6 The Weekly-Star? : ; :r;fR?"' I . PUBLISHED - .ui,r.T Vt'- ff' i-'5- BisLop Lyman confirmed eleven s persons at'Krnston. - .1 youn'pWsiciati jojTBathiVford", county died at Aiahoro&Vfew-d'ays siace.' " Ralcign?S2Yor . Our friends of the CiirifitlandeaddiiBatioa ceotrflcted to day with Mr. Fuller to erect a" handsome church edyice f of;lhpm.on Ihe-eopicr of ' ,,,.,0'a'VBA ttl.A'DVAN C IS. 1 'iiif-?!", mi) 1,-p .4.&ifci 'U - ;.irt;rir'?r. gl .'l.').-.r.'St pfp '-Ill .!! moredrfthatkeri GsM Valley -030019, .passed law new jiaaas.'ye&itraay;' iorf tne snm;-or since. .v; ;.S;JdiwAiTtti.;i 'ir.' l i 'W 'T'T. . . . Ii n ii'ij'i t l jl ' ifwil . ' ..... 1 " ' - " '- ... .-. - .TT.:-L."- -...,1 ' s , - . , , ' . 1 . : . . ,-. .. r. -1 . '- . A M .' '.'.II nil I " ,S?So-is-e3s.SSf j.f rj,' .tti&rva ;jrAtciV;-''M io "jtFT ?'riA".'TdriT?rrSra ! - i,. - men I have watched your ,prpffress with. : - Raleigh News-Ohserver.. . , i, 4:4 1 m?sww KrlferTbv eUAnietfitfatUwtt I- -t AUKAptod to. Jfc tH -.:ui4. BttteTteTKfha'd utfercraltci,',1,ri'', - ' m feTrtrottf IhWlfthh? M1I!93:..- Anji a dead .bird vas .him ' - ' the ;14thKC0Dtain4rj following-- 'Last v Thursday Major AnSergon And Col; Joseph " 5 IJBSGRtFTTOyi miCEU i.viwwfVl nftPtC iinA in manv lata J ri " v "-i-1 i 1MT ' I,":111' " L",S e.J ' . .. . -I -c... at .1 II . .11.. Af auA a F n A W I ally prospered under no tariff, - I ipr;iVrxanor5c 'to Iwhicweap- -.ii. The. article- froin-J which' e "frA If.-ig and elaborate"AVe pro -iiki (o otily avail ourselves of a few liu I i 11, 5tgi4sli ve: points: - 1S5' !!, 8ii0 vvhUH thedpnaamat raie fiom 1880 to bad sh.jwing:J.':. uowing j : i j- -riais hi T!w uD8crifeion. price of-th Wwskm., 1w imrasauos u1toh .7, 4x a T J I - ; r""ttJ..r?-n:Zj ifWWW ictttefftftdWtnIterfitftatf.1 3 f.U u as follows :' - v . v credited out all over. North , Carolina i1-Itt?lVer 1 1" ''gnmotW1 ;ofleoithjeaSv fSf; iSS 'MfeffiSt: "n ,...:. ..1 t .,..., -onVif r;ior,ticai;:fr&n viu. 'um,:!; Cy&ai4&iuBrfi-;: 'J.fiJf','PWj Vi Have ctidpavorfd airman v in m5r' 1 -. L V -f tia papers It toys it' harried the KT; piauded..n. tnaii fuuoiirti jmijjw uumk uuor 1 7 f : ! ' ? . "i 1 -u s i eiiguicai oicireusiuu w uv wi oaQge OI me mayor, ana an ruauera m uis m rAlr!rmaTi i 1 ... , -,.t . v.s... -..1 icredit avRtem.for .leii- vear8,and it.i& 1 -'i2,.i'';-iwiJ1 . . txtif: 1 5 iite yraf,iTf ; tttl ; jruw Iv Mi ;!