HS. LYBiA E. LYnS, OSS., v V f i "i - ' s t A " 'ft a LYDIA E. PinilHALTO , VEGETABLE ' COMPOUND: l 1 j Is a Positive Core i r. .11 ttaaa Palatal Ossanlalata 4 West , . mmum tMrktteMleiH)UNi It will cur entirely the worst form of Female Oonw plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TJloera tloo, Falling and .Displacements, and the consegnent : Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to & Chang ot Life. ' " Jl will dissolve and expel ttimors from the litems In an early stage ot development. - The tendency to can eeroushumoratheretacheoked veryspeedllybyltsnse. It removes fatntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. " It cures Bloating, Headaches, Ferrous Prostration, General Debility, Steeplosonnm Pinmlon and Indl- ; gestlont '" -'- ' ' ' ' -- - " ' " ' That feeling of bearing down, cansing pabwiretgnt and backache, la always permanently cured byitansa. It wfll at all times and under all circumstances actln harmony wtth the laws that govern the female system. ' ForthecuTeof KldyComiOalnU of either sexttle Compound Is unsurpassed. ! t . ITDU E. riNKDAJTS TECETABIJS COM- . POCITDls prepared at SS3 and SSS Western Avenue, . Iyim,lass, Price X Six bottlesf or $5. Bent by mail In the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, oa receipt of price, $1 per boat f or Mther. Mrs.Plnkham freely answers all letters of Icoiry. , Send tor pamph Vet, Addross as above. JTenKoa (Me Atjwr. 1 ' Ho famtty ehoold be without LTDIa K FtSKRUCt ISVER FILLS. They, ear oonstfpatron, bOioosnen, and torpidity of the liver. 16 cents per box. . . Sold by JlDrnigtat. ; octlSDeod&W ta th sa nrm Summer wis At thi3 6eason, varions diseases cf the . bowels are previtlent, wid many Uvea wt lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Ekuey Davis? Pain Kill eh is a sure core lbr Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc and is perjcclly eaji. . Bead the following : i ' EAssBRirKJE,?. Y.,Hareh 22.18SV TEIinT Davh1 Pais Ktt.t.vti timer fail lo a ford xnniuut relief ior cramp and pain in the stomach. : Joseph Btoditt. ; KicnotvTttE, N. Y-Feb. 2, 188L The very oert medicine I know of for dysentery, Ao'erai)iorbiiR,aTidCTirapaLatLeBtoinach. JBUvo n?eil it for years, ami it hi sure cure every time, i Juuns W. Dek. - Koisoowa, Io'wa, March 13, KoL I have iisod yoor Pain KiLLEa m severe ca6B of ( rr itai'.colic.audcliQleraiiiQrbufl.anditgavealmoat -iiii'Lai.t relict. . L E. Cildvell. , Cmxssbvivub, TGA.,FeU 18S1L For twenty yeara I have need your Pais EOLUt ,t tnv family. Have used it maay times for bowel i-o !'j plaints, end it almau cure.- Would not feel safe k, ltliout a bottle in the house. J. B.Ivtr. Ha co, Mb., Jan. 22, 188L il-.ve n se& PerhtDavib' Pain Kti.t.kr for twelve J.wri. It is ta'e, sure, and reliable. Ho mother !)ouli allow it to be out of tha family. 1 - H. I. Natts. 1 Oneida, K. YfoU. 19 lMtl. .Vq began rain? it over Uiaty ears afro, and it r waya tnvea immediate reUe:'. V. oukl hardly dare to t'o to bed without a bottle in the honse. I - W. O. Spsbbt. r ; I CoinrATBOuo, S.C,Feb.Sa,I881.' ?Tary every family in this eectiou keeps a bottle ti tae house. Da. E. ilOKTOH. ! V. S. COJISCtATE, t - ! Cr.EriLD, KtrENLSH pBUftSiA.Feb. 8, 1881 I hive known Pkrby Da via' Path Ktt.t.er almost f -oai uia day it was mtroduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as an induvetwabl necessity. i. X H. Potter, u. a ConsuL ' r BnBXON-OH-TBKST.ENO." I fcrw been several days suffering severely from , trjrriioea, accompanied with intense pain, when I -U.i-I. . . H.J. NOOHC f J 21 HIontaoiteSt.,Ix)ndgs,Eho. ari rsr a rssi'iei) j cf twenty-turee years in India, i i;i vs (."vi'.ti it in many eases of diarsboea, dysen- tT, -n l oiijro,a2a never knew it to fail to give ' r-iiv-t. . B. CiARisoa. I Io family can safely be .without this invaluable- remedy. Its price brings it vllhia the reacli of alL .., : ! For pale by all druggists at 25c, 50c. cMJl-GOper bottle. I I'liiKiY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, I Providence, B. L ; feb 1 D&W2m arm - ' BMtne3 -.si jt The feeble and emaciated, suffering from dys pepsia or mai?esnon in any iorm, are aavisea, for the sake of their own bodily and mental com fort, to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Ladies' of the most deiicate constitution testify to its harmless and its restorative properties. Physi cians everywhere, distrusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe it as the safest ana most reliable of all stomachics, . : . For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 1 je 1 jjwny i , . arm - suwerr Siclt Beadacbe. . . For the relief and cure 01 tne distress ing affliction take Sim mons Liver Regulator " Malaria. . - i- T f v V all attacKa bvocca- . . .Sr f ionally taking a dose If- i I nt M? of Simmons Liver He-: " ' gulator to keep the hY , jka ..vermneaitnyacQon. Constipation i should not be regarded as a trifling ailment. Nar' i ture demands the utmost regularity itv of the bow- i els. Therefore assist Nature by taking 8immons j laver liejjulator, it is so mud ana enectuai. 