The Weekly. Star. PUBLISHED AT 91 I N CT.O nv ir c., ' " AT o 5 O A YEABj.IN ADVANCE.! oooottbt lj iiaoK?l ooooooooooioo ctabOrnn9set.nio OOOOG 9Sf 0OS'.U nntfoi oo446oooootJeot6Sa 4 .IKW H 0 z SS -OwS n oo . OOO BOO .1 . . 'iAK I r-a- t--cp o om ;o O P. ,r- eiSMftcoriMnnec:! CJ Ci CT CD -4 to Hi, )i t , The subscri6ticto:tpri!d Hf -the WBEKjEon STAfeis as follows i. y?vx2i!?VJ Slndc Copy 1 year, postage, pHift,f ' " S months. " Vf :,F-i-r,wf SO-CAtiO" NATION, AlljlK Ve have: written stiftJeii'lM owno- sit ion to the Logan e! ncaKyi cjxeue - - : : s . . ,n anl the Tonrgee scheme thraitsl hai 'll V reeesaars? a go mtftitjna lev :i;:iin 'an exteiiso? fTtie 1 fHetls-'o Gov t iiutuMit t'dueatibn are t-.tiveaiul: iiisisir-n i , and perhaps those' pose tlitv plausiblnofnewha' leninr:ilizing plans on;UtTnottQi:iQS kWI.i if tln'tn. ' Wv fdvHr Gcivrrh-i suent to t iii(;atioH in 'thtStaie tUetVi wq will m-eivi; o.ur snare upon Jlhe ' ex- ttr.-sH i)ndition that there is - not it-id , ? ! li the slightest ' Fettef ajf Tnlervehlloi' in distributing the inndsand h minnection 1 therewith. 'The i State: aiv ro nave inu tuuus ium., iu jusr i riimiP and control theiQa 4 I iBT si'.lieine td keet1 un the lieavV irixiiion in order to create a' larire 8,uf,tnK which is to' be:stributel among the States either for the purj . oi relieving iue people or upme ta x es m u'nici pal, county or 1 State ; taxes or of creating an educational fund to relieve the country of illiterr ' aey. .; - .:m -ji . ."' W would . not! be willing - to fe cif o aiiy Federal - aid for education that would tend to lessen the inter est of the people m education. Peo- . apjireciate that highest which is uiii.iincd by . personal sacrifice. If any :iidis " furnished 4et it be two . dollars for every three raised by the peopu. . - - y: --- - Tw Northern peonle freed theVne gro an.renfranchlsed - his sto iii ignorance. " They ought; to fedn- iaui him and fit hiiri for citizehshirj. This is bat,irfai; lanxfjifstj 'tX ''.-swept away the dauntless millions of the Southern whites, destroyng.jtheir entire basis of 'credit ,f Wfty ' then 1 1 1 . 1 C if ' a T I. L. . should the SouUiern Aiteg tiphave had to strufide; J f dr ? bare vihg, and who have .their own diudren tp e-1 n cate iie ei pecited in thcr f ppvertr to educate also the. willioris.Qfr tgnd rant negroes? $f? Z . So the Northern. whiter themselves .ftitVMirl tb ll,;ra!9,Jfa"u T aud. not f.uuiiH uie; negroes wuoui.uuc .vp loathed with;';ad., We are glad to feprodnob a'i pat- grapn trom. tue rticnmona jutspiuc, that expresses' 'well arid fotcefullT) own' views ponpcVmng sp'-caiiejd J-l$4" x Cl'Jf'iL -?a Tti1 tioiial edecatfoi JtiaVsf . "We regret. exceedingly topoticeadisp-; : sition op the part1 Pf;' some bf our Southern' ; exchanges tb.encQurage jhe'idea of & : system ,'r diica.ion updfet the';pontfpVbf 'the;Na-1 tkmal GoverumenL 'Solely the' editors of t bests journals have'allOWed their ze:tl in life ' causelpf eucatibrit6;get thpbeflepflliejr; juilgnU'iWe'.kndw iip scheme raiigljt' with.RO, imich danger jU politicaf liberty ? pr; npre at varjancQ with the' spirit of free ia ; sliliiti6hi.;, Tfie,vy' argriment; rised 'by its Northern advocates; that it would result iri . 'unifoimfty of , education,' is the argument; that condemns t"Jmbst rongly; 'for ;uni-! foriaity of educatlori .rnejtns' nothing more uor less than teaching, all to. tbidk alike. Willi aif educational jsystem pindcr national . "; auUiority, .it would be only a question pf la short lime wlien that svstem would become a political machine and the hot-bed pfjteh-J inlizaiipn: ,No party ,wptoldtpr could resist. I tbe u-mpfciifori it would 'offer to' perpetual e ; power, -or disregard Uhe opportunity; jit would afford fr tbe practice of corruptictri iu liitflr nlares with imuunifv. ' The "illite rate class,' the 'heg'rpes' of nhd' . South lp . : whose behatf . " '. strenriously triged," would be "the ' greatest .sufferers lW it for 'tbc'Teasou that, inr the - nature of thlrigsVthev would become; tlje . , more securely chamecf t a pojiticat jriggeK i ' 'j r rSenrnlstSdJijHtt' j Florida will gb rfolirjitift iri 1884, tte says- fe.-i;: ? ; "I think that Florida Is honestly a Dem : ecratic State, and the best; lest of that is the faet tiiat Sn iS7R-:whfin our Political adVer- earies hbld all the Offices and controlled the- machinery of the elections, they returneu b - majority against themselves of sixty-five.: 1 thinv a ,d.m!m -f riptuls themserves Hl acknowledge that we. have conducted matters pretty fairly since we have been In .SZrih r vol. xiy ; f t A' EESOLJJTIOIf SUGGESTED. , we navB seen 'npimne iiiat, it ueeras tovj,vcaJtppssibly satisfy ,3,ny pi acer& ,1'"-'kut: ! -:;;fA' t: i. in i ;.! -'mi, - . . ii i ri in iiir j :naa never been a lax ieviea ( m ,ttie noMrmeceBsaryi totaKi foil! xuej 0X8tj 4j deciclo rpb'ff! Sfrliftt Articles' $he Hsxl pass py without taxing all articles ,6c h ltticnry finch i as rfcooacanaiearjsJ injustice as this ?iU. .Yi-.r-b.' i ' V Bali" Mariner; ! wirtionoiQneve that? the ' Democratic 5 party canpos- sibly v succeed in theciinpaign 1 884-!f of the Presidency, if they wil adopt a respiutio'n litpilkpt iTolio.wi tig itrJR&oUed', "That1 tfrefialterabljl opposea tp. ine taxipg pr. wmsKey beer arid thorou rhl v un-Democratic to"" tdx ries that gladden life. .ButQn;thd other hand we" favor forever' the tax I tifctssaries- iof the fatmerj the-busi ness man... we roecuanie ana iue ia . .f.? . s-,. -,.r.