 for Hard , and $2 75 for Yellow. Dip and .Virgin, with sales of to-day's receipts at quotations. . ; ; .; COTTON-The market was steady, with uo sales to': report. The following were the omcial quotations: ;.s ; Ordinary. .. 9 1-16 cents Good Ordinary:..;.. 10 7-16 " Low Middling. ;;' r 11 5-16 " Middling. . ; ; . llf t ' . 1? Good Middling. . . .... .12 " ; PEANUTS Market steady" at $1 25 1 35 for Prime, $1 401 50 for, Eitra Prime, and " $1 551 65 per bushel for Fancy. Shelled peanuts 5c per lb. ; fj: STAR OFFICE. June 24, 6 P. M. ; SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 42 J cents per. gallon, with sales reported of 250 casks at that price, j ROSIN The market was firm at $1 55 for Strained.and $1 "62 J- for Good Strained, with sales of 500 bbls Good Strained at quo tations. . - TAR Firm at $2 30 per bbL of 280 lbs,, with sales at quotations. ' v . j CRUDE TURPENTINE-The market was steady at $1 50 for Hard and $2 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin,' with sales of to day's receipts at quotations. COTTON The market was firm, with no receipts and no salcsl The following were the official quotations:.. . n ; ; f Ordinary. ....... ... ,;J 1-16 cents & Uood urdmary. .... . . .10 7-16 Low Middling 11 o-ie lit ..... m Miadung. . . . . Good Middling r?EAinJT&-3Iarket steady at $ 1 251 85 for Prime, $1 40r 50 for - Extra Prime, and $1 551 65 per bushel for Fancy. Shelled peanuts 5c per fi." ; j STAR OFFICE, June 26, 4P.M. I : SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened, firm at 42 J cents per gallon, with sales reported laterof 250 casks at 43 cents. ROSLN The market was firm at $1 55 for Strained, and $1 62 for Good Strained, with sales ;as offered.' -. - t TAR Firm at $2 30 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. - - ' CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady, at $1 50 for Hard and $2 75 for Mlow Dip and Virgin, with sales of to-day s receipts at quotations. ' ;i- COTTON-The market was firm,with no receipts and no sales. The following were the official quotations ; Ordinary...... 9 1-16 cents lb uooa urainary. . . . . - iu v-io Low Middling. . . . . ... 11 5-16 Middling. .:, . 11 f Good Middlinii.... .. 12 y ; it . , ; PEANUTS-Market steady at $1 251 S5 for Prime, $1 40i 50 .' t or Extra Prime, arid';fl 551 65 per, bushel for Fancy. Shelled peanuts 5c per Tb. .:. 'r: . -, ; x STAR OFFICE, June i7, 6P. M. rpnUTS. TCRPENTINEVThe market was firm at 43, cents per gallon, with sales reported of 600 casks at that price. ."ROSIN The market "was firm at $1 55 for Strained and $1 62 for Good Strained," with 1 sales reported " of 1,000 bbls Good Strained at quotations. : - TAR-r-The receipts.cxcept about 60 bbls, were placed at $2 30 per bbl. of 280 lbs, tho' rilarket closing dull and lower to sell. CRUDE TURPENTLNE-The market was steady at $1 50 for Hard and $2 .75 for Yellow Dip arid Virgin, withjsales of to day's receipts at quototions. ; - ! COTTON-The market was flrm.but with out transactions "lo note. .The following were the ofiicial quotations : Ordinary . . . . 9 1 -16 cents f) lb Good Ordinary. ....... 10 7-16 Low Middling, ..11 5-16 Middling.' 11 Good Middling.. .... .V 12 J F It PEAlnJTS Market steady at $1 251 35 for Prime. $1 40ai 50 for Extra, Prime, and $1 551 65 per bushel I for Fancy, Shelled peanuts 5c per lb. RTAn OTTFTCE. June 28. 