V t - t . r - & Xhc Weekly Star. Spirits, sTurperitiner PUBLISHED AT v Raleieb Vuiior: Died; at hei residence in- this cityy at 1 o'clock yesterday"" morningi Miss Susan 'White; aged 8T years. hn I N o T O N,. Died, in -New Berne, on Wed AT VE1B, IN nesday night, October rl8th, s 1882, Mrs. Sarah S. Primrose, in the 49th year of her SI. so A - - . . . - , K . , - " " ' . " ( - A A A) .'a ! r V. A ., I .., .-'. T l . t ' , , -""T-.-.-.-T-. .7-. : , r-,,-. r--- . -t ...' J-..IWM-JMiMMMMMBBB-Mg!l .IJllgjiiii ADVANCE. " - , 4 I ? -? ".m!-7;s-, --.v"-..,:l - . .t --V- 14 -' , ' Y " i.v ..v ; age. . .i . , , v . - :i iijSS28SS2838SS t Tsgggssgssssssssss SSS8 S8S8888 m fl"! I i sSSSSSSS8SSSS38S 3S88SSS2SSSSSSS8 SSSS88SSS88888S88, 3S8S8SSSS8SSSSSS hi' Si; S8S8S j- - 00 T I S8SS833SSS383SS3S i" o so oo os e o io ( cu cr H -? K 5P - . . . . -n L rvM 4.VT:l lw XT " lfc - as Second Class Matter. S UBSCRIPTION PRICE. The subscri6tion price of .the Wesekly gT.K is as follows : . sin He Copy 1 year, postage paid, - " 6 months, " " " 3 months, " $1.50 1.00 .50 BLACKMAILING. lav Hawk Hubbell is still very l,usy in- his blackmailing ; business. NeitluT tl -denunciations of the ess, nor the thunders from Ohio dis- . ,!itt nf Kia ranrseunfo.'. tun) tllC sciuiiiijr wi .f...uv..( live Radical's soul. He is as . placid as a kl;c, as smooth as butter and as sly as' an old rod fox. He says he is roalJv -more moderato than bis party, manacis tvere in Garfield's campaign in l8.se, :i.iI that, blackmailing ia xo iiew tiling among the faithful." .Just si. Xo man-of- sense. expects "hon-, est)' and fair dealing. ' How could he afti-r when. the Presidency. was stolen from the Democrats; and two Southern States were raped. Hut Jay Hawk is resolved to pnfsue- his plansjf eelihg that his old rotten party, is standing on its last legs. When it has to run after. . the Mahones, Leachs, and other fellows of the same kidney to get recruits to save - them, the cause is desperate and. the con- fession is plain. It is a party literal ly in the last L ditch and covered with the slime of corruption. It reaches out after all sort of help and is only too glad to receive the help of dis carded :and disgruntled sore-Jieads of the opnositioir "for' a -cbnsidera- Hon." Jay Hawk confesses in. his last cir cular thata the sinews of war arc mon ey and that without it' there is no ' lofting for rotten Radicalism. Hear this new specimen of a Radical saint ply his appeals to the" poor . fellows who hold office and are afraid to say that their life is their own. - Says the devoted and well steeped Hubbell :: " vve :ire on the skirmish line of. 1884, witu aonnict before us this fall Of great moment to the Republic, and you must know'tbat a repulse now Is full of danger to me next Residential campaign. :. i " Unless you think that our grand old party ought not to succeed. helD it now in it3 struggle to build up a new South, in which there shall be, as in the North, a free ballot and a" fair count, and to maintain such bold in the North as shall insure good government to the country. : - ' "it is hoped that by return mall you will semi a voluntary contribution equal to 2 per cent, of jrour annual compensation as a suhstautiiit proof of your earnest desire for the sum: s of the Republican parly this Unless we can get the money with which to debauch the ballot and bribe the voters there is no chance for us this fall, and if no chance this fall then we are beaten in 1884.' : If this calamity to us should happen then farewell, a long farewell, to grub and grab, and we Tnust gather - up our spoils and give way to the victors. This is the meaning of Jay Hawk's appeal put in plain terms." He tells the faithful that it is either tiro per cent, or decapitation. -Yon must give proof "substantial proof f of your fondness for the govern- ineRWwiirrfoughTy "forking over" nst two per cent, of every dollar yon receive from Uncle Sam. , ,.' ' v ; Hiistwo per cent, black-mail is uly and purely a corruption fund, hi intended to biiyf np-tn-various days men of no 'principto who ;are pupcjiasahie. It will be applied: -to P'iig taxes," in buying whiskey fa Piircliasing votes and in aHwaysthat' the ingenuity of vicious , andenal party hacks can devise.: . Tlie men - ? ape guilty of , suclV; conduct are corrupt and dangerous. They are all engagi-a in the .work that jf . wikel y trended and longcontinued conld nly epd in the; overthrow i?f Jthe Iib erties of the people. - ?: - And yet these are the" very fellows 7n4ramorfoT a fair vote,' free "cwion, and an honest count. God ave the mark They first force coU 7lona ot of. the -helpless office-: "owerg, then corrupt the electors' of. - vuumry by; purchase, and' thi ave Federal Supervisors to jptimi-- VOL. XIII, date and. overawe ;the voters, and t..n with the effrontery of: Satan o0a- 'VpSr1ntinna and J 1 r " "' -T' 7-1 wuu Huimw,5 """ honest, fair, and full elections; Shame npon them ! ' I , , 1 ' J There 3 , no doubt that tens of. thousands .of this