Thbf WPPf W-minB L .- rTO'. . , , ,I1L ,m : -x sr,- . am 1. '.i.'i. I lie ' V- . . i ' - I 'I I y - t . ' - i - " I I . 1 I J3 . . 1 - I :-- -- . i V i --. -. " I -.- J. rkB 111 JUI V . . ,.,r -i. . . t - .. . - - C " --- - . , jj. , - I I I mm I I I I I I I I J M B 1 ( V h nrrRT.Tstriin at ' ' o I .1 ii ,iriit I.!.:: -t as, ijjcn'lt ff w w w W w -t M SO 0 5C.t-.W- S3 35 88So88SgSS8sg 4 ' .li nn'l .1.. I v.i iT7,rW:?.nEt V i j " CiJ MO ffttS fs?5 of i ; -' "' :- i.f i::t-r ; 1 .ii,,l- SSS95S9 r -i c e e co 10 r o so 5p t-09 o eo o ili ?ll X....I- it.-. 1..-4.1 . .n j, in yt -nn-.i .,.1.1 rMW. ,Ui 1 fvWii tiitu avfih ,..! If 1 at the Post;OfBoo t 3nf vP-i as aucuuu tjaass mane SI fill!. cxvit 4 as follows': fllAWn'i '-"tililli :;i lulji i ji ir'jj.j.tri.ri l f fr-jf' f.. rfe Copy. 1: yeaj, .postage .p,wl u .S J -50 " 3 months. ;" - v " .50 Wlipn tit e 1 nfetf. VaUto"rffi ft Mtt- ciiriii'i" 1:1-1 v..-t oiiK rb(-Mitly tli. pco,eou nsja en ili oxi;cllHnt5.ddrftSs iad. ion.. I tlic fMasion..-.- It is fi ca)iial nroducV tiiyr, the sovfeJMg'Uy. lliOTPaie, ill Afllont t:tsii;' written vltTi suliwl- artV cart' and .jM'eoisionti:eiulo. with il for in at i o ii n rt1 ewn J.i iri n th oil f his ; liptuiiari)' . ao.apipi 1 ,,, m ; fMip.t gH, ftja.ft, Slafi'. A noflibli ifof 'th kcMrksi - f : . , i -r .,.1 1. I t J . . wuYts, tho,! diffifiila',ifttffel-fr 1 bringing-. er 1 m 1 uals. r, .to: 3 nsticcy ; ,38 d , very -much needed. Mn!;Buabie;is sl jjiuiigiinot.-M ' : - ' . wr -11 . . - I I 1 1 tio wo would' sipposb--andii yctlty ., riih.of tine . natiinil tnfiflft' ' anil assidiiwisiy biilti vatedj- stands long the tovemost. State,- and ' deserves the ' con6fence; of alii The Democratid 1 .partj?-. has sbown its recgvrttioif "ttf ,: his "itaferiis' a!ri ty.; . . J .hj -.Lemocratic, party. ilia. m a r fail' toejogtfl!lje"'lalWtf " ' ln-i) eTiara(Vter. WjTliahfel of Wari'env wa A.ttorne?iiTeft5ra4 If jfrtre h(;. w frtjfijltli1 V: rfcvnHotn -a? -Attwhev "General "u- , 3Et badger i ian .ptt efeo 1r iiiiistth)iis J-eia ' "Dfthb " past,iWete,! buiKirior.ilUonrt Jwdgesi-beforQ- thirty. V Zyp: yjinkaM Irrtlia feS:' ' i l..l." I t... . !I..(t-tJ. i.l I." t'ii 111: bpfm-o rbei was . twuty.-wevteHjf 4io Merrinibm wasohf thupib i.oiiit I ttie4i; 1 by ibe tihl 'he' -was to the Sujjeribf ' 'Gdort Hsa- yoirrfgti .LI -.ri .oi. ia-viuUt. "an, not, ,mucu aiUsqi-Q; ywwy . if) Uo warif; 'of Tarbbf '6lt i vrasVbut,'thrrty' two when, he" wen,t to the Bench'!' - ...t. ,.!,,. .iiiiii.ii' . )V e veutureitofsay. that pjqperrl ; :c! coiil' rrrehti cfn half 1 , ! '! .-.IT :7 ijl 'a.jfftj, ifi. uiMru young ;m2muJNO;IXh molediarly.c;Thfe. people ..ofijartbX va'rplina have shown mion , al ways of -ablet an4 aspmngi the craze "extends and- George Davis m,1'MiVL rUjl2f' i.T-W' fctr?- Jolni Hnsltes: an'fR.'B.' Wfitieti&nA Airred' M: St'alea afl&'a dred1 l",rs who i could. ba.uamed, Are .setj li . 0 they I have agna ndDKnerinict: i 1 are 1 bom-of ae'ria.-0xrieriehoe i";-eu m chargd wlto are- nwvoif- v JnHet lis turatd!thi4v4ei're;fleo; w"3 J5 iyHBg .wan wbq, ; r an'? i mf ormsttionrlftH hlaKi r? ij07L i I i j ; . rr-"rir-."'-'i "j-i 6wvu ,e?gtliy lAit'lrfe; -hittst 'Tnakd'Tobto'for a fal.'. " ' "' o-.i.',. Jo lrJ,ii,4., " Jnot -lie, furors -who .ar-e aJbpve, r:iy Y ssa their pponei)tiTKat, He does wVvtMYAA..if nSHoU " 1 - ,wnsomv ant f W'-iii.' MeKaey-amt'lti" !u w iiiiam' 'b:-iSiniidei-sad"Ji3d' 11 . "T 1 il fijt-t i'P id tiw ,k,Ht ; i,n-; ;rf i f . ii';hf d nf . 1 J il- ! null !i: iini-'i- U .lli.l t t- 1 - ..Ml """IIIMI afH' 'Hllf. Bill, .'jHlfli.-ii iQdnaclenoQ, shall,; m$bf a, .wilnQsa T' '3'M5 -1 v .....,,, l,a,T.,l itlcontainA .matter aBDiicable,r.ta vril !dt linseii11 l" "-t u.a ? f Btit 'Whflrfti'k'Tfttl A' HSflH .ftHrt W-n, 3p -'d'ttdge'fattt weyJdeHeB"from .Jflx ,,mpnintfiDFtfiWtttwSs& 'and ?llliinafcetib i'l.L.rL. llLJil! LJTi- ir i 1. il 1 J . . f -rf . - f upr "veruicis-s accoraingiy.,i jurors '"wno Pi masonry txo;eiwer-incf saerecr mfovtftea op jury .(lined as useless, and cases submitted Mth absolute. iairnesauionttieuD merits alon ; t il2Ehee sis stuotiieiTk inaprDveniervt iwknli tpau easuy.oe qnectea una wilcli;ouglit ta7 iW ete4.rH&shouldUkoMoindulge tUei .xiouo.ian laeiwans OLine new,;rnnirt hmiqa iiwfill oaven loofc dawaaiponittu improjpor.aBi, fit utt vy 4a.wjers upoBt.lua moUye8 or cba n ctefiparUeaoriWUnassei . Thaiitslsall. bs Mbiffll.Theraias(imtnessrt!WiiU, jbe, iP onsplly potted j,byiithftiCOutt,frDi in fiti auflatioaiaaainsulIritKWoifaa fatilL.fiunm. Ha Itllat.iiouliiJbBOiWrbeatiBa 1 hicb gust s. icipes. being miulfingFaiullQ4a.not maraant ,-4yjyetaaaf byi tne.rwitnesai !saomadiB6!Kx sen a.coui! .wMrii ; aawjtiaMKJiUnxot4i.,attmpt.jkXi;twisjt tbli JVdlikb fit.. Is resident , the. witH3a. rrtne tint. . mMa- v o v ,-( T. ti m luiosn I. &JM.U Jill . UlHttll III W antftoiLi v.'T. 1 1 4 .T; f TLcDB js ianothen ref ornx, txi hlofi ia w i thin: easy jcacbi of remedial tec r. , .