4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPEOTINE The marke a. Arm ' at. - 43' cents cer sfallon. with sales reported of 300 casks at that price. ' ROSIN The market was firm at 55 for Strained and $1 62 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. , - TAR The market was firm at $2 10 per hl',1.; of 280 lbs, with sales of receipts at '.,oHAna ' There were no sales on Tues CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady at $1 50 forHaid and $2 75 for v,,tir-'nff irid Vircrin. with sales of fev dav's receipts at quotations. . ' COTTON The market was firm, with smnH fifties "at Quotations, The following were the official quotations , - ; Urpjnary . ... ...... . n- 14a cent3 y Good Ordinarv: 1....:-: m 7-1 R Low Middling. . . '. . jr, 516 ' " ' t(r. oou.JlaoamfyiVH"ltJ4'-, - " PEANUTS Market steady- at f 1 25a 1 .35 for Prime, , $1461 50 ' for Extra Prime, and . fl s 551'65 per-bushel ' for Fancy. Shelled peanuts! 5c per D, ' COTTON AND ITA.VA1 rSTO RES ' A; rWEEKiy STATEMENT. ' ; -j, , ; . receipts - c For the week ending Jirae 24 1882. C):r 'Crude. $4' v 2,406 v6,361 , 599 1,629 feSICEIPTS; ; . From June 20 tof June 27,;188r.- " PJStM.-, Crude. mMWVM 7,5HiSi372 -, 2,593 . V For the: week ending June 24, 1882. - ' DomesUc . , 58 . -409 1.219 -- 598 . R5 JB'oreign.r- -00 2,469 ,8,376 ;ooo" 00 35 Total 58 v2,878 9,595 r 598 Flroune 2Q tdne 27i88lV! , . i&it(m.r-i$pMii. 'BorQjTar. Crude.' Domestic 456 s; 870 554 .2.681 103 Foreign;". 000' 000! ;30Q ; 000 000 Total.. 456 " SO 8.854 2,681 103 c Ashore and Afloat, June 24 882.' Ashore: at. Totals' XJottoni fYr: 759 WK - 862 11156 2,980 6,047 : 74,540 OOO I ' 8,926 000- .'1,118 Kosm.. J..'. ; w .. 68,493 lsr. . iwi-.vj, rsW i ,3,926v Cruder ;:i:1418': J- : A -: STOCKS j i -. Ashore and Afloat, June.2T, 1881. Cotton. 1 Spirit$.xe RotSnS-, Tar. A Crude: .1,109 8,968:s 36,436 461 ft 1,124 1 QUOTATIONS. v ' June 27 188C June 24; 1882. ;,,.;lllj '., : 42 : -'VI 55: 1 62 , ; 2 801 -; Cotton. I Spirits 40 ; 1 75 1 80; 2 75 2 75 , , : ' Rosin Tar... Crude J 4vl 50 2 75 'J . New York Comparative Cotton State- - By Telegraph to the Horning Star. f; New York, June 23. The - f ollow- mg is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this daten . ' S-? i "im.: r 1881. Net receipts at all United M.-v..r - 1 btates ports during the.' ? ; ' ! week. . . t. .. . 13.637 ! , 23 Rftfi Total receints to this t . f - - date. , . i. ' 4.572.692 5 601176 Exports' for the week., ; 43,727 . 32,752 Total expdrts to" this .' v date. . . . ... .. .;..v.3,829,4354,241,427 Stock m all United States Ports.. 357,602 379,541 Stock at .all interior - towns.. . -.. . .... . .... 28,904 V 46,502 Stock in Liverpool.,..; 900,000 ! 880.000 American afloat for . Great Britain. ....... 72,000 j 105.000 v EXPORTS FOB THE WEEK. ' 1 COASTWISE. Baltimore Schr Alice Hearn 282,400 feet limber, 40,000 shingles. ; Philadelphia Schr Thomas Sinnick son 165,825 feet lumber, 44,650 shingles, 350 juniper bolts. v J New Yobk Steamer Benefactor 1,215 bbls rosin, 256 do spirits turpentine, 436 do tar, 35 do crude turpentine, 58 bales cotton, 72 bags R polish,38 bales cane, 11 do yarns, 123 bbls rice, 6 tierces rice, 41 pkgs mdse, 167,575 feet lumber, v . " . FOREIGN. St. John's P. R BaTquentine Jennie R Deverty 235,000 feet P P lumber. St. John's, P. R Schr Edith R Se ward 217,896 feet lumber, 69,300 shingles. St. -Pierre, Martesique Schr Eva L Leonard 97,760 feet lumber. ; . - "UujJr Ger brig Dr? Witte 1,406 casks spirits turpentine, 500 bbls rosin. LorooN Br barque August 3,500 bbls rosin. '-Z- St. Kitts Brig Frances Jane 142,119 feet P P lumber,-100,000 shingles PERSONAL ! TO MEN ONLYJ-Thk Voltaio Bilt Co., Marshall, Mich.; will send Dr. Dtk's Ckt.kbr atto Elbctbo-Voltaio Belts ahd