fhWeekly Stai! J.... PUBLISHED AT I N O T O li v 'iv'i 'Si'li j A'D'VAN'cW ocioooSoft - tl V-MI OCrOOOO W W W W W W p o 9? 1 - . 7. 1 1 , . I ? j--"; t-f ' 0002 S oooooooor)c oCSoceooeSooocqi o o S ap fj to o o op tj -i 8 4f W.T ."i1 Q o 5 - -i, ij : .i,.-5r-",l j Ti i r 1 s . TV y ww e a u i 1 - -i . es i o-o o c o o o es o e eZoO.ooooooioooo; 3 --" c e e c oa 34 11 11 . ' ' - ' t 1 , - I f hi! 1 - ' A ? 33 fF.itfii'eJ at the Post Office atWflmtagton, N. p., : UBSCBIBTION KRIClbi Single Copy 1 year, postage. paid.Jf .po oinontiis,- , i.uu-1 3 months. - .50' COTTON MItt., : --rr is In consiuerini uuuum luuinrr in; tin' South it- is necessary. to; conKIdpr" tin iivjiilalilo water-power. Tho whole S,,iiili is moro or less ' f avtiVtAI, but souit' of the Mates are pt'cnuarlyjfji-viiiv-i. Tho waterpower of -Nrth .- n .1 . n . . . h. (:aiitui:i, vreotmji unu i j'lim'wfi' ir f L 51, i AT 50 A YKAtt, i I u' 1. 4r -a. a . m . rr limit . m . . - -.. . .r I I Gt i)i.na liaviv t-nouglr toMuriK huh- J 1 Si:ii'-- -'ne advantage at this point U ,.t. 1. W ovorloMkod.'friiecorft4- ftt orrws-: 1 Hitli..nt I unit. , JNorlii ClroJinavarid(j:&na- ber. deposits .would be 'withdrawn' I oii.l. nt of the Ntnv" York tyVme Urler onginallv. very:unfavorable sur- Atl;UJta writes: ;.. "On an ; average costs about rf r horse iwwer per annum- for, water -to, ruu mills in the South, while the .stream foriae Fall River mills costa $12 per horse-pawer. Tlit? Augusta canal supplies water at $5.50 ju:r -horse-power. .This canal. is !ne.niilea loHg, one hundred and fifty feet wide, arid e.eveu feet deep.- The main canal .between . the first level and the Savannah river,, gives; more than 14,000 horse-power,, of, which only 1,900 are used. AtJCol,, Nifl water power is "offered : free of," chafgef to" toiiewrnills. All over ,the two Carolinks ana .ueorgia mere are natural sireams wy I ample fall for manufacturing purppses. ai)d. ,!lk,ny of these streams granite,' foumra- tions far mills are tOi.be. had.V ,The1. gouth-.. em water courses never freeze over 00$ ot thoy iry up, droughts beingWless fre- qut-nt there than in the.Horth, both ice and . drought are recognized sources of loss In New England manufacturing: In another resnecf the climate of the.South is more fa vorahle for cotton mariufaCtuTingtjTne" Lmnidity of" the- Southern Itmospbefe' is a very even quantity, ranging from 65 o; TO. a! condition ? which is demanded 3 for spiuuiu and weaving cotton. In-the dryer MassicuuRtUs air tue manufacturer must -miloy steam to moisten the air And "make tin- hnt wort smoothly. The Atlaula t;ot-. tun with 30.000 spindles, is run byi !i-;iiii. as Atlanta has no .water-power, through a canal which will bridg the waters uf tjliv ChiiUahoocheej toii'tlie'icity isprd Coal cL here $3 25 per ton, but vi'ii! at this disadvantage; as -cordpared with the milla of Augusta and other neigh huriti!? cities, the Atlanta 0011041111 run niiiij ai-rht and day, clears 1,000 per-weel.r or over 20 er ceut profit on its capita? df 1 . $25'), 000. Tlere are," besides; aiirfte nura biT nf other factories,v tlouriog mills; ;&et, iu All:mt:i, all run by: steam, but paying gK.ii-1 returns on-the - capital-, invested, and lifvv mi list are building all Uptime. .Xabor is.;in' ir here than in the" North. " ; ,v f A I'hi1 points, presented Imsthia: tract art noticeable'; land importan rli!.' abundance and cheapness i . - - -U'- r - -. -. I.1 -- water power the. fact. tuat.jweserw ti r con rscs i n ther South donot freeze up as in jvi assac n u sens j tue iiuiuiu ty of the aiinosphertr and the handsotae I w - - ' t-f ? 5 I proms oi mins ruu.uy HLeaiu, luas-uii; i - over eussions Iwit it ' aain. of ", 'ottoirr uianuj will - be - well, to "su rntnanz) -vX -;V-:f n EiSleLa5 f Wc firstponsider dhei savin I in cettinir the - rawrmateriat Tp raar- ktt. in which is included balinff, transportatioi), commissionsPinsu ance; 20 centi iini favOT ofcthOiSoutb;; tlu-se are very l. important wc& '.,S,,-,enl1.g.-M Thet profiUof-cttoivmilliiigin the South jnot.biput jjy jthfe most i ncred u Toms New ' England er. tacts ,-arc ttongptrjiA corresponfdenl of0 lteTtm8 'Wf Ote . last winter concerping tliej proht:. .li;MMr.' HaaiBiet-af j.f9edmot-rke4rjr I. in aouth Carolina wiios"oplBioriff 1 nave quoted before,' saya"that1iKt"ot 'the Well - iiilt and well btfgttateerf Bliillsih Sbutn , fit from 10,000 ttf..taa'srniHeBlktalce a . profit Kf 1 fom 15- td 20 pWeent.-Jon lhe&- apiiai; i ins is not tne ; many mills'tflv' better Iiauimett's estimate. may safelZ-be accepted as an averageio BO'Jearmttga'ortne isagie Arv.l. T . . f "1 ? - 0is niills. wbiift;-3868i'and unildine materials icie'Eaudh 'higher than "now, and lheVearrl877,-ta.'htelIthi8fdiv'-lpnd was:paid,iWag the-reVeTpserof flvtTai 1'leforcottoUTmafaCuTer.ccOiI!ttlat f January,' 188ff, )Hhe-stockI10r2er''6f the -Eagle and PhtenXxr had pdtrt $137,350; "anrt hadrdTawn inixel-'lntb'tWelvp . Jears $l,(K)0,000Coraertft'of "tl pei ent. per annum through a(i period -whicn included the panic"year9?othiogl8r4; ftnd this nwr nd.'hhAvirrJi.,li'inh7',ii3jrVllihn!' lating from year to year, and Wow amount ?g to 1300,000," itJ -itlvT H e gi ves other; etples.bf'fin j profits but we'cannot -i pllow hinx thvre are other points of advantage I penses jBbould be !f500r f700,or fl,000, - - ......... J;-. i.x i.