-Jslsction Notbnce or twicer .hut .dnzana.. h uu Bcortjs oi umesouaxe - seen guilty I. .Lj . ' vt-'-' rmen waiK ousarPin fn.priPVa; qpcfe un- ? itowt jouprMi 2&hkw error manae juage naa no power to cpr- Jcfcdent. ""r. I" ' ..-i.iwr;,f "A single 'instaucfewlll serve" is' we- la npftf., '! Yeai 'fcaVe mtfely- sbeh 'a'ease'w 'n .anded for 'a" ncW.'irdictrhefftltd- bdcfoarid 'I scaWse' tlie'w&rtfsr " Awrirt '.-wKlrW ' nmi dud&l tnstatlt !deatbw id not strfficfentlV state'tttattnb wound' Wa'raortat' J'db not cbmplaitf fct'tniff declsidtf of 'tbe''Suprenie' Oourt.3beeatis ifwas'bSseff "rrhad thn r& 'oBdeYcase'bat l'tiD"cryv'6til Against "any f i - injtuttii pcruwwr bo -great a oe--rfiar ttf lAstieef'These'lsttict' !ioristfactions! ;flave;cb;fntfaawn' of Sta-tcf tf' tlfetJ rdfofrfts- phodld be I so.-. :ij j. -,,1 1&.Tr.,fr i,,lt t.l l.r.jili j made, vl VVd sy.pp.e: lh . laongcxejir, tSoiik; Higli46ti1ed;ititeiWrrt laye wqula he. gad to. see tJiei . prpi essin, IevUtbd ah''the tttoi,,b,f ttiat tieH' ' -"Ml ..i-!. .-.:iirrin. ii 1 1.1. I. f. 1 -1 Bcctetur .. ai-pc-onay ipexiiioggera.ana whocould ell -object to the:refarnts, ihir.r-ff "NILlj TAXATION ii X.puplh jlgewwere th.e (ypwa, 4 f'Seflatef' Bayard,-vho is ordinarily - Tegacaea,.aa!a,yer7 ipnce, ..bonoraW.e . ind tfottgcfenttbiis'- statesman upoh "' Sue soso jecti oe.i iuae t interna tax. , ., .jap, oca-toot rgay "aH'or'd'kbxint aboltehint? - -- f-t i--i-i i -.tiijT - Ut he does favor, both a ; rednn.Hnn ftind a chhdyl fdtnl tnaifnVjr col- law3y,'tljlh6 aniry'o npitss and agents ad Jthe deteto jo;niIiiTon iractioed.i under the-iaresent lawa.V Inat the important tax can be saved i titnto. oWq hav?3 never- &ecn;a Nortb. of a' profeetlvd itafifFttbat-'"'ever'fa- on whisker dnHr: 'tdbttcqo." It'isfvlBry- vorffeabrr apdlHic'al feat as -thatt v Inere is a concensus of opinion imong the ablstpepts in the forth of tariff reform, as far as we idVe'eeh tliat'it Wddir td ettVbme- j suicida1 in the f J) iboligh'tfioptteYna!!: tar.' Thbs8! pa- Post! Ney4ork'! iesi ; 'Baltimore' p,.a QAPei paers parse, .,411- puence. lever'nrfcel ask"or the 'abol 1 ingr,ithje,iLueimal ,,reyeju6 Bys,- k 1 1. 1 Ll V VTA U1UUUIIULU 1 11 liu'i Old 1"' .dL-ir.-ii-iJs r.o 'i.s . nut I I "da'fi'aef to. a tariff fefdtttt in n.i l.f IC.,11 M hit ...,( C. ..! J- M jHH'lll i'i i : tf tf 6ff f 'mnlioribi? p l'Sd;.' mil-' ionB oi ithelitaKrirora ibiskcyii' cigars j- fe-anayou Vntit ,feplatV y" tax upon i 4pei'pdWma:essai9ea Pfe lf traft- ,we.,JeTieivev .ft., 'The ohanejewin the votefcofierveh 'U-l-l '' trj r,-nm'li-i IJ tfi-.J-5 I ttfeable''-emratiiim-a3pntie8 a fWrf (ifilfril ni(jt 2,925. '' Add lhe anYKiiaVone majori- rty 'ancHfcW f oka tebef Mahohe tribcir mlVa ,fs'''tfulte:aifi-6'us" W Its eftofettntersi nddaelsyt-V ;Wai;-- E; 'Potts- rjdLi" &j.MintiegerodAi' havfieeftLiHepy;; peeted -of ( 4 beinrwr.,abpiit $ jto- fight a foetid "lA f'iiir. o.l f,ff.:ivii. ,-4.Vi;:s..T v:Vi iefforfis'td'sdlea 'partiMilar1 faefa orporttcu ,-lat kihatrf1 jthfetr taseipba'ittry'aban-' pue i thbfb pnibfr?tf triaiiyAof ' tltef builest nanpM in fhn lanrt j j - -. a- 4 -ij3ikif.-.i! f T53 - I . .' 1 1 1 ."LHI I 1 L, ...In. I" 4 lllJ, .li' OT6, teili ali abdttt.tbeitit hot tMeyiara manMMir'end it wtse ttyielP Whrrfe:tbeae5nferW.' .Wxneand propr,thattfe7htm,d, iJe flowed j to fablrJfefrohmissiies 1 'rrio tnltr -r Lr . . i . , -r . - id that'ktrn' plstolsfc anian iifacfenxeixana.laivrft snV nA I ip7i i I x.diiti - 'it.i r..if cJ ,fjhfRU . liXllouf, '3 una, ana pistolg.are nsedtchuntijOF . tr.murarii..iJJufcitliesfdyBaiaita,iand, wought iofernahiaaolunea ase.iwiadei, 'trjakers thap eflji.tlirPpeW lli.lrf MI . ahd; n 1 tve f of pf'eopiej and f-of tew of Ii " :dn,'.,'be Wtfund ltfU t-ex- i-tfinil! ii,t li,. r, l iiiuj. b.o,givejii3Hlm,,iftjViW.. I . A Z A - 1 1 " id explbifeit ft' Mlkf JtB hfiiWflhrni" areti . pauoas i,o t i )ow; Anfithcr,. 1 a i ,vpFy wrtl; ..A.rktion .inQaikuia - . . . . - tpe,u.U01ftxrriofier,fjt(he,?;,4 inadtfrritfso. c Tlieyeri rniake- I oil J..M-1 ..v.Hi f sty.-v- Ui ui.t -..'.