Klko tbic Appwakcxs on trial for thirty days to men (young or oldlwho are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re- storation of health an manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. trial is allowed. above. N. B. No risk is incurred, as thirty days' LUCKY JOHN WEGER. The Louisiana Natl Bank has notified the First Natl Bank of this " plaoe, that the 830.000 drawn by Mr. John Weger or jasota, in xne lxnusiana bimj iMiixry, uu May th. has been deposited in their bank.. The mone ney was pata in iuu witnoui any without any discount, and Mr. w a nnwniM of the wealthy men of the onntrr. iohn Weger was born in rnorway, juiy 23d, 1882, and wfll be 60 years old in July. He oajtm In Nnw-Vrtrk fmin NnrwiT in 1850.and came to Minnesota in 186L He enlisted in the U. S. ar my soon after he came to Minnesota and after his term of service expired he located at Easota, where he has resided ever since. - We understand that Mr. Weger intends starling a store, and put ting the remainder of the money at interest. St. Perer (Minn.) Tribune, May 24, 1882; t The next drawing wui be on Tuesday (always Tuesday) July 11th. . .j . Correspondence of Chicago Times, Aug. 10.18B1.: THE WORLD'S EPILETIC INSTlJrUTE. . While passing through St! Joseph, indhaving heard a great deal about the Worldls Epileptio Institute located here,' I concluded fopay the celebrated institution a short visit. We were met bv Dr. Richmond, the proprietor, who;has cained a reDutatlon as broad as the land. He is a rather small, vet Drenossesslnff man, of very affable and gentlemanly manners. ' He gave -us a hearty welcome, and took great pains in snowing ns thron?h his nalat ial and mammoth Institution.: It is a flve-story building, siO xl80 feetJwith basef and can accommodate five hundred patients, and each and every room is furnished in the most ele- Snt and lavish manner. , But we will , begin at e office, which is a large room -furnished . with rosewood furniture throughout. In the office are thousands of photogvaphs-of those who have been benefited bv the Nervine. - Th walla are ele. gantly papered, and are profusely decbrated with: rich and costly piotures, relieved here and therec by busts in stone and baonze of eminent men of tots ana otner countries, in connection witn tne Institute' to a-mawmetlt printing house and bind ery, occupying six or -seven large -rooms, and a score of presses are kept running night and day turning out work for the doctor. - The office is one of the finest and most complete in the west. the rooms decorated, caroeted -- and trimmed np with as much care and luxury as is Ma nwnnrivnt A office." On the first ffoor of this mammoth building is the .doctor's priyate office,. the printing aepartmenv Dinaery. mus. room, packing, bottling and consultation rooms, barber shop, drug store, etc., an oi wuicu urw mieuup regardless of expense. The second floor has the hotel office, dining, billiard and cooking rooms, vnunv 0T1A at. chambers and several parlors. The third and fourth floors are all rooms, all of which are furnished with Brussels carpets and the finest furniture. The billiard room has six, tables, all of whiohare free to the guests of the house and w. Maiuio. Tho bath room la larere and neat. and is also free to guests. The entire building is surrounded on the east and south by an .elegant five acre park,- in which are lovely trees, beds of rich and rare plants, gravel walks and drives, de-, lioious . arbors, and a . most beautiful summer honse. There are also a number of fountains that add wonderfully -tothe