---.w..-.-r!f l.abie.;i-. fia .j;- .M.f tactunpg, ; M-r,r t.h i.hiiiiiniias tT laf-irnr: A Tii r.nfn'nTi'f5w"l- "K':Xinf -sTa fci-'i-! iAi j ,: gee extractof decisionOTSupreme vUoutt of living, the ..favorable climate, the herewith enclosed.; h chpness' f- 'baildineP-i ;J ini - . -.j J.c jcjjaii. . jtv.it . nu1riM5 atfd-mad vott a copy Dtour revenue a .,- ill ti' lii -. ' ln concerning '.tiie N5 1 Tli j laTcei yarns txh& txkw Jdivnehas hi frtf ltfr isr vtM and iuL. 1 & -xfv r .'.oA-ftiu 'thdepia J ilJOc Pill "-Lrl..wt- 1 . . y , . Tt iu iter iiavums . jJiviiKS OT.pnrmcr UjCPpirw 3ssrvtn.ts5i pX8CHool mis i "v vucw uaiiy ureaur aro moro I, tKan" -X,Vw- L" h hXj AtoAle 3muiotv aouar8more than-the j . t . 'V; .' ur "S'vfwkw riitu runu i railrcjads Combined.", t?-I ; j tdJmannfabtufG Cotton with nrofit. all !if..s.vi ?i. ti-.i vv V . I uu.u Mmq swept away.v; '.tier." factories; closetl; Kf-r railroads wibnldTbe TunprQli table. i T '- i . - .--I i I and .consnmediiife the coarse of years.; Lcut, are f bave lfec Lcut, We wide-awake: States. ( They nave treconje a ver ricn , .people,; unT j ronndinjrs s: Ttiey will wfttoh1 close W -:T , -i. ;l the trendvof thinsrs. ,and if thev..l find their profits slipping away, thejy - . . ; I will be certain to; look towards the turret fVvoredlJSo century ends we' have but little: jSoiibt hundreds borterpuuvntj-: facturefs will be scattered through-1. 'out tne South' 75 However Telnctautiy: ii l 1 1 . tuey may uo 10 pun up ana emigrate . ' . r, - . '.i. . 4 Ll?5J5?.u,?2 5? V J1 i become persnaded it ; is ,to their 16- r .-V"' ' tereste tojiosou,: No people on earth have, a keener eye to the raaincbance . , ,.T -..- 1 .. 1 than -have" the people of the New England States. ;: They- once occu pied . the educational fields in the South before ibe ar and ,they I wilt to a. considerable extent occupy the manufacturing fields' whenever the opegjug jappears propitious. There is room' for air. T We; shall be glad to see five hundred New Eng land mills brought to the Southern . " .-- cotton helds. , 1 Of Interest to Tax-Payer. ,y l ; ., As a matter of interest to many we give" the following from the State Treasurer,- in response' to inquiries from :a gentleman of ''JhVcityf ' : ' ;i)KAJt,. Siu: 1' have ; received yours of the 20th inst.; and reply Jo your . Inquiries ia their order; 3 The taxes now being listed are considered for the year 1883, as all lists .refer .to June 1st, 1883. in listing property, -and as the taxes are collectible ia the year- ,1883. As id salariesand incomes the mean-- ing of the law is as followsii.-i k- a : . s. & partyreceiving a salary or fees during the- year toJane 1st, 1883, is taxable on the net amountrfeceived, above .$1 ,000, . which i$l,000f are the : maximum of deductions alwe3eAIaw- torthat.? For example,'if party may receive salary or f3,uuu.f ms expenses oi support. n . Atrn i . . . 1,300. and ex-' The tax on income is not contingent upon i&e'ternia ofr nnot : claim exemption from the tax' on salary r income because of liability to di$- charere.: : If he receives a salary to June 1st .and resigns eras discharged -on the 2d of( June he cannot claim exemption from tai Salary iar-mccime. fcf; ; it Yott askiJ "Suppose , a man has money inlbahk-fof which he holds'a certificaterar receibt; Whether the same draws interest or , iiotif mhatit he ilisted as money or solveut erjedit'T' I ?He must list n as solvent creoi. auinesj and mau you ants fnt' f urther information. . iJ? rst;-KT Very respectfully, Ts . j fe t .H,-tor f 3:istis-a im- Woirrn,. . ;.;."' yvyij; ;wStat6iTjaanre': 1 rt'rvait i ' : .).'-a4aMiii"''-t "f.-'" """v I ' A mr rail Scneme 1b WMcli a For- Mr. Geo: fJKelley;, a'hatiye, of this-city, JutinoWfOf Birmingham, Is interested. ' Age says: yW iwpri" ohrtwn pst'erdav.''by Mr. -1 Vieorge uveney, a sampieyoi mvw M Jl ivoq' .q! fiolrta 'which. XOr field froni"whicltvthis:c6ai"Jwa taken en T anPinff9A.-rClisbv dnd Georee . a'l Kefr ley. o&thisoityi wcunaerstanu tuai coiiaiions ai;e xiyw ..puuiu iu wc devejopment-pf this splendid coal property which. itdone.i will open' up for Atlantai Augustaftf isayannan,-' . vuarioiii-nrcur mond, Wilmington, Mobile New Orlean mi,a. i..nitii nuniit. iiiid nnh rant deposit,ahead5o anything: in this section of country," f -;. , j. to - - rT hi The paper. further states that the open ings made prove that the entire field is one Imass of coal, which consists ofj a, rare svar fiety-. that the owners are; busy sinking shafts. - -.y -.AiMji h , - 4- AJJwJ c:," ' - : 't ' ! l'1 i-'1 i'-ivi i " ri- rf vi A.'-y -t !: M.AriTuu t 1 Vya uj . TT- s : 1 ...1. ' ' ' ' " " ' ' 1 1 - I -1 i"1 tn- i"l 1 i. f " ' 1 1 ks -1 'xr.f f " f- r i"r.'; 1 1 1 ' ' -" - ' I t . .-......-.,. . ...