-! yl, 'RHHean' c6M-bnhkerdf "oeean rs h thatkmA v hllhifw ! placed in a loaf of bread. ThiaJa, Qanierj ,!Nowi.if,aUi this is.m ibAn.I,tsa8lcr at.setitronik.the starm. ... w. tyt'd rs a'vbry''nda6rttn reputable, i i work..ibeiBg.Trcarriad.oru, th6.nFatopnlti6:,t!ib'sn bt lev manutacturers- ot-i.tbe cmurdecoua, Hhs'tnimenlV'po'oV nneg f ini tn& i roftpeetiveJ -lioaUtesi ma.H?,OWC. myesUatipns, rf;...:f r.! I- sector., Jiait.,:discoivej-:Qd.ii hatWft. bbitibf lias i)ebn,1ibbbin' 'tH"maH8.i behind. in ciiis i.aocount .aisQ... special from Savannah to the $f&W fork Times oj UiiotKl, says :: The accused cave bail before a United Sts VCtormros6ioier-frbw ape&KtBe The anDOBeenettf,Tomer'6irret fell like a thuodercfarpiiis this city, ; .an d-.i ..will attract wMe-apiicftdiintCTest thtOMghou-tithc, ipiaie, wuoio Ma,iw iaag been Tiocogpiia, isi;af leadinffi RerxiLlicanDolitician..,r1His donnoctiorn with, the Bast OfflcQlepai:tjncat. dateat Jback. . fourteen, years. . juui,.hewa . proraineUyo.dentin.,!wiik;nUipirentli stahishmQot -of .the earner delivery system.. m. jJioriaaKaties. H.iUooiner.waSi xinq of ttJiQ, famous SOCia the, Ghicaca!Gon.Yentioa..iOf . j 880,-and . ia . .the.. possessor i i io.,ooe jf jLjie, , J TT t 1 il.. . 1 .1. "' 1 .i s y-i ; . - i ". i -I the, First. Qeofgia.iBaUalMn, eoTOU.,prJ: Ward en,, of, Hie .Episcopal .colored vichnrclti n this city. , Georgia tcpaareji pjb, uri ate. The Ktlanta post-office has just been rob- beTWari6riVl'mfl1caf'lj6lit1e?rfn-'td I IusMstiiK 4K 9 fa Ml f 0 alinlll mtt mill the amount of $8,QQQ,tw.i s9 r-i 1 .ft, t. nUrmTiVjn pJOhVlle BaUr-' tmt J C;onFetv aVo tsaratogabad i rev I l.i.ioII .-.71 9.-tiH.-ir vil"'t oiri'-V '(d'Hi their societies1' to Irrfuiate 'three t-fer-' i.i i.t In.iTiiiwi Ji'' '"' lifmirri cut U i iiQnM ffaGCOKding .tQ...4Rwanq,,..j Qr ,heAd:is' a verstQnrfl''Svhifeb'"bamiie' s ..tran8lad .f .rtias never had any ' cltctrlatron in the de . i?ii:i nil'- ,' ... lommation, and the "demand will ertslhiafnM'11lei-&t1neF8 lJfb,tnif:Kirfh Tames .onaathjurid vecsioc,and. ith 'revised V&HitJtl?' 'rfebcWhlfcWdfr- .iHIf: 4-,fiIof -.r. A - i gst07,jiaH twrjplhe, eing, risertisdiff the texlr fngte&di 'of ' Ijf&iir 1 bladfij.tbe,appefldas1 xo itbe, J5ngr fcnake aided j ir gi vj n'g eurrency to the first i oti f.j r iii.ii Hi.w i.i t; attfelir'felfehant efM : - s . . ?T1 XtttiSl ghtihg..mad.and narlyJkilled;a .boy, ,1 .f.ri, I f kfit'n0"teM76Yd I j.cjljl'l- 5-l it.JiKl .-l. f.B.Mi5 4ii t 1"Thb,''traW'bf,:ie',ea,d,'b twlrieYI,abbunil8ritjy's'',,ai8: ttd -wftfi1'ai innai TTOiri mn inn wna nnr nn TftTnatAnirr' If . 1 A 1 xl 1 1 1 1 3 - J !.. Hlll uuua, jh aa . vr.jiv mo mux ivu h wg fhe"inittial tbreoWh'lh'd? ' bb'by!'1 's" Ith'e' brute as Kbttb'jfsn'tnewdrie by1 UfesriTdbkelffbT ffismclfcd,''JSls't-1 !T: lnn onnfAR WMItUd ilMt4 fcubiuu ivuf, vuuuj, iv w-.w iiuc auncuuituia o pull the unconsetotW'bbXbevOnd reach." : r iTi v.'.t . . WWW? founts. ftyiiacKi-iSehti'fOtecTirrd tWs'weofecoa th&t farm or Mpi!Unariionnspil neait BprnQg HillvtHis county, between' wro white toenl i Edwards and Bledsoe,' aie-wMoh' thfe latter wae7ereiy ttabbed-?ib 45iw-plaoe .d-t wards had a hearinebefofd" Jaattee Jbn- son, andjea'CWaniittid''toaib I ....... . . - II- . . I-I'l 14 1. .-1 'JZ B: TobmeF is the-colbf ed wpe' ' r DExo8in.,TOufid1.At . l.iU,75i,, . i,ij j.. .Mj h..! ..4M, o.vjpi,,v.-.l4- 1 1 lorweeiaiLbng; Jwra. Capt Andersen, l itendent,.of, thelettCT-. aryijir. ot, , f 3r: Ahrwerp by Messra." t)T mrcbte1 S aahnkh: Qai'f' A'WMtedtete P-1!"?'??.9 dtotoirte'tiirfpeBttajj !vnbte' cor redfcTPheJy -fetf nsed f to Ql a vd L'i i'-nt it'j! , pit I'j'friiiF. j.-$i ,jitt.: ifiJi listtncttypiipie,,, , aqtliflrwd, isW prfffts'ttf 'the gattte-Versiohl i'We conmction,.bAcaid(sc, rjvobad Th'e'feletihantthe? atteWptea to-'goTeiaHd ti-a'iplef totatmV IfeMifhe 'ttendaifts;i A.- N A ii'i?vinitT iiui :it-t.-. Terrlfle Rain and Vfoatantt TciiBJ fit fftft SV t . (M-dr. If i t ii hi r! bneof the seveit itua aM.wfina, ; jprfevailetr-Mere yesterday that has bfeenl1 kiiowh Td-'irikfly 1 yekrr '"WW 'fiaver frd-1 OdeHtiyii'aamragrTiloSit ;tiip-lo-n'g;c'onUntfant;e W,tHtf gale"anatlie: .44rn,n,n6b,d &I Vattf Wttnicli fi Wasc: ''cdmpanied. it was ak'ktdrvrhilBn,gtt6!'b:e4Ve ..T . . li 'tin ran . .i..; .1 ..i ...It a . . J td 8 p;m;-y&fe'rday it'aoioa'ritea'tb iThche rWeteSr of MSrtoils daWabhb? We1 n4,i44i3SW,TOyU-kU'Al M .tyli ti I II tmoteaana quird a"hirniBey,,bf "BroKeii 'ala'comMerfbim .bid washes intHe'St'reet's ' wnlHa'efiili nJost Impassable in places, the raln"feir'ih 'such torrenW"'A 3,lri On Marked 'sVree'i "tab stbrcs wereffibVe 'dr1 