4 Biliousness.; . ; r ; One or two tablespoonfnls will relieve, all the I troubles incident to a bilious state, such as Nau i sea, Dizziness, -Drowsiness,' Distress after eating. j a uiLier, Daa taste lntne moutn. ' - . - Dyspepsltw- j The Regulator will positively '-oure this terrible 1 disease. We assert emphatically what we know j u uo true. --- i - 1- . . - Colic. . - Children suffering with colio soon experience renei wnen Simmons uver invigorator is aamin- .... liV'I'alra has on the wrapper the red SE Trade Mark, and ? signature oy j. u. juuxoin e jsj, - v SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . . Jt 19 Deod&Wly . " . tn th sa .: nrm Compla 3 fc-i-i'-W The; Weekly Star., PROCRASTINATION. Heavy the task-workdreary JuJl the hours, t 'i nat pari too nara ior neaa or uearna play!,!- v - : Such prize will fling the treasured hoard - awav. , ' ,-'-- Such aim will overstrain the best-tried powers,"- ' . , , - Such' air will' blight to- death the fairest flowersl. .--.. v . t What does it matter? 'tis but for a day; Resign the hope for one short while, they say - - ! Wait,: bear, work,; trusty tho next time will . . be ours,. : t , . . And. just that pause takes all the salt from r life, , , - . . r -. -' And just that miss makes' all1 the future naught! - ' - 1 The war-cry silenced in the sodden strife,? The world all canKerea ty tiic gnawing thought 'But for1 that lingering doubt, thati act delayed, . l - My boat had scarcesuch utal shipwrX'ck uiauei . - Tinsley's Magazirie. ' '- OATH'S VERSION - OF THE j CLE VELAND SENSATIOlt. ' Oath :'l observe that Editor CowleSj 6.";CleveJafl4ilia;een7ynmng a prieist' . out ' of his ; . office, Spanisbv. fashibn. - ' As lie has referred publicly to trie -case ; ot nis , aaugnter, now Mrs. Pomeroy,-1 suppose there ia; no harm in making a little reference), to it. & This lfiteresting young woman wen to Paris with her . aunt several Yearfc r ago, and waar beloved by a French- gentleman, 'who asked her Hand in marriage. Mr. Cowles bb- tor him: becanse he waa a Catholic ;' but J the Frenchman said that he would ; readily drop his reli gion for the sake of the lady. He was, more particular on the question of .4 dower, however, and Mr. Cowles, with the blunt frankness of the "Western, Reserve, remarked that a man who would .not; work; for his wife and support her, by his. own px- ertionswas noteworthy of a womjan. ' For some years Mr. Cowles expressed his views on" foreign' and Catholic in fluence in the United States m a way to nettle the more zealous Church people, and occasionally to exasperate the Republican party. I recollect .Amos Townsend saying 'to-me once that he wislied Mr. Cowles would sell the Leader and let it.be run by some-' body who would not make so many enemies, - particularly ... on ; religious questions.- The manner, however,; m which the nriests undertok oto re- venge themselves on Mr. Cowles was ineffably ; mean. They,; found -,. that his daughter, still m the melancholy of defeated love, was about to go! to Europe again, and they had emissa ries to J go on the same vessel and pour their insidious f proselytism in her ear, and inflame her . ambition with prospects of eminence in the church. Ihave understood that she Was offered at Rome the place Sof Lady Abbess, or Mistress of a Cpn: vent. : , Such a conversion commands' no respect among men of honor, how ever sincere it may have been on the lady 8 part. JKefore any information could be received by the family frpm their daughter on the -sBubie'ct the priests around Cleveland began to giggle and have paragraphs put in such papers as they had access to, and a devilish' chuckle went around at the capture of this blunt old man's daughter. The impertinence of com ing to Mr. Cowles office after such a piece of treachery as -that was propi erly resented by running the ; priest out ot the door, ana most men wouia have thrown him out of the window. THE EARL OF SHREWS , BURT'S MARRIAGE. M 4 - - ... . - - -. ' r " - - Baltimore Day: Ensrlish society is mildly excited inst now over "the ! marriage of the 1 ICarl of Shrewsbury to Mrs. Munay, the divorced wife of Mr. Miller-Mnn-: dy, a wealthy and aristocratic cotin- trv srentlernan of Derbyshire. Mrs.; Handy is how about 25 years of age; the Karl just 21. In April of last year Mrs. Mundy deserted : her hjusn band and eloped with bhrewsbury. The injured husband " started in pur-r suit, and, overtaking - the pair at a : railway station, assaulted the youth ful earl and ' cave him an artUtio thrashing. : - He then ' procured a di vorce from his wife, who remainea with Lord ; Shrewsbury, the latter havinff promised to marry her afe soon as he , attained ;his majority V. This promise. he has redeemed, and now the divorced Mrs. Mundy is they! Uountess of Shrewsbqry, wife of thev premier earl of the