blackmail money, r.. .Lj -'ii - , -i - A.r. wrunsr irom me pockcih ut luu viut men and women' and 'others in Gorv- ernment employ yho.hava mall pay; J V X m:il Va AvnAmA I and hard work, will be expended in North Carolina; X Some iof it doubt-i less has already been applied in 'send ing out fellows who have v deserted l-io Tirmnrr5i tin i-art.v ' t.baf. triev maxr " . xr -J J -J -1 endeavor to allure from their allesri--; Ii ance those claiming to be democrats, and hand over the'ffrand L old Com-' monwealtfi, now-flourishing prosper J ous, free and peaceful under Demo- cratic rnle,to the watch-care and ten-r der mercies of the most corrupt and . . -1 .it ' 'J.? - .. , v. .'1:1 ' I - , vicious party that ever , flourished in I oppressions that marked Radical con any country ' in any" era, and that brought so much -of, suffering spoliation . and roppression upon white people of the State. and the ' STAND LIKE AW ANVIL. There are in North Carolina at least 70.000 men who have never cast a vote. Of these 50,000, we believe, are not Radicals. What , then is to hinder a Democratic victory but Democratic-apathy? There is not . an intelligent Republican -in the State who will ' not concede --readily thatL North Carolina is a Democratic State if he is a man of ordinary can dor. The only chance for the Demo cratic ; candidate tobebeaten is for the Democrats; to stay-Away-,: from the polls in sufficient . numbers7 to al- low the enemy to triumph.'. In other words, the question of victory or de feat is in the hands of the Deraocra- cy, As they shall wilVin the matter: will be the result and the Radicals .- J . .... . . . . cannot prevent it. ,' ' E very Democrat ? who refuses-? to vote is using his personal privilege and influence in behalf of the rotten Radical party. Whether he so re- J. gards it or not such is the inevitable, - legitimate deduction. , In refusing to. vote for his own party -candidates he thereby hdps the JRadicai - candi dates. This is absolutely certain. It is the imperative duty of j every Democrat to vote. Gopd citizenship requires it. His pockeUinterests de mand it. ' ' It is a very high power under our system of government to exercise the righta of an elector. The people are the masters under our system -' al though Northern authors of i a eer tain school try to deny it. The peo ple are the sovereigns. They kill and thev make alive. Every voter in that sense is a sovereign an elector If he refuse to exercise his authority' he is at fault, because the man who antagonizes him will ' exercise his au thority and so triumph at his expense You cannot, possibly discharge the functions of sovereignty by refusing to vote. You cannot meet the im-. perative obligations of citizenship by staying away from the polls; Think of it and act like one who loves his country and is true to sound and be nevolent principles.1'- ; - x With. "a fairly full vote the Demo crats will carry the State by from 12, Q00' to! 15,000. votes. If the vote were large- approximately what it ought to be and could he- then . 30, 000 majority or more could be claim ed S : lit 7, " But if there is wide-spread apathy we are lost. At least; .4,800 ?Demo-. crats neglected to vote in: the Third District in 1878. ; The result was dis astrous. "If any snch apathy should prevail this : year in this - District the. result wdjild end in defeatr,V Shall 'it What "aVe"1 the" Democratic tax I payers thinking of -Do the not see what the 'r Radicals5 are " aiming at ? They .are bent oo -capturing the. Leg islaturf .; 1 Tor fdo' tMs Ihdepen'ddntism is encouraged.. jThey-hopeto. et ambitious Democrats to become can-) dldates-and theribysupportingtheni t&et (KHitroH: -of them. -The RadP cals dp, ,ndtit. expect , to. capture thV T d 4 -.'ii !iiWn1i',4n.4r )Ttin h. hope to elect enough of, their . owrr stripe and enough' Independents' whom thev can manipulate to give Sf .. - v them power to change the present sys tem of county governments and to re-; mand the white tax-payers of; tweiH tyrsoveri counties to the control of the negroes; as was the case under the infamous Canby-bay6net;; systemy-fa system" that 'followed ftooti the" Keels7 II of war Wd wa" hrtmvht W K UjKi,b4, JL J "X " - 'v?mr"w'v ' ffB JWI'C -roiina ur rsacu- cAlbp'aii;In3eindeMinBi tHtimbJ A victory for them would and a burden tc. our people. We meanr lust what iwe iav... Under no, ibe persuaded to support, any. man for: jany oftlee who was willing to place' J -T ii. . ' ' " w v 4 ' . i i us and All-thea$-payers of. the richest section of I the State under j the bossiog of incompetent, ignorant " satid in LgfearartJ dishonest? rulers'. - "-vy.v.; jvlv I rironosition is- infamous and otie that I' Lno man can .make. who is. a friend to It the- K white"rTace.: ;i We ! would rather lose eeryt Representative, the , State Government; the Judiciary,-than to 'have - a return of l the rascalfties . .and plunderiners and debaucheries - and trol in North 'Carolina; -The- Radical, part v never had. full.' sway in JN orth ;. uaronna out' two years, and weafi' know"what a time of scandal and venality, of pecula-. Ltion and waste of -violence and usur pation it was. -The Kirk- war was one of the fruits. . lv ' The Radicals have never controlled but one j Legislature r and they stole tons of millions; t' . ' Remember , these things, . and . quit you like men. uo sometmng tor ;your countryft-Jrrotect your own in terests. 