lie Weekly- Star. PUBLISHED AT TZ ,kssG?oeoocseeeeso cSocscoeuQcoeooe iVW IC PI I ledo'esdsede'eeiic tre S S 8 S : S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 gOOOOOOOOOOOQOQO oS3ooooooS3cSo5 5a3S888S8SS883. 8SS88SSSSS8888888' qjaoK l to a y oo kj t- o e w as t-oo w 3.SS8SSS8SSSSSSSS8 t. m a it m a; i 88882882888888888 S8SSS8S8S8888 c i. si o CD Entered at the; Post Office afWilmington, N. C, j : as Second Class Matter. - SUBSCRIPTION TRICE v The subscri6tion price of the , Weekly Star ;is as follows : - S'ngle Copy l year, postage paid $1.50 i IV 6 months, !' v A' i t t ! 'a months JV- : fc viT .1.00 .50 SENATE REPORT. It ! i npt without interest to note the 1 rennrt of the ' Senate Com- jniitpe on iCoramerce on the River r , . ....... . . ill IU I I ill ' 1 tC3'- ) u VlHItU IfaliVG is crt.posM of nine members, a ma y.v'u'v oij whom are -Republicans. Senator JXansom is or the i;pmmit- tee They all signed a report in i tbev state that the bill came whic from the House only 1 forty-eight hours be fore the close of the session, and tha it contained 203 1 items. Owing r. a want of time and parlia- rmntary objections it was found im o consider these items. And possible vt it is manifest that the Committee a i favor ed the bill in the. main, and possibly "altogether. It called for 8,0j)0,obo. They would not; ask for the appropriations because " they had not been able to make the needed ex amination ia detail. But they say, a fid it i$ very significant: i The importance of the annual I appro priation for rivers and harbors can not be overestimated. The water . channels ,of commuincation between the different parts of tht country and the facilities afforded "by . nU- and; commodious harbors are -the great securities of commerce against oppressive rates of jtransportation by railroad compa nies, i ,v i ' ' . "We are deeply impressed with the .im portance of continuing the works -A and re pairs ;in our rivers and .Xarbors ,1 already commenced and of the danger of great loss Jo the Government if these works t are in terrupted." . t Sp the bill failed. But the Senate Committee 3id not fail to set forth -if. '. ...... elear! that tbeyv Tecognized the imr jioi tance of i the work, and that Hf it wa interrupted" ' if - raitjh prove "of great loss to the Government." Is it not then to be regretted that the Republican Congress did; not fotri tima rr riirl a ck ivQinar oiin .on I . r 1 ; "interruption . and . such a j"great ! loss The Northern Republican 3-jrs rejoiced :in 'the; prospect of sH-jn important public work either seriously crippled or ' so interrupted in MiPir progress as to onng, loss npoitthe Government, r Ibe truth is tbe houth would be benefited Hence tile spasm of neglect and economy; ; VTe publish a communication from Mr. Burgwyn the;matter of ti e Peebles-Parker contested case from Northam pton" county. f Mr. Peebles being a- Democrat1 it. -was. altogether natural that we should have desired him to- retain; his seat if rfally elected. But the Legislature; . -"tr-jngly Democratio," did notj'tbhinic he 'as elected and after, much .delay s'U'd the contestant. Furthermore," Mr .Burgwyn, in his communication, tiiibH that Northampton county is u" of the strongest Radicalj -coun- - in the State.' v :W,& doimaxa see liojv a Democrat eonfd be fleeted -in Hijh a -wuiityr T3efXy" purpose to do ' Mr.' Peebles 'apy. nail an injustice. . - . " , rj. . -- ' . ; t. .ifc'i apt, James L.VVddelloeNcirtb. Carolina formerly I who commanded thl. Confederate jcruiser Sheriandoah; slipped and fell -headlong $Q fn the 8tairs of a .BaltimoreiboteK IMrs. Waddell was descending"" the steps immediately in;front of t'im' fAs he slipped he threw her own-also'ahd came near falling x directly upon her.? Sbe; however, i escaped with'-slight bruises. The captain WaVput on one of sMr. Gorman's cots and carried to nis residence. His .nose wasibroken and he was otherwise painfully in jured. ' 'i'-" " The Norfolk postofliciB hag been ex amined into and .found full of neglit Knce. First Assistant' Postmaster General Hatton , has . giyen ..orders concerni n sr a decided imnrovenient. w . t . .r lf4this does pot follow "quickly then look qut. We congratulate the Zand- nark for its fifcetiv. work, V" ; T r , VOL. XIV; New Hanover Ialstrates. , . Below we give a lit o the Magistrates for New.Hanover.CQunty,, as appoiuted by the Legislature ' -4'- ?." 5 Wilmington Townshipri-Johnl , Hen-; derson, Wm. H. Strauss,! John R. MeltQfl; ; John Cowan, Wm.