ajtrcfesT'a,lh'e,'plastehi,g hts fiUcM" iaKafel.'1,1h,c'ar W 'flattison dry- gloas store nexi -door: riAhe1 "waif ifteV llle'raMf!11 tde'bne'raafr '4rpug1itnewainn"'tw:6 or'thr&'mfrdMt' a-'m-wrna'alsolffith skVlfttil idg it over and grn'asKing att'tlie Mak In'if rtiyiate, npdarae oD9rUvnceoc (icBrrea io me gQAwnqqueflce.pJUx. 3rapn and 1ms j focce being, ..there. .nt -it . .it' . . . i...,..w i i,-Wrt.n Gent fi 4ii i -vi I i f 1 Au!uiinr.ensQn.voluii,. qfr.aterpojred., tlroagbj the feundry oMftSsrsHarti Baj? ldy Co.; t necositidtHig. the, .suapuajpnipf , vjoric.byithocmplayca t,aUoiat,halfrpast.3, nrii l.ttn ii ii r.l -, n.iti.l ..... .,. Wecxpeot.tor.hear,oxiuite ,a,;nunjiber of, 1 r, . 1 I , TMS' "tiJAbWihsf-' 'cbVtfpiketue'-ryign'1 EhipIrientS "''y'est6r5AVr'-,,nid! Wbrwefflirti arque Christian. Seriver, Capt Nielsferi,'; r1 'GVahton;" Scdtlan'd. 'M',M6a9r8:"AIek! pruist &Bont -with 5,31i harrels-ef -osin,,jfa4WUi. tne jtiQi!Wegwn, oarqu linU' bv'Aressft? MterffiV bowiniriri-'& R' Jf. &Ht, .Patrick for BaranduUJa:) 3: L A., by Messrs. Northrop & Co., with' 155;- luafeet ot lumber and! '35,000' binfgiesi ahie atfS.iTSliSS'f Total value of foreign xpqrta. .for, he$5Qi?3LA ; , , tt Clinton & PoInjgairenRallroad. ;ni AtA meeting of. the darectors.Qf ten abjovAi named railroad cdmaiyv tixr ooatraotftr iuiWrrig'thts'r'obd -was1 awarded tb'-'Cafp't Rl Paddisouk iWaaraderstand that lt.islha fctent-Wn..p .tiieoptraj ; to begiflwqrk,. Monday on both ends or the line, and lo t usu'lt-fdrwam tapidly tcf'cbmpretibtiVi3 ' -A -J-mJafr4fcUaa i ti i f fi S1 ) TJ I The Casein a Nntslieli. , j hneUaViffl8,antax" and" Oongresl" is'o'rtlV" emiVoe'rcdb" lev'vaTbT1 (he purpose of raising needed 'rfe'v-'1' if e' tbt j)btilicip,nrp,bs6s,i atidff iflays heM c f t3y'',otnervtiuTpbsoiqtf ef ' ( fcde8r its 'aritetlom'iliatrs peVnbcrutie doetrinieyndf atwayB'ban ff fieetij ; -and' 1 atay p"olttMar"Odn vewtiofl' ayi xloWn i .a antagonistic prin-i piplQ i nptt represent . tbe samei 1 jarty.taat Ja4soyiWalkei;andi5enn. ;on belonged1 to, no matter whether,, t calls ' itself teooeratic . or not. The next CrrvntrJn'V)f Mr'partyv ,hn,hf its enlnciadn of ' pblitiba'l )rificipl;bs,t t mast rtlin 1 sotne V f orm t fir ithek deeiarferntait'' the' lonly proper ibject of d tafe;ito prfoOaro meoessaryi . re vbnacj f or. thp, idavornmerit Jevyang i inch taxj.fii. ;i.,c j,, M,rj ?OB'TBfflIE'T,EA'DE ?k5?D-HOXHiN8'IiESS-. nfi.toavig fMemphis Appt al.. i u j ..h t.-;i vT&e 'tde- iprinoiple of 'trade ia Freei radu iii Having, stray cd; ironv tlA f bestr kvaiy, iwo mustri return cautiously., hrongUi tbeKJ&narBjaodt.wajnpRjw.e; safe J3ffi d ajfchoh mddenly leaveJ?sotection for Free trade, it remains none the4ss -tae'ff Katr fit' ta aty1 Kva'eveilad'prot6S iiofei .'lA.H thiB 4ndicate8what on-f ;resa :liaw to 1 4o; t m ust-pfree ra w piaterialito ihe. utmost extcait itheww, J bumBtaace5ivUl5.aUftW4,..Jt,:i;ra.iist re Uuo;ail..,avaganl;,tAxata9B sm&J HXhV.W QPiB.ftn glass,, adtjjt,mugt;)fj BO.iar redaca.tba tax .UDonr materials or in other markets'. 'rbnf lieiter iilItV. YvbTldr,,!,'v"- bnd the detestabLo..iiniii8MiiosaipraQr,: tised under pteaent iaws. - A. tax upon thftatHkdivhpavit1- of a sm'KAfrbMbMtiite$i f or thW ihost' Af antoithe chief fipower iGthoRadiical ftriioreyenufl point iWp.ulCAfiQProplisliJ !ai vast xetqrta, ana jgive , greati ceitet1 at tbe Sigiial Office; bbtaih'd tS'a'Ve'-1 y or mmm rhWpeaourVTD tall froW'TO lo'a naV "feywtfrM Were Drbstrateatfe.HiT !tipH Bdstained considerable darfiag fiI6niiteak8l,f wL?crtaWiMtt 4 vtujiivu aa vcwiujttuti kmjjooner&wTWi. low a price as they can be purchased L. . 1 -.-Ml'i,lj. il.U-.tv4ft114,., .VJ jj,, .l,Hi4-i.J oT.rr:.ltl irtijl'.- oi It . I n i.i ...irJ tn ttie ar.nTVoi v,spies. ang;: acftnts, I jpaTtt iteinany 8Catea?Atid'a-serrlisiJ 1 ibia'dddtib-rdT Itewlmrt&x'M a" U. trill ltfi I-,lrr:'l" J ' ..-..'t t ? Li i uroouTB uridce DIiaUr-. I -' lv Telen-anh to thA.VnTnta t i - irn -7TYirr-m4itwiw...i...r.. LN"ew York,, May 3WA, numbm- nfwr! tojhave been on the BrboglynaJridgebtiie X Li 3 i m. a. i V - Miff lobfeia lie pVocioif'ab6UdidimtTCturn?f el 3ardj:M68t.4)f -theivcrtthin&4HtrYPr-h Iljr4nd JiUoniii:yenr.f en. artie.lfiSihfivfv en jciainiea - i nose. wno were injured ja idrsasaniar'at?;& awMait (otngWe and'-itt'-no'casi .i lbe coroner .will, -snbpama the' bridge trjusteeS," Supe'tehaent mrtin- and all" ' tlhers 'Wlio' afn-rive! 