4D0 frotk help degrade your own race, yoar'kindred your friends, yourself. Do not,-by your apathy and indifference, bring back the curse of nesrro domination. -May God save us from such a blight and shame and 'degrij - tion and sorrow! Otana py your t race.: , ocana. -Dy r. t ,-. 'A - ' n.- i . I your principles Stand like an anvil. In the death of the t venerable and - 1 1 i . t V : deeply religious Bishop Paine, of the Southern Methodist Episcopal church there is serious i los3 sustained to his particular denomination as well as to ' - v -I r ,--. ' i- ' ' , the Christian church at large. Bishop Paine was a most useful' and v excel lent hiinister. 'Ife "had served his generation long i and well. He was not a great; mah, but he was pure arid holy and ".wise. His preaching was practical and edifying His ad ministrative ability was high and his judgment and goodness of the first order. He was born in Person coun ty, North Carolina, and was the only native of our State who has ever been raised to the - Methodist . Episcopal Bench. There have been abler men in the Episcopacy but none purer, and wiser and more devoted to 'Christian life, j We . have not,; heard how he died. We all know how he lived. A most devout land : . useful servant has gone to receive his reward. Here is something more ... about the terrible Knoxville, Term.,, shooting affairr ' .'' J ; ' ; ' - 'Maior O'Conner was a member of the National, Democratic Executive Committee, having defeated "General Bate for the posh tiou at Cincinnati two years ago. :.He has frequently been talked ot for tiovernor on the tlebt-pay er '8 platform. . ,f "General: Mabry was about sixty years. Old, and prior to the war was, .,well kno wn in connection with- the turf. ? During his career as a- turfman he killed a man,. ..Gene eral Mabry's father was killed forty years ago in a celebrated quarrel. . Major O Con ner and young Maory were partners in uie hardware trade at one time. The failure of the firm involved General Mabry, and it was understood at the time that some ) ill- feeling had grownont of the:. transaction. Jay Hawk Hubbell figures it;;out that the next House ;wlli be Radical by. 17 majority ii Bat JohnC. New, led;ihg:Radicaler of Indiana, and an Arthur office holder, says the ; Demon crats will gain three members in that State." " .V.iJIVi'U;. Chet Arth'uriffback in - Washing- ton after, junketing around. " What business .takes ; him jto : the. .Federal Oftpit&V'! hoif tranispired. ""It" is not known that. Any: selection is;-to bo held there sooa :.: .'; The truthful ; Gineinnati Comnier tbat the cialy RepubIi.cao,,jhas news entire-North Caroliha1.-alelegation. an tl'ttf?? wilttfirf; Radidat: gtveyem. o-i a negro at tnat. I f.rjci txrknTka AiinV'Arioari 1 there iVa Democratic .Colored Cinb I - 1 V. llS They are too-strong to be persecuted QJ bulldog Vadical negrbes.:;- ' AnrJ'ntr to allnf thfi vlpainc New YoTk: papers - Mapleson's new tenor Mierzevenski made a - great The chief , duty af Democrats., jus now us -that. to sr. organizer. Remember AW tof-xne orpi"'Ayinn iAbdndrnt cropseverywhere,? jeems to Lbe the general verdict, therefore let rolun tarr contributions go forward-: to the Ox 'ford Orphan Asylum; , as not only have - jjfOTMoiw been very high and oontribu- building for the boys, which was an actual Lttecessityy has been erected at considerable , expense; In thi jconnectlon we wouldj by; 'request, state that it' is proposed, and the press throughout the State have been asked extend the notice, that on Thanksgiving - Ttr tnVUk Htill f nMrmhltr hnntii) ; at (Iia. I Day, which will - probably occur : on the 23rd of November, a collection, be -takenup : for the benefit of the Asylum-wherever aer-- ' vices are held. f ; ' - . Didn't Go Down. ; Ttr-..4 nQ0T -'Woo-' v ... - of this District, addressed a largo, crowd at. and made a strong appeal to class prejudice among the white people; but :f spoiled the proth", when he declared, that he was in fa: Vor Of so amending the law concerning the apprenticing of minor children as to allow , white children tol bound tomegro - mas'-i , ters. ! He said this-was Republican docn. pine. , It u was delightful to the laithf ui among the Democracy of Onslow, our in formant states, to see' how this assertion of the Republican candidate,- for- Solicitor made, the weak-kneed brethren firm , in the. faith." It carried Democratic . stock up many points: indeed, it has ' assured the election of the entire 1 Democratic local ficket and the full strength of the party for. the general ticket. tfottonlBeeelpts. ' . , , 'f. The receipts of cotton for the week end in yesterday footed up 7,236 bales, as against 6,840 bales for the corresponding J last yf ar- ' ' :K::.! I j The, receipts for the crop year to aate foot up 26,555 bales',' as against 26,864 up to October 24th last year." showing a de crease of 3,809 bales. , T , v The decrease, which was quite large at the . commencement ot the present crop' year, as it was I at all other cotton ports", is being gradually overcome. The Office of Coroner. .. .