-..-v . w..-,.. . m It ouldlbe nice :experiment; to can Yoter8.-,XW& are Spot's .awarpfp g any lniusuce or ueiug m iue least nnfakia thus stating the caset If the above resolution does riot de scribe the position of many papers arid man V Democrats tberi bavi read, a certain rfcsoiution and certaii utterances wrongly. I tbe posUion of tboseJ who so 'strongly oppose tbe Stab is not presented in the ; resolu tion as above - worded .then wp are much aiistalcen. Of . course they woxfld not so write it. But stripped of all unnecessary verbiage and boil ed down wb believe their position is fairly described above. This pa per on the other hand, . is very sin cerely . persuaded that luxuries arp tbe very things' that ought to be tax ed and that can best bear it. L I SUPPOSED ; SUICIDE. i r j Blyaterlona Disappearance of Ulr. John ' Sneeden and tola Supposed Suicide by '.'r We are pained to be called'upon to an nounce tbe supposed rdeathf by. Suicide of itTWi trttrri'Sriiiif!n !lhh 'fmfnrtiinfttA vonnp- JUlUVUU vuvv- J E ?man whohadjbp lated by the premature explosion of a can non on the" occasion of the memorial exe v cisea in this'city in honor of the late Ttesi-? dent Garfield j . on tne 26 th of plembet,- 188i;-It seems that Mr. Sneeden was acl: I ing as a private; watchman for . the North nol TntinAomnanv. at. their varrh o Shstreet t; between vChur jTsome bf .the workmen went ,lo the yard to commence the day's laborr. they' founjd -the gate locked9 and repeated ? calls arid EnpCKS upon iue gam jveru uoirespouucai to, when finally they had to resort to . the '" i'"51. r " r i; tav found alamo Duminjr on me steps. oi J . i.-f-i r- . . w 1 -.. ',- thft office, the door key by it and the g .-gate: Vk.nono- nri in its usual place: while a -- - - - i . . r- 4, i y : ; . worn bx JHJ. neeue ;wa, iww,; v" : 4C 'i-a '. ia' rw'fi-Aad i favorite ridoi ;be- fbngitf U iff. ybuigWnniilg hither ana inuner,uu s 5 and ever and anon would rush to i the edge rtf the wharf1 arid bark fundusly; The irien searched i throbgh ;ithe;" yard" fbrMjv Sneeden, but could noi ; uuu um,, cover any further indications of bis where- hadVneyer'.been .n9wriViri"dbfti:ftf :saidK and ahe , seemed, .to be convmceu once that, 5semthin dreadful. naa napu- ed to her son. , She laid, the facts befote the mayor ana ; uia. eu.uiia mauc io. ifvw.p "y. v i ; t ..--. -- mnrl.ifia "were.-, encaged during, the afternoon ;in, dragginsr, for , the, body,. but at last ac counts it, nad noi oeenxeuuyeicu. . ,r . - Young Snee.4euis Represented to have been very despondenyatelypn account of his helpless . condition, and had been heard tn rAmorlr more than once that he was pf no service to hinaself or any one else. V-Capt-AlS' MbseleyVof ,Har " li '-..I ii. ina iri hiaaectiori new vpwnauip, r".." , . - ...... are uum.. ;aub wmj , . " ..-a mi..'.ij'4M-fiiii tnmiRra inar .The only, thing tne larmera itr "tV ' :VA Y- r -X -- a .-V' ; ... :- ;, r- 1 - . rr: . , . . .. . " . . ' " . ,. ,. , m0m mmmm , "T totdtfHer position .rela- ,1 fe vfcl-headedi Tafr-mftiaea jtrstl uli- A watchman in an anjommg vwu mai. struca a st,one -neartayeue uoun :iousp,; .ui5,,i;rui. ,wy .v-,v.i ..-.j v. wi0r uge 0l tue .Jxegistry- aepartment. 'mere-! tws staffmtnov.oniy )n iact sosppqaexi. 69lit,tvi$t -all is- i j . rr trninnian' talking about! yesterday, jwhleb;: threw tbe engirib arid Persons among ; her passengers nd crew. upon the Postmaster-General madel-a;thp-! the order, but admitted that the PostmpteK HviMnniiDoN Julv 21 The British won that he Bf:mff;: .-- ' eight cars off W tTacknglhceV,Fcank .Gnadeathurred. on.the.Tmssage from investigation pf ; my sihesKnd- General had-fio longer pdwfei kefepffeucb ; 'SffitftS'd totaW wSerS tbe yard at about MmQJ 4' Hypner,md'tBB nreriibn'-ist-duh! .MexicPcter.ptesickne decided, tbali there was no fraud thercip," ,a order inrprce;., hrtrUU Smime . 7 iiTheaPPrehensionsofAhemother of Mr, lyfojuredriV RaLMe'of " '' . - - ... .. --A".AA-.k r' : ' -r." r. r T TT TZ1 :rT' '1 ,v,.f 4kan,ara.hffinl.oaTran,.V:'"1 wr- w! -- . T : . ..I . . .T ' P 7 . ... . I iW Varus linui; AJmencaU l.DOi. uriiisn v finnWw re first aroused whetf the dog- 'tt'''J ' ' f t I . I been causeu, uyrwayuwaier tapn oa not authorized - t f ? . Sneeden wre stiirmisw . Upon thesecffinse . jqutiu . - came home without his l&Taster, a thing w.. ,if.(fi;,i.i&iia4lil!j5 j sca.' $ .1 ieft that , port there was i no sickness on " .,iiWuiV Vt fki, I 'aUW- ai.iXU, tjifZi ik JitntftA--W& P ;.''