-.rted with tacts is theelaim; J , I 7 ',:. -r , :'f;i;T .'r 1 uc S"r; -- c 1 5aai.r:..,- , . - inlesthat .... V.. ' . - ' ; 1 ." l; ,- a fauuret lhis moves tlieSorfolKl knowhthatif the ReDubntmni twled their rt tr , ., yj,: , .ltfT in ,w tn thm " to say. : . . i v..j fuU strength theJtacconipRsh pid in the terfra olrtU the organization- , Th3 Chaii V f- u I" Itmigh havesone niucli fur(her.Jfor J aoythin& mSMm&j?P9'-. betheje'w.Boara't1ipierJxea4,itbe lawfl ourdtf 1. n: high wages. V,e dp .pot pro- this "credit system1s the cursef'ttf the pa 1 ter and Hancjpck didiiot serve taqreate .an I brovidiog : for -a .temporary ' Chairman ;t iOL falkct;f i fce Protectionist 8thalbf PWV u.ftgm;J temporarily to tue unair.-' : 1 'i- , '-.t- .... i I bhjW Tegniarrty every Sftferfef.oreV all centered in the I ? imLm.U!, k.ilfiaTfc UinUHt States have onlynonrished-1 Ihirty av" In retfi tls fecelve fhtfpai WT - V " ': ! " .-. !: '; - J k : . I . .fc..u'w,m'n,Ki I Fourth JVard. whereir there was onnosition 1 nrnaspA tKan$-j frt thAhrtnnr dntishim I :' ,i Aoes nt matter. whmtaey ate rpaia 8ome to thc,I)emjocrai intbB(e4 wRwnpti5cp1ftlojl v v nave oeiore snp wn, araving ;ronij inaeea tae ejarge ajmDera viewuiai Mr,.aeorge Chadhoujnrwhos.:tan.ding 1 gition permanenily; wdtheni asked the ot ?'4" "1??"V-: ZZ1 bughn't tq be ,paid .90 a, Thi; system is f-W-N'S"; Piwarpicwra . .v-- ; . and he waswnpotisly eleetedh sba tli i! this statement" is without' foun- essentially ba4; and is one which wotvld rf siblv in some way .affect .result. If - Alderman DeRbsset moved that the Board I QapC john Cowau was nominated r aa i.. if. : factpW .ti.athettai fe?&;g?annteSrom 'miiwm takcTrl Clerkof the Police Department and nnuV id has steadily t grbwnanct, ,det fnaj gradpalyMed:0udweiM t r r, 'i A nnHnr 11 f-Ka';n Fer mQvemeat in thisidirection: with iat- eommencmest; ifmm .tu i?Xtd'emaaleRM:iacn moved 'that ihe. Vl t'pif " ' :i f 'C&JtfPg: f ? - 'V: if fe W?t S 9$ Boarddjour4to meet 6n' SCmdaV Ug' Ut S.ms; of the tanff that ;it has y If he atJPresajC AldermaaFlshblate4alheJChAl MarebB6th, 8 o'clock. ' Cajridrt "'' 1 I, m aurastatutthaftthe.cpuB, :. eesthe AldmafSwWtmineoAWe oCOwe.y D. Holm e. trlh:i4pV;pered more under a-low service in behalf' ora muchlieeded: Geo.chtftte.Hi .i ? r. r.4 ' Wmi HTJhadbcrni f f .A a?HnS?.?tof , ,df V t.nlT.ha,: nmler a high riitf- reformffevlryapefVitf .f :i'f?!yti& ?-;.: , yheX)haiT appointed Alderman DeBo ... -v-, fA.,;iiJ -a. ;,.v-t ii;ir'i ?AAi-s,'-'ti; j t-'t; ; Ar"""ti'e!l I j ..u ' - d .m - day raormnff?wnh mingled sarprlse tfnd Ve hud Uiegure$t handtmihe ' Carolina would, adopt thte qosJi ays- SggS C' rrj,;:; WScrsiar .vh, brfeeWeiieallh v ' i rrr t - t jt!-v-a- v , ' v y v.?" i'-4 tawarcLL. ttall... rtv, . . sntJ9- . v-ji-. Wfla uen taken an.L resulted as sorrnwu'rl na nRU oeeu niiyeiy eeDiiuuui - h ; a .- w;.? iw .u i . T" i! w V T.". r" r .j-?;-.