realm. Charles, Henry John Chetwynd-Talbofr-is the" twentieth earl and the descendant or the famous John Talbot, first earl of Shrewsbury; who figures in Shake-I speare's Uenry v I., and who ' was. beaten by Joan of Arc in the war; witn x? ranee. . , l n.e present earl is a handsome youth, and has two splen- aia country seats incestre; and Al ton Towers and a rent-roll of nearly $300,000 per annum, i His father was a man of conspicuous ability and un blemished reputation, and it is melan- ioly to reflect that the title and estates; f the';bi8tfic 'Talbots Imve fallen to o Regenerate' a scion of the MRS. LANGTRT COMIltG. Mrs. ' Langtry is now neerotiatinsr with Mr. Abbey for a dramatic tour in SAmericai . It is expected that it will begin in October next, and con tinue six months. Mrs.Langtry, with a view-to this tour, has obtained from Mr. Bancroft a 'release from her engagement ; at the Haymarket, ex- tending from September next to July following, Mr. Bancroft, assenting on condition of Mrs. Langtry not playing in London under- any other management, and on condition F that she1 fulfils her engagement at the Haymarket t on her return, v The ar rangements with Mr. Abbey are still under discussion, but it is understood that : Mr; '- Abbey offers terms sub A Remarkable Discovery. A BEAI,; 3K1TT -CTIEE. ' THERE IS OHtT OKI . , ." AND THAT WTTH SIMPLE NAME., : ' Beware 6f!mpostersfpiratea,or arty old articles which now snddenly elaim to be the best.' They have been tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. ! t -i ; ri -f KO0fODI.jl . " jj. 5 curative needs- no pompous'or- lncompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain itj but its'sitnple English name- appeals directlyJJO the common f-enso of the people; ,-And the people are signally ttiiinifestln their appreciation o this frankness by 'selecting "and ufeins Dr.l3ensonIs Skin Cube in preference- to all other professed remedies.- " ij T ; - - . t , --:iDr, C. W. Benson has long been Well 'r nowin as aaooessf ul, physician and surgeon, and hi life study has been the1 diseases of the nervous ays- tern and of the skin; since hehasheen persuaded I to put ms new itemeay-ana jravonce i-resonp-tion as a kin ure,v on"the market, various things have eprunR up into existence, or have- woke up from .the sleepy state In which they were before, and now claim to be The Great $hln Cure: -...i t . .. ....1....- 4 tBewareot Imitations, or the various aro bleB which have; been1 advertised for years or strangled alone, havnig no Teal bold or Tflerit on the publio.that now endeavor to keep head above water by' advertising' themselves as "The Great Skill Cure." None is genuine and reliable except Dr. C W; Benson's SkijaCure.f Eaoli package and bottle bears his likeness'.' ' f nternal and , external remedy two bottles In one packafce," Price $1.00, Itetat your droggfets. fc j ;''.'. .., .V,. ' i: :, ' ' n ... ...: V.; ivL ' RELIEETor all Overworked Bralni. r-,-i:'V-: f CAPSB AKD CPBB. .. 5 ! : Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile- Pills are valuable for school children who suffer from nervous headaches " caused by an. overworked brain in their studies," and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtaxed nervous centres need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weak ness, and ppalyslsare being daily cured by these pills. They correot oostlvenoss, but are not )?nrt gative. : Price, 80 cents per boxj or six boxes for $2.60. postage free, to any address." For sale by all druggists." Depot, Baltimore, Md.', where the Doctor can be addressed. ' Letters 'of inquiry freely answered.'- - - " . C. N." CKTTTENTOX, New York, Is Wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. - ect 19 Deod&Wlm .wefrsu nrn mm ICOTTOrJ CIMS.I 11 11 1 F-l I. LI ! 1 11 i 1.. 1 ' yniuuuuvi Tki Era C:ttca CI3 Ci, Ks Loadsa, CL. Jimdr. Brotm, Pretrt. i Jldta.T. Broum, IVeaa. : Tbaaa maehlnea roa Bgbft, mate Hue satnph and chntteMl pcopgrtr. BatKncHsheat steal In tto aawsi theteeta win not band, break off, or turnback, ' iron paDeys throngbont, bresh atrcngly mads, -with adjostabla boxes, east steel Journals and two betta s one at each end encoring cool bearings, tall speed, . tiMiHr motion, (only Gin in market having this : Improvement) Extra, large ahafta ta saw and brash cvHndera. Strong iron frame beet matartaja, sape- riar wortTnansliip, fine finish. - tanCore Brown Gins have been sold during the past Israel T. Brown (from IMS to VSSS ot the firm of K.T. ' Tajloc ft Co. of Oolumbos, Oa.), the president of Che company, baa had a longer practical experleneei in i tf ""K iwtny. present facili- Itiaafot manafiWTtmringandsMpptngnnequaled by any i other OBtabltehmenr of the kind ta the world. . Henoo . onr very low priees tor each superior maohinea. j rriee list, ef GI5S; Feeders sad! Condensers. Price with Feeder or ; Condesuer. Price wUu . . gelf Fbeder and Condenser. Slant.; Jrleeaof i.Oina. a n so . S7 -- . US 60 . I tS 08 now t ieoa 180 oo ' - 4. SIM 0 . - 138 - 'T ico oo 806 09 ? Kit sa flat oo ' 144 60 . 