?P-4- now is a. dry; spell :WnicuT;(Tt,;M-.-yi destructive to corn and cotton. - ; Ultima. , ., 'S I -; t vfVx. W Mm if .n an urgem appeal tW the jiedpTe 61 thd State, regar0l pf polojVhapt? 4n jtnrpii. 'After twekklnoj';Vifi .'ALVino-1 .WwAt w au-wa country; and holdfnjrnip to view the tempt ing oy&Jer-oeaijthxueTr inexmfusiroia oakrasb, hickoryv amis waliort rnDdi.tJer WwraiH7tfrnj4heciiEH 7nai?fJfi white or cworai mav' be'cyimeoekhdMera iti this' "road? iThe1tshares br7 titoet1 ''arq twentv-fi ve dollars 'naVable either In ful or bv assessments1 of live per cent install menls;' Which " will be called Tor as the orls progresses.' 'TJ - The worktsTTorfitflfvtgorously pushed by the GeheVal periBtebddBl, ho. with his force of workmen, will soon lay thd ThecirtrnlilBasointmiate lht.aai ee-trasrenaaffwlietneflfectJ and progress :ot thdjeurriseihelnifucel menis, pians.QtvPpstrMcuou., cu., win pa ........ "v.... . ,- - (i. .r ?2Jf ' U . f . ... '1 some RYtIeMBiitke;sjMt'' Some Jlloeea In. i A ery lare fettlfesriake'-wlis "killed at . road operator- at , thnti t ptnnt, which! was seven feet :1,onS by ctal measuremfeiftnd J had sevi reuuu ruLycs, k wu( ujuugu. i this city ana was on exmpiMon. . ; 4 : By the way, talking 'Of snakes, moceaj- sin was killed at the Carolina Central depo a' few days ago which measured four, fee' in length, wliUehifKefid was eight inchei in circumference. ' 1 f ' The rattlesnake alluded to above killed 1 Wy?V?. ?W vrv- ri. - Jrm" f J death of two' cows, Fatal Accident at Gdldsboro. We learn' from ! a gentleman just 'f ron . :w ku Gold8boro that a young man, named John Price was run .overby a ifrefght . traiji which passed about" 2 . dcl6cfe "Weduesday morning, and had both his Jegs cut off,. . A physiciaifwas summoned, s, but "the unfnr Innate man died in a few roiButes. r He: is said, to iiaye heen out pf employ inent and to have .become reckless in consequence. Tn fart it was intimated verv strbmrW' that :. :H:i:5 rou . . - -; I. t v t( ; . T hi Inntimely taking off. He .was aged about 23 years. Fruit Uptne'Conntry.;"; 'v.if" . A letter from the Piedmont feection of the gtate, in response tp inquiries about fruit, says there is yet hardly enough apples add peaches tp meet"' the local demand therj being sp many jvisiwr&f The Press' Con vention devoured a good oany, and , then thftre i? was another meetin ebf some - sott that came near exhausting the 'balance on hand. The-hteE'frnitis ripening, hoW- fivpr. and there-will be an abundance of it lna thw days? wTiehWllmlngtori will feet 1)6? 8DHTC ' 1 m trn ttm .. i At a Theeting of the Board of Directors 6f , Ithe Cllnlbg1 olnt baswejllilrbad, held' slas pilat aAaili- tional Assessment of ten pter .cemt. oa tHe ctnb hn called for. A' Teport ag' - 'W'tlie ambunt of gradinff doneiat .each .end wis r b r .. . - TjJ very eaUsfactoryv and the irujnos oi tne ep- ternrise werereported Tn ine oesi oi spirits bverlhe prbspectof he early completion irf urv-v - ' ; i i 4 , ( I thAroadit i wJto ir-fc faijtM. ,J Te.epnone"toreen ;. ruiiiA.!ABndi. ?i ... I ni WetiinderstaTutlhafe UwiTeJepbooe Cpn- ' clll.M i nanv nas nnrenaseu nutf mumoihww. hub, connecting wifhV ibis, ctty, Andwrtl rdn! . i -. In:-- ;-Mi'TnWa -4 S .;' i'--vf I branch lelephoiieiJiaes i tos Greenvdleiand i . . . ... . i ... t.i-,..s - ii I '"f- 1 " . r "v - w" " j. "T" I convenience iadhaao swidirig at or visitiiig? con venieuee-44hse-isiding i our summer jeritw- at-.1at;l Accident tin tba m& O.'RaUroad-An , Engineer Killed atd .l Flrenlan In Protest atralnsSIntroductlon- f Cak som f Finrer.riiiMtii rMlal i '. By Telegraph to the iCorntng Stari I New ORtEAs, July 21.'--TheStbek aad ijotton xcnangesyesieruay adopted lulfons prbuastirig ' against the 'careoes bl yellow feverlofectdtyessels being brought to the city,' andadvising that no infected vessels be allowed to enter the Mississippi' river. fain, stun f j - -.' . .. ui.. ii i i . :S: PXtlCEiPLQC i :;'. i :ni ".i&f&rtaf&i fti; :-( !"..'. 4;14 W s'hM,,i I ' Ai Ifasr- Seewea, Pay for Tapplnet rils I Banks, a colored tnanj'! airainstC;; Of V. t Okcnbun?. for 250.for; blorvl t,rfnoAA . .from tne tormer 'into thO latterj a rienUioT .fr5m tb farmer 'into the. latter a decision . .7. . ' . wasrenuereu yesieraay ior the plaintitt 1 j 1 3 . j .. .. r .. f $177.90, and $12 costs. " too fronoaed nrilmlktMH .evefituaUV WakVitmiUtfUl.pleasSitl tribute iaip sttctesai The Wares of stoSSH We made 8mal.;in30fder thTioor '-people! :- tleettornme8tar.TyM t Vardrweye-toe I" WriEWrbfli.The Mnawha-l ttat wheaever there .evidence of barld.1 and nromisesAtne trround stated Tfor issA- UtlTu" "T- -- a - . - ? -.- - 7 , , - -b a : a . a. . 2 - t - " . - . 