- rVit?ita r9 rUvAtiati haf tronn TIAV On1 election will nrohablv be performed bv net-son a sneciallv annoinied bv the Clerk of r -, j -m-m - - thi Superior Court, provided the services of feuch an official are needed. Mr. . A. II. Leslie, son-in-law of the late Coroner Hew lett, was expected to take the position until . the. newly elected Coroner ' could qualify, but; we understand that he declines, i or one Tea&on because the time is so short that it ence or giving nona - ana . owcrwise iegaujr qualifying himself for the office. No "Number 3." - Mr. E. R. Taylor, of Brunswick, who was in the city yesterday, says the body. which was found in the northwest branch or. toe river, on weanesaay morning iasi, waslthat of Jack Street, one of his colored employees, who was drowned on the Wed nesday night previous, during the storm, an account of which appeared in the Stab," and Vbose "boat," -bottom-upwards, was sub seauentlv recovered in about - the- same locality where the body was found. Another LandmarK Gone. The old poor house Juilding, a dilapida ted bkek structure, which occupied a po-' sition; nearly in the middle of the square bounded by Fourth and Fifth and Walnut and Red Cross Streets, - has been entirely demolished, - It was a "very old building and was considered one Of the landmarks of the city. . For some years after the war it was a favorite" resort for colored : voters about election times. - Price at Point Caswell. . A correspondent of 0 the Stak, writing from Point Caswell, Pender, county,. on the 17th inst,; says that according to announce ment,' Mr. Chas. Price, the Republican-, Liberal orator, spoke at that place on Tues-: dav last; to "an audience of about fifteen white Democrats and twenty colored Re publicans the former principally business men of the village attracted to the speaking by curiosity." z The correspondent adds: "It was the grandest : failure for a political meeting wo have ever .known. . There are no Liberals in the township.?' ; Foreign Shipments. . . ' . , ' ...The schooner "Daisey Parjchurst, Captv Holmes, " was cleared Irom,,this- port for Arroya, Porto .Rico,- yesteiday, T)y Messrs. Edward Kidder &' Son: with 806,379 feel of lumber and 100,350 shingles, valued; at $6,235; also the .British brig Aubrey recuce Capt. Hall. . for Rotterdam, Holland, by E. G. Barker & Co:, with 2,069 barrels of rosin, valued at S3.Vo0.os. lotai valua tion of foreign exports for the day, f 1,0,- 20ai3. . , . . . i sj B"" - ' An Old Book, ..." - s The following is a clipping from Rich mond paper; "Rev. Dr. Ji B. Taylor, of Wilmington, N. C; has in his possession a Greek Testament tbat is 260 years old, hav ing been .printed in London- in the year 1622. The book is in perfect preservation. and has at the close notes, &c. in Latin., It has1 on the' fly-leaf '.the autographs ot ijia grandfather and great-granamoiner., Beibahllean Candidate for Coroner. ' As a meeting of the Republican Exccu: tive Committee, " held at the Courts House yesterday af ternoori. j at ' 4 o'clock, David t- J li . TNffli tiacoos, uoio5u, uj. :' u hbiu,. iim nominated for the lucrative (?) position of Coroner for New Hanover county, to fill the vacancy on the vticxet causett by the death4f the late Edward D,. Hewlett Badlrllurt. We .learn that Mr. 3. W- ''jRobbins, f orr merly of this citybut now of , Richmond county, received quite A ,serious wound in the thigh, a few days ago, by the accidental dischbfapistoiinhisihiprckew It w&g at rat tnat hlg njurieg would prove fatal, but at !ast " 5 Z: ; Sinee the reference to Rev. Edi Schulken, in our last issue; we learn that he is now at his father s residence in this aty, having been - brought here last Tuesday from CEntbn; where he had beenu again ta ken quite sick.' We are gladto .jlearjx that he is now thought to be improving,, w- .-i.' ?: '-TENNESSEE, Desperate Sbfcoting AflVay mt" Knox- TDle Between Gen. Josepn A. Mabry and Ills Son JToseph and OTaj. : Thoai O'Connor All. Tnree of tne Partld- ' pants Killed -. . V By Telegraph to the Morning Star! W - . ! Knoxvtli-k, October 19. This morning. at -a 'few minutes after 10 ! o'clock." Gen. Joseph A-.Mabry, Maj. Thomas O'Connor and Joseph A. Mabry, Jr. v were killed in a shooting affrays - The difficulty began yes- teraav evemne dv en. MflDrv's. AttAnkinc This was atUhe :Fair Gtonndst and O'Con- nnr tnl1 MAhrV-H Tint, thp rtloM fn oAttln their differences n Mabry then told O'Con nor; he should inot leave. s'-It i seems that Mabry was armed and O'Connor; war not.? The cause or tne aimcuity- was an old fend about the transfer of .some property from Mabry tq O'Connor. Later in the, evening jaawy sent wora to iruonnortnatne would kill Mm oineightr-ls"morning Mai. O'Connor was standing at the door of the Mechanic' National Bank. of whteh'-:he I: -oWfAvj-M.fcTSA,---'!