16 0 17U 1 0 CW 00 " 86 00 " SM 00 tv - 46 - : -7 . M - s ,. r-Noto the prices and improvements t dont bo : doccJved or allow yonrseif to be talked Into baying other glna." Our Tnanhlaes are fully gnaranteod.. If not aatisnodwlUionTgnaiantoaptooa your order with : any regponaato merchant of yonr aoqnalntaivo and get him to buy for you.;;-. Time, whea desired win be . given to any responsible person. Write fordeamlpUve circular with hundreds of testimonials from enterpris- . i Jug planters. , '-- -' J BROWN COTTON GIN CO New Iioadoa, Ceo. W E. SPRENGEE & CO- Asrenta. Wllmlnsrton, N. C. ;ap DStaw&W 5m wed Bat ih'rt rrr t T. iff ;in;any stage, ;r Catarrh, ;1 V4-U- ?vo, s : Pimples, , SKIN- DISEAES. CUBES WHEN ALL OTHEB. BEM- ' EDLE3 TALLH ' If yon doubt, come to ' see us, and we - -will CUBE Y0TT, or charge nothing! ! I Write for particulars, and a copy of little book "Message to the Unfortu nate Suffering." - Ask any prominent Druggist as to our ' , standing. ' ' : t3?$1000 Ileivard wiU be paid to any Cha vUst who wiUJind on analysis of one hundred bottle of 8. S. 3. one parade of Utrewy, Iodide of Tolas- tium, or any Mineral substance. , : ' SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Props, ' ""' (pbh bottlb.) ?' Atlanta, Go. Price of Small Size. ' - ' . - ; - $1.00 Iarc ' w - - 1.75 For gale by W. iH. GREEN, at Wholesale and retail, ana Dy an Druggists. . r iy8Dedexs&Wly ".'.y ' mm li I r r-i stantially identical with; Bernhardt's contract, Mr. Abbey'.engagiiig the company, t paying all traveilirrg ana other- expenses, . . and guaranteeing Mrs'i; Lanirtrv a hxeai sum Lmgniiy, jwitU an i agreed proportion t ofi he, gross receipts, -.Mr. Abbey assuming ail toe responsiDiiHY;or IUb uuu.Bi-wt kino-.- . Prooositions of a favorable Icindmade to Mrs. - LangtrV' bv ther Arm-nftan manajrers ?are -aiso unuer . consideration; but the probability to day is that she will - eome to terms with -Mr. Abbey. 'Mrs. iangtry8 changed dans and the earlier date "... c 1 . . . . . now contemnlated tor an American toon are due lareel v to thfcfextraordi narv success of- her English '"'provin cial tour, which has proved t ahnost un precedentedly -prosperous, the i re KeiptS - r exceeding' 7,000 ' j weekly J, IJX some cases. ' . Thejnine' leading iOU?- nals in Edinburgh, 51asgow;";'lAver- ... -T-". . , " . l ..X -. -u-.;. a .: T-i--J0-- AA . pooij.uirmingnam anu ueeus agiejs that Mrs. Langtry'sprogress in hc art is extraordinary, her performances Showing marked dramatic excellence. Crftics who sawvher both, in London and the, provinces are - oft j.the -j same opinion. "The American ; repertory win uiciuue "one otoops to vuiiquoj , -"The Uneqtial Match," an&liosalind, in "As You LikeIt." She has not yet acted $n tlie laitef ;partin Eng- AilllTTItB. .NONSENSE NOW; t AND ' Editor. Star. r-fKnowing the great interest: you take in the affairs ; of the . young and rising county of Pender, I. have; been re-; I qnested by many here who believe thatj the capacity of this county 'for large snakes, big potatoes, huge families, and commend-; hie , enterprise ought riot to 4 be hidden from the balance of Jh'e gtate, td'.'giye you the proofs of an additional evidence bf .the surprising disposition " or this ; county for many yet undeveloped means of. future success and prosperity. Pender isunques tionably in favor of progress intherightdi rection and does not believe that any light ought .to . be "hidden . under a ' bushel." Well at the close of. lender Uourt on jrs. day, which was also the close of the circuit of that genial, clever and impartial. Judge, who has won golden opinions from the peo ple of this . District, there was a -general feeling of weariness on the: part of the members of the bat and the officers of the Court, which was relieved by the following humorous little scene: .r-u, 'r- i . : .The Judge blandly inquired whether or not there was an y, further business before the Court, when P.. H. Darby, Esq., arose and with "an air of stem and.aad deco rum. stated that he had been requested to . . I 1 . - represent me piaimra mine case ox i. Devane against. W. T. Uanncrmann, Clerk of the Court. That .it was a case that showed this nither peculiar and extraordi nary condition of. things on the part of the defendant, that notwithstanding his jagc and fitness for the responsible position, the blandishments of the fair sex, and the gen- CIUI Via bUV JJUl V UL JimLVJ , n out regard to race, color or "previous condi tion of servitude, he had failed to provide himself with a suitable rib, which failure on the part of the said clerk had caused a rule to be, entered against him at the last term, on the motion of Capt. Swift Gallo way, wherein 3Iaj.. D. J. ..Devane was by uuanimous consent made the plaintiff, ask ing that the said clerk be married by this June term of the Court, or else show cause why he should not be visited with severe punishment; nerd that the said clerk, in ut ter disregard of the said rale, had failed to get married. - v '..".