-i :, r 1 . r V (Mjtn r 4 -i n aK: jnM9i -iwtiii-i7c:wvu:vwu- rn ".raHroa 5 neriH1,n"'"r1"rr::r: !nt erraBWeisen ffabrieisch-' to : of Wednesday last the particulars of a bi tUenl PartinL guests in such an unusually f alsd; the schooner, HaUu CaptCann, coIsschemeiaterydeVel6ped courteoua'-'war. Theyhamadenumtie Nassau-N-Py-Mr.. Herbert BL Av., .. i.u.... rr isrniftHtv-finthnaaPB anvthirie'tm, tne way oi i I hTws-n.fXKraTSreSatid "ffiSs' dlrcctl v between I rtAtton movemenc i . . 1 I' - 1 I - I . , .1 IT' . I It T ' 1 venae' citrine KArTiisn..... x .J 5.- nmonlaIs Toast. 'TJ&tZAm. ' Wlfte Iras 2ft$ iJRwrAq.., I IUsn j f l it , f 1 til fe9TOCc-P , rhe talasjjafofm. pf .a$,; P. : I .... 1 JfOB .. ' r T - T.-rrT. PPw W."aiKl Mrs.'iiaDnelsetL'., VVjw,WeJto by Ihe whole company wjth full, glasses nd - BtandirigB tr'v," nir. v;urrie, ;an.-a spcecn lyat "was tun t sentiment and -expressive of the; high -s- i - j - , - i-l wiieu omcer ana a cm zen, pre senleu to lum a beautiful gold-headed e ny,cane OB Which was' inscribed: "Jn 216t;, 18S3-r-Capt , Eric ' Gabrielsenj : from. his rncndsi-.Wnaington,,. p.' J -Cant. Gabrielgen accented Ihehabdsoth .r;Pnc8?n-aepieu uie-uaousoipe .' ! ' .,.-'111.1 5.1 I .11 testimonial of, the highregatd in. .which he is held bi' ..Wilmington.; with ai; simple: but evidently feeling return of tlianks: v -' 1 Mr. W. R. French pfesened Mrs. 'ua- bnelson .witli an anchor 5 or -.exquisite flojv- era. combining .thej-ichest tropical types witb:the f10 bands of her i exotics furnished bylheki k ,.-f - J- l.-r. -a.J I Mr I :umo TPlnTnpn t.hi thnnb-fi At MM .r , .J si... - . 1 1 Uabriciscu- lor the beautiful cut 01 bpr friends ' in a , mannei that. won ; him addi tional applause' as a pleasant speaker. The first rcgtilar tdasWThe Cify Bfjl-' inmgtont'Vwas responded to by the ilaybr of Wilmington, Cob TJEd ward '; JlalU He sketched the progress of the 'city from! a I vuiagc w . u piwwuii .piuuu. im iiuu i forecasted theJuture m - a speech that was I iiuiweuergj-Bnmiope,anu iree- ui uji- suVnVal Wries- .m C.W Jaiit .. j :,' . ( Mr. C. II. Robinson replied tciihe secoftd toast "The Commerce of Wilmington"-? in ... a fciiort.; .vigorous 0, ana k appropriate l speech; H -s tut m-ii, 1 3 "The Resources of North " Carolina" l responded to. by .Mr. Peter M Witsop, Secretary ; of the State, Agricultural De partment. . v'; ,.;n,.e-:.- .'scm- r VRice Culture a: North Carolina," fell to the lot of Mr Geqrge Kidder," who closed a very elever and- appropriate live minutes' speech by presenting ' to Mrs.1; Gabrieisen.a bunch of beautiful rice, in the sheaf . liound with blue ribbons, as a souvenir of her stay in Wilmington, and of the tender and kind feeling of' her Jricnds' 'whom '-' she "will j leave.- -: - .: . : w; - ;--...; -"The Milling" and Lumber Interests of Wilmington,"; Mr, Chadbourn. declared Jl very dry subject for the ladies, but he suc ceeded in making its. progress and history interesting to all and very far from the dry topic he prefaccd'it. ' " I Dr. IrvingJffrclgiTyinglo the toast "Te Ladies' expressed himself handsomely, and f .added f jiewSYCharinaito.4thf!if already headless .list.' 1 v-s ?'; ' ' A: iit.-; 4 Itfirespnaenle'' oAflbtMtBxplp-'-ralibnV" Lieu) Sand 'errpW Lieut.; Laws, who was "niore . recently from .those inhospitable t-regions, and t. who - declared that in. view of the "summer heats now r-' "ging he f o Pole, and hail vowed. ; neyci; , to recall; tljel sub3ect.;r!i '" t-uu- Lt.yohn Tj; Rhodes 'replied in an er- tain'irfir Wecl.to Jh&oWt VThe' Beauties' I a!nd j-DiQicuUies of fcliavieation;,jind thel :aiy 1 i RcVennc' MHrine Serv4cecalled "'Mr, L6- 7 -i;-i .v '" 'J'.'i ri'-r-iJ. ::v is yaire to uisleetns iuenuess 4 -specimen 01. duty well and satisfactorily performed. , f iftet -,.the'jregi!ar:tca8;-follow ;Vol'iinteer toaiis In rebi v in ff.to : the toast of i;'The ybungimeit jof North I'Cai'olioaJ" . Mh Jno. Daniel, nin'. onmww 7 1 1 r r . riiii.iu.. . . ... , a", , IdZZViy r rT ; and , particularly i of ant things. T of their oyptioa; to the ladies and. Mr. t Pow nesa is measured py its hearty, whole-souled A. tones It was al grati fy ing - testitnoniaf to laoa rrtonrl a-1 ritllypfltlft and hpprfitl manners and; oif orm .couctesy, and Ihese friends were determined tJUat iheyi sbonid carry raway wUhi hemi evidences'; of the esteem and kind consideration,? in r which , taey are ueiu( rs j 1 , rm.a foot vlu nl Tlie, feast was clpsed.by the .whole com- ...... .InMini, pf nn.lln rr uritTi iPull fflnoooo - ... .. . .1 IMS 4HHJ1- pany singing standing with tun glasses Anld lng BynV ' " "1 ' ihg jyesterd fa'aifhsW'balea for the corrponding week last yeafshowing an mcjcaseiof lU Dales; i .The ' i'i'-k Z?, f-'-i -,J .fiJ,fc"' ; v-J i against l"J5,7i oaies lortue qoirrespQnumg showing adecreasejof I ikhu"1-""" j- , . ..... , . t ",'"" .... i , t T 4 ! m Pro'im!myW met and declared a " iKerswJ? or sous ; next seasQB.up rpjsnstiA.- -irr-"---'- ; "a . - It would bel difficult to "-fanc-fj a 'more delightf ui eveningif an? evening's liappi- '1 hi" J,ReioVtdto it.e I -ird of Direct Compaoy voit-aVtkca(Qd0tf p0' jfA iminajC'Tafe'-appointed td rerif y , lTi4iTiA1nrTn - rrnnnilAr!! Ihftt. 