'anP-TnfbrrriWtif fW1 TereacCiiOiine aociaerft oane bridge ye? SOall DO tnoroilB'n Rnnprint.fnrlAnt. Martin hkse'persbhWfyinvesfigatiri ui lueuisasiwv'aaa-iiws&itnenttcaraarfiDtai , Wjfihfi!can1rw4ead mai me panic ,was xjausea by pick pockets, v Wactltotatii -WkpBfi t.ftVi-Kif ; tttetH6ge' fctu8tees.MKThe Saperinndentf a4knpwledges4i!tlsm5Q.allQted tOifooti passengersjis at present iDsuMcient.but he tMnks thai whfi tfHbi' Begin' n tune flasiles8eaexiiae 'curiosrp fjttnsea"ty1 tut; iaoiveKy.o6.tne willibefiDiinfL Urs'Stredt ltbspita1! ar6,&ingTentV6d,:tbf-,, idayiito theahouses.iaf tbeirirrfricnda; aod I , lujuicu iu juamuers qcreet noi Pfta! are.' ' imprWing.4a-A' 1 nHimber ''bf i 'iquiiiea were made, to-dav-fotfmtssineiroer sfnsipui BQ.inxprffiaHQn cpnce,rnsig Ahem;, acfculd be eiven. as all the dead and iniured lihd becri'idehtlnea.1 nm believed that'"a't f nil -that tot thdead- and1 seriouslyi4n-jied New York, May 81.-Schedules iaiith.ei ahsignment for the. benefit of creditors, bv .Eref jefe, A,a3JflSaqm4t jtfewy., J. Haynfe, cpra, xiayne b uo., naval stores dealers, or e?o;fiied tordoy,4n thej iCpurh Df ,. Common, i civen at 7WrVmm'al,'a6nm'iSrdn fint.ii at alssets $46,106. ori.iri,t-it;.,: ii,,i.t i Bsto, Inspector Byrpes;deaioa. ithati the . -pabio i on tne bridge ryesterday was.. Qausedr by pickpockets. He says there was none there: thattU0-acc?dejht 'waS'dd'e tb'thb ittefficiBricV df the bridge managementjipBvf ftatintfi i .I.. i ? . , . . -. . - - i marjsroi reffuiarnnoiiceraeai tne. irua- jtees eould secure them and thus secure, re sponsibility for the safety of ' passengers i tana? an- asauraned tnat taei Woto iwtonla B iprupcriy aiienuea to. ... :;' tr j.. ... f JrHt. J VIRGINIA. II i uaernl of 1ctlr of liio Rfeoent Iti-e Lynchburg, May 31. The body of, the fifth, victim of vestewlw's-eatastroDhe was fbund to-day. All of tboTodiesaj now JiccQjvered. i. iThq, funeral of tlm-uufiortunate 1 n P1 .mPf.vThe nrocest . sion was the largest ever witnessed Here. usiness' wa,,susptmdect' and' the" schools1 ere (dosed. . The .ttiskct j weMn conveyed i aniei delivered an oration in tne presence ( f an' immehse "ailtiiracef ,fl Tneocegsioh i aoltided : military aunjcipal . officetsj- the i rerenattmea, secret,,.socjfll4ep tandricitL-, subScTiptio'n for i-aet'bre'faMtesbt f ttue-uuccuseuasi'Deen geneTOTJSry 1 Tespon'-f ciii.iKil lp,tf etae J.imi iuil l.t unl A Blexlcan Town TnreVt'emtt'ttytlfS Red1 SkluRemfbTtnrtiiW" 'Cklled I ices to tne. jmtapi, from Mexican Heaa ifarttits; 'fit' 6pk',,say'tMt6tiMay,28h:, douviers arrived there tHtagitg itfthd alaml- perca in iorce at riacon, on . rnursqay : fast. ''TW'a'bthoMtter there baU''askefl-W einfrtrcemdnts,'-'asi;i;they! Were .-"ftfraid1 AfH.beingaWackedat, toyimDwenLQnly, thirty soldiers, ..consisting t of , State roops under ' Lieutefia ''TTesus Morence, are at wt When . thfl 111! tioned there. the Tndtans were iinincattfe'wrthlHTitfnWrffMiri Ihtf "'town! Mltidiars'rfeiigarWall'l flisrdountcd, iindTlM,'aenHy ff6d"ltdrh Bierra Madras, to eseatJiS from Gen. Crook. No news from Gen. Cr6k"Ba,beedWl teiTbd atthesei hoadcfuapter5,.' Had.Uhe-iie peeftian,)eRgagement;jjt wouldj.Jikneffin,, icic, aa rauuoia, wuo is commanuing, las'Icouta'bbffitinrty7 reddfinoitei'WSierra . iltiiiras. ' ih 3i?nrrfi .n,oiiitt.;T 003..-. Heinf tomebts 'haVe eea entr- tw Nacd rinma news'is nowiv exweted. .;":! i -vd "''"'-f I 'jia)--iiji tr-1 -:; --"t'l- L. , JJit- rtt ...It ro'l u.Vi, ! 1. liiecnuon . ox T&omai . caurey, tne ?5r.?.Tfi,trMut Hijl -lii.l a2.-. r.lii, ;Wi DuajiTN,! Jne,r-Tbomas0;Cffreyj.ihe i ourlih of, the,Ph.cenx,Paxk fOWBrderers; :waa . )roughkdtoithei. gallows.ah(lpimnged tin,. Olininham jjaiLatB o,'cJock i.this .morning. uringj the cf arswfilL. intiwie.w .withribis, nothor. . yesterday, C3a&eyirhr9feeii,dowai completely, The crowd outside the,pi;isoai his morning was BrjLsmaUr--. numbcrins about fifty persons. Among these.. iKere-J m iotfter Aujtprftthex.heprpnpr, and 1 woman who has been present at ,all of hfe'bXathiilatibrfg'bf mbri' ttbrfVieied tf: ihef-DnrrfleriiOf" LotiFredofick tJavettQisfe in4MjSBufke aftd tiPrayedifqn ,t.eiC0p.v lemned men. . ; ; , u. -, , ... I ..IhvuI i.f'iljiiijt.lil ( 111 eil.iii.-.ti) c.Vrl (OKgaial totloii 'oT tliBUoaVd tr TIaltbr.H jitors to the Navalcatlerjrymetthis morn n& abd- organized.' Iteatf 'Adrofrab Howell waft chosfitt President and. Senator Lar&anti Jylce President, After, appointing the usual J tarhWUettsfe BbStuadjd'uVrM tbvM6a'-l pay:- iivattedei'-Ae'0 HviY.f I lit i,ili m. rmi.m wu-.iu.i iJii.i'i Mil i.T"$alem!(J?rs: aA'f ew-personsin V Davidson eottnCy haVeibeeri toahidg peassa-' ffrasvit tnis SBsrog i"--.tfeep,navMeen making hay-this'dias,week.