--' "--.--r- I he Court gravely replied .that it bad been .informed that: there was an accusa tion of that serious nature pending against the clerk, and that before proceeding to judgment, he would like to hear what the clerk had to sav in his defense, wherupon E. T. Boy kin, "Esq.. arose and stated that he represented the defendant: that.' during a tearful and prayerful conference with his client, he was informed that . notwithstand- ind the acts and seductive smiles his cli ent had always employed he had not been successful and asked for further time: that his client had further alleged that his looks were against- hun,; but that he, as his attor ney, nad stated to him that the Dlaintill in the case, as well as th plaintiffs attorney. had been successful notwithstanding' their JOOC8, ana consequently he would not con sider his looks as a valid reason -for his want of success,.- and that therefore I he would abandon his " client - and leave him to the tender mercies of the court. but , that : he would ask. by "way, of giv ing J him further time. that ia'- wh fa be ordered, which was objected to on the pan oi piamun s counsel on the eround that the defendant had utterly exhausted tigh part of the tigh- ta and ought not to have another man, of an v 7 kind wherminon the Court : ordered : iudtrment against the defendant, and requested plaintiff's counsel to araw up a juagment and hand It lo him ior signature. -. .; - -. . "K " ' JSurgaw, N. C. ; June 22r 1882. i f : j iT LIFETIME &2 5URPASSEG0THER3 A M umww uuntvy xuKrv Chicago ill. - an. e lltllAll ia am a a stilt a. m aa ! I 1 -9 0 RAN G E MAS 3: SI J. B. FARRAR. ' -.WUmington, N. e. ap3S9 Dtaw3m&W4m wesa ;; THJO ST POPULAR d mjcD" -.AT-- if r - a iv-....u IT) H , n ; LIVER is Til C iCtflTL It is tor th6 cf the praT.tgeneraTOn.; nTrthi, diseaee an 1 rrbi'i nil 1 li. T5IIJUU JLa, tZZZrZlwvi ffilTEEa.t0.. that d a world-wide TP IT'S TILLS baye gat reputation. - o difloovered that IJo Kernel has ever been acts gently on tn' digestive organs, giving them vigor to aa- iBimilate food. - As a, 'nervous System ifl ral result, tne the Muscles are Pevelopeo and tbj "7 nopnst. SaM..sys:. nlamtation is) In a- I tOJotnov. jror ntaJco half a. crop on aooooas ex kuoiw w nearly dluoouragred wl v h.Mn the use of nt wraua marvelonal: TUTT'B rUiliB. - -xno-l&fearera soon bee . heartv and robt svnd I have had no forthei Um mood from polaonoiu ' n?! oat wUeb'MaMfMiMvHL Try tbU renly S&i22i0S5!rRl2 wr..iiVVt rriil, sHsk.aSBKlinM9'StM N.tY. TUTTilAIRBVEi Gray Haib or Wittskicbs changed to a Oix)st n .Black- by .a single application T .this Dvb. It; toparte S nafcolorfand acta Instantaneonslyvji toldbv Brusts. or sent byxprees. on xeoeipt s :Omoo,- SB Murray Street, New "York. (Dr. TVTTS JWJLXlJA.Ii of VfiiwaoZe'v .. InfmrmtttUt- un Vawtal SeeeinM B HM be mailed FSES am application. 3ol8D&Wly '. Bttwofr .-' -'K " SO DAYSTIiRL , h - ALLOWED, r j, .. - Jalil ium. 13, 18T8 WF. WILL SEND, OR 30 DAYS" TRIAL; Electro -Voltaic Appliances aufferin? from NerwonsWeaiUaesss,Cleiis , erui Jebllity, loss of nerve force or vigor, ' or any disease resulting from Abttsfs and OniEX Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma-. , t tlKin, NouralKia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties. N i- Kidney or tirer Troubles, Lame Back, Rup- M lures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. -. Also women troubled, with diseaht- peculiar to -their sex. , ' Speedy relief and complete restoration' to health guaranteed. Tliese re the only . Klectrl Appliances that have ewer - been constructed upon ncientf fle prin- clplea. Their thorough efficacy has DeenprBO- ; tic&lly proven with" the snout wonderful , Knee, and they have the. fa I fchest endorsements from medical and aeieis t tifle men, and from hnaarwht wh have .been quickly and radically cured by weir ate. - ' - Send at once for IHwtratcd FitTiiphieti givuut ' all informaUou freiy Addrt-iis, : .. ' VOLTAIC BEI T CO., KarshaU. Mica. Is a prepsratioa of Protoxide of Iron. Perovfaii Bark and the Phosphates, associated with the Vegetable Aromatlca. Endorsed br the Medieal . Profession, and recommended by them for Dye-, pepstla. aaeaseral lability, em air ats eatcaTnaa tefTitall ty.llerveasProi. tratloa, CenvBlesccaee from Fevers) and ChronteCIallla and Fewer. It serve very parpoee where a Tojiic is necessary. 