1 7.1 9.1 fotiorpoJ f l V MllA V" " V li-Jmife taliil.reireseolcd4ln' the LnteeUHg IeMBdba9d by prenyl 2 lirhBteuptonr the? President laid before the tetiugj.A rf borfc'wf the' : Chief Enginepi;, rElenaiagdQaaer; id Tcferencfei to, he o3tructioa of t5eroad ia voootomplatio frdfiTii.S'GoBtiintea Creek Jir war of Selraa.1 itleldjaF4yettevillep:tw.'iE'loT04 'f Clogfetherit'ahetimateof the cost Jof the same, with - propcV gnulfngsjit iresUo-wdrk,r steel Tails etc Taud't- 4 request of themeeting he (the " Presider the i. President) made a statement of the "advantages to jbe flpriwivl hxrThi "r"frfYTr from ito rrtnl" : -V''-' is iit-"- i structiou. ..7 -Srt -IV r- After a. full, and free discussion 'of the. subject, it was, on. motion. r,nnanimouslyr .resolved that the whole-, matter be referred, to the Board of Directors ofthe Company, and, that full power and .authority be con ferred upon them to, provide fr the cdn- -' ' . - ' i " , strnction of - and to construct said line lot road, if in their judgment the interests of tb.e Company-require it, ,. .. .:,xc . s - J j. The meeting was very jlargely attended,t showing 'the interest manifested in the scheme. Rrnnawlcks 'Aenporado, ; Joe . i . , miot Agala at Iaree. -i t- Z u Good- A.week or so ago we gave an account of the capture, ia Columbus,, county, ola cbl- . ored; desperado by the pame of ; Joe .QooVl-" man w no, originally arrested for, larceny, had made hia escape, armed himself and ; bid defiance to those "who1 were ;faitempting to recapture him. On account "01 his des- pcrafe character he was outlawed about turec years ago, ana tne news tuat ne naa at last been taken and securely locked up In the prison at SmitDvllle was no little sourcef relief to thej)eople of. Brunswick and a"Jrtioti Vof started out to say that he is aara at large,' . having broken out of the jail at Smhyille ion the 19th inst.', i and ; a' reward . of $50 i -'jf"t i- mill ' . ouereu oy sucriu i ayior lor uisarresv. .-. - '- --. : - ' ' '- - Tne Funeral of Wlr. Harriet A. Jones. . The: Norfolk Landmark,' of Thursday,' say 8: "The funeral of this estimable lady, the wKe of the Rev. .Richard U. Jones, rector bf EmanuarChapel, took place f roift Christ Church yeRterdayinQrning, at 8 "o'clock, attended by . a large number of people.: The services were; conducted by the Rev. O. SBartbn, D. D., after which the remains "were taken to Wilmington.-Nl C.l for interment, on the Seaboard Se Roa noke Railroad. The following gentlemen' accompanying them to the depot as , pall bearers; J Messrs. R. Y. Zachary, John, A. Brimmer Jr., B. P. Jordan, t Capi John Drew, John Walters and Capt. B. P. Loy-. all Tne Late aim Harriet A. JTonea. The Norfolk Lahdmark'bt Wednesday thus alludes to the death of Mrs.' Harriet A. JoncsV whose ' remains arrived 'here Wed' nesday night and were interred yesterday morning in Oakdale' Cemetery, the funeral services . uviug uuuuuctcu ui Church at 10 o'clockl " ! ,At an early hou? yesterday morning this estimable iady,v the wire orpine Key. Richard Rv? Jones, hreathed.her last, sur rounded by a grief -stricken household, and it is with unaffected, sorrow that we record the sad event-. eentle and affectionate, and at woman 01 rare attainments. Railroad Dividend. "' 1 : Yesterday, after the 'adjournment of the special i meetings of the ' stockholders', the Board bf "Directors of the Wilmington Weldon '.Railroad Company met and de clared a semi-annual dividend' of 3 - per wnt.i' rkftvahl'nn 'ihfi-. "tfilh . dav of Jillv. r 1"-J- T . i . .... -i j . T proximo.; ; : , . 'rh rw, 'r4 The Directors of the Wilmington lumbia & Augusta Railroad Company also i j u iy, Foreign ijeporta , K Si The German barque DnA fiwsig, ps7, Capi Ohlffc was clcajred f ronjt, thhi uportf or ,Per- nambupp. Brazil, by MessrsKj Edward. Kid- ider & Sons with 207,284 feet of lumber Tb e'ithV at BHrgaw Po stponemen ' relbratIon at J?t. CaaWell.u I -. .--ii- .1.-, !. J 1 'M IWa-QITO TRnilflRLKIl Ltl ' LLIVE LIIHC' OT1 .H.f 5- i , -zg- - ,M I COUUl Ol Uo uiyuuaoi vtniuioiiuu uuu Jjr J i ...i!i,.r. "s-; -....:-.' .- -i I Ingot, tne corner ssono ior iiinenew i courp house at Burgaw,' on the approaching- r4th j . . . , : i bf -July,' tfie'citizehs.bf -Point CasweiV have yery. generously postponed the celebration that they had intended to have had oh that dv in order to aid andencburaire their a3strt6damuchtaB!pssibiei tP:h I '1 Fourth Fourth of JnlT "Exeoraiona. ? i w Ttm - management -of; the;!Wilmington; thimbirWi AuguSfARailrpWhayeatfr muged-ifor- excursions to .Charleston, Cr lumbia and Wilmington from points' bn the tppTilar trains July 4th, 5th and. 6th. inclu sive, will be sold at greatly reduced rates. fci ii TITS 2IjPJFV ' l "' ; . ,'i ' -t.? - .. - rx . . - - ... ..- - j -Pursiianl tcTpuuIic 1 Dticcs of 'iae fiecie Xvimpaa u-Bij sieraayi -iJom.Jtfcix.israay.pvQnnasea 9Uiertas aeo-J-iiUaiiicanua Apath8,eyetfpi Jomen. SS- Wklid(edaUifUi6 AM.l-T9m',mmmP3JiT ny(4nd l,cbjMreB.-If Jhese Indians are. not fe&t to fc lfiidiadind EtlaJRro.ThmTnn rirtiii a. I !?M5 6MKf? .iii-."" fitove of jso'lacko;Uie-.T I nnmtan wifh ft1 21S ..feet ' lumber 8l Am MVUUWI, .M. . F .... w 1 shingles. 9 barrels brpitch and 3 barrels pf far;vameaaV$92lWt .it; ;.itf i U f -t.