-rss-s. smnel Bear. J r " . . ...'4.1 s?' c ".- DeFcratio-work-tiutl wiihdptTicah;Th -7-.Fo81 ' J-y f s f ; , w.:m-j c.' FiEockeytUi.' j , ttfi. .inM.-u i!.198 t "iir" also held--HWrpdsltldfr' bf a fty- Wonotei jv - f i a,,!!,; Vr-ff ' - ; a n.rt ...;,:118 remarked, as ,the,new)y elected Mayor look A . i--....- Shining with popuioandt - V , ' V V' ,V" J" &fflBfe! 'W ' f1? Wf IH !..a:l.wrf.. Mrhouche ;TeT inaction to udeatu' . . -cr n5r jA -v-i . -p u ?5t , i . - y . j- .;,-. ..v.pi ATHapt' Vi 'iJ v-iiJ -; ballot for alayor wai received by the largo -t r.nv Wt 4w.r Jiyj; ; 7'JOISOO vii-i .3.1 Ji8GO-ia70ei.-iiJ.:22Jft' English magazines, is plain -t sioken terday morhmeEnd cbnlintfcd.ttf dome u. L-tiLL. years of age. . a . , , i .., . . . ..... : :i:-i . r. . . .vv 7i v - : ; . r.. i ltv - ' . i ' " 1 !. r it i . . ... . - ,,v - - . j , . i aiHco me warns aaa resiuett'mosuw in hiks ii! ii i i.p.i(xiu..TU. I i iiiinkdiuui.... ..i.iT:..in!:fn . 1-uriMiiiiHrjufi I !W88a. .35.5 1 ' .'"v. i rfmiJie.ia siointedi tint . reasonable in- l . ..'. "-ifi .V-r i tf: cuuve.ncAP.ne Bmfewwaen tow owwwv ' J "J- .11 " ' uo Iu,ht,Str b8!tW?xt 1810V imin4thVth8,toil 'r;.r:i ritlknolforjomeAimIiiia .u puiu iHwu-.walcj.-pdemocrats .obieet.but to.be, .unwise ing iuejearnevwiBue? 019.14 f-'7sr "I'2 u:. - . i.t ic ow the lowest -ntfo before ; 16U, .aBa r ves-fv .i ,si-vJ4iwt l.vA-hrf f f .fwM'(Hiy.7-vM r" 11 siuiiueu w.ut r WMWri-,,1jlr' hu,f i V4 u,Um that offtlSajigQQ V wd unfoolish xpenditnres to main- IJSSf I ifW Wf p-orbunotl6n tt: i:the Wgafernoof rf: ib WW HkrrroyHw 8Mti inbmcr feMaW fISJo tcpfipfl unirfTpanm wo : tonM The high tariiTiierW: f iqeaMv.; iWot&ai, aMkljhidti4rchycjb as purSltrlthout von Uml increase of 7 r.f iKt ifffcMsAlfriK -if y&t KlteK.lXW'h&'F ewHi.e,,flcr ft" t ignprai:ine I nitaienoCev5i hair$. r.y,vfewr. J 11 Si qt tepia,- thac fwBStegrjjibottUouW.m I ii assume the tryeavaiuatratMi3iio7jM ionaue uiouarouy uaaureuiy is uvy , uuumA,t. ifp ar. tWhVwanerflrffolw6 fd8T i suggestions or recommenaauons -io you. ."r' 4rt5rf'T''?','-s 1 be $42,000,000,000, I thik thisve lib-1 in the , annual payment t - 4,000, . TTiaU mh Atsonleofhliire timdU trhenn ftii.haW fore Justice" Millis; .on, Mpndav, aji 1Q ral estimate f Or comDarison Mtiktb4-mW I wealthy 'nobleman" tor walking' backward L - lj PrOTa studied the reauirements of KurposiUQnv F :fiferes for other census jears..i,0therw-4-wilhracploreducUjOn shite occasions. ,Hl 1 4ever .