beauty of the park, which is truly one of the most lovely and attractive- hv the western country,' and the Institute has no equal for luxury and comfort in the world. -E.AOTrtinr la nnrfontlnn. and the visitor IS at lyTJI j If i Ilia W w p - - - ' f once charmed with the entire place and its sur roundings.' An idea of the immensity of the doc tor's business may be given when we say that on the day .we visited the institute he showed us to his express room, and we saw -the expressman take goods labeled-to the following places, to say nothing of hundreds of orders from all quarters of Amenoa: iiyons, xmuuc, vmiom, Dnu,oiiuu, BnoSn. Rnnumlt' Belirium: : Cane -Town. Africa; Shanghai Chma; Yokohama, Japan: Bom jMy. IndiaTelbourne, ' Australia The doctor employs hundreds of menand women m his In stitute in the several branches, aside from- the fnma wrminftd tn conduct the hotel. It isworth a visit, and Dr.-iiichmond extends to all a coruitti uiviuiiivu w wwiiio ' " . and his wonderful medical discovery have given st. Joseph a good name all over the habitable ftlobe. , ' 1 " "'"'- ' ..- - -- - " W ...... ... y Fortynve;. .Thousand Dollar : Fire In - Wnltney.v'. ' By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Galveston. June 28. The New. Whit. ney: special- says- a fire MondaV niffht de-s stroyed,one brickaud three frame stores and warehouses. ; Loss. $45,000; insurance $34,000. - -; - ... ' COTTON MARKETS. - s r Wy Telegraph to the Morning Star.l ' June. 28.--Galvestcn firm at 1 124c" net .receipts , IU bales; Norfolk, firm' at 12 316c net receipts 6: bales; .Baltimore; firm at 12fcuet receipts - bales; Boston,' quiet at is net receipts 565 bales; Phila delphia, firm at 12fo net receipts 41 bales; Savannah, quiet, and , steady at: 111c -net receipts 91 : bales; New Orleans, firm at isfc net receipts 89 bales;- Mobile; firm at 12Jc net receipts ,44 bales; Memphis, firm at 12Jc net receipts 30 bales; Augusta, dull at llc net jreceipts 8 bales; Charleston firm at 124c-Hnet. receipts 25 bales., ;. j MARINE. . -arrived: ; Schi Sallie Maire 258 tons. Hriii'rk ""Phil adelphia.: coal to Geo Harris &'Co ' - ttchr; Ubarley Bucki 243 tops, French. 1 . w vara. 'a X3ena8iwiin nay to ;u i!",5iitclieli & Bon; vessel,to E G Barker & Co.. Schr Robert E Lee. Brassr. Hvda conntv 2,000 bushels corn to B F Mitchell & Son. Br barque Indiana. 299 tons. Evans. Ber muda, C P Mebane. ; . ' bchr - William. Moore. ShallotteJ naval stores to AMartin. - -; . &cht Snow Stonff. MorseJ Tttlft- Kivpr S C, naval stores to W I Gore. ' ' - JSchr. Annie. -Burns:- IjUle .'RiverlJiaval stores to A Martin. - - - i . Schr. Samuel, Davis. LockWood's Foil v.- naval stores to DL Gore. ..v -vt ' Schr Ontario. Smith. Tubbs'Inlet. naval stores to Kerchner & Calder Bros. bteamshro Reeulator. Doane. New York, T E Bond, f " " ' i . cleared.' Schr Alice Hearn. Pennewill 'Baltimore. Geo Harriss & Co. . - Schr Thomas Sinnickson. Dickinson. Philadelphia, careo bv J H Chadbourh & Co ; vessel.by Geo Hairiss & Co. . . ; . -uarquentme Jennie, K Deverty .Atkins, St John's P R. Edward Kidder & Son: ves sel by Geo Harriss & Co. -, : Schr Edith K. Seward. Tall. St. . John's. P R, Northrop & Cumming. ' ;. ; '. '; , Schr Eva Ii Leonard. Goosins. StJPierre. Martinique, Edward Kidder & Son ; vessel Dyjs uarkejr as uo. : . ? " Schr William. Moore" Shallotte. A Martin. I JGer brigDr. Witte, Zeplien, Hull, Eng land, Chess, Carley & Co. ' : -i v;.