-i1 313, The . Democratic State ConTentlon 1 :! Fl It 7 tlda41y -TTonilnatea for Governor iofl 1 1 jijUJiixiUB. juue iL-iue wtiverai ram- 1 1 lal LtTf in Lilt? it:iiiiK:m.LM'. m.H.w 1 ;nnKpmt TefmtoOfatibn ciiairman .pa iMUAjWYenuonj ; agia w m.i v. 'aad the MntieV.'VUt vpte afi instructed in j ttiA rtrarinr:attfvri rT f Ti f lnn'(wrif 'nmmtllnA I jonniu. I mpson as Chairman or ihoT2xecuUve ' T Committee are not" favorable, mid cdm- j vv-vvfei:4iiJirii4PJqi.i edmgs though its composition aicamaiaoocftswp wn tejmperauce i nca afoppiogjuvrom aidesfsniaifrfeg-;i probably license f or regulations-;: " f ments. They would say, We give ourseltes ' eratienStaiolCoaVentidft eoflrendf atllCf'9eJ?rid iHlnteJ eame.;nJnon4h-J o'clock this morninff,,i1There'is a, tarter I hl crowu nere man was ever seen oeiore ayinlaVrpccasi6nVtmd4ae suiiry ana rainy. iae. contest DetwfeffTTIf",'-,B1?J! o uepiwuwiqns j Ward and rSoadlyWfbr GoveriiWWaiedi fieroelv rlnrint thn mnmimriiniiro ; 1 i The Coriventi'dff waV called td"order W Clark Irvinerchairmau of thentrelCdm--1 mijee. , All preliminary organization hehig disDensed With.' Hon. John McsweenVl of I iWoosterrwas .- introduce? as ipermanint J. chairman. As no committees were rerilv' I frt Tfiftrtrl ma r.tn wMinnrnnPf'Apfi frU nJt nations.. vEll6rts;wero(made to noceedTtq. Vait' Senator ThnrrdKn crowded oniih 1 121. 1 If 1 1. 1 1 1 VV II 1 1 f 1 1 1 I . numnN -111 1 1. HI 14T 51 llJIlL 1 stage,. amid the wildest enthusiasm, T. IE. r. , , . . 4 . v' - ' . ' I jroweii nominated lien, uur Dm ward,, and iu secopoing-oweii,'i nnrman maue tin., able plea for the Mcpghitiqu of the seryijes Of Gen.' Ward. ' He warned the Convention against tying themlselves Xd ajiy one issue," and rannpunced that. Ihe party rhad alwi been arrayed against sumptuary legislai ldn, and should continue to thattwayj. .' -s J (im names pt Messra. JioadJy,and(,ie4es I were then presented in order. ; J "f urouDie was Teacnea on'.tnnrst,. oaiiot t . . . . t when Butler , coun tv was called Taia I x Butler county was called. Tia I inai in8 mricanuas would not nave siir fiv 'had k ivfde nrpipra'titf . Vnrl' I JCeudered- to the Mexicans iaiader:an-r clrl coun Result wasa call of theiKJonventipaiito po J, awftv with thft unit niiA .which was fKr&A '1 amid great c6nuMdri 8hb'wragTthe stfengthq ot tne leauing counties; to oe' about, even, i The ballot was not completed , until li30 o'clock; and resulted ' as follows : Hoadly 290. Ward 261, Geddes 77, and; Denver 14,. The second ballot proceeded until Rutjer county was reached, wheri the samd trouble hagain ensued, f After the ball had been.cqn- viuu,u ovmv uiuuga ; ucgau (iui xtvuu Ijr 9 'and thd irreatest .excitement. oteTaiieifr the delegJtes f climbift&i over ach'jotiiapd of the'ballot cotild b& dnnouced,i!a: motion j to nominate Hoadly by .acclamation was carried.-:' He i had hi the neighbbrhobd jof 350 voleslfl; being necessafy to a choice. t '."Judge Hoadly Soon appeared and, accep ted the riotriiaatioy; ih Vbricf address,";du ring w;hich he reviewed his connection with! the party and said thal althbugh'' he' had wandered at one time with Republicans to1 fight the battles; of the cblored race, pe- mocracv was broad enouch to receive . h again. - He esteemed it'a great 'compliment -datesf and bhlivpd ' tht t.tA innnvmtinn I VW Js UnuillttW,u Utl LUUIC W Jl I.U V 0UVXT womdnlaee mpn !on JhA iatfnrm 1mm I ,. : 7 . leading principles were-Vcroonal liberty, self-control in temperance mattersand the license system.-!-t - . :: The Convention then proceeded, to ,the nomination of Lt.' 'Governor, and " Jno. G. Warwick,' of Stark county, was selected by acclamation. Before the ballot :Was con cluded, De Witt CoolmanV'of Portage Co., the other candidate, was withdrawn. ' ' . COLTjja'Bti' Convention continued in Session without te cess either at noon or in the evening and the scenes and confusion at times were re- markable. During the evening session Chas. W. MetcaU andsPeter ,Kelly got iuto a flght : in the Hamilton county delegation, and the rew had to be quelled : by the police. " 1 The men were arrested andilocked up , ..t The work bf making the ticket continued amid the,-greatest1 confusion, with the fol lowing resultf,:, . ,.; ,.,.r ; ,,r .1 Uor Supreme Judge, short term Martin ilX Follett. of . Washington cbunfy.f ,H Supreme J udge.long termSeiwin Owen, oi w imams couniy. i ;: Supreme Court Clerk J.. J. Cruikshank, of Miami county. . ; . ".,. , J : Attorney General James Lawrence, of Cuyahoga ;cbunty f c t t J m$v i Auditor- of ,Slate-T--EmiUKeisemater, 6t ranklin imirntv.' '-'-t si 1 I .- f 5' Franklin county. i Treasurer of State Peter Brady, of Sah-. ausay county. . j-.,, t School Commissioner Leroy A; 'Brown, of Butler county.? .kmU-MZ-fmnM ' A- 1':if Member of Board of Public Works-Jnb. P.: Martini of Green county; wUs ',.. The Convention ad joaurnech at ,115.-this morning, after being in -session over fifteen .hours. ; "- X '-h hfii&i-- f The. State Central; Comniittee' met last night and organized by the election of the following officerahDavid R..Page,! of Sum mit) ceunty, chairman oi ; Central uommit tee ;,GilberJt H, Bayer, of Coshocton county, chairman of Executive Committee;:T)Q. BailentinrTJfJIaTkrTtHranty secretary of Executive.Gommittee; Jtnd C. N. chmick, of Columhus. secretary of Central Commt www. Seatb of Arcnbtbop WoOd of Phlla .:jelpba--0,f;a Prominent Louisiana . Politician And i-ofta WeH-Itnown U Rtlnatreia .Jc,;.vmm fat Mv-t-H tit i revTeleirranh to tneornlnk'Sti.! :PHnKtrite Juueril -Archbishop iWood diedlasfpighV. 