1 lUju&ctnred Ij The Dr. Barter BetGdne Co, Stloaii ' Thm fbTlowinr la one of the verr many testlm- Ulala we are receiving dally: t : Caf7mm. Some three months ago I bepia tba vae of Da. Hartxb's Ibom Tonic, npon the ad vice or many menaa wno anew lis nnuo. nnermgirom general aeouiiy w encn sa uku tbat my labor waaexceearngiyonraensoine to uic A vacation of a month did not give me much re lief, bat oa the contrary, was followed by In- -creased prostration and sinking chills. At this time I began the use of your laos Tome, from which I realised almost immediate and wonderful results. . The old energy returned and I found that my natural force waa not permaiwnUy abated.; I -have used three bottles of the Tome. Since using it I have done twice the labor that I ever did in the name time during my Illness, and with doable the. ease, w im we tranquil serve anu iwurn nnr, has come also a clearness of thought sever before enjoyed. If the Tonic ha not dona the work, JL . know not what. ' I give it the credit. v ar -i'm : Troy, O., Jan. 1,1878. Pastor Christian Church. For Sale by Druggists and General Dealers Everywhe je 20 D&Wiy - ra vn sa' ."- . " vZA-A II.!. I to Um rouUif al coior. f0ctt.aad$l ihwat all druggiits. j many of the best medicines known nro here com bined into a medicine oi sucn tobm buu a...' powers, as to make the Great est Blood Purifier & the Best Healu ana wrengin Resrorer ever usca It cures DvsoeDsa. Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, all diseases of tne Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidnevs. and aH vemale Complaints. - i.: f , If you ate wasting away with Consumption or any disease, use the Tohic to-day. -i It wfll surely help you. Remember t it k far superior to Buters, Essences of Ginger and other Tonics, as it builds un the nrstem without intoxicatin e. coC , and Si circ st all denlers in drills. None trenuine without sienatureofHisa5X&cS.,NX Send for circulat LABCK BAVINQ IN BUYING THE DOLLAR. SIZE. mv 80 D&WlV 'tuthsa ch ta FEMALE INSTITUTE. rpHE SAME ACCOMPLISHED AND EXPERT. -a. enoea uorps or Teacners, which has dlstm- guunea mis institute ior tne last tour vears, will continue its connexion therewith.. In thoronu-h. ness and high standard of instruction, in comfor table accommodations for boarding pupils, in se curity against accidents from- fire, in provision ior tne sick by an Infirmary under care of an ex perienced lady intendant, this Institute is not surpassed by any other in the Southern or Middle States. ; Music and-Art are specialties taught by first-class artists and professors. ? iso more neaitny or accessible situation for a school than Charlotte, N. C; It is on the main trunk line from New Orleans to New York, i f Session extends from September 12th to June For catalogue or particulars; address the Prin cipal, 1 ' REV. WM. R. ATKINSON, my 20 2tawDAW8m sat wed Charlotte. N. q : Cow Peas. 100 Bushels ; . Clay and ; HixedPeas. . For sale by - ' ' HALL & PEARSALL. -leas uw n .. .. , i. s I?.iL;Briders & ;Oo. ; OFFER TotallClac bfvBuyers 1HEATEST ISDHCEHEWf OSSIBLE iWE KEEP A Tull ' and Complete Stock' iOFr - i FAM 0D CHOICE fJROCRESL .1 f 3ELEQANT MACKEREI4 : Fat7aud' Juicy, in Kits and S Tin Bnckets. LARGE SFtnrHERRINQ; r IMSr SHOULDERS, BREAKFAST BACON. ; 1 1' BEEF TONGUES. FULTON MARKET CORN-BEEF, -. f Choicest Cuts. !" .21. , VERT NICE ASSORTMENT OF ?AKBS - AND CRACKERS.: I FINE ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, EDAM CHEESE, AMERICAN CREAM CHEESE.: P: L. Bridgers .& Co. 325tf ?-.Vr?3;. ' ',' ' 1 " " 1 ' " -.T.TlCir? NEVER FAILC. Ti:e only known Specific Remedy for Epl-? fpuc .fits. 4 ; . SAMARITAN NERVINE ; Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms,' Convulsions; St".'; Vrtnn Dauce, 'errigo,' Hysterics, Insanity, Apo-i plex.w 'aralygns,-Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and' ail Ncrrous Diseases. ;, This infallible ' remedy . w ill positively eradicate every; species of . Ner- ; von Derangement.: and drive them away from " whence they came, never to return again. It : utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutral izing tic hereditary taiut or poison in the system, : and -thoronghlv eradicates the disease, and nt- terly destroys the cause. , -' y, -"-.gji.-.t S A MA BIT AN . NE RVINE ! Cures Female Weakness," General Dehilty, Len-;, corrhaea tor . I Wuitesi ; Painful .-Menstruation, ; lilceration of the Uterus. Internal Heat, Gravel, : 'Inllammation of 1 he Bladder," Irritability of the liladder.- For Wakefulness at night, there is ; ug better remedy., i During the change of life, no Female should be withontit. It quiets theNer , vou s System, and gives rest., comfort, and nature's , sweet sleep. ..H.I.i'xr -.-fi-:i.:ii.z vi$i 1 SAMARITAN NERVINE 1.... ... ... - - : : : . Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by - fur the worst evils that have ever befallen suffer-. mg humanity.Thonsands die annually from : thec noxious .drugs. ' .The drunkard drinks" .liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleas-: , lire of drinking and treating, his ' friends, little : 1 liinking that he is on his road to ruiu. 1 Like. the Opium Eater, lie first uses the drug in small , (liiantities s a harmless, antidote. Ttuuuvithimr: : iuiluence of the drug takes strong' bold upon its ; l victim, leaning mm on to nis own aestrucuon. Tuu habits of Opium Bating and Liquor Drink-. - iii are precisely what eating ie to alimenti ve-: ucbs. as over-eating firet inuames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes' both thu stomach and appetite. So every drink of j liquor or dofe tr opium.' instead of eatisfyinf;,'. . only adds to its fierce Urea, until it consumes Hie vital force and then itself. Like the glutton ous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give !V but , nrvr enoRgh until "its own rapacity, devours . li . Samaritan, Nervine gives Instant relief in asil tfuch cases. Lit produces sleep, quiets the1 11 i-vtjs bniids up the nervous system,- and re i. rc body ind mind to a healthy condiliou. .'iAMARITAN NERVINE .; : 11 res-Nervous Dyspepsia, - Palpitation of the -: llfnrt.; Arthraa, Bronchitis,' Scrofula, Syphilis,' (Uxefif e.-i of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Organs. .-. Nervous ; Debility,-- caused bv tbv: indiscretions of youth, permanently cured by 1 he tile of this invaluable, remedy. To yont voting, middle-aged, and old men, who are cover ing your sufferings as with a mantle by silence, - look -up, you can' be saved 5y. -timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and .Jewels in the Crown of your Maker, if yon will.. 'Do not: ' keep t his a secret longer, until it saps your . vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you . are thus afflicted, take Dn. Richmond's Saxar r itn: NenviRn. ltrwilL reBtore your shattered ; nerves, arrest premature decay, and Impart tone aud energy lo. the whole System. k SAMARITAN NERVINE : 1? For -nle bv.drn!glsts.everywhere,-or maybe Im-.ittv.r frm as ; Those who wish to obtain fiiriht-r -evidunce -or - the curative- properties of jainiiriiau Nervine will please enclose a 3-cent Jo-tajre slump -for a ropv of our Illustrated inamlil of Health, giving hundreds of testimo iiiaIh f cure fraiu persons who have used the medicine, and nlso their-pictures photographed : utter their reWoratiou lo perfect health. v Addna s (. ij. A: U1C1I5I0ND & CP., 1 rld's Epileptic Institute, ST. JOSEPH, no. II. A. STEDUMT, Jr., - Attorney and Counsellor at Law, EUZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, . C, ".. Office Up slalrs, In Brick building ooonpled by Binaldl & Co. - special attention 10 uiauns. jeuectiona on sums of 100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mort cages. so. aBpeoiaiir, .... .. . - apoDswvtf FITS. ' .NEW ADV-ERTISBMENTS.V ' " 3 v Tlies lUns'JIonntaln J Allrllcnlinjinga Co. Wttl open for the season of 1882, on the 15th day of-., .r May.; , -They have enlarged their hotels to aecom moaate 200 (ruestSj; and have added every amuse rjV ment calculated to promote health and comfort. . . These wonderful V ateri: our Dyspepsia, 8iok -v-; . Headache, Constipation pud all Derangements of the Digestive Organs. . AJ Skin Diseases and TJi-: 1 -' cers of every kind. Scrofula, Catarrh and aU Kid- - , v: ney Affections yield to their healing virtues. By- ' phllitio patients .who had visited Hot- Springs of Arkansas without relief, found it here last sea son. .The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial ef . ; feet npon Female Complaints, and many distress ; 1ng cases were cured last season.- The owners in. : tend to make this the most complete Health Ke-. :. sort in the, United States. 4 Besides a raDie a note they will open a Restaurant, and visitors may suit their tastes and their puree. Excursion tick ets will be issued from au points to ubki -mountain, the depot for these Springs. For further m formation address DR. F.. M. GARRETT. Mana ger, King's Mountain, . v. - Picture ENGRAVINGS, EASELS PAINTINGS, VMIKKORS, ' ' BRACKETS,; LARGE STOCK ! ii LOW PRICES f p ff g S J. . FRIZZELL, 558 "W. Balto. St., 1 , , .Ma.aiiiin.UlaE, fllO. onun !By B.' M. : WOOLLEY, Atlan C ta, tia. iteiiaoie - evidence -given,and reference to cured fl HABIT " ' patients ana physicians. Send for. mv book on The J.'EPBE.'-1 IHabit and its Cure. Frew WU1 get valuaMe lnXormatlon. 17KEE sending for circular to E. .TOUbJEE, Boston; A n r 1n5f.-TriilifanJe made lasjiV locaflitv. pdU Something-en tijly new for, agents. outht tree. u.-..w muitfthAma w. noston,ji DVERTiSERS 1 end f or eia Select IM of Lo cal - Newspapers.. Geo-. P. Rowelt Co.,. 10 Spruoe St., N. Y..' ' . r " -:-" ' - '- r - UMyef flity of Virgiiua 1 i 8i7Ml!Iim L1V IVECTITBES, (nine weekly) begin 13th. July, 1882, and end 13th Sep tember. Have proved Of signal use, 1st, to stu dents who design to pursue their studies at this or other Law School; 2d, to thosa who propose to read privately; and 3d, to practitioners who have not had the advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply(P. O. University of Virginia) to JOHN B. MINOS, ProL Com. and Stat. Law..r , my27J)&Wlm . ... . . . . -V DYSPEPSIA CUBED ! APEPS1JL ! -v-- . rpHE GREAT SCIENTIFIC. PREPARATION will JL positively cure old. chronic cases of Dyspep sia, Dyspeptic Fits, Dyspeptic Vertigo and Dys peptic Consumption, where every other known medicine has failed