1 ; i. tr. . t. - . . - . i . ,. i ilim t4.f.M i.iih hcw i uuuu;. hl iiik t-iici in - - - 1 nresrf on 'thft fihesaneake & Ohio Rai!rn5ul.'vi UUder QOSerTauou u, ,Hu:wf. qwing w t v am, josno i,;a ftrier lienviiiB- to me the'f lftthe nrrler&5tial : V ;lm4 Sdueatlon' an Ad- "CbLtrMkkr Jhly lkAVtfie'evhriintfeefe- Lsionof the State Colored Converitiori ,'tle ahe, Q&yernor,said te intended to have cru W U coVvicts ustdii:.lThewcmftiee on "aueatiori1 ! reportea "that1 1 the' 6iip4rin tendent uf -Education heartily ievmDaihed -with the movement to educate the.nftfrrofis. I land .would attend the "HauonaV Colored CotfteiinOii, at.JibulsvilletP 7hrgW''tnat iDoay to reDommena:io ingresaiaibill friv- S.natippalfp'j schpoJs.,,Aiv .adrgss aTty- f or 'Its c6ufse' ' towards the' c6lofed mtow4MliteMl&t lasf3-Mk'Veamt'-iid: P'T.TlJfjrirSii'J.T 'T:!. .r.r..r, 1 tfr8oweiwrHu1e: rthAtriaJjnry.iwas dea:4efendahts.t ?dlJht Tcts andntencesaje tcrmmea by the condition and color of lhei fi!cc1l8eaVden6urieing 'the 'lynchitigW col4 ' oredanerisuspectcd Of offences; coaplaln-l IieVaiSK iThe debates torn the address I wafri quii 5 . "Attfl liaree Eire !td Brooklyn f.-i I"l fiJW5e,f nd; SHrriindnt. Ship - By Telegraph to the Hoininar Star."' ' 4 1 NEwYoRKr'Julr'lQ i-HAlarge" firV-W How raging on the Brooklyn" side -of M&s$ river, and it is believed to be n iHarbeck's Btorehouae. Two harks have lMen towec into East rivitr by tugs, but both are burn mg iuriousij, auu looKsas n meywoui Dave to be scuttled or burned to tbe water ' StiSer. !lt is nW learned that'the- iare'is in Harbeck'B 'stores, 'anfl that two sheds swith their cohtents have been destroyed Jt is, supposed-; that , the . vessels on , fire, ;ard .laden wU.hseed oil, paints and general meri ' charidise. Tbe'surroundine' 'shippink is irf 'danger. !'- l; .' ? v m - ! MuiNiw York, j July 1 9.--A spark from an; engine set hre. to-day to a pile of jute on a dock . at Horbeck's stores,, an, immensi 86 qaicklyfcommnntcated to the ships Lawf reaiw jeiap, irerse verance aou vi.. AuanaB, .all of which lay alongside the dock, waiting to discharge; The. dock ' was' destroyedj. With the merchandise ' upon it: " Twelve ; firemen were badly injured by tbe falling in of the burning roof of the pier, but only one is thought to be fatally hurt. f The ship'Delap was burned to thp water's edge She was valued, with her cargo, at 150,000 The ship Col. Adams was burned at the pierThe' bark Perseverance floated intp stream and was burned, to v the .water s cdffe. The total loss bv the fire will aeirre- Sate oyertl.)0Q,00q,, r ii lu;ui , New. ,y ore, July 19. About.7, 000 cigar- I makers are locked out, bemuse of a strike r m one establishment' and a Tarffe number of operatives in cloak-making establishments are on a strike for higher wages. , i - tVEST VIRGINIA. (a Abseondlnarxv"reaan,- hf . aaav.w nHf,H. w r..w ii Iti. m. ,.-t ThJ-' s? 1 - t I I Bor,! wuereanereganicouauonwasserveu. Ann aaa S0A rnri m ,2 1 ' ' 'TT.r'r: VV - kS'rZ" ltlfl- I oi me vauitMu; xvuiguia ui abictko,, auu who was dereatea. tor reelection in fliay 'la8tv1eft.for.Enrope on 8unday night. His shortage, so far as. ascertained; is: from $30,000 to $60,000. His bond for, $50,000 is regarded as worthless on account of irreffularities in it. -The friends of Hech- iner assert that the deficit will - not 'eicfeed 1 $10,000. Hechmer recently failed in busi- THE GALLOWS "A Negro llnne for Rape at' Cincinnati Execution of a Wlfe-IWurderer a't ,! Canton, O.-A Hanslni? at Memphis. ii. it . By Telegraph to the Morning Stacl , -i , . . . . r!Twm-VTTr . Jnlv 9.0 TlnVirl Timlier. 1 "ike, colored, was hanged at noon to-day I V UW WW MA.Ug(iU AM VV OVM M . vvVv O i nine years old. ' ue mauc a conieBsion, claiming that the girl herself was not inno- cent, uy u" ii h , J . if f Canton'OI, July SO. GeoTgeMcMillaii, rfe I with0ut a struggle ; his neck being" broken. - f Hrwiui.iBiDand'' lachimose -onitbte icaf- ioio. pegging nis inenps 10 pny iwuuu find hia children and -mnrdered wife. usHe and his Children and murdered wife. He tad an affecting interview with ins touri- little childreirtoiifraitour before the ei pcutl6ni.Hllast Words were tha his lae statements are troethat he should die 16- ,Aftentlv--9acrlncMl hv hia father and h nocently-sacri ficed by h is father. and prostitute, v :';.v jmusA r vrM;. if J Hfiirsrtrtrrs. Jnlv SO. Robert Wilson.con. 1 who shot and kilted 'Frank B. Russell, m this tvf Sentember,S9tb;i883.was hanged i . r . ...-..r to ik wuiii- the countv" 1ail at 12.15 P'-clock. hTh, t6( execution 'was' pnvate;orily three I 1 I. ar I friends Of the eonderaned map ijBix'reporiers i provided by "..M..-tt. i Tiff thfl tiripnrT Run 'TinsRe. ass- nroviuea uv 1 1 no witnesses. - Vilson s neca- was pro&ea. M tft ' f'? Vsj'W':' -t-Kaa: cVBA . 'v- An Infected Steamer from Vera crnz to. srCromIlavaria Tor New Tork.i ;; tBy Telegraph to the Mornink Star. '4 i HAyANA Washington board, W,benishe.itouched atprogress five or six cases ott sjckness were reportedrt.l and thp sumbeTi increased to twenty seyen, Havana- m W'teft .U. s'viiATBR. 