- xr Darque August, McDonald, JLondon, England, Alex Sprunt & Son. j - Schr Snow Storm, Morse, Little River, S C,-WlGore.r : ' Schr Samuel. Davis. Lockwood's Follv. D L Gore. '- I . . Schr Anniel -Burns. Little River. D L Gore, f v - SchrOntarib. Smith.Tubbs' Intet. Kerch-. nea& Cakler-Bros. ; - , k .3 . o i 03 V C3 a s o O 7 IS a , IS ' . -rs . - o . o a fate- a a -o to. .a a a; D a " a a- - IBB " - M ' , o ; & : p. ' ft a 'W o GO tt a o o i (D i a. fa o o 1-4 a CQ u - a - . 1 . 2 a .0 . m a . .g . o & 03 S : - a ' V i -1 9 s e 3 v o- s 3 u - B S a - - M-: $1 oo - c5 3 -3 bn km in muinn IIhim if the blMd, SUa u4 v 'emriil M wmlslly treated a ienias uiadplM, vita u ana an remedies, vui or write tor ua m Blana to h inert ht thnfi ftnalrlng III iliiiml 111 mil rnuLU. - CPin m mSu lm ft Bpfrh M B thilr il lit im, mi Umim eeiiOileg t lwlr Ugt IthaMmtran.J AMreaa, DR. B0TT8 1 K. 8h St, St. Ms faTT1T-TIrlr" OV" T"IITTTI"1,IL rnrr'fTHE scieetce rllLt I OFBEAI.TH" If Ttnr Interesting book, having twen piqwwnoed y by tlKnuands of readers. It axplaias prlnalpleB of Ufa -and deatb. and origin of (Uneasea. Should be read by all t-MnMng people. Oontains Talnabla preeeriptiOTU! for the oare of Mervoua and Physical Debility JUt Vitality .Defective Memory. Despondency, and tha whole train of disorders brought on by overwork or ln- alsoretlona; praeenpuons tot uacarrn, Dcrotuimew. A oopy of this work by mail, sealed, free, braddreesing "W. B. JAftUEa, BrDTl30 W.etn St. Clncinnati.a METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! , AaKtTTS WAWTED! KortExeltiaeBooi Issued. 600pagei. 160 Qlsstratlont! Pimallni, irihwriaa of hleri and low life in Amerloa'a great cities : fashion's follies and frivolities : behind the B bveas-liirht: bewil lanil wintinui Vondon and Mormon honors : Staart- Linfr Kevelationa t Price 20. IUost'd oireulara free. Onffita76o. AdS. . ANCHOR PUBMSrTG CO. BT. LOUTS. Mo. CHIOAOO. 111. ATLAJTTA. Qa. HARRIS REflEDY C0.,BIS ,rW.HARRI8,PA8TIUi BEKEDY fma Mem asd otbers who nScr itv. rom KtmaB aaa r-ayaieal Debil- their xumy loomy 1 are o ThaBemedr tiDtrtanlatoxat. Ia.1 r and radlsatty eured. t (lutinf a month), fa, He. I (eaeofli to ethol enra, nnlaas in severe oases.) Sill (tatting three montoe), gl. Bent by Bail Inplain wrappsn. BO.g. blag tbi dieeue aodT mode oi sure eest eesied on ipplioaUoa. Direetleae for Gstaa agany seek Bar. run nphlet desert. - "1? FREE! yf RELIABLE SELF-CURE i A favrirltn -nreaerlntiari of OM Of tho moit noted ana Bnccegsful socciallsta in the TT. 8. (now retired) fbr the cure of JTefti we feMUiVi MjQt XattHmaa, TTeatftisaee and Jeesy. Sept In plain sesded en veiopeVee. Druggists can flU It. ; AMreM DK WARD ft CO.. LonJtlgn-. Htv je 20 D&W1 - tnthsa ! FOB LESS THAN One Cent a Page! SlH ElEGiHT BOUHD 70MES. Useful and Inexpensive for the summer of all I w - Grades and Styles of Shojf Music. - - - "GKMS OP ENGLISH S6NG." Si6 pages over 80 choicest of songs. , - r-.: .. ,-;'GEMS OPGEEMAN SONG." !S 216 pages-100 of the best German songs. . . ''GEMS OP SCOTTISn iSONG."; , : 5800 pages over 150 best Scottish songs. v 4 - tBBAtJTIES OP SACKED SONG." : . 208 pages 60 of tho very best sacred songs, z :; ' - "woULd OP SONG.M ' 248 pages--t choice songs of popular style, t- - "FRANZ ALBUM OP SONG." ''.-" 277 pages 107 of Franz's best songs. - ; ; -v 200 pagean-139 of Norway's songs, melodies, &o. ".': "OltMROF STRAUSS'? :: 248 pages 89 choicest Strauss waltzes, galops, Ac ' : ; "GEMS OP THE DANCE." ; 232 pages 80 most popular dance pieces.' - And many other collections, ; Price each, $2.00 plain; 5a.6ociotn; a.wruu gin. -t 3f-v. ;v.i.. - .o i".' ' ; : OIIVEIl DITSOIT & CO.; Boston; C. H. DITSON & CO., -843 Broadway, Hew fork ' eS8 Dw S wegaiBaii i " " ' That's a common cxpres . j sion vand ha- a",yorld'-of ' - - meaning. How much suf- -"; ; fering- is; summed up iniiv t 1 - ''.'