-; W.h Harriss, Sot Bear, EL D. Hall, John 3. James. John L. Canti well, James W. King, Lemuel Hv Bowden Walker Meare. Matthew J; Heyerj Cavid G.' Worth, Charles H; Robinson, ram David,' Owen Penaeli, J-i James Madison; John a Millis, -Charles Ai Price,-J: D. H. Klander: V u L : J Masonboro Township7--B. S. f Montfbrd, -A- J.' Johnson, Ai B.ebrgo. .') 1 1 Federal Point Township J. - H. Home, John Canaday, Elijah. WiUUms, ' ; ( v 1 .Cape FearTownship-Oscar M. Filyaw, Wm. Cromwell, JohnR 8$. George.,-;1 : Harnett TownshirCas. Alexander, E. Wi Manning," George' Harper. , i ; A Crack Snot. .. : h'V'i - ; Mr. John A. McDowell waaiiuiog on a log at hisjanding1 L ? rcDWeirso," labonV fo'ttiy.-ukittpr theerrdn Tuesday moraine last,) watching for the Fayettevilie boat " to . pass, when he spied a deer swimmins: ' across t the river near by.: Haying no ; other - weapon :at hand, he whipped his pistol out of ' his pocket and opened fire poa thd- deer creature. The first and second 'shots seeaied to have but little effect, but the third, placed him. hors du combat.- He ?was then secured,- and Mr. McDowell soon afterwards enjoyed the rare privilege of breakfasting on deer killed by his own band with a: pistol ball. ! TENDER COUNTY- ' ! : MeetlDR of County Commlaalonera. The Board met at Bnrgaw, on Monday, March 5th present, ; Daniel. Shaw, Chair man, and . Commissioners Alderman and CorbetL ' ' " ' r 4 'Much business relating' to schools and the deserving poor was ' transacted, andi a batcl of claims were audited - and ordered to be paid,. , . . I -; . .: . , A new road in Caintuck township was granted." V '-- ': - Tr r "- - '-f : ; I Commissioner Shaw; owing to ; ill-health, tendered his resignation as a member of the Board, and the resignation was accepted.! Orctered, That the clerk notify, J. p. Powers, Esq., Chairman of Justices, of the vacancy ; caused by the resignation of Mr. Shaw, and request him to call a meeting of the Justices of the Peace, ou Monday, the 2d of April. .for the purpose of electing a commissioner, pursuant to chapter 231, pub-, lie laws of 1879. i : ; U . Commissioner Corbett offered the follow ing resolutions: i . . i r; , , - Whereas, Mr. Daniel Shaw, chairman of this board, has resigned his position and his membership in the board; and, whereas, the remaining members lof the : board feel sensible of the loss the board has sustained in being deprived of his assistance in the management of the affairs of the county therefore i t Resolved, That the board tender to Mr. Daniel Shaw their thanks for the pleasant and faithful manner in which he had dis charged the duties of ... chairman and that we bear the most unequivocal testimony to his fidelity and ability as a commissioner. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon our minutes as a permanent record of our appreciation of his faithful service. J United States District Court. ! . : The following comprise a Hst of jurors drawn by W. H. Shaw, ! Esq., Clerk of the TJ. S.' District Court, to serve at the term of that Court commencing on Tuesday, the 1st day of May: , 'P3 ' i Neva Remover County John "W. Atkin son, Jos. Davis, A. G. ' Hankins, Wm. Moore, Thos. Evans, Geo.. A. Peck.CPvMe bane, Valentine Howe, W. L Gore. Chas; H.Ganzer, Jno. W.Galloway, G.M. Altaffer, . Geo, M. Summerell, D. J. Aaron, Geo. F, Tdley, - Walter G.. MacRae, B. G. Bates, 1 Patrick , Donlan, Elijah Hewlett, F. H. . Mitchell, J. A. Holt, W.:M: Posson, H.A.; Burr, Wm.' H.- Catton, J. R. McEachern, J. H.' Price, Jos. W. Taylor, Harry Webb, C. C. Morse,N. F. Parker; John Hooper. 1 Duplin' (Jounty.J. Wells Taylor, James Dixon, A. J. Stanford, J. W. McMillan, Robert H. Brown, Burwell Matthews" H. C. Wright, James Savage, H. Hollings worth, Thos. H. Hill. i i RrufmoicJe (htinty. r-John K . Pounds John H. White, 1 John Evans, : D.' R. s Walker, Samuel -A." King,; John Lv-Wes-cott, J. -R. Levy,'-J. Dickson MacRae. NewJEpIscopal ChurcU. . '.' ; :V, : ", A friend, informs ,s us , that Mr. William Sharswood.. of , Philadelphia, who is inter-, csted in the development : of the , iron of -,Stokes county, i North Carolina, has set on ; fx)t the Jbuilding of iAU . Episcopal church near.Walnut Cove, ; in that county, to be dedicated under ' the' name of "The Holy1 Spirit Bishop Atkinson Memorial Church." The site has been determined upon, and the plans and specifications are being drawn by hi Northern architect." ' When built' it will be an ornament to the country, fin