to even give relief. I refer to a few of the cases pronounced Incurable that have been cured with APEPSIAr Miss Katie Hoff man, 872 Randolph street, Philadelphia, was a case ot Dyspeptic Consumption; had not been out of her honse for one year, or her room for ix mfiTithB! a tivin? skeleton eiven nr to die by our most eminent physicians, but cured with four bottles of Apepsia. Matthew Robinson. No. 303 21st street, Philadelphia. This was a. very dange rous case of Dyspepsia Vertigo of long standing, bat cured with only two bottles of Apepspw .Mr." H. A, Clark; firm Clark Bros. A Co., Philadelphia, was an old chronic case of twenty yearastand-Inu-: naid out one thousand dollars: was pronoun ced incurable; but cured with three bottles ot Apepsia; been well oyer one year. Thousands of similar testimonials can' be seen at our office. I refer with pleasure to the 'following gentlemen of Savannah, whose characters are irreproacha bler Dr. J.s,R.Haltiwanger, Clarence S. Conne rat, Capt. George M. Weymouth, Price $1 per Dottie. jror saie Dy wiiJiAm n wjicaiii uuu. ail Druireists. V. R. STONE. M. D., mhWD&Wlv- 219 Levant St. Philadelphia. 1 -TAe PuMie is requested carefully to notice the neto -and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. i tCAPiTAI. PRIZE, $15,0001 Tickets only $ 5 Shares In. proportion.' t:: lonlsM'Stai6;iptfery:Coipaiiy. . Tnnnrrvnrat.fid in IftBS for 25 vears bv the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of f 1,000,000 to which a - reserve . fund of over $420,000 has since been added. ' - By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution -adopted December 2d, A. D.' 1679. ; v - The only ZotUrrever voted on and endorsed oythe people of any State. ;i - , . .-- , IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS" ' TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. . . A SPLENDID OPPOBTdSITY TO WTN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DRAW ING, CLASS O, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, July 11, 188 146th Monthly Drawing. Look at the following Scheme under,, the exclusive supervision and management of den. O. X.' BEAUREGARD, of I.a., and. Oen. JTUjBAIi A. EARLY, of Ta., who manage aH the drawings bf this Company, ', . Dotn orcunary ana aemi-annuai, ana attest the correctness of the published Official Lists. CAPIXAT, ' PRIZE, 75,000. 100,000 Tlekets at Fire Dollars Each. " Fractions In Fifths In proportion. . : . ; . LIST OF PRIZES. ; "- 1 Capital Prize $75,000 . 25,000 . 10,000 .12,000 : 10,000 .10.000 . 10,000 . 20,000 . 30,000 . 25,000 ; 26.000 . 1 Capital Prize '. . i , 1 Capital Prize. - 2 Prizes of $6000 ......... 6 Prizes of 2000.;;..... 10 Prizes of ; 1000.v.....:., " 20 Prizes of u 500 ..; 100 Prizes of ,,4200., 300 Prizes of - 100 . . . . 600 Prizes of 50 r.. 1000 Prizes of '.25 ...... . ... . . -. , APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes "of $750..... ..... 0 Approximation Prizes of 600.. 9 Approximation Prizes of 250. ... v. ... . 6,750 4,500' 250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to...v. . $26o,50W Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Orleans;. - ror runner information, - write clearly, gmng full address. "Send orders oy express or Regis tered Letter or Money Order by trjp.iL ' Addressed only to i s .- . New Orleans. Ia. or M. A. DAUPHIN, U7 sevcau bs., wainingioD, a.u. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention, ei4imwtwsw - we sat . Popular Monthly Drawing of the In the City of Louisville, -on -, - Friday, June 30, 1882." These drawlnm nennr monthly fSundava ex-; oepted) under provisions of an act of the General -Assembly of Kentucky. - The United States Circuit Court on March 81st : rendered the following decisions: - ? 1st. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRI- i BUTTON COMPANY IS-LEGAL. ' 2d. ITS DRAWINGS ARE FAIR. " ' The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of Prizes for , , THE JUNE DRAWING: .1 Prize... ..$30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,009 1 Prize.....-10,000 200 Prizes 60 each 1000 1 Prize. ... . . 600 600 Prizes ,20 each , 12,000) 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each i 1,0Q9 w mzes ooo io,ouo v 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes, $3,700 Prizes 200 each, " 1,800 9 Prizes " 100 each, , - 900 1,980 Prizes. - "" - $112,400 Whole Tickets, $ Half Tickets, $1. - -27 Tickets, $5a v 65Tiokets, $100. " Remit Money by Rar& Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY. REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders- of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARD-, MAN, Courier-Journal Building.) LOUISVILLE, Ky.,orR. M. BOARDM AN, 809 Broadway, N. Y. - myaoeod&w; - v - tu th sa - - Lynch School, - . ; HIGH POINT, GUILFORD COUNTY, N. C. U ;"."' , Ma. WM. BINGHAM LYNCH,, - " " -Rkv. J. B. RICHARDSON. . v Fall Session opens July 17th. 1882." 5 For terms address Je6Doaw&W4t . to. maj.w.B.LYNCH