9 e ORiiKANS June 21THriJ. Ogdeh died here yesteruay,OI apoplexy.,, .He was Attorney General dUrincr Goir. -Nichols' ad- ministration, - and figured nrominentl v". in thA nniitica of the State m i874-'75. - t i fiiNbw YOBJutfeli-iCharles f' Backhs, tne weii-anown, mmsiref uieu , mis roorn- .-.-.wi- iivj.. v.4Jvi --'TfT' ''"-' i mg. r Vislilnfc: Companies from" New Orleans i-f m ana uuujenon tumorai '-.lJsy,ijcin Wjwio.vww ii iv Hautford. . June 22. The Charleston Lrght IofdUtry.Oftniarlestdn, rS. C..' this morning' jvisited Cheney's silk mills, i at South Manchester, and this afternoon. w,ere taken to the various5 points! ofmteresC'iii . the city,.under tljeescort of members of. the 1st Regimen t,''C N.' G. ' 'f' ' f ; -1 miTbei Continental Onardsi bf (New -Or leans, ;arrivedJrom Providence, thjs afterl noon, v rind "Were received "bythe "Pu'than Phalanx and iheiGoveraer's t FootiGutrds, and given' a short street parade, followed by a hnnqnett This evening he "New'Or leans company produce .their tableaux at 'the Opera House.' They goto New Have4 to-morrow morningi -The Charleston com pany leave for New York at midnight THE tNDlJLIfS.11'1 The SltnatlAli . In Jtrimna rrnnlzlm f Jlapoal.Wj .v.vM;. s:i I ,T!iJ .i ' f WAsimsTONw' Juno 23. The foUoXvinff tfcletrrttrW hffi Iwh IVtfHlvrv'7iri JTtWi:Wne graphs as follows : Tap 'by Jthe ftarjeimj inai eecretarv i&iier oecuncs ic reeeivmon dnd. war- natuVc &4fr'4r4 b& suspiSibulnCl "viffilafaf. Iti.llnl mI....:i i 1 z . i 1 . H . : ouis occudv amerent eievatea : noints makinir a snrnrise ardfl dhsfrtihtiArt tit th'A entire band an impossibimtSYIn..lUSagfnkUnl uer, iu Burrenuennir. mev wouia noi trust inemservesin ouPiianas' at? on ce bdt copafi ers.w?u1'? havQ followed. Twenty, warnrs w6ild haWbeeh'BS'baa'a ife wfiolflAiulm- ,?MWftua,Aa'eMa3 -the Uhincahuas reach , the resetvMloa thfev Witt ? ally) asiltoerroaa andsdistnislfht l An7 awmpt to hold them respoasible, fof. theiracts before their surreflder.;wilT drfveJ lUGm uaca.to tne cuK,ancD3eorgeai DieH muntains and we shall Jhen have to flibt them until the last one diesf1 IhHheir edde alt depredations commitfedTubon ourselves nA?Jfe5,c-n.8' whHe a warfare legfti- - . ..w .ki i .l.V..lt,Ll. IM ( J V irrMNVH i58V. Tur S ieci fc. are tno worse :lilhnnlfhiielv thAn.AnH A ma 1. T X'-C' .1 . muioouu iijauacs x uu iuu uuimug iui, soiuiers an,u scouis, wno naa subjugated them: to organize and discihe six thousand ;;but to discipline -a,rid opntw)l this handful" of Chiricahuas. wc'' would v havoJinot vinly r soldiersif and v scouts Pn ulue vlauavassistanqe . pf Jail, tej "-"cc xuuiaus, - wao wnuiu: resist jwuuuay ne auguresiv movemcnr ine. MM 1 n n 1. 4. - 1 I V .?i fiirf',,; fjjnc, j x. am, cuuupa tnat tne Uumcanuas would not have silr- tumpuasaQu u 1 am not susunea?nqw -will not surrender to us again. " Theiriiit- uralidistrust And ; suspicion I have, beeit ti' uj au oj. ucttuucjf, which they allege the Mexicans committfed some, months, ago.. The Chiricahuas word invited in to make peace, were filled 6d with liqubri ahd" then1 attacked, many be; U11.J . t 1 .5 .1 1 t.;i -i carried off as prisoners. " ' r Tdthis Gen. fkOiofleldMds: J&V irecbii- menq Jfoir ,the . presen V . at least,-, that the; management of the surrendered Chirk a-1 huasbe left entirely in the' hands ) of Ge i.4 .Crook. ; and; .that both the War and the,! i-l terior' Departments eive him' full' authori ,v nd means to carry out tbi85policyif his seems to be the onlv nossible wav to at suc cessful issue. ''Eviden,'vthe'ChuiculS' can t be treated arbitrarily as " prisoners waiv.and -Gen. Crook alone 4ias power control them. 4 Tleaie ''tnfdrm'luo iiy t graph before IroCeed furtherp whether not it is the intention of the Inferior I partment tdtake charge 6f these "India J.isnau oe only too giad-to. get iiriaUtte 1 hard Tvork and rer3nonsihil!tv thir.niaTififrh- I ." r T. . ment will entail.": "" : ' ''- .a .a 1 a 1 i I . . a cony oi ;ine xeieeram was to-uaysent -JhfiJSecrelarv of the Interior bv Secre tary Lincoln, with a reqnesttnm.' uuriuA . cate , his pleasure touching the disposition- ui tuuis; luuiaua. ... , :. V " '; ' , ,t -XTi3 MISSISSIPFJ. i,1 Break In the Levee Abovt1 SU'IiOUlaj- i. muioto Bottom Lands Flooded lm . mense "Destruction of Property. . , -r ' ItBv Telesrrabh to ;th Mornine Star-V"1"' St. Lottis, 'June 23; The MaTdisoWdykM between here and Alton on ,- the Hlinolaj iue ui lue , xiver, uiu&c. uuuut o y, ivun. .thisjnolr&inff. inJ two nlaCes." "One break. near Mitchell,, is. about twelve mjles , ;froAa East St. L6uis; 'the- other, ' further "hort, near tho .head: of the dyke, isntot far f rotn Alton. ' The crevasses are. not; very "wide, vet. but are growing xapidlyand the water is rushinthrouglvthem. at; a tfarful rate. It is expected that the entire' bottomnorlih. Of East St Louis, embracing fifty- e sixtly' square,; miles,;, wilU be4ilooded. Farmers are leaving their homes as rapidly as possi ble: .manv'.