- geaUeman walKed; flown Uay street on the I opposite side from the bank. - OXJonno'r I ... - - stepped ( into the bank, procured a shot gun,' tooK i aeUDerate aim at Gen. Mabry and fired. -Mabry fell dead, being shot in the left side. As he fell O'Connor fired again, the shot taking effect in- Mabry's thigh. O'Connor then reached into the . bank' and got another 1 shot-gun. About this time, Jos. A.rMabry, jr., son Of Gen.? Mabry, came rushing down the 1 street. He was not-. seen- by O'Connor-' un til , . he was . within ; forty feet of him, when ; - he, fired ; a shot from a ; ' pis tol,' the ball taking 'effect in O'Connor's right breast, passing through the body n ear. the heart. The instant Mabry nrea u Con nor turned and.' discharged the shot-gun at i . ..ii.. l 3 a l rr . -r mm, me loaq taKing euect iu , young u bry'i right breast and side He fell pierced wiiu .weniy oucksuo. auu almost, lusiamiy O'Connor fell dead 'without a struggle. ' Young Jtfabry ied to ise, but fell back The7 whole traeedv occurred wWntwb The whole tragedy, occurred within two minutes and neither of the three spoke after he was shot. ' Gen. Mabry had about thirty buckshot in his body. 1 A bystander was pamtuiiy wounaea in . tne ' tnign witn- a DucKsnot , ana anotner was wounaea in the arm; four other men had, their. clothes great exaiement. ana; ay street "-was thronged with thousands of -people. . Gen. Mabry and his son James were acquitted only a few days , ago of the "murder of Moses Lusby ' and Don' Lusby, father and son, whom they killed few weeks since. Wm. Mabry was killed by Don Lusby last ChristmasMaior TbosOnnorlwa President of the Mechanics, National Bank here, and was 5 the wealthiest man in the State, CoL E. J. Sanford, the Vice Presi dent, takes immediate control of; the bank.. '-'I-: .GEORGIA. " The Condemned Eastman Rioters-.; r t; '. . Threats of Lynching. ? y, : '- By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l " 1 Atlanta." October ' 19. To-day Gov. Colcniitt respited Ike Shipman.one of the six Eastman- rioters sentenced to be hanged at Eastman to-morrow. To-day the sheriff and posse came to Macon from xiastman to take the prisoners to Eastman. The Gov ernor -telegraphed; to Macon." telling the jailor to hold the prisoners until further no tice, as the laws were being investigated with a view or seeing it there were grounds for granting respites to enable them to take their cases: to the Supreme Court -Late to day Mayor Corput telegraphed the Governor that he was apprehensive or an errors to lynch the prisoners. To-night the Governor telegraphed back to use i all means ; to sup press any interference with r the , law. , tie. also telegraphed Mai. Wiley to order out his battallion and to send forty men or if necessary a larger escort with the sheriff of Dodge county to Eastman. The prisoners TEXAS. Tae Cotton Crop Badly Damaged by By Telegraph to the Morning sar.l ' Galveston." Oct. 19. -The: Mews" Dallas special says: ' In Northern and Central Texas .the heawt rains, during; the, last week, accompanied in some sections , by. stormy winds, have damaged open cotton f ullv a grade, from dirt ana stain : tne crop, in some : instances, ; is.' entirely, lost Picking is delayed and labor is not equal to tne aemana. . MECKLENBZTRG COUNTY. A Democratic Candidate Assaulted and ' Serlonsly "Wounded by a Revenue Of- ficlal Excitement In Charlotte and. Trouble Apprehended. ; - By Telefrrapa to the Morning Star.J vjnAKLOTTiL,ix..u.. wciooer U. VT. XX. i Bailey, Democratic candidate for the House from Mecklenburg county, was assaulted this evening, "by A B. Gillespie, revenue agent, and badlvwounded. Gillespie struck him with brass knuckles; cutting him to the bone on the forehead over the eyes and on the t-lip. The- attaGk - was made because Bailev stated that he was - informed, that Vjiuespie was one oi me men wuuwaa ubiuk money to carry the election in this county for the Republicans. . Gillespie .gave bail in S100 for his appearance for trial to-morrow. The affair has caused considerable excite ment and further' trouble- mav be appre-- hended. , - ': ? ' ' THE STATE FAIR. :t.-. . V v': S f Closo of ! the Finest Exhibition Ever made Premiums Awarded to Col ored Exhibitors. . , - 4 j , By Telegraph to the Horning Star.l r RAt.TtroW:'1 N C.l ' October 21: The exhibition at the North Carolina State Fair; which closedi to-dav,- is pronounced the finest ever made ; in the estate.,' s. The 1 atten- dann on the chief dav was over 13.000. The Fair was! remarkable' for the exhibits rnade y colored 1 people,- one of whom, Geo.. Snipes, look the second -premium in cotton and the most valuable premium- three tons of tguano. Another- colored ex hibitor won a gold (medal and' nine prizes. rx MEXICO; A tOrm f n the Gulf-ShlpptnglDainased ' The Tehuantepee Railroad. ' - fBy TelegralTto'therorninK Star. ' "Cirr- os Mexico; October 21. A stonn prevailed-yesterday in thp GulfLof . Mexico by which considerable damage wasdone to shipping and buildings . at Coatzacoalcas. 