fact, it is said, that it will be the finest country church in the State. : It will be built of pressed brick and cement, with: facings, of; native marble. ' The best of materials will be used in the structure throughout' . " A.Bellglou Belle. , ' i We were handed yesterday,'- by Mr. G. W. W. Davis; a document printed on white satin; and presenting a very neat and well kept appearance, which, upon examination proved to be the "Constitution" and "Con fession of Faith" of the first 'TJnirersalist organization in. North Carolina ; It ; is headed VTo Posterity," With the following preparatory remarks: ''The following pre sents a, detail of the first doings of TJniver salists in IjTorth Carolina, together with the names of a few who .first dared to come forward , in .the face Xii persecution, , and compose the Southern Convention of TJni- versalistsi? To our children,; and our chil dren's children, . to jthe latest, posterity," inay thia be preserved, as a sacred; memento." Y Then comes the "Constitution," and then the "Confession of Faith, "after which fol low the names of J. Feiesze, preacher, and fifty seven lay members. The document is dated iLenansviue Duplin county; jm. ' v Jane Srd, 1827, and was found among the papers of an old citizen of Wilmington. 1 . ...... '..1 -l ti .' THE LEGISLATURE. . , 7 V-Raleigh Kews-Obsemr Reports ' ! " ' '"SENATE." j . ... ; ..WIGHT SESSION' -, -M ' . t ; t. K -t Tuesday, March 618Q3. t .; Mr. Battle in the chair. . h ' r BUUtq raise revenue np as speeiaH ioroer, . t , - t -v.,.,.,,, I The ., committee reported amend im'ents. ". They were" adopted. ,, ' Mr. jPayne, for committee', explained .the amendments. " ' ' " : -f ' "' " ; ?; An araendmeni from Mk;j Boykin to conform section 40 to the decision1 provides' that the' county commissioa-. era shall levy no tax upon the liquor merchants, deeming the'Jieense'. tax, retailers ; less than a quart, .$80, from ;a quart to five gallons $lpKovert five 'srailons. 8200.V sufficientlv hiffh. and that the revenue raisedTfroin tbis,sys-A 1. 1 1 ii-" " . . 1 t 4 1 tern, wouta oe sreaier.; inauf .oy 4,ihb I Bill on its ; second reading. . Yeas, 19, nays 15, so the bill passed its sec-': ond reading. V ' The Senate concurred in the House amendments to the bill as to ' Voting J places in j WTilmirigonC requiring the lots to be laid .o5 . .and ithe blocks numbered in large letters ;and adver tised in the papers1 - ; s"i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - NIGHT SESSION., , t . .'''. Wednespat March 7. ? . To regulate the' partition of Vreal estate between . tenants, in ' common, third, reading. ; . - . To protect the '"farmers of this State, third reading. V ; (.To change the name of . the Eden ton and Norfolk Railroad Company, third reading. v ,r ; To prohibit taking oysters from: Myrtle Grove Sound, in New Han over connty, third reading. , v .... To prohibit sale of liquors . within one f mile of - Mt: ! Tabor church, Columbus county, third reading. ', : To. amend -an act authorizing the town of VVarrenton to subscribe :to the capital stock of the Warrenton Railroad (Company, third reacting. - To repeal certain carts of chapter, 234, laws of 1881, third reading : Relative to fishing in White Oak and New rivers, in Onslow : county, third reading..- . ' .i . - Relative to certain justices' dockets, third reading. ' ' To empower the proper authorities of Jones county , to assign hands to work on Tent river, in said county, third reading. To.establish' a public ferry across Waccamaw river, in " ; Columbus county, nearPireway, third reading. To incorporate the Israel and Pris? cilia Benevolent Society of .Wilming-; ton,' third reading. ! : -, 5- Resolution in favor of the Dixie Agricultural and Mechanical ' So ciety oft Anson county. -Third read ing. k- j SENATE CALENDAR. - ' ' , To amend the charter of the town of Laurinburg, Richmond county, third reading. j SENATE." Wednesdat, i&larch 7. Bill to. raise revenue. ;. . . . , Mr. Mebaiie offered anamendment to section 33. "for h such .'service the register! to receive two cents. f or each name." i Failed. - 1 Bill passed third reading yeas 21,'. nays 15; so the bill .passed. . . , Bill to amend chapter 175; laws of 1876-77, passed third readings-yeas, 26, nays noqe.. s e, u iiill to incorporate r ollocksviile, in Jones county; passed; second reading vpas 27. nav none' --v Bill to establish a 'graded-school, m. lYiagnoua, xupinii wcounfcy, paseu, second reading yeasr by nays