(urtbftr Hp tb&m&q snmm? wiH freely'bffeirto you and' receive, rrom LVi nfiiV fcf Ali? XMniZ' h I give- the ra usnahiiotcd it 0?ngreV - What may come in thefature na-V K t ',n yoao snggesOow thatjmajjillie tb?.:We $r :wB ne 1 -.ami credited to Iipbewvj. Walker u .v , . Ii , r , - ,. . - v . Forcicn Bxprt il4&A I i, . :: r. -.. -t man can saj, dm ai Tne .present tne-J, i.riwsn niiihw'fflaMnH lf;WS Umited ,thei,,where -the;head- ;byi iMr?o& ' It will be seetfatil thaylth pgn not goVerrThey, W1J ft'Tfn! cPnectionffienn f partbe of erowth -ffAm issft :n . w 1 PoundtadMITOirthe., city, the Rincome lQtbe.teea of in 8ome f earlierie tbe average of the last two., Aecdrdidtl tnilhoti'dpllajra o long. A3 4 good .HambllrCiii, rKh ,arre!s i burdens of taaKbm Wetjpali? ??fp&& I i tW precedid.io vTh.teWiUsyiotoria.....J-,n., f Tlaedat$i8,95 90iiqd the Norweriin .re4xtidloOkMlB,Fs0ntt:ll4ittMf,'4l A3wtti4l1a:1ta '&t 00ftnna,57u "Z7rrnrJFZl-A. nArnir-' Betweearthis and?ie" f82;(K)0. . " "-"uriowraiitraiwwttFwwfcUirKicnmona-. VI. LiaStJSflnaay auu.ai'Msv .iwfcu,vr-1,Mu-J f wouu have feiven ua in-18803 there ia-tfi&n M :..which.the.war falls to hddiavet-'tfm&i 18T0-1860, .;U-C,13t A?2G.1SftnifiQft Jr Thi -irm': f Rn the Rfcbmdit'iSWtDat beJ iww r MiituttkiJ ittj! - tittriiiTa 4-ariAde.flome-crood hits.f He struck) f;5 ir-i.i itrIi.cl.jititfcand distinet from, mine, .and fi;befjrelul Jr V cennary embrapedorr laeOwai . This iiVrVnAlil- exchanITBSVdrpreciEK . yiiWm tue lojfu commerce, MC.T, "IV.. rrirrV rtitna-lano-nfta failsftoefirieiowji!nff;.l'Tr" " -7- - . - . ' . . . I vuw.v IMftffWimwiwwwi -v- ..feK, iSS-g,; itfe providing for the re; 187n,,, 45,, 4WoiIia .WdiOK .to the churches noted lor these lestK 5T career ."nirni'f 1 - ' mi.U t Zzfloiivt itmmc 1 i-.i e?edIlKH;jao3.pjpp.rflaT8e,a!asQ h: i" - " r1- f , Is considered lb-.qatnMTfdr' all they H nrw nf ihR tsofltn. , "i nev nav wisn.-or what 1 . f S W m 1 - the tafSf onli giVe tfieir attention" rich'and ainpapsVcWaTf ford; to prit tfieyKre tueonBut they are f hr loo Wise to addprsuch a InainmPtnofV-I for www. 1 M reform iri the business to take place j i tiI hrtti . nnoia I . nn dm mi v . on1 r J 114,000,000 annually. , -: a. j . - T ' :'. a-eportr;dn-4uttinttif-it ttoM I .i)iii,iL luiiiULer. no uicaiw-u iu i uai icussjij i vaiu.-iut.,1ay.i)titfvv.'. ij.ut.ai. t Kppn iiir rrani ni uit; oi jiuutu icuiuu.i;u:.i J . . j - si -oc. .rnrrjuj-iTrDuiBTcrv ','ivtt wnewi'i Is rSMteEtml rue vote in tue TaSaf r,vT " w.'.Ht - ;- A 'in ' me inira wara wo-, .vpposiuoa . . : v - " . . . : 1 - - - I n. Ill fM Wt IrV I UIWI n II III W Minx Llirr W I HI II V I 1 Unm ri? mBMUWAM-s h?!k. 9no i 7. .srtf fl",. ;r Solomon U.r.a,tef...,.:. W William I. .DeBqsseW.. ,.;Mi7: 1 rgeChadbourn. 175 I ihri..:-.J::. 'r JiWj.WaiKJ AtJutit eame nrt Jntnre4f ;i-vk- Hrn'm fttt;o& vns fli' attoUcwro. T.