1 felt, arrived W-Yera Cruz t this morn felt, arrived i at !-Tera 'lztbis mormng. fi'Mr. flpara. formerly assistant general mana ger of- the ' Mexican Central llailway, has been placed in charge of the construction of the Pacific side or me l enuaniepec nan- road r i'-ji ' 'J-- ' tr- '; r There was? a very light frost at Memphis, Tenn., yesterday : mornings vegetation was not killed by it. NO. 52 1 OHIO. Tne Glendale marder Confession of C33;one of tne Arrested Persons. ' CiNCDraATi, October 21. Fred Cantaim who was arrested.on - suspicion of the mur der of A. W. Ross, T at Glendale, Oct. 8th,' confessed yesterdav that a colored man who was arrested a few days ago f was the print uiai wufucici . Mint uc luuuceu apiain IO join him in robbing Ross, at his house, but Ross not being at home they waited for him at the railroad crossing, and Harris hit him with a stone and beat; him over , the - head: with a club. Captain , said; lie, -ran away, and Harris did the robbing. Captain wis : before the Coroner to-day as aTwitnessand iue surprise oi me crpwa gainerea mr hear his confession, said he "knew nothing about the murder. - He .admitted v making; the confession, but was coaxed into makins- it by John Mount, who had been put - in , jaUffvUh mnVjfJHec said j Mount told hitn thatf 'Harris and Fred Captain., senior. were in jail and Harris was about to make' a statement putting the murdet on him and p P"5 1 at"er-. Mount told him bos only safety I my On-telling his- storvj first-aiid noWefl' l film hnnr . V.A 4nll n . 1 J I, . .;. wwh wu murjr uwt woaiu mPllcate. Harris and the elder Captain and gu new Jiwuuh emu lueity h was a large reward and witness would 2et r L a Dig snare oi xt. He at last consented, but added. "1 have sincerely repented since and hope God will forgive me," . TEXAS.' Reports from Brownsville Te Com ing ietioii The Fever, Etc. Brownsville. -.October 21.-Much in- dignauon is expressed by citizens at the :1i m n In visvfr Inn m n n. .1 . .1 . ' . uiano uut iraiiuK ucic. uuw uia,L me cicv is v healthy. , ,.. : r. .-;; : ; , , (ireat interest is mamf PstH in tfco nnm. I; ing election. 4 There is a split in the Demo3 p cratic party; one side endorses Ochiltree.- f inaepenoent,, against a imey, Democrat for I Congress, ,. Affairs at Mier and Camargo are impro ving. . i ne weamer is pieasani, THE STATE CAMPAIGNS Pitt county is all right and will rive the usual Democratic majority in November. weenmue Hejieewr. t , .. -o ; t How much of the Hubbel campaign fund nave the colored brethren m .North Caroli na received ? Cuirlotte Journal. Solicitor StriMwick's speech at Oxford is spoken of as a specially strong effort and Hon.' J os. J. " Davis followed in a speech in the right strain. ' - ' - . Mr. Cameron of the Ashe ville Cite has improved in health and made a strong and impressive speech. The friends" of Mrr Murray, not only in Wilson county but all oyer this judicial district, are deeply Grieved and mortified at his lapse from the principles which have hitherto regnlated his political' life. TWJ- Devereux undertook to slander the ladies of Raleigh, but Cox - denounced the whole thing; . and told his opponent that as long as ue cauvasseu mis uisinci wim mm ne should not slander the fair ladies of North Carolina. It was a wsLjebuk.e.Loiii8burg limes. JHe handles York' and does it with gloves off. t York harped on prohibition, but it wa, ': of no use; the. people understand. He can't catch: any fish in that' worn out net. Robbins will walk in With 6,000 , majority. Put that in your pipe and smoke it ML Airy Newas . . Governor Jarvis insists upon it that he is not a candidate for the United states senate. He ought "to know Henry G. Williams says there is no truth in the statement that tickets with his name on them tor the United States House had been printed, etc;, as is reported by Kadicals. . ? , i , ""' ; A short time ago Mr. " Page Warren an nounced himself as a candidate for the .Le gislature. Mr. Warren "was an old, true ana tried Republican, and was tne acceptea candidate of his party, but Herod Mott came, along and presented Warren's head to TV C. Oakley. This does not please a gooa many of our staunchest Republicans.-' Durham Plant. ' - ; Capt. Charles Price,, of Davie, the only advocate of the Mongrel-Liberal party, who has visited this section; ' addressed abont fifty negroes, six white - coalitionisis, and f ortv or nttv true wmte - men ana demo crats in the court house here on the 22hd ulL He was evidently ashamed of the role he is playiqg, and his speech was apologet ic throughout. vtinwn yaucastan, We saw General Scales last week, and he is jubilant over, the glorious prospects of Democracy in the State and ' nation. " ?