none. - Bill to change the time ot holding the courts of the fourth: judicial dis-i trict. ; It gives additional: terms to- Cumberland, ' Robeson and Bladen counties." " ' ' s The bill. passel its, third reading. ''' BUI to amend chapter 94,laws l831, as tf fence law; House -i amendments concurred in. . ' Bill i to create, a - railroad commis sion came .up as 'a speciallordcr at 12 o'clock M. . , Mr. Pinnix explained that the only difference'; between this and the mi nority report of the Senate was as to the salary,rfrom f 2,500 to $l,5Q0,and that-the" commission may in their dis cretion feeulate: . freights Jind .f aresi and thatthe : schedule may. be taken as prima iaviv luetteau ui BUiucieut ev idence as in the i;old bill." . T v . Mf. McLean offered an amendment that if the bill passed no member of this Legislature shouldbe appointed on the commission , , r ;t . . j v Mr. iPayne offered an amendment to have read. . Je said this bill, as it came, here, was. substantially, ; the mi nority : bill, save leaving . the; regula ting of J reights 0 the discretion of the commissioners. . ; He was. opposed to granting suclir power to 4he com missioners i. when this -r Legislature could not - delegate such power, and underlhis oath as a Senator he could not vote for what he considered a vi olation '.of i the constitution ; of ithe landJltwas a question of conscience with him -; . , r-,: : Mr. Alexander, then ottered . as a substitute thehiU offered by Mr. Pembertorr0me days ago; vand no ticed in The r Observer. It ; provides for . one : railroad . commissioner, - ap pointed hy the;GoYernory at a salary of $2.i00;.and aielerlcf appointed ,4by. himself, at $900, he to report all rail-; .in the State vs.1 Clark; 85,-Ni C; R., ,555, was adopted.- -: ' ' ' r f One'of the cbmniittee"amendmentsf - - -I,- - - .... ,-,r- ,.-,.'.. v-T--.-- r -. , ..-..- r .-..Kr- 7--"''T''T Til I" nTH , -rrn ., .' '' ' "w"' ' "J i"1"'""""" '"" ' """7 ..,.1.1''. '"""""" ' """1""'" WILIMINGTON, N: G., FRIDAY, 1 road matters to the Governor and At- torner General.- "y J ' : ' ' 1 vThef question nrst was on "Mr.'Mc- ijean's' amendment as to commis- sioners applying1 their powers to re gulating freights sad fares of airthe railroads in the State". fi :f The veas and nays were ' ordered. fThe v6te was sa fellows: - .Yeas Messrs- Alexander,. Black,; Carter,.. Costner, Cozart, Dotson, tebbfk ...Evans,;. Gray, -, Lof tinw XovilL 3Lyon, TiJIcLean,f.Mebanej Morrison, jSTeilly.PavnerjPoole Purnell, Ram- Bay, xucnaru suuk ... iuoh, ;;rv eou, (Woodhouseas; ; r Nays Messrs. Battle, ' Bovkin. Clarke, Dortch: FarmerGood wyn Hill, .Jones, -King, ot FitIore- head. 'PembeTton. Jrinnix Scott, of ' Rockingham,7 Strayhorn,' 1 Watsoni" vv nniora ivy. " - - ' So the 3 amendment was' adopted.' Mr. McLean's second amendment that no member -of . ther Legislature ishall be, appointed on the f commis- sion; on mat ne cauea xne yeas ana nays. .Ordered.1 Yeas 16 nays 21,i so the amendment was not adopted; JUr. Mebanes amendment -to elect. the commissioners bv. the rjeoDle Ayes and noes asked. Ordered. .. Ayes, 10, noes 31, so the amendment was adopted. ' ( 1 - , r" lhen the question was on the-sub- stitute offered' by f Mr. Alexander, Ayes and noes ordered. Ayes 21,' noes 2i:- .' 1 'i- ' The chair said: The substitute is There was -applause. The bill passed its second reading. ; 1 . . ; 1 1 1 I : Mr. Ramsay's amendment was that instead of the Governor's appointing: the . commissioners- they should be , elected by the people. , r Mr. iScott then proposed to post pone the further consideration of the bill till to-night at 7:30 " So ordered ! ' j, , NIGHT SESSION. L The railroad bill passed after a long debate; ayes 31: noes 9, with an amendment giving power to regulate freights and fares. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - ' ' BILLS. Mr. Stanford, to change' the- time- for holding the' Superior Courts of Pender and New Hanover counties. SPECIAL ORDER. ' ' - r-'" The bill to revise : and consolidate the public school laws. - w .-. Mr. Robins 1 offered a substitute or the committee's report. , ; ; Mr, - Glenn . moved to amend by striking out all ? of section 41 down to the- words "he r shall advise" in middle of line 3 and insert. "it shall he the duty of the county superin-;, tendent of public instruction to visit and inspect the public schools of his county whenever any school com mittee may request: him in writing so to do.", . . . - - Mr. Glenn said, We are willing to pay him: $3 per day, for twelve days, r to examine 1 teachers, and if school committees write for him to visit school districts, was willing to pay him for as many days as his ser vices were secured. '' ' - Amendments adopted. Bill passed second reading. 