-of themiroin!r'to iUton'anrl- others to differpnt points of, the bluffs,. fi or six miles hack from thehver.' - ' u The name amonff vthd i ncme whenilno levee broke was very, - great and uniyersd ' They fled" to Ward5 -the'blTOtTrytng-'iivit them whatever of live stoclc ana houseno goods they could save.rMany head live stock-were 'drowned.' There fa a fc rise coming down Uhe riyer,. and this,wil no doubt augment the flood until the. water reaches1' the 1 bluffs-, seyen' miles from3 the river. . As it is all thecountrv; between Mitchell and .Venice, is, or 80onwitf.be, 'overflowed, and -thedewtructidn to erork . ?11 1 1 . 1 3 . f . 1 .1 will cause, a joss vi, iiiaureu vl tuouaam "of dollars. N6t only .are the crops ruined but the forc&uf the ovetfldw has- .tdtn tl soil to pieces, and-iu many .fplaces , san fl piles win laae tne piace ot leriiie grouiui. :The Kansas eityExpresiflontbe Chicagb v1 ;.;; li t1 :iqT; - CONKECTIVTJT. , I 'V.','K'i. .New., Orleanskwmpanyit'En-ei . tig iiiVa.ned-af sMi..na'wenj'siT t a i By TlWeerapa to tne wofnia stvnpvt IIavkit' Jtfne23h!e;teontraeutal . Of New-Orleans,-rarrived, this fore- Guards booh ftom'Hartford, and were received by the Sarsneid - ouarusad escorted -to 1 tne Grand Union HoteliiThis;ttbon!the visitors I werentendered banqUfer at IheSarsfiel f Armory, aiwrwumaaBaori nme yvasvpei I-in sight-seeing At1 Mf.thevisito I Paraded targliiilhe '-bi'lnclpal'fetrec am feiwere reviewed M the clvoffieittIs Mant I buildings are handsomely ; decorated -Tcf luguv-iuo- vuuuuuwMfl-njii uiu iij -Inleau'andilatCT honfttinedJ bv the Jeii feTsbman-eiUbi Thywiffileave f or New : if one by 4ram eanyiittaaay mormtf?,.31 'earul Bayea."o' the DiJieaaeAt yera f t GaXiVcstosVi rJnne3.-Pxiyate iadviee f rom.iera Crus state that i yellow fever ria making.fearful Ravages among Europeans land Americans!.' Ten deaths Were reported Irom1hpitye8terdayiandrl;0 during the past two months..: uapt. Jreddes, whb has run td Rid andbtherports for nine yeat, died Worn seveKe itypc-1 of ilblack vomit, after only -twelve, hours; pmessi Ne,wspapersi-there4speakl of the' heat "this jear4fts. ternbleit ofa -tmas . dTn i vl ;? WKii ria oWF. a certf hZfl titv -f rvU iui purchase of a navy. Altoona lntmne. $ Alton itauroad, ? did not , reach here, day;"the track ' bei ng" ; overflowed south Mitcneu. .ffljiaui m -ton 3iVitd-T4irpeiitine; WhiteviHe"JS5i7me On' last :WcdaTesaayi night the store of Mr. IL P. : Schulken. at the depots -was entered and a v : considerably acvnfgoosf etc., taken therefrom.. - - - ' I -rt-loigncit Home : . Mrs JU art ha Oatst of Edgecombe county, died-very trud ; -acniy.at- her daughtera,- 4Hrs ra Gnffln ? ' on-Spnday-m6rniogr.lafitrged about fifty-- 3 wO'years. eh'&;wasvWititriCT daughter. - f. ihcMicat ctop; bf jWHsoa aa4 Nash: coun-. ',- ' 'W& I averagefwhilertherstalkNlo'tJifebcad is ' tft f Targe and well-fiUed-' v. - V Uourt Having Taepn aLfpbseOf Sf. last wet"' the,, civjl.. docket Vwas called op. Monday.- j.uc uimuiao ui uupuiiuucu; waq a very in--,terestiog t one dwasv.triedjwHb; great" earnetneia-Jby" thetJOpposing counsel It mvolyedjlha jKpoWbi!oof; a railrb-vd i company for jroqds lost after they tod been Stored in-ih& det"hejuryinaeT:thei; ihftruttieni $f ; tke-?8urt i ounfl a verdict in.. Speaks vword in favocof tbecdasf ff .Nortlr TTriiFa a. saniiarium, .amijwe .aKj; plcdsifrbin "adding our testimonr ' to T w hat ; WiJbuTakmiv5i weUisaidirhetiiJalmy ti: hrcczc8 on.the coast come laden wilh o7.nnp. Pwhae?tte1atmo,shere bfthe pinerf6fests is 1 oMn;! w fAAUTk1w!. -. -."a . (EeaMy4toblem caseaol consumptive T - . i ' ' - i tenaency. - l ne census map or pulmonary f disease shows a' white spbtta -Eastern Car amounted to $111,000, and; it was not a vorttsrood dtiy'fbr tasinbss either. A.'- thpayy srmjbf,, wind, and Taia sjlick; theV -secuon oi country a lew mues Tiortu. or,' urhrMiRtay e&magFww& hear1 con- 8,iaerapie, damage was done.;-nThLwheat crop is much better than it was thought to be. If,isliwelliiidedfAwDiedat the residence of M A. Angier.-Esa.. Friday evening last, about? cfciockMrs. Josephine 'lAngier.3Eifeof WaiJ. Angier,j---air. S. ; R. X'arrington showed us recently, a. lemon that'fdr size excels any thing rwe'evor saw. it: was raised by Jiutton Davis.. two miles above .Durham. -Mr. V. P: Gates sold four 'grades of tobacco at 5?,' $40, $40 and ,$110 per ; hundred, an average of .y per hundred. , ; v -.t ;-, i-V V.Weldpnr.!iVew vrhe ; crojps 'are still looking finely1 andvgfowing rapidly. rrrrr- ine.oat cropas.a genera", thing, is a failure .thisy ear. --r-rVYe learn that ten persons: have died on., Occoneechee !Neck, Northampton county, within the past two ' weeks. jtThey , iiyed -s within, two miles of each ottar. Threes ol tbem were infants; several had pneumonia, t-None of the deaths j resulted from malarial affections, r J- f H. Collins, the colored solicitor bf this dis trict, mhde it tripKlowa.to'.Newif Berne and had a fight with E. E. Tucker, proprietor Of the Banner, ' Vk paper published there. Uoilins iwas picked .up by Tucker, and thrown clear. over a pump. .Tucker was then pulled off by 'a bystander.' Collins was arrested, tried and fined a penny and j tup costs.;, uouins is small but game. j 4 oldsWo'ifw&er; rRev.' W. i M.'R6bey is at Murfreesboro, where he de ! livered the ,annuaraddress to the grad ua ting class bf Wesleyan Female -College yes-i "terdayi - The' negro ravisher, Guilford Soop,K brought . here from -Lenoir county,, thank's his stars that he is safely caged be hind the solid bars ;oft the steel cells of the.,G6ldsboTp. jail, beyond the reach of the ivnrihttnra.V'.