'iue ooru ii a.eaiia - nas ub- Glared the sickness on board . the steamer City of , wasningion to ue iyeuow iever. The sufferers have therefore? ' been sent to the hospital; All the iatients beloo'g tf the crew, except two who were passengers. The ship's baketand the- doctor' died last nighk ' The person who died at sear was! a machinist. The i steameri has-beens fumi gated- and will tail to-morrow for: New a-i-;-fi-: t i Ex-PresMentVeintemiUa,- of 1 Ir-H-ivArf t Callaikf vesterdav 1 jnorninir and 1 1 . - r . proceeded at once to Limtw Gens Lynch at t :iS' about w leaver ijinia ior me -norm in.iqe ; Chilian transport Amazon. rJCimj morning a large occurred.ii Jnly SO.t: A he Steamer typf 1 m mt. nnA thftfinn order f PostmsA- 'J-rfnt!n- a nehWfi or vlevie for obtaininffJ j!ifli : which , iiaaftrrived,;nere trom I J. General Kev. the power was aYwavs! In T money Ibroiritfr thrrfailsV mearisof false &ZZJ&r i .pU III j-! ) wntit't' NAT tj COTioM EXiXH&NbE. ntlve Committee A System Fortress Monroe.? Julv 2F.iiTfi5X ebutiva Commiltbciof thCTNational. catkin Change, Tibfck ftasjeeii idingbi enmal session. herec has . been instractecT to p'reparV a ststerii' bf 'rehaerid'i crpti Tfiooris which skatt bujtwfof triiU te4ubtoittbcPto ctjuslftuent phapgeft .jwiiicJiwiU ,he- 'thirds aiddjfesaed otJo.aTid.splaiaejI va wuv ukm' Le also s rstetff BillftesTed WtKe the Business and Sther. coramittees.-and Hftbt ' fuir-'arfd1 leYiMhVi:,di8iussi6Hs,'rm tne various points presented tiw? 7 reports; mittpe rm. Cotton -vT r hromrht- mnfit! fforts j9bouJa vbft uaadjjorjiweyeiaa,' orease of the doty pn tWs anjndispensabje I article; hs such an increase 'would ' f all"'ci4 tirfely dtf vtadiidkM i n m ;; ila tul h l be members : of . 4Jie xcbangebaYKtrJ W ir labOM -Bptait Com- tak6u in charge bv theiPbrtsWduth Cottdnl Exchange. iteruvBitingHVaTioupces pi interest along the, water, froytt , hey ; fjro- Strict Clnaraatne TJrged , by tbei r-::". okrdoPfiftaiiii' i-vTI Health last night . adopted resolutidnst ad yisinff the. Governor ta fesue. a Droclamatinnl I establishing quarantine against all Mexican J ouuiu American sou yresL xuuia uurta, iti take effect ammedfetely.wMNo' infeclldj vessel, nor any. vessels having had yellowj I icyer pr paoieri on pod,,wui; up anpwc under anv.cirhiimsCarices to come to t " j .. . vessel be.i permitted ,tofjvisitjrlheJcityao,4A resolution was alsp adPtedf reguesUng,jhc Governor of lllinoistpjorpid Dr. Bauch, ) impair the publid iisiaha'State Board oil Health. Miiill lv .;i In 1 i'f ctttv-'Bute4fcbv?taTitaln. ports were collected, u ne' 'wouraxrr tn'" -Two Birt(4 1 - , . . , vRir.nRr.BJ w? 1A meuuimg jmiiaryj his desijrnjnc efforts confidence in the'Loi -.r-mrr -m- 1r . -f- - v r, rw, I . V . . . I 1 liberal Sbcription-Tiie Euterprisa ' 1 Trell'Aaaiiredy ''- Y'-H I New ; York, July . 2a-Th I comrnittee waited on Jay jUould. yesterday, on. behalf of the New Orleans Exposition, to reatiest his subscnptioh to that enterprise.' He ref erred them to4Capt4 Hayes,- general manaj ger of his rpad at, Bt,t,liouis-whQ; wi subf scribe what Re thinks proper. I U. r.Uuntr ington has subscribed f25O00,ahd President Baldwin'of Hhe Louisville Nashvill Company.has recommended a. liberal subf scriplion. , The committee reports $150, 00d Subscribed, and'. this, with what has' 'beeij raised in New Orleans, it is said! will insure a successful Exposition. . :, il a ti - itf. 'tie- SO UT1T CAROLINA ht "till Business Tlonsea Burned at Newbei-r and Greenville IVoasea Over i One rr nirnOrcd Tbnaana. r)o liars. . .'. . Charlestox July 21-Before dayligh a business block'ol mne stores in the centre-Qrtho town.: ."ihfe loss is estimated at ver $50,OCX). Th n0sreHate instiranoe i aggregate insurance is $43,000. 'Thepriri- 1 . 1 . -ajT Tl TIT .1. J cipai i. losers are - .Messrs. rijuu, r v ngut, Copppck, Fant, hepler, ,Whirter Peeples Pratt arid Singley; ' - ; ! ' I About the sahid ' time a large Are' occuir ;red in Greenville ia tt-'bloek pf wooden puudings opposite lne.jiansiontiousQ Pf Mam street. Five buildings used as stores and offices Were' btirnedY' The total loss' ba the buildings ambunts to $67,000, and the total insurance $10,000.. j Tle loss on stock of goods, law libraries and fixtures, so far rahce $3,500. ; The 'origin -of the fire is un known, but it is thought , to have been an incendiary, 4, : , .. i.. TotbePaMle. ,'''' IS .vi: li In November; 1879J I was astounded by an order oft Postmaster-General D. M. Kev. charging me.wnn.; oein engagep in irapu- . ... ... . ; mem Bcnemes auu u&vices, etc vou- scions that such charges'- had aO.'foundi , tion, I madeapplicatiouvfQf the evidencB upon which, he acted, and demanded an ii - vestigatiori-.', ' X also brought suit "again: t him.' alleging the false ahd iiijarioria natur e of the statements' made. kI challenged. h s authority, to make theprperthat. Regwter e(i Letters should not be delivered to me Lj ncr. rmiHml:i.KAn I an(1 that Money Ordera remitted should i mi i jii iprs Rririi in dul ue iitiii vt!i tii ui mo. !not paid w I wished to test the vilidit: of g