-, "Thesmgulat thing about it is, that pain in the ' back ; I is occasioned by so' many , -- tigs Maybe caused by ! .- kidney :disease, liver ."com- i iy-plaint, ; consumption, " cold, -i '-hi f heumatismdyspepsia,over- 1 ,;; work, neryous debility, &c. "Whatever the cause, don't 't , neglect 'it' Something -is I wrong .-and needs prompt -, attention-.-No medicine has i yet Jeen discovered, that 5 1 ir 4 - . "Will SO quickly and Surely-'' -cure ' sJch diseases. Js , : . w a jkuw xi u jts, ana t - 'it does this by commencing' . atthe foundation, and mak-" " . ing the blood pure and rich ? , ;V . - . -: Logansport, Ina..Dec. x;'x88ok f- For a long time -1 nave been a 0' sufferer icoin stomach and kidney . -; , disease. M y appetite was rerypoor ' stud the -very small amount I aid eat j v ..j disagreed with me- 1 was annoyed' :7 , ..it very , much from non-retention jot. j1 ; urine. I tried many remedies with : -; . no success, untH 1 used Brown's- ! . . .. Iron Bitters. Since I used that my 1 1 ; ,! - , stomach does not bother me airy. ', f ; '. ,. My appetite is simply immense. My V . -i .' kidney trouble is no more, and my I ; ': - pneral health is such, that I feel .s like a new man. After the use of ! 'X- Brown's Iron Bitters for one months -I have gained twenty pounds in - weights O. B. Sakgsmt. j . - '', Leading physicians . and clergymen use and recom- mend ! Brown's Iron 3it-' ters. Tt has cured others suffering, as you areand it will cure you. ; ap25D&Wly; lw nrm 2dp THE DAILY STAE. OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA! rpHK OAILT HOBNIilU STAB, A F111ST-CIASS .DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, pbli8hei at the following low . ' . - . . RATES OF SCBSCJRIPTlOMt ! : One Year, postage paid,.. Six Months, ... " Three " " . One .....w. .... fTOO .;....:... 4 00 2 fo , 75 THE DAILY STAR Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Mar kets, Telegraphic Reports of the Northers and European Markets, and the Latest :. General News, by Telegrapn and ; . Mall, from aU parts or tfee . i -World. -"- ' j Largest DAILY CIRCULATION in the STATE WM. H. BERNARD. - . - KmVOA & PlOPBIKTOR, . ' i . . Wilmin ton, I ! c. k. ktedkah. . . Isaac Bates.:..... 8. D. Wallack... ftesinent .ii.Yice President ..Cashier Bank of New Hanover. CAPITAL PAID IN - - $350,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL- $1,000 jOCC DIRECTORS: , - TXT T T . A UU1 Cs F. Rhelnstein, of Aaron t & Rheinstein, - f C.M.Stedman, Jas. A. Leak, of Wadcs- boro. , j E. B. Borden, ofj Golds '. V.nM 74T . . ... . W. WilliMf- of Wil liams itr Khison Hon, Ii. KUrideera, Pres W. & W. Ii. R, H. Yollers, of Adrian & Vollers. - ' Jno. W. Atkmson, Isaac Bates. . - : U J, A.., U. . - D. McRae. j . : I - ; - C. M. Stedmaa. President. B, B. BOKDEW, flftlrioh ntin Dnnitnh R- P. Howsix President. UUIIUUUIU UIUllUUi Cashier. DIRECTORS: KB. Borden, W. T. Faircloth, W. F. Kornegay R. Edmundson, Herman Weill, ... ; faiesliBra Branck: J A. XAK.Jsr 1 President ussmer. . DIRECTORS: ' t ' , J. A. Leak,R. T. IJenT:ett.G. W. Lit! ie, l.C. Marshtll , ' Issaes Certificates of Deposit bearing interest. -: Is authorised by Charter to receive on deposil moneys held in trust by Executors, Administrators. Gnaroiaus, Ac., &c, 4c. ... . - : Strict attention given to the orders ud reqneu of onr conntry friends by mail or ethRrwisa. ,ov!R-wtf- i 18 JESSE JAMES Complete life