1 1 j j Upon its third reading, Mr. lireen, of New Hanover, offered to amend section 52 by giving teachers of third grade $15 per: month, -teachers 1 of second grade $25, and teachers of first grade $40 per month. Lost. Bill. then passed its third reading. . - , . SPECIAL ORDER. . - .. In : regard to the draining of swamp lands in Duplin and Pender counties. rui iauea to pass. The bill to encourage the building of a railroad from some point on the W. JN. C. K. K between Salisbury and Newton - to'1 the Tennessee or Virginia line via j Taylors ville and- iWilkesboro, was taken np. A 4 Mr. Leazer explained the proviso ions of the hill.- : The recent sale ; of; the' Cape Fear and Yadkin .Valley Railroad without guaranty for the construction of a branch in the direc tion of - Wlkesborpvand Patterson, leaves; xne people - or inat, secvion without hope, of railroad communica tion with the' outside , vorld. This bill, proposes to t'aijl any, company chartered prior to "JGS," leaving the' W. N. C. R.-R. at any point between Salisbury and Hickory, to penetrate the valleys of the upper - Catawba and Yadkin It. provides that the $55,000 accruing" from the sale of the State's stock in the Cape -Fear and iYadkin Valley" Railroad,- be loanedj not appropriated; 10 any company building a railroad from between the points designated on the W.-' N: C n. -r-k . m ' 1.' :n ' J3 . -rtr:ii;. Xi rt. Via x ayiorsvuiw auu r it UKcs" boro to Patterson, in Caldwell rcoun tvi one-fourth to be loaned when the road has ; been- graded to Taylore- ville: one-fourth . when it reaches iWilkesboro; one-fourth when it cross es the . Yadkin jri very and ; the remain der .when it' reaches Patterson f and no loan to be made in any instance till the bonds of the respective, coun ties through which,, it passes shall have'" been - deposited in , the State treasury, . , ! This bill offers some hope, and the only hope these isolated people have of getting any railroad,;' and they ask those of other sections :. who have en, joyed so. much of the State's ; favors to come to their relief , Upon a vote' being ?takeri the bill passed its second .reading: .'.'SENATE, J " : "j, Jyf NIGHT SESSION. . ' r; ; T- ' , o i Wednesdat, 'March .7, 1883. Bill - to 3 incorporate - th Carolina Wharf . Warehouse ; and Compress Company, pasted - its second reading. MARCH 16,; 1883; I ! t .1 RAILOAD l COMMISSION, f f - Bill to create a railroad commis sion came up as special order. Mr. Watson moved to amend by striking '..out all after f the enacting clause and inserting after that the House bill- " . 1 ' Mr. Ramsay aked that his amend ment this morning to the bill be first considered-, The. amendment, - wasj taken, proposing t'o. felect the com missioner by.the people i- ' k Ayes and noes were called. ! Ay es 1 3, noes- 23, sov the. amendment was . not adopted. s.. ; n ... . ' ' r Mr AVatson then sent forward his i amendment,' and explained1' that it would only - include the House bill now on the Speaker's desk,' shorn of all. its, amendments, .i , Mr.' Morehead offered an .amend ment to strike out "appointed by the Governor with the eonsehi of the Senate," and insert "elected t by the General Assembly ' Adopted. , r , l ixeirst question was. the amend ment of: the Senator : from Guilford,: that the commission should regulate freightsandfarestu e;'.,v- ' 1 Ayes and -nays called. -ir." ; The vote was as follows : V , l . , , Ayes. Messrs' Battle, Boykin ' Clarke, Cozart, ' Dortch;- JJbbs; Far-' mer, Gray, Hill, King, of Pitt; 'Lofr tm,.LovilL" Lyon, -McLean, ; More- head, NeilL. ,-Pemberton,. Pinnix iooie, itamsay, ticnardson, dcou, of Rockingham, 1 Strayhom, ' ! Toon. Watson, Webb, ? Whitford,'Womack 28. rd f'f ; i V-- N AYs.