-iAll say the cropw4lgt,4Hft geflbrdBy i c&eellent ualyrrvTnTFarjrafiareii.havina'i jjod- bideiiabl-diffieuliby 4BiigeUinj7a stanct.of jcorni.J 1 -rTheroowill; sot vb&i.nscrmnch jsugar caasriplaidvmathtai JowfiCipartnofi 1 orsytu aaOf wavidson chis. .year. as - com- i nuBWM.iPeopi&aje ofiopinion.,aiat; itudoea., pot pa-y i i..i..' Yin llli &tr wi iHf.tifiAo k l i ,nf. J THE &AILOiW&t.. I J.1J n-uito-tf Tniitfni.i fflr fc wi-,-, ti.lil'li xwo m egro - iuiaraerer Kxeeated at Mkcttn,Gai-54 Wirenjui4teren IIrift( ibt Teleerrann to tne Mornlhf star t . -. MArte.nein'BafllTJaffetf aa j n "rr t - t j, w I (9, Bnoinwry tvjram&ii., agea 4U.iJQe2TX)es.u were execmea .at - j o ciock to-day in tne pfesfencd bf arbwdstimateat.OC). ey . mnrderedi Harfw '4'pppaaaB .,qld p igro,: jn last Jufy, durmg a dispute oyer fi ledollari' 1 He was"trledinl Nbtember? 'fcncVigntf.S.m v rashmgton, a negro, last June. Both ett Worked dtf rattrbad. f WknishN 0inSmnmlflin?alTc e8dif f tei nWimbiBb watrf ed in ITo4 JiialsJiweTi toefusodji Blijn5iTWrfre4 optended by very able counsel; .who stood "W taem till ,.th'd' last.' ' ' The ' ttdni 3 :i(iJv, in,anditappfieaHpa( pnr 1 iiientsiBt rtha . Wallowa. ,,,T7tS.?AZttxr i' i . . r i. ' Raijeigit, Nj ai Juno l.oherti Ileni,, ;d 3rson,wbq murdertid.his iwdfounoanOxc 'f irdrWf Ci.'Jast November. bvfeeaJjnahern. .alteiKeft Oxford Jo-dav.l.. ThnKonn,. J ijtloif .ttiYateytofcly. f ew,tr8nstAgiig 1 T""'' 'ttioinorenco8UBe iauiia-.Tiar.ser. 4'that 1bbxeeu4k)B.twould.rbo,.inblin.i t.ntadeiia 'full coaifessionji Therdron.feUi sfton af Mb ooon n.tEheret' wast a,. ,vert. kittan . 1 :-ffceliBgst(waitd3 Henderseflf rwho.inarrrxwly. Hjsutipetf lynoning-ineiday at$er.jthfc murders , nooaoieea, was.seri. ttnoed ofttthelast day f.that monthit.ijTJie . wota&an was f about -to, 'become. a; jnnlhE at u, r.f.... ... . T T - ine iimeiMuo-muraer,. iiit..iv r sia Ay main STannr. fi l.Vn.i- tt. ic orri 1 ir,,i 1 Tlia -tf .otr. .CnnbIl.BlaflV .UwaIn., ji 1?nria,ea W spetnlne Floods Great Loss of iltfo ' ApprcliliideaTlrli.-: dalvertai 'asd Hpabes SietioAivaT. niuiureus oi ,'rnonganat or iioiiars. CounciS. iBjiUEP.i Jowa. ..June. j-Ati fi ofclock last evenine one of the worst rain storms that has1 fever1 visiter this Vicinity feet iqhu nor lournomra. .pom:eajn fmn Indian Creek. which runa iaroupb thn Beatt'brihe-cltryi bvetfiefweff, a-the1 Ham'1 age is roughly estimated at $?(W.pqo Seven f iron bndffes and two stone culverts. Tie. iuugiug to uie unyywere swept away, also several idweMings and- 'barns I All iof Ahe AorttKl'loatt TJbe, Waterinl lthe astieel. onei ttlock from the .creek was waist deep with a swift current. " Cries' T6f Tieltt'Wiiia lie aeaiMlihieReEyidirettion..huto,the ssviftness. or tne current - rendered help, .impossible. The'parlfibhlari are1 Vefy tdibTOrto,tfblaStf:: itthiaiow. xJ 12.T'clockr,,n)rjWj)ftsUll aming m torrents. The ffood rose so uicklVtba,,mdnV -buslrft'ttreh fbMli1 impossible ita seaahi their ..wives i and. . claili faren, ana a numDer narrowly escaped death frotii rdwrimgwiiile ebde'dvdririgTtdkget-td me,aQKis. ipQm.,aai.Bifturnjng injhe oitv are universal. ! The 'ITdfcWtfZ ''will1 say, iB'itissue thi t .horning: "A most frightful calamity 00- 1 een threatenihg rain during" "the entire ( ay With' oasidnalshbwers," bulf wtiAi vexing .icame jit , seetaed .although,, tfifi leavens fell. . The dark portentous cloud i u the wst! 'swept Saround tor thfe ekstwarVS flnrtflcharge. lts torrents, ; intoftha head, waters of Indian Creek, and a flood, with a steadily increasing volume; -poured through. !.ouncii;j3mn, sweeping onqges and cm ertsf6m,,bnemdf thr slam fb-'the ther. 'I MaMdiW' w'drg Mp't'aW' Jrt ttH;Vpart:"bf e"W 1yW-'8e? fwbett .the ' BTufl'Md- Brdwke'on' 145 oni - uw4W-a nvuasjr fee creek seemed to have sbebriS tuiytM is impossible at this hotiftd giye;Jlhe facs is to the extent; ot the devastation bv the itormf bhti the. loss5, to the cityi akmei will be mndreds.of thnusnnrlq nf rinllnro .nilorion. ifilit riffl l&iiA rWcktii fiH1iMiVi" ! -t-rll Tne Marine Hospital SeTlpeArt Ot : der Cpiicernlng Postmasters. " I aw bf 189 exnirM ifSSRT Sbtt til rwu.invxmi4 u.ixaiAJ ju.--Xlimiiillll.II H?t I. 1 1 1 . gaT.e,Hiq NatjuaiW Bqarp H.RaJth super-,, tne advice 01 tne Hi J-a ind Secretarv of .State-to contume. Butjer- yision over alrvessefs ieaving 'Cuban ,bom or the TTnitflf? : Rf.atta Ailxntwi tn tfiia iff A were "cabled fedayJ to feaVana. B. RW; Who apias agentpf,: the, Board,, 01 JtLeaitn in Cuba, will be desismated fnr thfe!s'erviee."