this, order, ?apd.It.wasadv4s,ed that a ' ji ' S; ' a tion was madevosthlaster-General Key. which resulted io1hisssulhas'newi'6rdjr in place of the5 first, -in which lie5 Stated in substance, that thefevidence upon which, I the the first order was issued was inaccurate L and incorrect net being satisnep that fl.L t was engagea in ny: iraauuieni. Tsuuemes 1; Upon I the promulgation of ihisc rie.wsorde I i7i loom ; e ..ri. (February.l880)k interferencewith myRei- , istered, mail and Money Orders ceased.t , l ' a. -new aumtnisirauou came iu, auu wilu it a new Postmaster-General, who; ; in the routine-came to (pijri case. which f. he r&--J f erred to Attorney-General MacVeagh, wtjol examined the Statutes knd1 the' Powers of . the PostmasterGeneral- thereuhder- and - dp - n.Ain uxijL,Juji.j j9 jxxryaJL J. VJ.l.firs namfa ordef; awflt when-as il was paDie ior . aamages. jajs,, siaiemenis i- isui mere is an oojeciion ificn jt coa were falsei whicllT was prepared tp:prbve. cfusive5 agafB8tl4hB'fadoptkli fsuch; ja Whilst this suit was nendinsr. alllrivestiei- T;feorirse'fS3o .ex -2fecua ,Watjjf -1 I . a. ' . . m . . . . at I- w -' a .. . . i ' ( I I ,. 'f - .-I t.uirii li t fiuuauiuiiDr iuu. xusn liuobauuiUa. i saiu jiai iaa-xmuimuh ,aa.i uvmubjiw' Ma. .ww wrifi tntwia i-imrtn mn r yi tti&fAtit'2ifit.a M,otd rsnnObV. TTik vthiKi. Kod ok. to the SuBremb jCourtjof the.TJTnited ; within the coitieniplqUdh efffk SWuZ$!,i,x M i " 'CtkciKNAti, July 21. A.- D Bdllbck & I States; lip assured, my representative thkBtMy answer tothe!rfisplution.of thfeHoii8e?hCo;cnr)ed hair . and . brjstlp factory was i mere wouiu peno 1 ur mer luujriereuue wiia : I tdy -busincas-'wiless 'fraud Was discovered; t in consequence oi uus assurance, x consent I ed to dkmiss thp appeal rlt was dismissed part, relying, as 1 implicitly did,' tpptt the, ; appeal .i D$uphI, Thiler,etered rate the,sania -as last'year. .-,;No agreement : assurance of thb P DppartmenjLrt iA J record as by agreement would have been was reached as to other matters concerning s Some lima after this dismissal was efateri rendered nefcessary;y?th,ptiribxpf3ctedf , exl Of ecoro my-affrs1 tirement of .tPoptaasteyGeneaif,KeyMi isl - f: attention .of PosttiB8tttoneial fiowjtae which, under the settled ride of the Su- ' The weekly , statement of the Asso- third Postmaster flenewd who, withiatWO' -premCUrt.'preventM therOeoafion bf : elated Banks shows the foUbwirig changes:" -vpaTS.fifmade i inlduirv ritttO-' aV5! business;, anneal that iavolved losrlcallvi the nossitne. Loans infmasp 1 9.00- pf 1 theHbusef 'of 1 F wtuvu luuiuouia tu tu wcsjjcaaci Representatives,-stated the Maont&nval . .fntnH tfftA t suDsiaucaoi wie-i Liatneement which induced me to consent to the dismissal of my case j'i iillv ! iff " A fl'J V ' Httt fiKn avf iiH'-nlJ Ih-..! !. -4- he affirmed' this agfeetubntiend coridedea .mat, even n b other raestioi wassisvolv- ed tho P. O. JDcpartmentf hughe o W w uvau ttseiiioi tints oismigsai tbrentd the objectionable- arder.ine '4hdsceootnized inai tne iumimens ot the agmemenMwps xiubWiuiHiauuiag uiu ; agreemenx, lis re eogriltlo laall- armiliohUche - DtMartWioMt m 4i mtmf CfenerBl Freeman now comes forward and. ivt , When,the aUentiod iol Aa't, JLtVy,Gotl -sewjofia tecbwcainyjtaryhwcaelete wine uepariment or dJistice, And, refi Ni'recbenfiyslnaffrffi W&kiA upon Thns it. results that I-am dep ' opportunity oi -aavHH it firufi BO the TI hich I;was advae4 wfiuldtiSullytid ray rights and now the P. -XX. Department -Hutes -an tae- advantages w uica "won Id'wastei accrued to it had the case cided against me. - ' -, ,' 5iu:enmn2tiMruiufitsiihinBtJoT mv isi&vu ioflraaw. janseM m alii iBsewaqfrespe.c jait -rjMytW'caicairy .Kuusiueriuy- Biaiemeui-BDDvfl ianjd , oaticssj tsa tha xceediagly jteresting &ndoottclti- : meIletti.ftomirexTPoptmasfiBri efietall upwe; herewith appended, k iA-Ktrxt" ... T .A T"i a Tmrrrw -uvutBUAiui, mute jjoiusry uompany. i New. OrXj&akh. July 14ih'l8S3j'isl-in - WASHTifrGTOii, D, C, April 3, 1832. ? j wr0) pf ltepresehtgfim: Sra I havfi nipr.lannnr .tOnackaowledga VS00 fitedjMab) 29, 1882, directing me to inform the House f lprefltativesi'whte&er iffrderi was issued by the .Post-Office Pep.aftment.for bidding the pay tilenf'bf any postal riiohejf orders or ine. cteuvery ol anyregistenocciet iters, to M. Av Dau nhiik- pr; any other agent 6f the Xoiisiaha Tiottery - COmpdriy" aric directing tha-.reUtrn oftlhe ;same,-to'i th post-omc where first obtained or del bshedt 'rf ilaidorQeP waS ,issded,.,!ny Lfthers been any enf$igemeut yieeof audi.if so, for wnat period or time was it enforced , nwnt ?n5If JBueh antfifdet. twas -dssuedbai there beeffany subsequent order issued by ' tHe PofctriBacifr 'neVarmph1S shnferrilWbi th4 . T . "- --- " ' 1 iDBiion nnn Trki Yirhnr wi.vnAaA v la .4- nnAl rative now as the' rule ef : the Depai and what .are the HmitatioBS affecting, it;? In answer to sudh Resolution I enclosa herewith a copy of inn ' lorflet by Hqn D MiiKev. November li. 1879. ASPostmasteri deneral,torbiddihg the ' 'delivery bTRekutf iSSSl HJBMi1?!1 iv -5T l4l lO" - WCS ' haying appea .the samtothe Supreme CourtpfUieUuifc the dav Of issuing the order Of . 