-r-Messrs. Alexander, Black,.. Carter, Costner, Eaves, v - Mebane, Morrison, PaynePurnell, - Scott, of New Hanover, 'Woodhouse f." "' iiiv jraynes. amendment $0 section 3 : i I Whenever in: the judgment ? of the railroad commission it shall ap pear that anycorpbrationhhas' vio lated any constitutional provision . oC law, or unjustly discriminates in its charges ' tor ' passenger tare and freight, or refuse-to comply with the recommendation of the commission, he shall givenotice in writing , to such corporation, and if the violation or neglect is continued : after notice,- the commission may present the facts to the Attorney General,; who is; au thorized to institute necessary, pro ceedings. Ayes and nays were called: Ayes 34, : nays v "3 : the ' amendment was adopted., m Bui came up on its third and final reading. ' . ' . ' Mrl1 Strayhom asked the ayes and nays." Ordered. v .4'' 1 he vote was a follows:; Ayes Messrs. Alexander, Battle, Black, Boykin,Clarke, CosneriCozart, Dortch, lEbbs,' ' Farmer, Goodwin, Hill, Jones: King of Pitt; Lovill, Mc Lean, Morehead, Morrison I.Neill,1 Payne, Pemberton, Pinnix, Poole, Kichardson, Scott of Kockmgham, Strayhom, Toon," 'Watson Webb, TI. !.... .1 ..TIT. . ' 31. 1 TIT 1. V w nitroru, vvoounouse, vvoiuaus 32. , . 'J. . . Nays Messrs. ' Carter, aves,. Gray, "'Lof tin, ' Lyon,"' Mebane, Pur nell; RamsayScott of New Hanover -9. The report of the tellers and mag istrates was adopted. . '' , Bui to change the name and amende the charter of the Edenton & Nor folk Railroad Company, passed third reading. 5vi: ' - - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - f ' - -NIGHT SESSION. , " - " ' -i Wednesday; March 7. To prevent the destruction Of game 5 in New Hanover county, third read- To cede to the United States cer tain wharfs in Wilmington, 1 third reading.- " " - ' ' ; .' ' Special order, 1 for the completion! Jof the Eastern Insane Asylum 12" 500 for; the new v:wing)-rrthird read ing. ' H ' -., ' ' The report -of; the teller on the election of justices of - the peace, was received.. ''..'j- v --MrJGlenn, a solution-the Sen ate -concurring that- this ".General lAssembly Jwill adjourri;,sin6' -die .'on iFridayV the V9thof Mach,VA,!:D. j 1883vt 2 P. Mju; Adopted- , . j . r SENATE. "' l TnuRSDAY," March 87 " Bill to establish' a graded, school at Magnolia, in Daplmv county, - passed its third -Teading y eas 29, nays none." .tne&a.-.. "'i'-'i. HOUSE pF REPRESENTATIVES t . Thursday; March 8, 1883; 1 .(.' J ' i -3 CALENDAR;' -l'" ' - !v'-Bill appropriating $50to the Pen itentiary Sunday Sehool passed third .3- ' - - - 7 i-' 'r V" , reauiug ; ' 1 SPECIAL ORDER.' ! - ' To encourage- tnev building 01 a railroad from some point on the W. N . C: R. R., between Salisbury and Newton, . to -the , Tennessee .or iVir srinia line - via Taylorsville and . Wilkesboro Passed ; third reading. - CALDENDAR. - . 7 r , Bill to extendjthe time., to . redeem lands i sold if or-taxes and. bought by the State. Jfassed third" reading. ! Concerning tlue sale ; of spirituous liquors in Jblizabethtown, . N. ., U. Passed third reading. ; .To declare the ; mother u natural cruardian: in - certain leases. Passed third reading. . " ' : u. t " To, pireyent negligence about rail road carit rPassed third heading, " 1 1 i To authorize trustees of bubiicr li braries to obtain' records'-of- .colonial history of this'VState. ' Passe'd third readmg.. -.. w, jf- -.. Act relating ' to certain : con NO."20 tracts' for the lease' or conditional sale of railroad equipments--etc. Passed third reading. : , vs. ,V - The scenes in the JHouse last night were spicy. ..1 here were two resqlu tionsof' expulsion 1offered-4ut?not pressed.'. The bill in regard to,' the ' trim . : . 'j ' m -1 - .. : - ..' ' atate geoiogisi provoKeo .tne xrou Die. "i ,- , ' 1 ' T -f Biir to authorize a the construction of- a public ferry;" across f the Great fee Lee, in Anson ; and r;Kicbniond counties, passed third reading. ." py r Bill ; to : pay : Confederate, soldiers not worths a 1 thousand 4 dollars who .': have lost limbs bay'sj $75 fa year, for leg off above the, knee, $50 helow. 'or for an arm -off. rss . t n ... , ; :; Mr. Pemberton said nheu was a in 1 formed iq the. House, that it would i take $30,000 f year,. He explained that the bill provides that the sheriff. the clerk of the court and the chair-- man ? of - the ' coupty commissioners should constitute a aboard to - pas upon who of -these, men should be entitled to it. 1 - ... . . Mr; Watson offered "an amendment making-tt the duty of u the :;s county commissioners to ascertain in ach connty the number of soldiers of the late war who would come .within this pension list," and first' report the hum- oeroi same to tne secretary or state. 