( on? j-tcb jx-j am 4 . juredulyftw . 1 ' FIFTH WARBv-'- T ' " the OSth '01 " OlflC3 aUU flliyOT liari : SUD j Vroj a 'I'J J IT . 7.TS; , - j ? t -r- . ' 1 - i j ,1 anil mr iiiiuiv VHHrs. ih:iihr ujc wm was u '-..r--,iTi-n?s.-ri u-. m tl:M! 'm '-t-. , o ,- ? :i: j-.Hil large anu successiui rice ujjuitur uiiuuau- fno; J." Gcycr.-..'r;-..'. .; ,v.203 J Alderman Fishblatei vacatinir In Chaiftii i01?1" ?nT of Brunswick c TO-,aAip. ,,.4t iiiEtiiiivK ? Miirf l anor anility in tne aiscnaree or Tne. auuea,iof. a -urpj io. ou w r-r i? 3iyohavel Fridav nieht lasth fetor s,t. iA -item Irii iVi a: 1 iunmrormea in me '.details ana maewnery:, i ".- wuciw ,uCJ wc eatner w7is5n,B ?!J4 f the last f administration, and Utterly t one sinete uroom, jb5chocontaiid UtofnH . - -, . " . Ti jmw.,,,-,,. beSmt now dn v Vmia fisrl Jier desired ia J Tmrfmyil .' .. i- '1 . r-' ' - 1 n ; A 1 M Un1-tlMA . WfB n , AO I I I J J - 1 order to bo )tbeoctiji9f a Mayor, E;to. nalirecwvedG votes.'' ; v m tt ' , i w; Hadbnro received 4i!' S I The Cha flr'aouofinced that Alderman D.iHalivhad A iVl r maiorilV of tlil rotes cast.AiwL Afcwas.tnereiQre aeciarea. l voternd,b ifavnr nf il,e Hitv ofWilminrtofdr tne t ---v7 rf -l ; V new iwo yeare.y ;..,:,.;7 y.-- Y;f ; r- : ;v;,.;t ohn'Cowan. J.P:, then administered'' outbnrsjt of cheersand applause, waichrwas almost deafening, and; which muat?.haveij -r '-.wX-wJr ffapgwie cury awuwu.uuiiK fcjtl theiard,- qf-AWtr - .uuerijf ; auu jiteuw-v itutv been your an- yoIj t J:ne aaurdss wftsiisteiiea to wnn maritea i L. - ,:' . a Pishblate mpyed that the -wipq . governed the last Board ,shal be mis jjoara. .rrieu.; ? ( ,j : r knnoun6ed'tha the election of officers "was the nextbuJineW'to ". . Wteinowan brnqh i a - tnit : i 44orman. . Uossef, nomma 4ap - . M Qenrv Savase. the nrescnt incumbent., as uierK ana Treasurer, viae motion waapui kX&ptm-C.&i6&lt thspreehr Aricnni- beht, was nonsinated for! fchhtf'JfP61& .jw. ..n,,-T,r adjourned, andthentJbiisiastic,crrowd df tbovishtf-at vleasfc by thosccutside k&t theU -iiAil t.r.' ! Vrif,n W? V"B i . J . "- df'w,U deaf.wUnrtttkar:W was congestion of iofc tneiuver,, woo'.,xrii-t auat? of appi ii -.p. - . ffl . Psed-waa :; where - he j &jsit&t& ! "Aa"r,, 1"-VT MTiwIHiinl n nuestion. who stated that he. :rVir.7??r'?r"tio -htshi l?3-jah lust-bm'to-Tfttboro . W - get 7wa:mail,- djn4iclSlie ifbttia W$&le tiwiaJaf bntt- f3&fv lis m 5?rn . irt. st)f50 cTiap-ler lt'Jaws of " 1 " weight fwsa featEeboifpbric. Jifirjio-i i 543. An Tlfit. tn amAnrl fho nhiffrtoi ohoWofrolm . 544. -An faatttQ? authorize, tfaeltonn-s toacaolami?