of these Bold Hlchwajr. . .Jbmb. AJsoot theTooBmrBrotliera, and LI other bold outlaws of the border. Fully ELIe timtod. Over 600 uaires. Benel Fortv Crati for - Outfit. -Terms liberal. AENT WAKXED. FORSHEE JttcMAKLS, Clnnclnnatl, Ohio, ie 9 W4t ' ' . DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, IsKYrfAO important di IS- v i covery, oy. waicn ' every iamjiy may give tieir linen that beautiful fin- I ish peculiat to fine llaandry work. Ask your Grocer. is. DOBBINS, PhuadelpbiaPa For sale; Wholesale and Retail, ij ADRIAN A VOLLERS, P. L. BRIDGERS&CO. andJ. C. STEYENgOlt v' to.thsa ap6Deod&WIy V VTi .. . 1 WHOLESALE-PRICES: 'Our quotations, !t should be understood " represent the ' wholesale ' prices generdQy.- Ia making up small orders Wgher prices have to bo S '- ., ABTXCLK8.?, GGD3-,unny .... ,BACON North Carolina, - Sides, choice, lt:..-4tv; i Wmtbb Smokxd Hams: ': Shoulders, i Dbt.Saxtto Sides, lb.:..j;.' 5.'15::...J16; "12 .- -'13 . 0 KI1U 1 851 a t w ' 1 90 2 00 .. 000, a j 20 23 J 7M 9 50 . . D 00 - 14 00 BAIUlE-S-SpWtsTuwnnv '' t Second Hand, each. j,.Q' x- wYo?c.-- BEEi BlUCWlmington,' M ..":! , HlflLUTiril ... . BUTTEBH-lIorth Carolhia, a'iC -.20 : CANDLES- DSperau. . W 35 ;-a5.- ;i 15- 14 18 - -28 - is 14 'j. CORN buBh.. in sflf.kst , 1 io c 1 101 COTTON TIEie X? t 6( -EOGS-MB dOKen. - -f iuiBi.iui....--..Jw.-.;.- I w ica 10 . - riau ikereL No. l, T3bh.s;j ooVa 20 00 ' f J.crei, iw, i, -j nail DDI. . ' Mackerel, No. 2, bW.:.,.if r-jSftftSffi MacKereLo.l, haU bbL. 8 SO m 10 00 i,fi03o 00 . MuUeta, jrWkbbls..:-.;. 7 00 1 50, ? FEHTlTJ?ntRS MA0OJ oounds.: . j-T' TOtlan3Tano.No. l. ,. $T Wl 62 50 t . , 4 '.No-v,-. w j fr w. ; rt - r, ' ,1. Lobos. 00 00 51 00 i . 5an? pJ!P,1.taf'6-v - oo oo eo oo ' Carolma Fertilizer.:.:'.;?,:.' 45 00 ta 60 00 : - - - Ground Bone . ui;. .jti.-.7. 00 00 40 00 '" Bone MaaVi-rvv.-;.-i..'(;!i 00 45 00 -s.iiVone Hou.:via-;i-w00 00V 67 00 ! . Navassa Guano 40 00 45 oo ; ' s . Complete i Manure, c.v; ;..v. . ,-00 00 . JS7 1 . iS?8Jtho8ehate',0 05 70 00 1r , Wando Phosphate. V.,.-.-.,..; 00 00. 70 00 i Berger fc Bute's Phosphate. . 00 00 " 60 00 i " i' "Excellenza Cotton BtertiHwn.: ks 5, no nn IM)UE-HP bbl Bine. v. ;.tw- 0 00 5 50 -, Northern Supers..;.. ...i.- O 00 00 V- . .. - j' nai,rs.s..j i,...- ,6 60 : 7 50 : 7 75 10 00 :i f i'amily...... ' ' City Mffls Extra. . . . . . t i v , Extra Family GRAIN bushel. . Corn, from store, bajfs, white ; Corn, cargo, in bulk, - " . i corn, cargo, in bags, " l Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. i Oats, from store. ; .... Cow Peas SmES .lb Greeu ..... ... JT?LJ '- i ....... . 1, 'a HAY 100 s Eastern... . . . . ', wsfcrn. ta'Mv.iV) .s.. i. North River...... ... HOOP ntON-9 Ton.......;...! LARD lb Northern..i. North Carolina, 6 uu a 50 ; ; -.00 7 00 I s 00 7 50 : 11 - IS 1 07J4 -i 10 1 00 1 04 1 02 1 08 94 - 95 ! , .70 72: . - w i ., oji;.:, . 10 . H r. ; v 15 1 w.'-Ji-'s: .VI 20 1 25-fi. . i oo i is T 80 00 85-00 i ' . -12. i3j: - 00 14 . 1 10 i 50 ' LIME barreL . . . LUMBER City Sawed M ft. . 14 Ship Stuff, resawed.....;.... 18 00 20 00 i x Rough Edge Plank... . :."..... 15 00 16 00 i 'i West India Cargoes, acord- f ing to quality...'. .... 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. v 18 00 23 00 i i Scantling and Boards, oomin 12 00 15 00 MOLASSES $ gallon, . . , New Crop Cuba, in hhds. ... . 00 44 ' " " . " in bbls..... 43 46 .Porto Bleo,in hhds.... . u-.i-.TS "v.oo 45 -' In bbls.........., '- 00 48 Sugar House, in hhds ' 00 29 t , , inbbls..... 00 32 1-. L m uid ................ v ua ov NAILS Keg Cut, lOd basis.'