'susoensionl iooWfi -tnA i Ttmnc4A. ,.1 thfc certificate of thp .Governor and State OffS cers pf the State pf Xouisiariathat he has complied. wUh:theleg&l -: requirements of thgl Stated and, also, pther evtdence,nnlie Postmaster-G eneral rio being atisfi:edf rbra the evidence subinitted to him,' that the said ;M. A. Dauphin- is engaged in conduct ing a scheme or deviceior obtaining money mrpugn; me ,,maiis . ny .means..ijaise ana fraudulent '-pretenses, representations and prpmisgsj the. order of , pyembe 3,3, jl8t79 is declared, tin be sufirierided; so far as re lates to the said" Dauphin riritii tbe casji I. the Supreme Court of the. United States. 1 . I am advised that the original : order of 'November, 1879f was enforced according to.Its terms and intent, until the order, cf - " 1 - 1 ! 1 - ik. suspension was issueu, since wuicu uuie u. has not beeil enforced ' . 1 ' j The appeall'as l ani tooky1 advised .lias beeii dismissed uttde'r the 28lh' role Hhb Supreme Courts bv'ftereeriient'iol Hhe' ht- tbrnet1 for the annellaHt and th8Altorney- I General af 'the United States. "' The dia- I missal orfm'irrerltf nriar thjftinfeittibeneviJoIf I my imiuediate onTCi&l'breaexJessbrV" and aib I action waS takeh thereon. nOT ahtI advised I .... - .... ...a. . . . "... i ... t.j..L t tnat ne was latormea ot ine -agreement! ip i uiHrniss. i ir. .i a; ;.' ThfrCftS&'has -not' "been heard -aad'de- termiheuT- by 11 thg 'Suprme Coart-5of the United Btates: atfd as- rawatt6ttieyKjren- eral bf the United States nae1' Ooasentod t afi! disposition - of s th4tfpeal flktf pri- vented suchthearinhu deternitfatio, preparedsto -sayt 4cn if therel wei 4s? The law Phiy?authririzes stSch anordeif j be in force when 4h -Po&taaSter-GtmerAl ;vacts"uppif eyjiencsiitisfacfyto him i that any person js engaged in conducting. I any fraudulent loueiyi'gMt'etiterprKtjqr scheme for the distribution of monev-otof i any real or personal property uy iui., cuuuur,.- f Or drawing of any kiadCi orim eoffdufcting. J -a i ; nhtoininn .any.pjherscbcme, orr device tor, pptajning money through tbe mans by means oi iaise i or frauduletft preteBsesrew-dsentationsyqr.l through the mails oy iriearis 61' false ipesj t j t.i.-i.;. &; li' r ycatmastet-Geperal'np " I from the evidence siibmii imirled tp nlm. t& I ;tt.u ,7nW Arfn .teredLet ahenpaynSent of Mo5e Wr gh! TZ TOrf ?tUphl ni P5,slofflc! er-m-law,. Mr. A. A. McKethan,1 Mr. D. J; Box New Qrleans, a.d iU McAilist aged 78 years. ; -- There are fct..0BlL2f toPmany-coofplaintofiabor- UCUCini, ItUUlUUlUiL bug UU11VCI V UI IKUU- I order for the reason Stated thesreitt that Ml I 1 Bo omer uuesiion luvuiveu-,- luatruiay nuw i I avail myself of the factor thd idispdsitioh 1 and? F I made of the5 appeal to put the OrderM agaip ,Irti He I US foriM.1 of wmhm -w titoa I I i, oi represeniauves nas ueu aa upivicii; as i,uuum wi uigun 'uu, v" uuumug w.r f the record bf the" Department' JaUthbrize,r0POi Stck" i anoi, oeiieve, aanu response-i x iaq; in ;quiriea. " Although not a matter of recorfl, f exercise of a inaridatory powerripon one io i tougcr m uiueo.- - r ? t I . . Tam. wftnAnf Fill 1 wr . v . . - L ..T'.l ....Yeiy.rMpectfnny, .7; l (Signed) T. O. llowa. j a..-hi 4 tUpatAmtOpferalA .SpmtSfTurpme, a trage dy occurred "at "Terrapin Point, in this - ' , cuuty. fon Friday John shot pnd in-" : -'stfintly killed 'Ava Jiloore,'- a ybiidg white woman with whom he ha$ .been living sev- - , eral yeSrsvA Leo brad bberi drlnkhigi Some words passed and he shot her in the heart, . JpUiyg her Lee has notbeen ap-; 4,- prehenaed.,.. We regret to announce j. the, deaof p.;n.(JWMJmorEsq.. of - -Scctlaiidcck,-w4iichiook place there. on ' - ; Fridyftih:htlast after an illness f sev- ; : eral'weeki.v "-Th Raleigh1' & Gaston ;" ?aadsSea)urR6aBo!te. rla!todaaa iw'Ur-?v'' eK'spba.liel ktioket oflke inKl.'icceptioniroomifori travel- ' . sera as thi9sphcei,s' RwlJrsbe' located . j Qst Waftnl M&h'ftiuredmiiieie JNorth otthehotel wherethe'-pld'sbed of jfef A. 11. mwa 4JJAiUM ty I i 4r. I - . 1 7111. -al IIIIII -v uaiiuu. .as vuyi jtojicw. to resume ills p - - v sttoorir!cMuCtor7riS i3)3itlodra; In hii ieteadii; Corp iaiwhat: er fat rmprsrcall JVra(gged ayten. r - com ami ta1Sa;tnket or kiouT rev n Trtarit5ngs aSa4j. therefore, 4n.everyi afield ereisporp as three pr four different ag vs. 'beiatTedfioiddllfc Iswr, white the firicp.and ft corn crops, are. largely -.increased;:'.-It is es-'- ' r&hatcthHt'tMsudlyraSfees tof expoTta-i; tibriif vej fifhintb4ed 4puiapdushelS;Of ; corn and one hundred thousand - bushels of-; CT7. MThlgHciQ.aM4AceDrp at ihft VV hitc rl nuse'-WfrrKii -iiiT--.- :VATjHWrxjwhc no.w-pre- -sioes Baiafac'lfea'Jtf the lMiesbf lhe'llnibn;?s1t 1LV - school at the residence of the mother ,of .