&stlmstreet3 of the towny t - trm A i i 1-1 . - ww jw;."' , y . t sit An 4'Hnm,;.n.:i-,.-,-. guards. cerning tfreigjirate op; xailraadsiaS' tweeu ii small pprtioh of Wflsorl'and Edcomlt! :!J 55 IttoTact; &tit aftiMjtJ to vvarrenton to subscribe to, the 6tock: pt ioe i arrenxon xvAuroaa uomoany uu luruuier poxposes raxmea ueo rnaiiy ,I0thl anaUojt'-mertdi j,bo charjtiSf pf-fhe arrentprlBaUti i .ooz. uvn aci io incorporate xne xn- deenden: (Yt der of Go66f Sons'and Uaughters of the JfiastSSf. fJtML' 553.AncctnoraTff 173, -556. Aniact to- reppai anA6tnEtirT ilp.ri an ap.f. 'to inrrvfnriratft ft.hw Jnoa. J rnan i;reeK ana len than Creek and Tennessee Mountain jnrnpil CompanV. uiuuxiLC vuuiuauvi .- P0r: o4lioxitse9 I of 11 oucftneontyajta T a -, i m . atgnnanas p woric I'S 559. An act. t o 'incomorate' tlie Israel kndPiiiHa'fent of WiinlfhF-1 toarNwv HariPver codntV' U Xw -n 1 J O5 9" Attract to authorizef.theWn- ,WtH.T V ."r Vrcai jree lee river in t bfAnsoHfSnd Richmond: fckvtt A& acttbinrprate thl towti-' k)f: r0 OCkSV Cr !?:! i-w -r A sane 'Asylums ht tfce2t&teriM f 5r UtK cb'apter.J of Battle's Revisai.Com 4ioners ' atid U3tice8':.6'f flje rpeac01 jf.Ui.uv '. " v.. v v-vi.uf . 565. An;: act ' tb incorporate ''the town! of Shiloh, .ip; Camd-cn, cauntyv; Nprth,Carplina.. vi, 7a i lfl . tK o 1 f 566. An act to change the time- forf i holding thepmfurisl bt the L fourth judicilEictaSrUjnberland the Monday-betpre the last Monday tb'jaWarT Rob'tfili last 'Mi- i d atltf kf anhary : MrfKeiBrst , andrto continuej t wveekarmarnett cne imra jupno - in, 4? eprpary ano. AnSttslf andf tcontinW-'Ane.'.week: Bladra the first Mohdaf 'rafteV ;thP thirdbMonday an Eebtstaryj ; 2mdAu- gustynd gontiiiu0;.pjn wjciypiam bus the first'MoBda?- aftir the third and5ta;cohtiii no t'wof ' weeksj- Bruhs wik tbeMtKMp'tfdayt Monday; pfebraarr: and Auuj3ta ip i continue ; oneweeki JTistpn the !sixli:Mohday after1 the tlardt Mbh- d ay in August and :Febr'fiary 'wlcon-' tmue p wit weeks j Kpbesmi xhfeeigbtn--Monday.iifter. IhevxWrApnday FAugust and,. J? ebiuaryj- jt.p cpnipu .-4?two weets: AnsonHheHentn Monday raiieriue tuiru 3:oiiuay-iu n euruarv and August toxontinae?itwoi ,weeKs; Richmond the-twelf tb Mondav. after the thirMonfe.in, JeuWandj. berlarid tbS f6drteeritfr'Mondayraftef the third f Monday in 'i'eb'oaryc and? August.ta cpntinuTtwQjweek84tjn , r 567. An act to establish and define Hhe line between the connties of Car- and Craveni ; 568. An act to extend' tbei time.to- 5 redeem land sqldif pr ta'xsf, ;ri 1 573. An act to incorDorate.. the tdspatneni Jtonaji3(a uoia mining Vipm- UnieVvWri,.UviywaJtft viii tJ Wl!"r "vr "u . . ... ; Ail Wto;ttt W-tfflat)Ui43Si