. 0 00 , 8 75 s OILS gallon Kerosene..,..; 11 12 i I - Lard. . . . . . . . . . . .i .... ..;., 1 io 1 45 Linseed. . 90 1 00 i itosm is oa . 18 i Tar.......: .................. . 00 . " 20 l Deck and Spar . 00 ; 23 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 83 35 l ." Spring.... 22 25 ii Turkeys ............... 75 125' PEANUTS fp bushel...... v.:..,. .1 70 1 90 POTATOES-HP bushel Sweet i ; 60 75 !! Irish, perbbl.............v...- 4 00 4 25 PORK-Hp bbL-CIty Mess 27 00 , 23 00 ii rrune ........ .... . lb uu 17 00 i .. . 16 00 17 00 t - Kumo ...... RICE Carolina, lb. L Rough, 93 bushel... 17 UU 18 OO V 43i . 8 - 95 1 15 T tn m. " . . . r . . . II ' City -r.. . . fROPE-B...: :... .. . i4 22 : ". . SALT $ sack Alum. ...... : 00 75 ; - -. Liverpool, .-f. . 00 85 1 ' - Lisbon. 00 00' American........ , oo. en ts SUGAR PB Cuba...... 0 i 00 i - Porto Rico . 0 ' 00 . ! A Coffee.. io 10 , B ;;;v;:'........vV.-,..,.. -;v9?i 10. f. ExC 9 . W,' v Crushed 10Ji 11 -v W SOAP lb Northern... S ; 6J41 . SHINGLES M Contract..... 5 00 . f 00 ' Common . 200 2 50 k , Cypres8Saps...., . .. 4 50 5 00 ; . V Cypress Hearts...... ... 0 00 7 50 2 r STAVES 9 M W. O. Barrel.... 12 00 18 00 f . Ih . R. O. Hogshead..... ...A.... 00 00 10 00 i ir ;i TALLOW-HP B.......v.:..... 5 6 -i " . j TIMBER ?9 M feet--Shlpping..' 12 60 18 00 3 Fine SblnDing;... ........... 14 00 6h 15 25 f ; ' Extra do . .... 13 CO 14 09 i ' Mill Prime."....r...... . 7 00 8 00 : : Mill Fair .... ....i... 6 00 6 50 ! n -.- Common Mill..... 4 oo a b on ? . - Inferior to Ordinarv .. 0(in a 4 no I WHISKEY sp gallon Northern ' 100 500 : ' wortn uaroiina .... jWOOLHP lb Washed. - Unwashed. 1 Burrv 100 :-2 50 25 26. 20 28 MO & ' 15 ! WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. i Exchange (sight) on New York. .....J4 discount,; i. i , . T1J . XL Y.'- - Boston......!..... " " ; ; f " '; f- Philadelphia.;. ... Western Cities... ccnange, w aays, i w cent. - t -. of -New Hanover Stock. . .... . : ; 107 - 75 140 82 : 12 I 12 88 First National Bank Stock. : .. . . . ... . . . Navassa Guano Company Stock North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons . . . Funding, 1866...... . '-' Funding, 1868. t;::. - . New 4s . 8pecialTax..i...... 4.t' i ' 1 " " to N.C. Railroad. 93 W. W. R, R. Bonds, 7 c. (Gold Interest) .'116 , f varotma (jentrai a. n. isonoSjO wo.......... 105 - Wilmington, CoL & Augusta R. R. Bonds . . . 106 Wilmington Cty Bonds, (New) 6 o. . ... . .. .. 100 - New Hanover County Bonds. 6 c. . . , . i "100 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock.. 100 k . North Carolina R. R. Stock. ........ j. . . ; 80". i Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. .., .-. 50 Wilmington Cotton Kills Stock. ........ . ... , . 100 riUIB GREAT S0UTHEHJ5 A BEBCEDTfor the eure of Serof-: ola, Syrtkills, SerofulOBS Taint. Rhea- -raatism, WUto Swelling, 6oat,eoitre, i CoBsaiBptlon. Bronehitis, KervMs De. - iouity,aiaiana, aaa au diseases arising t :: law an impure condition, of titer n L. ELCS0, SUM, miP. t 111 "" f- CUIlESi " SCISOFULA. t X RCGAB,AITS Curer Ilbeumatlsiii. 31 Cures SypWliS' - RODsODillill Cures Malaria A Cures Nervous Debility. ! '3 31- CUUES ERlTPTIOXg. Y i - IlOOilBilsZalS baa Its mgredientB pnblished on evervj : oetcKafre. Know w your pnyrr.cuin. ina t. .1;. 19 will ten you n is compoeea oi me x -itrengest alteratives that exist, and is an-J sxoelTeat Bleed Parifier. .' ' - ,. ROSlDALIS isoldbyIlDniggists. - - T feblOD&WSra v- -. . : -.' . i v.- , II, m

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