- ;- That sterlinig North Carolinian, CoL.W. W. Lenoir, will represent wautega county in the next Legislature- Good news comes from the McDowell district;. Messrs. Berry and Neill. Democrats, will be elected by an increased majority.- AiheviUs Citizen. , i ne venerarjie. uiragmau, maue a cuarau-. teristic speech at Oxford the other day:. The Free Lance closes its notice as follows-.'Af- ter fretting throughv with' Gen Clingman. the General proceeded to preach some good sound Democratic, doctrine. He -denounced the nresent internal revenue svstem as' odi ous. r He exposed the present tariff as bur densome and "unjust and he pitcnea into bosses and.bossism Vith'jgloveS off. This", part of his speech clan be well imagined was not much reiisnea oy tne oia oeu-wetner Republicans. "He put them in better humor when he went for Vance, Ransom; and our members of Congress generally. ; .' He said North Carolina hadnot been represented in foongress j-pmcc '.weii, - me iue was amuo Gen. Clingman left its halls. He closed by appealing to the people, to send; men to the Legislature1 who wbn't be bossed that is, elect men who- will vote for Gen." Thomas L; Clingman for the United States Senate. " Dr. Mott comes down to Granville and trios up CoL Die Young in his old county-. Both of these worthies want to go- to the United States Senate, -i The Democrats of Granvillle are making -arrangements for barbecues, in different "portions of the county.. ; - Mr. JJ., H. . Cozart gets his reward af last... After being! defeated for Congress, Sheriff and Senator he" takes'the nomination for the latter place at the hands of the IJberalstwhom, he sbj lately de-? nounced, and that! too. at the expense of the regular Republican s nominee, .who- rereived ' everv vote -of."-the' Convention. The new Radical ticket; fibminated by some half; a - dozen renegade . Democrats; calling themselves Liberals, don't set well on the political stomachs of the bid-line Re publicans. . .The colored .voters- aref espe ciaHy indignant that the only - two of their race on the ticket ! were kicked 1 aside like dogs. r -The following ticket was nom inated iti Vance county bv the Democrats: For the- legislature. ' E. Ai Powell; for Register of l)eeds, R. A. Bullock; for Coro- ner, ur. w . t . vneamam ; , ior x rcnouioi , John G. Mori-fan: for Probate Judge, T. T-. Hicks. .. Upon the latter , nomination the trouble arose, the friends ' of Mr. J. R. Young dahnmg that Mr Hicks had fraud nlentlv obtained the nomination. The con vention: broke up ina tow. Oxford Free Lance.' : . u- -V'-.-v " - Graham Gleaner ; The farmers are basy gathering in their corn and sowing wheat.; - The tobacco crop In this coun- ; ty has been cut "and ..cured -without beine frosted. r ..-. . t Greensboro Patriot Dr. Bob Scales, the father of Al M. Scales, while.J preparing for church last Sunday morning, ' was attacked with something like paralysis His physicians. report his condition an v- thing but favorable. - ; ; , - -. - Durham JPldnti As Wrn Simp- son and Tom Jenkins,' who ; had: been to Durham with-tobacco, and were returning home, reached the' cross roads just this side of ."Turner's, mill,; they were attacked by " four colored men, and a violent . attempt was madajto rob Jkjr. Simpson Oxford JF'Q.Lanci We under- ' stand: that the- Rev. , W, S. : Fettigrew has : declined the rectorship of the Oxford Epis copal Church; tendered to him some weeks since.- ? r There are now: 150 orohans at I the Asylum 79 boys and 71 girls. The. ' i ooys are now quartered in the new build ing. .' ' ' - - '..5-,.' lamps fell in the Roxboro Baptist Church during service Wednesday , night. beveral. ladies and an old gentleman, were badly in flared bv the falling fihanr?Hpr - m)n r ui umeia H.ere uurmai n me on, oui upw jithis hour.no deaths are reported,, butia is AV. 1 3 1 . i i . uaucu uiaii iuuf ut ,luuso prestsuL, &u young ladies. . will '.die : from the effects of the i vnarioT-i.e oournai: a iaay ot ' the county, who desires that her name shall m l ..... T . " . , i ' j. not be mentioned, -was awaked, from sleep : last Saturday night by an acute pain at the end of her nose. As she stirred in bed she felt some creature jump from her face, and by a dim light ; burning : in the. room she could see it . was. a rati . The pain continu- Lag about her nose she put her hand up and r 1 .1 . . . . . . louna mat , it. was . n cAninir , trnm apvprnr wounds in the skin '""""t" - - - - - Rocky Mount Reporters Last Monday morning about 10.30 o'clock, as a ponnern oouno ireignt train was approach ing town, the engineer, CaptB. J. Lang- stoo, sawc smoke ; issuing from a box car next to the engine, in which was stored be tween sixty and seventy barrels of tar. He I immediately stopped the train, uncoupled and pulled the burning car off from the others, and m a very few minutes it was a mass of names. ; ' '. L -r-" Clinton ' Caucasian : We "regret to announce the death of Geo,--W Robin- f son, one of the oldest and most highly re- I a - i i t Hpeciauie citizens oi oampson county. . (japu n. f. jraaaison aumonzes us io say that, as Agent to -solicit additional sub- ? scriptions. for the Point Caswell .