1 he vote was taken' on Mr. Watr son's amendment. Jt was' adopted by Bill came up on " second reading;1 Ayes and noes ordered ayes 32,nays 0; : so ,t the, ; bill : passed second read, ing. . The effort1 , of the friends of the original bill as it came ff rom the House was to get ' the bill with the." amendment, which they, considered would? kill . it, on its third ; reading,' and then 1 amend ' so as" to strike out that amendment' and pas's', the ongi-1 nal bill, but it failed and went to. the calendar. . Mr.Jj Dortch," bill supplemental. to the Code, passed its third. reading: : Mr. I Dortch, resolution that the two Houses take recess at 12 m. on Satur day, 10th day of March, to; Monday; at 11 a. m., 12th day of, March, 1883,' anu luav ,tue,iwo Jiouses aujouru sine die Mpnday -atJ2jm.T - . Mr.j ; Morehead .was ; in ; favor-. of amending so as to . take the .recess frora'Friday at 2.30 p. m., instead of Saturday. ' " ! ' J :j . Mr.t Strayhom .was in favor of Mri Morehead 's amendment to- take the. recess; from Friday . to .Monday, and; called the previous question. ". ' 1 he resolution, 'as' amended,- was adopted. " . : ; .' 3 '.' ; f ; r A message from the House stated that it had heard that the bill reor ganizing the' Board of Agriculture had not yet' been- ratined; and 11 so, it wouM not-rbe properito go into an eleocun of the members of the board at the designated hour, 12 m. to-day. Mr, Scott, of New Hanover, made an earnest appeal to the Senate to take up his bill preventing the : mag istrates in Wilmington from deputi-i zing officers and put it on its read mgs. j '' The bill was taken up and amend ed only to apply to s the counties' of New Hanover, Craven, Mecklenburg and ;Wake, and passed its third read ing. Bi and 1 to incorporate the Chowan Roanoke i Railroad Company, passed third reading. Resolution authorizing the trus tees of the public library to :f uraish records touching the colonial history of this State passed third reading. -Bill for the completion - and , fur nishing of the Eastern , Insane Asy lumat Goldsboro, passed third read ing. ;It appropriates $2,500." " J " i BilJ to revise and. consolidate the public, school law- . Passed.. , , . . ' NIGHT SESSION. 'A number 01 private bills were passed. v - . " . ' -1 - " " The i ollowihg were elected ( mem bers of the State Board of Agricul ture; by districts: 1. K. VY Whar ton; 2. A. G. Brooks; 3. J. A. Oates; 4Wf F. Green; 5, 'L W. Arider son; 6. John Robinson ; 7. A. Leazar 8. ' Burwell Blanton: 9. C D. Smith. ? .. SENATE.; . 4 1 . ! I EVENING SESSION. . Thursday EvENrSrG; March 9. , The bill to revise and consolidate the public school law passed its third reading.. , ' ... I Bill to regulate appeals from allot-. nient of exempt' property; passed its third reading, t l' -l -1 ? Bill to deelare the mother 'of chil dren in certain cases. their natural guardian ; it makes it'so that the mo ther! can sue - where the husband is dead and get the .pay for- service of- ner canureii, 11 accessary. x wsbu n third'reading. . . ' ' - Resolution in favor of the Dixie Agricultural and Mechanical As'soci ationi passed third reading:" j v Bill to prohibit the taking! of foys- ters from .Myrtle Wrove. oonnd m New Hanover' county, passed third reading.- r Bill to amend 'chapter 143JL public laws of 1879, as to laying off a canal in Pender county, draining . of Ango- ia isay, passecLits tnira-reauiug. Bill, to -,; amend 1 section 3,'- chapter 173. laws of 1879. m regard- to giy ing six "soldiers with eyes shot r out, (only six in the JState); nve xioiiara a vear.:if Mr; Watson said since then one of these was dead. "and. this bill increased their pay to tenV dollar year.- passed its third reading.;. 1 "Bill in - relation to fishing in the waters of White Oakland New riv ers; and' the sounds bet ween r'tbem, - 1 1 3! ...... passed its inira reauiug. - - ; . - Bill to -amend the law touching the sedde'tiof ;women;jin regard to pleading In civil "action not neces- sary to allege therelation of 'master; ariol servant in certain cases. - ; -".On motion.; of : Mr.;-Womack, the .: Senate sent a message - requesting to go into the election' of members for the board' of agriculture at 9 o'clock 4 to-night..: -"v.. :;..;....-..'-; : ? Mr. Scott,- of New Hanover, had ; taken up j the hill. Xbl allow. any three jMondays to the clerk of New Han- - oVer county, ,tp " carry "hisson. norl h for amputation of his leg,v j;Mr.Pjirhell amended to strike. out j"any." . Accepted. The bill- passed thirdfreading., ;;-! 