i 575. An act to amend . section 1, riiCBanter 308:8 fMLirikes1 f'LiAr:- U..I ..U "Worn TTan i oo. An act to esiaousn a.irrauBii Jot standard keepjar for, the draerent bhapterf2-46 la-of 1874 ?con- j Walkfer, eeofiapa6ifed Mat.' 1 VL ' W Taldott UledAw sten JearsiQldj sht? weighed 2Q0. . Souoa?, ana was tno motner -of asi pigsL dfingha- Itffe tiine.: Fromt'abB number " tftsre jwaf aljsprarfSpfittoda of: pork.., XMr,r - Greensboro Patrtcni Tlu i-m. pVt4i shit dfFnmtn-t'b'urifrvs '(UTJaW- nnn vnciVTIo1 in nin miitinn'fl.A. KKi.a Tire ekfitftiCP waA allwfirt Hh 4vihtHnir ling the costs otTthe Eait, wnich nmounlcd torabtAit $50O.-U -f p.im-y' The :liegishT$urehayipg vadjourAedGov, t JarvrsTeappointea Prof. W C: Serr to liis . oWSpost asijtata Geol0giSt!Th8''ISfisjr i istrwe suppbseabeut.lle only, instance the ; State of one person hbldinff' Ihe same foffice:for twenty yeafl.'tianghalcbtiDes lot parties and'of men. . Murtreesbaro Jznqmrer: cJome time since our vouns c6untvmarii-Bf tloss - :I.I-eary; set . out in life ;bv trvinir a Wk . rfarm. f He purchased a .number ;of fine sheep jmd'put thenV'on h!s f arm TheV' IdKjiWeJl nm ft few-'WecksT-ago.fwheBi tbd- Sogs took to them, and already twenty-four f them havtf been? killed by these Worth-1 ' iessuMifjifiaaQ ja&Tandff Deh-J colored, go t into a Quarrel, near J)rum-. ptonds Pointi bn Monday last, when a dncf r mth weediB.hoeafolJpwed.fjiXt js qxss ition as to'which had his honor Vindicated. as Isaab-has-dfed-Cand Thomal'ls hfeVe in paiVuhave jfrthfisettled by. courtx j to'learri'that, on last Thursday night' the iuuw xiiwiunitjit;yi oHpe lar town-" , -rJkfrA H, OHortoq. of 'Baktwin .town- . hip has told us of a very bid and ' larire ree that stobdr siari,hi3l father's oldijteaij' ence.Th tree, wasi. recently, cut. down,, and MrHoTtoriinfortns tfs That the slump ' beasiires feix feet fire inchest ra diam.eter;. making about nineteen, feet, in circunifer-, . ence, Many "years ngp a party of neighbpjswpte rolling logs, in'this-county, -and .when they finished one of tbem stuck; his hSud spiko "unto" the ground find now ihayand-spike- ha sr - grown' to -. be' a large lycaniQ,relree,' aboytlBeveafeet in". circum- feVelic8Bd ekfrWe eeWVtn the farm f Mr. -f ophBndgeSjia Mhews tqwdship.s m j - Raleigh, Observer ? pupg ; . (JhaneV Wpodel! and Mr." Henry O verby, ' ifh& were'o baaiy hurt on Thbtsday; were fetting qo: very .-welt yesterday Wju. L' lTichardson, Ksq.,of this cityV has ac cepted a positional the Greensboro North Btaifi, and .will enier on his duties., -Wc' are 'glad 'to note that Wilmington feraai ns t Denidcratitf b-?