& Clinton , K. K., he has succeeded beyond his most san guine 1 expectations. 1 He has ' been at P work : for. the past four days along the pro- the road as far up as Lis- bon. Three hundred bushels of corn were sold yesterday at 81 cents per bushel, the market has an upward tendency. Sheriff Koonce, of Jones, earned up to the . penitentiary yesterday, Alford Ward and Charles Whitfield, sentenced for 13 and 15 years. - Tobacco gives wonderiui vi tality to any city.; A- house in Greensboro renting for $12.50 a month will bring $35 in Danville says the v Patriot. ' - And yet Greensboro pretends to - be a city. New Berne Journal. - 1 .- -5.."...- i ' 1 -i-' . i' Charlotte Observer: There are 835 white and colored children now attend ing the. graded; schools; 51 7-, white and 818 ' rt . i " coiorea. separate scnoois, oi course. An accident occurred yesterday on the Char- , lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, at a station some . distance below - Columbia,', which ditched an engine and several Cars belonging to the freight train which it was pulling, but up to 1 o'clock this morning few particulars could be gathered, it is re-. , ported that one tram hand, a colored man,. -was killed, and the engineer was T.badly scalded' ' " '.,'.'. Richmond State:. The Eastern Field Trials Club will hold their fifth an: nual trials at Hjgh Point, N. C, commenc ing November 17th. Heretofore the trials have taken place on Robins Island just off the coast of .Long island and opposite JNew Suffolk), which contains about six hundred acresand is owned by ; the ' .Eastern lieia - Trials Club, s They were; induced to come- South this year; and ' have leased the hunt-. ing privilege on ten thousand acres ot landi near High Foint. ana have nad tne lands so thoroughly posted that the birds will not be disturbed before the trials take place; i- - r . . Grbidsborb Messenger: A young colored girl, daughterof GeorgeWalser, in Saulston township, was .hitten in tne jeg, ; oneday last week, by a snake of the poi sonous white oak species. The snake was killed. The girl, shortly after began ex- . periencing severe pain -and the leg com menced swelling, when her fathert applied a piece of, the snake's - flesh, which adhered . firmly to the i wound and; gave almost in- Archey Lodge sectionin Johnston county. . called" to Bee ,us Tuesday. He was shot -through the right arm : at the battle of Ply- " mouthjthe ball 'lodging..' in his right lung, and for nearly twenty years he has carried t the leaden missile in his lungs, suffering . from severe hemorrhage at times. The right . . lung is now .entirely gone and the ball is making its way towards the. left;: Not long ago a piece of a fractured rib ' bone passed through his mouth while having a severe hemorrhage. Mr. - Barnes ; was wounded three iimes.:. t ,.- .i :. ; L" Raleigh Xfews- Observer: Senator Vance' is , unwell, and is suffering greatly from a-large tumor on the left shoulder This "was treatedyesterday, and he hopes to get out 'to the Fair grounds, and speak if possible, All will unite in the wish that he - " - - - a. - 1 ... 1 J ii may be mere, tor-wno, is -Deiier ioveu ma Zeb Vance, I . ; Result, a large attend-. ance and a day greatly enjoyed by every one. Exclamations, of surprise at the ex- . tent of the exhibition and the elegance of its arrangements were beard. "Through the halls surged i a crowd pf sight-seers, and -every comment on the Fair (and they were madeby every one) was full of praise 'So the public pronounces the Fair the best we have ever had. and the people " of the good - "Old North State" have an other reason to feel proud of their progress." ThesNorth Carolina Fruit Growers' Association had its largest meeting 'in the Senate chamber last -evening; President J. M, Heck presiding. ? Reports were made showing that by the efforts of the Assochv tion freight rates on fruit had been reduced 50 per cent, and express rates 10 per cent. CoL Heck was re-elected president by accla mation; -He then, declined, and Capt R, P. Paddison, of Pender; was elected. The" following were elected vas vice presidents : R B. Creecy, T. Chapman, S, S. Satch weH; Joseph J. Davis, J. Van Lindley, Walter L. Steele, Sailor Robert B. Vance;- secretary; SOtho Wilson; corres ponding secretary, P. M Wilson ; treasurer, J. A. Lineback. -' - --' - !- - ' Capt J. C. Post, of . the U. S. Engineer 1 Corps, has been relieved from duty under : Lt. Col. Gilmoreand ordered to relieve Capt A. M. Miller; in charge of the Missis- sippi River Improvements.'1"' First Lieu tenants 8 Mr Bailey and J W. Symona have been . ordered to report to Xt. - Col. Gilmore at Charleston'-' ' - 1 " ' 4 -.13 r-i f r V a 4' i it t t1 '4 1. 1 4 - m v 5 ' ti 1 ? J- i .1 -f - t i !

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