-' ' ' A'Ttipn'tinir nf the bnsinrsa . ;men of the cities dfNew Berne, Goldsboro, - Kaleign and Jlinston. washeJdjn Uoldsboro . yestcrflay;- to organize a. syndicate, for the purpose oi leasing, ior a lerra oi years me . . Atlantic find North Carolina " Railroad. It was stated that the capital stock was 'de signed be $50,000,- to be divided among the business men as follows ; Raleigh $15, 000, 'Goldsboro $15000, New Berne $15.- . 000, and Kinston $5,000,- and that Carteret b ojpaiyhileitlgngtlhefilow! ISngland (coast I it - is as black as Erebus. Raleigh News F Qmtoet&i ii h -.iamW ?;irUi;v:-: county might share Whatever she wished of . v part of Raleigh itwas ling that the $15,000 would be forthcoming Goldsboro? reported Slo.OUO suDscriDed. New- Berne, through Mr. Manly,, stated that her" part " was secured, and Mr. J. C, Woolen thought he could pledge the $5,000 on the part of Lenoir, Sheriff J. F. Jones, of Carteret. ' asked that he be allowed to take $l,000.;il ?On motion, the chair appoint ed the following a committee to consider and agree upon propositions ior a lease oi theAUanUc &Ni CX; iRailtroad, viz: W. F. ' Kornegay, H. Weil, John Gatling J. F. Jones, Henry : Lee, John C. Wooten, T. A. Green, M iWahab ; Clem JVianly, , IX. Gray. , On wotion, Judge Faircloth was added to tne list On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet at New Berne Tuesdaj-, the 26th inst." at 10 o'clock a. m.,whcn per- manent'arrarigements are to be perfected.! K;i--iC!harloite i Journal-Observer llajQr iRotert..'Bingham, of, the Bingham School, addressed the i . jl .u a. ana students s of ; Davidson Collegq Monday eveniag, June 18th, on '.'The Physical. In-, tellectuat ahd' Moral Culture of , Man." -This addresai'which was so highly- praised when delivered at the , University ; of V ir gknia, fully justifies all the flattering ac counts-we nave .neard oi it. -t-a aptc- - . tator of the duel atHamsburg a few days " 'ago,' "which ' was 'mentioned at length in theso:coHimn8 yesterday,- senas us a iew additional particulars in regard to tne at-. fair; He laavs that the pugilists "took their 'stand six -feet apart,' when time was called , and knocking began, in the hrst round, lasting-'' four minutes, u Mr.' ' Meares was knocked down but Wis - not I- hurt. ' - Their seconds raised, them to their posts in the . ' second round Mr7? Hoffman "was. -knocked down and bruised to some exten t. ., Iu the third and fourth" rounds neither ; was knocked down nor seriously damaged. JTheir, seconds called .time;:? for -the hrth round when Mr . Hoff mau was uuablo to "come to thomarfc1 'Mrk Meares was at his ; post Vready for .thc flf th -round "when Mr." "Hoffman cried out: "I am done, and will givxj 4t;up."i They -sthen shook hands and r parted friendly --Yesterday the 4Gth dommenfccmenC'ot Davidson College was -ushered in under auspices most gratifying -to he friends pf this grand old institution. The firiar&lcbrations of the Euthencan and ; Philanthropic Societies took place Tuesday - " night in .their respective halls. Amongst otheir important matters coming before the 'Bdard'of Trustees at this 'meeting Was the election of thred new Professors to fill the chairs of ; GreekLatm and 'Mathematics, made'vacahf bp the resignations of Profes !sors 'Latimer Sampson and Caraoni To thechair bf GreeR the trustees have elect ed -Prof. - George' F.'"Nicola8seny A. J1. - Ph.; D . orthe-' Southwestern4 Presbv- - teaianUniyersity , at QaxKlville Tennessee. 'The chair of Latin has been filled by the - 'lelectioti oftWmiJI Bingham of ?Mehane- viile. N. u. Mr. limgham came of Latin stock,-- being a nephew of Maj. Robert -Bingham, andson of the fate William; Bing .han'aiuthor. of a series of Latiu text books. -. The chaiir of Mathematics will be filted-by . Prof 'Vincent, of Austin ' College,. Texas. He griduated'it .SQuth; Carolina,, College. . hdfasttethejirppession of trustees. : alumhC faculty and students was formed I in.fjrOntoJ thojold, cbapeL j ;The exercises . were men openco. wun jpraycr, alter , which , President. Hepburn,' in a, happy, manner, in- vrouuceu io tut; auuieuce v?o uenncii u. YOung, of Kentucky, 1 the annual orator. . ThBSpcecw'aaatt hour long in- ' terspersed with frequent applause. . In the - 'mfddle!bf his-' speech' 'the" 'speaker 'brought flPitRitl1 Idnse by 'saying that he had done" a great many mean " things, hut had , Uevr " done'anythm soVmean as to pronounce Latin as it is pronounced nowadays. " ; , . 1. 1 -.Vi - . -v h i r ?.'-:-.. I 'A 4 'SI t ' . I" 4 t S