-tefseBifiriiW' --Col. J Francis fj. CamerontfIjsgectp General of 4 taie tale Guard,' has beeii on a two weeks to( through tbesastern part -of the State, j and repoitss that lbs military everywhere , i aiu iui limn uutc uuiu i vci f uvsiiauiu ; state of;affairsnnthat;seicion:of the State."' - Person county correspondence of the SlsWhst: r i4Last hight aboat 9 o'clock a fire wasidiscovered a thftj-upper story .bf the bar q of A. J". Hester, Esq., a. prosperous farrhe'of thiscourity.''- It was' impossible ' to Eave.atiy of Ihe ooiilenls ofthe barn ex cept tlie horses.-; All the foraare and about lonShnfidredafltTicn barrel f corn were destroyed j' The, fitcwasocfiasioned by p.t, incendiary. .... - If T ,112: roLLp WLET i The folio whig from-the !NoW' York ' f.;.15?i;ngge8UY:Xo.Ktbo snip was so nrartirmite as to have her dwelling with all its contents destroyed by fi&mThetci3dn ot ihei fire. tis nnkBownVl -fashiojiables t, 7V't f; v 1 1 tenCeii 'quiet is enlivened throuffh" . ' L tfieV 'intetcrSt evoked by whisperirigs.of prospecH ve gineites in me near ; iu- -"ture D Ghief am.Png thescare . to .be Htbcgrand fapcy,dress parties, .each rgiv.oif wTiicli announces, some nov-,,, td & : irf f brhf' of ' hW bHtertain-- L rh en Ut i.vFor instance, a tady Pf great f!yealth; proposes aistarl quadrille par- r ty wherein the guests are tp appear ,as repxesentativus ui wme wm-j ianbiec 1 'terrj?' Another"-: lady-' ( is "to 'give V ' !a- dresdeachina-i jftfwithigiiests-; arraved in the "hneless hue" ' j iitxeculiar to the .tint of that, exauisite Eporcblilh 4n 'itseaTliesr prPductio'n.' irrere-are aisoproposea jjouis vuinze i knd ;Mbther Goose parties and lastly, and mpst jeectiveis of .ally minuet . Jbalf, this ' stylo ' of . entertainment j aff ordiiig 'the greaiest scope - for- thx? f ' dstlaif iBourMtainsX machitident ' ' ' 1 : Wocaded-andsatiii" damask . toilets, . and powdered eoilinrcs arranged in ; 4 antiq fashion, .These stately and ? adapted to their display all the grace" -. ; andbdigiiiiy: oiztbtQkmBt-3)eiiiti - ' -th a catyiage? of j the, jhea and arms,, , t 'and the friidinff movement of tho. r I Ipysd'mucbbractice ' 1 ldyeljp.Marlli&trtd mrfjw- (b !- v: 5 airfield xatcUofiC Tftr;r,- , I- ; : By Telegraph to tjie Momlajc SUrJ 'T&Ma'rdl :t3.:Cbiiim t ionec Bansketticbncluded his examination t- - - ffthe Fairfield cnty erectipp"os.and ; rendeicda? 'decision this moTlling., Tb6s." - j A Mcftll aad B.nand'tTt i GJlennJ a,, ij?re bound over fbr trial at thet Aprilterni . -of court ia Cfiarlestbrf; inT$5eo4ach;P ! " " -r -i - ? '-. -r til -V V a-- --Si! . .-ii' t't - - v - . ,v. " "-:

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