!The anl&ority' bthfe'Marine tiospitai service is denved from the gcnerL. (aw ueunmg its 1 unctions. , , ,: ; ; , . . ...... . Postmaster General; Gresham"to-day is iiied the fbllbwing'orfe 1 iristfrasters;t firsfl and AQCond cassfces rw4Ur AQreaf ter, . Bf their dftice?'ttnd''not'arj8eriE' 1 tAemselvesi theref rorwiQul, aiithpty, rap ittppa; l inviii.u.u upyiicaLiuu to mis ueDariment. Violation-! of-i4bia-iordePi will -be r.deeraed puiucientcause'ie-r reBiojWM .-o &i .r t; i..r 1. i -li'iigni I7( mBMim4mi ' I " H....Mi.ii.l (ill-l dr)tl itp-air---vfl -a. I I hi.-,,.. ... '9UU jfij iiiir.o. tciihrcaMwiitttH on' t life jpadrfl coif 4: my ot tne TxepbTHlcwtnlJehreatened 3h6uld'Dift2 become president?" The pov BiifestrickecpAdiJtion iof ahc;trea8urv.ithe, fear that paper currency will take thejplace,. Dfeoin; ah&Ttne sTibl4, cfdlIai!y "of afty raihad'sehmes,aTeimjed9Mebate,ya ire also "Grants of $150,000,008 daiaid .a. railroads, whilst pnbljc instruction is al most forgotJrii'.The SjnfvUvuaapers. in :.rrni NSeSeSSStancilL hn igt fear, oldi sen M iHodges,!. Eaq.vfell irom thebmird.flooTiofi.the-unfin ashed building, straekftha-joistsiofithe seo.i bnd flooTi iWith his. chin and was stopped by pegroianiLoDr1.fcHi3. ijaw.ia broken, but his to&gf fs feafgd'to0 MTaffbr as nuA1 1 oulfnficesbf dfoiimg' alrkdf lfe ' eenTcporTtedi.,AVmiJafiip 1 wv .uie luuuuuuuvc ui mu rum. juuiuutru 1 e'efty k'rabidirftsing adMnepiJia-' ere "compelled to feike to boats 'td 'cdape.: It" 11 tal oli.ciaUL .aaVeetermiriek Witt" i ' Wit the1 TAfii4 -nSf Mo &' 'M&&AM'fA U pa Jiaa-BOt gives 3 fe i' t-aaitrttr vMt--. vvmston jueaaer: Dome or our . : f- Democratic contemnorarieB are Of thftontn. spb ican: nominee- fox Goyernor.j .This is' bdn 3ombe. Be wt ceixedJ . The Repub- '. lica i party is t6oshTfewd fdiabyhWglbf this kind, . It is our iDipression that while sA. "the RepubiicasSiBayi advocate Price, tjhey.y, uve jrs ou.a.mau in anoiuer portion 01. tue Biat&vnbba&f.Kaj a,-,-i t.u Vot BTi:h'ah'gehooli MkMiahistiiThnrsdavciiki jratner.suodeinyi ;--7- w&toifidt prflfe8-fe . t 1 be jge'ot' hes?lfean faJufeitfeorea,Jt,triiv Kn ens add thfiraetiWareklttobelw n etal lying concealed 4mt a fshort distances i ; .b mitF thcf'sufaP'Wltlflh 'JethavOttdK' n ile souColO? of 3 woiuio ;"v;C. is said the new Commissioner o Internal nternai " vfancr-- Jilvans, of WOld tfBburbon") Mh rdcl!thb' ttrtefctton dis. i Jwq of Kentucky.. (Land tcts ftoriJ.128ito aboqb tW, ihbdMhpir (i. -: - - i-'--- jQiri ohna Districts. Anything to keep . . " DeacoiinutioiPdftxr 4r it KiWViiaimitVmiMwi. ' r . i . --- .-.ti I J - - -. . . . u . . u u - . f ... '1llrWnir." tTo inonrnnrfllnnrf . TJt. ..- B agh; Kidgewa-y and' Petersburg' KaurbM ".-7.v. - - - f M rniiijpi-i irnnn I - Tnraidwt, amc.j ji,am... m. - . . Idnger a doubt that one vear ..hence our ; ' eftizensrf gdmvffi ti Rlday "mV? " r, , f ? rKwrByuig.jcI,ji w .Wit ?sif nriijnbv 4 r5RwfMrf;4- irC?- i"V Tiite, who lives in this county about four , V -: n ilwVrbmmfiet,ka'Tiidwelhg,nbi ' ,C nsqied bya,firfiM,Monday BTPftWg,iofmj l st week. . The members of the col- e y -eillMaabnJffy Bapt&tf' dnirclf held nitfl , a 1 S5i?d.m5PteMDdry fiYenng,pf . y eek which resulted in a fight or two and L- 1 t resign Though haying suitered niucn'-fjom'.ineTec!ieoid'iae paatrfeiwtT?. 4lSj lharM?fiiH mV' liffivM i fiPP. the, ... -I- Iands throughout . this section is good and nsfaov ilodalitabi ierfcDtl4)hkll v -finA, 1 1 0-0-. .1 W feitsiknra ?yt. Wo ciKr2u c)ldanddTyispdlsvailhodgbliaost ofu thomni i sly they have a much better, stand thau , ; complaining st year. stA't" - 41 !K"4 ub haeabata raikkiftlon&theiCftBahi 1 U can be built cheaper than - any road in America' aria wiA eo tfirbuH kn frjViWeH.nii 7 s"h vCDantiByi i,.: t mpt to fire the office of Dr. White on I ASif WghtF Tlierd' is ''eiflentry ';ste' t e idifvUsppfied nppr5on,ainpng whp wa- i t fire the rnwn. finw rtTonU (iiG Village1 Washorjked'ivUh-a 'bad' And-il wife of Joe Ethendee. was drivino- ainlno- ih the,cinitylotithePorisJ'ria'ota herwayi a.ttpjse.jirened,py jflpekqf, ; artndges flying up before him. Mrs. nerRtge hem the boreei ioJrcbecfctffoFai t falf , ,a . miler. or -so,, .when the neins .broke. t len thb horse entering a sharp turn in the r 3ad?ie1tbebdilongtoithe..ditdh9mtovvk.iii 1 .VKSgyAodi her . into it alsq.. She , - 'as senouslvim-ured i nbtfiferrrtpV 1 a rraiiwasbrplffijif3usfcbbata the elhowii and,.,, 1 eFL'5.a ace &rd bo$y was terribly -j . t ruisbd7Shb waltedi abbit'lWVataThbl(f-1 11 ihg.her bitkk'armvjup.and bLoodigiishing.i 5 irom npr ueaa anaiace. I Kaleiffhwi- C ui t li(?