- - :.:. JVLfkr Dr?iObbMirithicorinty.;ti j n?j; .iMaleigIfcuiiV7Oier i-.nln " " . the autograph signatures of the Governors -BtaflSdacetaries nStsterof alb .the-Sttds , andrritories.otAer.. T'Uh.the scales of a'curibsitv. It an: The uooic" is iquitd TcorifaiiBBiatanSCresideiC Aithur's signature. - Wake's fruit Kffitf, af AeiaidfeicM cBtWiBellf yestejrdaymtJinoDrii Cap;IwLipseemb. . is.v,a j , ' V,vav . ulA VWVVU wavy u , U v . . . - .'huildxjr. at r the LRalcigh & Gastorit Railroad ' shops. He was in his 67th year at, the time oi Mwui-Biu. Jiev.'o.'oirapspnwno ' Ajp lajrored; s o-nf ftithf ully i ,dpriag he past . . . eighf or ten years as President of Yadkui -Cblfegeyhas accepted the",pr0fesspr8h Pf .FrcpcU. and liie, natural sciences in Western . , Maryland Colletre". Westminster 'Ard.' -41 W The disappearance pf ex-sheriff J.!J.'Cock-ejelJ.jOf- Nash county, lsst, week attracted - much attention. . Some nersons ' said h- ? ' i: 'had run awnjv others thathe had been; per- i Hfrf ftap,s kped. But on llonday he made his ' ' ; v. ap'pfearance. s&ying. it is reported.' that lie , ' didn nq(w wherei-be4iiad bden. He Ss -'JC-'i . behind some .settlements as sherklT-. to '-':-". r. i-., the a!m6pQel6t' some $4,000 it is said. " 4 His '. ; :; .'."- in this town on Tuesday evening, the 17th inst , of paralysis; Miss r Harriet NYaHes. . in the 62d year of her age.- '-r- Corn aiid cotjon received a serious set back early in titely'rec6yered, r-i Last week 'a very -; : .:;' dlstressinac'cidcnt 'occurred id Mr.1 Walter " i r Watsbri's rilachirielBhops in this place: A r : ' . iue season, lrum wiucn iiiev nave never en- :- . young ; man .. liamed. Charles . McDaniel. : .' I a UJa!a aa1 rt-A.i a1. li- -:.."t!4 v'- ; - t -t-. ' 1 difficult tb procure and 'unreliable.' - How' may uU.- Hrom propitions , seasons-.thisj and, next .month. 1, Iiast Sunday ' morning' Rufus Mclver,: ' ; a,gon. of;JUx. JL H. Mcfver, living a few miles from Sanford, was playing in the Jjj . ... . wii" coioreu lau auoui uis own age. when Rufus-ran into the. house and shut the docuv . He playfully picked up the gun and aimed it.'when it was discharged. and . the load passed through the door, blowing off, part of CBe negro's head and killing hin instantly. Yesterday riiorning a col- ; . ored boy abput twelve years of age, son of JNelson Ktarr, was drowned: at Carmon s Pond,- twd or three miles northwest of town. The water , at this place is very deep, and good swimmers have often hd thotr mettle tried there. ; ', s WASHINGTON. Instructions j to 4 Disbursing, Officers ; Quarantine Notes Cliolera Reported ''Iil ' Mexico Decisions - Concerning f j Tctcphpne P atents, &e..:-, ' . :i' L.:v ' , By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' 1 'ikr-l ,'J.xii r:i.. rrruw' j:' v..t officers of i the - National I Banks ; and Sub Treasurers have been instructed to refuse aynVeht oh ari check drawn : by the pay-' .a .1 IT 1 . a. i master oi :ineu jsui army n- paymeni ior .aervices to an enlisted man, unless the period covered by the payment is stated in sucn chpfikf , This action is taken, in .compliance i wnu reu.uesi. iiom m? oeuieiarv yij r. I r i L.i r nr.- lucouigcuu-ucuciai ui iaiiuc I ..pi.tal Serviceshas been informed that a ves- j sel fromfvera Cruz has appeared off Apala- fcuicoia'ine collector oi , inai ! port nas ..been, instructed to send the. .vessel to Ship xsianu. i ne purgeon uenerai is aiso in-. -formekl that's small-pox and yellow fever" riaye appeared n llataujsas and Cieafuegos, uuua, ana maicuoiera exists in v-.aiiipeaciiy 'Oatsaoa..(McoVf; r I V The first .stage , of j the. settlement, jf the " question of, priority of invention of the sevdraf Harts tit ttic telephone -w as reached 4 ' '' .Jovday. wb.en the'Ex.a.miner of interferences ' -iii the Patent Office promulgated" his deci-. M6n itf4fepPtlkinj; telephone' interference ': 6PT1A enpsnd in f ayqr of, J."W. McDonough 'I in'nne lntprferericc. ii;j -mu; I , .. 4 r11 7 WMfJJLEJJON. ., ., , ;. i " v . ' : '.-' . .. yiu Bri tlsb team Ten Point Ahead .-;r ' t ,in trio Total Scores. ; v. I Wimbledon; Julv 21. At the firinir at 800 yards 'the Americans scored 340, and " tho TJri f l cri QQtfl Thi A morlrtona n-wa f Vtna - ahead thus ' far. The American A A irT&dvYTrr t.ihvtKr.A(f at, fiDdtnat of tbo- Fire-rTjieoutiiern nail- road fc Steamsblp Association. , - ,i j$?ecu. i, - Kt ? T iCseSf if he i depisiop .p flip araiwr is, in favor oi-Al G. Bell in eight interferences, Aa TftVot 6PTlAv 3Sdisottfa'-fiwo Interfere j , JThe Southern Railroad Stcamsliip As- :; T .$1765(W; kgat tenders increase $961,- ' . j ucnj3its .uecresisu circuia-.-i I S AIrA .AA. . - '. ion. increase. xoo.zuu: reserve increase?: ' $1.071."400' The banks now hold '9.589.30S thitterxceai bf legal requriementsv 4 . ;. ' ft." ':ii :.; '.. -1 ... . - '.i-AA.' :i -. ; l '-.""'j; .r .v'':;:f ".V '-; z, i r. ' ,vi v;;-,1 . .- -xt.-..i- ! "V. s-.- ,'L;V j i control.". . - . v rj. '.V"" -