1 Bill to establish public ferry across (Waccamaw river, in Columbus coun-. t ty, passed.. tnird reading. .. - - .Bill relating to bringing stock from sother States vintd lhifii : State passelS xniro j reading:. - ' . . t. - . Bill to publish the reports of . the r supreme court; allows the . Secretary ; of State to' ha ve them published in ' pr outof th'evState; passed I its' E third i ' reading:- T.; . - ,lf 'i.- i -iThe clerk read the. names of mem-' bers, recommended by the -committee - tor the board of agriculture: ; , a .; ! jc irsc iongressmonat district, xv. .V:AVharton Beaufort countyi udrfa-U.ibroQksr-f'VVilson county 3rd. John R Oats Sampson coun-, ' 4tb. W. b . Green Franklin conn- - ty. i -i '.t. . r ' - -1 J. 5th. .Lu-: ?V.-v Andereonrr-T-Stokes i county, '..j : , 1 . 6thK John Robmsop Anson coun ty.1' ;i- :i & ! - 'f 7tu.. A. Leazer Iredell county. -8th, Biirwell Blanton --Cleaveland county. ; . t " 9th. C. D. Smith Macon countv. . ! Report lwas" adopted.' 1 " - -.' j 0111 to promoit uquor in one.; miie pfi Mtv Tabor ; - church kr . Columbus county passed its third readings Bill relating to " .certain contracts for the lease and conditional 1 sale of ' Hiiroad equipments,and rolling stockV anu providing ior tne record thereoi,-; an the Atlantic ' and ' North Carolina" " Railroad Com Dan v. J Mr. Rat.t.lfl mnvpA to rpfnr tlip.. bill to , the committee 'on internal im provements, and spoke r against the mil. , 1 1 - ' - i : - The bill proposes' appointing the -i Governor,- Treasurer j and Attorney General . commissioners, with- full ; power: to sell, transfer i or assign,' or merge the State s stock in that road. 1 -Mr.: Clarke hoped ; the bill wonld he referred..? . : . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ; ' 4 NIGHT SESSION. . . . . , Thursday; March 8, 1883. rln. regard to. the publishingof the ? Supreme Court reports, amended so Jhat riot more than fifteen numbers . shall be published in" any one year; that before having , said' reports re published the Secretary, of State shall , contract for the sale of; at least one half of the various reports' he 'pro poses-tof publish at a v price not less than the- cost of ' publication, thirds reading. ' , . 1 To incorporate the. Albemarle and :.. Roanoke -Railroad Company, third, reading - - ' 1 V- . ' 1 The election of the 1 Directors of ' the new Board , of ..Agriculture was then gone into. 1 . The following are ' the ' names of the gentlemen recommended for this position by; the committee: (Same as in Senate report, above.) ? ' PRESENTATION.. I MrMcLoud, of Buncombe, on the part of the House, presented Speaker Rose an elegant silver - service. In : the course of his remarks he warmly complimented Mr. Rose for his ur banity -judgment and ability as a parliamentarian. ' :: : ' - - Mr. Rose replied in fitting terms. Mr. Frayser, on the, part of the Re publicans; addressed Mr. Bower and . resented a gold-headed cane. Mr. Bower reblied - " - Act to amend chapter ,50 laws of 1839. . m This relates to the State Geologist, and 'gives the new board control of the fund. m 1 The discussion of this bill created the wildest disorder. . Several members refused to vote, : which' gave great trouble to; the Speaker. ' ' " ' ! As to one member particularly, ; after, many solicitations on the . part of his friends withont success, a reso lution of censure was about to be in troducedJ -This - had 'the " desired effect and . the gentleman; 7 af ter a personal explanation disclaiming any intention of disrespect to the Speaker, or an v member of the House, voted No. , The bill failed to pass for want of. a quorum. - !- " ' SENATE..' : : fifty-seventh day; - ' ' - . Friday, March 9. ' Mr. Dortch's bill to regulate the fees of justices of 'the peace concern- ing the probate of deeds passed third reading--- -. - Bill to protect' the farmers of the State. Mr. Pemberton called it up. Passed third reading. : : - . , Mr.' Poole moved to reconsider the vote oy wuicu iue uni w puuiwu tut; Sup reme "' Court ' reports passed k its third reading1 yesterday. . He said he . understood it. would cost the State a rxnrt The motion to reconsider prevailed. .; i ..Mr.. Morehead asked the 'reading of the bill,. . ,v .,. - - , ; i.Mr Poole moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. J , ' 5 " i .Bill on 1 third reading. ' Ayes and nnpa nrflpTArl ;-.."-Avar 9.7. nnoa 7 -. f Bill came up as unfinished business relating to the State's stock in the Atlantic , and North Carolina? Rail road. . . - - . ; , tfc. . ; . Bill to fix the term - of : office of standard keeper;prescribes two years", passed third reading. - -ji ' ' i CONTINUED ON . FOURTH: PAGE.