-v re irettbfjiear or tne'setlbus Illriesof Jit&6 's -1 1 red. Philips's children. alkXarhoro.. Che:. qEEect of this may be to cause him to take a r jctesia Tfe-w tdas of thb term' bf thb Supd 1 iQr.sCwrtjbA, hftklijig MjNe ,Bcrne(4 .The annual meeting of the stockhold- - rs'oDtheAlbemaflffBndltateigh -RailroKd" 1 these ilQ.iaQ.wcre i represented jn in the meet- f i.i'i'i .Trtl.uiH were chosen. -ipg. . ihe following directors were chosen. w ervtiinnjgft(hO ypar:i HRiVBaltzorj r. ein.r.f,'..49: A fred Liicbenstein. Wm. , . Koessler, Adol ph Hesewiscu. John iv. Cree- vfey jmonf Storrievi.H, HjRobDn Edwin : .fThorloo TTnrror fJCon TT Cl, : - 3W?f r. . . WUWA, UVU, 11, , Uj 111 11 .LI , . f New-Yori U TStelffid a Wni! 1,1 (Jr.T2.UpohujOas.oi Raleigh. , -rTTTTT.IX Nvas, agreed that two new directorships should e given -North Carollhaj'to' fill VirjatfcleS V ytuaii are to. be, created ibythc jresguajtion , df , two of the New, York directors above damedTBis'will give tiiSSUlt?e'fbiidirrjcii,1 tbrs,p.metalpflthirh5er, ... v. Ashovillo' 1 Citizen, : . yviru . tAt J.u f New, Orieans, ,rdied , a; the Swannanoa Hotel on Monday morning, of qpu3timpuoa. ijde-atri vedf h4re rfssm. Bl w- i i lunda flordf apd -Mearea. tooe mtk f from iWa vbabk... are. ungm unKnown. ossyj.ouu. 'in- aaraBoet $hfiQ0. arm.Wm werai ati Ildffhr.-i 1 mds on Tuesday njghL There, was heavy : r6slJafa''thlckYTeeyile.,''The iaTdeM ery forsRai fQr,ibn,season, ?wQrCiQUUterflrmr, led. In Horse Cove and Cashier s Valley i o great damage was done. GafdeYls "sttf?,i : crcd ewwhat, aRd;evpTylwftere.iia.,t.hc oodsV-under leaves and shoots of trees,v 1 ?as scorched. In Hahrburg' tbwAship;'hJ acksoa.cotujjy.ithfi applQjcrop wa, gneat srr.4araaged,1some..ilargef.r orchards.! bQjngj i uined,;fArmer ...i rtuestirnates.t Iris loss dalapplesiaLl.iOO,; 1 m&hefe. Eyarywhena.e found (the ypung;, oo:axMtdAwnftfjThawhok.qwp;Wi.the.up-..Mi teriEEeoch J3toad., wiJAediato. the!tj I round JjuMAiqs far4aea:.4hinkift,,will alii. , ome up again. Wheat and otber'smajl, . i rains are .not hurt. . . ,-. , . Charlotte Journal- Observer : Mr. " Vrn'.'Caiawft', thtf oslfmMcar AlbxHili,a ( rianathis.vCDwnty, eaiiWcto.lbiscity..ycfl-1ii 1 crday to buy new locks for the post olfice ' ,t fiiafplace, Wff66t.VdoHvllI(:Wad,beeri,: ireken ppehyiiobhcra tho, BiBW.bifareK Mrs. Sophia C. Myers, wife of Col. IVitt. R; Myer;'die'ldtf cf ,h6bd'.1ff,this' ityt.yesjiejdj!, morbing .-Ai Jkng,earj;(l : 'rbf .pfiartlnerPh.' lD?,'of vDavidsoii' 1 )olege wiJldeyp.TAea(r 1 aencement exercises of .the Charlotte Fe - . i nafe Iustitqteoa'Monday evenirig Inpill TPJostpp,, an.aged .Prcsby,-,:, enan uivme, and a . man Known in every iou8ehold infbi9 and afljoinfng counties;! I liedat Eort Mill, S. Q.f on the night of , hrShl'-Hrernnsass'edw sity yestpardayt ii for-. Winstoav where theyT.-r fill be interred. The deceased was in his j '5th year, and was for a long time a mis-' ' iQnary!n,Chaitav .-rrrrfilr WiLtv Phbrta nember of the CEarlotte bicycle club, naag'a'fa&spfd mrdfagH' thd WUhW lMr; Tuesday,. He ilBode the. ihomcof Mrj n erry Jb'erguspn, in South Carolina, . a dis- anCd of twettty-threfef "miles;' fir l;two,h6urs,' indtftjialf, Hi Ti A freight! trainjn thG.lYegtera.Ni. C.t 1 Railroad was thrown off the track, Tues Jlay',; alfout 'four ' htllfdred' yards' fyest" of1 LiekLpg. tunnel,,-It seems .that, some mai.: ticious person or persons had placed quite . number df 'spibes on the iron,1 andf-whed" iWO.siracR W.enguman threej f :ars werethrown PIT the track, doing cbn-;idbl&dafaagoftoCbemii'EDirioerGlirho.- KteNS leld ai Meeting? innSalisbmyt last Tjidsday i I 'or theDiimnja'. nf fillinor thr. vononmr i.i.nsnj p&iet ireetitbofi ithe.iJtoeeUB, M. J.i Wji'i EaHiel w!T piected auditor, and Mr. W. A. ffrkVal'eleAlsfetahffefir PaiiH lengarAadPreigbtAgenU te.tek.,charge4 ibout June 45th. The schedule , on the tertf N.'b:mirroa 'wm bd bhabged W olkxwj on Jnnn 4thi .i TlA.trftintTrti(TTirocf Jvfllleave Salisbury at 12. 30 A. M. arrivine ' it'Wa! yjp'rrns Vif IS. lfH P.' Iff ,J f ' ' f Jield, Anjhipi ptfy Sesfcrdayr.vTifl is.tlie . first meeting ever held here. There hijve aeen'issuedflO.BOO shies ibf idekj laaa -of and rojurneditoithe pjty bqra,'; ghtfall, makmir the same time. The oadS travelled were in aWnelrf 'boiiditfdtf.1'' m .. w I -'l. it v 1 i, . ! . - 1. J. : 4 i I 1 . fin l-f r..i .i - i I nwil .- J t " - ... . Mil fia 1 ifnu.Jit i..l! aaSt ii -: ' i. .: )- 9-